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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1899)
From hard work or outdoor exercise Soreness tad Stiffness sets in. St. Jacobs Oil will CURE it after a few annlication3. and make the muscles limber and strong. THE QUESTION OF THE DAY. What will bo most appropriate for a Christmas present? The answerdepends largely upon the relation of the giver to the one receiving, also on tbe finances of the donor. We have maoy "ings suitable tor all cases that may arise. Rockers tor the babie ahd i t lie Grandmothers and Grandfathers, Foot Stools, Parlor Tables, -eion Tables, Carpet Sweepers, Sofa Pillows, (pure iowilMBMO, Furniture. Lounges, Couches, Bedroom stw wee oneai f Dresser and Commode $18.60) White Iron Beds, Rubs, Lace Curtains, Ease's, Screens, Pictures, Frames and many other attractive things. ALBANY FURNITURE CO. ; flasonic Temple Bldg., Albany, Or. Senator Simui b the Smallest niitinl'e' Bnt there are t pave: Uongreesunn-O' Alabama, who ' smalle-t mau u - ahle lawyer, a) hint. UoeJack of Rp d . ' appeared buforr t Alabama to argue hind a high bemii . n vers accustomed tu la papers, "May it plea e gan the dlminutiv chief Justice iwk . : th cuetemot 'I - . w dd e-ling the ' in .'" mentionadas The best sugar bounty bill should not n the Senate. pass. It would be sectional legislation, An exchange , taxing the whole neoola for a local mat ter. L. Burnett of bly be the i x ouee, Is an i is known as ' 'Vut.u he first I e.nrmo .ourt of stood up be i M a iiich lawyers lav f fir books and te court," be 1, when the ..i'. Burnett, it a to rise while SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS This Saturday nighttlosestLsyear 1808 and heoce people are expected to be In a retrospective mood. It ia their bnsioess Portland will soph have another; big daily, a morning paper, run by a vastier. , , . a . -1 - - - v,rrKou .. o.g -aougu .or , -r ... d Qr n. papers ard it Is to be hoped therefore .... ... ' ... . . . . ... .. . ' t MISFITS. There seventeen inches of anow at Detroit yesterday and eight at Roiebarg, with more soutn. At aidsd. TELEGRAPHIC. A Terrible Tragedy astoria, or., Dec. 30 The burning y eomewbati of the Fulton cottage, at eW;,i la.t to look back over the year, and see the ! between the places some could be seen In A ednesday morning, culminated, this u tvn uv uiu tu jrc, u I annia. Tha elements an ma timaa favor I afternoon. In tl,a hll:... . i . I . . . "vwiCC, HWVUV III I many good thing they might have done spots. n. SUMMONS i n the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County, Department No. 2 : ', M F Wvatt. nlaintiff. vs R Stinnett and Malissa Stinnett, his wife. George SUpple and Malinda SUpple. his wife, Arthur Mor gan and Margaret & Morgan, ma wire. Reginald Hastings and Lelia M Hastings, bis wife. Anderson Meeainsrer. A R I born and S A Osborn his wite, Minnie . I. Mmninopr. W VV lacobs. and Nancv Ja cobs, his wife, Mida A Messlnger and To George SUpple, Malinda SUpple, Ar thnr Monr&n. Maxiraret E Morvao. Ander sen Messioe-er. Minnie L Meeainger, Mida A Messinger and Warren Messmge: minor, the above named defendants . IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Or Oregon : Yon and each of you are hereby rraninn io iddou uu iw in unRiwro o" titled court to answer to the amende! com plaint of the plaintiff against you on file herein, on or before the last day of the period of time prescribed for the publication of this su-nmons upon you, which period of time is seven weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and said last day of publication will he the 30th day of December, 1893. Ana yon are further notified that if yoa fait to so appear and answer, the plaintiff will apply to tbe court for tbe relief prayed for in bis said complaint, towit: For a decree correct in ir the description contained in a certain deed executed and delivered by Josiah Osrrn and others to Robert Mont eomerv which deed was recorded in Book "Q" of Records of Deeds for Linn County. Oregon, at pan 737, on the 23rd day of October. 1S76. so that said descnvtwu will read as follows: Beginning at a point 8.82 chains E and 5 chains S from tne H W corner of Le D L C of Joeiah Obora. it beinir Claim Not. No. 2611 and Claim No. S3 in 1 p I4 8K2W and running thence M 5 chains, thence E 39 .63 chains, thence a 72.50 chains, thence W 41.63 chains. thence N 67 80chains, thence E 2 chains to the place of bejrinning.containina: 304 acres juore or less in Linn County, Uregon. And further decreeing that plaintiff is the owner in ree simple of all the following described premises, towit: Beginning at a point on tbe North boundary line of ibe D L C of Josiab Osborn and wife. Not. no. 2611 and Claim No. 53 in Tp. 14,8 R i W of tbe Willamette Meridian in Linn County, Oregon, which is 8 82 chains E of theN W corner of aaid D L C. and run Bine thence S 21 oeemn 30 minutes W 5 2S chains, thence S 63.63 chains, thence E 20 chains, thence N 20 chains, thence E 21 68 chains, thence N 38.63 chains to tbe N-ro nee of said D L C, thence Wert 3- 68 chains to the place of b .inning con taining 200 acres more or less. And de creeing that plaintiff's title to taid land be auietea. aad eni lining tbe defendants herein, and each of tham. from asserting in, riorht or title thereto. The date of the first publication of this T .V- .."I-!. J V" 1 snromons is me ioiu uay i buicuito. This summons is published by order of tbe Hon. (ieo. U. Barton, uoonty Joage in and for Tjnn Conntv. Orp:n. made at At banv. in aaid countv and state, this 14:h day of November, 1893, A. M. Cawhoh. Attorney for pluintiff. tllic Jfiaiowat LEGAL DIRECTORY Ertray Notice. I took nu on my farm two miles north west of Uarriaburg, in Linn county, on the 3rd day of December, the following described steer: Color, red with white nnder the belly also white spot between hirw. marked witu croo off right ear; age, about 3 years ; weight, about 1200 pounds. 1 Iasdt, Harnsburg, Linn Ca, Oregon. HEW ?oSr WORLD 1 " Albanf. W R Bilveu.Foehay A Mason block, J R N Blackburn, P O block. U Bryant, P O block. Anderson Cannon, PO block. J N Duncan, P O block. T P Hackleman, Pearce block. Judge H H Hewitt, P O block. NB Humphrey. Kelly & Curl, bank building., ... L HMoiunve, Pearce bloc. J C Powell, P O block. C E Sox, PO block. r. I. mud. Bank building. u 1 ir.iMn hanlr rinildinff. Weatherford & Wyatt. Bank bnUding Whitney A Newport, ouaica moca G W Wright, P O block. Lebanon. 8 M Garland. Brownsville. AATussing. Scio. TJ Wilson. Some idea o; tl ult by au extersr -Es em trjan not rn Bone Citv or nt ' from the besv l- trom the Case'1 -ensoo. Tne ' Smith & !Stu been uoing r 1 iinie neighbor i" -contract, wlii - i " nulls alonir the Eastern have tH ern orders. Th. -of lumber il-iu se sUtes from t f C h!y pas the i".'- Is only a f'c' ' trafBo that wnlU -" heavy forests o h into dirert couii. tlmberlesa dimih - v quina line wouM -i'e n business, it is lnii that the new venture is a nuccess. Instead of one canal across the Cen tral American country, it Is to be hoped tbe agitation results in tbe construction of three of them. Tbe more the better. it would mean competition, which ia the lifa of trade. fli that would re t aCorvallisA lonnection at int. la gained ipmente sent - ing the past lu'put oi the a long time er mill in tt . A a ainiiiar her Cascad Oorvatlis A 9V with rast of the cue the distant rould proba- k ; and yet it i tremendous v up were tbe ades brought Moa with the uich the Ya Tbe present o be bandi- It take.i less real knowledgn to be an every day critic than for anything else in the world. Tb real critics only die play their knowledge in tbe proper place, acu the i. In modified terms aud not with In vtc lives. Gvurral Brooke displays very poor iudgoien: wneo he refues to partnit tiie Cubans a place in the great l'avana avacnatiou ceiebraiion on New Years. Thfls are times when good bone sense is nettled about as 1 much aa anything. Cuba waa freed for tbe Cohans and it ia a poor policy to iguore them ia these programs- well might not bavedooe. After having made a careful survey of tbe aitnation tbe next thins to do Is to resolve on tbe year that will begin ' at midnight to night to live a better tile during tbe whole of tbe year. ' This is also the cus toniary way. If it is the only way you have, wbv, Just make your resolutions and as strong as possible. The Dkmu chat though aJmiU it has .very little confidence iu New Yzara resolutions though tbey are better than none. Th resolutions that count are those that ara made NOW, whenever that may be whether in tbe heat of suuimr or the cold of winter. Put off rexulutlone to do right are shallow one. ' Please do not though on anv of these accounts fail to REV. EDWARD DAVIS APART. PLAYS capped, a'ter Jni 1-', by tbe refotal of connecting lin tn mntinue favorable rates now in effr Times. OUR CAPACITY I'n equaled - In the Valley. OliKWORH Is Unsurpa. In Oregon. have the best stock u select lrom and our price are alwa8 the lowest, quality ciwiKiilered . SMILEY, ., . The Printer. , Tbe next legislature wonld indeed do well to h eet, pasa the general appro priatlon bill and adjourn, and such a movement would undoubtedly be a iitrong political one, but tbey will not do it The legialatu.e will not adjourn to thirty days. Tbey will Uks tbe fu'l time and ery for more. SRJIT BATIOJAL Biltt. or aMaY,osoi A movement ia on foot to do away with the legal provisou by which the county clerks of Oregon are rrq cd to furnish the secretary of state uh a cop? o! tbe assessment roll. Count Clerk Watter ha. received from the conntv clerk of 1 TarlrMin Miliitf a rtinv ni a hill that Sen ator Harmon of Josebpine, will endeavor j to have passed a the coming legislative session. The bill provides tba instead of a fall assessment roil the clerk shall only send to the secretary of state a summary of the ro'.l, which summary is all the secretary require in the dispatch of his office. The purchase of the buge volumes on which the assessment is transcribed, and the work of tranrcript oa is a sonics of mucb expense to every county in theeUte. The proposed bill is measure both wbolesoma and important, and it will doubtless soget Itself as much to tne Beutoo county delegation in the legis lative assemblv. The Harmon bi I de not provide that the toll that clerk annually makes for tea sheriff be discontinued. At pre aent the original r.iil ia filed awav in tbe clerk's office wiere h ia eeldoro, if ever consulted. 1 large n.aee of these volumes are to b fonnd in B-ntoii county vaulu It is suggested 1 1' at the original roll might be used by the sheriff and the preparation of the roll annually made for that omen b theeleik be obviated anl its cost annull- ved to the tax payers. Tim s , The aunouncement of tbe engagement of a Vanderbilt to a Fair waa considered of enough importance to be telegraphed all over the country. Aa a matter of lact tbey are not worth the eUclriclty, having nothing ta commend them but their money, and tbe great Sbakespesr himself tacitly admitted that to be trash An Albany man running a hotel at Dawson receives $2 60 a rnesl regularly and tbe rams for a bed, indicating that it costs eoinetbit g to live in Dawson. As LijL as board ia there, there oogbt be money ia running hotels re- gardlias of the price of provisions. PneMaat . . ncaFnfMaat., alr . -, If LIW1I . B.Torne .a. w. UvHQDoa nimm a OKHBaaLbaakiatl ACCOtT8IMtfotW. IOHT EXCHANGE aad t arrapaM nM??-t?' a Mev lark Saa "ralo.Caea a4 r-"Oaa 3LCaoriOS!f aaOg arM ttrmt. B B Tons PAOoaavn, c. s. I u Pun. AST AND- SOU!" 8HA8TA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Oo. CaWarnfe bprM Ti :r. ranlaaa DaU. Wr.n.1 L Saa Lw g:li 4 a I Ar pjriiaad Altteay Saa rnndru At i sas a AT .M 4 Above trains nop at s'atloos b tween Portlaol and 34len i Tar aer, Marlon, Jefferson Albany Tangent, Shedd. HUy . Eogew Cottage Grove, Drain, Oakland and ! ttationa from Roseborg south to and ta d tiding Ashland. 1 hrice-a-Weik Edition ' 18 Pages a Week . . .'. . . . 156 Paper a Teai For One Dollar rahlUhea every AlteraaleBay carer The Thrice-a- Week Edition of Tan n zw Yobjc Wobld is first among ail "weekly's, papers in sise. frequency it publication and tbe freshr.sss, accuracy and variety of iu cot tents. It has all the merits of a great $6 daily at toe pries of a dollai weekly. Its political news is promrt, com plete, accurate and impartial as all its read era will testify. It is s gainst the monopo lies and tor the peoples It prints tbe news of all the world, hav ing specisl correspondence from all im portant newi points on tbe globe. It has uritliant illustrations, stories by great authors, a capital humor page, complet markets, departments for the housebuld and women's work and other special , jrlhis nneqnaled newspaper f h oca at together ooe vear for niORTHERH lill PACIFIC R. It. TJ N JPiulman Sleeping Cars. Elegant Dintag Gars. Tourist Sleeping Oarr 6t Paul "Minneapolis Daluth Pargo, TO Grand Forks Crookston Winnipeg Helena and Butte TIROUQH TICKE'i TO IJ0AM Lt Ultra I L lura Ar Psruaaa aoasborv ATI Stlra L I It SO r a L I 1 S'lAB Laaa Albany err Lebanon Antra at At Irak V troai LVtbanaa taara Altnar 'or Lulnaoa Arrivs at Albanr lroa Labanoa S 10 aa Udtil 4tar Tr r PULlMAr Btjm SLEEPERS. Oinina- Cam on Ogden Routs' SECOND-CUSS SLEIPIN6 CARS AtiMha! ta all Tarawa Tralas ace SHvlslen. rrsvEBS rarrtA aaa tssimn ah. ra baut IftaatSaaaar SAI&T ttOiS ILr MS as I Ar rortlaad Carvalil ArlSSO t I Iter a All Sorts. A Berlin watchnuker has perfected mechanism capable nf mrasaring and re cording tbe one '.o-andth part of second. An average man of 154 pounds has. it is said, enough iron io bis constitution to make a pbwsbarr, and enough phos phorus to make half a million matches. A button ent from tbe txat of Gen Shatter during the bantiago caorpagn was recently raffled iff at a charity bay sat at Wichita, Ks. Two bundreJ and fifty cbabces were sold t 5 cents each Wben a Cbinamar .ves a grand party be sends tbree iovuat r to each gnest one two days belore the event, another oo tbe day iteelf, and the third just be fore the hoar bas struck, to signify bow impatient be is for lira isitors arrival Eipiwa Train D4U(eeapt Bad? 4:M r i L 7 SO m I Ar Stora Ar Portland McMinaTtlla Indapa At I 1I a a lilllii Lt I 4 W A RrtiC tiHM OO itla b ' P.tlwl. 8a BMntotadSaa Praadam. Nat ratal I7 ant and Sit aaoood daia. taelaS at ruafMr a aoEHLih c a mabkhax. M404r arPi Portlana Oragak Portiaod Rile and ticket In ltn i BoInU and Knropa to JAPAM, CH1.1A. HOMOIjULO nd AUSTRA LIA eta ba ohuin.4 lrom c avrsTwaia. am Albany or C H WINH tbicago rVashlngton rhlladefphia Newltork Boston and al. Points East and South Through tickdts to Japan and Ch'na, vis Tacomaand Northern Facific steamhi; Co., an American line. For information, time cards, maps anl tickets call on or write C ti Bnrkbart ag&nt, Albany, Or. ADCharlto". At Gen Pass &f Portland O Poultry Wanted; i SHERIFF SALE By viitaeof an execution and order of sale, issaed out of tbe circuit court of the state of Oreaoa for tbe county of Lfcin, to me duly directed, delivered and date"1. 20th day of December. 1898, in a certain suit in said court, wberein the Albany Building and Loan Association waa plain tiff and Henrv A . Crowder and Ida M. Crowdw bis -rife. 8 w. Crower and L. M Crowder bis wife, W. H. Price and John Kobson partners doing business un der tbe lirra n me of Price A Robson, were def -ndm's, in which stid suit tbe said plaintiff r.-covered a judgment on the 16tb dav ot November, 1K98, agaiaec tbe said defendant Henrv A Crowder and Ida M. Crowder fur tbe sum ot $1102 00 with interest thereon at tbe rate of eight cer cent per annum from tbe 25th day of A neurit, 1898, and tbe further sum of $100.00 attorneys fees with costs and dis bursements taxed at $15.00. ordering, ad juring and decreeing that the real prop erty described in plaintiffs mortgage and complaint towit: Tne Eat bait of tbe North east quarter of block number one Imndred and twenty eigLt(128)io Hackle man s addition to tne eny or. aiuany in Linn cointv .Oregon, besoid to sutisry catd judgment and decree. Therefore I will on Saturday, January 28th, 1899, i at tbe hour of Une o click p. m, of stud dav at tbe Loot do r of tbe court house in tbecit) of Albany, Linn county, Uregon, offer for sale at public auction, to the Lichest bidder for :ash in band, subject to redemption according to law, tbe real property abore de-cubed to satisfy saia o lament ana aecrre ana an coms. Dated this 21st dy of December, A. D , ,1898. . ? . ,1. A.TJ UNK EH, - "f T 'nn r-.'i'rfy, Oregon The Yaquina train waa four hours late today owing to an accident. A time table ia beimr rotten nn for the Mod Hen,wbkb ia to make regular trips to Johnny's inlet.etoppiog at all stations aiong tne river. Tbe charges against D J Fry, of Salem lor alleged neglect in placing revenue stamps oo drags sold, were dismissed in tba U. 2. court at Portland. Tbe movement aUrted in tba O A C to establish a joint countv fair for Benton and Liun counties, alternating the place of holding it between tbe counties prom ises to be successful. If established it will be purely a fair for the purpose of showing tbe products and resources of tbe counties. The O. A. C. Glee CIoo. composed of sixteen members of that inatitution have been giving concerta through tbe valley and Thursday night were at Iebanon. One of the members Is Victor Moses, former Albany young man. Mr H B White, who came down from the mine tells tbe Democrat that be will return nest week and continue In tbe placer mining begun there. Mr Lawlerand family, and George Patterson and Bobert Moore are io there. Water bas been secured for tbe placer mines, which are yielding $6 or 7 a ton, and ton, and tbey will he worked this winter and spring. Tba mill is not being ran. We buy, sell and store grain. We make Magnolia Flour, Also whole wheat, Patent and germ, flours, The Mag.iolla Mil'. Oregon has a sufficient population for state normal school with an appro priation to keep it up in props- manner. but one is enough. It ia ridiculous fcr the state to keep op schools that are run in a one boras way b? one bre men, and called normal schools jost to get tbe appropriation. Let the legislature cen ter Its forces in one direction and atop this fool s resolve in some foim tomorrow and then renew the resolution everyday. . There are good aigus that the wold has advanced morally aud religiously in the past year, though this is a matter on which the optimists and pessimists will always be divided at tbe end of years to come. It It was neceaitary to prove this in order lo win a case it might be difficult a thing to do, yet, it is felt by the writer in the air, in the contact with the peo ple, in observation and reading, and a slight knowledge f pa(t history with its horrors and ravages, besides which notbiogof modern date compares, and it is not necessary to go very tar The wonderful improvements io the woild have as a whole, been refioers ol char acter, and at the tame time tbey have been ueed as tools by tbe devil for tome of bis meanest Bi:k movements. Tbe caudid student though must judge tbe (0d aoc tbe bad from an honed pur pose to get at lbs truth, and- ml from the usual on? idead style cf the hobby tat, appieciat'ng our woodeifu! facilities lor knowing a'l the events of ihe world tbe tarns day, where only a abort tim ago people coull keep familiar with only tbe affairs ot their own neighborhood. Anyway it is the nature ot people to look either for tbe good or for the bad and on this f set will people be hissed one way or the otber atd opir:ons will diff-r. According to the 8tay ton Mail, J. 0. Cay wood, ,a childish old gentleman ol about 80 has been in that city sparking a widow nearly as old. Tbe day for the wedding was set, bnt tbe bride failed to appear, soma ol ber children having ob jected, and th j services of a minister were not needed. Wbilo on his recent trip to Florida Hon. Jefferson Meyers of Salem, bought twelve pairs of opossums, which are expected to arrive in Salem soon, when, like Denney's pheasants, they are to ba turned loose for the purpose of making Oregon a land of opsosums. It is prob able that no law will be necessary to protect them for the chances are that tbey will not be able to stand all tbo prosperity fTiat ia flying around tbe cap- :. -i : . rri. : 1 .. . ... iuu tujf. a uia ia uui ojipossuia cumaie . linrrah, the Christmas boxes for the boys at Manila arrived there on the 23rd of December .according to the cablegram and we guess that tbe happiest dav since ttte boys leu borne followed on Uhnst- mat. 1 -h.e history of this county, as a result of wuiQii mree men are cold In death and one other is badly wounded. The dead are: Sheriff J. W. William. Deputy Sheriff James Lamers. Charles Willard. Deputy Sheriff A. E. Miller was shot In the leg. . WMbirdwas charged with burning mc ruiwn coiiaira anrt a nrau inlnrlin lion. C. W. Fulton were after him when tue tragedy occured. Lincoln county may go to the bead. Recently at Toledo Jim Sam, a China man, and Betsey Holland, an Indian woman, were united in marriage for better or for worse. As the two races are raid to have a disliko for each other the event is a notable one. The Journal wants the Iilahee club of that citv licensed. It says its profits last ear were $1500 and therefore it can anord to pay a license. Thos. Seabrcok.a New York actor wfll go to the bead of the class. He bss jost failed with liabilities amounting to $39,- 075 and assets amounting to one scarf pin. A B Hammond, ot Astoria A CoIumV'V River railroad, is here looking over ;'. proposition of building a road iati Klickitat county. The Dalles T. M. Better extend the Corrallis A Intern fisrt. ra atatkla taller Saw FaAHCisoo, Dec. 30 -Rather to1 tbe general surprise of those who have followed the Botkin trial, and to the en tire dismay of tbe defendant and her at torneys, Mrs. Cordelia Botkin was to night found guilty of murder in tbe first degree for causing the death of Mrs. rfonn running, by sending a box of DOlBOnea CAnilV tlhtp in' Ilninr IIk The jury found her guilty imposing also mo pcuauy oi nie imprisonment. The fast Tear KW York. Dec. 30. R. fi. Thin A Co.'b weekly review of Uade w ill say to morrow : The year has not only been one of his tory, of important increase in territory, ami oi incaicuauie expansion ol the in nuence ot tne united States ainoog otber nations, but has surpassed a otber years in financial and industrial results. - , Blaaaaere Manila Dec. 30. Tbe schooner Albi reports tne mceaacreof tbe Spaniab gar rison by the combined native forces at Pabopi, Carolinr islands. Henrv Naoni. an educated cheif. baa been relected aa ruler. He is said to be favorable to the Americans. One of tbe most sensational things con nected with tbe trial of Fayne Strahan Moore in New York City, was a visit to Mrs. Moore at tbe Tombs, bv Rev. Ed ward Davis, formerly of Oakland, Calif., who accompanied by bis wife, is now lecturing in tbe east. Rev. Davis wrote for tbe New York World his experiences sni courtship with Fayno Strahan, be ginning with bis meeting at the state fair whan be lectured at tbe time with Bryan. no says, in language ttnat will be fam iliar to tboae who beard him speak in Albany, a day or two afterwards when I'et was azain In tbe audience "In tne tuotler maltitade of teeming. beaming Iacss I saw one face two pale blue eyes were peering into mine witu a power I can never forget, and tboae eyea as stars in a cei ulean sky. were hers then Fayne Strahan's, now Mrs. William A. ti. Moore's. t or one wee boor that day I was tbe cynosure of every ere, but she was my cynosure: we loosed and understood and neara tbe language vbicb theeerapbs speak. Alter my cioodland night tn that not day 1 stumbled back into tbe dusty world sale, tbougb bru'Sed somewhat lrom my landing. 1 remember tbe ap plause.tne mnsic.a hundred outstretched hinds. I eooae.bnt beard not; I looked into the eddying crowd for one fair lace ont sue was gone That night tbe light of Venus shooe upon my way. Tbe daughter of a Chief J untie, ttijn lately deceased, bnt justly remembered and revered, was then a belle of Oregon, a beauty of po polar praise not one tangles tongue biased; naught could be aaid in truth against tbe child. We met and parted ; pys come and die like aparka of fire. Oj my re turn to the parental root 1 ioi.i oi my triumphs, and of this told tbe aecrrt that others might help me keep it. One morning much to my puerile pleasure. Havaxa. Dec 30. The Cuban net riot-! senile parieLioner greeted me with ef riotic committee, consisting of 150 lead- I fuaive congratulation : 'Much toy I lug vuuwo lawyers, QOC LOTS and DUSinees 1 ace our puei-prnKiwr la io wra m wu w men. at a meeting which lasted until 4 oregan. ine story bad neea lotd. xne o clock, this morninz. . decided to vield onlimeiv announcement was mutual! wimour, reservation to tbe w tunes ot I aeniea Decauae oi tne recency or rter w Vii-i - Vast Mail m TTT Salt Lake, Denver, Ft f ast Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mad eas City, St Louis, 7:20a m Chicago and East. pokane Walla Walla, Bpok- Spokane Flyer ane, Minneapolis. 8$ 2pm Paul, Doioth, Mil-10:05 am waukee, Chicago, A East. 8pm OCEAN STEAMSHIPS tpw All Sailing dates subject to change. For San rrsncisco Sail Dec., 3, 8, 13, 18, 23, 28. 8pm COLTJM BI A RIVER 4 p n, ExSonday STEAMERS. ExSunday Saturday To Astoria and Way AO p m Landings, a - WTT T.aVFTTK EI V. 4:30 P m Exbtm. Oregon City,5ewterx, Ex Sun. Salem W y-iAna a 7am WILLAMETris arir JP Tuesday, YAMB1U. BlV . aiono, Thars., Oregon Cur. Dayton, Wed , and Sat. and vtay-iano trrrr lMPTTERIV. 4:30pm O Bl 4sVSWJ-av' - Tuesday Portland to Corrallis foeaday Tbnr , ana v ay- and Sat. The Cwtwaa Brooke and General. Lad low in thi ..alter of postponing their celebra- ii :i. BWBatba Sas Astosia, Tex. Dec. 29. Tbe local ooice ol tbe Hella-Fargo Express Com. pany uui a money peerage containing Tbnr so Sat. Kfa'S SNAKE RIYEB 6:45. m Mon.Wed Kipana io --4"V andFri. ana mux. VY.H.HURLBURT. Gen. Pass Agent, CG.RAwtaatja, AgentAJbany. Sagasta bas revealed tbe interesting secret that many nights he could sot sleep at all durin. the war so great was his fear of what really happened. Tbe statement Is not a surprise. It ia to be booed that Weyleralso lea el about on bis bed nights so great waa bis uns -nees, and if be saw the ahosu of tboie wbo bad been slain ia Ccba t trough bis brutal polvy, so much tbe belter. Governor Geer's well-enongh-aljte policy some umts wcrks in pouvc matter and sometimes it does not . In tbe first place it takes judgment to dis cern what ws:i-en03bg is. ins rern elections in the east resulting in reJoc .ion cf tbe republican plurality ia Con gress over forty doesn't have mucb of aa indication ot well-enough from a p ui- eal standpoint Representative De Armood's reference in congress to payment ot $100,000 each to Messrs Reid snd Day undoubtedly grows out of a story rrceotiy prinud to tbe effect U at ex-Secretary of Slate Uay and Wbiielaw Reid will receive at least $100,000 each lor assisting tbe peace neg otiations in Pins ; James Baatett Moore, eeretary ol tbe peace commission, $6V 000;wbile Senators Davis.Frye and Gray under tbe law, cannot draw two aalaries, and tbey will have only their expeoies paid ln addition to their senatorial sal aries. Ex . From tbe Welcome. Wben a man drinks a glass ot whisky lo Oregon be takes six chances out of tea ia drinking a decoction of faeel-oil, sulphuric acid and potassium bichrom ate. 8ocb ittbs logical deduction of the state ot lbs importation of whisky and spirits into tbe city of PortTaod. Tbe spirits are taken ia charge by recalled "rectifiers' wbo sell 100 barrels of a bis key for every 40 barrels ol the pore srt icle tmported'from Kentucky. Tke past yiar bas been a very event fol.nne in tbs history of the United States, in fact ih the ietory of the world, for it bas seen a great war that haa been far reaching in its effect, not only having an im&ense influence on tbs policies of ear country bat as well changing international poiiciia gener ally Tbe actual war waa short, hot a little over a londrtd tlss,bot it means mucbto tbe wor'.d Tie United States uow leaps forward as tbeyreatist nation on earth, a natico of the first magnitude in all senses of. tbe word. It at once assumes a different relationship with tbe other osttoos of tbe world, and .hey all w ill appreciate more lean ever tne fact that there is aa Sam, poa sessed of unbounded iveonrces, wf.n an arm of iron, so eagle's eye and the digest- on cf sn ostrich. TL Irene's is going to be because be baa a stomach of aa ostrich a certain b g clata ol rcopie are goicc to keep ins:s!iog on his trjirg bis band at digesting all tbe old rusty nails in tbe world irom Porto Rico to iba Philip, pines. The Democrat is not aa tstrem ist on anything, bat yst it wonld like to ere Samcanfine bis .diet for awhile long er on tbe rich, wbe'esome food of oar owo land, aoJ fatten out a little on that. Ia tbe Iiteraryr3ld nothing startling haa happened, though there have been many attempts at It, there being no eod to tbe number of books pobiisbed.wboee nsmsws cannot remember, for none of them interrtted o. to the drama there bas teen on notll!firodoc'ioo,"Ore no de Bergersc,".by by eU e have forgotten bis came already It is a big nosed affair, but the.Democrat is unable to get much from it after reeding any of Ihe prUu.-tiot.s ol the immortal aba ktepee'e. a. Io the ecien'.inc field ti e wcrli contin ues to mate a very rapid stride, and con. tinoa'ly thus are ttatllxg d.acoverie that promise toreio't in matte's. Tesla ia now tbe leading figure in ihia field, and if be keeps on we expect to be able some day to get on tbs top of our prio'ehop and talk with him bark in New York through tl:e tuylerious fined called at mosphere . For future reference the Dcmocsat mentioaa tbe fact that there baa been some snow for two dsys. At one time drifts migbt te lound aa deep as sn inch we do not menuoa this witn pride Snow is not irdiginoos to Oregon. On tbe contrary it makes a indignant to see it come. tber's decease, but a tacit tie bonnd as together. A twelvemonth later tne bond was broken ai unintentionally and a dispassionately as the ocean currents drift apart lato tbe great nnfatbomable- tie also gives an extended account ot bis interview with ber in ibe tombs, is hich he declares her innocence. He H0,000. The money was sen there from said: "I have read that abe bas given Houston lor tbe Southern Pacific to meet it payroll west from that city to r-i raao. it arrived wedneedav morn ing and was gmn to C. A. Heeler, the ella-rarto money delivery clerk, to band over. Heeler started lor tbe de pot and was seen en route Four hours vent to ber grief ta tears I am glad, tbey plead ber innocence more tbao logic or rhetoric" He closes theatrical ly : A hand hake, a glsnce.of the eyes aa in days of yore.sod lam tamed awa r rom tbe Tombs 1 passed oat into tbe world. Tbe frail, fair, woman waited after his departure his wagon waa found I (or tbe nnkt-owabie.' d uuice wes ot,u!e city in a miccei, i Accompanying tbe articles, ailing two tbe horse almost dead from the effects ol I lone columns! ia an excellent oictare ot Girls are warned not to marry editors. saya an exchacge. An editor ia a neigh boring town came near killing bis wife receuUy. A servant waa awakened by the screams of tbe mistress, sad found ber be;og choked by ber has band. Tbe editor had dreamed that a dslinqotot subscriber bed paid np bis rabeeriptian. asd be was grasping bis wile by la throat thinking be bad tne asoaey ia his bands. At a negro wedding in Pnlaeki, Ga ., wben tbe minister read tbe words''Love, honor and obey," tbe groom interrupt ed and said : "Read that again, sab read it once mo' so dat the lady kin ketch de full solemnity of tbe meaoin', I'ss been married belo". four grocer keeps it. Thi A u-alia Mosic. Mis Mitdrca Burmester teacher of piano or organ. System tbs Mason touch and technique. Residence ?iftb street, opposite V P church. Clcbdiko Rates. Weekly Dbmocbat and Examiner $2.50; and Tliriue-a-week Woild $2.00; and Kepublic $1.75; and Oregorian $2.25. F. H. Pfeiffer keeps the biggest and beet stock of Holiday cmrlie nnts etc-., in for ss't price. Just now Tacoma is crowing over the fact that she baa beaten Portlacd in the diorcs and quick marriage race. A Mrs. Minnie Schilling was divorced theie.inet an old love, waa proposed to, accepted, was married, all ia fifleen minutes. This may be all right on the Sound, but Port land still holds tbe record. It was only the other day that pretty Mrs Cissell, of that city, married again before tbs judge signed the decree. You can't beat Pott land on this marriage and divorcp cosine. Speakiog of an article in the Democrat tbe Yaquina Tog says : Tbe above re marks fit everyitown on earth. Where a man's interests are tbere should bis pocket book be also. However, the cus tom of trading away from home is firmly rooted, and newspapers and "mean re marks'9 'can't change It. Some day tbe department stores in tbe Urgecitiee will bare the trade thoroughly ccrraled, and then their patrons who own property in or near the smaller towns won't own anything world speaking of. Not one goud reaaon for patronising establisb- ments away from home can be proposed not even tbe lew cents or lew do tars that you may be able to cave Tbe Grants Pass Courier made the foi loaiog charge: There bas been no end of complaiot of iaeompetency, both morally and mentally of tbe faculty ol tbe State Uoiversity thst Chapman bas 'ong been an educational impossibility baa been universally conceded a) That moe than one mental asd moral imcom tetent baa been foisted, through the pol itical poll, upon the suffering lax payers is beyond doubu Now comes to light another barbarity that demands the at tent -en of tbe regents and patrons of tbe Institution. E;e witnesses relate that wbo the university football team went to Portland to play, a certain professor ol tbe noiversity led the team Into a sa loon at Albany and lined np with them at tbs bar tor a drink." Tbe Guard brands this ss a bee!iie ard adds that "A car load of Kujeoe people accomp anied Ibe team on tbeir trip, and some of tbem prooabi did take a drink at Al bany, but the Courier should never agaio be guilty of accusing a lot ol athletics ia training, ot dcing socb a tbiog." bard driving. Beeler had been in tbe employ of the company for nine years. and enjoyed the confidence of all. His friends stoutly assert that he is the vic tim of foul play. Win star, senatey Cletzlayp, 0.,Dec 29. As s resuls of almeeting of tbe division superintend ents of the Lake Shore A Michigan Southern railroad, just held ber to ar range time tabtes. it ia announced that tbe new fast mail, which is to be start ed next Sunday between New York and ban ranoeco, will be the fastest regu lar train ia the world. Tbe torsi redac tion in time between New York and San t ranctsco, over tbe present achednie is a little over thirteen hours. Davis in his most sensational Bee. A rielM glfMWSr WASButcToa-, Dec. S3. The war de partment is expecting definite word from General Otis, within tbe next 43 hours, in regard aa to wbat happened at Iloiio. By that time General Otis wilt have beard from General Miller, in command oi the American forces. It is recog nised that tbe situation at Iloiio is one which may brine a boat a ehsrn and noa- aibly a decisive issue between the insur gents and tbe United Sutea forces. Have you ever noticed how much of Christ's life was spent in doing kind things T Harry Drummood Tt-e Philippines will soon be connect ed by tnst grest toon of civilivation,tbs electric telegraph. A cable ship is being fitted out with the wirs and neceary apparatus. We will civilits the Filip pioo even.tbongb he 'object . Gosrd . Ths Salem Journal quotes the city father a few of Poor Rivhard'a words of wi'dom. ' Be sloe in choosing a friend, slower in changing. If you woutd live with ease, do wbat you ought and not what ycu pleate. be city, smallest 5ee, pr'ce, try Hheuniatlsiu run rains than any otber j. acid in the bloi.d, and SarnapariHa whirh neo-r.. ilond's.Pilld cure : for 2.'. cents by U L. H Msss. re ache and Jtisdueto - d hf docd'a I Z i this acid. i nfnens, M site : '' k Co., Lowell MARRIED. CHAMBERLIN MEKPELT. In Ssn Francisco, Cslif., on tnrdsy after noon, Dec. 24, 1808, .by Rev Edward Locke formerly of Portland, Mr Allan Chambetlin and Miss Rose Mespelt. two of tbe Democrat's ''Truer typos and popular yourig pe p'. When the ceremony wa over Allan remarsed "That wssn'r bad." They are residing in a t lee little cttsge in the suburbs of Ssma R -ss, snd are doing well, not having qosrrell. d slJthe last 1 frfv, Ttioilimawf "aiv. Micbael O'Donneli, wbo has already served in Sing Sing prison nearly eleven years of a thirty years' sentence for burglary .may be pa'doned and released because bis brother James baa confessed on his deathbed tbat bs was the goilly man. Michael knew Ibis daring all the time of bis Imprisonment, but said noth ing because be expected James ti die soon of consumption. From tbe World. Tbs population of ths United States is about 75,001) .000. The area is 3,602,900 rquare miles. We have tberefoie s population of only about 20 persons to the rqnare mil -. England has about 840 and Belgium a baut 630 to tbe iquate mile. If our country were as densely popul ated as England and Belgium i s people would number nearly two billions, or a bout twenty-reveii times their actual number. Yet Eoglsnd snd Be'gium are fairly good countries to live in. . With a population of only one-twenty-ssventh si denre ss theirs, hsve we not room enough within our borders to grow for some centuries to come, without reek ing territorial expansion? - ' This has been a record breaking year for freight slanmeots east front Chicago the total for tbe year, with the last week of December estimated, being 5,6(0,935 tons, an iocrese over 'f7 of nearly two millions tons. Lower rates and ths en ormous increase ol gram shipment ac count for tbe Urger business. Cnihrellu Notice. Umbrellas recovered in first class style, by Mrs. M. Ludwig. si Broadalbin and Third streets, lor from 60 cents to $2 60. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Patronise home Institutions. An Immigration Movement. Pobtlasd, Oregon, Dec 31st 1898. Under dato of December 27th, 1893, Hon. Wm. P. Lord.Govercor of Oregon, by authority of Section S506, Hal's Code, appointed tbe undersigned, a State Board of Liimigratioa. In vkwof the importance of the work to be undertaken. and tbe ceeireol tbs Board to secure co operation in every section of tbe stste, ss well as by every industry therein, it is deemed sdvirabie to obtain a lull ex' press ion of opinion. With this end ia view, a convention is hereby called, to meet in the citv ot Portland, Saturday, January "1st. 1899, at 10 o'clock a. m. composed of Editors, Mayors, County Judges and Commissioners, members of legislature, and such representative cit (sens as mar be appointed by Mayors, and County Judges or Commissioners. ion are respectfully tnvited to be pres- J. U UOOPSB, ,,.-. MtSBT J.. PtTTOCK. , - Wi. O. Gossuk. State Bosrd of Immigration. Nrw Yobs:. Dec 29. The hkhest price paid in many years for a seat on the New Yorl tock exchange, $30,000, was paid today; bv Frank Jay Gould, too n ire t eon nfffcha: late Jav fronM. The youngest member ever admitted to tbe exchange was admitted todav in tbe person ol Alfred H. t.apry, wbo was proposed for membr hip on his 21st birthday. snt. Strlctlv business. Holiday Goons at Cost. Mr Julius Gradwohl informs the Democrat that he will sell all of his holiday goods at cost and some below cost, andJhoe wbo know him know that he keeps his word If you want ta good 'and clem -itoke buy cigars made by our Al nanyuigar factory- Sick Headaches, v ' The curse of overworked womankina.are ?uickl v and surely cured bv Karl's Clover toot Tea, the great bleod purifier and tissue builder. Money refunded if not satisfactory Price, 25 cts. and 60 cts. CASTOR I A , Tor Isia&ti and Children. J&EWK ffrHnft Yoa Kara Alwajs Bought I.. 60 cts. and $1.00, does not cure M . J a . . . v 1 J II ' SM ..BaawaeaasBBBBai French the jeweler. Crescent Bicycle. Hopkins Brothers, agents. ' Beat Bicyde for tne money. " Will A Stark, jewelers. . "Trilby" leads, others follow a Stewart A Sox Hardware Co's. A doa. first class photos, best finish only 50 cents at Miss Loog's. Seed rye for sale. Call at the Albant Nursery or at the store of C. E. BrowneB Crescent bicycles at Hopkins Brothesa for only $20, $30, $35 and $50. t 0 B Winn, citv ticket agent. Tickets to all points in tbe east. Be) rura and seo the aoti rat tiaware at Hopkin Uio, will las. a lifetime. We have decided to continue making the 6C cent photos. Long Photo Co. For calcium carbide go to the office of Oregon Gas Light Heating A Power Co. A fine lot of new, cook etoves and ranges at Stewart A Sox's. Prices cheap, er than ever. Lives 01111s Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, ootuu. ltlon, sour stomach. Indigestion ara promptly cured by flood's Fills. Tbey do their work - r . . You Trv It 'if Shiloh's Cough and Consumption on re, SA cts. take the bottle back and we will refund Sears the t Kn wtMiAae Ks-ilsf fnt Atrial rttrv vnara nn JiMutrW saatureor ' w,iai .r - Hoods Pills easily and thoroughly. Best after dinner pills. 95 cents. All druggists. Fr pared by C. L Hood ft Co.; Lowell, Vasa. Tke only PIU to taks with .Pood's aarsaparUls. WaSHnroTOir, Dec. 2& Doilo has fall en into the bands of the Filipinos. Just before noon a cablegram was received from General Otis, which stated that tbe American expedition reached that place too late, tbe inaurventa bavin? taken txnie asioa ot tbe city on tbe 36th, S9 hours prior to Captain Potter's arrival. Aqmnaldo s flag floats over the city. A Tawst clrayevll Loxdox, iLv. 2. Part of the Red Rock mountain, atxx-riicg to dispatch from Alroto, a village of Switzerland, canton of Tiono. has fallen into Airolo. destroying a hotel and several henses. The bote), with eight booses and U other buildings, were swept into a great neap ot matenwooa a new terror was added by the outbreak of fire in amid the ruins. Three dead bodies have been recovered- a T Haa Oreer Chicaoo, Dec. IS. A special cable gram to the Tribune, from Havana, says : Cuban residents of Havana declare to night that if General Brooke does not rescind bis order barridg representatives ol tbe trauaa insurgent army lrom being present at L.Se evacuation ceremonies of New l ear's dav. thev will dose tbeir houses an that occasion, teardowh their flags and decorations and ramain in doors. asiertmg Owl . W AsatsGTOX, Dec 2S. It u sail at the war depar-ment that no change in plans as to the mustering out of troops will be made, aa a result of tbe threaten ing outlook in the Philippines. The secretary of war bas made some progress in designating tbe vol as tee r regiments to be mustered out, bat no announce- wul be made until tbe list is completed, rr BUal'-a New York. Dec 2S. Atdisratch to thr Tribvne from Washington s ivs : Tbe energy with which the navy department is strengthening its forces in the Pacific ocean is further emphaaiadd by its decis ion to send 4uu enlisted men as quickly aa poeub'e across the continent to San Frahcisco, to be taken by tbe next mail steamer to Hong Kong. Tke fa f Heave New long, Dec. 29. Justice Smythe in tne supreme court today adjourned until next Wednesday the bearing of tne application tor a certificate of rea sonable bonbt in the case of William F. Moore, convicted of "badgering" Mar tin Mahon. A cough is not likf a fever. It does not have to run a certain course. Curs it q iickly and effectually with One Minute Cough Core, tbe bent remedy for all ages and for tbe moat severe esses, we recom mend it because it's good. J. A. Cam ming, agnt. Refuse any other flour, except the Magi olla. Wheat. We' will pay the highest market'price nr. wheat, see us before you sell. Cukran A Montbttii Mnvat.over Has turned with disgust from an other wise lovable girl witn an offensive breath. Karl's U I over Koot lea purines the Dreath by its action on the bowels, etc, aa noth- else will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 60 cts. Pride of Albany Soap, weighs 20 ounces, and is high grade, for sale by 0. E. Brownblu 1KB SG0 PACIFIC LWE. iQlUPmitilu. Solid Tkibcl trams, ecsistiR pal ace sleeping cars. Itrxa ion- elegant day coaches, saagnifteit touruS ctraTad free ectoaist sleepers bom the Pa cific to tba Atlantic with-' change cheat sarr bocte r COSTtBSCT AXB Kootenny illinin? District HOME AND ABROAD. See Locals on every page. Tbe North t Pooitry show, In Albany, Linn Co , Or., January 9 to 16.1S99. Wheat 48 cents. Will A Stark's for holiday goods. Many novieltiea for holidays at Will A fctaxta. Crayon and Pastel work a specialty at anas uoog's. French's Jewelry store ia headqaar lers tor t;bnatmaa goods. Samples ia Baa Relief photos esa seen at Miss Long's. 60 cent photo made by the thousands every week at suss Long's. For knives, forks and ssoons French, the jeweler. Everv time von think of Christmas think of Frencha Jewelry Store. Has Ketiel pnxoa now all the rage. call and see camples at Mies Loqg's See French's display window for the atest novelties in watches snd ring. A large and fine stock cf cirars and to- bacoo at Conn A Huston's. Seethedis- play. Another shipment of Co . e Daadmff cure receireJ at Ccmbinatioa Barber Sbopv Bring the babies and get a don. o those cote little Diamond photos, only 50 cents at Miss Long's. wbeayouwanta choice steak, a aloe roast or meat of any kind, call on Heavy Jrolers. He keeps tbe bwt- Wbat is more suitable than cue of those $25 warranted sewing machines at E. U. Will's Music Store toraOhrisimas present? Parents, bay a mnaical instrument f your boys snd girls snd so make home pleasant and refined. E. U. WiJ sells tbe beet for - h ; least money. For presents tbat will keep for a life time and please tbe wboe family go to fc. U. u ill's Music-. Store to make yotu selection. The Mensenhsur Guitar Zither, a sait- able Christmas present st E. C Will's Mbsic Store, easy to learn to play. Chnstmaa ia coming and so is Santa Claus. What wonld be more nleaaiaa to tend to your friends than a nice photo oi ycurseu wiiicn yoa can get Dy cauing on jais 4nng, znaaaa rerry street. Late to bed and early to rise, prepares a man for his home in the skies. Bnt early to bed aad a Little Early Riser, tbe pill teat makes nie longer and better sad wiser, I- A. Camming, sgent. Go to Yerick's shaving and hair cnt- ucg parlors for hrst class work. Hot and cold baths. Clean towels to every customer. Ths best meats of all kinds aad good treat meat at the Albany Lressed Beef Company's market, just djwa Second treet. Good weight and prompt attend ton. XAxrsr, ara-w pssrvsn, slocax err. Ktxeos. KAtwO. TSLAIL. aossLan aao AH points ia the Okaaagaa .Cwmtry. Ge a campblet saving a fall ieemptto of this wonderful country. Ask tss -gm for a copy of tbe mining lawav Ootmnbta. Loves rates o aad rroJ BTJROPB ' Atlaatic ateamship iavea. Canadian Pac. Ry. Co-'a Broyal Ilail steamship line to China and Japan AOSTBALXABT Maay a hoaaebold is saddeaed by death because of the faiiare to keep on hand a it.fe and absolutely certaia care for croup socb as One Minute Conch Cure. See that your little ones are protected against emer gency j. A.A-umming, agent. Wben j on ask for De Witt's Witch Ha zel Salve dont accept a counterfeit or im itation. There are more cases of Piles ba ng cured by this, ths a all others com. ; ned. J . a. IMrxminp, agent. ' Soothing, healing, cleansing, Le Witt's itch tlaxel Saire is the tmptacaoie ene my of sores, barns and wounds. It never fails to rare Piles, Yon may rely upon it. J. A. Camming, agent. D I MM e. i Tas Rutn.Dowu Mondays Wednss days and Fridava, leaving Albany at 7 S. m. Up Tuesday s,Tbuisdsys ai.d Sat nrdays. - Call and ses our t riioy air tight stoves. Stbwabt A Box, Haedwaki Co-. Flour 85c per sack. Try it. The Magnolia. 4 TRADE SSARKSV .4? ossxnaa. COPTKIUei I Av.wv, mnmng s'vkstoti n4 oaer(itloa ay SuiptlraaMnaia. nca wtxrtbar aa InTaatloai probaMr iMtantaMa. 4VaimttotcmUc atrlctlv ioaSdwKlal. vuacat aJ tveurin r America. W a V aahuwriaa oatoa. Patwtt taka throaaa atasa A Co. racalra Spaoial aoAtaa la t&e SCIENTIFIC Af'ERlCAM, bMTH.ra!)v innstrmtMl, tm1stl3sa, tt v nsai ureal, wsja i r , trni 3.iX m yit. V '.it .H-olr cvHuetanl kLsYxt X-s v.- ' rN ..ENVELOPES... ALL COLORS ALL SIZES k aosounx, nn " acstxaix.. Tbe tborteat lioe to toe Oloeie. Tbeae ateanexs carry aa experienced voedical num. and a stewardess on every voyage. for tivae tables pamphlets, or any ia ormatiosu call on or addresa. S N STEELE A CO. Aa-.i.Albia' EJOOYLB, Agt.l rairl 8t-.P sad. Or- . . 3EO. NcU Btiuws. u r. a, aaora'er - DENVER' & RIO GRANDE RAILROAD Ttie Scenic Lice 01 tlje World fgsily ijjniniEis To The im la through tourist cars without change. MODEKS TJPHOLSTEBED TO C BIST SLEEPERS Iac!uL2gB c! Exoerisncsii csndss tars aai psrtfin Te Kaaam Citv aad Chicago effats aad Bostoa M0XDAT3 withea etae.TU Sa t La. Mta..ari Pasine sad Chicag. St Attoa Koilroad T. Omaha, Cawaio, Baffak, TUESDAYS Boaa, witbeat ekaag. V-a aH Lake aad raiesga. Back Ialaad A PactSe Ry Ta St Joaap. Kaaaaa Cit, WEDXSOATdAStUas,ta. tehaag. ria bait ta Butiag SOW f ' To tcaaa City aad Si Leaia THCRSDT3 wttaeat eaaags, via Sala Lakaaad Misvn Pad fie By A day atop ver arraaged at Salt Lake ad Ueavee A Bide tkrough the tasaoas Colorado Soseery For rates aad iaforvaation ioqair. of O B Ajf aad S P agent sr address B C Nicaoi, Gea Agt, S K Boesas, SSI WasAiaftea art, Dasver. Portlaad Oraea C)iorado. 1 a 7ASTED. To rent 150 or 200 acres v v of pasture land. Address F. H. ciger, Albany. YAQUINA ROUTE CORYALLIS & EASTERN RAILROAD (Connecting at YAQTJIKA with the YAQUINA BAY STEAM snircamPAni STEAMERS Grace Dollar and WaYarro First-class la every respect. One of tbe above steamers is due to'a.H from Yaquina about ever j rive days. Shortest route between and San Francisco. Fare: valley point; west to 10 CO , 1? 00 Albany and points baa trancisco CaWB..... Bound trip.....-.;-'-. for sailing days appir i Edwis Siokb, t. L. Waldss. Manager. .- T. F. A P. A J. Tvasxa, Agent Albany, Or. Largest stock Lowest prices SMILEY, - Al,-. rt.!aaVrk ! 1 OST Some where In the city ofAlb ttie Pnntv A -any. on Friday Dae la pai'o OR. si. L. KILL M , Pbyatcian and SurneoB. Itt b'eck, spectacles. ing kows, flee. befocal lense,sJruniako rid Leave at the Democrat ol- ... .