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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1899)
A X of I ab The Senior Partner I don't like tbi 1 J. The Junior Partner What it the mat ter with it T I thought it wai excellent. The Senior Partner It aaya that the tales of onr unparalleled mineral water have increased ao that we have been forced to doable the output of our spring twice in five year. Cincinnati Eoquirer. A bicycle repair shop tin Eight Avenue makes on of a war relic as a window ad- ' veitiBemeot. Itts a Springfield rifle, aud attached to it is the following card : "This gun waa used by a member of the ' Seventyflrst throughout the war, and it punctured several Spaniards. Punctures repaired here ."New York Sun, It is thought Emperor William of Ger many will write a book about bis jour ', ney to the holy land. As the Emperor .' took a large number of photographs on different occasions on which it was not iwesible for anybody else to do so, the the account would be all the more inter eeting if these were made aee of, and there is no doubt that If the emperor ahall decide to publish his book these pictures together, with othe-a, will ap $ ' pear: The young Chinese emperor, having ; outlived the reports that he bad com mitted au'eide or been assassinated, is ' now described by Dr Dethere, a French man, who is one of his physicians, as ' "MTSty a sufferer from fits ol depression - and lassitude, his real ail stent so tar as there is any being abnormal melanch- ulia. The Wanamaker store, New York, has a perfectly equipped schoolroom, in charge of a former teacher in the city schools where the youthful caeh boys employed by the eetablishmei t are in- meted in the common branch's read- tag, writing, spelling, arithmetic. From to 10 o'clock every, morning abou t thirty-fire of one hundred boys employ ed in the store are sent to the school room on the aix'h floor. The classes an o airanged that each bt-v goes to school twice a week. The idea waa suggested by the superintendent of the store, who found that he waa nnable to promote tome of the oldtr cash boys, who merited advancement, owing to their deficiencies in the co mm 3n branches National Ad vents s : " ' Whan Arthur Pni(.iiilii.nftiil ClvaTam Gray .etire from tbr Senate on March 4 oator John W Dai.ltl, of Yiryiria, temporary Chairman of the late Chicago Convention, will assume the leadership I the minority. Daniel is one cf the iblttt men in the Senate. Although r put the half-century milestone, he is !j full ol vim and energy aid exercises more influence over his colleagues than nj Democrat, Gorman excepted. Daniel is acontervatiye man. An able lawyer and jurist, a most eloquent talker, he bus made a strong and indelible impression on bis fellow- Senators. Daniel is an ex-Confederate and served with d'.stinction in the army o the ., -''""&outb, but be believes tbe time bsa long since passed when sectional hatred w should exist, and ia one one of the atal warts who have for many years been breaking down toe last vestiges of sec tionalism. How the M'Kinley'sgo Driving. Every pleasant afternoon the Presi dent's carrirge, a most luxurious affair, with rubber tires and ball-bearing run' ning g-ar, toll np to tbe White House about 4.30 ti receive the President and Mrs. McKinley. A well-grootred coach man and footman ocenpy seats on the box. When tbe President and Mrs. Mc Kinley come from the White House i messenger beckons the drivsr, who lash ea tbe horses with his long whip, and in an instant the carriage is in front of the portico. The footman jumps down. opens tbe carriage door, assists Mrs. Mc Klolev and tbe President inside, itep on the box and the carriage speeds away ine customary atternoon ride le through tbe residence pottion of the city. Tha carriage rolls along at a pretty rapid clip and about an hour is cor earned in the ride. If the afternoon is pleasant the top of tbe vehicle is let down and the President and hie wife enjoy the air . There ia no truth in tbs old atory about a halt a dozen dectectivea follow ing the President in his rides. This was the case when Mr. Cleveland was in the White House, but not ao with tbe pres ent occupant of the mansion. Cure for Appendcitis. T'je following written by Dr Hntton and first published in tbe Medical Re coid.clipptd from tbe New York World, is attracting attention in lbs east: This psper is a protest against tbe cur rent surgery theory and practice that all cases of appendcitis mnst be split open This protest is based oa twenty-s)en years experience as pbysian and snrgeon including services to thief, hospitals, one Western fort, fize years in mining surg ery, flye in rail-road surgery, twelve years in general practice on tbe centra1 western plateau of Minnesota and four years in this great city, which nntque io vaet tributary territory and population is decreed by the fates to bs tbe cub of the earth to the near by future. My experience is that appendicitis and ail imer bellyaches for which men now operate are promptly amenable to proper medical treatment. I un recall one bundrtd casts treated with symptoms of this malady or for typhlitis, as it was formerly c.tlled but I have never yet met a cae of it in which I felt it was my duty to cue. or which terminated fatally Influenced to the prevailing craze to cut time and again in coming to new cases of this kind t have thought ;"Now, sir, your time has come; in this case you most cut.'' But, presto! simple medical treatment again availed. Later oa I ball cite other unimpeachable practi tioners whoshieinv views medi cal treatment avails in this malady 00 times out of eve.y 1C0. My treatment for appendicitis ia free calomel and soda purgatior.,upp!ement-i i A V.H I. .. . I : . : . i : i . . . id by hot applications, to be followed by a saline if action is too slow f 100 Iteward 9100. The resders of this paper will be pleased o learn that there is at least one dreaded desrase that science has been able to eure in all its etages, and tbat is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the on ly positive cure known to tbe medical fraternity. Catarrh ceing a conslitu tional disease, requires n constitution al trertinent. Hati'j Catarrh Cure is taken internally, actinic dircily upon the blood tod mucous surlaces of the S. Mem, thereby destroyinir the founda tion ol the dieease,and giving tbe patient strength by builjing up itho constitution and aseieting nature in doiug its work. The proptietors have so much faith iu its curative powers, tbey offer One Hun dred Dollars for any case tbat it fails to cure Send for list of testionals. Add ers, F. J. CHENEr & Co. Pildby pruifgists,75t!. Toh do, O. j nan b k amuy ruis are the best. A barrel of maple syrup Just received ,uca 81 Uoe Minute Cough Cure, Bee that at Parker Brothers. Fine. Bring your i ycur ,itt,e onM re protected against emer P" J gency. J, A, Cumming, agent. According to the two big commercial agencies last year was a very prospercus one. We are very fortunate in having thBe agencies to do the figuring fur ns. As anticipated there is trouble with tbeinrurgents In the Fbilipfinee, and probably always w:ll be periodically, for they area pagan, impatient people, sit tma nnruliv in the urn: seat lor two days at a time. How can a man learn to know himself 7 By reflection, never; only by action. In the measure in .which thou eeekeet to Do th Ant .halt tiiou know what is in thee. Bat what is thy duty? mand ol the hour. Goethe. The de ' The rustling business man is the one who succeeds. Tne dsy is past when he an make it without uueh . One of the best evidences of these qualities Is the manner in which he advertises. It is the only business getter of the age, and the newspaper Is the peculiar medium for doing it, for that is its business as much as making shoes is in the buaineet of the shoemaker. The Spaniard as a governor has de parted from the western hemisphere and may he never return. ' The Spanish newspapers believe that the Spaniard haa wonderful recuDe-ative power and that he will pick up in the coming year more than be baa lost. But the pas shows plainly that Ne dee not possess recupeiative powers, for he has never ye recovered from tie effects of disastrou defeat, of which he has fed so man. Be is down for good, andmitiht aa well at not be an anu-tXDansioiist. Surround ed br powerful and jealous nations can never agaiu acquire territory. With the staia and sincee ever the capital building at Havana, it looks vei much as if Cuba was a part ol the United states. hild the government is to be a ruilitarv one the indications are tha the scheme ia to gradually work things o that it will be a long time before the Cubans will be able to govern them selves, and in the meantime matters will be run ia a manner to appease the na tivesand make them deeue to place their goveinment In the bands of the United States, somewhat of a game of f.eei-ot. Ve fought to free the Cubans and it is probable that li e fdoin thai they wilt escure will he the same asresidtMs cf the Uoned Statet generally, that of royal American citi- II s. This the latt year ot the century. With 1900 will begin the twentieth ceutnry. There are people who insist that (he next centary does not tegin until 1901. but tbey do so with out reason to back them. The case is plain. For practical purposes the century began witn Christ's birthday, which would then be be 0. At his first birthday .then one year old it was 1 A D and ao on, and tbe 100 years that made tbe first century were completed at midnight Dec. 31, in tbe year o9. Tbe secjnd century tbna began January 1, in tbe year 100. A printer ia a man who lives, eats, wears clothes and paya debts and taxes it be baa the money and yet people expect him to live on wind pndding, nu kes promises, and live lo oriental sp'en dor on sneh support as is indicated in the following letter, says the Shasta, Courier man: Mr. Editor Send me a few cop ies of the paper which bad tbe obituary and verses about my little child a month Or two ago. You may publish the en doeea clipping about my niece's mar riage, and I wish yon would mention in your local column. If it don't cost any thing, that I am goog to bare a public sale and will rent part of my farm ; also that I have a few extra calves io eel). Send me a couple of copies of the paper this week, but as my time iaout yon may atop my paper, as times are too bard to aste money on newspapers. Mr Watterson in a cbi'.dieb way sug gests that Admiral Dewey be nomioated by tbe Democrats for President and Firs bugh Lee for vice president- Whethe this is done for a juke or not is not known. He would have stars and alries the oolv plat farm. In the. first place Dewey says that it is business for a naval officer lo keep out of politics, and as a mitler of fact he Las voted for a president, in tbe eecoud place bia polit ics are not known, and in tbe next place it is not certain that be is cutontfor tbe office of president. Were be ever nom inated for ao office though whatever it might be the people of tbe United States wonld tske great pleasure in voting for him, for at this writing be Is tbought-of by . tbe peoj It nsore than any otber American. From ?be New York World . Had Fsyne Moore been a laborer's daughter would she have been convict ed? Answers by labor leaders. James C Edwards, Kerg-ant at-arms of the Central Labor Union There ia no doubt that Mrs Moore's good clothes and fine manners prejudiced the jury in her avor. 1 working girl in her place, woo Id have been convicted . John J Pallas. Central Labor Union A woman should or considered as it wo man, not by tbe clothes she wares but by ber character. George Lie bnry .Secretary of tbe Build ing Delegatt a Tbe 'better educated a woman is the more easily she Is let off by tbe law servants- Wealthy or refintd women caught stealing in stores are call ed kleptomaniacs; poor women ars call ed thieves. Frank Henje, of the Waiters' Union Asst. Dietrict Attorney Mclntyre is right in saying that had Mn Moore been a laboring man's daughter she would have b'en convicted, -i If you want a good and cleai uoke buy cigars made by our Al bany cigar lactorv. Sick Ilead&cheo. The curse of overworked womankind.are quickly and surely cured by Karl's Clover Root Tet, the great blood purifier and , i - -. . . I. .,:!.! ' f t i i . tissue builder. Money relunded if not eatuiactorv. Price, 2j cU. and 50 eta Mnnyal-over Has turned with distrust from an other. wise lovable girl w itn an offensive breath. ivari s oioveritoot Tea purifies the breath by its action on the bowels, etc.. aa nnth. else will. old for years on absolute guarantee. Price 25 cte. and 60 cts. Tlie Modern M"ther Has found tbat her little ones are Im proved more by the pleasant Syrup Figs, when in need of the laxative, affwt ot a gentle remedy, than by any otber. Children enjoy it and it benefits tbem. The true remedy, Syrup of Figs, is man ufactured by the California Fig gyron Co. only. Many a household is saddened by death because of the failure to keep on hand a Sife and absolutely certain cure tor eennn Washlniitoi. 1 ctttr. I From Our Ragul.r Corrsspomlsnt.) Washington D-c. . 2lth 1898. Tbe democrats in Congress may not succeed in defeating the scheme to in crease tbe regular armv to 100 000 man, but they intend that th country shall bn thoroughly acquaint! w tth the enor moo a and permauen taxation which thote who are behind tie scheme are trying to put on the pfnpl. The report of tbe minority of tV House Committee on Military affairs, eigid by every dem ocratic member of ih committee, has been filed with the Ch-tk of the House- owing to the railroading ol tbe Hull bill through the Committee and leporting it to the Honse beiore the holiday recess, they had to prepare it after Congress adjourned and it i an interesting doc ument. It points out teat while an army of 100.000 men wonul be a menace toonr liberties in tim. f peace, it would be too weak to cops ' 't any first class power in war ; that hp " of the Hull bill would be abou- f 15 000.000 a year, which added to our P- nu un payments would bring our Mili'arv expenditures op nearly to $300.000.000 uioreUban is paid by any of those gieat European nn tiona wnich keep 1 r anmee prsctical ly on a war footing all the time. Professor Blair, ol N . O., who is in Washington, said: ' The purpose of the North Carolinians to f..llu tbe example o( Mississippi, South Caiol na aud Lou isiana, and accompli, b the partial dis franchisement ot the i t gtoes, is worthy and commendable ot all supporters of tbe institutions vl tbr country. It is quite in line with the advamtd idea cf the M'Kinity administration, represented by Senator Cullom'a H waiian Commission, which, by tbe may, bas mode'ed a splendid plan'for the die f ranch ieetnent o. the N"th Carolina ne groes, without lot' iiunahv doing such a thing. Tbe bill be lias reported dis franchising the nativta ol the Hawaiian islands, is a very good one, in that the natives of the island a"- i.j, Gi to gov ern an American lerri.oiy If this is true in Hawaii, it is doubly true in North Carolina." Gen. Miles badly frightened a number of persons, and some of them bold U. S. Commissions, wbeu he raid that be waa making a personal iiv"t .atioo int. the sending of 'nih.ii. ' f to our o!d An inyee ie'S id Cuba at") ligation a to t:te last thing the 'Vnbalmrd' o is about inecied with ..- to see ' nuc rat mem u, which bas Senator titav,- - ber of the Pest e ' just returned , bringing the cf Peace, ex ii. at democrat t- accepted Col. r t:on ol expan ay connected ' ce, and there official copt ' I' T pressed pleao-' e Senatoia s-ei-er Bryan's idea.1 ha aion was not it. i ith tbe I real v m shoo'd be no party o. p ition. Failure to ratifiy tie treaty might cause inter national complications, wbiie its ratifica tion will clear the deck for a domestic contest, aa t whether or not we shall keep the Philippines, give tbem tbeir independence or die pooe ol them to some other country. There it one thing con nected with tbe t rest j of Peace that may force ao extra eton ot the next Con greae. That ia tbe f 20,000.000 w bicb we have got to pay 5"atn. If the present House tails to ps.s a ti l appropriating tbe money an extra eeesion of tbs next Congress will he . to be called to get within tbe I'm :,i it. Roesia is alarmed at the prestige gain ed by the Un:ted S.a'e in Pacific waters and its leading paper advise Russian capitalists to fu'oiah n aid lor Ibe Nica ragua canal. Russian capital ia not want ad. A country that three per cent bonds at a targe prevaifin) al borne and abroad certatt 1 a D not ask aid of a country that find- i d ffl.-ult to etcare loans at any figure . A traveling - avely wandered into a remo'e Lo -l i a doesn't keep a directory.and coming down In tne auorn ing was asked by the 'and lord how be rested. "Ob,' rT plied he gentleman, 'I suffered a'l night wtti ,-omola." The laod lord was mad .n a tn oute.aod roar ed "I'll bet you $2 ti- te iii one tn my bouse !' Ex Ohii is getting red to nominate Judge Day for Got rnor. They feel that be oegbt to tqoaLd-r ejtxie of tbat f 160 000 be got tor his servi-e as Peace Com miasioner on electtuu esprncrs. Repub Us. You Iry It. If Shiloh's Coozb and Consumption Cure, which is sold for the small price of 2D cm., do eta. and fi.w, does not cure take the bottle back and we will refund your money. Sold for over fifty years on this guarantee. Price, ti eta. and 50 eta A eeagb is not lik a ter. it does not bave to run ear, mo coarse. Core it q ickly end effectual ajth One ninu'e Cough Cure, tbe bet remedy for all agea and for the mot aev re ca-es. We recom mend it because it's good J. A. Co ea rning, agnt. Constipation prevent tbe bxtr from rid ing itselt of waste matt r. De Witt's Lit tle trly Risers wrl rnjiyi tbs trouble aad cure Sick H-a.ltcb;. Biliousness, In active Liver sod cr m complexion small, sugar coated don't gripe or caase nausea. j. A. t'umia eu. agent. When yon asx for i V:tt'i Witcb Ha zel Salve n n't accepf a cunuterfeit or im itatios. There ar inir ca;s of Piles be og ciren by ttju. 'a .i -li oibers com- id. i t. Jiou it, ifrnt. Sootbinn, healing, c .io intr, L'eWiti Witch Hazel Salve is to- mnlscable ene my of sores, burns ind ''ouud. It never fails to cure Piles, you uiay rely upon it J. A. Cumming, amni Cubbiko Haiku weekly Democbat ano examiner and Tbrice-a-week Woild $2.00; and Kepublic 1 75; and V'rgonian i zo. TICKETS To all point East via Great Northern Railway. For rates, folders and full information call on or address II, F. Meiiuiijl, Agrnt Albany. Laundry Notice. Having taken charge of the Albany 8 team Laundry I am meuared to do first Class work, employing o.i.'y experienced belp. All laundry wora rent to my place wy receive my prorant at.ention and be iaubdtied in a superior manner. O. M. Cvuu What lsSh lull? A grand old remedy for Cough, Odld and Consumption; used through th world for half a century, has cured in numerable cas-s of incipient consump tion and relieved manv in advanced stages. If you are not satisfied with the results we will refund your money. Price 20 cts., oucta. ana ti.w. Albany Mark ki Wheat 48 ?ents. Oats 30. Eggs 25 cents. Better 15 to 22 cents. Potatoes 25 cents. Hams 11 to 13 cents. 8ides 10 to 11 cents. Shoulders 6 tc 7 cents. MISFITS. This is the clearance sale month of the year, the time to get in ana rustle. Make your announcements in the Dcmo chat. "It is not growing like tree in bulk that makes man better be," said tbe poet, and it is tbe same with nations. What ia needed is a better internal growth, an enlargement of the-aoul and heart and mind ol the nation. a recent addition to the Dkuocbat'i art gallery are a couple of pictures of the last cruiso of the Mud Hen, made by Al bany's rising young artist. Whang Bill They show tbe situation in a very strik ing manner. . On January 9, the opening dsy ot the poultry show an Albany lady will be thirty six years of age, and on January 14. the closing dsy of the show an Al bany man wiil be the same age. Tbey are now congratulating themselves that their birthdays will be jointly celebrated for a whole week by the continual crow log of seveial hundred of tbe most aris tocratic roosters ever seen together on the Pacific coast. Mr John Isom tells of custonia in Daw ion that are interesting. The city ex penses are paid by licenses on every thing from a few dollars a year on some of the smaller businesses to $2,000 for saloons. At IS o'clock Saturday night eveiything of a business nature closed, aul are kept closed until alter 12 o'clock Sunday night. No back door or any thing of the kind. All laws are enforc ed promptly. When a policeman makes an arrest as a judicial officer he tries tbe man on tbe spot without any delay and if guilty Hues him, and there is no ap peal. Tbe Herald falls into the same error some othflra d In r far onr to tha end of tms century, n is in error wnen it says it is at the end of tbe year 1900. The Dxiiocrat waa right when it saiJ tbe new century will begin with January 1, 1900. A man is a hundred years old on bis one hundredth birthday not on his one hun dred and first birthday aa the Herald andotbeia claim. If his birthday is January 1 bis one hundred years will be completed uo that day on his one hun dredth birthday, and his second century of years will begin at once, and not a year later. The esr 1 A D (after Dene) is not tbe birth ol (Jhriet bat Jot as in i a.u2 vaiu v wu arc nvu vuvvvcees anvi UtSf ilntlti A century i one hundred year and not ore hundml aud one eis ss lhue-.r: who levlaretha' Mie twe i lie'h centurv will not begin until 1901 $ni king a cigarette is now often rme- i leakly referred to as driving another ni. PresiJent Chapman of the State univ ersity will lecture in Eugene tonight on Pericles." Though old, a good surijo-l. A thirteen year oldgirl was recently: married bt Toll. Wab. The patents gave their consent. Twiceasold is young enoogn. Judge Sweeney, of san Francisco, haa a bailiff seven feet tall, while tbe Judge is only five feet tall, offering a contrast that ia attracting attention in the city of freaks. Tbe only manner in which Tbos. Jef ferson was an expansionist was by fa voring tbe government porcbsiiog tbe territory in oar natural borders, the earn kind of an expaneioniet tbe snii-expan- Episcopal diocese of Alhanr. offered a sionist is now. A good job was done.aad lraver and Secretary of rotate? lc I Kin having gotten enough it ia time to co.t, ' ougb, administered the oath of othre to and not like Rome try and get tbe whole j governor-elect, after which Governor oria. The following ia s recent associated press dispatch : Sslxk, Or., Ian 1. At a mass meet ingtonight in honor of the passing of tbe overe.gnty of Cula from peia to the United States, Col. E Hofer, of the Salem Journal, and candidal lor presi dential elector on tbe faeioo ticket io spoke in favor of nation al expan sion and strongly upheld tbe present ad ministration. Mr Joaiaii foister, of Stay too, was in tbe city toda , and after paying bis sub scription to the Weekly until July lv00 told tbe following explanatory story: ''A man got caught out in a bear rain storm in a field. The only shelter he couia hod vm abuilow he crawled. Tbe rain swelled the Ion utat tne man could not stir. t-udJentr be remeiubered that be owed several years for bis county ppf and he .ettso small that be slipped out w dbout any trouble.and went on bia way." The local building and loan association isn't going up into Montana and crawl down a deserted prasec. hole. Not much. Salem Statesman. The pcup cbat predicts it will wish it bad dene so. Mrs Botkio,after a long daly,has been convicted at San Fraucisco for tbe en ord er of a woman in aew Jersey, and wUl ecetve a sentence, perhaps, unprieon ment lor me. Dunning the husband the murdered woman, though ha hJ nothing to do with the murder, oti;bt to imjjswyiieu lor ine on general prin E. F, Baker, the Junction City real e tata agent, understands bow to draw public attention to bia locality. Instead of sendingHit a lot of circtila'a.fiJW with fulsome praise of tbe country, tie haa tbe local paper aend copies to bia customers and inqutriera to tne number of three hundred a week. It does not cost the real estate man as much as the circulars, they are mailed free of cost to him, ami the people who receive them know that tha ija pr tells the truth and can be de- iwuueu oji as au maex ,01 the general prosperity of tha community. A news paper is the best advertiser abroad. uuaru. Hero s the way Pet Strahan Moore took the niuejlen year sentence of her liuanand: ' ben Warden Uagan informed Mrs Fayne Moore of her husband's fale she shoot ber head and tears began to roll aown uer ciuns. "It is an awful sentence," she said ' they nboold not bave convuitad him. But let ua hope that the Court of Appeals may grant a new trial. I feel sorry for Air. .Moore. Nineteen years J ' and the w oman buried tier face in her hands and Wept as though ber heart would break. Catarrh Can Be Ourcd !v eradicating from the blond (ha orml. uious tainu which cause U. Hood's 8ar- sapanna cures catarrh, promptly and permanently, because it strikes at the root of the trouble. The rich, pure blooi which it make circulating through the delicate nassaen Of the mucous membrane, soothes and rewinds the tissues, giving them a ten dency tbe health ipsjead of disease, and ultimately curing the tfieptioj. At the same tiuio Hood's Kargapajrilla atrengthena, invigorates ami energises tbe whole system and makes the debil itated victim of catarrh feel that new life has been imparted. Do not dally with snuff, inhalants rr other local a) plications, but take Hood's Sarsaparilla and cure catarrh absolutely and surely by removing the causes which produce it. How She Did Her Work. Shedd, Qreg.. Nov, l0 Mrs. Nettie fl. Carothera of this place states tbat she was bo severely afflicted with rheumatism that alio waa obliged to it down to do most of her work. She began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla and it cured her. Telegraphic. The Oregon Washington. Jan. 8. Secretary Lonir cabled ordera today to the Oregon, at Vaiiao, to proceed to Honolulu, taking tbe distilling ship Iris with her. The iowa was ordered to gnn Francisco to make repairs to her boilers and replace a broken cylinder head. With her will go the supply ship Celtic and the colliers ecanaia ana Justin The Orecon will get orders at Honolulu to proceed to Ma nna, ii me situation does not change in tbe meantime , f'ssllah Comes Havana, Jan. 8. General Maximo Gomez, from his camp 200 miles west ward, near Narciso, has issued a pracla mation to the Cuban armv advising against disbanding nntil the proceedings at nasuington regarding the pay or the insurgent iroops nave been completed, At TIMameoK. Astoria, Or., Jan. 3. The steam schooner Protection, from Seattle with a cargo ol coat for han rancisco, founder ed and sank off Tillamook rock on the evening of Decern tier 31. Hut one man was lost, and he lost bis life in an at tempt to lower a boat alter it had been determined to abandon the vessel. ema'kable Weddlac Canal Doveh, O., Jan. 3. A most re markable wedding has jut taken place at the village of Trail, 10 miles from here iour orotuers being married to four sis ters. The four knots were tied at the home of the brides, who are the daugh ters of a farmer named Hochstetter, Their ages range from 18 to 28. t Maefet Whlakey Tacoma. Jan. 3. Pasaenirnra who ar rived On the AJ-Ki from Alaska, some of whom loft Dawson as late as Ducembcr 3, report thai the Chilikat Indirna are terrorizing the white inhabitants of Pyr amid harbor, near kagway, and have threatened to massacre. EleveaHallMs Mi led . " uispu;u to tbe 1 uioyus says the Italian steamer Vor- warrU, which left Aiua ordain on Dec ember 15 and touched at Cardiff on Dec ember 20, has been abandoned near Tre voe ncad.on the west Cornwall coast She went ashore in the gale that has been raging in the Irish channel. Kleven of the crew drowned. who put off in boats were ew Tear BeeepMaw AHiuxoTON, Jan. s. the president and Mrs. McKinley received the season greeting today of the great throng ol callers representing every t ranch of pi lie lite, who attended the White House i reception. It waa the first time sinw i the present administration U-v-an that c rvuuiManct-s permuted the oLervuni of ttila C ls I ridrn r asiusutos, Jan. 2. Ti e crip, and . ailment atundant urin It. it, .it are ; now included in its Iran. .1 il: llfcv proet rated an unusual i:tin t-r -f rv I dents of a Kington. An t i rvanl i I'harmacis: erumitrs lint 10 i-er cent o ; the District's population is uffering in ; one way or outer irom new the in-uerie H.. i. Lisbon. Jrn 2. Kins ('hai-h nnnl tlteoru-a genres, or two of the five t chambers, the houe of kits and the chamber of deputies, today. In the course cf bia speech from the throne. King CbarUje sai.1 thai during th war j between the United t-late aad Spain, two friendly nations. Portugal proclaim ed, ana, as was ner duty, maintained, strict and absolute neutrality, Staash IMor Cavera. Ai.baxt, X. Y. Jan. 2,-Th colore Uoosereit M inaugtira!ei governor of New York today. Disbop LVrwane. of lh l'p,t ...nt i - xiiawa weicomeu nu succrsiaos. A SVrath Trap grtlXGrisut, Jan. 2. Mrs. I.urrctia Kent, a widow, tjict ber death in a man ner horribU in the est re tne. Her iat waa revealed when a friend, entering the house, found ber deal body. One hand was pinioned inexirWMr un:Jer a Larv fo'ding bed. The tody was derate po-d showing that the death Lad occurred severtl ivr ao. f(arao 0 frog 4f. Jan 2 Sr.. ..... .i - last two days has experience. f the heav iest snow in its historr. Si e vester dr oning 1 3 im-hee'haa fallen." mak ing pi inches vn IU crouod. lraae ofaetrong wind, the mow haa dn.'ted and etmt-car line have difliculty in keeping thejr opto. S.Ckaaae r r i ZWn o:ZZ,l! l-TbeaoyereVnity of Mates al noon todav. tha form of the transfer was simple, consoling of only an esohange of speech e. in tbe salon of the palace, the haul ing down of tbe Spanish flas and the raising in its Mead of the flag of the I'mted Staues on the Haytaff nn the palace roof. Salute were nrvij from th heavy guns uf the forts apd the warships bef -re and after tbe change of flas. Ta Traatbwekaaae la.anaeaia Masila, Jan. 1. The situation at Ho llo is crave. Fif wo hundred native. fully armed, are at Meij, a subunb of T ! t-. ... .t f-m-mcvn luoutanu more, it redorted, ate awaiting orders lo embark at several pnints on the if land of Segros, IS now' fail from Hoik). Sleew artrslaw Toi.kho, Or., Jan. I. .Siturday, six Si 'eu Indians, James Tronson, Robert Tronson, John UanriertJobn, Garv-ier, jr. Louie Smith and I'eilet Larn, and oue white man, Al Meed, were arrested by IVputy United States Marshall Morse on a charge of having lhjuor In their ptsewion on the Sileu n serration, and giving U toother Indians. They were given a hearing before United States Commissioner Hall, and Heed bound over to appear before the gran5 jo'y- C eel aal Madrio, Jn. 1. Tlie Xew Vear cdi rorials in tha !adrid press are sa l and dignined reoiiiuiers tbat the hoistm of the United Ktates flag in Cuba and the Philippines means the closing of four centuries of Spanish colonial history. With suppressed emotion, rather than bltteroefc. the llfltX'ra orhnrf tha nan. pie to have confidence in tbeir recuper-ati-0 ppjver. ar Bwaw aiarpatj SfATrtB, Wash.. Jan I The was ushered in bv a hitavrmnw f,irl. hss already reached a dep'ht of 12 inch- ea. Thus far the e has been but little delay to railroad trnflle. All T,,irer Bound steamers have Un dnlavec! from six to reven 11011.'.' NEW A DVKKT1SEMENTS 1 - ' . i.i . 1 , , LOUft'D. On the road between Alb- l anr and Vt e a a vnmt rhwb now CJall on or ftjdrpis F, H. Mollmury, at ? CUD VOOD FOR SALE.-Oood Sr. by Q - " riuwara at wi a ml Inquire at Ukmocat t fflce. I Y.' A lady's calf siti tmrso con- -"'uK ueiweeu si and nrohablv i 7: . i "taween fliontgotiiery ndliaker streets. Iieturn to i'.J.Seelcy. M m.t . . . . . ' FOIt KENT. A well locate.! dwelling house. Call on II. F. Mellwain A HNDAi, Mhetino There will ha a meeting pf the Stockholders of The Albany Creamery Association. Jaa;. 12, 1800 at 1 o'clock p m., for the elect- Ion Ol Officers Slid the transaction nf an other business which may come before the meeting, , K, j Sbkly. Secretary, ""TO LOAN. On good security IfiOO or jl tiuw, ror particulars call at De wo csat office. Don't b;iy an "Airtight" stove unt you see tlie ; ' llickorv" and "Trilby Jtept by Stewart & Sox. fS"Trilby" the most popular heating siaivo uu hid uiuraet at Hardware Co's. Stewart igj HOME ANU ABROAD. See Locals on every page. The Northwest Poultry show, In Albany, Linn Co , Or., January 9 to 16,1899, Wheat 49 cents. Cravon and Pastel work a aniiMaltw at Miss Long's. Samples lo Baa Relief Dbotos can be aeen at Miaa Long's. 60 cent photo made bv the thousands every week at Miss Long's. Baa Relief nbatoa now all the ram. call and see samples at Miss Long's A large and fine stock of cigars and to bacco at Conn & Huston's. Hee the dis play. Another shipment of Cuke Dandruff cure received at Combination Barber Shop, Bring the babies and set a doz. a those cutelittle Diamond Dhotos. onlv om cents at miss txng'a. r.i .... . - - uen you want a cboice steak, a nice roast or meat of any kind, call on Henry iroaers. tie keens tbe best. Late to bed and early to rise, orenaru a man for bit home in the skies. But early to bed and a Little Early Riser, tbe pill mat inases ins longer and better and wiser I- A. humming, agent. Go to Venck s shaving: and hair cut ting parlors for first class work. Hot and cold baths. Clean towels to e customer. Tbe best meats of all kinds and good! treatment at tbe Albany Dressed Beef Company's market, just djwn Kecond treet. uood weight and prompt altond ion. Frana Kennedy, of Eugene, waa yes terday found guilty ot selling liquor to a minor. The bridge at Mill ' itv waa yesterday f. rma lv accented bv the corumias:onera of Marion and Linn counties wbo re turned last night from their inspecting trip to that place. Next Friday itlpm the very import ant act ol opening bids lor tbe improve ment ol the C3urt bouse win take puce it is thought the contract will be cer- ta'u ly let on tt is occasion and the much needed improvement made as soon as possible afterward. FOSUAK k tlASOU Wholesale Retail DRUGGISTS 1FD BCOKSEUEL LB A XT OSECOR Pare Drugs and tbe neet and la-fas Suw k ol Stationary and Borlt in the Market A Rare Bargain. For sale, a house and lot in a favorable part of the city. Iloui-e is a two story, eight room bushiinic io good condition. Gwl well and city water. Wiil be sold at a rare Uaryain. It must be sold so do not tiiit-s this chance. Inquire at tbe Dsmo at offife. G03D INSURANCE OB NONE. If rou want nothing for your earns get Relief," but if yoa want "Millie hmif have your property insured by tbe lead og agent ol Albany, in companies that Lave b-en in butnrts for years, aad that bsye mooey to bark tcetr obligations. You cannot get a go! article of any kind for notiticc, ana when yoa want is sorsncs get "Insurance" 'and not " Ke f." M. SENDEES. "Iusmw, Hif,GrlBst4 Won! ilonev to Loan. W bate a block of $40,000 to lowa oa -uod farms in Linn and adjoining eoonS le If you bare good security and perreci ulle, we ran foniab you the coin without it ia , as we make our own examtaatioa ot ecrmty. ail ut ns or writs Albany, Orgct mm 0 oTCCKHCLXLRS Notice is hereby given that tlie annual meeting of tbe stockholders of tbe Sugar Pine Mill Fixture Co. wUl be held a the Company 's cilice in Albany, Oregon, st the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., oo the JOth day of Jsnuary, 1S99. The meefing is for ti.j purpose pf electing a board of fire directors, and the transaction pf any otber business tint msy .prorseriy'come before the meeting, IVted at Albanv, Or., Dev. IT, IK". Ed Zbtss, C. W. Seabs, hecreUry. President. II. E. BEERS, M. P. Pbjsicisn and Surgeoo Phone 66. Poeioaice Block. Albany, Oregon. PH. OLIVE K. BEEIIS. Diseases of Women aod CbHdre, Phone U. Posttifflce Block Albany, Or. X. E. WINXARp M. S. M. D. Graduate of Lenox College 1SS5, Chi cago Homeopathic Medical College 18t Bush Medical Callege 1S92. Tttccdalc Block. 41bnyfOr. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE." NOKICE 18 HEBKBV OIVEM THAT the undersigned. Administrator of the es tate of Deborah Kwing, decessed, will at tbe hour cf 1 o'clock p. tn., of Saturday, January 7,th, 1899, ell at public auction to toe highest bidder, tor cssb, at the north door of (be Court House in Albany, Linn County, Oregon, tba following described real property, list "Tbe north half of the north-east ouarter (J ) of the north-west quarter (JS) o See tioo(:il) thirlyorK, ip Township eleven, South Range (3)tbrt-e. West ot WillameUa I Meridan, containing twenty acres, mora or irss, in i.ioa t,ounty, Uiegon, on a public road ruciniAnp tbe north side of said Abo tie rigbtof ;a for yehiolea rota the nnrbweat cornet of Said premises west (o Uip county rod running from Af bany hi lacgenl . There is a farm dwelling, a good barn, and a icung orchard of six cr seven acres of oearino- fruit trees on the plaoe. Situat. ed about tour mies south of Albany, (jire gon, and is lo be sold under and by virtue if an order of tbe Uounty Court of Lin otiriy, Oregon, made and entered of re ; Dec 6.' Tjua H. Mcflnaa. dmioietrator of tbe estate of Peborah Bring, deceased. CITY TREASURER'S KOI ICE Notice la hereoy riven that funds aia on hand tc pay city warrants pos. I to 98 Inclusive of the issue of 189.' I n teres ton said warrants will cease with the date ot this notice, tlbapy Or., Pec, 28, 1898. . A.Pabxif, Qity Treasure!. STREET RAILWAY NOTICE. The motor on tbe Albany Street Rallwa) will connect prompty with all trains to a2 from tbe depot, day and night. ! 1 L-! II. 1 . 1 . special trips win oe maue at sped R. Moobx,, Coaduclor. Star BakerV CONRAD MEYER PROPRIETY Corner Broadalbln and First Stf -Daale a - Canued Fruits, , Glassware, Dried Fruit". Tobacco, Sugar, Coffee, Etc. Canoed Meat Queenswae Vegetables Cigar, Spices, Tea EU eerytbtng that U kopt la a good variety and gro eery store. High est price paid .' for ALL KINDS OF PKODUPf THE CRACKERJACK L B MOSES, PROPRIETOR Opposite Masonic Temple. Full line ot sundard groceries and country produce No aingle leader, but everytnicg a tar at bottom nrice. Wasoua run in tbe country eelling gro ceries and collecting produce. Money saved by trading at tne craca- riack. Oliver Plows-He? Pries. 20PE.-1-- Agents, ljajiy, Oregoo .iter gay the votHi te chilled plow And it has sateo aoot) k.oney to tne farmer of Aioerica ban any otber implement ev ptoiiuosw umoiM Ulleer ch.lled are tne beat es rth- Tha (Uivvr ia a rvrwn titer of happi ness on the farm, and tne dealer who teih t knows he ia candling Ibe best. Loot hi ix imaiilatiorta aud touch nnlbioir bo r- a-eouio tcod, msde rnly ty Ciive h l l tlow works. Sonth Bend lnd.. F a. EXPERT BICICLE BIPAIRIHS GsieralBlictefc HORSE SHOEING. Second Strert between Ferry and bo MILLER A STEW ABT ACMIXISTSATOrS SALE To ail whooa tt auy ccacera : otioeis hereby gives that from aad after tbe 7lb day of January, 1890 ,of portaaaca of aa order aod Uceaae tte Codnty Ccort of Liaa coaaty egoa. duly made and entered of reuord a aad by said Court on the &tb dsy ol Drcember, lum, in tbe matter of tbe estat of Harrej tihelloo, deceased, L tbe nadere igned. duly appointed, aoiag asi qoal -6e4 adataistrator of tbe eXe of fa -decedent, shall proceed to ee(t at pti taie. at islo. Line toonty, tregoo, al 1 ngbt and title a. d estate wnich the s drcedeat, Uarrey Sbtlton, bad in sad the fo'lowmg dtschbed real estate att -life of his daub, tosrit : Beg-iaaJeg at a point twenty chains east of tbe nme west comer of tbe noitoeaat qaprter of fectioB tbtrty-Sre ia Towasbip fta qjtb raage Owe treat aad running thence sootii 4S caaina. tbeace west bz cbaias aad 50 links, tbeoce north 4-5 cfaaia aad two Uaks, tbeaca east li chains aad S Uoks, tbeocs aorta f0 cbaias and 72 Uaks, tbesoe east 40 cbaias aid &j links a&d tbeece so.tb i0 chains to the p ace of be giaaiag, ia tbe duLnct of Laed subject to tab; at ureyTua City, Oregon, coatwiaiog 319 acres aad 40-100 of aa acre. also tb; following described premises, towit: Sit a ilrd ia tbe county of liaa, state ot Oregon, tbe west half of tbesoo;b wtt ooaiter of S clion No. S6 ia Township Ko, ip tfouth Bu 1 wast ccoUieing acres. Also ti acres booaded as a meaciag at the aorthwewt corner iBgectica U of rowasaip No. 10 south of Basge No 1 west, tbeone ruoaiog south oa tbe aecioa line one b 1'f niir, U.etne 'ast toda , tbesce north one U i'f -viie, ihewce we4 X2 reds to tbe place of begu-n g A lo 90 acres aad 150 square red boucd ed as tallows : OommeactPg at tbe north east coraef 6f Section 34 of Towasbip Na. 10 Sotb of range No.'l West, thence runnipg w-est oj the section line 100 rods, tbenca souto Sd sad a half rods thence east 100 rods, thence north ft) rods and a half rod to the place of beginning. Also the following described premise, lowit : Also ot lots No (A) and (5) echo I land lying north ef Crabtxee trees ia Sc- tioe tS iowDfbtp 10 south Ktage 1 west, IdriltaJaette yeridiaa. coast y pf Una, stab of Oregen, ortog- Q acres more or Also the following described premise to wit: tne aort beast quarter ot tbe so t b e.t Quarter of secuoa twenty-six t?6) Rargv I wast Township 10 sooth, contain ing 30 teres more or less, situated in Una coun y, a'ate of Oregon. " A he the following described premises, towit: Lot cm, Section twenty si:(26) tow- ship 10 South Range 1 west WilUm ette Meridian, containing thirty nine and thirty hnadreoths acres of school land, aad situated ia Ltna count j, Oregon, Alc the fo. lowing described piemises, to-wit: Lit No. 2 in Section 26 Town ship 10 south raoga I wft, Willamette aierunaa, eeatalauxg 99 acres ot school lands situated ia tbe county of Linn tad state of Ores. A so tbA following dear-1 bed prtmiset, to -wit: Afrjof that puree! ot land known sis lot 3 in block 2 of ibe town of .Sodaville, in the county of Lino and state of Oregon. according to tne plats of said town oa file . . -. 1 ' . id toe onioe or tot recoraer v wojij Also the following described premi.e to-wit ; Lot No. 1 ia block iso. 3 in tbe town of of 8davllU), in tbe county of Linn, state of Oregcn, aoojrdiBi to tbe plat and survey of said town oa file in the offise of tbe County Recorder of saia county JKHaS OF BALK, tae purchase piicf of said lands to be paid ia eab on tbs day of sale, and tbe other half to be paid ia cash in four equal payments as follows : One par- i meat an or before one year after the date of such site,' oae ef said ra meats oa or Deior two rears 1'ora tie date ot uica sale, one payment on or before three years from the date of such sale and the fourth payment pa or before four years from the date of such salej al of sid deferred pay ments tb draw iaterest at the rate &f seven per cent per annum fro a the date of eoch ialp. suc interest to be payable annually. Aad ail of sajd' 4frred PTQifnf and ia- terest thereon to be secured by a first wort gage upon all ol said lands. Tbe interest and estate which said de cedent bad in aad lo said premises, at tbe time of his death being a fee simple estate therein. Paled this 9th day of December, 1S93. R. Sh ELTON, ' Administrator, UtEJCUTCR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby siven to all nera ns in t Vested" in tbeastAt'of Anthony Bender, ueceasoa. inas f nave niea my gnat ac count therein, ip the County Court of Linn County, Oregop, and tbat Monday, tbe 2nd uay ot Januarv.isay.atths bourot o'clock p. m. pf said day bas been set by said court aa the time tor bearinff Bndaettiinaa II nh. lections thereto. All persons interested, having any objections to said account an hereby leauired to file the same with eiera of said court, oa or before tbe saiddai above mentioned. borob Bbwdbw, i Executor of said Estate. Ask to See. Does Quality Count With Yon? "Silver plait thai wear: SH84755 on spoons, forks, etc is a guar antee of quality the world over. ; The prefix 184 7 insores the gtar. nine Rogers quality. fFor bargains in Ladies and Gent's Gold Watches see French the Jeweler. . .. JJ a - - ...i;,. g i ffeS , r n s. v If .- Zi ,1, n C? i f i Combinatica Barber Sbcp. Tbe only F . E. ALLEN & CO. TheFair Chin 3. Lamps, Toys, Books, ffandker chic j s and Fancy Pry Good?, Shoes Give him a call. Respectfully, A We?Ye!"! I Julius I Gradwohl g -: Dealer in - Iiaryware, Crockery, Glass- s, fe ware, urocenes and an goods. Bom I. AAm.l ..AMa ... WUUU J IIVICI. SELL GOODS -I FOR CASHg A, Low as Anybody. Coontrv produce and eggs taken in exchange for gooods. LINN GO- ABSTfiAfiT COMPANY Albany vOiwn OfScta, Bank of Oregon Building. Only eet of abstricts I4pa County . Complete' set oi maps'aod plats'. H. F. flerrill Insurance aud Colleotioa Af ntMonej '"a", warrams OOUgnt-VmOS ID, tO LKSUtKAT OUllOll g, NOTICE OF APPOIMTKENT otlca is acrebv civea that h tbe court of Una county.Ur., da'y mad on cuiwcvu oi rcnoro, ne unaersigned bas been duly appointee" administrator nf tha votaiv vi cuaauCT a Anubrson, ueressed A II persons having claims .gainst said es tate are hereby ayiSed and reo aired to nre. cut iue same wnn ine proper vouchers, to ma undersigned, witr-ia li months from the date hereof, at Albany, Ttf. ' J. W, Andbrj.n, Admr W KA.TB brford a Wtatt, Attorneys for Administrator. MthUNKar. Ladies who are'late pur chasng their miMinery call and see my new goods. Something new at the Mil tnery C-ar. Si 3 Our line of Beam leas, rapid blow fountain and bulb ayringea, with hard rubber fittingg. Tbe mor succassfnl line ever offered to tb American people. Satisfaction guaranteed. BURKHART & LKE. AT .,: Will i STARK'S. AV - . Also a fine iin of Watches, -GlockSs V.': ? r i Rings and many Novelticg four ebairsLo? ia tne pity, A Cosy Spot. Cold weather and winter winds are oa aotieed whea warped with oce bf our aif tight beating stoye. It is a sy n ayva for good cbeer aa 1 its acoaorairal use of fort wakes a happy boose hild. ffs bava also just ret aired a large shipment of Tinware direct from aa ess u era factory a hich vm are able to sell tt very low prices. Call aad- p ice these goods and be coaviaeed fbat we are of fering BAKGAIXS ia these goods. The Photographer Does not blow much. He simply acki yoa to come and see bis work, and jovt ill uke care of tbe mt, Photographs from locket cite to life eise Copying and enlarging rhotograth bottoas sad easels gtereotcopie aad 5x2 views y Oregon, in great uactit-es at tctTj refto&iblf ratpa, The Big First St. Gallery. PEARLY TEETII, so highly aad justly prised, are assured by tha use ol our ALLENS TtxrTH POWDER. Which DrYMte-aTlaiwMtiXna under tbe Cental surfaces and keeps tbeva clear, clear;, and natural ia color. With regular applications ot this powder tbe teeth will not decay and tha annoyance of an early resort to the resource of den tistry is s voi -led. Jieep yon. r-teeth 'aa lone as nature will permit. Using onr AI4.EKS TOOTH POWDEB will enable yoa to do this. Price only IS ceate par .A.CcMMHfQ, A Fine stock of Shelf Hardware at GEO, B, Fish's, u the lowest itftoc. Will kasa a fr atock of the oeat gooda. K. O. Tr m ever Saturdav erening at X. 0. hall Viaitin Inichta iaViied. " W, A. Cox, Uomuianoer, Yrur Wheat. t .. Pall at the iffice of Curran ft alooteith f mi wiah u sell your wheat and eet the bigheatcbprica. IKbTRCGTIOSS ob Fiaao or Organ wiven exchange tor smalt family washing, inquire at this office. a zr