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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1899)
i c-ir ft iff T C it ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY. JANUARY 6.1899 VDL XXXIV Emter tC tkc Foot at llbaay. )r. as lteultltu Hall Halleri CTTIHG ahllaher mui TttptUfr NO 2 I r I The Kind You Have Always Bought, and vbich has been In use for over 30 years, lias borne the sismatifre of and has been made under his oer- -f.l.r- sonal supervision since its infancy.' 'C Allow no nit A tn 1wlra mil In Ma- All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Kx- periments that .trifle with and endanger' the health of Infants and ChildrenExperience against Experiment. 1 What is CASTOR! A Castoria Is a substitute for Castor' Oil, Paregoric, Drops'" and Soothing Syrups. It; is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic ; f substance. Its agre is its gTiaranteo. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. - It assimilates the Food, regulates the ! Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. . , ccriumc- CASTOR I Always ' Sears the Sfe-natnrA nf 7 The MM Me Always Bought :;:In Use For Over 30 Years. vw enmoa Mmn, TT mmmmr iwit, Kk I L i M -1 rV J U.I HI :'A 7. !M TRY MCBMON BISHOP'S PILLS for all disease arising from dissipation, telf-abuee, excesses or cigarette smoking. In use over 50 years. Brings hack yoar Manhood, carea depleted worn-1 oat men. makea rich blood and t inure. Carea wasting! and alt loesee. make you laetinply strong, cores itn potency, lost rower, emission, lo of memory, bad dreams, shrunken urgans, despondency, sleeplessness, varioce and constipation, adds Ins re to ttie eyes, atop nervou twitching ot the evelio. Makea life, worth living. boon to yonng or old. SI OR M OS BISHOP'S PILL strengthens and restores small weak organ a. Stop all losses by day or night. Don't de!av. Price, within the read, of, 11. Gnaran. teed to core. Price u a a hi.x 6 for 2.50 hv " mail. Fend for Iree circular. aaares wshuc fH REMEDY CO., Son Francisco. Cal. For sale by Foa Rf.3 Lay A Mason, Albany. JUST FROM DAWSON. John Isom Jr. Home from Frigid Land otGold. the CHICAGO CHAT. An Albany Young Lady 1 ells of the WiLdy City , i Upon the (wo occasions I have gone l6 the Public Library each time thinking After an absence of a year John Isom Jr. returned home this noon direct from that now after this time I may be able to u.niwii wj, wucrv no wem mst spring i uuounue it. uuireiiuy it won hi take a or summer after a stay of several months j more experienced writer with a larger in Skagway. He left Dawson on Octo ber 31, and therefore was nearly two months on the way out. His trip out offered enough experience in the wav ot hardships and otherwise for a life time He was one of a party of five. On start ing he traveled with two dogs r.nd a sled, coining on the ice, makiqg the trip in this way to Thirty Mile station, when be lost his entire outfit, and cams tli re. main ing. distafioo- n foot:- For-eight nights he slept.out without .a. blanket with the thermometer langerously low, keeping warm as possible hv tirvsi. Tin. cold though is not felt as it would be in this country. The lowest temperature be experience ! was 50 below, though it may have been lower for that was as far as the ther-nometer registered. He was in an avalanche and succeeded in ratting one of his companions out. Going over the summit is a small part of the trip. The great hardships are on the otlnr siue. uo reaching home all the basreaoe Mr. Isom had was a small sack of differ ent things. He is bronzed and looks henlthy, being considerable heavier than wnen lie lett Albany. The Allanv neonle at Da won are doing well. C. V. Watts is running a hotel, besides owning a couoleof claims. one a bench claim, and when he comes home will be well fixed financially. John KoUe has S good claim and will nave a clean up in the thousands Joe McDonald has been matin a eood deal of money in the dray business, and was just getting ready to start for home. He may oe expected in Albany most any time. John Culver was rnnning a hotel near Dawson. He didn't know about Louis Parker. Mr. Isom himself has been doing well and has a couple of rood claim?. Me intends to go back next spring or summer, as he beleivetC thera are big possibilities there for a man to make uoner. CRUSHED BY HER CROWN I Preparing For the Battle of Life here said it b3 ut? Genial? w'.ir to- ! prepiration eta b hd.Jvi a i College has claims 10 tais d'rt-ctioa lh:it cJ fje coser investigation. A Full College Training. f !.! ! -jtth'a. dit llbanr also effera a superior Normal Course, and a um .' Ooire tht is inferior to none in the state. Correspondence intited. ttrjkipn Sjpt 20. 139S. .Wallace Howe Lee, A. M., President The great " Book of Martyr " has never ben written. Fox" ftmoot work deals only with the martyrdom of the body. When the real book of martyrs is written it will deal with the mental martyrdom of the woman who suffered in silence because modest? would not let her put into speech the questions that burned in her aesrt- CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC ALBANY COLLEGE, George A. , Wirtz, Director. Asiisted ty Mrs Cora A. Wirlz, and other . Branches Taitght ?ianaj 0r tn. Violin, Guitar, d-jlin, V-ic Culture, Sight Sinking, Chorus and Q uirtet .Sinzing, Harmon r. History, Counterpoint, Compoaition and Bind Instruments. ' Oregoa Gaslight Heating and Power Company. Cheap Liglit for Dheap Heat For Jheap Pcwe For Stir. 9 - V J Clnircli Hons8 and EotBl Ubarcli, House and oDei Anytning aid KYBijtliing Correspondence Solicited. - US F t 4D1MS, Pres. 1, H. FEESRKSSN, SKC. HAVE YOU BEEN IN Thomas Brink's Furnituie store Lately. He ha one of the finest tstocka ofjFurni lure .n the valley. He haa added Babv Buggies to h s stock. Just call in and you will find that his prices are the LOWEST Modesty is the Crown of Maidenhood and Motherhood, and yet there have been liter ally millions of women crushed to death by that crown. that shining- srmbol of woman's sovereignty in the home. Here is A TOO'O OIBX Standins; with reluctant (ret Where womanhood ssd girlhood meet." In the first critical oeriod of her Hie she begins to experience suffering which she necessarily connects with the organ of sex. What it is she does not know. Why it is she does not understand. She needs medi cal advice. Bat she shrinks from it. Her modesty is np in arms at the thought of questions to be asked, of examinations to be submitted to, both alike repugnant to delicacy. So she suiters in silence. The strain on the delicate machinery of her organism becomes more severe, ramnu irregularities become yet more paranii. And so. atlently. she treads the painful path to confirmed invalidism. Her crown of modesty becomes a crown of thorns. She sees the glowing lamp ngnt ot cneer ful homes. She hears the cooing of the happy babe, the prattle of joyous children, andjshe fears that all that life of home and love is not for her. Or take the other typical case of the woman who has entered on the cares and DCTIES OP WIFEHOOD. She has always been healthy and happy. But now a change comes. Her eye loses hs brightness. Her step loses its spring. The color fades from her cheek. Fre quently she is compelled to lie down and rest. She is in constant pain. She looks dreadingly down the calendar toward the hour when the burden of motherhood will be laid upon her. She, too, needs help. But .she too suffers silently, because she cannot speak and open the door to such questions or such examinations as her modesty revolts at. Ana yei ail in is sui fering is, as has been said, unnecessary, because to match modesty of speech there is modesty of bearing. There is one physician who has fully met the needs of modest women by offering absolute confidence in bearing abwlule confidence in consultation combined with absolute competence in treatment. His remarkable discoveries and the way in which he has met woman's peculiar needs has made Ir. R. V. Pierce (chief consult ing physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y.), the friend and confidant of tens of thousands of modest women. In over thirty years experience with female disorders of every possioie rype, I renting mem 10 me uumoer of hundreds of thousands, Dr. Pierce has been brought into relation with every form of feminine weakness, feminine pecul iarity, and feminine disease. Where a local practitioner has experimented and ies and advice have gone staight to the root and cured ten thousand. Every varia tion of symptomatology is known to this life-long specialist. The presence of com plications that confuse and baffle the ordin ary practitioner are every day experiences and every day successes to him. His medical discoveries and his confi dential, fatherly advice, are to-day tbe only harbors to which weak, nopelens, unior tunate woman can turn for help and get it ninety-seven times out of every hundred. Those who turn to him experience at once, instead of a skirmishing with symptoms, a banishing of suffering. Hia "Favorite Prescription" not only removes all pain ful female irregularities but acts directly on the delicate organs that suffer in the strain and stress connected with mother hood. It supplies vital force and energy. Dr. Pierce is at all times ready to give advice, free of Charge, to those who employ hia remedies. Address him as above. ' m S. a 3 I 4) J " " "" ps,'i,B,l,,ip,w,1 :' th" t ' v' fi im ' - t, A '. D 5 er a c e n Latost CiiCKcn. Thnraday.thig even ing, prayer: meeting, Kev. McKillop' la t iervice with the church aa pastor All are cordially invited to attend. Combination Barber Shop. The only foor chair shop in tbe city. ALJANY CIGAR IFAOTORY J.Joseph. Proprietor. 7"1 L. M. Uu8ton. of JiininiT. Uniatill county, raised over 36,000 bushels of wnoiit in ami lie remarked that he hadn't sold a bushel of it. lie is inde pendent, -and does not have to sell until he gets ready. He has a steady offer of ' 0 cent per bushel for the entire iners. In 18 4 i.c sold nenrly all his wheat at cents per bushel, or, to be more exact, his creditors sold it for him a, that fig ure. At a meeting of teachers and superin tendents in the interest cf better school laws held in Portland yesterday Prof. Martindale and Superintendent McDon ald attended from Albany, Prof. Tyree of La Grande was present and K. A. Milner, a former Albany man was con spicuous and pointed in his remarks on the text book proposition. The council of Prinevile has appointed G. W. Barnes and M. E. Brink "to . draft a new charter for the towln of Prineville. stock of adjectives than I have, "Per fectly beautiful" is vorv appropriate but "really grand" is better, The.halls and main parts of the building are white marble. To relieve this cold irliileneas artistic borders and designs' of mother pearl and gold leaf .are inlaid into the marble. The most beautiful place is tbe 'otundu where the general public line up to get books. The dome is transparent mellow shades of glass supported by-canopied arches of mother of pearl and gold in most elaborate designs. These arches sparkle like thousands ot diamonds in the soft liltt shed from unique chande liers. That the city whlcl'haa been called, well, rather "pokey" affords sirch a building, which, with the good it fluea in supplying reading matter to the pubiic, also cultivates the artistic enoe la ct-r- Uu uly a real prophesy of what this center of culture in the west is going to be to the western halt of our land. Another place of interest to visitors is the Board of Trade building. Upon the morning of the last day ot the month, for this is the big day, a party of ut went to this mart to watch them buying and selling in the pit. Locking from the visitors gallery to your right uiiou the mam Boor is the largest telegraph oilice in the or!J. The Urge number of ma chines emp'oyed keeps the ar busy witii quick vibra.ius lu I root of you at the oilier end -t ihe building is the crn pit, to the lei t in lronl are the wheat and oat pits. The shortage on this day ( 1 believe in is is proper) was in wheat so our inter est was centered in this pit. Jt was completely tilled with men baying and seuiug. Hie apace between this and the telegraph orhce was kept lively with fly ing messenger boys, and when the ex citement reached its I eight at about twelve thirty, for they ckwe at one, the sight was an animated one. Tbe men were gesticulating wildly witu two or three lingers raised, or sawing the air with three fingers out horizontally, and when eome fellow who was buying a good deal got away down in the pit the other iello8 took him by the collar and forci bly ejected him. thus making ibins rather exciting. 1 should be delighted to explain all these finger aiiins U you but am told only a n amoer of the Board is qualined to imparl such knowledge. 1 wonder bow many ol the Iemocrat readers know of lowey and his tine church? On Sunday afternoon a num- tr of us went to hear him. The church is an interesting place. leaidjs the main floor the church has two galleries running clear aronnd to the front where they merge into one tier of seats for the choir. The wall above the choir seats is the first thing you notice. Instead oi the usual ornamentation used in church dec oration Zion has something entirely new. In the center of this space uarrun om posed o! crutches, supposed to be cut off by those healed by Dowey. On botli sides of the crown are stars and crosses of the same articles. Below luccrown ts a heart of cast off brace and stilt more crutches and canes arranged in fan shapes. Sprinkled all around these fig ures are brace of alt sixes. Altogether the effect is unique and doublles the ono of its kind in the land. IVwn in front of the choir stands the' only original Ir. Dower. I say only original fir 1 never heard a man talk who aj soopenly con ceited as this man There are a few of too who will be interested in bis dis course so I will report some of it to you. All would be impossible for although locked in with, the rest of the audience it was impossible to endure to the end. I. Dowey's purpose in bringing hia flock together was to "smash" the Christian Alliance The reason it bad to be utter ly demolished was because the President ur. s.mpson tiaa written a letter vo a muaionary in China saying that he, Dowey. bad sought the support f t e Christian Alliance and now, as this sup port was denied, that be was trying to prosecute the Christian Alliance, lor this implication of lowey'e superior pos ition tbe Christian Alliance must there fore be a very vile institution and it was imperative for him to "smash u so n proceeded in very Christian like spirit to "idimIi" by tearing Dr. oimpson's private cliaracter to atoms. The scandal be told to his eager flock was fit for a Police Gazette and the tbject in view was aa worth v as hia tales. Personally Dr. Dowey is a rather a fine looking mid dle aed 'man. Wears patent leather shoes, full dress clothe and poses equal in the boot in hia sensational line. .Some of tiie business men take novel ways of advertising their goods. In front of the Glasgow Woolen tiooda Co. you might have seem a full Highlander costumed. The bare knees looked rather chilly in the cold breezes here and it said that when compelled to don a com mon overcoat over his plaid the effect was rather odd. Tbe latest adverti, ment oi tins nrm is a young man in bright bicycle costume riding an Elite wheel some 15 feet high, its rather a sight to see him mount it in the midst of cars, cabs, wagons, etc Another novel ty in this line is a man on stilts dressed like a giant, or a real giant fantastically costumed with a dwarf as a companion, orsnAlvin Joelin with tbe enevitable carpet bag and a pretty country lass up on his arm to wnom n :ioi the eiehta of the city. Wherever you see these two gazing in vacant wonder at tbe top oi the buildings you are su.c to see crowd. Among some of the good things that tbe city has afforded in the theatrical line this season have been two military plays one oi me t ivn vt ar time and one of the Revolutionary time. These are Secret Service" by illiam Gillette and Nathan Hale" by Nat Goodwin. "Sec ret Service" is a very thrilling play full of momentum and intensely interesting, from its variety of characters, from the first. Alaxine f.lliott as Nathan's sweet heart is doubtless the center of attract ion in "Nathan Hale." Not onlv is she as beautiinl as we have been led'to think she is but also does some very clever work. That scene at the last, where she is bidding Nathan goodbye just be' fore he is to do snot is a very Una niece ol emotional work. No better standard of such work can be attained than its effect and certainty the audience audi bly sobbed with her. During Grand Upera season it was my pleasure to hear jMiwoura ise iteszge, the famous bass The opera was "Martha." His voice, presence and action was superb. There is a satisfaction to ones artistic sense ol finish in a goud performance of an opera tbat words without the music do not wholly give. Upon last Friday nittht I heard Mansfield in the famous Cyrano I Do Bergerac. The play is drawing big houses ana is decidedly interesting. (Jyrano Is a historical cliaracter will prominent cartilsgo upon his face. The iiict that the wholo plot rests nnon this (leioriniiy is at once ridiculous and pa thetic Cyrano is one who ever plays a thadow part. He wooes and Christian takes the kineca. He writes and Moliure gels the credit. Mansfield's fine figure and enrringe; enables him to assume this repulsive bi nose without being entire ly ugly. The lines of the play are very clever and I would advise anyone who could to read it. Uoxane, the heroine, is a very sweet character but the play revolves aiound Cyrano with such per sistence that every ether character is forgotten. Of course thero are all kinds of new fads named 4Cyrano," The Cyrano chains of beads, pearl, coral and tur quoise, about two yards long and worn twice or three times around the neck are quite the thing. The window of the shops are decorat- j ed fin fullest holiday trim now' There Is nuiucu .uiiu tfuuet scene, toe .peace triumphant entry of the New. Year, a beautiful doll in white chariotdrawn by suspended doves, a revolving ball room of doits, miniature .peace, jubilee " and things too, numerous to mention: In tho florists, hangs the holly wreathes of red and green reminding me of thai beauti ful green La "Sweet Oregon" iand also reminds N that if this is to reach you before the holiday time I must -wish you ai "Merry Christina sr.d a Glad New Year.' ; t ' fiohator Clem and Representative Pal trier came tip from Salem this noon. , 'Postal inspector Clements was in the city yesterday and approved the plans -for-the new post olliee. Mies Lilly Crawford has been in Har risburg at the weddin of- 1 Charles Belmont and Mia Alice Love. Mies L.Maude Watts. a Alhan t. the guest of Miss Clora Poo er. at her homajjear the asylum. Sulein Journal. City Treasurer Parker night from Spokane where he has been viisiting with his daughter' for several months. Prof. J. M. Martindale lraa l.n Portland attending the convention nf superintendents in the iutereft of a re vii2 f the school laws of Oregon. 11. MUMnMHMn Inn ll.. ininS -Uet evening .conrfng over only four ocv ut snow a,i incaiiiuuiit. lie left air. Lawh-r and his wife and two or three men there ruuning the Lawler mill. Eugene Guard: M.S. Barker called at the county jail today and indantitied Mciiiirgiie a the person who pa-ed the worthless check on him, signej " Win ance." H.J. Hopkins in a letter home tells of a visit to the big Crescent bicvele fA tory, here he placed an order "for a car load of Crescents. Already there were 2lW men at work and 800 more were to be added the first of the yer. "Grandma" Duncan, an aged, 84 y ant oi i, is very ill. The member of her family are here doing all they can to wards the lady's recovery. Her child ren are Mrs. W. Vance and J. X. Dun can, of Alnany; Mrs. M. Murgan, of Tangent; Mel Duncan, of Surbuck. Wa?iiint.uin. an 1 C.rl Duncan, of this plm-e. -Tiirner Cor. Statesman. Eloquent Albany Masocs. The Corvallif Union refer to the part taken by the member ot the Albany Masonic lodges in the dedication of tbe new Masonic temple at that city in tbe following complimentary terms: ' A vocal lo by Mi.-Langdon. of Al bny, 9 charmed the audience than an encore was loudly requested. J. K.. Weather lord responded most happily to th toast, "Our Fraternity." He d Bit, upon the dutua of member to themselves and society, hi remark elir iting applause. S.r KnuthiClay Marshall, ot Albany. narrated the origin nd history of "Knight Templar ;" the important osrt this link plays in tbe chain of Masonry, no us relation to the order. - 1 , D. P, Mason, of Albany, took ad van t age of the splendid opportunities offered by the toast, "rhe Masonic Temple." Hi dosing description of the temple of ooiomon was umime. "I be Ladies" This was not on the program, bat Mr. F. E. Allen ws asked to respond to tni toast, wblch b did ntoet handsomely. No warning Was giveu Mr. Allen, but b- acceepled ths situation r Adam did when "The La- die- ' was propose to him in th garden of Eden on a memorable occasion some year ayo cheorluily and with dispos ition u mass in uet oi toe situation. Indian War Veterans. en- The crowing event will begin in Al bany on Jan. 9 and last through Satur day Jan. 14. Secretary Fenwick in an article in tbe Oregon Poultry Joornal aay it promise to be the most successful exhibition of pure.bred poultry eier held on tbe coast and that tbe interest manifested throughout the state has been very conragicg. Th annual meeting of tb association will be held Saturday evening aher the bow. ionterle for tbe show close on Dee 31. Alden Hulburt. of Corral I is. boasts tbat "we will make yoa boy jump side ways for doughnut before the how is over." The Oregon Poultry Journal will be represented in Albany bv tbe editor. Mr. Goodhue, wbo intend to get tbe sub- scriution of ever Linn coantr farmer nor hi paper. we clip tbe followiogjrom the Joornal: Mr. D. O. Wood worth, of Albany, one oi tne director ol the State Association. end as a diagram of the building se- eurei lor tne - holding of tbe coming snow , it is one ol tbe finest room to the city of Albany f w tbe holding of lb how. and is ail tbat could oosriblv b desired. Its dimensions are 110 feet long by 66 feet wide, double door and double window at each end, the wir dowt in main entrance being Urge plate. glass. There are two large sky-hghu The camp of Indian war veterans met a tbe court house yesterday afternoon, with about twenty present. Tbe en rollment of tbe camp i 121, most too far away to come. Letter men read from oar congress tr.en (bowing a purpose to d all possible to snure . guiatioo for tbe veteran. A resolution wa introduced nod pstred, in which coogree is asked to grant to tbe lodiau war veteran tb same peoaion privilege enjoyed by tb veteran ol Mexican war. Remarks were then made by Captain Wl.reier. Jonas tavis. John BleTtna. A. over tbe center of room, and also twoar&K Mr and Mr Rorkey Willi retorned electric light banging midway over the I t noon fiom their biid.l trip to Port- H. Morris, E. O McLaio, Warm Spring .ol.nny, A. L. Bndgefarmer.C. H.Walk er. M Vsnderpool aod others. ;. H Walker wa tele: ted to prepare a statement of the tervice of the Indian war veterans for publication in tbe Ore goaiao and other paper. Tb meeting was an eottuisiic one, aod will have a good tffect. Loyd Pruett came down from Albany Wednesday an i remained until Friday morning with his father, when he took his ie;irt are for Med lord Or., where he expects to go to school during the com ing year. Ixjyd is a bright httte hov and calie-i and subscribed for The Tug just ! like a grown peruon. Our best wUhes ! follow him. Yaqnina Tu'. i .iii-v i iv i. luujion nas i"o c.jr.g d from the Ashiand-iiusph (a- ger run to that between Port Ian. I and lioeluiv. and hi blare on t hia -n.l of lh S. P. Co railroad wiil be filled by h,T ' cU on'. v-uu imw- j. .ii. iianstiroui:!! The charsje i- a temporary one and is made U permit Conductor Honton to be in I orliand, where he has taken his eon to one of ihe liosmula f?r medical treat ment. Tidings. Mr. an I Mrs. J. K. Brown, of Albany, pent Christmas at the home of Mr. brown s treuts, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brow n. t IK u their return home on Monday li.ey were aocomunied bv their litt e oo. Llovd. ho has two a'-aeinir wiia uis grand arents lor the past five A Denial Tua local mention In tbe Dmocat of 2Slb corrent, that we had sold oar In saisoce basin is not authentic. We and emphatically dmy telling an ? one tbat we bad. It i oarinleniioo to go to Portland in th near 'mure, at which time we will give publicity to the trantfer of tbe bonne. J. W. easrr. Installation. or six years. Lloyd was a general favor-, lllthZ hZZZTkST U greatly mUsed by alL Stayton Cor, s tales a. an. Mr 1'aul Coste! and Mii Pulh lnsr r UHh of this city, we e marTie-i in Jack son vide, )". rUy, and relume! here in the evening. Sir. Cuttei is a ton of Aug ust Ctel of ti e Ashland Irm Works and 51i- ljcg n 'he dvuhter of A. W. i-ong, IJ.e hardware merchant. Both are very well and favorably knovnintbi cily. where ther hare ti e best ia'.e oi their man friends for a happy and pros perous luture. Ashland tiding, faul wis a former resident ol Albany. Lebanon. From the Criterion : Joe Mo:t, who baa been attending tb I, of O., at Eugene, returned home last wck for the holiday vacation. He will re:'ro to Eugene next week. Miss Pel !mtth came over from Al bany Saturday, and is spending the week at home. Miss tula Elkins came out from Al bany Friday night to spend the holiday with hrr ioiks Kev. A. LeUoy.of LaGrande, delivered a viry interesting lecture on Odd Fellow ship at the I. O. O. t. hail, last night, to the members of the order, their families aud a few invited guest. MV Hda El kins and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Vvung fur nished urns c for the occasion. Lelaon Lodee. No. 44. A. F. Jt has electel the following officers for ensuing Mamnic ver: E. K. Ham mack, w. M.; F. U. Hickok.b. w .; J. W . Burkhart, J. w . : T. assom, treas. ; W. M. Brown, sec : G. T. Cotton. Tyler. t the former store ofTomlin- Dubruillie juste: s of the Iemocrt office the Albany t rehestra will give one oi heir popular dances tonwiiu Joint installatioa of officers elect of Bailey Chapter No. 8, K. A. M.aad Bra xillai Chabtr No. 16, O. E. 8. will take plao this ; Friday) evening. Dee. 30, at m.. aiter wnice reiresnmeovs win n is re quested tbat al member be present. By order of comuittee. TUE COMING SHOW. TTJ tt&jBkrST- Ait Needle Wont. Mr W. P. Lafferty will be at tb re of Mr. J. A. Weaver oa Tuesday Jsu. 3id to meet her claae in art needle eoik. All 'adie viahing icstroctioos or material are requested to ca!L Maa.W.P.LomRT. X1 Disr. 47. A road meeting wa held la tiiis disu let with a good attendance. Frank Trtu as elected chairman and Fred Lyoe secretary Road matter ere generally discorved, a preference tiug shown for well-gravelied road, but thedifficolty is 'hat tb eravel can not b seenred near borne. Fraak Trite was declared th choice of tbe meet tug lor supervisor. Woodl i. Tbd a - Died. Iufant daegbter of W L died in eastern Orewon Dec 28. remain arrived on tb overland latJ evening and tne tnnerai service were coodocted by Rev. Hsrtmann at tbe Comberlaad Presbyterian cbuic afternoon at 2 p m. room. This bnuding t right in tbe heart of tbe city. The management are to be congratulated on tbe excel len lection and tbe location, ror bow room is half the sncces attain a poultry exhibition. Special aitractioi are also being arranged. Now, broih fancier, what one of yoa would tbink of not being preeent wito yoa birds, with aacb inviting accommoda tions as tbese. Everybody will go to tbe aioany show sure. Jin l.l, Wbiteaker, ol independ ence, wiil make a large exhibit of caoary oirdsattue Albany state show, w by oot bay more songster at oar poultry bow. We wish to impress opon the mind ot all amateurs in poultry railing tbe great advantage to be obtained in being edu cated np to tbe standard of perfection in tnoronga bred poultry rauing. it ore can oe learned at toe aute enow in one day than in a whole year oot on the f in the poo dry ytrd. Tbe d breed are right before yoar eye peci mens oi each breed can It co edsiJe by aide Yoa may ee specimen a they ar being scored and the lucky winner ia announced yoa m aod folly ouderttend tbat one ha won. or this lost. Yoa meet ana miag!e wbole poultry fraternity. Admission to the poultry she only 10 and 15 cent. CITY COUNCIL. Thursday evening. Dec. 39 . Preeent tbe mayor, recorder, net superintendent and ccnncUmen Gal- braiib, Dannala, Sender, Martin and Graham. The following bill were ordered paid : Baking Powder , Made from pure cream of tartar Safeguards the food against akane . Alum baking nowilua m a. .t. menarm t l of the prcscat day. otp www en.. 'UCIAL AND FERSM3NAL, E. A. Thompson, the Mill Citv shinele ran, nas neen in tne city. J. C. Johnson, a former Scio man. is a candidate for policeman "on the Salem lorce. bief Justice Wolvrrton came no from alem tbt ooot on a visit with Albany inenaa. Tomiioeoa A Dabrwitl. Haghes A Troatmea.. O P Dannala Goltra A Rambaugh.. A II Martin P Coben Mr M 6 Sutler emoel Conn X J Heaton The committee . 6 SO t 87 14 00 60 4 50 1 10 S 25 8 00 62 55 amending the charter reported in favor of amending the charter, by a general r vision oi it. Tne matter wae dteroesed by tbe ci:y attorney, Mr. Wataon, and member of tb council, the report wa adopted and Hon. P. K. Kelley and J. J. Whitney reqoetled to preeent it to tbe legislator Tbe principal change will be provisions for the col lectio a ot taxe and aaeescment by tbe county, an J the lengthening of the term of office of the marshal and treasurer to two year. License to sell liquor were granted liquor Jobn Gibhn. Hermann Buetow. Wiil Urn Brother, Peter Scbloceer and Dan-1 as excellent poaion, Tilda and land. There will be a watch meeting tonight at the Salvation barracks to which all are invited. Mies Alice Temple, now of Salem, and Mi Ella Stellmacher, of Albany, are vintiog Mr J C Mayer. Lebanon E A. r E B Piper and toi of Seattle, ar- ved in Albany this noon and are tbe gnejt of Mr Langdon aui Mr Cusick. License baa been isened for tbe marri ge of Harry Craw and Mia Anna Will is. Tbe wedding is to be a New Tear event. Frank Kitchen Sr.. of Fort Steven, retorned to tbe eeaaide today aiter a sev eral day holiday visit with Albany friend. Mr Jobn Lear in response to an argent request from E W Achison left this week for the Atlin mine about which there baa been no much written lately. A young peoDle'a club last evening, at tbe UAH ball gave a sweater party, all appearing in s westers. A fine time wa bad, ia game, partaking of a fine lunch, etc. Mr and Mr E L Power entertained a amber of friend last evening at their borne. A very enjoyable time wa bad by all preeent. Kefreabraecla were served. Lebanon E A. William B Ball, an o'.d resident of Linn coaoty died ia Portland on Thursday and hi remain were taken to Fox Val ley for burial. At one time be wa a .dent of Albany. r Fred Fortmiller and daughter were in tbe city this soon oa their way to Junction City to visit the former parent. Fifteen or twenty Albany rela tive were at the depot to get their tret eight of the new comer. A sailor always attract attention. Mr Datdey, whose parents reside at Elk city wa ia U.e city today on hi aay home from UaaHa, where be went as a mem ber of tbe Charkatoa crew. Oa account of disability he wa discharged, and wa very glad to get home again. Mr. Bush, the grocery drummer, was ia tbe city yesterday. A large barn on bi neck attracted the attention of bis friend, and be told bow it happened. Down at Bed Bluff Calif be wae act ing tbe part of Santa Ciaaa ia the usual costume, wben ia blowing a candle oat bi flimsy whiskers caught fire and there was a conflagration aronnd tis head, re sulting in considerable of a barn. Mr. Ellen Dorris and three youngest children, two girl and one boy, arrived in Albany this morning from Lo An gel, Calif., where they have been several years, and will make this their borne, reioicing exceedingly at oeing ia God's country again. Bessie, wbo has miiis iel Marx. Tbe bond of the marshal and treaanr er were placed at 13.000 and f 7,000. peep j Mies Helea Crawford, ot tb O A C is spending tbe holiday ia Albany Mrs. Crewse and three children, of aahington. are L) tbe city the geeet of Mr A E Bloom. Mr liar y Day came up -rom Portland this noon to join hi family here on a visit with Albany relatives and friends. Rev C M Lane drhvereo a temperance address in Stayton last evening to a good tixed audience. An Aa'i Sa'ooo League wa organised wttb a good ht tl mem ber. Mr. Kelle Lsmbeoo, f th Portland public schools, formerly of tbe Albany schools, is ia th city the goeet ot Mr. A. O. Beam. Mr . Letr.heoo ia state lo ir uc tor ol the UO. T. M. .Ye know cf nothing better to tear the lining of your throt nd lungs. It is better thsn wet feet to cause bronchitis and pneumonia. Only keep it up long enough and you will succeed in reducing your weight, losing your appetite, bringing on a slow fever and making everything exactly right for the germ of con sumption. Stop coughing and you will get well. II sumption. a t l smn rni!Phlni and vou H f?J will get well. i Aprs I I cures coughs of every kind. An ordinary cough disap pear in a single night. The racking coughs ot bronchitis are soon completely mas tered. And, if not too far along, the coughs of con sumption are completely cured. Ask your druggist for one of Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral . Plaster. It will aid the sctlon of tbe Cherry Pectoral. a f 1 - I f If ynn hava any fomrlnlnt what ever ana awilra fclia lit'.t mratrai writ, at frort advle. you ru MwtlMy obtain. TOM prompt rply Hint J M al gnat Vli. i. C. tll, Lowell, Haas. wlllrAculva a Rev V A Smick was a passenger to Eugene on Bangs' stag Monday morn ing after spending seversi week on tne SMitslaw assisting Rev. Knott in bis I labor. Florence, Or., West. st evening about filly friend took Mr. and Mr. Uogoe by turprise, ia a surprise fareweil party to their eon Ham. who left today for Milloa. Or.. where be ha a good position. The eve ning parsed quick ly with on totm ol amusement and another, after which a fine luoch, which the visitor bad brought, wa partaken of. Prof. Martindale and Snperintendent McDonald have returned from Portland where they took an active part la th meeting ot educator for t e revision of lour school law On motion of Prof. Marlinda'e it wa declare the ten of the meeting tbat the school text book ques tion be kept Jout of the regular law en tirely and that it be provided for by a trecial law. Prof . Martindale isin favor I of a commission ot at least fifteen. The fact that the book concern want Daly's mal! committHn tf five i very significant. Snow balling may be tun for tbe boys, even though at times erne1, but it ha no form ot amusement in It lor the China men, old people and those wbo do not care to engage in it. Only a coward will strike a man ia the back. Never throw a snow ball at a person who I not in a position lo dodge or defend tiimseii, sua then not against his will. According to an exchange advert sing I does pay. A Harney county girl, adver tised for a husband and got one. Total exnense 111. He died within a year. leaving a tne insurance payable to ner oi foooo. ret prom s ,ws. Dim. The'infant son ot Mr. and Mr. Albert Brownsll died last evening. Fou ral services were held this afternoon. Maccabees. Iuitiation and in'lat ion at the regular meeting tomorrow night. A full attendance is desired. Post Officii Holiday. The Post office force will take their holiday Jan 2 18U9. Tbe general delivery will be open during the usual holiday hour. Next Monday evening at the Vance I brick on second street there will be a New Year ball, to which an invitation Iia extended to all desiring to spend the evening socially. Good music. . Scio. tbi From tLe New. I SiMr. L A. Hanker, oi Albany, I via. ling at tbe home of her mother, Mr. Flee ner, tbi week. is Maude Biiyea, of tbe Albany Herald composing rooms, spent Christ mas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Biiyea of this city. Mr. May Gill bss accepted tbe posi lion of assistant postmaster made vacant by the resignation ot Mis Mona Daniel, wbogoea lo MrMinnvilla. QAt the aboottng match last Saturday Dr. A. G. Prill carried off the turkey, having broken eight oat of a possible 10 blue rock. Scio Lodge No. S9, A. F. A A. M. in stalled the following officer at their meeting latt rneeday evening: b. U. Hyde, w. M.; W. b. Brock, &. v.; r McDonald, J. w.; M. U.uiu, treas.: i. ft. Morris, sec.: W. A. Ewing, 8. D.: Tboe, Allison, J. D. ; R. Gary, S.8.; E. A. Randall, J. A. loong, tyier. . MANILA POEJE3. - A souvenir song bock ot poems, t mi five in all, gotten op by tbe c dier toy ha been published la Manila, One m received tbi week from Roy Fs!Uaarcli, by bi mother. It is derided It ing. There is "Dewev. Kin- of the f- a." some of the other being "TbeO'd A v i j i . .. .... . . . aaruiaca, "ceDind tne lrei.c": , "Battle of Malate." "W'r Na I Born Soldier," "A Hot Time for 1 oesoU." "The. First Da v Ont." Girl With Dark Red Hair." bd , .., Oregon Volunteer." The most popu ,r of all the aong Boy ' wrote wa tie foi- lowing, to which -ha iiuciil altiontinn vi toe vaifocajiT man wa eallel : a maxim, 1998. ,. Through the street of old MaciU Aimlessly on day I strode Till I bnmped against a figure I SUbding silent in tbe road : j Such an odd ungainly figure f Tbat I quickly staggered bj,ek: Thinking tbat it wa a spirit And I'd ran across it' track. On bi bead h wor a helmet, Batbar doubtful a to hue, On his leg some battered leggina I ,aoa nia coat was once a Una '? On bis abonlder was a musket Rusted with trim ' ... . . - w. j t i -. Uke himself thi ap parition . vnewuy aerrea to rooee my fear. What the diikens are yoor' asked I And DT brealh rimnn;.k.rj.,.., H then ont of force of habit Brought bi rifle to tbe port. ." "Yoa remember then," be answer!,''" Jut a hundred nun --v There wa t rootle with th s Twa about tbe Maine, yon know- Then I left home for Manila '-'. w tin more u. b. Volunteers We we numbered several tbcncaal All enlisted for two Ob f tbe other? they are sleeping i In tbe ancient cbarcb yard Lera Far from home and loving kindred abo weir naure eountry dear. Some were Kicked by disease Victim of the fever' rage. Bom were mitten bv th am.n -r Others AimA nf nna M .. I'm the last of all those thousand - i.nrooga this puce i .till matt roam waiting for expected order. n ecDBM orders lo go home ! - X ;W. O'Cojerru. McGciBaa, lt California C. S. Y. , Religious 3er-vlcei. Rev. F. W. ?arker. nf .;., n preach in tbe Congregational ehurr h to morrow moraine and evenln-. Other emcea a usual. Christian ehnreh - RafaY1.raM ai f t K ana . and 70 n m by Ry C M Lane. Morn; mg topic: "Tbe Lord' Sapper." Eve ning M I be Doty of tbe New Tear.' PS? lui1 Program under direction of Prof. Geo E Wirt Revival service. beginnin. Sunday. Jan. Stn. fed by Rev D C Keliems, of Iowa. Ail invited. - Presbyterian ehnreh - Vnr.;.. ' ?' 10 "5 r9c of eennoo "Tbe Gift of 9-'' 8 8 at 11:45, Jr Endeavor at 3a0, Er Endeavor ate iSO, evening er- vice at7:30.enbieetcfmini "TK. rvA and the New.- A cordial welcome is ex tended to alL at al t wi. k. . church. Dr Fisher, editor of th Rj- r;.t un Advocate wUloecopy the pmipit in uw jxHjiurm ennrefi aS m-'ifi ura Fiaber will speak on Missions in the ere- r- SS at 12, Enwortb Laagn at o -JJO, erealng sen ice at 7 -.30. United Presbyterian ehnreh- Vnra. ing service at 10:30, tneme Tte FU tree Probatioa." S S at Ht.l J. Endeavor at 3 mSr Endeavor at g. evening service at 7 -30. snbiect. "Ao Arreet of Thought-" Tbe printed "New rear Service" will be need in the eve ning. Tbe Week oi Pnw. ill K erred Jaw. 2 , A'l cordially invited ta theae erTice. Masonic Installation. remain. loyd will gradoate irem at wo rn outb, III., colregw next Jane in tbe claee with Elliott Irvine and will study (or the ministry. Lake i one oi Inde nendence rxominent citiaen and will soon move to Engine wnile Frank w be lieve is in Cal dorm. Med.'ord Mail: WB Stevens. ot tbe firm ot Dead A Stevens, has decided to leave Med lord and locate in Albany, this Late, where be ha rented suitable bond ing aod wdl open a general merchan dise i tore. The firm will remain tbe same a of old ia Medford aud will be under tbe sole management ot the senior member of the firm, F K Den. These gentlemen have made a wondrous tacceee in their business in Medford bat j both being ambition to be prepared for that rainy day which comes to ns all they are now jast naturally branching oot. Mr Steven has been a very boaeet, upright citiaen of our city and many will regret uis aeparture ana itin sun regret 1 felt also a regards bi family, which i a moat exemplary one and the entire household bar mends innomeraoie ia this citv. Mr Stevens will leave for tbe east in January where be will purchase wnods for the new store, and will re torn in time to orea bosinec about the first of March. At Corinthian ball last niyht the new oSceis ot Bayley Chapter an 1 the Eaet era Star were formally installed by a banquet with short speeches and a social time. C B. Winn, the M. E. H. P -enn- ed the installation far Bayley Chapter a ith D. P. Mason. P. G . H . P., a acting marshal. Tbe officer bare heretofore been given. The installation oi the officer ot the Eastern Star wa coodocted by Mr J. K. Weatherford P. G. W. M. with Mr. E. W. Langdon as acting marshal, aad ar a follow: Mis Zala Winn. W.M.: Mr. W. E. Fraxier, W. P. ; Mr. L. Red field, A. M.; Visa Lids Galbraith, sec; Mrs- Kate Althoase, treas ; Mr. Julia Wyman, Con.; Mr. Laura Height. A. Con.; Mr. Annetta Weatberford.Chap.; Mr. Kay Allen, M ; Mr. Mary Fort milier, warde ; Mr. W. E. Baker, een tinel; Mi Mary Allen, organist; Mr. uottie Kaiaton, Adan; Mr. Joeepbine Height, Rath; Mrs. Lnella LaForeat, Etther; Mr. Estell Pavae, Martha; Mr. G. W ash burn. Elect . A E Dageov, of Salrm, wa arrested for keeping bi saloon open on Sunday in violation ol the law. Tbe case wa tried before a jury, aod a th prosecu tion bad failed to offer sufficient proof tbe defendant wa discharged. Louis Krause. ot the former firm ol Kranse Bros., doing basinee here and in Eugene, bss petitioned to be declared a bankrupt The liabilities ot the firm amount to tl2,oC0 and the aeaeta ot the petitioner do not exceed 1325, consisting ol household inrnitare ana wearing ap pare!. Telegram. While in Fouland the Democrat man! met E K Larrimore, manager ot the Portland Linseed Oil Co. Mr. Lam- more ha made a success of his business and ia proving a rustler. He wa at one time a resident of Albany, in the paint ing business, beside playing consiier-i able base ball, being pitcher for awhile of the Albany team. Jack Carr. wbo iast came out from Dawson is in Seattle and want to wager tbat be can mak the trip from Dawson to Skagway quicker than any other man. Garr If ft Dawson on Nov. 21, and reach ed Skarwav Dec. 18. J L Gage and J A Acklen lett Uawson lour days alter uarr and arrived in S.agway the next day, saining three dav on him. Two otner men made the trip in twenty tour day. On bis way out Jobn Isom, of this city. was with Car for awhile. Pi tines and Apples. L. T. Reynold ot the Horticulture Commission ha made tbe following statement o the prune crop in this val ley for 1898: Counties Pounds Valuation Marion 2,75,0C0 96,6S7 50 ' Polk., Lane....... Linn Benton Lincoln..... 825.000 8o,000 395,000 875,000 20,000 23,812 22 25.800 00 13,825 00 30.625 00 700 00 Total 5,075,000 $193,419 72 Thi shows a big increase ever 1S95. Tbe dried apple production in tbe div trlct for 1883 is as follow : Counties Pound Value Marion 275,000 $18,000 Polk 150,000 , 9,000 Lane 40,000 2.40C Linn , 100,000 6,000 Benton 80,000 4,000 he ncoxENCE of sutp of nas is dae not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to tbe CaxirosxiA Fie Svbcp Co. only, and we vKh to impress upon all tbe importanea of purchasing tbe true and original remedy. Aa tbe genuine Syrup of Fige ia manufactured by the cauforxia fio stbc t only, a knowledge of tbat fact will assist one in avoiding tbe worthies Imitations manufactured by other par ties. Tbe high standing' of tbe Cau roRSiA Fio Stkcp Co. with the medi. sal profession, and tbe satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figa baa given to millions ot families, makea tbe name of the Company a guaranty ot tbe excellence ot its remedy. It ia fax in advance of all other laxatives. aa it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritatinff or weaken Ing1 them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name ot the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. aaw raaMciac. at Leers villi. Kr- serr fosct jtw. Brownsrille From the Time. Mrs, W A Cahlet and daughter are pending the week with Albany relativ e. Deputy County Clerk Montaaoe and wife attended the Weatbrook- Hale wedding in thi city on Saturday eve ning latt. They returned home Monday morning. ' Mr C O Jane, a former business man of this city, arrived Tuesday evening from Portland, where be is now located, and visited with his friends until Wed nesday. Dame Bumor aay there ia a peeial attraction in thh city that draws Mr Jones thither. Fraak McFarland.-Qyde Snyder, Carl CooUy and Jamea Th impon, Jr., arriv ed from Albanv college on Friday eve ning list and are spending their vacation in this city. Tbey wilt return to school again on Monday next. Mrs. Mary E Locsdon, wife ot Claud Logsdon, died of consumption at tb home ol ner parents near uorv&uis yes terday. Mr Logsdon was the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs Oliver Witham and was a native ot ik-nton county. Mr. and Mrs. Logsdon lived near Albany but a fw days ago they moved to near Cor- vallis. NOfXE TO CONTRACTOR. Salei.biis will be reoive- v th County Clerk of Lion County u um. -arj i 6th, IS9. at the hour f t A. m. for labor and material requuv-d t Is rt modeling anl improving tr . u -. house for Linn County, a: Ala n . .- m All wirk to be completed b p - -U 1&9, according to plans arvt st . i . s : oe file la ray office. Tii County Court will ions ; - .j ; Wow: j F't, For th completiou of i" . work. ni ' Second, All mMos and car; ; iacludios material of brkk, toa . v I piatteriDg, cementing, concrete, u n etc. Third. Heating and plumbing couip Fourth, Gi vanned iron, tin .in ui slating. Fiftu, Painting. IThe sacceastnl bidder will be reqatred to give an approved bond for tbe auiin of i hi bid immediately after the cootrae U '. airardod him. npoa uoh coedition its the court may dotei mine and demand . T -r,rtt,Tvv Ujhe County Court reeerves the n tht to fJllLUU 1AVI WJirAai "XLany or all bids. ToUl. ..645,000 IS8.700 Cor. Morrison & Park St. LEWLBUILDIXG. Portland - Om s.8 v- "anw the Coaaty Court the 11th FuaKK liiAWTaaK, UouatT Oreg