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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1898)
.aSaa-rV WO r.HSTAKE.SrSS NEURALGIA kaSa---A, aSiVSwH,-HNrw ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. Joseph. Proprietor. HAVE YOIJ Thomas Brink's Lately. He has one of the finest stocks of Furni -ture in the valley. He has added Babv Buggies to h s stock. Just call iu and you will find that his prices are the Seventh Annual Session. STATE NORMAL SCHllOL MOUMQOTH OR. Oregon Gas Light Heating Cli8ap LiglLt Fpp Cheap Heat For Cheap Powe For Correspondence Solicited. DLF.E-lBlIS.Pr8S. LECAL DIRECTORY Albany. W R Bilyeu, Foehay & Mason block. J RN Blackburn, P O block. U Bryant, P O block. Anderson Cannon, PO block. J N Duncan, P O block. T P Hackleman, Pearoe block. Judge H H Hewitt, P O block. N B Humphrey. Kelly & Curl, bank building. L H Motanve, Pearce bloc. J C Powell, P O block. C E Sox, P O block. L L Mtion, Bank building. H 0 WaUon, bank building. Weatherford & Wyatt. Baok building. Whitney & Newport, Cuaick block . Q W Wright, PO block. Lebanon. 8 M Garland. Brownsville. A A Tossing. Scio. TJ Wilson. EXECUTORS SALE- In lha rtnntv ennrt of the stats of Ore eon. for Linn county. In the matter of the ea'ate of Olney Fry, Sr., deceased. I. Olney Fry, the duly appointed, qual ified and acting executor of tbe last wil and testament and codicil of Olney Fry Sr., deceased, hereby give notice that par mat loan order issned out of said cour on the 8tb day of September. 1898. I wil sell at public auction at tbe court bouse door, in H limn v. Linn Count V. Oregon, to tha highest bidder, on Saturday. October 22, 1898. at 1 o'clock p. m. the following described property, towit : 40 acres described as fohows, towit: The Southwest quarter of tbe N.E. quarter o Section 28, Townsbio 11. S. of R. 3, W of tbe Willamette meridian. Terms of sale cash. Olnet Fbt, Jb... Blackbcbn & Dtjhcan, Executor. Attorney. ' NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is berebj. given that th under signed, executor of he estate of Olney Fry Sr., deceased, ba filed his fioal account of said esta'e, with tbe clerk of the connty court of Linn county. Or., and the county court ba fixed the 8th day of November, 1893, at 1 p. m., to beat objections if any, - and to settle) said account and estate. Dated Kept. 28, 1898. Olskt Fbt, Jr. Blacebub k Dckcas, Executor. Attorney ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE NOTICE 13 HER3BY GIVEN THAT tbe undersigned has been, by tbe County court, of Linn Co.. and State of ' regon, dulv appointed administrator of the estate of Qova S. Stayton, deceased, late of Linn county, Oregon. All oersons having claims asaiat said estate are berehy required to present them to tbe undersigned within six months horn this date at my office in Lyons. Oregon. Da ed this tbe 7lh dav of October. 1893. Heart I tosh, Adrr.ioittr.ttor. rf rp- ; HEW MK WORLD Xlirice-a-Week Editio.i 18 Pages a Week . . .. . . . 156 Paper a Yeai For One Dollar rttblUketfevery aiteraalenaesreptSaal The Thrice-a- Week Edition of The in ev. York World is first among ail "weekly papers in size, frequency of publication and tbe fresht.3s, accuracy and variety ol its cot tents. It bss all the merits of a great $6 daily at the price of a dollai weekly Its political news is prompt, com plete, accurate aud impartial as all its read era will testify. It in against the monopo lies and tor the people. It prints the news of all the world, bav log special correspondence from, all im portant news points on tbe globe. It has orilliant illustrations, stories by great authors, a cupiial humor page, complet markets, departments for. the household and women's work and other special de partments. We offer this uneqnaled newspaper and the Dbmocbat togetberons vear for t' CO Clubbing Rates. The San Francisco Weekly Examiner text year will give to its subscribers a $10,000 residence in San Francisco rent ing for $60 a month, a $3,390 (J. S. bond, a $1,500 gold nugget and hundreds of other things. You can get tbe Examiner and W.ekly Dbmocbat for $2 60 a year, with the Daily Dbmocbat by mail for $4.25, b carner $5.75. in advance. The Dbmo r will order only on combination pa BY BEEN IN Furnituie store Strong Academic and Professional courses. Well equipped Training de mi nf nine grades, with 230 chi.d- Ratm'ar Normal coarse ot three years. Senior year wholly professional. Graduates ot Acrsdited High Schools and Colleges admitted airecuy to piwmbiuu.i work. The Dipl ma ot the school is re, ognised by law as a life certificate tc teach. Light expenses The year I or from $120.00 to 160.00. Beautiful and heathtul location. No saloons. , The first term will open Tuesday, Sep. tember 20th. ...., , v Catalogues, giving full delaila of work, cheerfully sent on application. Add res, P. L. Campbell, President, or .V. A. Warm. Secretary of Faculty and Pow Company. Chnrcli Ecns3 ail Hotel Churcli. House ani Hotei Anything and Everything A. H. FREER, SIC. ?RST MATlOflAl. BANK. or lUiiT, oitawon P.-lla- (VsPrwMaot LTLUTJI .R.TOCHO , W. SOW T AS 8 ACTS A OtShRALt-a .t VoM ACOOVMS iKPT tJl. lOrrr EXCHAKOC and WlwT, w Ke York eu rWaniseo r ' 0t,'.TTIO" AO '' V. Iw. maoroM a s tims " ij" r a Qosswn. L. Iu. C. I. "-!. SHERIFF SALE By virtue of an execction duly issue but of the Circuit Courtt of the state ot Or egon for tbe County of Polk to me delivered and dated on September 17th, 1S98, in a certain suit in said court whet em K. E Allen was plaintiff and J. E. Miller and Emma Miller were defendants in which raid suit the said F. E- Allen as plaintiff recovered a judgment against tbe said de fendants J. E. and Emma B. Mi'ler on tbe 6th day of December, 1897, for tbe sum of 8l 80 with interest thereon at tbe ml of 8 per cent per aunnm from the date of said judgment, and the costs aad disbursements tntroin taxed at $13.00. ordering, adiud? ng and decreeing that that the real prop erty attached in said cause, to wit: Lota four 14) and five (5) in block two (2 in Allen and Hawkins' addition to tbe city of Ajbany, Linn county, Oreiron, be sold to satisfy said judgment and all costs; therefore notice is hereby given that I will on Saturday.' the 5th day of November, 189S. at tbe hour of 1 o'clock d . m. of said dav. at the front door of the Court House. in A!hany, Linn county. Oregon, offer for sale at noblic anction. subiect to redempt ion according to law. to the highest bidder for rah in band all the right, title and in term of the witbin named defendaoU or pit her of them had in or to tbe above de scribed premises or any part thereof to sat isfy raid indsment. costs ana accruing cots therein. Dated this 4th day of October. 1898. I. A. MnsMRS, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the underpinned was on tbe 26th day of Anirust. 1898. duly appointed admimslra tor wits the will annexed, by the Coanty Court of Linu Coontv, Oregon.of the estate of Alelissa A. Borkhart, deceased, late of aid county and state. All persons baviLg claims atrainst said deceased are required to present the same to the undersigned duly verified, wilbtn six montns rrom mis aaie at Albany Oreiron. This tbe 25th day of August, 1893. R. L. BCKKHABT. Administrator with tbe will annexed. Wkathkbford & Wyatt, Attorneys. ojHismnv; or n NOTICE H HEREBY GIVEN THAT be nnderniened has been daly appointed by tbe County Court of tbe state of Ore gon for Linn tJoumy, administratrix ol the estate of Clarence Stockton, deceased. All persons having claims asainst said estate re hereby repuired H present tbe same to op, proper!) verified as by law required, at mv home near Oakrille, Oregon, or at tbe office of H. tt. Hewitt and C. E Sox in Albany, Oregon, within six months Irom tbe date hereof. Dated August 29th, 1898. A maud Stocktom, Administratrix of tbe estate of Clarence Stockton, decased. a. H Heyitt k C. E Sox, Attorneys for Administratrix. THE he best and yet simplest type write manufactured, ihe consummation of th inventors art. An erpert stenographs after usinir mnrtv machines, says. I e n sider tbe Vost Writing Machine far super- or oane I have vet lined.' at n Dbmocbat office and see one of tbe type writers that has to have a perfect ai'ign- tnent All Typewriters supplies ordered. F. P. Nottiko. Agent. .AimilD PROCURED, EUGENE W.JOHNSON, tfictor and Atiyin PateDtCause !; rl4 AT.. Wehlatm. RC APIlsT POWER DE. JL L.HILL Physician and Surgeon, Hillb'ock, Albany, Or. 1 If in' I II mm ) She Jcwormt Life on u Floating Farm Many of the islands ot the Mississippi river are known to be constantly alter ing their portions, bnt the moat restless ot them, and perhaps the most reruarka ble island in. the world is Arsenal island, now of Illinois, but sorretimes of Mis souri. Besides its journeys up and down the river, the island occas'iouly takes a trip across the deep water channel, con sequently shitting from the Missouri to the Illlno's shore Major Thomas H. llamlbury of the corps of the United Stales engineers be l'eves that Arsenal island will eventu ally become a part of Missouri territory and says its constant movement is easily explained. The dirt on its upper end away under the force of the ri ver current, and accretions format the lower end. Arsenal island has alo been known as Quarantine island. Both names indicate the use in which it was put beteen 1350 and 1867, when a quarantine station ar.d the United States arsenal were main tained there. But Arsenal island is the official name, and is used in all land grants and deeds that have been wade with reference to it. The island is the property of J S Puts- j field of Illincie, but is Itr.ftd by Joseph K Jobin, who lives upon it. Bis house is in the midst ol a pretty grove of wil lows, elm, sycamore and cottonwoods at the upper end of the island. It is a modest little 1-story building with five rooms, which ate clean andcomiortable. It is surrounded by storage houses and poultry yards. Stretching away from the grove are many fertile acres of land, which are in an excellent state of culti vation. The propiietor told a reporter of the Si Louis Poat-Dirpatrh that his hope is to convert the place into a stock ranch Since he landed there, in 1 be says that more than 50 acn & uavebeen wash ed away from its upper end, and fully as many acres have been added to its low er end. Since lS53,Arsscal island moved south ward 8000 feet, A Neat Thing. The Democrat has received from La Grande a neat Utile scheme for adver tising that place. Gotten op by the Commercial Club o( that plac. Uere is a description of it : Un tbe outside a small bottle is fatten ed with a ribbon, containing a sample of the sugar from the factory . Inside are a few pages of terselv told facts about tbe factory which are interest ing. 'The factory and ba ldtngi cover an SO acre tract of land, and the actual cash outlay for buildings, machinery and aronndsareputdownat $500,000. One hundred skilled workmen are employed in the factory, and from 1000 to 2000 people are engaged in producing beets. Tha wood consumed yearly amounts to 8000 cords, and 20u0 tons of lime are nsed. The beet crop, which is baudltd in 100 days, amounts to 23,333 wagon loads of IK tons each, and tbe factory pays out tor beets and labor annually in tbe neighborhood of $200,000. This looks like a good thing for any town or community, bnt the figures are not ex hausted yet. Tbe pulp from tbe beets turned into sngar is sufficient to fatten 15,000 head ot cattle, or 20,000 bead of sheep, and they say it is good for that business, I'Le bfcet sugar factory is simply the result of industry and enterprise on the part of the pnblic spirited people of La Grande. Probably those whu are selling their land at advanced prices because of tbe coming of the factory are among those who did the least to secure the en terprise for tbe Grande Ronde valley ." ''In Hawaii.' said the man who w occupying tbe greater part of two seats. 'the women have hogs for pets." "In the United States," said the wo man wbo was hangicg on to a strap, ap parently speaking to the woman next to her, "tbe women marry boge." Immediately thereafter three men got up and made believe tbat tbey really preferred to stand. Chicago Fo-t. Magistrate What ia tl.e charge sv gainst this man, officer? Policeman Op?nin' a saloon at 3 o' clock in tbe marnin'.Yar Honor. Magistrate Where is his saloon? Polieceman He ain't got none, Yar Bonor, It was Casey's saloon be was op enin wida jimmy. Brooklyn Life. His Mother Why, Mary, what's tbe matter with tbat child? Mary Sure, ma'am, he's been cryin' all the way Lome because U.e man as tells fruit told bim he never kept star spangled bananas. Truth. It IP said tbat Howard Gould has ot ly $5,000,000 left. Ah ! to wbat length will people not go far love 'Cleveland Lead er. MARRIED. PARKER BLATCHFOKD. At the home of the bride's parents, adjoining tne larm oi tne groom, Air. Moses Parker, on Thursday noon, Oct. 27, 1898, Mr. Wm, Parker and Miss Ella Blatchford, two of Linn county's best young people. Thejr have the best wishes of a host of friends. BILYEU S HELTON. On Wednesday evening. October 26, 1898, at tho Ex change hotel, in Albany, by Rev. Mc Killop. Mr. J. W. Bilyeu and Miss Emma C. Shelton.bothof Linn county. OUR CAPACITY - - . ncqualcd In the Valley. OUK W0R& la In Oregon. Vii have the best stock tt ItH Sttluut from and our prices eo alwavs the lowest, quality c MiKKierea SMILEY, 'W t,.y. The Printer ScTeUanITra1a itrVobtaltxvl and si Pat, i ent banln conducted fur Moderate Pres. i ; PndmolM,drawlngorphoto. WeadrlMl' i pateDtabl. frca of charn. Onr tnx not dno tll' patent iscnrrt. A Pamphlet llow to Ob-; Mil Patanta." with coat of same la tha U. B., aad foreign cmuiriea ast free. ilursss, i i a a. snow & co. f 0. atNT Ornet, WaeMtnoTOSJ, D. C.f Jby..'' - - ciy anal jaat m quickly m roiible. We need it in our Pacific coast business. It will bring ua a little nearer the center of trade la the matter i f p Ires. Hie price of pork in Albany and Chi chi'o Is about the same. That is one in that sometimes beats the big freight rates by having a lo;al market that does something itself Social bosses are no more desirable in a community than political bosses. It is always pleasing to the masses to see them set down on . Some one has figured out that it costs half as much to run the battleship OreK on a year as it does the state ol Oregon. The lact is an interesting one. And yet it costs too much to run Oregon, and tiieie is a great deal of extravagance. A terrible frost has struck iheRosevelt boom back in New York state. The chances are that Mr. Rough Rider will get o terrible set back. Mr. Roreelt Is all right as a rougb rider but when it comes to running for the governship of a big state.why.he had better stay at home and study military tactics. On November 15 a successor of Joe Simon will be elected in Portland The event will bt one of cansideiable impor tun -e in Oregon politics. A Multnomah ei-naiorahip is often a stepping stone to urn. thing greater and is in itself some thiag. Through it a man has a chance of rising to be a boea. The price of bicycles is to tumble the coming year so much that tbe thnd will be heard. It will be possible to ride a bicycle without paying a fortune for the vehicle. The Democrat remembers when a good wheel cost $150. Now an excellent wheel will be leas than one third that amount. From tbe Singapore Free Press . One of the vital elements of tbe situa tion is tbe attitude ot the Philippine peo ple. It would reqnire a bloody civil war to subject them again, it that ever could be done, to tbe horrors of tbe dominion of tbe religion fraternities, in whose hands tbe entire Spanish civil power was as clay. It Is inconceivable that Amen can arms, or the arms of any other foreign power, would be osrd to reduce tbe Filipinos to their fornrer intolerable tervitude. Tbe New York Journal baa bad for some time men working throughout tbe city obtaining a poll of the voers in ih:!r pretrence tor the gubernatorial ran didates. Tne Jouroal presents an exba nstivs review of their work with figm of tbe vote gathered, showing tbat, at tbe ratio ot tbe vote polled by tbe Journal's canvassers. aa Wrck w.ll have a plurality in Ihe city of New York of E5, 000. Oo this basis, the Journal claims. ba will carrv the state by 53.000. Tbe war clond In Europe is rather a dark one, but there is no certainty that it will burst. It should not burst Wi th the least reason at a t and a spirit cf compromise the differences between Erg- land and France should be adjusted with out an v bloodshed. Fhis is an age when nations like people should settle their little troubles without resorting to brutal course to secure justice. It is reported that William Watford Astor wbils in London where he reside considerably won $25,000 by betting tbat twerty seven people could din without crowding themslve around a California tree. Though somewhat of a blarsteJ Englishman we am glad to tee bim land up lor something American if only ocr big trees. Lord Rosebery's Epsom Speech. In recent years there bss ben a dis position to encroach and infringe on the righ's of England in various parts of the world in a way which ia not gratifying to Englishmen, and which is not calcn lated to promote cordial relations with other powers. If tbe nations of tbs world are under tbe impression tbat tbe ancient spirit ot Great Britain ia dead or tbat rr resources are weakened, or her population ttes determined than ever to maintain the rights and honor of its flag, they make a mistake which ran only end in a disastrous conflagration. Joseph Simon's candidate for county judge in Multnomah county was defeat ei last jane, uot Joseph, bimon was not that easily beaten. He has jus bad a law passed and it will go into effect on November l.takingaway from the coun ty judge of Multnomah county all bis power as judge of tbe county court and after tbe first of November heai.lnot sit with tha county court of Multnomah county at all. In Multnomah county the county court wi'.l hereafter consist of three commissioners and no judge. One of tbe commissioners will act as judge. Tbs governor bas already appointed tbe extra county commissioner Mr. H. C Smith. Tbe new county judge can suck his thumbs for pastime between bearing probate matters. Journal. On October 13;h tbe Indianapolis Sen tinel said : Not a single republican pa per in Indiana, it in the United States, is arguing in favor of the retirement of the greenbacks. Not a single republican orator is advocating tbat proposition on the stump. And yet tbe republican party ia committed to that measure by the declarations of tbe President and the Secretary of tha Treasury and by the terms of the Bill reportrd to tbe Houi-e by tbe committee on banking and cur rency, to which, according to Mr. II. U. Hanna, whose truthfullness no or.e who knows him will question, 150 republican members of congress stand tolly com mitted . Why don't tbs republican can didates and speakers who are now be fore the people discuss this very import j ant question? Portland is now In a very bad fix. It; is bead over heels and heels over head in debt. It Is as much in debt as tbe kernel is in the shell. There isn't much in Portland but debt nowadays. The city has been bonded and rebonded until it Is a city of bonds, bounden for life. It Is In ss sweet a tlx as a fly in molass es. For years the policy ol tbe city has been a vicious one, like that of a good many other cities, bonding itself for everything in sight. Tbe result Is that it is now in a fix that it doesn't know how to get out of . A splendid city with unsurpassed resources it has al lowed tbe bosses to swamp it. It is said that only five per cent of the men who 'go Into bnslness succeed. It Is an inter estlng fsct that none of the five per cent are hired to rnn big citles.bnt tbe worst part ot the 05 per cent. How can any other result be expected. The men are in office for tbe fat salaries and ex clusively their own gain, as much so as ' the rat ia when he gets in tbe flour bar I rel. It is time tne people said aometbing and called a bait. Portland ought to be I a good city to start in. SATURDAY WIGHT THOUGHTS. the week the trial department of tbs circuit court has been In session, with a very small docket. The Demo crat remembers the time when the docket was twice as long as the two de partments combined. It is not certain though whether there was more money . in the buhlneat. thnirnh it is possible, The cLaracier of tha letal business here , has probably changed somewhat. Civ illy there were only three cases tried, these were of verv interesting character but involving little money. Criminally there has been no trial One man plead guutv and was sentenced to two years for stealing two horses, and another man was fined for assault and battery and is to be tried for permitting minors to loiter around bis saloon. Our people are evidently a pretty lawabiding class. Tbey will have to put mora contention into their lives if they would sea the docket grow. A local shooting affray is one to be re gretted, is tbe case will ome up for trial tbe Dkmocrit will not say anything to affect the netting ot a jury. Such affairs always contain much food for re flection and topics for sermon. Daring the week In our own state there has been an Indian uprising that has caused much excitement in tbe beighborhood where it has occurred, far enough away from this valley to in terest ns only generallv. We had hoped that Oregon was above such things. Since the Modoc war in the lava beds in the southeastern part of the state there has not been much trouble inside our borders. Tbs Indians will he pnt down, and if they keep up such conduct it will be only a short time when tbeie will be none of them to have a disturbance with. Some people thins tbat a man wbo joins tbe army eboold never kick, tbat he should submit to all tbe indignities offered, in fact tbat be has no rights at all. Well, the Democrat looks at it diU f-n otty. A soldier baa as much right to kick as anybody if he bas a cause for It, and whether it does any good or not to him personalis it lets the pnblic know bow things are being run. Now adays a aood many officers ar being ap pointed on account of a political pull, and it is only right tbat they should be shown np if overbearing or incompetent. Tne United States iow has Spain by tbe borns oo tbe Cuban question, and will soon have ber as much so on tbe Philippine question and then tbe treaty will be signed. Spain bss been in a very nervous condition about the great lots tbat she is about to sustain, hence has shown some spirit, aad bas en d's rored to make a showing as a nation, putting ber peacock fealbtre on for tbe occasion, but sb will be ready O tase them offsjoo.wbenshe wilt bre a great dal more re feci for Mr Hoy, at abe call Uncle Sam. Tbe solar phrens blow al teady alven will be charged to one in tbe temple if she does not quietly submit to the inevitable. While we have been Laving gloiiou tall weather in the state of Oregon, Wil lamette valley, back east tbere bav been storms and storm, swiftly flying. boisterous, wire tearing st'rois, from all directions and in all shapes, blixxard. straight and vertical, tbe kiods tbat chill tbe booes and Ell tbe heart with wee. ibeee things help ns to keep np our spirits, not that we like to have eastern people suffer, but tbat we proud of onr delightful winter wca'.ber, comparatively considered. It bas been a great pleasure for the people ol Or goo generally to gather up presents for tbe boys at Manila, things tbat will fit. tbeir beaila lib joy when tbey receive them in that oriental conn try. It is well not to forget that tbeir Cnristmas will n-t be like tbe eastern Christmas with its snow and cold weath er nor like the Oregon Christmas with its mist anc rain and mild climate, but it wiil be at about tbe hottest time ot tbe year when tbe tropical son will beat fiercely and tbe perspiration will predominate- Refreshing fruits and things like that will be the more accept able. The Portland pepere bavs been ful this week teJinc how tbat city bas no money, dos to the discovery ot tbe fact tbat tbe city has a new cbarter with some live provisions against runniog in debt in it. Portland is now reaping the harvest of wild oats it has been to (ring for years in iu rotten administration. Albany conticuea to have no per boose and as the entertaining season cmee we see more tbe need of a xlace tor public entertainment. Let as get a move OA os. Ilis altoge ther too soon to say tbat the investigation of the army adminst ration wil! turn ont vi'uelees. says Harper's Vrkly. There are some officers ot vol unteer who apparently ar. too grateful or there commissions, but tbeir ignor ance or blindness cannot possibly over come the effects of authentic stories of hardships, cruelty, indifference, and in capacity which have come to ns from officers of tbe line and from tbe men. General F. V Green struck it right the other day in bis testimony when be said that tne army was organised for pesos and could not move in an emergency. To sum np, I hold that we violate our solemn declaration if we retain tbe Phil Ippines, either under fu.l sovereignty or nnder a protectorate. 2. That even if we violated no faith, tbeir incornpotation into the body of our territory is a step pointing directly to a central government with absolute power. 3. That no just argument can show the material gain ot such an acquisition. Donald Caffery. It is reported tbat a daily paper pub lished In this city wants a $20,000 guar antee fund from the business men to produce a special edition on New Year's day. The Portland public never tires of furnishing gnarautee funds. A news psper ought ot stand on its own merits and not annually ask for public contri butions to help It on. Portland Chron icle. It might be well if Ilobjon would de (er raising any more ships until the peace commissioners have finished their labors, otherwise Sagasta will further com plica t matters bv putting in a claim for tha shins. Nashville f Tonn.l American. The Rochester clergyman who presen ilis shonlder out of joint couldn't havs been a very muscular Christian. Bcffa lo Kxpiess. . If you want a Rood and cleei uoke buy cmars made bv nur Al hany factory. MISFITS. Oregon ia now being run without a railioad commission and a board of equal ization, two boards full of knots we are glad to ses thrown asid. Having a $15,000 damage suit on hand the Corvallis & Eastern Is decidedly In the swim and can now pnt on as much ? tbe 'miner with Its damage suits. Astoria is a very lively place, A few days ago a couple of members of a jury there had a regular fist fight over the case in tbe jury room, and tbe row was almost general so much feeling was en gendered over the matter. Dr. D. M Jones, a member of the ea islatnre, does not believe in "appendi citis." He save it had a great run in Linn county but bas now gone out of tavor. For awhile nearly everything people had was resolved into appendici tis. Journal. This from the Telegram soonds fishy: Tbe steepest sidewalk in Portland op which a bicyclist baa been known to pedal is situated on Hamilton avenue, itist below Hamilton Heights junction. This block rises some 400 feet in a length of 200. Al Mslone, now in Alaska, was seen to work his war np on this steep in cline, but no one bas ever dared attempt ing to ride down. Tbe state legislature wanted to show its economy by doing away with the railroad commission, but U slopped over by establishing an office that wilt be assailed as earnestly, that of state fish and game roa missioners. at a salarv of $2,500 a year and $1,700 for traveling ex penies, wun power to appoint three deputies. Tbe Telegram says the state fair should be beld in Portland if it would be a success. This is probably a fact though it is not very pleasant to see that city get tbe whole shooting match. Certain ly it is a fact that there will have to be a mat rial change in the program or it might as well close up shoo. If Port land geU it it should be with the dis Unct agreement that it will not call on tbe state for aid. Foot Balu A game of toot ball will be played in Albany on Saturday Nov 5tb, between Albany College and the " A. . a. practice game lor the la The Albany oys are practicing . ry evening tue positions tbouyl not all been ettled upon. Tbe .u ie a light one, but very wirey. s . while they will not be equal to a can team like ue u. A. U. tbey wi l iter enough re i. tance to make it iuWieLi,g far the farmers. -ri . . ids ex railroad commissioners ate telling tbe people bow much they mis ted in doiog away with the railroad commission. They aem to lake it vvrv much to heart. It is plain though that tbey would like to see the coming legis lator estaousn some kind ol a com mi ion for them, and it is evidently a job tbey ish. Now that the commission is gooe it may be remarked that there was no one thing that put them more in dis- tavor with the people than the silly ion keting expeditions tbey made over tb. stale drinking me railroad companies' wioee in their special cats and hobnob bing with tbe officials as if tbeir inter ests were tbe same. Again a long fe't went is to be filled in Portland by the starting ot another daily backed by sumcieot capital. Tbere Is evidently a vacant place in tbe bone yard And yet s-jute day lhr will be another big daily started in Portland that will pay. The right man at the bea4 will make it go. Portland ia now Iarg enough 1 r iao good dahiea ot met ropolitan tbatenp. Oregonians will do weK to stand in with Binger Hermann, for it has been estimated by the department at Wash ington tbat ia case the Philippine islands am aonexeo to toe coiled Mates, to gether with fort Rico and the Ladmocs, Mr. Hermann, at commissioner of tte general land office, wilt have 3100 ap jw oune-Dis at a is disposal . Tbe president has proclaimed Thurs day, Nov. 24 as a day for thanksgiving and this will in doe time be endorsed by Uregno s Lord. The optimist this year una many tmngt to tejoic oyer. Ethel Livingstone, an inmate of tbe girls home at Portland, bas rnn away, and as tbe Telegram aas she is a error, we give notice to the public to get their snot guns sod look out for the little anrl wbrn she arrive down the valley, U she aoau get as lar as Albaay. a tares year old cc tid in tsalem was run over by a careless bievde rider. Every city bas its fool riders who haven't sense enough to ride in a decent wav. Someoftbem should be jerked "bald headed" off their wheels and kent off. so that respectable riders wilt not hare to be criticised for their recklesenefcs. Tbe Linn County Republican says: The election of Joseph Simon as sens tor has rent in twain tbe republican party of this state. No man lives who can bridge the chasm. The gulf is wide deep and dark.and no compromise or di plomacy can untie tbe shattered rank, or again cement a 'pretended oaion'that 'or years has lived a living lie." This is the opinion of msoy other republican news papers sod thousand of members of the r. o. p.. even if they don't express them selves in pnblic. Jacksonville Times. Pat Donsn secured the National Ede torial Assoc,. lion for Portland neit vear txTui aiiKu us loiiuaiog is! part: "In climate, Oregon is a realised dream of paradise. All last winter, while whiskey was freesing from Dakota to aiaine, tne grass in Portland was as green as May, lawnmowers were running, too nowers were niooming every wnere. And all this summer, while von people East have been picking baked apples and pbtotoes out of your gardeus, and catching boiled catfish out ot your lakes irvui juur .rora, uiggiDg roasiea turnina and streams, ws thrice-blessed Oregon isns hsve worn winter flannels and stent undernesth double blankets." The soouer a cnugh or cold is cured with ont barm to tbe sufferer the better. Lin gering colds are dengerous. Hacking cough is distrosaing One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures it Why suffer when such a cough cure is within reach? It is pluant to the taste. I . A. Cummins. agent. When tou ask for De Witt's Witrk IT.. rel Salve don't aoceDt a nr i. itatlon. There are more cases of Piles be ing cureo. uy tnis, than nil others com omen. j. a. summing, agent. In order to raise revenus to run the city oi rortiand the council will licence everytning in sight. This will not be very good recom medal ion for the city. Del Norte, the world's greatest gnide lens pacer wsb to pace in Portland this afternoon. Much in Little Is especially true of Hood's pills, for no medt. clue ever contained so great curative power tn so small space. They are a whole medicine Hood's chest, always ready, al- aa-av ways efficient, always sat- I Ca9 I I as. Isrnctory; prevent a cold y"' III or fever, cure aU liver Uls, sick headache. Jaundice, constipation, etc. Jrjc. Ihe only rills to take with Ilood'i sarsaparUla. TELEGRAPHIC Tne lad Ua Tra.ble Baeeb Cmr.Or..Oet. 2 a i,.t. E!T ae from Canyon City states that Columbia Joe and nine warriors came into Pra no City today and informed the citizens that that there would ba nr. more bloodshed. Dr. Ashford. of i to a summons from Cummings creek. .l .r" " yetteruay s cattle between i ie wnites and the Indians, in which ueorge clottings and several Indians were Killed, to attend several redskins, .three of them will die. making the total number killed seven. Great excitement prevails. A Big nr ... . , " iutun, vet. me acme "recking tympany, ot San Francisco, naa made a request upon the navy de partment for authority to rice the bat tle snip Maine. If the government """""e snip alter she reaches tbe u D theCOniDanv will nrt tn ha,,l aalvage money through condemnatory hwwuiui no money is demanded w:m tb6 Kownroent by tie company. iv w bui teu at tfta mtnartmant nnnfHi . ly that in case the company ia found to be reliable, the task, no doubt will be given tuem, rs SUdkla ladlrted Saw Fbaxcmoo, Oct 28. Mrs. Cordelia ttotkin was indicted this evening by the grand jury of the city and county of San r ram iaco, for tbe murder of Mrs. John P Dunning, in Dover Del., on August 12 last. Presiding Judge Belcher, of the superior court, to whom the indictment! was presented, declared form the bench that, according to tbe facts and evidence I presented, tbe crime charged was mur-1 der in the first degree. aUrfcMs BleJ4 l f xeeoa, wash., Oct. 28. Two men beld np the bartender in Thomas'aaloon here at 3 o'clock this morning, and,! after beating him, compelled him to face 1 tne wan. with hands uplifted, while tbey roooeauie tin ot $l. They took some I whisky and cigars and a revolver and left. The robbery took place in tbe business j center of tbe town, and ia unprecedented lor ooidness. Tne Ca.sslaal.aers Paris, Oct 28. The peace commission era, at their session today, drew np a memorandum on the subject of the Philippines, which, it ia expected tbey win place before the Spanish commis sioner, at the joint session which is to take place Monday next. ST rr ataatlla c s Feaxcuco. Oct 28. The United c' u-s transport steamer Ohio, convey- i two battalions of the First K'aabing .un volunteers, sailed shortly before nud i night for Manila. Tbe troops are com manded by Colonel John D whotley. Taw laMliaa Traaale Baker Crrr. Oct. 27. A anecial from Canyon City Hate that a young man wno was a member ol toe inenn poeee which is pursuing the Indians wbo yee- teraay mot two settlers, just returned . rxi. ;. " . ... rOeXl wujuu uij aim reran oi a ob- perate tight between the posse and the lidiansT The 19 whit men and five buck war- riors were about 40 feet anart when thel Datue began, ueorge minings, son ot uana Cuttings, received bail in I the left arm, the missile passing through his lungs. One of the Indians wbo was shot and l J (J. Crawford's new photograph gsl killed, foogbt with desperate courage. ( lwJ 2nd and Lyon stree.e, Albany, After being repeatedly shot be continued I rtnLmr, Ha has the best srrsnged and firing his rifle until it was empty and than firmA hi. ;l i. tilt lw u, im.... uuiu n icu x .v. tnat tne ballets struck tho ground near his side. Settlers have sent to Canyon City for more ammunition, stating that the In dians are gathering aroond lsee in large numbers. Tbe trouble arose over the Indians accusing tha whites of stealing nortes. Taw Trkieavaas laaancnsla New oa, Oct 27. A dispatch to the neraia irom navasA sava: Gen. Boiler has warned Secretary Al' ger that some show of strength most be made soon or America will Inee all her prestige with the Cuban a. This warn' log has been given empheeia by the re ported return to the bills ot 'a band of insurgents, wbo had been encamped nearhagna. These men sent word to Gen. Betanooort that their condition was intolerable. In the bills they could live as user naa lor uree years, and if the American troops took charge of tbe is land they would harass them as long as us was nen. X-axis, uct -v. 1 be frpanish peace commissioners have accepted the nega tive view ol tbe U 6 commiaaionera to ward the proposed aeeamption by the U S of the Cuban debt. Th American commissioners have nrmlv bit courte- ooaiv declined to assume for the United States entire or joint rvavponaiuility for Spanish financial conditions, and the Spanish comnussioners hare finallv abandoned the effort. JaeaSea a Want Washwotos. Oct, 27. Governor Mi guel Otero, of New Mexico, in bis annu al report to the secretary of ihe interior, vigorously renews his representation for the early admission of New Mexico to statehood, and portrays tbe undeveloped resources of lu l-rnloir awaiLinv canity al- He estimates tiie ttJ population of the territory now at 22. 100. including aua uiuimo population Oi 29,lJU. TeUaw Peva- ta ftcw Tark New York, Oct 27. Colonel George E Waring, jrn formally street commis sioner of New York, is sick at his home in this catv with vellow fever, oontncied st Havana. Commissioner W J Jenkins of the health department, made an of ficial statement to this effect tonight. Ia rrasee rAUS, Oct 26. A feeling distinctlv more peaceable regarding the Faahoda affair prevails in Paris this evening. President Faure is Using the crisis quietly and the proof is stronger than yeaterduy that M. Brisson fell because be wanted to falL It ia now rumored that General Chan. otne has resigned the war office portfolio out ot pique at tne reiusai ot the general staff committee to give him command of an army corps. Aw Oratatt Oatarvak Baeee Crrr, Or., Oct 28. Word was I tZ ?iepnone suicu inaians snot and seriously wound ea tiave ttttings, and shot horses rid- den by j. Duncan and F Mosier. The Indians then went to the home of John High and shot bim. His wounds are not fatal. The scene of the trouble is on the south fork of the John Day river, about 30 miles southwest of Canyon City A well armed posse from Canyon City has taken up the trail. aa.a.s deveeaeas Chicago, Oct. Oct 26. A special to the Journal from Washington savs tho Lat department has discovered a clever scheme on the part of the German gov ernment to acquire commercial stations or navai oasis tn Dotn. tbe Atlantic and racinc at points where they will come in direct conflict with tha intNMt. nf this country when the Nicaragua canal is built. In this Stms oonnartinn lha department has also unearthed what ap pears to be a breach of faith of England toward the United States in oamos. Ttes Casssstsalaaeea Washington. Oct 2ft. Thr m ;n. dicaUoes that the peace commissioners in Paris are approaching the end of the consideration of the subjects of China and Porto Rico, and officials would not be surprised if toepy's session of the com mission conluded thse subjects leaving uib committee iree to iste up tne dis position of the Philippines. Eagilth rstars Losdos, Oct 26, This evening has witnessed s great outpouring of oratorv on the Fashoda question. Speeches were made st various places. All recognized tbe gravity of the situation, but declared evon at the risk of war, it was impossi ble for Lord Salisbury to recede from his position. aaae Style t. ThU Losdov, Oct 26. L Z Leiter. Chicago. has purchased the property at 1 Carleton House Terrace, London, for his daughter Lady Cruson, ot Kendleston. for $200. 000. The house is next door to the resi dence ot Arthur Balfour.lirst Lord ot the treasury, and government leader of the house of commons. Tbs Long Photo" T)o. is the tending' gallery ot Albany. Every photo made there is a gem of if Call and see for yourselves. j IP How is this? kJ0 Perhaps sleepless nights caused it, or grief, or sick ness, or perhaps it was care. No matter what the cause, you cannot wish to look old at thirty. Gray hair is starved hair. Tbe hair bulbs have been deprived of proper food or proper nerve force. III increases the circulation in the scalp, gives more power to tbe nerves, supplies miss ing elements to the hair bulbs. Used according to direc tions, gray hair begins to abow color in a few days. Soon It has all the softness and richness of youth and the color of early life returns. Would you rke our book on the Hair? We will gladly aend it to yon. Yfrtto ual ' If yon do not obtain all the benefits yon expected from the Vigor, write the doctor about it. He may be able to suggest something of value to yon. Address, Dr. J. C Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. ) -, TVilh. stove, the beet in the mar ket, st Stewsrt ox n"""" Special Sale. At the Millinery Car. coiner 2nd and I ni m. . J - - , . . .-A.1. from Oct. Z&lu 'O toe ww kj - -- - - , lnti Ready trimmed batsll njU. J" folly trimmed, np-to-date. I pose ol my entire new etoca orices. Ladies cordisity mjiieo - Mrs. El LA Cceu Go and See I uXl mllerv in tbe state and will make I ""- S : anl and . naciaiii oi rapiuc, " l a " fc I .1 view bosinees. Amateur pictures cereicpea and finished. Art Needlework. Mrs.W.P. Lkfferty will be at the residence of J. A- Weaver every Tuesday from 2 to 5 p. m. to give instruction. .ii b..lanf ncadle and Lacs work. La dies pleaM take notice. S00 PACIFIC LIKE. To 111 Pcinu Eiut Solid vestibule trains, consisting of ps ar ajfraiB cars, luxnrioas dining can. Want dav cxatchea. naSTniSoent tourist cars tad free colonist sleepers from tbe Pa cific to tbe Atlantic wtiho-t change. COST Dl SECT AS ffl CHEAPEST B.OCTK T looteiia( Mlnlngr District SAECSP. VTW DETtEK, stocAS err, KtXSOX. TKAll, soesLAxn o All Doints in tbe Okaaagan Country. Ge a pamphlet giving a full iesenptiot of this wonderful country. Ask tbearenl for a copv of the mining laws of BriUtT Columbia. Lows rat o and rrrvn Atlantic attaunship ines. Canadian Pac. By. (Jo 's Royal Mail Steamship line to China and Japan CASADIAS AC9TSLAUAW STEAXEX UVB KoxoLrtc, rin akd acstbaiia. Tbe ihortest lioe to the Cckmi. These steamers carry an eipcr..-"d medical man. and a stewardess on eve' i nT&ge. For time tables, pamphlets, or any is onnation, call on or address. S N STEELE k CO. Aeata,Albaay KJCOYLE, Ag t.l5 Third St.,P and. Or. GEO. McL. BROWN. D. P. A Vanooarer nHORTHERH fell PACIFIC R. R. u N Puilman Sleeping Oars, Elegant Dintag Cars, Tourist Sleeping Car? st rant Minneapolis Dnlutn Fargo, TO Grand Forks Crookston Winnipeg Helena aad Butts HxaOUGH TICKEN TO -hieago ksshington fhiladelphia KewYork Boston and al. foinU East and South Through tickdta to Japan and Chna. vis Tacomaand Northern Pacifio steamahir Co., an American line. For information, time cards, Maps anc" tickets call on or write O O Burkhart agent, Albany, Or. ADCharlt"". At Gen Faaa as Portland O ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned has been duly appointed by the Hr notable County Court of Linn County, Oregon, as the administratrix of the estate of Andrew Ralston, deceased, and she has duly qualified as such. Any persons having claims against the estate cf said deceased are hereby notified and re quired to present the same duly verified s by law required, to the undersigned at his residence near Sweet Home, in Linn Coon ty. Oregon, within six months from th date of tnis notice. Dated this 20th day of August, 1S93. Makqakkt J . Ralston. Administratrix, j Wbitxky & Newport, Atty's for.t laintiff . AND. SOUH 8HA8TA ROUTE OF THE i outhern Pacific Oo. Caltfonda Exprass Train. : FonteM tHtif hvuaj tiu w. a. L 9 40 a a L lUislir Perusa At s-te Ar 1 S:M a i bfcS- Albany t m t (,m stop at s'a'lon be iween Par land and Salem Tor ner, Marion, Jefferson Albany tangent, Snedd, riaisey . ottage Grove. Drain. Oakland ana an atations f rora Roaebnrg south to and - iST ! II Claoa Miira I Ar Hotww aaSAaoa saasca U.ra Albany ar hmbm " Ant, at AlbaaTtrontofaw Albany froa WW 7ii POLLWAr BlHM SLEEP'rRi. Dlnlne Can on Oj-den Rout' SECQND-CU3S &EIPW.G CAW S)BAI Tr rt ;--- -t1lw. oarr wees r.EVtr as wuui Mar. fa r ( Exrjt 9o ronaae Cnm h rikSn i I IM S A. I Ar EzpnswTrata Oail, (nev aadr srsesBi w rnrsiar floral Ar Portlawt tfcktlaarine IcAap. aaae. .' , AM - ' as LrUi bWcuuMalt hwan jr-.(wr1. Sacrs- mttnmi Vnocmna. Naraaaal7 W e-M. ail afad ciaas. taclnd..; aMP RatmaM ta eatm poiww rlT laJAPl. CBI1V. H'WOLCUi awl AClSTKv- LlAeaa b oh- trim Sa ra. Albany or C WISS aV. KOErfCafa csaJUOAa. tWa-ar- Jrn PAPA Pct)aaA pMtAaat DENVER RIO GRANDE RAILROAD TheSceaic Line 0! tbe World To Tbs I1SI Intbroogh tourist ears without change. MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS Inthaagc cf IipEriencel cQoiss- wn zm panen To Kaasas City aad Chicago sffaio aad Boskoa M0NDAY3 wi&os etasga-yia Sat Laka Mtsstari Pactoe aad Chicago & Alton Railroad To Omaaa, Coieajo, Eaffale TUESDAYS Bo. MO, witnost ekaar. yA Sal Laka aad CWeaga, ELxk Idasd tt Psefic Ry ToStJaseoa. Kaaass Citr, WKDNSDAY A St Loeii, - t- t change viafrat. a. Ouissg toa. ' . To .iuh City aad S Losis THURSDY3 withoat ebaBge, via tUtv Laksaad Misuari Po5e Ev A day tuyoif artaaged at SaH Laka sad Dawvar A Bade thrOBgn the t-aoaa Colorado 3ooery Par rales aad infarsnatio'i isqaue ot O R k S sad S P spenta or addrasa R C Kichou Ga Agt, a K Koaxas, SSI Waahiagtaa a-ree, Daaver. Portiaad OnM Ciorado. Corvallis it Eastern ftailroad. TTJaECAkO. 1. For Tequina: Train leaves Albany " Corrallis Arrive Yaquina I. Returning: Leaves Yaquina " Corrallis Arrive Albany 12:50 p. m. 1 :45 p. m. 6:00 p. b. 7 KX) p. m. 11:40 a. m. 125 p. m. TrOOa. m. 8K)S a. m. 12:20 p. m. 12:40 p. so. For Detroit: Leaves Cornelia " Albany Arrive Detroit RetnrnL g : leavee uetroit Atbanv Arrive Corrallis 6Hb p. l 65p.i 1 and S connect at Albany with Sooth era Pacific train giving direct perries to and from Newport nd adjacent beaches, lrain tor the mountains amvds at ue- trait at nooa givinc ample time to rtavch camping grounds oo the Breitenbush and Santism rivers same dav. EDWIN STONE. H. H. WauE!t, Managsr. T. F. x P. A. J. Tcaurxs. Agent Albany. Dkpaet TIME SCHEDULES Aaurx From Portland. Fast Salt Lake, Denver, Ft Fast Mail Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mail p m pas City, St Louis, 7:20 am Chicago and East. Spokane Walla Walla, Spok Spokane. river ane, Alinneapoiia. bt Fiver Spa. Paul, Daiuth, Mil- lOKam waukee, Chicago, A East. 8pm OCEAN STEAMSHIPS 4pm Alt bailing dates subject to etiange. For San Fraoci eo Sail Nov.. 1,4. 7.10, 13, 16,19 , 22,25,28. To Alaska Sail Augusts, 25. S p m 8pm COLUMBIA RIVER 4pm ExSundsv STEAMERS. ExSonday Saturday To Astoria and Way 10 pm Landings. 6am WILLAMETTE RIY. 4:30pm ExSnn. Oregon Citv, Newberg, Ex Sun. Salem A Wiy-Land's 7am WILLAMETTE AND S :30pm Tuesday, YAMHILL RIV. Monday, Thnrs., Oregon City, Dsyton, Wed., and Sat. and WayLands. and Sak 6am WILLAMETTE RIV. 4:30 pm Tuesday Portland to Corvallis TnesdsT Tbur., and Way-Landings. Thnr., and SaU and Sat. Lv Riparia Lv Lewiston 1:45am SNAKE RIVER 6:45 am Mon.Wed Riparia to Lewiston Sun.Tuee andFri. and Tbur. W.H.HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agent, aG.RAWLISGS, Fortlsnd, Or. Agent Albany. NOTICE CF FINAL SITTUMEKT. Notice is hereby givec tbat the ander signed,admini8tratrixol tb estats of B. H Allen.deceased.haa fisd ber final account of said estate, with the clerk vt tue county court of Uoo countv. Or., and the county court has Exed the 7th day of November. 1898. at 1 p. m to hear objections if any , and to settle said a-oount and estate. Dated Sept. 28, 1S9S. Elxkok Aixxs, Whitskt & NxwroBT, AdministratrU. Atroraeya, 0- oi if? rr