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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1898)
BtmotaL pMvmy 98oq3iH Jd PJM jspMO-t 2o;3ivg iuvojc sJlJd JQ 25c. 51, These an the prices ot the cushions and head resls shown in East show window at the store of S E Young & Son, Albany, Oregon. AN EXTENSIVE ENTERPRISE. The spectacular aud Up-To-Date "Karnival dc Kommcrce." The "Karnival de Kommerce" ia a new and modern entertainment proposi tion, to be given in the opera house as a stage performance in which all of oar enterprising business houses and firms; will be!represented by as many of our popular young ladies arrayed in typical costumes, but participating in a specta cular performance that is entirely differ ent from the old merchants carnival, being grander, more elaborate, and magnificent, with new, modern and up- to-date ideas. It is to be given upon such a large, elaborate scale that it be comes a "citv enterprise" of consider able magnitude because the business men are all interested in it and will be a social event ior the reason that about 60 ladies wil be invited to participate. The excellent plan upon which the whole affair is arranged is entirely saueiaciory .i i . i. .ii:.. n .nj r i urn ATTME I I) ilZilill An exceptionally good style in muslin Night Dresses, short yoke back. Empire front and full measurement. Wide reveres of embroi dery, frilled with Hamburg lace. LL&H.J. HAMILTON. Lian's Soldiers ia 1861. A. Cole, ot Olympia, has sent to the editor of the Santiam News, from mem ory, the following list of men who en listed in Linn county in Co. F, of Volun teers', In 1S61 : A W Waters, capiain ; D B lieutenant; J D Batch, 2nd lieutenant; Areril, Bain, Bell, Blaine, Blaine, By land, Bam ford, Carey, Carr, Clark, Car ter, Cueick, Clsypool. Coryell, Coryell, Cole, Denny, Denny, Do vie, Ennis, Flamery, Ferguson, Fisher, Griffith, Grabb, Howell, Hilleary, Harknees, Eck man, Fose, Jackson, J online, Klum, Inister, Kirk. J-e, Le, aiaxweii, aas- vpn, aiaiev, juaniey, Morris, juarun, juc DoSeld, McClure, McCarley, McCoy, Mc MahbMcCalley,McAlieter, McAllister, Payne, PaNner, Byburn, Powel, Byland. Bam ford, Reed. Rankin, Roach, Still well, Smith, Smith, Smith, Taylor, Vor kies, Williams, Wadley, Wykoff, Weier, Wining, Yoder. He beard it called last time at Vancou ver, July 20, 1866. .Not one of these died in the service and only one wounded, T F Smith, slightly n the foo',. Mrs. George Henderson and child came up from Portland this noon. Mr. Jake Streitel of the government works at Ft. Stevens, is in the city on a visit with lus family. Ex-Congressman F. X. gcboonmaker, of Xew Jersey, spent Saturday nigbt in Albany, going from here to Portlnd. r. Chas. Kewboueeof the Postal Tel. office has gone to Chicago. Me has been eucceeded in ihe office here by Donald E Roes, of Astoria- Judge Terrell, George G. Bineham, and J. A. Carson came up from Salem this noon, Mr. Bingham well loaded down with fishing tackle. C W Fulton, a former well known ad vocate of free silver will speak at Stav- ton next Wednesday evening in the in terest of the single gold standard. Miss Ava Baltimore, a former resident of this place, but now of Albany, ia in the city visiting friends and renewing acquaintances. The Dalles T. M. R C Taylor baa instituted suit in the circuit court Lane county for a divorce from eitha Tavior. to whom be was married in Lincoln county in 1893. He alleges desertion without cause. W E Thomas, the popular undertaker cf the Santiam country, went to Port land Wednesday to lay in a largo stock for his new building, now nearly com pleted. Stay ton Mail. j Miss Grace Stafford of this city has been elected principal of the Harrisburg public schools for the next year, with Mr Mc Kinney, Mies Genevieve Majera and Miss Minnie Evans as assistants. ' iru. rnmsina nnnliina TWvis rt Tavaa. will speak in Albany next Saturday May I 28 at 8 o. m. at Lebanon at 2 p. m. He ie accompanied by J. L. Story, candi date for attorney general. Hon. George E. Chamberlain was ia the city today on bis way to Corvallia, where he wid talk tonight. Tomorrow be will speak in Albany and to tha merchants who are "in it" and will give double value leceived to ail who attend. The whole city will be oroul of the enterprise and glad the affair waa undertaken as the proceeds will go to the 6 A R and W R 0 for pa triotic use. Let as all make Albany's "Karnival de Kommerce" a grand sue cess. . Dr. Hill's Canvass. The middle-of-the-roadere generally are-receiving acme nice notices from the republican papers. Here is oae from the Salem Sentinel: "Dr. J. L. Hilt, ot Albany, straight populist nominee for congress in thia dis trict, was in the city today, Having made a speech at Silvarton last night. The doughty middle-of-the-roader is making every effort to meet R. M. Veatch, fusion candidate, in mint debate, but the Utter wants to avoid the conflict He refused to meet Hill at Corvallis next Monday, saying "other speakers are to meet me there and I cannot accent your offer." Then Hill wired him, asking, "At what time and place are you willing to meet me in debate 7" Veatch answered : I cannot answer at this time." The doctor aavs be is in the race to stay and will make a vigorous canvas ia Linn, Polk and Clackamas counties and such ot her places as time wm allow nun to reach. ' Really there is no occasion for Mr. Veatch to meet him. Let Dr. Hill and Mr. Tonga croft bats. LARGE SALES. Results of Enterprise and Push. Mosi8 Paskss and boss of near Plain view, were the first of three firms to buy threshing outfits of Hopkins Brothers last Saturday. Their purchase waa a 56 x60 Rival Niagara Pitta. The Parkers have one of the finest places in the coun ty, 1000 acres in all of which 750 acres is sowed to grain, the rest being pasture land. To thresh the wheat on this will be considerable, but they also propose to help out their neighbor, who mav de pend on a fisst class job and honest treat ment, y Xtwius & Sbabp of near Millers were No. 2 for t be day getting an outfit just like the one bought by the Parkers They are reliable, live young men who will look after the interests of those for whom they thresh the coming season. The size ot the wheat crop indicates that they will needed. Isaac Whxaldox residing a few miles from Albany was No. 3 bnying a 28x48 Pitts, with wind stacker. Mr. Wheal- don ia one of Linn county's prosperous and most careful farmers and does not take an important step like thia nntil af ter a thorough investigation. This will be a great addition to his splendid farm ing outfit, one of the beat in the valley. Those who employ him may depend on as gooe treatment as be will give bu own erope. WHEAT. Chicago 165o for May, 109)s for July. New York 160 for May, 1162 for Suly. Saa Francaco 92?c for December. Liverpool 1.2c lowei. Albany 79o. A LIVE ADDRESS. Judge Crowell, of Jacksonville, spoke The Klondyke baking powder is St hillings Best baking powder, v It keeps and does its work everywhere. 2S Bacon, Beans, Coffee, Hardtack. WHDITE8DAT SOGIAL AND PERSONAL a large last night at the court house to audience, and the splendid opinion here' toiore nad ot him wm not lessened, but increased. Judge Crowell stated that he would discuss principally matters that are of interest to the people of Oregon. The Union of foicea Is for the redemption ot the people of Oregon, for the securing ot reforms needed in the state. He would talk business. We desire a reform of the ballot, a better election law, so that at least soma ot the corruption ot Portland may be stopped. He would plead for a better condition, so that official will be held to a strict accountability. . Without the school land ring ot Ore gon then would now bo foui or five million dollars in property for the use of the schools of the state. Thia fund must be held sacred. The school book ring is another thing that needs reforming. We are paying more for book than in adjoining states, f 1.70 more for the series of readers alone than in Washington, just because ot an unjust'school book contract. The republican in their platform say they want reforms in the state, an ad mission of guilt, for they have been In power n the state. A criminal about to be hang always want retonn. The last legislature of 90 members had lol clerks, no more need en than bed bugs in Paradise. 121 should be done away with. In the last legislature there were 70 republican and 20 democrat and popu lists and yet the 70 claim to have been held up by the 20. But notwithstand ing, if nothing else, economv haa come out of it for the state levy is the amalleat for years. b peaking of prosperity the speaker said there were more delinquent taxes in his county than a year before. After telling the people to wait tor election, then tor the inauguration, then for Con gress, then the republicans said wo bad it any way, and we are bound to believe it. Unequal taxation ia indirect rob bery. There are between ISO HOT nm and 130,060,000 of railroad property in Oregon, at cost price. Of this but $5,600 000 paid taxes last year, about one six teeuth. If the man wHh a SI 600 hooae was treated likewise he would be ed only $100. In Linn county there are 126 milee of railroad, appraised at $391, 000. It had been lower, but the nonaiiat judge and clerk brought it np to $5,000 a luiom pauaiDiios b. r. loan E A Ross the evangelist, has gone to St Louis. Mrs B B Dunn went to Brownsville today on a two or three weeks visit. On May 23 in Salem a boy was boi n to Mr and Mrs Arthur Brasfield. U B Peters will go to Portland tomor- .... l.a nlti rt ,,, I ha tn A, M..- By this time the Oregon boys have left ing b9 trip fa a day . Tin Bssr Tar. Manager Gradwohl tells tha Democbat that the Si Perkins Co. gave the best satisfaction of any company that haa been In Albany this season. That they are not only good actor and musicians bat are gentles. en and ladies in every sense. The manner in which they were appreciated here is shown in the tact that on the last per formance on Saturday night the actual sale of seats was 567, over 600 being in ihe bouse. The Desoout man has iut been shown a copy of the Overland monthly lor June. lb7. which contains a story entitled "Lura, Story ot a Smuggler's Wife.', written oy Plaft Brush Eiderkin, a former resident ot Albany, now prac- ticidg law in ban Francisco- it is we.'l written anJ diaplava considerable liter ary talent. 1 he scene is laid on Paget Sound. was $55,000 ami!e. would it be nnreaaon able to aaaees it $10,000. one fifth. The road is bonded at 130.003 a mil, ipmai the line in California the road ia amcas ed at $17,408 a mile, and yet in Linn county your republican assessor kicked at raising the assessment to $5X00 a mile, i our railroad land ia smir ml at $1.40 an acre but yoor noo tillable land at $3.30. Why thia discrimination, la this coonty $9,000 should coma into the treasary from the railroads annually. Recently CoUis P Huntington, the presi dent pasted Ihrongh the valley with four palace cars for himself, wife, private sec retary and ten servants. There is rroa- pemy for you, but Colli bai it. The union party is in favor of eaaslitv in taxation. When the sneaker cot thronvh rinllie waa pretty well riddled. The ineonalilv tn Oregon is dae to republican administration. Dor't yon think von need an hoat man like Bob Veatch, who cannot be bought by Huntington's s3.000.000 athia end of the line to educate Congressmen in railroad matters. Huntington him- lt said : "I believe it la the dntv of the oiticers of the mad to defeat men op posed to the interest of the railroad," a statement of record. ihe manner in which the rennhlirana patted the middle of the roedere on the back was pat In a lively manner. Two years ago they were called anarchist bat now tbey are splendid fellows, jaat like the gold beg democrat. Tbey wit be anarchists sgain after election. ote for the interest of the people not for the lines and combine. Sea that the men elected for your County Clerk and yoar assessor are men who will atand by your County Judge fn securing equality of taxation. ' Taqulna Improvements A dispatch of May 21 say that Sena tor McBride had a conference with gc retary Alger rejardin r certain change in the specifics lions for the projected in DnmniMtiii Yaiinina oar. An exien sion of alirja will .be made which will rreatlv im Drove navigation. One mil lion dollars is provided for the comple tion of the improvement, but Senator McBride believe the work can be done for much let. Former Linn County Man. From the Prineville Journal. J. H. Snoderlr died at hi residence on the Ochoco, about five mile above Prineville. on the night of Saturday, 14th May 1898. Mr. Snoierly was born in Tenneesee. March 17, 1830, and crossed the plains with hi father in 1852, bis mother having died on the way. He settled on Hamilton Creek, Linn county where he wa married to EUsa Curl danehter of Barton Curl, a near teigb bor. From there he moved, with hi fn IftOD tn Crook eountv. where he resided till hi death. Hi wife and eight children, five sou and three daugb ters, survive him. An Important Question. Presidio for the Philippine Islands, bat their rations will goon about the same. Each company will take with them $100 presented by the Portland Emergency Corps, which they anticipate will came in handy in the Pbilipines. Rev. Gilbert, to a Eugene paper, de scribes the boys rations, which, be says, they seem to enjoy, as follows: Each company has five days rations is sued at a time. The cook baa to see that this feeds the company for that time, on the fifth day it is generally a little slim, rhe boys are on regular campaign ra wons, bacon, beans, coffee and hardtack with canned tomatoes every fourth day, no bread, no butter. Each soldier has bis own tin plate and spoon and quart cup which be himself keeps clean. At the sound of mess call the company lines up and marches to the end of the street and files by the cook Uble where to escb one is served his share. Then they go where they please to eat It. A Strict Postal Order. Vul. t.- TX y.reiu.j iuo jjxjiocrat gave a pos tal law tn reference lo sending mail to a foreign country. Another order haa since been received which makes it very doubtful whether mail aent to Manila will ever reach the person addressed. An order made Aoril 28 SDecifltl states that all matter mailed to Spain or muj m ner colonies or aependencie shall returned oy the exchange clerk to the person named in the return address or it none men to the dead letter office. So be sore and put on a return address. The proper way will be for the postal de- to conamer tne mtiippines in the possession of the government and do their best to get the mail to Hs desti nation. Aa a matter of fact Manila ia not yet in the bands of the U. S Mr Whitehead, a well known 'orator. win speak at Lebanon next Thursday at a p. ui. L ave r romaa and Frank Froman left ton morning for rish Lake country for an outing ' Dr J L Dill of this city addressed an audience at Dallas last evening in the miaaieoitbe road. The apeaking was in a ball. Miss Emma Pfeiffer returned this noon from Warm Spring, where she went several weeks ago to attend the wedding other friend Mis Eva Cowan. Hon George E Chamberlain case over from CorvaJlis this noon and will apeak at tba court house tonight. He is one of Oregon's .most popular citiwns as well as ablest debaters. Theodore Howard, on bia recent trin to Southern Oregon, stopped off a day at Tangent, near Albany, where Jenks, formerly of this county, now re sides, to visit bis cousin Mrs Jenks. nee Mies Kate Howard. Mr and Mr Jenks are prospering in their new location- Pemdleton E O. William Faber, of Albany, and George W Bnr, of San Francisco, stayed over last nigbt at the Belvedere, on their re tarn from Victoria, whither they bad gone to bring borne the remains of J C Baaer, a well known San Francisco bop hover, who died of naralva a at Victoria i laatweeg. irey leit tbta San Francisco Telegram. ser- and Rev 0 ft Stevenson went to Browns ville yesterday to attend the county Sun day School convention. Recorder Hardman and Anderson Cannon made political apeerfces at La comb last Monday nigbt. Bert noover, a tormer bsiem young man, now a civil engineer in Australia ia about to fill an $IS,CO0 position. Elijah Coat baa been appointed post roaster at Fox Valley, Or., vice William H Swank, resigned. Mrs EE Ham mack and Mr Clymer are ootn lying aangeronsiy in at Tall man, and Mrs Elial Parker at Lebanon Mrs Etta Stubblefield and son will leave tomorrow ior rresno, Ualif., to spend several months with her sister Mrs Kev fcccleston. . Mortimer Whitehead, past grand lect urer of the National Grange, a promin ent man in tne united states, will speak in Lebanon tomorrow Mr Thompson, who run the Adelphi mission here several years ago, arrived in Albany this noon and nl hold vices at the W 0 T U ball ton ight Thursday night. H A Dawson, Mr and Mrs Loper, Mr Clem end Mr and Mrs J C Swank are attending the meeting of the state grange at forest Grove this week. Kevs Keed and Poling- and Prof Lee went to Brownsville on their bicycle to iwu we c o convention. Rev Pol ing's bicycle broke and .be was obliged m return. Ex Councilman Grsdwohl, manager of the opera boose, and one of Albany's tuuutmr norcnanta, win leave tomorrow night for San Francisco accompanied bv Mrs. Gradwohl, who will remain several uiuutut, wniie nr, eradwonl will re turn in a lew week. The Presbyterian choir will nreaent concert at tbacbarcb next Friday even- i.m. at a a n at a- . . "s mo organ iana . rror ut, ot Ai oaay wiuaispiay the workings of the ?ew two manual pedal baas Estey organ, in addition to the vocal selection fa tk cnoir. eaiem Journal. ii alter aicuree. oi Linn eonnt re turned Dome Slondav afternoon a!tr abort visit with bis neios Mrs G M Pow ers, air Hcllree has ioat ntarnorl C f . . . iron rconr. Illinois end waa amnmn. nied by Mia Lottie Pfeiffer, who will probably spend the summer here Sa lem Journal. CITY COUNCIL. Oakvlllc. The Risbbvb Corps. A meeting for perfecting the organization was . held yesterday afternoon at the G. A. R. bail with a good attendance. Tbe organisa tion ia a worthy one and should receive .n nearty support of tba ladies ot the city. Tbe corps will hold itself ready to do whatever teey may be called upon to do in tbe interest of tbe boy who have gone to the front. , A'Coevaixis Evivr June 1st, one week from tomorrow, the Mason will lay tbe corner stone of their new temple. The Masonic elaborate service of such occasion will be f ally rendered. Ma sons from all part of the state will be in attendance and local lodge will attend in full. It' to be a red letter day in tbe history of tne home lodge. Union Tbe past week waa one ot inUrect to many of our people. On Tuesday even ing we were entertained by Miss Green's chalk talk whkh wa the best we ever wit Deseed. Miss Green shows to ber an. dience that she means whet she says and ber subject should Interest all. Thurs day evening we were favored with lec ture from Rev. K. A Baker, of Portland. Mr. B- ia a nice talker and bia style is not offensive even to those who differ with him politically and hi appeal to Christian cilisena should not go an heed ed. Friday, Mr. Hough, of Salem, made a speech which wa cheered by his friends. Mr. Johnson of Junction, ia visiting with Will Eagy. Ttey came from Da kota together. Dr. Hill, ot Albanv. passed through her last week. We d'dn't learn whether be waa en a professional visitor an elect ion lour. The showers of last week were of great vaioe to the farmers and gardner of this valley, bat the alight f rot wilt do some harm especially to garden, however, we don't expect acy great damage. The school picnic at Hntbert's grove will be a largs affair. On Thuradav the exercise and program will be given by tne two cuooi ot H albert end Uakville. Friday wilt be utilized by the political speakers of all parties. A. Y. Smith and Earl Shearer were at work last Saturday preparing a "dining ball" at Smith's where a good IS cent dinner can be bad en election day. Ko mnerence wnat ticket a man vote, the dinner ia the same price. Mia Lillie Hamiil is Improving in health every day. uttl Kobe Bcd. nieht be will speak in . . i : l' LAt,.. Postmaster Stite says that the ques- Bl rA"AnA ?P S" f!. t,- t. now aaked the most is : "How weeas engagement in &iunj isi chui- i - h. niirht to a big boose, and a well 1 will I address letter to oar soldier pleased one. Miss Mary Sellers, sister Manila, and what ia the portage" For of Mrs. Stetter received tbe present of j own boys direct your letters in care i h Dicvcie. IaI nnt i. . Kirtmii. ui i. irreKuu mi . v. vK ' , Mr. Davis, iormeriy in tne arug dubi inpfia in Sbedd. has bought Mr. A1J Miller's interest in tbe liverr business of Miller & Turner and tbe firm will be Turner & Davis hereafter. Rev. Mcllwce Ross, who was in Al bany last year couple of weeks, and Miss Ketcben are to De married in Winnsboro, S C. on June 1. Mr. Ross has accepted the pastorate of the U. P. church at Oxlord, Pa. Mr Harry Temple ton has been engag ed to preach in Kev Gilbert 'a pulpit at F.ncene until August. Mr Temple ton is a graduate of tbe U of O of tbe class of and has since attended school one year in Williams college and then in tbe Calitornia lueoiogitai huuum;, Tr. Onwell of Jacksonville in Albany yesterday and will address the of Albanv tonigbt at the court Louse. Two years ago Judge Crqwell nnairtored about the beet orator on the campaign, and many who heard him k.. .ill taka extra pains to bear bim nrnwell was minis tar to a tnnv. China, during Clevelend first administration. '. From The Dalle T.' M. On Wednesday. Mav 18. at tb" denceof Hou J L Cowan and - f Warm Springs, Miss Eva Cowan fiewell, and Mr James Meikle were united in marriage, Rev J A Spear officiating. Only iiumediite friends and relative were present. Mr and Mrs Meikle will reside in Portland, and take with them the best wishes of a large circle of friends both at the agency and la The Dalles. Will Claim Damages. Mr. George uonicK, wno recently met with an ac cident at tbe bridge beyond the Cala- pooia any he will pat in a claim for damages. As tbe approach to tbe bridge alipped down it threw the wagon noon tne horses, braising one of tbem par ticularly m a serious manner. Was Agaixst Dclkib. Unci Billy Wright Is in the city, with bia grind stone and will attack tbe doll edge of everything offered htm. scissor, knives, sickles, lawn mowers, etc. Yon don I have to pay unless satisfied. - nntaara. Manila. Philippine Island Re- mAmhAV that Hhll. a KWO CtSUb V will take a one ounce letter to any pwu in the United 8tate. it will take a five cent atamp to carry a letter weighing mit half an onnce to Manila. Use tbe strongest envelopes ana iae iiguw pa per you can get. Extremely Weak Deficient Blood Causes Loss of Appetlts and Final Break Down Hood's Sarsaparllla Cure. I lost my appetite and about all I lived on was iced lemonade. My strength was all gone. I waa so weak I could hardly crocs the floor. At laat I was taken very sick. Ods physician told me my blood was all gone and he gave me medicine but it did not help me. I had pretty much lost all faith In medicines, but thought I would get one bottle ot Hood's Barsapa. rllla and try it. After taking that bottle I was much better, and so I got two more bottles snd after taking them I was well, but to be sure of it, I kept on taking Hood's Sarsaparllla nntil I bad nsed in all five bottle. It has done nnspeakable good to me and I wish all my suffering ulsters would try It,". MM. A. Eversks, Wedderburn, Oregon. Remember Hood's Sarsaparllla None. Having purchased (be stock of Harness and nddlerr formerlv belono'. ing to Cal Bnrkbart, I respectfully solicit tbe patronage of those desiring first class band sewed harness. A. E. Kktchcm Several papers bad the battleship Ore gon, queen of tbe navy, at Key West, yesterday, whereas the Oregon was not tbsre, nor is it known where she Is defi nitely. Depend upon it though the Ore gon is all light, and let tbe Spaniards stand irom under woen sue Degins firing, Tuesday evening. May St. Present Mayor, Recorder, Marshal, Street Su perintendent and Coaocilmen, Gal- braith, DannaU, Hopkins, Senders, Martin and Graham. Tbe fallowing bills were ordered paid. McCbeeney A Conn, $1&25; Hopkins Bros, $16 25; Miller & Tomer, $4.93; C O Lee, $1.23; Salem Lumber Co., $31.43 M La J wig. $1.7$ ; Stewart A Sox, $320; I M Merrick, $3,50; Cost bills. $3 60; Albany Iron Works, $511.40; X J Hen- ton, $75.65; W A Long, $3 50; N J Hen- ton paid Glass A Ptodbome,$0.00. At a meetieg of the board ot conaiixa-' morn'ng for I tion it waa reported that a levy of mill bad oeen made and $ l S for each $1000 assessment for road work. Tbe Committee on wn and mean re ported tbe completion ot tbe city jail. In matter of change of team for No l'a engine it was thought by lb (oamit!eJ mat a cnange woaic De made. Matter of latter al sever asked for ae roa part of lot 73 and through tb Col lege ground, upon petition ot J F Trout man, was continued Petition of W R B!ain for a sewer was granted. Property owners were ordered notified to build eewer between 2nd end 3rd streets, Washington to Calapooia, and recorder wa directed to advertise for bid forth city' part. ret. lion of J as Laurent et al complain ed that the overflowing cf the ditch at 3rd and lnnmon was causing damage to adjoining property and interfering with travel, and tberetore asked for a bridge. Referred. A communication waa read from Mr Stillman ot tbe board of obdrrwriler onertng to take on tbe IS per cent raise on Insurance, and to re rale tb city and mate a reouct'onol lutoia percent be sides if the ci'y will repeal the ordinance taxing Insaraaee companies, a bill for tbe repeal of tb ordrtanc waa read three limes and na-aed. License to seii liquor were granJ to V Re is and U L Cranor. rbe matter ota light on Ferry street tb or 9th was referred. Tbe sidewalk on first street below tb CAE treatl wa declared a nuisance. HOME AND ABROAD. Buy Siniley's Clean . , ... : , Printing. Crescent Bicycle, Hopkins Brothers, agents. " Best Bfcyde for tue money. Will & Stark, jewelers. Call at French's and see bis girdles from 15 cent up. . Tne state grange convened in Forest Grove this afternoon. Belt and skirt supporters 5, 10 and 16 cents at F. M. French's. Crescent bicyeles at Hopkins Brothers for only 120, $30, $35 and $50. Freh seeds, two packages for a nickel a Stewart k Sox Hardware Co. ' Fresh seeds, two packages for a nickel at oiewart bos Hardware Uo's. - Cyclist coma around to AO Beam's new Ice Cream Parlors after yoar ride. Cracker are now way down in price, call on C E Brownell for fresh one. utaies long watcn chains at low prices v w icutu jeweiry store. Portland neonla will ealahrata tha llti pf July thia year as tbey never have done oerore. - If yon want good sewing machine needl. a and oil get them of French the eweier. Mrs Viereck Ice Cream Parlors and Summer Garden are opened for the Mason. r ine aeiictoua ice cream and ice cream soda. lAxtors may duagree about tbe treat ment of case but all agree that prescrip- iuo iduuiu oe put up at ourknart c Lre's drog store. Tbey are careful. Try them and be conr inced of a fact worth re membering. W have received from J. Fischer It Bro., 7 Bible House. New York, a copy of a new and spirited March (Two step), en titled, "The Patriotic American," com Possd by tioorg H. Fischer, price fiOe. ini is undoubtedly oae of tb most effect ive marches published this season. Also arranged for band and orchestra. ADMIRAL DEWEY IS ALL RIGHT. So is the up-to-date stockof OTHINQ At the Blain Clothing Co Store It consists of a large, well assorted stock of men's youths andoys suits, in late styles, pretty patterns, properly 7made, marked allow prices. A fine wool suit for $5 to $io. t Therbare several counters of extra cheap clothing: for those wanting rare bargains. WHEAT. A dispatch in tbe Tribune says several American warships at Santiago cut the cable completely cutting Blanco off from communication with Madrid. This was done after a live fight with the fort . Several Pendleton mfn iust hack from Alaska report that Alaska and its gold neias nave been greatly exaggerated by re turning Klondikers and say that tbe real chances of making money are few. lbe only people who seem to be at all success- lut are saloonkeepers and U c owners of pack trains. The Speakers at Lebanon. Libahox, May 24. A large and enthusiastic audience met the speakers at the Band Hall today Hon Geo E Chamberlain was first intro duced and spoke for cne and on half boors and gave a moat forcible and con vincing argument In favor ot our plat form. He made a fine address. Pal mer, Whitney and Neal also made short but good talks Tbe audience wa deep ly interested and often applauded. There is complete anion and harmony here. No one will be knifed, as our re publican friends claim. M. hV .t 17 rt m f- vr tint r .i New York 155c for May. m&c too July. i-.a rranciaco 2C lor UeeemWV. Liverpool I.2c higher. Albany 7cc Karnival dc Commerce. A large number of boaiaeea aa hav ing agreed to mak a display in tb Ear- nival of Kommerce being gotten tip by Prof. Rockwell and wit nndar the ao- pke of the W. R. C. some of tbem earn to tbe conclusion that tbey would prefnr to give tbe $J. tbe price of the display fer each one, to tbe W. R. C dirreHs- vidoal displays, ao tn naoer was arain circulated with tht In view and wa generally signed- Following ia a list of the subscriber. 8 loon A Son. Read. Peacock A Co. Fosbav A Maaoa. F E Allan A Oo. Julio Joaeon. Knarht Miser, J A weave Tb Fair. Mtosei Bella, Craw lord A Harniah. H J Joan Watkiaa Bro. Morning Herald. Dm r vaxocBaT, Aioany rarnttnr (Jo, E U Will. J A Camming. Will A Stnrlt. Sbalis Bro. Conn A Huston. W V PM(. fer, W K Biaia.C Myer, U Ewert, Bark hart A Le. Long Pboto Co, Martin Lad wig. U E Brownell. F E Adama. FrH Dawar-n, H Broder. J K McFaroa, Al bany Pressed Beef Co. F S Wood. Mr T Aabby, T Waadell, Blain Ciotaicg Co, Tomlinson A Dubruil!, F M French , Mr J N Hoffman, Albany Steam Lena-dry. The Coafrg Event. Tbi moot elaborately planned and in geoiuooaly arrtyed piod action U to be given at tbe opera boo, Jon and 7 and a the first perform an os ia to be giv en on election nigbt it it the intention to annonnce tb "election retarne" from the stag a taet a tbey com ia. Bo socceetlol bav tbe ladia been In securing tbe co-op peralion of tb boi nees men that all tb leading firm ar "ia it," which wltl make U affair a city enterprise I bat will create wideepread ao Umsiaam and interest in tb whole com manity . Over fifty of oar most popular voaog ladie bav been invited to partic ipate and bav entered into it with a de termination to mak tbta karnival a aot- abia society event that will b a credit and ao hooor to all connected with it. Living picture, tableaux, fancy drills, songs, chornse. transformations, panto mime, comedy, e pacta.! tie, float, at settings, tb 'four ia band" ia fall gal lop, tb "Anvil Ksst," "tb Pig thai went to market.' atataary. tbe & mason Grand march and many wondarfal dw- ptat and new Ideas will be tntrodaewd in tbe way oi rsprse atiag tb various line of cotnmerce.all bandied nadar pro fessional direction ao that tbore ar no vans, no moootonoo part bat a grand spectacular passing show, intensely ia terestia and attractive. Don't b behind lb twee for lack of patriotic interest. LEBANON. s From the Criterion. Hon John M 6omer ia now in Dong la county making speeches in behalf of tbe republican nominee. Harlsr Crandafl who for the past week ha been workin a a atudent brake ma a on tb Albany train, now bs a poution on tha train running from Woodborn to Natron. W E Chandler la moving his nock of tinware and .tor Into tb R O Miller boildingoppoait tb post office. Mr Chandler will pot in a stock of fancy dry good in tb aarae building occupy ing on side of tb room. . D tJGGT FOR SALE In excellent eon- JJdition. Call oa A M Hoft, at the batcher shop. Crop Report. Tbe rain was of the greatest possible benefit. Large crop from fall and win ter sown wheat, oat and barley ar a enttd, and prieg aowa grain will bow mak a fair crop without mora rain The spriug grown grain - will make a large crop If it baa snore rain in a boat three week. Tne bay crop will be a large on throogboot tbi section of tb Scat. - Bom ry haa already boon mad. snore tain ia accessary foe the nay crop. There is soma complaint that Italian and Etrver pranea ar not setting wll; baa tb prwa crop aa a whole, own present appnaraaoea, will b mush largw than ever before, tbe increased prod act being da to tb new oreeard coming in to bearing this year. Apple and pea wui yieia esjrntoaarrr Tne peach cron will be very Urr ia the peach dactricta. aad a poor or fair crop ia other section. Cnfavorabi report contina from tb hopyarde. Borne think that wire worma bav killed some hiUa, others thai AprCi frost did tb dam age, wail otbra think that tbe rain will bring the Bussing bill op. b. b. Pacca, Director. "nrrc if once, men to cut wood by cord. En-1 qpire at this office or of WmRoth- eii, l'i mile northwest of Albany. L70R BEST. Furniabed or fnmiahed rooms. Central location, esq aire at I DgjsocaaT office. IV fN WASTED A reliable yvengi IV A man with email capital to engage in tne stock busines in Eastern Oregon. Fer further iadormatioa inquire at Diioout face. The Fair HOXG WAH TOXG CO- Second Et near Lyoa street. Albany. Bella Chi nee medicine, Chinese rice. Cbineee tea and nit oil. TTOR SALE. A gor-d second a. or uoopertnota. Hoaek, let aad Baker. hand sail Inqura of Mr. Special Sale o a Gents Shoes Tan and Black Latest Toe Only 12 93 a 54 00 value Ji A. Weaver. A special bargain ia aa ' I B. Aaoliaa Organ' L'. Wills Mmn Store practi- caJty new and at Ins than luif tb price of I a new one, wita a nun lot of arassc taroi iaia tbe bargain, ataat be disposed of I ia 90 day, eail and it ewaa if yon ao not I want to bay. "GMM t Strktlw uslneas Fraacn. ibe jeweler. Try acUIUBC'a Beat tsa aa aaalaf peer. Bala at Viereck's sharing aad hair catting parlors. . . , Pictures from 75 cents to t2S perdVwa at Long gallery. C B Winn, eitv tk etageot. Tickets to all point in tb east. Crasrford A Baraistt for pooto grata Fries front 1 to per dosea. , Be rare aad are ihe aati rat tiawar at Hopkia Btea. will la a lifetime. Raxcrs iosri. set aad tnt ia first class orler at T wreck sharing and hair cnt- oaa; parlor. Wheayoawaata choice steak, a nice roast or meat of aay kind, call aw Henry Srodera. . lie kdeps tbe beat. Dis- H. E aad O. C EVera oScea aad reaideace ia poat office baildtag. Special atteauoa givea to disc ass ot women. DcVtaaa nUwrv by vc coughing ruk yoar Kfw by segtrcUng a cotd. Oa Mtaota Uojgn Car cares coegbe. eoM. crone, gripp and all throat long troeblea. Commence ovent Procrnm Albany College. June 10 Jonior recital Coosevatory of Music, 3 p. m., at College. Senior re ception at 8 p. m., by ioviution. Sunday, Juo 12. At TJ. P. church, baccalaarate eermoo at 100 a. m. by Rev. Robert McLean of Grant Pr. At M. E. church aonoal adores to Christ ian Associations t 8 n. m. Monday, 4 an ix. At opera noose, at Sp ro , graduating exercises of Conserv atory MUSIC At opera bouse at 8 p. m. Junior ora tions. Tuesday, Jan 14 At opera bouse, at 10 a. m., Normal graduating exercises and post graduate recital of Conserva tory ot Music At 8 p. m. at opera house, popular en tertainment. Wednesday. Jane 15. At V. P chore b, at 10 a. m., Commencement ora tions. At 4 p. m.. on Collfge irmpns, class dav exerciaea. At 9 p. m.. at College. Halls. Alumni reunion and banquet. . Better Insurance Rates. aaaiBBaaBaaiBSa, " " " Altera long siege the city council has secured a decided advantage for Albany tn insurance matter. At tb session fact night the ordinance taxing insurance agent wa repealed. Tbi waa don on tb agreement of tbe under writers aseoastion that um la par cent rains should be taken off. aad alao that tb city shall be rented aad that there shall be an average redaction besidee of over 10 par cent, which will probably be nearly IS per cent. Tb rerating t al ready being done, and baa been ia pre- rres several dav. Tb city will retain tb sow to tax aire aay receivea, so tons a verv decided advantage will aeero to in city, loiisinrs vary nara insur ance contest, which w are glad to settled in so satiafactory and amicable a msnner. Tbe best saeata of all kinds aad Inatmeat at tbe Albaar Dressed Cooiaaav's market, iaat down feroarl street. Good weight aad prompt, aUead Sorina Humora.boiln' pint pies. aad all erapbon are promptly cored by Hood ' Sanapanlla, which thoroughly port Sea the bloud eradieating very trace of acrofuia. TO BICYCLE RIDERS. Do yoo X a good bright lurht tor yonr If so call at to office of the Oregon Gas Ltgat, Heating A rower Co, tbey have tb beaten sale ia tba arket. m-t TTT lllb ,25c - 60c Dariar lUd r-atf 75c Hint are guaran tee! t3 wear fine jean, fill giro A New Ring fCTETEIJ CSBtlat im tot prciB sat iifastorj, F H Frencn Tne Jeweler .rc sa ury. FHcr WWW Walla, gunaaaa. M.n, i. : FW. Patna. H I vukca, Caaaga, at Fa sua ast aai Masai sTaawaaii-a. AH SaMa aa tnMacS Sail Uv I. . T, Ml B, ! T A r- a ura,M,as. Ss.-? Seai flail la Brrcr Inariaf aisasnes. ailaiSaj T aatana awl Wu. tSaaa . UadXfW ant Winaasitss Slwr. Ka Ssbmu; Ongaa Oar. InWt . SaiamaM WM-LaaS s Taam.TJSa It JSI raw law . sskwauvar Oragaa Qtr. Dartoa. antWay-f lartiats irtt lass CHOCOLATE BOM BONS. Tor Sale By p H PFEIFFER tta WinaatSs SUvcr Taav Thar: rWtlaad aa CarnlBs aaaia f an WajHaaras L 1 hmn Lvl 1 5 BaaketTttver ScSaa Haa. Wat,, y 1 aaamau - - agaat, AlSaav. rarUaad. Or. ress (Roods MAY 171898 i McILWAlK'S CASH STORE 'fsnrii1 Sales .i-ii'.f' wfv . A Big Thing. Tb following are tbe principal stock holders in tbe Le Roi mine sold at Ron land and tbe amount tbey will receive at $9 per share, which Is tbe gross price of tbe sale: Valentine Peyton. I.N.Peyton W. W. D.Turner W.J. Harris W.M.Ridpatb., ueorge Turner J. G. English D, W. Henley W A. Peyton Mrs. W. W.D. Turner, . ED. Senders, Frank (rve.;?. ,,.;.) C. L.Eng'.Uh JLi.r. wimam H. M. Casey L. D. Uass... ., W.J. O. Wakefield R. B. Blake... , 3, B. McLaren . . . ..... . Election of representatives to the Qrand Lodge of tbe Degree of Honor to night, au should attend. We give away choice flower seeds with tea and coffee, for particulars call on, C. E. Brow "ell FOR KENT.-Re.ideiice centrally lo cated. Call on Mrs. S. Brenner or at the store of Julius Gradwohl. Is the best-In fact tbe On True Blood Purine. Bold by all druggist. Price, gt; six for &. n-tt are tasteless, mild, effeo HOOa S FlliS tire. All druggists, tsc. .1433,000 . 420,600 . 240,000 . 234,000 . 228,000 . 192,000 . 129,000 . 130,000 . 68,000 , 90,000 ,li 90.000 . 84,000 . 81,000 ,. 78,000 .. 24,000 .. 24,000 .. 18,000 , . 18.000 18,000 Hickory nuts at C E frrownells. Edneata Tonr Bowaia w,.a Caaeareta, Candy Cathartic, cure eonstlpatioo forever. Mc, 26o. If C.CC. tall, druggists refund money. Phaxo or Timr. Commencing 8at nrday May 28tb,the Corvallis A Eastern R R Co,a steamer Albany will ran from Albany to Portland on Saturdays in stead of 8unday aa heretofore, leaving Albany at 7 a m instead of 7 :30 end on Tuesday Thursdays and Saturday, No cnange in lime out pi rortianu. Letter List. Ice Cream Now. Wtere? At F. H. rfeiff r's, Rroadalhln atreet. Albany, Tha heat on the market. You can get it at any time, in any quantity, from a dish s iciuci m to enough for a big gathering. ice cream It always good. Laundry Notice. Following is the list of letters remaining in the Postoffice at Albany, Linn county Oregon, May 24, 1898. Persons calling for these letter must give tbe date on which they were advertised. Baker, Mr 8 H ' Cooper, Mr 8 O Chapel, Mis Maud Ewing, Miss Vara Gilpin, Scott . MCune. Mr James L waiter, aim Packages. Smith, Mrs John Smith, Mrs A W T.J. Stitm. P M Vernon Rsmn ha accepted a position with tha Albanv Steam Laundry in the absence of Cant. Phillip and will have full charge of the delivery wagon, collec- tina etc. All wora win m sens oui in first class order and a liberal patronage ot l ho n.ihlic is earnestly solicited. H. J. Phillips, manager. When Mature nula aasistance it may be best to render It promptly, but one should remember to use tbe most perfect remedies only when naaded. The best and most simple and gentle remedy ia the Syrup of Figs, man ufactured by tbe California Fig Syrup Company. That Tired Feeling is due to Impov M-Uhed blood. Hood's Bantaparilia en riches and vitalise the blood and givi strength, energy and vigor. Be sure to get Hood's. Hnod'a Pills are purely vegetable and do not purge, pain or grpe. All druggists A Boor Foes d. The body of a was found in tbe Muddy near Sbedd on Mondav. He waa not recognised bat it was thought to be tb body ot Monro Shoup. How it got there is a mysury. bat it wa evidently n accident tnoogn there is a possibility oi ssicide. Tb coroner bold aa inquest yesterday after noon without settling the matter. Prohibition Party Canvass The Prohibition Party caa vats for Linn coonty wiil be made by N. A. Baker, ot Portland, state organUer of tbe Prohibi tion party, Hon. W. P. Elmore, Rev. A. Longbottom, C. H. Walker, J. W. Seaft and E. O. Miller, assistant secretary of tbe State Central Prohibition committee, as follows : Harrisburg, Taeeday, Ma47 at 8 p m. I Shedd, Wednesday, May is at 8 p m. f f w Standard Fin Plaid Gingham jr yard. . . -. . . ; Extra value shirting (ccior warranted) per yard ' ' : Heavy Standard Print per paid ' Lma Coff e pa pkg , . . Mnanhoe,good valae 1 Floor Albany Red Crown 8now Flake ' Battle Ax tobacco 18 ot ping. Heavy Toweling, per yds...... , Ma'eeammrandarwar, perahitt.. - Gingbaaia, regular 10c gred.. .......... ............. , Good Rib top socks 10c grade ' S cans Cove oyster (1898 pack)... Trunk, Telescope and Yalicea 20 per cent discount . Oaab or trad for farm produce. ... . r 07 04 10 25 05 40 06 05 25 Oar tale an Summer Dresa Good . tn past week prove that the La dle knew a good thing when tbey aeeit, Special sale Continues ; this Week. St-lnis Met Stor BY WEIGHT OR MEASURE. pro a. STARK Of Will A Stark. Optical Specialist ig 20 " M " 21 " 23 4 u m s 25 ' May, Mis Cora Stone, Mi A 8 Thacker, Ella. Thrasher, Mr Fred Whiteside. J Yard, Mr Frank ail French's show window. Oakville, Thursday, Brownsville, Friday, " Halsey, Saturday, " Sodaville, Monday, ' Waterloo, Tuedv, ' Lebanon.Wednesday. " Santiam (near Providence church) I Thursday, May 28 at 8 p m. fccio, r riaay, way s at p m Jordan. Saturday. " r " Rock Creek, Monday" 80 " " 1.nn Tnul. Ml Ilk... IT.i,4 JTtin t Some of tbe above named speaker be at each of the above named place . tbi being a campaign of education it i hoped that the friends ot the cause of tamrjerance without regard to party will attend tbeae meetings and also see that a suitable hall is provided. - i. r. UACKLBMAN, . W. Sknft, Chairman Co. Com. - TOCUREACOLU IN ONE OAT. Takt Ltzttlv Bro-nt Qulutns Tablet All Druggist refund tb money If It fail o Cure 26o. DIED. So matter how yw bay jroa It receive yoar full equivalent. Quality too will bat on tha right side of tbe ecalee. We aim to give prompt aad moat careful at- tantion to all order whether given tn nraan or bv mail. Thl ia tb eeai for canned good and w have a fin line ot the beet to be had both in fruit. tahlaa and meat. Wa caa guaran tee them in every particular, i'oo will not be disappointed. Can't we send yon a law cans assorted for trial. Jast received aeveral case fine white comb honey at IS,' cents per pound cake i, ' - - . t cJ " Graduate of the Chicago Opthalnnc College, I prepared to extmnne soentificaUy aad accurately, by the latest and improved methods of modern science, any wh de alre to have their eyea tested. Cuaic Uloct ALiiJiT.uaaon. F. E. ALLEN & CO. IPreparing ; For le Battle of Life. You Can have as much confidence ia the prescription we fill for yon as yoo could if you were competent to fill them vnn naif, and did it We have the confi dence of your physician. Why not your? HUkKHABT lib. Where shall it be dons? Certainly where tbe best preparation caa bs had. b-tay College haa claims in this d'rtcuoa thatll for closer investigation. A Full College Training wrtnn wamtfii 'Natica ia hereby given that staled bids will be received by school dist'ict Ko. 5, Lion county, Oregon, ap to the 27th day of May, 1898 at the hoar of 1 o deck p m, Ior contract tot rumisauig no coroa seasoned grub oak wood snd 10 cords body fir. oak wood to be not Its than 4 inches in diameter at smauesi eaa, ieri (org. straight, and tree from limbs, ht to be spat from targe tree, ire irom aaots and bark. AU wood to be d hrered at school buildings ia said district as may be directed oa cr before rptsmter i. teos. cloaeJy corded. Bids will be received for ail ot the wood, or m ipis oi not mm man 20 cords. Dated this l'Jth cay or g AwiaJIS School CUrk. Kajio.Organ.ToiCB Ctlto,Earmoiij iBtsB.GUbar), Mis Fianess O Banus la of eonre tha beat tbiajr. 2nt Albanv also effort a aperior KormsJ Coarse, and a I m n i 1 1 ,, . . I .. .... - J i.mlul t Dasinsw college uiarse mat is uuenor so nana ia Mia ..-."- rail term opens sent 14. iff'JO. STOCKTON. At Oakville, on Tuesday May 24, 1898, Mr. F. B. Stockton, one ot Linn county' earliest and moat rt spec tad pioneer, at tba age ot 8 year, lie waa a member ot the U. P. church. Funeral tomorrow al 10 a. m. Wallace Howe Lee, A. M., President. Teachers of Music afaaaiaatoa SlnsUMar V PCkarca, AStamj STSEETtSAILWAT NOTICE. The motoi on to Albany street rail way will connect promptly with all train to aad from tha depot. Cay and night. Special trips will be made at special price. t. F. Cokw. Conductor.