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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1898)
. . ' cmorraL 500 majority cn the anion ticket it not putting it too high. A vote (or the anion ticket it one in the interest ot economy. That Spanish fleet continues to plsy the part of a wilo' the wiep. j The public le getting nervous. - : ' A The members ol the three onion par ties will stand by the nominees and al of them. Do not believe anything else, anv stories of cutting are simply for po litical effect. A. S. McDonald, for superintendent should be left on yonr ticket. He is an experienced teacher and an excellent citizen. Mr, George DeYaney the union nomi nee for assessor is a life long resident of the county and is familiar with values. He wiil fill the office carefully. Mr. DeVsney . will never vote to lower rail road assessments. Crawfordsville, we believe bas never been represented on the board of county commissioners. A vote for Mr. Swann is one for a practical man. Mr. F. M. Jack ot Brownsville, will be a safe man for county treasurer. The office is one that should - be filled by a man who is prompt and accurate, qual ities which Mr. Jack possesses. All efforts to make any capital out of the record of Hon . Mr B M Veatch hav ing failed the attack is now being made principally against his grammar. That won't play much part with voters. Be sure when vou vote to tee that a eroea i but after the name of J. 0. Booth for state treasurer. He is a square up right man who will run that office as u ougbt to be run. P. H. D' Amy Is one of the brightest atorrneys in the valley, baa a splendd judicial mind, and is a careful man in all his If gal transactions and business affairs generally. No one can question the ability of Mr. E. G. Neal to fill the office of recorder well. He has a faculty in this line that peculiarly fits him for the position, one if elected he will fill personally. The usual promiees to repeal the use less commissions are being made by the republicans all over the state in order to get votes. This though has been done for many years, but the commissions continue to exist. $5,000 assesment on property that eoet 255,000 and is bonded for over 30, 000 is net too much is it. If you would tee it kept np to (5,000 vote for Frank Crabtree for clerk and George DeYaney for assessor. x ; -The alleged maiigment of the character of the present aseeesor by Judge Crowell consisted simply in the charge that he voted against raising tbe . f. aasee- ment in this county to $5,000 a mile when it was only about one sixteenth of the cost of the road. This is a matter of record. Mr. I. A, Munkers, the union nom inee for sheriff is making an excellent impression on tbe campaign and the people of tbe county are realizing that their interests will be safe in bis bands. He belongs to a pioneer family, but bis own personal ability and character k sufficient to stand the test. The outlook for lheeection of the nn ion senatorial and legislative ticket in this county ia remarkably good. . The ticket is composed of men who will represent and not misrepresent the interests of the peo pie of Lion county. They are men fam iliar with tbe needs of this county and there will be no reason for any mem ber ot tbe nnloa parties to scratch any o' them- v .-. x , Mr. King u standing the onslaughts of tbe campaign remarkably well, and is making friends all along the line. Bis character ia a clean -one, he is a man of absolute integrity, posseseees ability and is in touch with the people He does not stand in with the commissions and trusts, but bis record shows is for the masses wLen it comes to actual service as well as when on the stump. Cbae. A Fitch of Clackamas county Is np fr state printer and will likely be elee'ed. Editor Fitch is a practical printer of long experience, he is a man of excellent ability, andbasmsde hi record aa a reformer. He has bean ac ustomed all bis life to live by ' the "sweat ot his brow," when he gets ia office he will work to simplify the duties, to Vssen the expense and to make the office a credit to the state, and an instru ment for the people's good and not a personal gain. Mr. Fitch should be sop ported and elected for the good of tbe taxpayers of the state. Frater. Tbe coldest inhabited country appeais to b the province of Werchojank, in Oriental Siberia, says the National Drug. . gist. The mean altitude of the terrain is about 107 met ret (about 390 feet) above tbe tea. A Russian savant passed one entire year in this inhospitable region! -1 . A 1 ... una sept a oauy record ot tbe tempera ture, wbicb he bas recently published, and from which it appears tbat tbe daily mean of the entire year is 19.3 degrees l., or z.74 degrees F., below zerol The daily mean for Jaouary, 1896, wae 53 de grees U., or 63 4 decrees F., below zero jur. rrsns irabtree, candidate for a r n . ... county clerk on the union ticket, is a man well qualified for the position.. Mr. vraotree attended tie Asricultnral ml. lege at Corvsllis for thiee years and bad ior ciafsmafe W. R. Privett, W. F. nerrin, oi San f rancisco, I. W. Berry or ;acs-on county, and J. K, Weather iora and li. M. Veatch. Mr. Crabtree nKaed in teaching for a number ol year, ttnd holds four first grade certifi cates, and gave general satisfaction in all of hit schools. We asked Mr. Weatherford, one of his das mates, as to bis qualifications for the position of countr clerk and h un hesitatingly said tbat Mr. Crabtree is in every way wen qualified for the office, filling the ;effeonfan test of capability and bonestv. ' Mr. Crabtree will undoubtedly be elected and will fill the office acceptably to the peo, le and with honor to himself Geo. E. Chamberlain's Address. Ex Attorney General Geo. E. Cham berlain spoke at the court house last night to a fair audience. After a few complimentary remarks for the city in which he resided for so many years, he immediately got down to business on the main issues of the campaign and con fined his discussion to the free and un limited coinage of silver, initiative aod referendum, and government by injunc tion. We give a few ideas presented! - We have jest shown what we can do without the consent ot any other power in our war against Spain." As soon as war was declared the other great coun tries at once declared their neutrality. It is not true tnat the republican party has not been in favor of free coinage of silver. Both parties in ana iooo and 1892 declared the eame as the record shows. The platform of 1S96 is familiar to alt, - The republican platform of Ore-' gon In 1890 'ana ios uwi " free coinage of silver. Mf . C W Fulton's free Bilver record was, shown and the speaker made the etatement tbat the re nublican paper of Albany was advoca. ting a policy directly opposite to what it did a few years ago. From 1792 to 1873 free coinage oi silver existed without varying a point. In 1873 silver was demonitited and the record shows it absolutely. Then the price of gold rose and silver apparently depre ciated. Silver became a commodity and either gold has appreciated 100 per cent or the commodities have fallen, which was ably Illustrated. Other countries also demonitieed silver and there could i,.A.inniimnit. wshTe a 200 cent nld dollar and not a fifty sent silver dollar. If the republicans c aim the credit of good prices for wheat and a few otbeT iliinmi thev also should tat tne creaii of the starvation in India. He showed the falsitv of the statement being made that the increased price ot due to the factories being opened. The truth ia thev have not been kepi open but m.n r dosed : hut to the demand in toreian countries. The proposition that silver would be h h other countries was inDoe tb e as thev would lose money by it The honesty of the dollar under free urinate was fully proven. The Gage system of finance was well ventilated under itit places the finance of the count- m in the hands of the national bants, under it the bank could expand or con tract the currency at will. Instead banks should be absolutely separated from tne government. A'hen silver was demomtised in India in 1393 there was an appreciation in gold of 25 ner ent in 15 dava. Since 1892 the value of property in Oregon bas depre eiated according to assessment trom$22S, 000.000 in 1392 to$143,000,000 in 1897 due to the appreciation in the value of gold It was .shown bow remarkably the value of commodities such as cotton, corn, rye, oats, etc. bad depreciated, the figures being given . Oregon was tbe fi'St state to declare for a single gold standard, done in Asto ria Lo you want it or tne money oi our fathers. The bimetallic platform. of the republicans in 1S9S was simply to catch fiiee. The question of government by injunction was diseueaed in a very plain manner, showing the reason tor opposi tion to it. The reasonablenees of direct 1 emula tion was ahown, tbe tendency oi which is to do away with partisanship and cor rupt legislation. Mr. Chamberlain spoke earnestly and confidently. Tbe Fight for Governor. From the Frater. Mr. (Jeer stands before the voters ot Oregon in a very precarious condition He was nominated by the Simon Repub licans, not because ne was their choice, but because tbey bad to submit to the voice of the republicans of the state. It ia well known that Gov. Lord was to have been the candidate, and bad prom ises to that effect, but tbe ring leaders could not resist the demands of a major ity of the (arty, hence, Mr. Geer was pot forward. It ia also well known that the anti-Simon republicans had selecUd Mr. Geer as their candidate, and if tbe con vention bad not nominated Mr. Geer then the opposition would have organ- iced and but out a ticket with Mr. Gear's name at tbe head. Now comes tbe fight between tbe two factions, the Simon Re publicans are lukewarm, while the anti 8imon men are indifferent as Simon got the convention, and they feel tbat Geer will stand in with that element. So Mr, Geer is between tbe two fires of his own party, and will likely go down aa a re suit. Besides Mr.-Geer is not meeting with very, great success, as a campaigner and the enthusiasm is very weak in hie behalf. As between two candidates, it looks now as though Mr. King will be victorious. The State Superlntendency. The supporters of Prof, Lyman will not be aetonished to see tbat Prof. Aek keman bas at . last been forc-d cut of hiding, and is compelled o discuss in publie the merits of his candidacy. Ho one need be surprised tbat he is making ae good a defence ae possible and that be U concealing unfavorable facts as far as pomible, . '. '". , ' " Neither need an7 one be surprised that the Oregoniaajtbe old enemy of tbe American Book Company, is now sop porting tbe company's candidate. Tbia journal invariably betrays tbs people at tbe hour of crisis. : It is invincible in peace, but Invisible in war.. Having ac cepted universal borsism it cannot now resist the dictation of Captain Edwards. Now is the time to press into, lrresis table light all facts upon this book ques tion. : Let ns strike end strike home for our free schools- A long suffering pub lic will not be deceived bv untruthfulness or .unfairness from such sources as tbe American Book Co., and the Oregonian. The ioaolentKiant is already on its knees begging for mercy. Let it have no mer cy except such as it has been dealing oat to our people aod their children for ; to, these many year. TheEuaene Register save: Whila Dr. Hill ia narsdinor as a nnn list bis obiect is ta elect sold standard TouKue and the rest of the gold standard I ticket. But he deceives no ore'. An Albany man says he pays over $4 axes on a piece of pioperty up in the mountains where a railroad owning tbe adjoining property, the same amount and quality pays only about $1. There is discrimination for vou with a ven geance. " ' If you want a Rood and eleai moke buy cigars made by our Al bany cigar iactorv.. ; Ko-Io-Bm tor fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak a uong, blood pure. 60c. SI. All druggist Eggs for Hatching at C E Browtells. MISFITS. Prosperity continues to come our way An 86 pound chinook salmon was cap tured at Astoria a few days ago. County Judge Terrill went to Albany today to consult County Judge Duncan relative to some repairs to the Stayton bridge. Salem beminel. Two years be hind time. Admiral Dswey will have to Stand all k inds of honors . A Fortland saloon has been named The Dewey. While Dewey poured hot shot into tbe Spaniards it will pour hot whiskey into Americans with slower results. '" In response to a question asked him in Portland 0. P. Huntington, pres. dent of the 8 P refused to say whether he owned the Astoria & Columbia River Railroad or not. There are many things to indicate tbat he owns both tbat and the C & E. The candidates spent , Sunday nd Monday in Albany. Those on the union ticket report the brightest prospects for the election of the entire ticket. They renort a better averase attendance than given the republicans, and excellent in terest. O, Dewey was the morning . Upon the first or May; And Dewey was tbe Admiral Down in Manila bay: And Dewey were the Regent's eyes, idem orbs oi royal blue; And Dewey feel discouraged? 1 Dew not think we Dew. - - Kansas City Journal.' A Portland man who recently settled lor a good deal lees than one hundred cents on the dollar is sneaking in Eastern Oregon about forty five cent silver dol lar, just about tne kindot dollars tnat ne nimeeif pays in. un consistency tnou art a jewel. It looks aa if enough cattle were being shipped from the valley to depopulate it of cattle, but people from the country sav there are lota of tlum lelt, which in dicatee that this is considerable of a cat tle country. It should be made more so. Our toot hills are peculiarly well adapt ed to stock raising and they should be covered. Nearly every paper that cornea to tbe office tells of seme one having returned from California, rejoicing at getting back to Webfoot from a country 'hat la all dried up, regretting though the misfor tune oi our sister slate. , Telegraph reports are decidedly mixed up . Yesterday in a paper down the val ley one dispatch said "It is certain no engagement has occurred," another tbat "it is positively known that Admiral Sampson has destroyed the Spanish rku" One hardly knows where on le at" nowadays in war matters. L The present guard will be reorganised on entirely new lines. Officers as well as men will have to undergo a strict ex amination. o dndee ner lady killers need apply, for only fighters are wanted. The time - has parsed for men to don braes buttons for tbe sole purpose of pos ing as ornaments. Only those are wanted who are as ready to shoulder tbe musket ss they are to show thetniwlve. Telegiam. A Rip Van Winkle in Marion coonty coutinues to wave the "bloody ehirt." And this at a time when northerners and southerners are marchirg arm and arm against tbe Spaniards for a common country. Any man who will wave a Moody shirt these days should be kicked out. Some thing has been said about Ad miral IXwey's politics. His son. Ueorre Dewey, who Uvea in New York, says: "I have often heard my father say that be never voted in bis life; that aa army or navy officer should not dabble in pol itics, but serve bis country, no matter wbo is in power. If my father baa any politics, which I do not believe, I do not know it. An interesting feature of tbe Linn county campaign has been the fact that Mr. LeseUe, the republican nominee for senator baa been unable to go on tbe canvas on account of serious illness in his family, and Dr. Macker, tb union nominee, because aa Mr. Lasella's family pbislcian, bli services vera Beaded caily. ! The Democrat doubts very much it the Spaniards send a fleet and soldiers to the Philippine I el ends by way of tbe I Sues canal. It will be a awry day for them if tbey do, for they will be met j some Dewey morning with a crushing set back tbat will be beard all over tbe world. Tbe Democrat cannot remem ber a single truthful statement since tbe war began tbat came from Spanish sources. ' Wben Captain Clark, with the batUe- sbip Oregon, arrived at Rio Janeiro, b. received long orders from tba naval board of strategy, telling of tba danger of bis being intercepted by the Spanish fleet, and bow to avoid meeting them. Ulark wired in rely: ' "Please don't tangle me np with In structions. I am notalraid ot the whole Spanish fleet." The Democsat believes he could whip any three or lour oi the neet, at least. The following from the Cottage Grove Leader gives a sample of the manner in which people are attending political meetings this year: Our old friend Bob Hendrix, of the Salem StatesmSn, came f .1 O-l . . t I up an tue wsj irum diivui w raiigotvn the voters in the Cosst Fork country on the political issues of the day. last Mon day. We are reliably informed that Boh ''preached" to a very msll audience considering the distance be had to travel. Tbe crowd. Including his escorts from Cottage Grove, consisted of 6 populists, 4 democrats, o republicans, 1 prohibi tionist and 2 silver republicans who ma nifested very little enthusiasm. From the Sentinel. Mr W F Lamb, superintendent of the Wtstern Union te'egraph lines on tbe racmc coast, passed through on tbe morning overland train and expressed great delight with tbe refreshing appear ance cf things in tte Willamette vallev. Here everv'htnir is ereen and in a flour isking condition, while iu California tbe grass, grain and hetbage presented a parched, dried up appearance. Mr Lamb was on his wav to Puset s?und country, where his company is perfect- mil iue laiegrapaic connections wun V 1C- tona, a. u Claud Taylor, a Salem boy on the Bal timore, just before leaving Hong Kong for the ismous battle, wrote bis mother, among other things : "Now, do not worry shout me. Of course, tbe chances sre against me, but 1 go to perform a duty to the nag and country which we all Jove so well, and to avenge tbe murder of tbe brave boys of the Maine, five of whom were ship mates of mine while on the Philadelphia. "While I write this I see around me six Portland boys writing to their moth ers ; great big tears are rolling down their sbeeks. but they are not tears of fear, but of love for the dear ones whom they may never see again. Bid all my Salem friends goodbye for me. Let everybody come to tne star Bakery and get 40 loaves of fresh bread for $1.0. 1 cash. J O Mbybi, WAR NEWS. Rumors Not Sufficient. London, May 24. There are preval ent rumors here tbat the American squadron has destroyed the Spanish fleet. About Starved Oat. Honq Kong. Mav 24. Word from Manila is that food is scarce. Meat is entirely exhausted, and supplies will be entirely exhausted In two weeks No Engagement 'Yet. Key Wist, May 24. The movement ol the American fleets is known here and it is certain that no engagsment has oc curred yet. The Spanish fleet hss been definitely located. A Madrid Dispatch Madrid, May 24. A dispatch from Havana states that tbe Americana now oocupy positions in front of Havana, Car denas. Cienfnegus and Santiago. There are fourteen warships in front of Havana. The Oregon Yolunteers. Sak Fbascisco, May 24. Tbe Oregon volunteers' this morning went aboard their steamers for the Philippines, three companies on the City ot Sydney and nine on the Australia. The steamers will sail tomorrow. Bound For Manila. Sam FaAxcisco, May, 23. The first regiment of California volunteers today went on board the City of Peking and in a few hours will probably be on their way to Manila. The Oregon volunteers will board tbe City of Sidney tomorrow morning for tbe same place. A Small Fight. Kit Wmt, May 23. 300 Cubans and a squad of Spanish cavalrymen had a fierce fight Thursday, near ManUnsaa The Spaniards retreated to Havana. Tkere Waa ttrtag Fort ab Phisce, Hayti May 23. The following dispatcti has been received from fort f aix, dated Saturday last: lAnd taiegraphJe communication bas been interrupted cp today. A furious can tMaading was heard on the 19, Thursday last, in tne direction north of Cuba. To day tbe cannonading coeUanea ia a lively rasaon. fort de faix is in the north westera part of Hayti, and the 6ring may have been from any part of tbe eastern ex tremity. Aaeaaac Fleet ae Si vm Tons. May. 23. A dispaich to tne world from Madrid says: With the incoming of the new sovern meat renewed activity has been rivea to foreign and home defeases. Torpedoes have been laid at the entrance of ail tbs important harbors. Tbs new muistry ha oeterminea to send at oace what is known as tne rewrve squadron consisting of 14 vessels. This Beet is likely to start at one and it la publicly staled that it is going to nuui.. . Wka rM It Xfeaa Loxooy. May. 23. Tbe Chronicle, com nurauog on toe uispauJi Iran its corre- spoadeat at Kingston, Jamaica, who aays that Lagiand baa thrown 13 months ' sup plies iaw Jamaica, where all tbe officers nave bad their leave withdrawn, England is going to take a hand in tbe HupaaAmericu war. and couples its correspondent's report with tbe ru'nor cur rent in Liverpool yesterday that Fraoe is trying to boy tbe Canaries for 930,000,000 a steHlsbtr IVed St. Thomas, May S3 Tbe Brtisb steamer Aide borough, which arrived at rorto Kico, May 8. from Mothili, Scotland reached this pott from Saa Inan yesterday She reports that tbe Spaniah steamer lea- netia u bred on the British steamer Roth, wnica amvea at eaa man arter the bom bardment. It is s Urged tbat tbs Spanish ship nrsd on the RoU, which waa loaded jritncoai. Loanox. May, 23. A dispatch Ia the Chronicle from Barcelona, dated Sunday says: A steamer took 1000 soldiers from Cadis Jeterday (Saturday) for tbs Canaries or 1 rhiUppinee and there are two trane- nuuuc unars now in port bet. SMrNWuhtTrst nuBBOTo,, ssay sb Tbe rumors of a large aaval bait current here last ignt, were dispc-ed of bv the aavv de part meat early today ia the following of- "Thar, ia no troth ia tbe published stats amtconwsraKuewagaeot off Mo!e 8t Nichols. Hayti, in which It Spepish Where is Oervara AST WEST. Mav 22. RaoraUlin. i. still concentrated on the whereabouts of aaminu ue'era a squadron and tbe aeoer erat opiaioa favoring some point ca tbe Bonuern coast, aa both aides of tbe island areaowpetroUedbv I.'nitxi ftt.t. hips, the naval satbonbes will not admit the possibility of Cavern s escape without ua iuu aaptrra coauict la tbe btstory of naval warfare. Vste rirti KjtjsSJlUa rhtlrlM OA . a at . eerd, from Macon, Ga., aays: - u aim some accident bss befallen tbe United States transport FloriJa, then are bow maav volunteer tmora m tka of Cuba, or tbey will be there within a few hours. From accurate here today, it can be stated as a tr . the first expedition toward Cuban soil bas atarted and tbe outlook is for a soccessful trip. ' erecK Vtaatets 8ah FaAHCiaco.Mav 22. If tka nrAmr, now issued are carried out, the Oregon volunteers hare but one more day on na tive soil before embarking on. the distant islands of tbe Pacific Joy is nnivwsal.and no better measure ot tbe courage of tbe country's volunteers is needed than their eaiurness to get to tbe front. The mtwrl. or equipments and training of tbe Oregon wmrai naa causeu tne authorities to give the regiment place with tbs first troops to sail for Manila. The troops are under orders to aait at s a m Auesoay morning. The Charleston 0 Sam Frahcisco. Mav 22, The fWtM. ton is well on her way to Manila. Tbs big cruiser passed through the Golden urate at o:ov this morning, She adjusted her comaaaes at an earlv hour and then passed up tbe Raccoon straits and passed tne uocks on the northern ftontaca ol th citv. bvery steam vessel in the harbor bin au revoir to vptain uiass and bis crew. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh tnat contain Mercury, aa mercury will surely destroy tbe sense of smeu ana completely derange tbe whole system when entering it through the mu cous surfaces. 8uch articles obould navar ve used except on prescript ons from repu tabio phs.ciana, ss the damage thev will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrah Cure manufactured or r. J. ChenevA rv, Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and it taken internally, acting directly upon the mood ana mucous surfaces of the system In buying hall's Catarrh Cure be sure and set I be genuine. It is taken internaliv' and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheny k Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists, price 75c. per bottle. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Karl's Clover Root Tea. tot Const ina tion it's th-! Best end if after using it you don't say a return tbe package and get your money . Sold by Fosbay A Mason ron't tell vour neitrhbors what von jee in the east window of the Albany Fur niture Co. Terms half cash balance before you leave the store. Re battle Vi. . I WABHtKo-roN, May, 24" --There was a apse into sensational war rumors In Washington today, after a week of com parative quietude. The rumors raged all the way from the capture of the little Mane-rove, wilh a crew at twelve men. to the reported destruction of tbe entire Span ish fleet by 6aar son's and Schley's com oinea torces. At the close of the dav however. It was again announced ia the most positive man ner that tbe navy department had no in formation to wanent the report of any sirt of engagement in the W inward pas sane. This did not specifically cover tbe waters of the West Indies. 4 Kiel la MaaUa Hoso Eono. Mav 24 Tbe Japanese ardiser Akatahmnia, which arrived today from Manila, report! that when she left mere noting bad broten out ana a num ber of houses had bean burned, Food was daily becoming scarcer and horse flesh eras sold at 1 sua pound, ida epaniso vol unteers were making angry aemanas ior pay and food, which tbe Bpahissds were utterly unable to satisfy. Dewer firm Saw York. Mav. 24 A dispatch from Manila says the German consul there tried to land provisions from a German shin, bnt Dswev refuted permission. Tbs consul then declared, according to tbe dis patch, that he would force a lauding under the protection of two German cruisers. bnt Dewev threatened to fire upon tbe cruisers, and the attempt to land supplies was abandoned. - A Treaty 81. .4 New York. Mav 24. A dispatch to tie World from Kingston, Jamaica, aays: The signing of a treaty ot defence be tween tbe U 8 and Great Britain is an nounced in a dispatch received Sunday b) the military authorities. A crisis in tbe war between America and Spain is immi nent, the dispatches intemate. and Jamai ca will os directly effected. da twaar W a BinKGTOx. Mav 24. Tbe navy de partment has advices from Cadis that tbe torpedo boat destroyers Destruction and rrospenna nave been put In order, and are ready to start with Orr era's fleet as soon aa it reaches Cadis en rouU to the Phil ippines. A Bath Lokdok, May, 24. A dispatch to lbs Fiaacial News from Port au Prince says: Admiral Cavera is believed to bare didi ded his fleet. It U reported tbat tbe Vis caya and the Alfaaso All! have been des troyed. Admits Silver Argument. Tbe uregontan oners giooo to aayoas wbo can prove tbat a cheaper dollar can be substituted for one of greater vain, la the paymentof debts and wages without reducing tbe value 01 debts aod wages la tba same proportion that the dollar ia reduced. The editor knows tbat all men wbo favor a return to the money of tbe con st itn tion, do so because they claim that demoniliiation of silver enhanced lbs value of tbe dollar and thus enhanced the value of debts in the same proportion as It hsaeabanced the value of tbe dol lar the Oregonian asks them to prove tbe converse ot their own argument This ia don. for buncombe only ard is calculated to deceive tbe the thick and thin readers of tbat paper. Tbe proposition as to waes Is not parallel and tbe Oregonian kaowe it le not. Ib. enhancement ot tbe value ef the dollar robbed every man wbo was in debt st tbe time. B. A Correction Enrroa DaaocaAT. Noting aa article in the Daily Ueratd of May S3 nnder bead of "For School Superintendent." I ake the privilege of vending you a frw corrections of said article, which I know to be facts. L A Wiley did not gradual with honors from tbe Santiam Academy in 1S90, for that institution never bad a graduate until 1895. Aa to bie bring assist ot nnder Prof, Micheoor in tba Lebanon public school, it is a mistake, although he did, fur a short time teach dorirg the illaeee of one of the lady assistants. From the Oregonian, May 31. tlO.000.00 reward will be paid by Tbe Oregonian to any ore wbo can prove tbat a cheaper dollar can be eobsiituted for one of greater faloe in the payment of debts and wages, without retiociag tbe value of debts aod wages in Us. sam. proportion tbat the vs'ne of the dollar is reduced. From The Eugene Guard . Here we come: 1100,000 CO reward win oe pa ia oy ibe unard to anyone who will produce a dollar of United States money, silver, gold or paper, thai is not of equal value with any other doL lar issued by the United Slates. From tbe Salem Journal. A hired Republican blow bard, one o those fellows who would do his party most good if ha bado't been born, the utb. day tried to convert a Popnlist to rot. the g. o. t. by telling hiaa tbat tbe Un ion candidates In this county didn't pay tea dollars taxes. Tbs dear old pop wa touched and almost persuaded, but de cided to took op the record first. Jest for luck. Imagine his surprise to find tnat tbe combined taxes of the Union eandi datee aggregated flSIIUtS, while ttetr Republican competitors only paid 383.19. Tbe McMinnville Transcript one of the most radical republican papers in Oregon publishes tbs picture ot lion. W, R. King and says : Willism Rofus King, tbs Union nomi nee for Governor of Oregon, Is 33 years ot age, and is truly a sslf-mads man, hav ing carved bis way, unaided and alone, through trials and privations of hfe un til bis strong mentality, individuality, honesty of purpose aod devotion to prin ciple have inspired the confidence and respect of all, and marked him as a fear less, safe and intelligent leader of men. f HE PLACE TO BUY Tour Groceries and Baked Goods Is at Parker Bros. Everybody kLows where their place is. They keep a f reeb stock ot groceriee, produce and baked goods, of all kinds, sell at reasonable prices and treat their customers well, all alike. You may regret some steps yon take In life bnt none taken into the store of Parker Bros. It is a great thing to be well fed. Par ker Bros keep good groceries. A loaf of bread is not much but yon want it well made. Try Parker Broe. Peat Tebaece Spit aaS BaMt tsar Ml Away. To quit tobacco sully tnd forever, be mac aetle. full ot Ills, nerve and vigor, take N o-Toll ac, the wonder-worker, tbat make weaa mea Strong. All druggists, Wo or II. Cure guano teed. Bookies and sample free. Address Sterling H-medy Co. Chicago or New York. We are anxious te do a little goodi in tb world and eaa thiok of no pleaaanter be-.ter wv to do it than y rooommeorling One Minute Cough Cure aa a preventive of pneumonia, consumption and other ear loos lung traumas tb-tt 'ouow neglected oolds J A Camming Stop tbat Congbl Take warning. It mav lead to Consumption. A 25a bottle I ShiloiTg Uare may tare your me. eoia y Foshay k Masou, ieuoui PU1U5M eiaissiup eano 01 ui - ) o r en jo oot vrwetnt Apnea mueaseo esj, ueaejo.1 uoitodneuoa Naa ox Removal . Tomlinson & Are now on First street, Al bany, nearly opposite the Re vere House, where they have a fine stock ot double and single harness, saddles, blankets, whips, etc., at Low Prices. Wall Paper, UarDets. Lineoleum, Lace Curtains, Rugs, Fortiera, ; Pillows Furniture Bedding. Picture Frames, Linen Warp Matting, Oil PaiDtings, and Undertaking Call on ALBANY FURNITURE CO. Closing Out Sale. 350 MEN'S All wool. Salem MiUs.btuineea and drees suits worth from $10 to $35 tor $150 lo $9. 70 Youth's suits worth 90 to f iz ior ri.SQ to fo. 75 Boy's suits worth fS to $7 for 1 to $4- All kinds of Goods, New and Stylish, for Men and Boys at CLOSING OUT PRICES These goods must be closed out at once. Call early for nrs t choice, as they are going rapidly ,- W.E.BLAIN, Wcat Room. Xcllsrala Block. CANDY CATHARTIC CURE CONSTIPATION ifrtlJs. mm m llfJLltLX "Springnedicines.,,"B!ood Purifiers' and "Tonics" an old-FsOsh-ioned Idea. Pure blood, strong nervMaad muscle, folly because tbey will digest th. food firm, healthy flesh, can only com. fnMBiptwesptly before it baa time to ferment holjeeome food well digeMwl. "Blood aad soar, and the ek Monach nHiovd pari Am" and "serve toolo" do n-jtiand aaneted ia tbie way eooa becomes reach the cane, of th. mischief. Tlteatroeg sad vtgor-w. eain. stomach is tbe point to be looked after. Staart's Dyspepsia Tablets are enpe'r P .,... fr"" r toeuraaoy r toaay secret peteo! medicines because form ot indigestion is to tike after each yon know what yon are taking into roar meal was. harm lee. preparation ot this etomacb. kind composed 1 of recetabl sceneee) TW are soid by drotrfcf everywhere pus. pepna. golden seal aod fruit salts.iat ;50e ner pecker, v, riim F. A. Stuart eoW by drurjrteu aoder name of SttmrfijCo.. Marshall, kiebigaa, lor book on Dyspepma TabUets. and trtee tablMe-eloaach disease, mailed free, taken alter meals assist digeexion wooderj i iWfH - ill1 YTO? A JAMES BURNS, Ex-Collector ol tb. Port of Kansas City. Of ths men who hsve occupied positions ot public trust in Kansas City, either by gift ol the peop eor by sppointment; none baa a mora enviable reputation for ability, honesty and efficiency then Jsmes Burns, Collector cf the Port ot Kansas City under Gioer Cleveland. He lived to the letter th. msilm, "a public office is a public trust." and wben ha retired be carried with him tb. respect cf every one in tb. community Democrate and Republicans alike. James Bums has used Htusrt's Dyspepsia Tabieta and be does not hesitate to say thev bv accomplished wonders. - "t uffer.d ith dyspepsia tor twenty years," said Mr. Burns yesterday. "Never knew what l ssstt enjoy life infect hviog seemed a burden, ss it does Wall who suffer Mvertl with dyspepsia. A few months sgo I bresn takinv Sinart'a Tkr. pepsia Tablets From the first I felt reJief them, I feel entirely cured For tbe first, I want and suffer no ill eff'aots I s from it. - less you have betn a dyspepsia sufferer. "I never save a testimonial tor any mediein. before, but I feel aa if ...rvtuvi. ought to know of tbia remedy, and while iuib conanuus, a wei mm uw b w auum uie opponunuy to, perbaoa help some other sn&srers from dyspepsia. I have been reccomraending the Tablets to all my friends. Only receutly I took Jsmes H. LUlis, th. father ot Father Lillis down to get tome, and I understood ha also ia being wonderfully benefitted I V mu t fuVUUlUlCUU Ik WW uiui m, va a. a. tm ak atlnSlew ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. Joseph. Proprietor, Notice Dubruille ALL DRUGGISTS and now aithooeh I am still tekin time in twenty years I can eat anything iou can't imaglos th. pleasure ot this un- it ia distasteful to me to appear In print in . r mi Julius b Gradwohl :-Dealer io - Hardware, Orockerv, Glass- ware, Groceries ana all goods ; kept is country stores. ; WILL SELL GOODS FOR CASH As Low as Anybody. Country produce and eggs 1 taken in exchange for gooods. iiiiiiiiMr SEEDS ' - s . We put-up o r own garden seeds They are all Xorthern grown seeds They are absolutely true to name T( ey are fresh all groa n in 1897, The packages ar. full weight, Price, two papers for a nickel. We also have them in bulk. &TBWABT & SOX HABWAn C For sale by J . A. Camming- FOSHAY & UASOK -Wholesale at Retail BUJeeiSTS 1IDE00ISXUXI- AWIXT. OBZOOS. Pur. Drugs and tb. finest and Larjea Stock of Stationary and Books in tb. Market. H. F. rierrill Insurance and Collection Agot- Moaej to loan, warrants bought Office ia th Dkmocuat building. Wood For Sale. Good fir wvod for safe by tbe cord, froa 1 to 10 cords, delivered, for 93 00 to 2.7l per cord. On tbe ground. mile nort's ot steel bridge, from II 00 to $2 00 pet cord. Call oa or addreaa J. VT. CantweU Albany Or, or ieave ord at Dexoouli oSoe. rmnimniniinis PRINTING I . : PoMewing pre-eminently per- ; feet profit producing poest- : bilitiee, produced promptly at .2 : SMILEV8 Cear T ciery. ; The Magnolia Laundry-sa. C SIMPSOfl & SOH SUlird Prices ,Fcik Vzntzti EXPERT BICICIS EffAEfflS GsrtBMffltlliil'' AND HORSE SHOEING. Second street, - between Ferry and Broadalbia streets. WILLIAM U MILLER. T. O. Shaver. (Successor to F. L Kenton.) Second St. opposite, Tmockat office Will constantly ksep on hand a good stcd sjfTOouriea, fresh prodoc which will be sold st living and fruits prices. Honey to Loan. o .. - We have a block of $40,000 to loaa ca good farms ia Linn and adjoining couaU tee. It yon have good security and perfect title, we can furnish you the com without Selsy, as we make our own examination of ecurity. Call on us or write 8. K. Stkbxb A Co, Albany, Or-gon. Siller Bicnrsioa Bales. Commenring May loth the Corvallis A tastera S R will resume sale of uuiumr excnniioB ucsecs to an points. Fare Albaav to Taonina anl mmm j) vi to Newport and return , good for return until Oct 10th, to Detroit and return $3. A. O. BEAM has some fine new parlors. " Ice Cream Soda.1 ' Lemonade, etc TREASUREB'S N01ICE KO 9 Notice is bereov given that funds aie on nana tc tav citv warrants fos bal to 416 Inclusive of ti lasna of 1897. " ln tereeton said warrants will cease with tbe "uate oi nisnouoe.'" ' ? . .lbany Or. Dec. 29, 1S97. 1 K. A. Pabkcb. City Treasurer. Physical Culture. Parties desiring to enter a class ia physical culture for training with dumb tells, duba and wands, will niease notifv U. C. . liartly. at Exchange Hotel. I J rcosTy 1 7 f j Baetsre'a M ,i-f n f j-.-:' IWee te ntaia f It' - iMltm-. tNB', IMtrMtftace to eera yemri u m IW 11 'M.--liooe rmm T ecm lun - l.i m Sis CMs greet mmU m H laaaw lecHe iilieillril j. Star Bakery Corner Broadalbln and First Sit CONRAD METES PROPBIETCP- D ale la- Canned Fruits. Glassware, Dried Fruit. Tobacco, Sugar, Coffee, Ete. Canned Mti Quecnsvrase Vegetable Cigar. Spkea, Tea Etc. verything tbat U sjpt te s good variety and vto eery store. Big-eatpt'-ta paid for ALL KINDS OF PKOMCI SENDERS' COMPANIES Always Pay. No question stoat fall and prompt ' ment of losses by fire on insurance pue with the lexding agent of Albany. M. 8a3 der. M-tatHeteWiFET, Ooa't allow yonrtpif to Le roped into tb various "Local Mutuals sow being pajbed oa yo as being "cheapest lo sura nee," when you insure you do not want to worry about geUie$r yoor tnoe-y it ease of loss. M SENDLRh Hsv. Grain and Woo:. . Notice C S Laxd Omet at Oaw-os Crrr Oa March 25:h. 1S93. Thr Kncltn of tbe interior has nndei date of March iOtf, 1698. iaaoed an order revoking tbe witbdtawala ot laads hereto fore made under tbe grant made by act of July 5. 1&66 (U SrM. S9). to aW iitbi comtroctloo of Use Wlllanie-ta Valler and Cascade Uoontain Wagoa &d. and or deted that tb. tso-bctxd lands em braced I hereby le reMored to tie poulif oomaia and opened to etuema ew try ander the genert land laws. . Tne above restoration appllea only to unsetocted lands, and righta aeousred within any otber grant that aaay vvemp tbe withdrawal made for mid VTiinamette Valley and Cascade Mountain VtYgor Road are not affected tberebv. ? . Notice is herebv ziven that the aai srithdrawals have been revoked and t? tb. nnaeleeted lands embraced thereby, tie Oreeon Citv land DiMriet, will opened to se'4-ement. on and after May 10th, 1838, Chas B ifooars,RisJT. Ws G allow it, Beoaver.- Harness Harne For the best Ha. nests, band sewed and matje of the best California oak tanned leath er, call at the old stand of Cal Burk hart. First class work guaran teed. A E Ketchum Painleea work a specialty. Oliier PIdwsssi Ma HOPKINS BROS-, Agents. Albany, Cregoa. "Oliver gave the wudd the chilled plow And it has saved more money to the farmer of America than any other implement ever produced. Genuine Oil rev chilled are tne best on earth. Tbe Oliver is a proxsoter of happi nese on tbe farm, and the dealer who sells it knows he ia handling tbe best. Look out for immltations and toach nothing but tbe genuine goods, made only by Olive Chilled plow works. South Bead, lad. U 8. A. J. 0. LITTLB'S Ground Floor Dental Office. Broadalbin, St, Albany, Or. Yard Littler. Assistant. COLLINS & HODGES Dentists. Odd FeLow'a Temple, Albany, Or. All work carefully done under latest methods. K. O. T. M. everv Saturdav ereniea at A. O. T. M. ball. Vision Knighto iaviied. W. A. Cox, Commander. LINN CO- ABSTRACT MPAWf Albany 'jQregou. Office e. Bank of Oregon JJuilding. Only eet of Abstracts of Una Coonty. Complete set of mape and plate Charges reasonab.. Clubbing Rates. -r fin Francisco Weekly Examiner ...i tmt will Eiva to its subscribers a tin (KYl reaidenc. in San Francisco rent In, (or 60 a month, a $3,390 U.S. bond, a $1,600 gold nugget and hundreds of other things. You can get tbe Examiner and Wxcklt Dbxocuat for $2.50 a year, with the Dailt Dkmocuat by mail for $ carrier $5.75, ib advance. Tb. Dzmo eaAT will order only on combination pay. ment ST LOUIS REPUBLIC, semi-weekly one of the beet papers in the Unitee States, and the DastocRAT paid in advance ot only 91 la. Z " "" Lit Adams " Sf'Tcomck Block -fStO "S 4fJ' Albany, Or