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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1898)
HtiT lit . . JkA -V - I il II 111 hi VOLXXXIIl ALBANY OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 3,1898. Entered aft the Fes at Albany. Or. Seeend-Claaa Mall Mallei t r r ICTTIXC raklUfecr a4 rreprieter S O 44 -L IN AvtgetahlePrcparationforAs similaUng thcTood and Regula ting Itte Stomachs and Bowels of 3 Jfrono.esT)igesBoTV.Chcc ful ness and Rest.Contains rciov-T OpiunuMorphine nor ftL-eral, Not Narcotic. -ali SmJ- 4 Is, -- A perfect Remedy for ConstiDa- tion. Sour Stomach-Diarrhoca. onas,Convulsions,Fevsnsh ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW "YORK. - I pfcgri-b-.,ij- I j j j l I II if M 11 EXACT COPT OF WRAPPER. jUMO 0 fill PHOENIX BICYCLES. "Stand the Racket" A Leauer for TEN YEARS among HIGH GRADE WHEELS. Oar Phanix One-Crank made a record tor Itself last season - Not One Broken Crank in Oregon. Washington or Idaho out ot the Hundreds of Wheels sold in the-e three states in i8?7j Th8 Result is that others are counterfeiting this crank, bat this does not delude Wise Buyers who have already purchased hundreds of the 1898 Phoenix Bicycles, bo far we have been unable to Get Tbem Fast Enouith to supply our agents. But our Second Car is on the Rod. pyl The Golden Eagle Bicycles ate built for service and to supply wuwi &1 a moderate price. j -Writs For Oar Bicycle Caaiopes JlWSATS,,"lBFa-;.,, lgt for Albany Oregon Gaslight Heating Cheap Light For Cheap Heat For Cheap Fowe- For Correspondence Solicited. BS F E. ABIES. Pres. A. H. FREERKSES, SSD, Preparing For the Battle of Life. Where shall it be don?? Certainly whew the best preparation can be had. A bmy College has claims in this direction that .call for closer investigation. A Full College Training Biaineu College Course tht is iofmor to none in the state. ' Correspondence invited Fall term open Sept 14, 1898. Wallace Howe Lee, A, M., - : i --tr- 'a ft Scenic Iine f v. THE POPULAR THROUGH CAR LINE FROM THE W i. ... mm HAVE YOU BEEN IN Thomas Brink's . Lately. He ha? one ofthe finest stocks of Furni ture in the valley. , Tin Vi q u uHlpri Rahv IWcies to h a stock. Just call in and y u will And that hu prices are the ALBANY..' CIGAR FACTORY J. Joseph. an' For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought You Have Always Bought. the demand or an honest, dnrable Bears the Signature f&Xr ft r Kind KI3EBLL, LEWIS & ST1YER CO Port-ana, Oregon. anil Power Company. Church Houss and Hotel Church, Housb and Hotel Anything and Eyerything snierinr Normal Course, and al President World OF Trl :;:denvera! rRIO GRANDE RAILROAD. Northwest East - TO ALL POINTS RCNICHOL.Caitnl Aft 5. K. HOOPER. C. P. T. K d W.rtl.fto. S, PORTLAND, ORX. DENVER. COIXI Furnituie Store LOWEST'-- Proprietor. TUTJTfiSTD.'y A Linn County Man in Cor vail is From the Corvallis Times; J. O. Oarwood, of Linn county, paid CorvaUis a visit Monday. He is rather an eccentric individaal.but evidently en tertaina the warmest regard for reporter and seems overjoyed to be of service to them. He is familiar with the remotest history of Polk county and of Oregon in general ; bad many thrilling experiences iu crossing iuc piains ; una rnaue several trips across the continent since : is afraid of street cars because the Examiner says they win leave the track to run over an old man or a child; thinks Charley smitn don't look axe tne examiner i pictures of car drivers; believes the bi cylee nuisance ta those who do not ride them ; formerly a minister, and was a teacher in the log school bouses once common in the state, etc. No apology was necessary lor trespass upon bis time he wasn't busy and hal cou-e over es pecially to talk to his friends about old times. Recovering the thread of his dis course be stated that be used to be J. M. Brunk's teacher in Polk county; Jimmy was a good boy tnen, lortynveyeara ago, but couldn't say about him now ; knew Nesmith and Joe Laje well: 81 vears old the 2nd dy of last month and spry tor Dig age. it hnai'y became absolute ly necessary tor tbe reporter to see an otner man at once. JUST BEFORE THEY SAILED. The following short letters were writ ten tw Mr Fred Reiss, of this city by some of the Albany bovs, just before they took their departure on the 24th Itom Presidio for ihe steamer that was to take them across the ocean to Manila We are all read v to leave for Manila. We are eoine on the Sidnev. We had a fine trip here and I hope will have fine trip across the ocean. Camn life is not so bad so far, bat I do not know what it will be hereafter. We have bat little time left, so will close. . . SrcDix Powxlu We broke camD at 4 o'clock this morn ins and will be on board the boat at 8 o clock. Tell the posh that we are in high spirits. We will write yon a com bined letter from the island . Sam Wor- rei tnuus tne ocean trip will M some thing terrible. We went in bathing in the bay yesterday, bat only went oat knee deep. It was too cold tor comfort. UUtTF. WCSTBBOOK. We are ready to go on out loos iour- ney in about one hour, bound for the Philippines, which I hope we will reach safely. The boys are glad to go for any place ia better than here, in this sand bar. Clyde McClcxo. We leave just now and am in a hurry. Regulars cn the march.' treat shouting- California on the move.' We are pulled around just right. Mskesmenof boys. Fight this morning, big excitement, lots of eastern troops- We have the best drillled men except the regulars. The reeulars consider ns as the same aathem. Hope ya are all kicking. We may get headed by the Spaniards. Don't care a Can't have any more time. Willabo I). Davis. WHEAT. Chicago 175c for Slav and 110c for July. Xew York 155c fori ay and 11 7e for July. Kan Francisco 88? tor Dec. Liverpool e higher. Albany 79c Memorial Serviced. The Memorial service will be held in the United PreeLytrrian church on Sab bath afternoon at 4 p. m., May 29. Tbe order of services will be as follows : Orean voluntary. Invocation by Rev. Poling. Music. Peri pt are reading by Rev. Reed. Prayer by Rev. Wire, D. D. Music. Sermon by Rev. McKiilop. Prayer by Rev. Hartman. Music. Benediction by Rev. Stevenson. The Kahsival dz Kommebcx being got- ten up by Prof. Rockwell has beeo given up. The merchants today paid the i A apiece tbe amount subscribed, pre ferring to do that directly to going to tbe trouble to get up the proper displays for tne karmvai. Tmi Shxdd Scicjdk. The coroners jary at Sbedd in tbe case of the man found drowned in tbe Muddy came to the con clusion that it was a case ot suicide. Tbe man was supposed to re Monroe Sbocp, relative of Mr. Oaluford, but it seems upon investigation was an inpoetnre.and it is not known who he is. The wife of monroe Sboop declares that be is not her trnsband. When fonnd the man had a gold watch, two gold pens and $8.75 in money, besides a pair ol and a knife. Mori Soldiiks. Sometime tomorrow. lust when is cot k&own. three train loads of soldiers, about twenty three car loads, will pass through Albany for Pre- dio preparatory to going to Manila, 'mere will De aDont izuu in al' consisting oi a battalion from Montana and two battal' ions from North Dakota. Albany people will be oct to s tbem pes, and they are warned to look out for their Drags buttons. Tns Pioxebrs The pioneers associa tion of Oregon will be beld In Pertland 0u Jane 15, and the Indian war veterans the day before. It is reported tbat there has been some complaint at tbe pioneers meeting in rortland, but Hon. Jason Wheeler ol tbis city, a member ot tbe association, sys that cuy is satisfactory to most people here, and that he always received excellent treatment when At tending. '- - Doctor Knows Tour doctor knows all about foods and medicines. . The next time you see him, i just aslc Mm what be thinks scon's EmmsioD of Cod-Liver OU with Hypo phoephltea. We are wLULaff to trust In his answer. For twenty-nve years doc tors have prescribed our Emulsion for paleness, weak- i ness, nervous exhaustion, and for all aiseases that cause. , loss In flesh. Its creamy color and Its pleasant taste make It es pecially useful for thin and delicate onuaren. No other preparation of cod- , liver oil is like it Don't lose time and risk your health ty takingr something unknown and untried. K.eer m mina that SCOTT'S EMULSION has stood tha teet for a Albany In 1879. From the Dimocat ot April 4, 1879 to May 16, 1879. At a meeting of the Linn County Council P of H, R A Irvine was elected resident, S S Train secretary and 8 A 'aw ton assistant secretary. Prof E F Sox, wife and son arrived from Illinois, after residence there of a year or two. One of the orators at a meeting of tbe Legion of Honor at Scio was Mr D P Ma son, ot this city. M S Monteith was elected president of the Blue Ribbon Cluh, Henry Merrill a nephew of Mrs John Conner arrived in the city and took position in the bank ot Mr Conner. Dr B M Savage of the physio-medical school, located in Albany. Speaking of the temperance wave the Dekociut said: "We would earnestly advise every man whether lie alinsa quill or carries a bod, to forever quit the useot tne "cassea track.' xou ran t raasel with it and come out on top." The Republic was wrecked below Astoria. Three Albany men were on board. Martin Pavne. A T Arnell and C u Buritbart. Liah Applegate lectured at the M church on "The Ghost." Sol Smith Rustell was in Albany Mav n . v ana iu. Tbe Hyers Sisters with Billy Kersands gave an entertainment in Albany. 800 people were said to have attended a meeting of the Legion ot Honor, so great was tbe interest in temperance Speeches were made bv Calvin B Mc Donald. W R Bilvea. X R Humnhrev. Jtrnvia aewsome and M V Brown, and a recitauon gven 07 belle Cannon, now airajce lyier of Salem. John Brush star tea the Albany wi works Ueoree Chamherlain went In "ll "'., to get married. . , On Apnl 28 a daughter was boin to Mr and Mrs L H Montanye. On April 2S a eon was born to Mr and Mrs John Irving. That must have been Walter. The order Benai Berith was organized with Julias Joe-ph as president. The other officers were Aaron Cohen. I G Jackson, Ianats Fox, Ala Harris, M Baumgart. Simon Seitenbacb. N Banm. L Kline and Gna Englander. Ia a hunting: expedition to tbe moun tains L E Blain killed 4 deer, W B bcott W ill Miller 2. a.ont Monteilh I and im Fuer 1. The llarriaborK Xaclrus. O T Porter editor was frequently referred to. Hon. Isaac Patterson, whom the Jour nal is wont to call "Corn Meal Ike,"was in tbe city today with G . W. Davis, both of Salem. Mrs Jodie Brink and Miss Brink, of Prineville, were in the city latt niitht. and left this morning for Albany. The Dalles T 31 Mr. Horace McClare of Seattle for toerly of Eugene, and Miss Mary Baxter. of Chicago, were married in Chicago on May ol. Mt is Stella Dorris of Eugene has com- nosed a pretty two-sup called "Tbe Neighbor Hat'' which she will render at the commencement of tbe state netvetst- The Gir:s Militia Clob will hold a so cial and pahlic entertaintxent at tbe W OTU hall next Saturday evening, when an excellent program will be rendered. rogram later. When Fred Weatherford beian clerk ing this morning for the C A E he was immediately set to hunting for seals on the flat cars, and now the boys think they have a great joke on him. Watson Ross was brought down from Detroit last evening. Laal Monday be as wo.kinff for Smith A Smith when a limb fell upon bios on tbe back of his neck, knocking him to the ground, in juring his spine and paralyzing the lower art of his body. He was taken tne hospital ttis morning-. Tbe chances are against his recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Kuzece Laritnor. of Portland, tbe latter a duehter of the late Senator Hogbee of Washington county, are in the city on a batinees and pleas are trip. Mr. Larrimore is bookkeeper and manager for the Lin.eed O.I Works at Portland and came to look over the flax crop near Salem. Sentinel. Mr. Larrimore was once Albany's leading base ball players. REAL ESTATE SALES. Reported by tbe Linn County Abstract Company, for tbe Dkmochat, for tbe week ending May 21, 1898. S to J U Gibson, T 10 4 E, 159 acres - Foley to JnoBudley, adjoining 2 acre.. F Whiting to D T Baker, T 12, 1 250 W, 160 acres 1500 State to J P Keating, T 10, 3 W, 31 acres 28 P Keating to Willamette Palp and Paper Co, T 10 3 C Allen to L Wiley. T 12. 2 W 14 acres.... 400 G S Miller to A Chance. T 14. 3 W. 0 acres uu R Andrews to Mrs 1' J roner.sinall track in Halsey 2i0 S Reynolds to Elvira Saltmarth, undivided interest in property in T 12. 1 E. T 12. 1 W and in Lebanon...- 400 Mary N McF.lhoea to R Cbeadle. lot Lebanon 185 Robt Johns, by Admr. to II Trin- with, part bl 66 Albany 1105 T B Price to F E Farrier. I 13. 1 W, 80 acres 240 Alice D Day to 0 H Lett. VI Sec 8. T 15. 1 W 200 J K Charlton to School Dist No. 122, 1 acre 1 W S Thompson to A Hackleman, part frac. bl 1 llackleman's 2nd add IMM tl Bryant to tben Sorensen, T 10, 1 W, 10 acres 600 b lora Calhoun to F u Blumbart, T iz, w , in acres 1000 w u Hannon to r O Blumbart, 38 acres 1 fearaa wbite to ti Blumbart. 1 acre 40 R Johns by Admr to Geo W Hughes. 2.35 acres in Albanv. 460 T M Witten to O O Bonar, 1 h,t. Waterloo 75 750 300 0 N Bass to Lois M Nolan. T 12. 2 W. lOli acres Mrs E J Upmeyer to Jno Norwood, 1 lot, Harrisburcr . Jas Dannals to eo F Simpson. 1 lot Mocteith's southern add to Albany 800 R Andrews to Thos Smith. 1 block. r iiaisey 600 ww ' ' ft r Arnold to j Liouinger, T 9. SE. U 8 to heirs of Francis Deprsy. T 0 & O U R Co to B F Arnold', T 9 3 jt, et acres 248 Maria Miller to John Tweedie. T 19, 3 W, 33 acres A R Miller to John Tweedie, T 10, on,., acres 1167 N Crabtree to D Horsburgh, T 10, 1 W, 83 acres 1000 0 0 Bonar to Mary M Ayers, 3 lota Waterloo 200 D Froman to W H Burres, T 11, 4 . W.156 acres...... .. 1 Casper Vandran et al by Sheriff to D 8 Smith, lot 3,bl 37, Hackle- man's 2nd add to Albany 600 14 Johns, by Admr, to J P Wal lace, bl 48, Goltra Park 90 FEIDAT Decoration Day Order. General Order No. 2 & As tbe years roil by Memorial Day be comes more sacred to those who are left of those who offered their lives on the! altar of their country that the nation might live. Tbo 30th day of May was set apart as tbat day by the Grand Army of the Renublifi and dedicated also h . rf .1 J generous govmuui- u, our nation can say as witn m single tnougbt, we are a united people, one flag and one coun - try. Observance of Memorial Day is patriotism, and the day ta as sacred a patriotic. Theiefore it is bat flttiotr that on tbat day witn loving nanqs we gar land the era ves ot onr dead with the chotoiat and sweetost flowers that nature provides from mountain and valley, not forgetting to drop s tear ana nower for those martyrs who gaye np their lives by treacherous band cm the battleship Maine. To inculcate patriot urn is the object of the Grand Arm v ol the Republic. Our mission is almost none, the citizen and soldier, the old and voung. are as one in devotion to country; therefore, let all devote one day in tLe year to the flag of our country and its preservers and our own loved one "gone before.' imrades ot Mcfherson itwt o 0, Department of Oregon. U A B will as semble at poet headquarters oa May 30, 1898, at tbe hour ot 8:30 o'clock and march to tbe cemeteries and 'decorate tbe graves of our aumradea, who have answered tbe roll above, as is oar custom. Dav id TKBrr, Commander. S W Rxncx, Adjutant. On Board tbe Sidney. Albany boys have been receiving let ters from their friends of I Co., just starting for the Philippines with a great deal ot pleasure. Tbey are known at once, for in the north west corner of tbe envelope is a flag with a picture of the Maine, and tbe words "Remember the Maine." Tbe following letter was re ceived this morning by one of tbe band boys from a former member: On board ship City of Sidney, Frisco Bay. May 25, 1894 Well, we are off for Manila. Good ship. About 800 on board. Can go any place anv lime, just like regular passen gers except bets. These are three high ana seven acroet, eacb oneesZxl.S The fellows have to crawl ever each other to reach their own beds. This will be oat of ki2ht when we all eet se sick, x x x x. Saw Bushy (Clarence Buahnell. who Is studying in 8 F) first thine at denot. He was over to camo sanoay. Good bye until I get back from Man. la, and may we live to meet Main. . Salty. J. R. Wyatt returned this noon from a trip to Portland. A B Croasman will beein tha untie of P M of Portland oa Jnne 1st. Judge Hewitt, of this city, will deliv er the annual addreee at the iooeer's picnic at Amity on Jnne 1st: Mica Godbanx. of San FrtiM Is w. tbe city visiting Albany friends, and ia now tbe guest of Mrs. Baomgart. George Collies, of Salem. nrominent boeineee man there baa been mmttA lr adultery, on complaint of Jas. Hoggins. Tbe general assembly of the t tit! Presbyterian church is in ecMion at Omaha. Four year ago it was held in Albany. A social event tomorrow evening from to 8 O'clock Will be the CrMrmt ade to start from ia front of Hookios Brothers. Rev. J. L. Jones retnrnal Iat t.;-M from a trip to his former home in Ala bama, and reports a pleasant experience unug (its aoeence. Rev. Hartman has rtnmd from I - fatelte, where be went to attend the commencement exerciaee of the college, tbe most successful in its history, in keeping with tbe year's school which has jat cloeed. Mr. and Mrs. Will Davidson, of Seat- tie, will leave tomorow for tha Ynknn where Mr. Davidson will serve as stew ard on the steamer Bella, which exptcts to make three tripe to Dawson city tbis eeaeon. They intend to be gone two years at least. Miss Marveria Brink arHwi hnma last nigbt from Pendleton, where she has oeen teacning oaring the past year. Her sister-in law accomraied her to Port land, where she will remain a few da. s before coming op to Albany. MrC F Rockwell, representing the National Entertainment Co. producing the "Oriental Fete" and "Karnival de Kommerce," is in the ciiy endeavoring to arrange for entertainment in this city. bogene Register. Antony Klein, the boot and shoe mer chant, baa the excavation for basement abont done and will in a week or so be gin the erection of one ot the handsom est residences in tbe city on the south east corner 01 University and Oak streets, in Albert's addition. Tbe build ing will be very similar to the beautiful home of Jude Burnett on Center and High 81 reel and will be provided with all modern conveniences. Salem Senti nel. From Sergeant Stellmacber. From a letter from Seigeant Frank Stellmacber, sent from Presidio to bis brothers and silters here, we get tbe fol lowing: I am quite well and in fine spirits. We expert to go on board the Money to morrow. J am well pleased with the lite of a soldier so far, it we do have to eat nara tack and drink 01a Mack cottee. Frank Wire bad his ankle sprained but is nearly well, Cyru has tbe measles and will not be able to go on the first steamer. we will not be allowed to take mascots Am bunking with Gamber, Tumor and Wire. But lor the sand and wind would be pleased with the place. I saw Burt VanCleve. Luther Elkins and Mr. Bald' win and had a nice visit with them, also with Miss Anna Strasburg, formerly of Albany. Do net like (jaiuornta at all. It does not compare with Oregon. Every thing is burnt up. Kre this reaches yon 1 may le on my way to Manila, it mav be a long time before vou hear from me again, as it is a long journey over to the Philippine. Tomorrow the Democrat will Lnblish a fine letter from Will Merrill, uiving some interesting particulars and Incidents. A Linn Co. Case. From the Telegram: An effort is being made by the defense in the case of J, K. Westberford vs. P. H. Morley now pending in tbe United States circuit court, t have the case re manded back to the state circuit court of Linn county, from whence it was sent up nun a transcript of removal. The action involves the title to a tract ot land near Albanv. The motion to re mand the case, which is being argued be fore Judge Bellinger this afternoon, is based upon the allegation that the land in dispute is not worth 12000, and that hence the United States court has no jurisdiction. Tux 4th. The committee is out today receiving subscriptions for the celebra tion, which will ceatainly corns off in a grand manner if sufficient funds are sub- scribed for the event. Tbis is ar to liberality. WHEAT. Chicago l79o for May, 106Ke for July. New Yk 145c for May, H3o for July. San FrancMco for December. Liverpool .60 lower. Albany 79c The Anci C. L 8. 0. of Oregon wil be held at Gladstone Park, near Orejon City, July 12 to 23, and it promises to be tbe best in tbe hUtorv of tbe Oreson A a. embly . Tbe departments will be nnder me enarge 01 Oregon'e ablest educators I inn tw n a U tk amJ Mtl. 1 .J I wHSiviaHti wuaafjVUV F 'VLi MU' dresses will be by some of the ablest speakers 1om the east, among others 1 ihn irve Temple ol Atlanta, Ga., Dr. Hansen, of Chicaro. Dr. Barton. of IVston. and Dr. Hiatt. of Cleve land. The people of Oregon should take a pride in giving this the support that it uecerves. it is a grand educational in stitntion. Paid $1.000. Yesterday tbe Wood en of tbe World paid Mrs. Maude Boenicke, now at Portland, $1,000, the a moant of hts beneSciary in that society. aura, noenicke and aangbter will also re ceive 15.000 from the Travelers Pmlnrt. ive Association, and 12.000 from the Workmen. Tub reralar election nt ' officers of Albany Camp 1 !o. iu woodmen ol tbe I, World occurred last night t. with tbe following re- ' aull: Consul command. T nr. I). J IlnO.rnilU. A. viser lieuenant. r! B. Montages; escort, A. W. Stellmacber; watchman. R. N. Morris: sentrv. I. O. Dudalt; managers. F. E. Allen. C.G Barkbart and L. Yiereck: deteeatea to district convention at Oregon City, Jnne loin, ur. w , ti. uavia. r. a. Al en. C. G- Borkhart. !. L. Swan and D. J. Dn- Bmille. DscoaaTtos Dtssu The ladies of the G. A. R. will give their annual din ner on decoration day, at tbe W. C. T. U. hall, at tb noon honr. All veterans and their families are cordially invite I. Tua Suujism. The North Dakota sol diers will not pass tbroogh Albany until toworrow, et what boar it W not known. SATTJTEJD- WHEAT. Chicaco 175c for Mav. 103.'e for Jul. oov4e tor September. O-AS ' w . " -ew 1 ors ijkc ror av, liree tor July, San Fnecitoo HSc for December, Albany 79c. Athletic Meeting. Tbe fourth annual Amateur Assoc la- lion.will be heid at tte slate fair groanda in Salem Sat nrday , J one, 4 . There will beconleeting teams from the Agricult ural College, of Corvallis; Univenitv of Oregon, of Eugene; Pacific College of ewberg; Oregon State Normal School, of M on month ; and Willamette Univer sity, of Salem. The team scoring the grwateet n amber of point will be allowed to keep the $100 championship cup for the next year. The cop is now held by the Oregon agri cultural College. Beetdee the prise for tbe winning team there will be individual prisea. Tbe winner of each event will receive a small gold medal.tbe second man will De grant ed a silver medal, while the man taking third piaca will be awarded a bronae medal. Firtt place will connt five point. ond place two, and third place one. Public Schools. The closing exemtea of the Public Schools will be beld in the Opera Honse Friday, June 3, commencing at S p. m. this will be one of the beet entertain- menu the Public Scboois have ever riv en, consisting of tbe graduating eierri- ee 1 rota me lutn grade interspersed with music, fantaste drills, pantomimes and patriotic marches by little folks Pree Campbell of Monmonta will deliver . . . 1 1 This has been a most successful I school year. H.Ttbxx. . . M I Sap'U Admiral Schley has Ce vera and bis fleet beaded off in Santiago harbor, and will make it tropical lor tbe Spaniard and perbape baa before this time. The news came laat night by diapstch boat and it take nearly two days to make the trip White Schley is attending to Carver Mapaon will do os Havana, somethin that ahoald have been done teveral weeks ago. A while ago an attempt was made to mate people believe that all the mortgagee were being paid off. This proves to have beeo merely a statement, and it 1 regretted tnat it is a fact tbat in neatly every case where investigated it transpired that more new mortgage ba.-e been filed than have beeo paid off. Lace i an average county. A careful search bt iuit been made of the record 'here with the malt that since Oc tober 1896 to Hay I, 193 543 mortgages have been filed and 453 paid off, the in create in amount being $45,000, a fact that tptaks tor itaelt . The ill fatal tliumAr Pncena ia ranainr la mhn iha Pii. tr Ai-i.k. TV.ti. & Trwnannrtatina flnfnnan im arui ft. foouie- me latest 1 a libel suit lor 000. filed bv I. R. Toonr and W. D. Wallan. lately seamen aboard the Eugene. Two or three Albany men were on the craft. At Lebanon. The republican county candidates spoke in the afternoon. Percy Kelley. who was introduced as the handsomest baldheaded young man in the count r. and C. B. Winn did the principal Ulk- ing. In the evening Mortimer Whitehead, ex-grand lecturer of the Grange, of the u. ., spoke to s big bouse, delivering one of the finest speeches ever delivered tu uanua, creauDK grew, wa.uuaiaaui. He epeaka to the point, in a convincing manner. To-night at Eugene he will de bate witn ai. i. ripea. Tbe slate grange convened in Foie Grove tbis afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Fortmiller, of Newark, . Y., arrived in Albany this noon after N visit with some of their children in Portland, and were met at the depot by about a dozen of their Albany relatives, three of their children, William and An na and Mrs. Prof. Lee, being present. Mr. 1-red Oral, who had not seen Mr. Fortmiller for forty-five years, was also on hand. Tbey will spend the cummer here. RscROiTs Wantxd. Recruits srs bs Ing raised for another company ot Ore gon Volunteers from Albanv and vicini ty. Parlies desiring to join will find blanks with Mr. Conklin at Conrad Mey ers and Mr.- McKiilop at the city lunch counter. . Two A tax SrsAKKBS. Next Tuesday evening Linn county people will have an opportunity to hear two prominent speakers on the issues 01 tbe day, con gressman John J. Dents ot Onto and Hon. J. M. Geartnof Portland. Wood Contract Ln,-The bids for wood for ths use of the public schools ths city were opened last evening and tbe contract was let to Mr. reter tti.ey 'of this city, at $2.72o for 110 cord of oak grub and $2.25 for 10 cords ot fir. i&V jo Rojraw makes tbw tMd pen. mm Absolutely Pure JaB4 MM on., mm warn. ALBANY TO PRESIDIO. An Albany Boys Graphic Account of Ills Trip as a Soldier. As I tit here ia my tent at tha Presidio and look beck over tbe exdting ex per- teuces tbat have attended s trip like mine, it is hard to realise my position It alt seems like some strange dream from which I shall soon awake and find mjself bappy and contented in my old home. Bat I lelt it my daty to answer my country's call for volunteer; and eo on April 30th. 189!., I left my borne and loved ones for Portland. There Co. F. and Hospital Corjs of 2nd Regt. O. G. went into quarter with hundreds of other "boys in blue." assembled there from all parte of Oregon, and commenced soldier life in earnest. And quae a pleasant life too, for in Portland we bad beautiful weather and plenty to eat; (the latter quite an im portant item with boys.) Bat tbe pi ant experience came to a very adrapt end, however, on May 11, when three of tbe Corps boys, i Deluding myself, were mos tered into Co. C. and with tbe first Bat- taliioa were ordeted to Frisco.. Immed iately Unta began to go down and soon Camp McKlnley was decreased to half iu former eise. After being supplied with two boxes of bard tack, a can of corned beef, and one of beans rations for three day we, with the remainder of camp, marched throogh the street of Portland to let people have a farewell look etna. At 6 a..m a special train was boarded and we were soon speeding southward. Crowds met and cheered ns at every sta tion and each boy, whose home was not yet reached, was anxioa-ly canning tbe fields to note any familiar spot that would tell him be was nsaringhis home. Then when this excitement was over and the train was again speeding on iu way, we were a little sad for Derbace we have said goodbye for tbe last time. So with praters for tbe blessing of onr parent and protection of ooraelvee.we sought oar beds and werw tooo lost In dreams. Tbe booming canons and cheering crowds awoke os bright and early next morning and we learned that Roeetxtrg wrs reached. Here we saw the first of the bills and beanafnl scenery of Oregoo. After n few mutates stop we again sped along. from one aide of the car ia seen tbe solid wall of mounuia while from the op posite window, far, far below tbe track, may be seen a tiny stream. AtGleodale another engine joined ns to help poll the heavy load ot "boys ia bloc" tbrongh the Cow Creek canyon. J net w bile admiring the beautiful scenery we were somewhat surprised to find oarseive in ntter dark see, having dashed into s tnnnel 2800 feet long. I do not doubt iu length in tbe lean, for it see me 1 an age before we again saw tbe snahgbt of a perfect day. Tbe little abacka that dotted Use bill, and tbe Urge flame here and there con firmed the opinion that Southern Oregon I n mining country- finally Bogn River ia reached and n rousing cheer went up from 350 throats when peimie- sioa was gi two to take a bath in the river, and before the train bad hardly stopped there was a general fcramble tor the bank. Xl. uZTZa 2Z-Z water one weald La Clondyke" . V .n. .11 - . . are, for tbe sand rparklee with gold. After fifteeen minute employed in the delightful pastime of bathing, we again boarded the train and looked for some thing new. With tbe coming ot hunger swiftly we sped into the city of Ashland, where we were given a genuine surprise. BaskeU of tempting lunch and large cans of coffee were fieelv given with many kind words and tender goodbyes. From here two monster engines take place of the one, bat even their greet strength can only Uke as sp the steep climb very slowly. The scenery here is very grand, and tbe construction 01 tne rait road a marvel. Far below ns we may see tbe track traverse bat ten min utes before: and equally far below that is the same track again winding among tbe Ull trees and suddenly disappearing in tbe face of tbe moantain. The loop too is wonderful Tbe end of the tunnel is almost directly above bot fifty feet hicrher than the entrance. Summit was reached at 1 o'clock ana in s snort time we naa croesea n . ... a .k S a.t boundary line and were m California. Tbe first great view on entering the sute I was that mtieetic ShasU.iU dome reach I in to the dark clouds. Which explained 1 very piaimj, u iun -" first tune tor week in California. Before we arrived at Dunsmoir, the thunders were raining about old Shasta's crown and the rain was falling in torrents. Here also we saw the first of tbe Sacra mento, a tiny stream tumbling among the rocks hundreds of feet balow us. At Siteons ws began the descent fiom the bills and after crossing many bridges running around the sharpest curves, and doubling on our course many times, we -foond ourselves at Shasta Springs, whose beautiful scenery and health giving wa ter ia a very desirable spot. Here we stopped and replenished our canteen from tbe tbe nrettv lountain eracioa uierw. By tbis time our trip was nearing iU close, and as we crossed tbe eighteen bridges tbat span toe oeautuui cacra mento between Shasta and the bay, we bear luUe moro than tbe roar ot I the stream beneath na. At Redding we retiaed and knew noth ing more until we crossed tbe bay at PorU Costa. After the disUnce of a few more miles.we Isftthe train and marched the aix miles to camn in a drinling rain, that was thoroughly "Oregon." Having reached Presidio, the tents were soon np and camp life began spain; each soldier ever anxiously awaiting the call to the rhtuppints. v. ill v. mieilu Mcsic Miss Mildrea Burmestet teacher of piano or organ. System th Mason touch and technique, iteeiaencs Fifth street, opposite U P chuioh. TO CURE A COLO IN ONE DAY Tit.. Brant Quinine Tablet Alt DragglUs refund the raony If It fail o Cure sso. Beaa.v la Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean rkin. No beauty without It. CaacareU, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by tin-inap in. tha Uav liver and driving all im- nuritiMi from the bodv. Begin to-day to bauiah pimplea, boila, blotches, blackheads, and that aickly biliouH complexion by taking Caacareta, beauty tor ten cent, au cirug- giata, satiafacUon guaranteed, luc, iac, ooc, o-Ta-SM r Sirsy Cent. Ouarwateed tobaee Habit cure, makes weak ' -1 alrona. Die- hit, Atiorugg-ua Stop that Cough I Take warning. It mav lead to Conaumotioa. A 25a bottle t Shiloh'sCure may lave your life. Sold y Foshfty Masou, SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr Ed Davis tbe welt known Peoria farmer was in tbe city today. Mb Flora Mason left this noon for Eugene, where she will visit two weeks tbe guest of Miss Estella Robinson. Miss Lottie Ketchum. of Albany, is the gaest of the Ml asset Payne on north Uommercial street. Salem Journal. Mr Ed Wallace, wbo has been with the Corvallis & Eastern railroad several years, has accepted a position with tbe Southern Pacific. W. M. Hillearv was elected grandmas ter of tbe state grange in session this week at Forest Grove. J. Clem of this county is tbe new gatekeeper. Miae Marie Jntien Plunder, of Port land, baa entered the law department of tbe sute university, the fir.t young lady to ux tbis important step. L W Devon and family, of Elk City. departed Tuesday on tbe B Jaocbard for Coo bay. Tbey .will reside near Myrtle Point for tbe present. Newport News. Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Marshall returned last evening from Portland, where Mrs. Marshall haa been in the hospital sever al weeks, tier health u greatly im proved. . Cyclone Davis and JL Story arrived ia Albany this noon from Eugene and will speak tonight at tbe court boose. It Is thought there will be a big house present. One of the graduates of tbe Eugene public schools this year will be Mies Myra Abbett, for four years s resident of Albany. Her essay will be "Sketch of Spanish History." M. L. Dorris was elected grand war den at the recent meeting of the I. O. O. F. grand lodge. Mr. Dorris is rapidly assuming a position of honor and influ ence in this lodge. A former Albary boy. Mis Eva Baeeett has received the sad news of the death of her nephew, Orpba Whweler of Portland, wbo died of pneu monia on board the gunboat Bennincrton shortly after it .raited from Honolulu, about a month ago. Brownsville Timee- Picnics were held today at Scio and Sons Creek. Several from Albany went to the former, some 00 bicvclea. The heavy rain this noon and afternoon mutt have pat s decided damnener on their entertainment and enjoyment. From tbe Telegram. Rev. J. L. Jooea. Dealer of tbe M E church south, of Albany, was In Porw to relatives in Southern Alabama. He says the war lever ia raging all over the I uuui, aou dwit wiwi 1 war vuu to ro ana ngoi epaniaraa. The Y P S C E of tbe C P church last evening held a social of s war character at tbe residence of the editor of tbe Dkxockat. At tbe propv time ration were aerved conaieting of bard tack. beans and coffee. Among the amue. menu was a gnecsing eonteet at ten dif ferent liQuida in bottles and a literary salad. Decoration Day Program. At a meeting 1 eld last evening the G A R, W R C and Ladies of the G A R arranged the following program for Monday: Assemble at G A R hall at 9 JO a. m. Flowera should be brought already pre pared, as thete will be no time after as lembllng for their pre pa ration, and thev cannot be arranged tbe day before. form in proctssion and march to the cemetery. an soaebea wul be riven a place in tbe proeeeaicn, and are earnestly reques ted to be preeeot and participate. Tbe line ot march wul be no Ferry street to Seventh, sp Seventh to the south gate of the cemetery, from tnence to the grave selected by the A O L" W wbere their ritualistic sumc will be beld. Thence to the tnoand lepreeent ing tbe unknown grave, where the W R 0 set vice a will he held. Then form around Comrade Hawkins' grave where the ritualiatic Grand Army service will be given. Then wilt follow the decoration of the graves with flowers, every one being re quested to visit and strew fl .were upon each grave at which s flag is placed to mark tbe resting places of old soldiers, care being taken to make an equal die tribot ion of flowers. The Commander of the Poet requeeU tbat the Boys Brigade fall in at the head of the tin of school children. The school children will fall in at the corner of Fourth and Ferry streets. Alter decoraurg all tbe graves desig nated the proceeaioa will reform axd march back to tbe hall. At: -30pm assemble at tbe opera house. Address by Col Montague, fol lowed by redtatioos and other exercise. i , mmj w-M wawg -. , . Memorial Day, a day on which tbe na Vf kw, l. u. w,h K-..-.-. --- . a. a tion will honor tta soldier deed and par tribute to tbe departed in ail rank of life by decorating their graves with flow ers and recalling with appropriate cere monies the noble spirit ot departed ne roe. whoee Uvea have been devoted to keeping the fires ot patriotism ever brif htly burning, it i fitting that the people nnite in tbe observance of the dav. To this end I earneeUv request thst tbe business bouses of tbe city of Albany be cloeed on Monday May 30th, 1:538, from 10 a m to 1 p m. U. u. BCaXHAtT, Mayor. After vwata of antold aafiaa from pile. B W Parse! I of KaitBenrille,ra, was cared by sung a aingl box of De Witt's Witch Hajtel Salve Skin diaaa saeb as eoaema. rub, pimplaa'aad obstiaate!scres are read ly earwl by this Lamias remsdy 1 A Cunmiog TO CURE A COLD IXO.XiS DAT Take Laxative Brum Qaiatoe Tablets . All dr-urrtsts refund tbe money i It fail oCare. 25a. TES EXCELLESCE OF STSCP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientiflo process. known to the Caljfo .. Fia Stbcp Co. only, and ws wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the Cauroaiaj. Fia Sratrr Co, only, a knowledge ot that fact will assist one In avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par- ves. une high standing of the Caxi- roaxu- Fia Sntcr Co. with the medi cal profession, and tha satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions 01 families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty ot the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance ot all other laxatives. as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember ths name ot the Company CALIFORNIA HQ SIRUP CO. sax nutcnost ol MUSTXUJ; Kr KKW TOMCt X.T. Ohasok or Timc. Commencing Sat urday May 28tb,the Corvallis & Eastern R R Co, steamer Albany will run front Albany to Portland on Saturdays in stead of Sunday as heretofore, leaving Albany at 7 a m instead of 7 -.30 end on Tuesday Thursdays and Saturdays. No change in time out of Portland. The Newest At the atort of Will k Sfarlc Jewelry yon will get tbe fact. ao( Facts - find a fine stock of good to select from. It is np todat" ind icciade the best lines of watch and clocks and all kind of jewelry. Their line of silveaware i extra and they have many novelties tbat wiil peaae. You Can have a much confidence in the prescription we fill for von as von could if yon were competent to 11 them yonraelf, and did it We have the confi- dence.of year physician. Wfay sot yours? KyBKHAKT LXE. One car toad of I hoenix Bicycle gone already and another 00 the road , TOCCRE A COLO IN ONE DAT Tt t,in.) 8f rii'i;; a. Tablet AU O-n fir. rafunf tn mmy. If it fal Care. 25c A thrill nf temu- u experi.n.sii whea a brar eowgb of creep acabda through the' hrmae at uih". Bat the ter.o- anon cfcaa gee to relief after One Mutate Coax1 Core ha teas administered Ssia and harn!es Or ehildrew J A Cammiiig Provisions, Feed, Etc. r W1Uo 1 . . ta"e. DT1063 it IS lmpOEBlble LO quote price3 for any definite time. We " have the Hammond Co. meats, lard, etc Will always quote prices a3 low aa we can. Albany Trading Co. 1st and Baker Sts. NEW liORK WORLD Thrtcc-a-Wetk Edition IS Pages a Week ... 156 Papers a Teat For One Dollar rabi-ilMaiTC-T aiaerwatc Bar except SaaS The Thrice-a-Week Edition of Tttx M' Iorx World is fir- among all "weekly' papeni in aiie. toqueac? of pnblkatioa ud the freehnesa. acor-CT and rorie.y et itseovt-nrs. It h all th? merits of a crreat S6 daily at the price of a doHai weekly. Its political new is prom pt. com plete, accurate aad impartial a ail is read en will testify . It U agaiu-t the no acpo- lies and tor tne people It prints tne news ot aa the wor:a. tur ing special co-reepondesce frea ail im -portaat news pointa on the globe It haa jniiiani uior.' o-n. vj . authors, a capital bamor page, coxupiete markets, departments for the hvxswhd and women's work and ether pecal de partments. We offer this nnequaled newspaper and tbe D-USOCSat togethero'-e ver for 00 THE thelbeet and jet simplest tyre wute manufactured, the consummation 01 inventor art. An expjvt 8le0oraphi after using many machine, says . I con aider th Yoet Writing Machine fir super- or 10 any 1 have yet usea- v" DEMOCRAT office and see one of the t vpe- writen that hat to bay a ment. ... Ail TTpewnt-TS supplies oraereu. r. P.Jicmso. Agent. " Taut MARKS. W il av " " rlmV COPYRIGHTS AC. At.raM tend-Bc a-rrt an4 J,whtKPM (nooal aXs la ti SCIENTIFIC AMERiSAN, juuti 1atvt. ku trw-. A-ire MUNN & CO., SSI BrJ"v. J rlt. ADMIHISTRaTGR'S-KQT!C Xotir-e ia hereby given that the uuder signed ha. been appointed aduistra'or ol the estate of Deborah Kwirnf. eceAsed, by the county court ot una count j, w, aad all persons having claims agau st said astate are notified to present the aame. property verified, to the uadem.ned at hi home about S4 milet outh of Albany I or to L H Montanve at bu oUce in the Strahan Pierce brick tn Aioany. unj.., rlthin six month from toe ewe nereo. Albany, Or. Mai 7. 189S. .. L H Most ants. Xhob a nc..ii. Atty for Artmr, dUBueiu'i.t IRST NATIOSAL BANK, OV ALSA-iT, ORSSOS Praaldwt- rvoa Pnaai . LFUSlt S,X,TOl'SS W.IJHli-OS TXAH&ACTS l.LM-iL Wtnt !b-!-l - A0COUIiTSKerT-i-blt-O--ik. IvJrtT X1CHANOK aad Sirapfc!e trJ-.-r, a Haw tark 8 rtaocc.tiK- -Ji P OLUSCTIOHS SAOSoa totbt--B. 8 S Teoae P AOooawn. C. K W La I. ruaa Fuaa. I, I! I II : 1 1 1 r . .J e YEARS s I