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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1897)
CI "UV ' If 'jBl II 11 ft fir VOL, XXXI 1. ALBANY OIlbOON, FR11A. APRIL 23,1891. Entered a.6 tke Poet at Albany. r. as BeawCIass Mall Matter! r P- arrriSC rakllsfeer aa rxanrtetar NO. 38 ) L f . ' ' "Iff ! jgctahlcPrcparationror As similating foe Food andScgula tiig thaStamachs arelBovvcls of Romotes'Dicslion,ChceTruI tiess andRcst.Contalns neilhcr SnimMorptiine nor MlncraL otNabcotic. BxJmnm JtmUkSA- afi ajjrarja; A perfect Be nrtedy for Constipa tion, Sour Siomach.Diarrhoca, Worms ,Convulstons.Fc"Erish 0SS and Loss OF SLEEP. Toe Simile Signature of VTEYT "YORK. - -- BYf mm-.-- -"VS. -.. EXACT COPV OF WRAPPEB. l!ril i ia-m I Thirtieth Year. ALBANY Calsxdab foe 1895-7 1896 Sept. 16 College Year begins . . Wednesday Nov. 26-27 Thanksgiving Day recess, Thurs. and Fru Dec. 21- -Term examinations begin . Monday Dec. 23 First Term end? . Wednesday Winter Vacation of Twelve Days 1897 Jan 5 Second term begins . . . Tuesday Feb 22 Washington's Birthday a holiday, Monday April 6 Term Examinations begin . Tuesday April 8 Sea-Mid Term ends . . Thursday Arbor Day Vacation of Four Days April 13 Third Term begins . Tuesday Jane 8 Final Examinations begin Tuesday Jane 13 Baccalaureate Sermon . Sabbath forenoon lime 13 Address before the Y. M. and Y. W. C- A. Sabbatb evening Jose 14 Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees Monday afternoon - -" -June It Junior Orations . Monday evenin? J aire la Graduating Exercises of the Conservatory of Music . Tuesday forenoon June l Pcynlar Entertainment Tuesday evening .June 16 Commencement . . . Wednesday June 16 Alumni Re-union . Wednesday ereuing Pour Courses ol Instruction leading up to deirrees. Well equipped Business and Music courses, with appropriate diplomas. Catalogue free. For further information, address WALLACE HOWE LEE. President, Albany, Or. Sfe ISPIJ 0 L LEG lwi fOll- PORTLAND OREGON ailf FVLL ENGLISH COURSE. uv feS 1 FRENCH AX J GERMAN. 64 01 BUSINESS BRANCHES. M jTi BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHY. iA pM BflAlfilKB DEFOTftEHT'" LAMES mm Wall Paper, Carpets, Lineolsum, Lace Curtains. Rugs, Portion, Pillows Furniture Bedding. "Picture Frames, Linen Warp Matting, Oil PaiD tings, and Undertaking Call on ALBANY FURNITURE CO. THOMAS All and Dealer iu you n J t x-r ALBANY. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY j. JOSEPH SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE . SIGNATURE OF- ' S3 ON THE - Wrapper OF EVERY BOT1TLE 035 ill! O Casbnia la pot a ana aits bottlM only. II itisotsoIala balk. Dent allow aayeos to ts!I .-yoa aBTthinc els as tbs visa or Iranian tii il 1 It "Jct as rood" aid "-will aasvsr every pa" ipose. -WSee that jot get 0-A-S-T-O-&-I-A. 23 COLLEQE. BRIN kinds of furniture bedding', and it want the most rmnnlfit.fl Tl m-iV anfft , - - . ' nAS r.nfiTYl nnn ma mm iaa A. .prces the lowest. OREGON. Need and Elegant De sins In Cfockcfy Ware at COWfl 5 HUSTON'S See it Proprietor . Fine Thing for Newport : G. M. Irwin, I L. Campbell, 0. W Chapman, II. B. Miller and S. G. Irwin met at Salem yesterday to arrange for the summer school at Newport. The main building will be octagonal, 87x8 test, with a lame gallerv, and a recept ion or reading room 18x20 feet. It is in tended to have separate buildings also, following win oe the instructors: Music Prof. R. A. Heritage, Salem. Art Miss Barber. Portland. Household economy Miss Snell, Cor vail is. Geology Prof. Thos. Condon, Eugene. xnuigogy rroi. a. a. uordiey, Uorval lis. Pedagogy Prof. H. B. Backman, Mon- moiun. History and economies Prof. II. G Young, Eugene. Botany and horticulture Prof. N. P. uedriclc, Corvallis. Languaire (Latin. Greek and German irol. John Stroud, Eugene. Elocution and Enariish literature Prnf Irwin M. Glenn, McMinnviile. Physical culture Miss Anna Lane, Monmouth. Lanzuaire and Reading Minn An Stowcil, Weston Normal school: Weston. iumoer wore ana ireorraDhT frof . i i . . J. H- Burnham. of Portland. united states history and methods-' rresunntr. U. uampbell, of the Mon mouth Xormi.1 school. Bible study Bute SnDerintendent G. . r t i-. ai irwin, caiem. History and PhilosoDbv President C. H. Chapman, of the State L'niversitv. f Eugene. A Lucky Girl Ftooi the Eugene Guard : ' A young lady of this city was the recip ient of very welcome news this morning. mm aiuu rieming, a step-aaugnter ot J. R. Park.was informed bv a telecranhic dispatch that there was the sum of $10, 000, subject to her check, on deposit at the Urst Isatiotial Bank of Eugene. It appears that an uncle of Miss Flem ing's, who resides in the famous Rands bnre minine district, bought a mine in Miss Flemming's name some time since. By some chadce the Kenyon mine, as it was named, turned out to be a valuable property, and the nnclesold it tor fiO, 000 which be remitted to his niece. Miss Fleming, who is about twentv years of age, is employed in Mia Sals- man s muinery esiabishment on rimth street. lhe Ransburs minimr district in itr- ated in Southern California, near the boundary between that state and Arixoaia. Some Style About Albany, btellmaker Bros, appeared last even ing with their four new Studebaker de livery wagons, as fine as anything in Oregon. After an initial parade tbey went to work, and the ' wagons will be an ornament to Oregon. Xoday . U. Holmes received an ele gant sprinkler that will be a credit to the city. It is a Studebaker. with all modern improvements, six inch tires, etc, ordered through Stewart & Sox. i Dus Altany is able to present a met ropolitan appearance, for which the Democrat is glad to speak a good word. A Hobo Bajsd nana A novettv in the hobo line visited this city today in the way of a hobo band composes of seven pieces. The members of the band are Germans and were clad in blue caps. ordinarily sacK coats and blue trousem. They travel from town to town giving open air concerts on the street corners and begging from boose to house. Tbey also imbibed quite freely of beer while in me city bugeiie buard. ibis band struck Albany early this morning and at once began business .giv ing our citizens some excellent music for wbat tbey were willing to put tn the hat, playing from block to block. This is a new way but it is certainly more legiti mate t ban the professional tramo system. This band left Bavaria with 24 men on a trip around the world. Gradually it depleted in number until only seven are left. Tbey -re all fine musicians, and are in nowise hobo, though they have come to be known as tbe bobo band. A CsvrniT Re. Walt Shipp. &a- lem's champion wheelman, started out early yesterday morning to make a cen tury run and, in spite of the rough roads he encountered, be made 110 miles be fore return:ng to this city. He left Sa lem at 4 o'clock a. m., going by tbe straigbtest road to Portland, reaching tbe latter city at 9:30 o'clock. On the return trip be left Portland at 12:30 p. m., reaching Salem without any rouble in any way, and practically as fresh as when be started, a; 6 o clock last even ing. Statesman. Marshal C. O. Lee retutned last night from bis trip to Independence. Miss Belle Senders returned this week from a long visit in Hatisburg. - Mr. Will E. Davidson and wife are in the city the guests of tbe former's father ' i t : i i .it . air. cax. i-viufluu, buu win remain tur several days. A pleasant reception was tendered Rev McKillop and family of tbe Baptist church, at the church, last evening. Those favored by being present spent an rvening ol much enjoyment. Mr H. J. Robert, Linn county agent for tbe Singer Sewing Machine Co. bas been promoted to the position ot travel ing special agent between Portland and Ashland. Mr. Hubert is making a first class sewing machine man. Mr. John Schmeer baa appeaiel in a bran new cow boy rig and is practicing preparatory to leaving next week for Crook county to engage in the stock business. He will be at home in bunch grass. Mr. Schmeer will take tbe best wishes ol our citizens generally. O. E. Krausse and wife, of Salem, have returned from an eastern trip. 'The Oregon legislature, be reported to the Statesman is one ol the standing "toshes of the whole country . So general is the laugh at it that an Oregon man is loin to confess he hails from "old WVifoot," a state of micd, however, that did not beset Mr. Krause, wbo claims be nas good reasons to be proud of bis home state in any comparison with her sister commonwealths be bas visited. Abraham Lincoln was shot thirty-two years ago today. In the New Jersey elections tbe democrats gained everywhere. I Two attempts have recently been made to burn the residence of J U Wright, in i q , E J Harding, wbo recently died at Ger vais, left an estate valued at $60,UUU. 6 Itching, aealv, b leading palms, shapeless Balls. and painful finger ends, pimples, blaokasada. oily, motny asm, dry, tain, and rauins nair, ilea tns.acaly scalps, all yield quickly to warm baths with Ccticuba Boap, and centle anointings with Cdticvba (ointment), tbs great skin core. Mtciira S.SSBSW' Tm nA thrmjrhowt tfc wmM. fonssDlTO AnCBSat, CoF., Sol, Props., Baiton. mr ' lio to I-rodiM. Son, White UmmAi," fna. I ITCHIM HUMORS Inituflr Tfitlmd b CwrioMA Siminaa, A SPLENDID APPOINTMENT. From the Oreironian : Mayor Pennoyer yesterday, afternoon appointed a successor to Police Commis sioner Sylvarter B. Riegen. Francis A. Watts, of tbe firm of Watts & Matthieu, owners ot the Palace pharmacy. 280 Russell street, Albina, is tbe appointee. Mr. Watts is one of the early residence of Oregon, and a member ol the State Pioneer Association. He arrived in Ore gon in 1847, and, until about 7 years ago', resided in Albany and Shedd, Linn county, his step-father being Judge D. Haley, who was a prom I net democrat in the early times of Oregon. In politics, Mr. Watts has always been a democrat. and, as a representative of that party was a member of the Linn county demo cratic legislative delegation He was' among the democrats who voted for the election of John H. Mitchell for United States senator, at the special session of the legislature in 1883, no senator having been elected at the regular seesion.wbicU assembled in January of that year. During the time lie was a resident ol Linn county. Mr. Watts was engaged In tbe general merchandisingand drug bus iness, lie came to Portland about seven years aco. locating in Albina district. where he has since been engaged in tbe drug business. At tbe election held last June, be was a candidate for tbe legiB.a- tureon the democratic ticket, com mon with others of his political faith, be was badly defeated During the presiden tial campaign, he was a warm supporter of Bryan and free siver, and to this more than all else he owes bis appointment as police commissioner ot Mayor rennoyer. The Dkmockat heartily endorses tbe appointment. I' is the best yet made by Mayor rennoyer. Mr. Watts is an up right man, as well as a gentleman and sagacious business man. In Oregon. Tbe Oregon delegation has recom- merded Judge Denny for minister to Hawaii. He was a candidate lor minis ter to Japan and is now willing to go to uawaii. Charles VVynier. of Willatnina. while shooting salmon la the big Nestocca river Tuesday fell, and bis gun struck a rock and exploded. Tbe ball passed through the band Every effort was made by his companions to stop tbe now of blood, but, before an operation could be performed, Wymer died. Fourth-class postmasters were ap pointed yesteHay in Oregon as follows: James C. Spencer, of Clifton, Clatsop county: Flora A. Turner, Mist, Colum bia; Maurice O'Br'en, Eagleton, Uiaon; Mrs. Hattie Van Bibber, Grade, Crook; Fred Holmes, Harney, Harney; Jndson Uill, Malheur. Malheur ;AUred Dun- day, Witlamina, Yamhill. Tbe 305 Mantels recently ordered of tbe Kay woolen mills ior tbe use of the Osegin National Guard, have been re ceived and paid for by the state military board, the blankets are the regulation gray, weighing 4 pounds, with blue stripes for tbe infantry, yellow for cav alry, and red for the artillery. Tea blankets cost 1 ' 47 K t eaco. iin un purchase before this was at tbe rate of t3Ml a blanket. J. E. Sbisn. electrician for tbe Inde- pendenc Eiectri Lighn Company, about 10 A. M. yeaterbar, was adjusting tbe bynamo,' when bis left arm ws caught between the big belt and tbe revolving julley. throwing him over the dynamo. and on tbe opposite side of the belt from where be was standing. His arm was broken above the elbow, the fractura extending down into the elbow joint Lebanon. Miss Geiseodorfer. president of tbe district Epworth League, delivered an addrrss in tbe M. E. cbonrh last Sab bath evening Tbe lourteen-montbs-oid child of A. . Ayera went out to the bee hive last Friday and was terribly stung by the bees. M ben attacked the child made no attempt to escape, and would have been stung to tft-ath had not its father came to tbe rescue. Carl H. Young, of Waseca. Minn., ar rived here Saturday, and after krokiog over tbe country for a few davs. por- cbased Herbert Downing's farm of 285 acres, near Lacomb: consideration, $2500, cash. Mr. Young will go back to Minnesota after his fami.y and return as soon as possible. He is a stock raiser. ard will bnng out with bim a carload of blooded stock and follow that business here. James Comall. an old miner wbo ar- rivtd at Sedaville recently, has been prospecting in that vicinity, and thinks he bas found rich tin and copper mines ue aiso auccessiuiiv courted a widow lady of that place. The report got out tbat the old couple intended to live to gether without tbe formality of a mar riage, and a number of alliens objected to such proceedine and threatened tbe old man with a coat of tar and feathers. Thus persuaded tbe old man procured a license and tbey were mamed. Mr. O'Neill, of the paper mill com pany, bas gone to Niagara to arramre for grinding wood pulp in their mill at tbat place, nnen tbat object is attained, they will manufacture papr ont of wood pulp, instead of straw aa at present, at their mill in Lebanon. Tbe change will be made on account of there being a greater demand for wood pulp paper. Tbey will, we believe, continue to man ufacture only brown wrapping paper. Tha change will make quite a difference to tbe farmers and working men of tbis vicinity, as tbe company bas been pay ing ont about $10,000 per year for straw and tbe hauling and stacking of tbe same. Advance. Aboced asd ScBMrmtD. The Farm' era' Loan & Trust company aa trustee. respondent, vs the Oregon Pacific Rail road company and Willamette Valley anauoaat nauroaa com pan, defend ants, and R. II. Graham and others. ppellants, appeal from Benton county : argued and submitted. This proceeding is based upon a petition filed by certain mpiryea ot tbe receiver in the above entitled suit, foi an order on the plain tiff, respondent herein, to pay into court the treveral amounts alleged by petition ers ti be dde thsm as such employes. btaiesmau. Dangebously 111. Mr. Henry Lvcnsi of Lyons, waa taken dangerously ill tbis week, evidently from obstruction ol tbe bowels. Getting worse last night five men got on a hand car, and came to Albany after Dr. J. P. Wallace, rearbing hero at 2 o'clock a m. Tbe ride of 23 miles from Kings Station to Albany, was made in 1 hour and SO minutes. The doctor waa secured and the return trip made. Dental Supply Uocs. Dr. F. E, Adams in connection with bis large den tal practice bas establithed a dental supply t tat ion, where Oregon dentists can obtain the best makes of instru ments and all dental goods at regular pri:es. Albany being a railroad center this should be a great convenience to dentists of tbe valley generally. You do not nee 1 to send to Portland, San Francisco or east. Foub New M. D's. Linn County has four new native physicians, by permis sion of the State of Oregon, to-wit: Dr. Denny, of Albany, Dr. Jones ot Soda yille, Dr. Hawk of Harrisbarg, Dr. Cable of Brownsville. All bright young men Mayor lay ior yesterday signed tbe or dinance to issue $90,000 in 20 year 6 per cent city Donas, wnicn are to oe exenanted with Messrs Morris & Whitehead for city warrants at par and accrued interest. These bonds will take up all outstanding warrants issued prior to the nrst of tbe present month. Budget. Six Saloons and four drug store in Ku gene pay city license. Looking Toward Oregon. From the Te'ciram : Secretary E O Masten, of the Ore gon state b ard of immigration, has come to tbe conclusion tbat times must lie much harder in tbe east than in the west. He bases this conclusion upon the tenor of tbe letters he is daily in receint of from people in all parts of the east and south asking for information concerning the state of Oregon. The writers have become dissatisfied with their lot and are anxious to turn their feet toward wider fields and greener pastures. Mao v oi tnem nave considerable means, and will be able to make a satisfactory start upon their arrival here should tbey r on elude to make this state their future home. That many will come to Oregon within the next year is evidenced by the iaci mas me writers uo uut stop Willi one letter. They send series after series of Questions, iudicating tbat they have a uruww purpose in view. Secretary Masum feels confident that tbis state will be materially benefitted b- tbe immigration that has already be gun. How a Deer Wan Cnuulit. From the Gazette : Tbe Monroe correspondent tells tbe story oi little eirl s cantu-eofa voumr aeer: "Sunday the llih inst was a day oi incidents in the Belknap family. In tbe morning Mi6S Stella became a mem ber of the M. E. church, and in the af ternoon, while her father was conveying Kev. Fori to Junction, she was at home and enjoying herself in a manner which very, very few girls of her age have ever indulged in, perhaps. Her agei onlv 7 or 8 and. while piavinit in tbe yard. she noticed a small deer come into the garden, and afu-r feeding a short time lay down. Immediately she went after her father's bounds, and when they be gan to chase the little creature it made an effort to jump through a plank fence, but in place of succeeding, it became hopelessly welged in between two planks. Miss Stella ran and caught it by tbe foot, calling to her grandmother to come and belp her. The grandmother (Aunt Mehalajcame, held the deer while the little hunter secured a lone, and when Mr. Belknao returned thev had the stranger tied to tbe fence. Dr. J. L. Hill was in Portland this week attending a meeting of ropul sta. Dr. G. 'v. Ma ton was tailed to Phil omath tbis noon on professional busi-1 ness. Mrs. Wm. Fortmi'ler Iks been in Corvallis the past week attending her mother wbo is quite ill. Mr. John R. Smith, of Lebanon, baa been in Albany for thetrorposeof having a cancer taken out of one of hit hands l-t nr. i, v. Wallace. Mr. Bob Chambers returned rewterdav morning fro -a a trip through California Mr. Chambers started out to be at Car son on March 17 but cbaoged bis plans on reaching San Francisco. Ei-Sheriff . J. K. Charlton, was in tbe city today. He reports hit sn Jam. of iwnver, as dotg an Increasing law bnsi ness, and enjoying srlendid health, ail of which bis tumy friends are glad to learn. Steven Whitney .ailer a several rr.onths absence in the south west characterised by many experiences, returned tbis morntog. coming directly fn-m Salt Ijtke City borne. He is glad to be in Albiny again. Dr. J. P. Wallace returned Iat even- in from Lvone. wher h fonr.t V- I Heonr Lvons ill trotn ar-pendicu, He 5 wit mm improved in he ift lst evening. n is pro oa we an operation will be nec-1 Mr. II. Bryant, of Albany, was a pas senger lor Newport aa ll evening's train. Mr. Bryant is tbe atene ol L. E, Blain. and bis trio to the Bv is to look after the ioiere-ts cl tjj proper! of Mr. Blain here Toledo Leader. Mr. John Swikehammer. the erndite pioneer ax manipulator of Uie Ca!:ixoia and Santiam countries, was in Albaov today. On Mondav Mr. Swiktbammer will take his departure for athree month sojourn in and adjacent to Empire City, s uoo county. Kest week Dt-puty Prosecuting Attor ney O. P. Coebow will leave for Rose burg, where be will locate for the prac tice of bia profession. Mr. Coshow is a courteous bonet member of society ana bas s host of friends to tins city who re aw oepartnre. a an attorney be i i anown lo be well read and a close student. He will add streneth to the ; laatS- HI I BTkla laa ann aw w tl Al nori:. - 1. li. Prof. Wbitebotn, the taVnted instruct or in physical culture, and family, went to Salem this morning, where Prof. Wbitebom will organise a clas in this study. The Democrat is gUd to com mend bim to tte people of tbt ci;y and all other cities. 1 1 is rvstem is unques tionably a splendid thing at a health giver and disease preventive, something tbat can be kept for hie It is t well a flesh producer and a flesh reducer, a developer of the weak parts of the body, no a Bireoguiener of tbe entire system. aiore people need to studv these thins tbat their live may be pr tlonged upon tbe earth. The wood tulo tUnt r.f O Xil Iter, at Niagara will soon be set fo lunninj- Mr. O'Neii being there now to arrange for tbe same. In ibe Harrinl.nru Reriw PliortfT (Uin advertises to well tbe property of F. Wit looghby ondrr a judgment cblainel by William Lane for $3.2T.5d. In a receot letter tr. hi tl.rniher. Krnre. Brady Burnett, now a Stanford student. stated that he is confident of running th mue in :u and tbs half in 2:U4 when r-tanford goes aminst Uerkelv on the 34tb oi aaay ana expects to win liotn events ne and Brown ran a dead heat rrtdsv in 42 and Monday he made the mile in 4:5$. Corvallis Gazette Hen. R. M. Yeatch. rccinler of the land office at Roaeburg, has Durchaaed a batf interest in tbe branch store of the Griffin Hardware Company at Cottage Grove. Tbe firm will hereafter be known as Griffin & V each. The business will be conducted by Charlg Yandenburg of tbi city, and 11. 11. V eaten, a son of R M Veach, of Cottage Grove. Guard. Broken Chain The family circle is never so happy after the chain is broken and a link taken." Some family chains are strong, others weak. Have you a good family history? Or is there tendency to coughs, threat or bronchial troubles, weak longs? Has a brother, sister, parent or near relative had consumption? Then your family chain is weak. Strengthen it. Take SCOTT'S Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hvpophosphites. It makes rich blood, gives stren gth and vigor to weak lungs and run-down constitutions. With its aid the system throws off acute coughs and colds. It pre vents the chain from breaking. Shall wc send you a book about this, free? For uli bf all drurghu at UK. anil ti oo SCOTT & BOW KB, New York. 0 ALBANY'S PAST. From the Dkmocbat of July 4 to Aug. work was begun on the O. F. temple anu i-eterson block. Wm Brnnk (now P. M of Ashland) anu Tibbie llalbrook were married on Julys by Kev. T. J. Wilson. Following fa a part of tbe list of those who actuallv crossed the mountains to JiKtit the Indians who bad arisen in Un ion county against tbe whites: G E Chain lierlain, T J Cline, E D and T E Hodges, G V Humphrey, E L Irvine, Geo Mealy, R Murphy, A W Purdom, J M Itumbaugh, Delevan Smith, Frank heeler, Paul d'Heirry, and 28 others, besides the following officers: General Brown, Major Herren, Capt M 8 Mon teith.CaptN B Humnhrev. Lieut Anirel and Lieut O II Hewitt. Tbe event caused great excitement. The Linns defeated the Salems 20 to 17, a wonderful game for those times. Tbe Linns then claimed to he rhimninn of the state Of tha A Hum nl avsa An I one .now resides in Albany. Phil Balti-! more, who played left field. Jim Foster, S in the east. GenrvnKtll kmuHmi tn Pal. ifornia; Ed Clark is a Portland dentist; jwsv elevens is piouably in riebraoka, Dick Conn is a Portland obotoeranher. e do not know anything about Whit- more, McCully and Hawkins. A renort tbat Mr. J. Vonmi hmA kun kiued by the Indians in tbe uprising in eastern Ureuon Droved nnlrna. All of hla horses and cattle and even wearing ap- earci exreoi wnat was worn l, himaoir and wife, were caotured but thev es caped. C. L. Shaw and Miss Grace Rovce were married on July 17. A renort frt.m tl, Indian war mail.ui July 20 said Capt. Humphrey bad capt ured three Indian horses and rode 40 miles in one day. Wiix it Kekp it Cr. John Stanlev. of Soitb halem. recently made a model of what he calls a rotary engine, and a test made at the foundry met tbe most san guine expectations. A sewed of 3600 revolutions a minute was reached, and as each revolution represent a hundred pounds lift, it is easy to see the wonder ful power in the new invention. Tbe mechanics at the found rv sneak hirhl of it. and will make a trial machine. Independent. I Sri-Rene Coritr. Tbe following is on the cal.ender of the Supreme Court: Tuesday, April 3Hh. v a. tn. H Broders, appellant. v J. C Bobannon and tbe Albany Farmers Co., detent (ants, and J. H. Burkbart and O. G. Borkbart, respondents: appeal Irom Linn county. At 12 m. -R. F. W'raU, respondent, vs George Henderson and J. W . Stackell. under the firm name of the Harrisbarg Mercantile Co., appellant appeal from Linn county. IUaii Wu It i( said that Mr. Haui wood is coming back to Astoria with several big propositions in bis pocket which will start industries and tin pail brigade in this city. Tbe rail road contractors are daily increasing tbe iorx of men on the line and on tbe west side of the bay the work of improving the Seaside line is progressing well, so that a Ure trafSce can be bandied tbis season. Aslortan. ToEsntnr 0iko. Scxsmt Mr. T. E. Shields, the stereopticaa lecturer, is in the city, eat her. eg notes and views of tbe Astoria harbor and lower Columbia Kir an Eastern lenuricg tour. Mi. n propose i rue.!s propreie to teli people all about ,00' oJ how um P'ire of bet rTU".' "1 rnwrpnirt. , , " u " . . van K.ri.i umn. pBJwsrntsr at Bowsviu.a. The WiioinieU presbytery honor bj r retired from active duties in the ministry the Kev. W. Ga. and W. M. Kobinson. The Kev. I. E. Iay and Eldes J. F Yates were e ected oootmisvionera to ths renera: af-emliT. and the Rev. W. S. Gilbert and Elder W . A. Tenirleton al- lematrs. A.ltanr waa chami as the Alaor place ot the fai; ineelln;. Toe need of Aioy college w ere earsewt'v considered and active mean of aid d need. A Mosbt Rrnrora. Benton conntv seem tn be a great money reducer, in st' ad of producer. Tbat Col. Ilotrg l:,XO in lea than five year, without doing a thing itself, dropped to less than 7,0u0. Tbe 1 12,350 received forth WiW Umetw Va ley i now only 19 00 in a I .- W . M. Yates baa been appointed post roaur at Hood Kver. and, so tax a known, bis is tbe first appointment made inurtgou. on tbe ro-mmndatioa of a m ruber of tbe cocgreiotual delegation It is claimed as tint blood far E lis, and a a Mitchell victory. Oregcoian. A .Morning Blaze. About 2:20 o'clock tbis morning tbe lauiiiy ol vt . A. .Mcciam. residing on l-.ighth street, heard the roaring of flame in the adjoining building Aa larm was given and the fire department responded promptly. o. . s and the tl, fc L. Co. going to the fire. - The building wa entirely burned. Tbe bouse wa recently owned by W. F. Hammer. Sev eral days ago he deeded it to Mr. John Tway to satisfy a mortgage held by him on it. On Wednesday Mr Hammer moved out, so tbat tbe place bad been vacant siuce that time. It was a house in good concttion, insured in one of Mr J. W. Senft's companies lor 500. EtirAL to th Oocasiox. Cottage ti rove Leader: Last week we saw an in genious contrivance used to overcome the muddy roads ot uregon which nave no bottom, which if traveled much during tbe winter is generally the case. It was nothing more than a scow with two horses bitched to it; but instead of being used in tbe water it is used to mn in the mud. The owner said be waa able to haul a gcod deal on his scow where it he used a wagon it would be an impos sibility. Will Siso is Brownsvillk. The Oregon Quintet, of Albany, composed of Misses uertrude etahiey, Marguerite Alderson, and Messrs. Foster Parvin. Maurice Akers and A. W. Lundell, gave one of their popuiar and pleasing con certs at the opera bouse in this city Thursday evening. The ladies and gen tlemen of this organisation ate capable of f leasing the most fastidious musical taste and deserved a much larger aud ience, Times. Bkstos Cocsty Sales. F. M. John son and wife to Wealherfoid and Wvatt, one lot College Homes addition to Cor- vaUito ten lots In Job addition, lot seven in blovk six Corvallis: 12,350. J. O Wrightstnan and wife to J K Weather- ford, 100 acres near Weils ; S2.0CO. C. S. Cooper and wifo to J. R. Wyatt, 160 acres on Soap Creek ; Svi7. K. A. Laws to Weatherlord and Wvatt. 214 acres 15 miles south ot Corvallis; f 3,000. Cor vsllia liuiee. Tur rig baim loo for tbe sawing con test on the 22nd may be seen in front of tho opera bouse, it is nearly 24 inches in diameter and is very wet. S i inch blocks will be sawed off for the ladies to drive nails in. and there will be more fun than you can find this side of the Hockies when the tontest come off There will be other enter tatning feature Tub RkciTAt which was to be given April 7th by the clas of W ot tbe con servatory of music of Albany Cotlege.bui was postponed on account of sickness will lie given Friday evening, April 30th, commencing at A o'clock. The program already announced will be given. Bring your invitations and come. mini la0a J iCl AbBotutely Pure Celebrated for its great leavening airengtn ana bealtntulness. Assures tq food against alam and all for ml of adul teration common to he cheap brands. KOTAL BAX15U I-OWDES. CO., ItW TOBK. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL F. M. Red field bas been appointed a notary public Miss Trixie Ward went to Portland this noon Dr. J. W. Bushong died in Portland yesterday. License bas been issued tor the mar riage of E. A Neal and lone Arriagton. Mr. Ror Bentlv and Frank Gal- braitb, of Waterloo, are visiting Albany friends. Mr. J. A. Finch returned last nicht from Portland, and will soon have Tbe Bell ringing. Miss Abbie Wright left Thursday for a visit with relatives at Calistoga, CallL Corvallij Times. A new Cant and Lieut, both men.have taken charge of tbe Albany S. A. and will bold service tonight Misses G-rtie O'Brien an J Elma Parker, of Albany, arrived tbis after noon and are viaiuog with ngene friends and relative Gnari Mr. J. V. Pine returned today from an extends trip through Oregon, Washington, and Idaho in the interest of tbe Examiner Ue is proving to be a rustling solicitor. Mr. W. H. St John and family return ed last night from a several month's visit wilh their daochters Mrs. Hideout in San Jose, Calif., and Mrs. W. B, Brown of University Park, Or. QWslter Wile ha become a partner with Mrs. M. J. Well in tbe drug boat- He take tbe interest of tb Gra ham estate ant pays $1,61$, lbs sere ton to dabs back to February 1st. Cor vail i Time. The Brownsville Time eats Col. C. H. Dairy m pie write from Gold Hill, Or., w here be is tow located, tbat the time are much bet ter in Southern Oregon than n tbe Willamette alley, and yet the people complain there. Eaaoire Marx, of Eugene Lodge of Elks, went to Albany this morning in response to a telegram asking bim to conduct the initiation of three candidate for tbe Elk lodge in tbat city. Chris un derstands bis basinet itorooghly and the Albany vi olio's will rejoice when tbe evening work js conciu'teo. t-Qjrene Guard. A it wa impossible to find tbe candidate Mr. Marx tailed to show hi skill in initiating. A delightful taster social was given last night at the Congregational church. Beside nmrs.a delicious iuocn and gen eral sociability an excellent program waa renaereo, coosisuog ot an instrumental solo by Rev. Poling, entitled Tbe Wil lamette Fall March," a vocal solo, nice ly sung by Mis LiHiao rarrea Tbe male quartet were beard in a eoog, and Prof. Siminton in a slpendtdly performed cornet solo, encored, Gracie Payne gave a nice recitation and the quartet cioswd the program. C. C. Hogne. one of tbe city official ol I a " ft ; - .a I Albany, is in Portland, i n reel i gating the matter of street improvement. He bas been shown around bv SuoenDtendect of Street Chase, wbo baa explained to bim tbe manner of constructing tbe var ious kit,d of improvement nd tbe cost of each. Mr. Hogoe is much pleased with the woodbiock pavemeu'.. especial- Iv tbat on First street. Tbe effort in Portland to secure good streets are at tracting attention abroad. Within a short time, delegation from Spokane, Boise Citv and Albany bare come here to see wbat is being done in tbat hoe, and to endeavor to benefit by Portland' ex penence. Uregonian, One Man Explains. Hon. Geo. F. Scbmidllein of Wood- j ville, Jackson comty, people' party rrpreseotative to tbe late attempted leg islature, in a card over hi nme in tue i Medford Monitor Miner says : "I dd not do anything at Salem that I feel ashamed of I gut some money to oar my expense with, and 1 got it on mv mileaee and per diem. I also cigned n acreement tbat I was to pay it back when the bouse orvanixeo again, i on-1 !y speak for myself I do not know wbat tbe other members did. 1 say far ther tbat bad I wanted it. I could have had more money than I have made in Oregon. I was offered S2.000 if I would go into tbe Mitchell and Benson bouse and vote for John If. Mitchell. I want to say that this is not 1 D. Driver's Ulk. I have Droof of this, as another member was present and was offered tbe same. Pwiaimr A TrsT BlU Judge W. S Crowell. who was in Ashland Tuesday, says tbat the conntv anticipate the com mencement of le al proceedings at any time now. on the part ot the railroad company, to bring the railroad tax Ques tion before the court fot adjudication. The county baa already accepted taxes from tbe company a louows: un ran road roadbed at the rate ot (3500 per mile, on railroad lands at the raTe of 30 cents tier acre and on rolling stock and denot arounds in full. Tbe roadbed as sessment was returned at siu.waj per mile and the railroad lands at a little over si oer acre, so mat mere is taxes on a balance ot $6500 valuation per mile on roadbed and 7c per acre or more on lands due according to the assessment. and to resist the navment of tbis it is ex pected by the county officials that tbe company will at once take the question into tbe courts tidings. Eixaox'a AstMA-nscor. This is the wonder of the 19th century. Life-tike figure are reproduced in action. Tbis marvelous creation of the great wisard has astounded the entire scientific world, and what was pronounced by electrical experts aa impossible has been so perfected tbat animated me is accu ately reproduced on canvass. Professor Wi bur will exhibit tnia wonaeriui in vention at Uie opera house on Tue-day, Annl aith. Admission -a anu oo cents. Reserved seats at Burkhart A Lee's. Operation roa Arrtsntcms. This morsing Dr. J P. Wallace, assisted by Drs. Davis and Ellis, performed an operation on Mr J. O. Uuslmeli for ap pendicitis, and he is now doing as well as can be expected. Notice. On Thursday tbe 22nd inst Lebanon train No. 9, due to ieave at 4 p m will scart at 8 p ui to accomodate all who wish to attend the Christian Endeavor meeting at Lebanon The Albany Choral Society, wtu give Gilbert O Sullivsns humorous canta'a, (trial by jury) edoesday eve, April 28th, at to opera m use. watcn tne aaie. Tbe Boys Club and tbe college were playing a red hot game of base ball today, HOME AND ABPOAD. Forfruiia Of all kinds, Go to F. H. Pfe'ffers. Dawson sells Liverine. Liverine 50c at Dawson's. Apples at C E Bkowxell's. F H Pfeiffer keeps everything in Tbe most styiuh. lest and ebeapeat good av . tonens. A good second band sewing machine for O. UKAWPOKD 11ABXISH Pictures from 75 cents to S25 rr Am. n at uongs gaiiery. Colored snectactes and eva atai 25c at French ' jewelry store. For a COod th r sic take Liver! n. far aaU oy uawsoa, tbe "piU autocrat-" Our printing i the cbmpest became it is tbe best, Shilbt, tbe Printer. Our work is the beat, therefnra it !. Ik. cheaoest. 8miley. the Printer. Crawford k Hamuli fnr nknfwirark. Price from II to f?0 per dozen. The InderwiwtpnWJnrimth os run to XaiLs over tb S P track Water white romblvnvw faun naKrVw.;. jum is ax OK BROElJ.a Tbe Ruth knvea fnr PnrtlanJ -t 1 . Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Two Pack aires of rarden anada fnr according to their oauai custom at Stewart sr. oox . Dr. G. W. Mastoa, phjaiciaa and sur geon, Albany Or. CaUs answered prompt ly in city or country. j Mrs. Pearson and Mia Rieland have ' moved their dressmaking eatabiubment to. uroaoajoin '., between 2nd and 3rd. Tbat German washioe fluid, which taa proven aocn a bne thing bas arrired at Parker Bros ia a lanre aaantifv. Pli and try a bottle. Iaformatioa that is worth its w;M gold: Get your meats of ak kinds at Hen ry Sroder a. on Second street. If you owe Cons A Hmrfm rati mv them and pay no. Whv isn't thai a -wi esolution for now is tbe pay op time. tor choice meaf of all kiwda. mmA prompt attention can ura Wm Rmeriek a- Son, two docrt west of Kaecht k Misers. Drs- H. E. and O. r IWi nfK. reaidence ia the cost office building. Spec ial attention given to diseases of worjen. Tbe Elk last eveninz wen visited bv a number of Elk from other nbuea. A fine banquet was reread after tk. num. lar meeting of tb lodg. J. Jiarmm has moved to just east of Schmeer s stables, 2nd street, where be will keep in m artel fine ftsn, game and poul try. Call on him. Th once of axWIHn Oliawr rhilUA nL shares has been red need to SO cents. Be sure the um Oliver is on every share, i For Bale only by Hopkins Bros. i Badness is often Dreoesded or aerom- panied by graynes of the hair. To pre vent both baLlneas aad gramee. use Uaii's nair nenewer, an nonest remedy. The U. S. Grand jury bas been drawn for tbe coming term. Too from tbis vicinity are A. B. Huddetsoa ef Jefferson and J. G. Coerrr of Albany. - Keep going until von teach tbe ahoa of the Albany Dressed Beef Company, where yon will find a fine line of meat of all kinds. This company ktep tbe best and yoa will be sorry if you don't call on bem. Consider vonr vara, think t fm m, act, aad tfaea go to Haigbi Bros . where yon wid ad a choice atTc of sseaU of ail kinds to ordir from. Too are bound to be pkaaed if yon order of Lhem. Anyone wisbieg some eood nrine cacum ber ptckJes can secure ibem by droppia' a poal card to F H Hoirasoa, Albany Or Alao early cabbage p!aau and choice garden sec, at reasonable prices. A tramp tried to board a train at Salem by tbe break beam roate.wbra be fe'J and wa mangled ia a terrible manner. His body waa found and burned at SaHn. H had the appearance of being a Swedev - Tbe ntUe enild of Mrs. Joaie SimDsaa fell and dts coated ber thoolodr on Tnors - day ot this wet. ttvsm asait a It was not known that the accident was so aenoo until a r-hysiciaa was called yesterday aad learned tbe fact, In tbe case otE HHorioavsOC k E R B, action to atop goods in transit Ibe. demurrer to complaint taken under advisement. lime. S A. ScbifSer ha bought the entire stock and tai'oring outfit of tke Blain Clothing Co and will hereafter run it. with a fine line ot sailing? and one of the best tailors and cotters 01 tbe coast. Religious Services. Service at the Baptist cburcn aa fol low : Tbe pjtor,Konald McKillop, will preach in tbe morning on "Toe Cloud Tarrving." Tbe evening will be given lo the Sunday School fot its annual cel ebration ol "Cbapel iay." For tbis an interesting prcgram ia prepared. U. P. church: Morning sermon 11 o'clock "Keeunectijn." Evening er- moa 7 ?0 o'clock. Praise service. Song of Israel. Sabbath school 2 :o0 p m ; Jun ior Endeavor 3:30 p m. On account of the union meeting of the Local Christian Endeavor union at 6:00 p m in this church tbe preliminary prayermeeting of the Christian Endeavor committee will not take place. The following service will be rea ler- ed at the Congregational church tomor row: At 11a.m. doxotogy, invocation, gloria response, lesson hymn, prayer; enthem "Christ ourPasaover'oSering, voluntary, male quartet, sermon : The blest tstaoiiabed tact in Human His tory, hymn, benediction. Service in tbe evening at 7 So. Tbe follow ing is toe order oi service: song by congre gation, anthem, vocal soio by Sir. Lun dell, cornet eo'o W.E. Simon to a, ser ixioa: Why I Believe the Resurrection of Jeeus Christ. Choice sardines at C E Browseu,'. Both tha method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts conUy yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Kowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and levers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- la a i .? . . uuceu, pieaemg to me taste ana ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for tale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro euro it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA HQ SYBUP fctt a nuuKisco. cal. tousme. no. kit Star Bakery Corner Broadalbin and First St COXIAO MEYER PRCPEIETO la Canned Mt QJccnv..- Veset9Vle, Ogam. Spice. Tea ' Etc Canned Fruits, Glassware, Dried Fruit. Tobacco, . Sugar. Co fife. Etc. everything tbat L pt in good variety aad gro eery store High est pt paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODICI C0NSBE7AT0BY OF 1DSIG Tbany College Tea Uiortb school year 1896-1897: iiri Marvin, Mas. Doe. director. Assistant teacher-Marguerite Alderson, B. M., and Mr. Josephine Sharpe. Tboroogh and systematic inauucUon riven ia all the important branches of mnsie. Best conservatory room and tatgeat musical library and facUitie ior mntical work. Largest number of eon erratory stodent enrolled of any magic school in the state. Term low. Send for circular and cataloeoe. to Waiaac Howa Law, A. M. Albany. Oregon. foshay k mm -Wholesale A Retail MneeisTo iis Booimiiis ALBaXT. OEEGOS. Pure Drug and tbe finest and Large! Stock of Stationary and Book in tbe Market. Book Keeping Ta-ight tv MAIL EAPfcKT ACCOUNTAXT Complete, Practical. Ksact'y aa Found ia Boaines, My coarse of instracfions tfeor oagbiy qasify too to take charge of and keep a set of books Tbe biebeat referenc faraisbed. For teams and fad informa tioo atWresa, L. O. HUNTER AOUW Temple, Portiaad, O 1iiiilaiii1Tra WarTSirT""" -" i 1. I I f ii M mil isla Tl fl Sm mzodei. &rnn f orpiouv. tnwj A PaarptikFt -Haw to On-; or raw ia iaa b. c a. snow & co. KmarOmet. WaaniaaTua. D. C- luninmiimii ' - - Academy of Our Lady of Per petual Help. Boarding School for Girls. Thorough instruction Wholesome diet Homelike treatment. Consider ing hard times, favorable reductions are made for boarders and day scholars. Siodie will be resumed Sept. let. For nrther particulars call at tbe Aeademv or write to Sister Superior. PATENTS i. a, ai rBtKi PROCURED. EUGENE W. JOHNSON, Solicitor fcittj. nPifca. Causes, ITT w Tar Aa WaHacta. C Oo established 1S6S. Charges moderate Correspondence requested. XTKW HOME LAtTXDIlY. A Nort IN cn? of Ellsworth Street. Family washing taken . Particular attentioa paid to bundle washing and mending, batia action guaranteed. Jin Christ kb- T70R SALE OR EXCHAJiGE. Resi r d. dence twODerty ia Salem or Corvallis for sale or exchange for Albany property. for particular cau on i ouua. W ANTED. To rent a centrally located dwelling boore. Call on k. Blain. RESS-MAK1XG. Ladies wishing to learn cutting and fitting bythe Mor gan system, call an Mr. R- E. Owen. Dresses made for 2.S0andnp. Cor Sid and Calapooia. ClW FOR SALE. Good fresh mitk. Call on F H Hugbson. across th Willamette. ...... Also some fine eucutr ber pictte m mne PAR RENT OR SALE. Good farm ITS t .-tm 6 miles from Albany. Enquire of H F Mcllwaio. Albany Or. FOR REST. Ia Mdlwain s bnck block good sor room. 8 aood omce rooms. Enquire of H F cllwaia. OR REST. 6 room dweiUng. 9 room nwWIinir. rood lecation and cheap rent. Or. Enquire of HF Mdlwain, Albany EO E FIM1 THE PLUMBKR Tin roofing aad plumbing, he opera bouse Opposite FIFTY DOLLARS A WEEK EASILY MADE. Agent wanted in every lo cality for Hon W J Bryan's great and only book. " fb First Battle. - Tbe best seller ever produced Agents are taking asmaay as 200 orders per week. Beware of fraud ulent imitations. Send for outfit and be gin work at once, ..... WBCONKEY COMPANY. Publisher 541 Dearborn Street, Chicago. FM MITCHELL corsbnoea to act aa agent tor the Pacific School Desk and Furniture Cc. of Portland. Order sent to bim at Tangent, Or. will be promptly attended to. . . v . AT THE MINES loarding, lodging and meals may be secured of the sub scriber at the Santiam ndne, at hi place at th month of Dry Guloh. H. W. Warn.