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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1897)
if ii u . . ncir7 ft us " if Til ii C cii i n i iti w ifi i VOL XXXI I. ALBANY OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 16.1897. Katere c.S tfce Foot Oftlee at Ubtif. Or. Mall Maltsii l P- MTTe Proprietor a in -j,V i i-Ti.Tlr, T.... . . : r: . ( ' i ill . 4 ANfoclablefrcnaralion Tor As slmilating UjcFoodandReguli ling the Stomachs andBov: is cf PromotcsDigcstioaCijccrful- twss and Kcst.Contatns ncitncr Opium,Morphine nor lmrral. Not Narcotic. f II 'ii Hfi i A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca. Wonns,Convulsions,Fcvcrish ODSSandLossOF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of KW YORK. a , . SR. . " w" - js-"" EXACT COPT OF VRAPPEH. i I Thirtieth Year. ALBANY Calendar fob 1396-7 1896-Sept. 16 College Year begins . . - Wednesday Nov. 28-27 Thanksgiving Day recess, Thurs. and Fru Dec 21- -Term examinations begin . Monday Dec 23 First Term ends . Wednesday Winter Vacation of Twelve Days 1397 Jan 5 Second term begins . Feb 22 Washington's Birthday a holiday, April 6 Term Examinations begin April 8 Second Tarm ends . . Arbor Day Vacation of Four Days April 12 Third Term begins Jane 8 Final Examinations begin June 13 Baccalaureate . Tone 13 Address before the Y. M. and Y. W. O- A. Sabbath evening Jane 14 Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees Monday afternoon June M J amor Orations Jane i5 Graduating Exercises of Music -June 15 Pc -ular Entertainment . Jane 16 Commencement - June 16 Alumni Re-union Four Courses of Instruction leading up to 'H usic courses, with appropriate diplomas. For further information, WALLACE CUGLISHandBUSINSS 0LLG PORTLAND FULL ENGLISH COURSE. FRENCH AS -J GER.MAM. BUSINESS BRANCHES. BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHY. BOARDIKG DEFARTAEHT'" LAMES Wall Paper, (Jarpets, Lineolsum, Lace Curtains. Rugs, Portier3, Furniture Bedding. Picture Frames, Linan Warp Matting, Oil Paintings, and Undertaking Call on ALBANY FURNITURE 0. ttt t mr Drew. i Tl;n n, select the Waverlv CflnfprrpA ference between a wheel that is actually high grade and one that XA.pci lliiwu jg simply claimed to be. Some others maybe good but tbe Si VittS Waverly is the highest MAD bt NDIA N A BICYCLE UO. ' rKDIAHAPOUS, IND ftLBAMY CIGAR FACTORY .. .JOisKI'Il. Proprietor SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF S3 ON" THE . WRAPPER OF EVERY . " BOTTLE OJP Cutmis is ntt s la eas-sos kttlaa anlv. It is act sold is balk. Doat alls anna, to sail Is Xa aaytlung slss oa the plea or prcnun that it j is "jtst as pood" and "win answer vrerj pr Wpcse." " Bee that joe gt 0-A-S-T-0-B4,A. t2s a. WTSpp COLLEGE Tuesday Monday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Tuesday Sermon . Sabbath forenoon Monday evening the Conservatory ol Tuesday forenoon Tueedav evening Wednesday Wednesday evening Hevrees. Well equipped Business and Catalogue free. address HOWE LEE. President, Albany, Or. OREGON Pillows - '""-SR Are built in AT 1 . LJUO loi gCDu ffYKI FA and Best " Equipped Factory in rthJnrt ho lAnrlrl because thev have learned to know the dit of all high grade. Conn & Huston, Agents HeoJ and Elegant De signs in Crockery Ware at COIf 5 HUSTON'S See it COUNTY COURT. (Geo. Birtnn, county judgs; J M. Wlor D. L. Curt, CommUalooora.l Si 1 A G Prill $10 disallowed. Petition of G W Young et a', for vaca tion of county rosd, continued. E C Peery was appointed J P at Soda ville. Bill of Wasco county for 92.93 for aid Mrs Juliet Hamilton, continued. Petition for aid of J M Arrington, dis allowed. .. Petition of John Rsbbam, et a', for bounty for crow scalps, disallowed. Petition of John Roberts for ede.npt ion of land sold for taxes, allowed. Bill S W Cole, M D, for $3 aid poor, disallowed. J W Compton resigr.ed as Canada thistle commissioner and T J Mui kers was appointed. Application of A!ice P Richards for cancellation ol sheriff's tax certificates. granted upon payment of $61.20. The county tax roll of 1S95 was ordered delinquent ou May 15th and turned over to county clerk, to make delinquent roll ems in Uregon agt Ltnuia Harden, ore. ex., $-14.00, allowed. $33 was ordered appropriated for the purchase of a ticket for W 1 Vaughn from Albany to Tennessee, where he baa relatives. In application of 3 K Taylor et al. for county road, viewers pro appoiuted to nuet on May 1st and aosesa damages to E I Chcadle if anv. Viewers. W r An derson, Scott ard, M Snyder. Kemon- stranie withdrawn. In application of R W Huchina et a' for county road, viewers appointed: D A V ade, A S Stone and A J Blevins. to meet May 1st. hills in Oregon airt J B Sloan, pre. ex.. $13.73 Continued. Application of E A Evans et al. for county road was dismissed. Ordered that the clerk advertise for bids to be opened at the May term ol court fo' 30 cords of grab oak. Bills allowed : Salaries county office's: aid J W Cox. $6 00; Kenwortbv, $S 00; Alberts, $9 00; O T Lubker, $8 00: Alma Vail, $8 00: Sarah Ilines. $3 00: Gillock, $6 00; Barnarda, $5 00; H Mv ere, $4 00; Larew, $4 00; Mrs Adams, $4 00; Pboebe Henderson, $5 00; I Cole man and wife, $i 00; Spakman , $3 00. John Usher, janitor $ 19 00 J S Morris, acct poor 4 55 D E Cheadle, rent Mrs Mines 2 00 P G Morris, ticket poor to Calif . . 15 50 May A Sendeis.acct poor M A Gate. " Burkhart & Lee " " Wro Fiickenger ' " D 11 Peterson, rebate tax Knecht A Miser, OU Or. Tel. Co H Shelton, deputy sheriff Albany C A W Co.Cll M C Gill & Co, roads and bridges.! Barnard & Co, stationary J S Lamar Glass & Prod horn me, stationary. Albany, roads and bridges J B Hahn, acct poor Mrs Siellmaler, aid Farwell & Bonar, roads & bridges G W Cline, roads and brdges. . . . O H Dalrvmple bill $30 Alban Ei Light Co T J Stitee, postage J L Hill, acct insane J J VVbiinev, acxt insane , E T T Fisber, sarveyor X B Washburn, acct poor G Myers, acct poor 5 00 5 00 4 55 6 00 5 25 90 4 45 10 00 5 Oo 19 00 10 00 1 50 12 00 1 A-) 5 00 5 00 14 10 3 19 50 00 20 00 2 M) 5 00 5 CO 16 CO 5 00 12 00 3 3 31 50 7 o0 20 00 11 39 120 00 12 00 G O Cbanineas, roads & bridges. . vt Kowea, acct poor. H C W neon, acct pcor. . . . Aid indigent soldiers tit Kinip, aid poor H 1 motion, bridges Dr C U Chamberlain, aid poor. . . w U Stelimaker, " " ... P J Smiiey. printing Mrs Mary E Davis, aid poor W F Hammer, acct ownership 4 50 IS 15 8 00 book 50 00 R Wheeler, supt 305 00 K A Stafford, assessor SZ 'M A Munkers. deputy sheriff. . . . 5 00 TJ Stephens. " " 10 00 65 0) 4 00 2 50 a 30 2 25 2 50 on road lists &c C Roberts, deputy sheriff Gross A Krslberger, acct poor. . . . Miner & C.USW1CH, " " .... F Venner " " .... loel McFeron, bounty Sheriff Gain-s. transportation prisoner : 5 95 7 60 12 00 10 0 20 60 5 CO 5 00 10 50 A Levelling, deputy sheriff M C Gaines, board prisoners. . . . Mrs M F Taylor, acct poor F Dawson, stationary and poor. . w ri Ramsey, acct poor 51 aters, sid Lacv bmilh .... John Denney, rebate tax Oregon agt Sylvester Hall 24 15 6 00 23 00 J as Weir aid Kenn R B Montague, acct clerk J vv bitney, diet attorney 5 00 Wells Fargo, books Geo D Baiton, reads 70 3 25 10 60 4 IO 8 00 10 20 5 35 2 10 7 25 1 00 S 00 10 00 40 50 10 50 P G Morris, acct poor A Pearce . " " G W Tavlor " . " C F Swank, deputy sheriff Bach & Buhl, acct poor Cb as Davis, acct poor G W Taylor, bridges s a Uoucb. triages J B Tillotson, roads Ladies Aid Society, aid poor J P Galbraith. Commander, in digent soldiers fund D L Curl, com. and acct roads. . . J C Powell, pre ex J M Waters, com 6 00 10 40 That Spuing Hill Be ad. One of the moat important features befotv the Ben ton county court wab regarding a fit! that vv. 11. Milthollen bad contracted to put in across tne spring ripl slough in t;ie airmount precinct. The contract was awarded him at the January term of court for $125. The fill was not put in according to contract it is said ; at any rate it bas already been washed out. Many of tbe denizens of that precinct were on band a', court Wednesday and tbey were interested enough in county matters to be in war paint, too. Tbey thought that tbe county should not tax itself for work of such a nature that it would not stand more than a couple of months. However, ta commissioners did not see fit to order the $125 paid. What will be done regarding the mat ter remains to be seen. Times. A Bcsy Man. J. S. Van WinWle.etate commander of Oregon K. O. T. M's wss in the this city Wednesday lsst. It is aaid that Mr. Van Winkle has a new cow and bis children go out in their night-clothes of a morning for a cup of fresh milk. Between running the Mac cabees of the state and milking his Jcr eey cow, Mr. V. W. was abstracting a a title in uorvsins, limes. The ladies of the First Presbyterian church will give a social Wednesday, April 21st. FOR ra a Q)n And rest for tired mothers in a warm bath with CunorjRA Bo Ar , and a ilngls application Ot CcnocaA (ointment), the great skin enrs. CunotTRA, BxMBDtxs afford Instant relief, and point to a speedy ears of torturing, dis figuring, humiliating, Itching, burning, bleed ing, crusted, scaly skin sad scalp humors, with loss of hair, wbsu all else tails. Sol4tbm.r1xntth.YMld. nrni Pass asp Cssk. Sclo. From the Press : G M CofTev left us last Monday bound for Kalama, Wash , where he expects to secure a situation. Ex Conductor John Tway o! the 0. C. & E. R. R , but now manager of the Al bany tannery, paid our city l business visit on Tuesday. Last week the J 8 M orris & Co. drug company sold the entire stock of drugs, paints, oils, glass, store fixtures, etc. in eluding their good will, to W A Ewing and M M Peery, tvo of the best and most substantial young men tf our city Aunt Mary Hunt, of this place cele brated her 60th birthday on last Friday, (April 2) by eivinn a splendid turkey dinner to a lance number ot relatives, about 50 in all. Of her immediate fam ily ber brothers William and A M She! ton of this city, Lee aud Hainan Shelion of Jordan aud sister Mrs. Lucy Curl of Albany were present. J?ot Exoioii. There are peopl ho think a letter canbesent for 1 cent if the envelope is not sealed. This is a grave mistake Only a circular can be mailed for 1 cent to an ou. side office. The seal ing with a letter makes no difference. In case there is only 1 cent postage on a letter ibe poison io whom the letter is addressed is notified and is obliged .o send the extra cent before rtceivwg the letter. Ax Operetta. The Choral Society of the college on April 2-tti will present the operetta "Trisl by Jurv, ' one ol Uibert and Suilivans tirst hits. The leading characters wi.l be taken bv Plot, l'arvsn. Messrs Lundell and Akers J C Irvine aud Mtss Alderson. Os Teial. The Salvation Atmy of this city has just held a somewhat sen sational trial of a lieutenant by several members of the staff f om different places. As it was private particulars cannot be learned : but it is reported there will be a new lieutenant at Albany. Mr. Millem's Coxditiox Drs. Mas ton and Davis, who returned on the over land this mornine from llalsev. reported leaving Mr. Bob M. Mi'ler in a good con dition for Improvement Alter bis foot was cut it bad been dressed without the arteries being taken op property and he nan bieu considerably, this was rem edied. Tux Cuir Will, Fit. Mr F. W. raulkenoerg. bead chopper ol the Wood men of the World of the U. S. will be in Albany on April 22. when be wil. be given a big r ceptioo. It is proposed to tnase tue cbips ny. The Pythian entertainment at the Reed last night, nnder the auspices of Central lodge, No. 18, of this city, and tne personal directum ol at. Kumoi, was a. nattering success. A lance a no laainonaoie audience greeted the arrar oi local talent in the cast. As a finan cial venture it outstripped the brat hopes ot lis internal projector. Statesman. MiRicTLors EsCArc. At Sena'or Mines, Anions, on March 22. W II Tib- betts a 'Joriner resident of Junction, hail a miraculous escape from death. He slipped off a Udder whi'e descending a shaft and felt a distance of 70 feit. The shaft i on an incline and timbered with heavy timber He fell on bis back across a car track at the lot torn Aside from being bmised and getting an arm broke be sustain no injuries. A Lebsxox Bim.HBY. WednesJay morning burg'ara broke ioto the S. P. office at Leban on, gcing throogb a win dow, and drilling into the safe broke eft the ooter ccverine, m hen they skipped. proDaoiy being irigbtenea away. Tbey bad stolen Wiiies railroad bicycle, on which tbey fled towards this citv, but -at near rhoa. Froman's ran off the Uack, breaking the bicycle, which tbey left there. They got nothing for their trouble. A5t ORbEh The Willamette Fra ternal Union was organised in Albany lsst evening with the following officers: J S Smith fraternal recorder; F E Ad sins, justice; Mrs ' Unwell protestor:! Mrs J S hmith truth ; Mrs F E Adams mercy; SG Dorris guide; Mrs FSCraw, secretary; W W Howell, treasurer; L v Laugbeaa, guard ; Miss r.thel Creel, sentinel. The next meeting will be held ' Thursday evening April 15. L-sss a URrroi. U. w iaylor is walking with a crotch on account of an adz striking one ol Ms leet, cutting a bad gash. He will be a ceutleman for several days. s Rev. W. A. Undsey and wife, evangel ists, who have beld a series of meetings throughout tbe valley, will reach Salem on Saturday, and will conduct revival meetings in the Bsptist church for two or three weeks. blem Statesman. Madam Kitty fot, of, bs (ued tor a divorce from ber liege lord, alleging desertion. Should be fight tbe case, a number of nr citirena ( proopectivr wnnewes) would fly to cover. Cor.a lu Gazette. Tbe peiision a war led Henry Burns, ot which mention was made lat week, amounts to 16 per month. Ii addition to this be receives $J29 buck pjy. A pretty good windlall tbesj Lard times. Toledo Leader. J. II. Lewis, recently with Dr. Adams, left yesterday for Portland. He will be joined in a few davs by Mr. W. F. Gal - uraun, ana u is toeir intanuon to go to Eastern Washington to open a dental office. Mr. Galbraith bas bad nearly three years practical experience, and is already a fine workman. The business and nronertv ol the wholesale drug firm of Snell, Heitshu & vvoodard was bought in bv Louis Blu ms uer for 50 cents on tbe dollar tor notes snd accounts and 60 cents for the stock. The dbta of tbe firm amount to about $2C0,000, but the amount bid for the present assets will not realize much over one quarter this amount. Tribune. In? union meeting of Sunday School primary teachers, which was called for tomorrow trriaaj) afternoon, bas been postponed one week, on account of the umsn missionary meeting called for the same time. Stewart & Sox base sold fourteen ! drills already. Tbe formers see tbe need of rushing their wheat into the ground. 1 and as well into the ground better than usual, hence tbe big demand. PoBtmatter Reeves, of Halsey, is in ti.e cuy. Ike Fogel, the coffin man, is ia the city today. Ex-Mayor Elmore, of Brownsville is in tne city. Rev. Louis Metayer returned this noon irom rortiana. Tesne fliatoon, telegraph operator. came over from the Summit today to visit inenuH. Hon. E. Hofer, editor of the Salem Journal, is in tbe city today. Tbe Jour nal la one ol Oregon's Itvest papers. Nesbet, the piano tuner, was in Al. bany today on a Hickory bicycle, a nov elty in Albany that attracted attention. A. M. Cannon, of Albany, came down this afternoon, and will take part in "Virginius" at the Reed this evening. Salem Journal. The Knights Templars will hold an easier service on April 18 at the Masonic temple, at which Rev. G. M. Irwin, state superintendent, will preach the sermon. The Salem Independent puts it nicely: Corbet t sats that he could not believe that Fitz had really vanquished bim, but down deep in bis heart be must have felt it. Tbe most stylUh, best and chespest fit iPl fr''"""M.M. A Thrilling Scene. The editor of the Condon Globe SAy that he saw the other day two huge coy otes, with appetites like saw mills, snoal through toe tail aeaa grass, and siugle out two young caivesiroia ttieir mothers that were gracing with a small bunch of cattle. After running about 200 yards me caives uo uhuukii a barbed-wire fence and "lit rut tu rough the pasture. witn tne coyoiea ciose at their teels thinking what a delicious supper of veal they would have. At this instant the mothers, having tuissea their uffHorinv looked around ana took in the situation at a elaoce. Each let out a bellow, that could be heard a mile, and started to the reset a at break-neck speed. It looked like it was a hopeless chase, for a strong nve wire fence separated them from the fleeing claves, but when they reached it each irave an unearthly bellow and plan.ed into the Icne with a despera tion that was astopisbinz. Fortunately several posts gave way, allowing them tQ get through, and in amt.her moment, al though badly cnt and bleiding.they were licking and fondling theircalves, with as much devotion as a mother would caress her baby that had just bevn snatched from the jaws of i eath. The corote. which aid not abandon their pray until the conn' hoof were almost upon them. sneaaeu on to a kn n near nv, ana con tinued to think about that fine veal sup per mat iney ui'ln t get. . Lebanon. From th s Express and Advance, At the council meeting Tuesday night the marshal was ordered to see that the saloon was kept closed on Sunday. At the lat meeting of the Ladv Mac cabees there were twenty-five applica tions for membership. At a meeting of the official members of the Baplut congregation last Satur dav, Eugene Ilea man and J.Sheinian Wallace were licensed to preach. Wes Bland and Will Piper returned last week from a visit to Eastern Intron Tbey traveler over a good prt uf Va?n and Crook counties, looking for work but wers uifU t j ha I a. Rev. M. D. Davsnpjrt, D. D . who has accepted the call to tbs pastorate of the Presbiterian church io thu city, ar rived in Lebanoa with bis family" iart Fridav. Orin Martin has gone to the home of his daughter, Mrs. Elliott, near fMe, Idal.o. Mr. Martin has lived hers for several Tears, and during all the time be baa bad tbe respect and friendship of all A letter received this week from Los Angeles says that Claud Cruson and Billy Arnett are now in that city, and Billy is drummer for E. B. Crouch's boarding boue. Attorney Frank Skinworth went to J unction City last Monday, and tiowJ bis buine anaira tUere.his poor brar.fc neceMitaung this cbacge. He returned to Lebanon yesterday Mrs. G. H. Bland died at her home, just south of th scitr.Ust Sunday night. Mter a short lUneM from bloo! poison ing, at the age of 4$ years and 9 months. Mrs. Bland crossed tne plains wish be' parents in 1SAJ atsd fettle! in Oregon. She n arned in iSbd. f-he as the moth er of six cbtUlrea, four of whom tU survive ber. Rev.and Mrs. HtrmOn !sav tren spending a lew davs with ber folks bear Tangent Yesterday was the tilth an niversary of their weeding, which ia sty!d wooden wedding, and in their aV sence tbe members of the ciiurco cele brated the event in a oniae bat appro priate manner. Oo Wednesday the jar- onsge was put through the proce of nae cieanirg, an 1 oa last evening the members of I he church and frirnds left an offering for the pastor and wife at the parsonage. Each person took a stkk of wood and sometbtng else. on t thev be surprised when they come borne Ibis evening? J. Van Winkle: nl Ai'ianv. bieh Maccabee Mogul in Oregon, was fa town Wfdnesday. CorvaSlis Gasette. Mr. F C. Danoals bas Iwgun tbe erec- Lion of a residence on bis lot on west 4 b street, where be will rvside upoa its completion. Mr. Louis iHndinger, npon whom tn operation for appendicitis was recently successfully performed, was on the streets today. Speaking ol the Virginias entertain ment at Salem tbe Journal says: "Ap- pios Cl-udms, tbe haughty tribune, was represented by A. M. Cannon, w ho is a perforiper of no mean ability." " O. P. Coshow will soon move to Rose- burg where he will henceforth reside. His many friends here regret to bsve him leave their cire'e. we with him success in his new home. McMiooville T. R. Mr. E. E. Davis left today on an ex tensive tr.o to his Peoria (arm. " bile gone be will plant bis soring chickens set bis wheat and dig things up genrraiiy. except nts lence, which be wiii pronauiy pimil to remain in its present arusuc but tortuous position. A leiter from Mr. J. P. Chesber ot the Soda Springs, Soda ville, comes with the reminder that today is the 51st anniver sary ot the marriage of himself and es timable wife. Tbe ceremony was per formed in Missouri in 1S. A curious coincidence is that on the same dsy of tbe year. In 1H.'2. he made ti.e start I across the plains for Oregon. Their I many friends wish Mr. Chesber and wife 1 many more returns of the eventful an- i ntversar. btigene ouaru . A former Corvalhs young man is in luck. Tbe San Francisco Call gives a picture of the young Isdy referred to and 84V a : "MissLarneta uook, whoso en gagement to J . C. Applewhite, tne pop ular young attorney of this city, bas just been announctd. miss tooa mane tier debut last season at the fcntre Nous Cotillion and was immediately reeog nized as a belle and a iauty She is a graduate ol the John Hopkins Univer sity ot Art, Ths fruit prosprct at this stage ol the proceedings is excellent. See that it is there ! This is the trade-mark which is on the wrapper (salmon-col- . 4 r oreo; ox every bottle of the gen nuine SCOTT'S EMULSION. Be sure this Is on the package, and hat nothing-else is palmed off on you when you ask for it. Nothing; has been made that equals it to give strength and so'Jd flesh to those who are run down or emaciated. Your doctor will tell you that it is the one food for all those whose weight is below the standard of health. Put up in 53 cts. and $1.00 tUca, ad sold by all druggists. SCOTT BOWJCB, Hw York. " 'if ", good, DROPPED DEAD. Brownsville, Or.. April 9, 1897. J. T Weaver, shoemaker of this city, dropped dead in the presence of his wife and children at his home in this ci.y last eve about 7 p, m. Cause supposed to be heart disease, though he was not subject to attacks and was apparency a healthy man. The deceased had been a resident of our city about 6 years, for merly residing at Jefferson. Oregon: ws s native of Penn. He was a charter nieinlwr of local camp of Woodmen of tbe orld, at time of his death carrying a policy of $1,000. Funeral on Saturday at i p. m. coouuetea or wooamen. bl'MMCR EhCCATlONAL ASSOCtAI IO. A company was organized on Monday nn- uerinis tine, ana Tuesday evening a public meeting was called to consider the proposition. The meeting wss a ell attenuea ana tne interest culminated in inn uurcribing tor snares, there are ZUU shares at $20 each, ibis will con struct a building large enough to be Id low people. Tbe pUns were submitted oy o. u. Irvine, oeuntv, school aunerin. tenuent Mr. Irwin donates free a whole block beautifully located over looking tbe ocean and convenient for tie public. ewport ews. A SccoausrrL Tnn T. R. If nl iha Salem aoolon mill, returned yesterday from a two weeks' trip to San Francisco where be bad gone to dispose of a pt r- uuu oi uie lactorv a outout. air. Kav says this was tbe most successful trip be ever ni-uie in the in'rest of the mill, be having taken orders for all the nodi it OMiid put out for the cresnt Salem Statesman. Akhor Dav. Today is Arbor da. It is being celebrated by the public school in an appropriate manner, exercises be- ng ueid in tne two school buildings ol a character to impress tbe pupila. Trees were set out and everything went of breezily on a lovely afternoon, in which nature also did ber best. Marcus Wolf was indicated in fort- and yesterday by the grand jury oo lb e barge of arson, on July 19. lSiS. it be ing charged thai be burned Lha auwk nf gtods of Wolf A Bro. for tbe insurance . Eph Cameron bas been ennzed to train tbe college athletic team of the O. a. L. , to compete at the interjotleeiatA eld day in Salem on Jane 6 Kroscbel Bros, will leave for Minne sota on Monday, taking with them the brat wishes of mtnr. SOCI iL AXD PERSOXAL Mr. and Mr Hale Backcnsto are in tbe city. Mr. Will Cainnbell will Ieae o- Mou sy for Ana Arbor to enter tbe law f school Miss I- Wooden, after a visit with Al bany relative and friends left today for ber borne in Vancouver, it. C. Marshal Le went to Independence today to consult with his brother in rsf ereo e to bis physical ailinenu J. K. Abbev, of Corvallif, wss in lbs city t-iday. Mr. Abbey was tbe author of Abbey 'radditioo to Albany. Ir. Mack Denney came on from Port land this noon alter passing through two accfui sieges ai answeriog questions. Mr Julias Gnulrobl. wbo baa been ill tor about to months is t'owly recover ing si. J will soon be aoie to attend to btitinc. Tbe Deh-x-sat man acknowledge a delightful ft-reoade lat evening from tbe Mtses Cosier, whose, One votees make splendid mutc oa the evening air. Tbe I. O. O. F. of Salem baa elected thre veterans as drlegaies to tbe grand ioige to meet in rort'aad on May 19, to wit: W. T. Williamson. Judge Geo. II. B arnett and T. O. Barker. Prof ii II. White returned this noon from a six weeks vis:t in bit former hoireialona He left stormy weather twhind, with average industrial pros- pe.ts. Mr.Cltas. Krotchel will leave next Monday for Minnesota, but his brother A H. Kroscbel, who bas bought bis in terest will continue tie business until closed out. Mrs. Clara Howard. of Albany, leaves oa to eight's train for California. After speeding a week tn San Francisco with sisters. Mrs C. Savage and Miss Lotta Elder she will join her husband at Wood Bride, California where he ia per manently lotaieo An Oregon Monopoly. An inter ting item appearing in the Dav ton (Yamhill county) Herald, is as follows: "C'b tries Spaulding, of Xew- berg, tbe log man, baa a monopoly on the balm business. He bas a contract with tbe Oregon pulp mill company to get out iu.imj.UUU leet ot balm logs to' their mills, with the privilege, if he de sires, to gee out 20.0u0.000 leet more logs. Tbe Oregon City Pulp Mill Co furnish tr-e other pulp mill company in that city with what logs tbey use. So it is to be seen that Mr. Spaulding has a big thing in balm logs. These be mostly gsis along tbe N illamette river bottoms. The pulp company, in order that the balm tiniter is not entirely obliterated by the i. i . i i.i . . , j Heavy uraiu ruaue upon ii dj me oemanu for logs to work up into pulp, keep a man employed sowing halni seed along river boito"ma. As balm trees make a rapid growth in favorable locations, it is thought that enough timber can be kept growing, to almxst. if not altogether. supply the demsnd of the mills. The ti in bur can be cut and used tor putp when ten years old. Mr. Spaulding is thoroughly equipped to handle logs, be being tbe owner of tbe steamer Gray Eagle, which he uses for towing logs and ottier purposes in bis business." That Rixa Case. The Pemochat has been shown a private leiter from Port land which makes it very plain that Frank 5 Campbell, who is in jail in Portland, oa the charge of robbing v. ill Emerick. of this citv. of a diamond ring. is not guiltr and had nothing to do with it. The circumstances indicate that Ed Kendall was in the room with Emerick two hours before Cann Ml. and it is re- norted that since then Kendall displayed a diamond rirg sowed to tbe inside of bis vest to a young lad7 there. Tbe deputy district attorney also writes that the cir- cumstances point towards Kendall. Kendall wss since arrested as a witness in a lottery case, but wss discharged. He is said to lie a confirmed opium fiend. It is probable that Campbell will be dis charged by the grand jury. A UioitEn Bid. A Corvallis dispatch savs that I'.a win ttone anu u. ouiuvan. yesterday afternoon, hied in the circuit court miners offering an advance of 10 per cent over the dm oi J.r. itonmson and Thomas Jenkins, for 'the carriage factory plant, building and grouuds Tl.. .Ida nil...lilaa tllA ailllilinnal ATi . pense requisite to make a new sale ol the oniy rerawiy ui lis amu ever pro DroDertv. and t ffor to deposit the full I duced. pleasinjr to the taste and ac- amount ol their bid. The other waa on- ly f-,80tJ. Still Hustiso. It turns out that the . . . , . n i human body recently a. en floating in the Willamette at tne tuoutn oi me canuam bv Charles Snyder, was also seen on the same day by two other persons. Snyder saw the body at the junction of the two rivers at tour o cioca in iuw auoruwu, while Charles Spsrks and a companion saw it Hosting in the Willamette in the vicinity of Spring mil on the morning ot the same day. Thomas Eglia be lieves tbe body seen it thrt of his miss ing son. The numerous logging outfits along the Willamette are keeping a care-' ful watch for tbe body. Times. Pi & Absolutely Pure tvtlebrated for its crrcl XvAve.Ano t . . l . , i . . . d -"cuKiu aau neaiintuiDeM. Assures th looil gamut alum and all foims of adul- leraiuia couaioa to 'be cheap brands " U0 fOWUM CO., HEW TOBK. THE CITV WOX. Xinth Street U a Public Thorough fare. Judge II. II. Hewitt today in tbe case of the Southern Pacific R. B. Co against the city of Albany, an injunction suit to restrain the city from improving and building Ninth street over ita track near meaepot. nresenLwl Inn iWiiinn i dissolves tbe injunction and permits tbe city to proceed with the work already begun. The fence in tbe street wi.l be taken down and tie improvements will be made as tbe citv ia entit;d tn Ki them. Tbe court held that tbe lien filed against the company lor about $10 was not gooa ana taxed tbe costs np to the time of filing against the eitv. fcinc then tbe coua were ordered paid by each party. HOME AXD ABPOAD. Forfruils Of all kinds. Go to F. EL Pfe ffers. Dawson sells Liyerine. Liverine 50c at Dawaoa's. Apples at C E Browseix's Smiley does our job printing. No blur on Smiley s printing. F H PfciJer keeps everything ia season. Pictom from 75 rmli (a t rm at Longs gallery. A SV bonus bas been raised tor a creamery at CorralUs. For a good oat tir ij,V f u by Dawaon, tbe "pill autocrat-" Our printiog is tbe che?et bai it u tbe best. Smilet, tbe Printer. Our work is the l-t thmfn it iv. cbesoest. Smiley, the Printer. Crawford t narniih rJvJnrt. Prices from II to VQ per dozen. "b-r white comb booey froai Californis. Jot in at ts L Ekowjej Tbe En'h W t f-r Portland tlTmn. Vondays, Wedcendays and Thursdays. rb porfponee. rental of the Albacv Cob- rvatartol MaucwiUbe beld oo" April 30tb. . - Twro packma of garden ?d for 5vit acrordiBg to their ontai otsiom at Stewart box's. Toa will find a beaatifal 11m of UA coid rings and long citaiss at French's lewetiy tore. IV G. W. Mitc n. rbtiriaD and nr. geoe, Albany Or. Calisacswered prompt ly in city or country. Mrs. Pearson and Mist Bicjand bar moved their ammaking eftobluhmeiit to oroaaaiuui between 2nd and 3rd. Teat German washing aa;d. which bas orovea och a hoe tbisg bs arrived at t arker Bros in a large quantity. Call ana try a bottie. laforraalioo that is worth ita weight ia go d: Get your meau of ah kinds at Hen ry Sroder a. on becoad street. u too owe i ODD m liactoa eaJI im tbem and pay Qn Why isn't that a mid eKMouoo tut now is It pay 03 time. I . 3 - ' . . ' . lor choice mesr of all kinds, and prompt attention caw or. a Wni Emerick Vo, two doer l of Knecht A Ml Drs. H. E. and O. K. Been offices ur rsvidmceia the rot cftce building. Spec ial weBuoD giren to aisesises ot wouea ibe DCIOS of flniiw Oltmr rhillait nln snares bas been reduced to 50 cents. Be sure tbe stune Oliver is os every share For aai only by Hopkins Bros. To prevent tbe eardenin ot tbe sub cutaneous tissue of tbeacalp and the obbt erauoo u tbe hair folliriea. wbtcta caosc tMddBess, nae Hab's Hair ICenewer. keep golnff until von i each tbe shoo of tbs Albany llrewed Beef Company, where voa win sua m no line ot meats of all kinds. This company keeps tbe bet and joo will be sorr, if you don t rail on bem. CoosidVr your wars, think before vcu act, and then go to Hsight Bros , where you will Snd a choice st-; of aieats of all kinds to ord.T from. Too are bound to be pleased if you order of tbem. Anyone wiHng some good urine cucum ber ptcltie can secure tbem by dropping s pottid card to F H Hughson, Albany Or Also early cabbage plants and choice garden seecs, at reasonable prices. Eleven conversions and fi f' eea accessions ho tbe Baptist church I m . i c ,. . , resitted from the efforts of Evangeliot Lindaev. in his two weeks revival meetings ia this city, which cied Sunday night, Otaytou Mail. Severa tons ot hay was shipped to tbe city lsst Monday from tip near Albany Hay is bow quoted from (13 to f 15 pr ton in thu city. Independence fcnterpnse I. C. Mosher. of Albany, has secured control of the Talmage race track, and on Saturday be came down to Ibe city with eight of his fast horses, which be will keep at tbe grounds. Independence En ter prise. OPTO ttrcroYts Both the method and results whe Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and ret resiling to tno taste, and acts contly yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Uowels, cleanses tbe sys tern effectually, dispels coUls, head acnes and fevers and cores habitual constipation. Syrup of r lgs is the - -;.-. 1 ,,nt-bla to tho stomaoh. nronint in 1 its action and truly beneficial in its effects, nrenared onlv from tbn most boaltbtrnn,! I sitiistiiMi aaav uv i vvmiv DUtnutUlVvrt 1U ,. . ' . j i to ait ana nave maoo nine most; popular remedy known, Syrup of Fics is for byrup of Fitrs is for tale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drag gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA :' F13 . $fFfftftl.ULJfrJ ASIGXIFICsXT FACT. The S. P. Opens an toria. Office in As- From the Astotian : The Southern Pacific Bailway Com pony bas ertereJ Astoria formally for business This movement wa antici pated about a year ago by tbe Aetorian, when it predicted tbe Southern wss the prime mover behind Mr. Hammond in the building of the Astoria & Columbia Hiver Kailroad. Mr. J. p. Jones, passenger agent of tbe Southern, in company with Mr C. O. Terry, passenger agent of tbe Burl. tngton, arrived in tbe city yesterday and appointed Mr. Curtis Trenchsrd, tbe well known ezpresa and shipping agent, ocai passenger agent oi tbe Southern racitlc tn this city. Undoubtedly the Southern is getting ready for tbe handl ing of business w hen the new line shall ue completed. Tbe Burlington is not atleep in tbe matter.and tbe well-known fact that it is rapidly tuilding throogb tbe Black Hills an independent line to tbe coast lends color to the rennrt that sne is also interested in tbe Astoria road. joining could be more probable, as tbe Burlington bas always been a progress ive and enterprising railway. She is al ways at tba front lain in thm thm first to adopt modern methodg,and never takes a step backwards. The boa the rn Pacific as IS well known, in the larveM snd richest corporation on the Pacific coast. It baa been a factor in tbe de velopment of this country, and ia rapid ly gaining ground iu Oregon. The Mission Meetings. The Interdenominational Missionary meetings beld yesterday were of much in terest, in tbe afternoon a large audience was present at the Congregational rhnrrh all ladies but oue. Mrs. M. C.Wire pre sided with rare grace. A wide nun of subjects was covered in which represent butc memoers oi toe amerent churches took part. In tbe evening there was s good aud ience at the M-E. church. Mis. Smick presided in a pleasing manner. Prayer was offered by Eev. Smith, and the I". p. choir sang an anthem. A eomprehen sive paper was presented by Mrs. C C. nogoe on " hy do Mission Work,-' which could leave no doubts on that pouit ; Mrs. Sox read a well prepared pa per on "Hindrance to Mission Work" and Mrs. Wire gave the address) of tbe evening, a talented effort on missions generally, in which it was brought out in a marked manner that a small of money goes a long wars in mission work, tbe heathen Draetirallv mttinv it all, instead according to tbe popular idea requiring w cents to send a douir. Tbe work of the natives themselves was empbacieed in an impressive maner. In mis connection Jars. Hague brought out the fact that one-ninth of foreign mis sion money is paid by the c a Uvea. List of Pateots. Granted to Pacific States inventors this week. Reported br C.A. now A Co., solicitor! of American and Foreign patents, pp., C. 8. Patent office, Wash inton, D. C. C F Hitchcock. Los Angles, lawn sprinkler; W C Keithiy, San Francrsco, insulator and bolder for electric railways " Loce, Nebalem. Or. swimming an- paratus: S I Merrill Los Angeiot. oil can and liquid storage and delivery device; j l Slurrar. Swu Eosa. Cal. abstract book for county records, etc: VV K Mur- rsy. Sxn Francisco, bciftiag apparatus; v " vwmga, iuucr, ur, nose jouMinj; E Tnrck. Anoheim, Cal. beat rrodociag compositioo and producing beat for in cubetT, etc; H H Warner, Tacoma, spark arrester; G L k ood worth, Stan- lord L nivetaity, Cal, igniting apparatus lor internal combustion engines: AM Wylie, Stocktov. Cal. pontoon transfer bridge for dikes o; canaia. In Cuts.-The first ice cream bas track tews. It ia at F. H. Pleifier's popular parlors, where vou can get every thing in season on time. Stop in and partake. J. Gradwohb Informs tit general public that be wi'l sell as low as anybody ia tbe city for net cash. Come and get prices befcre you My. i. OIUDWOHL, April 1st, 1S37. Baas f 17.00. shorts s.19.00: wheat chocs $'25 perton, sed oats 50 cents per bosbel. set tiash. at H. benders. Regardless ot Cost Julius Gradwobl intends to go out oi tbe crockery aad giaseware business. going into some other line of bosinea. ard bence will sell bis goods of this kind regardless of cost. When yon call and get bis prices vou will be convinced that be means business, and will believe what be says. KNOCKING AT YOUR DOOh. Send in vour order and we will call jocr door for your laundry and deliver witnout extra charge, lure ss a trial. ' will guarantee you will be satisfied. Fine Bcisn to dress shirts Lace curtains re newed Free mendisg department for bundle work. Citt Lacsdkt, OppStCbas Hotel. Instrumental Music Mr. II. II. Backensto is prepared to girt instructions in instrumental music He teacta violin, guitar, man dc tin aad number of orchestral and brass instruments. Mr. Backensto is a musician of welt-known ability ia both practical and theoretical music, and one o! tbe most successful teachers in tbe state. Business placed bis bands will be faithfully and coaecien- uottely attended to. Let everybody conre to tn &tar Bakery and get ar oas of fresh bread for l.os cash. CMstbk Cam ra. "My three children are 11 subject tc uoup: I telegraphed to San Francisco, got got a bait dosen bottles of S B Cough Cure It is a perfect remedy . God bless you for it. Yours, etc-. J.U. Crosier. Qrsnt Pass, Ur." For sa'e by Foihay Mason at 0c per bottle. Send 1 our Bundle Care and intelligence in laundering clothes has bad its effect it is responsible for the success if the Albany Steam Laun dry. Send along your bundle to tbe best laundry in the valley, or let Merril 1. Phillips know and be will call for it. If you aie not a patron of tbe Albany Steam Laundry tell the proprietor at one to sand for your bundle Once a customei always a customer. "Perfection Dyes and Permanent, for Daw son. are Brilliant sale by Fred TO CURE ACOLaiX ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund tbe money 11 it taut tutiti arr. ".'ht. 65c Oats 30 Fbur, MOO Butter 17Xj Eggs 8c ItlAfin . 170 ilbairi Great Bariali Odhsb IS now rtadv for business. Would lie pleased to have von call and txart ine eor-ds and prices. Very respectfully, J A WEAYER. Star Bakery i Corner Broadalbin and First CONRAD MEYER PHOPEIETD? Canned Fruits, Glassware, Oried Fruit. Tobacco, Sugar, Coffee, Etc. Canned Xet QJCI!SW. Veet !. Cigars. Spices -Tea erytbing that u sept ia s good variety and gro cerystore Hign etptepaid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE Pro A. STARK Optical Specialist Graduate of the Chicago Crthalinic College. I am prepared to examine scientifically sad accurately, by the latest aad improves aietbods of modern science, any who de sire to hare their eye tested. Cosies: Block aUAn.Uueos. I LUDWiG, Oppcsta FcstflSLcs- LUMBING and tinning at bottom prices. J.IV1. RALSTON BKOKEH. Door East of Democrat Office. Monev to loan on farm security, all mall loans mde oa personal tenuity . City, county and school warrant bocgnt. Collections made oa favorable termss Fire 'umrsBce wnttea ia three d tbe Urg stcompaaies ia the world, at lowest rates. FOSHAY & MASON ' Wholesale RetaU-- DSUEBISTo UD BOOXSIUHK AXSAXT, OUGOX. Pure Drugs and the finest snd Largest Stock of Stationary ana cooks in tbe Market. Academy of Our Lady of Per petual Help. Boarding School for Girls. Thorough instruction Wholesome ! Homelike treatment. Consider ing hard tioiee, favorable reductions are made for boarders and day scholars. Studies will be resumed ipt- 1st. For arther particulars call at the Academ or write to Sister Superior. 'X'JdtLU NEW YORK WORLD, THRICE-HYEE EDITION 18 Fa$ a Week. 1 Tapers i Year. Is larger thas any weekly or semi weekly paper published and is the only important democratic "weekly" pub lished in New Yo-k City. Three tunes at large a tbe leading republican week ly of ew York Citr- , . ,. It has ail the freshness and timeliness of a daily. It combines all the news with a long list of interesting depart ments, unique features, cartoons and graphic illustrations, tbe latter being a specialty. All these improvements navw bwn made without any increase in thecost which remains at one doPar per year We offer this nnequaled newspaper and the Wsbklt Democrat together one year for 3-00- CITUATION WASTED. By a sober :-.i.,tnma vonnffman.eood renmaa. i veara exuerience in bcok-keepmg and correspondence and extensive knowt. edge of several brancbes ot mercantile business, a notarial commission good till May IS, speaks uerman ana .!. willing to make himself generally useful i. .ny lipe of busing fiM dM reteren- ces. Uait at e.- . t Broad&lbia Sts.. or sena nouce uj ma . U.Santea. ' g. a. as rsi rAimuo procured. EUGENE W. JOHNSON, Solicitcr & Atty. mimt c 5f nf! IMS Sew w a vs, Wi dKtactaa. C. Office established 1 S6S. Charges moderate w Of A ill A Mark.