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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1897)
I ALBANY OREGON; FRIDAY, APRIL 30 J 891. VOL, XXXI 1. Eilerel Bt te Poet Offle at tlbawr. r. a ead-Claa Hall Mailer i M 2 r r- ni! raallafeer sad frawrletar JMPr JWr L S If-- I ill! AXfegetable Preparation fjr As similating tfielood and ilcs uLi-; ling the Stomachs andBovxls of ; RomotesXicstioi,Chcciful tiessandRcst.Contains neither Opiuin,Iorphinc nor Mineral. Mot Nauc otic. JbjmarOUErSfMCIlEICBEg 4 fUnmStd fWMJ l '! II' A perfect Remedy for ConsGoa- tion. Sour Storoach.Diarrhoea. Worms .Convulsions .Feverish oessandLoss of Sleep. facsimile Signature of TTEW "YORK. "IT aP EXACT COPT OF VRAPPEB. SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF ZS ON THE WRAPPER OF EYESY BOTT3L0B OIF Casta! 1 wit vp la ose-cln bottlta only. II . notscli ia balk. Doit allow aaycaa to tU - jvn an yumig us oa m pie or prwmts tiat ft ill "jsst u good" aad "will aajww every pf ;ipo. W See that job. get O-A-S-T-0-K-I-A. ka wwrpt. Thirtieth Year. ALBANY COLLEGE. Calexdab ros 1896-7 1896 Sept. 16 College Year begins , . Wednesiiy Nov. 26-27 Thanksgiving Day .recess. Thorn, and Fn. Dec 21- -Term examinations begin . Monday Dec 23 First Term end . Wednesday THUBSDAY ALBANY'S PAST. From the Democrat of August 16 to September z, 1878. J.G.Crawford, then of Ilarrisburg, started on a stereoscopic trip down the Willamette and up the Columbia. Jos Mady did the restaurant business in Albany. The Indian fighters returned the last of August from Eastern Oregon after an aosence ot two months, ana an expert- AM k. . : r. t i . - x . man was lost. An eight poand boy appeared a. J. W, Bentley'eor August 26. The right of way was granted for the water works now in use in Albany. H. H. Hewitt, now of the circuit court, was president of Albany college, suc ceeding L. J. Powell, elected state school superintendent. The state legislature met and organiz ed on the first day, an unprecedented event. T. J Stites was appointed private sec retary of Governor Thayer. anny bmith was one of the pages in the lower house of the state legislature. J. H. Slater was elected U. S. senator to succeed J. H. Mitchell. A prominent candidate in the democratic caucus was Judge Strahan. It took 47 ballots in the caucus to- settle the matter. Albany subscribed $245 for the yellow fever sufferers in the sooth. Dr. U. O. Kelley located in Albany. The Sanviam bridge (at Sanderson's) was completed at a cost of $i 2,000. It was built by A. S. Miller ft Son (F. J.) W arren H ul burt and M ies X a ncy Got- cher were married on September 19. mas. t. yy oiverton and Miss Clara fc. Price were married October 3 by Rew E. R. Geary. Miss Marv Finlaysou' was bridesmaid and Brace VV oiverton best man. - On Oct. 2. at the home of R. A. Irvine Larkia Bilyeu and Miss Maggie Irvine were married by Rev. L. J. Powell. Woodmen To-Night F. A. FaJkenburg.of Denver, head of the Pacific jurisdiction of Winter Vacation of Twelve Days 1397 Jan 5 Second term begins . . . Tuesd.. Feb 22 Washington's Birthday a holiday, Monday April 6 Term Examinations begin " . . Tuesday April 8 Second Tarm. ends . - Thursday Arbor Day Vacation o( Four Days April 12 Third Term begins . Tuesday June 8 Final Examinations begin Tuesday June 13 Baccalaureate Sermon . Sabbath forenoon June 13 Address before the Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. Sabbath evening Jure 14 Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustee Monday afternoon Juno 14 Junior Orations . . Monday evening Jaua i& Graduating Exercises of the Conservatory of ' Music . Tuesday forenoon June 15 Pcynlar Entertainment Tuesday evening June 16 Commencement . . . Wednesday June 16 Alumni Re-onion . Wednesday evening Four Courses of Instruction leading up to degrees. Well equipped Business and Music courses, with appropriate diplomas. Catalogue free. For further information, address WALLACE HOWE LEE, President, Albany, Or. Hon consul Woodmen of the World, and wife and daughter, arrived in Albany this noon and will appear in trie entertainment at the opera bonne to-night, when Mr. Falkenbnrg will give an address as part of the excellent program arranged. The saws will fly and the nails, well, you ill need to see the nails to appreciate their position when attacked by ten ener- ergetie ladies. The remainder of the program will be good. The admission is only 15 and ?5 cents. After tbe program a dancs wiU be given, bat not bv tbe Woodmen. A big crowd will attend. mm m A Relative or Washixgtox. a re porter calling at the Cottage hotel learned tbe interesting fact that Mrs. White born, wife of the gentleman giving instructions in physical culture in this city, is related to Mayor Ebanezer Barges Ball, of Vir ginia, and a living relative of George ashington, to whom she bears a strik ing resemblance. The resemblance ot Mrs W hiteborn to the Washington fam ily features is also quite marked. Major Ball crossed the plains in 1850 and was entertained at the home of John Minto, five miles south of Salem, and is very well remembered by pioneers of that time. Major Ball brought a troop of United States infantry to tbe Pacific I coast, and the battlefield ot Ball's bluff. where Colonel Baker was killed, bears his name. Salem Journal. . Correspondent's Statement. Lebanon, Ob., April 19, 1897. Editor Democrat: I see in the Tennessee correspondence in the columns ot your paper in a recent issue, a statement about my father R. W. Munsey. The article stated that rny father wanted tbe school children of the neighborhood to go by way of Lebanon, to come to school, or in words to that ef fect. Now that is a malicious, wilful lie which was intended by the writer to in jure my father. He has never spoken a word about any of the school children not going across his premises except the sapheaded boy who wrote tbe piece Ue has a straight county road from bis door yard to the school house and instead of traveling that, he would go out of his way and pass through father's meadow, and one day father told him to go the road as he did not want roads made through the grass. And from this he sends you the pice referred to, and I will say further that nearly hall oi the school children pass througa father s premised evert dav going to and from school. If you doubt my statements, just write and a-k any of the following men who are our neighbors: P. L. allace, Ed Myers, Ueo. Koss or u. t . Burkbart and see if 1 am right. 1 aui very respectfully, E. E.Mcshiv, Lebanon, Or. feidAt Plisty or Dogs. A gentleman who recides in the Big Elk country recently suffered tbe loss of his dog through sal- ! iron poison and wrote to a party- in tnta city requesting that they send him one to replace it. borne "ways about town got bol 1 of the news ard np to cat about a dozen of the howling canines, that have lecently rendered tbe nights hideous in this city, have been express ed to the gentleman in Biz Elk. There are still a number ot dogs left, and should any other man desire a dog, all he bas to do is to ask tor it- Corrallis Times. B5 UGLiStMUSINESS COLLEGER POBTUND OSfGON Full English course. FRENCH AN1 GERMAN. BUSINESS BRANCHES. BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHY. BOASBIKG 0EPAKTAEHT' LAMES M Died in Arkansas. The following dispatch, dated April 21. from Little Kock, Ark. .tells of the death of a former resident of Lion county, a son of Hon Delaion Smith and brother of ex-Sheriff D S. Smith: Hon. Volney B. Smith. ex-lieotenant-governor, and at one time tbe most prominent figure in Arkansas politics.died today at the injane asylum, ! where he bad been confined. He be came insane on the money question dor I ing the late rampain, and since bis con- nnement became very violent, tie died of exhaustion, air. Mniiu served as consul to St. Thomas in the Grant ad' ministration. - Ix Crook Co. I. Sicbel of the firm ci M. gichel & Co. at Prineville writes to W. Lord of this city, that the sheep raisers of Crook county have bad a very successful lambing seas.n, having saTed adout 100 per cent of lambs, also that the wool crop win De immeuce and in good condition, sheep having wintered well and tbe wool was kept growing con tiduously. The Dalles T. M. Scio. The Scio creamery will start op May 1 A correspondent in tbe Press, signing himself Citizen, attacks the county court for refusing to allow the bills of Drs. Cole and Prill of that city and allowing thiee of other doctors and accusing some of tbe officials o! learning to play musical instruments. On last Thursday. Rilev Moore was engaged in cutting or slashing some small Umber. Three or four trees be came lodged and in the effort to cause them to fall, we suppose, he was chop ping over his head and by some means bit ax came in contact with bis right cheek laying it open from bis ear to tbe point ot the chin . Mr. Moore tied the wound up as well as he wa able and came to this city to have it properly dressed. On last Monday ev imng I Jong Hamil- GlleJ an appointment to preach over at the livery stable. At the conclusion of services that bad la'tetl one half an boor or mere it was thought proper that the rite of baptism should be administered. Reversing tbe nsual order it was deter mined to baptise tbe preacher. Some one about this time turned of! the elec tric light and tbe first thing Doug knew be was being soused into tbe large wat ering trough which was well fillet! with water. This rough treatn.ent did not seem to dampn tbe ardor of Brother Hamilton at all, for neat once com menced preaching again. Another bap tism was alao thought expedient and into tbe trough poor Doug went again. n ben be emerged from tbe trough be very much resembled the traditional drowned rat and all disposition to preach bad passed awav. He was suppiitd wtb dry ciothing by J. N. Morris, or he might nave suQsred somewhat from . bis wet ting before he reached his borne. While we regret that so severe treatment wa ad ministered to Hamiltorji and we believe that the action is generally condemned by our citixens, we hope Doug will protit by his wet experience and not attempt to preach again where hut service are not wanted and are made the subject of ridicule. As funny as the matter ap pealed a tbe time, tbe perpetrator are ashamed of their action rnd no one can be found who lent a band in the work. Press. Probate Record. in estate oi J J itoseue, new apprais ers were appointed. Inventory filed. Personal property ordered sold, report of ale tiled. Third account filed in eatale of B K Hardman. In estate of Alonzo Ames, final ac counting w;as set for May 8. In estate of Hugh Mckerson, first semi-annual account li.ed. In estate of E R Cheadle, ciUiion for sale of real propeitysetforMay 15. Semi annual account nieu. In estate of Wm Hunter, Gnal account ing set for May 8. In entate of Wm Kinder, J M Day was appointed guardian ad litem. In estate of Peter Calkins, will admit ted to probate. Y ru A Calkins execu tor. Bond 600. Appraisers appointed. In estate of Albert Butts, W C Cooley was appointed administrator. Bond of $10,000 filed. Appraiser, J H Wash burn, .'as Blakely, J F Henry. Invent ory filed. Personal property ordered sold. In estate of II L Brown, fifth account was tiled. In estate ot Jos Nixon, recent sale of real property was approved. In estate of John McNeil, final ac count was approved. In estate of Fftrtaiiller A Irving rvnort filed and approved. Notice filed from Sunt Paine that T J Harrison was discharged on April 14 from asylum on one years leave of abeence. 9th annual account tiled in estate of Zcno Richards. Petition of II F Mcllwain and wife for adoption of minor child ti'ed. Goon roa To-.a o. A real eetate deal was closed in Toledo lt Tuesday that wiil be ot considerable import nee to the town. M. M. Huffcrd sold to John Of- stadahl a lot on the corner of Hill and Fourth street, consideration was PHO caan. Mr. OistadabI will proceed as soon as the weather will justify.m build ing a solid anl substantial butines house upon tbe grounf, SOxSO feet in te, two stories high, with bawoient be neath. Two handsome ard complete storerooms win be arranged on the ground floor, and the upper atory wilt be arraoired as a ball. One of the Varer rooms wi!l lie orcapied by Mr. Ofstadabl with a general sur. Leader. A Baionr Yorso M ax. From the llar- riburg Review : A newiy married man, who resides a short distance east ot this city, and who can appreciate a joke with the best of them, played even with a crowd of boys bent on giving him and his bride a grand charivari one night last week. Learning of their intent while at a cr'shbors. he armed himself with old pu.8 and proceeded home accompanied or me wile. Hearing me dots, who bad hidden in some bushes, he turned the tables by beating his pans and ca'liog on tbe boys to come out and show them' selves: that it was their treat. The boys made tbemeelvc scarce and the bride and groom wen left in quiet co laugh over the affair. Ac OrsKA-nox. Dr. Foley of this city and Dr Davis, of Albany performed an operation upon J. R. bmith at his home in this city last Mon lay to remivea cancer from his left hand. Tbe doctors found upon examination it would be necessary to remove some of tbe fingers to be sore and get all of the cancer and they removed the first and second finger np to tbe wrist loint- Mr. bmitn stood the operation well and is now np and around. Lebanon Express. !Er -.r-.TTJ -. . v.--rs-r. - . ; flee) and Elegant De signs in Crockery Ware at COnn 5 HUSTON'S See it Important Davisios. Tbe supreme court of the United States has affirmed the decision of the supreme court of tbe state ot v ashington, in the tax cases against the national banks, lhe ques tions involved waa tbe right of King Co. and tbe sity of Seattle to taxe tbe shares of a bank itself, instead of assessing tbe tax to tbe individual owners. The suit waa brought to recover taxes assessed against the banks for tbe 1892. Tbe de cision affirms the right nnder the state law.-to assess tbe bank as tte represen tative of the stockholders to the extent of its stock. Frank Waton came over from New port nedneday after a visit with bis parents Mrs. S. J. Brown and five weeks okl son, of tbe Summit, are visiting Albany friends. Miss Jennie Clarion went to Portland this noon to attend her tiner Mrs. Wood ruff, bo is seriously ill. Chas. W. Adams, a seventeen year old lirother of Dr. Adsms. recently of Abet- deenWasb.,ba ewe to Albany to reiJ The Dsmoirat's statement that Wm. Emerick bad gone to Vancouver, B. C. waa premature. Mr. Emerick bas not yet gone- r. Louis Van Ort wick, the barber. I: accepted the Linn county agvncy of the Singer sewing machine, and ts already learaing tbe business. Mr. and Mrs. teo.T. tox. wbo have ! Iuk Horst Braxan. Yeteriav th itch miunni in iw temii j-n, s urj urm retUMifs oi l. n.Tulman, left this morning for Baker City, where: five taiit of Lebanon, was entirely tbey expert to locate. j burned ! tLer with most rf tbe coo- Mrs. David G. Clark and daajtter ! tent. The bouse was insured in the Miss Lulu, two of Albany's old tititen? r ina. W . B. Kichtron local agent for have been in the city oa their wa to Portland from a months trip lo California, Gen. Compaon.I. A. Macrum and J. B. Eddy, ex-railroad coam:u;n'-r. LvJ..-l Mtier, ex-cler, and Jopennteodent I county: J H Hiatt, Lyons, Linn county rieid. oi the . r. soent Ul evening In W. J. Clarke is editor of the Star, iodi- " t KmiittK mat oevimier men win m I m- HIE WOODMEN. The Woodmen of the World of Albany always make a success of their entertain ments. La it evening they gave one in the opera bouse that kept up their repu tation as entertainers. The opera bouse was filled, many being present from neighboring towns. The stage presented a typical forest scene, being arranged in an artistic manner, Hue to life, with birds and owls in the trees, log and stumps galore, and many other attractions tit for tbe occas ion. Consul Allen presided. The program was opened with some excellent innsie by the Albany orchestra, who during the evening played several times in an ac ceptable manner, The Mandolin club played on two oc casions in a manner to give them a warm encore. Miss Mary Cundiff recited with splen did effect the story of the love whistles of the engineers, as they pass tbe bouses of theii wives and sweethearts. Mises Georgia and Lottie Custer were down for two songs and on each occasion received a warm encore. Hon F. A. Falkenberg, bead consul of the Pacific Coat jurisdiction delivered an address on Woodcraft, the only order that erects a monument to its dead, with an unprecedented mem he rah tn of over 82,000 in only 6 years, with an nn eqnated cheapness on death losses and With a wsrmth of fellowahin that ia marked. Mr. Falkenberg ia a very en tertaining speaker. Neva and Lola Palmer were beard on the mandolin and guitar and in song and reepondtd to an encore with a violin and guitar duet. MT. Mark BrOwnann mritiht al poem composed by C. W. Watts, typ- i icai oi the . of w. made Imnreaaive bv the accompanying storm, with thunder and lightning and tbe falling tree, ali suggesting beneficiary protection. a contest with emm at saws wss a very live affair. A big 24 inch Uxr waa atiacked. A. Koran aod J. E. Cvros of Albany cut a slice off in 1:2,; Alex Dmood and J. 8 Lamar did tbe bosi nees in 6 seconds, breaking the coMt record of 1 minute fiat oo a 20 inch balm log, in California : but N. E. Newton and C. Logan, of Philomath, fairly made i" ouai ny, me block dropping in seconds. If this i bot beaten th receive a t.5 gold medal. There were four con tee La mi who sawed through six inch square pieces of dry bt twice. Following was the reeord; J. 8 Lamar 57'; Alex Dumood 454'; X- E. Newton ho seconds ; C. Logan 66 seconds Miss Mildred Gotlieb runted tkm "Briar Rose" in excellent style. The ismi amusement of the evening waa the contest between arreti member of the circle, towit: Mrs. Kenton. Mm Brattaio, Miss Ne-dham, Muw Vaughn, Mrs. Mar a hart. Miaa Day and Mitt Barnes, in driving ten thirty penny nails into a dry fir umber. Mrs. Bratiain ended the task fint in 2:20. with Mrs Mark. I; art a close second. After each contest tbe winners were presented with valoaMe prises, and Mice I-ennie Mc Marine with a prixe for selling the most tickets, 103, to the entertaio- menu Tis ended a verv successful W. of W. entetutnEiient. Through the attending indaeuce a number of ueir name have been added tithe Albany camp. they will m QVJB Absolutely Pure yflebrated for its great leaveuing ktrengui and bealtbfultMws. Assures th food against alum and all fotms of adul teration common to 'he cheap brands. ROTAl, B4K1XO POWD2R CO.. SKIT YORK . HOME AND ABROAD. Tribute to Volney Smith. . j Henry Brown writing irom Halser to the Oregonian pays the following t rib ' ute to tbe late Volney Smith : Hon. Volney B Smith, who died last ; Wednesday in the insane arylum in j Little Rock, Ark., was the eldest son of j Hoo. Dtlazon Smith, of Albany, Linn j county. He attended the old Willamette j institute, now Willamette university, while I waa at that school Volney, in j form and looks, strongly resembled his father, and inherited considerable of his father's talent as an orator, and other characteristics. He led Orergon and went to Arkansas, asd in doe time en tered politics ani was elected lieutenant governor, and wielded considerable is-, nuence. President Grant appointed him consul to bt. Tbomas.and be served witb j distinction and was highly compliment- ' ed on bis reports, as they were very full ! and interesting. Mr. Smith was hxe his j father in whatever he espoused. He I threw his whole soul into the cause no j w a y uuciuow aa ivw m a w m-w w mmm v j j unfortunate that a man who possessed aa good a mind as be had should meet with such a tad end. His brother, ex-5beriff D. S. Smith, is now living near Albany. v Hearfl Os Bbiotb ? ? We're talking again talking to the bard- to please people wbo like particular printing. We are particular 1 printers; we put in that little extra-nice touch that pleases ' yoo. Be tbe job big or little, 1 its biz enough to be well done, , Our Particular Department is i our whole shop. Ask as to 1 prove it; we can please yoo or give your money back. 8nrLET's Particular Printery. Phone 9, Albany. D0, the content for 1300. N rw P. M Fouth-c'.aas poet matter in Oregon were appointed yesterday as follows: W J Clarke, tier-ran. Marion Albany. They are making a fartical spec lion oi the railroads. Dr. Mack Ienoey. who recently gf a J- uat in Portland, with bis wife have been visiting his wife parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Reed, in thu cur. lor fevers! day Drs. Dennev have not vet dnded where they will locate. Lebanon Et- preae. vored by tbe present administration. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL w i m a u w v Are built in ? AL. A. Lilt? tgCBll IRYGLFA and Best Equipped fMESfecf filch rfrarM the World l j ' j a i - SHOOrrxa Phcasasts. Complaint is made to the Democrat office that Chi nese pheasants are being shot along tbe canal near Albany. This should be stopped. The celesttals should be pro tected in their season and a hunter should be above shooting them now. Tub Somers Family. The entertain ment by the Sotners family last night was a very pleasing event. Tbe family is com poeed of father, mother, two girls and two boys, ali of whom are geniuses. select the Wavarlv turanu vA I t .i . i ,i..j:r l'nT rraveny is me highest Of all high grade. MASS BY N DIANA BICYCLE CO. iHDrAKAFOLU, IHD Conn & Huston, ' Agents Wall Paper, Uarpets, Lineolsum, Lace Curtains, Rugs, Portiere, Pillows Furniture Bedding. Picture Frames, Linen Warp Matting, . Oil Paintings, and Undertaking Call on ALBANY FURNITURE CO. tain. The audience was thoroughly sat isfied and voted the Someis children all fight. "Come again." i i The Y. M. C. rA. will be opened on Monday evening, and it is the intention to keep it open permanently. Tbe baths will he run and me reading room maue attractive for visitors.- The rooms will be open only in tbe evening, beginning at an early hour. It is to Le hoped the association will be given the support that will keep it on its feet. No eastern mail for three days. Mr. Dr. Skiff, of Portland, is visiting at W m. taber s W. S. Trainor bas gone to Spokane where be is working. Judge W. S. McFadden, of Corval'is was in tbe city today. Wm Emerick left this week for Vic toria, B. C.with a view of locating there. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pardon are in the city visiting relatives. Joe continues to operate. Dr. C E. Hawk, of Uarriaburg, just admitted to practice, has goce to Tilla mook with a view of locating. Prof Riley W. Swink. a former Linn county school teacher, has been appoint ed postmaster at Silver. He is now run ning a store there. Mr. Fred Bruckmsu, of tbe Plainview creamery, was in tbe city today. Tbe creamery bas been running two weeks and ia getting out some delicious butter. Mrs. May Dumond. Misa Winifred Stafford and Yard Littler went to Leb anon this afternoon as delegates to tbe Epworth League convention which meets there. Mines Winifred and Kate Fennell re turned on Sunday from a visit of several wees at Stockton and l-an Francisco. They report a most delightful trip. &aiem journal. Rev. G. F. Ghormlev and Geo. A Webb and wife, who held a revival in tbe opera house in May of last vear. are now holding a revival in tbe First Christ ian church of fortland. Hon. J. L. Cowan. Icd-an airent at Warm Snrincs. is in Portland attending , CJ ' - his son, Will Cowan, an empbve of the custom house who ia dangerously ill with iirlgbt's disease The Dalles T. M Col. F. J. Parker went to the Bay to day previous to a contemplated trip to Kossland, where he bas valuable mining interests, lie says there have been re cently some very rich strikes on proper ly iu which ue is interested. Mr. Allen, of Cobunr. was In the city ...... -i' - toaay in tue inteiest of bis fruit dryer, He believes be has the finest drver in vent ed, and the designs certainly indicate that he bas a fine invention. Mr. Allen is a former Kansas man, and got bis best idea from the hot winds of that state which will dry up a corn field in a short time. Waterloo bit a bow Sic a lev. The O A C baseball team will p!ar tbe Albany college Saturday, May 1. The Macot Rod and Oun CIuo na been organised at Scio. Thai if u.urping tbe name ot tbe Albany gun club. The "4th of July at JooMvilSe." so oo- ceaafully given ia Albany lAf winter, will oe given at lorvailts oa April Judge 0. N Denney is left rn Hawaii alo. Mr. MiKinley i evident'? following the rule not to appoint ttxne holding cce under former administration. Tbe Roe burg BuilJiue lao A ela tion it eight years v!d. having bren paid in per ahar oa tbe 6rt wie. Toe value is 1104.54 There are l'ol thare of Hock. Tbe average mntl ineret paid in advance tbe hut btcaJ year waa 2! . oe .oneo corrwpooaent in me r.iigene . Fof or olhw Ouaidsay.: Wereeret to note that our not bite- i fw.t tbey ha friend J A inch has acid hi newnaper. inm Kki Toe Silver Imprint. published at Alliany and will retire from the editorial sanctum. Jim ued to n.ake it livelr for n when be lived at Creswell and waa a "Cycion- " We wih him succes in whatever mar be his neit venture. Thomas Kay, of woolen mill fame, wa op Monday, aod say the company will have an engine here in a short time, to there will be no stop when low water come. The) are new putting in the datn. We are informed that tbe mill baa some very extenrive orders ahead, and among them one for 27,000 blanket. Waterloo Cor respondence in Advance. Ex-railroad comtnimioner Eddy in th Plaindealer accuse aecretary of state Kin ciidof receiving an income of Over SlO.S'iO year from bis olhoe. 1 bat la a big sal ary for a newspaper man. All tbe .uie tbe secretary la buin wben it come to refumng pay to rai'rood commission that have run out. Rkv. Pomjig's Little Finger on his left band is in a sling, what is left of it, as the result ot a butcher knife with which he was cutting grass slipping and slicing off the end. It required the aid of a surgeon to dre- it. (tz-hlnir. burning, bleeding, Scaly, crusted, pimply, or blotchy, whether simple, rmf hereditary, from infancy to age, .ruuwiu. wired by warm batba with CcticurA Soap, gentle anointings with CrmcoaA (oint ment), the great skin cure, anu muo u ot Cuticoba Hesolvist, greatest of Mood porlflers and humor cures. v ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY n JOM.KPH IVoprleVor ran cura Home talent draws tbe crowd. Linn county will receive 1:12.02 from tbe sale of public school lands. The Albany orchestra will give a dance tonight in tbe opera houite immediately I alter tbe woodman entertainment. Tbe proposed reduction of salaries of city officials will bring the pay of marshal I down from $70 to $55 per month; street superintendent from 160 to t45; recorder from f to si a ana treasurer irom 912 to I? 60. These figures it is said, will enable the city to scrape along without getting deeper into debt each vear. while absorb ing the saloon licenses ana the nve ram I levy. Grana Pass Courier. I. fM th rmirhovt th. WffflA. TOTTU XKB AW CBmil. Coir. Kol. rrop... Bonos. mr Uoar w Cun Bury Blwul Umor," trm. mmmm lilllinnA Faltin. Ml W.K "Perfection" Dyes and Permanent, for nawson. are Brilliant ale by Fred Friend or Stranger? Which? . 'Which would you rather trust? An old, true friend of twenty years,or a stranger? You may have little health left. Will you risk it with a stranger? If you have a cough, are losing flesh, if weak and pale, i- consumption stares you in the face, lean on Scott's Emulsion It has been a friend to thousands for more than twenty years. They trust it and you can trust it. Let us send you a hook tell ing you all about it Free. a, TwrosUcs,50cts.and;lJ)0. SCOTT BOWNE, Ctwmlrtt, Ntw York. Judge Wolverton. of the Supreme Court, is in the city. Fv. J. T. Abbett i in the citv. the guest of Dr. J. C Little". Link' orchestra, of Eugene, baa at it head one of Albany's former residents, David Link. The seven months old son of E. E. Montague is lying critically iU of spinal tneaengiiis. Mr. N. Needbam came down from bis prune orchsrd tiday and with Mrs N. will go to Portland on a trip next Mon day. Wm Rasmus and wife will pretent Damon and Pythias at Med ford and other Southern Oregon towns, during the coming few weeks Frank Kitchen and Peter Ruetner re turne.i yesterday from a fish on the Santi am. Both of them caagbiSl&'minuaSlO). the fish would have not yet be gun to jump lor hooks Hon. J. K. Brrson.of Corvalaa. was in Albany yet Sen lav 00 bis way home from Portland. Mr. Bryson recently bad a tumor removed, and is in a bad condi- ion. He contemplates going to New ork for special treatment, Mrs. Fish left last nisht for Oakland. Calif., where she will visit for sme time with her son Mtrritl, who restdee with the family of Mr. Putnam, also former Albany people. Merrill works in one of tbe leading job oihees in San Francisco. Kev. Gto. E. Hawes. of Portland, is in the city. Last nigbt he preached in tbe U. P. church. He will conduct services again 10-n.gut ana to-morrow morning and evening. Kev. bmith went to Port land this hood, and will preach in Mr. Hawes church to-morrow. Bev. A. 8. Worrell, editor ot the Gos pel Witness, of Louisville, Ky., a Baptist oaper of renown, will be in Albany next Tuesday and Wednesday and will speak in me evening ot those day. lloiona trip over the coast and only stops by special invitation at Albany, Lebanon bcicm and Portland. R. L Bitrkhan, who with Lis mother living at olx E. Libbie street, left Mon day for their former home in Albany, Oregon. Thev will spend this week taking in tbe sights of the fiesta. Later rhey will go on to their borne. They hope to spend, next winter here. Po mona Times. Ray Parvin, son of Prof Z. F Farvin has swung himself to tbe front in music al work in this city. He is now at the head of the second regiment band, and has the rank of First Sergeant of tbe Na tional Guar 1. Mr. Parvin is a modest, unassuming and self-made young man. As a thorough musician lie ha few equals for his age in Oregon. Salem Journal. Forfruils Of all kind, Go to F. H. Pfe ffera. See Smiley about it. Smiley' p inter are ia Dawson tells Livarine. " Liverine 50c at Dawson's. Apple at C E Brows tix'a. Smiley doe the beat prin'mg. Smiley print quick and cheap. Eastern mail arrived this morning. F H Pfeiffer keep everything in seaaon. A good second band sewing machine for CitAWFOaD a- Uakxish. Pictures from 75 cents to f 25 per doxjs at Longs gallery. V . W , ... . . . . i aionoay win oe tbe 78th anntver-1 ssry or Old reliowb:p. Colored spectacles and eve ihivt at French V jewelry store. IcePA Reserved For a good ph tk fake Liverine. for aale chrSe' by Dawwm. tbe "pill autocrat-" Crawford k Iiimiih for photograph. Price from tl to t.'O prr dozen. atei white comb honey from California. Jutt in at UE Duo ws six's Tbe Ruth le vet fr Portland at 7 a m on Monday, Wedaetday and Thursday. Order a aios chicken of Mr Jaeo-t Ncr croat. He baa some fine ones. Try C- SimpwM Jt Son s City Laundry for first data wurs -opp St. Cba hotel. Two packages of garden teed for Sets, according to their utoai cottoo at Stewart T Sot'. The Salem focal will be diwontiajed shout May 1 The overt d will Hop at al- station The Victory placet r-io, bear Glesdale, wa sok yetertay to F B Smith, of Chica go, for KXhOuO. Dr G W. Miu9. pb)siciaa and rar geon. Abbacy Or. Call aatered prompt ly in city or country I e formation 'hat if worth its weijrbt ia go d :. Get your meau of ah kinds at Hen ry Sroder . 00 Second street. This morning the cow of John Celan. wheo part way arrow toe bridge drtfped dead and had to be carted away. Dr. H. E. and O K. Beer oScee mat remdeace ia f he tort office building Spec ial attention given to disease of owi. Here t the ttraigbt of it at but. W F Scfauler booKbt the entire ttock of the Bios Front Grocery rfore at Aihasy and ha moved it to JeSertoo." That German washing fin;d, which b proven och a fine thing ha arrived at Parker Bro ia a targe quantity. Call and try a bottle. J. toreros bat moved to jot east of Schmeer" ub, "2nl street, where he will keep in market fine fisto, game and poul try. Call on him. If the hair ha been male to grow a eat oral coor 00 bait bead in thoaaad of ;ce, by ocisg &!. illur Kesewer, why wui u bo in your cater lhe price of irenuine Oliver chilled nlo hare ha bees reduced to 50 recta. Be cure tbe name Oliver it oa every abare For eaJe only by Hopkins Bros. The Lawler miw at Ani Jem have doaed down tetnpora ily There are only four mea there now looking after tb property 1 wo fw.t of snow i oa the ground. BajeWl yesterday: Cincinnatti 4, Chi cago 3: Washington Washington 7. Brooklya f: Philadelphia Philadelphia 12, New York 7; Baltimore Baltimore 7, Dottona. Keep froiag until von teach the shop of tbe Albany Dremed Beef Company, where von wm hod a hn9 line ot meat of all kind. This company keeps the best, and joa will be torrj if yoa don't call oa hem. Consider iour wav. think before roa act, and then go to Haight Bro , where you win boa a choice tnc of tneaia ot ait kind to oru t from. Yoo are bound to be pleated if yoa order of them. A lock and chain advertised in the Dkm or rat Last ntht wa brought to the office early thi morning, having bea found bv aa konest Portland lady visiting in tbe city. Comment is unnecessary. A change u id to be contemplated on the S P by which the south bound over land will arrive iu Albany at 9 p m and tbe north bound at 6 a m. Very desirable change for Albany. S. J, SCHiFFLER & CO. Merchant Tailors Trial by Jury. At the opera Loose on Wednesday evening, April 28. Gilbert and Sullivan's humorous operetta, "Trial by Jury," will j ue given by tbe Albany Choral society. ims musical drama is lull 01 innocent r ii 1- a. j fun, without excess, with other feature. I UaXTy the Iarg3St and and tbe dramatic characters will preseot TTlfjst: Pnmnfit,fl fitrxik flf one 01 ine strongest aao mosiioorouviiyr.. . enjoyable enterUinmenU of the season. I viuwuo aaa kaac vojioj. t aAMATIC CHAKACTKKS. Plaiatiff, Misa Marguerite Alderson. . Defendant, A. L. Akers. Judge, A. W. LnndelL Counsel, J. Clem Irvine. Bailiff. Dr. Z. M. Parvin. Foreman of jury. O. C Awbrey. Barristrr, ProL Carlton Sox. Jury, bridesmaids, spectators, etc. In appropriate costumes aod aceaerv General admission, 2-j rente: gallery. eats without 15 extra Likes theCoc-ttkt. Mr. M. A. White. private secretary of F. A. Faulkenbnrg. bead consul for the Woodmen of tbe World, who ia making a tour of the IT. S. in tbe interest of tbe order, has be come very much interested ia the de velopment of fruit culture and yesterday purchased through E. 8. Fiasier, forty re ot tbe Moore farm three mites northwest of Eugene- Mr. A bite ha arranged with Mr. Fraster to have 20 acrea of hi tract set to winter apples and 20 acre to Italian and Peti e prune) the coming falL In conversation with a Guard reporter this morning. Mr. White said be had traveled over a great er portion of tbe United States, bot bad never seen a place with so many rataral advantages and with each unlimited re source undeveloped Eugene Guard. Sracn-ATtso. Quite a number of tbe employes at the state aeylnm eoid their time cr aecoant against the state tor the iast three months services for 92 cents on the d AlMT. In ca-e there ia 00 ses sion of legislature f r two years th brokers wbo buy the accounts wi;t make 8 per cent for two years, plus the 8 per cent discount which amouta to 12 per cent a vear. ot so Pad a business tor the brokers. If there is aa extra session of ths legislature within a vear the brokers will make IS per cent 00 their money invested. Tt.ere are also many claims that have been sold as low aa per eeat oa tbe dollar, which simply means two per cent more added to the above estimate. Journal. . Oil StM ill Urn Blest What We Know about Printing . . . Soise people write books about what they know about printing. The people pay for that work. Some people could write a rreat deal larger boo entitled "What I don't Know about Printing, aod still bare some room left Our plan is to deal ia eoid facts, no theories. We print everything and let the people judge. They're oar conn and we'll abide by their verdict. Lowest prices. Newest type. See for yourselves. IMPRINT JOBOIrFICE. Cit Official Office. Ax Iu-cwrsATSo Town. A. L. Shreve gave the patron oi bis electric light plant a surprise Monday evening by turning oa the current twenty-four boors earlier than be bad promised. In tbe twinkling of an eye a resplendent gleam of tight srot out from ail tte various business hoose and o&cea along Second, Water and Third streets, including several res- idencee where conneciaon bad been com pleted, driving the darkness into remote corners and ilium iiating everything ithin tbe rail us of tiese tiny threads of light-bearing, carboaixed silk ia tbe globe ot the incancescent lamp. Lee tsrown was so elated over tbe access ot the enterprise that he declares be e operate his saw and planing mill quite as easily by night aa by day. &tsytoa Xau. NEW YORK WORLD, THBiCE-A-YiTO EDITION 18 Paiw t Wed. 154 P.n a Tor. Is larger thas any weekly or semi weekly paper published and is the only important- democratic "weekly" pub lished in New York City. Three tunea as large -s tbe lead mg reioUican week ly ol few lora It bas all the freshness and tameUneea of a daily. It combine all tbe news with a loaf list of interesting depart ments, naione features, cartoons and graphic iliustradocs, the latter being a speciAltv. All tees improve men i cave en made without any increase in theeoet which remains at one doTar per year We offer this nnequaled newspaper and the Wekext Dxsocxat together one year for S3.00. Tin Last Lbctcbr. Attorney General C M. Idleman, of Portland, delivered the last lecture of the college course Ft tbe Presbyterian church last-night, to a small audience, including only three of Mr. Idleman' own profession. Tbe subject was "The limit of Man's Dom inion. ' the address wa read Irom manuscript. It was a thoughtful, well pre paled effort on an Interesting' topic What man has done for the world through his genius and what he may do were enlarged upon, with the influences bis marvellous power are having upon civilisation. Foaxxa Albaxt Max. An Astoria dispatch say that Michael Blake died under singular circumstancea in this city today W hite standing cn one of the business street whittling, his pocket- knife dropped to the teach through a bole in tbe sidewalk, and Blake went af ter the knife Not appearing after some time, friends instituted a search and found bis dead body in the mud. An ex amination showed that death had re sulted from heart failure. Blake was a native of Ireland, aged &5. He lived ia Albany, Or., for a number ot years after coming Ut this country, and lived here dating toe pan 10 years. HArrisburg Review: May A Senders' depot warehouse presented a beehive ap pearance thi week with half a dare men detning and sacking wheat tor shipment. Six carload wore consigaed to Portland Wednesday. M H Young came out from Big Elk Thursday and brought $75 pound of mohair with him. Mohair is now worth about 20 cent per pound, to his "clip'' ill realize nun something lite fi o. cor rallis Times. Mr Electa I Pbilliss of this citv. wife of the late Capt Phillips, has been granted a petrei on, a an original widow. Arbockle and Lyon' coffee 13 cent at P. Cohen. Academy of Our Lady of Per petual Help. Boarding School for Girls. Thoroogh instruction Wholesowie diet Homelike treatment. Cocslder ing hard time, favorable redactions are made for boarders and day scholars. Rtadiew will be resumed Sent. 1st. For urther particular call at the Academv or write to Sister Superior. PATENTS Slow Sal. At the Woodman enter tainment in Salem J T Leotard chopped a 12 inch log 'u 1 KX, winning the prise. The sawing o' a 24 inch log was won by Harris and Robertson, of Turner. in 1:51, over twice the time tken by the Phil-1 omatn men at Albany. Aft Operation Necessary. John F. Vanderpool, who recently arrived at home on Soap creek after a long abtence in the California mines, w.s the subject of a diltlcuit surgical operation in Port land 'luesday. tta sustained injuries while working in the mines, tbe effects of which made, as a last hope, the oper ations necessary, lhe surgeon's knife waa used at St. Vincent's hospital Tues day, and a letter to the Times yesterday afternoon, announced that there is every hope of a speedy recovery. The young man ia attended by his lather, Cam Van derpool. Times. A Kbw Comkb. II. D. Terrill, ot Bridgewater, South Dakota, arrived in Albany last week, and baa already pur chased a tract of land near that city On Tuesday, in company with J. B. W irt, a real estate agent ot Jbenanon, ne came to Brownsville to see the Blain farm. with a view to purchasing the same for one of his sons. Mr. Terrill Is just the class ot men Oregon so badly needs. Brownsville Time. The property occupied ty Skiptpnl Bros., ol Corvalli was told at public sale yesterday to Ja Sktpton for $2,000. Farmers generally report splendid prospect. crop a, v ji a MW- w. r. s. '.rea PROCURED. EUGENE W.JOHNSON, SaMtarfclttj. inPitai. Causes, in Xew Twra Aw- Waatawatwa. C. Office established 1S6S. Charges moderate Correspondence requested. SITUATION HA.MtU.-Bj a sooer industrious voung maa. good peamaa. ha seven vear experience ia bcok-keepicg and correspondence and extensive kaowi edge of several branches ox mercantii business, a notarial commission good uu May 1SS5, speak German and Eaglish. is willing to make himself generally useful in any line of bosinesa, first class referen- cee. Call at U. i-anr. o vornnaDo RroedaltMB St., or scad notice by mail td H. Saotea. . NEW HOME LAUXDRT. Nort eo? of Ellrworth Street. Family washing taken . Particular attention paid to bundle washing and mending. Satis action guaranteed. Mas- CntusTxan- Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to operate. Cure indigettioo, biUiousnesa.iic, If You Wish to ourifv your blood you should take a medicine which curve blood diseases. No other medicine has such a record of cures aa Hood's Sarsaparilla Just the Thins . Green peas and New potatoes F. II. Pfeiffers, and everything else in season . OPTO urcjOYfS Both the method ami results whtn Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, bead aches and fevers and enres habitnal constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and' truly beneficial in its Water. We I effects, prepared only from the most hand a good supply of Sodaville tuineral water throughout the entire summer tea ton, (jetting a freoh supply each week. liive it a trial. Uukkbart & taut. Choice sardines at SLrwln viltrt Mineral have just mads arrangements to keep on I healthyand asrreeable substances, its manv excellent qualit ies commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. byrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it- Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA HQ STSUP CO. 4 fWUdSCO, CAL. uouistiUE. a. tcw ro&r. ttc. C E Bbownxll's. a latora assortment of garden seeds. white clover, timothy and blue gnu seeds I l..n. UAA;..l fra.k at C E Baownitix's. Canned wild blackberries id one and 1 two quart jars, cheap at . C E Bbowkkix s. SOLICITORS WASTED FOR DR. TALMAGES "The Karth Girdled. or bis famous tour around tbe world, a thrilling story of avage and barbarous bad. Four million Talmage' book sold, and "The Earth Girdled is hi latest and gTndet. DEMAND ENORMOUS. Everybody wants thi fa moos book: only $3 50. BIG BOOK. BIG COMMISSIONS. A gold mine for workers. CREDIT GIV ES: F HEIGHT PAID. OUTFIT FRES. Drp alt trash and sell the king of book and make $300 a month . Address for out fit and territory. The Dominion Com pany, Star Building, Chicago. ciTYJREASURRS KOTICE K0.I2 Notice Is hereby given that lends are ea hand to pav outstanding warrants of the ine of i896, horn No. 453 to M3, in clusive, interest on such warrants will cease with the date of this notice. Alnr.Or.Dec23,l$96- E. A. Paxkix. Citj Treas J.M. RALSTON RKOKEK. 2 Door East of Democrat Office. Money to loan oa farm security, all mall loan made en personal security. City, county and school warrant bought. Collections made oa favorable terms. Fire insurance written in three of the Utf t companies in the world, at lowest rate. Booi Keeping Tanghtbv MAIL y aa KAffcttl ACCOUNTANT Complete, Practical, Exactly as Found in Business, My course cf instruc'ion thor ouahlyqoaHfy you to take charge of am. keep a set of books . Tbe highest referenc furnished. F terra and foil informa tioa addres. " L, D. HUNTER A 0 TT 13 Temple, Portland, O FIR RENT OR S ALE. Good farm 173 acres, 6 miles from Albany. Enquire of H F Mcllwaia, Albany Or.