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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1897)
THE MAIN MUSCULAR SUPPORTS OF THE BODY WEAKEN AND LET CO UNDER BACKACHE OR LUMBACO. TO RESTORE, STRENGTHEN, EI 1.ERF0E.D & WYATT torntns at law. Will practice in a ourta of the state. Special attention giv an to mutters in probate and to collections. OFFICE In the Flinn block. W-R. BILYEU. ;;-r( Attormy at law and Solicitor in Chancery. Collections made o- all points. Loan negotiated on reasonable terms. Albany Orrjron. saaKouar. & sobers TTOKNEY3 -AT XA."W, tl leszal matters will receive prompt at-f-.,DQ. Otfioe, First National Bank - tiiin " up stairs. i'-STAHfE' & OACKLKM4K, Attorneys at La. " Albany, Oregon. D Mi donreoo, OmOWum tiii Albany .Oregon. U, Cil&BERLIN - . ... vjoaOPATHXST r,i,ir inmnn. arrio.tarea. facial blem 1 other diseases, with raving electricity. OiSee on Ferry St, near w street. .... , . ' . . : -V fiATIOHiAli BASK, ' s . F AI.BAKT, OKKGOH p . ... '..-.LFLINU R, W. fcAHUWB AC " .T.KEPT6jecvEnc.. , , siu r uidANas i t wwc Jr' , HKt .ark-Saa Frno'8!oJCiVa"4 fli'iMa CM.'ii.TIOH" ADE on tatenbl tjrnw MUCT09 S E Tcr I W Li who LESun, I. ru 0,3. Ftras. J A'.torr.ey at Uw, Albany, Or. To onr printery will convince any one that we are belter equipped to handle their or ders 'ban any office in tiie valley. Why shouldn't we be? We have improved ma chinery, the best power, modern type faces, borders, fixtures, etc, the only line ef prink rs stationary in the county, and Rood workmen. Our work is always executed promptly and at legitimate prves. If yon con't hare to trade it out, or take printing because yen can't get cash, come to see us. If our services are not satisfactory jon get your iuon?y back. SMILEY, tie Printer. : Phon; 9, Albany. v1 4 iUS 64 is-. Encs-Th For a'; lis Vrir-L r fc "almost ftu: TOWH T0P1SS, thi ea-i zoa 5ta Am, .n. BiasT. fir or of tk fcowfCr rrha novels rwo iU."HED AND FliTV -PlX pajs, r?gniar prx-a FIFTY cts.); for iTFiY ceflis any FOC!'.: i'T OSE DOLLAR moT TEN" : tor GE IX1LLA11 AXD A HALF tie whole Ubrary of IXTr5 y.Iuewss. 4 THE SALE OF A SOCT. By C. M. S. Mo- TIIa-i- THE COCEDt OF THE EXSG. By A. 8. Van 5- SIX MOSTH3 VX HADE3. By Clarire L f TH3 SiIET3 OF CHA5C2. By Cy!iia A.fri T?T7irii- . 10- ANJ'IO!T' KENT. Crfhitd ?oiI Wimft" U-AN ErUPSa OF -VIRTUE. By Cnaiui toa 11- lHAT DiiEADFL'l. Oil AS. "By Ktruld it U-A PEAl. IS DESTEa By Gilmer McKea-tt-TH if SAT3 OlAOrS. By PTid Chrtstio lS-A-,.i EZMABKABLE GIEL. By L. H. Bickf -rd. . . 17 A ARKIAGB FOR BATE. Ey Harold B. VmBA lS-Ort OF TWE BTT.PET'S. BjT.CDIa. -TFB WBOHO MAS. By ChniploD Biwll. a THE HCST FOB HAtPLhEa. By Amta Vivanrt Chrfr-. S-EEH STBAiiGE EIPKTirffFKT By Harold U. Vynne. - Cs-Isdieate by tlw noobers Use aoTels yon vast. Fire Insurance RE YOUR PROPERTY with ' iJid fiartford, the JJewTorkTJa ontere Atrency or any one of the reli able old line companies he represents. Notes taken and plenty ot time given tor payment on farm insurance. All business will bt promptly attended to. OFFICE IN P. 0. BLOCK ALBANY, OR. 1 - BO YEARS EXPERIENCE. TRADE MARKS, Anyone Minting a (ketch awl dnatpthn sy qnicklraertsin. free, wbetber an UiTtlon la J probaUlr patentabte. Cocununloationa atnetly s eoDtkleritlaL OMest acency f'rr securing patama in America. We have a WaablUKtoo offioe. Patnta taken tbiooati Mima A Co. recelm pecud notice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beanilfallr Hlnsmted, Ixrireat etrrnlntlon a.:iruiuc journal, weeicir, terms a uniii;jB. cpecimen eoptea ana liuoji on rATKVTg Hut tree. Address KUNN & CO., Cffl Broadway. New Vark. SENDERS' COMPANIES Always Pay. j No q-!PHtian ationt fall and prompt pay ment of !o' by fire on insurance nlaced witij the leading agent of Albaay, M. 8sn- cers 'Tfeaft whatH8 InsnresPeoIe For' P n't al.ow yourself to Ije roped into tlw y riou.- "Local MutuaL" now- being puB'fn iin vo" as wing cheapest In sur f nee, when you m?ure you do not n!i fn w rry aljout getting your money in )ri-iir,tnce. Hay, Grain and Wcol. I- r GOD poison -i&ry byprinn pcrmaoDtiy curea m u to Maya. Tea can t treated at borne Xor eFf.ie9rioeuo(ltjrsaineraaraoty II :vai.rfjief to coTse here wo will cot. tract ( ft' f : p: y railmaa rare and betel btilt, and do we 'tiiitociar. If yoa bare taken mp 1 iMjtaNli. lUid atill bare achea and i.. atcnes in mouth, sore Jt uroat, : ? fiipjr Colored Bpota. Ulcera oo (i O r.wiy, Ilairor JKyebrowa fvailnj - ., bi,:iilai; ItLOOL poison tha to cure. We solloit tbemont obeti r, art cliuileoiFe the world for A "tcure, u'bta dlfteaee baa always , of tbe most enUnut phyni- y. r.J.GtHf capital bcrbtnd oar oncoodl -j 7. A bad 11 1 proof I pnt scaled oo AiWrea 'OOK JKKMUV 0jL VISIT- 14 Star llnkery Corner Broadalbin und First Sts COHRAD MEYER PROPRIETY' -Dwlw In- Canned Fruits, Glassware, - Dried Fruit. Tobacco, Canned Meat Queenswna Vegetable Cigars, Spices, Tea Etc Sugar, . Coffee, ?.., Etc. . everything that U kept in a good variety andgro oery store. High . est pi'-oe paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODOCI Are Your Teeth Sound? TTmlW the teeth are what judicious care or unwise neglect haa made them. Teeth can't receive too mucn attention. o7.n n mh rriAana nremature decay. To preserve the te;th keep them clean ana tnus prevent wjaimuwwvu dental surface. Our powders are the most effective and valuable preparations ever offered. It gives the teetn a clear. smooth, and beauuioi appearance. ' -also carry a full line of the best tooth brushes in the market, along with every thing kept in a first-class drug house Physicians' prescriptions a specialty. I. A Cumming. VIBREOKS SHAV.NG AND HAIR CUI TING PARLORS. HEiBQUAiTISS FOE Da Whites Nc Hqi A head of hair or no pay. Cures ajt diseases of the scalp. Address Box 44 for Free Treatise on tne ecaip. Raaors Honed and Set and Put in ord er on Short Kotice mm ORCHESTRA iIBiCKEISfQ.Con4QGtor BELT WESIrlOGK Igr 1 NSTRU M ENTATION I Vio., II Vlo., Clar., Cor., Trom Bass andjrnms fefetoic of xiefqsic -Mosio Furnished Fo Hmu-prta. Parties.' Receptions and Eater- tain men ta at reasonable rates. Correcpondence solicited regarding ra gagemeta out of town-. . Address Bert Westfrook, Business Man ager, Severe House, Albany, Oregon ALBAHY TRADING CO GROCERIES and FEED OF ALL KINDS Cheat seed for sale or trade Jreede livery. Telephone No. 61 R. N Morris, Corner 2nd and Main Sts. F08HAY 1 HA80H Wholesale Retail - DEUB&IST3 IBB B00ISEUBE8 ALBAXT, OBKOOH. Pure Drugs and the finest and Largeel Stock of Stationary ana .books - in the Market. - Pro A. STARK Of Will Stark. ? Optical Specialist Graduate of the Chicago Op thai in it College, I am prepared to examine scientifically mi accurately, by the latest and imprmrei methods of modern science, any who de sire to have their eyes tested, Cusick Block Albahv.Osmom. 1SS HELA R GILBEBT, Teacher ot Fiaio & Orp (Mason System of Technic) . Careful Instruction of Children a Epe altv. Terms moderate. Washington St. south of U. P. church. - Dr Adams Cusick Block Zy Albany, Or J. M. RALSTON BROKER. 1 Door East of Democrat Office. Money to loan on farm security, all mall loans made on personal eeurity. - City, county and school warrants bought. ' Collections made on favorable terms. Fire insurance written in three of the larg st companies in the world, it lo went rates. -IE The price of wheat i? topping. It will take u a lonj; talking about the recent time to quit ate fiasco. Now Mr. McKinley, how do yon stand on the Cuban question, Won't you give those Spaniards fits. We will be glad to have prosperity come gradually, aud no oue should pat a straw in the way of it These are days when men suddenly become famous. The newspaper artist takes a big hand in it too. It Mr. Driver could have received 150,000 for hie vote he ia undoubtedly the most superior man in Oregon. Mr Harrison wilt have his hands tu naming that baby. The public anxious ly awaits the responsible ordeal. In Kansas whole sections of land have suddenly disappeared, leaving only fath omless lakelets to mark their location. More than four-filths of the murders in the United Ktates last tear were by men who Lad no regular occupation. There are 300 mountains in the United States which have a bight exceeding ten thousand feet. The greatest number is in Colorado and Utah. When you see a aaan looking around in an abstract kind ot a way. yoa may know be is hunting for a chunk ot that prosperity now due. - The next Portland election will be "hot stuff. It will be of great Ifterest to see the pans Joe Simou, Jonathan Bourne and the Oregon i an will take. Some people sav Governor Lord can not call an extra session it be desired to. Governor Lord is a pretty good lawyer, and if be calls one it will be apt to stick. A Portland firm advertises: "Down it goes best Oregon crtemery batter, 40 and 45c; tons of Oregon and California butter, 30 and 35c ; dairy butter, 2J and 25c". A Salem paper claims that they hire a barber at the retorai school aa a termer and therefore nothing is raised. Perhaps the youngsters may thus be able to raise beards. The frog barometer, used in Germanv and Switzerland, consists of a jar of wa ter, a frog, and a little wooden steplad- der. If the frog come out and aits on the steps, rain ia exprct- It now transpires that most alleged interviews in the big papers are lakes. being simply manufactured. The sen sational press is becoming so unreliable one Las to guess whether one is reading the truth or a manufactured falsehood Perhaps Mr. Mitchell will receive something better than a state senator snip, a mission to France, for i&etance, where be would have the inside, on ac count ot Lis daughters arietrocraUe eon oection. Tne public generally will be very pleased to know that Theodore Dnrrant will have to haog for the murder of of well, it has been so long since the terrible crime we have almost forgotten the names. . In one month it will bave been two years, a sample of California justice. The police of Tountoo, Mass., are making a novel expperiment in the hope of lessening drunkenness in that place. Each licensed liquor dealer of Taunton ia to receive the name of every individ ual arrested and convicted of drunken ness, accompanied by a warning if liquor ia sold to any of them within a ball year after the receipt of the names, the deal er so selling will be liable to a fine. The method ot lighting op the interior of the bnman body, or some parts of it, was shown recently at Baltimore at the Co lege ot Physicians and Surgeons. Prof Friedenwald, by means of a flexible rubber tube, paseed a small electric lamp into the stomach of a patient, and, the room being darkened, over two hun dred persons were able to watcb the working of the patient's internal organs through the "transparency" created by the light in the abdominal wall. Disreputable Journalism. A lew weeks ago a ew York paper printed on its first page,' under the largest black type heads, what purported to be an authorized interview with Ly man 3. Gage, giving his views on the financial questions that now interest the country, aays an Eastern Ex . His exact language seemed to be used, quotations marks being freely used. Mr. Gage denied that he had given this interview and in a few days it became known that the so-called enterprising newspaper bad ione over eddre set made by the future secretary of the treasury daring several years past, and from them had made np 'he alleged interview." This was cer tainly very unfair to Mr. Gage, and a fraud upon the readers of the paper, who vere given to understand that the ex pressions of opinioi contained in the publication were uttered the day before, when they were, in fact, several years, old. Another New .York newspaper, the fierce rival of the offender in this -case, only a few day ago printed what pur ported to be an interview with Senator Sberaaan, about to become secretary of state, in which he, in effect, expressed the opinion that the United States should at once declar war on Spain. : Of this interview Senator Sherman says: "It is a lie," and explains: "Last night a young man called at my residence and stayed a boot a minute. He asked me if I had heard abou Ruiz's death, and then began to tell me about it. He also asked me about the treaty, but I did not talk about It. We bad a few words of conversation, but not a word was said in criticism or as an expression of opin ion." . .- This kind of journalism is dangerous to the people and disreputable. It is to be hoped, in the public interest that in their rivalry tbe two will be able to kill each other. They have lost sight of truth and of tbe public interest. The arms of Nevada shoaid be changed. Instead of the plow and four horse team there should be a prize ring and two men punching each other in the' center of It. The " ill for our Country" should be changed to ''To tbe winner belongs the Spoils." Dissolved is a good woid. It -Is one way of gettioglacouud the word adjourn rnent and adjourning without - adjourn ing. Mr. Simon bas a big head. Pres. McKinley Ex-Prcs. Cleveland. Major William McKinley bas now been president ot the United States about 7 hours, at the Democrat's press hour. All his record is to be made. We hope he will make a good president, for the United States needs a good prem dentat this time. Whatever may be said of a man when he is running for president, and the greatest freedom is necessarily exeoised the moment he once takes the oath ot office, he is en titled to the respect and support of every loyal citiien ot the government. His policies anticipated may not please, but as the head ot a nation we love, he should be treated courteously and bis name handled kindly until be doei something that justifies strong words, and then no one should stoop to person all ties. The "president represents the government, in a sense he is Uncle Sain, and as such should be looked np to. Be fore Mr McKinley was elected some ot his followers Tory injudiciously promised prosperity at once upon his election. When that occurred very injudiciously a desperate effort was made to carry it out. A result has been somewhat of a reaction. Now the promises were un fair, and the after proceeding was unfair. In the first place prosperity must neces sarily come slowly, and in the next place it cannot be forced. So Mr McKinley enters upon his duties with these facts behind him. again the day of prosperi ty was put off to bis inauguration. This should not have been done, for things will go on tbs earn. Then again some are making it contingent on the passage of anew tariff bill; all of which en tangles matters . The truth is Mr Mc Kinley enters the White House with a big load to carry at once, for Mr Cleve land bas left him some things to attend to, the disposal of which will show bis calibre, and all fair minded people should be willing to give him a chance before passing judgment. As Mr Cleve land was no doubt the cause of Mr Mc Kinley e elestion the situation is an in t erecting one. Now that Mr Cleveland is not presi dent we can say that we are glad be has finished bis job in the White House Twice elected president by democrats he went directly "back on his party and be trayed it. His last administration was a very weak one. flis foreign policy was childish and puerile, be ate at the same table with bosses and walked arm in arm with the trusts and monopolists In finance be thought only ot Wall street, and it is said be made a fort one trom speculation in its stocks. He bas begun to look very much like John Bull, and at his Princeton borne, from which he can go to the duck pond at will be will undoubtedly get fatter than that famous beef eater. The White Souse will- lose one of the finest mistresses in iU history, a nobis woman. Long live France Cleveland. So feature of the coming aJtninistra. Uon will be watcbed with greater inter est than the part Mr Hanna will take in it. How much Mr McKinley will be governed by bis dictates will be of great importance in giving him his place in history as s president ot the United state. Begun with the fUahiest and most elaborate Inauguration ceremony in the history ot the U. 8., in a time ot financi al depression, i will be ot interest to watcb the presidential wheels go round during the coming four years. Let ns do it fairly and candidly. Carious Facts. Insects are for tbeir sise the strongest members of the animal creation. Many beetlee can lilt a weight equal to more than 500 times tbe weight ot tbeir own bodies. Microacopiral investigation is said to prove that tbe pores of wood invite the passage of moisture in tbe direction of the timber's growth, bnt repel it in the opposite direction. Glow worms are truch more brilliant when a storm is coming than at other seasons. Like many other mysteries ot nature, this curious circumstance has never been explained. Tbe horse when browsing Is guided en tirely by the nostrils in choice of proper food, and bllod borsee are never known to make mistak i ir diet. Twelve average tea plantprodace one pound of tea. Tbe feebler tbe patieot tbe less dan gerous It is to take chtorform. Tbe largest flower is the raffiesie ot Sumatra, whose diameter is nine feet. More than 150 flags are a necessary part of the outfit ot every American warship. About forty million feet of timber are annually made np into matches in this country. In one tribe of spiders the feamale is one thousand three hundred times as Urge as tbe male. Tbe largest death rate from consump tion in this conotry is abown by tbe District of Colombia. The spider's threads or fibres, one of these threads being estimated to be one millionth ot a hair in thickness. Three kinds of thread are span. Oo of great strength for the radiating or spoke lines of the web; the cross lines, or what a sailor might call the ratlines, are finer and are tenacious; that is, tbey have up on them little specks or globules of a very sticky gum. The third kind of eik is that which tbe spider throw out ia a mass of flood, by which it suddenly en velopes any prey of which it i some what atraid as, for example, a wasp. The oratorical contest at Newberg promises to bring to tbe front In Oregon I a question that has long agitated colle giate circles in older states, the method of marking tbe contestants. The Oregon plan, not original bere, for it has been tried elsewhere, is to require each of the judges to adjudge the contestant a cer tain percentage rating, the -average, of their markings to determine the relative standing of the contesUots in the award Ordinarily, this method works satisfac torily, hut as no chain is stronger than its weakest part, difficulty and discon tent arise when the high marking of one judge In three gives the prize to a man who is adjudged second or lower by the other two judges. Snub a result appears to bars been reached at the Newberg contest. Two of the judice marked Bauer, of Forest Grove, higher than Fiek, of Eogene. - Bat, owing to the high rat ing Fisk received at tbe hands of the third judge, his average overcame that of Bauer, although, it Is said, only by onethtrd of I per cent, and thus he i-arue in for first prize. It has been found ad visable in many states to provide that ne average of markings shall overcome the decision In general cf a majority of the judges. There is a good deal of hocus pocus about this marking business, any how. Where It is merely a qaeetion ot first and second prise, the judges can usually agree as to the awards, and when tbey cannot, tbe markings embarrass the situation more than thev clarify. Oregonian. SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS; This week has seen the final collapse of the so called state leuiolature. Do the best one can, it ran b figured out only as a dixgrace. Lt tltt b ams fall where it belongs, on the "hould-rs of Simon, Mitchell and Bourne and the factious they represent , May we never have another such legis-1 ature in the history of OrKn. As the week closes there a sign of war across the AtUntio where the waters of the Aegean sea roll Into tbe Mfditer raneao. Little Greece is on the finht. Just at this writing, she has the Demo crat's sympathies. A great deal la being said in tbe con servative paters about the new journal ism. The general opinion is that It is very rotten, and that many of the mot prominent papers because ot their sensa tionalism do not deserve a place in re spectable homes and reading rooms. This may be true, certainly the spirit of tbe so called nsw journalism needs be Ing condemned. At tbe same time one does get a wonderfully big idea of whet is going on in tbe world, and of what kind of a world we are liviog in, trom them. A speaker this week lead one to be lieve teat there were a great many hyp ocrites around- This is doubtful Tbe clerk who greets tbe customer with a smile is not a hypocrite at all. It is a part of bis business. Were be to greet a customer with a frown, he would ooon loee bis job. In calling people names it is not juit to split hairs. Yon can't fairly draw lines too finely. There is an inclination to do this among many, in a manner to indicate that the human character is not appreciated. The brat yon can make it character is defective, that of one person in one thin another in another. Every effort is made to e cu reconversion and nnion wito eborebm rightly so; but when a person ia once in, then at once be is told w bat a poor mem ber he Is, and It is gettiog so the minis ters give the member ''fits" more eves than the outsiders, and he t mob made to leel both Irom ooUide and ir.aide that be is hypocritical, becauae pen-baace not angelical. There no donht ar cases; but tbe policy is wrong- It is a driving kind of a policy that wins no one and re pel many. It is alright to fiht wrong, but love is the great pneer that most win men, continually exerc.-eJ. pa:ieot fy and forgivingly. Takm from all views there are few people who are .ol about what tbey ar pa;n inemelve off to be. All men.tboagfa, sbonld b couaiMenl, and it is tbe daily lite that counts par ticularly in liiog an honorable, honeL upright one. and that is wbat tbe world judges one by. A New Crew. The following from tbe Loccuotire Firemen's Magazine, i banded I be Dew. ocbat by an Albaay man. a being veri readable, and at tbe earn time, being from a non- partisan magazine, no one need be afraid of perneing It : Maeter Mechanic (to Engineer Mi Kio ley and Fireman Hubert, who bave joai been hired. "Well, i bave rooclcd-d to give yon cnen a trial and ee what tbere ia in .oo. W nee J men oo thit run who can get over tbe road wittion continually getting into trouble. Tbe fellow a we bare jot discharg-ed eetdom mad a trip without a brek-don,a hot box, a bo riled flue or something that greatly interfered with tbe tr15 of tbe road. Tbey hong np on all the hill and claimed it was on account of "bad coal," or the "flues were stopped," or some other reason which p'.acer' the blame on o'her. We got tired of dele-s and have fioally let them go. Now, w have concluded to five yoa men a lair tna.. Yon will make ynar first trip on March iii, an 1 we want to hear a good report from yon. Yon will find the "1SJ7" in about the same con dition the other crew left her. Her rod brateee need keying np and she pom 4 badly in her drivin boxe. S far a steaming is concerned, we bave bored ont br fines and yon caa experiment with her draft. ' wit.1 leave all the matter io yoa. Aly repairs yon report on the work book will be done promptly. We snail expect great thing from yoa. Yon bave come to tbi road highly recommend 4 by your lat emp orer. Tbey say that your eonaection with thi road will bring increased earning, bet ter busioea and prosperity in every de partment of the service; in fact, yoa make these bout yoarselve. Now, see that yoa falfill your promise. I don't wish to cast my reflections on yoa men, bat I have been in the Motive Power Department of this company for maov year and I have generally fouod that tbe men who bragged about the w ft runs tbey could make and the number of cars tbey could pull wem generally towed in on a dead englnu tv tbey drew the.r first pay check, t knoa that when a man once get hi name on the pay roll it's pretty bard to . him, but let me say to you n. know your business we wui k- out. rid of ?ou t it Scientific. Whale are never sen ir .' if Stream. One inch of rain fallini (p one square mile is equivalent to 17,603,tHX) gallons of water. Astronomers say that 1,030 000 shoot ing stars" fall into the sun f r every one that comes iuto our atmosphere According to the deduction o'. a well known astronomer, we receive as much light from the sunascou'd b emitted by 680,000 foil moons. Moths may be kept fmtn line and woolens. United State eutomoings L O Howard concludes, by cnt.t storage during the summer at 40" to 43s F. . The Riddles Mite gets fares! to as fol lowsi We have been receiving of late so many suggestions as to how w- oiigtit to manage The Mite, and as f what we ought to publish, that ee have coin to the conclusion we are altogether un worthy ot holding a blue oftnl, and that tterearenota tew who would make Ideal newspaper folk could they be given a chance to develop. We intend to lay no stone in anyone's way. We wank to see our natural resources ntii;-d. We hereby propose, and make tlx- offer in good faith, that if any one baa a dectre to try their hand in the editorial line, that we will turn our table, peuuil aud paper over to them on any Friday morn ing, and give the lull chargn, with ibe agreement to have the shop in a good condition as when they came .nto it. If at the end of one week, having published i a paper, they are not satisfied, e pro , pose to let them try it until thev are This is a standing offer Use Dawson's furniture polish. asy to Take asy to Operate Are features peculiar to Hood's PtIIs. Small In size, tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one man LrOoodl's said: You never know yon have taken a pill till It Is all over." 2Se. C.L Hood A Co, Proprietors, Lowell, Mass. Pills The only pIUs to take with Hood's Saraapartlla. COUNTY COURT. (Oen. Barton, eounty judge; J M. Curl, OuunWqMi,.) Watera D. L. The following road supervisors were appointed: Diet. No. 18. Iaac AIcEI niurty; 28. C H Bogart: 29, J N Wright; Sfl.JasFullbright; 39. D O Swann; 43, B Grimes: 43, M Cunningham. Lot 5, bl 7. Wood lea ad, order trans ferred to Louis A Miller, account delin quent tax sale. Application B S Martin for rebate tax, disallowed. Bond of I Saltmarsb, commander of John F Miller Poet was approved. Resignation of F M Groliorn, J P, Diet 0, acccepted. In matter of application of E E Tsv- W for county road, E Keebler, P Lew ! and t, t, Hammock tr. appointed viewers to meet March 80. 10 a. m. Application of C R Longet al for coun ty road, Alt Ulevios, E L Bryan and J J Heard were appointed viewers to March 20 at 10 a. m. Bills allowed : meet Judge Geo D Barton, salary.. County Clerk Montague, " lino oo 166 65 im 6) l oO 00 83 33 50 00 50 00 5O00 I 7 94 . 2 50 22 54 bnerinuamet, ... Recorder liardman, " ..t Treasurer Morris "... Supt Wheeler, ... Deputy Clerk Montague " ... Deputy Sheriff Lewellvny " ... Cable A Stanard,aid J M Arring ton 8 P Rarger, bounty T J Stite. postage W C Stellmaker, aid John Poll man W F Hammer, work on f recent ownet ship book . . PJ Sinilev. nrinlimr I " " j 55 00 39 40 3 (0 2 U) 1 00 2s9 00 20 00 J O Powell, drawing jury C K Swank, deputy sheriff J P Queener. sect roads J A Finch, printing Albany Kl. Light J P Galbraith, aid indigent sol diers Johh Usher, janitor Read, Peacock A Co, aid poor. . . W W Howes, aid poor Crawford A Harnish.sarvers anJ maps 30 00 10 00 1 35 13 53 4 501' I Albany ater Co .sect C II U Lodwig, aect C H Phil Ritter, deputy eh-riff Fred Arnold, roads and h.-idge.. D ECheadle, rent Mr MinM ... 8cio Press, advertising Geo D Barnard A Co. stationerv. Fohy A Mason. R Wheeler, teacher ex, etc ProfTorbet, " " A Wheeler, " " E T T Fisher, surveying Gibson Myers, acct poor F P Nutting, printing Louis Biumsoer, miscellaneous. . Oregon Telephone Co, " Mary E Davis, acct poor M A Senders, " 8 E Becker, " - B F Kamp, " " Haman he! ton, deputy she? iff . TJ Stephens. ' " 6 00 6 00 3 54 1 00 5 40 8 00 B A Stafford. as-r Acct insane, ex Bennett Carl KoSert,dept aheriff Silaa lieotn, road'- Fred Daweoa.poor and stationary. S E Young, acct porw Mailie Tarlor, aul roust B R Martin, mi e'Uneons C W Wait, printing: . 1 . ' V i 3 00 11 60 7 m n 40 - Ml 40 00 Aid Cox family f. Kenworthy fami'v t-9. Albert and Goble 18, O I-obker S, Alma Vail 13, Sarah Hum (3. R bert Gillock 4. Orin v a Leon f". Bern inl and wde 5, MrsU F Junker f. H Myrt4, Jaa Larew l. Mrs Adam f I, Phebe Heodrieebu (5, Mr Adelia French f5, I Coleman and wile t", Samuel Keith fd. Henri-1 (a Ifevine, 2 mo, flO, Hocked berg 3. a Train St Lot-is. March 5. One man w killed and his body cremated; another fatal ly burned, and a third btdv injured ia a wreck, htch crrared at Bennett's Mill, j 100 miles et cf St Luui.oa toe Uiwcn Paci'ic. al 7 o'clock tonight. Tb dem-i ! man ia w W. RKenWrgvr, msU eler of Blfffnicgion, III, single- I None. The street coaunbeionergive " notice that hereafter no rubbish ot j any kind, asbea from stoves, or other n eiovr. or oiuer ' 0,reJ refuse matter, will thrown into the street or aller. Ordin ance forbid such artion and will be en forced. Next Thursday and Frday a farmer's iat:tute ii io be held a Rowland. L'en county, under ti e aapioe of the O A C. aasiKted by t. barity Grange. Among tbe paper are the following. ""Ind jtnal Ed ucation," President H B Mil er. wiih lantern views of col!e wort and building; "Dairying." Pro. F L Krat; "Rotation of Crops." Prof French. -.Soil of the UlametSe Valley." Prof Staw. Ia MiMonn a bill 1 a bveo introduced providing tar the beTy panichment of lobbying. It should pa, and ucn a bill should become a law in Oregon. We need one here very bad y, a stringent ooe. $100 ReWrtrd 100. Tbe realers of thi paper will be p!eaed to learn that there is at k-at -ne dreaded disease that cieece hss been able to cure in all it stages, and that i Catarrh. IJall' Catarrh Cure i the on'y positive cure known to the luminal fraternity. Catarrh being a cotistt'u disease, re quire a eon.titulionai n.-odii. nt. Hall Catarrh Cure i aken n -ron.I, ccting directly upon the blood . enr tace of tbe ytem. ther tv i.-tioing the foundation of tbe diaea-e. und yiving tbe p. I let t atrength by buiMi" - oo ibe n aiilution and aaxiating DM'ure im doing its o'k. The pmprie'or h - .-o murh fnh I in ita curative power lh.- Iwy offer One i tl inured lHlUr for arn i It fails iticur- iSend for list ot ? . uiat. .dd;ess, !'. J. ( HEN K V . Toledo, 0. Soi l by Druguista, 75o Haifa Family I'lIU r- i r i.-t Is Now Ore.. Mr. 1. F Mcllwain is again in his store with a new stock of goods, ready for serving the public. The price shown in his advertisement indi ca'e that he intends to he p the ople bridge over the hard times. He aill of fer bargains in all departments The Wkeklt Dkmothat $1 25 a year and tbe Weekly San FraucUco Examiner $1 50 a year, combined for only 2.35. This includes all the privilege in the 10, 000 premium it of the Ex.ttniner includ ing a 10,000 residence and a $4000 gold nugget. gar t eSUdaev aiu65yira old; nave had kidnej dieaead constipation for 25 year. ' Am now well used your S . B . Headache and liver Cure one year. Used 6 bottles at 5ctmia eicii. J II Knigh', Rutlfdge, in." For sale by Foahay, A Mason at 50t per bottle We keep the only complete stocic o printer's stationary ia the county, Sroi ey the printer.' iicKly come to the Star Bakery txitgeta' ' ttves of fiesh bread for t.oe e.imll OMbtsi, You can pay more, out you won't get ay better seryi e. You can pay lea, but you won't get as good service. Smiley tbe printer. rare C'raee. - "My three children are all subject tc -roup; I telegrapbe'l to San Francisco, got i go a ball dozen bottle of S B Cough Cure It U a perfect remedy . Uod bleu yoa fer it. Yours, etc. J.H. Ciosier, Grants Pas, nr." For sa'e by Fosbay A Mason at 0c per bottle . TELEGRAPHIC. v Lere Speak. Salem, Or., March 5.-Governor Lord was asked today whether he intended to appoint a senator, and, if so, whether he thought his appointee would be seated. tie said : "1 shall appoint a senator, but whether or not he will be m att d 1 cannot sav. Tbe deciaions are conflicting. -no you tbink tnat jou will call a spe cial sextion of the legislature, and, if so, can you indicate about the time'" "I do not know at wbat time or if at any time I shall convene a special session of the legislature. The fact that I will appoint a senator indicates that I have go preaent intention of culling tbe legislature togeth er, at least for some time. Caaaratln Aepatatauau. Washington, March 5. Tbe senate was in seanion only about two hours today, and the greater part of the time was spent in executive segaion, confirming President McKinley's cabinet appointment. While in executive season, the credential of Mr Hanna, as senator from Ohio, to succeed Mr fcberman, were presented by Foraker, and he was sworn in by Vice-President liobart. A Kew Syateaa. roKAXE, Wash.. March 5. It was dis co ered today that the new populist offici al, who took omce in January, bave been using the county courthouse for living a part menu. Tney pay no renL Tie building is large, and for aome time mere have been a number of vacant rooms in the upper story. Nineteen people eat, sleep and live tiiere. including the county superintendent of school a, deputy treasur er, and others- fltacMedly Wartiae. Athens, March 5. Fererish activity continues througbout the whole country. Large quantities of arms, ammuniticn, provisions and military stom are being conveyed by transport to rtmmaly. The massing of troops on the frontier is pro ceeding with the utmost speed. Those taking the coolest view no longer conceal tbeir opinion that ia tbe event of coercion the o-iiler of interest wi.l be transferred t i the Turkuh frontier. WmMbI Caaatatataie. A csr is, Tex , March 5. The bense bas UbioJ by a ruing vote a resolution in- sr: -unjf the speaker to wire President McKinley congratulating him on bis in auguration and aaauring him of Texas "bary to-opetation in tbe maintenance and enforcement of American rigbt in foreign countries. regarxUeaa of party line." Ta Btarraal Caa. Sax Faajtcteoo, March 4 District Attorney Barnes, who oundocted the proae cotion agamtt Tb-odore Dun-ant. tut the murder of Blanche Lamout in Emannel ehorcb. thinks the morderer wiil be hasr- 15 00 i wuom bay, m aaya ice nramiar 4 50 " " oanded duwa within 30 day Then ! " 00 1 Durrant will be taken before the enperior "j Q- j court for sentence. Tbe defene will prob- ably ark a rehearing before tbesapreoe J ; mart, but the motion wiil likely be deiied . s 55 j The defense will then be compelled to go to 5 0 governor a the court of tact resort. It 49 50 i naidered unlikely tht tbe governor ia-ciwi l interfere with tbe execution cf the a (vi : sentence. feseerana !. SJaaan la. Washdcotos, March 4. The senai of the 55th conres m-t today, in pursuance to a call of the retiring president. Ibe dosing ut the oi.l senate, a we.l as the fJMIn. ri VltA M, tab A ... u, .m i v.9yi In. i n I briiiisnt spectacle marking the advent of rj ! the i&AOiTursuon cremoor. so tb it the Jt formal proceedings were confined largely to ! valedictory of tbe retiring vice- preai ,; JJ- deot. Mr Siever eon. tbe opening address of vi-pridect. Mr Uobart. ard JJ the swearing into offi-e of tbe new senators. l( Steam War. Arntiss. March 4. There is t3 tooirer sny doubt that the reply of Greece to ice . identical not of trie do wen. (Mirered on : l inI j r I .. .1 tftBiif rm thm I'.rMelr fleet ' 1 i . r . . : . ! . ' . l. a , 1 and trocp Wrsmr Crete within the oxt aix day, wi.i be la tne negative. Ine re ply of the Orve government will explain tbereaars why (inMce cannot retail her force atjfi why 'je cociders the atbeme for auWenmy propojed by tbe powers to be inapplicable to Crete. A Crallfan Saw. GasAT r.M UK. MonU March 4. B D Hatcher, catbter of Ibe eVrfanct Northwevt em tank, was arrested tuda by f putr I'aited tial JSanhal J. K. Waife oo charges preferred by Back Fjo miner La n-ar, of mispprojiriaiine fOJ.OCO fundt cf tbe bank, which te fvi I to toorad Broth er, ilatcber was arraigned before United Mafea CoraroiakH"rGxinrell and fixed at -VJ. S-j fir, be fc been naaUe to give bonds. latal F-aa4ala. LoTc.jt. March 4. Br -an explcmoa d! sra in a wibway at be inirrwtioa of Tremontard lrVro t t tcls. 6e .ere ki , A -1 a -n m-e in i jured . Aa ekric car u Ll-h tU direct'v over toe center ortoespct where tee ex r Wxuon ocvorred was wrecked and set oo fire It i ibraght tbe expl.ini m was cau ed by a defective efceric light wire wbich ignited tbe escaping gas. Tne Orexaa. S.5t FaASCi-oco. March 4 The battle ship Oregon will leave for PugH and llxHlt April 1 rhe will be placed 05 tbe dry Jock at Port Orchard, where bilge keel will be placed on her. Withoot teem tbe Oregon roll So tin uncomfortable degree ia a heavy broadside ea.' and tbe bilge keel are expected o remedy that evil. Tne tattara Caaapese. Wsinions, March 3. The chief event of the day was the definite comple tion ot tbe cabinet. The new cabinet will be as follow: Sectetary of tiU, John Sherman, of Ohio. Secretary of the treasury, Lyman J Gage, of Illinois. Secretary of war, Russell A AUer, of Michigan. Attorney-general, Joseph McKenna, of California Pottmasler-gcneial, James A Gary, of Maryland. Secretary of the navy, John D Long, of Massachusetts. Secretary of the interior, Cornelias N Bli. of Ne York. Secretary of agriculture, James A Wil son, of Iowa. Bil.a aizie!. WAsntsoTor. March 3. Tte president has kicned tbe following acts: For an in ternational monetary cocfereor; to estab lish an additional land olhce in Montana: to vacate Suearoaf resrt-voir site in Colo rado, and restore the lands to entry; to pre vent tbe importation of impure and un wholesome ti'A?; to define th rights of aliens to hold real extate ia the tetritories; prevent trepamg on national military park, and allowing the bottling of spirits in bond. BVarraat Paaes. Saji Feascisco, March 3. The su preme court this afternoon affirmed tbe de cinion in the Durrant case, so that the murderer of Blanch Limont can new be sentenced to be hanged, by the superior court as soon as that tribunal desires. When Durrant was informed that the su preme court refused to grant him a new trial, he burst into tear nd said "this is every cruel world.' He said that some day truth would prevail, aud he would be vindicated. The Last Bay. Washington, March 3. This was practically the last working day of the sen ate, and there was tbe usual hurry to carry various measures to their Until txecntive stage. Reports were received from time to time, on tho pending conference on ap propriation kills, seven of them still being in the balance. The pottofhee and forti fications bills were cleared out ot the way early in the day. Senator Hanna. WASHiJtGTOJf, March S. Senator Sher man, of Ohio, has tendered his resigna tion to Governor Bushueli, to take effect on March 5th, and the official appointment by the govern sr, of Mark Hanna to succeed Sherman in the senate, is on the way here and will be delivered to Hanna tomonow to take effect on March 5th, a. Big Bearrve, Washington. March 3. Todav's state ment of the condition ot the treasury snow: Available cash brlance. ..... .212,00l.,996 Gold reserve... 149,029,012 If you want a good and clean smotte buy cigars made by our Al bany cigar factory. BLACKWELTS I WANT i a SEE? A lBtde cawla twe ta ;, U ' ' iaeer T . 1 1. mmd lw c pw Inaitte each L2$ H j I foaur ranee bag mt Black. ' " f j JutJ- J I well1 Dmrfcmm. Day a tjag ffZ. TfLg f tat clebrated tofcacea VipV "MmM SSl mad read Uaa cowpeav-whten V '"a ly ''"fT- . . "1 111111.' T giva a Uat mt trainable pm- ,i & tiVfr'u Tmrtjii cat aad haw ta get Uaea. r'f' N , f ' if f'1 H1SFI1S. The Davis house did one respectable thing. It omitted to pass any salary and mileage bill, A Lebanon business roan requests all persons indebted to him to settle im mejiately if not sooner. Come, governor, did yoa reallv Rev. Driver ioO.COO for his vote. ' offer Mr. G. W. Mc Bride will bave to stag it tor two years, according to tbe present horoscope. Ira Campbell struck a place in Mexico that captivated him. Twenty ounce of beer were sold for 5 cents. Tbe arena at Carson will seat 17,500 peopie. more than one-half tbe popula tion of the entire state Tbe lobby in tbe recent Jegie'atare was the rotteneet in tbe history of Oregon, Verily, this state needs an anti-lobby law. Mr. Bryan may not be president bnt his Income is said to be over $50,000 a year, bis book alor e bringing bint in clear over $100 a day. As usual Salem is behind. Only one of her ambitions youths went by the blind baggtee and brakebeam route to Carson Three went irom Albany. u retron qow naa only one U b. sena tor. His name Is G. W. Mc Bride. If tbe Democbat riehtly understands it the tern cf J. H. Mitchell expired at noon today. Harvev Scott vii in Sira Terterrla conferring with Governor Lord in refer ence to the appointment of a U. S. sena tor. Gov. Lord is said to be anti- Mitche.u Mine one aays rortiaoa people are giving Joe Simon fita. When tbe smoke clears away it will probably be loand that Simon has been about the only gainer and that be has been at tbe very bottom ot the whole bold up. At r-oeeourz in response ton query aoont tne very prolans expression of Senator Seed la hi remarks at Salem. Senator Driver said: -I will say that 1 oeneve s-eoaior l.M never used a pro- lane word where it wa not ja-ufiatie." II that l Mr. Vriyer't reiiion save ns iroai tv. Senator Driver is reported to bave eaSd at U eebutg: Representative Vaughn had been offered $20 a day to stay in bed. and President Simon personally of fered Senator Brownell $3,000 for his vote. I myself coold bave taken 50,- 000 from tbe highest official in the state. 1 raise my band to heaven and swear it." Three members of President McKin le 's cabinet bave full beards, one whis kers without mustache, ore m net ache and chin whiskers, one sideburns and mustache, one sideburns a. one, and ooe mustache alone. The president is the only smrotfa fs.-el mm amor g them. It offers a ti variety. - A subscriber of an Independence paper says metre ramiiies read his paper reg ularly, ail tor f I so a year. The Dxmo- cbat is satisfied this is often tbe exper ience nito a great many subscribers of papers, and it is too often tbe case that even then tbe tl. 50 is not paid at all. The State Treasurer's report is at hand. It contains a list of every item of monev expeided bv the state tor two years, and a perusal of it gives one s pretty good Mea of what keeps Salem going. The Salem man who dcee'nt get his name in this book would do to be put in a dime muteum. The salary of the Esvernor of Oregon w$1500 a year, and yet the itemized statement of tbe state treasurer shows that his actual cash salary is approxi mately 4otAi, three tunes his consutn- tnnal salary. An examination of these accounts reveal many a trick to increase tbe salaries of all the stale officials. It is declared that no one is more dl psted with the recent attempt at legis lation than the members of tbe lecrisla- . .. .w i . . . . o urj mrraa-ires. WSS found impossi ble once the different factions were at outs to effect a compromise Though it a reiwrwa o;i nana mat everv man trot his expenses paid, yet, as a matter of tact, it IS undoubtedly trne that man of them were at their own ex penae. U. S. Senator F.lWort h bas introduced a "lool measure providing that no por trait or alleged portrait of any person tuav be published in any newsparr .periodical, magxine, pamphlet or book Without his written consent. The penalty is $1,000 nnej. ins ooject ot this is to prevent the caricaturing of public men, which is being carried so far. Perhaps Mark Hanna is at the back of it, and wants to get even with Davenport. Of course such a bill will not pass. m i . . . . r ii , . luswwT is lun oi muscles that are never used. Let machinery lie idle and it soon rusts ; why not the machinery of iue uutiy. ima siu-geata tnat one should exercise all the muscles of the body in order to be healthy. The Man about lown nas seen some of the workings of different systems ot physical training for this purpose; but none equal to that of Prof. Whithorn, now giving lessons in this system. It brings into play tbe muscles of the body, acting upon all parts ot tne system to a wonderful man ner, it will pay anyone to investigate It. Here is about the craziest bill vet in , i i i . . - . iruuuuru any a acre 11 WAS introduced in the Kansas legislature. According to it a widow cannot inherit more than $50,000 from the estate of her deceased husband, and a child cannot inherit to exceed 20.000. Alt over that amount must be tumed-iuto the state treasniy. In case a person dies w ithout a wife or children, then the parents are permitted to take $50,000, and if the parents are dead the whole property goes to tbe state. The reader will gain some idea of the immense amount of beer consumed in one year by scanning tbe following statis tics: The consumption of beer in the world during the vear 1S96 was 5.467, 765,121 gallons. It this beer was poured out into a canal twenty feet wide and ten feet deep, it would extend 663 mile, or more than sufficient to connect New York City with Columbus, O. Loaded on cars, at 600 kegs to the car and fortv cars to the train, it woutd require 29,000 trains of cars to move this immense quantity of beer. . Let these trains pass, one to the mile and at tbe rate of thirty miles an hour, and sixty-six days of run ning night and day. would be required before all bad paeeed. Costkact Lit. At i meeting of the two county court of Linn and Marion coon tie last night the contract for build ing the Gates bridge was let to J. E Mc Coy of Salem at $1237. It la to be a Howe truss, 174 feet long. One bid of $826 was so low it was thought best not to consider it. Spring Humorav eruption, hives koila, pimples, soiea. are perfectly and per manently cared by Hood' Sareapanllav the beat spring Medicine and One Tree Blood Purifier. Hood's Pills act easily and promptly on tne uer and bowels. Unre sick bead ache. KNOCKING - AF YOL'RDOOa. Send ia roar order and we will call yocr door far your laundry and deliver it wit boat extra charge. Give na a trial, we will guarantee yon wiil be satisfied. Fine Seise to dress shirts Lace curtains re newed Free mendisg department for bundle work. Crrr Lacwdbt, OppStChasHoteL special Trip Around tne orld R. H. S. "Aoraezi intends to leave London March 17th. 1337, via Teaerige, Cape Town. Meiboarae, Sydney, New Zealand. Fiji, Hawaii and Yaaeonver. Tlefcet good for one year. Tbi epedal excursion is run in coanectkw with theCa nadiaa PaeiSe railway. The fare for the trip will be only $560. tbe lowest rate ever named for such a trip. For full iaform tum call on or address E J Coyie, agent. 146 Third street. Portiaad. ., or any agent of the Canadian Pacific Ey. To Pabxxts. Parent desiring their boy to be oat after 8:39 o'clock will pieaee eive them a written permission ; otherwise tbey wSl be arrested under the curfew ordinance. By order of the cit y marshal. SUGAR CHEAP. Come and See. J (read a-nhl infflvm. tbe general pob- : he that he will tell for net cash 19 lb granulated sugar for $1.00. All other I merchandise, which is too nnmerooa to 1 aiention. at came rate f jr net cash. I I invite the general public to come and price mv svods and eatisfr Tamnalf. By the sack Kitra C. 4ltc, rraaalated I c. habeet to the clianotttn ket. Send T oar Bundle. Care and inteUigpnce in Unsdertae; slothes has tad its effect it is respeaatbie far the eoceeaa f the Albany Steam Laun dry. Send along your bundle to the beat laundry in the valley, or let Xerrit D. Phillip know and he wiil call for rt If yon ate not a patron of tbe Albaay Steam Laundry tell the proprietor at ones to nd f jt tout bundle- Wnce a customs always a eastomer. CASTORIA For Tnfantt Children. SfTirw St 4 R. and G. Corsets and. Corsets. Mid Fitting I hare just received a full line is both make of these celebrated eonets and am prerred to give extra value cf 50c, 75c aa tl in black and slate. Also keep better graces and extra sues. The $1.00 corset m worthy of special nutice. Ask to see onr 50c 75c and $1.00 corsets. SAnTKX. K. Yoex OwfMaaeiaz at Stona Four out of eery lire botUea ot medi cine sold ia th hut five years are S. B. goods. The S- B Head acre and Lrrat Cure I use myself a a general physic. -If yon are sick and waat to get wed. the quickest, cheapest and safest method is c buy the S B. remedies and ns as directed C. P. Bitten, Druggist, Dufur, Or " Fob a by Foshty A Ma at 50 cts pec bot ie. We Lead, Others Follow. aid that is the reason Hopkins Bros, are tbe first to dis play a full line of the famous 1S97 des cent ard Crawford bk-rUe. Call and see them. , Clubbing Offer. -' .... i . iumur uu i wwj Kxaminer will be sent to subscribers for T.S5avear. This includes all tbe priv ueaea of the Examiners big premium gift m May, tbe same as if you sent the reg ular subscription price of $1.50 direct! tothe paper. Isn't that a bargain. Weekly D&xockat and thrice a week X. Y. World, $2.00 a year. Canned wild blacxberries ia one and two quart jars, cheap at C E Bko wit six's. Call ok Miller Turner far first das livery at reasonable ratos. Transients kept for 10c per rig. Mitxxa t Tcasxa. Satisfaction euaranteed when you use "Perfection" Dyes, for sale vy rrea uawson. wTrT books. Pawson once on schoel Choice tardines at C E Browscll's. Pay Ccna ft Hnslon . Pay Ccna A Huston. Pay Conn ft Hasten. For tin, best drugs, Dawsons- AlatanT SIAaKBT. ?h-Ht. 69c Oats 25 Ftsur. $4 00 Butter 17X3 Eggs 13c Lard 6 to So . Pork hams. 8 to tOc.shoulders .4 to . Sides, 6 to S. H iy baled, cheat, ?7.00. Timothy, $3.