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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1897)
If 1 - VOL XXXI !, Catered s.8 te Pco ffle at Atbaay. r. as Beee-d-Class Mall Malieit A LB ANY OClMON. Fill DA . MA RCII 5, 1 897. W r tKCTTISS rafelis-er mm Proprietor NO-31 ,1 ' Sri n if, w n -j.-t? I . . S'SS i 1 W-F - 7..-3e M F3 H t IS EF PI I AVgefablePrcparationfor As similating thcFood andRcu'a tir the Stomachs iJ3ovcis T Romotest)igestion.ChcerfuI- itess andKest.contains neither Opium.Morptiine norJfiacraL Xot Narcotic. i-- oj i fUnmSrrJ . Aperfect Remedy for Constipa tion. Sour Storoach.Diarrhoca, Worms jConvulsions.Fcveristi ness find Loss of Sleep. lac Simile Signature of . ':-IS8N5 4 ""-" Thirtieth f L EXACT COPV OF VRAPF-B. "rlT X . 7""" bu tmiiumj ii jblii iimn i tippr ALBANY COLLEGE. CALENDAR FOR 1S96-7 1896 Sept. 1 College Year beg-'na . . Wednesday Nov. 26-27 Thanksgivintr Day recess, Tbura. and Fn. Dec. 21- -Term examinations begin . Monday Dec. 23- First Term end . Wednesday Winter Vacation of Twelve Days 1397 Jan 5 Second term begins ... Feb 22 Washington's Birthday a holiday, April 6 Term Examinations begin April 8 Second Term ends ... Arbor Day Vacation of Four Days April 12 Third Term begins . Tuesday Jane 8 Final Examinations begin . , Tuesday June 13 Baccalaureate Sermon . Sabbath forenoon Tune 13-Address before the Y. 31. and Y. W. C A. Sabbath evening June 14 Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustee Monday afternoon June 14 Junior Orations run Graduating Exercises of the Conservatory of LU81C June 15 Poular Entertainment June 16 Commencement June 16 Alumni Re-union Four Courses of Instruction leading np to Music courses, with appropriate diplomas. For further information, WALLACE ion. 2 A IX who are inter c:: XV. J. Bryan's nc-' i; ; mediately with the piMlv'-x-:-.- 'An erx-yrci c? IliS ferfff::::V, Ills n.ost titles i The resi. ist A fCVt2,V VA AGENTO WANTED & Mr. Bran has annoiiced Lb intenUcn of kvotin2 one-half of all royalties to furthering the cause of tenetallism. mous sale. There are already indications cf an enor-Address W.B. PAW W FY i" 34!-35! DsoflAirn liKCLISHBUSINESS COLLEGE tsiflrx5i PORTLAKD Full English Course. FKENCH AND UER.MAM. BUSINESS BRANCHES. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Telegraphy. BOASDiHG DEPARrnEHTLA.IS select the Waverly because they have learned to know the dif Cvif iPfirpd ference between a wheel that is actually high grade and one that fcXpt.ICilu is simply claimed to be. Some others maybe good but the RiderS Waverly is the highest of all high grade, bcorcher (3 heights) 1X1 $85 00, Belle 26 and 28 inch 175.00 and $85.00. HACK BY NDLANA BICYCLE CO. .HDIAHAPOLIB, IHD SEE THAT THE 'FAC-SIMIT T? SIGNATURE B ON- THE V, WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTELE OB1 . C tcria U jrat tp la eae-sks bottles e y. II ; is rt teli ia bulk. Doa't alio azv to nil - tuV - - t e!sa tha jlea premiss that tt pae." a-r&s, that yro get C-A-S-T-O-W-A. Year. Tuesday Monday Tuesday Thursday Mondav evenlnir Tuesday forenoon . Tuesday evening Wednesday Wednesday evening degrees. Well equipped Business and Catalogue free. address HOWE LEE. President, Albany, Or. the sale of Hon. correspond im- The work will contain rs-rsln tour itten bv his wife eechss he cn.Da.qn of 1896. j'iticel situation. ', v.V fi f i f Pb!ishers, St CHICAGO. OREGON IteoJ and Eleiaut Den , sius iu Crockery 5yT?)i Ware at COItn & HUSTON'S See ii i3S- "g Are built in XI 1 4. (lis . Eauipped Factory in van s Book pi$e of jtigh fyade -be World A.J. Hodges,:. FROM DAY TO DAY. Salem, Feb. 25. The Simon house met today with 13 present, and as it has no right to adjourn sine die except with an organized honse.adjourned to 9:30 o'clock tomorrow. The Davis house also ad- jorned until tomorrow. How long this win last is an enigma. Davis house held two sessions with 27 present, and three absent and excused, Mitchell and Uirsh have left balem. Portland's Condition. The editor of the Grants Pass Courier writes np Portland, the following being an interesting part of his article: Fine buildinps, which a few vears a?o brought a rental of from $1,000 to to.000 a month now barely earn an income cov ering the taxes and insurance, and the class of renters that do remain are of the shaky and transient order. The population of -Portland has de creased fully 25 percent daring the re cent years of panic, and vacant buildings meet' you everywhere outside of the present favored locality, which is build ing up daily. Fine residences by the score are empty and tnose remaining oc cupied are rented at price which hard- ly more than pays the 30 mill tax this vear imposed within tnectty ot r ortiand Last week a f 90,000 residence that was foreclosed on by the creditors, who now has an elephant on his hands. This was the Knapp dwelling, occupying an ele vated block in the prettiest portion of tbo citv. The writer called on Mr. Scott of the Oregonian. That gentleman was found in his editorial room in the 8th floor of the massive building rnd was standing at one cf the windows looking out upon tte wilderness ot citv roois that BtreU u out far beneath to the Willamette river and beyond, toward MU Hood. Mr. S.. lite the most of us, feels worried over the hard times. 'Mr. Pittork and myself have spent the results of 30 years of hard work on this building, and now I wish it didn't exist." Of course advertising falls of in such times as iheee, and thus a massive building that does not earn in terest on its cost looms np all too prom inently when the assessor cornea round. Wakts a Divorce. Laura Bill desires a divorce from Thomas Jefferson Hill, who h been her husband since the 27th of February, 1876. they having been married at Brawnsville, Linn county, on tl at date. Her complaint is now on file with the coontv clerk and the case will be heard by Jndge Hewitt at the coming ieseion of department o. 2, circuit court for Marion county. She alleges that her hu-band deserted her on Feb. 6, 1S96, and has ever since remained away ftm her. Three children is the issue of their marriage and ahe asks that she be named as their custodian and protector. Statesman. Ax Awrix Scbkech. The Natron en gine has been decorated with a whistle. besides which the common whistle is a toy. It is a sort of bicye'e develine mag nified several thousand times. Its screech would shame the screech of a panther and when it gels on fail steam nothing is safe in its neighborhood A cow will fly to the uttermost parts of the held. People along the road wul surely think they are being called for. Mr. Chandler Bloom has been in the city on business today. Fred Fi$k and Homer Keeney. of the State University, were in Albany today on their way to Neaberg. Mr. M. J Monteith, of Portland.came upon the noon train, passing through Salem safely without btipg held np. Licences have been iseued for the mar riage of C. A. Peck and J Almona Lea is, and Herbert N. Rolfe and Maud Parker. McKinley Mitchell, of Gervais, who made the celebrated speech a few days ag j in the joint session, was in Albany this noon. Circuit Judge George H. Burnett left yester.iay for McMinnviile to visit bis mother, M rs. B. A. Burnett, who IS bo years old today. The judge, being her youngest child and only son, will add much to the celebration of the anniver sary by his presence. Statesman. Gardening has begun. Foe base ball is out. What's the matter o! this weather. The prospects are good for a big fruit crop this year. Clatsnp county taxes are doe. a fact of interest to several Albany men. Another feature is the refusal of the Mitchell men to enter eitner the Simon or Davis houses. Anotner hold up. 24 oi Wm Obenneyers sheep at Tangent were Killed by a dog belonging to Joel Robinson, Mr Robinson paid for the sheep. There are 50 t npils in the Oregon School for tbe deaf; 23 pupils in 'be Oregon School for the b ind; 1,111 patients in the Oreeonate Insane aoylum; 131 boys in tbe Oregon State Ktfor School; 354 con vic's in the Oregon State Prison. Albany Camp No. 103. W of W, will celebrate the second anniversary of the or ganization of tbe lodge in Albany tonight with an entertainment in their hall to which all members and their families and tbose having special invitations will at tend. J. C. Jalman, of Ashland while prepar ing to go on a hnt last week met with a seriou4 and peculiar accident. He put on his belt and put bis han'ing Knife in its place as be supposed but minting the scab bard the knife dropped upon bis foot. He bled proruselv and tainted and tell upon the stove causing a severe burn. Two young men living near La Grande. who have not been on good terms on ao- -count of a courtship rivalry met in town Saturday and agreed to settle their differ ences in the old fashioned way that of a rough-and-tumble "scrap," says tbe Chronicle. They repaired to a secladed pot beyond some box cas, and fought it oa;. There is a flur famine in Fossil just now. Few of the citizens have as much as a sack or flour on band, and many are out and are living on corn meal aud self ruing Hour, ot wnicn there are tew sacks in store, The cause of the limine is the state of the roads over which neither flour nor wheat can be hauled in. " The contrast in tbe condition of the country between the time of Lincoln's first inauguration and tbat ot rrealdent elect McKinley w said to be yividlv portrayed in an article by Hevht a Fiske for tbe March Ladies Home jo jrnal. in telling Wk- l i.iinl.-c. Il'inl lnminiriill ' Mr Fiske graDbically describes Mr Lin coin's journey from Springfield, Illinois, to Washington, and tbe incidents ot uie inauguration and the attendant festi vme Most Torturing, Disfiguring, Humiliating Of itching, burning, bleeding, scaly skin and scalp humors is instantly relieved by a warm bath with Cuticcra Boat, a single application of Ccticcba (oint ment), the great skin core, and a full dose of Ccticd a R KtLVKirr, greatest of blood purifiers and humor eures. titicira Bkuedizs speedily, apermanently, and economically cure, when all else toils. ' nn in nr. Rai... Sola PraM.. BaMea. V fwes mr" Hum Cms Stmj Hb sad Bloo- Kumar, tna. Fsrtflrd mi BwnlHlMl tUTlCUBA. SOAJP. il jfr-i faw THE LEGISLATURE. The only legal house in erosion Wed nesday evening was the Davis house, with the Simon fourteen hanging on. Before adjourning sine die the Benson house went through the lorm of provid ing for the pay of its oilicers. after a long dispute ana debate on economy, etc. Quite farsical A resolution by Somers prov'ded for the appointment of a committee to ex amine, correct and approve the journal of the house at the pay of chief clerk, to be limited to four days. It passed. The employee of the senate were voted the following pay: Chief clerk, $3; as sistant chiel clerk. 6; calendar clerk, 1 6; reading clerk, $6; mailing clerk, $4; sergeaut-at-arms. $5; doorkeeper, f5; three pages for senate and one for eta'e printer, 2 60, A hot debate was had on several amendments. During the discussion Reed aaid fie hoped the next session of the legislature would repudiate all these expenses. Dufur asked if the clerks should suffer for the shortcomings of the oenators? Reed rt plied with lh question : Should all the farmers', producers and laboreis of Oregon suffer for the damnable record made by the members of this senate. AsoTBRa Bowuxo Contest. The tnin OritV in the rtvent bnwlimr rAnlMt h lievlng they were held up by bad luck, and that in another ccntest they can even tilings up some, have challenged the champions to another contest, which will com off Friday and Saturday even ings, beginning at 7 :.'i0 o'clock . Three trn frame games will be played each evaning. Rettrxing Home. Senator Driver, of Lane, went home this noon.Senator.Daw e-.n, of thiscourty, returned home, also Representative Somers.and a good many other senators and representatives. About all that are left at Salem are Si mon and about teu following renators and Davis aud several representatives. There has been a pretty complete col lapse. No Pat i moht. Secretary of State Kincaid refuse lo issue any certificates to members and otlk-ers of the Benton house: but i-ues them for the senate. The representatives are talking of begin ning mandamus Droceedtn-a aeainet the Secretarv. Next thing to going to sea is to read the elush written by Corbett and Flu Simmons from Carson, about what they are going to do in the 17tu of March fight. The encounter on that day will be a mild aSair beside the tongue lashing that is now in progress. If their conceit con tinues to be developed as at present their heads on March 17 will look like the leaning tower of Pisa. The public needs to lay in an extra doeeof magnesia to keep their etomachea in a healthy condition. Mr. James-E. Banes, a well-known newspaper man of Portland, and for some time an employ of the U. R. & N. Co., died a few days ago in Colorado. The deceaed was an intelligent, active and genial gentleman. Mr. Bangs was in Albany a number of times as advance agent for theatrical I roups or concert companies. " liUCO-t I li his teaching phrsul training aat is the I'B-oCBAT that the training ts a sp endid tbtcg, particularly for people of sedentary habits 1boeir tereted boold see him at the home of V!r Marks on Wasbiogton street. r.iiD-r THE DAVIS HOUSE. Sauem, Feb. 26. Twenty nine at swered roll in the Davis house. Kruse was excused for illnees. Indications are that an organization will take place on Tuesday. Brr It Dids't Hafpkx. Tbe following from tbe Advance reads like a j ke on the county clerk ; but it is not, it is a joke oo the editor, inquiry at the oiiice revealing tbe fret that nothing of tbe kind has oc curred at all: "A Sweet Home young roan vis: ted the coumy seat a sorl time since to secure a marriage license Being uoder age, he took with him tbe written consent of his lather. Upon examining the license, after returning home, a ser ious mistake was found in it the name of the father instead of the son appear ing as the prospective bridegroom. The old gentleman said he didn't want "that girl, ' so tbe young man had to make an other call on the county clerk." Scio. C. S. Uarnish and wife came over from Albany last Thursday, to re main for two weeks. Mr. Ilarcuh pur poses to divide his time between practice in horticulture and the making of the hu man shadow permanent. The 'Mining" has lately affected a large portion of our citizens. Tbe churches. Odd Fellows, .M-ccabees and Ladies of the Maccabees, have all come in for a share. A. J. Jarnigan, who has hitherto lived near the Richardson bridge on the Crab- ree, bos disposed ot bis place there and will remove to Scio, he has rented the property formerly occupied bv lr. Hvde. Press. A.sotheb Ck-amkhv. E. J, Seelev of the Albany creamery, and Richmond heeler have begun arrangements for the build ng of a creamery at Plainview, with a 00 cow capacity. A car load of lumber is already on the ground and the worn will be pushed at once. Mr . Fred Bruckman has been employed to ran it, iur. eeeiey attending to tbe Albany creame-y as now. That is the way creameries are built in Linn county. Sousas band is to be in Portland The Wm. A. Lane pnnertv at and near narrisoorg has been appraised at 128,000. tt is to ce aiviueu among tbe neirs. The Jonrnal accuses ReDresentativa l Patterson, of Marion count?, of beinir searv in person out ugoi in Dead, If the weather continues good it is uni.l the wheat acreage in Linn county this vear win ua iub uiggest in us cisiory. lost down the street at 2nd and EII woriu, in. nn.any .iressea oeef t:o aro il . L. 111 . Tt i i . splendidly equipped for serving the puhlic wen m an ainus oi cnoice meats, promptly uiu coreiuuy. Fred Bushnell, of Eugen, was operated npon at tbe Good Snmaritan hospital at roruanu, mis ws, ior Rppendicitis, an died from tbe effects of it. be bad had two previous attack-,. Joe Hansard received a la' for iVii -- from Ruff Hiatt, in which Ruff stated that bis wboie partj were working near River side, Calif., helping pnt out a 40,000 acre orcnara, ana were being paid 1.75 per uay. -ueuunuu express. Ihe bidding for printing assessor'i blanks last Tuesday was quite close and spirited, says the Toledo Leader. The stipulation called for '..000 sixteen pagi blanks. 1 be lowest hid was tbat of the Leader, it being f 19.75. Tbe highest bid was tbat of the JNewport News, being 1100. Foreclosure proceedings were beo-nn 1 the circuit court at Salem yesterday by H P. MeTMarv. receiver of tha Willi.-., j England Banking Company, vs George Williams and William England, on two promissory notes of f 25,0u0 each. Besides tbe notes, an overdraft of I83S1 by Wil hums x hngland, and an overdraft $2024 by George Williams is sued for, Dawson will treat you right i v t f T THE WOODMEN. The member of Albany Damp No. ln3, Woodmen of the World, celebrated their second anniversary, in the Balti more block, last night, . with an enter tainment and bamiuet. It was one of their most successful gatherings. Every chip was neatly cut, with keen edued axes. The large hall was pacKed full when the Mandolin t lui, Messrs. Le enger, Stewart and Gotlieb, swung first ax in the rendering of the choci program. 'I he chip was lull of tnusie and all through the evening this clu showed their proficiency as an entertaii er. Consul K E. Allen was at his he in 'us address of welcome Miss Aide son was heard in Ben Bolt and receiv a deserved encore. Miss Arlne Trai recited "Asleep at the hwitch." in a lightful manner, displaying a rare tale and in res ponce to a , warm encore tol of the antics of a Woodman's goat. . vocal duet by Mr. Stee'e and Miss Al derson was gc-atly apffteoUted, and en cored. Mr. W. H. Street, of Portland, sang ine Dustman, which was given an appreciative encore. Miss Aluerson piano solo displayed her talent as a ma nipulator of the keys and an encore was well responded to. Mr. Steele gave a baritone solo that was excellent. One of the most artistic retiutions given io Aioany was mat o: Mis Lillian Craw ford. "The Marble Dream." In Gre cian costume she presented this beauti ful production, being well assisted by miss air;e famuli on the piano, and by D. J. DubmiDe in a dramatic response from the laud of shades The program closed with a song b - eight year old Virl Y. Sacry.with Miss Ellis at accoinpaniet. ineroL.ime mn ijo i Ury. which urougiit me rouse down A response was just as ni'icn appreciated, and l n sul Allen was lead lo remark that the bet bad been saved for the last. It at least was the debut of a beautiful song ster, whose voii-e iosesoe a wonde'ful sweetness, well controlled, backed by very coini oeed and ulrasinir u.annert The large audience then adjourned to me uanuuet bail where two hundred eight aat down to the first table, as de licious and well prepared a least and as nicety arranged and served as one olien sees. This was followed by a series of toasts conducted by Toastmaster Cannon in m manner that added relish to the feast of chip that flew from the axes of O. O Hokua, on "Woodmen of the World," who proclaimed himself a teas cot, Mies Julia Tavlor. on the Circle. whose health the men drank in pure waters The Ladies, be Consul Alien, whose familiarity with the subject from the time of Eve.'greafy p!e-d the list- enera; The Gentlemen, bi- Mrs. Haa k ins, who seemed t know -hat she was; laming anout; The Woodman Goat." by J. S. Vanwtnkie, who was first ini tiated when a barefooted boy panting and paniless, and the Alent Neighbors by . H Street, a gentlemanly neigh bor from Portland. A cake. precud by Mrs Hendricks, of Harrisburg.was sold and secured by Mr. Street, who gracious ly niado Mis Emmi Pfeiffer the recip ient of iu The entertainment was fjrmKy ad jotuned for one year. 0r roa, Nrr8ti. A live crowd of young people Ittt for Newbergon the Roth at 7 o'clock this rr orbing io attend me oravoiiri contest whicii ukr place tonight. Ed Stewart, who will orate or Albany College and Gait HiU went esterday. Tbose going lodav mere Jm. tnick. liert Wicht. Jo. litmrtimrr. Kits McCoy, Marguerite Horkics and Ethel icuuciu. mi ueiegae who lie aoove. nd Fred Weatberiord. Mriua Marcel tt, itary Mewan and Joa. IU.;cn. il under the charge of Prof. Carlton ix. AoeifortaillbemadetoLirethe contest in Albany next year. M; Maud Haibu-t is eeriousSy ill with inflammation of the s torn ache. Mr. Richard Eboade. of the high school, is ill with typhoid pneumonia. Rev. Wire was iu Eugene this week to preach the funeral sermon of Mrs. Bush nell. Mrs. Paninger ar-d sister, of Portland, are in the city tbe guests of Mr. li. li. Sacrey. Tbe Magazine club will meet with! Mrs. J. K . Wealherford tomorrow after i noon at the usual hour. j Marshall Lee received a dispatch to dav from Junction tbat his mother could live only a short time, and will go there tonight to be at her bedside. Pete Lindgfen has sold his first t-icv cle of "97. He handle, tbe Ran bier. McMinnviile T. R. A former Aibanv man and brother of J. Lindgren. Mr. Clem Jones has been emploved bv Mr. H. F Mclwainand will be behind the counter when bi i store opens. Clem reliable, popular voucg man who can be depended on. Mr. and Mrs Benjamin Hardman ac companied by Mr. Riur, returned from Albany, where they went recently, and are again living tt their home'in this city. Riddle Mile. Senator 8. A. Dawson, of Linn coun ty, has gine to Albany, weary of bis la bors in the legislature. Statesman. Probably more weary of newspaper prattle. Mr. Ulvtees G. Hald has applied for poii lion of engineer at Chemawa. There are ten applicants and the will be g' ven a civil service examination next Monday at the Salem Posiotfice. All the count papers have a kind word for Albany's pioneer business man whose failure was recently announced The Scio Prtee savs: "When the news of the failure of the L, E. Plain Clothing Co , of Albany, reached this citv on last Thursdav. everybody expressed surprise nd sorrow. L.. f, tilain, the bead oi the firm, possesses the confidence and esteem of every one. And why not? He is ot the highest type-ot business integ rity and honor, most obliging, affable in bis intercourse with others and a man whom everv one delinhts to Lumber among his warmest friends. The Ad vance sayat "lhe lailure oi i.. r.. uiain is much regretted by all tbe old residents of tbe county. Mr. Blain is one cf the best and kindest men. and naa me con fidence and friendship of all who know dm. The votimr men associate, witn Mr,, in ii.. i. v HUin f!l tliinif Company are the same kind of men as bimsell.and we hoie their difficulties will soon be overcome. Nourish Him. S That's the whole secret In word. We can cure no disease unless we can keep up the pa tient's Strength. And there's only one way to do that feed him. But if the system rejuses food? Then use SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophosphites. It goes STRAIGHT TO THE BLOOD, stops the wasting, rekindles the vital fire, makes new flesh and so renders a hopeful fight possible against ANY disease. Especially is this so in bron chial and lung troubles, in the relief and cure of which Scott's Emulsion has won its reputa tion. Book about it free. Scott's Emulsion is no mysterious mixture. It Is palatable, non-nauseating and Infinitely preterabl to th plain oil. The genuine has our trade mark on salmoti-colored wrapper. Get the genuine For sab at 50 eta. and $1.00 by all druggists. SCOTT k BOWNB, KswYork, i HarrlHburg. Miss Viola Senders returned Wednea day from Albany where she has been for the past six weeks. James and Leonard Douglas have leased the Harrlshnrg Roller Mills and propose to put on the market a first-class flour, 40 pounds for a bushel ot good wnne w neai. liiese young men are na- this War. Henrv Pratt, tnr tour years a resident of the Yakima country, is in the city, enroute to Albany, - j -. - - ucr wuicu point ne nat purchased prop ertr, to which place he will remove his family in a few days. Mr. Pratt says the transient element in Central Washing ton is rapidly abandoning that region for uiuer poinu less at toe mercy of the rail road coin paiiies. He believe tbat the mce famous Yakima valley baa fewer residents to-dar than it had two mn ago It is a magnificent section of coun- iry, ue insists, and in it extraordinary crops of f.-uila. vegetables, hone and hav are raited, but the producer is unable to reacn me markets and have a profit left after paying the freight. In his opinion win oa verv Hiue development in that country until the people are relieved from the unreasonable oppression of the rauroaa monopoly. fortland Tribune. Failed to Akbivs The Carnita comp any, whi h was billed to a o near at tl.a opera house yesterday evening, failed to arrive yesieruav aliernoon. and. conse quently, no performance was given It is rumorevi mat tneeompany Is; in Junc tion and una hie to obtain thn bmmm- hmds to meet traveling ex censes. En gcue uoara. To C-Bsos The round trin far from Albany to Carson on the o-Yian n.' tha big prize fight wUI be f40.M). The par ticulars in refenre to the of soma-. etc., can be obtained of Agent Fronk. o LccrraE. The fifth lectnre in tha college series amounted to be held at the college to-night will be postponed on ac count of the failure of President Campbell to arrive for the occasion. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. Lewis I4ndincr is ill w:i dicitis. Rev. Louis Metaver was in Portland yesterday. President Hardman. cf th Rrttef Gwps, yeeterdav afternwon beg n her utiee ty tendering tue membets a fine tea. Mr. and Mrs. Johnsoo Porter, of Cor- vai. came over this noon on a visit i' b the letters mother and other rela. Uves and frieod. A. C. Marquis, of Crawio-dsvill . Linn co intjr, a-a'.e organizer of the Patriots of America order, is in tbecilvin the inter. 's of tbat iasttiuuoo. 8a'em Journal License has been ismied for th mar riage of Krr.m J. Fuller, of Pocatelio, Mali?, and M:t Itl.a Cberrv. of Alhan Hie happy tvent wiil Uke place touior- row. The Maccabeee gave a very pleasant entertainment for their members laat ight, both lodges uniting forces. A fine program was rendered and a delicious re pa served. Mrs M. H. Cyras, of Scio, and daugh ter, Mias Roee Moore, of hatem. are pending a few days with relative in this rity, the latter arriving on last ig'it'a overland. Mies KhoJa Hail in writing her annual letter to the Democrat man from Fort imcre. Wash., save: "The Indians and are all right, and I nele Sam has fixed so we can't get crank." L nele Sam as done a good thing. Mrs. H A. Johnson, a pioneer ladvof alem, died yesterday at the age of 78 years. Mr. and Mrs. Johoso 1 came to Oregon in 1S47. The deceased leave ix son and one daughter, ni : J. C, Geo. .. ft . W . II. A.. Jr.. 8. T. and P. M. Johnsan, and Mrs. J. W. Harriu. N. IL Alien and wife, of Lion county. were amoog tbe paeeengers on tbe morn ing train for Corvaliis last Wednesday. Mrs. Allen, was a Miss Daisr Le. and cne of the graduate from the Stale Nor mal chool. Indetiendence EntemriiM The Enterprise mutt have the Allen lamilie mixed up. George O'Brien, living just below town, as visiting in tbe citv last Saturdav. ie report his brother-in-law. W it. Lawler, proprietor of the Quartarille mines, now in Pans, r ranee, under treatment for an affection of tbe eye, and report the probability of soon be ing restored to perfect eight. IndeDend ence Enterprise. Thk Albast. In a short time the steamer Albany will be the handsomest passenger boat on the Willamette. To morrow the Hoa goo with her to Port land, and Wednesday come out of Port land on the Albany's run. The Albany remains in Portland to undergo a com plete overhaulicg, in which many im provement for the accommodation of tbe traveling public are to be made. An up per deck is to lie added, for the accom modation of 'he crew, giving more state rooms and additional conveniences to pajeengers. Upholstered chair and ounges are to be placed in the fore and aft taloona and the latter is to have a new carpet. Many other improvements are io tie made, all of which will add to the popularity of the already favorite river steamer. Times. WtLtGoToCiRsos. It is now learn ed that ten or tweive Albany voung men will go to the big tight at Carson. A company of them expect to leave the city next .Monday morning, ihey will not buy tickets, but will take the rutile, determined to reach Car son or bust. That is a long distance to go to tee a few moment if fighting; but when a boy the .Man about Town otten walked a tulle for a two minute ride down hill, and it is possible this is on tbat plan. It may be predicted that Carson will be a live place for several weeks, and that it wili be full ot young men without oionev, who have traveled miles to see the show. Portland Companies. The Carnita Company, recently in Albany, who were billed for several places south ot here, only went as far as Junction, and then returned to fu'ir homes in rortiand. Carnita is a Miss Howard, Mr. Whiting is a local, but excellent singer, and one of the ladies is wife of Mr. Shields who manipulate the niagic lantern. Tbe Kentucky Jubilee Singers are also a Portland company. Held Up The Junction stage was held up four miles above Monroe, Mon day. The mail sacks were not molested, an 1 nothing of value was taken from the driver. Some tall swearing wa done by tbe driver, and tbat la what saved the mails. It was the mud and not a highwayman that committed tbe bold act. Times. Fob Appendicitis. An operation was pei formed this forenoon by Drs. Davis i and Wallace on Mi. Louis Dindinge", ; clerk with Read. Peacock A Co.. for ap- pendicitia. An abceto wa found on th . appendix, which wa in a bad condition. Mr. Dindinger's condition is a critical ne. OVMfi bsofutely Pure C'exl for it great leaven in c md bealthfulnen. Amna tH instainm and all fotms of adal- it-iauon common to 'be cheap brands milAl BU1.10 MWD CO., HI TOBK HOME AND ABROAD. Dawson sells Liverine. Liverioe 50c at Dawson's. Apples at C E B bowk ell's. Jonesville picnic, March 9. F ourth of Idy at Jonesville. Smiley does our job printing. No blur on Smiley 's printing. "- laces, laces, lace at tbe Ladies iazaar. , ew nboona. ribbons, ribbons at the antes Bazaar. New veilings, veiling. Ladie. Bazaar. veilings at the For the latest novelties in French toe jeweler. jewelry see vilsoo and K nrhen Ui ., rf ; have begun tilink the fair ground. For a good physic take Liverioe, for tale oy irawsoo, Uie -put autocrat- fur printing is the cbecat . bnnw it is me beat. fcniLKr, the Printer. Our work is the Ivat lUofnn it i. il - - - ---- - mm st Brmiev. t s rTintr. Crawford A Hirai far titudnrtM Prices from ft to IV9 per doien. ater white comb hrm fmm P.tir.;. Jut ia at ij Bowxu.-a Two packag of s-rden seed for !v-fa according to their usual custom at Stewart k Sot's. " to -mettck Son nave moved their me t market to to dn mi rJ L'n -k MeUer's. The Corvaliis city iail is to hava t mn steel cage to eott $2M.i. Fred Obere as tbe contract. Kroshel Bros sell 12 Dcwind nth.., f... 25 cents, not tor 1.00 as the Dmocat made tt read. If our work and stock im't iwnMi. ed, you can get your mane back. mi- trj ine primer lr. G- W. Maaton. Dfiricia and mar. geon. Albany Or. Calls answered prompt ly in city or country Information b i u worth itm wihl ! go d : Get your meau ul a kind at Hen ry Broder s. on Second street. Dr. H . E. and O C. BrcnniiM rei mre io lie (ot ofice buiki:og Sec ial atteutiOB given to t aeases of worses Tbe flame aear Fromm a mill km mi Upwd. Tfc ts tfce one ov wbkk the re has bera some cuatest in the city cooaL Th Steamer Faral'oo arrived in Ya. quma from San Francisco (Ml morning. Amoog the pa sender was Mr W V Croehy. Don't forget the fart that FrencL i. moved bis jewelry store into the Bank oi Hrvgon Building, and is now ready for business. Ine price of ire-oine Oliver rhil!i n shares La bees reduced to 50 rear. Be sure the bat e CHier is oo everv share For ai ool by Hopkins Broa. The higbea average made in afom rtrame contest in Portland this week was about - 1 est rday Mr O T Porter made 62 in one game, the highest of the week. The Ladies aaaai r a-e showing new muslin nnderwear in skirts, nightgowns corset cover and drawer for le i money than they can be made np at home. For cooioe meets of all kinds call on Em crick A Brockmn in the Blomberg block where they are mnaing their own hnrinrn and treaUng their customers w 1L If you owe Conn A Huston call npon them sxd pay np. Why isn't that a goxl esolatiom. tor now is the pay up time. One of the best gotten no state docu ments ts that of thi report of Secretary of Slate Kincaid. ia hnaa torm. Mr Kin caid ia making a very efficient official. If son are bunting for F M French, yon will find him in the Oregun Bank build ing, with a fine stock of watches, jewelry. c, ano spieocia ractiiues ior serving tbe puiHic Backingfaam's Dye for the Whisker is a popular preparation in onebott'e, and co(or evenly a brown or black. Any ptr on can easily apply it at home. The Co railis creaaerv com nan v ml. lapsed. It was bound to a org ilasJ. f'ow there is talk of one on a different plan. Tbe corporative plan is the proper one. Remember that. Stop in al Burkbart and Lee's Ana store and examine their stock of c'rmx Havana cigars, they eerta inlv have a fine line and always try to please every one that enjoys a good smoke. Sous, Band will be in Portland on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings of next week There is tal k of an excursion on Tuesday to bear these famous musicians if a sufficient number will go. One evening last week the hall at the Rnas House was backed up by a knife in a very savage manner, and tbe new hose of Dr Hill, next door, cut up, evidently out ot pure "cussednesa." W bo did it. Don't forget that pure fresh drug is just what you want in your prescriptions wuen you are sick. ui rxiiarl ce are careful and kuow how to compound all physicians prescription. Consider your way, think before you act, and then go to llaight Bros , where you win tind a choice stock of meats of all kinds to ord- from. You are bound to be pleased it you order of them. Ezra Durand. who victimized several I ortand men several year ago. among others one or two farmer Linn county men. was arrested in Cairo, Micb., esterday. ne snouid oe brought back t fortland. The report that he was in a big Capetown swinaie was a lane. Postponkmkst. In consequence of the evangelistic services now being held in the Baptist church, it has been thought best to postpone the union missionary meetings till the early part of March. Due notice of the time ot meeting will be announced. Com. Flax Won. At the intercollegiate ora torical contest at Newberg yesterday ne nrst prise was awarded to t red f ist. of tbe State University, the second prise io r. ttauer, ot raciue university of r ores urove. Entkrprisiiq - TheStellmacher Bros, sre np to date. They have just received through Stewart A Sox four fine Stude- baker backs, especially for their delivery uusiness, wuicu vuey will put on in a few weeks. Safk Dap. bit Yaclt In considera tion ot zoc per month or la 80 a year, yen can neposii your oox oi valuable papers jewelry, etc, in our vault for safe keeping. Size of box not to exceed 7x12x12. For information call at F il French s store. Bank oi Oregon Building. jewelry The Albany Dressed Beef Company continue to dispose of more meat than ever at the old quarter, coiner Second ana -uswortn streets. (satisfaction guaranteed when you use "Perfection" Dyes, for sale , r, j- (A I uy x-reu uawson. High Schools. The Lebanon Advance says : Hon. M A. Miller, a we stated two week ago sent a circular letter to tbe different town ot tbe state, in crier to ascertain the sen timent of tbe public in regard to high cbool work in the public school Fol lowing are the answers received from some of the principal place: La Grande Four-year high school school course. Ashland Public sentiment for bigb school work; No. grades. 11. McMinnviile Pnblic sentiment for high school work: No. trades. 10. Medford Pnblic sentiment for bigb renvoi wojk ; rto, grades, lu. the Uslle Fnblic sentiment for high school work; No. grade. 11. independence Public sentiment tor high school work : No. grade. 10. Aibanv Public sentiment string for uigQ school work. Eugene bent nent for LLrh school : No grade. 9. Wood burn Sentiment for hi?h school : i . . uave poet grade course. fteeton r or high school. In most of the wna the nnnili are all in one building, which is generally con sidered an ad van tan ge. A noticeable feature of the replies ia tbat in tbe cities where college are located the sentiment in Birongjy in lavorot ign scbool work m me public schools. Brownsville. Mr. Anns Williams, a teacher in the Albany public schools, was in tbe citv over Sunday, the gueat of W. A. Calder and wife. i wo gentlemen were In tbe citv vea- teruay loosing ior a place to locate a bowling alley. We understand they made arrangement to open an alley in tbe Thompson building. W A. Calder was taken nnite ill Um. day evening, and ha not yet sufficiently recovered a to be able to aaeume his duties a principal of the North Brown ville school, a S. McDonald has been wielding the rod in his room nee Wed. needay. Dr. O. B. Reese last week nresented hia old friend. Gov. Lord, a handsome pres ent, to speax ing ot tbe matter a eorres pondent to the Oregon ien say: Gover nor Lord ia in receipt of a ha ndsome cane of native wood, topped with a bead of elk bom; an exceptionally neat piece of workmanship, forwarded to him bv Dr. O. B. Reese, of Brownsville, "a a token of esteem and kind feeling, from a vet eran of tbe a veteran of the b-ue," ine governor sent a feeling letter of re sponse, and assured the donor that tbe gift would be preserved a a momenlo of mutual respect between men armi ig on opposite side during th late war. Bowxrjto. The second bowling contest at the alley laat night was an exciting one and resulted in a change of situ lions, which thoogb it is proposed to reverse tonight on the completion of the oor test. Three ten frame game were played. Score: McCoy 93. Beers 108, Hopkins 103, Porter 113. James 74. To ut 491. Average 32 11-15. Ch pfeiffer S9. Lee 9t, Smiley JOS. Kroechel 75. Brown 87 Total 4S. Avr ge 30 8-15. Tbe other thrr game will be olaved tonight. The winner of the former con- teet were treated to an oyster rapper. - Da. Row xo D id. Ws are in recein t of meagre information regarding the death of Dr. Rowland and so- Albert. both formerly of this place. Tbe Dr. had been attending hi sick son for a long time, and al the time of tbei-death they were in Ogdeo, Utah. The old gentleman died in the morning of Feb ruary 21. and the son passed awav in -he afternoon of the same day. We did not learn tbe caose of the Dr's death. Time. Ur. Hnw and wa the maker of the Eaet India catarrh snuff and resided at Albnv for a year or two. Qrrrx ax Ivdcstkt. A large ns: nVi ot cottonwood and white fir logs are now being cut along tbe ft lUametie, from Alhany down, preparatory to being raft ed down tbe river to the pulp mill at Oregon City. A camp of loggers has gone to work also on tbe Sooth Santiam below Lebanon cutting Iocs for the Ore gon City mill, Tbe price paid for logs io toe river is moout Ht per tuoosana feeC Thi wcrk ha developed into auite an industry along the streams of the W u 1 lette valley. Oaard. Not Ixsaxs. Upon complaint of Mrs. Mary Drinkard, Abe Bennett,of Browns ville, wa brought to Albany yesterday and examined for insanity. He was ac cused of trying to make love to members of the Drink rd family, greatly to their distate and that he th re tend the lives of George Gentry and J. A. Peacock, etc He wa discharged, the commission de cided that be was of sound mind. Ml DALKTru The Ashland Rec ord says: "C. H. Dalrymple, the well- known lawyer of Aibanv was hero Fri day and Saturdav and is at present lo cated at Gold UilL Mr. D. ha been contemplating moving up to southern Oregon for several year and is here looking over the field for a permanent location. Air. iiairymp.e laanrnclasa lawyer and should be conclude to Lang out his shingle in southern Oregon be wul receive a targe practice." Died. Mn. Lee. mother of Marshal Lee, Hon. T.J. Lee, of Independence, W. Lee 'of JcnctionJ and others, four eon and three daughters in all, died at Junc tion last night at the age of 84 years, 4 months and 12 day. Ber husband died in 1SS2. Mrs, Lee was a pioneer woman. respected and esteemed ly all knowing ner. A special meeting cf the Rati bone Sis ter will be held at the hall of Alpha Tem ple No. 1, this (Saturday) evening at 7:30. All member are expected to oe present. By order ot uie a. u. a a r w-t AIR S. -USA 1 UOHT. Mr Both tha method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant ana ret resiling to the taste, and acta CnUy yet promptly on the Kidneys, ver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem enectuaiiy, dispels colds, bead aches and fevers aud cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and nave made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for tale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist wbo may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIQ SYRUP CO, 4ff AMSCfSCO. CL at roar, a . HEW YORK WORLD, THR1CE-A-WEEK EDITION . . ies a Week. iSS Papers a Tear, la larver thaa an wkkt nr .;. weekly paper published and is the only mrartant demnerati mwmItI " n 1 iahed in New Yn.-k Citv Thrx frn . M large 4 the leading re-wblican week i . . . . -. . ... . ty oi rew 1 ore jit. it will be of -ecial advantage to yon during th residential Campaign, a it ia pub lied every other day, except Sunday, ka all the freshnea and timelineee daily. It combine all the newt a long list of interesting depart, a, unique feature, cartoon and lie ill Orations, the latter being a lty. i these improvements have been without tnr inrifii i in lh... which remains at one dol'ar per year We offer thi nnequaled newspaper and tbe Wrext Dekot t together one -ear for (2.00. Sat-s factory term wi t "7 Academy of Our Lady of Per petual Help. Boarding School for Girls. Thorough instruction Wholesome diet Homelike treatment. Consider ing hard time, favorable reduction are made for boarder and day ehoUr. Studies will be reenmed ."feet. 1st. For nrtber particular call at the Ac ademw or write to Sis te Superior. C0NSER71T0RY OF HOSTG Tbany College f-t tier the school veai 1S96-1897: .unri jrvin, Mas. Doe. dire-tor. Assistant teachers-Marguerite Aid rson, E. M and Mrs. Josephine Sharpe. Tboronzh and systematic instruction given in all the important bran he of music, e ect conservatory room and .tgeet mnsical library and laeuitie for mutiral work. L rjreet nom ber of eoa servatory students enrolled of any music cbool in the stale. Term a low. Send for circular and catalogue, to ft 4TJ tcx Uowm Ln , A. M. Albany. Oregon. Ms lb li Ial Ed 1st.. Eases Fsr all tte WTattr Cvesisjs ALMOST FREE. TOWS TOPICS, sSv . a 9 ?TTrTf7 air- ant iar a. rvi. TOT fotVw-s; yrbm novels TV-o KCST P.FD -in nrrt-$ix pare, re eta); far FIFTY ao bo s am , rpnoe F any FOT: for - O rxHiAJt FUTY - OSE K-L4.R mar TES : for OX- TOIJ 1 A5D A A F lb s w ale tutgm rr m STT S uta a. t-nre uu cr t son. tic-txc the corsrs or tk rsa ByaaTa S-erx OX S3 XX Fn By O ice I. S-TEK-IbTS OF r-mxr 3- Csjcaia ASfrM Tru-rm-a. la-AvrHosnr xi st. BnxrtatiVirM u- eclub or viiL. Br a u t B-i-t rlKSABi?TK EST. BrolmGO- t. U-XBAT D& -9m, X. Br d . 114 rJ-St EI S-STEK. By C rr - B-W-BTT SATS G1ADT- By Swrld C-rtJ-s M a VB?"C CABLE BTET. By H. Brf i c-ayo anuria roa bats. By B nu s. t DTfor Tint STTPT. By T. C D 1ms. SS THE HI ST roa mm.A ij Bi IS ST 4 4 I XT S3 XT Bj 4 kTjus. What We Know about Printing . . . Some people write book about what they know about printing. Tbe people pay for that work. Some people could write a rreat deal larger book entitled "What I don't Know about Printing," aud still have some room 1 left. Our p'an ia to deal in cold facts, no theories. We print everr thing and let tbe people judge. They're oar court and we'll abide by their verdict. Lowest price. Sewest type. See for yourselves. IMPRINT JOB OrFICE- City O-tcial Office. N' EW HOME LAUNDRY. Nor and of Ell worth btreet. I ami wahino taken . Particular attention pa to bundle washing and mending. Sati faction guaranteed. Mas. Chbistsxr K. O. T. M. Meet every Saturdav eveninf at K. O. T. M . Hall. Visiting Knight invited to end. J. S. Vas Wixxl a , Com. AT THE MIXES. Boarding, lodging and meals may be secured of tbe sab eenber at the Santiam mines, at his place at the mouth of Dry Gulch. H. W. White. li EO E Fl!tt THE PLUMBKR Tin rooSng and plumbing. Opposite he opera house POSITION WANTED. Sellable girl wisbe place to do general housework. Address, Box 9, PhUo-ln Or. PIR BENT. Cottage on Srd Street near Ellsworth. Call on Mrs W. R. Bilyeu. . "V T r? Ca Reason To V,W iVl H. getber! Is it not bet ter to buy your Bread, Pies, Rolls, Cakes, tc, at a reliable store where they use only the Beet material why of course it s you dont want dyspepsia and yon'.l never get it by eating anything from ort tore. U.fc. BAKERY. Be Ellsworth and Lyon 2nd St. C. D. Yakdtm. Proprietor STOLEN. From Mrs. J. B. Jenki at Tangent, a saddle, abcut Feb. 12. o reward. FOR SALE. A freeb milch cow, and calf, cheap. Inquire of F S Doush ten, Spicer. T-iOOMS TO RENT. Call on Mrs. IV Owen, on 3rd Street, between Broad- albin and E llsworih. STREET RAILWAY: NOTICE. The motoi on tbe Alban trtet rail way will connect promptly with all trains to and from the depot, day and night. Special trip will be n ade at special ates. t. F. Const, Conductor, CITY TREASURERS NOTICE NO. 12- T1I . t. In.),, al ttl.t fi 1. mr on hand to pay outstanding warrants of ice issue oi toao, u o- v elusive, interest on soch warrant will eeae with the date ot this notice. Al'sanT.Or, Dec. 23, 1S96. E.A. PAxjtEa, City Ties v