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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1897)
1 ) - - VOL XXXI 1. ALBANY OREGON. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY SGJ897. Entered cn tke Fest OlBee at tlbany. Or. at fteeaad-t'lass Hall Matfrti NO ;o r r BTTTIMS rsMlsfcer saw rresrlslav - r -r 11 . iimpmsmspiS VkA 6 h ftJ 3 am en . , AgefehlcPrcparaSionlcrAs- simuaung merooaandRcguia ting the Stomachs araUBov. els of Romotes'Diiestion.rhrrTri if 'ncss and Rest.Contains rtcither '-jnuiu.Norpmne nor ruacraL AlA' ACOTIC. aaV 'pL!-i'" Apcrfecf Remedy ror Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca. and Loss of Sleep. Tax Simile Signature of VTEW "YORK. a -a EXACT CO FT OT VRAPFEH. Thirtieth ALBANY C ft I f 5 tr 55M ! t l ill' 'JWS . Cai-esdak fob 1S96-7 iaw-spt. 16-Hege Yearegns . . - Wednesday uec. xi- -term examinations Dec- 23- First Term ends Winter-Vacation of Twelve Days '397 Jan 5 Second term begins Yeb 22WMhingtn'8 Birthday a holiday". April ft Term Examinations begin April 8 Second Term ends Arbor Day Vacation of Four Days April 12 Third Term begins June 8 Final Examinations begin 4une io ryaccaiaureate fcennon SahKati, inror.i. lunelS-Address before the Y. M. and Y. w C 1 Sabbath evening June 11 Annual Meeting: of the Board of Trustees Monday afternoon jane u junior urauons Jane ui Graduating Exercises of Music June 15 Popular Entertaicnent June 16 Commencement June 16 Alumni Se-anion Four Courses of Instruction leading up to Music courses, with appropriate diplomas. For further information, WALLACE Hon. W; A LL who are -. :tr W. J. Bryan's n nv L mediately with taz put'-h. s. An c'COt '.L- . lXiV!CV W-it : His bk?r 9b&tP His sncs-. tmr.? V:ZsT hfJh IRQ rest:! r'- m - 3EfITr WANTED Cr , Mr. Bryan has amouaced Vis intention cf devoting one-half of all rcya'ues 1c urf iicrinp- the cause of bimetallism. There are c'jzd roous sale. Address W. B. QMMy SY F 341. J5i D3 u if rn select the Waverly because ExDetlenced SS'lL1 RidefS- WwSi, . ... ..v. map bt DIAN A BICYCLE CO. IHDIARAFOUB, IND PORTLAND &&&giri2 a VV --i Ml El AM w S WlL CHri full English Coijrsc. FRENCH A.NU GtiiMAM, business branches. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, telegraphy. WM boarding mmmvLmts THOMAS and Dealer iu you SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE WRAPPER OF EVEBT BOTTlB OB1 Cistarfa fa jmt up la casJia bottle, ajy. la act sold la balk. sllaw anyensto sell !Vi - OP fi 13 ON THE I jJISl 1 fill! yoasaytling oka on tie plea praxis Oat it JAU jrt as rood" aai "will answer tt Tr- t m leas TOC eat iVAJLTJLh.I.J srery Vear. "begin -Monday Wednesday Tuesday Monday - Tuesday Thursday Tuesday .Tuesday Monday evening the Uonservatory of Tuesday forenoon Tuesday evening Wednesday Wednesday e veiling degrees- Well equipped B lna and Catalogue free ismesa and address HOWE LEE. President. A Jbany, Or. c .-iir the sa ic of Hon. cor rssTJond im- hc work wa contain anpa' tqn tour . . . tttea r ry his wife -nsalqn of 1896. L 'dJj f-1' situation xy indlcaticris of n cnor- Publishers, U...Cr.CACa. .SArelitiiltin 2 the 1 orgest LES. and pest "Poof m "V IO. pitcffflgFjfBdetiieWcwid , they have learned to know tl leit- Vnd one. that n4 eotherB good but the o.vo and $80 DO, A. J. Hodges, oe 1 0 i 11 H i5MBUSIMESS Gi OREGON BKIK V XT AT'- r xjur I I A' All kinds of furniture If 3 beddingr, and it want the most I complete flour safe, he has them and his prces the lowest. Two Assignments. The L. E. Blain Clothing Company and L. . blain personally this moraing made genera, assignments (or the benefit, oi tneir creditors. The L. E. Blain Clothing Company as signed all itt property to S. E. Young. It consists of the large stock of goods of me company ot me value ot about f-U,-000 and a large list of notes and accounts amounting to f 10,000 to flS.Ot.O. The li abilities amount to onlv about f 12,000, being comparatively small. L. E. Blain personally assigned all his property to E. W. Langdcn. It consists of eight or ten nieces of land in tracts of 100 acres. 92 acres, 260 acres, S5 acres. 10 acres, 19 lots at Corvallis. several lots at Yaquina Bay, his residence property, a few other loUsome Building and Loan 6tock. electric liuht. luininir and other stock, all of the listed value of about 18.000. and a large number of nottwand accounts of the nominal value of $12,000 to f 15.000, most being of little value at the present. His liabilities annvunt to Job, 000. The failure is the result of the hard times. The condition of the firms busi ness, thouch. it wilt be setn is pretty good, ftjr. Blaina personal liabilities making the movement necessary. : JU. iiuun baa been a resident oi At- Ibany for nearly fifty years, building np a ciuuuuii i or integrity uia is unque uon?o, ana uie failure is one ttiat u un iversally regretted. A suit and attachment by Eliaabeth Cox for $2000 precipitated the assign ment. Since the tiling of the deed of assignment suits have beeo brought by John Conner again it L. E. Blain et al for 1000, and . bv W. L. Vance against Arch Hammer et al for 3275, ith at tachments. . Just the Same. Salkv, Feb. 13. The senatorial mat ter was not fixed oo aa some anlici Dat ed. Wuen the joint convention aas called to order only 35 were present. The outlook continues to be an adjourn ment with nothing done. Tao VaxTCKEScsfs Bora. Earl Davis and Charlie Roes, two lada of this city, says the Eugene Guard, embarked this morning on a iong journey a part cf ' v : .1 1 L. i : - it . i . mwi ui m miuM7 to a swan row uuat. They fitted their craft oat with only that which they thought absolutely necessary ior such a trip and with the rising of the sun glided swiftly aud silently down the illamette this morning. Tuey will go to Portland in this boat and from there wilt go by steamer to San Francisco. At San Francisco tbey will again launch, their row boat and go in it to San Jose. Fran San Jose they will go by train or steamer to San Diego, their deatins'ion, where thep will engage in some kind of business. Moan. aged Decipedlt. The suit of Colonel Zephaniah S. Spa!ding vs R. S. Perkins and wife et al, to foreclose a mortgage on the Perkins hotel property, tbe-Cbinese theatre on Second street, near Alder, six lots at Washington and Twenty-first street, and property on Front street, near Ankeny, was heard by Judsre feirs yesterday, and was taken under advisement. The original mort gage was for 1150,000, and waa executed Septembr 23, 1890. It waa renewed September 23, 1594. It now amounts with ialerest to about $196,000. Tri bune. The sale of property by the sheriff for j taxes, wss in progress this a'ternocn, the county frying the principal bidder. W. H. Raymond has bn in the city. Burr Sloan came over from Monmouth t oday to attend No l'a bouse warming t anight. Mr. C. n. Dalrymple closel his law office in Albany last evening, "and left on last night's overland bound southward. W W Crawford, the Aermotor man, was in Albany today. He reports this popular windmill as on the move, busi ness being good in the windmill hue, the Aermotor giving general satisfaction. Mrs S. A. Handle, wie of the princi pal. af the Santiam academy, died very suddenly at her home in Lebanon yes terday morning, of heart trouble. She hail been in poor health all winter. Mr. L. Swinton, of the Caraita Com pany was m tf-e city today mating arrangements for the appearance of the company here on next Tuesday. The entertainment ia said to be equal to even that of the wonderful May r uller. Mr. Sam Worrell returned from a vis it U Salem yesterday. He spent some time aith his former Si. verton neighbor, Hcmer Davenport. Mr. Davenportwill probably come to Albany before going east, being desirous ot visiting with his former schoolmate, Dr. Davis. A social reception was given by the ladies ot the Eugene Maccabee lodge. Monday evening, to Mrs. Craw, of Al benv. and Mrs. Smith of Salem. After a pleasant social session the members of the lodge paid their respects a. lunch suitably prepared for the occasion. Eu gene Guard. Mr and Mrs H F Mcllwain returned to Albany on this mornings overland. Mr Mcllwain bought a large stock ot new go ids in Chicago and in a few days will reepea his store. After visiting many places be came to the conclusion that this was the best valiey anywhere, and Albany just as good a place to remain in aa he knows of. F. Co's dance has been postponed until Monday night. Tact, ma has a single caw of small pox and everybaJy is being vaccinated. N Corl and C Vaughn were tried for burglary at SaJem yesterday and fo and guilty. II is reported ftat the Eigene postmas ter T J Craig is abort $2000 in bis accounts. His bondsmen are responmble. A man advertised in the Democrat bis jioree ior imie, ana 1 exi oay on ine strength of theatvertioement sold the an- jonal. 1 be moral la plain. It is being figured out that beet culture will produce 10 an acre. It is eaay to prove most anything by figures. Perhaps though these figures are con-act. We hope rfor an opportunity to ten it in Linn coun ty, Theiollowins' appear in the Rt of Ben ton countv real estate Bales: O L Black man and wife to L Blumaut r. 12 acres near Albany. 1100. Farmers & Merchants Ins. Co. to M BurlinaraTne, 330 acres 3 miles sw Jf Philomath, $1000. JTew riWwns, ribbons, Leslies Bazaar ribbons at tbe! IPor t'hblMat drugs. Daw.Ws. Instant relisf for skhvtortnred babies and rest for tired mothers in a warm bath with - Ctmcoaa, Boar, and a single application of Ctrriccaa (ointment), the great skin cure. Tne only speedy and economical treatment for itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, and pimply humors of the akin, scalp, and blood. uticira It kM throughout tht H Pom Dcco am Cant- ICAL Corpokatiox, Solt PmprldDn, BoaUm. uow to cum M.W7 jmd niuttot, auUsdftM,- BABY BABY BLEMISHES Jii.. THE LEGISLATURE. In the Benson house on Wednesday Carwford offered a resolution for a com mittee on conference with the opposition as follows: That a committee of three be appoint ed by the hold-out members, as to whether it is possible to compromise present dilhcuittes, and to ascertain tne reasons which influences the opposition to refuse to qualify and take the oath of omce. iue resolution was lost. Thomas of Multnomah then sent up resolution to adjourn as follows : Kesolved, by the house, the senate concumng, that the nineteenth biennial session of the legislature of the sUta of Oregon adjourn without a day on Friday the mil day ol r ebuary, ly, at 1 o'clock ruidniuht of ssid day. it was adopted.a motion to table beine lost by 5 to 13. The nve were: Uoun Crawford, Merrill, Chapmau and Llunt ington. in the senate: Senator Michel! by unanimous con sent presented K K. 21 resolving that the president of the senate shall appoint committee of lour, two senators and two chief clerks, at $10 per day, to ex amine and correct the journals oi the senate, with not over taenty dava in which tc do the tame It was evidently a job and was warmly opposed by Carter, l 'river and others. L pon motlm ol Johnson the resolution was laid on the Utile by a vote of 23 to 3. A resolution by Heed provided (hat a committee of three senators be appointed to revise the senate journals, without pay, to be done by two days alter ad' joiiroment. Adc'p'.td 2 to 2. The following committee was appoint ed on Ki-ed s motion, Iteed, Michel' and Oesncr. In the Benson house. Met at 11 a. in. Crawford offered an ex'ended preamble and resolution, re citing the necessity for remedial legisla tion, anu con ?iuiing py caning on tne givernor to declare the seats vacant. naming the following : Harklt v. Bourne, jer. Buckman, Craig, K J Iavis, Jas A Davis. Emery, will, uuil J. Hill, How- cer, Jones, Kruse Maxaeil. McAllister, tyie, t'ovey, Kiddle.Schmidtlein. Miiilh, SviiidsetiiU'lien, Wliltaker, Yoakum The rosolstion recites that whereas. the refusal of these persocs to attend renders it impossible to enact remedial leiriola tioa demanded by Uie people, tow it: A registration law. A primary law. Re peal of useless cotnmUaions. Placing state and county oiiictatson a reasonable salary. .Needed reforms in assessment laws: an! Whereas, the action of the above per sons tends to obstruct the prsropt elec tion of a senator, and Whereas, tailor to p a reasonable appropriation bill wi'i largely increase the expenses of the ata'e. It was postponed m til Friday. A committee on mileage and per diem was appointed. Their work w ill be use-ie-s. In the ernate several' bills were re ported favorably on, inclu ling the bill lor a portage railway, reducing the ap propriation to $", tAX). A committee on j tr diem and mileage was appointed. The senate met and adjourned to 2 -.30 p. m. Mtnuay . Ibe Benson house after several ses sions ia the eveoing.aft'Hr a warm debate voted to declare the 'Si seats vacar-t and adjourned to Monday at 11:39 o'clock. The joint seion held its taet meeting of the day at 10:30 o'clock at night, wittt . present, and adjourned nnui Monday noon. C. S. Senator Mitchell loade public a letter to Chairman Hughes of the repiTb Jican caucus, in which he gives tut views of the situation, arraigning the minority and particularly the republican mem bers who failed to qualify, or qualified and failed to act in the joint convention, closing with an appeal to elect a republi can senator even 11 not nimseii. The situation is given by the Journal as follows: The -onstitation reautres the senate not to adjourn more than three davs at a time until bv a knot res olution with the bouse it agrees to ad journ sine die The house is required until permanently organised to adjourn over from day to day, and cannot ad journ sine die 1 ntil permitted to by the senate the latter cannot at the present status act with tlieu'ioryaniied it looks as though both woula have to sit sine die List of Patcuts. Granted to Pacific States inventor this week. Eenorted by C. A. Snow A Co., solicitors of American and Foreign patents, opn. L. is. Patent office, aah ington, D. C. h Boesch. San t ranclsco. lamp: E Campbell. Dayton. Wash, bottle: II J Cowger, Pacific Grove, Cal, fountain-pen ; U u Dawson, Tacoaia, Wash, savings- bank; GSFouts, San Jose, Cai, eleva tor drive-wheel ; A r Getx.ban r rancisco, blcyc!e-scat spring; O 6 iianilin. Los Angeles, Cal, sheet-metal pipe. W Hay ban, roruand, Ure. reservoir blatk'ng brush ; J 11 Head ley. San Francisco.Cal, rope-dnvmg apparatus; fc Ireland. Win ters, Cal, adjustable truck: M Levcn. tritt, San Irancisco. Cal. safety-check book; H H Lynch, San Francisco, Cal, operating cars on grades; W J McCraw, nana Walla. ash. spraying apparatus : C E Perry, San Franoscu, Cai, prunlng- sbeaars; C oaJmOnd, Sau 1 ra.icinoo. Cat, biliiard-cu 1 icbalker; A W rhiarkoff. Kedding, Cal, pump. oates. Gatks, Oal'eb. 17, 1897. Weather delightful. Mr. and Mrs. T. Z. Drais visited their daughter Mrs. Fred Bruckroan in Albany last weea. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Read are the happy parents of a beautiful baby boy, born Feb. 15. Mrs. Chas. Sweenev whn waa serious- I ly ill is convalescing rapidly. Misses ValeYing and Josie Stscil at tended the mask ball at Lyons Friday. The nut-shell sociab'e given bv the Gates Sunday school was a grand Biicceas and reflected credit on tliute that tcok part. Some talk of a bridge here soon. The E. O. Tournament. Following is a list of contests for the firemen's tournament to be held at Ba ker City, aa just arranged : Bpeed race Firs prize of the value of tw; second prize 01 tbe value of vaampionship race Kirsi Dine of tbe vatue of 10C; second brizs of tbe value ot o0. Wet test First prize of the value of 180; second prize of the value of $40. Hook and Ladder race First prize of the value of $00; second prize of the value of $35. A hub and hub race will be Arranged by Baker City. SUGAR CHEAP. Come and See. J Gradwohl informs the general pu lie that he will sell for net cash 20 lbs granulated sugar for $1.00.' All other merciianaise, waica is 100 numerous m mention, at same rate for net cash. I I invite the general public to come and price my goods and satisfy yourself. By the sack Extra C. 4e, granulated 5c. Subject to tbe change of the mar ket. We handle tne amous Whiting -papers and print them up for you at tb same price you pay for inferior grades. Smiley the printer. . i PEIDAY GETTING DESPERATE. Salem. Or.. Feb. 19th. 97 Tha n son house postponed the consideration of the Crawfoid resolution providing for de claring i7 seaw vacant until 7:a0thig evening. Toe roll call of the joint con vention showed 35 present and adjourned to 10:30 ltd evening. It is believed the Benson house will declare 27 seats vacant and joint convention will procted to elect a senator with a quorum of 32. Uakvilie. Tbii chicken pie sociable was w eil at tended and was the best arranged affair that has taken place in Oakviile for some time. The program was goo.! and the supper was bard to beat. There was chicken pie aad cake. Cakes of ail kinds and pies oi evtry variety, and the man who didn't tet his money's worth is bard to pier ed.- - n e were unaoia io be out that even ng on account o sickntea in our family. but we were kindly remembered bv the uulies hewing t-.rrle. know how to sympathies wi-h the reporter. We acknowledge the eift of eenerous sup ply oi chicken pie. Many thanks. Mr. O. V. Stone (Een) slarted to Te- cciua, evada, yetlerday, Mr h. will goto work in a mine with his brother ud will clear about f 1 a day. Our legislature had beUer adjourn as they tail to attract attteniion. more of our people are interested in the big prize tight in Aevada. "friie ughta and 'legislatures" should be prohibited. One mere week and our schools will close, winch will p ease the small John nies. Lttut He Be j. Xkim act. Nii. The Statesman says: At 9 o'clock yesterday moraiog Uie case of Kola Neis vs Phil Neis, an action to recover n.oney, was called, the caso hav ing been continued from Wednesday. .It noon the tMues were subuill'.ed to the jurr an 1 a vor.lict, in the sum of i.ScO.ri, in favor of piaiatift. aaircn deied at 2:: p. oi. Mr. Kola .ei, who won II e suit, re turned to Albany this noon. A Hse Ci expitt. The ikm"sat is under obligations to Mr. 11. J. Kupert, local agent of the linger Sewing machine company, for one of'endrs that are attracting attention, the Cgunrs being itist a foitt long and very conspicuous. This is undoubtedly the fi net calendar made, and the hing r dip!ars great en tert rise in M-ndiug tiirm out i.ere the will do the most good. As yon pass the Dxhocway olfice cat roar eye tijou it Gsvx Hecp. At l he college, on Mon- ay evening, leb. 2Jnd, li'.,a social. tieautifut booths wi.'l le uader ti.e tuan- agmenl of several yoang ladies, lemon ade and cke. delit sous hoo.e tua Je cun- v and taper tlower will be for sate A young lady wiU trli the fortune of all thuM parchassisg fiower. a tsovel prt- gram will be given. Aiaassion ooir 10 cts. Wos the Escici. Al Kaykendall, a clerk in tsburn A. I'eLano's dru Wra in this citv is the recipient of a l- soor. bicvele, pnwrcttd to him by Herri's Mrsapariua tominv ot Ioe;s, 31i'i. cbaseiu. T!i! compacy offered a tier, cle as a prlte to the drug clerk in tr;on woo coo id art! the large: number o: bottles of Hood's r'arsaparills IxUi'O September Si, 1V5, aad Jna-T !. lyK. Mr. Kuvkendai! suki tba matt tMiit nd wilt receive Its lrfie. iese Guard. G W Urri feday tecetved 33 coiat tf Bryan's b?w book. Mr, G. W. Freeman, of Portland, was in the city this Boon. L. L. Swann went to Icdepesdencs on the boat this morning. D B. Monteitb and P B. Mf shall went to Salem on the moriitngs boa;. Attorney W. L. Brewster. o Portland- was in the city today on legal huminess Mr. Brewster is the new of Mr. John Conner. J. R. Ewiog has longht out his part ner, B. F. Kirk, in the St. Charles shav ing parlor, air. Kirk win move 10 Al bany and work io I. 12. Borum's barber shop. Lebanon Advance. Some persons are fortunate enough to have honors thrcst upon tliem and one of . 1 . " - , x - . . . t ' iiiciMv 19 r iej 1 atea. mo 11 ; week appointed official court report r for Benton and Linn countie. vice M. O. Wilk;ns, resigned Corvallw Gawtte, Capt Brown, recently of Chehaii. and Lieut Hooker, recently of CorvaiUs.have arrived in the city ami have taken charge ot uie a A. barracks. They are gent. e- manly young men, undoubtedly entitled to the respect 0 the people. They ill hold Ibeir first meeting tonight. Fifteen n-w member wero ioitjUd in the I O O F lodge in Stio recently. Out of thirty examined far tea Ikts cer tificates at C-orvaliu ocly ten r"eJ. A L fchreve, cf Dallas, will pot an e"w trie light plant in Stavion if tbe council ill grant the francbiM requested, which it was said would be done. Sine 'he Ln td Artirana Tit Bil Nor. 1594 there have bwn oclv laoas'cw- ments, the second one n-.'t to ba pavable until tne coming 1st of March. Tbfre hs been t local discussion in ret erence to the ue of incl s or em-Jose Wetmlera nnl Ih encvclrdia dictionary prefer inclose; Funk and Waogells tand- ard dictionary prefers enclose. Both are ued. enclosed more than inclosed, but the Utter is undoubtedly the better way. Will it die. aks tbe Corvallis Gaxette. referring to the bronwJ creuuniry. at that place, intimating thut it prouauiy win The can win that Mr. Tayor owns a maj ority of the stock sod insists on dictating who snail be the director, ac 11 migu aa we l die now as at any time A cream ery to be successful must te cooperative, J111W Reliinccr has bten Kaot kd out fVin.r. Ima baaed a law irihibilii;g th aale of liouor to Indians bich lertr. shall include any Indian huouupm wnue tne title to the same slia'1 be held in trust by tbe government or winie uie same shhii remain inalienuble by the allottee without the consent of the United SUtes. Growing Children One-third of all the children die before they are five years old. Most of thenxdie of some wasting- disease. 1 hey grow very slowly, keep thin infleshf are fretful; food dors not do them much good. You can't say they have any disease, yet they never prosper. A slight cola, or some stomach and bowel trouble takes them away I eaS&rrS EMULSION of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophos phttes is Just the remedy for growing" children. It makes hard flesh j sound flesh;, not soft, flabby fat. It makes - 1 1 strong- bones, healthy nerves. It changes poor children to children rich in prosperity. Book about it free for the asklrg. Uf No substitute for Scott's Emul sion will do for the children what we know Scott's Emukion will do. Get 4h amiffia. For sale by all druggists at 50c and $1.03. SCOTT Si BOVVNE, KrwYork'. NO. PS. Som Old Time Spirit Displayed After ling out .f the hall built for It for several years Albany Engine Co. No I recently returned to it, fitted it up, put ex uinef Engineer Joe Webber's pic ture at the head of the room and sever! other familiar ones on the wall, poluhed np the trumpets and sent out invitations to exempt members, the city eminil and the pn-esto be present at a bouse warm ing, under the management of J. W. hite, P. A. Youmr. V O. Dtnn.l. ..J A. W. Stellmaker committee on ar rangements it came off last night and was one of the moat luuvnlnl Krpmcn', i gatherings since the palmy days of the ucpanmeni intern or twenty years ago. n uait was uued with tables, boun iiiuiiy SUDDlied with a rlinica lot r.1 .... auiea, and every seat waa occupied, the 1 . . - uumueroi -scarred veterans" present bemg noticeable. The repast was great ly enjoyca ana mgtiiy complimented. During the evening a regular firemen s lova fe iet was ha 1. President Geo. E. flab, of the- eointtanv. welcomed -th guesu and intrrxluced Mr. C. H . Stew art as master of ceremonies. Mr. Stew art at times gave some very entertaining reminiscences and presented the com pany with a scran book showing tha hia. tory of the company. It waa oranized in January. I8i9. through the Jos W ebber, and was a force in those days, and has always been a faithful, ef ficient property aaveraawail aa strong in social functions. Capt. N. B. Humphrey. No. IS. some earls day reminiavna ti,. of exempt members was called and showed the fo lowing with their exempt numuer, among those present: Louis Miller, 7; Julius Joseph. 10; J W An derson, 14: B F Pordem. 19: IF Conn. Peter Scbloeeer. 25: Conrad Um 2H;CH Stewart, :; Tjaine.6t;J nt!'y.6 ; Ed Upham, B M Sloan and r 1 i.iouui. me original 19 exempts who became such in 1S76. with Joe Web ber as ;o. 1 and t'je others draw:Bir lnl for numbers, were: Joe Webber. Gn Humphtev. S MmUromerv. A X AmoLi. t has Kiefer, Fred Graff, Louia Mil'er, Chaa Nealy, M V Brown, Julius Joseph, Oren Hqbarts, X Baum, X B Humph rey, j w Anderson, Jotin Schmeer, II D Tvi J J " Bit3eJt Herren and B t.Furdom. Dr. Hill told cf the iamooa contest at the state fair ia !;, Mrs. Craw was heard in a recitation. "Tha CHIom ire," W. N. Miller, foreman of No. 2's hen aith a 4th class engine the beat Portland s 2nd class io 1ST6, told of that vent reter hch otser narrated several ve incidenttol early dart in a manner hat brought down the boose. W. C. Taeedsle was called out to tell of early Aknny fires; I C. Dickey and n.J. Hopkina spoke for the city cound!; Mrs. C. C. Kelley as the last pmident.for the coffee club, Ii P. Mason, for the early fir department ard T. J.Cline remiisisoenfly. The event had the right ring to it and wi;h the occupancy of the new ha I again, will greatly revive the interest in tkaooiripany and fire matters. ror-KATta Csiio's Fauxkx. Dr. W. V. Hundersoo, oo of th bondamea of I'ottraasser Ci-aig. of Eugene, baa been placed 'ja charts of lb oihoa. Craig's acooaots were straight op to Sept. 20. Un into otlsc h owed aerera' tWnratid dollars. He was being pushed J much for th money be oscd tne gov'8 funds, aud taya ery cent went to pay his honest debts, which of coarse was no exrue. His bondsmen re I'r. Henderson. T. G. liendrtck. S. H. Friendly. V. Htmeawar and E. Got Lct. John Warner, Louis Zeis rd Charles Spauldieg. coming up on he Albany Friday evening, concluded to 'stretch their leg'' while tbe boat took on ireight at Albany. Tbey stretched a little loo long aad when they reacbed tbe wharf the boat was steaming np stream. li.ey yei.ed a trio. bu. thair c.tea were vain. .Neat tu arm tig tbey "strecbed liifir !g in a ten miie walk home, selle. -SOCIVL ASD PERSONAL J. B. Comely has returned from his trip to Idaho. Prx-f. Helen Crawford, of the O. A. C, c .me over this nooo to spend Sunday at h ,n.e. Senator Carter was in Albany this noon on his way h me Mr. Carter is undoubtedly out with Mr. Mitchell for good. On bis trip to tt southeast Ira Camp bell, ol the Eugene Guard met Edwin Scott, formerly of the Oregonitn and eil known in Albany, traveling for Dr. Sweeney. T11 Bovs. Hie Bovs club of the Con gregational church gave their entertain ment last ni. ht in the armory to a big audience. It was a live aftair all tbe way through and certainly the audience g t their 10 cents worth. President Call Kanktn welcomed the audience. After a song by the A. P. L. S. quartet the boys presented "initiating a Granger. Worthy Master Ash by presided in an able manner, and tbe way in which the new memliera, Dickinson and Lambson were put through was a caution. They came out ot the ordeal alive. ernon Kamp read a selection from Bill Nye and Albro lhckinson read tbe annals ot the club, a bright takeoff on the members. Then came the Oregon legislature Scenes were given from the temporary house with young Coleman aa Davis, the Benson house with Lair Thompson as Benson, from the senate with Vernon Kamp as Simon and from tbe joint ses sion. During the sessions J. H. Mitchell was pre Hint and got sadly mixed up with State Senator Michell ot Wasco, and was finally defeated, Hon. W. R. Biiycn, of Albany, being elected U. S. senator by a sale maiority. A tableaux louoweo, in which Mr. Mitchell was seen vainly grasping for a crown labeled U. S. Sena tor . T he entertainment closed with ex pressions of satisfaction by tbe audience over the enjoyable program given mem SsirsLV Isjcrkp. Mr. S a than Bar- tier, residing near Tangent, jeeterdav was assisting in tearing down an old barn, when some of the timbers save away and the structure fell upon him, knocking bun insensible and bruising him seriously. Dr. O. W. Mas ton was sent for and upon examination found that be was hurt internally. It wul take a lew days to determine the result. CoNTISfKS TO ClRCTLATB. The fight over the funds freui the steamer il lamette Valley continues. It sold for eiu.uuu. i.ii'giuion bo isr nas reauueu 1 lit A.TWtvv, . v. v.i. " a. a..w. it after cost of litigation, about $20,000, and now it is said Bonner and Ham mond will bring suit for this, which will menu a further circulation of the money. Pnan.tSTto Oostrkt. A live pugi'istic contest is reported to have occurred last evening across the Willamette between two. Albany young men. They faced each other and with bare knuckles "laid on" until the audience thought it bad fone far enouuh One ot them had lacker eyes than previously, but the damage was not serious. Notick has Bkkx Rkceivkd from the Oregon Sunday School Association that Prof. II. M. llaniill, one of the Interna tional field workets. can be In Albany from noon the 13th to noon the Nth of April. A meeting ot the paatora and Sabbath school superintendents is called to meet in tbe lecture room 01 tne tjgn ... -1 V. . XI .1 gregauonai ciiurcu uu ueat tuuuuay ai- ternoon at 3 o'clock to make arrange- menta for his meetings. :" 1111 Absolutely Pure txlebrated for its great leaveniag trength and bealthfulneos. Aasores the rooi againat alum and all founa-of adnl teratton coaimoa to he cheap "brands. IflTaL BtKISG I-OWDit CO., It "lOBX. - , HOME AND ABROAD. Apples at C E Browseixs. Carnita, Tuesday night. Smiley does our job printing No blur 00 Smiley 's printing. Senator Da nn will MrfiM ei3f) M1 Senator Johnson 1176.40. Carnita does fine darv-p and .V- yards of silk in her dress. Our printing is tbe ebesoeal heran it is tbe best. Smiht, the Printer. Tbe liirbt used for Carnita tn An. dances amount to 25 000 candle power. Oar work is the heat, thmfont ;t ik. cheaoeat. Smiley, the Printer We do binding. Smiley, te printer. Crawford t Harnuh for rJtJum.k. Prices from $ I to tO per dozen" Water hi! amh (vmn (mm r,t;f.;. J - - . l, Jo ia at UK Brows km. ' Monday will be Wasbimrton'a r.irfK.t.. and lbs pubiw schools of this city will nave a holiday. Two pstfkares of garden according to their naoal rastom at Stewart Sox'a. Carnita comes direct from ths eaz Km she bas met with a complete aeries of soc CrS'ea. Toe 00 1 letriUatire hniini tnAar . Ihe meeting aad adjournmect of the Davis notue. If OOr work and stock iia't aa rermumt. sd, yoa can gci your maoey back. Smi ley tne primer. Dr. G. W. Mwpb, pcynctaji and snr gsoB, Albany Or. CaiUasowered Drofnnt. iy ia city or country. Ed Bangs, of Eairene. vealer.tav hmiA fur I be grard jury on the charge of awaalt upon ilrs. L. K. Craw. Mr. G. W. Hair's baa nmtl t'nlrfr I . J . , .V. be bad tecetred abacnpUoe. lefarmalioa that is worth iu weight in go d: Get your meat of ah kinds at Hen ry Broder'a, oa Second street. Drs. H. E. and O. K. Beers oSoas reaidenos ia tbe fot office building. Spec iaj aiarauoa jriTea 10 OiSeaaes Ot worsen TVi Saietn p.tro i to be mcved to tee William Ectaad bang bcildiag. It ia doubted if tbe new location wi; gi aati'faction. Dont forget the fact tiat French ha moed hi jewsirr rtoee into the Baak of Oregon E adding, sad is now ready far bBUfteaa. Tbe laciss of the G A R will rive a 10 cent social at tbe G A R hail, Toeaday evening Feb. 2!J A program wul be rendered and refreshments erred. The Sceaiosro'x i with tt.e Carnita Co See tbeCorbett and Sharkey fight and ten beautiful views tuorisg and depicting ail phases of life and mottoa. A rood reioIulicB for 1697 is to call in at Uaigal Bros, and order some of their choice meats TV:r constant resolution I to treat tbe public well. ice price of veooioe diver chilled rtlow aha'e has been reduced to SO era's. Be rare the name Oliver is on every share For Bale 00U by Hopkios Bros. The poblic are invited to call and inspect oar new store io tee Baac of Oregon build ing, next to Fosbsy it Msaoa's drugstore F M F Basra, jeweler. me Ladies dazaar are showing sew muslin underwear ia skirts, nightgowns corset covers and drawers for less money than they can be made op at home. For caoice meets of all kinds call oa Em- ertck c Brock m -a 10 the Blumberg block where they are tanning their own basinets and treating their customers wU. 11 yoa owe vooo uastoa call noon them and pay np. Why isn't that a rod esoiuuon. tor now is tne pay op time. Mrs. Jennie Melcher of Portland, has been sentenced to tbe penitentiary for two years and six mooths. This is the woman who had the troub'e with Doc Maple and wite, rormeriy ot this city. lost down the street at 2nd and Ells- wortn. tbe Albany Iireased Beet ' o are splendidly equipped for serving tbepablK well ia ail kind ot choice meats, promptly and caretuiiy. All those holding invitations for the armory dances can mask at opera bouse Feb 22. Others should make applications 10 members of Co- ., tor invitations. Prices 50 cents, gallery 15 cents. If sou are hunting f or F M French, you will find him in tbe Oregon Bank build ing, with a fine stock of watches, jewelry. Ac, and spleocid facilities for serving the puuiic Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers is popular preparation ia ons bott'e, and colors evenly a brown or black. Any pr ton can easily apply ll at borne. At Salem yesterday Judge Hewitt declar ed tbe will of J L rarnsh aul! and void on appeal from the county court, confirming tbe decision of the court below; on the grounds that it was sot properly executed. and that the testator was not of sound mind. Washington's Birthday Program. Following is the program to be given by the Y. W.O. A at the college on Mocday eveniug, Feb. 23, 1S97 : Singing Columbia, Star Spangled lianner, all. Welcome Miss Zua Skeels. Mandolin and guitar quartet Misses Urosby, murphy, palmer, Mr. tiotiieo. "Tribute to Washington" Reading, Miss M. Laura Allen, Tableau "The Washington Family.' "Mt Vernon Bells" Ladies quartet. "Washington's Birthday' Recitation, Mies Kay Toole. "Song ot the Cherry Trve," with pan tomime. "Little Boy's Speech," Mai-ter Ken neth r'rotik. Brass quartet. Tableau "daughters of Liberty. "those Dreadful igents," farce, Messrs I Oilytong, Talkemdown, Sellum, Doum, Aliases lucker, llemmr. Hong, Auienca, with tableau. Entertainment at booths. Admission 10 cents. A Tilp Throtmh India with Maud Allen. Dr. Mrs. E W. Allen, ol Tortland. wil give and address Tuesday evening, Feb. 23, at the First Presbyterian church. The topic as given above will be illus trated by stereoptican views. Mrs. Allen will also exhibit a number of civ rios from that distant land. A cordial InoilKtinn ii Tl.uli.l In .11 l.Uik alon free, ' A collection will be taken to meet expenses. Let everybody coma to the Star Baker 1 T . . .. .. . - ana get -.oaves oi iretn Dread tor ai. cash. . rj Msvia. BUILDING It LOAN. The annual meeting of the Albany Building & Loan Association waa held last night. Tbe secretary made his an nual report, which showed the following Series Shares Paid Gain Value 1 290,'i 95 61 75 158 15 2 34i 88 58 72 14 72 3 28 84 52 21 13ft 27 4 19 81 48 04 VAs 04 5 17 75 44 56 118 6fj 6 40 72 42 04 114 08 7 16 6fi 35 07 101 07 8 62 60 34 37 94 87 7 18 54 ZX 80 82 80 10 23 48 27 20 75 20 11 20 42 23 93 65 93 12 8 36 21 24 67 21 13 4 30 18 28 48 28 14 8 24 17 05 41 C5 Total number abarea in force, 588. The assets are as follows: uasn on band 9 IZ to Loans on real estate. 70,785 00 Lrue tram members on books 4.546 80 Real estate 6,720 34 Fixtures 53 00 Note Kichards A. Phillipa 241 41 $2,359 35 Leas unearned int. ..$5991 31 .. 410 51 Dr I A Hytnan.... "$6,501 si j $7,857 53 The following directors were elected : . W. Langdon. J. P. Wallace. A. B. Woodin. O. B. Winn. F. M. French. D. P. Mason, Julius Joseph, J. X. Duncan, 8 8. Train. Tbe directors met and elected tbe fol lowing officers : S. S. Train, president ; Dr. J. P. Wad lace, vice president; C. B. Winn, secre tary, E. W. Langdon, tieasurer; Dr. J P. Wallace. A. B. Woodin. F. 'M. French, finance committee; F. M- Red field, Pbd Goodwin, E. F. Sox, auditors. College Notes. What ia tbe distance from the north pole to tbe antartic circle? Ask a yoang lady of tbe Physical geography class. Rev. W. O. Forbes waa a welcome vis itor Tuesday morning. The Y. W. C. A. baa organized a class for Bible study under the leadership of iirs, ire. Wednesday morning Prof Howland delighted tbe students with one of tbe most brilliant lectures ot tbe course. It was a large subject admirably handled aad those who heard it will long remem ber it aa a masterpiece of oratory. ("Silence is oratory.') The Erode! phian society held its regu lar meeting yesterday afternoon. We are ia formed that an excellent program waa rendered. . Rev. J. W. Smith gave as a short call yesterday afternoon. xtuj aiucrouuu. I . - m . In a recent test tbe members of tieaDOUt HrintinST as if vmvtucu -im.Tw uisu JisuvA iticur- 1 el Ian.e Kumor says that tbe marriage I bells wul soon be ringing in our midst. We are not permitted at present to say I who tbe contracting parties are, txu it will not be bard to goe$e. Had it nt been for the t'meiy aid of tbe young lady situng near him, a cer- tain yoccg man might nave bad a ser ious accident. He came neae getting bis arm out ol place. Tee parucslare not learned, but Joe can rive I inquirers informauonon tbe subject. 1 he art department nas received a number plaster psria castes from N. Y. Rev. Snyder, of Brownsville, visited the band Wednesday evening. He seemed well pleased with the work of this organization. Tbe State Oratorical contest will be held at New berg onthe 26th. Albany eel-! lege will send about eight delegates, and hopes to bring heme not only the medal, I but also tbe promise tint tbe contest wul be held here next year. A tragic scene was narrowly averted in the Horace dans yesterday. One of tbe mighty seniors attempted to commit sui cide by severing the skin of his left hand. Prof. Scott's gentle voice brought the young man to his senses, and after writing bis name in his book with tbe I blood which was flowing from the wound, be desisted. Monday evening, Feb. 22od, tbe T. W.C. A a ill give a social at tbe college. An excellent prcigram will be rendered and a good time guaranteed. All tor 10 1 cents. STtXTrs. Notice. Emtob Dksocsat: The Woman's Christian Temperance Lnion wishes, through your columns, to thank the business men of Albany for the sabecriptions made to assist in de tray in the expenses of Mrs. Hoffman's lecture. As tbe collection wss liberal, i. will not be necessary to collect the amounts subscribed, but tbe onion is under obligations, all tbe same for the pledges made, and acknowledges with sincere thanks the consideration shown the organisation. Secretary W. C-T. U . Albany. Meeks Won. At a nimrn ahoat at live birds this af ternoon Melrs killed 23 and Baltimore birds out of 'iS. New veilings, veilings, veilings at the Ladie Baxaar. We keep the only complete stoc o nrinter's stationary in the eoontr. crnr- ey the printer. Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts Ontly yet promptly on the Kidneys, ver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of ita kind ever pro- , , , . . . , aueeu, pieasmg to tne taste anu ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substance, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. 1 i r tv ,.1. ! ar. oyrup Ol X lga IB ivr euv J" uv cent bottles by all leading drug cists. Anv reliable drusrjrist who I 9 . J . . ... may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly ior any one wno wishes to try it- Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA HQ SYRUP CO. SAM nUtlKMQO, CIL loomtue, sr. kw rrm. m e ji .aw -a. NEW YORK WORLD. WZi-kWK EDITION . Js a VTetk. I5S Papers a Tear. Is larger tbaa any weekly or semi reekly paper published and iatheonlv mportant democratic "weekly" ddU ishedinXew Yok Citv. Three times as large the leading republican week ly of Jew York Cit,. It will be of ecia! advantage to voa during th rcMfjcntial Campaign, as it is pub iied every other day, except Sunday, as all the fresbneee and timeliness daily. It combines all the news a long list of interesting depart a, unique features, cartoons and lie illustrations, the latter being a ally. 1 these improvements have been u without any increase in the euat which remains at one dol'ar per year We offer this unequal ea newspaper and the Wiesxt Democrat together one year for $2.00. Safcsfaetory terms wi t ' 117 Academy of Our Lady of Per petual Help. Boarding School for Girls. Thorough instruction Wholesome iiet Homelike treatment. Consider ing hard times, favorable rejections are made Ior boarders and day scholar!. Studies will be resumed ept. 1st. For nrtner particulars call at the Aeademv or write to Sister Superior. C0HSES7AT0BY OF MG fbany College ftj -tier the school year 1896-1897: tijtn rarnn, Mas. Doc director. Assistant teachers-Marguerite A Id arson, B. H, and Mrs. Josephine Sharp. Tboroogn and systematic instruction even in all tne important branches of music Beet conservatory rooms and latgeet musical library aad facilities for mniral work. Largest number of con servatory students enrolled of any music school in tbe state. Terms low. Send for circular and catalogue, to Vuua Hows Taw, A. K. Albany. Oregon. What We Know Some people write books about what they know about printing. The people pay for that work. Some people could writes great deal larger book entitled "What I don't Knew about Printing," and still have some room left. Our plan is to deal in cold facts, no theories. We print even thing and let the people judge. They're oar court and we'll abide by tbeir verdict. Lowest prices. Newest type. See for yourselves. LMPRINT JOBOrFICE Cit Official Omce. Easts Far all tte Water Evuiigs ALM03T FREE. tows topics, sa2 Oa foPCTrfar reta wsels T0 ECyi-REP ASD JOT V -MX pares. rerniarnne FIFTY f"T OSS DOiLls aay TE5 : for 051 IKJIXii ASD A HALT tbe wfcoie Ubrary of eUTXLi" 1 t-TTTE SALX OF A BOCL. BrCat e- s-THarsrs cr tbx. ma. By a. s.Ta sniiSsTBS a Basis. Br Oatfc x. S-THXf IBTS OF CEASCX. By OpUia JSASTHOJiT IKST. BtC4Wt. n i Hum vr j B-S5 I S'PTATXBIi STKTS. BjrJ st?r' tS-XBAT WOllAS. Bt fiaresiJi. M aVftL VS BX5TKX. By eOasBS Hctaa -1THTT BATS 6IABTS. By BasH CbrJstta U-A '"t FCS EATS. By BaroiS B. SlrHS W30a MAS. Br 0J f!-tl-m-BXjTRASKnXErwXST By Barota ay li)Jiii fc.wtT,'t ""'' "a81. Book Keeping TVightbv MAIL ,r an tiai ACCOUSTAXT Complete, Practical, rjtaeUy as Found 1 m Busiaesa, Mr coorse of instrac'ioos thor ooghly quaHfy you to take chaise keep a set ot oooas 1 ne uijt rdt-v furnished. For terms and full informa tion adores, L. D. HUNTER AOU lempw, roruana, v STvLt... from airs. J. Tangent, a saddle, a bent Feb. 1-- . n T T T V at $5 reward. 7 OB SALE. A fresh milch cow. and calf, cheap. Inquire of F S Dough- ten, Spicer. TO REST. Call on Mrs. Iv Owens, on 3rd Street, between Broad- albin and Ellsworth. AT IHE MIXES. Bosruing, lodging, -maala may be Brenrsd of the Sttb- i senber at the Santiam mines, si his place I at the mouth of Dry Gulch.. H. w. Whits. MEOEFIfcH M THK PLUMBER TAb rooBag and phimbiag. OppotuU he opera house POSITION WASTED. SeMaWe girt wishes Dlace to do general housework. Address, Box 9. Philomath Or. FOR REST.-CotUge oa Srd Street near Bis worth. Call on Mrs W. R. Biljeu. STREET BAILWAY K0T1CE. The mote on the Albany street rail way will connect promptly with all trains to and from the depot, day and wght. Special tripe will be n ade at special ae. Cos. Conductor. K. O. T. M. end. AJ " - 'JL , i m r v Let Cs Reason To CO M E getherl Is it not bet tobu; urBred,Pies, Rolls.Cakes, itc at V reliable store where they nee only 'he Beet material-why of co it a von dont want dyspepsia and yon .1 store. , . A Rt Bet KUsworuiaani sj""-" . C.D.Vardtss. Proprietor CIMPAN10N WANTED. One that has a farm or is used to farm utt pre ferred, and ot suitable age. I am 50 years SaLaaon user of tobacco and whiskey, means Address, J 150x 536.