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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1897)
'41 II III I SI VOL XXXI l. ALBANY OREGON, FRIDAY. MARCH 19,1897. Entered tt. et r?e. once at tlbaay. t)r. a aecoa-Clas Hail Mailers r r BtIT19 rfcilkev aa4 rraarlctar 0 til Kl I' I II 1(1 III III III 111 JlLMUlLlklC W if 4 'I . - f 4 hi r, Agetablc?reparatlonrjr As similating ihcTccdandRcSuta lirg theStomachs andiidY.'ch cf X IV r-4 Ptomotest)igesion,ChccTful tJcssandEcstContains neither CtaumIorphine nor Mineral. aotNahcotic. I I II JtUrt. Lay- W fwmSctd Aperfect Remedy forConstipa tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoa, Worms ,Convulskns.Fevcrish oess and Loss of Sleep. TacSinule Signature cf NfcYV TURK. - li-cJ rr EXACT COPT OF VRAPFEH. i -, Thirtieth Year. ALBANY Calendar fob 1896-7 1896-Sept. 16 College Year begins . . Wednesday Nov. 26-27 Thanksgiving Day recess, Thurs. and Fn. Dec 21- -Term examinations begin Monday Dec 23 First Term endr . Wednesday Winter Vacation of Twelve Days 1397 Jan 5 Second term begins ... Feb 22 Washington's Birthday a holiday. April 6 Term Examinations begin April s second Aetna ends Arbor Day Vacation April 12 Third Term begins . Tuesday June 8 Final Examinations begin . Tuesday June 13 Baccalaureate Sermon - . Sabbath forenoon Tnn kAAt- hefn-. the Y. M. and Y.W. C. A. Sabbath evening June 14 Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees Monday af June 14 Junior Orations Jane io Graduating Exercises of Music June 15 Popular Entertainment Jane l6-Comneneement Jane 16 Alamni Re-anion ToafDoireea of Instruction leading up to ' Music courses, with appropriate diplomas. For further information, WALLACE select the Waverly because they havs learned to know the dif EXt)2f leilCtid erence between a wheel that is actually high grade and one that is simply claimed to be. Some others maybe good but the RiderS Waverly is the highest of all high grade. MADE BY iN DIANA BICYCLE UO. HDIABAPOU8, UD Ml GLISHandBUS1MSS OLLEGES . Kbn v. PORTLAND 'gin Full English Course.' french and glrman. ' business branches. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, telegraphy! B0ARD1KG DEPAKTAEMTLAWES THOMAS All Dealer in ALOAfiY, ALBAIW CIGAR FACTORY 9. JO.SKlMiY t'ro-irfc.ur SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF- 13 ON THE WRAPPER OF ETEBY BOTTLE 1 Cafiori is pet vp la ea-sh lottles only. I is set cold la balk. Doat allow aayoas to salt yoa aaytling elj o tha or prcouss tbat it is icit as good-aa "win aasvar mnir pass." Soe tlui yen rat C-A-S-T-O-S-I-iu teat T7 win jo. SI COLLE Tuesday Monday Tuesday Thursday of Four Days ternoDa Monday evening the Conservatory of Tuesday forenoon Tuesday evening Wednesday Wednesday evening decrees. Well equipped Business and Catalogue free. address BOWE LEE. President. Albany, Or. Hed and Elegant De sins in Crockery . Ware at conn 5 HUSTON'S Seen -ir Are built in the largest . and Best Equipped Facrorv in p$te?l d flifih Quade the World Conn & Huston, Agents OREGON BRINK kinds of furniture and bedding-, and it you want the most complete flour safe, lie has them and his prces the lowest. GRECOr THTTBSTDAY- GOT (60. A Ilalsey Storo BroKen Into and Robbed. The store of M. V. Koonti, of Halsey, was entered by burglars last night, the mode of getting in being by breaking tnrouga a window. The time was 1 :45, a fact verified bv the clock, which had been taken from the safe, and laid on its back, being stopped then. A hole was drilled into the door of the safe, powder lusvneu ana me aoor mown oa. Tiiey took all the money in sight, $60. Fortu nately thev could not pet into the inside vault, and perhaps were afraid to wait after the loud report, which was heatd in the city, for it contained about $1000 in cash. Tne bnntlarv was not discover. ed until the store was opened in the morning. How It Will Be Done. The following from the Journal shows how Oregon will te run the coming two vears : Secretary of State Ktncaid has come to the conclusion that his duty to file and make a record of the claims against the state that are piesented at the office. For those wishing to hypothecate their ciaiinB, and the original vouchers will need to be made in duplicate. Those working at state institutions wiil have their vouchers made out by the euperin- lenaent, as naa neen me custom. The board through which such claims pass will certify to the correctness of the vouchers, in duplicate. The original can be tiled with the secretary cf stite and the duplicate used by the claimant as evidence of his claim against tne state. Those who are not under superintendents or boards can present their claims, cer tifying to the correctness thereof upon their honor. This can be filed or not. and a duplicate used if desired. The secretary will not issue receipts. A C0RVALLI8 Max's Tbocsue It is possible that Ilerr Ben Woldthas es caped the pan to find the fire. Benja min, finding that the council bad no right to annul his license, reonened his saloon and has been running along mer rily since. Monday night the council declared his $500 liquor bond forfeited. becaa?e he violated its conditions in sell ing liquor to minors. Rose, Greffoi and Blakeelee were apiointed a committee to take proper steps to collect the bond. Gazette. Who Sato It. Considerable of a dis cussion has been going on among judges and lawyers as to who said : "litet in war, first in peace and first in the hearts of bis countrymen," referrin? to George v ssbington. Bmtamca Cyclopedia savs it was first used in a series of resolutions passed in the house of representative immediately after Washington's death and before his funeral. The resolutions were written by John Marshall, the Caited States' greatest chief justice. Two Sao Mis. W. K.Brotbertonand Soval Hselton are now the proprietors of the card and biliard rooms operated heretofore by Ed Zt is. Mr. Brotberton anived from Scio Fridav and negotia ted for the business, and Saturday he he assumed the management. Mr. lias elton will remain in Scio. as the gentle men owns a business in that nlace simi lar to the one they have jutt purchased in Corvall'is, and the latter will have charge there, while Mr. Brotb erton looks after affairs in this city. Times. Tu Normal Sch 00 i-Preaident Camp bell, J. V. B. Butler and Judge Flinn, regents of the Monmouth normal school, were at the capitol yesterday. The sec retary of sta'e considers the normal, school appropriations merely biennial' donations, and that he has no riakt to recognize the schools, when the appro priation is Iscking. If this position is sustained, the normal schoo's are with out state aid, and, like other schools. will have to exist on their merits, until some future legislature again appropri ates for their benefit. Mrs. H. Barnes went to Silverton to day to assist in organizing a Rebecca lodge. Mr. C. A. Chandler, North Pacific manager of the Singer Mfc Co., is in the city. The Reading Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. M. Baumgart Friday, March 12, at 2 o'clock:. A letter from Robert Chambers, one of the three young men who recently left for Carson, announced bis arrival in San Francisco all right. Jos. Clark, Jr., a former Albany man now resides in Colfax, Washington. He weighs over 200 pounds, is married and cn Feb. 12 became the father of a girl. Mr. O. F. Paxton, of this city, who has been under treatment at riot bprlngs, Ark., for some months, is slowly recov ering and is now able to walk several blocks without the assistance of crutches. Oregon ian . R. K. Montgomery baa been transfer red to Wood burn, where he has ben given the position of 8. P. agent. He will no doubt fill his new place to the fullest satisfaction of all. Jacksonville Times. Mr Montgomery , was at one time night operator t Albany. This h j been a winter day for certain Toe great question in the Sandwich Is lands is cable connection with the U. 8. David Sylvester, of this county has been committeJ to the insane asylum. Keligi' out matters are said to be the cause. Tbe Pacific Woolen k Clothing Mann factoring Co., bas been organized in Port land. It is intended to start a mill in ttat city. One day tan week a firm in Grant's Pass received $46 in gold dust from different sources Tbe largest amount turned in wan 8506.30 by Hosier Ac Morris of Powell's creek and $112 by J H McKee of Evans creek. K V Cothow participated in a ten-frame game of cocked hat at tbe Elite bowling alley last evening and when the last ball was rolled by bun tbe scoter announced tbe number of points as eighty one. This breaks the city rec rd and, it is thought i ahead of any scoie made by tbe Portland bowler in a similar game. Statesman Tudge McKenna has chosen as bis pri vate secretary J " Walter Blandford, who formerly held tbe same office under At tor ney General Olney and continued with bim as private secretary when he was transferred to the Secretaryship cf State. This might look a little as if Mr. McKenna would fol low in tbe footsteps of Olney in reference to trusts. Skins on fire with torturing, disfiguring. Itching, naming, bleeding, scaly, and pbaply hnmnra. inatantlv relieved by warm battt with Coticuba Boat, a singla application of Cuticcka (ointment), tbe great asm euw, and a full doss of Ctjtiouka Bxsolvkvs. Sifi BABY'S SKIN SH'. A MEXICAN LETTER. Mr. Ira Campbell of the Eugene Guard in writing from Guanjuato, Mexico, among other things tells the following of merest to the Democrat's readers : We visited one of the largest mines, which has been operated for over 350 years, and is workedlby the same prim Hive methods as at that time. The quarts is crushed by a number of large round rocks probably five feet in diam eter, 18 inches in thickness and drawn round a circle by mules on a bed of rock, then the pulverized quarts is transferred to another mill and ground by a similar method with water added to a flour like substance. Then it is transferred to large beds and water is turned on and a large number of mules are us'd to tramp'e the same to settle the silver on the bottom. This mine employs a large numoer 01 men ana mules. 11 s said to pay fabulon dividends to the Mexican owners. If it was worke 1 by modern methods it wonld pav wonderful returns. Americans and Englishmen have tried for years to gain possession of this most valuable property, but have always failed. The peons in this mine are pail 40 cents per day, Mexican money. A theatre has just been completed in this city at a cost of (500,000 It is most magnificent. It is said to excel any theatre in furnishings in America. It has a new method of- orerating its electric lights recently invented by Edison- Nearly ail the cities in the coun try have electric light plants opiated by Americans. And right here we wiil say 1 hat in Mexico all franchises are granted for a term of not over fifty yean and at the end ol that time they become the property of the government. An improvement on the American method. In this city the rih have grand evi dences and flower garJens that bloom the year around. Also Urge plaza that are most beautiful. All cities in this country have large plazas maintained a. the expense of the people, and they are frequented by thousands of the inhabi tants. A Eugene Disturbance. Eugene women are mad. With the opinion of Attorney-General Idleman in thir favor at the recent election the wo men property owners were not allowed to vote, the Ret I faction, who had charge ot the polls, taking this course in ordrr to elect their directer, which even then they failed to do. Mrs. L. Bilyea, to whom the Saiem Journal refers at Eu gene's woman la aver, ears: "The l rut j is. these men knew the ocly way thev could elect their man, was t ! : . . . . oy prouiomng tax paying woa en irom voting, and rallying for their candidate every male citizen over 21 years of age, regardless of the property qualification. "This they d d. and voted besides one idiot. No pen can describe the enormity of this indignity It was on of the most lawleej proceedings from beginning to end that can be conceived. The law, in deed was utterly ignored, and that, too, in a town in which the state university is situated. Talk about the ctlizens of the south. Indsaa Territory, etc., taking the law into their own hands 1 Attorney-General Idleman sent bis opinion here, which was nronoonced and plain as anything could be in resrard to rights of women in the premises." Lebanon. Miss Lizze Monrsn. a sister of Mrs. H. C. Watvji. ot Albany, was the eueft of Mrs. S. M. Garland this week. Mayor Burkbart. of Albany, was in Lebanon Friday, lie remarked to one of our citizens that he thaazht a bank ould soon be opened here. A mas!: social will be given bv the Ladv Maccabees, at the Band hall. March 19, 18517. Rev. J. R. Ehret. of Sweet Home. walked from that place to Lebanon Mon day morning, arriving in tisneto take the morning train, wLich leave Lebanon at :35. He evidently is quite a walker. At the regular annual election of Leb anon Eugene Co. No. I the following of ficers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Amos Tenny ; sec., Wm Lew is; assistant sec, W W J-.ikms: chief, W O Peterson: assistant chief. Asa Ba ker; foreman of hose department, John Maver: treaa . W C. Matthe.i and Advance. S. A. Landea is in the citv ranvatsics: Rev. E. A. Rose, the evangelist, is now holding meetings at Willows, California. On account of his brother's illness. Ad Harmon, will not attend theCorbett- iuimmons melee. Host-bum Putin- dealer. Miss Ollie Baltimore bas been engaged to teach the school near the Sanderson bridge and will begin her duties next Monday. Mr. M. L. Akers, the well known tenor singer ot this citv has invented a selt cleaning device, with spring teeth for a barrow. R. R. Wallace, ho has been employed in tbe Geo. Meyer tonsorial parlors, went to Albany this morning. After a short visit there he will go to Astoria where be wn. locate. balem Journal. Rev. Ronald McKillon. ot Ccntralla. Wash., has accepted it rail to tlie pastor ate 01 tne Baptist cnorch o: this city, and it is expected will be here Sunday 10 preacn uis arei sormon. lie was at one time pastor of the McMinnvilIe church. Mr. Robert Chambers has bought farm in Linn Co., near Lebanon and will move out there soon and rent or sell his lace here. We will loose one of our best neighbors when he wipes off the Yaquina mud Edovvill Cor. Yannina rtews. The Boys club held a mask party at the G. A. K. hall last evening, spending a very picasant evening in games and 80- ciarmuy, seasoned with a tine lunch Following are the participants and char acters assumed: Leva Scott. Scotch lassie; Sarah Chambers, bluelwll; Nina uune, iurni!.n lady; Ora Markness, heather bell: Laura Dannalp. Tilly Tav. lor; Norma McClain, Oregonian; Edith nankin, bluebell; vinnie Mayo, bopeep Hattie Olson, fairy: Pearl Cameron domino boy; Lizzie Luper, gypsy; Mid McCoy, violet; Minnie Merrill, dude Loma Benton, flower girl: Anna Wright, snowflake; Bertha Edwards, sailor girl: Auuie iteia, 01a tasbioned girl ; F Harm uncie bam; u Warner, mephisto; Weatherford, Turk ; O Lambson, clown H Crawford, Farmer Jones; V Ramp, poor old maid; Carl Rankin, Robin Hood; W Ellison; clown; R Ashby cholly boy; Harry Cameron, country maid; L. ibompson, Mark Hanna; C Turner, Sing Lee; A Moon, sailor boy F Layton, coon; Joe Ralston, coon; A Galbraith, hobo; Del Burkhart, Japan ese gentleman: A btellmcher : hash stinger. CoNHTntJCTIsa A Wb AKK.- J. II. Steaven and W. 8. Trainer, two contractors of Al bany in the em ploy of the 0. 0. & E. Co, arrived In the city today and began the construction of a wharf on tbe east bank of the Willamette at a point between State and Ferry streets to be used by tbe steamer Albany, tbat company's craft plying on the upper Willamette The new wharf will occupy the same sight of the old one that was so badly damaged during tho- high water two ysars ago. The work will require several days for completion. Since the old wharf waa destroyed, this company's boats have been using that of the O. C. T. Co. Salem Journal. Our exchanges generally are publish' g a list of plums, There are plenty af r them, or any other kinds of plum. Selo. .Elder uane. 01 Aiuany, came over h a m ( 1 11 Tuesday to assist in the protracted meet ing now in progress at tne Christian church in this city. A J Johnson and Chas, Warner Part ed for Doug'aa county last Siturday evening to look after some mining inter ests in that county. Kola Neis, the hop buyer, waB in this city Tuesday. He bad just completed the purchase of Mrs. Cornell's lot of baled hops, whjca she has had on hand for one and two years - The price paid was 2j cents per pound. Mr. a. Jennings oi Waterloo, has pur chased from J 'il. Bilyeti, the saloon boilaing on the south side. Mr. Jen nings and Ot Martin will engage in the saloon business in this city, in the near future. Both will move their families to this city immediately. It is believed that the Albany Knights of Maccabees abut all kt their hearts while here, some of them also lot por tions of their badges, saving only the pins. As a matter of fact we believe that the missing portiou of the badires were not lost at ail tsjawV-ere left with Scio's lair ones by the smitten Knights, as souvenirs of tiie trip. Colonel Jeff Myers came up from Sa lem last week. v itti him time Messrs. Johnson to whom he bad eold their planing mill property and undertaking business in this ity. .-Messrs. John n take charge of the business at once. We are told that the new firm contemplates several important changes in the busi ness and enlarging the tame which will be developed laieron. Presa. Mines Sold. The Albany Mining & Milling Co. last evening completed the sale of its seven claims in the Santiam district, and its entire plant, consisting of a ten sump mill, saw mill, etc , to a Portland com pany headed by W. F. Robertson, 11000 was paid down and the balance is to be paid in a year, the price is private Tbe company though is 10 receive f 1 per ton lor all the ore run through the mi I. Work will be begun just as soon as ma terial and men can begotten into the mines, probably in April. Wast a CuASce. Sixteen prominent C'tizena of HsJey were in the city before me probate court, wish a petition tor the appointment of a guardian of one of the heirs in the J as. McMahan estate in place oi J H. Drinkard These gentle men are boodtinen cf Mr. lrinkard a guardian and it is so niurh tbeir deue to have a change that .he whole sixteen were in the city together. Jadge Banon ill hear the cmre nezt Monday, when the petition wi! be contested by Drink ard. AxOksoo Maps. Bartcut. The En- gene Guard tells about it : Last year M. s. Barker.tbe enthusiastic bicycle dealer, sold a whel called "The Barter." Tbe w heel last year w as manufactured in the east, but this season Mr. Barker h it de cide! to manufacture the wheel at home. He has receive.! supplies from the east and is tow working on a lot of fifteen wheels, the first ot which he eitxvts to have completed about April 1. Ti.e heel is a sUndard ar.d will at the one price of $m. He wiU tarn out seven ladies wheels and eight gent's wheels. The latter wiil t manufactured in lhre iz. 22, 24 and 18 inch frames. t.i' the former will be is acd S3 inch frames Evtiim.r Am atetr, A Ha'sv man in the city today savs tbe circumsiatces in connection with the rt-r.t rot rry at that city indicates that it was dor.e by amateurs and praraWr bv local men. A orace was taken from the shop I Mr. urning. probablr for driiiine. Two holes were drilled. Tbe money drawer was taken away. Tbe nois evidently frightened tbe men away. LiNooL Co. Tut. Tbe eheriff ol Lincoln coonty gives notict "that the tax roll for Is, is now in my bands for collection and the law requires me to return ail taxes de'itqtient remaining unpaid on the first Monday of April, aud require tho coonty clerk o return me a copy of said delinquent list within ten day, with a warrant to collect the same by levy and sale of propertr " " gncd by Geo. A. Land it. A Rorcn ExraiUEsrs. Gerald Heath, running a pack train of seven boree be- ween Gates and Anidem. re.rme.1 to ate yestetdav morning after being caught in a terrific storm, tlie trail be ing buried in bf:ren or twenty het of snow. A party went after bim, meeting im returning on snow shoes, after a tough experience. The horse were le:t in a ravine. Tbe Cnila Company were al Tne !al'cs last night. trcnit court adionmed last evening after a four days amnion. The University of Oreiron' monthly for March is a very creditable college paper. A uniform bill will be given at the ooera hoase on Wednesday evening Man.h W. A safe in tbe Ntrre of O H Medley, of Oakland, Or . was blown open Wrdnesc'ay nigbt and tvv secured. Corvallis has 12 lawyers and only four pracjctng phi ricia.. " This mean there is more distress of mind here than cf body. Gazette. In Uie Lawler minrstbe big Mamp mill is ten porarily idle on account of the reor ganization ot the cotntmnv owing to thf death of a prominent stockholder. Work is being donj at tbi saw mill, tuongn, pre- parat- rr to general oierations later. Notwithstanding the mmt law against se'Ilng liquor to ledians. not a day paws but some drunken Lmattiia is seen npon the streets of Pendleton, sas tbe 1 rtbune Deputy United SUtrs .Marshal Hen'ley is keenin? a close watch to find out who is selling tbe liquor lo the Indians. Mavor favlorof Astoria yesterday signed the ordinance making it a misdemeanor to expectorate on sidewalks, floors ol public buildings or on sirenvur. Ane penally is fine of from f'i to iu. ine Gun Goes. Off A Instantly when you pull the trigger. So sickness may come on suddenly. But it takes time to bad the run and it takes time to get ready for those ex plosions called diseases. Coughs, colds, any 44 attack," whatever the subject be, often means preceding-weakness and poor blood. Are you getting thin? Is your appetite poor t Are you losing that snap, energy and vigor that make "clear-headedness f" Do one thingt build up your whole system with SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod-liver Oil. It is the essence of nourishment. It does not nauseate, does not trouble the stomach. And it replaces all that disease robs you of. A book telling mors about ft sent free Ask for it. SCOTT t BOWNB, K.w York. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. Sam Gcin bas just returned from a trip to Eastern Oregon. Hon. W. P. Elmo.-e, of Brownsville, was in the city today. Mr. Cruikshsnk, circulation man of the Oregonian, is in the city. Ed Shea, of Brownsville died at Ore gon City on March 9, at tbe age of 22 years, fie died of quinzy. Ma? or Chas. Younger and Frank Gal braith came down from Waterloo today. The former went to Salem. Miss Edna Breckemidge will begin ou next Monday to teach a term of school in one of the l-ake Creek districts near Ha I soy, Johnny Sehmeer and Jacob Lleb, a brother of Peter Lieb. deceased, who once baked for Hodes & Hall, were over irotn Albany yesterday. Corvalaa Times. Mrs. Dr. J. M. Connaway, of Albany, accompanied by her son, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Connaway of this city, daring Mr. Connaway 'a sickness. Indepen dence Enterprise. The eighth birthday of Ethel White horn, daughter cf Prof. Whiteborn now stoppin. at Mr. J as Marks, waa celebra ted yesterday evening in a very happy manner, a crowd of boys and girls spend ing a couple of hours with her in games, partaking of a luncb, Ac The Jefferson Review navs a Linn county official the following compliment: County Clerk Montngue, of Linn, is one of the most courteous and competent officials in the state and is rapidly add- mg 10 ins legiousot menjs. .o better man could be found for the place. , Mr. A L. 8 breve and family left for their future home, Stayton, Marion Co., Wednesday. Mr. Shreve will nut in an electric tight plant at that place, and the citizeus of Staytyn can rest assured that uiey w 111 nave a good service. The Ob server wishes Mr. Shreve and hi estim able w ife success in their new home Dallas Observer. As El Trip. Many Ores on Elks will go to Minneapolis in July to tbe 11 th an nual reunion, to Aimneeoia "witn tier fertile prairies, rugged hills roozblv bearded with trees; little park spoU, rerdaot and lnvitlnn: lonir. nndnUUnt slopes, dappled with yellow grain fields and green pastures; wild, sleepy hol lows, with tangled underbrush and wood bines, and amid it all, here, there, every- here, tiaabint into tbe sunlutbt from every knoll and eminence, and dotting tue landscape in every direction, lie the large silver lakes for which the stale is famooa." poetically svs a PorUnd Elk in an address to Elks. A special car loaded to tbe guards with Oregon pro ducts w ill be taken a'oog and this exhibit will be placed in one of the most central locations in the city, apartments for this exhibit already having been reserved by the Minneapolis reunion committee Asvria Lis will alto make a fine ex hibit of ftalmon. lumber and other re source ot which they have reason to lJ. What tlia malt nl l!Kn. Elks taking gotneof our running sample, I an Albany chair, a sack ol Bed Crown I Hour, a band e of wheat, a can of our sirawberriee, some of oar prone and a bi turnip as well as some untie rs. LocAT-ico is Aatxuxa. Tbe many friends ot Hon.C. K. Wilkinson through out the state, and ia Eugene in particu- lar, will rwret to learn that be has lo cated at PUoenix, Arizona, for the prac tice of law Mr Wilkinson was educat ed at the University of Oregon and w elx-ted to the stale legislator at the early age of 21 years, as a democrat. wl ea this county went 500 republican. lie was the youngest man ever elected to the state legislature, but at once took rank as one of tbe ablest me ot mat body. He was then appointed tot re sponsible position in th Custom House at Portland, which position be held until be resigned to practice law : be in tne mean time having studied law and been admitted to practice. Eugene Guard. A Laccvik Jos A quarrel between linn Maiov and Leslie Ruasiil ended the day by Ruiil tiring two shots at Melov. neither ol which toot cQect, says the Lakeview Examiner. Maloy knocked Uussill off h porch a few minutes be- ore, and Russill went to hi room and got bis pistol. Wben he cam down he pened hre on Maloy. who was standing n front of Poet & King'a saloon, the bul let embedding itseit in to door-casing close bv. As Russill waa retting ready to shoot again. Jo Lane threw op Rns- 1 s arm and th ballet struck ron ai-ove Maloy's bead. Maloy and Rostill ere botb Hned bv Ksmui liavlev. Mayly swore tbat be did not think Rus sill was sdooung at bim, and tbat it w only a big joke- Search 1 so Yet The Willamette river is again being dragged below Corvallis in the hope of finding either or both of two bodies supposed to be lying eome- bere along its bottom. The search tor James Eglin, supposed to have gone in- o tbe river January 2nd. was recently discontinued 00 account of a rise in tbe state of the water. Wednesday after noon it was renewed, when Art Henkl and Louis Zeis chartered a boat and be an a new season of seeking. Time. Co ASGEABUt B ubs.-Another change has taken place in the barber business in this citv, Mel. Stephens having pur chased the interest oi Frank Stimpson. Mr. btephens has engaged the services of a barber named Bert Bocan and will continue to run two chairs in his shop. We understand Mr. SUmpsoa will leave Brownsville. Times. BoroiiT Cattle. Scott Turner, cab le buyers of Albany, bought thirty head of beat cattle of Jesce Foster this week They pid 132.65 'per hundred, slightly over 2Va cents per pound As only o bead can be shipped in a car. tne genw men rustled around and bought enough extra to fill another car. The two cars were shipped to Portland Thursday. Corvallis Times. Walk an Oct. A dispatch from St. Louis reads : "T ouble developed at the afternoon session ot the sovereign camp of Woodmen of the World, today, lue dultrates from Colorado and Oregon asked for a separate jurisdtetion . the request was put to a vote. Th majority was against it. but tbe Oregon and 001 orado delegations refused to accept the vot?, walked out of th convention, ana are now organizing a special bory, This movement is one of great import' ance to the oodraen of tbe coast. AFakk. A young man, giving the name of Stephen Concilia, now in th city jail in Portland, claims th distinc tion of being the murderer ot tiiancnei Lamont, in Kan rrancisco. . lie otter no reason or explanation, but says he will divulge the terrible secret when taken back to San rrancisco. No connection is claimed with Durrani, who. Concilia says, murdered Minnie Williams, tie is probably a lake wuo wants a ire trip to Ean rrancisco. Save Vour Grain. Few reahte that each squirrel dwtroya $1.50 worth of grain annually. Wake lee's Sauirrel and Gopher Exierminstor I the moat effective and economical poison known. Price reducsd to 80 cents, , For sale by Foshay & Mason, agents. iOCUREACOLU IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Rromo Quinin Tablet. All druggists refund the moneylf it tails o cure. roc. Properly used, "Perfection" dyes' are superior Insist on having "Perfection" Dyes, tor sale by Frea Dawson. New invoice ot ladies gold watch chains at French's jewelry store. , x Hi P8U0 Absolutely Pure Celebrated for its great leavening strength and bealtbfulness. Ass ire the food against alum and all fotms of adul teration common to be cheap brands. BOTAL bxiso rowpza 00., bkw voa. HOME AND ABROAD. That German washing floid, which ba f,011 fine lhio' bM rrived at 1 arker Bros m a large quantity. Call and try a bottle. . For fruits Of all kinds. Go to F. H. Pfe ffers. Dasrsoa sells Liverine. Liverine 50c at Dawson's. Apples at C E BbowheixV. Smiley does our job printing. No blur on Smiley 's printing. Elks teeth are in demand. F II Pfeiffer keeps everything in season. Kit's kpel buttons at French's jewelrv store. ' For the latest novelties in French tne jeweler. jewelry see For a good ph sic take Liverine, for sale by Dawson, the "pill autocrat-" . 9ur Printiag is tbe chetneat beeasss it is the best. SiirutT. the Printer. Oar work is tbe beat, therefore it is tbe coeaoest. Smiley, the Printer. Crawford H smith for photograrhs. Prices from f I to l?0 per dozen. Water white comb honey from California. Jtwt in at o E Bbowxeu. Two packages of garden seeds for gets, according to tbeir usual custom at Stewart M Sox's. An assay of ore recently Uken from the Santiam district snowed fcirt) tr. per too. As tbe rt part of Van k. l. what of a lion we may took for a la i at tbe end. Binger Hermane pays taxes in JnaenHtut I oa $9 2s). M. of bis property 1 ta LkMgtaa county. There were eliAt alarm tiJ ia Eagene daring ls95 Total less 83200, insurance ll-kO If yon have a food thing, advertise it oa A.,bMT Ekc Street' Railway ' rrnca roe jeweier Information that marth itm -;. go!d: Get roar meat of ah kinds at Hen ry Broder a, oa Second street. If rOU Owe Conn J Hmlm rail .ma them acd pay no Whv inr u,.( . j esolotioa for now is the pay a? time. Members af ue Elks are invited to call at French's jewelry store and see sample of u i . , . ,. . . - uaiuu, aiioe cn et s leeta. For choice meats of all kinds. prompt attention call onoa Wm Emerick k So, two dr wait of Kaecbt t Misers. Drs. H. E. and O. C. Bern oSom - residence ia tbe post office building. Spec ial attention gives to disease of son.. Pat a spoonfol cf Scbilliars Best hakins- powder in a giass of nter and a naifai of any other m aaotbf r- Toe on tbat babbie tne longest is the strongest. Tbe different 'Domes' cf tbe state, includ ing th Albany Orphan's Home, wij have to be roa oa private donations daring the cuouBgr iwu years. The Saleta motor raiinv tia sra. anld yesterday to A Masoe. tbe highest bidder, for $3300, it bnog ia tbe interest of the Saiem Consolidated street railway com pany. Do not wear impermeable. aI iioht Et. ting- bat that constrict the blood vessels of the scalp. Use Hall's Hair Renewer 00 casionally. and you will not be ball. Th Price of mintM ("Mine etiil!aJ rdn share, ba been reduced to SO rents. B rare tbe BAme Oliver is oa every share For al only by Hopkins Bros. A woman' CWnitsvm k i aiisi fwa ed Hf Eagoe for ta mrpo of reform it . - a a a 1. uwciiy. jsrs J it. atcUang was tempo rary chairman and Mrs L Bilyea secretary Consider your wavy, think before von act, and the go to Haigfat Bros , where yoa will find a choice stock of neat of all kind to ords from. 1 ou are bound to be pleased if you order of them. Keep going until voa leach the shoo of tbe Albany Drea-ed Beef Company, where roa will find a fin line of meats of all kind. This conusor kcerw the best and yoa will be sorry if yoa don't call on them. On Friday night March 19th the collese will give a musical and dramatic enter tainment at the opera house. This will be ice best entertatoment of the season. Program will be published later. .Dennis Stovall. an O A C tadont, a former Texas bov. now eighteen rears of sge bas written a story called "Cow Boy Tom," a border romance, which will be published im book form by a New York house. Albany will probably have one new building at least this vear. The plans nave oeen arawn tor a ones: on the va cant lot just north of tbe Democrat office. probably 3Uxbt leet, one story . Tbe two room have already been rented. The woolen mills of this city at making preparations to close down for aahile. Most of the departments are already closed. and by rndaj it is expected that the eo'ire plaat will be idle. The shut down, of course, is only temporary. Brownsville nines. Some of theapplicant for the Corvallis postotfic are circulating petitionsasking in appointment as postmaster, lhe applicants are: Le Beach, W W Br tow, 1 homos Cooper, K M Davisson, B w Johnson, Mrs Minnie Lee and Miss Welker. Tho term of rostmaster John- ton will expire in September. Th Ladv Maccabees of this citv Lav been invited to visit Albany Hive March 22d. at which date th Supreme Lady Commander will be present. Weather permitting, no doubt many Jefferson members wilt attend. Jefferson Re view. At a rafhVJast night D B Monteiih won a bicycle on a throw of 48; Shults Bros, I B Tillotson, J F Trout man and Jo Gal braith Jr., tied on 41 for a shot gun: C G Hale and John Kotuon tied on 40 for a Smith Wesson revolver: Phil Baltimore, A Molt, w 11 UilyeaandMr Wagstan tied on 39 fir a shell case and Grant Fro- raan got a bv x of cigars cn the lowest throw, li. rare' Crp. "My three children arll subject tc croup: t telegraphed to San r rancisco, got 0i A bail doten bottle of S B Cough Cure- It i a perfect remedy. God bless voa for it. Tours, eto J.H. Crosier, Grant Pass, Or." For M'e by Foshay & Mason at Oc per bottle. We keep the only complete stock o printer's stationary ia th county. Smi ey tbe printer. Ifvou want a aooJ and clean, cure It promptly tor anyone who wnioke buy cigars made by our bany lgar factory. For the best drugs. Dawson-a. COLLEGE NOTES. One week ago last night the seniors and juniors spent of the most enjoy ab evenings of the season at the home of Mr. Joe Sternberg. Among the welcome visitors of the week were Dr. J. W. Strange cfRoee borg, and Miss Haynea of Eugene. iunng a recitation bour a company 01 , young men congregated in the rear of I tbe room, and began to eat peanuts and I be merry. Tbeir merry making grew too boisterous, and coon the cracking ol pea-1 nut shells attracted the attention of Prof. Tor bet. The boys prolonged their school ' hours on that particular day. I Some of the ianiors worked off some ' of tbeir superfluous energy on an exami nation in the coarse of reading yesterday. The Erodelpbian societ held a abort but decidedly sweet meeting yesterday afternoon "When she whistles Annie Booney be hasten to her aide," so wi itea one of the seniors. Tbe A. C. L. 8. held it regular meet ing yesterday afternoon. Five visitors were present and all seemed pleased with tbe workings of the order. An athletic association waa organized this week. M r. Luther W iley was elect ed president of the association and Prof. Sox was cboen manager of th baj bait team. W are again called opon to not the departure of one of oar brightest stu dents. Mr. John O. Swan left us on Thursday for his borne at Lebanon, and will soon begin teaching school at La comb. Mr. Swan is a young man of ex- traord:nary ability and we feel sure that nothing but success can come to bim in whatever he undertakes. Mrs. Weaver ot Trenton, Mo., cave at a short call Tuesday. Dr. Wire gave an entertaining lecture at the college last night on tbe subject "Honest Homespun." Dr. Wire sus tained tra reputation as being an elo- qneut and instructive speaker. 1 be other day 1 rol. box mad me startling announcement that the chape) was not a Pullman sleeping car. Next Friday evening the band assisted By th choral anion will give a grand concert at tbe opera nous. A rare mus ical treat 1 assured. brrLTxs. McGUIRE KNOCKED OUT. Secretary of State Kincaid knows bia bujinese, and he seems to b pretty well backed op by th governor in bia posi tion. W give a cample: H. D. McGaire, state fish and game warden, wrote to the secretary as fol lows: DkabSis: Will yoa kindly inform me as to tbe kind of form of claim I should file for service and expenses? I w by the paper that yoa bay made som ruung in connection witn the nl- ng of claims and denrc. to conform with your deciiioa in making out my state ments. Would it ie possib'e for yoa to give me a certificate for moneys actually paid oat for tb hire of patrol boats and oiher unavoidable and necessary expense? kindly send me aixwt m copies of my official report as I have a demand tor them from other elates, as well aa from our canneryafca ard other in our own state. I would also like a few copies of the fish laws compiled ia 1&3, and greatly oWge, He was promptly knocked oat in tb Erst round, so completely that he will not need his official report to send away. Mr UoUisterD. McGaire, Portland, Oresroo. DKABSra: I decline te file recog nize in any way claims against the etaie by tbe various coenm:ions, normal schools, charitable borne, etc Tbey depend upon appropriations of the legi lature for what they receive and when there is no apptopriation tley bar no valid claim against th siat and will not have any until an appropriation is isaJc for their berefit, Ia th case of those claiming to be commissioners there ia also doabt a to whether they are le gally in office. They can present their .Itimi (a f K. bi.1 a tnr. if thev think they have any but they cannot file them in this orfice nor receive any certificate or other recognition of claims against the Stat without a mandate of tb court. II. R. KcccAiD, Secre'ary of State. Uoifortn Bal. On Wednesday. March IV . r . Co, will give a uniform ball. A large number will be ia uniform. Th grant march will be something elegant. Over 50 cooolee expected to be present. This will be the last event et the season. Spectators will mis tb sight of the season if they mis seeing th grand march. Dancing tickets, 50 cents; spec tator 10 cent, at the armory Orrr Ty. Information ta been made to the Marshal that bova are in th habit of creating a disturbance and annoying the congregatioa at the baptist cnurcn. Let me say to you, dots, iook oat lor breakers. U. O. Lsx. Albany, March II, 1S97. Th RntoK that we are about to leave Albany is not true. We are here to stay. We shall alwavs be found at the old stand with a larger stock and lower pri-1 cea than ever. Kxkht & aitis. SLGAR CHEAP. Come and See J Gradwohl informs the geaeral pub- He that ha will sell for net cash l lb rrannlated auger tor $1.00. All other merchandise, wnicn is too nu tue roue w mention, at same rate for net cash. I 1 invite the general public to com and price my goods ano eatisty yourseu. Bv th sack Extra C. 4Vc, granulated Ke. Sahiect ta the chasg of Ut mar ket. Both the Taethod and reralta wrhen Syrap of Figa is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual eonsttpatton. byrup of t lgs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste ana ac ceptable U the stomacn, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most Healthy and agreeable substances, its manv excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for tale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drag gists. Any reliable druggift ho aav not have it on hand will pro- Al I wishes to trv it, Do not accept any substitute. 1 CALIFORNIA FIQ STRUP Cd aa What We Know about Printing . . Some people writ books about what they know about printing-. Th people pay for that work. Some people could write a great deal larger boos entitled "What I don't Know about Printing," and still have some room left Our plan is to df al in cold facts, no theories. We print everj thing and let the peopi judge. They're our court and we'll abide by tbeir verdict. Lowest price. Newest type. See for yourselves. IMPRINT JOB OFFICE. Citv Official Office. Ccncernici O&r Advertising Burning words nrer did set tbe world on fire. It is our policy to repress all sen sstionaJ state meals, to deal in facts, not figures of speeelt or exarenOiona Every word we print is weighed, and we vooch for its exact fruthfulneaa art th onr twnoaal honor, fheinteffriryof car word of mouth i unquestioned ) lhe integrity ot onr word cf type most be ioct as suLstsotiaJ. Tb object of all onr aavertiaieg is to tell yoa about cor basinets e'eany, plainly, convincingly as one ma talks to soother. It costs some money, but done inteligentij, it pays. Ton try it c'xiLKT, tie Prirter. Academy of Our Lady of Per petual Help. Boarding School for Girls. Thorough instruction Wholesome iiet Homelike treatment. Consider ing hard times, favorable redaction are made for boarders and day scholars. Studies will be resumed tept. 1st. For cither particulars call at the Aeademv or write to Sister Superior. CORSERYiTORT OF HOSIC 7 bany College ftu 'KT the school veax 1896-1897 : tLjiri .par-sin, Mas. Doc director. Aeeietast techer-Maryuerit AJderson, B. M., and Mrs. Josephine Sharpe. Thorough and systematic . instruction riven in all the important branches of music Beet conservatory room and latgeet musical library and taciiiuea for mttiral work. Largest Bomber of con servatory student enrolled of any music school in the state. Term low. Send for circular and calocne, to Wallaol How Lax, A. M. Albany. Oregon. FOSHM & HASOH -Wholesale Retail BSUSBISia ilD ECOISILim AXJBAST. OKBOOX. Pare Drag and tbe finest and Large Stock of Stationary and Book in the Market. as it 1. as as r nn 1 nam vnz i?a .ri.t Mi ski fetfl 1. k.;s 1- Emgk Far all tke Winter Eth;.- ' ALMOST "Rr. Tona topics, grs tbe fo""'.i TTbe wnyjs TVO KLN:-'.:"-D AM) FIFTY -?:X parts, r-g-utar p-xT rifTT ); f FIFTY ws a rort : I f o i DOLLaB aar TES : lor OSS PLlA AND a HA-LF l a1cae librmrT ol SLA-TKKN snrK eats or a son. Brtui xe- -TKEoorsn or thx xxsa Ej-a. s. vma a-srVioKTHS a eadss. By an t A-mnCT CHASCE. By Csr-sia l-ojrTK,lsTTTPr5ST' SHx juriiisa or uita. Br i" Aloipy.AKita srrr. Br'"- at-IBAT BUADra WOXAS. by Ban! -U-aVtit Dt EESVT2. By Ssase XcKen- JA-VTHi t EATS GLUTS. ST Am i"1 - vfBZaaXXABIX 6ISI- Br t- B. C-ASAiiLAGK rOK KATE. By Harold B. 9-clVr tft rrrrar-B. Br t. c rvir- MysrsSSTsXPKKIXXST Br BaroM K-Vyaaa. j- HEW YORK WORLD, THRICE-iK-WEEC EDITION . .igwantta. 15Pa?OTTear. Is larger the any weekly or emi vreeklv paper published and is the only mwxlant democratic "weekly" pub iahediaSew Yovk City. Three time U Urge as th leading republican week ly of hew York Ciir- It wiU b of icial advanUge to you daring th rvl.tential Campaisn, as it is pub- gted every other day, except Sunday, -Saaallthfreahaeeaad timeunea daily. It combine all the newt . a Jom list of interesting ceparv- mc lUusUrauons, ia-iaiur wi Jtiie improvements have been ... with out any increase ut tne cow which remains at on dol'ar per year We offer this anequaiea """i-i-and the Wkkklt Dkmocsat together one !ar for 2.00. Satisfactory terms with iy r X2 L Cs Reason lo III V'l r. -otherl Is itnotbet- toTto buy vour Bread, Pie. Rolta, Cake, . - is k . .Kaa-a WlfaaVA never get it by -vC Be dlawormanu s.y-u . C. D. Yakdtx. Proprietor BlolKiepiDgSx - , ft- 1 c. . . oashlv aua'itv yoa w ko aofbooka The higher .reference furiished. For terosanl ta,, tion address U D.J HU NTE R A O V " ABUiyi-, . v - r OSTT Between residence ot R. M. 1 VrtiT and theU.P. chnrca. a paU cflold rimmed glasses- Ketora to R M. Robertson . . . ,-nulM taetm-r atsnle goods. AW V " . ' esUbUshed five year, want tocal , , .!!. if! ner cent profit. Mast have San Francito. FlT REST. A fiTe room nt in First Ward, nrperrt of city, cheap. ApP'Jto""' "r nRliAl.K. Pure, wheat chops, f-o.w etc at a reiiaoie store turn onTy th Beet material-why of course it Von dont want dyspepsia and yoa . I