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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1896)
H1fflitfTillf VOL XXXII. KwtereJ tC Case Teat a Albany. Or. Besaad-t'lask Hall Mailt, i ALBANY OREGON. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 30. 189G. IJf: HtTTim raMIkeraa4rrarteiar; f it a 14 I s fcgefeUe Preparation fbr As similating CEFooaansll uia tiig the Stomachs anllx-weis of I 3 Ptomotost)Icslion.Chccrful ress and Rest.Contains neither Opnnn.MorpHnc nor Mineral. KotNahcotic. 2fi Alx Smnm rnirai'aias fciTg i fllSmdSmfa-. hiiia"Mi me A perfect Remedy forConk'Joa- tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea. Worms MnvuIsions.Fcvcnsh ness and Loss of Sleep. XaE Simile Signature of OTW YDRIf. S ' EXACT C0FVOT WRAPPER. I! The Indestructible -Maywood BICYCLE. oa jbet Vodars, ano 8TRONGEST Vfbcal od Eaftiaw PATENTS J Feb- rA1" 1 May J 7. 191 The "lljrwtyjr" tl tl ttrrmrrrt Tft tirant's! f Tet Eivip. Arf;'-J for ij VT ir .rt Boads and rlc.ere. Uate of material that is !. '&cA nai frr'-x. f tirJe in canttcc 'Hin easily taken apart and pnt together; haa lew piTfi-. Uot Dn-irr-4iri! tht it ! Will bold toaetner even in an acci'ient: no taoilow tsbhas toeru!, r. mr 'ocart- c irsre that cannot be broken; so simple tbat its miijusiint vai.s ocrvc a - .c-l-f art'' a ane tiece crank in place of a dozen punt ; alirars reaix tocjre ivi:a ;c ;atl t -i-i trsaMniu.a. - FKAJI &lmproTed den ble diamond. jrtiwiiiwi lor thnmt . .(!.-cl -jr.. f roura sieei rooa tioaenen ana etrnet tncta! wHimiiBm wuue BuuKa in Burn loose; a marrel of noreltr', eimx In blcrcle mechanism known, to I (aaarraaieao0nunnsi!7 break and Irartare at broi - in cannot oe repaired, w ULtL-i !ncb: wsrrar.r.d cood ion. .'.-wio ti- inr-t, sk,s. and brass nippies. ntTBS Larae barrel pattern. TIKES"Artii;7'. r- :.'t i.v; ' 1: ?r. ran & Wright Quick Repair, or some otiier urst-e!-s tnT:ciic tite. Hi:A!uvii-iv.iS bearmars to erery part, inclndin- whecU. crar.k axie. eerin hcvl aai i?-Jii. ' t , COlJ Best quality tool steel, earefnliy tempered ani bar-Jene-L CIIAIS? - Uiih traao hardened centers, rear adjustment. CKAXKS Our celebrated cae-t:t In t3v pro tected by patents: no cotter pins. KE.tCH- Shortest. a iutb-:s: lonni t IccVsl v.tit" S ?L1a,?BOJf'? FOKK Indestrnctible: fork crown made from snn-ternM vL iLlltUf I--BAK Eeverslble and ! adjastaltlc: eyil adjnstsd to anv pwiiiAa desired: rajo't hct fi-s- nished If ordered. WDDLE-P. F 6!l':iam. or some other srst-cla&s c-ike ",;i-L Rat-trap or rubber; full ball bearing. Fl N1SK Enameled in black, with u'u 'ciUitMila nickel plated. Each Bicycle complete with toe! hi. pomp, wrench and oih t. Wfcteii i aordingto tires, pedals, saddles, etc. n to poancl. MO la onr Spaclal Wholesale Frlee. Kerer before sold for less. To quickly Introduce the M y wood" Bicycle, we bare decided to make a special coupon offer, Fivnaerery reader of this paper a chanoe to get a iirst-cisss wiieel at the lowest price erer offered. On recerot of etripo we will ship to anyone the above bicvcla. serirlv crated, and guarantee safe deliray. Mosey refunded if not t represented after arrival and examination. We wii- shin C O. D. with privilege of exsTnination. for tzt.uo and ceurou provided ts.00 is sent with order s a eoartinter of ecod faith. A written binding warranty with ea'-ii Bicvcle. This ia a nance of a lifetime and yon cannot aflcrd to let th "npor kVnity paaav Address all orders te CASH BUYERS UNION, aa Waat Vaa Bans Street. Rxar oj, CHICAGO. Albany Red Crown Milling Co. We have leased tlie Red Crown Mills for another year, and we are now prepared to receive wheat on storage s and to buy the same , Sacis will lie liraisM oa appllcatioiL F.our And Feed constantly on band and for sale. Parties bavin? wheat to cell or tore ; we will try and make it to their advantage to call and see as. Flour will be xebanged for wheat on the same terms as heretofore. . W. L.Vai! . Fd Mas, H. H. Allen sn3 S. E- Tcimg. ggj" Kotincoipurated. select the Waverly because-tliey have learned to know the dif PftlPf IPtlCPd erence between a wheel that is actually high grade and one that n'j i J is simply claimed to be. Borne others maybe good but the RidClS , Waverly is the highest of all high grade, bcorcber (3 heights) 83.00, Belle 26 and 28 inch $75.00 and $83.00. MAD BT N DIANA BICYCLE vO. BDIASAPOL18, IND i m s fGLlSHBUSINSS PORTLAND FULL EUSINhSb BLANCHES. BOOKKEEr-IN'O, SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHY. OlsS MPAfuAEHT'LADltS - -I. ."UAT. W-U. M1U. )-... -. ' j ui 'Diiay.Orat.-"- SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE . SIGNATURE OF IS ON" THE WRAPPER OF EYEBT BOTTLE OF A.,!...!. I- 1 1 ! lil V, . an soul u sua. joa ( auow aayoos 10 sau, H?00 aaythijig aha oa tbs plea or wraoiss that tt la T J T " ) . n ia jszt aa good" and "win asswsr every par- rcfeo- THIS S75.00 COM PLETE BICYCLE Jnn. rt. 16 ,.r COUPON i e",i'u!i r, situ: 1 1 ' Tvettrrw f r. : v Tr3 tot . j'a. sneh & muniKT t!i: 3: is i.posit.lA hr' .r anv r r opliojtf ssd dura.-!:tT; l: e rrc-.tct ctroiiirioo of lu.'juiiy lor s irpiirfit ti:or..: jo'n-d tct;-i't '3- 7! ; ai..i ttiues vhvi ' hev cr- i ,-Hd' hf Coop;? 3. rae3 . i '. tf SENT WTTM No. s Alfyvt I :-i I. D. Barrett. A re bisi It in and Best - Equipped Factory in ealliicliBifEdetneWorid A. J. Hodges, ;Agent ORtGOM ENGLISH C')'JSH. FKCNCK A.1U GtVMAM. THTTBST3AT THE FACTS. Mr. Bab Bryant informs the Demo crat that the statement in the Morning Herald that he refused to agree to receive payment for a fOOO note from Mr. Pete Dewall in silver in case of Bryan's elec tion, was not tme. Not only that, but it was Mr. Bryant's own proposition that he would receive silver or any other legal tender money in case Bryan was elected. A day or two ago Mr. Bryant voluntar ily struck out gold from a note and put in silver. That is the sice of his faith. Falsehood will not count. In justice to Mr. Dewall it may be sa'd that he was not too blame for the statement. It does him an injustice. This cheap talk about cheap silver dol lars does not take with inofct people. College Notes. Misses lna McCullongh, Nellie Elkins, Backett of Mc.Minnville, and Hilleary, of Turner, were visitors at college this week. The new students this week are Messrs Melvin and Fred Wire, former students of the State University, and Mies Win nie Stafford, formerly of Portland 1; Di versity. We also note with pleasure the return of Mr. Angus Graham and Mies Anna Crabtree, and still there are more to follow 4 The Y. M. 0 A. held a business meet ing today for the purpose of planning for work of the coming year. Arrangements were made for the organization of a Bible class in the near future. A cmninittee was appointed to purchase books for special music in the associat ion. A com m it tee was also appointed to convey the organ and stool to and from the assemb ly hall. The ". W. C. A. has a1 planned for active work during the year. Quite a number new students have been received as members since the fall term opened. The A. C. L. 8 will hold its third reg ular meeting on Friday. A program suitable to the heated political times has been arranged . The question for debate is: "Resolved, That congress should adopt the free and nnliniited coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1." The leaders are, affirmative, W, E. Stewart, negative, J. Q. Swan. A class in Greek testament conair ting of the bright and retentive?) classical students in the senior and junior classes has just been formed. We've got Irof. Scovt, he's all right- Indeed, just to The Iliad class has justtaked op Greek prose. This is a class of wnich it might tuly be said, "Boiling stones gather no moea." The Sophomore and Freshman classes have been initiated into the mysteries of Latin prose. These are brilliant students students of brains, so 4 hat we mav reasonably suppose they will not remain in the mire long. A college band has been organized with a membership of nineteen, f n this organization the fair sex is concpicuous for it absence. Mr. Kay Parrin, eon of Dr. Parvin, is leader. A night school will soon be opened in which all branches of a business or col lege nature will be taught. Terms rea sonable. AccoaunOiiatiOD3 good. Judge 'Wolverton, of Salem, was in the city today. Mr Frank Simpson has returned from a trip to Montana. Mr. Bart H Allen, of Halsey, is lying dangerously ill in Portland. M. Charles Scott has moved from ear Lebanon to Albany to reside. License has been leaned for the mar riage of Oscar Williams and Etta E. Urnphrey. Bev. G. L. Burbank and family have moved to Fall City, Pclk county, wLere Rev. Burbank has an appointment un der the M. E. church. If reports are true there are to be sev eral weddings among prominent young people. Already several have occurred tor certain that haven't occored. Dr. it. B. Holmes died In Port and yesterday. He was at one time partner of Dr. E. L. Irvine and wa a prominent physician there. V. G. Hayne. Elmer Hendricson, Harry Starr and V.O. Wait returned last night from A I sea where they caught the festive troat sufficiently for their needs and killed three deer. Flour is now $1.10 a sack, the highest tor several years. The delinquency on the but roll of Mult nomah ccunty ia t263.r27.41; Ben Tillman and F X Scb-Mnmaker both poke in The Dalles last night. Freight that baa teen V2 rents between Albany and Portland ia now 29 cents ner hundred. Frank Howe, of Brownsville, waa hroaght to Albany yesterday evening oa a com plaint of killing deer. A new Columbia bicycle No. 19'S6 mcdel 0 was stolen from Dr. KDykendalU porch Tuesday night in Eugene. Six CorvallU bicyclists came over from CorvaUis lat night to attend the Driver rally, which will occur next Saturday. A Baker City pa tier says -rambler are flockinir there from all over the northwest, attracted by the success of the mines near there." The woolen mills will close on Saturday temporarily, until certain matters can be arranged- It is the intention though, to run the mills aa soon as it can be does in a satisfactory manner. tx-Sheriff Shattuck and srng spent 3 weeks brnting at the head of Chetco and 50 deer with two bean were b-ought in aa trophies. The venison was dried and the bear meat salted down for winter ure. lj rants Pass Conner. The man who secured about $65 from two Albany business men has not been arrested nor beard from. He sravs the name of Winsr at cne place and Mason at the other and the checks had the signa tures of C. D. Wilson and A Gardner of Mill City. Ifce Grand Tribune, Knights of Pythias for the domain of Oregon, met in. this city Tuesday afternoon, and elected L R. Stin son, recorder. L. M. Curl, a delegate to the grand lodge, became a member of the Tribune. The society holds ten meetings each year, six in Salem and four in Port- land salem Journal. A phenomenal pumnkio vine was raised this year by Mr Bnrcbtorf of Mill creek, aaysTne Dalles Chronicle. It covers a space as that between the four corners of intersecting streeM in The Dalles. It beara 22 large pumpkins of an averam weight of 24 pounds, to say nothing of the amah ones. hence has over 44o pounds of pumpkin. A case of ingratitude Come from Grants Pass, 'the Courier says: A hobo whom Judge Chiles' family treated to a meal lash week, took advantage of bis bene'actnrs by stealing a tubiine and nd worth 12.00 ana selling it to another party for 50 cents. He was overhauled and lentenced to o days bread and water and no work, or three nquare meals a day and street labor. He chose the aqnaie tnea's, but his system was so full ot morphine that bis work was nit Mabic Hasna's Enemy. The Salem Journal says: Homer Davenport, the young gentleman from this county, who has gained a national reputation as the best cartoonist in the land, is not only being showered with honors, but bets also raking in the coin. Recently, Mr. Pullitzer, of the New York World, of fered to give him $250 per week to leave I trie journal and go to work on his paper. This was (100 per week more than Mr. Davenport was receiving, but he de clined the offer, as he preferred to keep faith with his present employer. Mr. Hearst heard of the incident, and im mediately raised him to (250 per week and made him a present of a cheek for $1000. It takes money to buy Mr. Davenport out, but his manhood is evi dently not for sale. That trait seems to be iu the Davenport blood. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Hihest Award. BRYAN EXCURSION. Corvalllis tomorrow afiernocn and night will have its biggest Bryan rally of the season. Both afternoon and eveni ng will be devoted to speaking and parades. It is proposed 1 1 have the biggest horse back procession ever given in the valley. Tho principal speakers will be ex-Go v. Pennoyer, Hon. J. K. Weather'ord and Mr. Day. Arrangements are being made for a big excursion from Albany. Tickets will bt sold for 60 cents round trip, good for the noon train or a special train which will leave the depot promptly at 7 o'clock, and return after the speaking. The Albany band will go along and furnish tmiMC for the occasion. It will be a live trip and it is expectod a crowd will go. Join the procession. Lebanon. Miss Stella Rankin, of Albany, is vis iting Mies Onetta Crouch this week. Mias Abhie Frv commenced a term ot school in the Denny district last Monday. Dr. A. G. Prill has decided to move from Sodaville to Scio, aud pt act ire his profession there. We wish aim success in his, new field. Dr. Dudley returned Ust Saturday from a visit to his daughter in Umatilla county. The doctor says politics is red bo; there, and he thinks Bryan will car ry that county by 400 to 700 majority. D.J. Hildretti nd E. Keebler and wife returned last week from the moun tains. They killed five deer while they were gone. Mr. Hildrelh says he in tends going aeain In a few week. Mr. J. Frederick Al ermalt has onei- ed an art studio in the center room ot the bauk buildini; where be will tive in structions in art painting. He has some very line paiatings which he invites the puu'ic to call ana inspect. The Wafcbburn Mandolin and Guitar Club of Albany, consisting of C L Pow ers, Li H Gottlieb, H A Leningor, I R Borum, V 11 Alexander and Muees Lil lian Brencer and Lotie Sternberg, gave an entertainment at the opera house in this city lat Friday ereniti'r to a fair sized crowd. The club furnished some excellent music. Mr C L Powers plaved several pieces on the banjo which were fine. Pof. Alexander favored the audi ence with some excellent guitar music. and Miss Lillian U awford recited two selections which were met with much applause. We are sorry that they were not greeted by a larger audience, but if they should return to our city again in the future, wa think they will be favored by a much larger c-owd. as everyone that heard them were well pleased. Ex press. Probam Record. Final acounla set for Nov. ? in rotate of J P Craig; Nov. 2nd in estate of J b Morgan. In estate of Lewis Ray, will admitted to probate. Wni Ray executor, bonus tsnoo. In estate of O FucuEgef, inventory filed. In estate of B A Hardman, sale of per sonal property approved da us tt Uiirt admitted toctsz--n4.::a Ia estate (f Jane Fannicr, E V?u)ig appointed administrator. V&od !-. Accounts fiied in esiat of Euu'y Spicer, Nancy diggers. H L Brown, Jfbn Brown. P H Wii e, K II Farrar. Richard Fox. 11 Far we. I. S M MrLaoe, Wru Powell, F F Croft, John Findley. Property of wards in Farrar estate or dered transferred to new grard:an. t has Dante was reported GiKar-d rom insane asvlum on Uct 9 re,verti. Report of aale of proj erty in estate of II Farwell confirmed In estate of Oiney Fry, Sr., sale of rtal property not confirmed . R R Tempk-tOQ appointed administra tor of estate of actord Cor h ran. Bond (00. h Was Astoxishsd. The Corral! U Times telia the following: An event transpired in this city a few days ago that waa very amusing and is worthy of space. A f-1- iuw arrivvu in tins city rerrnkiy ana pro ceeded to "gin up." This eventually landed him beyond the "cooler" bars While there a very recpectabie old gen tleman chanced by hia place of abode and there ensued a political discussion. The old gentleman was a rousing Bryan man, while the man in the "jug" was a McKinley disciple. As the argument progressed it grew more healed and the man on the outside offered to bet $100 on Bryan's election, and to his grfat sur prise, the thought-to- be hobo, pulled out a weasel skin and counted out the money, adding that he was prepared to bet more if it auited the man outside. The old gentleman was so surprised at the tarn affairs bad taken that the bet was not const! mated. A Lebanon Bar. J C. Eilyer. ami W. J. Guy made a peculiar election bet a few days ago. The bet is as follows : If McKinley is elected Mr. Bilyea is to black up as a negro and hitch 'the bet team in his stable to their new carriage and drive around over town lor an hour, drivinif wherever Mr. Guy wishes to go; but if Bryan is elected then Mr.Guy b to black up and drive the carriage, 'while Mr. Bilyen acts as the gentleman and w ill be taken wherever he wants to go. Be sides Mr. Guy is to pay for the earring in case of Bryao's electron; There was nothing said about a band accompanying thecarriage.but in case Mr Gny wins it if safe to add he will have his band out with him. Express. The Baitikt Association has been in session at Salem. Among those attend ing from Albany I eing J. W. Senft. 11. r. aiernii, Jason heeler, Anna Foshav. Celia PennlnffLon. ICdna Allen. Rev. C. H. McKee. liev. M. M. Lewis. The following officers were elected : President, Deacon W. B. Hall, of the Second church, Portland: vice-president. Dr. 8. R. Jessup, of Salem ; cor responding secretary. Rev. Oilman Par ker, of Oregon Uitv : recording secretary. O. P. Coohow.of McMinnville: treasurer. F. E. Donaldson, of Oregon City. Tiis TrriBD Break. Clarence Craw, of this citv, has had more broken arms t ban any boy in AlbaDy. A lew years ago he oroKe dis right arm in I'ortiand. sev eral months atro white coinz home at night be broke his left arm by tumb imr trom bis bicycle. Last night alxmt 9 :30 he was passing the Central school build ing when he did nothing but run into the fence, and when he pulled himself to gether after the collision found that his right arm was broke, break ISO. 3. He is now satisfied with bicycle arm breaks. Three times and out. He has now had the same experience cf the Man about Town when a boy. Babt Alikn's Death Mr. B. H. Allen, who died in Portland on Wednes day of paralysis and was buried in Hal sey on Thursday, came to Oregon in 1852 from Illinois. He was a man of sterling worth, being pronounced in his views. He was a prohibitionist of the emphatic type and run for the legisla ture on that ticket on one or two oc casions. Thinks He is Ccked Jim WcMtfall, has returned from a trip to Portland and claims to have been cured after three days treatment by a negro doctor. Where his feet were cold before they are warm now and Jim is jubillunt, the hap-, piest tcan in Albany. The Dkmocbat man hopes it will last. A Fake Arbh-htkd. Some time ago a man was in Albany representing him self lo be agent of tbe Standard Pattern Company, as such securing part payment on sales of poods and skimi'nu out. Ha was arrested at Toledo yesterday for do- a 1: i .i ' J I., frauding people there, and was to be ex amined today. His name is not known. Jewel Cooks, Ranges And Ilcutcrs at The Stewart k Sox Hardware Co.'s. OUR PRICES are Bargains... Compare tljem oJithotlicrsb ia?l8 h3rnoss $ 5 CO Team harness 18 CO Two fcwaat pads 65 3 buggy whips 25 Oitir $03is in same pro portion. CALL AND SEE US POWER & TOM LI NSON. Oakvillc. Uncle Ike Watson was in Albany Wed nesday. He had his beat girl with him. Uncle has turned hiscoat ai d turned his back or his cousin Tom. He is afraid that Bryan would cm off his pension He li.luiis that Bryan after being sworn to support the constitution of the United States would coinda ailver dollar worth only 50 cents, a direct violation of his oath. We don't agree with you Ike. The republicans had a meeting here last tiitfht. The audience was composed of 12 republican voters, 9 opulisl (or free silver) voters snd i numerable crowd of amall Johnnies. The speakers 'did well and av that they are determined to win, but we thought that they were like the boy, jot w histling to keep up course. We noticed there were many better informed men than the speaker in the audience. Some of our people w ill gi to Corvallis today and take in the parade. We will he there as we have been quiet so far we will take in one big show. Mr. Ed Thrall railed on us yesterday. He has an attachment for a plow which lorts all right, for man who wants to ride. Mr. Al McClung, of Craafo'ikvihe, is visiting friends here. Awict. Easlv IUxktji. Kev. WooJdy ad dressed the convention says the States man, upon the dii&culties and develop ment of the boron tnmson work on the PaciSc coast, which commenced in ISMS. At that time the United States had no claim st of the Kjcicr mountains TLse first Baptist church, organized in 1S-S4 by lU;v. moent tcesHcg, M now extinct; In U.e Home Mission society tent out Rev. jtr Fittser and tlezekiah Johiison at a fjrary oi f-IX) a year. One of the difficult of early years was the prevailing spirit of gaid and the namad ;c conditions that exuttrd. Another was the cosmopolitan state of the people. Another disfscuHy was the scattered set tlements. Tata resulted in small, scat tered churebesso that there could not be that mutual helpfulness so much lobe desired. Id O-fjoo the first ax-ialion was orani.d in ISiS with fe than 100 aiemWrt, Oregon has oae tonven'.ioa with 7,(M) memlrhir. Lii-.rr a IrsBJt. Lait McnJay when Mr. G larding was comic; op from Wald port w ish Mr Hogate, a y-ung deer ran oat on the beach, rar Bearer rreek. .Mr Gladding jamped oat t the wago and grabbed a rope and ran after it. Jia deer went into toe surf but the breakers euro washed it bark, and he lasaoed it He broil; U it to Newport in the evening and turned it over to Jim Hume. This was a great t vai for Mr Gladding, as be will be aWe to tell his friends in Port land how he capturea a deer in the wild and roaring breakers of the Pacific Newport News. The Cosvalus Ratwcatios. About fifty men and women went to Corvallis this noon cn the special excursion train to attnd the big Bryan ralilkatioo and several to attend a meeting ot Odd Fel lo. Mark Hanna and his William McKinley will be the aUrrtions. Several wa-on loads abx went. Tonight at 7 o'clcck a spcia! train will leave Al bany for CorvaUis .returning after the meeting. Round trip osly cents. A subscriber gives the follow ing idea : "Rev. I. D. Iriver, the preacher who had the famous debate with Bob Inger- soll tin bis mind wi:l be hrre Saturday to ti-il the peopfe about the beauties of the gold tUntiard. If bis memory is as poor in regard to financial matters as it bss been for years in relation to that great debate, he cerUiuly will not be a very goou auvueor. Mr. Harry Cbipnian. of Portland, is in the citv. The famous Ben Kiliin, of Portland, was in the city yesterday. Rev. M. M. Lewis and Arthur Foshav are memtrs of the Board of Managers ot the W illametto Baptist Association. Air. rrank Hastings, the, re turned from Grant a Pass Una morning where he had been to prospect the mines there. Little is bein done now on ac count ol the dry condition of things, A. H. Crusoa and R. M. Brsah left Tuesday for tue Bohemia country, in Lane county, where they will spend a good part of the winter in hunting and trapping. Advance. Ex-Governor Tennoyer and Hon. M A. Miller went to Eugene todav, whero a big rail y is to be held tonight. They are doing gooa work lor sound money. the free coinage of gold and ail var and against syndicates and trusts. The new Presbyterian church at Brownsville ia to be dedicated next Sab bath, asd Rey J. E. Snyder is to be in stalled pastor of the church at that time. The Presbytery ha appointed Rev. E. J. Thompson D. D.', to conduct the service and preach the sermon on that occasion, In the Oregonian ot Wednesday ap peared the following telegram from llcp- pner, ur : aiiss allium ftou,, uaugaier of Mrs. W. R. Ellis, tnd J. R. Lake, who has Un in the employ of the Union Pa cilic rail road for several yars, were mar ried at the retidcnce ol Uongreseman Ellis. Rev. V. W. Davis and family arrived In Albany from Pennsylvania this noon after an absence ol about three years. Thev rejoice at lieing iu Oregon again, the best of all places for a home. Rev. Davis is now an Evangelical minister and will locate some where in the state. The Waterloo correspondent of the Advance says: It was with regret we learned today that our esteemed neigh bors and friends of the city drug store are about to leave our town and move to Al liin v. Mr. Palmer and wife, his son and his wife, are the parties we refer to. Our loss will le Albany's gain. Mr. Palmer and family will find friends wherever they may go. Hon. J. K. Weatherford spoke at Rose burg Tuesday to a crowd double the size of the Schxmmaker audience. The Re view says: Hon. J. ,K. Weatherford then proceeded to make a splendid argu ment for the free unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 10 to 1, His address of an hour and a half was so eloquent and convincing that he was frequently interrupted by outbursts of applause. Dave Oaborn re urned Tuesday from Montana Hesnvsitia strange he did not know he had the modest little sum of $10,000 extra in another coat. He had, he says, the best bookkeeper in Benton county to keep It's accounts and if he had intended to rob the county, he wouiu not nave incnrreu wis expense of I I.'..!.. ),! II.! ..- hiring him. He is satisfied that investi gation will show that every penny is ac counted for and properly turned over. Mr Ostium reports that the Bryan senti ment in Montana is very strong, Cor alliB Gazette. Sclo. J O Carter, S I Shore, T W Dilley, Frank Morris, Henry Myer.Wait Bilyen, J J Barnes, James Barnes, and Mart Miller, all went over to Yaquins bay last week to participate in the salmon fish ing season. On Monday night at midnight A J Bit yea (Uncle Jack), a resident of Scio for many years, died at the residence of bis son-in-law, Jesse Ray of Jordan. As a citizen. Uncle Jack was among our most substantial and trustworthy,',! always ready to accomodate a neighbor or trlend he was respected by everyone. Press. A Sampuc or Bt.cBTia. The Lebanon advance is responsible for tte following: At Albany Saturday a drummer offered to bet a Lebanon man $50 that Linn county would not give Bryan 250 major ity. The tabanonite called the bet and the drummer backed down; but said he would bet $50 that it would not go 500 for Bryan. The Lebanon man put op tbs money, when the traveling man again "squawked." Our townsman then of fered to bet him $100 that old Linn would si va. Bryan 1000 majority ; but the jotid-mouibed drummer, although he displayed a handful of "sound money, would not "come to center." That Rich Disco rear. There is good reason to believe that the recently re ported rich discovery np the Santiam will develops into something important, though the Inad is probably not as big as heretofore stated. The find is situate 1 four miles west of Anidem, being on a line between;AIbany and that place. Ao dem is forty miles from here on s line snd 2 miles south of east. It is an in teresting fact that recently a miner at Anidem dreamed of the exact location of the diarovery, and told his friends about it giving the location, but refused to fol low tt np, as be didn't believe in such things. Psettv Smooth. A pretty smooth newspaper man struck the Iowa about three or four weeks ago, and proceeded to write up, In the usual stereotyped form, the business nen of lbs place. Several dollars were thrown into the punw and the aforesaid s. n. m prom ised he would publish bis write-up, but up to the time ot goiaft to press the tat tled scroti nt has tailed o spyesr ss prorn ised The ramea of those contributing to this jack-pot of tame are withheld for obvious reasons. Stayton Mail . A Pdccuad ExcrtAjcoE. TLIs after- anoo Mr. A. B. Woodin left his wheel in front of ShuluBros. and went into a store. W hen he came out bis wbee wasgooeand another one that looked something like it in its place. Who made the exchange and was it a mis take. ?Mr. Woodin was watching for the owner when the Man about Town -(I the street. We t ar heart man v times of bats and umbrella I win 2 ex changed but never before of Ucycles The Oreiroe Firs Relief Association of VIcMinnnlie. of which O- H Irvine is r-reideot. bad $&0.$4) inmraooe in farce Oct 13. I, a rtin of 773,Sr?! ia about a year The 6re losses were only $1,110. Th entire other expeae waa only S 1.650.- 01. On y $563 25 waa railed by aw rout, receipts from Dew members almoti ;ajmg kaaes and esp.oaet. Wii t baa taken another dron and is 62 cents today. The wheat situation is rw-r feverish and there a-e so many thing working: ia connection with the market that 11 is doubtful to predict the future. A famine in India sod Australia though Irada us to hope for another rise. Tits Fiscal Gave. The Los Aneeles Tutts Lyons and the Portland Mono grams will play at San Francisco sext Sunday. The tevada Stars, having de feated the Alameda Alerts refused to pla another California team. This was right. The arrangement waa bungling unfair one. Tbs Examiner refused to allow the Albany Colls to play and per- mmea me ruits i.vncs alter ia rowing out two players Tbe toils can bea the w in ner of this came with ease. Tbre are aeveo cans of diptheria is Sa letn . Tbe iVt Moss family wilt rive their con- cert at Xeuacoo tonight. The Torch of Reason, is to be started at Silvertoo. a free thought affair. DaiJ Meyers of Sdo, ia dangwowaly ill in Salem, with. Bighfa disease of the kid- oeya. Tbe asaewMDeni of tbe S'andwd Oil Co in Portland was reduced from $100,000 10 $10,000 Some difference. Judge Whitney, of this citv. sod S C Spencer bad a joint disruanoa ia Kcio yes- iniiaj, a rare wing iu uu campaign. Aa intcrentine letter from Mr Allan 6. Slanaoa. of Washingtna will be found os the edi'orial page. It ia Don-political. Several prominent Albany republicans went to Salem tocsy to attend a McKin ley rally. Coogmatnan Bootelle of Maine ia to do the speaking Sereral day airo Mr II L W allien kvt a porkvtbock containing about $60 and some valuable papers. Yesterday tbs pocket- tiooE wun contents intact were round by Clyde Aabby, who is bow $5 bitter off. Tbe paper mill company have commenc ed layimr tbe rails on their switch to the paper mill. They will complete it to Main street this fall, and to the mill next spring. ieuinon Advance- Last evening Miss Edna Lsar was sitting by the fire at her boms in tbs 3rd ward. when her mother hubbard wrapper caught on nre ana biased up, oy prompt work ins names were extinguished before any more serious damage was dons than the rniu of the wrapper. Tbe S. P. Co. have towered tbe freight rate between Albany and this place, so (bey will probahU take the freight busi ness away from' the teamsters. But they have raised tbe rate on wheat from this place to Portland to 12 cents per bushel, a raise of zla cents. Leoanon Advance. Is tbe United States court this morning Droceedinc were commenced airainst W. P. Keady, by the Washington National oans 01 caiue, to recover on nve prom issory notes iriven February 25, 1896, amounting in the aggregate to $5293.63, with $'J80a attorney fees added. Tele gram. Mr. Keady is former resident of Corvallis And speaker ot tbe house. A novel method of smuggling whisky into Alaska has been discovered. In the cargo of the steamer, Umatilla, which re cently ran aMiore at Point Wilson were fifty barrels of sugar for Alaska. In tak ing out the freight several of these barrels bursted open, snd. securely packed in the center of each wa found a Sve-gnJ'on dem- j ijobn of whiskey, A gentleman from Sbedd, speaking of the shooting of Ed Farwell by Miss Thompson, says that an effort will be made in court to prove tbat tbe girls father was concealed iujtbe woodshed and did the stooting, instead of the girl herself. No evidence to that effect was produced at the pre'iminHty examination. Lebanon Ad vance. Probably nothing in it. Ceitain ly Kara ell knows who did tbe shooting. The complete lint of the officers of the Ratbbons Sinters of Oregon are: Past grand etiief, Mrs Ella Houston, Roaeburg; grand chief, Mrs Alice P Richards, Alban) ; grand senior, Mrs A F Ransome, Forest Grove; grand junior, Mrs Suiio rarmen ter, Salem; grand manager, Mrs P B Davis, Union: grand mistress ot records, Mrs Kate Weatherby, Baksr City: grand mistress of finance. Mrs R A Dorian, Hillsooro: errand outside sentinel, Mrs Ella Mitchell, The Dalles; grand protector, Mrs M U Uretr, UiliaQoro. bowling is becoming blooded. Last ni ght six games were played at a $1 a game, an Albany aan winning all six. A telephone message says the biggest crowd is in Corvallis this afternoon in i'-s history. An immense parade was ia pro- Highest of all in Leavening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report 33 AN EVENTFUL LIFE. Mr. nermann Arnold died at his home In this city this morning at 6 o'clock a. m., cloaingan eventful life. A few weeks before his death -in s neat German hand, ha wrote a biographical sketch of bis life, from which ws compile the follow ing: Herman Arnold waa born in Ekhards burg, Russia, the 19th day of April, 18. ;2. He moved with bis parents to N a u ro be rg, where he went to school. He learned the trade of stone cutting. In 1853 he left Germany for the U. b ar riving in New York on January 8, 1854 He worked in New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and in Washington Hity on the capital for years, until be went west, going to Indianapolis, w here be worked on the custom bouse and post office for several years, going from there to Tene Haute, Ind.. where in partnership with Walter Eysnghauaen, he put up a good many fancy buildings. In 1872, after tbs big fire, he returned to Chicago and helped rebuild the burnt district. In 1869 he bought a farm fonr miles east of St Joseph, Mo., where he resided until be sold out in 1887, when be came to the Pacific coast and settled, buying a farm eleven miles south of Albany, where be resided until two years ago, when be moved into Albany, He was married in 1833 to Coo radios Behrens who survives bim with five children, a daughter in e't Joseph, Mo, Mrs Wm Framm.of this city, snd three sons, Charles, Robert and Fred, who run the farm near Roberta bridge. Mr Arnold was a man of stronor char acter, a good father and husband. 1 he funeral services will take place tomorrow at 1 p. m. at the home of the deceased, near Uackleman's grove. HOME AND ABROAD. Wheal hi cent. Fresh Sodaville water at Barkturt k Lee's. Get your R. sod G. corseia al the Ladka Bazaar. Ooe per cent preminm a'lowed oa al porchaaes paid in Sliver, by P. Cohen. 3 of the latest style cf new jackets jast ecetved at P Cobea s. Eugere has t uniferrned McKinley c'ub. It cooauits of a soMen can. eotdeo case and white lesiriBgk. Dow Bros of Beatoa coaurv killed 70 ecine pheasants in a day and sold them tor S3 ou a down. Forty-two McKinley aad F-nsa bovs bad a McKinley rarade this afierson, a druts beating and flags firing. The ladies of tbe First M E eiorch wilt rld their annoal chicken pie supper at tbe Hill hi' I laesayeveaing iov. 3. New stars ru !ir doilies aad emter pieces ia drewdea. jewel aad Delft dssges )ut received at tbe Ladies Bazaar. Jwst received at P Cobea'a. a sew sun ply of plash capes, which will be sold cbrapT than anywhere ia toe city. Rasters republican speakers are being treated with rare distinction. A man goes from Portland to I be state line to meet tbrta. Tbe Journal says only abort one third as many were present to hear Boate I U yester day as were preaent at tbe b-g Penncyer meeting. Willis Dunniway aad Hon 31 A MiUer are to bare a joint debate at Willamette Grange hall in Benton county next Wed nesday. Fish, such as salmon, trout, smelt and halibut, dressed poultry a specialty, aad frame at reaaonab e prices, best assortment in the city, at Schmees's. A CorvallU man. Ralph TAavidaosi in speaking at AU-a, compared lbs beads of free stiver m-n to mntst' heads, a sample of Mark Banna's campaign cf education. Shaves 3 fur 25 cents, hair cntbng 10c by Loey V an N art wick, the champion hair cuttrr of the Pactnck tbe Bon ton oaxber shop, opposite tbe Cass Hauss On Tuesday last the recorder of Green- leaf Lodge. A O C W. of tis city, banded to Mrs Oliver Flickeuger a check for $2,000 'be amount of the policy carried bv her late husband in that order. Jefferson Review. Feactm evening commercial school in Bnjjg's building over Crawford Harn- ishs photograph gallery. Penmanship. bookkeeping. sritbn4ic etc Ocen even ings tor terms call at school room. Sat- ia aai-n guaranteed . Edison said: G'e people aorreibiog they want and they will pay money to get it,' G"od. tender, weieimt meat i some- thing we all most bave. You can get it of uaignt wo. nej-it r. u. Fine music every evening at tbe New Bowling Adey. Special sale of Ladies wrappers 69 cents each, for three days only, at tbe Lncies Bazaar. Ring phone 9, for Smiley the printer T1ey can't come np to our high st ndard. Smiley the printer All kinds of job stinting at the Iuinrint ion omoe. . - Load out sweet water melons can be found at C E Brownells. For the latest styles in job printing call at uw imprint joo omce. Money saved by getting your job print- Best workmen, latest styles, cut prices. at uie 1 ni prim joo omce. Sweet pickles and lives in bulk at C E UrowneiU. Mr. Dcwall's Word. Albast, Oregon. To the EnrroR or tub Herald : 1 see in your issue of the 22nd inst. that you say 11. Bryant refused to take silver cn what I am owing him, in case 01 uryan s election, aow you have ust got the matter turned round. Hub told me. without me ask na bun. tbat in case of the election of Bryan and in case free coinage of silver was put into the Unit ed States, that he would take what I owed him In silver, or any other lepal tenner money made by the United States as he claimed that ail full legal tender money made by the United States bad always been at 'par. Will you please publish thlsT la case you won't publish it, I desire it put into tbe Democrat. Oct. 23rd, 1896, at my home in Dutch town. Peter Dewall. Tbs conversation between Mr Dewall and Mr Bryant was heard by one or two reliable citizens and was just as stated. Asa matter of fact Bryan men are loval citizens ana will be glad to take the legal tender money of our government. The Bryan Rally at Corvallis yester day waa one of the most successful ever held in the valley. The city was full ot people. The afternoon parade contained 1400 people by count, the Democrat is informed . The men' were caps of silver paper with the worde,,'Biau 16 to I" on them. Col. Drake, Judge Stewart and Hon. Geo. E. Chamberlain, of Cor vaUis, and Hon. J, K. Weatherford, of Albany spoke. 11 NX V-X S3S2 Pure Drugs,. Fred Dawson's. Im fl mm inyVtftiCi1 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. Rufus Thompson, son and Charles Bsrr returned yesterday from Eastern Oregon. Mr. John Denny, of Center precinct will move into his Albany residence in a few days. Mr. Coyle. succesor to Allan Cameron and Kit Carson, of the Canadian Pacific, are in tbe city. John Wiles, vice president of the First National Bank of Corvallis, was in tbe Bryan parade at Corvallis. Miss Addie Schixfier wss tendered a surprise party Ust evening In honor of her birthday. It was a happy affair. Mrs. Hendrex left for Albany en bus iness Wednesday. Her daughter, Mrs. Dora Davis, whose health is very poor, returned to her home in Albany a week ago. Harriaburg Review. Mr. William Ralston left today 00 a trip to Olex, where be has extensive in terests, snd where bis son Lonner re sides. He will be gone two weeks. Friends yesterday received word from Rev. S. E. Meminger wko accompanied Mrs Meminger to the hospital st Port land but week for medical treatment that the lady had submitted ton tery critical operation and was in a critical condition although there waa strong hope tbat she would recover from it safely, Ashland Tidings. Just before leaving their old home tbe neighbors gave a surprise reception to Mr and U C Hogue, at the borne of E Thrall, Esq. Last, night Mr and Mrs Hogue invited tbe same people to a bousewarming in their place of residence. Those invited were Mr and MrsTThralL Mr and Mrs Read, Mr and Mrs Writrht, Mr and Mrs Turner, Mr snd Mrs Kiot- sey, Mr and Mrs Siosn. Mr and Ura (soulieb, Mr and Mrs Sfauitz, Mr and Porter, Mr and Mrs Goff, Prof snd Mrs How land, Mr and Ms J K Haiitht, Mr nd Mrs Hyde. Mrs C C KeAr. Mr P R Ktlly. Mr snd Mrs Johnson. Sliss Brat. tab, Miss Kelly. Miss Henderson. Tbe evening passed quickly, in conversation, games and tests of skill. Tbe members of tbe U. P. church last evening tendered their pastor for the last inree years a lareweil reception. Near ly the entire congregation was present snd nnited in showing their appreciation for bis labors durinz bis so warn here. pleasing program was rendered con sisting of a song by a msie quartet. Messrs Achtsonix and Irvine brothers, a vocal solo by Eva French, a trio bv Mrs. oung. Miss Kits and Mrs. Nat- ting, a solo by Mir E!li remarks bv l-ev. roiing on behait ot the pastors of the c;i, reeoiuuoas ot confidence and respect, a response by Rev. Little and a song by a quartet A light lunch fol ic wed and sociability and good will pre- vaitt-u. 11 is an interesunz Zact tbat no on Rev. Little leaving, Rev. Poling who us a aero in me city only snout two years wui oe if.e senior pastor ct the city. X GOLDEX WTZDUncG. Mr. and Mrs. Nimrod Price celebrated he fiflhieth anni versarv of their weadin? oay on last lbursoav. tr tmar a verr enjoyable dinner party to their children and other relatives at 'their borne east ol this city. Nimrod Price and America Froman were married near Danville. II- r.nois.on I hursdsy, October. 22nd, 1S46. Tbey came across tne plains in 1S51. ard, since tbe spring of l&o2, have spent at least a part of each year upon the Dona tion Homestead wntcti is sun their borne. They have reared to man's and woman's estate six sons snd three daughters. Two of these sons. Basse 11 and Fred, died in early manhood. 1 hoe remaining are W. K. Irice, of Jackson county, R. 8. I nee, ol zTinevUle. T. B. Price and G C. Price, of Linn county. The daugh ters are Mrs. C. E. W o! vert-10, of Salem, Mrs. O. F. L Follette, of Linn county snd Mrs. Horace Pot. ell of California. The venerable coople were the recipients 01 many coogTwiuiauonss well as many ceauu'tu ana suostsntuu presents; and to add to the interest of the occasion, there were present nine persons who wit nessed tne wedding ceremony Is Sty years ego. A Corvallis Rally Item. .. An Albany republican attended tbe big rally in CorvaUis yestsrdav. After seasoning his voice he began hurrahing lor aicBkiniey. "U'rah for M'Kinley." he said under the oose of a email sized Soap creek farmer. "Don't voa do that In my face again said tbs man. "H'rah for M'Kinley" be repeated. Then be picked himself up from the hard earth with a black eye. Quickly followed bv an occasion for nicking him self up a second time, his face covered with blood and black and bine spots. Some one said bis mother wouldn't know him. The little Soap creek man jumped on his horse and skipped out for home, times being too hard to pay a tine. New Drue Store. G. L. Blackman has opened hia new drug atote, on First s'reet, under the Herald crhce, rnd is ready for basinets. He is izpidly tn creasirg his stock with pure drugs. Pre scriptions care ully and promptly com pounded. Dawsos the pill autocrat for tablets. Gladness Comes With a better understandirg of the transient nature ot the many phys .cal ills, whic -auish before proper ef torts gentle pleasaatefTort rightly directed. There is comfort in Uie knowletbre. that so many forms ot sickness are not due to any actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tloa of the system, which the pleasant family laxative, S-nrup of Figs, prompt ly removes. 1 nut. is wny it is me omy remedy with millions of families, and is everywhere esteemed co highly by all who value good health. Its beneficial effects are due to the fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the ergaua oa which it acta, It is therefore all important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when yon pur chase, tbat you have the genuine artl ele, which is manufactured by the Cali fornia Flff Syr-up Co. only and sold by U reputable druggists. If i the enjoyment of good health, and the system is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. It trflicted with any actual disease, one may be commended to the most skillful physicians, but if In need of a laxative, cne should have the best, and with the veil-informed every whwre. Syrup ot tigs stands highest and la most largely aed and gives most general satisfaction List of Patent). Granted to Pacific States inventors this week. Reported by C. A. Snow A Co., solicitors of American and Foreign patents, opp. U. S. Patent office, Wash ington, D. C. J E Armstrong Santa Crux, Cal, cooking-stove; S M Briggs, San Fran-ico, Cal, ore-crushiog mil! ; E M Hoagland, East ( Oakland, Cat, well-casing spear W C Hoffner, Prospect Park, Ca), power trantmttting gear for wind mills; E Jacks. Quincy, Cal. combined pruninjr rlipping and bolding implement; E W Jones, Portland, Oreg, boiler or othr furnance; J D McFarland, Proeper,Oreg, crank-handle; F Mueller, Spokane, Wash, mnsiochart; A Painter, Saa Francisco, Cal, clip for wire-rope wsyt; J Singer, Los Angeles, Oal, expansion reamer; C E Stockford, Sulphur Creek, Cal, ore-roasring furnace; J F Tcttle, Springdsle, Wash, device for operating hay-forks; R G Woodward. Alameda, Cal, ear-brake. QatrJ!y.TbrBBb!?, Frevcr Cart, I ocr tret cf 3 irio suffer rrr-KaasM, mesial wiyrr, attacks ot " tht bines." are be'. paring the twsalt r ct fear: 7 excesses. Th tinsa, reclaim yocr Trrar.hood, regain jcar vigor. Dost despair. esd for book with, explanation and proofs. MaEed (scaled; free. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Eaffala..Y. HEW YORK WORLD, THE1CE-A-YEEK EDITION IS Paes a Wcti. 15 Fsers a Tsiv Is larger thas tav weeklv cr eer?tl- weekly paper published and is tbe ofcly mportant cemocratie "weekly" pub- ished in New Yo.-ic Citr. Three times aa large ss the leading republican week ly ot ew ori uty. It wiil be cf special advantage to you during the Presidential Campaign, as it is pub lished every other day, except Sunday, snd nas ah. the tresbcees snd timelmea of a daily. It cora bines all the new with a bwg lil of interesting depart ments, unique features, cartoons and graphic ihustraiioriS, the latter being a specialty. - All t&ese improvements nave been made without any increase in the cost which remains at oce dol'ar per vear we oaer this nneqnaied newspsner and tbe Wekelt LrsocAT together one vear for $2.00. Satactory terms with daily Academy of Our Lady of Per petual Help. Eoarding School for Girls. ThoroQzh instruction Wbole90ce diet Homelike treatment. Consider ing bard times, favorable reductions, are made for hoarders and day schoisrs. Studies wCl be resumed fpt- In.. Tor urther particulars call at the Aca lesaw or write to Sister Superior. G0ESER7AT0RY OF HOSIG Albany College Teachers for the school vear IS?3-l-597: Ziairi M. Parvin, Mas. Doc director. Assistant teaeber-MareTierite Alderson. B. U., and Mrs. Josepbice Sbarpe. TLoroogh and svsteuiaiK msrrociion erven in ail the important branches of music Beet conservatory roorrs and Utgest turcica! library and facilkks ins matiral work. Largest n timber cf con servatory students enrolled oi any rcc?:e school in the state. Terms low. Srend for circular and cataic-eue, lo Wallace Howk Lex. A. 31. Albany, Oregon. nmoPD poisdp. I ! arTffriITVrra,Js. 01 fA UrEibLM.1 I oaryorTaP. i iJmry cvpt ..i rcKAse ctir earvd O a ISara. Tew can s tr4 aa eon t r .haaiEfnaaaaarasesarwatT. Lt 1 row prefer to ros as wiil axssa mmmutr ta taUroaS tars ass aoeel Mil, and aa faTs,rtwr&dtoctK. urea aava wmv mtrj, lodid wormh. aed mtiU fcsv awas end sua. XwosiVsiciiM ia mosia. lare 1 krwaw riaaplca. Covper ?olred rcots. Clears oa any Mitc tbe Viv. Hir Errtro" fiUn wt. tthLl! SyptdltUe B LOOI PO iM Ui nrstruMucsm W auHrtt ibeJi wacw cwata aad cnaltant-w tlj wrorld for raw s raaaol nra. SL.aa fcaa altars baiBatf tn akt! I of to suos cauasat phv riana SUShMMM wvnui beaisS car aaKai oaai cwaraaav. ablolrNi.-twl ..xiTASff-- COOK Mmt o), W-r'"L- Saanztl CAXtbAAJKA lUi . Got things spelled wrong and all mix ed np disylay waa poor type old fashioned presa work bad paper cheap nothing as it ought to be? Well take your next job of printing to Smi ley the Printer and M Es M BiaJt P. S. (Important). Ihe jrkt icr do ing it will be righttoo. railej'e printing u geed printing. STREET EAILWAY NOTJC e The motoi on the Alb lay atnest nil way will connect promptly with a'l trim to and from the d-pt, diy and nig'at. S.eciil trips will be n.add at special a e. t- F Coss, Conductor, CITY TREASURERS M3TIGE 0. 8. Notice Is hereby given that fnds are on haad to p;v outstanding warran's of tbe ieane of iS96, torn No 304 to St2, in clusive, interest on such warrants wi'l ceae with tbe date of thi notice. AIny,OrOct. ?. ls?96- K. A. Paskhr. Citv Treai HELP WANTED .dALE. WANTElV-SOLICrrORS FOR cam paian look, "Kmio. Sew all and Free Silver. authorize 1 by Brvan, written by R- L. Metca f. Editor Omaha World-Herald, appointed author by Bryan. Contains speeches and pla' form. A bonanza for agents, a free silver mine for workers. Only $1.30. The only authorised book. Ml per cent. Credit given. Freight raid. ihitfit free. Begin now with choice of territory. Permanent, profitable wcrV for "96. Address The National Book Concern, Star Building, Chicago- hIISSHELA R GILBERT, Teacter cl Rasa & Grp. (Mason System of Technic) Careful Instruction of Children a Spec ialtv. Terms moderate. . Washington St, south ol TJ. P. charch. K. O. T. M. Meets every Saturday t venicr ' O T. M . UalL Visiting Knights invited to ttend. J. S. Van W:siuE,Ccm. v -