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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1896)
n m a in 1 if J ii ALBANY OSlKCiON. F ill OA Y . SO YE M B E R, G. 1 89(5. NO 14 VOL xxxi i. Katersd tS cut FctJ a ttaasv. Or. aeesad-riaas Malt tiniiii " is. s J&efeUlc Preparation f.v As similating tticroodandncisula tiig the Stomachs aMDor.rcls of SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF RotnotesDicstion.ChECTfuI ncss and ItesLContalns natter Sjiumlorphine nor Mineral. otNahcotic. A perfect Remedy For Constipa tion. Sour Stonach.Diarxhoca. Wonns .Convulsions .Fevcrish ness and Loss of Sleep. Tax Simile Signature of -- "NEW "YORK. ifj S3 ON" THE WRAPPER CF EVERT BOTTLE OB Cutab it pet ss la cns-cJj kettles oa!r. It HI act sold la balk. Sast allow anyena to sell sfiytis anvmanr she en the dim or Brain that it ia "lest aa rood" and "will sw aim mv. Ttlfe I P.3 Vhe Inaestructible ''Maywood BICYCLE. oa tei Madssa, Host Jtellatis, Pest Darabls o STRONGEST THIS S7S.OO COM PL.ETE BICYCLE .efAd ill Ml ""Ik WITH CQUPOM. THTJESTJAT CIRCUIT COURT. DErARTM&ST 1. Q. II. BURNKTT. JUDGB. The trial ot the case of C. J. Bishop set the Lawler Gold Mining Co. was- begun last night. Aa $10,000 dmnaireB was asked it excited considerable interest. Hank Smith the auperintendet at the time of the accident came all the way from Utah to testify, one witness was here from Southern Oregon and a lare number came down from the mines. After the examination of one witness last night the case was continued until this morning. It was learned that the de fendant had proof that the best powder had been bought for use in the minee.and the plaintiff having no rebutting testim ony, this morning by his at tomes Mr. L. B. Cox, moved for a nonsuit and the case was withdrawn. It is reported that another action will be begun. II M Stone act School District No. 109 and 110, recovery of money. Judgment against Dist 109 and in favor of Dial 110. 6 Z Taylor act Chas Pteiffer, et at, re covery of money. Continued. Hopkins Bros agt W J Snyder, rec money, attachment. Continued Hopkins Bros agt Adam Settlem'.errec money. Jury trial. Verdict for defend ant. G E Stanard. guardian Lora Hale, et al agt W T Cochran et al, rec money, at tachment. Judgment against W T Cochran, J M Water and J I Ualbraith. Nonsuit as to K U Cochran and F F Croft. Continued for service on More- lock. Oregon act Samuel Thomas. Jurv trial. Verdict not guilty. This.ia the case over a cow in which the malice at Lebanon refused to hold the defendant, when he was examined at Albany and held for the grand jury. The two cases of J P Pearl adm'r set C H Yehrs were consolidated and were on trl-l today. Mitchell. Lewis. SUver Co. act Geo V Eogers, keepers fees. Dismissed aa to sheriff without coast to either party. J R Pearl, admr Jos Pearl art C. H Vehrs, rec money, attachment. Verdict for plaintiff for ISoO, execution not to is sue prior to Nov 10. C J Bishop agt LawlerGold Mining Co Limited, damages. Nonsuit on motion of plaintiff. B H Donaca art L Y Bail - Vresenl sheriff ordered to make deed. Court adjourned. The business of the court waa the lightest for many years. The erand iurv found only nna trno bill and that was not sustained by the jury that tried the man. The grand jury adjourned without even making a report, tne nrst time in toe memory of the Democrat. Perhaps just aa well aa their reports are generally disregarded. Oct. S. 1893 Jan. 21. 1939 J-iu 1. lOA lHUrrm Proving Th 'MayTrood" tP tb Mtrrmrrrtt ast jtmpirsf bicycle rrermade. ids-pict tar all trtcc t oads and riders. Wade of material tbas is c!x:l, o?h and tcir: iiKiIs ia conMrocior eaeily taken apart and pot together: has few parte: is of such wiry ruction that Its rn rlli hold tO(rether eTen ill an arciient; no hollow tubine ta croh m at CTfr cout&ot: a tata.m that cannot be broken; eo simple that its sUjcstioz parts serve aitscnr.QtinKirta: a (fieee erarJE in place of a dozen part; always reatiy lo sve reliclle sad rai'i i trurirtatjits. FKA11K Improyed doable dianiond, Roaraut-ed for Jhrr- yearp. Sf3eof h fel l rolled steel rods (toughest and strnnareM metal for : weicht knowci: joiiii toet!tV wnit ainmlnnin bronze fittings in such a meaner thai it is hnpossiule to brsk or acy p&rt -rt loose; a marrel of norelty, simplicity snil dar&biity: the creau-t con3i.-!"t?on i-v-carty In bicycle mechanism known, to DniH a frame witoo&t brazen Joints and tubine. a yon kno w that frames continually break and fracture at brazen joints, and tub.- when tfaev ire bticiied1 In cannot be repaired. WHEELS tMuch; warranted w.od nir.d. jiiai.o wire t&iU'ci.'. upok-a and brass nipples. HPBS Lanre barrel pattern. TIRiCS "Arlincton" riwpj-oe cr M jt ran & Wright Quick Repair, or some other ttrt-cl- pacotnatic ti.e. -HKAHiNi-i Bail beartutrs to every part, inclndina; wheels, crack axle. aMcrine bead and pedals. CTi A : wajus Hem qoauty tool steel, carcfclly tempered and hardeaed. CHAXKS-Bl-h irraii naraenea centers, rear aainstment. lmi cefeorated otxe-ifiee e orask. itily pro- Indestrnctibie; fork crown made from rnn-b&rrei stetL HA 1 College Notes. Polities! Music! Foot-ball ! From an article recently written in the Herald, it is evident that our teacher in mathematics ia a republican. However, our position, as students, ought not to be judged by this. We intend to ratify the election of the successful candidate, however, regardless of party. Music by the baud and unbounded enthusiasm will be the main features of the ratiiica tion. One new student, Jlr. Caldwell has entered eincero we last scrawled. Tuesday morning we had the pleasure of a visit from Judge P. IJ. tYard, of Portland. He gave a lew remark of ad vice and encouragement, which were heartily applauded by the student1). The Horace class' had examination under Prof. iScntt cn Friday. All mem bers passed with good grades. Two lonely sophomores reveled in an examination in ihe first book of Virgil on the same day. Kesull us good as could be expected. The senior normals feasted on Physics Tuesday. All took the dose administer ed by Prof. Torbet, with satis:actory re sults. The senior class are scratching their heads for an appropriate cUa veil. 15v the way, who has heard the college y fl recently? It has probably departed with its originators the clais who departed from life in J une 'J6. One of the normal seniors, is well known to alt, has found other tu: ne with the routine of study to occupy his mind, and another ill'icted mortal of the freshman c!ns ptotitauly occupied the lime Saturday evening in a Song ne glected? call on his bonuie This dis eaje does not seem to have fastened its awful? clutchea on the students a!ou", but has even rt-ached within the bound of that revered boby, the faculty The progivss of the diseasa is walchrd with interest by the students in the seuibtv halL 01R PRICES are Bargains . . . teoted by patents: no cotter pins. K.EACH Shortest. inches: loosest, T IncUcs. tii'AK n or i i. K w Att Ke-rersible and adinstahle; eilT adrasted to any position dtired: ram's torn tr-r. nisnea ii oraerea. o-iuiiLr. xr. : r ., oiir-ra. t r some other nrst-class make t' Kat-trap or robber; fall ball bearing. rlNlSU enameled in black, with all b:lU i.t nickel plated. Each Bioycle complete with tool tic, pomp, wrencn and Oliei. vi tiuUI e Bording to tires, pedals, saddles, ewx. JT to K poonda. $tO as oar Special Wholesale Prfre. JTe-rer before sold for less. To qnickly introduce tne "M irwoed" Bicycle, we have decided to make a special coupon cer, fdrinc ererr reader of this paper a chance to set a Crat-clua wheel at the lowest price ever offered. On receipt of 33.00 ami coupon we will ship to anyone the above Bicycle, securely crated, and guarantee sate delivery. Money re-'nnded if not as represented after arrival and examination. We wilt ship C. O. D. with privilege of examination, for tat-OS and coupon provided $5.00 is sent with order as a guarantee of good faith. A written binding warranty with each Bicvcle. Thia la a hance of a lifetime and yon cannot afford to let ti "-pox-anity pass. Address all orders to CASH BUYERS' T r t- n. r. . coos roa S52 UNION, Sa Wast Vaa Boras Strcwt. Bx it ?. CHiCAOO- IF SENT WITH No. 5 Maywd ...Bicycle... Some (-"acts. Editok Democrat : I notice in today's Oregonian the fol lowing item: "'Railroads as well as other things will begin to be worth something after McKiniey is elected." I wonld like to draw yur readers at tention to the following facta: In 1&)3 we had 1613 miles of railway represent, isg f 70,921,000 of capital and stock sold under foreclosure, And on the last day of the same year there were 40,279 miles of railway representing $217,656,000 ot capital and stock in the banda of receiv ers and all thia "prosperity" in the last year ef Harrison's administration, and while we were under the benign and protecting influence of McKinley'e tariff bill. As the Herald lately stated that the people should post themselves on the tariff question I would respecttnlly call your reader's attention to the fol lowing tacts in regard to our "closed mills" and "Hnokeiess chimnies:" In the fiscal year ending June 30lh, 1890, we exported 28.500,000 in round bum bers of manufactured goods, an increase oiover .u,tAAJ,UAJ in three years, in tne year ending Vee. 51. 18, we ex ported over 179.OW.000 Tarda of cotton cloth, 40,000.000 of which went to China. And during the same period we exports a jo,4KJAkj worth ot manufactures oi iron and steel. All of which was dsne with "closed mills " By all means Mr. Voter educate yourself on the tariff ques tion, but do not nee the columns of a political newspaper to do it. , Kan. WAY MAX. Scott Concedes Cryan'a F.Itfon. The Portland Tribune fays: Harvey W. Scott, editor of the Morn ing Oregonian, has conceded the etection of Bryan. On Sunday, as was repvrtet in yesterday's Trioune, Mr. Scott, in conversation with a gentleman, eatd that in his opinion McKiniey would be defeated. This morning, the editor had a discus sion with Chariea iliralel, presid-nl of the Eight ward Ervan club, oa the cor ner of Third and Morrison IU. Mr. Scott, after he bad heard Mr. IHrsiet talk, said: "Charley, Sunday I thot'-ht that Bry an elected Now, there "is no doubt but that McKiniey will he de feated. 1 am sottt for iu " I will eland by McKiniey to the last.bnt it will do no goo.1. Of conre reDtib'.icans will not be will ing to believe that Scott has made the statements given. Scot!, tho"gh, wnenoatside his office is wite eoou to see the stgns of the time. Compare them aJittjotlicfs. inale harness I 5 CO Team harness 18 CO Ti?3 sw?at pads 6S 3 buggy whips 25 Oihr aais In sams pfo portiou. " CALL AND SEE US POWER & TOMLINSON. The CampN.Il Case. Circuit court at rrinevitm cloicd last Satarday, and Iu.le Bradstaw and Dis trict Attorney Jayne arrived froia that place last night. There waa bat ore criminal case tried during the term, that of the State v. J. II. Campbell, indicted for murder, who was convicted in tie second degree and sentenced to li.'e iui prisonmenu The Dalles T. M. Tab Salem Ml. Thefaroiliiirsound of the woolen mills was heard lh; tn rn mg at o a. ta. lor the first Ume unce the mills were destroyed by fire last Nov ember. Work in tlie various depart ments of this manufacturing institution is prvvreMing satisfactorily and it will only be a short time until a lull force is at wora. tight looms ate now in rpcr ation With more weavtrra ling aodeii as the demand for more assistance increasc-e. Eivs bands wee this morning given work in the finishing rooms sa it wid le seen all the departments of the mill aie being operated although with not a full force More hands will be added as they are needed and the product of the mil s will soon be at the oisposal of its num erous patron. Journal. What aa Editor Said. Latt Thursday evening in company with Judce McGinn, Jos. Goodman and Ed Dupu's we were at Mt. Angel. At 6 o'clock while driving down from off the mount, where we had beeu to view the grand scenery, a triple meteor startled all the occupants. The carriage was topped and ior fully a minute all were fpeit bound gating at the apparition. It wax as though a lighted railroad train u swiftly palng through the heavens !ar&l el with the earth. It wa difh-rent from ordinary tnt-teoric phenomenon, in that it had tuive batiaol tire and as many tails, all connected, and instead of K riv aling to the eaith was paralleling. It wa4 going from the -t to the ea&t and disappea-ed in the Biirts of the CaadM mountains. Very few people apptar to have seen this uiagoifit-ent spectacle. uervais tar. For Musical People. A OIG THING FOR OREGON. A car load of eastern oysters left Washington a few days bl'O and will arrive in San Francisco Nov. 2. A large proportion of them will be planted in Yaquina Bay, under the supervision of Prof. C. H. Townsend, oyster expert of the U. 8. flsh commission. The owners of the beds at Yaquina have agreed to protect the oysters until a law can be passed by the next legislature, protecting them for four years. There is said to be no ques tion but what they will spawn here. Prof Washburn who investigated the matter found that they possessed oyster food in abundance. If they do well this will be big thing for Oregon in the future. List of Patents. Granted to Pacific States inventors this week. Reported by C. A. Snow 4 Co., solicitors of American and Foreign patents, opp. U. S. Patent office, Waab ngton, D . C. J Apple ton, Middleton, Oal, vehicle; fl G Belcher, Los Angles, Cal, washing machioe; J Bond, Turlock, CaJ, device for propelling vessels; T C Creighton, llaywards, Cal, nail-extractor; J C Han nah, Stockton, Cal, potato digger; 8 P Mackey, Kidgefield, Wash, weighing or machine; 8 L Myers, Santa Boss, Cal, bicycle-saddle; J O Ollard, Tacoma, Wash, spraying apparatus ; J Parkinson, Ls Angeles, Ca!, combined elsctiio hy draulic elevator; J Shaw, Woodboro, Or, railway-car; T A Ward. Tacoma, Waeh.advertisement-wagon; U C Webb, Tacoma, Wash, machine gun. Ii Mr D. M r.arUett, of this city, t can vassing Lints county for niem'M rship in the American Musical Association of Chicago, undt-r hich e-zen subscriber swnrvs ill,-irivi!e -e of nurohinir an v music, vocal or instrumental, published, I stedter. at rejucuons as tow as o per cent oi ue l-t price. An elegant book of vocal and intrlniiucnial tufsie goes with the mem bership. Tuis is a tjjlendid thing and every lover of nuntc should subscribe. The "cost is only t Dr. Prill has moved from Soda v ills to Scio to practice his profession. Mr. William Wolfe, of Portland, is in the city the guest of his father-in-law M. Sternberg. Kev. M. M. Lewis is confined at ihe Kaptist partonage with typhoid fever. Mr and Mrs V.G. Hart are with him and will give bim the best care possible Mr. A J. McMillan left toJay for Csps Town, South Africa, wiere he wilt pros pect and probably locate. He will go to Victoria, tueuce to New York and Lon don, where he will ship for the golden land of the south. Mr. McKibben, editor of the Senator, Portland's K. of P. pa per, was in the city today. The Senator ia a splendidly g-H-ten up journal and deserves the liberal support it is receiving. It is issued monthly for f I a year. The last number contains the pictu-ee of four Albany peo- e, it tint. Mrs. Alice Kicbarvis, Sirs IU Hewitt and Mrs. George Hoeh- Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U, S. Gov't Report 3 Y7v -a f fl TO if Teacher's Examination. Notice is hereby given that the regu lar teachers examiriauon for the fourth I quarter will be held in the Albany Col- l-ee at Albany. Oregon, commencine at 1 o'clock p. m. Wednesday, Nov. llth, 1896. Ail applicants for state papers rill please file recommendation at or prior to date of examination. Hated this Zlst day of Oct., iSM. Sopt. linn Coonty. HOME AND ABROAD. Patujit DetTil. A very sad accidt otvnr5 near this c:tv last Tuesday, re sulting inthedeatuot slittle three-rear- oid son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ferris. Ob Monday the chtld wa Haring with sometiried' lieans. It had several of i;,cm in its mouth and was rocking in a chsir, w hen it one or more of tUe testn, which loijed in its windpipe. Dr. r-c;.t wa srol f , but bpfo-e he arrivetl child tried to recover, and tl.e lioSor wa toJd not U) go. On Tur dav the child twcuiv t orw and the Ioc- Uc was a;io tent tor. v en 1 ar rived he foasd that tise bean had worked down the trache and had reached tlie lunjrs or near there, antt it was i ia pci- uSe to iisiw it. r to n '.ei auv ait. Tiie child died on T'iesdiy. Tocdo Lcadt-r. : Pt -JC-S-A I'Otl 'NGUSHBUSINS3 m ssm aW vr sspssv wmr - -c 1 1 PORTLAND GRfGC-i A reception was tendered Uev. Abbett at Eugene but night. Mrs. Love returned yesterdar from a trip to Portland. Dr. T. L. Ball, the dentist, is now lo cated at 562 Commercial street, Astoria. Mr. Emit Ewert. of Snokane. ia is the city on a visit. He reports an immense lre- silver sentiment in that city. Mrs. H. C. Watson and family, of Al- ar- .r 'ss-j; Ik,.. . i v c.4 V' V i I land this week. Lebanon Express. Fl'L'. ENGLISH Cu-JViV. FRENCH AXU ii::tMA!. BUSiNtSi BRANCHES. BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHY. BOARDS Itimmi" LAMES t 7 f --Mil S ' - - - - i ,m s Zi I tea W8 "2& Are built in At 1 1. ftYKI FA and Best nquippea e World select the Waverly because they have learned to know I lie dif- iZio1tnro(t feretlce between a wheel that is actually high grade and one that . iviiv.- js simply claimed to be. Some others maybe good but the RiuClS' Waverly is the highest of all high grade, bcorcher (3 heights) s& w, iseie zn spo za inch io.ou ana f So.uu. MADS FT ;NDIA N A BICYCLE CO. HOIASAFOUS, 1ND A.J. Hodges,. J Agent Uncle Frank Kitchen ia in Salem. There ia a rumor about an approaching wedding but we are unable to trace it op. Mr. Chas. Bntterworth. recentlv of Ohio, a brother of John Butterworih. the mail clerk, is in the state with a view to U eating, but has not jet selected a place. Mayor Borkhart returned last nurht Irom Portland. He reports Immense enthusiasm' among the Bryan men, far more man was noticeable at the 31c- Kinley headquarters. Mr. Frank Stimnson. formerlv of Al bany, baa leased Case Bros, barber shop. Jir. fetimpson Is an expert with the razor and (hears and is deserving of a uoerai patronage, uive bun a call. A letter was received todav from Rev. 0. F. Wisbart. in the Seminary at At legbeny City, in which he declined to ac cept the can to ratorate of the United FatitorV in I Presbyterian church of this city, a fact Misses Addie and Maud Denham went to Albany this morning to remain for visit with Iriends. Journal, and to at tend the wedding f Mr. Fred Dendam and Miss Dodder. Mrs. Cartwriehr. wife of J. E. Cart- wright, editor of the Uarrisborg Review, who died suddenly yesterday afternoon, arrived here last night in time to return to Harriuburg on the 3 -.09 train. She was visiting witb relatives at Dexter when the information of her husband's death reached her. Eugene Guard. BECKPTIOM TO A TASTOB. A reception was tendered Rev. M. K . Lewis, the new pastor of the Baptist church-last nigbt by a good many from the different churches ot tne city. The m n a . - ituuivu wMsicauuT ucwiabvu nuu tuo We uave leasea zne tiea Urown 1 tVLr" jr n: dered, in which the warmth ot the re ception was expressed. It was one of merit aa well aa cordiality. Mr. J. L. Tomlinson presided and announced the following; Song by congregation. Scripture and prayer by Rev. Mans hardt. Duet by Mrr. Lee and Mrs. Hammer, limitation by Miss Lilly Crawford. Song, "Rockaby" chorus by children Recitation b Mias Rose Mespelt. Instrumental music by Edna Allen. Recitation by Edith Ruru'.augh. Vocal solo by Mra. Lee. Reading by Miss Julia Tavlor. Vocal solo by Mis Rev. W. W. Davis Song by congregation. AddieRS of welcome on behalf of city pastors by Rev. Poling. Solo by Mrs. Davis. Address on behalf of church bv J. W. Senft. r Address by retiring pastor Rev. C. H. McKee. Juniors welcome song. Response by Rev. M. M. Lewis . An Albany ladv who came nn ficm Portland yesterday overheard the con versation between two republican cam paign speakers. They admitteU to each other that Oregon wonld go for ISrvan and he would probably be elected, though ney did not Know but what having spent so much money slreadr Mr. iianna might try and save the day by buying op judges of election, as they thought might tie done nnaer tne Australian ballot sys tem. They remarked though that when on the stump and on the streets thev had to claim things far McKiniey. The lady who tells this is absolntelv reliaole, and the incident is a fact that lnok-atea considerable. IK-rs M. S Skill was In Gervais yes terday after uooa for the pnrpoe of make ing a'dcliver of hi 30,0.0 !bof bps held under contract bv the firm of Win Brown A Co , of this cir. Of this mium! .UH) htsniil at13nnt bff po ind as per contract n.ade three years J meat tbat be u not and will not be osder ago and toe regaining 10,O pouot any circumstances. were taten at i cents in accordance wila I Ao exciting game of football on the an agreeu.ent enected dnring the past (Lyon roulic srooul grooada. last week. Tomorrow will be fl ig day. The average daily attendance at the Scio public sroool is Hi. Tom Reed t in California speaking for SlctvinWj. Too Uls. Tfce Cawade lock are to bs onrwd oa Nov 5, a great ft ret for the op CoJamhta. Kn exmrston train will be ma frora Al Saoy to Cot-rallis to tbe McKiniey rally Wroorrow evenin at 7 p. m. Jadge Horiey will s-eak s Cor r his lo roofrow aftrrtfoe sad evening, so that Mr ilUatn will not hats evrrj thing bUown way. Tl New York Worli i a regular Dr. Jrktrll ard Mr. Hrde. Tbe daily ia a bitter McKicta-y paper w'jile the thrice a trek Imat dectdedir towards Bryao, A corresprmdetit al t orvaiha says a eoo- ee'vative eatinute of Hrrao't majoritv is Iienti oonntt U 3C0, while tbe Oregon'taji cU'ms it for McKinier bv 200 From a Mler Irora W it Otrick a for- mr ctuxen of Si'io we learn that there ar 12 famtUes in bis locality (Sao Ihago. CaJ) that will emigrate to Omron this fall. Scio Pms. It has been reported thai S. W. Keeae is a cardidatc I r marshal at tbe fVcemt lection. Mr. Reese aatboria the state- Wheat 60 cents. Pork d retted 4 cents. Fresh Bodaville water at Borkhart k Lee's. I Get yonr R. and G. corsets at the Ladies ' Bazaar. -200 of the latest style of new jackets jnst 'ecetved at p. Cohen s. Best srice paid in cash for jury and wib oess fees by P. Cohen. j Another line of winter shirt wsisli jnst arrived at tht Ladies Bazaar. Some one stole a 30 overcoat from John Gains of Corral lis a few days ago. Loot, a valuable umbrella, gold beaded, somewhere in Albany. Leave at D Kno ts at off ee. Next Sabbath morning Lr Thompson will preach bis eleventh anniversary sermon at the Presbyterian church in Corvaliis. New stamped linns doilies and center pieces ia dreadea. jewel sod Delft designs nat received at the Ladies bazaar. Just received at P Cohen's, a new sup ply of pluah capes, which will bs sold cheaper than anywhere in the city. At Becker's store oa election day the la dieaof lha C r church will serve a good lunch for 15 rents. Yon test it and see. A Bryan man says be has txwo trying to get some bets on Oregon but fails to find any, notwithstanding the many bouts. Mr Gay brought two deer to Albany to day from the McCenzie, one was secured by Art Hoi., the other by Conn k Huston. The regular meeting of the Ladies Aid Society of Albany will bs held at the home f Mrs. A. 11. Martin's on Minday, the 2nd of Nov. at 2u p. m. Notwithstanding tbe Corvaliis Gazette at the joint debate at Willamette Grange Mr v iilu Dnnni wsy was completely done op by Hon al A Miiier. He aodged the luai and seme did not dare touch al all. Foil telegraphic reports will be received st tbe opera boose sext Twcaday evening. Arrangmeota wul be macie far the com fort of the big crowd that will be preseet. The Isdies of the First V ErhnrrJi will bold their annual chicken pie sapper st the WCrG hall Toeadar eveninc aor. 3. to begin at i o'clock. Pries 25 cents. Shaves 3 for 25 cents, bar cu'.tinir 10c. bv Luey VanNortwirk, the champion hair cnttrr of the PeitiQck eoast,at the Bon ton mrber sbop, opposite tbe Ross House An elk's bead waa hrootrtii to Albas v today ftorn Galea, near which place it was kilted by W L Foster. Mr William -Pea- Cock wiil motut it. The boras are tot FLAG DAY. This has been declared to be flag day I by both the followers of Bryan and Me-1 Kinley. It is entirely fit that a flag day ahould be for tbe entire American pie. Every true citizen ia a lover of Old Glory. A man who does not love the I nag belongs beyond oar boands. Look at it. No flag on tbe face of tbe earth approaches it in beauty and significance. I Thirteen stripes, the original states I and a star for every state. Itwasestab-I lisbed before parties and belongs to the I government. Under it there should be I a united, Loyal sentiment, a common I love for our eoontry, the greatest on the I face 01 the earth, ao great that no other eoontry can dictate its internal policies, I it can lead. It is a flag for tbe poor- est person, for the farmer toiling to raise I the harden of a never resting mortgage, I as well as for the richest man in walll street with bis insatiate greed, it knows no class. It is a nag of now over every I true American bead, for as every new state is organized a new star is added It is peculiarly a flag for the Remember thia. BfEflFf ! 8 gaJYl i - r- Sii-4 ;4 si fea IV CURED AS IF BY MAGIC. Victims sf tut aUsseeJ eVH U ones for a oooi t.v-.t exi'iatis hsw full ma cur visroT ia tafilf, rmtk'-7 arid persaaii rwiored. 2omsa sa fferl ng f rora wcekaeaa eaa af ford to ignore tUi timely advice. Book tells Lfrr- fnil strerarta. i - vetopmect and toes are Imparted ta every portma of tins body. Beui with poi;rvg proota (sealed; frtc toaoyiiutaaiicaUac EB1EHED1CALC3..BUFFALCH.Y. We give in keeping with the subject a verse Irom Rev. Corn wall's pcem : Let each star of the onion give lu'rtre so briifht. That wrong and oppression shall vansh from sirbt. And oar tax-burdened people, with glad hearts shall see. The gold sceptre broken, ia tbe land of the tree. ita love for his came. Let each star light his war. As Bryan goes inarching in triumph to- o.v.. Yes marching in triumph today. iuiun-r. air. lirosn attenaea to tne rtiriijg of the hops and prouooiced I hem the choicest lot be ever bandld. They were gro n on the farm of Skiff A Smith, a few miles from Gervais. The growers have 80.C0O pounds of their lKo crop yet to d:tw tud recently t?ey refuel an offer of 10,',' cent for tbetu. Sutlesmau. WiM.GsTSKsnssvr The foHosing from the Newport correspondent of the Oregonian is a guod sanip'e of the 0 iitical lying of the !y : "R A. Ineil retorirjd vetterday from a tour throrwn the southern part oi the county, in the interes'sof the republican party. He ad Jr ssei the citizens of Yahats, Five Rivers, Loiter, Tidewater and Ona.and also spoke in Alueo, Benton county. He waa well received and listened to wi.i marked attention. The sentiment ia favor of M Kinlev runs lieh at all tae points visited " "in response the Leader land not democrats A feature of the republican campaign has been numerous object lessons. Some times object lessons work, hut when they have nothing to do with a question at is sue, they are back sr"ng. A free silver republican was called into an Albany place of business and asked to lift a sack of 2000 in stiver, and then 20 in gold, which oi course weighed one-oisteenth as much. The man informed the busi ness man that he had known all his life what silver weighed, and asking if that was an he was called in lor went out a stronger free silver man than ever. A Brvan man was collectinz monev yesterday for local campaign expenses, when a drummer who was standing near without solicitation of course, handed him a o0 cent piece, and remarked: am a McKiniey man, but all tbe came if I were where I could vote my ballot would be lor liryan. savs: We lie that last atiout sentiment U-1 tig so strong for McKiniey. All tue iKiuiti named in this county in not uive McKiolev fiflv votes, snd we douot very much it they give luni lorty. iney i?av Jui1l- Iiean iust fortv-nine and Tom Tonssoe t'urtv-uve tart June, senti ment is about all McKiniey wili gel tuis fall U. S. JcnvMss. The following have been chosen from Linn county as U n jurymen lor the u.fc. court to convene in Portland Nov. 10: J. L. P.errv. Lv- ons, P. M. French, juweler of Albany, C. v. otein, j. vr. t nerry, Aioany, lour out 01 thirty-rive Doing irom Linn countp. Mtaiv Hed Grown Milling Co. Mills for another year, and we are now prepared to receive wheat on storage, ana to Duy tne same Sacls will lie fiirnisliea oa aifctioi fjm And Feed constantly on band and for sale. Parties having wheat to tell or we will try and make it to their advantage to cail and aee us. Flour will be u,t tito aarriA urmi aa nftreLoinra. xebangea ior ub w. T,.Yann E(L Eoins, H. H- Allen an3 S. E- Young. 5. D. Barrett, Notiucoipv.aled X i mxiited n breaking? aires Uerr s arm at or near the wrist joint. He waa taken to IT. K. A. 1'ratt. ot Uebama. asd bad toe fracture reduced. Silvrrtoa Mail. Col C B Bash, of this citv. G A R vss- ersa and a prominent repnbticaa and bss- ires man. baa come oat for Bryan and free stiver. 11 this keeps an macs looser the republicans will make brysa s etection unanimous. Portland Dispatch A rare instance occurred last evening. An Albany la-tv dropped a ten dollar hi I and went borne wt bout discovering her low. An booest man picked it up. The lady sras remembered to have stood in the place, and received ber mocey before know ing It was lost. Bryan men cost be careful la votinsr The official ballot contains the names of Lewis B. Cox. Aliandr M. Holmes. r rank a. eulert and Curtis J. Irencharti under the title of "National Democratic.' Do not vote for these u they are bolters Vote only for N. L. Butler. E. Holer. W. H. Spaosrh and Har ry atkins as ther are the Bfran electors on tbe ticket. They are numbered 16. 17. is aoa is on tne ballot. A Scio Dkbate. Re'erring bi the joint debate at S-cio between C B. Moore and Hon. J. J. Whitnev the Prvss ays Mooreg devoted hia time to old issuea out of date, d-awing unfair concliibiona Irom them, while Judge hilney treated ot modern affairs of the present time. That be made a convincing argument which was freouentlv applauded, and succeeded in making his opponent so mad f iBurattvelv) trotlied at ttie SOCIAL AND PERSONAL J. R. Wyatt went to Eugene Yesterday to attend to some legal business. License has been issued for the mar- nape of Henry Little and Sylvia M Lonora Cave. G. W. Wright went to Jefferson this noon to fill au appointment of Hon. Geo. Jb, Chatuberiatu at that city tonight. E. R. Case, of Albany, has purchased the Hotel Jefferson and has moved hia The fifth series cf tbe FiankhB Buiidinir a Loan AoonaUoo, cf Portland, amount ing to SlO.UM was paid yesterday, lbs Teieanm u small enough to ring coiiuca into tne Iran taction . The big rata of last n'ebt and todav pretty well kaocked out parades and pot lueal meeting. At the stcKisiev raitr at Corvaliis today a bonereaa's parade was to be bad at 11: 0, a general paiade at I M sad aa illuminated parade at 7 p m. The absence of flag oVcoraJi'Jns by repab- Kaas today, the time set t-r their own aa- tioeal coumittos. was noticeable asd ees- erally commented opoo. Everywhere eh seaxty m tne L niUfi State the followers of Brraa and McKiniey together raised the flag of oar country This was n jt a display of patriotism due fla; day Julius Pieces and Kola Neis went sr-ath this morning to recmre some bops. Tbey rrport the bop market a betng more qniet at prwaeet 'baa during tbe preceding two wees. II ops were ooted at 7ri oasts, indicating a fall oi aboat S cents bom the highest price yet offered Luis season. SaJem Journal. Mise Host Schmidt, of the OvxidesUI Hotel has a irroue airainst tnarhrooms Toesday he partook heartily of thun asd a phrstaaa worked with him all aigfat to save his life. It was sot a esse of toad stools bs a Bat poisoned but simply foundered. He is all right again now. Corvaliis Gssetle. Tbe sensational raise in the wheat markets of tbe world and the drop of 24 cents within the past week is making great excitement in this valley. W. F. Crosby and L C. Coleman, two San Francisco bayers in this county bought ap a number of carloads when tbe mar kets were booming bat when delivered the San Francisco markets bad snbeidsd and their profit waa not as large. They are sun shipping. Ashland Kecord. Fine maic every evening at the New Bowling Alley. Luscious sweet wnicr melons can be foaoo at C E Erowneiia, Sweet pickles and olives in balk at C E BrowneiU. Special sale of Ladies wrappers 69 cents each, for three days only, at the Ladies tsaxaar. Ring phone 9, for Smiley the printer Thej can't come ap to oar high steward. Smiley the printer All kinds of job printing at the Ire win job office. A Campaign Falsehood. Eorroa Dxmocbat : There appeared in the Oregoniaa of Oct the 29tb an article written from Al bany, Or., beaded "Resort to violence by Bryan men of Lyons" stating that Mr. A. c Hoogh, a republican speaker was grossly insulted and shut oat of tbe ball, and two ruffians saore a republican roold not speak in Lvons, and that Sir, Hoogh waa insulted and booted at when going to the train next morning. Now to find oat the tracts we aked both re publicans and Bryan men ia this town if soch was the fact, and we conki not find a single person in either ranks who supported one syllable of said letter writ- tea from Albany. It is a rcaliaocis lie, gotten ap by Mr. Hoagh or bis tittle aa- dience, which only consisted of four per sona, t-ut before the public at the last boor of the campaign to have some ef fect opoa the voters, and to trv to throw a alar 00 the good people of Lvons. We took a rote as to whether soch a state ment as the Albany letter waa true or any part thereof and it waa nn- amimoaaly Totsd by at least a persons that it waa a maikisas lie, and so spread upon our minates Tbe dancing party that was spoken of in the letter gave op the hail at o uiU o clock to tbe speaker. notwithstanding tbey bad the ball en gaged a week before. We write this and wish yon to publish it so the readers of your valuable paper can see jnst what sort of infamous lies the Mark Hanna crowd is trying to make votes for tbem elves. A drowning man will catch at a straw when be oan t tooch bottom. S H- Mitchell, J. P.QrsxTxa, S. A. Ljurots, II ax aT Lross, Committee. President. Lyons, Oct. 31. 1SS6. 1 be riot at Jefferson waa in keeping with the above. The Reviews says: Go away from home to hear tbe news. From the S talesman, Oregonian and Al bany Herald we learn that there was terrible riot at JeSerson Toesday night. started by an organised mob of Bryanitea, who threw rocks at tbe republican pro cession. Men were knocked senseless. manv neoole iuiured. and fif hta valors. While the latter two papers may be ex- cosed for tbe publication 01 such rot, as thev have thought their informant told tbe troth, the bis teem an can not plead ignorance, for it bad a special reporter here that night, and he knew that each statement was utterly tains- HEW YORK WORLD, TKRiCE-A-WEEK EDITION IS Pages a RceL U Fpcrs a Y&r. Is larger thaa any weekly or semt eekly paper published and is the only moortant democrat. it "weekly" pub- lahed in New Yo.-k City. Three times aa large as the leading republican week ly ot dew lore city, it wiii ce ot special advantage to yon dnring the .. M-t-m s-' i : u rTXSKicmiai unnpaign, ss ji is pub lished every other day, except Sonday, snd has all tbe freshness and timeliness of a daily. It combines all the news with a long lift ot interesting depart ments, oxuqoe featcres, cartoons and graphic illustrations, the latter being a specialty. Ail these lm prove mer. lb nave ixxra made without any increase in the cost which remains at one dol'ar per vear We offer thia unenaled newspaper and the Wksxxt Dzhocxat together one year for ,2.00. Satisfactory terms with ar Academy of Our Lady of Per petual Help. Boarding School for Girls. Tboroash instruction Whcesote diet Homelike treatment. Consider ing bard times, favorable red actions are made for boarders and day scholars. Studies will be resumed Sepu 1st. For nrther particulars call at the Acaderaw or write to Sister Superior. CONSEBYATOBI OF IDSG Albany College Teachers for the school vear 1S36-1S9? : Zunri M. Parrin, Mas. Doc director. Assistant Uachers-Marpierite Aiderson. B. M and Mrs. Josephine Sharp. Thoroogh and systemaus instruction riven in all the important branches of music Best cooservatorr rooms and batgeet musical library and faciStiea for mistical work. Largest nor ber of con servatory students enrolled of acy music school in the state. Terms low. Send lor circular and cataloeoe, to Wauacs Howe Lex. A- 31. Albany, Oregon. rflioop poison i a rvcsw a. I TV enoon. n Irt brbwinu 1 If 'ao bm railroad far aae sosat siila.ssS as To-night will be Halloween. Follow-1 . - .. ... ng is a suggestion as to tne event: Hallow-even or Halloween, the name popularly given the eve or vigil cf AU Hallows, or festival of All Saints, which being the first ot November, Halloween is the evening of the olstot uctooer. in Enslaad it waa long cub ternary to crack nuts, dock for apples in a tab of water, 4. Unique Burglary. A case of cheek and gall rarely wit nessed comes from Lane county. A man stole the rarb of Father J. H. Black of Eugene, donng his absence, lie cad elries. While the same thing can be said of Scotland, the Halloween cere monies partook more of a superstitioas character; taking, amonar rustics, the form of a charm to be aiscoverea woo should be his or ber partner for life. Ot these now almost exploded enstoms, tne best summary is that contained in is urns well-known poem, "Halloween that h I fieurat'tvelv) frothed at month. When the spe--ch was finished, , ' 7" T j u been helping the priest, who purchased M r. Sloores utterly Ignore,! the chair- assamed charge a new tut &(on n. xh J mM pnt man, and bounced up corklike ami sailed into matters redhot. Give us some Moore such speakers and Bryan's majority will be increased. -MHAusBeuifty cure ijuitiisir, v.-- iu, u-..t-.rVi.-Wttll hiunkH-'. L-i'-f .!-. G a An Albnny Bryan man pit' np I1UU against K!0f thia morning tbe syndicate money that Jbryau will be elected. lur Di-ug3,,Fred Dawson's, Thos Tongue will sooak al I el.annn nit Monday night. The Tuffs Lvon and tho Monnirama will p'ay off the (in gome next Sundav. In the meantime hev are beinir kent and feasted by the Examiner. An old horse collar is n exhibition in Preston & Hale's show window. Tbe col lar is made of wood and was brought across tha plains in Iftiili by H K Powers, who re sides norm or Springfield. Eugone Guard. Rev Lindsey. who held some big evan gelical services in Albany several yours ntro. in the Baptmt church, was in Ihe city this 1 wes ii b win ocgin a series ot meetings at Lebanon on December 1. The Brvnn rally poem of Rev. Cornwell published in yesferdav's Pemockat hns been greatly commended. One man who ordered half a dozn extra conies of the Democba'? contuinins it sy it is ths bVst he has ever seen. It is a clean, patriotic effort, an inspiration to the reader. The recent combine bptween the S P 0 R & N and 0 C E has materially affect ed the price of some thine. Fniht rates from San Francisco and Portland are about double. If the combine continues river psvirntion will not affect it unless an in dependent boat Is run. E T Slayton, of Prjnovills, ft in the city tonay ouying supplies. Mr tsinyton says ss the caapaign progr8es in Crook coun ty the supposed mnjority of 300 that was to be recorded for McKiniey has dwindled down so that the conoervative republicans ! concede that Bryan will carry the county. 1 1 Vila mnlnritv in Prnnir i nn. Aa-iM.11 1 ...... . ... ...... . , 1 1, 1 V. I from 150 to ZOO Tho DallosT. M. Elkctios Surri.tKi. County Cle'k Montaouois sendingout election sup plies to the various precincts Ui is week. Tha supplies consirt of proportionate Quantities of the following articles: Reg- ulnr liallots. aaraple ballots, poll books, tally ahrets. coiiit-s election laws, pens, penholders, Iiuieuoie wijiiik wiiciii, ink. blottina pads, needles and strings, sealing wax, ballot box and key. The chairman or one ot the ju.iges oi elec tion is required to receipt lor the sup plies sent to his precinct. 01 nis new business. jetterson tee view. 1 v.tK.r-. .iih- hat .n4 Mr. J. E. Cartrisht was a member of I collar, and went forth aa a priest who the Workmen, Woodmen and Mecca-1 was visiting Father Black, lie went to bees and canted a $2,000 policy in each I Cottage Grove, where he got drunk.after company, payable to bis mother. Mr. I quite a crooked experience. Father r,ia Damagkb. Tbe Dalles r. M. says Jmlirs lunnett has retn ned from Day ton, Wash , where he has been conduct ing a auit for damayrea against E. Mc Neil, aa receivor of tbe O. R. &N.C0. The case was brought by th widow and children of Robert Walker, an engineer in the employ of the road who was killed in a wreck between Boles Junction and Starbiick in Columbia count. Wash., and was for damages caused by his death. The verdict of the jury was that of 10,- 000 lama, es be awartieu, tne largest damages ever awartieu mine united States in a similar ease, me case win and Mrs. Cartright had been married less than a year and while he frequently remarked that he intended to have the policies changed and make his wife tbe beneficiary, be failed to do so. Junc tion City Times. TheN. Y. World eaya: 'The Rehan and tbe Daly company have gone on a tour until rov. 23, when they are hooked to return to the home theatre with a re vival of "As Yon Like It." Charles Rich man will be Orlando and Herbert Gresham Touchstone. In Baltimore next week Mist Rehan will play Lady tor the nrst time, with mciiman Charles Courtley. Edwin Black returned home and missing his clothes sent an officer after him. He was arrested and yesterday was indicted by It he grand jury, which was in session, lor burglary and larceny. 1 he exper ience was certainly a unique one. Sir Hsrcourt, Clark as Dazzle, Gresham as Meddle ond Maud Hoffman as Grace Uarkaway. Lost. Last night some where in the city, on the way to the depot, a satchel containing some clothes, including some for children. 1'Ieate return to the Druo- crat olfioe. Lto BaoxKK. J. B. Burch. a son of Judge Burch, of Rickreall, who lives six miles southeast 01 Albany, had the misfortune to break his leg and dislocate liis ankle, while riding on the coupling pole of a wagon, when the coupling broke and caught his leg under it. His mother and his brother. r. B. Burch both of Rickreall. have cone to hia home. otevena as 1 independence Enterprise. How Is this Burkhart ft Lee the druDvisU are sellina- the verv bet vitriol be appealed to tho Washington supreme (blue-stone) at 18 pounds for l.oa Cbep court. I but good . Mow is the time to buy, see our window. Pitv Titn -Marshal C. O. Lea states i, oiiection of the citv council I Thn w. (J. 1. u. will trive looir second the city tax roll will m sept open until social on ov. um weir nan. a gooo Monday, .Novembers, ioyo, ior me re-1 program win do pre'enteu. co ot of city taxes. Alter mat aate me SraAKta Last Niqitt. JudceM. A. Hurley was detained in Portland yester day oa account 01 uiuess ana uia not sneak aa waa anticipated. The opera house had been engaged ior the occasion and notwithstanding the worst storm ot the season a fair sized audience gathered. fMiort addresses were delivered by ii. W. Wright, Hon. J. h. weatiiertord, Capt- N. B. Humphrey and u. . Kampand some pointed and timely remarks were made. Our Delated Liki of Infants children's cloaks have just arrived. they are all beauties, and tbe special traction will be the low prices which will sell them at. The Ladies Bazaar. and and at- books will lie closed for the purpose of collecting the delinquent taxes accerd ing to law. Taxpayers ahould take notice and pay up promptly if they wish to avoid costa. What as Ad Did A couple of weeks ago Miss Ora McFarland lost a watch in this city. A little ad waa pat. in the Dkmochat for a few daya. Yesterday the watch was returned to her by Mr. I J. G. Weisner, of Center precinct, who Rveiivonb that has seen our new cape and jackets declare they are the best value and styles ever seen in Albany. If you in- tajd buvinir a garment It would be wise to seothis line at once while the assort ment is complete, at tha Ladies Basaar. Bovs abb Washed to stop jumping oa and off the motor wntie in motion, it 1 dangerous businos, and contrary to crdin an oe. uy order 01 tne roarsnai. far law Lsaaa Cider Alsoa W. Steers writes from Port land. Or: There is no medicine for the Catarrh Cars throat and lungs that l can recommend to Health and sweet breath secured, bj ministers, puotio speaaors ana singers. ShiU h's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents J with tbe counaeooe mat 1 can the o. u. ana- Halloween. 'ss sw raifivad tars aae aosat sis.sani kKwataAsacvfS. IXyoa aava skes!BB Im1iss wotsan. sed sta savs sefess eoS IHlsMniCSMtinillS,HVlnw, FsTpIca, Coppmr Colorvd J-P- rHTrfUS say sartccttM M4r. Uuror r-rr-hrows rmuiitg ws rsarsalM wcur. Wa suora tea cvrw. ftw Ssisii has atwava L U skill of Kb asess bImI psyav SaotaOSi aafai setis4 oar laiMiiffiw-wnHww riniK Kiwnv 1 11. Xsasasss CHISaUOs aXIa . aWI HELP WANTED AALE. TTTTlVrCTl SOLICITORS FOR 1 Y paiga book, "Ervaa, Sew all snd rree eiiver. souioratiui written by R- L. Metcast. Editor Omaha Worid-Uerald. appoinu-a aatnoc cy oryaji. for agents, a free silver mine for workers. Only IJ0- The only authorised bock. 50 per cent. Credit given. Freight paid. OutStfree. Begin now with choice of territory. Permanent, proB-sbl wcrk for -yri Address ice rauoiai uuut luboto, Star Building, Chicago- It Savs Uvea Kvrry Bar Tboussnds of case ot Consume! tea Asthma. Coofi-hs. Colds and Coup srs nred every day by Shiiofc a Cora. J. M. RALSTON 1 niAiri?n UnvlazJlts trom iw tozw ine mumps t. hi. i J. G. Weisner, ot uenter precinct, wnoio"o ..-- , - iV.i,..finoK Cnra" For sals bvFoahal HOTUI'I NIP NIIMtaat Masai jtrM-i -v Gladness Comes iAith a better understandiDg of the V V transient nature of the many pbys .eaJ ills, which wanlaa before proper et forts gentle effort-pleasant efforts rightly directed. There is comfort in tha knowledge, that so many forms oi alokneas are not doe to any actual dis ease, but simQly to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleasant family laxative. Syrup of Figs, prompt ry removes. That ia why it ia the only remedy with millions oi families, and ia very where esteemed ao highly by all who value good health. Ita beneficial fTaffta ara dnn to tha fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal ... 1 .V .'!!.! . v aleaniineaa wimoot oeituususi; organa oa which it acts. It is therefore all Important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when yon pur these, that yon have the genuine arti ele, which ia manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Symp Co. only and eold, by aU reputable aruggisia. If In tha en V v men t of rood health. nd the system la regolar, laxativea or other remedies are wen not nwrn i aMitA with any actual disease, one may be commended to the most skillful physicians, bot If in need, of a laxative, nn. aHnnld hsv the beat, and with tha weU-informed everywhere. Syrup of Ijlgastands hietieat and ia most largely aaeu ana gives moetgaucrsi aaw- i, n,m Mastoa Block. Albany, Or Monev to loan oa farm security, all small loans made oa personal security. City, county and school warrants ooogrt. Collections made oa favorable terms. Fir insurance written ia three of tbe argest companies ia the world, mt lowest ates. HKSHSLiR GILBliBT, Teato el Raso & Orp. (Mason System of Technic) Careful Instruction of Children a Spec ialty. Terms moderate. Washington St, south ol L . 1. churcn. 0.C.&E. R. R.C0. tWiUamette River Division,) Steamer ALBANY; CUpt. J. I. Smith, " Wm. M. Hoa?, Capt. it. u. uwcu r i J t. 4 J 'Tli.rnnrla' Daily, except Saturdays, between Cor ral us, Albany, inaepeouenw, car lent, way points and Portland. Unsurpassed accommodations and schedules especially for the needs of up per Willamette travel. Ptcnla partiea can avail themselves ot this schedule for any desired point between Corvaliis and Salem, leaving in the morning and re turning in due time tne same evening. Special rates for special parties of 15 or more. . . Leaves Albany down river at 7 a. m. AiSavea Aioany op river siop,m, except Saturday. H. L. Waldes, H. B. Sackt, Agent, depot. Agt. FOR SALE at bargain good in of team horse. Good harness and wagon, la- quire at Postal Tel. office. . . w.. w . -)SVMsys ajsWicsH aVaasr VpWf51m