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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1896)
vni, XXXII. ALUANY OREGON, FltlDATf, OCTOBER 23.1 89G. Entered at tkc Fee OSes a Albany. )r. seesaw-Class Hall Matter i tVI IXCTTIIS FaklUkcr as rrarrlelasC i 1 f i .a, , ""' IUMI jail lam I vir .AeableIVcparationror As similating t&cFoxJ andRcula tog the Stomachs andBcvels of in mm ftomoles'Digestion.Chcctfid ticssandHsstConlalns neither Opnim.Morphine norMacraL KotNahcotic. .Shcisssw J?,d,It, fifrr- atssrsws A perfect Remedy for Cons tba- tion.Sour Slomach.Diarrhoea, Warms .Convulsions .Fevensh. ness and Loss OF SLEEP. XacSintite Signature of TTETVV "YORK. -" ''1 1 li..WjJ.Jlj. JjV1 EXACT COFT OF WHAFFEB. t The Indestructible '"Maywood BICYCLE. -OS .lost Mod CIH WTO .III III II I i lift C fci M l. awo M t WWW rATKVTD J ". 191 I ATKXTS J1T 17, lhpi TlieMaywoor,lBtlicni;epa ttrnotm Mcprf Terms?!. ir!ipf-r4 for ail kiaca t 'Kwda and riders. Made of material that is od arry; xiip is eonstntctio easily taken apart and put together; has few parts: of ensrh wiry cor.' ruction that its rara 'will hold together even ra an accident: n holiocr tnbni- x-o cr?u ?i every oontact; a Ircmf that cannot be broken; ao simple tiiat its adotii:5 jr serve i-. aaert is isrt: a ots--Oieee crank in place of a dozen pant: always lv6? to trire relit;: :u i-jii trupor.too. "KAM K Improred doable diamond. raratd lor thr i.deof H-iaehet ld 'rolled steel rods (tonarhest and strongest metal for its weight laswsit: o'a-d t- tlwr rriih almninnm bronze Hitinajs in snch a manner ti it i:r.tOf-;l-jt- ir, bres or ut part work -loose; a marrel of noTelty, BimpUcity and durability; t!K j-rctx-t eo-mjinitn of inrnaHf -In bicycle mechanism known, to bull i a frame wivhrat rnxr t yr.iT. r. ax d r !i-a?. j Know that frames continually break and fractcr? at brazen nt.--UMi tubt; w!;.ii tbe trj lpk!c4 rln cannot be repaired. WHEELS i-tnch:'. ir;oc. nic?. t iv.o --.-e tas.-ene pofc-a and brass nipples. HCBS Laree bc-rrcl patrcra. TiKfc "ijlii k" icMitpe t: lior ;iu Wright Qtick Repair, or some otier 6t-- i-w mitokm rl e. bUiil.-iiS-E.J bearines toerery part, inclndinc wheels, crauk &xle. tenss head aa-1 rii'. CI rS iNU CONES Best quality tool ateeX-carefnlly temper-d and tvznienv, i HAl SS-tiich crvle 'hardened centers, rear adjdstment. CKAJNKS Our celebrazd 'ic-TH-e -rnk. iniiy pro tected by patents: no cotter pins. REACH Sborte?t. 2a lm-bes; iraut-iyv XT iicha. t'AK Gor72. FItOXT FORK lndetrnctib!e: fork erown made from --fcrel f,te-L HA 'm.B BAB-Berersible and adjostsble; ewilr adjusted to any portioi Cesieti: xm'e tom frr Jiished If ordered. SADDLE P. F.. Gilliam, or some either rii-!a3 c.ike . El: - Rat-trap or rubber; full ball bearisjz. FINISH r-tumeled in black, with a31 brlV. pT-. aickel plated, l&ach Bicycle complete wiUt too! hzz. pump, mrecch and oiler. ".Vc.z't eordinit to tires, pedals, saddles, ete, 7 to St ponces. S40 la ear Special Wholesale Price. Kerer 'for less. To Quickly Introduce the "M lywootl" have deeded to make a special coupon offer, tnv-.nff erenr reader of this paper a chance to ret a tiret-claas wheel at toe Jowest price eyer offered. On receipt of t3tin aurf eouvon 4 -we will ship to anyone the above Bicycle, securely crsicd. 4 and cuarantee safe delivery. 11 oner efncded if not u -t .represented after arrival and examination. We wil; ahia C O. D. with privilege of examination, for " and coupon provided $5.00 is sent with order as a eoaraue of faith. 4" a. written bindina; warranty with ea-h Bicycle. Tbis is a 4- hanee of a lifetime and you cannot aSord to let t 'or - 4 wanitypaas Address all orders to -r1 CASH BUYERS' UNION, I Ws faa Barea Stmt. Bx at &J. . ni l W &a PORTLAND . FtLL English Coi:;vsr.. FRENCH A.N ; U. !1AX BUSINESS BRANCHES. ' BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHY. boaidiho mmmvmi i 0 Ir afl"Tiai in ti ! select the Waverly because they have .learned to know tbe dif ference between a wheel that is actually high grade and one that is simply claimed to be. Some others maybe good but tbe Waverly is the highest of all high grade, (scorcher (3 heights) Experienced $85 00, Belle 28 and 28 SIAD BY INDIANA JMeyjOLE CO. :BDIABAPOLlS, IKD ,iUbanv Eed Crown Milling Co. We have leased the Red Crown TEills for another year, and we are now prepared to storage , ana to buy the same Ms file faisiei on agicatioi Eour And Feed constantly on hand and for sale. Parties having wheat to tell or tore we will try and make it to their advantage to call and see us. Flour will be xchanged for wheat on the same terms as heretofore. . W.L.Tauo', H. Boins, E. D. Barrett, H.H.Allen ana S. E. Young. ;QtS Not incoipurated. TVs iCev - J - - i-rr.ffawV. i r. art A t.BAr4Y CIGAR FACTORY j. JOsEPlI.-" THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY :' -BOTTLE OB1 Csstarla Is wit sp la pas gas tattles mlr. It U not soil la bulk. Doat allow aavoea to sail job anything els oa tha plea ar prasaias that ft la "jut aa food" aso "via assvor amy per- poaa," SjTSes that roa rot O-A-8-T-Gxim. tho- A kaa '.I ' 1L!J!,5- .LJ1I ' THIS S75.00 COM PLETE BICYCLE Oct. 3. ISP 3 Jan. SI. 1894 Ctbem Prodlna- before sold Bk-rcle- we IF SSfiT WiT O-tDf) FOil No. 5 Kayvf ..J5!cyi::V. CtUCASO. pis37 aV,W.J" OREGON sy'T, T Are built in 3 lownocf irSVKI F. and Best Equipped Factory in ZMMZ tbe World inch $75.00 and $85.00. A.J. Hodges,. ;Agen receive wheat on AteWSsj ssa3sjr tuiss Wstt,sviya iLltktiUi. . n.irv.t,k AtMinuc. Weuit Memory, J ox Brain for Ja fvJiw:u Wiitta'airiesVB, sVot areuo.s, iinpotcMc-r tti4 wftrtlitfc can i w stanjr Hto7 J Mafcr-wtJiTwleaaa P T?' main n-i y ; -t rffc."W Proprietor, m mar' stsrihsiiiii THTJBSDAT Buttcrworth Said So. Editor Dkmocrat: Mr. Butterworth in his speech said : "You ask me it the demonetization of silver did not reduce the price o( silver? I ansa er yes. Did it not increase the price ot cold T lea." Ciow in tue lace ot this admission why will our curbstone philosophers continue to dispute this economic truth. 11 not satisfied witb this admission of Mr. Butterworth 's let them examins British Encyclopedia, article Silver, Vol. 22, page 73, Oovrper thwaitt on Finance, Gold and Silver, or an? other reputable gold bug authority and they will find the same doctrine taught. To deny the truth of this prop osition is as absurd as denying two added to two equals tour, uimktalist. Backed Down. The Salem Journal tells the following: "Monday after ex- haustins all argument. Uid Stols offered to bet Dr. Y, S. Mott $100 that McfcLin ley would be elected. The doctor atones agreed to meet him with the coin at 9 o clock. The republican striker in his enthusiasm also wanted to bet another T100 on the results in Oregon. The doc tor at once agreed to cover the same with his coin at 9 o'clock Tuesday. At this Tom Kay, the popular woolen milt oper ator and protection eninuatast, stepped up and said he had f 500 to wager upon general results for McKinley, which offer was accepted by the nervy doctor witb the other two. This morning the man of medicine and lion. G. S. Downing ap peared at the appointed place and hour with the $700 iingling in their Jaans, pre pared to double their money on their faith, but lo and behold, they were lone some until some of tbe Bryan friends gathered around, for tbe republican ad vocates tailed to snow np. witb their ErofTered wealth. And the Bryan money aa been forced back into tbe coffers of some bank. High-Haxdkd Octlawkt. The" Crook County Journal gives the following ac count of a transaction that occurred in the South Fork country ,ic Grant county : some sneep trom the Mitchell country. moved in on territory which the cattle men say shall not be herded by sheep. One day last week, 14 armed men visited this trvesoaasine band of sheen and one of the party, who was masked, relieved toe herder ot bis gun, at the same time giving him some pointers as to the ad visability of his remaining in that section of the country if he placed any valuation on his life. The whole party then fireJ into the band of sheep, killing and wound ins from 200 to 250 bead, burned the camp outfit and departed; promising to return again if the aheep were in that locality at a given time." Lis Oocxtt Horsxs. At the State fair linn county hones carried off some of the best honors. The following will show the facts: I. G. Moaner's Goer D'Alene received 1st prize for standard bred trotters 4 years old and over; Mr. Moshet's Susie S, tbe second prise for brood mare 4 years old, and colt; Hus ton Bros, first premium for Percheron stallion 4 years and over; Houston Bros., first premiun for Clydesdale stallion 4 years and over ; Houston Broe., first pre mium for French and English coach stal lion 4 years and over; John Houston, first for draft horse of any age, pure blood, Corbett; Worth Huston, second. "Galloway;" Chas. Borkbart, first for gelding roadster 4 and over. TmjfAX. A republican who heard Tillman and Pennoyerat Portland last night says be never saw men a display of enthusiasm in his life. One of the biggest crowds ever in Portland beard them speak. Jbe indications are that McKinley will carry Multnomah county by oaly a small majority. A drummer who just came from tbe ast wss in Al bany yesterday, be has heard Tillman and says he will come np from Portland Saturday just to hear bim again, that he is one of tbe most wonderful talkers he ever beard. Mr. Chandler Bloom, of Portland, is in the city. A. B. Woodin and W. G. Wood re turned from tbe mines yesterday. Mr. Chas. Bowen, of Salem, a former Albany student was in the city today. Mr. J. D. Alkire and Mrs. M. A. Ham ilton are to be united in marriage in this city tonight. Miss Cecil Rampy, of Harrisborg, has been in the city the guest of Mr. J. G. Crawford. Rev. Manshardt has been in Salem at tending a Sunday School convention of the Evangelical church. Mrs. Baldwin, of Portland, came np from Portland this noon and is the guest of her daughter Mrs. a. Senders. John Isom, Jr., has purchased a soda plant once used here and will goto Prine- ville in a few days and locale, running it there. Mr. Henry Conner, of Portland a na tive of Albany, is in tbe city, the guest ot Mr. uai tfnrkhart. He is sow a suc cessful attorney. W. M. Ran mas. who put Damon and Pythias on in this city, passed through Albany this noon for Eugene, where he will speak lor McKinley and Mart: Hanna. Ben Butterworth. who snoke InAlbanv yesterday was born on Oct. 22. 1R.T7. in Warren County ,'Obio; he was elected to tbe state senate of Ohio in 1873.- He was a member of tbe 46tb, 47th, 49th, 50th and 51st congresses. He is not now in congress and has never been in the U. S. senate as reported. Beni-min Byan Tillman who will ppeak in Albany next Saturday was born on Aug. 11, 1847. He lost his left eye by a severe illness in 1864. tin was a farmer and took no part in polities until 1886, wben be began tbe agitation for indus trial and technical education. He was elected governor of South Carolina in Nov. 1890 and re-elected in 1892. He was elected to tbe U. S. senate in 189-5 and his term of office will expire March 3,1901. He has been a rustler in tbe cause of education being the means of establishing two colleges or industrial schools in bis state. Mr .'Henry McElmurrv hs the Demo crats thanks for some fine grapes of nameless variety. . I. McClanahan bas about 60 Chinese pheasants in his park on Ferry street. He bad ten birds last spring and raised tbe other CO this season. -Eugene Guard. The followers of Bryan are called anar chists ; but it is an interesting thing that the speaking near tne court bouse yester day was uunex a urigui rou mass ot uuoting Severed commentea on me tact. A man at Grants Pass offered to bet $10,000 to $20,000 that McKinley would be elected, tie proved to oe a tramp and alked to tbe next station waen be leit says the Courier. In the case of the state vs Ed Abbey, charged wi'h smoking opium, in the court at Salem, the defendant came into court and pleaded guilty t the cbsrgn and was sentenced to pay a fine of $50 and cost. amounting in all to soi.W, which be liqui dated receiving -bis discharge, uo tiy smoking that. It appears that if the locomotive which left ltoaeburg t overtake tbe passenger train bad started 15 minutes sooner it would nave crashed into tbs rear end of the passenger train which backed into Green' station for 8 miles before tbe engine was detached to go back to Roseburg. Tbis wou.d have killed probably 150 people and rifstroyed tbe entire passenger train. Grants Pass Courier. W. g. U'Ren, of Clackamas county, spoke at the court nous last night to i good sized and welt pleased audience Mr. U'Ren is a logical speaker who makes points and does not spend his time in abuse. Tomorrow we wi'l publish an article bv him answering with remarka ble clearness tbe best argument made by B otierworth. Lebanon. Miss Edna Price, of Salein, was visit ing her cousins, Mrs. Geo, Buhl and Mrs. Fred Hickok, this week. Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniway spent a night in Lebanon this week, the guest of Mrs. Jno. Reed. Two Catholic Sisters, accompanied by a large delegation of Albany children, came out to this city last Saturday and went down on the river to have a picnic, but their pleasure was broken up by the rain. The Washington Mandolin and Guitar club will give a musical" and literary en tertainment at the Band hall on Oct. 16, beginning at 8 p. m. This entertain ment is for the benefit of the academy. Last Thursday evening.atan adjourned meeting cf tha city council, Messrs. Parker A Mathews took out a liquor li cense for another year, paying $700 for the same. The first of the week they moved their saloon across the street into Mr. Guv's building on the corner. Mr. Wood, of Albany, a free silver speaker, ad u reused the citizens of Leban on last Saturday evening. Hons. John Burnett and Geo. E. Chamberlain were to have been here but could not, on ac count f sickness. There was a fair sised crowd present, who were quite enthusi astic. Two weeks ago one of John Pobkin's children took sick with diphtheria but it naa entirety recovered and is now out again. It is thought the child caught it trom a lavorite uoif that the boy was with a great deal. Dr. Booth, who was attending the child, aava he did not ex amine the dog, but ordered it kil'ed, and; irom what the laniil said ot it the dot tor is satisfied the dog had the gennin dinhtheria KTnrMfl , - -. j Tn McKivi KT closed last ntghV with a packed bouse at the opera, pre! preceded by a parade, with about two hut J died io line including the riant beau club J Corvaltisacd the band of that city, abouf fifty coming down at 7:30 o'clock on if pecial train. Judge Caoles. of Portland I uu vutigrcsBaiaa ouuerwonn spose, o course trying to lores fie tan it isu. ahead of the money question. Mr. But terworth admits that he wrote the Telle letter, but says it has been garbled. A a matter of fact the letter has been cir culated aa taken from the Conressiona Kecoru. Com h ttteu St'tctoc. Horace Lane, an old resident ot Linn county, committed suicide by hanging himself in the barn of Joel Huston nearllarrisbarg.on Mon day. Mrs. Huston was his daughter. The old gentleman had become dispond- out. Mors Duijbiats. 1 wo suberrtntuns to our w.ekly were ordered stopped to day by the p. to. of the place in which the subscribers reside. One had moved to parts unknown, the other "skipped the country." The combined indebted ness was $24.50. A sample of newspaper experience. Tbe Oreeonian continnes to give its de ceptive headings. According to its heads Bryan is running into frosts in Michigan, but according to the accounts below be is greeted by big auJienceeand great en thusiasm. A Los Angeles View of the Situa tion. In a letter received by Mr. Ed R. M. Carter, of this city, from U.J. Clark, of Los Angeles, a former Albany man, the following appears of general interest : Tims will be better when Iiran i elected and be will be as sure at the sun rises in tbe east. We count her on California giving 40,000 majority for Bryan, i tea yon the working people realise that we must have a charjire. This city, yon know, has al wars been a republican stronghold, but it will roll up a Dig majority for Bryan. The silver republicans have organised a club, they now nave -jUU members who have al ways voted the renuhliran tirkot Th democrats, silver repoblicana and popu- ui nave omit a wigwam mat will seat 4,000. There is a meeting there every night in the week and tjundars ,to and it i crowded at every meeting. Tbe la dies have also organized a club. They hold their meetings every Wednelav afternoon, so you see politics are red hot cere. A Tribute. A tribute of respect to the memory of Lncinda Farwell Bonar, read at a meet ing of the W.C.T. U.of PUlnvi-won October 8, 1SS6. Dear Sisters: Joined together by tbe Christian Temperance Union and by the neighborly love and exteem i-h which we regard each other. We have met to gether once more, and as we clasp each others hands in friendly greeting we know that down deep in each heart there is a feeling of sadness, a sense of loneli ness, which is bard to repress, caused by tbe absence of our dear Sister Lucinda Farwell Bonar, whom God in unques tionable mercy, bas removed to her re ward. One who by her beautiful chris tian life, her willingness to assist in every good work, fur the familr, or com munity in which sue lived, endeared her to all who knew her. She filled po sitions of honor and trust with marked ability, and in the everyday duties of life, the same willingness exhibited it self. She very forcibly reminds one of tbe lady spoken of in the Acts of the Apostles. 9th chanter, when at her de cease the widows gathered around weep ing and showing the garments she had made, bbe was restored to natural life by the power of Christ through Petr, but our dear sister to Life Eternal. She now basks in the sunshine of our Sav ior's love, to go no more out forever, freed from pain, sorrow and care. Should we wish her to return?! Hoi much better to fit oid-gelves to enter in that "city not made with hands. eternal in the heavens" to join her in singing the praises of Him who has loved and redeemed us. Msy we each follow ber example and l comitate her virtues by which "she being dead, speaketh." yet Dearest sister thou hast left us, Here thy loss we deeply feel, But 'tis God who hath bereft up, He can all our sorrows heal : A Fkibnd, Swket Obeoox." From their little cottage on the desert near Wasco, Wasco county, came me ueMoea family quartet ana aiinnie s new nusDanu, almost Ireeti from the metropolis ot the world, London They gave a concert last night at the M, E. church to a good sized and well pleased audience, on over forty instruments and in song. The pro gram is varied and entertaining, display ing musical genius, ine le Mosses are improving and will take well anywhere. tney represent uregon weu and deserve the success they have met with. Thkt Bcnoled Tuinos The name of the republican vice presidential nomi nee will appear on the ticket in Oregon as J. G. Uobart, whereas his initials are G. A. It is all due to the bungling of Geo. H. Williams, once attorney general oi ma u. ts., president 01 the state con vention, and B. B. Eakin. secretary. In each of four separate certificates tlfey certified that his name was J. O. Ho- bart, not only that but that the election would occur on Monday. November 2. These mistakes are immaterial, the pub lic voting mereiy ior tue electors. All steeasasaeaa It. Ask your physician, jour druggist and your tnenus about feDUob s Cure for con sumption. 1 bey will recommend it. Fo; slebyFoshy& Mason. 5 OUR PRICES are Bargains.. . Compare tfiemolitl) others Ingle harness' I 5 00 Team harness 18 OS Two sweat pads . 65 3 buggy w'nips ' 25 Othr goois in same $to portion. CALL AND SEE US POWF.R TOMLINSOX. r city oday. M rs. Will Merriman. of Gervais, ts in Albany, the guest of Mrs. C. F. Fronk. Mr. Fred Ross returned this noon from Wallace where he lias been for nearly a yer. , Robert Brown. Sir. and Guv Miranda and Mr. Concklin left this morning lot the Alaea, for an on ting. Ed Farwell, of Boston Mills, recently shot by Mia Thompson, i gtadualiy improving, and will be out in two or thrre weeks. Geo. M. Bid, of Milfers, who has been np the valley, report seeing a field of pumpkins beyond ."bed J fire deep, so prolific were the vines. Mr. Frank Kit. hen, 2nd. this week joined the I". S. army at Vancouver for four years, a movement not anticipated by bis many friends here. Mr. Joo Wheeler and-danghters, Mrs. Morgan and Mrs, Waiter, 4 Al bany, were tbe gntwt of Dr. and Mr. J. M. kitrben lie Em of the week. Istayton Times T. 3. Pbilpot and John Matlock, of UoUey, were io Albany kxUv on I heir ay home from Yaqu'tna Bay, where they f uix.1 about oaAUvcjutacd pounds of aa'mon for the winter. ' Dr J. L. Hill and Mr. W. M. Parker returned front Portland this noon, and tbe other K'sof P. will heap tonight or tomorrow. Aibanv was again honor ed b the election of Ms. Alh P. Kicb ardsas Grand Chief of tbe RaUibooe Meters. Senator Tillman nsswd thraarh At. bany this noon for fcujreoe. where he wili speak tousght He is a I aipe .command ing man who would attract attention among a million oeonte. He snnke Let night to a packed house on only a few hours notice. Tbe rr radWi Statesman uri: l!inkn)inl.Mn4 of hot and rabid oratory in tbe east iuoaea ior tome sucn ebuliiion last nigh! aod were really disappointed th.t be did not at once past the bound of dignified assertion and decorous manner. If is most censorious critic could find nothing in what he said and did last night to charge to rudeness or vulgarity. 1 be picture of Brvaa on tbe Unn across first s-'reet was the work of tr Larts of tbe Albany college. It displays nne artistic talent. A new ledge of Odd Fellows was arn. fd at Eik City lat week with P. 1 Mil. Mr. 1 V. tWoa. formerly of tbis city is L. S. V, G. " Eugene city ha jt wade a contract for 4 arc lights for three ter at S3 a lirht- Albany gets trea-d br-tter thad tha'. hav ing Vt lights at S.66 V. and we are pretty ..11 I i .... i I t v i. . r 1 . i 1 . - eaily placed Cleoent Bambndse will crmnil tbe famoa play, "Alabama' in Albany on Ojt. 28. Bainhriilge is a regular bu-Tcl crank, tie takes bis whel alonir aa l does tbe country for miles aroan i . Ira Hunter bas nut in a bill against Ben ton county for $.09 75 for deputy clerk hue Tbe county refuses to pay it. and Hunter siys he will sua. A decioion by tbe court at McMinnville indicaies thai he will lca- bis fuit. J. P. Feiwster. practical teacher of pen manship and book keeping, twenty years experience. Anyone, no matter what their business, will be benefitted. Term. twenty lessons in penmanship $2.10, peo- manvnip ami oook-Beeping so ts'. uer Crawford & Uarnish's gallfry. Articles of incortxtrtion were tetUirdsv filed with the secretary of state by tbe JShedds United Prbyterian cbuicli. of Shedtia Oregon. Tbe estimated value of roperty on hand is iriven at s2,03, J . H. Icmnell. W. A . Thrift, W. H. Currv and Kevin McCoimirk are tbe trustees and incorporator of record. The iacoma Four Snots aod t"ie Mono grams will play to Portland next Sunday Caat. Realty Weatherford of the short time champions of Oregon, will see tbe game, It is au interesting tact that one of the crack players Al Wehber who was born in March, li3 is now over the limit of ago Thos B Kay, of tbs Salem Woolen mill. went to Alliany this morning to receive .30.000 pounds of wool.previouiMy purchased for the mills. Kverything is moving along very satisfactorily in tbe mills and In about three weeks its various departments wi I be fn full operation, fumishinsr employment ior over one hundrel Siteuntes. Journal Another P'osekh's Death. Mr. Thos Holt, an Oregon pioneer ot 1847, died at the home of T. J. Butler, in thiscitv last evening of dropsy. He was born in i i r-i:... tv . i . ..... CHHinre jiiy, cugisuu, un April o, 1813. tor many years ntier coming to Oregon ne iiveu near rfeiiersou, ana uuilt up a good reputation as a citixon and neigh bor, Mr. Arthur lion tne well known butcher of this city, is a son of the de ceased . . The funeral was to take place at the M. E church at 4 o'clock today. An Swn.1, Hit mr a Stonk Ah Swill, while driving along the street by the Baptist church, last evening, was hit in the back by a boy, out of pure cussed ness, though probably not intending more than to frighten the Celestial. Ah Swill hobbled to a house near hv and motned and groaned for an hour or two and anally went home after being ex amined by a doctor and pronounced un injured. The Ills Vroanea Con'tioaiion, causes more than half i ! T3TCviiiliAU. iii I i ir mi i His of women. Karl's Clover Root Tea is O00 rreminm list of the Eiaminer inolud a pleasant cure for constipation. For nal t Ing a 110,000 residence and a $4000 gold by Fosliay & Mason. nugget. ALBANY'S PAST. From the DiatocaaTof May 16. 1873 to uue iu, lot O. Prof. W. 8. McFadden save an elocu. tiocary entertainment at lie opera house. ne was a one elocutionist In those days, aim is an excellent tauer now. , The new capitol building at Salem was uegon. Tbe first c.ass graduated from the Al- pany college and consisted of Misses VVeltha M, Young, Cora J. Irvine. A. aria G. Irvine and Mary J. Hannon, a dis tinction ior wnicti tne young ladies of tbe class may well felicitate themselves. Never were collegiate honors mora fairly won or richly deserved. T. Ford wss elected G. W. C. T. of the grand lodge of Good Templars. Wonder if that was Til FordT Not a single officer of No. l's elected in June Is now a resident of the city.towit: Joe Webber, Wm Benjamin, Joe Bpeidel, M B Crone, U F bayrs and Henry Myers. L. Bilyea was secretary of the Oiark Farmers Club ot the Forks. Sam L. SI meson, tbe Poet LanraaitA of Oregon started overland last Sunday for aan t ranctsco, w miner ne goes under a literary engagement with Bancroft & Co. of that city. As a writer of both prose and vt-rse Mr. Simpson bas bat few if )uj cijusis uu tut tuui, ua we very much mistake his energy and talent if he tails to win fame in the "Bay City." (Elsewhere we publish bis last poem, a hint ot bis life.) Married, tr H Farrell and Julia El kins The State Fair Two Views. v The Welcome says: Kome brief mention is made in tha la:ly paper of a "state lair" being held at aiem. a tew pumpkins are on exhi bition, and there will be some snide orse races for a few days. Tbe state air has been declioingin merit for Tears. and there seems to be no bop of an im provement. l ue r.ujrene txuard giyes a very fair estimate of the fair: F. M. Wilkinr, who with bis wife re turned from tbe state fair at Salem yes terday, states that while the fair was maps not so good in some of na ex- ibits as in former years, yet in other inea in exhibits it was better than usual nd aa a whole was aa good aa it bas been a any preceding year. Mr. Wilkint has ten a patron of the state fair every rear since its organization, and considers it of great value to the agricultural interests of Oregon. Tbis year the receipts of the fair juat netted the expenses. Old war rants tolheamoontof $3500 were paid off, which leaves the association in debt tor that amooot of new warrants. Tbe ex- hioit of horseiieea at the fair this year was bfettar than ever before. Tbe cattle exhibit was leas in nnmbers.but the breed and grade was better than in former years. The poultry exhibit was the beat that the fair has ever bad. Great inter est is being taken in tbis department. Over 1 100 chickens of all breeds were ex hibited this year. A new poultry build ing -HJX iou iet in size baa been erected on the ground. Tbe fruit exhibit was good. as was also the exhibit of vegetables. Tbe taaies department was well represented, but the art department was a little abort of its usual standard. One of the kd- tog features oi the fair was a very fine ext-ibu (root the Oregon Agricultural College at Corrallis. Tbe races are ml. ways sobect to enUcum, aod perhaps were no more entitled to it this year than on former orraatons. Taking all thing idio consweraiion. Air. n ukins think tbe state fair can be called a socceas this year. New officers of the E. of P. smaad tods: Oliver Turner, La Grande, grand chancel lor; Otis Palieraou, Heppoer. grand ru cuaaociior; W U Cake, Portias!, grand prelate; L. R SUnaoo, Saleea, grand keeper of records and seal; J P Keaaady, Port- taao. graotf mrtter-a'-arms; John Beagfe, st. tteieos. u 1 O; Wm Fellows, fort and. UUU. JeSerspn Myers becomes chief tribune. SA'I'I I kTIA HOME AND ABROAD. Wheat 57 S cents. 200 of tbe latest style of new jackets iost received at P. Cobea a. O. P. Coshow baa delivered several Bry an speeches is Yamhill county Two Mari m coontv rarmers pot up $500 apiece yesterday on tbe general result. Read what J. B Montgomery says io a late interview. Qe sives facta. Foot tall is riog at the 'ollege and soon a date will be nude with McMinn- vUle, Ireed chicken an t fresh salmon cheap at J as. Caliahans. Ferry St, next to Beams. Just received at P Cohen, a new son- plyot plush capes, which will be sold cheaper than anywhere in tbe city. A lamp exploded in the rmddence of Rex. Bitnerof Salem yestetdav. giving a close call to a fatal result foe two of his chil dren. Mrs. Alex Campbell went to Albany esterday to visit ber daughter, Mrs. E. will fche will be beck this evening. Corvallis Times. Mrs. Sarah G . Wade died veaterdavat ?alem at tne age of S3 years 1 month and 9 days. She remembered distir-ct'y some of the operations in lbs war of 1812. By Del Nolle pacing to a record cf 2 .OS bis sire, A'tamoot, bas soother 2:10 per former, making six in a'l. and. in this re spect, leads ail other sires up to this time He and Brown Hal were a tie with fire each. His mre than likely that the lead ill be b Id try Altamont this soason at least. Great u that bone. Breeder and Sportsman. Considerable cf a sensation has been created by a picture by Davenport in Mfed- nesday's Kxaminer, A vulgarity not no ticed until ones attention is called to it created a demand for the papet that result' ed in some of them selling io Portland for $1 . It is said it did not exist in the ongt nal picture as published in the New York Journal. It dors on purpose no punish ment could be too severe for the offender. Fine music every evening at the New liowiing Alley. Special sale ot Ladies wrappers 9 cents each, for three days only, at the Ltiiiea liaxaar. Ring phone 9, for Smiley tbe printer They can't come up to our high standard. Smiley tbe printer Alt kinds of job printing at the Imprint jooouice. For the latest style in job printing call at the Imprint job office. Money saved by getting your job print ing at tbe imprint job otrce. Best workmen, latet styles, cut prices, at tbe Imprint job omce. Sweet pickles and olives in bulk at C E Browneils. . Choice peaches fresh everv day at O E Browneils. Lusciout sweet water melons can bs found at C E Browneils. Mrs. M. C. Miller is giving embroidery lessons at the Revere Hotel. Some handsome birthday gems at Will & SUrks, cheap. Oje for every month in the year. A Fart Wart aaewiaa. Concraption, LaUrippe, Pneumonia and all Throat and Lnng diseases are cure bv Shiloh's Cure. For sals by Fsshay Mason. . The Wrekly DsatocBAT $1.25 a year .rl tha U'aolrlv Ran Francisco Examiner lei rj . mmhineil tor nnlv 19 SS. tWi - u;. t.nLu ll tfc. r,,iUcw in tha till . Highest of all in Leavening rower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report x mm 16 TO 1. They cams early. . They kept coming. From linn, Benton, Polk and Mai ion counties. GO in a body from Fairmont. They cams in wagons, on horses, on foot, by rail, anyway to get hers and hear Pitchfork Tillman. 60 or 60 in a body from Millers, etc. Before noon tbs' streets were crowded witb people. I BRYAN 18 TO 1 was seen every where. Even republicans admitted that no such a crowd was ever seen hers before. ; Most of thsm were voters, but there were many women along. Whole fami lies came too. We didn't count the crowd, it could n I be counted. No oas believes in a Dews- paper crowd figures anyway. Perhaps : there were 10,000 bers besides Albany ! people, perhaps mors, we don't know exactly. It was undoubtedly the largest crowd ever in Albany at one time, and most of them were Bryan men and wo men. The McKinley visitors were very scares. The Ladies Band from Corvallis came early and the Sodavills Band soon after. - Tney beaded diOerent delegations as they cams into tbs city. Tbs parade was formed and began marching at 1 -J30 io the following order: 2 marshals in tbs lead Albany band. 14 pieres Speakers etc in five carriages, 28. Girls 16 to 1. Ladies Band of Corrallis, 9 pieces. 410 men oa foot, bodaville band. 13 pieces, it carriage,. hacks, etc, 263 people. 16 white horses to I yellow cos. 138 men on horseback including Mark Hanna and McKinley. Marshals 10. Total WS. Tbis count was made aa the urwcessioa started. Others who eonnted further along mads aa high as 1200. and yet on ly a few of those preeent chose to en er tbe parade, preferring to see it go by . Upon tbs throng gathering at tbe stand adjoining tbe court boose, "Home gweet Home" and "Rally Round tbe Flag Boys" wars son, wheo Col. Drake, ofl'crtlaod, was introduced and spoke for a few tsnnettts.': "ir-x .-e- Senator Tillman, speaker of tne day was then introduced, aad bad not fin ished at press time. Mr Tillman attracted attention at once. No matter what bas been said a brut htm bs holds and convinces his audience. Hs has s pleasing southern accent and speaks la a pointed, confident manner. Ilia references to the rorta. and aonla display a broad mind and no one afte bearing him can doubt bis loyalty to tbs government. Us emphatically brands as a Ulsehood the frequent state menu that tits Bryan party are advocating sect ions I ism, tits speech is mostly de voUd to tbs money question, tbs tariff playing no part in tbs campaign. Mr Tillman is decidedly opposed to cheap products for dear dollars, because the farmer is the one who prod aces the pro ducts. We give a couple ot bis illustra tions on the silver question that always create applause : "Suppose that everyone here sat down to a breakfast, aad there was just enough hotter on tbe tab'e to supply their wants. One-half of tbs butter was white sod the other half yellow. Now, if somebody should conspire with the cook to steal the silver-colored butter and tbs act should bs committed, is it not clear that half of those at tbs table would bare to do without bolter on their bread? Since the days of Moses until the present lime we haw always had plenty of butter; now we have none. It is so with the financial question. One-ball of our currency bas been stolen from ns and until it is re stored to us we will not have enough money for our needs. "Money bas been called us yarasuca of commerce. That yardstick is now twice as long in labor or wheat as it used to bs. It used to bs 18 inches of gold and 18 inches of silver the two metals together measured values np to 1873 The silver half bas been cut off and thrown away. Ws propose to restore it, and stop paying twice as much labor and product for dollars as tney are worm. We are going to stop paying a bonus to England as ws do when we meet her ob ligations in products nnder the gold standard in competition with tbe slave and pauper labor ot lnaia and t-gyyu Tonight there will be speaking. by El der Berkley and others at tha opera house, after a torch-light procession. Ex-Governor Pennover was unable to get here from Astoria. Fawsro Hra Dam. When the band boys were at Albany last Wednesday night some ot them run short of funds, and one, to add to his agony, became very thirsty Thinking he would surely perish without something to allay ths fever, be pawned the snare arum for $2.50, thereby saving his life no doubt. Ths band boys were greatly surprised when they arrived home In tbis city to learn that ths little drum had - been lett I behind. Corvallis Times. A Poos Bas:. Henry Davis, living on Muddy, started to a social istherng Sunday evening witn some nu on nis person. He considered it too much monev to carry with him and deposited monev to carry wiu him ana deposited it by a stump and covered it over with dirt. On returning his money was gone and tracks much resembling those of s neighbor named Lundberg. were to be seen on the ground round about. Davis I had Lundberg arrested Monday and in 1 j - . i . i : . Biuuteu a msnju ui tus pisuiim mn found no clus to ths money and no evi dence fixing guilt upon Lcndberg who was therolore released. aicsiiunviue T. R. 27 members of ths Albany G. A. K. have declared tor Bryan, a member tells tbe DKMOCBAT. It saves Uvea'avery.'Day Thousands of cases of Consumption, Asthma, Coughs, Colds and Coup are nred every day by Rhiion a t-nrs. far B)vsspsla and Liver Complaint you have a printed suaanteson every bottle ct Shllo's Vital - , Tier. It never falls to curs. For sals by FosbayA Mason Try Tawson books. once on school . , . Dr. Price's Cream Baking iMwder Awarsts Gokt Mtt Midwinter Fait, Ssa Fran iw re. mum v Z"G& ii vvwia SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Ex-Governor Pennoyer and Hon. J. K. Weatherford will speak at a big rally at Rose burg next Tuesday. Rev. Geo. A. McKinley, of Portland, will preach in the Presbyterian church tomorrow morning and evening. Othr services as usual The seniors and juniors of tbe college met with Mis Ethel Redfield last even ing and spent a very lively evening. They know how. Maj. E. A. Wead, of Portland, passed through Albany last night on a bicycle on bis way to Mexico in the interest of a San Francisco and Chicago paper. The major is a strong flannacrat. A social call from Jason Wheeler of Al bany was made this printer yesterday. Mr Wheeler is an enthusiastic Bryan support er aad says bis favorite is tsrtaia o elec tion. Stayton Mail. Tbe lady teachers last night were en tertained at Mrs. Lambson's, each one present doing something in recitation and song to entertain the others, it was a pleasant event. Wm Mackey, ex-sheriff of Benton county returned home yesterday from British Colombia. It bas been claimed . that an exoert has found a rbortaze in bis accounts and those of ex-SberinOs- born Tbe Demoout is confident it will be found to have been an error of the expert in figuring. L. M. Cor!. Geo. Hocbate-ller, J. R WiUoo and Frank Kitchen returned last night from tbs meeting of tbe grand lodge K. of P. at Portland. Mr Curl was honored by being elected a member of tbe grand tribunal, the supreme court of the lodge. Tbe other members are Jeff M era and C. H. McCnllocb. The re port that Mr Kitchen bad joined tbe regular army at Vancouver, it transpires was simply a joke by bis uale. Knew Bryan Personally. There was in town Monday an old Nebraska republican, who is personally acquainted witb Willian J. Bryan, and who lived in Bryan's district each time tbs latter was dected to congress says tbe Corvallis Times : "Mr. Bryan is one of the b s-, and cne of the most remark able men in tbe country." he said. "He was scarcely 32 wben he was nominated for congress, and the majority against him in the district as 2.400. No one of coarse, supposed he eoald overcome such a majority, bat a joint canvass was ar ranged between him and Council, the re publican candidate, and tbe reinarkable able ability and resistless oratory of young Bryan, not only swept the adverse majority of 3.400 out of the way, bat act ually landed Bryan in tlte office with a majority of 6,700 to his credit Nor was the second cotitest made by Bryan for for congress leer remarkable. The bope-leesn-w of attempting to beat Bryan was recognised and the district was gerry mandered so that the normal republican majority in the district waa largely in creased Bryan was renominated and against him was put np Alien W. Field, tbe most powerful speaker and one of the pooniar met in the district. The camppaign was vebetoerit, McKinley and tocaaar of Ohio, as well as other power ful republican leaders, taking part la it ; Dot tie young statesman again trt nmpbed and secured Irs s.ectioo try a email majority -Do yon think those who go to bear Mr. Bryan are prompted by curiosity?" the Times mas inquired. "Of coarse many go throacb cariosity to hear bim, bat many a one whoso carios ity takes bun there wut go boms and vote for Bryan. That is what I did, re publican as I was and had always been, and I am going to do it again in Novem ber." Wheat Gl Cents. That is the price to lav. The foreign shortage continues to show up big, creat icg a big demand As most farmers nave not sold, this means a great deal to them. Nrw Cospccroa. Sam Yeatch, who has for several months been conductor for the Salem local, has been transferred to the "south end run" of ths California overland, between Rosebnrg and Ash land, to lake ths place of Conductor Wall, who was discharged as a result oi the ser ious Rosebnrg collision, two weeks since. Commencing last evening Ed Elder, the well-known, railroad man, will act as conductor on ths Salem cannon bsIL Salem Journal. SELLING .OCT Entire Line ot Crockery. Glass Ware, Silver Ware and Fan cy Goods, Regardless of Cost. For net cash prices I will sell: China set worth $15 for 7 50 25 00 dinner set, imported goods, worth $15 for.. and all other goods in proportion. People who desire oil and lead foi painting their houses will do well to cad and see me and get my prices before buying. . J . UXADWOHL. Use Dawson's furniture polish. i . t - I I , OfjnGCC I nfTlP I vJ laUI vUl 1 IU Aith a better understanding oi tne transient nature ot the many phvs .eal Ills, which vanish before proper ef- lorts gentle eftuits pleasaalefforta rightly directed, mere is eomion in the knowledge, that so many forms of sickness are not one to any scroai a ra sas, bnt almnlv to a constipated condi tion of the svatem. which the pleasant family laxative. Syrup of Figs, prompt ly removes, l nai is war it i mw wuij remedy with millions oi families, and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value sooa neaitn. am wuruasi effects are due to the fact, that it ia ths one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating tha organs oat which it acts. It ia therefore all imnorlaAt. in order to get its bene- filal affeeta. to note when von pur- shass, that yon have ths genuine arti ste, which is manufactured by the Cali fornia rig Syrup vo. omy ana soia oy all eenntahla drufrcrists. If in the enjoyment of good health. and ths system ia xegnlar, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If attlicted with any actual disease, one may be commended to the most skillful physicians, bat ii in need of a laxative, one should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere. Syrup ot fc igaatands highest and ia most largely mgd and gives most gene ral satwfaai mn Back Into the Fold. Yesterday a drummer for a prorninei.t eastern firm arrived in the ettv, and ore of oor merchants, knowing him rr bat e been a gold itandard derrccrat, afc d him how he was filing politically. He inawered : "Weil, this morning I am fefling a l right, but ail th'ougli the campaign ur til last flight I have felt iitierabie. 1 have though', all the time that I a a gold standard democrat. I didn't like t part of the democ-s in phttfoim, and I didn't like Aitgeldt and some others thft wete supporting the ticket. hnt I find th other parties would be glad to get tbes same men. The prominent men goic oier to McKinley are all dragged over b i wieir associations in o re way tr h cor -potations. Vote for McKinley I can't, and vote for Palme I wn for is a:. . old dunce I have thomtht I n.ijht tn&- port bim, but he is simply plaving second fiddle to Mckinley's first. There is f enthusiasm in it I haven't Lad a real good yell during the whole canipaign,arid imar. nignt i resolved I would vote for Bryan, and I feel better already. 'exr -sturdav I am goinir to be with inn and help howl for free silver." FAILING MANHOOD - Genera! ta& Ksrvces DeSiSty. isia c fir At aad Kia.1. fcsaets or E-rors or LxcoMne la Old rft l oe.--e- Ko&iist, JCofe .?i.ttli fully fisiorwi. How to Eslarve c&4 fctrerifthea Weak, t'c devtkia Portions of Bfjdy. Aterfoiirly ua faih&e. Jlcox Treatment. Benetta in a day. 5S ...1 cv. - Cooatrleev Send for I riptHe ivi, ex. plsnattoa and proofs, rr.s i.rd acaied, free. ERIE tSEOlCli. C3.f Buffalo, M.Y, NEW YORK WORLD. IHtUCE-A-WEK EDITION IS Fajfs a ffa. 15S Papers a for. Is larger than any weekly or semi weekly paper published a&d the only mportant democratic "weekly" -pub-isbed in New Yovk City. Three times as Urge as the leading republican week ly oTNew York City. It wiii be. ot special advantage to yon daring tie Presidential Campaign, ag ;t it pii lisbed every other day, except Sanday, and has all the freshness and timeiineea of a daily. It combines all the new with s loog list of in Greeting Apart ments, unique features, cartoons and, graphic illustrations, the latter beLcz a" specialty. AU these imp-rove meets have been made without any increase' in the cost which remains at one dol'ar per year We offer this tmeinaied newspaper aad tbe Wxeext Dekocuit together one year for $2.00, Satisfactory terms with daily C0NSMMT0F1SC Albany College Teachers for the school rear IS96-ISS7: ZLnri M. Par-tin, Mas. Doc. director. Assistant teacheii-Manraerite AUersoa, B. M., sad Mrs. Josephine Sharpe. Thorough and systematic instruction riven in all the important branches of -JSest copiau tut ji i i u,i ii in i latgest musical library aaJ fiitir:."e3 for ' musical work. Largest number of con servatory students enrolled of any music school in the state. Terms low. Send for circular and catalogue, to Waixicx Hows Lex. A. M. Albany, Oregon. Academy of Our Lady of Per petual Help. Boarding School for Girls. Tboroogh instruction Wbo?esoca diet Homelike treatment. Consider ing hard times, favorable redactions are made tor boarders and day scholars. St utiles will bs resumed Sept. ' 1st. For further particulars call at the Academ or writs to Sister Superior. HESEMR GIIBIBT, . Teacta at Hio & Drp. (Mason System of Technic) Careful Instruction of Children a Spec ialty. Terms moderate. Washington St. south of I . P. church. Dr Adams fS Cusick Block Albany, Or. HELP WANTED .si ALE. -yrXTANT E V-SOLICITOIiS FOR cam- W paigB book, "Ktt&b, ewali ana Free Silver." authorise! by Bryan, written by R. L. Metca'f, Editor Omaha trVorid-Berald. appoioted author by oryaa. Contains speeches and platform. A boeanxa for agents a free silver mine for workers. Only tl.50. Tbe only authorised book. 50 m -a - a : ..La r 1 percent, ueoit given, r reign paiu. Outfit free. Begia now with choice of territory. Permanent. proauW were ior "y6 Address The National book toccerR, Star Building. Chicago IIILv EASTERH. -YAQUINA BAY ROUTE rWnivHn at Tannina Bar with tnS xv... . - . San Francisco and Yaquina Bay Steam ahipCompany Sails trom Yaquina every 8 days for San Francisco, Coos Bay, 1'ort Urford, Trinidad and Humboldt Bay. PassxsGxa AccoMODATtosaUssrarAsaxD. Shortest route between ths Willam ette Valley and California. Fare from Albany and points west to Ban Francisco Cabin, one way Cabqi Round trip...... 15.0C Btexxjlob 6.00 To Coos Bay rjabin yo.t. ii,Vwi.i k ami Port Orford. . aw uuui.. j . Cabin to vs. YAQUINA BAY The most popular Seaside Resort on the North Pacific coast. No undertow Surf bathing absolutely sale. Fnr those wishing to combine hunting and fishing with aquatic sports, this re sort has no equaL Deer, bear, elk, cou gar, brook trout and salmon trout, can bs found in abundance within a tew hours' drive ot the bay. fyST" Reduced rates from all points Ed win Stoss. Manager. J.aMATO.T.F.&P.A. H. L. Wsuin, Agt. depot, Albany SS I r jf T s.1a a Mea testify from i!' .... r'""'"-"sv I-