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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1896)
, Clubbing Offer. - The Weekly Democrat and WeekW Examiner will be sent to subscribers for $2.S3 a year. This includes all the priv ileges of the Examiners big premium gift in May, the same as if you sent tne reg ular subscription price of f 1.50 directly co me paper, isn't mac a oargain. Weekly Democrat ami thrice a reeak N. Y. World. t2.00 a year. Subscribers to Daily paying in adv ice will receive all the advantages of either proposition. TERMS. Daily Democrat, 25c per month; $3.00 per year, in advance 30c rr niontn noi in advance. By carrier. lOo per week. 10 per cent added if allowed to run ovei S months. - Single copies 5c. - Wbeklt. $1.25 In advance; $1.50 at ena of year; 1.75 for second year; $200 foi third and preceeding years, when not paid in advance. Club of 6ve rww gubscriberr to $5.00. . OakvRIe. A . '- Oakvillb, Or. June 22, 1S96. The C. E. picnic was well attended We saw several young people from Al bany, Some of them called on our unt enant and laid in a new supply of gum 'Among those we knew were Misses Mary Gaston, Mary St wart and Emma Sox, and Mr. Ed Stewart, Gale- HU1 and Joe Sternberg. The gentlemen were on wheels, one young man had the mis fortune to break a chain as he was as cending the bridge on Slate street near the residence of Judge Barton, which he soon repaired. Come again young peo ple; we are always glad to see you; but remember that there is one person in Oakville that knows everybody ! 1 We attended the "16 to I " picnic Sat urday, found a large crowd of good look ing ladies and genfleoiftn, by actual count there were two thousand people without the Johnnies that were sea tterod around The speakers seemed to understand their subject. Mr. Hofer, of Salem, made a. very impressive address. We agree with trim as far as he went but would like to bear him speak for an hour. Judge Whitney's address was well received al though like Hofer he didn't have time enough. The ladies band furnished good music. The Caster sisters aung two songs which were well receiwd and well song. Th base ball game was a dt feat to the Oakville boys, all or lack of prac tice. Although they have had one de feat they are ready for another game fat any time ' what the frait prospect through this county amounted to. We found a very Jew pears and rio apples, but to oar sar-; prUe we found some cherry trees loaded i with fruit They were of the Kentish ; -variety. We found one good gardin,but ' s as a general thing gardens are late. In (uip vanrtannorA we neared the c:tvof! .churches and we decided to investigate the strawberry nop of that place. We -. found that Mr. Mills had the best berries in town, bo we went there and found plenty of berries, and a good dinner ;awaiting us. We foand the streets of .of Tangent vacated and growing up in grass. The only man we found busy was .J. J. Beard at the depot. Young Amer ica was away from home doing roid rork. On last Friday afternoon oar friend and brother scribe met with a terrible accident on I be road between Albany and Tangent He had been to the former place to bay eugar and waa re turning witb a dollar's worth of fcachy line sweetness; in ascending a small raise his horse stumbled and fell and left Yiung America and the sugar scattered at in the dust, but he was not to be out done by a little mishap, so he went back to Albany and purchased another pack asre of suirar. We know he is all right for be can keen company with the beat looking girl in Tangent, for we saw him with ber at the picnie Moral : Bny waur ratrmr of Conrad at Taneent and candy of Smith at Oakville. T V. mj. h-.1I Wa ..-i in a 1 CrtmnAVfl grove, near Shedds's, on the 26th. Mr whitehead will deliver the main ad dress. LrTTLB 1:osb Bud. $6.00 buys a good Mandolin with book $5.00 buys a good new Guitar with book. $1.00 buys 16 choice "cat gut" Banjo Is strings. $1.00 buys 12 choice "cat gut" Violin E strings. $.00 buys a fine Violin with bow. 25cts buys one doien steel Violin 1st or 2nd strings. : $25.00 buys a 5-drawer sewing machine; high arm, light running; guaran teed 6 years JliyM'rioes on Pianos. Organs, Banjos sent on application. E. U. Will : : : Albany CIRCUIT COURT. DKrARTMXXT HO. 1., Circuit Court convened at 9 o'clock to day with Judge Burnett in Jas McCain, district attorney was in attend ance in cnarge ot Use grand jury. The following grand jury was- chopen : D H Ambrose, foreman, Wm Ingram, W F Hammer,- Peter Ruettner, J T Follis, John Rinehart and Jaa Freeman, Sarah J Elder aet J A McBride. et al. Partition. Continued. In the matter of the assignment of the Bank ot Uregon, assignment. Uontmued. James Xannv. et al. aet Louisa D Set- uemire et ai, partition, wonunueu. , Laura A Caldwell agt EUa C Caldwell et al, partition. Continued. Mitchell. Lewis. Staver Co aet Geo W Rodgers, keepers fees. , Continued. D M Osborne & Go. a corporation. act Rebecca J Morris et al, recovery of money, attachment. Nonsuit for plain- tut J D Irvine agt M Martin et al, recov ery of money, attachment. Judgment as per stipulation. Martin Payne agt W H Gaston et al, recoveiy of money. Nonsuit by' plain tiff. S Z Taylor agt Chas Pfeiffer et al, re covery of money. Plaintiff granted time to file amended complaint upon payment of $10. Continued. S M Fletcher, administrator, agt Frank Wheeler, recovery fit money. Set tled. -M Hale agt Guseppe Matasce, rec money. Default and judgment. Leopold Hirsch agt Harrisburg Mer cantile Co, rec money, attach. Settled. Wm Wassom agt J R ; Buckman, rec money, attach. Settled. J. W. Cusick & Go agt Kleia Bros, re covery of money. Settled. Henry Weinhard agt Otto Baeumle, rec money, attach. Judgment with order to sell attached property. J A Camming agt W A Ray, rec mapey, attach. Judgment by default. A Condra agt G W Drinkard, lec money, attach. Judgment by default- Stewart & Sox Hardware Co, a cor poation. agt G W Drinkard, rec money. Judgment by default. i Jacobs agt X A Bow mac, rec money. Judgment by' default. Wm Power agt Or Cen & E R R Co. damage. Continued. J B Smith ag Philip Lantzv ri al. rec money, attach. Judgment agt Philip and Liszie Lang try . Continued as to others. Or "gi n aet John Isom. wrongful sale f grain in warehouse- Continued. YHCaldweMagtDavid Scott et al. confirmation. Confirmed. S E Yonng aet E L Hnghes. rec money Judgment by default. SE Young agt W G Henderson, rec money. Judgment by defanlt. Will & link agt W II Maple et al. Obntincea. . For trial Red C.own Mills act Wad- bams 3 cases state agt J B Keener. State agt McDonald. Henry Lyons agt O'Connor & Barr, recovery of money. Judgment for plain- tin against both attendants. ... Red Crown Roller Mills, a corporation agt Wadhams A Co. subst for X. Seed- ham, county clerk, ac.ion to recover books. Jnry trial. Judgment ior the plaintiff. This was the second trial. It ctes the books in dispute to the com pany. Marc-na Maple agt Mat tie Moore, re covery of money. Settled. The Keeley Institute agt Frank Nick erson, recovery of money. Judgmeut tcr piaintin. Attys bill set at fSJ. SISTERS COMM.EM.CEM.ENT. The entertainment of the pupils of Our Lady's Academy will take place at the opera house, Welnesday evening, at 8 o'clock. Tickets for reserved seats are sold at Hodges & McFarland's drug store. 1 lie following is tne program : Overture, Clayton's Grand March, Academy Orchestra. Opening Chorus. Salutatory, Mib I. Zterolf. A Natural Spell. Vocal Quartet. Sonata Op. 78, No. 24, Beethoven, Miss O. Angel!. Out on the Deep, Song by the Boys. La Mideet. Piano Quartet. Misses 0 Angell, L. McGbee, M. Casey, 11 Bo heim. Rebecca's Triumph, drama iu three acts. Act I. Interludes. Tripping through the Heather, Trio, Misses N. Davis, S. Zeyss, M. Angell. A Musical Trial, Vocal Duet, Miss N. Davis, Master W. McGhee. Laughing Chorus. Minims. Act II. Interludes. Mv Sunny Southern Home. Vocal Solo. Master W, McGbee. The Last Rose of Summer, Piano Solo, Miss C. Angell.- ACT11I. Interludes. Gems ot Scotland, Piano Solo, Miss E. Al. Case. Midniebt Fire Alarm. Vocal Solo and Quartet. Liberty Bell, March, Academy Orches tra. Fairies' Voices, Farewell Chorus. Address by Most Rev. W . II. Gross, D. D. Studies will be resumed Sept. 1, 1806. iXiTjrE3S3D-A.3r . There ere three ties for justice of the peace ia Lane eonoty, more than its share, Levi P. Mortoa in New York State wis notified of McKinley's nomination at 60 p. m. the L'exucra? at 3:27 p.m. Mr. Alorton was not in it. The grocery stock of F. E. Allen will be -moved into the Washburn hardware store. And the two b jinese united under tbe firm name cf F. Tv Allen Co. Tcev will -bein business about Juiy 1. Mr. Ucar Cro iriler, of ibis city, while chopping: wood nsir Blodzeta this morning cut one ot his feet with bis axe. He wan pat on the U. C. ft E. train an4 brought to Alban this noon for surgical attention aad to remain whne recovering from 'lie effects oi the accident - Mr. J. G. Crawford'a large collection of Indian relics was irrreased this morning by the addition of a ;v pestle and mortar found kjong toe river bnlow this city. Among the collection are a lrt Dumber -of arrow heads foand by Mr. Harlan Hoi bort on bis farm in Orleans precinct. The New "Sork Sanday World give . what it claims to be tbe best picture of JIcKinley ever published, and also t he .pictures of de'eates to tbe national con vention, one inch eqaare including those of J W Mildram, J F Caibre'.h and C S .Moore, of Oregon. They may be teen at this office. ' , Tbe itrike at Astoria is off. -The fisher men have agreed to lake i cents traight for salmon- Ihey might have done it three or foir weeks ego just as well, and changed business n that city entirely. Tbe increase of business of tbe Aloany creamery has been enormous This morninir 10.425 cacda of mi.k were left at toe creamerr, over five ti-is as much as a year ao. Tbe demand for toe butter, tbe best made in the North West, is more than tbe supp'v as great a tbe eutput. X tallyho party ' young people did ' Albany Saturday evening in a lively manner, horns tooting, closing with tee cream, etc. A Bicycle High Jinks. H M Stone aet School Diat No 109, re covery of money, Con tinned for service , Joshna P Hahn agt Nettie I Weaver, OC lie Far lan J, damages. Continued after argument. Hoyt & Co agt W H Huston, recovery of inoaey. Settled. : Valentine & Goldsmith agt Rica Mc Lean, rec money, attach Judgment for piaintm as demanded alter argument OI demurrer to complaint George Gamm agt J A sheriff, oamages. -Verdict lor flt. Oregon agt J B Keeney, selling Uqqor to minor, J E Ed wards Plead guilty and was fined $50 to be committed until paid and to pay costs and disbursements. Oregon atrt J B Keeney, selling Honor to minor, John Hamilton. Dismissed by district attorn . Oregon net J B Keeney, sell ice liqnor to minor, Frank Morrison. Dismissed hy district attorney. Oregon agt Arthur McDonald, carry ing concealed weapons. Plead not guilty; but withdrew it, plead guilty and was fined $10 and to pay costs and disburse ments. Oregon act John Brock, threatening to commit murder. Deft required to turn ish new nndertaking of $ AW to keep the peaoA for 6 mos, to be .comnitted until urnisbed. Oreeon aet Svlvester Cochran, threat enine to kill V G Haag Heart imony. Defts nndertaking discharged W E Savage aet Lizzie J Cooper et al. foreclosure mtge. Jndgment for plaintiff. Trne bills were foand against W O Bond for carrying concealed weapon, John R Pearl for assault and battery, and Elmer Pearl lor assault and battery Mr. F. Wood sr., of Portland, is in the city attending court. J R. Stockman, of Po.iland is in tli city on business. Lake Dorris. of Independence, (pent Sunday in Albany, visiting friends. Prof. Parvin came up this noon from Salem and will remain until Wednesday. Miss Julia Tavlnr. of the nublic schools, went to Philomath today on a two weeks visit. C. H. Jones. recently of the M Minn- ville schools, has been elected principal ot tne .asl baiem school. Prof. Scott, of the college, has gone to S idaville to rusticate for a few weess. The Prof does this annually. Mr. Chandler Bloom, of Portland, rep resenting the Washburn & Moen Mfg. Co , of San Francisco, has been in the city. G. H. Brock man, G- M. Knox and Chas. Grierson an 1 their families will leave tomorrow, by wagon, for Baodon, wbertt they intend locating. J. S. Antonelli, a conspicuous figure in Albany durine O. P. railroad buildim? days, is ia Portland He is now a resi dent of San Francisco. Rev. and Mrs. Ca vender arrived in Al bany Saturday evening with tbe laitere mother, Mr. Jas. Marks, and will visit here several weeks, when they will so to Corea where they have been called in the missionary work of the Presbyterian church. Wm. Meisner after an absence of a couple of years spent in California, Col orado and Nevada has returned to Linn county, coming by way of the Santiam route and over eight feet of snow, tie says there ia no place like Webfoot. Mies Eva simpsoa and Mrs. Nottine went to Salem this morning by steamer, to attend tb commencement of tbe school of oratory of Willamette Univer sity tonight. They took their hicyclea and will do the capital city on wheels. M r. L W. Deyoe, of Elk City, a former prominent Albany republican was re cently chairman of a meeting for tbe or ganization of a Bimetalic Union, the second one organised in Oreeon under tbe movement tbat farted in Yamhill county. Mr. J. V. Wilson, for a good many years bookkeeper with tbe Stewart & Sox Hardware Company has ancepted a posi tion with the Marshall Welia Hardware Co , of Chicago, and will travel through Middle West, leaving bere in July. Mr. E. S. Redeker is traveling for the same company with headquarters at Fargo. The Orrgonian gives the following ac count of the marriage of a former Albany young lady, whose entire life was spent in our city until going to Portland a few years ago: At the First Baptist church last Friday evening at 5 o'clock. Jnne 19, Kev. Frederick Agar solemnised the marriage ceremony of Miss Elisabeth Failing Conner and Mr. William. L. Breaster. The bride was attended by Miss Henrietta Failing and the groom's best man was Mr. Stewart Armour. The nsherswere: Mr. Henry Conner, Mr. I J. Sanderson Rned, Mr. Rodney Giisan end Mr Karl Harbaagb. Tbe bride Two Albany Elocutionists. The first graduates from the school of oratory of Willamette University, under Prof. Sara Brown, were Misses Helen Crawford and Mary Cundiff, of- Albany and Misses Mabel Garter and iwria Hughes, of Salem. The exercises oc curred iast night before an immense audience. By 8 o'clock says the Statesman, the hall was full to suffocation, the aisles and spaces along the stage being utilized to the uttermost inch, even the window ledges being nvaded by the more nim ble and daring of the male contingent. Many left and turned homeward. One of the finest literary programs evergiven in Salem was presented. The states man speaks of the parts taken bv the Albany members of the class ai follows: Miss Mary Cundiff's rendition of the "Tiger Lily" was strong, and faithful in detail, as became a thrilling story of victory against incalculable odds, and her apt and ready tr msi.ion from the negative tone and pose of mere narrative to the excited and exacting nortraval of a fierce and compensating joy, was a marvel of excellence in its line and won, as it should, the ringing applause of a well pleased house. The garden scene fran Mary Stuart, one of Schiller's most exquisite creations was the difficult and compelling work allotted to Miss Helen V. Crawford (Queen Elizabeth) and Miss Ethel B. Hughes (Mary. Queen of Scots.) The effort was finely sustained by both ladies, and the expression of the audience at us close was a splendid and impartial manifestation of the real pleasure it gave. Miss Crawford's delineation of tbe wrathful, reproachful, and triumph ant English queen lording it. over her captive sister-monarch was wonderfully true and faithful and her regal (iignity and haughty indifference were fine foils for tbe counterplv of emotion exhibit ed by Mias Hnghes in her realistic por traiture of the stricken, hnmilated, yet tender Mary. In Alemoriam. To the Hon. Board of Trustees of the Albany Collegiate Institute, Albany, Oregon. Gentlemen: We your committee heretofore appointed to prepare a mem orial tribute to tlio memory of the hue Rev. S. G. Irvine, for many a member of this Board, offer the fol 'ow ing as a leebie tribute to bis memory. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL J. Monteith, of Portland, is in Mr. M, the city. MigS Alice Pnrtnr want In Portland In. day on the Albany, Mrs. J. Van Wilftnn rotnrfiaJ llila nnnn "ueatu, who knocks with equal pace j ""ora her trip to Prineville, F. L. Such returned coon from m trip to Taconia. Mrs. Geo. W. Dodder left tk ia nnon fnr Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on a visit iUi rel atives. Mrs. Burkhart and son Wm., went to Salem this morning to attend com mencement. Miss Lora Lay ton, of Portland, is in Albany on a visit with her brother, sis teis and friends. Miss Alice Brenner cair.e up from Portland last night and wiii spind ILe summer in Albany. Miss Rose Moore, of the Salem public schools, was in the city today visiting relatives Mias Cad Warner went to Portland this morning on the Wm. M. Hoag and will visit w.lh friend; there. Prof. E. H. McA lister and Sth and Frank McAlister will leave tomorrow morning on a trip to Blue River. Eu gene Guard. Mr. A. J. Hodges has made arrange ments to take a two year course in the San Francisco dental college, finishing his studies in the Philadelphia dental college. Mias Dora Page returned borne Thu-a-day from Albany. Miss Page has been attend og tbe Presbyterian school and , tbe school is prospering and will add new features next vear. Uak'and cor. Review; MUaIay Woodruff, ho gradaated from the Portland public schools last Friday was remembered with several floral tributes from Albany friends, for which she wishes to return ber thanks. rs. Uallie Fairish Hinzes has at the cottage of the peasant, and the paiace ot trie Kins. lias spared us not." We have been called iu the past year iu uiuiiiu mu ucaui ui uiBiiuguiHIied iriemler of this community, and of this Board of Trustee's. Rev. S. G. Irvine, D. D., p oneer min ister of the- Willamette valley, whose works of love, charity and beneficence clearly place him among the first in the roll oi honor, as one of the noblest men of our land, died at his home in this city on the 31st day of October, 18U5, after a lingering illness of over three years, at the age of 0a years. Dr. Irvine waa identified with ttm un building and promotion of the cause of Christianity and of the higher christian education in the Willamette vallev, for upwards of forty years. In 1815 he graduated from the college at New Athens.Uhio, and in 18o0. from the The ological beininary at Cannonsburg, Penn., being licensed to preach on July Uth, of said year, thus being in the min istry over 43 yeam .lie came to this vailer in tlm fall nf 1851, preaching his first st rmon iu Al bany, Oregon, Sow. 1851, his last sermon was preached in Albany iu August, 1892. He was a charter meuibcrot the Hoard of Trusters of the Albany Collegiate In- ou-.uur, nssummg mo duties ol such trust roe in July. J Devoted to con secrated, christian higher education, he continued to labor for the success ot this inKtution of learning up to the date of his last sickness, aiding bv his wise counsel, contributing funds from his private purse from time to time as the needs of the inssitution seemed to require, using his iutjaeuce and raising his voice in its brimir f. w.a .. . sealous and devoted fiieudof the Albany College. Friendly to all, l.e was the friend of all wherever known. '"! gone but bis memory limb," He I dead, his example is here." RrsoLviD, tha. to the widow and fam ily of the deceased, this lioard extend it waruieui sympathy, and that these line Judge Killin. of Portland, was in the city to4ay on his way home from Corva! lis. Prof. C. H. Jones the new principal of the East Sa'em scnools was in the city today. Gov. Lord and State Treasurer Phil Metchap were in Albany this noon on their way to Corvallis. Mrs. Judge Bellinger, of Portland, was visiting in Albany several days, the guest of Mrs. Danna Burmesler. Mrs. A. H. Dodd and Miss Jane Morris, both formerly of Albany, were reelected as Lear hunt in th nnlilic xhw.l. .IC.I Mr. Ed Mills has returned from a trip; np the Columbia. He reports verv hih water at The Dalles and other places.con stantly rei.ig. NTW, of the State Uni versity, a as iu Albany yesterday on his '"y to Moniuou h to attend the teach er s institute He came on a Stearns, riding 28 miles before 8 o'clock. G. B. Haight. Dr. H. E. Beers, J. A". Gumming and Ed Wills left this morn ing ior tue streams beyond Clark's mill after trout. An? one wanting speckled fish should leave orders at the places of ouainess oi any ol these gentlemen. Miss Ida Black, daughter of the col lector of customs. Portland, and for sev- oral years a teacher in the Aibanypub- i.k. n.uugi, arrived raiuraay and is the ufstof Miss Abbie Wright. Corvallis limes. Miss Maud Huiburt. graduate this vear of the conservatory of music of Al bany college, is in Corvallis attending commencement. She is the guest of her irieou, miss ioia. Vt limns. CorvaUi Times, O. H. Blount and Billy Sonnichson, after a week's stay in Klamath Falls, de parted for Lakeview Sunday afternoon. u tn rumuir continue tneir tourney into Idaho and Montana. Their object is to look the ccuntry over with a view ! TL cool! 1 be inscribed i lii',.,.,.,.r. i i.w 1 10 locating somewhere alone Uie route. oi record, and a copy thereof undei the Tr. J,r. ount is a former seal of this board be inserted to t he Albany joung man, his mother and sU- lamiiy of the deceased. fated at Albany, Oregon. tb: Jay of June, lSIitf. trs residing here now, 171 h ' . According to a correfpondent H The Neatest Designs of the Sea- H son in : : : 3 Summer Coats, I White Duck Vests, j 1 Negligee Shirts, 1 Light-weight Flannel Shirts, I H Cotton & Woolen Gauze Underwear, '3- I; Summer Balbrigan Underwear, H LISLE THREAD HOSE, "1 e tar shoes, 3 E TERMS S&0ES, B. BICYCLE SHOES I AT i L. E. Blain Clothing Go's. I iM,.i.Wiail.W.UU in the i F. M. Keitho-u, J. C- PowrLL, I- E. Ituis. Committee. 1 he 1G to 1 Picnic. The Salem Journal, Lose editor was present, gives the following account of the bin picnic as Huiburt 't grove last Saturday ; A non-partisan tilver masa meeting was held at Huiburt 'a grove six mile from Albany Saturday. It ws a picnic 1$ to 1 picnic ail day six speakers, two republicans, to democrat and two poptihsts poke The Corraiiis ladies' band waa present, and a malch game of baseball was played lte?n the Albany aod OakvUie clubs It waa the lartt gathering of the kind eiver held in the county, and the sense of tne gatbaring as strongly in favor of a union of forces in Oregon against the single gold stand ard. About 1,mOO peopla attendee and great en'busiasm prevailed. J. J. Whitney, one of tbe democratic presidential electors tor Uregon made the nrsi speecu, an l alter a severe arramg- ortto U. denied. iTweedalT iilT will not elt him i?.1' ."tttoo- I r M rT I 9 ll I ....ra. 11 II MM lkl.l. . .-.. , . - ...v. . .1 . lii.l i "i , i.ji : if - 1 turned to Siom fun, ui ..i . ;n . roenl of the democra-jc pxrtr declared if becoma a permanent reeideoU Siie ! clio6n e.eUot ) would vo:e for no man is accompanied by ber little son. The Albany Cycle Club will 'hold "hit links'' Tuesday evening in tbe grove neer the Biverside school honse nhnut four mites from thin city on the CorvaUis road. . . , Tha committee in cbaree promise anlendid time to all members attending and have arrangea a program, of which nortinn is here criven : Selections by ,the Albany Mandolin Club and Palmer "ire.heatra. addresses by Prof. W. H- Lee nd O. F. Howland. rei.tutions by Miss es Hopkins and Crosby, vochI selections .ty the male quartet. famil:ar songs by itbe club. Ice cream and cake" will . served on the erounds bv the club ca terer, F. H. Pfeiffer, at 15 cents each. In order that arrangments may anade those desiring to go will please :otifv Mr. T. M. Wandelt oy 3 p. m "Tuesday. Members will assemble at p. m. sharp at corner First and Fetrj streets. Mr. Hinges ia a vocalist of much fa in p. bi-inir better known aa the Oregon nightingale. Statesman. T. Wandel and F. E. Allen have re turned from (rates where tiev maje ar rangements for holding the 4th of July Woodmen's picnic in the suburbs of that place in a nice location. There will Le a dancing platform, chopping contect Ac, Gates people furnishing the ou:6u. Prof. VT. A. McCibeo rctnrned from Coles Valley Thursday, where be has been teaching school. The prufos-or has tiven good Mtisfaction and the scnool board are well pleased. The pro fessurmd family, with Rev. hangle and family, expect to leave Monday, the 23d innor Couuiile to attend the Boutnern il. t, I'oniereme, to be held at tbat place. Oakland Cor, Eeview. J. Otto Lee, of Salem, will move to Albany this week to take bis old place in the Hodges A McFartand drugstore, in which be will be interested . Mr. Lee ia firtt class druggst and vers popular in Albany, xne ius.n- wiUbe run by Mr. Lee and Mr. Will Burkhart. Mr. O. C. McFarland has simply been renre- tenting Mr. Lee dnring bis recent illness trom which lie Is Inst recoverinz. and pending the transfer of the interest in tbe property to him. Tbe followins annear in rwicnlT'i Salem Journal : Miss Vida Maston came down from Albany Saturday afternoon and will be the guest of Miss Edna Price dnring commencement exercises of W il laroette University. Miss Kdith 8roick of Albany, and Mra Mairszie Mitchell of Boena Vista, are in the city to attend commencement exercises. They are tbe guests of Miss Lucia Cochran. Lewis P" A"ny (uuii u- Albany, on their wheels today. A. W uregouun frot. E. IS. McEuw is figur ing for the presidency of th fi a r; i ! is in oruer ior Uie rep Certainly the. regents to iuai inciuon, i rcHieur, cioss will retire from ih r-.l ege. Tbe marriaga of Mr. John Conele WyatLof Portland, to u. i , j Packard, waa celebrated at i l.m. ,.i( Uie bride s parents. Cwpuin and Mrs. B. r . Packard, in Vancouver, Wednes day even! rg, the 17tb, bv the Rey. Ed gar P. Hill, oat-tor of the First Preeby. twian churrh of Portlan.l. Only a few of the intimate friends of tbe families ere present. Budget. Mr. Wvatt mas one of tbe Albany boys. One of the many pleasant e tenia of theteaton was tbe dinner and famtlrre nniso.compliioeutary to Mr. an.' Mrs. Will Merriuisn, given ai the pleasant home of Geo. F. Mriman on Tuesday of this week in which settral ot the in,', me lute relatives of the family partici pated. It waaone of tbo events abich are always productive of much pleasure and this one a as no exception to tbe rule. After aocaetime spent in talking ovrr pleasant muimscvacea of their hapPT youthful day, ther rvpaired to the d did; room aod partook of a dinner fit f ir a king. Those present were Mr. acd Mrs. Will Merriman. Mrs. C. K Fronk.and Mrs. A. Marriman. Med ford Mail CITY couxau Tuesday evening, June 23. Present Mayer, recorder, marshal. it and Coo net men Pfeiffer, tiradwobl. atcs. I given away in marriage by her father. McFeron as j After the ceremony the bridal party left for plaintiff the church to tbe strains of ilen- delswlin s wedding march. K pairing to tbe honse. a reception waa held and a bountiful collation was served on the spacious lawn. - The bride in ber dainty gown of white organdie and rare tolie vet. looked exceedingly well, and tna maid oi nonor. Mias Henrietta failing, waa cLarmmplv beautiful. 8ba wore a while organdia heliotrr, flowered, and a larze Leehorn hat completed tbe plei ing toilette. At 8:30 Mr. and Mrs Brewster left for tbe Kaat to be absent about three months. for president who was not an independ ent American bimeiaiist. Judge Whit ney is aa abl man and an ei utqt speaker- C. H. Dalrympleand Dr. Hill, populist f county chairman, a man of education, ; aunty and financial sundisg, spoke for , , the Pvople'a y, now the dominant c , V1' ."' 3ane' U party in Linn county, declared stroigSy ' . Slraberr;e aie ripening in oar vic tor a anion of fotwl 1 may. Hon O. T. Portrr aad E. Hofer spoke F. E. Alien and T. Wandel, of Aj (or the silver republican, taking a con- bany, went to thm Breitenbush Saturday alive position, in deier.M ot pro-! to aelect grounds for the Woodmena nic. mnvu nuu uiuieutiiwm. ins speernes i mc uui noining tbat suited tbem were all well received, aud Uie otniost j Uey returned to liases here ihey were gcd feeling prevailed. Never ws such! met by a committee of Moodmen who an asmbUg- seen in Lion conn l v. Be- led tbem to a beaalifa! oak grove which puMican who kjve l!e old Bag and honor pleased them bsftuy. ?o Cates) will tl McKiuler, came out by the score, and iehraue the Fourth in enuA declared tbey would not support the g44 by tle Woodmen's excursion. stanuam. anj avorea nnsor. on a tingle Mr. W. I. XewUnd, of tbe firm Gar. Vteetion. I hrinuin with tii, I.,. - .u J oat by County Judlect IlarUm rnvdlZTl' m mum nrpienrniauve elect jonn Itmllli, and I n n n. i . ,v was a great succesa. Farmers came to V,-of Albany, fl. r.; -, iliates Alomiay havmz been am wra nrilrwl n&l.l Albany Iron Works, 7.25; Hopkins Bros, ft.90; Frank Propet, H.25; S W Reee. J.30; Tbos Monteith, 1.75: D B Monteitb. $2; B M Huston A Co, iU0; Santiam Lumber Co, $35 25; Snewart A " w, J.Sj; U O Lec, I; N J Ueu lon. m.Qi. The report upon Ibe cost ol improving Lyoo street was laid npon tbe tabie un til tbe next meeting. A wri.ten prooosition from tbe Albany W ater Works Co. bv C. C. Uoero, to Uy inch pipes under Lyon and Ferry Sts. i!ki a ...I a &: i i bin street walk, and furnish wtter fr cisterns, the city to liii the ditches sroun FAe pipes, was pre-c!ed and con- : tinned for investigation as trctkrt i It was ordered that all parties having wstor clWta supply tbem ith water. &h street tcisfvn Uiim.r. . n I Jefferson was ordered improved. I ucenaes to srii uquor were ordered ; iwued t-i Wiifiaa:s Bros. Peter Seh Uar I Gildin k Howard. David Slant and R.F. BMW. j Property owners were ordrl n-triiUH I v.eiSfed swer through properly s otS. W. Crowder opened within liv ' uava. E. B. Lwridscn waa elcted pound master. Sidewalks were ordered repaired ad joining lot I bl 4 Ferry Si. and lou 1 and SblU. Baker atreS. rirtt and Second streets from Wash ington to Baker street aad connectine streets were ordered cleaned of rs. wtedr. etc. fm If yoa want a 7 uabs. aae as L I swe rebetr far paioa ia tbe back. cock's tViD fH I ' . un . . ... ... Poro Pinter :rts aod ;oitst- Capes. unanimously Tangent items. waa in Monday bavinz been summoned 1 h.'re by leiesram to attend Mrs. Dorand , j who has been lying at the point of death for several days. Under hia skillful The Crop. (treatment she is on the road to recovery. for many citizens only wish we had t, . , n'rur poywcian as Ihsvisin our eom- mcvuhti iu- avv' c ; mnnitv iuui fmwin. Testuuan. meson n t;u i . . lit i..,i.i. -.i ..i ..i . ;,K w.i .Mr- Tilden Qmnn has returned from a weather growth bad been retarded ; un-S ,..t0d r!JR, J! der tha influeno. of tt, and t ,0,' for ? Breitenbosh where be Will Wu.t,CoMETo Albast. John Welch is becoming; famous as an axeman and last Saturday be brought more honors and trophies over into i amhill county from the picnic at Ballston. He entered two contests and won botn ot mem. inn first was tor a medal and in this he chopped off a 13-inch ash log in 1 :14. The second was won bv vounz Laodeas, nf Monmoiih in l -.40. itiesecona maicn was from a challenge by a man named Clark for a Durse of 11.50. This Welch won in 1 :13. Mr. elch eoea to Albany, July 4th, to compete lor a medal and the championship of the jurisdiction lie wilt have to ruD ut bis muecie ior mis contest: but we believe is equal to tbe emergency. MeMinnville Tranicript, feated tbe !a!em boys Saturday after noon 21 to 8. Tbey bad things their own way. ibe loilowmz from the Journal would lead one to believe tbe boya expected to sweeo thinirs: "A hack load of enthn Heard on tesu j aiastic yonng base-baliis a, left early this morning ior Aluany. wnere tney wui participate in a base bail eame uiis alter noon, wi'.b a like team of Albany boys. Tbe team g. ing from Salem call them selves tbe "Salein Locals. They were well supplied with horns and other musical (?) instruments, all of which, will no doubt be used to th? best possi ble advantage, it they come nil victor ious " Ihe horns never tooted. At Oakville the Yonng; A I Dun leg with out the aid of any Portland tilavers. de feated tbe uakviiie ciuo zz to - xne score was 1$ to 0 at the end of the Uth inning. After that the Albany boys took things easily. Lnndell and L. W. Akers left this morn ing via steamar Ruth for their homes in Eastern Oregon, Luysr in 60 be Thc Ladies or ths G. A. R At the Independence encampment among the reports ot the committee on resolutions, tbe following was adopted, unanimously : - Kesoived, That the order, consisting of tbe mothers, wives, sisters and daugh ters oi soldiers, sailors and marines wuo served honorably during the late war of tue rebellion, known aa Ladies o! tbe U. A. R be fully recbtrnized as co-workers in perpetuating the objects of the Grand Army ol the Kepublic." There was but one Circle of this noble Two Aloany vonng men report bav-'ng l order at tbt encampment, says a paper ... t i . .1 . u I t .1.-. 1 . i . i f- ui iiisk ciiv, biiu mat was rair vraas Vir cle No. 1. Ladies of the G. A. R.. of Al bany, and tbey were a host in them selves and made friends with nearly il not quite every old veteran in attendance. Mr. Mal'an. a Co'crado t-'ef caught 62 trout on the llescbultes minutes, a good read. Messr Soinmervil'e B."s sn-f A. I Pickard have sold their fatd uacinir four year old mare to Willari II. Mimrwoo. of Los Angeles, Ca!., for" J550 Eugene neguler. A little ad in Ihe Dkmotrat IsHt nlirht that st ra berries would be had at Vim. Peacock s across tbe river at IU cents a ital Ion. refilled in nine person being there early this morninir. Vft haven't heard now many responded during ibe day. George Calhey, a 12 yeai o'd Imy and t son of Dr. D. A ( athey. VN'oodburn, has invented a device for opening', closing and locking any gate which swings on a pivot man of that city sats it is Ihe best pat ent gate be has ever seen, and thinks there is a fortune in it fir somebody who will push it. the warmer clear weather the soil Las dried out and vegetation baa made a wonderful growth during the past tao weeks. Haying is now in piogresa, and the wrather'is per fect for that work. The flrt cutting of Haifa has been finished. Clover hay is vet lieing cut. Orchard grass is reported by some correspondents as being foui let huh. The correspondents, with very rare exception, report ltle has croo utuall heavy. The correspondents are almost unani mous in their reports as to the fine con ditions of the grain cop. fcheepshearspg is about over. Tuccor- respondentfmm St. Paul. Marion county. reports a case of two sheep giving 36 ouods ol wool. The wool Ulelv clurd is better than tha clipped iu May, for the warm sunshine brought out the oil. Hops are growing rapidly. Many are to the t"D of the poles already The vegetables have a good healthy crow lb. Berries ol all kinds are proline, si a a large amount of new stalk is gn.wing for the crop of next year. Many apple- growers are in hope that the injury to . . Ml - I 1 -..!.- - tue crop mi? year win prove a inesiug, for it will cause extra care to he taken wi'h the crop that will .nature, and pos sibly the ravages ol tue insect may be lessened, and to agrentextentdesiroyed ts. raot" k. make some iot orcveuient on hia mothers c'kim. Rax. HOVir. A.NU aHKOAD Accidkst to Lylb 8peek. A letter ceived by Mrs. Baltimore from the Warm Springs Agency tells ot a very serious accident in the agency saw mill to Mr. Lyle Speer, son of Rev, Speer, recently a student in the Albany College. Lyle was working in the mill, when be slipped and fell against a saw. A terrible gash was cut iu his face between his two eyes. reaching across his nose. It was thought to be fatal at first: but tbe wound was well iressed, and his chanches are excellent for bis recovery. He will have a scar on iiis face, though, that will be very con spicuous for life. Lyle U a splendid yonng man. and has tbe sympathy of jnany friends in Albany ever bis accident. The era tid iory vexterday bronpht in an indictm-nt of willful and malicia i murder against James Nixon, who shot and killed Charles Rice, Juoe U. at a ball game near Ulakes'ey's. Dixon's trial will begin Thursday. If guilty he should be hansed at the rliet possible date and ni t be trusted in a Roseharg jail, i i loft Albany Tnursdav nieht. riding to Pan li'rancisco. and back bv blind bairgaze. gpttins? home Tuesday morning, thus mak ing remarkably fast time KyfloiTQifi it. a ,a Merit Maintains theconfldenoe , )k. Twonla in Hood's fjarsaparilla. I f a ju...nna von when sick; lfltnaakea I nerature altogether too troDical fur Wil jni in everywhere, then beyond I liam, or anybody else accustomed to .11 ntinn that mediclDe possesses merit. W ebfoot climate. Mr. 1 ischer expecU To Hot fob Hm Will Fiulcr ar rived Monday from Phoenix, Arizona, and is much improved ia health. His departure from Phoenix was hastened by tbe not weatner. wnicii bad closed down to 1 16 degrees in the shade, a tern- Roadie to return to Phoenix in the autumn. Corvallis Times. Thc Hart Case. Stephen P. Hart's suit for damages against the Southern Pacific Railway Compaany for being put off the- cms at Albany, was to have come np June 27 for trial before Judge Shattuck. Judge McArthur, for tbe defendant corporation has asked lor a continuance of the case, He makes affidavit that two important witnesses, a. u. uregg and V. u. uomn, could not be present at the trial, and meir oeposmons cannot us ootainea time. The two witnesses fire on the road somewhere. Their testimony, it ia claimed, will be to the effect that Hart was In the habit of annoying the train men as much as potsihle; that he could siun his name several different wavs that lie traveled with a gripsack labeled Oppenheimer; that he needed a large sum of money anJ that be took the metnou ne am ot raising a row ior uie purpose of suing the company for dam ages for injuries claimed when he wa ejected from the train at the time the trouble arose over the ticket. Telegram. Henry Gardner. living 10 mil nirth of HilUboro was killed Monday by a falling tree. 1'be tree, in falling, bit a stub, by mu . i !.-.. .Knnt Hood'a f3ar wtl,cn 11 wa kronen, tne rebounding That Is Just the tenth t j part f truck Mr. Gardner in tbe Hotnach. aparuia. we Know l " ami he died about twenty minutes after. because It cures, not once or twice or a j . . . . sSSS. "JTii -i?. SSTlt cures. ! The Albany Bicycle Club had a pleas- ibsolntely, psrmTnently, when all other, ant n, n to -e K'verside achool house fail to do any good whatever. We repeat Kl(0)i)(dl-s Sarsaparilla : Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier. eiira nausea, indigestion, rfwf'S Hi I IS biiiousaess. ascents. grounds, four miles from Albany on tlm Corvallis road, where a delightful time was bail for an hour br two. About fifty wet present. Some choice music was furnished bv the Albany Mandolin club and the Palmer orchestra and Misses Marguerite Hopkins and Maud Crosby were heard in well rendered recitaMons. It was a decidedly successful bigh jinks bicycle picnic conducted ln a very dec orous manner. Conn & Iluelon for grocener. MINING :EWS, A- tbe Lkbanon TkaCiikhb, The directors of the Lebanon school last night elected the following teachers for the ensuing years Prof. Baker, of MeMinnville: w. Ainngiiam, assistant, reelected! Miss fclkins, reelected. Miss Ida Want, dangli. ter of Scott Want, just graduating from the O. A. 0 and Miss Elizabeth Co ret h ers, recently of the Albany schcols. Dccrlng Mowers and Binders. Knapp, Burrell & Company have a few j of these standard, machines on hand! which tbey will sell at special bargains, on account of retirement from business. For particulars apply lo J. M Ralston, Albany, Oregon. Pure Drugs iJanson'g. ' Mr. Horace L. Hotcbkis. a wealthy New lork hanker, auuTa stockhohier the Lawler Mining Co. was in Albany today and went to the mines this after noon to see the property himself. He has great faith in the gold but that goes through the Cascades and reports the company as having absolute con. fidence in the ability of Mr Laaler I get whatever there is out ol the prono sition. He said while in Portland : "Wo expect this seacon tu make sucti a show ing ln (.uaruviue that all parties inter ested will be fully satisfied with the re sults accomplished. VVe have -a great work before us, and even before our plan of development is fully matured Oregon will be known aa one of the great gold producing states of t ho West. This sea son e will double the capacity of our mill and have 40 stamps at work, while the various claims controlled by the company will lie worked with vigor, and with sure results ahead cl a successful mining camp." .Several days Ago a couple ot Lebanon men came down from the Cascades and reported finding the lost French cabin some where near the Santiam mines, at which the ore Las always been reported very rich. They brought ore to verify tha traditions in reference to the cabin prop erty, but refuse to divulge anything in , reference to me location, iney wueve ! they have something wonderfully rich. Jas Roberts was In tbe city today get ting ready to go with Alfred Blevins, I Marion Coon and perhaps ona or two others to Eastern Oregon on a mining i nros)ecing trip. They will go to the Crooked river and Blue mountains and know what thev have in view. Tbe days art? now getting shorter. 1 here will be an mormon crowd in bany on the 4th. A new talooo has beta nrwni at He ot the old Star Brewery. V rents oo tbe dollar, cash for iuiv and witness fees at P. Cohen's. Prof. V, C. Hi lev has ben raeWbd president of Willamette University. Roy Parker baa lost his Walt ham watch. silver case, steel chain. loitiali R. P. scratched on case. Retarn il to him and confer an everlasting favor. Tbe indication are tbat wafer wilt lie higher in Portland than ever before At A'bany tne river is irextinir so Hw navura- tion is liable to be stopped ia a few weeks. lhn Oregon state camp meeting of the Methodist Episcopal Church will be held at Canby, Ore., on their beautiful ground. begtnningJuly Uth and continuing until luiy-.tu. Tbe great boxing ennte'. between Cot- ttt and Sharkey will take plaice in San trancisco t.Miight. Uulietins will be fur niohed for $10 if desired, so the head office of the Western Lmcu has notified agents Jas. Shaw, of Oregon City has leased the Dallas Woolen Mill for a term of five years and will soon begin operating, at which comt-s joy in tbe hearts of Dallas people, J. B. ITughes ft Sons, of Redwcnd City, Cal , have purchased tie Lebanon electric tight plant and wa'er wnrks, rod will take cargo July 1. Mr. Hughej thoroughly understands the basinet, having; had chturgd of lb" city water oiks of Redwood City for 22 years. Tbe Times report the following sa'es of property across the Willamette: M. E. c'ou gill and husband to Kmma A. New-fio-t, seven acrss bind, two miles north of Albany. l.0. Elsie R. Riley to A Al. Steadmao. 100 actes land, awo miles from Aluanv. S1.00. Morris P. Nowton and wile to W, H. and 11, 0 Newton, 1C4 acres lnd. four miles wet of Corralli, A. H . Stead man and wile to beo, M. Dvar. 100 acre land, two miles Irom Albany, tl 00. Geo. M. Dyar to Fannin K. Dvar. 100 a-res land, two miles from Albany. I10.C0 June 21, 1SS6. The people are all vwy busy plowing out their gardens and picking their strawberries. The gardens all need a shower of rain as well aa the late grain. Rev. Thomas, of University Park. preached here on last Sunday at 11 a. m. Our mad nuftrliitlMi militutMn ! needed inuwvemenU on tbe roads in I this vicinity. There will be a p.cnic held at Sprint ers Grove two miles north of Sbedd Sta tion, on next Friday, at which a big time is anticipated. Tbe langent brass band will furnrsh the music for the occasion and good speakers will be present. We want to correct an item Little Roebod wrote in Mooday'a daily. He said tbat it seemed like no one was busy but J. J. Beard. Everybody is too busy to be idle nowday. He! must have been thinking about that strawberry blonde at langent- Fol lorn ing is the program as rendered at tne lt to 1 picnic: Music, by tbe Ladies Band. Pong. America, by tbe Choir. Opening address, A. Luelling. A Petition to the LegUU:ure, Geo. Barton. Quartet, Lola and Neva Palmer, Riley tluinnrt and Uhas. C and iff. Political speech, Capt, C. B. Monta gne. Song and encore, Mies Custer Music bv tbe band. Basket dinner. Afternoon, called to order bv band music. Political speeches by J. J. Whitney. C. U. nalrvmple. and Dr. J. L. Hill. Solo, Lolo Palmer. Speeches by E. Hofer and O.T Porter. Song and encore. Cnstr sisters, fol lowed oy dancing the rest of the evening. everything weft oil peaceful and auietlv. The stand which was run by Huiburt Bros, was pretty well patronised ocso AakiucA. Light weight fi r spring aad saiimer. Black aad colored. Latest s'ylea. Mediam pries. Shirtwaists. Lots aid lota of tbwn mors) jast ra enved. Many different grades and prk. Style tew. Sumjner Goods. Stork now cofxtplet; largest ever hnmr'at to t.'-U part rf the valley. AH new Kood and orrfM very reaaoo able. Sod for MBpVs. S. E. Young, Albany. It will please you to see our line of 1896 EASTfiD-SOUTM THlt SHASTA KOUTfi OF THE Southern Pacific Oo. CaEfeaifek TisiMi Tufas utmTmta Mfy. iMnlbr U. lit If laL Afbuiy At 1 a AboT- trains rep at East Portland Oregyi Ot. Woodaanti, Salem. Taraer lir-T. J--yt, A bany. Albas v Juac tVi. Tn-. Sh-Mld. Halsey Ea4?oe Crwe l, Cottage Grove, Draia. aad all an oca from Roaebcrg iwb t3 aad in cluding Ashland. assKM Bm,uai tdsaa I L Ponkna ar "r Iran I I. AJWy t I lBn fcasrw IAr Mymt n.t -m S.Haalar fc-sn L ! ? M LXtmUm Aikuy ar t St ml At UmMm tK SHOES PULLJIAI ECFTET SLHFEI ajro Dinimr Cars on Ogden Roatc SECONO-CUSS SIEEPIHS CARS auacSMSt taall Tkr.ak Trmtw. r4 k swiIUm , ramus aa rssi""" r Man oai bsbt(1 TM.I I Li lSUral A CmlM Ax! r fcvltasr and will i Exprews raiadsily (exespt Soday)at A'.ba. aad Corval U oaect wUfc rain ot OC.AE. Ry. - save yow raj Lv fvl - a taa 15 to 25 per cent on every pair READ, PEACOCK & CO trai - a. iim atat. l.uteuB H. F. McIIwain's CashStore 4 .w. rm gUM, V9MS n K. x r aocERs torOM. Or-. .My father has taken several bottles of Hoo i's Sarsaparilla for bis stomach and io purify hia blood and core that tired fe- n.. ty I. 1 .x... i c ft- Mood's PiPs cure all Uer Ms. On the Divide. Awarded Highest HortorsWorld'a Fair, fold Medal, MWwioter Fair. mm Edd Carrol and family, of Euzcne. are visiting in tne neighborhood. Ulara 1 hilpott attended commence ment exercises at Eugene last week. Miss Way edder, of bilverton, is vis iting her sister Mrs. V ..Simmons. Tom Grimes and Frank Iempsev are attending court this week. B. R. Ho't's are movinir from Harris. oug to tneir tarm. Lelia and Vincent Straub. of Euirene. are at jonn uriuies. Miss Grace McIIarvue who has been visiting with friends bete and at Eugene, returned to her home in Brownsville Monday. Mrs B. E. Grimes and children, bo have been quite ill, are now'convalscenU ""Miss Rnnk finished a veiy successful term of school at the Sommeivitle dt trict and went to Brownsville Monday. infield Allingham is now walking on crutches, tbe result of having sprained his ankle while playing tennis. Bruce Davidson attended the im mencametit exercises at Monmouth last week. s. Mrs. Marias i Great argains UM. I R. CO, vWillamette River Division,) Steamer ALBAXY, C pt. J. L. Smith, " Wm. M. Hoa-;, Capt. H U Hah ttm and Passeoicr, Daily, except Saturdays, between Ccur vsIUs, Albany, Independence, Sa-J lem, way points aad Portland. Unsurpassed accommodation a and schedules especially for the needs of up-u'ninnu-u. travel. PicnK: parties can avail themselves of this schedule for any desired point between Corvallis and taletn, leaving in tne morning uu turning in cue ume tne easmw Special rates for special parties of loor more, ' . Lcavca Albany downriver at7:4oa. m. Leaves Albany np river at 8 p. in expt Saturday. H. L W aupss, n. B. Sacht . Agent, depot. Agt., Rever ..I 70 00 00 00 45 00 1 00 1 00 SO 18 2 5 50 0t 25 00 00 25 S5 20 25 35 05 TRACTION ENGINES. One 8 horsw power Buffalo Pittaengine used one season. ' One 10 horse power Buffalo gine, new. For sale cheap. The Hustler, with Rnwp and Lee ss the batltry. defeated the Unknown, with Akin and Mtso-i as the battery, thU af er noon, 10 to 0 Tbe Rustlers shouted. , CHEAT.! mil rit 1 For Pills ana Piunier Dowson Most Perfect Made. 40 Years tbe Standard Baxtsr, a nation a lecturer of the W. C. T. U. a ill lecture at the M. E. church in this city on Fri day evening of this week, on Moral Re form. Mrs. Baxter visited us last winter and those who heard ber were hiuhlv til.ta.jk.1 rl will valmma ha. ajuin heartily. Her dansh ter. Miss Beatrice, a graduate of the Columbian School of Oratory of Chicago, will give several rec itations durintr the evening. We bear from places visited, that Miss Baxter is an elocutionist of rare ability and ia de- lighting her audiences wherever she ap I jH-ars, No admission foe will be charged, ! but a collection taken. We besperk for t these ladies a good audience. . - 1 Or. Prl'iFCreaBiSiPowi!er world's Fair hisbeat Award. Full Roller Flour per sack 18 lbs Ex C Sugar.... 17 lbs beet Cane Granulated Sugar 25 " gbod Rice 50 44 fine Butler Salt 16 yds ex fine unb Muslin 20 " " good 20 44 Standard TrinU 10 " Heavy Toweling Table oil cloth per yd Men's fine Ratur Toe Shoes... " " London Toe " " " New ork Toe Shoe. 44 Heavy Standard Shoe. . . 44 Underwear each 12 yds heavy Cheviot Shirting 16 " good Shirting 16 01 plug Battle Ax Tobacco. 16 44 44 Ciimax Tobacco 1 lb Basket Fired Tea I lb Young Hyson 44 lib Gunpowder 41 Men's Heavy Socks per pr Fairbanks S ib Gold Dust Washing Powder 2f 7 bars Savon Soap (5ct bars). 25 Full Roller Flour per sack 70 4 lbs Arm A Hammer Soda. 4, 25 4 lba A shilling & Co 'a " . 25 3 cans the wry bestTomaf-ea, . . V 3 "Sugar Corn 25 Mason's Fruit Jars 2 qt.lqt.l-pt, rub ber, extra caps. Call at stoie ior price j of jars. Will cut lu priotj aud sav you I ro,VS WaNTH. 10 I f. . 1 J Afl MUM MVulj mi MA I .... I .. . ... .. week, all sold at cut price. pifa u- HorstNa Bros., Albany, Or. General Blacksmithing::: G. P Oatner is now locate 1 text duor t he Imprint office, where be t re pared t do geneial lacksmithir g in a first c'aa manner. Prices tostitths times, 20 pe nt dit or nt for cash. June 19, 1896. Yours for bargains, H. F. Mdt-waijf'a Cask Stobk. rents apitce V will he paid f all crows d-ad or aiive delivered al Frouiau Bros. Th.v areOeoth to cb.neM pheasants aad it is desiied to kill tbem off. TTOUSEMOVISG, Carefully, p-owp ly 1 A ly, at tha lowea. price, va'l ot address Q W Taylor, 4th and Vaiisoa Sis Albany. FOUND.' An umbrella, won a m bo gram of H. H. m thiee vtrtical linea, is at tbe Dkmocbat clfice hwaii g thj ownir. Ha.klenian's grove, a coatairiag S"uie e'othing 'lh BICYCLE FORsALb. A seco i t lidixs eiifllmt coad tioa Call at the Ptal 1 ejegraph 0ce. FDUSD.-Sear valise cent air is - sama can ba had by