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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1896)
j USK J I UrtWUDJ VIL.. TWIST VOOR LCO OUT or tHAKl h '"" " MM! ' 1 " """"" . V.ETHERFORD a V.YATT Attorneys at law. Will practice in all courU of the state. Special attention giv en to matters in probate and to collections. C t i 1UK la tne nnn diock. W.R.B1LYEU. Attorney at law and Solicitor in Chancery. Collections made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. Albany Orrgon. ' ' BLACKBURN & SOMERS AITOBITE-S'S -tVT X.A."W, All lesral matters will receive prompt at onn Office, First National Bank aildin, up stairs. .IOKTANTE A HACHLEM4N, Attorneys at La. Albany, Oregon. wjtt. J. L. Ill LI. arnicas and dnrjeeon, OFriCK-Cocoe rry streets. Albany .Orepja. DR. C. U, CHAFelBERLIIi HOMOBOI'A.TIIIST Tiwita hi mors, strictures, facial blem- Whes, neoralgia and cther diseases, wun Office on Ferry St , galvanic electricity near 3d street. 1UST SAT103IAI. BISK, OF UUSI, Oiuraui" LFLINH resident . ....- ... Vice PresMeu flihlM 8.K.V0CN8 TBASSACTS A olsRRAl. Wngut .X..1-ira KVPTanhtacttSCberk. r.eoM St-vSaT.. Wo aud P "daw MKBOtOBa - Toon' - imtM Bun, t. ru, rj WH1TSKY Attorney at Law, Albany, Or. JUSTICE OF PEACE, mw lot4 in thrOMaeair afa-ejeeraer jtad and Broadatbia streets Albany. Or. Beats and Collettions a Specialty. RIP-AN -S The modern stand ard Family Medi cine: Cures the common every-oay ills of humanity. -I I 1 S3 z4 J Weight J IZoz. Jolt and CydcHK Proo JhfPathlight Tbjcywtorid most see tic J road. The PatMirfit makes X bright the way. All dealers tsctfit. The Place & Terry t J Mf.G247 Centre St,N.Y. WelstatesBiiTte Got things spelled wrong and all mix ed up dieylay waa poor typo old fashioned press work bad paper cheap nothing as it ought to be? Well, take yoor next job of printing to Smi ley the Printer and . It-Wiu Be Doils ffiitt v : P. S. Clraporttit). Tha price for do ing t will be right, too. V Smiley'fl printing io jnod printing. 5 iiyonTtsethePetelwB n fecur9tt7a Broo-Jerv 3ake jsoopy ivniie 9 other3 are 'wasting f tiia; byoitiprocc3Bt. 5 Catalog-tells all z'nout m it, ana arScriDes every article needed for thcZ Catal0U4 ' - v 0rhe"ERIE' tnechantcany the beat ."SO. rtTUKMBUUCI, I We are PaciSe Coast 9 eiiny kgiw.mailfUree.giTtg fb'l dwerfrtttmi . prices, etc., aokitts wawtrd. PETALTJM a UCCBATOK CO.,Petluma.Cl. Am Kr a Wmrcw a Uom t ' t a tu Fire insurance INSURE YOUR PROPERTY - with ' In the Old Hartford, the New YorwUn. derwriters Acrpncy or any one of the reli able old line companies he represents. Note taken and plenty of time civen for payment on farm insurance. All business will t promptly attended to. OFFICE IN P. 0. . BLOCK ALBANY. OR OISQt i A SPECIALTY'S:!? f. j llarj ' lijLOOl fOiSOH permanentlir I ,...J'T'"' Pre'" toeome here we wllloon- Doehw IF;.1 tall to euro. If yoo bave takes mer ' loaiae rotuiih. and .tin h. . . cury, piilrm. Mucous I'Ktchea in mouth. Harr Th ,n.T l'luiple, topper Colored Spot. (Jlcera oa any partof theWr, Hair or Eyebrows faUirii out, it la this Secondary BLOOO POiiiOV jre jruaranteetoenre. We solicit tbe moat oru oate eases and challenge the world for a bunted tbe nkil I or tne moat eminent nhTl- SftOO.OOO capital behind our iiSSiS. Kami ssaraner. Abaoluteproofanentsealeclon 40 luuXo lemnl. 'VAWK1T-1 K. 0. T.M Meets every Saturday evening in K. OT y. Kail. Tisiting ; iaviteil 'end. J. ;t Wiskle, Oo -- r- iJ Jimstreten s 1 ..r -yA !- Star Bakery Cor. Broadalbln and First Sts CONBAQ MEYER, PRC FRIETO?' -Dealer In- Canned Fruits, Glassware, Dried Fruits, Tobacco, Sugar, ' Coffee, Etc. Canned Meats, Queensware, Vegetables. Cigar. Etc everything that a sept in s Hood variety andgro eery store. High est p'e paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODDCE Stick To It! Stick to what? Why, the bUiin fact I that our display of up-to-data wail papers beats evervtninff in sight. '1 here 1,-n't room for the shadow of a doubt on this ncint. We have the papers to which tills town should surrender its walU uncondi tionally. Our designs are new and taste ful, artistic and elegant, rich and pleasing. There are no fewer than 500 different pat terns here to choose from, and every patr tern is shown in a tine quality of paper. Prices, V) cents to 1UU cents a roil. J. A Gumming. FOSHAi & MASON. Wholesale A Ketail DRUGGISTS AND BOOKSEll ER: ALRaXr. . 0&K60X. Pare Drugs and the Finest and Largest Stock of Stationary and Books in the Market. ALBANY v . insurance ciicy -M. SENDERS, Mgr. Bnvs and sells whrat, oats and woo! at all points in tbe Willamette Valley and is the leading insurance agent of Albany. In placing your insurance there are two things to be considered: " 1st. Get a good company. 2nd. Place your insurance with scent who thoroughly understands his bos ioees and knows now to write a policy- giving yon its fall benefit, having bad 8 years ot experience in a geneni office and the adjusting of Iosmm. Can guarantee you 1 bave these require UienU. erj Respectfully Yours. ALBANY Red Crown Milling Co Is nnw under the management of Ed ward Goins, N. H. Alien, Wm. UYakcw E, D. Barrett and Samuel E. Young.wbo are now prepared to sell the beet FLOUR in the market at reasonable rates. Highest cash price paid for wheat. VIERECKS SHAVING AND HAIRCUTTING PARLORS. HEADQUARTERS F0R- Dr. Whites Je9 A bead of hair or no pay. Cures -I diseases of tbe scalp. Address Box t21 for Free Treatise on the Scalp. Razors Honed and Set and Pot in O' er on Short Notice. ALBANY TRADING CO. GROCERIES and FEED OF ALL KNDS Cheat seed for sale or trade Free de livery. Telephone No. 61 R. N. Morris, Mgr Cor. 2nd and Mair. Sts fiO MORE DUST, HO I30RE SPRIKKLIlsC, t.0 L.0RE SCRUBBING By the use of fiUSTINE On your floor, When applied to floor of any kind en ables yon to sweep without raising dust. It is an odorless compound which pene trates the wood and tor months keeps up a constant exudation sulficient to catch and hold the dust. Atwatku & Brows, Agents for Linn Co., at Pioneer House, Albany, Or. Smiley Good jprlntlnji Always jone Very Quickly. The Printer. Puzzled. Editor Democrat: I have been reading the proceedings of the Woman's Convention at Portland. The likenaases o! the leading spirits and the utterances of some otthe speakers ifTnnfad ma considerable amusement. It is not my purpose, however, to say any thing pro or con on tbe "New Woman Question," or on the work and aims of Woman's Rights women. Women have a perfect right to bold . convention! and express their opinions of men. Some years ago, as the ttory goes, one of the Woman's Rights women exercised this right in a smalltown in Chester county, Pennsylvania, At me ciose oi her address ah save to any one in tbe audience an opportunity of making a re ply. For moment there was "a dead silence." Then an old Quaker arose and slowly and deliberately said: "I have always found it best, when a hen wants to crow, to let her crow." That was not very gallant in the bid Quaker; but, if report is true, he wai not the only un- gallant man in the audience. Bat I have wandered away .from my text. What I started out to say was, that I am at a loss to know what one of the Portland Convention speakers in tended to express in the closing sentence of her address. As reported it reads as follows : "No tongue can tell or portray the glory that will come to the world when woman is made physically and politically free." That word physically is the one tbat ponies me. It evidently does not modi fy "is made" : for woman was made physically six thousand years ago, and today she is the same physically as when she was given to man as a helpmeet in Eden. The word physically, therefore. must modify the word free. The good coming for woman, then, must be when she shall be made physically and politi cally free. But bow shall woman be made physically free? The dictionary gives three meanings to the word phys ically; 1. According to natural laws; 2. According to the laws of physics ; 3. Ac cording to the art of medicine. If, then. instead of "physically" we substitute these definitions, the sentence will read No tongue can tell or pen portray the glory tbat will come to the world when woman is made fiee according to natural laws, or according to the laws of physics. or according to tbe an of medicine. Now, which of lbs three definitions of physically was intended by the speaker? It certainly was not tbe third. The International aays this meaning is obso lete, ud Cbeyna asserts that the man who lives physically (in this sense) most live miserably. But neither of the other definitions is us harmony with the con text, even if there wj no other difficulty in the way. From flist to last, the speaker, who closed with thia eloefhent peroration, threw tbe whole responsiWili- i ty or woman s lauure iq ij meue juj i- . r . r .1 . t 1 - 1 .cany nPon man. Bat even u nothing bad beta said by tbe speaker in regard to man's re poo sibility for woman's failure toobiain her rights', 1 am utterly anahle to see bow woman can be made physically free. either by herself or by man, even in this last decade of the nineteenth century, when socb wonders are achieved in ac- i eordancewitb the laws of nature or physics. oX rays have brought to light any abnormal condition of woman which deprived tbe whole genus femina oi physical freedom. And they never will. Tbe last and beat creation of the Divine hand always has been and is still physically free, tbe Portland Woman's Cjovention to the contrary notwith standing. This is the opinion of one who at ooe time expected to vote for a woman can didate for county superintendent of pub lic instruction, bnt was not coot tisution ally tree. A Voter A prayer was cflered at the opening of the republican national convention by Kabbi Saale Amwig other things be prayed as fallows: "O, kindle in tbe hearts of oar generation the altar-flame of devotion to the high aims tbat in spired trie minds ol tbe locsoVrs ot our republic, and above all illumined and immortalized tbe life of the father of hit country. Fill na with a deep and abid ing sense of tbe transcendent dignity and nobility of American citizenship, and of the sacred obligations tbat fboald at tend it, so tbat we may grow from day to day in tbe beauty of civic virtue, and our bekved land, from bnndred-bar- bored Maine to the vine-clad tills of tns troiden bate, from ice bound ortb to tbe warm and sonny South, may go from strength to strength nnlil it achieves its destiny to become; the fixed and abinins: mars for every baik boons 'or tbe haven of light and liberty ." That is correct. We nee the Jefiersonisn and Jacksonian simplicity of oar early days.inore of this and less ot Wall street extravagance, lees of ui joop-jlif and trusts ; more for tbe people, loss f jr tbe Bothchilds. Far taoyesrstoccme Jim Booth will warm the judicial bench and dispense justice in Ysquina precinct. Jim was legally elected to the office in tbe late election, but they tried to rule him ont on tbe grounds that be was not a citi izen of the republic. Though he for merly bailed from Canada, when it came time to show down, Jim went to Toledo, pointed to a handsome majority to bis credit on the poll books and then pro duced his naturalization papers, taken out before judge Bean in November 1S93, and attested by B. W. Wilson, county clerk. This made his title clear to the office of justice, and for tbe next two yean it will be a crooked case if even banded justice is not dealt out to both sides In Ysquina precinct. Times. Over 400 manufactures of bicycles are now in tbe American market, and it is significsnt tbat more than 60 per cent ot these have come into tbe field within tbe past six months, lured in by tbe in creasing demand for wheels and tbe be lief tbat immense profits ate to be made in the business. A bicycle maker, writ ing to an Eietern paper, asserts tbat these t i profits exist chiefly in the Im agination, lie says be knows of but One maker wl one fortune is estimated above f 1,000,000, and tbe general public has an altogether erroneons idea about the cost of manufacturing the average bicycle. It is a bnsines, he says, which bears a close resemblance to the millinery busi ness in respect to changes and shrink ages, 'he maker has to calculate on "heavy expenss, ebort seasons, liberal j guarantees, and heavy shriukages in' machinery and goods by constant change of patterns, ana mess obstacles, i together with the trading and install- I man mat lifliia tf aa1 liny whaala ill tflnrl 1 . , ' - to make the business hazardous and frothy, nd eerlain to pioducto a balance sheet that Is disappointing to golden dreams." Dr. Price stream inking Powder aw it dad Gold M'di ariar Fair, fen FruMWV A Pioneer Poem. At the pioneer reunion in Portland Joaquin Miller presented the following: Emerald, emerald, emerald land ; Land of the sun mists, land cl tbe sea, Stately and stainless and storied and grand As cloud mantled Hood in his majesty Mother of State, we are worn, we are irrav Mother of men we are going away. Mother of States, tall mother of men, Of cities of churches, oi hornet of sweet . rest. We are going away, we must journey again As ot old we journeyed to tbe vast, far West. We tent by the river, our feet once more, Please God, are set for the ultimate shore. - .- Mother, white mother, white Oregon, In emerald kilt, with star set crown Of sapphire, ay is it nigh? is it dawn? Say, what ot the night r is it wen op and down? ': We arc going away. . . Frora your l.ish watch tower. Young men, strong men, say, what of the boor? Young men, strong men, there is work to be done, - Faith to be cherished, bftles fo fight. Victories won were never well won, gave fearlessly won for God and tbe right These cities, these homes, sweet peace and her spell Be ashes, but ashes, with the iuQdel. Have faith, such fait as your fathers knee. All else niqst fojlow if you have bat faith, tte true to their faith, and you must be true -Lo! will be with you," the Master saitb. Good bye, dawn breaks; it is coming day, And ooe by one e strike tent and aay. Good bye. Blow folding our snow white tents, . Our dim eyes lift to I he farther shore, And never these riddled grav regiments Shall anatter full roll rail any more. Bnt never a doubt, nav. never a fear Of old, or now, knew the Pioneer. jOAijris ai 1IXE.B Portland. Oregon, June 15. ISi. Mr. Teller kept his word. lie wslked out Yale is said to have voted wLUkey aa the favorite class drink. It is as much a government's duty to ecot-omite aa aa individuals. ' F'. 1 -, ' Mr. Morton would greatly weaken the ticket, speaking from a personal stand point. The commencement orations have been pronounced. We should be betier cimens now. The old nioneer boys and sir'.s have been having a good time in Portland Ttey deserve It. Pendleton is paying luO) a month in teresU Tbat w pretty bigh, eu ta tue eyes of Albany people-. Is there anything more melaurholy than the sound of a hand orftan. Tbi is asked ater bearing ooe played for several hours. John B Mitchell will have tbe fight of bis life to be re-electd. His great hope though must be io the fight tbe Orrgo- ciau will make against turn. In Uiis age of bos ws Mark A Haot&b is now supreme. Tom Putt is not in il bwsid Hannah. By tbe way doesn't mis bowistu make one very weary. A normal school man wbo baa in7U gated the schools of Oregon, says A'.bany baa tbe best puolie schools in Oregon The present organisation cf our school is superior. Host argument against silver is said to en tender oreiadioa. To tbe reason ing man there is no earthly reason why stlvet should not be on an equality wita gold. A bimefalie convention baa been called to meet in Por tiaod on Thursday, Ju'y 9, at 11 a. m for the purpose of sff-ctins macates from Yamhill county, w lere the b:meta!ic party was started. Wm McKinley, the republic in nomi nee for president of tbe United Slates is a man of excellent personal character. The election, though, will be one ot plat form agaioat platform. He will seek to make high protection the issne; but he willnstbe in favor of protecting the silver mines of the country. Tbereal issue before tbe people will be the finan cial question, on which tbere will be a straight issne of single gold standard against bimetaliaui. Mr McKiol-y will bexin the campaign j-jst after the most extravagant session of congress in tbe history of the country voted by a repub lican majority. Tbe plan laid down by tbe managers is to lay a!i the ills, from chicken poxs up to the present financial depression, to the democrats, notwith standing the" fact that they were the in evitable result of over speculation, leal estate gambling and the borrowing of money, coupled with tbe ill effects ol the debasement of our money by the de monetization of silver in 1373. Should tbe democrats, populists and bimeUtists all put up national tickets McKinley will undoubtedly be elected ; "but should tbe silver forces ot tbe country nnite hinder one reasonable platform and I first class man for president, Mr McKin ley's chances would be wonderfully weakened with the outlook for bis defeat good. Sarah B. Cooper at 'I he Woman's Congress. Editor Democrat: If it were necessary fo' the women o tbe "New North West" to show that they were worthy of tbe civic right of man, by intellectual gifts, by executive capac'ty, and continued effort, the con gressof women, lately held io Portland could not have failed In doing so. That such a woman as Susan B. In thony ahould be a silent nnit politically is an anoraally; and no less so that oth er gifted woman, Sarah B. Cooper of Calif., likewise present at the. session She who has bn the means of giving the education of head, heart and band, to 0,000 small children in San Francisco, keeping track of them through eighteen years, she has fcand that but one has gone to swell the black criminal tint, am) tbat for a petty affonse otlv and vet Mrs. Cooper said after all the work of planting foity six tre kindergarten. 1 1 am denied even the educational ballot! In order to train children properly, equal suffrage Is a necessi'y. I'he different benevolent undertakings started by the Woratn's Christian Tein persnus Union in Portland, she has the "Baby Home," the "Depot Mttron," or stll under tbeir management, mk-Ii as' .4.. Itn .( a. .... .vu boiuji nome," ins "H wn R-tt. for Worklog Girls," was dsscrih-d ui one of tbe session, and elicited quite a little enthusiasm. L. Dr. Price's Cream Baking: Powder Awarded Gold Medal Midwinter Peir, Su Prudece. SATURDAY MIGHT THOUGHTS Tbe pioneers Wooden Indians now. Centers of attraction. Deserved kicking. Economical invention. Very stubborn. , A wonderful sieve. The pioneers met In Portland th week. The number of those who fcrd been here over fifty years was more than might bo anticipated. Tbe bravery and purpose that brought a people through savage Indian tribes, over desert plaice, over mountain tops, into an nuknown country, can hardly be expressed in words; but can be better conceived. Years ago this very vslley, lovely,! Willamette, was full of savage, aarrirg tribes. In early days Indians were a common sight ou cur streets, and busi ness men' had to know the jargon. A friend says that at enterta'nruenta hero a number were always seen in an audi ence; where are they now ; gone from the banks cf the Willamette and Cala pooia, off to the agencies, so scarce that at a college entertainment during the week in order to have an Iadian in'the audience, the juniors putaeigardummy in tbe gallery. Commencement is a big day to tbe heroes of tbe occasion. All eyes are up on them, and the; become so conspicu ous that they mcst certainly be excused if they begin to realize their importance. Though a splendid custom and proper it is best for the graduates if they get through easily without too much promi nence. We are reminded of a friend in tbe Ktst who delivered so fine an oration tbat it was desired to have it published in full. To this he flatly refused, de claring that he didn't want tbe beef effort of his life made too prominent at tbe start as the standard to judge him by, else he would afterwards be looked upon as retrograding. He is now one o (he leading lawyers in a large city. We hare just read how the city council of Walla Walla appropriated 150 to ward a Vh of July celebration. Such a council ought to be kicked oil bolily The strawberry has come into swsy during tbe week, the queen of berries, most delicious oi all; bat they dj take barrels of sugar and cans of cream. This week a minister in a baccalaureate ser mon repeated tbe good o'd story of the man who had taken a patent out on a plan for crossing strawberry plants with j milk weed, as an economical measurv. 1 An Albany man is mors daring than Ibis, 1 be will cross the strawberry, milk weej and sugarcane. Gome people can see thing! so plainly that if a telescope was to reveal tne fact tbat it was a cow iat'.ead of a horse th-y won'ada't believe it. W don't remember the name of tbat tievehe Professor told about at tbe alumni reunion, but it was certainly a great concern, for it sifted human be ings, separated them according to tbeir worth, the yams from the shaoas. and, after going through, ws suppose one would seem cs if Xrayed, as one rea'.ly is. As it is. it is bard to pick oat tbe shams aad eveo a darkey bea'er will find vic tims, o it might bi boped tbat this mar velous sieve should heusnl ivcersiy. The Tornado Panic. The following is from tae St. Lonis Republic, a paper tbat kcows how it feels: Tbe most dreadful tornado month in tbe btstory of civilisation In America has just ended, leaving behind it a twisted and distorted track of death sa l desolation a uczcu wi&ies bit, ie,. tne Ki " j tne Storm t ten J ant nave oen m.-e wasprovep by toe almost ifctUo'aneou) disprion of tht Decoration gatherings in several parts of lows, lllin i and Kansas a week ag, all ihit ia no ntc eesary lod-sbaod tae lar-t rrocds is for tbe Storm King or oue of his min ions to rear his bad above the horiun. If this demonstration on the part of the elementa be accompaoie l by but a single briliiant lightning flash and an ominous roar of the Thunder GvJ the panic is complete. The facts in th case are that peqple are learaing to shrink from the gyrating terror as they would from a peatileoc. And it is well enoagh that they hav been au?b apt scholars dnring the past short terrible month of tutoring. Since the North Texas disaster, upwards of a thousand mounds have been erected In tbe Mississippi ValUy over mangled Loman forms as monuments to the Storm King's fury. In tbe light of this woeful truth, is It to be wondered that the peo ple of the afflicted regions are ready to harry to their cyclone caves at the first Sam if rlianas Mmh aattvinlr feeam Sill r K I SIU va uigi- iueu sassiuaw wiu vasi.u things, not because they are coward and fear death, but because such a dath as the cyclone bring is tbe King of Ter rors in bis mojt hideous and appalling garb. Men who bave faced death scores nf tlmM on tha battlefield trembl anil.' turn pale when brought face to face with the mysterious workings of natuie as exhibited in a storm-cloud. In the face of nature's awful and unexpected wrath iron nerves grow wesk and cool heads frantic." The people know only too well of the Storm King's doings in the distant and in the recent past to attempt to brave the dangers of such blasts with out as much at making an effort to find a place of safety. Tbat they do make such efforts to save thsir lives does not show cowardice. Rather it thows good aliment, even though it be of that species which has been acquired not by the experience of themselves, but by the awful and costly experience of others. The county court of Union county has reduced the salary of the school super intendent from $1200 to fOOO pet annum. The Klgin Recorder says " The court's reasons for doing so was tbe election of the populiat candidate to that position, and as the pla'form cf the populist party declared that $000 per annum was enough compensation for that office the court acted upon their suggestion and reduced it ajcordingly." The vote for presidential candidate at tbe republican convention wai McKin ley 001 , Reed 83, Morton 65, Q.iay 'H Ji Allieon55jV Garrett A. i lobar t, of New Jersey, was nominated for Vice j President on the first ballot, nosiving 63U votes, Evans 2, lluciley 30, , Lippelt8, Walker 24. Thus the ticket bsesme McKinley and Hobart. A New York doctor told a professions! secret to his wife. She did not keep it to herself. It got bark to the party wo tf interested. The doctor was sue ! and the verdict of tin jury is ViOOO tor the plaintiff, a yonng girl For the best Drugs Dawson' MISFITS. The St. Louis convention has done one good thing. It has rilled the big papers so full they could hardly mention Jim Oorbett, Scio hs Green Coffey, T. Coffey and George Coffey, but no Ued" Coffev, as the Albany Democrat tells altout. Press. One of the men is called "Hed" on ac count of his beard, at least by Albany inenus. The president has signed the bill jr -viding that a year's residerce in any of the territories shall be neceMuiry before application can be made to I he territori al courts for a d-vorce. This will do away with some of the rottenest work ever deno in the divorce bus'ness. Houdie.-n Oreiron is still considered tbe most prosperous portion of the state by those whose business has led them to visit other parts. This condition is ex plained hy the continued stream of gold dust leaving our hillsides and ravines for the mints, from which it returns in $20-go'd pieces. Of course tbe amount has never been gigantic bnt it baa been steaiy and every ounce of gold adds $17 to tbe wealth of the world without cost ing any mere than tbe labor in dieging or washing it out of the ground. In other words "It's just like finding it.' Grant's Pass Courier. Silver should be taken out in the same way. Mayor Pennoyer at the Pioneers meet ing in Portland said: In the whole record of mankind there has existed r.o parallel to the record of the pioneers of Oregon. Unique and mastic, this record arrests the attention and chailen ire the admiration alike of the student, historian, poet and philosopher. No other movement like it, vince our first parents went forth from Eden, exhibited such supreme faith, called forth such sterling manhood and developed such stalwart heroism at that unparalleled march of the early region pioneer, who, foreaking the home of his fathers and the hallowed associations of his childhood years, taking with him his wife .t and children, and carrying, not 'be lares and penau-e of tbe old Romans, but tbe exalted faith of his (jod-fearing ancestry, rsolutely lurnea tiis iace to toe scute g sun. over coming the almost unmrmouutaUe ob stacles of desert wan tea and mountain faetneee, and at las; fixed hi roof-tree and planted his hearthstone in our fair land by I be sunset sea, building op and on brtu foundations establishing the in stitutiocs of bis fathers in the supnort of uia reiig.oua unq a on ni patriotic JTin ciptes. uor. Lord a militia are having a pic nic at Astoria. All tbe sacie, tbeir presence has greatly increatei the amount of fishing being done. The Journal wants the militia called ont to open Misdon street in tfabtn. It will be remembered that Banker A I be t put a stop to the tearing down cf his fence. Mayor-elect Pennoyer is besieged with office seekers, a doseu at bis otiice erery morning when be gets there, but for bis past experience he would probably suc cumb. Putting the county clerk on fees ha been a pretty good tning for the countv. bet d'es not allow that oftcvr to lcome a millionaire, by any means. lHirtng lite 23 months tbat County Ork 51c- ivera dm io ti ofttoe there baa been in lews J"'.HJA). For the same period tbe clerk and bit deputy have received TOW, so tbat tbe fw bs ve come within t !'.i) of paring the sa'arie of both atficers. L nder tbe old fee system it cost tbe county from i2,SO0 to P.OOO peir year to ret its work done an-1 the clerk got the Several thousand dollars in fees besidea. Tbere is a big difference be tween then a'd now. McMtsnvilte Trauscript. A there seems to be no" bing or Utile known aboot the republican ncmice for vite presidrot we give a sketcb of bis He: Garret A. Hobart, tbe republican candidate for vice president, waa born at Long Branch, N. J., in 1M4. Afwr re ceiving a coinmon-schoul education, be attended Rutgers college, where he grad uated when CO years of age. He was ad mitted to tt.e bar in Is&T.and eras chosen city counci lor of Paterson in May, 1871. In ISTi Sir. Hobart waa elected aasern biytuao. and in his rwon.l t-nu was elected rpeaker of the ssormby. In I8T7, Passaic county sent him to the tat senile. II - ckrj his carver as a h"jt:- f la tor in 1-3 when he aas president" of 5 ums srmit. ne was me republican i caucus Muuinre tor l aitevl h'.a'rs tyna , tor in ist, ina Jhn .Mcl henson. Um- vcrst rlected. lie ti lUj ' jcrey nn mu-ro! ttse national coram tt- l in ltit, and was vice-chairman. He was was president of the New Jersey Midland Co., the Montclair railway and the Jersey City it Aloanv. and of the First National bauk of Newark, director of several banks, and a farce number oi other corporations, tie was the ripient lately of the degrtx L L. D from Katgera. A company has Uen incorporated at Tacoma to buil.l a bicy-l path between racome and Seauie. It is proposed to make it a toll road, an l to have it run along the shore most of the way. The road ill, if coastracted, 1 twenty feet in width and ill make one ot the finest runs tn the country, it is estimated that the road will cost about lf,000. Letters bave been written to all the prominent bicycle dealers in tbe Kast asking them to subscribe to stock. x The Bank of Oregon City on Wednes day received a new Corliss safe. It is a novelty anJ the first one of the kind in the state, it weighs tons ana is round in shine ana th claim is made by manufacturer that it is absolutely dyn- a,- nr. Uharles Spencer, the lake negro neater, mentioned in the Uexochat, was arrested near Oottase U rove, and taarn back to the jail at t'ortland, from which he tad escaped. - " The commencement of the Ladies Ac- cademy will be held on ednesday even ing oi next wees at a p. m Teller raeiiuw. Ft. Louis, June 19. ffbeo Fenator Teder was asked about tbe movement io place him in the Geld as an independent candidate for the presidency, be declined to discuss it or to say whether he would ac cept or decline. "It is," he said, "a movement w ith which 1 have had nothing to do. and which I have not encouraged. I do not therefore feel called upon to discuss it and shall not do so at tee present time.' The Statesman claims to liavs cut down the Vender burg tree with its little hatchet, and savs it can't tell a lie; but the poor vote for Tongue in Marion county indicates tbat soma one ought to sing: "Strike the Lyre." Mr Hobart ought to bs satisfactory to Wail street and the Rothchilds. He is a veritable corporation man and is very wealthy, a fine looking man, though, in his pictures. The republican platform is in favor ot tbe beet sugar industry, but not in favor of the silver industry. Much in Little Is especially true ot Hood's Fills, for no medi cine, ever contained so great curative power tu so small space. They are a whole medicine chest, always ready, al ways efficient, always sat- Pills I bfactoryt prevent a enld or (ever, cure ail liver tils. sick headaebe. Jaundice, constipation, etc. sea. The only fills to take with iiood's Sarsapartua. TELEGRAPHIC. .' Tfcs Strike Astoria, June 13. Altbduirh- the fik- er men's strike cannot et be said to bate bet.-n settled, many of tbe onion men ha'C become diwuitixfiijd with the failure ot the leaders to brintc aboot a settlement, and tonight a number of boats are out tubing 'I be great majority still rercain 6rm, but appearances now indicate that the onion must aucspt Ibe canaeryroen'e offer, if it is to hold together its members, as a role, have little or no money, and unless thtj quickly begin o,vraUon, will be unable to '-uatribute further towaid the noppoitof the organization, Harrak) fer Si sir. Cnicaoo, June 19. Ex Governor Po e, j of Iowa, a candidate for tbe democratic I presidential nomination on a free silver I ticket srrtved in Chicago today and re turned home on an evening train. Judge Davin, of Crenton, C A Waib, secretary of tbe Iowa stale central democratic commit tee, and Delegste-at-Large A Van Wagner are in cnarge of tbe Boies boom here, and they refuse to believe any comb' notion of events can prevent tbe , nomination and election of te governor. Arkaaaaa Beaaseravs. Rock. Ark , Jnne 19 The democratic state convention was in session ontil 2:15 this morning, fbe greater part of Ibe time was takes op in a Lot fight over tbe question of expresning a choice for the presidentiqJ candidate. A resolution iostruing the national dflejrates for B'aod was vigorously opposed by Senators Jones and Berry, but was finally adopted by a voteof 420totf27. ( ITie platorm make no referenre to tbe batinnai adminutratioo. The fiuancial plank is for bimeUlum, free silver 16 to 1. The stall ea. f?T. Loin, tune 19. Durinsr the dav another conference of tbe silver blUrs was held, at a bicb it was decided to take a tentative conne. The bo! tins de'eraies ill tnak no formal turocedtme until tbey have bad aa opportunity to con sult with the party members in their states, and determine what measure of approval mets tbeir course in walking out of the republican national convention. For this reason, it seemed bert nut to effect any formal organisation as yet. X to tse rut. tA riLtxciseo, June 19. A du patch wa rcetred f.-oni Colonel StcncatSt. Louis, todar. in whii h h atat4 tht h had taiked with Mark Hanna. McKinley's manager, and that atrip to tbe PaciSe cat. in October, by Governor MEinky. among tbe possibilities. Both the re publican and democratic nominees for pres ident will be inrifd to attend tbe carni val to be Leid in Sao Francisco in the fill. fUhlas; at Hater to. AsToaia, June 16 With every cannery in operation on the lower river, aotce of tfcetn Used altnott to their full caoaatv. aod 9) boats ia i;Lt drifting at ocie time ia front of tbe cit, it begins to look as if tbe great Columbia river tiabennen's strike is about over. Aside from a few mild interferences with nooonioe men a they came in with tbeir catches at an early boar thi morning, eh bas been peacefol and quiet in Astoria to dar. Several derails of troorm with trai ling guns are maintaining a rigid patrol of atacBJ4 Tp. i;asr citt. Or., Jnne 13. At 10 o dock this morning, cn ibe Can Ton City roote. seven miiea suotb from Mc r-wen. near the summit of tne mountain hat divides Burnt mer from Powder river, two masked men. wita gun leveled at imttr Jerry I ieetweod, jumped from be hind trees and oedfrrtt him tu throw oat uteexprem uox. l&gre era no express matur. but the mail sacks were ried, and K 6 soendan. frosa Kosr-bor?. Or . the only paDgr, relieved of fiO. SLerdan tad -A) ia aaoUttT pocktt. but the robber had no lime, aa two freight team mad a bugyy. coo UiBicg albert tleiaer. u;erin-h-curct of tie Bonanza mioj, were ap pracliinir. Ibe sapoositioa is that the robbfts exp-ted to nJ Oeuer and some evid brii ka on the stae. Twrive UUed- Ftwactsb. X. T . Job H The bfUer ia tb steam racht Tilo exploded at Tar- tor' crele path, swar Little r'aila, cm tbe Erie canal. Twelee people were killed. Nine bodies have been reosvere-J. At Maaaalfc. Moxwocth, Or., Jan IS The board of repent of tee state normal schMl beid the annual ejection of teacher tndav. reea'Ung in tbe re-eWtion of the present facuitv at Ibe fame ari, except Us Anna Kob ier. who ti cc a in place of K J Mc- . asv usii, mco cta4f no apicattoa. Mo. revr-t H e).rei that PrUeasor 5I &otsa J de-.i d t-j ieare be school. a fee u ec.uind a tboroasb acboUr an-l an es -at He wii ro to lomefl aaiveTMtr. t 1 a jc;at cocr- ou st year .ms K.x.r i. a craoaate of the Kin J,e b-vI aud tie itanfccJ nni- terwty. Ta Ike tea. SauuDAX, (V.. jane IS.- Tbe citv coun cil bas granted tbe Crew -TeDboBe Jt Telerah Company right-cf way within tbe city limits,, and wcrk Has beee com-nwoo-d oo aa exteaioa of tbe liue from McMineriUeto, ilUmina and tbe coat. Thu will prove a great cooren- ence to basiaevs mew, and tbe large num ber Of people wbo annua!!? spend tae sarn mer at tbe coast. Saadkaccea. Darrox. Or., Jnne 18 O M Barria, i drugget. hile on his way borne from hi ore last night was unduairged. ro vil lains had taken a position in an allev through which Mr Harris would have to pars, and struck him with a gunny-sack containing sand, air Harris was knocked down, and the rascals ran. Ts FWhlig BMIaaltaa. Astoria, june 17. Tbere ha been a marked improvement in the strike sitaa tioa today, and a number of Umu have been drilling all day io tbe rier below the city. The only trouble that occurred, as far as reported, was ia tbe cae of a oupie of American fi-bertnen, wbo were ap proacbed in a threatening way by several boats fu!l of strikers and ordered' to desist from filing. The men. being within sight of town and knowing that they were watched by tbeir friends on shcos, paid no lurouos io ine raiien. ImI Want Hartaa. ST.Loct. June 1?. The New York sta.e Si chic toy crowd worked hard to night, and in Cornelius Bliss room the leaders of at least two-thirds nf tbe states were brought in and argued with. At i late hour tonight the Miller adhereotssaid "Mr Morten cannot be nominated for vice-president. He is beaten now, and Mr riait cannot succeed in bis plans. e have secarea cr ont ot vu votes ot Indiana, and nearly all of Illinois. We wi:i not give out s? . 1 a 1 n . r ngures, obi we nave toe t lall men beaten. tela rsmeral. Bak.r Citt, June 1?, The funeral of the French family took place this after noon, under the aatttrioea of tha WiwJnu. otthe World. Store wr all rl,.l .n.i the cortege that followed them to the crave - " .vug. r cm preacneu a touching funeral sermon, and the Kev Airtieil pronounced a benediction. Th seven comn were pot in the same grave. iw tw teams were tn tne tine ot march. (Wtlrarnla eaaacrai's Sacramkxto. June 17. The democrat; convention adopted a platform declaring tor metres coinage of stiver at a ratio of 16 to 1, regardless of the action of other countries. A gold amendment was voted uowd by a cecimve maiontv. A woman suffrage amendment to the platform was aoteated by a vote of 412 to 202. A Ion I? itrucule was caused hv thai . uon or me piat orm wnicn entittrM Hm . dent C'eveland s administration. "i.Kth exception of bts huanctal polity. ' A nialkterlal Sa-t. SaH Fhakcisco. June 17. Rev If F Marsball. who was etnnloved bv the Call several months prior to iaat Asril. tiled a complaint against lohn 1 Spreckles Ma? demanding $30,000 damages for awault and battery. The young clergyman recites in the complaint that, "oa the Hth of April. 1S96, the defemknt assaulted and Hacked the pmiutin with great force and violence. Declared raw Silver. . Whumno. W. Va., lune 17.-Four democratic district conventions se'ected delegates to tbe Chicago democrat-'c na- f tional convention totluy, and all f ir dis-1 tricu declared unequivocally for ti e free and unlimited coiiiatfe of silver. 'Big as a CPHU) For 10 cents you, get almost twice as much "Battle other high grade goods. Before the Bdays of "Battle Ax" consumers paid 10 cents for a small plug ot the same1 I quality- Now, "Battle Ax "High est Grade, twice the quantity. - Inafs I true economy. Lebanon. Walter Worrell, front Albanv, is now clerking ia Read, Peacock & Go's Leb anon store, succeeding a. K. iiootsgue, woo wiu go to Albany. W. II. Latxe has opened a ten-cent barber shop in tbe boilding between Read, Peacock & Co's and B. M. Don aca'a. F. M. Borkhart has 68 head of extra fine sheep. When sheared a few days ago tbe wool cl p of each weighed be tween 10 and 17 pounds. At the meeting of tbe coascil Tuesday evening R. B. Montague resigned aa mayor. C. . Pngh eras elected mayor, and S. O. Wallace was elected eoancil man in place of Mr. Pnsrh. Tbe members of tbe Salvation Army lea town Saturday. "Captiaa" Moore said he would return, ia a week, bat we hardly think be will. The case of tbe Line County National bank and the Bank ot California against the trustees of the Bank of Lebanon has been decided in favor of the defendants in the United State circuit coort of ap peals in San Francisco. The cans has been in the coons a boat three years. It was first tried in tbe United States dis trict coort at Portia ndnd then appealed to the higher coort in San Francisco, both courts deciding in favor of the de fendants. This deciaioa means a great deal to the trnswee and depositors of the tsanx ot Lebanon, many thousand dol lars worth of property being involved. The news of the victory vraa ioyoosly re ceived by all oar ciuans. A good oeai of credit is doe Attorneea Somen and Garland for their sucreeful work in this important case. Abvance. Ia Memorian. Bro. W. H. Morrison a member and officer of Dierdorff Lodge So. &4 I.O. O F. at Scio, Oregon, died at his home near Uus piaee May 14, IK'S. The seal, the fire, that in him barnec1. .ouiuijr iieeu coaia amocue-r For more than ail things to the last He loved to meet a brother. Resolved, that we, the brothers of 1'ierdoS Lodge o. f 4, of Scio, Oregon, bow with bambie submission to the will of oar Heavenly Grand Master and con template with profound sorrow the death of our well beloved brother and we do sincerely mourn the foes sustained RaaoLvas, that we tender to the rela tives and friends of our deceased brother oar fraternal and heartfelt svmpathv. The order of Odd Fellows of DierdorS Lodge Ko. 54 is called upon to mourn tbe death of one of its best and most attent ive members; tbe heart that throbbed for others' has ceased to beat, and soon will bave mouldered away and joined its kindred dust, the voice so often uplifted in defence ot Odd Fellowship is silent, to be heard pomore on earth aavw in the sad, mellow echoes of sacred memory, j Rxsolvko, that . t&ia resolution be spread upon the records of this lodge and a copy thereof published in tbe news- paper. Yours in F. L. A T. Gbi. V. Moaaow. X. G. J. J Baaxxs, V. ti. R. Sheltos, Sec Alter meals yoa enoald tare sircplv a feelinf of comfort and satiataetioji Tab should not feel any special iadicauoee that uisemon is g--mg on It y oa do yoa have indigetioa, which means act-digestion. ium mi;n toe oeriBung ut so many dangeroo diseosea, that it is best to take it in hud at once and treat it with Shaker tngestive Cordial, t or yoa know that in digestion makes poison, which censes pain andsicknesa. And that Shaker Digestive voruiai neipa utgestioa and care tndigea tioa. bhater Digestive Cordial does this by providing tbe digestive materials ie which the sick stomach i wanting. It r-Uo tones np and strenshens the digestive or- S o. ana mase inem perfectly besnthy. rhisi tbe rations le of iu method of cure. as tbe doctors would say. Sold by drug (twa, price iv cents to ei.uw per Dot lie. Seaside Excursion Tickets. Summer excursion tickets, good to re turn unui uctooer lUtn, to l equina Bay are now on sale bv the Oreiron Central A Eastern R. K. at Albany and OorvaUis at me usual reuucea rates, via : Albany to Yaqnina and return, $3.50; Corvaliis w i au tiiua ana return, fa.s. In this connection arrangements hare been made whereby the tug -tweoiuie has been placed in regular service be tween Y equina Bay and Xewport for the accommodation of excursionists, xne "Resolute" is one of the Unrest and most commodious tugs on the Pacific Ooaat and will take fishing parties to sea and return whenever desired, the weath er permitting. t r ataadlax at Slaaa Four out of every five bottles ot medi cine sold in th) last ttve years ate S. B. (roods. The 3. B. Headache and Livei Cure 1 nse myself si a geuerai phydc. If you are sick and want to set well, the quickest, cheapest and safest method ia to tne u. remediss and use as directed C. r". BtlCH. DruintuL Dufur. Or Via saia oy r osnty a Misin at 50 cU pi r hot v. - A Kataral aeaatller - Karl's Clover Root Tea purifea tla bkvwl and gies a clear d beautiful complexion For sale by Foshay and Mon. It Saves Uva Kvwry Star Thousands of eases of Consumption, Asthma, Coughs, Colds and Coup are ured every day by Saitoh's Cure. . .. . I vcsupauon. causes more tnan naif thai iii.i v , ..1 t "Tul I '"."T": v'ioot "eaM - ?fS ZlZ,.0iHr f0"U Barn Door. Ax" as you do of I afl Democraric Strtle Ticket. Preadeotial Eleeic ED ARD K1LLFEATHE. - J. M. CAROLL. J.J. WHITXET. W.W.OGLESBT. C,uirruunr liCcaa Cocwrr. t" i. C aEirr auke oat tlial te Oa) a taeaxatoisr..uaasaTacaw. I ia Um Cut at Tuiedo. Ceenttv ao?waid. aad that asid Bra win att a O.XB ElTfDaSD DOIXA&S fat enrreaval Caurra that cacao ha CBisatbrthenawof Bm'i Cams Craa. KJLa. j.tut.i. to e-Soiw a) and asbacnaad SB trt thi-daj cf lire i ialH,i,aVj.a. aax. A. W. GLEASOT HaTJ'a Csiarra On titakiw fattmanr and acta cUraeUyoattk B4ooel sad aaco anfaeeacd OX THE CCRXER. JoliasGradwrohl Keeps Open Doors Early- and Late. J olios Gradwohl does bnnne-ji now in Tbjlsw eauo lai iati ekMsa- Caain lm aadfitaa 1M ana eachaad saatantcaa. fceM tor IMnauiH. free. I. i. CKESET CO., laiade. C aW Sold by XnfxiCa Ss. the opera bnose store at the comer of i tecood and Ferry. r von can find a I hfUM .frwW af mtmAmwA !. Ana. f ale cheap. Everything find-clase. Also a Ng vane:y ot crockery ware of all , kinds which jon can bay a cheap as it j can be secured anywhere. The O.F.I tore n aiding the balk of bis roods a i kept cloeed. Call at the corner place oa oaemese. HE OBSERVING. ' Cash for poai:ry ax R. M. Robertson a Thebet fresh groceries and prod ace at Cona k HosinV LuMSMtb i-i:es fani m t a Mnt areas ssj,k ty Mrs. McLea Dr. (i- W , Mastoa. pavtoaa and cor peon, Albany Or. Calsacswered pnxapt- iy im ci.j or Cfanzrj. Drs-H. E. and O K. Beers oces aad residence in tHe post otrke baiMing Spec ial acseanoa given to disfeases of women Cares Crei. Sly three ch;ldrea aren't tabieetta croap; I :ierraphe to $i Francisco, got go a aait daa&a Mrwot 5 rJ uoagh Core It u a ptrfect remedy . God bleas yoa tor it- Yours, e"e J.H. Ooxier, G-raaU Pasa, Or." For ai'e by F hv k Maaoa at 0cpjrbtt!e. r-a ia and. Or: Tbere ts no roedicine for tbe amtt.l 1 miuwers, pabuc soeaxera and singer. "I'h tbe ronSdeace that I can the S. R Cogh Coie." For aale by Fswhay & Ma- oas at oucts per ootiie. aw atsHam a ad Lver Complaiot yoa bare a prieted DlebMiAa mm, QIIaV V , f . i hwr It evr fall to eura. Jjt aale bv w a a v. w trenays aiason Farm Loans. 1 have a limited amount of. saoae) to loan on good farm lands in fina sua ad joining county. Oa very favorable terms. Interest panbie annually. Call or write at once as the aaieoat I have for loaaiaar will soon be goaa. C-G. BcaaaaaT, Albany, Oregon, Bicycle Accaents. The Prefen ed Accident Insurance Co.,of Xew York, insures against accidents of all sad every desenpuon, and especially irom noinir tHCTCiew or pan Diavinv. yachting, n suing, gunning, or other sports and athletic exercisse. accdent companies. wax .11.11 uu iwuoie DPnentspaia it accident cs curs while traveling oo a public convey- anew ihiuihi or steam, etectricitv or cable. For full particulars, rates and appli cations call on C G. BcaxKAxr, Agent. Le everybody come to the Star Bakerv and get Vmic ot freh bread for ii.oe cash, . - CMcvir. The "Pierce 175.00 bkvcie is the qual of many JflCO wheels see for your, elf. C W. Exxixs, Aeent, ratarrh tared Healtn and sweet breath secured b Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Pric-i 5O cen Nasal injector f 'ee. lor sale by roshay It Mason. an suw'ain it. Ak your physician, oar drugvist and your friends about Shiloh's Cure for con iumption. 1 hey will recommend it. For sale by Foshay je Mason. Money to Loan. A limited amount of money to loan on good farm security r. c-x&kj a c vo. Barret sweet pickle, Barrel sour pickles, Ovster cockhiil sauce AtPaiker Bros. Kasf CtoralMt Ta .... u.j w j 11 a cart iw oriiuo u. v dieH No bing relieves so qnick. For ale by Foh.yJt Mason. t