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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1896)
A k. Jk. A. r - 1 t V i r. 1 VOLXXXI. Bater'ad sin eke Fctl e a albany. r. Seesaw-Class Hall Halteri ALBANY CDGihOON. V . JULY S!)G N 48 BLACKW ELL'S I WANT NO OTHER. SEE? " iS5t !4 DURHAM SyyflX IK Tow wUl buMi cacst two otuo baga and two conpa Swslds sasfi Atat .OBMt bag of IUacaE wstt's Daxkaou Bmy a bag f this eeleturatcd tobaeaw and nod to eonooo which gives o list of vmluabls ps saats oad bow to s"t UitM. 5? Post atllaWe, Host Cot bit ArtO Indestructible fflaywoocFi BICYCLE. THIS S75.00 COM PLETE BICYCLE STRONGEST . V WITH COUPON 1 11 j " ISM Oct. 5. 1(03 Jso.91. IS9S I RBI 4-n t. ISM Otlxrs IVo.stBC THTJESDAY - PATENTS J M-ff; The "Haywood" is the ttrmgrtt omit tmiS-v iicjicj-' er ratiii Adapted tor til kino of mads and rider. Mario of materia that "tsf.' 7?s(? tin,- fiae la cocatracuon. easily taken aivart and pot totre titer. Has lew ins; is of seen vtry ccaninu t:cu that its parts Wtil hold together even in an acci !en'.: do bcliow tubin to crash 10 at every contact; a trams that cannot be broken: ao srarcle tliauta iciibuiii rim serve a. its ccnncctirsa- tart: a ens- ieee crank in place of a dozen parts: always reariy to eive reliable and rapid transportation. iBJUu-mptiimiaiawaumoiia. rmranw w yra. 01 fs-inca eoiq rolled steel rods (tonshest aod stronjrest metal far Us wei, ?' tnowni: joined tocetbet with aluminum bronze fittings in such a manner tbsx K is Imp-wli-le to break or any i-arx work loose; a marvel of aoreltr. simplicity bikI dural iUi t; ts civ; Ifst comnnatioa of uuranitf in bicycle mechanism known, to baild a trsme wit!ic.n' braapu Juiata and taiiinc. as jrsn know that frames oontinaiily break and tractor? at hratea joints, awl laVw when t bev ere buckled in cannot be repaired WHEELS w-ineh: warranted wood riios pia-io wire tan-Ant spokea and brass nipples. 1117BS Laree barrel pittern. TiRK itiiaidoa" Hosepipe or Kor ean Wrieht 4jo2ck Bepair. or some otlter Crat-cl-ss nn-ciate t. e. UKAHiXt.S BsiJ bearrnes to CTery part, isctadins wheels, crask asie. aecrii? fceati aad wisli. i TPS ANO COSiS-Best qaaiity tool steel, oaref nUv t C3.p?red ant! fc&i-lMe-J. UAiKS - Hii-h rrada hardened centers, rear adjustment. CKAJtKS tr celeb o-vc.i one-ciecr -rank. fully pro tected by patents; no cotter pins. KE .CH8r,orsst. inch;j: loaees. Inches. OtAK Ct or T2- FRONT FORK Indestructible; fork crwu made frvm gaa-oorrel stceL IIANDI.B 15 Ait Reversible and adjustable: easilv adrted to an v paaif ton desired; raw's lim f ar nisbed if ordered.' sADULE P. fc F., Gillian, or mie other Urst-claM mak M lji Bat-trap or rubber; full ball bearing. "IiiSU nameled Us black. tb s!I H.'rht p&rt nickel plated. Each Bicycle complete with tool hac pomp, wrsnsh and oiler. atgttt, ae sordinit to tires, peilals. saddles, etc-, JT to pounds. St4 is oar Special Wholesale Price. Jfef-rr before sold for less. To quickly tntrodaae the "H iyww Bicycle, we hare decided to make a special eonpon offer, pinne every ' leader of this paper a ohanes to iret a first-class wheel at the . owest price eyer offered. On receipt of $3S.m orf eoiirum we will ship to anyone the above Bicycle, securely crated. -and guarantee safe delivery, ilocey refnnded if not as represented after arrival and examination. We will ship C O. D. with privflere of examination, for S36.M) and coupon provided $5.00 is sent with order as a guarantee of good futh. A written binding warranty with each Bicycle. This is a ahanes of a lifetime and you cannot aSord to let U "taor tanitypass. Address all orders 10 CASH BUYERS UNION. l I IHMIHIH Ccopoa No. 21 03 t coos eom I SENT WffM OROH FOR No. 5 Maywr-vd .Bicycle... - (63 Wast Vast Bares Street. Bi 9f 05. CHICAGO. UX. 1 1 H I H H M Albany Furniture Co., Incorporated. j A Jl CIRCUIT COURT. OBrARTMKNT NO. 1. Oregon act W 0 Bond. Carrryini con cealed weapon. Plead curtly. Fined $150 and ordered committed tome coun ty jail until line 18 paid, to pay costs and diaoaraementa. Oregon asrt Silas Harr Pearl. Assault ani battery. Plead guilty and was lined $100 and costs and disbursements. Oregon t John R Pearl. Acquit and batierv. i'lead guilty and was fined $200 and costs and disbursement. Oregon agt Elmer Pearl- Assault and battery Plead guilty and was fined $100 ana costs ana disbursements. 1 Oregon act II D Be bee. Selling liquor to minora. Willie Booth, Everett Oanlon and Ed Uuy, 3 cases. Plead not guilty and continued. . BKrORTOr GRAXDJUKY. ; Wo, the grand jury o! Llan Co. for the Juneterm 1S9, respectfully report that we nave disposed ot ait buMness brought before us, that we hare made an exami nation of the county iail ami rmirt. hnum and buildings; aleo'the different otficea. We unit the othcers in charve courteous aod obligiug. We find the ollices nf the clerk and recorder too small and incon venient for the business of the count. The vault is o w crowded to the materi al damage of the county records. We woull therefore recommend that the honorable county court take steps to im prove the same. For the kind and cour teous treatment extended us by the of N ficers of the court and county weex orees our thanks and respectfully aak to lie (iiscnargeo. signed Dy u ii Ambrose, foreman, Peter Ruettner, W H Inerara, W F Hammer, J T Follis, John H Reiu hart and James Freeman. Court adjourned. Postmaster Smith of Lebanon, went (o Portland today. Rev. Frank Abram Powell and bride wer in the city this noon. License has been issued for the mar riage of C. I. Smith, and Laura G. My ers. Fred Shntts and Rolla Ramp left' this morning on a fishing trip on the Crab ttee. . . Miss Lola Dyer has been eiec'ed teach er of a school in Linn county oppoeite Corvatlia. , Bishop Gross did not attend the Sis ters Commencement as be bad anticipat ed doing. - Mis. M. O. George of Portland, ia spending the week in the citv the guest of Mrs. 11. X. George. A lawn social will be eivrn at the nwi. dene of 3ir. 8. Livinuston our 2nd and Main sta., rridiv June 26th- Ice cream 10 cts. a dih. Come. . Wm. M. Hoag is in the city, and is contemplating the erection of a brick on his property at the corner of First and Lyon streets. Miss Ella McCoy, of Albany, ia spend ing commencement week in Corvaths visiting her cousin. Miss Helen iiotmie. Corvallis Gazette. aitmra.u ine ai. r.. naraonage tiv Rev. H. Oberg, June 13, Gornelius M. eetbrook. of Lmn county, and A man da B. Johnson, of Benton coumy.-Ocr vallia Uaxette, Mrs. Dr. C. R. Temp!eton. of Port- a - ' ... una, is in tne city, ana will remain un til Saturday, the guest of Mrs. E. W. Langdon. Mrs. Teniplewn is ft member 01 the alumni of Albany College It is reported that W. J. Bennett, the architect, of Medford, has fallen heir to a handsome fortune of $45,000 by the dea: h of a wealthy bachelor nncle iu New orfc. Ashland Tidings. Homer Davenport, Oregon's famous cartnUt on the Sen York Journal, vis- ited Alcuiniey the other dav. and was very much pleased with hint personally. Homer though has given McKinlev's v arwich, Mark Hannah, some live hits in lits pictures. Special pi ices on whips for the next xlxty days. 7 ' TOWIB A ToMLlf10 OVUNG XO. 1, " SISTER'S COMMENCEMENT. j The Sisters of the Academy of Our( Hnnriacc Lsdy of Perpetual Help and their pupils lsC2 . gave oueof their pleasing entertainuients, I the regular commencement exercises, ! ' lasteveniiig at the opera house to aa ac- J Tfl! 1 1 fC preciative audience. VUliaiS The opening selection was Clayton's i Grand March, nicely presented by the ' 1 Academy orchestra. The school sang I the opening chorus and Mips I. Zlerolf delivered the a. 'atory in a pleasing man ner. A class of boys and girls sang "A Natural Spell," a humorous piece well given. Miss C. Angeil performed upon tte piano, giving Beethoven's 78ih Op. No. 2i, displaying her excellent training. Four boys sang "Out on the Deep," and a quartet of young ladies, Misees Angull, McGhee, Casey and lioheim were htturd upon two pianos in La Midget, skillfully presented. "Rebecca's Triumph" wa presented in thM acts by several bright girls, who did their parts well, receiving many favorable comments for the excel lent "mnnn r in which they entertained the audience with their good act ing. The play is a prt-tty one,exciling the constant sympathy of the audience, who rejoice at the good termination. Betweeen the acts Misses X, Davis, S. Zy8 and M. Angeil were heard in a trio, cleverly executed Mixs Dai is and Mas ter McGhee sang A Musical Trial," s humorous vocal contest to ascertain which was the btt-r singer. Tl younger pupils gave the laughing chorus. lontUy applauded. Master McGhee sang, "My sunny boutbern Home" with gui tar and zt'.hern aucoinpaninmeut, his sweet - voice and excellent rendition bringing him a warm encore. Miss An geil wae heard on the piano in the ''Last Rose of Summer," with variations. Miss E M. Case executed "The Gems of Scot- itnd," displaying an excellent touch. The Midnight Fire Alarm ' was sung by a class of gir.e and boys. The Academy orchestra played "Liberty Bell" and a large chorus oi voices aang rairy Voices," the farewell song. Different members of the school were presented at this time with many handsome floral tributes from their frii-nds. a feature greatly enjoyed, by the auJieuce as well as the recipient. Hits Cheitpct PlHCC to Roy. Death ol Mn. Jason Wheeler. Mr. Eiita D.. wife ot Hon. Jason Wheeler, died at her home in Albany yesterday afternoon, June 2 1. at 3:46 p. m. after s lingering illness. The de ceased waa one of Linn county's most prominent pioneers. Sue btlonged to s family of pioneers, the Ctarpools. She waa married to sir v neMt-r in iov. Her children are Mrs J S Morgan, Mrs. O.H. Walker, of this coontv. Mrs. Dr. Kitchen, of Stayton and Mr, rntnk Weeler. of Blue Lake, Calif. Mr. Wheeler was woman of exemplary character, U-Soved by all knowing her. Uer record is ooe all mar be proud ol The funerl service will take place at the residence tomorrow aiurnoon at 3 o'clock p. m. THE 4TIT. Lames Acsiuakv. The nest reguliar meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary mill l-e held at the Y. M. C. A. rooms, Friday afternoon, June 2Ttb, at half past three o'clock. All ladir are invited t l present. The enbjeit for the afternoon is Marietts Holly (Joeiah A lien Wife.) fjome and en j jv good langh. Follow ing is the program. sketches of the Lfe of Marietta Holly, M .s.Hart. Samantlta ees the Dr., Miss Clara Gard. . A victim oi "Peticnlers," Mrs. E. E Goff. Selection from Soiant!.a at tl.e Cen tenial, Mrs. Howland. ' The MtCHisvcrs Caow. It is said that rrows are one of th worst enemies that China pheasants, and other bir.'e that msl in the open Gelds, have The crxw aid rob every nest be can find of ! all the eta it contains and in this man- 1 ner des rovs liundrels of small ti;H. M r. An her Rice, of the firm of Howe V S !' ... " . S hum nrta 8a t si va.aS tarn SaraSSiA MnrtH Clttl Undertakers and Embalmers. Baltimore Block, Albany, Oregon No Charge fnr Hewse or Services t4f l a. s 1 IGUSMUSINESS OLLEGtS: PORTLAND ORcGDH Fl'IX ENGLISH C " "r FXENCll AS t " EUSINLSS BKANUtcS. - - ' I300KXEEP1T' j, SHORTHAND, TELEGrAimy. & Kice of this city, and Miss Mae Coch ran. one ot Uatta-re urove s accomplish- ed ybung ladies, were married at the home ot the bride a ui oilier, Mrs. Sarah 1 Cochran, at their c-iuntry borne about a : :.a It milelromUottagsuroveataoclock this aiternoon. Rev. C. A. Wocley of rairmountothcialuig. The newly mar ried conple will go to Linn county to morrow, where they will spend a few days viutiog with Mr Rice's people, and win return here next Sato. Jav. Lngene Guard. . Mr. and Mrs. Knox Haight returned from Missouri on last night's over.and, and will not go back. He was importuned by tne spauidmg Uompaoy lor whom tie was working to remain, but could not be induced to do so. He was within a short distance of the famous cyclone and did not propose U remain any longer in a cyclone country, so long as there was such a vailey as the Wil'amette. Mr Anelyn went into ot. lonis to see U fits mother, who resides there had been swept away, bnt fortunately she was in a safe part of the city. them, one at a time, to some con ten etit place where he devours them. A ge!l man who reen't-s near this city states that the crows in his neighborhood have a feasting pire on bis premises and that at this point there ia an accumula tion of thousands ot egg shells which have been carried theie by his crowship. In Linn county the crows have been so destructive upon the eggs of China pheasants that an Albany firm hae offer ed a reward of 10 cents for every crow presented, dead or alive, at their place of business. Eugene Guard. Eoitob Dsmocka: Sodavilla is not yet a city, but it is slowly advancing city.warJ. One of its inhabitants told nte, so'in after mv arriv al on Monday, that the town is booming In order to ascertain tlm extent of the boom, I made s careful inspection of the town. Since last September, I find that one new house has lecn built, that the Sodaville band has in process of erection a building 61 feet by So and two stones high, aod that the Cumberland Pre.-by-teriana have begun to build a new church. I also find that no active meas ures have been taken for the const ruction of the contemplated narrow guage rail road ; but, il talk ia an effective rail road builder. I may be able to reach Sodaville in ls;7 without a change of conveyance at Lebanon. "No tongue can tell or pen portray the good time" that is coming for S. daviile, when the citiiene of Ore gon and adjoining states become aware of the medicinal qualities of the water ol the Mineral hpritig and know bow bene ficial it is to dyspeptics, rheumatics and others to take an outing i this health rt storing resort, I heard vitiior say today, that be believed tbe curative power of the mineral water here is great er than that of any other spring in lit" stale. A vKitor, last summer, express ed the belief that it is ','supeiior to any spring on this coast," ' At present ifce number of health-seekers is not Very great. Last Monday tbe number of tents was six just six mere than there were at Waterloo. There is still room for more guests at the Eugene Hntel." the "View House," and "smith's Board ing House. Albany has two representatives of the invalid class here both over ix feet ia height, and more are expected There is one class of uen for w hmn Sodavsli lias to atfactiuns. It is a strictly temperance tuon andtbo?ho tike something stronger than mineral water liave to go ! here lor it. Tbe nearest point a here such can be acrom modated is at a mikro-monoUippic town located on the !sjnt:am Kver. altmt 21 miles distant from tSohtriJe. h bear the same name at theciiv at which N Hileon met his memorable lefeat ; and. if reports are true, there has beei. ntore than "n defeat by the enemy at the tali of the Saniiaiu. Tbe chief amuen,ent at rkalaville is the game of croquet. One of toe players is a well known populist. My private opiniwn is, that bse knowledge of the rules of the game will not stand ti e test of authority any better than his know- ledgeol the lundamental principles of good government. His ruling afforded joosidrrable amusement for some of the spectators yesterday but did not give turn the game. Although pnpu'iist are said to I nu merous id and around Sodaviiie, I bare not vet bad any conflicts with any of them. Tbe one with whom I had a tilt lar summer is reported to bare been seen wearing a MctCinley Ut-lge. Per h ps he has been thinking over tbe quesii'in which be was unable t, atmaer and has discovered that populism is not w hat he thought it was. Or perhaps he beard some of Jacob S. Coxey's t waddle and mas disgusted, as Some "f the other Sodaviliites were. CtatAsa. Sodaville, Or., June 55, IK'S. The executive committee of tbe Wood, men met last night and furthered the arranginents fur the coming 4th of July celebration, which promises to bring tbe biggest crowd here in the history of Al bany 4tbs. ' Tne program will be something like this: 47 guns at sunrlee. The excur sion train for those desiring to go to Gates will leave here at 8:30. At Gates there will be a chopping match, dancing, etc. The train will return to Albany at 4 :30. Fare, round trip $1. Japanese fire ballon in Albany at noon. At 1 p. m. an oration will be delivered in Albany iu front of the court bouse, with appropriate music; then the local contexts, races of different kinds, and dancing on the big platform. At 5 o'clock the parade will form lead by the several hands together, followed by a steam tire engine contest. At 8 :30 a mass entertainment will oc cur at the opera house, with the beet vocal snd instrumental music to be ob tained. The feature though will be the prise elocutionary contest for valuable medals. A big ballon ascens on will follow and the finest fireworks ever seen in our citv. Among tbe prises will be the solid gold prises for the chopping and elocu tionary contests. $10 for lug of wsr, new hat for each member of team of five win ning at cocked hat, solid gold necklace tor best lady waltser, watch chain for beat gentleman waltser, 10 pounds of Albany-Creamery butter for prettiest baby under 1 year from country, and gold ring for prettiest baby free for all, and many prises for foot and other races. Academy Notes. Mrs. Cora M. Case, oC Portland, who came np to attend the commencement exercises, and daughter EtteHa, of tbe Academy of Oar Lady, left 00 the noon local to visit friends la Junction, Eugene and 01 her points further south . Mr. James Casey, of Wood burn, who has been visiting h-r daughter at the Academy, and attending the commence ment exercise, left on tne noon local to visit her sister Mrs. John beard, ot Tsn geot. Her daughter, Misi Maggie, will accompany her hon.e to spend her va cation. M iss I lrl n Kelsoe. of Portland, is cn a visit to friend at Our Lady Academy and attended the commencement etor cises. The Misees Carrie and Maodie Angeil, of Brownsville, and Miss Irene Ziero'.f.ol Monroe, who spent tbe year at tbe Acad emy, bave returned to their homes to spend inr vacation. He si so a Place Mixr. The annual clean-op haa been finished at Hie Hamp ton mine on Grave creek, and the result shows $100,000 in virgin eoSd. This was oMained from only three of the 100 acres 01 ground owned by the company. II the yield of the entire property is abo-ii the same per acre, it ought to produce over $-t.0Ul O00. But tbe said $100,000 must be offset by heavy sinenses. Last year a $00,000 ditch waa built, and the year previous another costing iare sum, and for two of the claims $v,000 was paid. On tbe average 16 luen are etup ored. night aoi day t bills, who are nai'l $2 per da without board. Grave creek has been a great producer for years, aod many miUtoos U jet bideo in i.S bars. Uuseburg PUmdeaUer. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest TJ. S. Gov't Report dCOHsUXEELV PURE this a-w... yTe" W-l FORTMILLER & IRY ING T T 17 CD .n(l a aa Viand a full n of mpfnllic. cloth and wood caskets and coffin K. i.n,iai ri- n,i suits, in broadcloth, satin, cassemere which ri lbesolda - Tbe I.eet Llvlag ProOts E WIJ L.M I N Q and the oroper care ol the dead a pecialty, , 9 mm One assessment io tbe A. 0. C. W. or der for the month of July, Conn Huston for grocenee, A large amonnlof wool being hro-ight to Albcnr. Q cents is being paid to day. : John Allen, a miner at Grants Pas, died a ftw days ago from eating a poison ous weed, cooked tor sour dock. Hon. I. S. Smith and Prof. T-rbet . will act on the board nf examiners with Super intendent V heeler. Tbe Salem Statesman won its 31 cent suit against Marshal L'llvy, and row people will know to whom to ray their subscriptions. Dr. E. 0 Smith and M. N. ftuitiog bave taken no tbe IVfetider claim at Quartzvtlle. It is at tbe north eaat end of Uold Mountain, south eut of tbe old Elk trail. H C Watson and C U Drlrymple. of this city, bave betn employed to contest tbe election of I on one. It is claimed over half tbe Indian of the Sile'z thought they were voting for Vancerburg, wbereas be received only two votes from them. lim Corbett. the blowbard pri.; figbter wanted to sbow his friends that be was as good as ever and so lt night fought sbarkey, the marine. Corbet? wss prac tically whipped, ani it i to -be boped Ibis ends bis career, lue pnblic has bad their fill of Corbett. and it wont take long to get enough of Sharkey. Fob Thbek Yauias. A bop cvntract in which Mark S. Skiff and Luke l. Smith are parties of the first part and Elas A rrilx, 01 mcinnatii, 01 tne secomi pan, was filed with the county recorder y es ter Jav. For each of the years 1896. ISS 7 and 1898. Messrs. Skiff A Croith are to furnish the Cincinnati firm lO.dUU pounds of hope, for which they are to lie paid 7Js cents per pound lor the ursv year s crop and 8I cents for each of th re maining years. An advance 01 4 cents ia to be made annually at picking lime and the product is to be delivered at Gervaia not later than October 1 th t- Stitesman. Fai.t Twestv Frrr. Mr. Henry Mill- hoiland, who has the cntr.l for build mg the Bratton bridge in Orleans pre cinct, yesterday af-.ernoon was at wcrk on tbe pile driver, when he fell a distance of about twenty feet, to the ground be low. He was badly bruised but lortnn ately no bt nea were broken, and be will be laid np lor only a tew days. Tub 0. A. C. At a meeting of the board of regents of the O. A. c. held at Corvallis last night, the entire old facul ty were retained for another year, in cludimr that of President blows; though n resignation of his was banded in and referred to a c nimittee. Among tne applicants for the presidency we-e 11 B. Miller and E. B. MrElroy. Among the graduates of tha O. A. was M!ss Ida Ward, daughter of Mr Scott Ward of this county. Miss Ward will be one of the Uachers of the I.eba non school next year. , Suey's Tumble. HO EXTRA CHARGE FOR HEARSE OR SERVICE. raOMAS BRINK, All kinds of furniture and bedding-, and it you want the most complete flotr saio, he has them and his torces the lowest. ALBANY, OREGON. Dealer in A very amusing scene occurred on Lvon street this forenoon. A Chinaman was snoving nis launary wagon aiong the sidewalk, with Huey seated high np on a bundle at the front end enjoying ride. One of tbe wheels suddenly went into a crack, the Chinaman lost his grip od the handle and np it went, while the front end went down very rapidly. tuey was thrown hnadlong forward, turning a somerset and sprawling out upon the sidewalk, slightly scratched, lie was decidedly mad and yelled 1 1 7 1 d- 1 1 e if it 1 not iieceseary to add that he is recovering. Bcsn Wtuiot's Victims. A list of men beaten by Bush ilson for County Clerk of Benton county, has been compile! by an old settler and is as lottows : feugene PerLam in 184: Henry: Bell in 18o John Brin In 1868; James Cauthorn in 1870: Cant. Robinson in 1872; James A Cauthorn on the independent ticket 1874; E. A. Milner in 1878; will r. Web ber in 1878: John T. Hughes in 1880; George W. Henkle in 1882; E. Holgate in 1854 ; w. ti. farker in 1880 ; U. f Blue in 1888; Joseph Bryan in 1890, and X. M. Hunter in 1892. Mr. Wilson was never beaten. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY .JOM:..! 1 Proprietor. m It Leaps. Yesterday W. D. Claggett and D. W. Pugh. after examining all the different makes of windmills in the mar ket, purchased each an Aermotor wind mill and they will be at once erected at their respective homes. These mill were bought of Messrs. Griswold & Chase, the Sslem agents, who have sold a Urge number of tbe Aermotor mills in this vicinity during tne past tew year, an 01 wiiicu arc giving enure satisiac- tion. Salem Statesman. In this county Mr. W. W. Crawford haa had the same experience with the Aermotor. Every. uoay wants ltauu it aiways gives sans-action. si vmm worn TAVBRT bomor, whether itehtng, bnrotng, Al blesdltls. acalv. eraated.nlninlv. or hkitMhv whether simple, scrofulous, or hereditary, from ftuauij h, s-, 1 uu w spseuii surwi oy Base Bttu On Salorday the Alban) Rattlers defeated the Scin Rangers in the handsome score of 80 to 30. On ac count of Use size of tbe score only seven innings were played The Rattlers made 33 scores in the 4th inning and the same numoer mine tn. ll.e Albany nine consisted of W. Biddle c, W.J. Warrenn andcapt, Jim Foster, short stop, J. T. Tate right stop. M. S. Monteitb 1st base, IL C. Clement Snd base, C R. I'etii ple- ton 3rd base, Uick Uoon 1 1, r . Cnborn c f and Frank Fish r t, Tho above game aas played May . 1S74. To weeks later the Kaiiiers were beaten by the Monmouth club 41 loST.ei.urely through the uufair rnhngs of the umpire. In this game. E F. Sox and li Richards played in place of a couple of the above men. Tiie nest week tiie Rattle a were Iwsten by taiem 29 to 13. Als ast to Watesujo. M. W. Wilkins of Portland, has been at Albany, Leb- Haymound, the insurance man. I anon. Waterloo and Solaville agiiAlinc lue uuiKiingoi 1 ne motor line ircm At- . H was in the cur. W. M.Kimsey and Ed Hughes went t-j Monmouth 10 day. Mrs. N H. Allen returned last night from s trip east. She was met in Port land by Mr. Allen. A. W. Bowersox of C rvaliis. and Mirs Ada Forrest were marrie-l si HitSceet near W heatland on June 24. Hon. M. A. Miller, of Lebanon, wil leave for Chicago tomorrow o attend the National iN-mocratic Convention, of 1 should be pushed wiiicii ijo will a ntvtuiM-r. The funeral of Mrs. Jaon Wheeler waa held at the Baptist church and was largely attended. Thus we lose another one of Linn county ljet pioneers, a hose lite was a cretin 10 the community in which li lived. Miss Sara N. Brown, the taler.te-1 pro fessor of elocution of Willamette Uni versity and Mark Savage, were married at Salem jesterday at 1 :15 p. m. They passed through Albany last ntgut lor Newport on their wedd'ing trip. Miss Beiie'Burkhart came home to day from Saletd where she has just grad uated lrom tiie vriiiamet-e Luiventiiy Her friends will be glad to know nf her excellent standing as astndent while in the Capital city's popular University. Mrs. 11, C. Wat son and Mies Grace Telfer of thia city. Rev. Geo. PlummT, Mrs. l'lummer, Mr. and Mrs. l.iford. Miss Carrie Liford. Leigbton and Amy Plum- uier, ol Uorvallis, ent to Portland this morning on the Hutu to attend the con vention of the Episcopal chnrcb. Rev. Dr- J. A. Townsend and the members of his family who accompanied hi 111, returned last evening from Kara- toga, 3. Y. w here he had buen attend ing the Presbyterian convention. They also visited their former home in Canada. Kewport Sews. Mr. Chas. Vandervert. of Prineville. Oregon, and Miss Maggie Whipple, of this city, wero united in marriage at the home of the bride's mother at the corner of loth and Oak streets, at 8 o'clock last evening, Rev. J. A. Longboltom officiat ing. Lugene Guard. Mrs S. E. Young.yeeterday afternoon gave a reception to her friend Mrs John Barrows, of Oaklatd, Calif., that was greatly enjoyed by a large number of lady inends. Airs, narrows was a daugh ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Smith and hence sister of Mrs. Walter Mon teith and Mrs. E. J. Tate, a pioneer of Linn county. Previous to going to San Francisco tweuiy year ago Nir. Barrows, now deceased, was one of Albany's active business men for a good many years and Mrs. Barrow's one of Albany's most pop ular ladles. She has many warm friends among our old residents as well as others since acquired who always rejoice at an opjiortimity of meeting her. bany to Waterloo. Last evening he met 1 tie people of Lebanon in reference to tbe proposition. He already lias a good oi ler from Sodaville for labor and material The line is one greatly needed as a means of getting to Waterloo and Sodaville and J -serves hearty support. While the subject has been presented occasionally 1 or s goodi many yr and is always ked upon with allowances, tbe pro ject is very feasible and is one that SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. I. II. VanWink'e is borne from Will amette University. Mis Ida Black went to Portland morning on the Elmore. Miss E tna Price, of Salem, accompan ied Miss Vida Maaton home from Salem today. , Hon. J, B. Eddy will deliver the 4th of July oration at Eagle Point in South ern Oregon. W. Jf. Miller fame djwn from tbe mines this noon. He reports things prospering there. - Preaching at the M. E. Chnrch South tomorrow tuorning and evening b the pastor Rev. T. P. i lay nea. Mr.T. J.Stiteasnd Mrs. E.C. Martin went In Lebanon this morning to spend Sunday with relatives. 8. G. Irvine, superintendent elect, of Lincoln count, waa in Albany yester day on his way home from a trip Eaat. Mr. Gay Miller, of Salem, was in the V,tr If?' ''enin'" Tisiting bis cousin "arkeTf going from here to Corvallis. . Mr- Chas. PfeilTer received a dispatch yesterday telling of the dangerous ihaeae of bis mother at Milwaukee, Wis- now 8d year of age. Mrs. E. E. Davis, of Albany, is at the bedside of Mr. 11. A- Davis, who is bat very little bePer than at this time last wees, ifarrisburg Review. j Tne Combination Barber shop bave secured the service of Dan Volmar, of Portland, formerly of Salem. He is a fine young man and a crack barber. Mr. Hoy t of Jefferson was in the city today makingrraogmenu for that city tug of war team and bowling team to come to Albacjy pn the 4th. G. W. Wright an! . Thrall went to Corvallis today to wuend to the sheriff's sale of the property of Merrill F;ab. situated neaar UoTerdale. Professor E. 3. McCaastUnd, of the state normal school, at Moomoatti, and Mrs. McCausUand, left Port laud Toes day evening for BnSalo, Sew Yo;k. Independence Enterprise. R. B. Wilkins, who ha been attending Vtilfameue L', W11 this after noon tor bis hotne at Alb-toy a here be will rem tin during a- a.100. Salem Journal. Wm. Faber. the Albany brewer, and hisaifcan l married daughter, arrived atoouay. jr. raber left Tnesday for Klamath Hot t-.-rniiri to trv t. . Tbe ladies are stuui-i- at th Ta-nnt Hotel. Ashland Hecurd. Mis HerensrCraaford retbrced lat night from iMlem, where site rvcei.ilv graduated from the sctiool of oratory. Uim Crawford will irive leosons in fiw diflerent t ram lies of ekwuti n and has afreody shoo a a pemiisr ttnesw and talent as an inrtracur. Mr. and Mrs. J. Otto Lee will arrive in Albany tonight 00 the steamer and win make thu city their home. Tbe Statesman say, : J. otto Lee, who has for some time past been so nooular as a clerk with I. W. Putnam, the her, departs fr his new borne in Ar- bsny today. Mr. Lee has booght an in tercet in the drug business there and be a Ul De ooe ol tbe firm nf Barkbart -A Ure. The boats of Salem friends of Mr. aod Mrs. Lee will wish them the otmost proepenly aod happiness in their new borne am ventote. fhe Ettgeae Guard tells a Vmt an event iu the lives of two former Albany i.ple as follow: Last evenirg about 8:30 o ctoi-k nineteen young' ineoda of Mr, and Mrs Uevid Link gathered loeether ana quietiv proceeded 10 the pretty borne of tl.e y. nng couple on East Tenth street and without a warning, but that of friely greeting, nocked in tbe house and took poeeeion. The occasion was ttist of the liist anniversary of their wed ding. The joung people thoroughly en joyed tbe evening ard were made most welcome by tbe kindness and entertain ment received. Af c playing a number of games and spending some time in pleasant conversation, tbev gathered around the table, presided over by tbe host and hostess, and proceeded' to do justice to a delicious recast. This fin ished, with many wUhee for returns of the day and hearty handshakes, the young people dispersed with happy thoughts of tbe time so enjoyably speat. MO HI-. AND ABSOAI) Icecream 5 and 10c a dish at Viereck's summer garden. Fresh vegetables of all kind at Conn k Hostons. 25,000 it at ready fsr use at Yaqoio By. IU The Best Paint in the world is Maenry'a Mixed Pair, t and we bave it in all colors. Every body nsins: it likes it. If yon want lead and oil we bave that, too, and also varnish, turpentine, brcsfaet-, etc Srwast A Sox How Co. Who Hath Woe? Who Hath Sorrow? Who Hath Much' Wrath? Verily it is be that btryetL a Hhd Grade Bicycle at s cost of $o0 ai 10 per cent off for cash. Forbebok it brewketh and casteth him into tht dnst; yes, even into the mire, an gette. h in to the t and of the repair, er, and in tbe end coereth him mat pieces of gold . Moral Bay a "Columbia." It costs $100 and is sold by the Stewar ASoxHdwCo. The bet groceries at prices to uk umes at conn Unatooa. Summer Comets at S. Luis Raket, just the thing for Lot weather. The nest fitting corset in tbe city at Je Kaket Stor raket price. Tbe O. C. k E. bave opened an office and pot an agent in at Pioceer. "pec'al Sale-Tte St. Lau Raket will e" corstt at reduced crieea this week. No m is your chance. Fiee sittings at the ur.g Pbow Co's., for sbcrt time only. Mr Viereck as opened her ice rreare rarlors and omm,r garden 'or tbe sea on The natt irt!e naphtha lannch Triibj came nowa from Curval is this morBing. Ssrne ban'KMBe rirtiiL.r gems at il h'arks, cbeatf. One f.jr every month in tne ear. Cotnmencing Monday morning. Jaoe 2y'h the O. K. A N. . o. steamer will leave at 7 a. nf instead cf 7:45 J. H. M:tche!l bas been sbtted for at fc'mey grneral in VcKinley "s cabinet, ac cording to see report. Call at W illiam Pfeiffers and see fhe beaatifcl needle won, which will be raf fled in a few days. Don't fail to see it. Don't forget tbe O. C E. excurskss to esrport. tlodav1 weather i fine, fiahiag exceheat. Fare only II 50 for tLe round trip. - - K M . Robertaon has inst retnmed from a tr.p eastward and tbr w. bis store wide pea with frssB supply of f ea on bard ana says ne is awtul hnngry for tbickens. Mr. L L. Van Nortwick. th xnert barber, has pnrcbaKl tbe acp of Henry 1 runs, oprx-sue tne Koss li m e, wbicb be will now ran. A barkers anion has been formsd ia Salem, the object beiag to establish noi form rates and uniform hoars n Sundsr. G. C. Baidwis ia president Tbe Salem lonrnal boast of tbe Lev- rpsBs. ot the Examiner da 1, who will proL ably plsy Albany soon, as lollows: jos. lveqne. the praeUcat luse tslliat. who bas rnarge of the team, ia well pleased with tbe work of the bovs and has creat ConSdsATS in them hvA I.W lu. pitcn for the team, will arrive in the city I I YVfi ffif f V irYCf tour or toaKTTOw and wiU a. rnce com-I V W 1UI awlVWa mencw frctking with tbe boys. itL Boss aa Mi ler, as battery, rapporied by soxb aa etuellent tea re, the 'LeveoOea" bave a eord chance to ia the silver can and neastifol pewant. Tbe bons will prob ably piay their &rat game about the first of e. wi: either the Albany or the l' rtlsh l te,m. Card of Thank. 1 We lntrelv thank the nny frier ds whoso kindly cared for tvr wife and mother during her il'ness an.1 trtist jta will all fiml as ready b-lpin thelime of "ri.bfe. ' E. Wilts' Lxxa irstx. Mrs. Arivilia Wills, the dearly l.e ovad wife of . Wis Is, died at her home on tbe 23rd cl Jane, ib'ffj, aged 40 yearg and i days. Something Good to Eat is hard to prepare unless yon Lave nice wife and a cracking good coo stove. .Now ii yon have the wife, w bave the stove. Yon don't wanto dispose cf tbe wife, and we'do waa to sell the stove. What's to preves as from tusking s dicker? Codk around and we'll talk about if. Stewart A Sox Hdw Co. You Can't Fish verw well without rood outfit, and we would like to sell it to yon. We have rode, nets, books, lines, reels, etc. and the p rites are lower than yon nsoally ray. CIKVIII a. A DBS vw. Free Silver I a mighty good thing, and if von have any that yras waiit to swap W wagons or baggies, jast eome stocks' and see ns. We carry the tude baker vehicles, the very best " earth, and can snake yon good ten MTWAsrr A box tiiw Uo. is tbe wsy we sell packets of garden seed, and we also have garden feed in balk and grass seed ot all kinds for sale cheap. SrrwArr A Sox How Co. Oak ville. Almost Anything Tbt junior C. E. of the U. P. Cborch gave an enjoyable picnic acrasa the river today. Someone says the thermometer yesterday r&trhed a high as 97 in tbeshade. Today 11 is ty considerable not as hot Tbe marshal M Stayton is named Apple. As there are no appl-s this tear Mr. Ap ple will need to look out to keep from be ing kidnapped. Nett Sunday is the 50th anniversary of the ordination of Bishop Morris, Episcopal Bishop of Oregon. TLeoccatioB will be duly celebrated at Trinity Church Portland. Several Albany people will attend. Prof, Baker, tne new principal of the Lebanon schools, was principal of the Mc MinviHe schools for eight years and county school superintendent of Yamhill county for several terms Frof. I. M. BHs will retire from (he Agricultural College. His resignation, given wil boat any caue for tbe same, set tles that fact. Gov. Lord, Cart. J- .T. Appersoa and teuton Killen were appoint ed a committee to discover and rerouimend a successor It is repotted that Bon H B. Miller, recently a candidate for nomina tion for congress bas tbe inside track. though Piof, McFlroy u rustling for the lucrative position- - Tub Coolest Store. The Man about Town this afternoon hunted for the cool est store in Albany, resulting in Foshsy A Mason getting the refrigrator. The temperature at their place at S:S0 was 07 degrees above aero. Most of tne stores registered 75. and from tbat np In the shade on the streets it waa from 86 to 88, ten degrees below that of yes terday. Brownsville. Mrs. Baxter's Lecture. Mrs. Marian Baxter, of Chicago, lec tured in the M. E church last night. hhe is a very entertaining talker with a flow of language that is pleasing. A few thoughts ahowirg the general run of the discourse were : Miss Beatrice Baxter, a graduate of the Columbia School of Oratory recited twice displaying a nne talent as an elo cutionist, particularly in narration and dialect- 'Is shall drink no wine" etc She thanked God for peculiar people, for they shall move the world. If yon "eat drink and are merry," re member. The young women of today do not make acv demands on tbe young man. No matter what hi character, il he ia well dressed he can enter anv home. The girl is not particular about the character of her future husband ; but tbe young man wants the puree t girl he can get. Old people should keep the Base Batl. uiiGiira esMveitf A8KQT and blood pari (lor of Ineomparehta parity and curative power. Pursly vegeta. bis, sals, Innocent, and palatable. It appeals to all, and sspsoially mothers, nurses, and children. soi Snoaghoat tht watta. PHc, cvrwmn sv.t OAr. tsa.t RcsoLViMr. . snl St. foms Dsns ASD Chbh. Cosr., rl0 Prop,., Unaion. S-"llov u Car mood Sua Uaman,irss Believing that we are capable of beat ing tbe Albany Colt in a fairly umpired game, we hereby challenge the Colt for a match game to be-played Sunday,June 28.h, 1890. Tub Albanv'b. Gbandpa Crawford, G. B. Miliot, Captain. Manager. Tn reanonse to the above, published in thia morning' Herald, the Albany Colts heieby agree to play The Albaniea any day in tne wee except stiuuay, uiai Imnina tn rhnnm theirown u.nrire. Thev will not play on Sunday. By order of the captain. Mr Hale Backensto, who for many vears was proprietor of tbe Gem saloon tn ' this city, has atone into b is mens in Port land. lla'las O bserver. Chas L. MiUer has exchanged hi beautiful citv nronertv with J. H. WIgle, for 620 acres of land, located 7 or 8 miles outh ol this city. In the trade Mr. Miller secures 62 head of cattle and horse. Dr. J. F. Henry, accompanied by his bride, returned to Brownsville Wednes day morning and ia now receiving the congratulations and well wishes of friend acquaintances. The doctor was married on the 11th day of June, 1896, in Mich igan. There haa een a change In the pro prietorship of The Times. Mr. F. M. Brown, of Independence, this week hav ing purchased an undivided one-nan in terest in the same. Air. Brown ha nad twele years experience in the newspap- i i : -1 : i : . . : 1 : er ptiuiistiiug auu uriuuug uuaiuno. Dr. Charles is now using Dr. Edison i famou Consumption Cure on tone ot his . ' . . I , ' . L. I I. I . patients, miss rvosung, wiui rcuiaraauie results. He inform us tbat sue naa im proved 75 per cent since he began the treatment, and that he believe ahe will recover.- Time.. Get yonr lawn mower sharpened by ai. IMA wig. opposite r, u.- O. tnw, CTth, 1SP6. Ah Milk ha? sold oat hia job to John ineysrd. Mr. . is a native of Ten nessee and is so handsome tbat he doesn't- need a rover on his wagon to prevent ine mux irom soaring, tie will allow only handsome ladies to ride with him. The picnic at Sprengtrs grove was weiwj Mast on Block, siienaeu. mecrowa was esumAtea St fifteen hundred. V e arrived at an early hoar but foand tLe grove crowded. Tbe Targent band had arrived and we soon iouni several familiar coantenanee. We first reewnired Young America of tbe tiEMOCaiAT. 1 rot. bibett, ot J a net Km, tbe leader of tiie band c harln't met him fwr more than foar vears. Among atliers we saw Hon. John Scott, A. L. Kndgelarmer. J. J. Beard and A. 3 Conrad of Tangent, Miss Eva Mills, of l oniand. Messrs Jsrnesan'l Ehnarian Smith of Haisey, sod last but not least. vt. Crawford the. wind mill man, The program for the forenoon was short. mostly band music W ben tbe nooe boor came we were taken in charge br oar scribe and in company with Miss Mills, of Portland, we enjoyed a first class din ner. Alter dinner we (the reporters) visited tne Ice cream parlor ot Mr, Thomas Sprenger and wife . We foand tbem vtry accomodating and they know bow to make ure cream. As we had an en?eeemnt at home in the afternoon we bade our friends a-lieu and departed for Ihe "Athena of Oregon" leaving tbe af ternoon program to lourg America. Mr. W. H. Millhollen is aMe to be on the streets again. He visited the bridge yesterday and foand the wcrk was pro gressing rapidly. Mr. Wilson White and family, of Ya- qnina City, arrived in our citp this morn ing. They are visiting Inenda here and looting tor tnuu Whe received twj boxes of nice straw- berries for which Mr. and Mr. W. H. M illhollen will accept oar thanks. ervices were held in the United Pres byterian chnrch this week, commencing on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. On that day Rev. G. M. Hendetson was in stalled pastor. We noticed the familiar faces oi Kev. x.J. Wilson, ot .mrene. and Revw Wallace D. D.. of Portland. The meetings will continue until Sab bath, which is the regular communion day. The handsome voting ladies ate begin ning, to apply for schools, one cams np tne street mis morning inquiring ior uie school director. Little Rose Bcd. wan'ed by s fanner is kept for sa by tbe Mewart A Sox Hardware O Engines, separators, binders, mot era, rakes, plows, barrows, and al most anything elte in the line of im plements or hardware. J- M- R ALSTON BROKER. Albany, Or Money to loan on farm tenuity, als email loua madecw personal lecority. 1 l'y, coonty and scb-xii warrasU bocgtit. Coiiec toes made os favorable terms. Fits insarancw wrtttea u three d the targstet conipsuiies in tie wold,wt lowest , rales. 1'M 1 fc- f Thty wliotid'erflwt scj - Z txigfit tie my. AfldVAk- 1 scUit. Tbe cc icrri the hearts world of as vortnj man. I habits, with young people, and meet young people see it. lie careiui 01 tne smart the young man of the bad thengglyeye. The providences of God are generally on our side it we no right and live right. Upon request Airs. Baxter told ot tne w.u. x. v. and its work, covering 1 forty-nve departments, the greatest phil anthropic organisation in tbe world, do-1 ing wonderlul work for humanity, vt by, every man ought to ngut tor it. 1 lie killing ot the three thousand peo ple at the coronation of the Osar witness ed an enormons beer barrel in their midst. Everywhere liquor ia the great enemy of the people. The grandest thing ia the resisting nf I temptation, and all are tempted. She had U-aveled 20.000 mile a year for ten yi ars end never met a perfect person. tWAW'S Cuaick Block TiUinir and ex tract vnv of teeth withe Filling and extrsctbav. of teeth pain a specialty FOSHAY ft MSOB. Wkwleeml ft RetaUl Gladness Comes druggists asd booksellers A Linn Co. Hold Up. The eecuntv enjoyed by onr pioneer seems to have vanished, in these limes 01 unrest. 1 in week-, as we are Informed, Hugh Cum- mings received by express to Ila'eev $1300, and on hi way home, when reach ing Muddy bnoge, a tall muscular man emerged from the road side and seized hi horses by the Mta and proceeded tc the usual braggadocio of a regular "hold up." Hugh, as the only means ot de- lencc, commenced in a very vigorous manner to ply the thong ot hi buggy whip, which, proving too hot for the roadster, he came to the aide of the bug gy, bnt waa promptly met with a well aimed blow with the tutt end of the whin which proved a temporary "knock out.'' Hugh improved the lull in busi ness and made good his escape at a rate of speed the equal of which he thinks baa no record. Review. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair highest Award. - ' Thr following advertisement appsaia in a l tanas paper, iiouse ana lot in Aioany. Uregnn. to exchange lor land, rionsa is worth $1,000, and is located in a desirable part of the city. A nyone desiring to make such an exchange will address this ofhee. Xith a better tmderstandirg of tbe v transient nature of the many pnys- .oal ills, which vanish before proper ef- lorts gentle efforts--pleasant efforts rightly directed. There is comfort in the knowlodire. that so many lorms at sickness are not due to any actual dis ease, bnt simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleasant family laxative, Srnpof Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with millions of families, and is evwrywnere esieemea av mjrmv "j who value good health. Its beneficial affects are doe to the fn-t that it is the one remedy whith promotes internal Cleanliness without debUitating the organs on which it acta. It is therefore all important, la order to ges its oene Keial effects, to note when you pur shafts, that you have the genuine arti cle, which ia manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Sy.-np Co. only and sold by alt reputable aruggists. - If in the en.-oyineut of good health, and the aystein is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. H afflicted with any actual disease, one may be commended to the most skillful physician a, but if in need of a laxative, one should have tbe best, and with the well-informed everywhere. Syrup of i ig stands highest and is most largely oaed and gives mot general satisfaction A LEAST. ORAOOX. Pare Drugs and the Finest and Largesi Stock of SuUonary and Boost ia the Market. GEO E FlfH THE TLUMBE Tin roofiing and plptxhisig. the opera house. ALBAHY TRADING CO. GROCERIES and FEED OF ALL KINDS Cheat seed for sale or trade Free de livery. Telephone No. 51 . R.N. If orris, M e;r Cor Sn3 and Mair. Sta. : HOUSE MOVING, Carefully, promp ly lv. at tbe lowest price. Call on or address G W Taylor, 4th and Madison SU Albany. - A -V.