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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1896)
cuwaat. TERMS. D .ily Democrat, 25o per month; $3.00 por .yuivr, n auvatioe 3uc per month net in advance. Wy carrier, 10c per week. 10 per cent added if allowed to ran . over 8 months, Mngle copies 5c Wbki.t. $1.25 tn advance; $1.50 at cnu of year: 1.75 for wvnmi TRr; t'i ltl fi third and proceeding vears, when not. paid in advance. Club of five new subscribers tor f5.00. Clubbing Offer. The Weekly Democrat and Weekly fcxaminer will be sent to subscribers lor $2.35 a year. This includes all the priv ileges of the Examiners big premium gift in May, the same as if you sent the reg ular subscription price of $1.50 directly to the paper. Isn't that a bargain. Weekly Democrat anl thrice a week N. Y. World, $2.00 a year. Subscribers to Daily paying in advance will receive all the advantages of either proposition. $6.00 buys a good Mandolin with book $5.00 buys a good new Guitar with book. $1.00 buys 16 choice "cat gut" Banjo 1st strings. $1.00 buys 12 choice "cat gut" Violin E strings. $4.00 buys a fine Violin with bow. 25cts buys one doten steel Violin 1st or 2nd strings. $25.00 buys a 5-drawer sewing machine; high arm, light running; guaran- teed 5 years ' - ' fSCT'.Prifes on Pianos, Organp, Banjos sent on application., E. U. Will : : : Albany. Tangent items. Tangent, Or., April 20. Our public school will soon le out, on iy one more month A large number of our Tangent citizens went to Albany yesterday to hear Kev, E. A. Ross preach. When he was here during the winter the people madt up a puree oi aoouc ou ana lie promised He would come back in March and Breach one whole week free and did not want any collection taken up lor hia honefit. Now he savs he is not comiar. We ore diet if there was another fat purse niade up lor nmi ne wouia come. . We hear Mr. Bacon and family intend moving to Idaho in a short time and then our city will be out of a blacksmith. We would like to know what is getting the matter with Tangent there has been uo church here for three weeks Quite a large crowd of young people garnered pt the' residence of Atthur Victories, brave deeds, grand invcm tions. command universal praise. Ona such event may make a man famous ? II9,.; ,A&t Monday night and ha'1 and win our admiration in a day. . "We submit that had you never heard of Hood's Sarsaparilla until you read the following statement you would say: " That one cure proves Hood's Sar saparilla one of the greatest discov eries of the age; it is a wonderful blood purifier." But " there are oth ers' equally as wonderful. Yes, literally thousands of marvel lous cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla. The greater proves the less.: . If you need a good medicine to purify your blood you are doing just right in deciding upon Hood's Sarsaparilla, the one true blood purifier. Read this : "I want to say, by God's blessing, Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for ma what no physician or medicine could, after 20 years ot Buffering. After the birth of my last child, in 1874, 1 had a milk leg ; dreadful sores broke out on nv left limb. It was thought I could no.v live. What 1 suffered no tongue can teH,& nd until Jane, 1893, my life was conUnta I misery, ao severe that at times the pain f combined afflictions would cause me to have faint ing fits and speUs like lockjaw. Five dif ferent times gangrene got into my sys tem, and I despaired ot ever getting bet ter. The flesh on my ankle became badly eaten, and the bone was visible in places. My finger and toenails came oft and my hair came out profusely. For years I did not know what a night's sleep was with out opiate to deaden the pain. I lived in good party. Married In Albany on Wednesday, April 15, Mr. Bunnell of Oakville, and Miss Ettav Newcomb, of Tangent. The happy couple will take np their abode near Oakville. May success ever be with them. We hear there is to be two more wed dings soon. Whenever we predict about a wedding it surely takes place. We have always noticed it. The Democrat has not had a correspondent to stay to hia post like Young America. If you don t think so just ask the honorable editor. , Politics are raging in Tangent. At Mr Conrad's yon can hear all sides ot the issue discussed. A. Blevins and Uncle Jesse are leaders. James West, who went to Siseon, Cal., some time ago, will return to his home in Tangent in a few days, well satisfied to come back to Oregon. . Uncle Perry Knighteu went to Port land one day last week to be treated by a new doctor who claims to cue people by the laying on of hands. The prica of candy hearts Las come up in Tangent since Mr. Amicus has been aronnd. We are onto your little trips if we are away from home. Mr. Samuel Bryan says if he gets the oifice of constable he wants to rent his farm and move to Tangent to fuldll the dutios of his office. . . The reitubik-ans intend to have a pub lic speaking at the school house touight but they have refused to let other politi cal speakers have a chance to talk any. Quite a crowd gathered at the residence of Grandma Wert and spent Jan enjoy able time on last -Saturday, it being her 30th birthday. A large number of her relatives and friendi spent the day bv having a sumptuous repast We hope she t ill live to see ruanv more such birth days. Yorso Axkeica. Oakville. The milk waeon is making regular trips now although the toads are muddy. i.This rainy weather u rough on the China pheasants eggs, and base ball olavers aa it alwavs rains on Saturday. and the Oakviile boys don't play on Sab bath. . Dr. Hill made us s call last Thursday. Be came out to see a sick child at the home of M. A. Shough. Mr. Wade will get his teams across the river today, lie is in no harry about nntrinn an vhar The Tangent correspondent cL-the Herald seems to be wklelawakeatld after some of the poUik-iakta-aaA-'flews paper correspondents. The Herald correspond ent irom here t v entas) was at tne meet ing of the populist club at Tangent, so was Young America ot the Democrat. We met together and agreed that one person was enongh to write up small meeting like that and aa we came pre pared we were given the preference. He is all right and we are willing to a low aim to vote tne repuoucan ucaet ; uui ne should deal fairly with others. The speaker of the evening, Mr. J. 8. Sm th. although a personal friend of oars, we differ with him on some ti'ings, but we agree with him in denouncing the pres ent administration and our last legisla ture. The claim that he left the demo cratic party to get office is not correct, he is fearless and aims to speak the truth. The 3erald correspondent claims to be a newcomer, if this is the case he should be careful how he writes about the old t iimw avow ntffaMvwiiAMWTm. J residenters and especially snout teriias plaint is in any way affected by impure loT he varJ " 11 V00': nd 4 'L,..o .ii..Th. wound up for all summer; and "ioung IUUVU VI Aa fp a trial." Mks. CnrrffiA A. Edwards, 1127 Cleveland Ave., Bus pen ion Bridge, N. Y. Druggist IV J. Huntley says: "Mrs. Edwards is well known. For year she took different medicines for her troubles, out it remained for Hood's Sarsaparilla to cure her and place be where she is today." These and many similar cures prove that DROWNED AT BROWNSVILLR Chester Curtis, a 7 Year Old Boy, , is Swept Out ot Sight. Brownsvili.k, April 20. Yesterday (Sunday) at about the hour of 6 p. tn., Chester Curtis, a 7 vear old son of James Curtis, formerly of Harrisburg, but now of this place, fell off a bank into the Cal apooia river, about one-fourth mile above Brownsville, tie floated on the surface ot the water for about 250 yards with the swift current, until he came to a drift in the river, where he was drawn below the surface, and has 'never been seen since, though search was made at once and is now being prosecuted. Several boys of Curtis' age were with him, but powerless to render aid, as the river here is quite swift and high water is prevail ing, xne outcries ot the ooyt however, brought several men to the scene, while one, O. 0. Ghesney, who had to run quite a long distance, rushed into the river, and got within twenty feet of the boy , just as the boy rached'the drift and was drawn under. Had he been a few mo- ments earlier, he would have saved the lad. I TTJESDA3T AN ALBANY SAW MILL. Contemplated Removal of the Co burg Mill to Albany. THE BANK SALES. j HOME AND ABROAD The Linn County National Bank rale' Daily w mce by 0 R k N boats, at -10 o'clock today attracted a large' -Yamhill county has a bimetallic t'eket crowd, and there was bidding on all the in the field. city property. The prices were all low. I An ineenius bans ball field may be r oiiuwiiig were tne sales with the names J. 0. Goodale of the Coburg saw mill ii contemplating removing bis plant to? y. Brown. . Albany. Mr. Goodale is now in Port-!TtCber n id 2 .'..on oi OfcOVN.- i of the successful bidders 4 lots, occupied by Haiuian Luui 1 An ingenius bae ball field may seen at Will Muck. Bro. BIG DAMAGE SUIT. , S. P. Hart Ejected from the Cars at Albany, Wants $25,000 Dam-age. 1500, lots, by holders land to consult with Mr A. B. Ham mond of the O. gard to rates can be obtained for shipr jogs ana the products oi tne mm over b Jo8 gandner tost company s lines tne cuange win ue 2 , uv(iQ Drom,r, ' , made. If Mr. Goodale decides to change 4 !'JL"J 08 Propertj , by H 0 his location to AtUny, the plant will be E j Unnini rwWence,' 2 lot's.' bV moved some time this suaimer. The pwt ' ,0,B' I of the O. 0. & E. Coir pany in re- 22xm f aJv ; - jy .. to freight rates, and if satisfactory by JosSandiier . "Uk"yi canoe oDtaineu lor snipping saw m..WEif.ii oj".:' Hover V: t J" i. 1 Bed the new Cred ent at Hopkins r our or five more just soid. It has baa a discovered that talk is not cheap when you speak into a telephone. 2750 rotent posters return rapid re.uiu, e account of injuries receivtd has brouel t Dnijiej s ainpies liuitminU tk.,.m Pd. I- Stephen P. Hart, the drummer, who whas put off the cars at Albany several months ago, and who was confined to the 8L Charles hotel for a long time on ac- Gone to Rest. lonneHt, fearing death, yet dreading life more. But I decided to try Hood's Sar saparilla. There was no marked change while taking the first bottle, bat when taking the fourth I positively knew I .was being helped. Gradually the sores on both legs healed, the discharge ceased and new flesh began to form. Hew nails came on my fingers and toes, new halt came on my head, and as I continued with Hood's Sarsaparilla my limbs in (S up ecu time became completely cured. I have taken a boat 20 bottles, and I know that I owe my recovery entirely to Hood's Sarsaparilla. have never had any pain or lost an hoar's sleep on account of the trouble I have mentioned, since Oct, 1S92, when the sores were all perfectly healed, the blessing of which I ascribe to Hood's Sarsaparilla. I found Hood's Olive Oint ment gave the most soothing relief to the Inflamed flesh of any ointment or lotion company now has quite a lot of logs on hand which will be sawed into lutuber first. If the move is made the Goodale lumber yard iu this city will be discon tinued. Mr. Goodule's object in moving hi uiil' to Albany is to get a more cen tral location for his trade and to secure cheaper freight rates. There is no means ot holding saw logs in the river at Albany and Mr. Goodale expects to have his logs transported to the mill by means of theO. C. & E's branch line of railway, which extends up into the Uascade mountains east cf Albany. Il this pro ject is carried out it will shut off a large proportion of the logging on Mohawk and the McKenzie, in this county. The: removal ol the saw mill from Uotmrg to Linn county will be a loss which Eugene and Lane county can illy afford to lose. The annual exiieiiditures of the company. besides money pid out foi freight ship-) jg uicum, is tuuui tQ,uuv. mewajoi part oi this sum comes to this city, while Uo- ourg receives a good portion oi it. Guard. Gates. Gatet, Ok., April 19, 1898. Mines are proving satistactory. G. T. Cox has removed into his new hotel and is now prepared to care for the tired and hungry. John Tway is having his new building painted. Our genial merchant L. Jacobs has put a store at the mines with Prexton Bowman as manager, while Tilden Quinn assists him in the store here. Mr. Jacobs is an obliging gentleui .n. We wish him success. Mr. Blake and family, of Minnesota, have located here. Rex. America is loaded, it wont do to fool witb him, (we iisv tried him.) We have known Veritas for a long time and if he has ever left any party we are not aware of it, so we think the Ueraid correspond' ent is mistaken and don't Know eritas Little Boss Bco. Klod' Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. - $lj six for $5. Prepared only C. I. Hood It Co.. Lowell, Mass. , , are the only pills to tafce nOOu 5 PllLS withHood'iSarsaparilla. uauy Health Laws. Don't eat so rapidly. kit on a chair and be quiet after eat- in?. Your stomach is not a coal bin. When you feel uncomfortable after eatinz vou have eaten too much, and tou need Jov'e Vegetable Sarsaparilla If vou suffer from rheumatism watch the sheets. Dont get between tbetn ; if damp dry them. ' " , ' Cure your rhenmatiem with Joy's Veg etable Sarsaparilla. Keep flies out of your house ; they are germ carriers. Wear flannel underzarments. Keen vonr faet warm : vour head cool When vonr blood is thin vou feel cold in the least change. When your blood is thin take Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla ; it wili make veur blood red. rich and thick. Des, it will do to take Joy's Vegetable Barsaparilla now. When you eet off you bicycle after a Long warm rnn, put on a coat. If you are going on a trip take Toy s Vegetable Kargaparilla. Strange food makes straneo stomachs Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla reaches the stomach, cleanses the stomach, and re- O . " j I f . .No appetite? Take Joy's Vegetable I to prove the fact isarsapariiia. iveen appetite. Accept nothing but the genuine when asking'' for Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla . i .... . A. Bnsh and son, of Salem, are in thv. citv today. Miss Amelia Mav. vt TT:irniimr(t, has been in the citv on a visit Albany menas. Mr. Sam L. Harden, democratic nom inee for district attorney is this district in the city. , Mr. Stroud, a brother of the late Ira Stroud, arrived in Albany today from Washington to look alter nis Drotners ai-faiis. G. F. McConnell. the genial G. K. OI R. &. S of the K. of P. of Oregon, is in Albany and will meet with the members ot the Albany lodge today. Several Albanv ladies left Albany tin noon for the east: Mrs. Knox Haight and daughter to join Mr. Haight at Higbie, Mo. ;Mrs. H. B. Hyde on a visit with her parents in the east; Mrs. N. H. Allen for Chicago, and Mrs. E. D. Sloan lor one ot the western states. The class of '96 of the Vnivetsity of Oregon yesterday elected Will E. Mc Clure class orator ana Aims maua ouarp class poet. President Smith has ap- pointen Mits Jennie Beattie, L. G. Hul- in and H. a Templeton a committee to secure souvenir invitations for commence ment Eugene Guard. Death has entered in our pathway and darkened another bappy home. Miss Josie E. Charlton died at her home four miles south of Soio. Anril 12th. '86. of quicx consumption. iSlie was 'he belov ed daughter of A. H. and Louisa J. Charlton, who have the svmpathv of the community in their great loss. She was taken sick about bix wveks ago, with la grippe. Everything in medical aid was done for her. Drs. Foly and Maston at tended her. She was fust entering in the prime of happy hfe being 18 years, 10 months, 18 days at time of her death. She will be missed by her many friends for she was loved by alt who knew her. Oh dear Josie how we miss you, Gone from us for ever more; But we know that vour'e in heaven Where your sorrows are no more. There's a vacant place dear loved one, Which no one can ever fill; But you are restui with the angels. But our home is lonely sf'll. Farewell, dearest Josie, Soon we'll meet you on that shore. Where titers is no death nor sorrow In that bright forevermore. Written by a Fbiixo. A Fix Cook Book. The Dsmocbat has received a copy oi the Chatauaua Cook Book, the author of which it Mrs. bninia r. Ewimr. superintendent of the unatauqua cooking school, it covers 377 pages and contains nearly 800 re ceipts, up to date, selected as well with a view to health and characterised in everv respect by good sense. There are eighty five receipts for broils, soups, etc., two hundred tor preparing meats,38 varieties of meats receiving treatment; there are forty-five receipts for salads, the latest used, and ninety for entrees and side dishes. The dessert receives forty-five receipts, eighteen formulas for cake making, fitu-en for ice creams, etc , ISO for 32 kinds of traits and 97 methods of cooking eleven varieties of flour and cereals. ' All the principles of culinary art are clearly explained. Nearly one hundred suggestive bills ot fare are given. The fact that it is the authorised Chau tauqua cook book will speak for its ex cellency. The editor of the Dsaocaar is particular v interested iu it from the fact that the author is a cousin and that dur ing one summer he bad the pleasure of experiencing the merit f her art as a cook before she had obtained a reputa tion in domestic economy. A copy may be seen at the home of the Demock-vt mtit in this city, and one may be secured ele gantly priuted and bound in buckram cloth, tor $1.75 by writing to Emma P. Ewiug, 22 Summer St., Rochester, N. Y. Agents wanted. -s ' Rev. E. A. Ross delivered bis closing sermon at the opera bouse last night to a packed house. Tbe Oretroa tout ball twnnaat has just been awarded Eugene alter being down in a dispute for many tncntcs. T. B. Tongue has nude bis opeio speech and tie spoke for "vouud money" loud en- ugh to plae even Uie Oregooian. Hi d:b speech though is tariff. Portland is greaHy afflicted jnt at pres ent with Hermann a healer, Anna Far, a medium and Troda)! a mind reader. Tbe people are biting like h after a rain- Br Gregory Kancet save his second anu closing lecture at tie opera bouse Satardav night. It was on IWria. and ieserved tbe praise it received. The views ere of a high order. Tomorrow at 10 o'clock all the property of the lann eountv Ba'iooal bank ill be old at receivers sale, 'the proceeds will be used to par the remaining 15 per cent due depositors, and the huunets will be closed up at as early a day as ponabie. A dispatch says that Jobo T. Fliun has been arrested in Saa Fraacieo for rhild niorder, in leaving a four days old child in a vacant lot to die. r iyno One lived n Portland and at one time obtained a lttlia t-.ntnritit w t,v rtinnim, A aMrliil twttl estate " train Irom Portland to Grmts tnnk offering of about 60. Pats, advertising considerably in the Al bany papers. Base bail Saturday: At Cinrinoatti: Cincinnatti, 11; Pittsburg, 9. At Louis viile: Louisville, 5; Uiicago, 3. At bt. Louis. Cleveland, II; St. IjOui 4. At Philadelphia: Philadelphia, 1 1 ; boston 1 At Washington: e lore. 7; Warning va 6. At Baltimore: Halt'.mote, fi; Brooslyo, 2. Tbe Albantes, under Wm. Mack as man ager, will play the Portlands on tbe zbib and 27ti A gooc club ban been secured, among the plajers being Charles Fuller, Uapt-, ISutdh, u. Marshall, w. l jonea. Wallace, Dugger, Thompson. Headrick Conaway. Turner and H'eaiberford. The Ruth will go down Sa'urday witb tbe players and eicursionigU. E WTryon... The O G Burkhurt proportv. 2 lot's by Jj F Thaver. 860 ACQ 100 730 Noki.nated a OorfcTV Jrocsr. The re publican central committee was in ses sion this afternoon, in secret session, for tne purpose of electing a candidate in place of Dr. J. W. Cole for county judgr. Notwithstanding the fact that Ir. Cole had written the committee that he w,.uld remain on the ticket, according to infor mation given the Dkmocxat, a successor was named Judge J. X. Duncan was nominated after a spirited contest. Rovebtbo's Sit vac That is the way the following in the Review is beaded : "At the pufiistic entertainment io C . A's armory in this city, Saturday night, there was quite a crowd of sports. Schuyler and Hamlin had a bout, and there were several minor ,Veraps," one ambitious young man standing up in the rii.g and slugging with a Chinaman. A local sport irt his nose badly Battened out, and a youth from Eugene was hit in the stomat h, and had to be carried to bis corner. On the hole, the affair was about as disgraceful as could steU be im agined, and was not a financial success, i we are pleased to learn." A B loo ma Arraia. Tbe ladies beak-! et ball team of the University of Oregon, in this city, has challenged the ladiee basket ball team of tbe Multnomah ath letic club of Portland, for a game of basket bail to be played between the two teams. It is not known yet whether tbe Moltoomabs will accept tbe challenge, but is quite likely that they will. If played, the game will attract considerable attention and will prove one of tbe mtmt exciting of its kind ever played in the state. Guard. 205 212 170 VAo 60 66 SG5 850 900 CO 75 610 600 50 925 2000 950 305 310 125 Mas. Brass Lkttes. Anna Gtadys Southard Ryan Davenport Etcetera, tb former muchly married womati oi Al bany, baa written to her last husband, John il. Green, of Butte, and says, "Oh, Mr. Green, laid not thins j on wou'.d o so mean as to bring disgrace upon me bv publishing my story and saying that I tcok your mom y." Then she accuses Green of being cross to her She tells of her home in Portland and says sbe is sure God is directing ber movements- Mie intends to lead a good life, and is dwelling with a "lovely fam ily." Tbe same eld game. Mrs. Green is undoubtedly very non compos mentis. 2nd ad Jefferson Lot 1, bl 110. U's ad, 1st Kt. bv Wm Ralston Lot 2 by Wm Ralston Lot3 bv J E Brown ' 5 lots, 61 18, H's 4tU ad, J F Trout man 6 lots, bl 10, Southern ad, by 6 L Buck 3'o acres opposite cannery by Ir J P Wallace 3 lots, bl 107, H's ad on river, by G W Simpson 320 acres former o neil by Dr G VY Maston, 13 miles from Sprsgue, Wash, by A Hush for stock holders 240acres,Jenntng4 property 8 miles from Lebanon, S.juO il ige upon it. "J tiUBIl acres. 11 McIVivki i.roo- erty, near above, by A Bush .... 19 acres, Elkins pru ty, adjoin ing Albany, by Hale 14 seres, Elkins proi rtv, adjoining Albany, by A Buh. .'. 13 acres, south fair ground, by F W Blumberg ? ...... The undivided 100 iTlih interest residence pronr;y an. I entire block of John It-oni, by Dr. J P. Waliaee.......... The bank building, furniture and fixtures, by A. Bush 75 chares Electric Light Co., by A. Bush 2 shares illamelte Land Co',' cjual to 27 acres land, by G W. Simpson 10 shares Sugar P. M. 3t F. Co., by Jas Wilson Overdrafts, of (25,0u0 including' j L Cowan's $24 000 15 shares Bank of Scio stock. b A J Johrson 200 Bills receivable of nominal value of a bout $50,000 2200 Judgments were soUl at nominal prices u w tump io a cusn. 1 he Crops. The weather was unfavorable to all farming operations during the past week. The heavy rain in tbe fore part of the week caused all streams to rise rapidly, and some lowlands were flooded. The ground is thoroughly soaked, and is too wet for plowing. Little spring plowing and seeding are. however. vet to he iim The fall and winter-sow a grain has a good color and growth, but i beginning to show the nei of warmer weather and more sunshine. Spnng-eown grain has germinated, but n4ds warmer weattwr to produce a more rapid and healthy growth. Hops are backward, iu a few localities tniuming commencd. Tbe plowing up ot hopyards continues, and sjme are not being cuLiva'ed at all. Some are endeavoring to tire the bops firt-cla caro and attention. Garden truck is more in tbe need of warmer weather and lees rain than anything else; ' gardening has been almost completed and will be about fini-hed bv tbe close of the t-urtent ek. Graa'iia made a fair trow th and affords excellent fod for stock. Lambing is about over, and tbe loss bas been very small. M.eariog has commenced, and the wool is reported to be of long, unbrcken and clean staple and deeee Tue correspondents continue t" differ as to the r-fleou of the frost and cool weather on tbe fruit crop. WJ:iD2!TJE5 S TlA - SOCIA!. ANU FfrKSON'AL Rev. Longbotioui; of AW, was iu the city today. Mr. Frank Power, of Salem, was in the city today. Mr. T. P. Bard well and Mi Annie V. Stowei! wee united in marriage at the Rues House today. A. B. Hammond arrived in Astoria yesterday for the purpoe of closing op me oepot site deal. Mrs. W. J. Warren, of Portiaud, is visiting in Albany for a few dava and is the guest of Mrs. E. Lfcjton. Eight Indian, with a mixture of negro and white, boy and girls, were taken to Chemawa today Irom Coos county, to attend school. C. If. Dslrympie, the people's party candidate for district attorney, came in on trie anernoon train Itom Albany, and Cloth circulars catch country customers. Suiilt,? the printer. See French's show window for collar buttons 5, 10 and 13c. Eacb obe warranted. Tbe htst and cheapest watch chains made, at r rench's jewelry store, fully war ranted. Belt buckle, belt pins, shirt waiat sets, in gold and kilver, at F, M French's jew elry store. The body of Chester Curtis, tbe 7-year old boy drowned et Brownsville, has not yet been recovered. Road Supervisor Hack Ionian complains of ga'httire being dumped on thu fair jt round road, and proposes to have it s'op- ped. A large Southern Pacific baggage car arrived on the local thisaftetnron which contains the scenery and baggage of the MorrU-ju taust Co. Steamer leaves O R k N Go's do:k. foot of Brondalbin street every morning eta pt Sunday at':l5 a. ni., arriving in i'ortlaud at 4:30 p. m. same day The Farallon arrived at Yaquina yes terday. It was delayed at Yreka a cou ple of days by running upon a rock, and receiving some injuries from the col lision Tbe G. A. R. will give a social and en tertain ment at their bail oa April ?t. A program will be rendered and a lunch ervel. A feature will he t ie giving away cf a hue q'ilt. Adtn union free. Tbe street topic now is all about tbe band anu! excursion to Portland on Friday tbe 24, good to return Sa'nrday Sunday, p. m. or lueday. For titkeU fc-e tbe orcbeattra beys or kt Postal iVI . Oibce. There is Ulk of reorgauizingand open ing tbe carriage factory at Corrallia- 1 . : l : . . . wuu ma cuon u Lwing niaiie to do so. arrangements are also being made to get a rresnnery at that city. lwo large track loads of scenery and electrical apparatuses were hauled to he opera bouse tor use in tbe grand production oi Morrisons Faust at tbe opera house tonight. Don't miss this great show. Tbe Steamer Albany will leave Corvallis ouna morning at o.o'clock for Port'and. returning leave Portland at 8:3u p. m. with excursionists, r are, round trip $1 JX) V ii a oumoer wui go down axd back jul lor toe nde. Our line of Ladies shirt waists is now complete, having just leceived all the new est patterns ia laws and dimity. This is by far tbe swt llest lute of goods ever sbswn in Albany, call and see them at tbe Lad ir Baxaar. Aa illustrated bea'tti talk ta mothers and daughters, will be tfvea ander the aus pice of the Viavi company, by Mrs. M iry Braxil. of Saa Francuco, TburA.y after nooa at 2 .4) o'clock, at the Pewrce Memor ial I burvb. Cor. 4io aod EdswoHh. No oliuivsiou charge. Vou esat get along; without trod nat. and ibe better the belter too tret atmir. tlaiiitt Bros, boioea ibei-uuir tine of Irn.Vr steak. UnU, etc, b e tu-ue Cue nams nd side cbewp. Tb- Cwo, E. Clfmttertaia mskleoee. bid in by tbe torkholder ot .he Lino Cocciy .Ns'ionsl Bank for $2750. was afterwards old to Mr John Denny, of Center rrecinet. for $3.UiM Mr Denuy will move to AJ-b'-y to rei-l. Hermann, tbe healer, now in Portland, tsuodottutedly one oi the greatest fakes of tl.e age. A man went from Albany to see him. A boy wanted $ jujt to 're ceive usmo Then Hermann de mands $5 before an examination is nude Base ball yesterday, C:ninns!ti Cleveland, 11; Cincinnati!, 10. Pitta Mint Pittsburg, 4: Looifville, S. Xw York Philadelphia, 3; New York I. Washington Washington, 12; Brooklyn 10. Baltimore Baltimore. 14; Boetoo, 2. Su Louis, 7; Chicago, 3. A petereo bieydUt in tow of a stronger and mote espertenwt rider was quite ao ailrarUon je.e.-iLj. Tte? bad been out in ta oxio:ry al met with rougn rovd aol bejtd wimim. whih soon tol l oa Joe's staying qualities lie as glai to take a line from Grant's wheel ia order to reach town in time I jr supper. Tbe cocked bat cottt tbe bowling alley drew a big crowd lot night. Tbe Ifeiffer team continues to increase its Ired. FcUowmgistbe total sews? fwtbe focr eauies pUyd: il J Sowers 47: E M Bortoa 43; Cbss YinSrr, 48; F H rfoiffer. 67 total 197. AvCTatr. 12 19. C W Watts 41; Euros Drum 43; Sam Headrick 88, Arthur Simpson 41 total 173. Average i 13 16. j suit agaius the Southern Pacific in the court at Portland, for $2-5,000 damages The Oregonian stys that Hart, as a ' cause of action, states Octolier SO, 1896, ' ha purchased at Hot Spring. 8. D., a ticket from the agent of the Burlington 4c Missouri iviver ran roan ior passage iryiu Hot Springs to Billings, Mont., thence over the JNorther Pacilic railroad to Port land, Or., and from Portland over the Southern Pacific line to San Francisco, Cat., and thence over lines ot railroad to Omaha, Neb. Hart say that January 8, 1896, be entered the train of the South ern Pacific Company at Portland for tbe ' purpoce of being cirried to Sacramento, Cal., and, soon after tbe train started, an inspector of the company demanded his ticket, and, when it was surrendered, n quested him to write his name as s meat s ot identification, w hich be did, and also he exhibited letters written to him by hie employers, and answered all qnes- ' tions of the imtpector as to the purchase of the ticket, and informed him that he was tbe original purchaser and legal 1 owner in fact. Han asserts that tbe in-! spector,notwilb8tandirg the proof si own j and hia protests, unlawfully took from I him the ticket and refused to return it, or to give him any voucher, check or ao l. 1 .1 ......... . I . .t. . : I- - . . . auvwnwKcuivukiur uhi in trk. i u m in spector, he charges, soon afteward aban doned tbe train, ami a conductor who came on violently and forcibly ejected him from tbe train because be would not pay hi fate. Ha.t complains that be was bruised, strsiped an 1 injured in bis back, hips, legs and spine, and that bis injur ies are probably permanent, and be has been, and will be for a lone time hereaf ter, unable to engage in bis vocation.that f fit si I r.iiiriff jtsilMtret an a ! I..a I j.n I incur an expense of $250 for : . .. . a menuicai wervuxa, uospitai expenses and hotels bills. Hart also s vow i that he was publicly insulted, humiliated and dis graced in tbe presence at hia fellow-passengers. CleUod & Cleland are plain tiff's counsel. a c: 2Xj$s Not a Difficult Problem to figure tbe savins: in "KAST IRON" Clothing-M the priceg try its wearing qualities and fl2ure the thing: out for yourself Outfit consists of Double Breasted Jacket, two pair of rams ana straw nat FOR SALE BY The 1. E. Blain Clothing Co. Leading Clothiers. PutatoJom. Early sown spring grain is looking fine, the acreage in fail grain is small in these parts. Tbe Saotiam was higher in April this year than any time during the winter. Shade Long made a business trip to Portland last week. Will Thompson will go to Portland neat Saturday, be being one of tbe team that plays tbe Chicago team there neat Sunday and Monday. Miss Nell Halev. of Independence, will visit in these parts for a short time. E. II. Rhodes and family, of Callfo - nia, will occupy their fine fruit farm in this vicinity after May 15. At present Elmer Grothong is visiting in Clackamas county. Perry and Harry Thompson have dis posed of their lat seaeons bean crop. It is neeoies to state the price was not satisfactory. Mr Clay Newman havier errcted a botxe Bow occupies tee tsrut be purchased of Mr Connor. Ovcjr Perry is borne taking a rest. having finished his wood cutting con- trac t. Joaurwav. April 2 tt. Ftocr ttshvtiag:. Catao. April 31 DUtatcSes received !ody from the tftit say there has tea fierce bifbtine at Omdurman. near Khar- loom, ibe bead)-jarters of the khalifa. It is sand of toe kbvila s bodygoard nave been ktllel. A reaenil feeling of unrest prevails among tne khalifa's forces. RUSH TO H. F. McHwain's Cash Store 12 Special Bargains this Week 4 cans Cuttings best tomatoes, 25cts. 4 " Bismark sugar corn, 25 " t-cttsr Lis:. FjJ tewing i tLe Isrt of letters remataing in tne Potfffwn st " A litany. Lira man v. OregoavApril 2JnJ,l-d. or s ai ling for IL6 lur mot give tbe date on w hkh tbev wet advertiaed. Blain, VV E Harnitb, Bern I ardt Planner, Charles Young, Joo. E. T.J.STrrs, P SI Thanks. I wish to thank every bcxiy that in any wav helped us in our meet ings and for tbe many kindnesses shown to Rev. tJ. A. Boss, the evangelist, and bis wife. Thanks especially due to tbe candidate for district attorney, came in Ki" Lhruil eare hosing tbeir soods Y. M. C. A. for loaning us their chairs. on the afternoon train Allanv. and P kar for Spokane wext Satur- The good people of Albany boarded Key. watl look after bis poll Meal fences in this d7- . 1)0 M TL lbs oppottunity to get koss and wile at one or tne tst nottis neck o the woods. iaiem Post l yonr ooots and snoes cheap. I bey will ia me ciiy, iue rtevrre iiou9-, ni (its May Tl.e Ruth this God bless the city of Albany with Holy tihost revival, is mv prayer. T. P. Hstkes, partor M. E. Church south. I hu S. P. Mention Yaquina. Offered Him $500 Mr. Sam Goin, who wriu receentlv in Portland, offered Hermann, tbe healer, $300 in gold coin if he would cure his ceafnesa, aa he adver liees to do. He said be could but wanted the money in his bands before band. The Democrat believes on general prin ciples, without knowing anything about him personally, mat ne is a nrst ciass fake. People should at least be very con scious about ueaung witn sucn men. Don't be credulous. A Ria Kill. Grant Froman and Frank Hackleman went eoose turning on uaa Creek yesterday and killed just of thorn. Tbevfelt so well over it they had their pictures taken with tne geese Taken In 'rime Hood's Sarsaparilla has achieved great success in warding off sickness which, if allowed to progress, would have underr mined the whole system and given dis ease a strong fopthoM to cause much suf- . A A..nn tk..alai rl i.n 1 1 1 t-TrhSvl'a lOrillg UO 1. WJ . ..WUI, w Sarsaparilla has done all this and even more. It has been taken in thousands of cases which were thought to be incur able, and after a fair trial has effected wonderful cures, bringing bealth.strength h afHii-tfuL Another im? portaiit point about Hood's tSarsaparilia fs that t cures are permanent, because they start from the solid foundation of purified, vitalized and enriehed blood But it is not what we say but wba Hood's Sarsaparilla does t hat tel Is tb tory. . . Play Ball. Fuller to the bat and Burns on deck. One ball, 2 balls, S balls, 4 balls, take the Albany Base Ball Uoat Saturday morning at 9 a. m. r ine music, singing aid dancing on this ex cursion. Everybody is talking ol going. $1.00 round trip, musical concert free. Takeice steamer Elmore. Alcmm Mkktinq. The Alumni of Al bany College will meet with Miss Avs Baltimore. Wednesday evening, April 22nd, to make arrangements for the an nual reunion. All members are earnest ly requested to attend. By order of Pres- uent. Lawrence Curtis of Brownsville, hat been in this city tbe I ast few days try. ing to dispose of a span of horses. Yes terday evening an attachment was serv ed on tbe animals by Mr. Rice of Har risbure, in the sum of $100.- Mr. Curtis claims the team belongs to hit father. The matter is still unsettled and the team is Ming held, in this city. Lugene uuaru On out- editorial page will he found an article written by Hon. ). h, Mitchell and publisned in the Kew York World of Sunday April 12, on tne "Resources of the Pacific states, A number ol sec tious of the U. 8. were written up but none rurpassed that of Mr. Mitchell. It was published at the request of the World without any regard to politics. ainany people towards California. rv way of the O. R. A ". route: W. Ii. Crawford will go to an Jste for the ben efit of his health: Mrs. Jas. Marks to r-au Kalaet where ber son in-law Key. Mrs. Jos. Klein and children went to tccleston. formerly of Lebanon, will Salem this noon on a vUit grauuaos rom the seminary, and where t r. t s- 11 18 report eJ. a daughter will t mar- vZZZ.yjlZTZxXVAl.i.iA't and Mrs. A. Wheeler to visit a , i.i r fi..-i daughter near Saa Francisco. u a aasw- u si n iiia a a aaaua. sjvki siv vji usa m O. C. McFsrland arrived in Albanv from Anxona and Los Angles on yester day mornings Oyer, glad to t-e back in the W illamelte valley. Mrs. John Holman went to Albany this morning lor a short visit with Mr, tiolmao, who is manager of the Albany iron woras. iaiem jo.iruai Mrs. A. L Allyn, of Seattle, who has been visiting Miss Lenore Kay, lei't for Turner and Albany this morning to con ttnue her visit with mends. balem Journal. Mr. Jackson, W. N. Miller and others left today for tbe Santiam mines to put the mill and property of the Albany Mining Uo. in condition for uite should it be decided to run it. Rev. II L. Hood, pastor of I he U. P. church, of Habey and Hhedd, was in Al bany yesterday. It is reported that a popular Albany young lady will become a minister's wife before the month is ended. Mr. John Ames who has lcen a resi dent of Albany several months left today for his home in Iowa, taking with htm the best wishes of a large i. umber of friends made during hia suy here. The Y. M. C. A. gymnasium class particu larly win always leei unjer mitigations to him for the sp endid training received under him. - . I SO Ml be cone and tins onnnrtnnitv will ho morning too several ! .... - " r Remember Thursday aad Friai am t last days yoo can boy bont and shoes at acioai enst at h,teta O & Co., don't fail to get a baigaio. The "Pierce" tTS.OO bicycle is tbe equal of many $100 wheels see for your i sell. u. n . CLE txs. Agent. 5 ' first quality sardines, 25 4 lbs best canary seed, mixed, 25 1 lb 50 cent tea, 25 10 lbs rolled oats, best quality 25 75 cent bars best savon soap, 25 5$i.75 white blankets go for $2.50 mens Fedora hats go for 3 lbs Gold Dust wash powder Full roller flour, guar, per sack 3 pkgs best quality matches ii ii ii $1.00 i.75 .19 75 o5 CaH at once before this lot is eold out as at t'ie great cut in price it will go wi t"1 a rush. . April 1S96. H. F. Mclxwara'a Cash tobx. THE APPROPRIATIONS RIGHT. ALL The Southern Pacific has just gotten out a little time card, which is a decided innovation in that it mentions Yaquina Bay aa a summer resort, something never beiore done by that road. Here is the article: 1 equina Bay is said by scientists to be one ot tbe richest places ia Hrchaeo- and for this reason it is much frequented by scholars who make a special etude of those barnchea. No more delightful rttace to abend a vacation could be luund. , Curious shells, sea moses and rock, the action of tbe water on the rocky cliffs, spouting caves and many other things are among the objects that interest even in man auperuciai naturalists. The water agates ot the north beach and hay are especially attractive. The vixnor si me wuiuw in or no means con lined to aquatic sports, however, tie need so but a short distance back from the towns to find many kinds of game, duck, pheasant, partridge, curlew, snipe, dear, eia, and possibly bear and cougar. Fare. Portland to laqmuaand return during season. Jnne to October, tfl.00. Distance from Portland loo miles Time " .... a hours. Trams run dally, except Sunday. 1 oley springs are also mentioned. Doesn't Take Much Money For groceries at Parker Bros. Their prices are reasonable and aiitt'eBoesaloog wars. Qcaiity something also. Ibey keep oa- i) lur oca. 11 is a rair anu square flat fooled fact that if you trade with tbetn vou al ways gfct good treatment in goods, prices and personally. 1 bat is consider able in tbe lone run. It counts paiticu tarly in groceries and baked goo is. 100 can ret what you want without running around by trading with Parker Bros l"otn sY Huston for groceries Get your lawn mower sharpened by M. Lsdwig. oppoaute P. O. Boots and shoes are Boing at cos and less at Klein. Dubroille a Co. The fastest tamoshanter -hals trimmed. 1.50. at Mrs. John X. Hoffman's. Leave ot ders at Parker Bros., for some of that popular World Beater soap. Ladies lor k at Klein. Dobruille Co's window, beat prices and quality if you can. Seme handsome birthday rem at Wi 1 k Stark's, cheap. ce for every motrth in the year. Pansy Plants 5 cents pr doten. Frank R Hafcbsa. comer 8th aad R. K. its. Al bany, Uregou. Hard times, bet easy prices made by Long Photo t o, corner Sou and Ferry sts Albany Oregon. Klein. Dubruitle k Co.. will be here but a short time loo per. Save money on boots and shoes while ycu nave a chance, a new lot of ail woo: serses just received at tbe Raket St or. 1 bey are elegant goods and worth ou r cent more tcotvy. Toucan get tb best of all kinds oi meats at Haivbt Bras., fine boils sad roasts. sirloins, hama. bacon, etc. Tbe best lard made. Try them. Any one securing one dozen cab photos of Long Photo Co. will be entitled to one number on a ladies point lace handkerchief valued at t.UU. Tbt the Albany Dressed Merit Co's mar ket, at Second aod Lllssrorth streets for vour meats of all kinds, bams, sides, lard. etc. Tney buy careful'y and aim to please. Tbe reputation of the Victor aa a first class high grade wheel that can be e- pended upon, baa been thoroughly rstab- liohed- V ill 4 Stark are Albanv siren U. See tne iatet models. Recently Mayor Burkbart and Presi dent Wright of tbe Board of Trade, tele graphed Senator HitcbeJi urging the ap propriations for Yaquina and the Wil lamette river. Mayor Burkbart has re ceived the following response which gives the situation. nasaocoAOir, D. C, April 15, 1S36. Uoa. C. O. Burkbart, Mavor. and Hon. George W. Wright, Pt-, Board of Trade, Albany, Or. Oentiemen: I beg to acknowledge receipt of vour telegram just at hand addressed to Sen ator Mc Bride and myself, iu which vou say, "Board of Trade officials, titixens, unanimously arge appropriations U- lamette river and 1 equina liay as passed UOUS-; protest asainet any action Dresden OIT the attempting to reduce such aorroo na tions.0 " " Tbe report as to tt effort to defeat the Yaquina proposition has teen greatly magnified. The difficulty has been simply this: The chairman of the Com mittee on Commerce. Senator Frve of Maine, for some reason or other had got ten it into his bead that the commerce did not justify so larse aporonriations and he has been disposed as chairman of tne committee to oppose the appropria tions, x tooav, However, in company wiin my coueaguec, addressed tne com. mittee and now feel quite confident we will carry the appropriations throoch all : t. . v . t gut, sours rerj sincerely. Joax H. Mitchkix. pointed warp ribbon -three widths. Anotner lotjmt in. Persian band trimming. Jet paaamenterie, jt frmls. all jet netting. Tb last just received. Elastic beating, scale le t.'ag and belt hackles. Hair emsmetitv, shell aed silver. Shirt waist sets. -.ljtcc and embroidery, a any psitems ana Kinds. Lace and chiffon collars at S. E. Young's. QEU.W.HtRKl4 JUSTICE OF PEACE, s b-At-4 rs xssocasT SU, wntr tad ss Bnssafa'kia rtin aisavy. Or. ttf tasMtd Csatwtissut a Spt sislty- IJEO E FISH THK PLUMBER' Tin roofiins aad plumhtag. the opera house. Opposite A fine line of Babv Carriaccsiust re ceived at rortmiiier a irving's. Good treatment at Coon and Hustons, aad their goods are tbe best. . People like lender neat, nicely cut I Henry orodert keeps a lull line of meats, from the bent stock to be obtained, com mended by all of bis customers. "r Pur Drugs Dawson's. Sabbath A orarer meet ing will be held at the W. a T. U. hall, on lbnredav afternoon at So cioct Tbe topic to be discussed is Sabbaxh observ ance. Christians ot all denominations and all interested in the keeping of Tbe Sabbath Day holy, are most cordially invited to come and participate in tbeee meetings. bEOtsraBT. A justice court case this afternoon re sulted in the discharge of the defendant. a young man. arrested lor assault. As it was a "tamiiy anair" we will not pa rade it betore the public in the opin ion of the JDexocsut. expressed before, a warrant should be issued in such cases only after careful investigation as to the proDaDuity oi conviction. For Prescriptions Dawson's. LADIES. I MAKE BIG WAGES do ing pleasant home work, and I will gtadly send full rartkuiars to all sending Set stamp. Miss M. A . b&bUBS, lAwreace, xicn. Notice to my Patrons. Dunns my absence from home for two weeks.Mr. E. R. Huston will take chante of my insurance basin ess Any changes, re newals or new business that may be want ed will be attended to promptly by apply ing to nun. Any reductions or rate cat ting that tcay be done, (as I now expect there will be,)I will meet rates of any rep ayable company. M. Skxpebs Leading Agt. Lojkat This. rueit unaay win be the 7 Ui anniver sary of Odd fellowship in America. It was Frank Hackleman and not Prank r roman who helped kill the twenty geese W e bave received the Stevens county. Wssh., Index, containing the delinquent tax Jut of that county, it makes 43 cnl Extra stiong Privet pliinta for oedget Tne Albany Nuweries. . For Pills and Piasters Dswiwn Tita Rivib axb Habbob Biil. The Democrat has received from Congress man Hermann a copy of the nver and. i..Kr mmnU. It is at tbe ser- viee of any one interested. It shows that i , rim ia annrnnriated for use at Ya- quina with a continuing contract tp be .nnrnnniiinns mav from time to time be made by la. The amount r tha imnrovomnrtnf the Willamette and Vomi.ii! ia i'jft non. anoronrialions to be made for improvement not exceeding $200,000 as the work progresses. I, Dkmocbatic Rali-Y. Hon. W. E, Bilyeu and tbe candidates for the legis Stole a Coat A tramp called at the nature will address the citizens of Leb- i home of A, C. Miller, just across the I anon on the political issue of the day at - ; . . . ! .... . i i .... i a i. 1 1 in .1 .. . :( no a river, at arjout iz iuyeteraay anu BDS.C1 hid ujhm uau umisuoj., nni o for something to eat, then went on his p. m. way. When Miller went out to work shortly afterward he discovered that bis ( Mr. Eb Kibler, of Lebanon, who wa. coat, which he had left (vine on a cultl- ,;n.t0,t at. tlm Demncratio Mtate vator, was gone mndoubtedly stolen by contention for member of the Board of the tramp. In one of the pockets of the Eoualisation for the 3rd Judicial Dii- coat was a clieck for $10 Parties at trf, oneof the subsUntlal men of onceetarted in pursuit of the tramp. Ljrn county, and is entitled to the hearty Jefferson Review. 'support of his fellow citiaens. A gentle man from Lebanon informs us that he will receive tbe unanimous support of all parties at that pUce. Koiics is hereby given to all whom tt may concern that the practice of letting cows run at large within the corporate limits of tbe city of Albany or tietng them in the streets or alleys is hereby prophibited snd any violation of this ruin bv anv nerson or nersnna will cause uu'us, buu wm uuik ma uu. payers prooao-1 me poundnuisier to tortwitu take up 'j t-,vw. . uo wuui; um in tuios in i sucn cows or csuie anu ueai wiin tnem lo"'-'!'lt I as nrnvided bv ordinance. Bv order of From Wm Wiiila. we "earn that lowmh committee on Streets and Public Proo- t-iaypooi has strain come out from t isblerty. J so. schmisr. For the best Drugs Dawson's. UseDAwaoa f t? m if j ? ll i Dr. White's new hair irrowertng syttem for sals' at Vertck's barber shop. Pole agent for Linn, Lane, Benton, Marion, Clatsop. Po K. Lincoln and Yamhill coua t ea. Address box s.i Aiosny vregon iot fret pamphlet on baldness and scalp trou bles The Old Lady and her family and friends are bsunu to ret their prescriptions oiled at Houses Burkart, ho aa well carry a complete stock of catent medicines, aa elesant line of stationary, the finest perfumes and no tions generally, rromptnes, care, tbe best goods and first class treatment is their role. A MA VS A MAN, But its a big advantage to him to wear well laundried shirts and nndervlothine. The Albany Steam Laucdrv. Richards A rniiups proprietors, matte a specialty ot gentlemens work. Free mending for men besides the first class laundry work. a. superior tuca eioes nnisti to shirts collars, cuffs, etc I have 48 lota with fair house. Alt kinds of fruit, ail in one body, close to collegs and city public school, to trade tor residence in Albany, look t'.iis un. Good place. to make money or for specif i lation. O. . .uaston. Or. Price's Cream batting Powtlw Vv'orM Belr Itbrt AwaC Lave to Sisters and be reports ail of the new snow Kone.but on tbe other side of the lake there is Some 4 feet of snow and on this side it Is all of 8 feet deep, so it will tie some time betore tbe mountains are open, Ocboco Ileview. The team content at cocked hat began last night at Craven & Uellenhrana's bowling alley and will last a week. On siderabie interest was taken. I be score wss as follows : II J S jwer 22. Charles Pfeiftar 15. E M Uorton 25, F H 1'feiffor ua-total Bl. Average 9.1. -Arthur Simp son 19. Sam Headrick 25, Itufus Drum 16. C W Walts 82- total 8a Avorago 8 ii. Toe average io tbe Portland team contexts is about 10. ALBAST M4IKKT. Wheat, 50c OaU 16,4 p Fbur, W.U0 Butter ISj Egcs7c Lrd 6 to 9c , Pork hsnis, 8 to 10c, should its, 4 lo 6, Bides 8 to 10. Hy ba'ed, $5-00 Poundaiastsr- You Will Go. On the 29th the mem bers of the G. A. R. will give an enter tainment at their ball that should be lanrelv attended. A hne program will be rendered, a repast served and an ele gant quilt, which wll be exhibited in the wiadows at btewart a box s given away. An admission ot z) cents includes every thing;. A Warning. Several bovs of Albany are in tbe habit of going upon the bridge nights and throwing dirt and other sub stances unon the steamers as they pass under on their way to Corvallis. Unless the practice is stopped tbe boys will be prosecuted. Decent boys ought to have more manliness than that. By request of the warsnai. VOUR LA3T CHANCE to get boots and shoes at cost and less than cost at Klein, Duoruille & Co's., as I they leave Albany by April 23th. They have now started to pack np their large otock. Call and secure bargains be for a os late. The V entfier. Tonight and Thursday occasional rain and cooler. Ktver 7.3 leet above low wa tur. F M French, Uisplayman Awarded Hi&hest Honor World's Fair. Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. COME ONE COME ALL. Julius Gradwohl Will Give Tou the Best Bargains in the City. I wish to inform the public that I wil reduce my lanre stock of crockery, sli . " , . - - , ware, vmna ware anu stiver, anu will sell out mv entire stock of holiday goods at cost. What I say I mean. Corns in and price my goods and I will prove to you mat x am not deceiving you, ut mean business, J. Gsaowohl A Bio Baboaix. The r$idenc of Mr. Jos. Klein on 3rd street, between Baker and Montgomery, will be sold at a barinun if taken within a te days if yoo want a nibs borne cheap call oa Mr. Klein. luiios Gradwhol informs us that hi aockery has arrived in San Francisco fom England, and will soon be hers in the market for sale. Tbe Roods will be sold at wholesale prices for net cash. The pub uo is invited to ca i and see these bargains farm Loans. 1 have a limited amount of ntoae) to loan on good farm lands in linn and ad -joining county. Oa very favorable terms. Interest payable annually- Call or write at once as tba amount I have for loanimr will soon be gone. U. U. ISCBXHAXT, Albany, Oregon. Caarvst .wrC Health aad sweet breath secured b Shiioh's Catarrh Remedy. Prior 50 ceoia Nasal injector ree. For sa e by tosbay & Mason. Mcsic Miss Mildred Burmeeter teacher of piano or organ. System the Mason toucu ana teenmoue. itesiaence Fifth street, opposite U P chuich. Park Commissioners of tbe large eastern cities alwajs recommend the planting of Cash for poultry at R. M. Robertson's J those from tbe forest, as a much larger pro Tbe best fresh groceries and produce at J portion of these will live a fine stoc- of varioos sinus suitable tor street planting at lbs Albany Nurseries. A Fart Wsnk Kmwtoc Consvmotion. LGrtppe, f neumonia and all Throat aid L'lng disease are cure by SniloVa Care. or s'e t S sshay Mason. It ia meat that we eat tbt puts life inta the body. When you want a good steak call on Height Bros,, jtut acxess the stmt from the DsatocaAT otnee. BE OBSERVING. CEIEATJ Conn k Huston's. Lad Iks the latest faahun is aseamles dress made by Mrs. McLean. Dr. G. W, Maston, pbyician and sur geon, Albany Ur. U alls answered prompt ly in city or country. ats. ii. ft. anu u. iv. peers omcee anu i residence in tbe jiost oflice building. Spec-1 - tai attention given to diseases ot women. Money to Loan. A limited amount of money to loan on N. Sti4Co. Most Perfect Madsi 40 Years ths Standard . Fevths Lnass. Elder Alson W. Steers writes from Port- ! land, Or: There is no medicine for the throat and lungs that I can recommend to ministers, public spencers and singers, with the coiindencs tout I can the 8. B. Properly priotsd paper promotes prcs- Cueh Cute." For sale by Fomay k Ma penty, Km 1 leys pinnae e prmtery. ons at 50cts per bottle. If you wane a eooa and clean smoke buy cigars made bv our Al 1 bany cigar factory. Bovs Enslneer overalls. 25c per pair, at L. L. Blain Clothing Co's. 47ue Crap. "Mv three children areII subject le ; croup: 1 e)egrapbed to San Francisco, sot 1 got a bait dozen 001 ties or s a uougn v-u re- It is a perfect remedy . Uod bisss yoo tor it. Tours, etc, J.H. Oosier. Grant Pass. Or." For sa's by rotbay Mason at 0c per bottle. rw theKlslsMara. "I am 65 years old; base bad Sidney disease and constipati n for 85 yer. A m now well used your S . B . Headache snd liver Cure ens yr. TJayl 6 bottles st 50rea'a ecn. 1H Knight. Rutlrdge, Or." For sale by Fohy A Mason at i-K per bottle .