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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1896)
VOL XXXI- Baterea at tltC Fes albany. wr. eeeaa-t'laa Hall Hsntri A L B ANY OR MtON.-PIII DAY MAY I . I K9C: r. r SCTTIIS Fafcllsfcer Mrriltr Erfo) FE73 Lr j-iils THTTRS'DA'Y' ILVERWARE WE WILL SEND YOU CITHER 2 gft" Teaspoons, OS, l Tablespccs, 03,1 Fork, IN EXCHANGE SO Coupons, OS, for 2 Coupons and SO Cents. FOR You will find on coupon Inahta each 2 ounce W, ad two coupoaa inside each t ounce bag of Blacicwsll'S GEiyussiE urhai Tobacco. THE i OTTAUTT of thta i11ttmw i -w. ri.. NOT the war (wdin&rilT-ntfhMm w,i rrrL BlekwU Dnrtwn 3 nd fteeura e of i mi iiiTs.fTtii fur a, - orootute. SmkI oouponri witfi. ntni and tllran ta 1 BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO., DURHAM, N. C. Buy a bag of this Celebrated Smoking Tobacco, and read coupon, which gives a list of other premiums and how to get them. 2 CENT STAMPS ACCEPTED. Albany Furniture Co. Incorporated. A A ft Undertakers and Embalmers. Baltimore Block.AIbany, Oregon Xb Charge for Hearve or Services 5 REASONS FOR BUYING CRESCENT 1ICYCLES , Crescents are Uie only line of medium-price wheels made that sell on their - m. competition wiUi tbe highest priced ones hep. placed side by 4 5 crescents are positively the highest grade, lightest weight medium-price oicycies maue. l hey are handsome in design ana finish, light and easy .uuuiug, oun pcritxi in every aetait. 3 Crescents are cheap in price only; they are made for the masses ami not for a class. V e gi ve the people what they want an honest wheel at an Lon- The prices of Crescent Bicycle an right ad Buit the public Crescent boy- matti ? wm-tk This is Crescent year. Cresceut wheels are the wee. e guarantee every Crescent Bicycle to b free from any imperfections in material or workmanship. ml agree to make good any defect not caused jj urc wi awn iLuia one year, 40 to $75 For Sale By - Hopkins Bros. FOBTMILLER& IKYING KtEP constant! on hand a fall line of metallic. cWh rn-l vood casket and coffin AUo barial robes and suits, in broadcloth, satin, Ica-swiuexw which ri 1 1 cold a The Lowrtl Living FrIH EMBALMING 'be propercare of tbedead a tpecialty. MASOXiC TEHrl.K ?V ts IIB.WT CMJ.. ntit T20 EXTRA CHARGE FOR HEARSE OR SERVICE. Rather Romantic. A bit of romance ia wafted back from Minnesota, which will be of some inter est to Salem people. We see by the Rush ford (Minnesota) Star that 'Miss Etta Beatner, who sang in Aamold con cert given in this city last year, was quietly married at McGregor, Iowa, the ceremony, however, being performed in Prairie du Chien, Wis., just across tha river. Her lover, J. H. Hanson, came to McGregor on his return from the south, to spend Sunday with his fiance. Thev visited Pictured Rocks, on SnndayKand returning went to Prairie da Chion, and did not retnrn until Monday morning, of fering as their excuse the fact that the pontoon bridge was replaced that day, making it impposaible for any one to re turn to this side Sunday afternoon or night. They kept their secret until the termination of Miss Beamer'a contract with Prof Aamold at Rushford, and when the last entertainment was over (having given- two a Rushford) Mr. Hanson being present, claimed his bride and the secret was given to the public. Mr. and Mrs. Aamold left for their home in Oregon and Mr. and Mrs. Hanson for theirs in North Dakota." Miss Beamer is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. amer, Salein business people and prominent members of the Baptist church. Miss Beamer tu a graduate of Willamette Conservatory of Music, ana one of Sa lem's most talented young musicians. Salem Journal. To the Public The time has come when the true state of afbtirs cncernin the bat e hall excur sion must come to tight rand let that bag of wind buet.) M ,n u,e idea of run uing an excursion to Portland to the ball game came up we went to the U. O. & E. Co. to see ahoucge'ling their boat (the Albany) and they asked us $250 fur the boiu, but as we were not in ttie habit of buying boats or was not in that busines (If we were we would buy a boat.) We to the O. R. & X. Co. and got their boat for $150 less. We guaranteed them $100, so 'he reaeon ean be plainly seen why we are going to take the Elmore. Now after we had advertised that we were going to run an excursion Mr. Troutman came to as and wanted trans- donation on the Elmore for the orches tra. As we could not ansa er at that time we told him we would let bim know the nest morning; but before we could get to see him he saw Mr. Sacry and that gentktnan offered him 10 per cent of all money taken tn in Albany it they would let the O. CAE. advertise an excursion under their uane. The O. C & E. knew that would be their only chance to fitrht the base ball boy a. The orchestra mtm now that they were thinking of running their excursion for 2 weeks before we ad vertised ours. If they did why did Air. Trootroaa come toes and make the proposition he did. It can be plainly seen that this is all hoeh, no truth in it. They are simply nettling the ball team over the U. K.AA. Uoe. ebouidera. Sow if people still persist in patronizing them after all this baa been we will have to give up and let Own iro. By order of Jub, it. Ti'rxek, Sec r. F. L. Such returned to Albany from a triptoTacoma. Misa Maud Hoffman aod n.otl;i cauie over tram Corvaliia this nnon and are the cues la of D. P. Mason. S. N. Steele, a well-known citixen of Linn's capital, was a business visitor in Salem yesterday. Salem Statesman. Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. Sweeney.and Mrs. Geisneas went to Portland today, and Mrs. Bullig to Koeabuiv. all railroad peo ple . Miss Martin, who P laved the part of Marguerite in Faut last nieht. is a daughter of Martin the wizard who was in Albany a tew months ago Rev. John Parsons yesterday after noon left for Cleveland. Ohio, where he will attend the general conference of the 41. Ju cliurcb, which is htkt every lour ears. itev. r arsons will be accompan ied by Rev. Geo. W. Uue, of Portland. Geo. E. Waezoner. who has been em ployed in Portland during the winter. came home Saturday on a visit to hU parents. Mr. Waggoner, with his part ner, Mr. Meldrnm, of Oregon City, ex pect to leave about May 10th for Lake county, where they have a large govern ment surveying contract. lorvaiaa Gazette. THE COMING BALL GAME. Who's Mack the boss barber, Who organized the team. If you'd so I hem at their practice gan o ' xou would linns tney run by eteum. Cap Fuller up and Burns on deck, The game will be no fake, If you want to see the big ball game The Elmore's the boat to take. With Marshall on first base vou tee. On second Sam Dugger, Scio's crack, The bo j 8 are all in shape you bet, So says Barber Mack. Conoway will play thir 1 base, Hxi rick hold down short We'll make old Glen plav base ball, And think that we're in Port. The bag of wind will not blow up Aa stated in the Herald 'a last. His safety valve's in proper shape To blow off the surplus blast. We'll dance and have a jolly time, Willi music np to date, Don't forget the big ball same. The Elmore's the bout to take. (Botmv lU'asn wit Poet.) Oakvllle. Superintendent Rutherford and Miss Baltimore came here vesterday on their wheels. They visited the s:liool and took in the beautiful scenery in and around our town. Mr. and Mrs Githene, of Peoiia, call ed on us List week. Dr. Jayne, of Shedd, passed through town yesterday. Ralph Yantis, ol Albany, was in town yesterday. He called on our school Uacher. J. S. Smith and to. D Barton s.arted ed out to see the people today. James Morgan, of Lake CrveV, passed through hero t'lis morning. Ah Mi k is out on the street at an ear ly Lour every morning with his matched team. He ia a man of aa mm-h import ance in Oukvill as Ah Swill is in Allianv. A. T. Davis ia putting- no a lanre fruit drier ou his farm in V. eei Oakville. be intends to dry his own fruit and aa much more as be can. The political racket has reared for a few days while the Jolmuiea plant a few more spuos. Dong Wade will have snm dimcolty in getting men to he p put in his crop in Benton county. Two of bis hired men are republicans and they don't want to oose tneir residence in uua county. . Ahky. Dr. Maton Appointed. Wasihsgtus. D. C. April 22. 1S(6. Dr. G. W. Maston'a appointment as pen sion examining su'g-on in your city waa signed teday. This is the position held for a good many years fry the late Dr. Kelley. A Picld Arrangements are be ing made for a big Celd day to take place the but of May, and to be participated in by Uie Y. M. C. A. and college stu dents unitedly. The following conttsu will be bad: Ruuning 100 yards. 230 yards. " 4'mile. " mUe. 1 tni.e. " 10 hurdSt, 3i feet high, 120 yards. Running high jnmp. " iToad jump Pole vaulting. Putting 16 lb !.ot. Throwing 16 lb hammer. bicycle races H and 1 mile. Active training aiil be bta:t for the contests. Harness Collars Ihe Cheapest ' Place t Huy. Special pi ices .on -u hips fur tl next sixty days. Po r eh A.Tom mn( n Immense Excursion Party. The Albany this morning took the biggest excursion party down the river that ever left this city on the river for Portland. Ninety came from Corvaliia and abjut ou hundred and sixtv rot on at Albany. The Albany Band and or chesUw under who bmpices the excur sion was given funiiniic I mnsic for the occasion an attraction that had its influ ence, lheuame o. the boat also haa great weight with otr citizens, aa well as me tact mat the company riuulng it alo runs a railroad uion lirli manv lni are built. Before h-avinn nnon liehalfof the citizens of Alhauv J. It. W aeuUKl Capt. Smith ot the Albany with a Hag, in a gpeecti exnreiwaiir the ar.nreti- at km our of citizens for the naming ot the au-amer. it was at once lio-ated at the stern, and as the the boat steamed doa u ;ream 11 Ji toil in the breezes for our cttv. An immense ctowd witnvseed the departure. ThtfSlralsIit Of ft. fcvidenced;by the fact that there were mora of them noId in '95 than any oth er 1 T . 1 - 1 i , ... .A . . " uuie. oe sure w nee aauipie ixiore purcnasing your o wueel UXBM ST INDIANA BICYCLE UO. MoiAXArouB, isd . C7 7 Ajcnt. A.J. Hodges, THE BOYD GRAVE VAULT. 40,000 Humaa Bodies Mafilcted every Jr ea DlawarCog Tablaa ia Msdleal Cefleges ia the Uartsd Hatw. la AbMlately AJr-figM sad Waterproof. Had wholly of Iwnwt ataal and mUable Iron, and la arae ticaUriDdMtractlbla. Shoaltlbo lued In rrr interment. Over l.l.OiM) In actual uh. For aal br all osdertaken. Jtanurd hj Tbt CkaarBlsa Cseaical Cs priaeflald, Ohio. "Protect the dead.-- Thooaanda or crave robbed annually, ho rave. regerdleM of location, is afefrom tba nvae of tb ho. S" 1"2Jl- Tbe Born Gaara w,ii';rd "v and abao l"1 ut aaainet the Cravo Jtobber, and protect both eaeket aud body from damaneM, mold and decay, aad from borrowUta 4-5 For Sale by Albany FurJii tare Co. THOMAS BIIINB : ft; Denier in Ml kinds of furniture and bedding, and it you want the most complete flour safe. he has them and his prces the lowest. ALBAF.Y, OREGOn. There ve 131 telephones in ue in Salem. Eugene haa beiron arransrementa for the 4 h of July celebration. 1 be now Salem Woolen Mill is to Ve decicated May 1 i h a big dance Marri Tomer is running; for circuit Judge eo the independent frns silver p'at form ia the Umatilla ditrk-t. Richaroa k P'inirlea Gecrei Minat rela. indodinar be fam'ua Billy Ker-aml. at ill be in AIL lay on April 30, one week from toaay. Tbe slate taaane anylom baa 100ft t a- tiewts. There are 112 ofScers employed and tbe payroll is 50) a mnnth. Tbe monthly per captta expense m f 9.45. The Atwuiy tannery l nearly ready to begin. Hide are alrpudv in the vata and in a few days tbe establishment will begin work in earnest. Tbe Young People' Alliance of tbe Evangelical church will bold its annnal convention in this city tbe 27th and 2Sth. A large delegation is expected. Tbe report eireoUled today that Pres ident Cleveland bad been dangerously in jured in a runaway accident proved to be untrue. He wes not injured at all. A resolution before the Bav conference that Dr. C. O. Brown be suspended from the ministry until such time as he cleared his character, was adopted yesterday by a vote ot 4 to 32. The seven tv-f even th anniversary of Oddfellowship in America will be ob served with appropriate cervices at tbe opera hoe next Monday evening at 8 o'clock. Free to all, and tbe public in vited to attend. - , 'Mr. Earl Race has been appointed fireman of the work on the big sewer r Jnning from the capitol building at Sa lem. There were three candidates. Tbe contract for iron casting for the sewer was let to the Albany Iron Works at 11 i cents per pound. Work will begin A pri 28. Bae b31 yeaterday; Pittoburr Pitta berg, 8; LoiWille. 3. Cincinnati i Cin cion tti. 1; Cleveland 4. St. l-ouis Chicago, 9; St. Iniis 4. New lork Pb.'ladelpbia, 14; e lorn. 3. wast invton brcoklvn, J2; Washiotrfon, 8 Bait imore Baltimore, 9; Boalon, 1. Moamsom's Fabiit was presented last night to a fair but remarkably well satis fied audience. It was presented in a masterly manner, tbe acting of Wm. L. Roberta as Mephietn not often being equalled. The scenic euect notwithstand ing tne cram pea cnaracier oi toe stage was the beet ever presented here, the electric displays and the transformations WIDK K1VCU4' aaunuiug ujbuiki iv Brocken scene though not complete, as that was impossible here, was a gorgeous affair. Mies Martin as Marguerite, in a modest.and nice way does some fine act ing, and Mrs- Vandenhoff as Martha, whom even his Satanic majestic did not want, was thoroughly adapted to the part. Faust was well performed by Mr. Davis Albany is rarely given such a dramtic treat. - Ixapamo OacnABiM. Cbas. L. ey. member of the State Bard t4 Horti culture, is in town. Mr. Iaile i fruit commissioner of the second horticultural district, which comprises the counties of Marion, Linn, Lane, Benton, Lincoln, and Polk, and he is at prrsent on a tonr of inspection of the orchards of tbe dis trict. (During his preeent tour of the district Mr. Dailey attl make a Mecialty of visiting tbe small orchards. It is his business to examine the vartousorc bards for peats and fungus diseases, and report findings to the growers and give them in struction in applying the proper remedy. In fact Mr. Dailey is ruuning a sort of school of horticulture. Corvaliia Gazette. In reply to Mr. stone and Manager Truuttuau's aUtement in the Herald this morning, will aav that it is a lie when they ear that the manaeer of tha ll ft club did not give them the preference, t, m. Mack anted Mr. Con Sullivan. assistant supt. of the O. C. A TO. in re gard to the boat, 'Albany, and he raid 50. So I went to Mr. RiwliogS and be sab! guarantee 100 ticket, no we took the O. K. & X. to save tl 50. Troutman came to me taice ia regard to music. Ask Mr. Sullivan about Uiis. Take the fc wore tomorrow morning. Wt. Mack. Homer Davenport a Iixnek For some time past there has been a dearth of good things from the trenchant pencil of Homer Davenport, in the paer that usuajiy carry ins cam-stun and manv have been led to ask for the caue of ltd hiatus, especially bia neatpaper friend, who are, naturally, the first to mica these evidences of bis genius. Yesterdav IIjo. T. W. Davenport, of the ute land do iwirttnent, father of the artist, shewed a letter to a Statesman rejiorter abicli ac coucls for the Upe here noted. It was row Homer himself, d tUd at Orange, New Jersey, on Aprii l-"tli, aad contain ed an exhaustive aonmnt of the writer's recent and serious iilne..s from pneu monia. At the date it was written h bad been out for tbe firt time afier be ing prostrated for several aeeks and was still quite weak from the attack. A great deal of solicitude was fell at or.eMaee of bis ilinews, and liea-.p!-'r. Vr. HarM of the Xe York Journal and San r'ran eisco Examiner, bad shuan tbe dt-pet interest in bis young attache's eond.tion sending Ir. Palmer, the great New York specialist, bis own private pbytkian, to confer with Uie artist's own uWu-at men an insisting tbat tlonn-r ha-e "trice the care anyU-dr el bad," under like ctrcumsUnori:. Good fortune favored the patient ana bis caretakers and bis hot of trends, fir and near, mav now congratulate ibemselvea that l.e i on the high road lo recoverv. SUteunan. Oakville. Our public school will close the first week in June. r Vt e worked ono dav this week all iliv and was glad to rest the next, one day at b nuio luita ub, VA.... .... : t i i i . . uuiik muurica ia inciinei to i,Uw a little. He savs. "The Dkmomat baa not had a correspondent to stay to his ro t like Young America." How old a cor respondent t Amicus 7 We mean how long has he been a correspondent of the Dkmocsat? We are willing to admit that Young America is older than we are but we are inclined to think that aa a correspondent we can count more years; however we will leave that to the editor. We were called to Tangent yesterday on business. We found a few of the best citizens at the Post-office; they were discussing the signs of Uie times and the money question. We saw Young Amer ica, he was on the lailroad track headed for San Francisco and at the rata he was traveling he would get there before tbe train ; perhaps he is going to get some candy hearts since the price has raised at Tangent. Why not buy your candy hearts at Oakville? Come over some day and we will learn you a few tricks of trade. Ah Milk ia the first man on the streets in the morning. He makes daily trips to the creamery and returns by 2 o'clock. Some of our people went to Portland today by boat. We met Matt Scott on the road vester day. Matt is all right. A MKTS. Bishop Geoss Ix Ertitxr. U-ntion was made sereral days ago that Bishop (Jross w juld lecture in Eugene. As some interest was expressed in the rhanu-ter of the acdr ss ae give tbe following from this morniriii's KegUter: The opera house nas tilted butt night to bear the letture by Most Rev. William A. Gross, Krcii bithop of the diocese of Oregon, on ihe subject "American Citizenship." Every available chair was occupied and fully 100 st-Mal durice the entire course of the lecture. Iter. Uross confined him !f mainly to American Catholic citizen ship, of their moral worth, patr ottsm and loyalty to the government. In so doing he brought up the name of num erous Illustrious men, of Catholic faith no became famous to it t wars of the United States, tbe revolutionarv war. tbe mar of 1S12 and the rebellion, of such mtnast'bil Sheiidaa. of Car rod. who as one of the signers Ot the Dechu&tion of Independence, and many others, alio showed their fealty to tbe government, in tbe times of its need of true citizens. hrougbout tbe lecture tbe interest man- tested by the audience was marked, and app'anse was frequent. Potent Meters return raoid omiieya camples Cloth circulars catch conntrv eii-tneuf ra Smiky the printer. See French's show windew fi.r c.ill .r buttons 5, 10 and 13c Each one warranted. Tbe Ust and cheaDeet watch chain made, at French's jewelry store, fully warranted. Anniversary of Odd Fellowship at fh opera houe next Monday evening. Free to all. Mr. Jas. Dannaia ia lniM:no a isr m.'. dence on the street ad joining the reidor of P. A. Goodwin. The Lams AcxiMAr. Tbe next reg ular roeetinn of the Ladies Auxiliary ill he beld at the Y. M. C. A, rooms Friday, April 24th. at half past tbreeo'clock, tbe subject being John Bunyan. Following is tha program : Lite, Charterer and Wcrks of John Bunyan, by Dr. Mrs. Beers. Extracts from Pilgrims PrOres), Miss Baltimore. Vocal solo, Mrs Lee. Recitation, Miss Oda Haigbt. All ladies are cordially invited to be present. who has ben in is expected home A Dar Cocsrav. A centleniAn who ecentlv went to Kewhall, California. writes from there stating that the coun try ia about dried np and is nearly reads to blow away. They have only had 4 inches of rain in a year, fruit win not yield halt a crop, the bees are not teeu ing themselves, and tbe grain is 6 inches high and turning brown. Ex. Oregan could eaei'y spare the rain of the last tew days. Okkgos Conpehesce. Tlio Oregon Conference of the Evange'h-al Associa tion will convene in their church in this city to hold the 13th annual session, the 30th of this month. Uihop Bowman il; iireeide. about 39 uiiiiist- rs will at tend. All are welcome. Mr. F. E. Allen, Montana on a trip tins wecx. Rev. Levis Andrron,ot Medical I .ate snd Spokane, is in the city, and will at tend tbe conference of tbe Evaocvlical church next aeek Mr. C. S. Hamisb. the Scio j hotocra pher, is negotiating for the oi Vlr. Paxton'e interest in Crawford A Pax ton's gallrv at thia city. Mr. and Mrs. Pax ton will goto Arizona for tbe former's health. Rev. D. II. McCuUagb, formerly of Mehama, is expected to be again with us within a few weeks and will take charge of the work so unexpectedly left vacant by sudden death of the late U-t. Syl vjnus. Mehama Cor.tayton Mail. Misses Ethel Reducll, Marguerite liopkins. t.ourtnght. Came Sakmarsh, Jessie Hackieman, Maud Crosby and Madge Marks went to Port land todsy to attend the meeting of the state college 1 . V. C. A , going on the Ruth. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bates, brother-it- law and sister, of Mr. F. W. Itlumberg, will arrive in Albany from An Sanble. Mich., the first of next week for the pur- puss oi uiaauig tneir nonie iiere. r Rates is already the owner ot the Hyde farm the f.-tir ground, Mr. William Lnnley and Mis Lee t'rather were unttel in marriage at Louisville by., on April 23. Tliev will reside at W ilmore, Kv.. where Mr. Lun- ley ia doing a prosperous btisine s ss un derlaker and furniture dealer. Ttie bride if a former resident of Albany, having been a teacher in the Allianv Coltece. She is a young lady of splendid attain ments, nut! her many Jnentls will unite in winding her the great happiness ami prosperity sue riciny deserves, Tmk Bicyclists. Arrangements are beina made to oreanize the Albany I'.i cycle fjlub. The track at t he college will be fixed up. a grand stand built aad a big bicyble time bad thia summer. Al bany is full of bicyclists and there is no reason why the wneels should not fly this summer A Ckowd or Them. Last night 108 miners, including their families, passed through Albany on the rvimore tor txr vallia and thence to Cons By, where. they have employment. Thy were on the lower deck and were having a big time dancing aad in other auiuuiiit-nta. 1 be bo li g coi.teMt ut Urn alley lad niuht restlteti with the follosir g H-ore a tbe en 1 of the s xth same: S. wr 7 Morton 67, U i feiffer 67. 2 feider 71'. Totl 287. averatfoli Sim.won 6:1 Head- rick 09. Drum 65 Vatla 67. Iotal i'04. average It. II Save Uvea Every Day TbouiumU of cae ot Cou3 nipt'on Aatnma. Coughs, Col J and Ciup ar ured every day by Shiloh's Cure. m akt a CaxiHnATK The dem-arratic county central comm.t tee met last Sat urday lor tbe purpose of nominaunf a candidate for joint rfpreenla:ive. Tliey decided open Hon. A-Ien Paiker, as tlieir cbotcv and atked the Benton cuun- (V Mmiiiit!,. IA . ,l.n: j.. . . Tb secretary of the Lincoln ountv committee is receipt of a communication from Uie Bonton connty committee tn which thev rvf use u. endorse Mi. Pa-ker. and lo fact express an intention of mak ing no nomination. This will leave Lin coln co; democrats with oat a candi dalA. The rvpubiioia candidate is a resident of Benton county, and Ihe pop ulist candidate practices law at Cortaliis most ot the time. Now if tbe prohibi tionists cr female suffragists will jest pat np a genuine Lincoln county candi date there a ill be a first-class opportu nity to get some vote. .Lincoln Connty Leader. What a Wan Oat Pio. Dr Clara M Davidson bad a peculiar snreicsl case on hand yeeterdav. Mrs J. W. Carr, liv ing on South Commercial street, in tbis city, while ea'mg some canned wild ber ries, s4iioel a a tid oat, which bad been allowed to remain in the fruit while was being ranaed. She did not know at tbe time what the foreign substance was, but was conscious that it bad lodged n her tnroat, causing ber great pain and annoyance. Her efforts to dislodge it seemed lo only make Uie matter worse. mn she railed at the doctor s onice. the latter made au examination, which resulted in Ihe discovery ot the wild oat sticking in the tonsil, being deeply im bedded in that organ through Uie efforts to sa allow it. The beard of the oat nr jected from tbe tonsil. Dr. Davidson nally removed the obnoxious snbstanci. using a pair of artery force ns in lite op eration. Sakm Post. Highest of all in Livening Powers-Latest U.S. Gov't Report Y()U Cclll'it Flsll i ixxiv ii ut c j m ft very wet! witbont a good outfit, and we would like to sell it to you. VI u have rods, nets, hooe, lin-i, r-,ln. etc., and the prices are lower than yon usually f.ay. Mxwakt & Sox Hew Co. Free Silver SA.TTJEUA. SOCIAL AMI FKHSONAL HOME AND ABROAD Belt buckles, beit pins hirt waLit tela. in gohl and silver, at F. M. French' iew- elry store. Steamer leaves 0 R A X Co of Broadaibin street every morning txetrrf,,.it. . . : : . i i w a. di , arriving in t CtUaou it 4 J0 p. ni . same day Vr. Lnrv lUain Ij'iu. tnot'ner r.l T ;t. lian, Frank and Robt. UIsm. diel at th familv borne to miles ou:b -f Curval.n at 1 .30 o'clock Tburviay. Our line of Ladies shirt aifa ia eo complete, having j;it irceivt-d ail lite new est patterns in lawn and dimity This is by far the satlVet line of goods ever cbwe in A'basy, call and are tbein at the iiauies tMzar. A center of attraction for eerjl dav fca beea tbe mooae ciicti at Hookin Bra i Tee manner in which tb plucky little ro dents ride I be treat, wheel is v ry iu'.eret- DT. W. B. Lawleris expected borne from London next week. W. L. Smith, the reoublican nominee (far sheriff of Lincoln county, formerly retnlta, ee ; resided at Halsey, vie regret very much to inform our readers of tbe severe illness of Aont Mandy Kestr, she has been very ill for some time past. We troot ber recovery aid be rapid. Yaquina News. F. II. Hobergand wife, of Kankana. Wis., cousins of Grant Hoberg of this place, arrived in Albany yesterday. Mr. Hoberg is representing the Hoberg Toilet Paper Co., of Kankana, Wis. Rev.j. W. Cowan D. D. of Oregon City, will deliver tbe aesociational sermon for the Willamette Association of Con gregational churches, which meets ia Albany on next Tuesday. Sermon at 70p m. Dr. Cowan is an old friend and classmate of E. F. Sox of ibis eitv. He is an able preacher. Is a mighty good thing, and if you have any that yon want to swap r wagons or buggies, just come around and see ns. We carry the Stode baker' vehicles, the very best on earth, and can make yon good terms Stew abt & Box How Co. Two for a Nickel is the way we sell packets of garden seed, and we also have garden seed in bulk and grass seed of all kinds y lot sale eheap. Stew abt A Sox Hbw Co. Said About tbe Mines. Walter Ho! mac, electrician at the mines, told the Salem Statesman about matters there as folios s: In coming out to Gates, on Uie O. C. & E. railroad, twenty miles from tbe mines, lie was compelled to travel over sever miles of soow, which in many places ten feet deep. Eighty men are employed there, lod the mines are being worked continuously night and day and from fifty to sixty ions of ore is the oat pat for each twenty-four hours. Tuere are four tunnels into the mountain and the miners are now "stoppine ut." Tbe pay roll averages about 200 a day. Tbe I .w..- I t. J 1 . . The Ahwnv will Sare Albany tomorrow ir,.r .m i. - ii. t. J , " , , 4, 1 3 " . "U,Q ? lighting of tbe rew toaa rreated then " o"J - -'J linuriiue ai l H-aie i A,. ' - - ifjca wi vilic au !'; j Hwnt nr , n ISA i;l.i . Tl.. esie A ni.letn ia Atvnm t m Vltut ; n A. 1 - vw tlU 1- ata(Kit 12 p n. Rjoni ti-to SI. 00 Uood meala only 25 cents Haliie Wilkin, a CorvalSis boy, earced some money UA year picking atrawtarrnes sept it dniii rereonv n-n be bought a system is used in tbe tSces, mill, store. bunk rooms, and dining ball. Power for tbe big stamp mill and other machinery il supplied by an 60-horse boiler and 60- norse engine, there is a Urge store Agaix OiuTarctED. The recent high aters bare caused the illametta river to rat a new channel nearlv a mile long in tbe vicinity of the inoith of the Mc Kenzie. Tbis new channel is vet full of snags and has never been navigated. By reanon of tbe change tn tbe river the old channel has been rendered oanavigable and tbe steamer Grrar has not Men here since last Saturday. At tbat time Uie water was high enoush so Uie boat could make tbe rus through Meek'a slough. The liver is now at a good stage. but owing to tbe lack ol a snag boat to clean out the newly formed channel, boats are unable to get here. Eugene Guard. bicye'e in PorttaLd. Wti e trjing to j Conducted by Uie company and an excel- wa to nu os le ooaer a nree; car and lent rxtaraing noose. an arm. i u- was aa on occv burv- de. W. I. Beonef1!. lie Medford ardiitect rs- tnrned yeaterdav from Sian. bavin? re ceived contracts lo f jraUn plans for feder al new botktiates in ice burned dutneL Koael aad Mailer wii each erect stone btfiliingi. A-LUtwi .lwrd. Tbe Elaiore Wt for Port and si S o'clock Uii moraicg wita several from Comllii and an even Sfty Imm Aiiwnr. indodiag lh- bvise bill ciuti. which is lo trlav the t'ortiai- s txxnorrow and Mbadiv. Whl tbe boi V- n-t expect to do nsacli as a roat ter of tatt the t'o'j f-r..hb'r contains tbe bet aoiAictir i b!l tujtrr al cf any dab ever organized brre- II. B - WiliLuama baa the 02tract for aitnuctiiolb' ,iMia T fltri S r. sod I now eeggd in the srewk. The entire and bbiier i sid to be tbe I aad nol eccaomkal of the --rt oa the rirr. ad way. to couipasy cy. be a.d in tbe con- atrodion of a new Uwl for tiw upper nrer rvwe next seafo . a? nru'ia' cnat ot the Siter nuchinery was f-.C3. Cor vailis liny. Almost Anything: wan'ed by a farmer u kept for sale by the Stewart A Sox Hardware Co Engines, separators, binders, mow ers, rakes, plows, barrows, and al -most anything else in tbe line of im plements or hardware. Something Good to Eat is bard to prepare unless yen have a nice wife and a cracking good cook stove. Now it" yen have the wif?, we have Uie stove. Yon don't want to dispose of tbe wife, and we do want to sell tbe stove. What's to prevent ns from making a dicker? Come around and we'll talk about it. Snrwaar A Sox How Co. The Best Paint in tbe world is Malory's Mixed Paint and we have it in all colors. Every body neinz it likes it. If you want lead and oil we have tbat, too, and also varrieh. turpentine, brushes, etc, ' SrzwAET A Sox Hew Co. Tin Coixbos. An effort will be made to raise money for tbe eolkge Uie coming summer in shares of -j each. - It is proposed by President Lee and Prof. How laud to visit nearly every tnemuer in the Presbvterv tne coming summer and making a thorough canvass. Tbe tuoi tgage debt os tbe college is $5,000, of which s-WU has been raised and the re mainder will be provided for. Tbe out look is gradually Improving, and it is expected to place Uie college on a good bnanciai basis. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY .. JOSEPH. Proprietor. It is more honor to peter out cycling l over a rough road than for an old hunter a that has been an tne turt tor zo years "snd claims to be a erack shot especially !! goose hunting, bis favorite shooting to 1 get a gooee the way he did. It seems that lie has lost ins grin as a snot, ana as ihis wife is very fond of geese and he has -put in the winter faithfully hunting and trying to Kill just oto; on it iinppeneu j Vis brother had killed a lot and Denver j hearing of this sends bis son and gets one and makes it appear that he killed he goose. A Bktycmst, ITGHINQ SKIN DISEASES : RELIEVED BY - ONE APPLICATION OF itlGiira i flrnoT OnaS TasirmiirT. Warm baths with Cirri on a Soar, Itentl application of Cuviouaa (otnunent), and mild oom of Uuti ccaa Uaaoi.vaMT, f raalaat ot humor euros. Sail thnwrlMal th vnrlS. Prtea, frnFra. Ssir, sw. Kui.vaT. aa. 4 SI. fonaa liana ! CRKW. Cor., Snl Pronto HaatoR. .... jr - lies Car Heal akla lw," SMllad Se. The first ftawurries of lbs season wt seen edorday. The Ruth 'ook about Gftv down Hie river f jr t ortiand this morning- Irf. SUver. of the FonvtCitive colleire. t,o'ie in Detroit Ut tt'sht rn Armenia. having resfent ot turkey for four or hve yiHB. The San Fraiicisco Fxainim r received yeaterdii ctitaineft a picture of Ors I I'oin uexter, tbe coimrir -oy vrimtiiunl even try lo pmron anjbody. The Allmnv wto'en Mill hre jnt receivrtl an ororr lor 00 tmlea it! lilanket pom hotrrtiiin, Holland, and will Gil tl ordrr immecutoiy. Mis Iliiu'iiian picked the balance of her r,i uue crop t hi w -ek . ller oran&rs tree only about et.liieon inches nign, but it is a very prolific tienn-r. havirg borne fifteen durinx the ru'1 oc-tsun Lebanon Ad vance. The following trial juror have been w lected from Linn county for tbe U. S. cout which convene in Portland May 2i: VH Ileadley, Aluny; Berson Harris, Sweit Uomef I D Miller, Millers, Tbe Pfeiffer team in tbe bowling match lat n'ght hist several points. Thi score now in. S wer, 96, Horton tS, C , I'feiffer 8. V I fe'iffer HK Total, 870. Average 119-1(1. Watt 97. Drum 97, Headrict 83, Simpson 80. Tola1, 365. Average 11 6-1C . s Jicnry Blakely, democratic candidate for MipritI, came over lueauny am spent a nay or two fueling the political pulse in this vicinity. Henry is a brat class man and would not make a bad sheriff should light ning happen to strike bis way.- Scio Pies. Salem clerks are to enioy the benefit of irlv closing this summer. Tbe trrocers of the City nve ireu n agreement ineag- lnn tbemneives to ciu tueir yiiux oi oum- " 1 1 t o ' .1 I. - : ma rroiliptiv hi qu uiwk erai rutii. cent Sstutdays, from now until October lournai. Th Willumetle Association of Contrre D-ntional churches will meet with the Con- irreirHtinutl church in this city on next TiiMxduv. April 2th and sill clone its la iuirnn Wednesdav niuht. Lcadinsr men of Iba thurcb from all over the state will be in attendance. - In DARKNtsa. Tbe Dalles T-M says Owing to tne failure of the city council and the electric light company to agree upon a price lor lurt.isiung street lights. The Dalles has been in darkness since the first of tbe month. Thisisncondi tion to be deplored. After having en- ioyed tbe luxury of street liithts for number of years the residents of tbe city do not den re to retroirress, and so back to the "tla.k age," aa it were. The city cannct atlord to pay the prices demand ed by the company and these prices are mo ot-st tuat are iiaoio to ue ouervti. 77th Annivcrarj Prtra:ii. Following is Ihe rnvram to be riven next Monday evening at ihe opera booe, Uie occasion beine the eeventv-sewnth anniversary of Odd Fello-.hip ia America: Payer by Rev.T. P. Havnes. leading by Rev. J. T. AbbetU Sub ject, Tbe Good Samaritan. Male quartet. Akere. Hammer. Steele and LundelL Club swinging by Y. M. C. A. hoys. Recitation by Mie Mary Condiff." Address bv Rev. X. F. Jenkins, oi In diana. Male quartet. Benediction by Rev. ti. L. Eurtunt. Free to everybody. A Ect;r- Paojsx-r. Tbe Gnard says plans are beiug perfected for tbeerecliou of a new opera bouse at Eugene on the L. X. Roney propeity, adjoining Day A Henderaon't on Willamette street. On either side of the front part of tbe Ituiid ing will be a store room 20 .feet wide and of suitable depth. Between these two store rooms will be the entrance to the opera boose, 20 feet wide and buiit with a gradual ascent so tbat it will be five or six feet higher at the rear end than at tbe front. The opera bouse wit be in Uie rear of the building and will be about &0x60 feet in the auditorium and will have a stage about 30x60 feet. Tbe an- ilonuoi a lit slant icraduallv from the rear to the stace. and wiil have a eallerv extending dear around iu A number of prominent business n en are interested in the project. A Tbjp To Excland. Mr. Samnel Sixon returned from Albany yesterdav where he bad been to pay his taxes, and also to get a ticket (or New York . Mr. Nixon is administering for '.tin Martin Costello estate, valued at $34,000, and leaves lor .Manchester, England tomor row to see if he can find heirs named in the will who were bequeathed tlO.000 and a aa last heard of at tbe above place. Sir. Mxon has bad tne est ve s attain settled up tor ome time, and is making a last effort to find the missing heiis. be- lore their portion win have reverted to the slate. Since the foregoing was in tvpe we learn that Messrs. Mav and were the administrators ol the estate and that Mr. Nixon ia executor of Mrs. Castelio s will, aud bince, Uie en tire business was turned over to him. Harrisburg Review. Tax as is the all abf orbing question with a great manv just now and an icin along that line is alwavs ot interest Sheriff Johnson and bis deputies up to Inst night had collected in $08,144.92 of the IWfci tax money. There is yet ove 171.000 to collect, so that less than one half of the tax money has yet been paid ib, though only a lew mora days of grace are left. Eugene Guard. ' To Portland In Oi.e Day Th new steamer Albany, elesrantly fur- n shed, including new piano, now runs be tween Corvalhs and foruand on me ioiiow int. oclwuliilo- liown rivtr. MontlatK Wed- neaduys aud rnmys. i,-ave iorvanis, a, ut ; Albany, 8:10 a. in j Salem, 11:30 a m ; arrive in urtianu u..vj u. vp river, Tiiesluy, Thutudaja aud Sutur dsys. Ix-ave Portland. 6 a. w.; Salem S:!Wp m.j Albany 8:20 p. m ; arrive at Corvallis, 11:20. , Round trio fare, good lor oaya, o Purtlund. t2; single furs to Portland, 1.25 Portland dock foot Tsylor street. Appiy to 11. 11. Siicry, citp ticket ascnt, Albany, On gon. ' Surrounded by Water. Henry Sargttant and W. Hall bad a scaly time of it during tbe recent high water. Tbey were logging on tbe Bear place, two nules below Peoria, when tbe iresbet came. Dunn Monday night they were asakeced by their horses pan ing in tbe nater, and starting oat to learn U.e eaoe So and themselves) wad ing in tbe flood. Tbe torses removed to higher gronnd. and at daybreak tbe ris ing tide had enured the teat. There nas no escape in any direction, for it was baif a mile to main land. Ail tbe day Tuesday tbey watched line water creep higher and higher, and at night there a a u:i lor ttiein a pteee of land nncor- -red by water only twenty feat wide aad city teet lung;- A rise ot tonr inches woo id have covered tbe whole spot, and bav left tbem awfully lonesome ia a wilderness and roar of waters. That night the highest stage was reached, bat ihe provisions and horse iced cave oat The next day an attempt was made to lord the sloughs that separated tnem from ibe main land but deliverance bad to be foregone until the folio wins day when tbe watei had snfficienUy receded to per mit them, by tail, to mke their escape. Corvallis Time. Two H AKatssrsxi Bors. Toeatiar ev ening William Black and Eitno Roach were pat in the "cooler, by MarsiaJ McDanieL on the charge cf disorder! v conduct. These and other boys tor some time past have beea in tbe habit of pro curing iKiuor Uiroairh a third party and then seeing bow runch noise they could make, and it was high time tbat there be a stop pat to each work. Black bad been to tbe recorder's office before and was accordingly fined $10 and costs, amounting in all to $13; tbis being Koav h's firs, offense be was fined 15. In default of patmert tbey wooiJ do time in tbe city bast lie. Review. Casj or Th axis. Tte relatives of the lata Ira Strood desire to express their sincere thanks to Uie many who display ed s-ich universal kindness and offered a helping hand during Uie rec?nt fatal ill ness ot Air. Strond. Wbo Hath Woe? Who Hath Sorrow? Who Hath Much Wrath? Verily it is be that boyetfa a High Grade Bicycle at a cost of $o0 and 10 per cent off for cash For behold it breaketh and caeteth bim into the dust ; yea, eren into tbe mire and gette. h into tbe I" acds of the repair er, and in theend coetelb bim many -piecea of gold Moral Bav a "CoJombia.- It costs $100 and is sold by Uie Stewart A Sox Hds Co. E M H La It li BgJJ v ttdrk!r.TaTsUx, Facrrcr Crc4 Four ect cf 6s w& safter arrmsacn, BneBtaIwxn7.sitacks of UiebJoes."ajreSTt payiEST tbe pesaitrcf . tmrij exceBM. V"o tisas, t-eelalTa yssr csahood, regain yar viarr. Dcmt despair. Seed tor coocwSii ERIE lED!CAL CO., Baffala, K. Y. iiinnirriiiiMiiimifiirmiif Smiley Good printing Always Jone nickly. Very The Printer. muamiiiiiiuiiaiiuiiiiir; - V wl- 2a-2S&M "I have nerer bad a day sickayss ia my life,' said a middie-aged man tne oth er dar. "What a comfort it would be." signs some poor mvilid, lo be ia hi place for a year or two.' letnaitot tne uvauus we are might be jot ai neavtby as be, if thev would onlv take proper care ol them selves, eat prop-r food and digest it. it a so strange ttat ancn simple inieKs are overlooked by those wco want keatUu Food makes beaidi. It makes strength aad strength wards off sickness. Tjo man who bad never been sick was strong becaae be always digested bis food, and JtU could become the same oy netping yoar swmacn io wwa h well ss bis. It will maks von atrona ana healthy bv making tbe fxd yon eat wake yon fat. druggists sell it, trai oot ie tw cents. That Bra P,tato. The X. Y. World of last Suntlav twatlowa the Lowland Colo., story of the Stl pound poUto, and gives a picture ol Mr. Swan wita the po tato on bis shoulder. An Albany lady was in Loveland recently and met M r, stwan wbo gave her a photograph of hinv self and ptAto. A sister of Mr. Swan is quite an ariist and one day she manufac tured out ol canvas a big potato, so near lv luc-l:ke aa to deceive. A cut was made of it ani Mr. Swan used it merely as an advertisement without anv inten lion of deceiving. It spread abroad and was accepted as a fact and Mr. bwan a mail baa been crowded, even from all over Europe. The truth is a three pound potato ta a curiosity in ixiveiand. 24-rn As.nivxhsakt Partv. Some kind of a party was held in tle banqueting room in the Baltimore block Thursday niuht. There were present twenty-si voung men and three women, and the DkuocKAT is informed twenty gallons of beer were drunk. A card was left with the names of the yoang men and three women "and many others" which an Al bany man has preserved. It was head ed ''The 24th Anniversary oi the V M Oo. Special Kngsgrement for One Night Only April 23," The time had is reported to bave been decidedly hilar ious. , . Froper'v printed paper promotes pros pcrity, Smiteys pinnacle pnntery. St I yJi Oran irfTrade-!tt!ajaovaaaras- cooi crcq as oc mxrr rue - Ovt rv :i n Canjanc i S. STJrS arvre n. w. , aiwtoa. S heart araao. i ca i -r aa.-anaM n lainail OnrfeaotGs:ulp m -niarietiM Of STAC -!1 VB W. " 1 aaat free OaAsSMOWtftCO Ova. r-rarrOvt V.i5s,-.-j. HaiB Isfe li'i Ttej Got things spelled wrong and all mix ad np display waa poor type oid fashioned press work bad paper cheap nothing as it ought to be? Well, take your next job of printing to Smi ley the Printer and 7 It W Eg Does Kilt p. S. (Important). The price for do ing U will be right, too. Smiley'i printing is good printing. STRAYED Fvr.m tbe nremise of loha Maxwell in Albany oa Saturday, April 4. a small bay horse with a white fate, smooth thed ail round. Suitable reward for any informa tion sent to j on maxwell, Attuny tT. Komcthimo that this town needs. A first class boot black. Now that we have one among us, let us keep bim here by patronising htm. He will remove stains from vour clothing, brush you neatly and polish or oil boots in first class st le. You will find him iu front of the Ooitibi nation barbershop. Try bim and be convinced. Tanned and patent leather shoes a specialty, A. Fountain. Th Bowusa Contest la getting very exciting, the Pfeiffer t aw now leads by only one point. Following is tbe score: Sower 118. Horton 104, 0. Pfeiffer 108, F. Pfeiffer 120. Total 456. Average 11 2-6. Watts 114, Drum 120, Headrick 118, Simpson 104. Total 455. In tbe Salem contest the total scores lead the Albany score by considerably over 100. One plaver tne first three nights made 45 each night in bis ten frames.. Gladness Comes With better undeitAndiniar t tne nature of tbe many phys ical Ills, which vanish before proper el forts genUe efforts pleasant efforts ;httv limtML There is comfort in the knowledge, tbat so many forms of .l..lrnax are not due to anv actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the Bvstem, which the pleasant family laxative. Syrup of Figs, prompt That is whv it is Uie only remedy with millions ot families, and is everywhere esteemed s highly by all who value good health. Its beneficial effects are due to the fact, tbat it ia the ne remedy which promotes internal cleanliness witbont debilitating Uie organs on wbleh It acta, is tnereiom all important, ia orthr to jt its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that you bave the genuine arti cle, whieh is manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by alt reputable druggists. If In Uie enjoyment of good health, and the uvstem la regular, laxatives or other remedies aro then not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, one may be commended to Uie most skillful physicians, but if in need of a laxative, L elw-nihl hava the best, and with the .....11 vrvnrhl7. SVTTID Of , 1TI t. .' j .- ' .' Figs stands highest and is most largely aed and gives most general sattof action Money to Loan. 1 have the knowing sums of money lo loan on good Real or Personal Security : $2,000, $1,000, $1,000, $500. $400. J. M. Raisto. K. I). T. M Meet t St tucjivr Ttciug ifc K O svst ii. tl VicUino Knii).!! iciitfa . sja s aavaw sa " . -a . esi I, , Va t o COME ceUierl Is it not bet ter to bur yonr Bread, Pies, Rolls, Cake, etc, at a reliable store where they nse enly Uie Best material why of course la you aont want uitii'" w j v- - . -. i . : .nv,t .n Imm m never get - uus "Y. . Be Ellsworth and Lyon sna o. sa Tv V. PvAnnrlstTA ' . " , - - sWsss. a -VtrVawaaaasatraiTtl WANTED AN IULATm Utin.tor.tentt PrroW:thrytr.M Bu'CtinrAHoraevWaaUiaau U C- for thair SlJ" fna- oer- T ADlr I MAKE BIG WAGES i-cing I , pleasant home work.wdl gladly sena lull particulars to all sending & stamp Miss M. A. Stebbina Lawrence, ilichigua. Or. Pric4 Cream Baking PowO; BVwU's FaUrUaa-st M4a aaat OUiT