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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1896)
t AW VOL XXXI Katered at, tfei u'ctU lee a llbaaj. er. eeadCla. Hail tuuii ALBANY OCIMtON. FRIDAY. APR! IXf. 1890. r. r unut r rrfriei an rvt Alt ELECTRO s SENT POSTPAID For ioo Coupons ) and $1.00 f OR, ( For a Coupons (and $2.00. You will find one coupon inside each 2 ounce bag, and two coupons inside each 4 ounce bag of Blackuell's Genuine i urmli Tobacco. Bi Tha watch la Electro Gold Plated, a good tlma keeper, quick atem wind, and atom aa. It ia offered far below ita value to iaduoa jroa to try thia Tobaooa. Sand ooupona with nam and addreaafco ELACKIYELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO.. Durham. M.C Buy a ha? of this Celebrated Smoking Tobacco and read the Coupon which gives a list of other premiums and how to get them. J CENT STAMPS ACCEPTEJX t I I : t j Albany Furniture Co., Incorporated. A A il J S.4E? .. . Undertakers and Embalmers. Baltimore Block, Albany,- Oregon Ko Charge inr. Hearae or Services F0IOMiLIJR& XfEEP constantly oa hand a full Una of metallic, cloth and wood casktts acd ccffio IV Also burial rubes and suite, in broadcloth, satin. tcassemere which - vi 1 1 sold a The Ltwcit Uvlag Profit EMQALMING nd the proper care ol the dead- specialty. THE HALSEY SHOOTING. During yesterday af'.er&oon at tlaleey Owen Bond was taken before the justice there on the charge of assault with in tent to kill Ira Stroud. He waived ex amination and was held under $1,000 to await the action of the grand jury. J. R. Pearl arrested for assault with intent to kill Owen Bond waived examination and was held under $800 bonds. Silas and Elmer Pearl were also arrested tor assault with intent to kill Owen Bond and were to be examined today. They claim to have only tried to separate John Pearl and Bond. On account of the con fusion and sixe of the crowd present there is a doubt on this point. A young man who was an eye witness to the affair gives the following particulars: Tuesday evening John Pearl and Bond bad a quarrel over the matter of Bond's intimacy with Pearl's daughter, Mrs. Aliingham, which was pretty heafd, and Bond declares that Pearl stated Uiat he would be a dead man before morning. Yesterday forenoon Pearl met Bond and asked hun.tofco into Jas 1 earl s stable and talk over the matter. Bond refused to do so. savin the Pearls wanted to get him in there to whip bin; but Pearl promised that nothing ot the kind would occur, so they went to the stable, which they had hardly entered when l earl attacked Bond. It is also claimed Silas and Elmer joined in the contest against Bond; but they claim they were only trying to separate them A rough ana tumble hgbt followed. The marshal and a bin crowd were present. The marshal would stop them for a mo ment when they would go at it again. This was kept up for five minutes. Had the marshal arretted the men as he should have- done, the trouble would have stopped. l earl, or the 1 earls, were getting the best of Bond, when hedrew his reviver. Most of the crowd had dispersed by this time. Mr. fctroud who had been in the stable about twenty minutes and during the whole quarrel as a spectator, remain ed about six feet from the men. The young man who was with Mr. Stroud wisely said, "lets get away," and did. but air. Mroud remarked, ".o, I in go ing to see it out." When Bond, who had fallen to his knees, drew his revolver bis hand was knocked aside by Pearl and the revolver, a 41 calibre weapon, was discharged, the butlet hitting Mr. Stroud. ibis en Jed the contest and all atleatton was paid to the wounded man. Upon the arrival of Or. Maston. as sisted hy Dra Smith and Starr, an ex aminatiun was made The bullet entered the abdomen three inches below and two to the right of the ambelicos, perforating the intestine in ten places, embedding i-self in the muscles of the back. About twelve inches of intestine was removed and the intestine united with a Murphy button. A good deal.of hemorrhage oc curred and the spermatic cord was. cut Though Mr. Stroud is resting easy and appears cheerful the injuries are such. taken with the great loss of blood, that Dr. Maston doubts if he can recover. His only hope, though, was in the oper ation, and there is simply a fighting chance of recovery. HASittiC TESlLK mm' HO EXTRA CHARGE FOR HEAHSE GFLSEft VICE. 5 REASONS FOR BVYIgG CRESCENT BICYCLES i 3 4 Crescents are the only line of medium-price whct-ls made that sell on thejr merits in competition wHh the highest priced ones when placed side by Blue. I Crescents are positively the highest grade, lightest weight mediom-price bicycles made. They are handsome in t'esign ana finish, light and easy luumug, ami periect in every aetau. Crescents are cheap in price only ; they are made for the masses and not for I ac'er. a class. e give the people what they want-4ri honest wheel at an hon est pace, The prices of Crescent Bicycles are right and suit the public. C; e;cent buy ers get weir money s worth. This is Crescent year. Creeceut wheels are the rage. We guarantee every Crescent Bicycle to be free from any imperfections in material or workmanship, and agree to make good any defect not caused by nse or abuse within one year. For Sale By Hopkins Bros, THOMAS BRINK, All kinds of furniture and bedding-, and it you wantv the most complete flour safe. he has them and his prces the lowest, ALBA!iY OREGON. Hon. J. K. Weatherford ha lust re turned from a trip to Dayton Waab. Rev. C. W. Courtrieht. Rev. W. A. Smick and Prof. C. F. llowland are at tending the meetiue of the Presbrtenr of their church at Eugene. Mrs Duncan Monleilh. who came down from Albany to attend the funeral of Mrs. Epley. returned this morning sue was the guest of ber friend, Mrs. K. B. rieming.. while in the citv. Salem Journal. O. C. McFarland.who went to Phoenix. Arizonia, several months ago. will arrive in Albany in a few days to remain He sold his interest in the partnership bus iness ot Jicrariand & Wallace, went to Los Angeles, bought a livery stable. hich be sold and started for Oreson.tbe best land on the coast. The Salem Statesman pavs the follow ing tribute o the late Minnie Foley: 'Miss Foley was a girl much beloved trv those who knew her beet and associated with her most. Though born in Oregon City, April 5, 1871, yet she was really a Salem girl, having spent her life and re ceived her education here. She gradu ated with high honors from the Acad emy of Sacred Heart, this city, ic 188" ana later learned the printer a trade, at which she was employed until the fam ily moved to Albany, where her father. Patrick Foley, was employed in the wool en mill. Later he took a ooaition in the Kay mills at Waterloo and is still ensrag- there. "Minnie" folev. as she was known to printing associates and friends, nan a most agreeable disposition, was lull of wit and intelligence, reliable in uer work, clean and spotless in her char me members ol the craft in this Getting Uneasy. . Hon. John D. Daly, the indefatigable worker from Lincoln county, was in Salem yesterday and succeeded in gut ting tht Salem board of trade snttkieutly interested in the Yaquina bay improve ments to send the following telegram to Senator J. il. Mitchell: "Urge reten tion of full Yaquina bay appropriation before senate, a. I. Wagner, secretary board of trade." Indue tme,and in a verv short time comparatively speaking, an answer came back iu Senator Mitchell's usual prompt style as follows: ''Have no fears. We will protect Yaquina bav and all other appropriations. J. 11". Mitchell." Statesman. Mayor Bnrk- hart and G. W. Wright, president of the board of trade also sent telegrams last evening to the same effect. Pague's Crop Report. The rain prevented the continuation of spring plowing and seeding. The low landa are flooded with rain water, and the rolling land is too wet to plow. A few days of warm, dry weather will put the soil in first-class condition to be worked. The fall-sown grain has an ex- eellent appearance, and while the growth nas not oeen rapid it has been heaitbv. In Curry county early-sown fall grain Is sprouting, and in thiscoupty clover is ten inches high. The weather has Iteen very favorable to the growth of pastur age and grass of all kinds. The grain grain neals more sushine in fact, all vegetation would b,t the present time, improved by sunshine. The correspondents have a more hope ful view for the fruit crop. Man who one week ago reported fruit badly in jured, say this week: "The damage is not to greai as was at first supposed." The frosts did some damage to peaches and apricots, yet there will be n failure in tlie-e products. It wiil reouire sev eral weeks to determine just how much, ii any, uamage was done. Tux Fsrkt Gonk. Dr. T. L. Golden. of this city, ia the owner o' a franchise or a ferry-boat across the hurth fork of the Saatiam at the old Davis frrry, two miles from Marion station, and that fact has been a source of annovanre to him of late. The aortu fork of the Santiam ia a turbuleut and uncertain stream, and when its mountain tributaries feel just right they can make it boom with alt the enthusiasm of a bienuial democratic convention. The tributaries felt iast riiiht Veaterdav and tha rwanlt aa. a .!- egrapliic message to Doctor Golden with the following announcement: "Boat broke loose and gone down the river; come up. Dr. Golden sava he has come no" about all he intends to. and that he will now allow the ferry business to go by the flood until the the two coun ties of Marion and Linn feel rich enough to build a bridge. Statesman. Harness Collars lhc Cheapest Pines to IJuy. Special prices on whips for the next sixty days - I'owga & ToHUNsoa All in Twenty Minutes. This is a fast age. The Albany cream ery ia approximately u mile from tie Democrat office. This morning in just twenty minutes the Mn about Town went to the creamery and saw nearly the w hole process ol butter making. A crowd of farmers were sending milk through hose into the main vat, a tuiaii quantity being set aside for testing.every bfteen days. Immediately a syphon pipe took it up and it was in the little separator, which with iu sixty little very busy discs, was everlastingly knocking the stuffing out of the urlk, or rather the cream, which being lighter rose to the top and swollen and puffed up strutted out of a tube down in to the next room into a big vat, where it will remain until tomorrow morning. In the mean time the bodv of the milk with hardly a greae spot left, sneaked out of a lower tube into another vat and thence through another pipe right back into the farmer's cans while be was wait ing on the ouuide, and lie took il home for the hogs, .he work of that sepa rator had been so well done that tomor row morniag the cream w ill be put into a big cylinder churn which will pound and jerk out thirty eight pounds of but ter to every 100 pounds ot cream. A man up at llalsey, for the life of him can only get 27 pounds out of a hundred by a light weight separator he has. and it you allow it to raUe in the old way, not so much as that can be secured. When the batter is churned enough it is put on the worker and worked in a manner that would make a trimn eras if he were to witnese it. Then It is mould ed and sold at the very top price, and the farmer geu the bent tit. Between three and (our thousand pounds of milk are received every da. The price has V. C. T. U. Convention. The Annual Linn County Convention o: the W. 0. T. U. held its session at Ualsey, April 10 and 11. The conven tiou was one of interest. Many at the reports were encouraging and showed that the work, although hot SOA'ig irous- y prosecuted aula better times, was go i ik steadilv forward and in nianv lorali lies, increasing in interest In some of our towns, particularly Brownsville, temper ance work has taken quite a forward step, and the saloons have been' closed entirely. The departmcU cf Sabbath Obser vance, Evangelistic Work. Scientific Temperance Instruction, and Narcotics, were reported as having receive special attentiou, and a good sentiment prevail- ing along tuese lines. The following officers were elected io serve during the year: Mrs. M. M. Blain, president. Mrs. RM.Grever, vice-president. Mrs. Frances Hammer, cor. secretary. Miss Ida Porter, rec. secretary. Mrs. Abbie Standieh, treasurer. Mrs. Narcissa W. Kinney, stale presi d snt, was present on the last day of the e invention and held a most instructive school of methods In the afternoon. She .he alio gave one of her eloquent and forceful lectures in the evening to a large and appreciative audience. Miss Helen Crawford, of Albany, delighted the au dience with two of ber inimitable recita tions, and most excellent mnsic was fur nished by the Ualsey anion. A series of resolutions, embodying the principles of the W. C.T. U., and urg ing a forward march all along the lines, were unanimously adopted. The convention adjourned on Saturday mom in and the delegates leturned horre with new enthusianm.aud an earn est determination to push the work more vigorously during the coming year. Snaurraar. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report A Si LI AK3K2SMKXT. Leo. Willis, I dropped but everybody is happv, partic brcker and real estate agent doing btiri-1 ulariy thore eating the butter t'rom Ure- ness in fcaiem tor a long time past, has I gon to Alaska. elt compelled by the stress of the time to make a general assignment for I he benefit of bis creditors. M. L. Cham-1 W. fc. McPbersor, of Portland, was in oerun is named as assignee, whose well-1 the cut todar. . . . . . . i . - cnArn (. n . ... . m t.h . a .1 I . ..... .... -""i".-1 Mrs. r rank l liicr, ol Albanv. is cient Dusinew man insures a careiui ana I ;, t- ,,, uH successful settlement of the affairs of the assignment. The cause nf this action are given as inability to col lect outstanding claim bv reason of the existing financial stringency, the great strinrancv in vainea of real estate, ren dering sales difficult and slow except at ran ions saennces, ana a Uesire to pro tect all creditors against 1 s by liliga tion or forced sales. The aset are deemed sufficient to meet all the liabili ties an extension of time only being nvc- J en seriously ill at Eagene last night and vis-Joe jrary of this city. Eugene Guard. Eev. A. Metric Williams has been or dained fta pastor f the C. P. church at Lebadon. On account of poor health he has been granted an extended vacation . Miss Charlton, daughter of A. Chari ton, died April 10, of pneumonia, aged Id years. The remains were interred in the Providence cemetery on Sunday. Oapt. Saliahury, of tbe S. A., wan tak- Death ot Ira StrouJ. Mr. Ira Stroud, the innocent victim of the bullet trom tbe revolver of Owen Bood, died at Halsev at 11:45 o'clock last night, April 16, 1S96, at the age of 41 years. Mr. StrouJ was an old resi dent of Oregon, for many yea is residing in Benton count v, where both his par en U are buried. For several years at times he has been connected with the Lion Dreveed Beef Com nan v. and at the time of the fatal shot waa buying cattle for the company. He was a man of re liability, steady and upright, popular among his friends, and his death ia sin cerely mourned. Mr. Stroud waa singe, never having been married. The Daao- ar is informed that be was engaged to he married to a young woman of this cut. a post mortem examination ol the in testine joined by the Murpbv button showed iu action to be free and the cause of death wasotherthaa that, wob bly innma a'.:ool eg-un b.-lore the oper- IIOO. The funeral will occur at 0 o'clock a. m. tomorrow at the M. E. church, and ill be coo ducted bv Kev J. T. AbbeU. The remains will be taken to tbe Mount ain View cemetery across the river for banal besides thm of bis parents. tasary Statesman. DisTTRseo. It is now reported that the . t . company doing iu level best to defeat the appropriation for Yaquina Bay and tbe Willamette river, being great), Uutiuruea about tbe great in- creae of river business as well as the San Francisco trathc by way of Yaquina. On the other side these two systems of transportation have put thousands of dollars into the pockets of valley people. a situation they appreciate, and wish to nave continued - Mario DaxocmaTs. The dernocraUof Marion county have nominated the fol- owing ticket : For representatives W J D'Arcy and John Borne, of Salem; B r layior, Mayton; ur weaver, Hub bard: L D Smith, Gervais; George it Ueebe, of Hubbard, by acclamation; is under the doctors care. Lieut. Grif fith returned this noon to continue the work here. Mr. Fred Dawson returned la.t niuht from a trip to San Francisco with hia head 'full of pharmaceutical ideas. Among other thing he did the now fa mous battleship Oregou. Mr. Ben Barker, brother of A. D. arrived in Albany from the Heceta light house this noon, lie ia contemplating a trip to Idatio with his brother Dr. Barker, who will t overborn the lUv tomorrow. Dr. Gregory De arrived in this city this noon and wiil lecture at the opera house tonight on the " Heart of tiussia accompanying his lectare with on.e unapproachable ctereo-elrctrtcal tableaux. P. W Morgan and Joel C. Mirer left Tuesday for Minnesota, where thev will engage in the mauufacture and aaie of a cordr, F C Davis, by acclamation; com-1 new medicine that Mr. Morgan has origi-, r rancts reller by acclauia- nated. The medicine is said to be sinii- city, male and female, will shed genuine tears of sorrow over her remains today." Dealer in -'.-' Evidenced'by the fact that there were mora of them sold in '95 than any other make, up sure to see sample before purchasing your '96 wheel MACK BY INDIANA BICYCLE U). I loiASAPOUs,- ind J sJ. - ' Aent, o J A. J. Hodges, THE BOYD GRAVE VAULT. 40,000 Hmnaa Bodies MuClsfsd svsry vsr ea Diwsstisg Ttblv la Medical Csflsgss ia fhs UaiUd StttM. Protect tb. dead.'' ThoMasd of gT.vM robtted .nou.Ur Mo gruva, regard 13M of location, la f.fe from th. riTRgM of th bn. an ghoul." The BoTl GaivB ault afford, poaitiv. and at-ao-lilt. Mcnritr against tli. Grai. &obber, and protect, both ukt aud body front dampness, mold and deer, and front burrowing nau wr Air-t,8ht Mule wnollr of B tawnier steel and malleable Iron, and is pres. ticallr idlest root lb'e. Should be Used in averr Interment. Over 13 wo In actual ose. For sale br all undertaken. M annf d br Tin CkMplN Cisnlcal Co., ariagflald, Ohio, 4-5 For Sale by Albany Furniture Co. Tht. Fansem. eaosaeely eml qtilcklr, permanantl-r aS Ilurvou. aisouns, wwu Mtfuiorr, ttuum ox 11 ruin rower. lieaaacne, w ajtermnetaa, . vitA,ii.r , KUibtlr Emle. ... i I rtnumt. Imnotencr and wasting dineaaee flanail hw V 2 uouthfulerror. or txceuet. Contains no opiates, la a nerve ule 4 B aDa blood ballder. la ekes the Dale and PBnrstrons:am! plump. 1 I Knlly c-irriel In et porlrpt. s per nor; o rnro. nr uuiu.jitv. kij. vu " "(LT K & I (.aid, Ht (v a vrrttttnwuirantn ormonfn refunded. WrIU os, frea m J UI(JU 0 (gnt to Eev. J. E. Snv- JT ZjflJ fS't'' 'sZSJuZ dor, Brownsville, Oregon, on or before that ... ... . a.ii. r :ti mnu f tiu t, . mira. fa eia1 car loads of machinery, the boi' ler. pipe, etc.. for tbe hut Enter nrine mil near Berrv passed throntrh Albanv todav for that place. The St Charles is being painted white- Tbe Salem bill rjoetiner nrivileirea have just been sold for $300 aoi are now owned by f ercy Wr illu. . . A L'emncratic Club was orirsnixed at Lynns recently. Mr, Henry Lyons was maoe p-eaiaenr. Aooat Jo were present Dr J. F. Uendnx, of Harrisburz baa been ill Tbe people's partv committee of Marion county have passed resolutions of empatiy. Dr. Coie baa "leoigned'' as cand'dat? for county judge, and Tuesday. April 21, has oeen set fur electing a successor by the county central, committee, Wm. Fnur. runnintr for .Wiff on the Fraok-Cary ticket in Portland, is tbe well known hone buyer who has been con-lng to a.ioany xor a great many yean. One of 'he results of the present high water was the drowning of about forty bead of sheep owned by Ned Smith, which were being pastured on tbe island above town. Corvallis Gazette. Tbe editor of the Democrat a knowled ges a pleasant serenade at 2:43 o'clock this morning, consisting of a song by a duet of spienaia male voices, not recognizdd by toe LKMucRAi man. Tbe Salem loornal savsttmt KuirenB Newton who died at that citv Tuesday evening was burned to death, consumed by Gre, losing his lire in the flames. Intoxi cation was the cause. He was burned alive in bis house while under tbe influence of liquor. Tbe Democh.t is informed that J. II. Decsw, tbe mill man. who was content -plating tbe erection of a mill at this city, has bought a mill on the Columbia, and has given up tbe Albany prospect. Mr. Hammond refused to ifive him satisfactory rates for longer than a year, which of course was not suthcient. John R. Cave, Tbar won Fettjjohn and John Cave, Jr. were' tried before Justice Freerksen yeterlav afternoon for abduct idg a child from tbe home of Mrs Emma Cave near Lebanon recently. Mm Cave was recently granted a divot ce aud the. cos tody of tbe child Tbey were held for the rand jury and discharged on their own recognizance A gentleman down from Fall Creek in fyrmg us that 1,400,000 feet of logs escaped by the breaking of the boom of fbe Fall Creek Improvement Company, as he was present, 1 he same gentleman informs us that tbe Trent Saw mill company also lost 4 0,000 feet of logs by tbe raise in the river. Guard. The following advertisement appears in a Eugene paper. We publish it for tbe benefit of Albanv contractors: Contractors wanted to bid on new Presbyterian church , to ne .built in urownsvnie. uuiioing V)x 60 feet with two lecture rooms and a gal lery. Contract will be let May 2, at 1 p. tton; judge, L J Harding; surveyor. Al ined Oobaiet, ol naiem, by acclamation. bobaiet was voted for in the republican convention lor tbe same nomination. Assessor, John Lewis, of Kalem, unani mous ; treasurer, W H Downing, of a- lem ; sheriff, Frank Durbin, of bateui, by acclamation. Tub Caby Tit kit. The Car? faction of Portland have put op the following ticket: benatore J. t. lia-ltmt. a, 11. Tanner, J. J. Fisher, W. M. K'llings- worth. Representatives II. A. Hogtie, W. t. Thomas, Jonathan Bourne. Jr. Van B. Delashmuft, Charles E. Drake, B. Tucker, Henry Vtagtier, t'liarlcs Cleveland, T. A- Marquam. At 3:30 p. m. tbe following county ticket was nomi nated: Clerk of the circuit court, U. J. Moore: county clerk, W. k. Newton : re corder, Charles Burk hart ; sheriff, Wm . Fraxier; Ex-Mayor V. S.Mason, mayor. lar to Lt venue. e ih them abun dant success. Lehanoo Advance. Kev. ISilev Little and familv will leave . . .... in a lew davs lor tbe east on a visit and to attend the General Aembly of the tnited Preibvteriaa church at Zenia Ohio. Thev wi."l be gone until about !ept. 1. Dunns their absence. Kev, W ishart, a nephew of the late Ir. Irvine, now a theological student, will till the pulpit. Mr.T. J. Mrnteomerv. of Scio. demo cratic nonitnee for county ireasurer, is in wv cut wiit. .m iiiMiipomerT ib an old and reliable resident of Linn county and would attend totbedutiea faithfully, sir. Montgomery hasneverbeen in otliee and it is his turn now. The treasurer's office is particularly one that should be pasted along. Eit.bxe's Saloons. Acting Recorder Dorris today received licenses as follows Six saloons at $2C0 each for six months, $1200; five df ogstorea at $25 each, $125; total, $l,32o. This u the smallest li cense collected far several years. Tbe Pioneer saloon has been consolidated with Withrow's; tbe Hotel Eugene sa loon will bers after only sell temperance drinks and cigars. Since writing the above J. Weideman has taken out a beer license for six months at a cost of $100. This brings up the total to $1,423. uuard. Ark Brakes. This morning Mrs. A. B. Morris was on the porch at tier home in the third ward, when she siepped ou a loose board and waa thrown off the porch upon her lett arm and shoulder, The arm was fractured just above the wrist and her shoulder bruised . Dr. 11 E. Beers was called and set the bone. Obituary. Mrs. G. W. Allphin died at her home in I'oburg, Tuesday, April 14, alter a lingering illnesn, t the ageof 36 years, 7 months and 28 days. ine aeceasea wns oorn near aiem in Marion county. Oregon, and waa married Julys, loot. bbe leaves husband and two chil drtn, also many relatives and friencs to mourn her death. Airs. Eitas renland, of Halsey, was kicked and bruised by a horse yesterday but no bones weie broken and she is do ing well. COVERED WITH HUMOR taction iiroa istosneik at the o,x?r njue in fcogene next l uerday nlgtil. There will t n ooea meeting of tbe democratic club at Lebanon on 1 hursday evening, April 'M. Hon. W. H. Rihsuba been c'ecled chairman and b. M Payne secretary of tbe democratic central committee. The fifth musical of fbe Albany conerv- atory of music will be held at tbe college tonight, the program heretofore tHibHub- ed is an assurance of an entertainment worthy of attendance. Tne supreme conrt vealerday transmitted a mandate to tbe lower court, orilenng new triiU in tbe caae ot tbe state vs X. N Sleeves. The application for admission to bail was denied, the jurisdiction having been traiiKlerreu to tne lower court. In the treasurers report published in the Hnanctal statement of Mnn couutv a fi days ago the "balance on institu'e fund. which was blank, through typographical error, should have read 9i.Kt.b4. A couple ot other errors ot a tew cents occurred. The base ball seassn opened yesterday in the Kat witn tne following results: Mo ten 7, Philadelphia 3; St. Louis 5. Cleve land 2; vVagbington C, New York 3: Brooklyn 6. Baltimore S; Pittsburg 9, Cincinnati! 1 ; Chicago 4, Louisville 2. Capt Nelson and Lieut Moyi, of the Sa'- vation Army, returned from. Albany this afternoon. Tbey were accompanied by Capt Salisbury and Lieut tirirtith of the Albany barracks and expect to have b big time here tonight Guard. The Stale Y. P. S, C. E. elected the following officers yesterday: President, II suite, ot Baiem; vice presidents, juiss Addie M linatow, ot torvallis, Mrs Mc Kinley, of Portland, Miss Leona Shupe, of Boseourg; secretary, W I Staley, of Salem; treasurer. Fred Lockley. Jr.. of Silem: superintendent of juniors, the Rev. J. C. lempioton. or r-nierprise; ot temperance, Mrs Alberta 8 McMurpby, ot Eugene; of good citiznnsh'p, the Kev Elmer E Tborap. on, or Mcrainnvniej luiwnmary, toe rtev Riley Little of Albanv. The next conven tion will be held in Eugene. Scio. fcd Gilkev waa ia this ci.y and locality last week attempting to collect money advanced to hop men last fall for pick ing money and material. ot a doilar" is tbe report thai be had to carrv back to hia principals, Messrs. Pope ft And erson of Portland. Messrs. Catterlin and Kent, the cream ery men were up from Saletu but Thurs day, and signed a five-year lease with J. A. I. live a for his building. They tuted that the machinery was all bought anl ready for shipmenl.and the weather per- miiunj wit-j vwna wow tne r laminew this city, this week, and have the creamery machinery chipped as well: J rustle your cows. L. C. Pretty man, on Monday sold h s butcher boainessi in this citytoL.W. Richardson, proprietor of the City Meat Market Mr. Preltytnan will remove at once to Mill City where he has a batcher business in company with Harvev Eng land. Charley Bily'ea went to Mill City Monday to go to worn lor the company. We aie informed thatG W.Mor.xw wilt oon open a shop at rreUyman s old stand. Sow that all tbe conven lions are over nesting up what the virions parties have done for Sew, we note the follow. tug named candidates who belong in -oo and vicinity : Hon. Jeff Myers can didate on the democratic ticket for Con- ire: l . ii. Uunki-rs and i. bbore. candidates for the legislature on the peo ples and democratic tickets respectively; M. C Gaines, candidate for sheriff on the peoples party ticket. T. J. Mont gomery democrat ic candidate for treas urer; l'r. J. V) . Uoie rer. W ican candi date for county jmlge. We challenge any other town in the county to make an equal showing mis. of Patents. Granted to Pacific States inventor this week. Reported by C. A. Snow A Co., solicitors of American and Foreign i patents, opp. U. S. Patent office, W aah- ngton, u. u. N 8 Baldwin; Sixikane, bill-file; O E Bergman, Everett, Washtteering gear; , , ' , . . , . -1 a. ra irauer, ioa Angeies, pocaet acne; W H Dean, West Berkeley, CaL, window; II ti Goner, ran Francisco, adjustable noaxle for hose pipes; W F Locke, New Whatcom. Wash., child's seat for bicy cles; E Pape, Portland, pencil case; A rircb, 1XM Angeles, tjal.. wagon brake; II Stumman, Portland, draft regulator; S V Williams, San Diego, CaL, bath tub. n v. -v.. m. b u a m m m n b a v .--'w w m OSllP' NOT POISON AT ALL. An Imitation to Frighten A New Phaie Presented. The charge against Oral Poindexter, the 12-year-old boy accused of trying to poison members of the Widow Smith's family near Coburg, was dismissed this morning by Justice Wheeler. There was no evidence to convict the boy, who proved a complete alibi at tbe time the last supposed attempts of pois oning were committed. About eight witnesses were examined on each side snd there was some conflicting testimony. One of the little girls, a step granddaugh- oi Mrs. brntiti, testifies that ehe saw tbe boy. Oral Poindexter. enter the premises at the time some of the supposed poison and the threatening notes were lett at tne bouse, bat ber testimony wm not accepted. There was no evidence) introduced to show that there had really been any poisoo placed about tbe bouse, except ing at one time when some vitrol was found in the pomp. Tbe oilier stuff scattered about the premises, which Mrs Smi'h thought waa poison, was only an imiUlion substance placed therm with an evident intention of frightening her. In fact the examination has tended to show that thers was no intention to kill any member of Uie Smith family, but instead an effort was being made to frighten Mrs. Smith so that she would leave the ranch. This explains very clearly why tbe family persecutor did not succeed in poisoning any members of the family, as wis at hrst aupposed be waa trying to do. As for tbe little girl being struck on the bead. ths part of the affair is be lieved to be a hoax and the girl is believ ed to have been prompted to tell this and otli-r stones by Uie perron who u really at the bottom of the whole affair. Poller dr. Condon who prosecuted the case joined with Dorris tt Stevens, who had charge of the defense, in tbe effort to ferret tbe matter oat and find oat who the guilty party is. and tbey are confi dent they now know to waotn to attach the blame lor the whole anair namely member of the persecuted family. However it ia believed that the trouble has come to a terminus and if such shall prove to be the case the suspected party will doulrie be allowed to go without being prosecuted. J be result of the examination has shown that tbe boy. Oral Poindexter, a bright young lad, had nothing whatever to do with the enme. Eugene Guard. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. Ben Barker aud child came np from Portland this noon on visit. Gen. H. B. Com peon, the popular rail road commissioner, is at Colestin, for tbe benefit of but health. He is suffenng with asthms. Jacksonville Times. Mrs. H. IL Hewitt accompanied her h on band over to this city, and while bet husband has been holding conrt she has been visiting her mother. McMinnviile Transcript, Mr. G.L.BIackman retained last night from a trip to Astoria, which he reports fall of life. Tbe depot site has been se lected, a fine and central location near tbe O. R. k. N.'s dock, and work will be pushed on the road. Tbe salmon troable is going to be settled by all tbe canneries but one or two paying 5 cents per pound for fish. Mr. John A. Carson, of Salem, the nominee of the republicans for prosecut ing attorney for this district was in the city today. A McMinnviile paper re cently stated that Mr. Carson was an Englishman and not naturalized. As the Dkmocbat copied tne item we are glad to put the fact as it is. Mr. Carson is not and Englishman acd was naturalised years sgo. ; Democratic State Ticket. liO.Ht. AM AUKUAU Tbe ialot Utooshantrr hais trimmed. at Mrs. J oca N. Hoffuuut'a A buve iaroire of Smith Brt. Pcmid just received at Vesicas, the kind mother owed to make, -o eta per box. Wm Rainey, populist candidate for com missioner, railed to hie his acceptance and the central committee appointed I) L Carl. Tbe band and orchestral excursion to Poulard tbe 21th proouse to he the grandest of tr seaaoa. Come and go with as. Elmer and 8ilas Pea1 of H. rrUburg. held to await the aslion of tbe grand jury ander bocds for assault wita intent to kill. Bail was furnished - Mr. Ned Carlton, tbe law stooerit. has been elected secretary of tbe Y M C A to sacceed Hr. Altermatt. jfr Carlto is a bright and ret table yoan man wb wiil do his beat for tne association. Presidential Elector ED A RD K 1 LLFE ATH B. J. M.CAKOLL , J. J. WhITXEY. W. W.OGLESBY. Supreme Judge. JOHS Bl'RXETT, of Corvalli. Congressman -JEFFERSON M YERS.of Scio. District Attorney SAMUEL HAY DEN, of Salem. COUNTY DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For Representative II. C. WATSON, of Albrnv H. W. McELMCRKY, of Tangent. 8. L SHORE, of Scio. For County J udge S. M. GARLAND, of Lebanon. For Coontv Commissioner W. k. POTTER, of Fox Valley. For County Clerk O. A. ARCHIBALD, of Albany. For Cocnty Sheriff Ii. BLAKr-LY, of Brownsville. For Count v Recorder MARK PEER Y, of Franklin Butte. For County Treasurer T. J. MONTGOMERY, of Scio. For County Assessor BOB. M. M ILLER. of Halsey. For School Sunerintendtmt C. F. BIG BY, of Sweet Home. For Coroner O. B. REESE, of Brownsville. Justices of the Peace . JAMES JEN KS, 1st district. GEO. W. HARRIS eul district. Constables - S. H. BRYAN, 1st district. JOHN SCHMEER, 2nd district. FAILING filANHQOD General sad fiervsas Dtiity. fVealws of Bod; and Mind. Uu of Errors or Exoibhs ta CM or Vosjas. Kotaat, Xoieo1- Kaaumdfaiiy lieauared. Bow to Ealarg and fetrcsetaea Wea. Lc- . developed Portloa. of Body. Absolutely Q lai lusr H me Treatises t. Benefits ia a dav. r from as Slates and romta - Coeatries. Bend far IWiitlsa Bona. ca rjanalina aad yrooea, matied jar. Wii free. ERIE MEDICAL C0M Buffalo. 8.T. iUl tetttt Came aadTide-SIrtataja.aadaB Pwa-i eaaS-aMsiexKwiard fcsr JocjtaTK rrrsk r 1 Ow gsy n i C eeuai 1 1 . W. pa-rcsrrOeie "assscM sersze paicmni lce-mei asutaMftB.A 1 A Penitentiary Letter. Tbe following letter received by Mrs. G. W. Dodder from L W. Rivers, who was taken to the penitentiary from this city about the 11th of March will be read with interest : Slate Penitentiary, Salkm, Or, April 5, 1896 Dear Sister in C'hnst Your letter of March 22nd at hand and contests folly and carefully noted. I am quite well; t he rest of the boys is all welL John and Fox and Harry Pool is ia the next cell to me. We are getting along nicely consid ering oar circumstanceau lie get plentv to eat and don't have to work very hard, are treated quite well, the best, consid ering our surroundings. I am very thankful to you for those papers, us boys exchange papers so w- generally hare plenty of reading matter, including the Bible, I spend every evening studying tbe word of God, I pray every day, and ir prayer I never forget you folks at Al bany. Yea folks 1 suppose will remem ber what I promise J yoa all when I left, I am going to stand firm, tell them I am trusting more firmly eve-j aay and I am going to wait patience for that day to come when I will be free from bncs and iron that I may go forth among my fellow men and tell them how I have been made happy by the love of God if I did have my eyes opened while I was be hind iroa bars. I read those chapters which yoa spoke of ia yoar leter, they are true to yoar word, they are good news. I just cooie np from service, the text was a portion of the 23th of Mat thew commencing I believe at the 8th verse, read it. Mrs. Dodder it is my de sire for yoa to band, or let aa many as possible, or convenient for yoa to let a? many see this letter as yoa can. Tell them all I am trusting in the Lord. Give my respecU to Brother Litt'e, the Salva tion Army and tbe missionaries, don't miss none of them. I can not write bat ranee a month so I will write to yoa and through yoa they may all hear from me. Tell them ail to drop me aline ana I wid answer the best I ran. I ret, and the other boys, tbe War Cry. and I tell yoa I feel just like shoaling when I get a new one and I don't know who sends them. out a am cure tiiej come irom sainuoo i rniro J Armr, and 1 think tbev come trom airs, ivarv vvv t-i Goin's daughter ia Salem. I am sore they are very acceptable and when I get through with them I do not tear them ewntatwa Wnkanoa I Head-tie. a uemw a- hi .nil Owr foe not eiM tuL v a Pairr. -Ha-WObc rMtcsKa, ass os art .a the V.& w aaasgsc i nui Mine. Addrea. c, Oee. smsres rOSS.lC. W.'f SM,!llO. ' s r ISlSt. Cackk Block AlHaej. t Filling and extractinv of teeth without eain asoectalty , ALBAKY TRADING CO. I si a t a 4 . - t up a k-yv aaisrui w buuk uuur uuwi vuu-tc the high school of Harrisbarglast night; Musses lvdith and Amv Mar. buie Wright, Lola Senders, and Dena Cpmey- er. Tbeur noito waa "no excellence with out great effort. A short time ago the Conrallis Ladies band received inlormatioa that they bad been selected to render music at the meeting of the Willamette Valley Cha- lauqaa Association, which convenes at Oregon City, July 6. The ladies will be chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Uor- ner. .orvauia limes. Tte Harriaburs; '"poisoning'' rase baa .fsatnei such iinportaoco that the San Francis?u Eiimioer has telegraphed for a picture ot Ural roindexter. the boy ac cused of dains the poisoning; but whom it is now learned was entirely innocen. and what is arc important that toere was no puisooing l?oe. Thb Frrrn Mcbical ot the Albany Con servatory of Music under Prof. Parvin, assisted by Miss A'derson. was gven at tbe college last night. The class of 96 consisU ol Messrs. Akers and Lundell in vocal music and Misees Maud Hnlbart and Edith Smick, ol this city, and Misses Came Bachelor, Lruciauochraa and Laity bleiner. ot fealem. n vocal and instru mental music. Tbe program waa made np entirely from tbe compositions ol Beethoven, the Shakespeare of compos ers, who spoke in notes that never sound ed without a meaning, and tlandel, who Well. I most soon bring this to a close so not forget to call or see Mrs. Uoortwright aadJJrs. McFeron and give them my best wishes. We left a eong book in iaiL one Ui missionaries gave as (Good News in bongs) will yoa please get it and send it to me, I want von xll to prav that I may ever be fauhiul to the end. I know tbe Lord's love surrounds me, so God be with yoa alu From a brother (Bora send best wishes.) (Answer.) FEED OF ALL KNDS Cheat seed for sale or trade irree de livery. Telephone No. 51 K. i aorrrs, ja;r Car. 2nd and Matr bis. COME gether! Is it not bet ter to bav vonr Bread, Pies, Rolls, Cakes, etc, at a reliable store where they ce aalv the Beet materied why of course i in Christ. I es yoa aont want anpvtm auu . I never get it hy eating anything from on L W. Rivra. When t was utlrtwea years old I betas to h.vs ore eyee and ears, and from my ear. a faumor pread. I doctored with five different skilful doctors, bat they did me do good. WM Beum.. liy this time lt bad son my bead, fan., end body. Nobody tbouirbl I Uj disease ail over would Use, and would not bav. but forOuTiouaa Baaaoias. i used lour noxee or utrnmu. Are oake of Concern Hoar, and three battle of OtmcuaA Ebsoltist. Mrb.lrallaam.ont attoaua.,imt cow it la so thick I can hardly eorob It. I am elxteeo year old, weigh 130 pocnas, ana am seneeuy well. alia IHBAff UltaiiUJiX, Clayton, N. T. - SrsspT Coaa TsaiTwtTtr Warm baths wltk Co TlocaA Boa, (entl wpUaallMu el Ctnions. (olnw meat), aad mild doses of Cuiiooal aauT,(naiaai thrsarheat the werla. Sle.1 Kuoi.rsvT.ius. and ass C.SM. Cosp., Sols Pmi saovauiiisawf rrtee, Cnnovaa, Xte.i '"d SI. Furru hsua Fobmbr Bovs. Professor E. U. McAlister and Selh McAlister have completed a gyroscope, an instrument for registering the relation ol the earth Thev took il to the electric light station and connected it with a dynamo and it is found to be verv accurate. It is a very intricate piece ot mechanism Mr. Mc Alister is now workingon a spygmograpb for Professor Ywting. This instrument ia used for regislrlng pulse beats. Eu gene lieglster. Tat OoavAixis Avloat. The rscent high water has accomplished what Capt. Hatch and his crew were enable to do lt has raised the government snag boat Corvallis from iU bed on the bottom of the Willamette at the mouth of Meek a slough and started it on a journey down the river. The boat was keeled over on one side, but haa now righted and is be ing shovvl slowly down stream by the strong current. Guard, Hoc. Flem Smith, of Halsey, was in tha ritv makina arrangements to defend the $2500 suit against him, brought bv A. Blaker. ot Portland. Mr. Smith happened to be In Portland at the state convention of reDubltcans.and was served in that city, lie has retained eamer- fnrd A. Wvatt of Albany and Hon. Geo. E. Cbam'berlin of Portland, and will make a hard tight. Rev. E. A. Ros, the evangelist, wao haa lieen received with marked favor at Uie M. E. Church South for two weeks, rill rlnea his arvi. next Sunday, preach ino at tha church in the morning at 11 o'clock and in the opera house ia the even ing. J. R. Snrenger and C. II. Glunp have taken up the Pioneer Bar quarts cl iirr, Sweeney tbe Mules Twl placer claim, and j H . B. Smith a placer claim adjoining the same, Pure blood is the safeguard of health. rn ..inr hl.-.iut mire, rich and fall of Vi tality bv taking- Hood's Saraaparilla, and you will not need to fear tbe attacks of dis ease. .-'. ; '. Hood's PU1 cure liver illy, comlipa tiou. jaundice, sick headache, bitliousnes, ' S3 cents. ; Stay ar Hows. There is no question but what the men who have been rush ing off to Alaska,Crippl Creek aad most other places lor gold have oeeu mating sad mistakes. The Salem Post tells of one case : A man arrived in Salem to day trom Cripple Creek, Colorado, who does not paint the situation there in tbe most row hue. tie slated that be able to ride there, but had to walk back. and is now o tha way to his home near Myrtle Point, Coos county. H said tbe land for 60 miles around Cripple Creek waa staked oat in mining claims. and that very few of them are worth tha paper th claim notice is written upon. There are 4000 idle men in the district at prea ent, who have no othe means of getting away from tha place bat by walking. tverytnimi in we way oi a necessity is verv high priced. Rooms are so scarce store. u.o. rAri.r.iwi. Be ElUwonh and Lyoa Sad bt. O. D. iNDTii. rropneto SAFE FOR SALE. Anyone wisuioa: purchase a e-ood fire proof safe cheap call oa airs. Acnoy. GIRL WANTED. To do general bvose work. Call at Democrat nice. ls (TV w A TFTi. To wm k. Iaouire of JJMrs. W. N. Phillips, across the WU- Mrs. W. N. Phillips, Uuuet te. HOUSE MOVING, Carefully, promp iy 1 .t tk. InwM mice. Call oa or address G W Taylor, 4th and k'adisoa Sis Albany. bas never been equalled as a composer of I ceoU for the privilege of accupyinga REPAIR BICTCLES. Fiank lkk v renai-s bindee promptly aad in a ami costly that men are glad to pay 60 1 bjgt class manner. Breaks, ponctored dramatic oratorio, his "Messiah ' being a perfect example in this held, jsegide the entertaining program essays were read on the composers ot the evening bv Miss Cochran and Mr. Lundell. The education of the public taste for the classical in music is commendable. Bbowkrviixi Bcrolabv. The follow ing account is given of a burglary at Brownville Thursday night: last night G. C. Cooley A Co s store, in couth Brownsville, was broken into and tbe safe burglarised, the robbers erecting an entrance by forcing open the front door. They drilled a half-inch hole in the door and destroyed the combination, giving them an entrance to tbe safe. They se cured about $100, scattering the books, and emptying pocket books and-papera out on tbe floor. A tew tools were tound un der the sidewalk near by, also a coin sack, containing $3, dropped by them at the edge of the sidewalk. They did not molest anything else. There is no clue as yet to the identity of the robbers They are aupposed to tie the same persons who blew It is. Thompson's sate open about two years ago, as both sales were oper ated on in the same manner. a chair in a saloon daring the night. The Rustlers, Ramp and Lea as battery, this morning, wiped the green sward of the Hallalujah grounds in the First ward, with tha Vt eat tenders, Ann and Moser battery. Score, 22 to 11.1 Kali, rah, rah: rah, rah, rah; Kosucrs, Rustlers, ha, ha, ha ! at. a? -f. I L-tfl'i 1 IJ H I tires, tr. Eved correct JT. west of Y. 3a. C A hall. At shop just R SALE CHEAP. A Barne Sc. 2. velocipede power, jig saw. Inquire at Geo. E. rish'a, Albany 7 J-if i nEOEFISH U THK rLUMBER- TLa roofiing aad plorKiov. Opposite the opera house. MANAGER FOR LINN COUNTX -i nnriMt liickineoa has beea made manager of Lino county for the ta vi Company of Saa rrancisco. car nes a full line of their celebrated treat- iteat- Offi. s at residence east is we nroaa albia Street betwiea rad and Stl Oak boars from 9 a. m to 3 p. m. P)R SALE OR RENT. 10 acres ol land 3 milea from Albany. Addres, . - I j. una j mim irom aii. Gladness Comes I mb- r- e- ubanon oa.. Bnetan. Skbl Haajwr," saaOsd frea. Receiver McNary yesterday filed with the court his report of verified claims against the Williams A England Bank ing Company oi eaiem. it shows 15ft claims, aggregating $125,617. R. Wil liams' claim lor $4,oou, that has been adversely passed upon by the court. leaves $101,403. me state is credited $8013. Treasurer Metschan lias said the state shall not be loser. The city of Salem is credited with $7349. An air brtke instruction car was in the city this afternoon giving instructions in using all air brake apparatuses bv tha employes centering at this city. It is a price's Cream Baking tWt!;t novelty and a very lngcniua car. fM & v, Da. Kassii's Lxctcbbs. The lecture of Dr. Gregory Kannet, at the opera house last nignt was greatly appreciaieti, "The Heart of Ktissia" is a subject of in tense interest, and aa presented by Dr. Kannet, with actual views of the country talked about, is one that leaves a strong impression on the listener and observer. Runsia is a wonderful country and the world should know more about it. The mandolin club furnished some excellent music for the occasion. To-nieht Dr. Kannet will present "One-hundred Minutes in the Land ot the Tsar," with accompanying views, lt shoul 1 not tie missed. The fact that the public school library geUa benefit from it should add to tne attendance. Eutcraic Lights. The Ashland Record says: The city council has ac cepted the following proposition of the electric light company and entered into a contract with them s We will f urnh h the City ot Ashland with twenty-one (21) arc lamps for street lighting for the sum of five and one-halt (5) dollars per lamp per month nnder a contract for three years ; pavment for such service to be made monthly. This company is to have the free use of water through tap auth orixed ia June, 1895," X nth a better understanding of the V V transient nature of the many phys ical Uls, which vanish before proper ef forts gentle efforts pleasautefforta rightly directed. There la comfort in the knowledge, that so many forma of sickness are not due to any actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleasant family laxative. Syrup of Figs, prompt ly removes. That ia why it is the only remedy with millionaof families, and ia everywhere esteemed a" highly by all who value good tuviUh. It Wneft. ial effects are due to the fact, that it is the ne remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the nrtmna on which it acta. It is therefore all Important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that yoa have the genuine arti cle, which ia manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Svrup Co. only and sold by all reputable drugsta. If in the eniovment of jrood health. and the system is repulur, laxatives or Other reiuedioa are then not needed. If afttieted with any actual disease, one may be commended to the most skillful Dhvsicians. but if In need of a laxative. one should have the beat, and with the weU-iniormed everywhere. Syrup ot Figs stands highest and is most largely nsed and gives most general satisfaction LADIES-1 MAKE BIG WAGES doiaj pleasant home work.will gladly send lull particulars to all tending wt stamp Uiss M. A. Stebbina, Lawrence, Michigan. STRAYED Fr&m the nremise of lobn Maxwell in Albany on Saturday, April 4, a small bay horse with a white face, smooth shod all round. Suitable reward for any informa tion sent to Joaa M xw six, Albany Or. Dr. White's new hair growenng system for sale at Venck 's barber shop, sole agent for Linn. Lane, Benton. Marion, . Clatsop, Folk, Lincoln ana iuhbiuwu. fes- Address Box 421 Albany Oregon for fre pamphlet on baldness and c-p trou ble K.O.T.M Meets every Saturday vening .i.n.O M. Hall. Visiting tkniKhis lnvnea aad- l...v wiskub. to WOOD WANTED. We will trade laundry woik for wood or part wood and part ca?li. U MMreow, vi.y wn"rj. UForaialaAlDan.Oreg..lrJ. - i,uJuiun.suiuo --- -