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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1896)
Q (If jTi h : WW VOL XXXI. Catered fee cue Pcul a ; tlbaay. r. Imi-C)iii Mali Matin t ALBANY CHITON. FIU1 A V. APRIL 17. 196 r. r kVTTIXG r'"r rr-arletart ML V 7w 13 SENT i ; w i A WARRANTED Frendi Briar Rpe, Hard Rubber .. Stem, equal to those usually retailed at so cents, will be sent free FOR 24 COUPONS on. FOR 2 COUPONS and 24 CENTS. You will find one coupon inside each a ounce bag, and two coupons inside each 4 ounce bag of gnuine DurnamToDacGO ! Send ooupona with name and address to BUCK WELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO., DURHAM, N. C Buy a bag of this Celebrated Smoking Tobacco and read the coupon which gives a list of other premiums, and how to get them.' 2 CENT STAMPS ACCEPTED. s Albany Furniture Co., Incorporated. a A 11 Undertakers and Embalmers. COUNTY COURT. (J. N. Duncan, county Judga; 1 M. Water and J. W. JPuxh, OouuniMtoium.) I n application of G B IIai tinus, et al, to remit interest on Ux 1813 in land sold to A Barney, ordered remitted upon payment of tax and cost of eale. Bill of G F Harold, $5.40, dismissed. Boundaries ofSheddand Orleans or dered changed. Continued, bill of M D Goon, $14.75. In matter of road, Sweet Home to QuarUville, Phil Smith and Win Don aca appointed viewers, route to be sur veyed. Viewers to meet May 12 at Fos ters. Petition of W R Wyatt to divide dist. 14 continued. Bill of Bert Smith, for bounty 5, disallowed. Application of A F Gooch et al for county road, granted and roadorJered openea. JLn application of R W Hutchins at al. tlw vnu.t wioj.a ty U VI'-fl L... Peebler and S W Orowder. to meet at court nouse April 30, at a. ir Application of J Yoemanatal tor lo- catiun of county road, viewers, J B Oouey, no vouey ana a r Xiera to meet at Kingston May 1. at 9 a. m retiuon ot & Uoticuten et al to re move John weisner as road supervisor OI UIS IV, UlSUllSStxI. Assesinent of Thos Allison reduced 300 on account of barn being burned. tail ol J U Hardin 13.10, continued. In applicauon of T B Davidson et al for county road, Wni Adams. Chas Pat' tison and C W Yates were appointed viewers. Bill of Geo D Barnes &On 17.65. dis allowed. Bills in Oregon set Ira BlodneU. $10.35. continued; also in Oregou agt John Doe, II A Macy was allowed to redeem Jand so a on ux 1331 assessed toll J Burns. Payment on Ux toll of 1895 wns ordered extended one month. J h. Morley was a'lowed rebate of $6.65 ux doubly assessed U O. C. A R. Bid of J S Van Winkle to brii ir down present ownersmp ixxjK accepted jdius auowea : Salaries of J A McFeron. sl68.6,: X Needham. $156.65: D F Hardman. fiou; J a Duncan, $100; P Morris 83.36; A R Rutherford, 160; F M Red' field, $33.35; Q Props'., $06.66; John teener, siu. Aid Mrs Clark, $3; Cox family, $9; Harness Special prices on whips for the nctt sixty days. Baltimore Block, Albany, Oregon $ VaU t . 1 c J $3; Robert Giilock, $6; Orin Aataon, , - Ac Charge .or Hearse or Services . ; $5; Power's fami'y, $10r Mr and Mrs -'' ' Barnard, $5; Nellie McDonald. $S: Mrs ... - i T " I IGYULESa Evidenced by the fact that there were mora of ihm sold in "95 than any other make. BeSUre tO Seesamole Iwfnm nnn-hasino vnnr'QA wkaol ' - MAUI BT INDIANA BICYCLE CO. - sdiasapous, ixd . J . C7 7 Agent. A. j. Hodges, FORTMILLER & JLRYING KEEP ronttantl ca hsnd a full line of metallic, cloth SQ-i wood caskets and coffin AUo Irtirial robes aad suits, in broadcloth, satin, fcanemere which wi I be sold a The Isvcsl Urlaf PrsBli - EMBALMING ad the propercare of the dead a specialsy. AMOo TESrLE 1 iJM mm ORFG01 (j FJookey. $6: Henry Merer.!: Mrs M Ci J.avis. II 0: J as lArew. S4: Law rence Piper, $10; Pepperling, $12. R J Hendricks, miscellaneous. . .$ 90 P G Morns, postage 23 05 Bead. Peacock & Co. aoct poor. . . 6 50 Dr C U Cbamberlio acct poor... 3 00 A R Rutherford, acct school soot. SOS 00 A R Rutherford, postage 7 00 Oregon attMD W heeler 3 60 lr V 11 iloolli, acrtpoor 30 00 P J Smiley; printing 10 60 W E Kelley, acct poor S 00 Albany Electric Lieht Co 23 50 J Grad wohl, aoct poor 11 89 JAW ilson, deputy slienH 44 00 ! J A Wilson, deputy clerk 16 00 J A Alcteron, board prisoners. . . 42 Oo expemes 14 ou T L Diijrser, prinung 2 80 Conn it Huston, acct poor. 2 60 western union 'ieiegrapti Uo. ... 1 Drawing jury district B 7 Oj W J Kibe lan, acct roadB 5 70 M A Miller, acct poor 935 B M Donaca, acct poor 5 45 Jos Sraiib, acct roads 3 00 G Y Standiah, deputy sheriff.... 3 10 K -M tietcber, lumber 140 83 t' Allen, acct poor 3 00 M F Tavlor, aid poor 20 56 Parker Bros, acct poor 9 50 H C Watson, acct poor 4 00 34 30 52 00 32 00 23 30 11 50 (JO EXTRA CHARGE FOR HEARSE OR SERVICE. THE BOYD GRAVE VAULT. 40,000 Hsana Bodies MsSatsd rnmf itr Dlwssfisf TsUts ia HsAmI Csflsgw ia Uaited SIstM. . tj ftatmtOf A-6aM sad wbollr et Be bi it rtwl ac4 mslkttbl. iron, wtd u pne Uca.l!r uufeMtraetibW. Sboold b. usd ia mT inUnDMt. Orrr U,(tiD actiul ns. Wor mlmbr U udertakao. lUaaTS br Tto Ckaetta Cbewical C, 4-5 For Sale by Albany Farnitnire Co, T mm tobbeS tuiutlr. iio (T.Ta neT&lem of location, is tie from th rTB$a et th. fan mi ftwmL The Bor Sun " Vaoi-t sfforde poeittre nd beo liite McarttT wit tbe Qrxn . jbXAer, ua protecu dock cmict wxt boar from dJBneM. mtotd ua eT, KM rroei MrrowiDC G--JL Oregon agt M Crabtree " fcdCree " Wm Michael " M D Wheeler 0 W Warren. Janitor JSYan Winkle, wo.k on PO book John CsLer, janitor. ., Jonn Knigbt, sbenn w . Cbandier, deputy sbenn .... Wm Brenner. I J A Camming, acct poor........ F U Austin Mfz Co. road srauer. Or. Tel. Co. Dr H Davis, acct poor L W Moore, deputy sheriff. w f Jjeakins, assessor Dr H Beers, acct poor fc. r hisber. acct poor I J M Waters, commissioner. I i W Pugh, Adjourned. . The Musical Recital. ' A gool sixed but select audience of music loving people attemlcd the musi-t ' ral rocitol of the Albany Conservatory CollflrS of Music,in the College Chapel last night, I w under Prof. Parvin. The program was j - - -opened with the rendition of that mas-' terly composition of Rossini, the Wil liam Tell overture, by Misses Alderxon and Sruict, Hulburt and Bruner, artis tically rendered, in a manner that did credit to one of the finest of musical pro ductions. Elizabeth Con rl right had to stretch her fingers to reach an outave.but she made nice music out of the "Fly Away Waltz." Miss Maguerite Hopkins recited the "Witches Daughter," pleas ingly. Miss Alderson and Messrs. Lun. dell and Alters were heard in a vocal trio, "taie ii a no rower," well rendered. Miss Vida Mas ton executed Ley bach's filth Nocturne in n manner that promises much- Miss Ella Torbet sang Millard's best song, "Vait:ng." Miss Marie Par r sbwas heard iu "Pearts of Dew," a piano solo' of merit, displaying an easy touch and pood expression. Messrs. I Coos, member of board tiunaoii and Alters aita .tiisee Aiuerson and Hulburt sang the Musical Museum, a medley of the humorous cast. Mr. Chas. Cundiff. a voune pianist of much p;omise,executed Mendelssohn's Hunting bong with excellent etlect. Aliveencore followed. Misses Hulburt and Sinick sang "Crimson Glow of Sunset Fades," with duet accompaniment by Misses Page and Torbet. Edna Howard pleaeed the audience with a piano solo. Mr. A ken sang "Over the Way," which was warmly encored. Misses Sedgwick and Torbet and Miss Page and Mr. Cundiff cloted the enterUining program with a double ptauo duet. The Cheapest I'Ihcc to Buy. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. Following is the semi-annual summary statement of the financial condition of the county of Lino, in the state of Ore gon, on the 1st day of April, a. v. 1806, LIABILITIES. Warrants drawn on Co. treas urer, and outsunding and unpaid... $ Ami. interest thereon Bute Ux due and unpaid for 1895 8,277 13 80 00 35,753 61 POWXA & TOMLINBOk College Notes. There will be no school tomorrow. A. M. Williams is in Lebanon attend ing Prtsbytey. The class in chemistry hsd its final ex amination this afternoon. Ths Y. M. C. A entertainment last evening was a decided succes, the boys clearing about $12 A class in Botany was organism! yes terday. Prof. Sox was out of school yrsterdsy on account of a "ore eye, he was again in place this morning The term examinations are beginning. "He had ought to do it," junior. The clas in De Amicitia will have iu fiual examination Monday. Hot Hermann Took It. A private dispatch from a friend in Washington to the editor of the Dxmo- cbat tells how Mr. Hermann took the action of the Albanv convention : Washington. 1). C.. April R. Mr. Her mann feels detly the discredit cast noon him, but manfully wired CMtgratuiatfona THE CONVENTION. Pobtlaxp, April 10. In republican convention J. a. parson was nominated prosecuting attorney in 3rd district, W c. xaies in zqu; i&ooert walker, oi Coos, member of board of equalisation. convention is now wrangiiog over fin ancial platik in. platfoiru. Gold di le gates elected to national convention. la democratic .convention Hon. Jeff Myers, of Scio, was nominated for con gress in 1st district and Hon. A. S. Ben nett, oi Uie Dalles, in the 2nd district, now Did it Happen; Total. ..$44,000 74 USOCBCSa. Funds in hands Co. treasurer applicable to payment Co. warrants $ Funds in hands Co. sheriff applicable to payment Co. warrants Estimated unpaid current Ux applicable to payment Co. warrants 8,559 38 3,309 24 112,025 28 The Dxmocxat doesn't know which boat was to blame for the collision at Corvallis and doesn't care very much. The public though cares enough to bare this racing stopped. The Salem Post gives this version of the collision : In an interview with Agent-Powers of the O. R. & S. this morning, ths Post learns the other side of the story. The two boats left Corvallis yrsterdsy at about the sume moment. The dork of the Albany is below that of the O. R. A N., consequently that boat was in the lead just the distance ln-tiivn two docks. The Ruth, a hich i th boat on the start, aoon lessened that di-' Incident: expense a . 1 ... - ..... la. - . . . Total...... ...$123,893 90 sakAtAXSOAL axron. Of the county clerk of Linn county, state of Oregon, showing the amount and number of claims allowed by the county court of said county, for what allowed, amoontof warranudrawnnd amount of warranu ouUUnding and nnpaid, from the 1st day of October, 1895, to the 31st day of March, 1896, both inclusive. CLAIMS ALLOWSO. County iiidee. aatarv. . . Treasurer Clerk and help Sheriff County commissioners. . Assessor School superintendent.. uoroner District attorney Surveyor Paupers and poor ...... County recorder '.. Roads and bridges...... Court house and jail .... Stationery and printing. insane. utu. ini gBTe toe signal trial she ws going to pass the Albany. The lalter's captain gave the answer all right, and tbe Kuth was not lonir in iftiir.v alrmir. side of her doughty little rival. Nowhere Mr. Powers claims tha re. port that tbe Albany was forced inio the Witness in criminal cases. Petit jurors Grand jurors.......... Witness before grand jury... naiuns Viewing and surveying rovla. Road supervisors , bank is not true, as the Ruth bad partly Bounty passed the Albany when the bow of tbe 1 Preliminary examinations latter was turned toward the former and truck her aoiidihitM. with the result that tbe outer wall endotimr the lor deck of the Kuth was crushed in. The CUard rails of both ilMnmra am about the same height. The Kuth was crushed by the bow of the Albany and not the guard rail. 600 00 610 00 2.008 00 2,041 61 175 10 1,564 00 447 65 136 64 555 80 68 00 1.628 48 930 351 3,532 08 945 54 928 45 36 50 686 31 1,238 SO 1 225 30 252 20 709 10 19 00 91 00 2JU6 65; 52 50 790 35 Highest of all ia Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report List of Patents. Mi. rws ft and remaining on band in the county treasury ul said county lor ttie six months ending on tbe 31st dsy of It arch, a. v.. loao. Witness my hand this 8th dsv of April. A. V., 18m. 1'. U. MOKBIS, County treasurer. SATUEDA HOMfc AND ABROAD A ne 24 inch bicycle only $20, at tbe Usmocaat office - ToUl.... $23,643 41 AST, OCTSTAXDIXO W A ABA XT CXTAiD. Outstanding nnpaid Co. war ranu MarCU 31, I89B 877 13 Eatimated interest accrued thereon 80 00 to Mr.TKgue. A. B. S. fin-! flO d s-j Army at Hogeae. 25 00 6 00 1 70 16 50 30 25 20 00 275 00 9 55 .. 20 0QJ ..S IV IU .. 366 00 .. 2000 .. 3 00 ... 16 40 ... IS 00 Bert Hutchinson turbing tne SaitaUya Correct. A parte coataiaiDg $10 was Uo'en terdav from tbe rerideoceof R. M. Rob ertson. hay tc Co's Tannery ia Eastern Albjny. will be running ia a week or two, wit b fa cilities for doing good work. A'r. Shay is an experienced inaa in uie business. The Albany be ball rljb has been organised wila m. Alack aa maasgerj Cbas taller, captun, xfarvia turner tela-y aad Reach v eatberf jrd treasorer. Prof. E. J. McCauailAttd, of tbe Mon mouth normal school, foruterly of Albany, has written a 22 page pamphlet oo "Ur goa Boada. hints on Lttir construct io and maintenAnce. It is practical. Three men of the Cnierity of Oregoa aad tares of " illamette L a-versif y are to debate the following question: "Rsemlved. Thtt tbe present yban of electing U. S senators ia preferable to that of direct ro'r by tue i0te.'' WillameUe sl-oold win. Tbe democratic conveettoa ia session io Portland today stands 167 lor free fliver to 6 against and will adopt a fre silver clatform befoa adjtmrniog. N. L But ier atd Gen. Compter were bring talced of for congress . Mrs. t'arciwa Wbite Kinney, tale pmi- dent of the C. T. U. wih de iver her lecture, on Cbn-tmo Citiaeohtp, at the t'. r. churn oq Sabbath evening. April V, 1896. at7ui 'I he young people of the citv are especially i.ivi'e.1 to alleod. She will also h jll a p rkr meeting ea Satur day eveninirai toe mideneof L E. Blain tor th ladiea and friends of. temperance edocation. Obskox Stone Cbobxs. George W Davis, of the Pioneer Stone Company, is in receipt of a telegram announcing that tbe stone of the Oregon Pioneer quarry, on Yaqoina bay, has been selectrd to be used in the construction of the San .$ 8,357 13 ss Total unpaid warrants Stats or Oaaeoa. OorsTT or Lrxx. J I. .eedbam. county clerk of the! county of Linn, state rf Oregon, do here-1 arrABcements far the "J ."'""J ma iub lorreoing is a i rue s penoos latereated are invited and -wrrect statement of the number and New ribbons ia Dresden snd PersiAa enact at the Ladies Bazaar. Boots and ahoes are going at cos sod s at Klein, Dubrutlls Co. Leave orders at Parker Bros., for some of that popular World Beater soap. All kinds of fancy draperies for the ae- con modatioa of lads patmtM at Tinkles. Ladies look at Klein. Dubrnille ft Co'a windows, beat prices and quality if you can. Raia tonight and Sunday, statkmarv temperature, river 8 4 feet above kw wa ter. Bene bAodtome birthdav irema al Will A Stark's, cheap. One for every month in the year. Pansv Plant 5 cents dkt dozen. Frank R. Uokbs. corner Slh and R. R. sta. Al- bany, Oregon. Klein. DubrniHe ft Co., will be here bot a short time tooger. Save money oa booU sad snoes wniie you nave a chance. a new lot of ail woo: serges just received si the Raket Star. 1 bey are elegant goods and worth 50 r rent more moory Yon can get ths beat of all kinds of mtats at Uaigbt Liroa., bos boila sad roasts, sirkaaa, hams, hkcoo, etc Tbe test tanl made. Try them. People like tender :eat B:ce!y cut. Henry Broders keeps a lull line of meats. irma tne neat stuck tabs obtained, com mended by all of bis customers. Tar Lbs Albany Dretaed Me it Co's mar ket, at Secvnd and Lilorlh t'rtxU tor your meals of all tinus. hams, tides, lard, etc Taey boy carefuiTy snd aim to pleaae. Tbe reputation of the Victor sa a firvt dsas high grade wheel that can be ce peoded upon, has been thorongfaly eatab liabed. Will ft Stark are Albany agents. See the lata models. Tiiere wid be a meeting of the speed and driving assoristion at the omos ot C arras ft Monteilh. on Monday eveniBg at 750 o'clock, for the purpose of completiBg spring races. All- to be pi lis THE STATE CONVENTIONS. THS DZMOCSATS. Granted to Pacific States inventors this week. Reported by C. A. Snow A ' Co., solicitors of American and Forei'im ' patents, pp. U. S. I'atent orl'ire, NVit,h- . ngton, D. C. C Armstrong.San Krsimris.-, CaI.,nold lor pipe-coverin ; M P Ifosc, Kan rrsin- Cisco. CaL. boiier; C A Conger, STrn Francisco, Cal., BuckK W J Cranford, Spokane Wash., plate-lifter; J F. Daly, nan francisco, Uai., gas entire; c V Eccleston, Centralia, Wash feel-water heater; O M Grafts, North Yakima, Washr. magnetic ote-separstor; 11 P Holland, Oaklend, Cal., ore-crushing mill: J Kraker. San Francisco. CaL. The democrats elected the following al-' peocil-stiarpener snd point-guard; A alternates to the national convention: Lietx, San Francisco, Cal , maUiematicsl B Geither, George O Stoot, of Multno-i instrument; C Oleson, Roseburg, Ore.; mah; FS Harding, of Yamhill; PDerby, signaling apparatus; A H Schierholz, of Marion; Pierce Riggs. of Polk; G W ' San Frsncisco, CaL, air-valve for water -Smith, of Klamath; J W Morrow, of pipes; B E Stevenson, Redding Cal Morrow; TH Crawford, of Union. j wagon-jack; ) W Utter, Orange, .Cal., The following electors were chosen:! bedrloUtelamp; H S Wood, San i earner, oi Muitnoman; J m Carroll, of Union, and J J Whitney, of linn. F A Starr was elected chairman of state central commute. Jeff Meyers was nominated congressman by acclamation. Tbe following district nominations were ratified: First District Attorney S 8 Prentx. Second District Attorney J M Upton Third District Attorney SL Hayden. Fourth Circuit Jodse. G E Chamber lain ; district attorney, M L Pipes. r iltn ii strict Attorney J E Hedges. Sixth Circuit Judee. TGHailev: d.s- trict attorney. G n Rea. ! ventb District Attorbev J H Crsdle- baoah. ELichth District Attornev. Samnel White. JohnlBornett. of Corvallis was nomi- nated for supreme judge the asTTaucAxs. it t ok ten ballots to decide whether J A Caieoo. Jos McCain or J R VREGUt ATOR Francisco Call buildingays a Salem dis-1 amount of claims allowed by the county pau n. i uere nas beva some enort in t"url ot sski county tor too six monma I alifornia to create a prejudice against ending on Die 31st day of March, 1896,on Oreeon building stone in favor of tbe wbat account the same were allowed iod California product, but Oregon continues the amount of warrants drawn, and the to get some very desirable contracU amount of wsrranU outstanding and un Beeidea the Ca'l, budding, Oregon has PiJ as ths same appear upon the records mrnisbed the stoo for the ferry depot 1 04 mJ omen and in my official custody. ft . ti .. v"! . -u;t - ua a .1 snd the handsome San Franctsco. Parrott building, in Bask Ball. Two games of base ball will he played in Portland on April 26 and 27 between the Portland League K-aui ana a team picked irom lb best ball players of Linn coontv with a good battery. Tbe Steamer Elmore has been chartered for an excursion to lb games leaving Corvallis at 7 a. nu, Albany 8 a. m., independence a. m.. April '25Uu Round trip for $1.00. Return on Mon day or Tuesday. Leave Portland 6 a. tu. W w. Marc. Mer. Albany B. B. Club. LES KAIVsBLEii BiGYC B3,$ioo -' I DEALS" $50 to $05. Call and see these most popular of all wheels. Some special bargains to early purchasers. SEARS & ELKINS, at l E. BLAIN CLOTHING CO. THOMAS BRINK, U. J. Hopkins ieturncJ last night from I a trip to Portland. Rev J. R. X. Bell, of Baker City, has been ;hoeen to represent the Eastern Oregon Presbytery in tbe general as- laembly that meets at Saratoga springs, S. Y. in May. Mies Helen B. Oourtriebt left on last nights overland for St. Louis, by way of San Frsncieco, where she will rested. Miss Courtnght .Anade many lnends while here. Woodin, W. H. Warner and others went to Halsey this noon to assist in some A. O. U "W. work at that city to-night. Tbere is to be a big gathering of or k men there. Rev. J.T. Abbett, Misses Msrguerite I and Daisy Geisendorfer, Miss Laura Chambers, Miss Winnie Chamberlin and Sifts Alae Pollock went to Salem this noon to attend the District conven tion of the Epworth League. Oakvffle. Dealer ia While we were- musing on the uncer tainties of life and tbe certainty of death a 11 ?j . i n n. j I and the tax collector : Lion. J.s.bmitb M-ll KIT fl Fi OI I Urnilj lire I called and invited us to ride to Tangent - . j. j I witn mm. w a were soon amrea in our aUCl beaCUng", anCt It best and seated in the carriage of the I rtHit-A trttn Marti an fAM fnAittinnM.. I m WanTj Une mOSL tbeway we talked "tariff," "bribery you complete flour safe, he has them and his prces the lowest. ALBANY. 0BEC0H. ONE GIVES RELIEF. A MisiATrax Bictclx. M. S. Barker, a bicycle dealer of this city, is manufact uring a special bicycle of very small siie r his little tour-year old daughter. Sliss Mary. Every part of the machine ex cept the chain, tires and balls is being made by Mr. liarker, who hs a bicycle repair shop, and is considerable of a gen ius in that line. The bicycle will prob ably be one of the smallest in the United States. The wheels are 14 inche diam eter, and contain 16 spokes. Tbe rims bad to be made here as none that small could be gotten from any of the lacto nes. The frame la 11 inches nign and Ziyi inches long, and the machine wilt have a wheel base 01 31 inches. 1 ne handle bars spread 9 inches. The rear sprocket wheel hss 5 teeth snd the front one has 14 teeth, civisi the wheel a 40-inch gear. The chain is 3-16 inch. Tires for this bicycle will probably be made to fit by cutting a piece out of a set of larger size and then splicing them to gether. When finished the weight oi tne bicvcie win oa aooui , pou&ns. little Miss Mary Barker, who is to ride it is small of her age and could not reach the pedals on a ltf men wheel. tugene Guard. Last Saturday tbe treasurer of Ya- quina Bay Council of tbe National Un ion received a draft upon the national treasury of that institution for $1,000 in payment of tbe claim of Mrs. T. E. Par ker for insurance on the life of the late TU o. E. Parker. This claim bas been satisfied in a remarkablv short time. Mr. Parker died on the 2nd of February. t : 1 . . uduhd v7umy jeaaer. At tbe tale eonteatira yesterday the dtinocrai ttocied lbs follow. ng delegate to toe BMtiooai ccBveetirm: M a Miller ot Lion, J LTowtuend of Polk. J W Uoward of foseprine. Dr i Webb of Multnomah I D M Kinney or Coin. Cnas. Nickell of Jackaoa. Mr Uallineaax A ClsUop, W J oaicuT ot baker. Witness mv band aad the j semi of the county court of ( said county tbis 1st (lay 0 April, A. Dn 1896. . NaaoaAW, Coanty Clerk. sxiu-axxtal ST a sax ST. Of the amount of money and warranU received for Uxea and money paid to the county treasurer by the sheriff of Linn county, Oregon, for the six months end ing 00 Lbe 31st day of March, A- U. ism. To avocxt aacxtvEn. October In coin and currency $ 3,967 33 in county warrants 123 ks ToUl 4 4.091 26 November In coin and cnr'cy$ 6,948 43 In county warranu..... Total I 6.946 43 December In coin and car'cy.$ 1,404 94 In coanty warranu.... Total 4 1.404 94 January In coin and currency $ 1,701 01 in county warranu 13 10 Total 4 1.714 12 rebruary la cotn an currency IJZM 00 In coanty warranu . . 49 03 Total S 1.3MY OS March In cnin and currency. $10,168 45 In countv wa-ranu 239 00 Total.... 410,399 45 ar amt. paid cocxtt TBSAsraaa cot. You are invited to call at the Ladies BaiAAT, atd inspert their new line of skirts ia Mureee. Italian cloth, silk mi ne, sateea aad gtagnam. They are made ia ths latest style aad range ia price from 75 cents ap. Ebewnere thrasvb tbe kiadoea of Mr. T. P. llackleroaa we pbbliab a letter Lrotn a former A tbarty young lady now em ployed ia a large bouse ia Pboeaix. An sona. As a great many are interested ia that country it wth be read with great in Crawfiwd tbe wind mill mn was Uk'u to Haijr Ust night to blow on the A . O. L. W . He blew aad this morning ing was seen taking hi clothes to the Uiiors far repairs. For further Informa tion ask tlie bya A fair ssed audience attended tbe eater-ainn-.ent .f Mis Grace PlaiOed at 1 he opera hone lit night. Tina was well presented. October Cash.. I In county warranU. . Total November Cash Iu county warranu.. Total December Cash .... In county warranu.. Total Janaary Cash la ccKinty warranU.. Total .... February Cash In county warrants. . Total Mtrch Casb In countv warranu. Miss Carrie Lav ton went to Portland this morning on the Ruth on a visit with her sister. Eleven Albany Workmen returned th's morning from Halsey, wbers they nan an an nignu time in lodge work for tbe order. They report a way np tune. Mr. McGhee. for ten years with tbe Oregon City mills and three with the Salem mills, a nrst-class woolen millman, bas been employed by the Albany mills. $11,143 50 123 93 $11,267 43 $ 6,948 43 "rY.V.'.lt 6,958 43 .4 1.404 94 .'..'.y."4 1.404 94 4 1.701 01 13 10 ,. $ 1.714 11 $ 1,220 90 4 1,220 00 ....,...$ 1.269 OS $10,160 45 239 00 Total $10,399 45 Balance on hand April 1, 1 806, lor 1895, $3,309 24 stats or oaiioos, f corwTV or m f I. J. A. McFeron.sberiff of said countv, do hereby certify that the foregoing state ment is true, r; tineas my nana uiis 10th day of March, A. D. 1898. j. a. atcrxaoa. Sheriff of Linn County. HSl-ASXCAt STATXHEXT Of the county treasurer ot Linn county. Oregon, for the six months ending on the 31st day of March, a. v., iswt, of Ths Odd Fellows U this dty are pre paring to obanvs the anniversary ot the order by a picnic in the Miller erove at Uus city April 25. Hoa. j. II. Weathet- fard, one of tbe nne orators of the state. bas been invited to deliver the address U the day. Jefferson Review. m m m Two Evenings In Rusla. Dr. Gregory De Kannet, of Moscow, Russia, will give two lXlsotrated lectures at tbe opera noose Friday, April l"th and Saturday. April 18th. at 8 0. m. Dr. iwoto ue gow meoai tor illus trated lectures at the world's fair at Chicago and at the midwinter fair in Ualtf. Toes lectures and views are of the highest order and will be the entertaining and instructive of sny that navw ever Deea given in Albany. at. aannet is a representative 01 the Russian press and is a scientist and lec turer ot world wide tame. He is on bis way to Alaska, but SopC Pratt, of Port land, prevailed upon him to give two of bis lectures in Portland for the benefit shook! be the candidate for proeecatins: attorney in this district. Mr. Carson on. Tbe Carer delesrates ruled in the 4th district by one vote and tbe SLnon fact ion was downed. Max Pract was turned down as a dele gate at large and be sboutol bis face black with anger: "Senator Dolpb, you've got me to fight from this on. Tbis turning of me down is a cold-blooded outrage. Joe Simon you are not through with me yet." The delegates chosen were J W Mel drura, Chas Hilton, Booth, and Chas H Dodd. R S Bean was renominate! for supreme judge. SOCIAL AM t"fc.K.-OXAL F. M. Miller and wife were vtsitin? their daughter. Mis Art Hole at Albanv Tuesday. Jefferson Review. Miss N. Adda Hart, a teacher in the Albany college, is visiting with Mr. and Airs.u a. urocx. baiem roel. J. M. Somerawho made Jackson coun ty's present owner book is a repubknn Mate for representative in Linn THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE b SIMMONS LIVER PECULATOR dont forget to take it. The Liver gets sluggish durmr the Winter, ii iT lib all nstitr. Wyatt and the system becomes choked np by tne accumuiaiea waste, wucn Dnngs on Malaria, Fever and Ague and Rheuma tism. Too want to wake up yoor Liver now, but be sure yon take SIMMONS Liver Regulator to do it. it also regulates the Liver keeps it properly at work, when your system will be free from poison and the whole body hrvizarated. You get THE BEST BLOOD when your system is in Al condition, and that will only be when the Liver Is kept active. Try a Liver Remedy once and note the difference. But take only Si.w.HONS Liver regulator it is Simmons LIVER REGULATOR which makes tbe difference. Take it in powder or in liquid already prepared, or nuke a tea of the powder; but take SLMMONS LfVER REGU LATOR. You'll find the RED Z on everv I package. Look for it. 4. U. ZiUn txx. FLJIadelpnia, Fa. coun'y. Ashland Record. Miss Edna Price, a student of Willam ette University, went to Albany and to Waterloo this morning for a visit over Sunday with relatives. Salem Journal. Mr. Geo. Col well, with Merer A Frank of Portland, was in the city today and will spend Sunday with bis parents near this city. Police Judge Campbell, of San Fran- cisto. one of the mo a prominent charac ters of that city, whose face ia constant! v Unuiiar to readers of tbe San Francisco papers, was in Albany this noon, going i trom here to Corvallis. Judge Campbell " and W. H. Parker, of this city, need to j wors in a saw mm together on the Is quina. . Job. Klein, the shoe man of Albany, bot w bo will shortly move to Spokane Falls, Wash., was a pswwriAer oa Wed nesday evening's sooth bound train for Cobnrg, for a visit with relatives. He was accompanied by his Brownsville Times. Mrs. X. H. Lambson, Lad v SUta com mander of the Ladies' Order of tbe Mac cabees, has been in tbe city a few days inetitutin a Hive of Tbe Ladire' Order of Tbe Maccabees, and with the aseis ance of Miss M. M. Krebs, has had great success. The Hive has 34 mem bers with several more who are expected to join today, so it will start out with about 40 members oa the charter Astoria Budget. Judse John Burnett, of Corvallis. was in Albany this noon. He is one of the solid pioneer lawyers of Oregon, an at torney of sound judgment. His Urge business sneaks for his nODnlaritv as a lawyer. Id ability be ii tar the superior of Judge Bean. All lovers of a non-par- fa V 11 itiifnihiif- l uen m Ol theft rhfVkia 1 hit IsMn fAHnnala 1 enough to secure bis lectures here, w.jtimcoart imomwis lor mmnrsa- wouldlike to have every mar, woman ; l"tuw J"u"- and child of Albany to attend these tec- Albany people are particularly pleased tare. with the nomination of Hon. George E. Admission 25c, school children half price. Proceeds above expenses to go to the public school library fund. Hiaam Ttexx. Excursion to Oregon City. For the V. P. S, C. E. convention to be held at Oregon City oa April 15 and 10 tne U- K. A a. Co. have placed in ef fect a specal service by the Palatial steamer Elmore as follows: Leave Cor vallis Tueedsy April 14th at 7 a. en- Al bany. 8 a. m arriving at Oresroo City at 5 p. m. Returning leave Oregon Citv at 8 -SO a. m. Friday April 17th. Arriving at Albany 10 00 p. mM Corral! La 11:30 m. The steamer Elmore is the official boat. Fare one dollar for the round trio tickets, gool returning on steamer Ruth apiu ism. Signed, J. V. Iavrxs. Sec. Local Union. Chamberlain, formerly of this city, for I iud2e of the circuit court ol tbe lour -h district, bom by the tax payers league and the democrats. His splendid legal I sttainmenU fit him for the position. His great popularity u an assurance of bis election. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH. IProprletor, TMa rnMMaiMenM ju(eklr. Twrmenentlr aX nurvoas dUuitaen, Wa KemutT, Lu.. ot Hniln Power, Head nth. Wauhuiwit, ll Vllulltr. Mlfbtlr Kml u rfM.mL inimuiuf and wutincr dlRttsae. eauaed by voutAfulcrrora or txaw. Contain no oplawa. I. a tre toala aad blood ballser Alakftathepoleand panrvtronaana plomp. Banlly enrrted In wit poerei. .iperogiijinr ' iCJZ nitld. wrttten putrantt ormmvnfwuUd. Wiit Oi. rree I ., 1. mkA main wrnniu-r. w th Lnnttmonla s and inanc1il(!lmimir. KochJirrMfirnmimlltiUmit. Hrwimpf tmita. A. -.!!. KVi:.'liH.uiilbrM01UKS A Alci Al" NU, . Invslsta. and other subiecU of importance. When we arrived in the citv we found th school house filled, bnt there was stand ing room for a few more. The meeting was called to ordents o'clock by J.J. tteara chairman 01 the populist ciud, (To our surprise we were in a populist meeting so we made the beet ol our sur roundings.) After the meeting was called to order the following program was ren dered : Music by Sharp Bros. A short speech by R. S. Smith, of Oak- ville. A song by Mrs Cale, of Oakville. "The Twin Votes." Music by Tangent orchestra. Speech by J S. Smith, of Oakville. Short speeches were made bv A. L. Bridgeiarmer and All red Kievint. Music by Sharp brothers. 1 A song by Mrs Cale, 'Praise the Lord.' A vote of thanks was given to 8baro brothers for their music, also to Mrs Cale for ber songs. Mrs Cale came to Oregon from Min nesota. She is a nice singer and as an elocutionist she is hard to beat. Her songs are ber own composition and are well adapted to the prohibition party snd were received with applause by every uouy. The Sharp brothers are orst class mo itJons and their music was received with applause. Men and women of all parties were present, good order prevailed, and all were treated with respect both by tbe speakers and tbe chairman of the meet ing while we might differ with tbe speakers, we can truly say that they 5 Sitting near the front we saw our friend and brother reporter "Young America." After tbe meeting we com pared notes and "buried the hatchet" as p were for the time. Littlk Koss Bun. SoLDiEaa Hoax Hospital. The board met todav at tbe state bouse and award ed tbe contract to Hunter, of Roseburg, for tbe sum of $1,989. Trustees Alley, Galloway, Robertson and Ormsby were present and audited the usual monthly bills. The bids were as follows: J. Stokes, Portland, $6,240; Gray & Luker, Salem, $5,348; J. Robertson, Portland, $5,987; John Mclnnta, Portland, $6,605; D Clements, Roseburg, $6,714 ; Harrild A Olinger, Salem, $5,970; John Hunter, Roseburg, $1,985: Wicks trom th Cheney, Salem, $6,343. Journal. I In .f ! IT. 1 A. Seblbrede, who was prostrated yes-1 money received and paid out, from whom teruay By a stroke ot appopiexy, is re ported as improving finely. It is earn estly hoped Mr. Schlbrede will speedily recover. ttoseDurg iteview Shedd has lost a worthy citixen.Mr. A. Mitchell, who bas been running a wsgen shop at that place for soqie time. Last week he left for Edmonton, in AlberU, just on the eastern slope of the Rocky mountains, zuu miles nortn ci tne uan adian Pacific. This is the locality to which several of the people from over areund bcio nave gone. Among tbe members ot the Grace Plaisted company to be at the opera house tonight are Mrs. Cook and daugh ter. M rs. Cook is an old neighbor ot M r. F. M. French, at lone, Calif., and be sides being a good a:tress is a lady of culture. Ths Gypsy continues to make regular trips between Corvallis and Eugene, a line tbing for fcugeno. Eageee City has becun arrangements for a hremen s tournament in that city, prob ably on July 4 Tbere will be two races, hub and bub and wet test. Our creamer r man baa. so far, failed to materialize. Some of the people are be- m I rnmimr iimt a littU anlinna fur tirxrntinns Mr Frank Reiner came up from Port- to begin. Scio Press. lauu wis nwn uu m vibiw Mayor Elniore, of Brownsville, was in tbe city today. A gratefuli a a mntt m 'GRATEFUL AND COMFORTING Per Tlrstt, Aching, Irrttatad Fast Is aim Data SOAP with CUTICURA and a mtts anointlne with COTL m tu au loiBunraii, tn. i hu, w. I 1 ThU traannent alUT IMilas aaa Irn- I 1 latmn, toothr. tnflaionvsuon sna I painful welllnn of tits Julnla, soft t nam. nniK iicikm Bwaa, mw I WM UK) prpiruuuu. I (M4 ttirnifttmH tha wnHA mm. I la. S Laui. Cvan, rnsa, Staaua. f 1 1 E f I f 1 BwaMHwaf Roy Gill, the leader of the Scio .cornet band, received a few dnyi ago from tbe east a fine gold-plated Kb cornet, which is a beauty and cost f 125. Scio rress. The Dshocrat hss just received from Washington the Official Congressional Di rectory. It contains a complete list of U. S. officials in Washington, with their resi dence, statistics, etc . with a sketch ot the lives of the snnators and represenUUves. Call and see it if interested, Tbe Ruth arrived in Albany this morn ing awhile behind the Albany without any furtbe.' trouble, and left over half an hour behind on account of having considerable freight to take below. "1 he boats will quit racing, only they probably will not. Hav ing tbe sains scbaduie time tney are nouna to have spaU. On acaount of hiirh handed primary methods, in Yamhill coanty, nearly equaled in Albany, a part 01 ins repuo liuan party there have called another con vention, and an independent ticket will be nominated. The Journal rpeaking of it aavs: The farmers have been trampled up on once too often by tbe selfish county stat ; ring and there threatens to be a solid up ' rising of a mui-partisan character that will snow under the unAmerican primary manipulators. Salem Journal. received and from what source, what amount paid out : ix or xr axcxrvKo. Gen. fund AmLon Lsnd....$ 6,559 02 From sheriff 20,084 90 From clerk fees . . . 1 867 30 From recorder .fees 899 05 trom clerk, re demption... .. . From various offi- cers.fines....... On hand.road fund trom state trees. road fund On hand, city fund City fund, from suentt. ......... On hand, instiute fund Received on insti tute fund On band, dist fund Rec'd from sheriff On bsnd, dist 112 bond fund From H OHutton, dist 112, bond tuna..., and on Scb'l fund 6.533 23 9,641 61 254 38 1S6 18 415 67 132 61 148 49 2,899 03 60 00 87 15 53 60 478 43 3,022 62 13 34 30 66 ToUl. Bch'l fund .$32,876 94 $17,910 34 AMOCXTS PAID OCT. Gen. fund Ami, paid out on county warrautcsi'U.ssi 01 On hand, gen. fund 8,569 38 School Sunt. war. . Sch'l fund on hand Paid road fund .... On hand.road fund On district fund.. . Diet, fund on hand. On city funds. .... ttal. city funds on hand........... On bond fund, Dis. 113 On institute fund. Bal. on hand, in stitute fund..... ToUl $32,376 97 415 67 132 61 2,989 79 67 73 4,094 93 11,129 81 2,28 54 202 41 The arrestee sei'-er oa the market for family. i diseases of the Liver.Kidneysand Con stipation. Pleaaaat to take by old or young. Ko rrrping. The root of tha Ljwice t iant is ratea Bvefy uaed ia Norway fur U-e cure of Piles Sold by sll lint csm Aragirfs Wholesale AAaufactsres, ANCHOR S CBXS ICAL CO, Lebanon. Or fslANLY VIGOR YCE SIOSE ta twit, - with tee wwid.9000 eraBpiecrir eared sn ar inning aanpr praises far UK (Teases, iruii ot and mot soo ccesf ai car. for ses wal weakaess aad ktt viaor known u tedical seance. Aa imecmasot taisn I dtrrfxi atiaumia, ia Dooa Eoraa-wisa rr tnuia and pnx.s. will basest to ssf- SsrtBsl wea (9ealea rss. Fail xaaalw Sta nisi napawiTaa, HsiKS to MiLLtoxs Roseburg has a couple of heirs to millions of do tars, ac cording to the PUundealer. which says : trom Aew xork comes the startling news that the heart ol that city is own ed by the heirs of Anneke Jans, valued at $750,000,000. Tbe lineal descendenU are now numerous, and are making con certed action to recover this immense ! property in America's metropolis. Our townsman, Stephen StaaU, ia one of there heirs snd bas already received nve letters from relatives ofewYork and elsewhere calling his attention to the good fortune that awaiU him in comsnon with the other heirs of the Anneke Jans estate, lSew York. Mrs. J. R. Kennedy of this citv is one ot tbe 4tW heirs oi tbe Anneka Jans eaUte in the heart of New V01 k. This esUU has been in litigation since 18S7, and late CevelopmenU indi cate a probability of tbe heirs succeed ing, it is to be hoped the heirs may prove their rgnu to this princely eeute. The following have just been admitted to practice medicine in Oregon, patsiLg the examination and receiving credit ac If you eat what yoa like sad digest it ton win snreiv be stroaa aaa neaiuv. . .. . . r , 1 liut it you Ooo l aigest u you mim al most as well not eat, for wbat good can your food do yon if it dcesn'c nourish yon? it yo bad tnai yon eaax aige u, taexw is a aimoie helD for voor stomach. It is Shaker Uureeuve taraiai. tnaoe oy the Shakers of Mount Lebanon. It has never faiWd ta cure the worst cassoftadi- aaatidB. . . . . . a . . . streastb aad neaitn come trom tne 100a you eat. after it has been digested and has irone into ths blood. The best tonic is oigestca rooa. iw best aid to digestion, Shaker Digewivei Cordial. When yoa have acid sructaUooa, aaasea, headache, wind, dixxiness, offewsive breath. or any other svmptoms of dyspepsia. Sha ker Lhgestive Cordial win cure you. At druggists. Trial bottle 10 rents. EEIE IIEQlCJlLCOBOFFJlLOt. FLOWER FESTIVALS, Bose and the like, will be the delight of Cal ifornia lor the next two or tnre months. Santa Barbawa Flower Festival, the fame of whi.h is worldwide, and tbe dorr of which, like that 01 s-o.on.on, is f ..... . :i IE , not Dan tow, opens .ipru 1 v,uitu Fiora will reign 3 days an arbitrary and absolute dv-spot. La FiesU de Los Angeles, now fixed in the chronology of Calilornia feasts, and not leas-iilastrious than its older proto- trves. commences April 22, and the not ot fun will spread over 4 days. The Carnival of Roses, to lake place in San Jose. May 6th tf .9t!i, inclusive, thcugh a more recent cand dale. Kr fa vors of the fun-loving work!, yet because of the limitless possibilities of the Gar den City for snvUiir.g that is made of 1 roses, is quite as iu" 01 pnnmucmx. REDUCED RATES will ha made bv the Southern Pacihc 1 1 f . I Cnmnan v tar all these bnlUant events, VJlaUliC VUl 1 ICO Arrange y 1 1 nth a better understanding of the YV transient nature of the many phys ical Ills, which vanish before proper el- cording to tbe order: imam u rarker, ' icai wuku wv. y" Jessie V Davis, Tillie DiUenhoefer, Olive) foTUnUeeffortoeasantefforts Hartly, Benjamin F Giesy, H R Biers- dorf, F W Brook, Alex Reid, O P Low, James B Munly, Mary P Johnson, Ella P B.own, William K Vance, of San Francisco, 0 W Faull, William T Mira cle, George Ainslie, Jr., J G Zan, A J Roseitor, Elisabeth H Reed, Edward A Pierce, ot New York.Lilliaa E Dempeev, H A Dedman, J fl M Clinch, Thomas I Marks. 44 00 2 00 j Out of We&Kness conn-s strength when tbe blood has been purifcd, eoricbsd and vitalised, the appetite restored and the system built up ty liood't Sarsapa rilla. Hood's Pills cor nausea, sick head ache, indigestion, biliousness. All drug gists. 25c. ' STATS Of ORBOON.i 011 n n 1 ..... r "S VAivail vh Mnn, i I. P. G. Morris, do h the foreeointt is a true and correct sUte, ment of the amounU received, paid out, Far tkeMsii. t mm RS aeara nlil. ham hail kldna $17,910 34 JiMB and constipation for 25 years. Am j sow well used your S. B. Headache and lll rnn Ana vase. ITaMti 8 hotiles al ereby certify that 50 cents each. J H Kaight, Rutledgs, Or." For sale by Foshay A Mason at 50c per bottle. ritrhtlv directed. There ia comfort in th knotvledire. that so manv forms ot sickness are not due to any actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which tbe pleasant family laxative. Syrup of Figs, prompt lv removes. That ia wbv it is the only remedy with minions of families, aad is everywhere esteemed so nigtuy oy who value trood health. Iu beneficial effects are due to the fact, that itia the ne remedy wnion promote interna cleanliness without debilitating the organa on which it acta It ia therefore all imnortant. in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when yon pur huiL that toi have the genuine arti cle, which ia manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only ana soia oy all reputable druggists. If In the eniovment of good health. and the system is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. It afflicted with any actual disease, one may be commended to the most skillful physicians, but if in need of a laxative, n .k.,lt han th best, and with the wall-Informed everywnere, oyrup ox vour nroerams accordingly, and call on agenU tor particulars. -"v If TT Let Us Keascn To I. A I IV 1 fL aether I Is it not bet ter to buv vour Bread, Pies, Rolls, Cakes, etc, at a reliable store where they use only Uie Best material why of course i ISr you uons ssui ujtiTpjw ju-. never get it by eating anything Jroni ou tore. U.S. BAKERY, Be Ellsworth and hvon 2nd m. C. D. Yakotks. Prourieto TTBoeaBtbla) aomaaunp WANTED-AN IDEAS thins to nation tf Protect yoor Ms; they ma j BUliN CO. Pataat Attomcya, n auuisw U. O- for tnolr SLSW priss Oder. R. O. T. M Meeto every Saturday vening ia K. O M. BalL Visiting KaighU invited I ed. 1. .VAK WlBBLX, Co Money to Loan. ; have the K".lowing sums ot money ' n on trood Real or Personal Secunt: I Figs stands highest and ia most largely $2,000, $1,000, $1,000, $500, $400. I used and gives moat general satiblacliuu J. M. Ralsto.v. .,11 For ale la Albany .Oris, .by J.