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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1896)
I THE KINQ CURE OVER ALL FOn C$SSfl WETHERFORD & VVYATT Attorneys at law. Will practice in alt courts of the state. Special attention giv en to matters in probate and to collections. C FFICE In theFlinn block. W. R. BILYEU. Attorney at law and Solicitor in Chancery. rvllwfinna made on all Doints. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. Albany' Orrgon. . Attorney at Lw, Albany. Or. BLACKBURN & SOWERS AU legal matters will receive prompt at entfon. Office, First National Bank ujldinjr, upstairs. w flied wheat health by ta tawsC of SHAUErTS ComDOund Cod Liver CI Capsules. Vnsnrpasaed M t remedy for Co. umutioa. Aathv- rm. Bronchitis Coughs, Debility, and all waatinff diseases. Perfectly tasteless. Tina acientific remedy by bnildins ana rev-Wing the body and renewing wast tissue, resists and destroys disease fen contains the purest Cod Liver Oil combine Witt Beechwood Tar: plcaaant and easy tak;; reasonably and honestly compound by a practical pharmacist. Von can get them ONLY BY MAIL rre- paid to yon on receipt of 85c, pr bos. Prttmrtii tolelr l.T Ci. fi SHAUER. CHIWIT. 23th & State Sta.. CMcaga, Ms OKTAHaE A HACKtEHaW, Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon. h fBtmsaA. wo women in jail in Albany is not a very good record (or the women. There promises to be some interesting meetings or the City Council in the futura. The real estate men are beginning to advertise in Astoria. That indicates which way the wind is blowing. Thos. Edison is laboring npon an in vention for photographing the brain . If perfect it will be a dangerous machine in almost any community. Russia is becoming very bearish. Even Steven a. be President. Eikins would like to Ex-Governor St. John ted to be a populist. is now repor Mud slinging and personality are pocr i arguments In these civilized days. I The Duke of Marlborough likes his wife so well he has had her lire insured far $3,000,000. John Wanamaker has gone to Europe. Having been in Albany and Europe, he should be prepared for the future. jjr. J. i niLii, hydciaaaDddnrgwm. OFFICB Ooroa arty strata. Albany, Oregon. DR. C, U, CHAF.1BERLIN REMOVE THE CAUSE and the symptoms wiUdiaappemr -This yon wiii accomplish by usinj SHAUERS' CATARRH THROAT or ttiiriu ...... am Incomparable remedy for diseases Ska Throat, isose, ana luontn. A ceruun, simple and effective ewes for Cntanw, Hay Fsnr. DipMrwMa. Qulnsj Sort TVaat, Pant eats, Utcarstes sr Csntierafl stoats an Tensaa. Baafiy used, quirk to relieTC, positive cara, always ready; small in price. Dca't wait I yon ninst hare it get it now. NT ONLY BT MAIL, prepaid o- rscdst at 60c. Prepared s.W.y by U. U. oil .A Li r.1., t HKMUfT, 8&tc A 20th Sta.. Chicago. ILhv The Salem Statesman calls him the Honorable Biuger Handshake. lie gen erally gets the nomination just the same, and probably will this year. A farmer back east after bis wife died wore her clothes through a mad freak, declaring they were more comfortable. He could not stand the strain and com mitted suicide. The production of gold has been enor mous, more than the demand. Figures show this. The result will be that gold will fall in value and silver consequently rise, bee it mis is not a nct. Hood River strawberries last year aveiaged $1.85 3-5 per crate. Money In strawberries at those figures even. The democrats could not nominate a man for president who would give more general satisfaction than Win. 0. Whitney. SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS. Did or did not. On the outside. Look brighter. What genius does. A great man's birthday. At the end of another week the Mon roe doctrine remains in statu quo, the Transvaal matter has not been settled, Fitxaimmons has not yet "fit'' Maher, the boundary lino of Alaska continues frigid, the tariff bill has been tabled, silver continues demonetised, wheat con tinues firm ; Mrs. Mary Lease has turned from politics to preaching, but we pre dict there will In? more politics than re ligion ; the Queen made a speech, the funding bill is getting some terrific knock, and if Huntington survives he certainly will be battered out of shape, the gold reserve continues to diop, the gold circu lating round to pay lor bondsithe insur gents in Cuba are as far if uo. farther than ever from their liberty, and politics are getting hotter. Februaivl'2. Lincoln's birthday, will probably be made legal holiday, the Speaking of Cie great discovery of a second one in honor of nu American process for photographing the human citizen. j "rain, suggests that it will not be necea- 1 I sary to use it in some cases, as the brains strictures, facial blem- istips. np.ira.lcri a and other diseases, with ira'.vanic electricity. O ffice on Ferry St , I near 3d street. rtlKST NATIONAL BANK, fc1 Or ALBAKT, ORBSOK rcsidsst . Wire Pnident . C shier... - LFLINK S. E.TOUKG K. W. LAKSJUO HtAKS ACTS A O EIULtaoktng'btisls SIGHT EXCHANGE and Ul Tannic trMl sow S t,i, . rnndsoo. Chicago and FitUro SlHOii OSon taorabla ria Yens)' K aw. Bun, L. FUssV gawsas I . SOX. V. WivH CI.,BAKsF.R o ar.BaNT. osooi. fRANSACTa eeil Banking; oshKBS. DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS on fiow lurk. Ban T too and Portlano, Orepw; LOAN MONEY oa approved aeearity. RECEIVE depasita subject to check. SOLLECTIONSmade on laeorabis taras; INTEREST Mid oa tfan daoori RIPAN-S The modern stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. JUSTICE OP PEACE, a a-w lo-atd In the Psaoceir oflr. eornerjo Snd and BroadalDin smets aioany. w. Bents and Collections a Specialty. i k i.w! A npw bicvcle. 24 inch wheel. Jhall hnarinsr. Dneumatic tires, for boy or jrirl. for sale cheap. Call at Democrat office. itvounse Inccbators H.-.Ue money w..i.e others are wwstins L-tr- Catalog tells a'.! s-at i'.; ankle nedc1 for theia Ca.Mljj, Tlie"ER!E' 1 n:ecLnlr:!? tr.s r We ate fn.-ice Coast Asenis. ii:-.c:e cia logucmacd fre g e fundeHrttkm T"s.e;e..nEts castto. PrTAUTM a IKCC5AT0S tU.,riihts:.CiL Among the converts at a revival in Brownsville recently was Orville Mont gomery. Had his brother done likewise only three months ago Linn connty would have been spared the worst crime in its history. The Forum save that aa np north de-n- ncrat wrote Senator Koacu: 'All tue darned fools around here are talking about the Munroe doctoring, and nobody knows what it is, and I don't know my self, but if the government is giving it away, send me what you can. ' The Democrat doubts if there is much in snch things as the following, and yet wj give it because curious : Curly hair indicAtea exuberant vitality, the curl b;ing caused by the heat or electricity which prevades the system. Straight hair mostly denotes more evenness of character. Coarse hair mostly accompan ies large muscles, and would thns sag gest physical strength, white fine bair denotes refinement, sensitiveness and effeminate tastes and feelings. Very sensitive people have excessively fine hair, and their eyelashes) alsrays correspond. The Portland Republican clubs seemed to be used to knock out what lit'l brans there is left the party down there.--Salem Journal. A Salem paper calls silver a putrescent corpse. A cmn oi tue reputation anu worth of silver deserves a better name than that. are entirely mentioned. superficial. No liaruee A 25 cent chicken suit in Portland cost the county $12.50. This reminds as that justices bhou'd be elected who will not Issue wai rants inevsry 25 cent applicant. The supreme bench of Oregon should not be all of one party. Let us have one democrat. II. C. Watson, of this city, has been named by a correspondent. He would be a credit to the supreme court. George Francis Train says that whtn he was a little fellow his grandmother 09d to tell him that it he was good bif and studied the catechism he miijlit some day become one of t.e rfreat men at Washington, bat that when years af ter he went down to Washington and saw some of tboee great men, be con cluded that his good oil granJmotte had been humbugging him. Fx. If there is not a brighter look in the faces of farmers the Dkmocbat has not been looking straight. During the week a long haired pianist received JoOOO for playing Use than two hours to a San Francisco audience.while ail around are thousands of laboring men who would be glad to make a cor tract to work for ten year for that amount. That hardly seems (air. but it shows what genius does, and there is only one man in the world capable of performing the trick. His name is Paderewski. The birthday of .iu American citizen was celebrated ' during the week w ith more than usual ardor. Few men in any country have had a firmer place iv the hearts of the masses than Abraham Lincoln, and only one in the United State, George Washington. MISFITS. Ft. Valentines day will occur tomor. row. Cupid is suppost'd to run things but often spite knocks him out. I'aderewski is pronounced Pah-drav-skie, with the accent on the first syll able. How many have been calling the great and long-haired pianist correctly. Perhaps rialem people aro happy now. An application has been made lor a re ceiver for Portland University in orchr to ROC llr nnvmunt f.- .!.... ..I. ..l , - i mi uiuiiu interest on bonds. vnn.ese iew years is in full blast. It is a noisy affair; but in the midst of it is a custom thut is very commendable.that of settling up their affairs, a good China man sacrificing anything iu order to do so. The Albany Democrat suggests a law to prohibit Lano county men from car rying guns In the face of the verv large number of accidents brought aliout by gun CArolessness this does not set m to be what might be callJ a far-fetched idea. Medford Mail. The town lots at Gates, Marion county are selling at big prices today, some as hiith as 'j0 to 250 a lot, that have here tofore had r,o market as they are in the virgin foreet. Salem Journal. When did Uates become a part of Marion county. According to the Dkuotbat's map it is in Linu county. Mill Cit v U in .Marion county. mo 1'em.mbat does not pretend to keep its readers posted as to who are candidates for county o!lh-ff. otne mentioned are not candidate, and some are candidates not mentioned, and some you do r.ot know about. The man who is really a candidate needs to have it known in these days of aute-convention rustling. TELEGRAPHIC. Ftee nllirer Defeated . WAnniNOTOW, Feb. 14. Thi majority against silver in the bouxe today when the linal vote was taken on concurrence in the senate free coinage amendment, was larger than that ot yesterday in committee of the whole. Yesterday the motion to concur was defeated, 1'JO to 80, a majority of 110; today it was beaten, 215 to 90, a majority of 125. The vote today was a record-making vote, and coupting the pairsnly 37 out of 3j6 members were unaccounted tor. Perhaps a few absentees dodged, but most of t'jem were unavoidably absent and were unavoidably absent auu were unable to se - cure pairs. InreadUiy Wark. Meijkoiid. Or.. Feb. 14. An unsuccess ful attempt was made last night to burn the grain warehouse of A a Davis, situated acro the street from tbe (Southern Pacihc depot. The areboute conUu of two buildings connected by a small room, and it was at tins room that the lire was started. Turpentine was throw n upon the wall near the ground, but the boards were so damp that they wmld not ignite. The buildioir contained 20,000 busoeU of wh-axand a large number ot dek and other furniture for the new school bui! ling. Was It Bit. tody. Kansas Citv, Feb. 14. Deputy United Stales Marshal Halderman, ot this city, believes that he saw Mrs. Arthur B Cody, of Chicago, who mysteriously disappeared from Tactina tome three weeks ago. 51on day of this week the woman be saw was a passenger booked from Kant a City Jfor Memphis on the Ktugaa ( nr. Mmnhu A r ort .Scott train, r-he had I t her railroad ticket, and it wax ber excited and discon nected talk of Tacoma and Washington tnat hi ought her to hu attention. Lat Week'a Baalaeaa. Sew York, Feb. 14. -Bradntreet's to morrow iu ay: 0 nver WK WIUSCMD FREE One fSvt Scarf Pin WK WILL ALSO CNO FREE, oni rain or Solid lor 12 Oaaponi en, row 2 Ccnpoiu and 12 eta. EE, For 30 Coupon, j en, ro 2 Coupons and 30 ota. t Lfok Sleeve Buttons You will find on coupon inaina each 2 ounce bag, and two coupon taaida each 4 ounce bag of BLACKUELL'S GEUUircE DURHAM TOBACCO. SEND COUPONS WITH MASJK awo ADDRESS TO ELlCXsTELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO, OCSEIK, K, C. Buy a bag of this Celebrated Smoking; Tobacco, and read the coupon, which gives a list of other premiums and bow to get them. 2 CENT STAMPS ACCEPTED. Two subscribers have stopped the Salem Post through the usual Postmas ters card. The reason given on the first is as follows : "lie you say Cltvelin j Unooga u a honast man." The reason on the I ri-miiii. second card is; "You speak in favor of j aUnces dbi.poictinlv so Cleveline." The Poet savs: "The joke of it is that this paper has never, during alt ol its existence, soken a wo-d 'in favor of Cleveling." What Dr. Smith Said. Dr. Smith, of the Lawler mining syn dicate, reached Salem with two sacks of ore this morning to be assayed. They are samples from a group of ten mines that Mr. W. 15. Law er will bond in Lon don inside of thirty davs for twice what be did tbe Bed and White Hall mines now at work, ore from which be will show on this trip to England. "I have just ben in Cripple .Creek and Trail Creek mines and barring their larsest and richest mine, the average ores in the Santiam district carry more per ton than The general l,ti.;n. .it.iin ti ,k. mines bo tar discovered in Colorado. out lie country does not meet anticipations, i W 5?n Tely Vlct mining excite .,.! , .., .. . t. i...i.c.rl I : ment for the quiet Capital city that will f ituhurg in tne LnA; Chicago. St Louis "Iv. irV uZ.Zl - 6Z-T j 7-T and Umaha t the rt et; Galventon, that- aod Atlanta at the fcoutn, trde dull for the season, in mot in- He Will lht Ntw Yohk, IVb. 14. A dijpatch from avatia say: Me.' sir. bmr.h savs Portland caoitai- ists of the Commercial club are oSering them biz ngures lor their properties, but there are thousands just as good in the are not yet claimed. Some Jargon. As it has been a long time since any jargon has appeared in tbe columns of tbe Democrat we give the fol 'owing from a '4-5er in the Bosebnrg Plaindealen "Only a Few of Us Left." In tbe Or- egonian of the 13th is an article follow ing the above sentence, and I for one can reiterate the same with emphasis, and at the same time call to mind tbe time when as few heard the clamor from the Indians when making a demand for bread. "Potlatch rebnl" was the con stant crv at our doors from the Cala- pooia's, with tbe assertion added : "Mica wake potlatch nica mimalooee, moose -moose, ocke illehe cop a nica, Boeton man wake close Boston man capsnaUow nica illehe, wake potlatch sablil, mica bin olo, nica tencas man, nica clachman, bin olo, nica wan a, mica clatawa, wake mitlite ocoke illehe, mica wake clatawa. nica mamelooee mooge, moos, mame- Scio with her 700 people has moie spun man sale in witu tier ,ow. me , ijt u tlioehlteomd ,rm citv has already raised the required ,, , , ., .. "j 7 1,. ; 7L" mountains that Inside of tux months another biz stamp- I loese cmtan momeloc Boston man. ing mill will be on the groand. There is j Wake mica potlatch Eub'.il, mica fot- I uueuu &u iub cspiiAi iu ue unu uwu x.ui$- i,iu, j . iuiu new, It i hrnnl nm.fTn iaiu ii -.t r:,r land on such showings as is made lor men isncam shot, nica ishcom kinase. Wedrt n-iil tr--nailv i 1,1 1 1, ..! this region. I nica ishcam sablil- Old man doctor e! soon Captain General Weylers purpose D by. KY WOOD FOR SALE. Big fir, small fir, ash, maple, oak and balm, I 15. M. ttUSTOX & M. JOSEPH J SMITH T0 TRADE for residence in Aibany. X I have 16 lota with fair house, just out side the city limits, in good location, good bind, good orchard, to trade for residence in suitable location in Albany. G W.Maitok. OITUATION WASTED.-To do gener- 3 al house work. Leave word at this office. Money to Loan. I have the fallowing sums of money to loan on good Real or Personal Security : $2,000, f 1,000, 1,000, $500, A00. J. M. Ralstox. AMY Wmm AGENCY Dealers in Insurance, Wheat and Oats. We have had more thorough training is ail the branches of incurance than any other agent in Albany, wid can give you more genuine insurance for your money than any other agent in the city. District agents for the Sun, of London, established 1710 A. D . Phoenix, of Lon don, A- 1., 1782 and "Continental,"' of New York, tbe only company issuing a 'Safety Fend Policy. ai. SENDERS, & Co., Mtrre. iTiXTT? 8 Iteascn To VVviVl H, getherl Is it not bet ter to bny your Bread, Pies, Rolls, Cakes, etc, at a reliable store where they use only the Best material why of course i is you dont want dyspepsia and yonl never get it by eating anything from on store. U.S. BAKERY. Be Ellsworth and Lyon 2nd St. C. D. Vaxdykb. Proprieto LADIES-1 MAKE BIG WAGES doing pleasant home work, will gladly send full particulars to all sending 2ct stamp Miss M. A. Stebbins, Lawrence, Michigan. GIRL WANTED lo do general housework Address Box 293, Albany Or. t Music. Miss Mildrc.1 Eurmester eacher of piano or organ. System the Mason touch and technique. Residence Fifth street, opposite U P church. LOST. Between United Presbyterian churbh and lUh st and Ferry tt .a gold stick pin wi h pearl setting. Re turn to Democ-k&t offio, suitable reward. FOR SALE OR RENT. 10 acres of land 3 miles from Albany. . Address Mai. R. E. Owes, Lebanon Oiegon. MANAGER FOE LINN COUNTY. Mrs. George Dickinson has been made manager of Lir.n county for tbe Via vi Company of San rrancieco. M:e car ries a full line of their celebrated treat-n-erit. Offi'e at residenc? east side liroad albin Street between 2nd and 3d Office hours from 9 a. m to '6 p. m. REPAIRS BICYCLES -Fiank Dick ey repairs btcjcles promptly and in a first class manner. Breaks, punctured fires, fltc. fixed c".rrecty. At shop just west of Y. M. C. A. hall. " 1JEOEFISH u THE PLUMBER Tin rootling and plumbing, the opera house. Opposite VETERINARY SURGEON Office at Miller Turner's stable, resi dence and stable At 4th and Caicpoou streets, Albany, Oregon. 4 Stientifio America Agency fir. The Democrat is always glad to pub lisb anything that gives tbe black eye ta the superstitious of the day. Here is oiefroin the Astoria Budget: a man who believes in the old saying, "See a p n, pick it op, and all day long you'll have good luck," saw a pin in front of t le postoffie the other day. Bending d iwn to get it bis bat 'tumbled off an J ro'Vd into the gutter, bis eyeglasses fell and broke on the pavement, his suspen der g.vtwiy behind; neba-stthelrrtcn hole on the back of his shirt ci!!ar, and hs all but dropped his ne false teeth. lie got H e pin. cawATm. TRAoat aannrft- DESiom HTurrii COPYKSOHTS. sn Tor luT'AuiMllcn aixl frr Handbook wrtt to axsa a oo- an bkubwit. saw Toaav OhMat bnrean for aseortns patcnti ta Amenm, Bvcrynasrat taken oat toy nsla browrnt brora to pnnUe by a noooa gtna tra ofenaess la ina Innatcfrratattanarany aetntUlc pann ta a world. Splendidly Illustrated. No lntrtllerat nun ahookl be wltaant H Werktr SJJ.OO a yrr; ' jO ill month. Addreaa, MCVsri COu ItMiim ta. Ml Broadway. Sew Sork CUT. do you rrite letters? Of eoorse yon do, and what is nicer than smooth let'er paper and envel opes for bnsinesb corresponding. We make speciality of neat commercial stationary, ou should BOY ENVELOPES of os at once and see the fine quality an extra Jow prices. Next time you wan some inquire OF SMIL KY THE PRINTER and all Pafef rtta. I ICaveu aad Trade- M arks retained. I ent tncaea eendocted im oc -watt. Oon Omit is Oppositc I. 3. Ptckt omee - -oa wa can mure ratect in ICS mc una UMaS. roiote istfia wasninsfton. j 6end ir.-jdel, diawiog of photo., mta oeaertp.) I" . We advite, J paten'ao1 or not, free oil A w ,jMt m , Huw lo Oix j 1'Menta," mi oi or lie in ine w. & va Kittu UK tree, AJdresa. o.A.sracw&cOs 3f. -rrrOrr:se. ttv SHfwciow a Prof. A. STARK Of Will & Stark. Optical Specialist Graduate of the Chicago Opthalnie uonege. I am prepared to ezamine scientifically and accurately, b the latest and improved methods of modern science, any who de tire to n a 7e their eyes tested. . Cusick Block, Albart, Ohkooh. K. O. T.M MeetsATery Snturdav venino in 1C O T M. Hall. Visiting Knights invited to nd. I. . va Winkle, Co . FOUND A little girls cap thw injT Ca 1 at tha Dimockat otS morn- otSce. WANTED-AN IDEA&2 thing to patent f Protect your ideas ; they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDEft. BUitN A CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington. U. C for their tljsuo prixa oiler. ALBANY TRADING CO. iGROCERIES and FEED OF ALL.' KINDS Cheat seed for sale or trade In de livery. Telephone No. 51 R. N Morris, Mgr Cor. 2nd and Mair. Sis. It is samrising what et-aope and un nsja'i names parents sometimes burden their children with, especially if the sui- nameis iuelf some 1 at Mr Sicnuel States tit JeUerron. Fa., bad a sol whom be called -'Cnited. Some time azo ne addressed a letter to "Coiled Sates. PaaTtawney, Pa., aad the post master, thinking Uiat no nam? was on the letter but that of our country, held it for better directions. Kome years ago there lived in southern New York a man named Federal Constitution Dinsoney. lie a born on the day the Constitution was signed, Sept. 17, 17s7, or the day year and a half later wbeo tbe oine 3tales needed to set the new Government in operation were secured. Es. Geo. 1. Chamberlain on Fusion. Ei-Attorney Oeneral oeo. E. Chatu berlaio was recently iu IVnd'eton. While there hen as inUi viewed by the E. O. We give tb interview becante o: tbe interest a'.Aays taken in Mr. Cham berlain' tioin- by Linn county people. and because he i aiaav level headed : "In your opinion, is there any consid erable sentiment among Oregon demo crats favoring a union of forces between democrats and populists for the coming state campain;and what are your views regarding Hie wisdom of adopting sncb a policy ?" i "Ueneral Chamber iai.i having been an occupant o( the attorney-general's office as a successful candidate of the demo cratic party, and being recognized as a man of the highest ttaading in business and professional circles, his views carry weight," says the Democrat of Baker City. In answer to the questions pro pounded by tbe East Oregontan. be re plied: "There is quite a prevalent opinion among Oregon democrats that the only hope of sncess against the republican party lies in fusion with tbe popolists. Those who advocate this fusion believe that the republicans are united and able to present a solid front against eithtr of the other parties, but that notwilhsland ing this, tbe democrats and popalists combined outnumber the republicans in tbe state, and that by concerted aclior. the defeat ot tbe republican party can be compressed. "Tlioie who advocate this poiicv lose sight of principle aad look on present succees as paramount to the permanent maintenance of our organization and the emphasis of tbe political doctrines for which the party ttaotls. "If you ask my personal views, I will say that I favor standing lor principle first, and allowing the question of party policy to remain secondary. My exper ience ban been that w henever the demo cratic party has loet s:ght of the princi ples which it has advocated from time immemorial, and has been willing to sacrifice principle to policy with hope of temporal y euccesr, it has lost prestige and standing with the people. This -vas verified in the elections of 13;2aod 1894. The prestige tbe party !oa at that time we will be years in re-establishing. yielded to the fus on policy at tiiat time, after earnest protest, and only when I hai been made to believe that it hud been dictated by those who had charge 6' Mr. Cleveland's campuign." j "You may say also, Mr. Bunbe, that Diversified Farming. In an interview with E. E. Paddock.a brother of Mrs. CO. Lee. ol this city, who recently returned from a trip to Minnesota, the Gazette obtained tbe following facts in rfernce to diversified farming: Mr. Paddock spent several weeks in Oatana, Steele county, Mum , aid it was there that he noticed the owl improve ment. The tow a bad increased in pop ulation from 3.5) to 5,(KO within the last five years. Ooe of the principal in dustries is that of dairying. In Steele county there are now no less than fifths or twenty creameries, which are con ducted on tbe co-operative plan. Their output commands pood prices, creamery butter seldom bringing lees than twenty' five wits per pcond. Stork and grain growing are a!a given attention by the farmers there, bat there are very few indeed, who devote their energies ex clasively to a single pursuit. That is what Mr. Paddock believes to be the trouble with many Oregon farmers to day. They raise too much grain arid loo little of other produce. A few years ago in Steele county, Mr- Paddock says land ws cheap and most of the farms were heavily encumbered, bat those farmers who have diversified their interests, and especially those who have given considerable attention to dairying, ate now mostly oo! of debt, and pro? peroas. In Oa'-ana tbe two banks have depjsils ajgiegating over $4,00.000, more than one-half of which belongs to well to do farmer in fie neighborhood People will of con-ee argue that the business of dairying can be overdone, but these are groandW fears. Trere o-ight to be at . least fi'ty creameries in the Willamette valley, Mr. Paddocl thinks. It would then be possible for Oregon dairy pro Ju.-ta to find an eastern biarket There is r.o reason w by Oregon butter should not command as high atsprice as that manufactured in the northwest Good creamery butter is always in de mand in Boston, New Yort and other eastern cities, and throughout the year sells readily al from 23 to 30 cents per pound. If the business was gone into would then be possible to market onr dairy products iu the far east in car-load lots- Of rou'ee three Uiousand miles seems a long distance to sh:p butter, but we are marketing our fruit in the east.and tbere is uo plausible reason w hy other commodities can nr be disposed of there as p rod '.ably a prmes, plains, pears and '.-berries. Pro ducts that cannot L disposed of in the local markets must tie raised in sufficient quantities permit of their shipments la car loads, otherwise tbe freight will eat op a Itrge share of the proli'a. In this connexion Mr. Pad lock spoke of tbe advantages that had accued to ship pen of green traits during the pit sea lou in localities where large quantities were grown. This, was practicaby illus trated in Corvallis last fall when the. first car load of green fruit was shipped from this point. No single grower lia.l the necessary ten tone o fruit lor a car, and it was only alter considernb'e solicita tion that local growers were induced to form a pool and ship toVether and thus take advantage of rates offered on car load lots. 1 lad leu fruit been grown, there would not have been a car load to market, and consequently uo shipment would have been made from Corvallis. thus it is plain to ba'seen that the more fruit grown in any locality tbe better will bs the facilties afforded for shipping and muketing same; anil that is true with regard to the fruit industry is also true with dairying. Mr. Paddock says that the Willamette valley is naurily better adapted to eto;k raising and dairying than any por tion of the east that he vis'ted. Corn, clover, and the various grasses csed for feed, grosr more luxuriantly in Western Oregon than perhaps In any oilier local ity in the United States while the mild winters and coot summers of this section reduce the expense of carrying on ti e bisiness to a minimum. When the Willamette valley turns its attention more to dairying, stockratsing and Irnit- Mr. slock for a creamery. According to an article on our editorial page the more oreatnerit-s the better. bile the Dem ocrat believes that skimming stations would serve the people just as well at a much less expense it is glad to te creameries go up at,d hopca Linn county will have maov. Enougli Without It. Alban y, Or., Feb. Ulh, 13:tt. Editob Democrat: This is the time for democrats to try to harmonize, and harmony cannot be ob tained by members ot tin party de nouncing otiiers in tbe party who have not done just ai they might wfeb. No doubt tbe administration of President Cleveland has not been just what each and every member of the tartr minbt desire, still it is impossible to lind a man who could administer tuat high office ? anvthinz but solid ice w iil be found at just to the satisfaction of every ooe, par- I the nortu po,e t cularly at a time like the present, when s we are passing throcgh a financial crisis, j Raby busies have Un ud for aW sich as no one living has eve. seen be- ' tiot every concv.vaoie purpow, but one n ... .v.,...t ..- r .r, C. C. Cunningham, of Miiton, recently t ie democratic paity n?i(fhtibood of (jivican. and tore one or twin to give battle immediately. Tariff lAerea-e. WAsnisoTos. Feb. 13 The friends of the tariff bill met an unexpected repulse ifeu afternoon, when by th rote of I'l aes and 'il noes , the senate th-feated the motion of Murritl to take op tbe tans bill. The negative vote, wbica defeated tbe motion, was given by detnocraU.popalisU and four republican senators Telier, ManUe.Duboia and Carter. 1 ce aihnnaxire rote was en- Tbe iirst clean-no from the Lawler I hiaa close tiiiicam. bias dose tnmtntn. minee, will be taken to London and will wawa nica. charco tuna water mica pot show aa fine a brick of precious metal as I latch sablil, nica potlatch chickamin." was ever taken across the water. It will I In the times of years ago jargon be be the starter of the bireeet mining ex- j came almost tbe universal language of citement in Oregon. Mines ebowinsr not the eetlere, bat as we write we are not over , i to 1 1 a ton, sell for $100,000 in Colorado. Our lowest grade ores here show f 15 a ton. (40 000 has been spent starting tbe stamps at the Laer m jies. Jourca!. as fanvliar with the Chinock jargon aa we were when it became necessary to learn it in order to trade with the'ln dians lor tobacco, ramaa and moccasins ' strength wrgenla atrfrale. that it csme ltto ' .. A teh gram received from Irkutsk, Si beria, fays a Siberian trader named Kouchnareff, the agent of Dr. Fridijof Nansen, the Norwegian explorer, who sailed in tbe Fraai, June 24, for th Arctic regions, has received information that N anion arrived at the north po.e, j loun i tanu mere, ana is returning 10- have more faith iu that when be gets Havaxa. Feb. 1J. A swaaroa of dril back to the world, nedonot behee T-aru na regular caTAir-men. woo wie asiucg a gnag ci reo engaged in repairing the t!ephooe line at Km Felipe. acMith ot tcu cit), hare ben attacked by an ic-jrfnl force. etiuia!ed to number 140u men. under Ca-tiil.J. Ttree irourgenU were killed aod 15 wooo Joi. t loiy one wi-li-iT was wcauded A lywent tcgAg metil cf CcJoteS fajra wjtii th ioar-K.-iiL. acder Z-2xaJ and M ui.j. i tti'ed to bate re u'tcd in te Ijm o: Oj iuarraU killed. College Notes. piwerjust on the ere of these trouble- aupi,le a dancing party withspirits, he some times. If Mr. Harrison had been loaded a baby bury with wbu-key Ik1- e'reted iol?. be would have gone out ! of otfics with hi party in such bad olot 1 , ue lie con vertex! it wtie-eis. Ieirin2 to : supply a dancing party j loaded a babv busry w ties and w belled it to the dance, where he tuld t indittcnminately to Old and vounvv and now there are a!ut tliirtr with the pet'P that it would never bare charges lodged against him for selling bsen heard ot a-ain. I beiiece Mr. liquor without bc-nwe and supplying it Cleveland has been bone.t in a 1 he has I tQ wnors. The Dalle T. M. done, since he went in:o t'ue presidectiAl ! " Chair, and if he hat made mistakes tbe . At th Albany College oratorical cvm . , .... , .... s tett ueSJ last rndav evening to decide have been of the head anJ not the heart ; j m ,lt motlJ j .put this poj'Uiar insti- aod as lo the wisdam or f l y of bis acts ; tution ui tbe intercollegiate coou-fi at tbe future alone ran teii. Ii be has done i Portland, ou the 25th instant, Albert . . ., . , , , i Wight, class o.''iwa given first honor, wrobg.thsaks to the w iiduin of oar lo:m J t1,e maUM w ehAr?t ,nJ Mr. Wiht of Uovernment, we wid have a chance to 1 won bv a small percent We have a rectify things on tbe first Taesdav of local in our friends's success, since j next November, and rela-e him , be is a Lebanon boy and is the tlurl j : ... i staient in so-esHn from Iebanon to private a:e, ana put some oc in lm Ul luis rfirtmcUon. Kerp coming, place who w;!l do right. 1 Lebanon wiil sur-plv Albany with brain urely n-PubUcan out lU total of 21 Ires ; Teerdar afternoon. Afters-medis- than bif a the arreifate republican ,;,. aaa .v program until next r noay evening and invite the members of the Erodolphian tociety. The Local Oratorical Afeociation held a meeting yesterday noon to receive re ports from the contest. The association received 1L50 from the contest. There is some talk of running one of tbe juniors for president of the I. C. O. A. of O. The Y. W. C. A. gave a very pleasant entertainment last evening which was weil attended They are trying to raise money for '.heir expenses. Among other attractions each indirjdals fortune w as told with great accuracy and to the amueent of alL A rra AdTerUaeaxaL YoKon am . Feb. 13 Vdvit jast re Ceird frosa ecut. be capital of Cone, say aa upnisijr t--k 4 tisere ToeJT. Feb ruary 11. dmiag which the premier and seven i,&il were nieruVred. These dis paVhe aa thit tbe kinasi crown prince Kjfc-i t hiteT in t;. HiiSrixn Kg.tion. Iwi Woa Kaon is aio tbre It i stateo tie kiag car--ithe ti.inittr pot to dca:h. Two tun-cj Raian aat lor and marines are now giaraiaj the fcgitkn ia that c.Kiotry. a W adrrrt eearrraee. Niagara Fali.. N. Y , Feb j::.-For the Sr! time in hif a Ofttary the Anieri- The Event of the Season. Oa Friday eve-iing F efar jary tela the (Treat society draa. ectitied Time and Tide." will be presented by local taient at the opera boase f ir the be&et of tae Ai hany lire department. "l"hiA eoterrainmest beuyr givea for their bene-it ahoakl be hUsaiiy patrooszd by the atizeas cf this cty. IVice. 15, 25 and 35 cents. Tkk es on sale at Hodge & Bnrktart's drag tore. Seevici or Sackco Sosc. At the Coa ch urea, tomorrow evening This is a a,tler however, that cur S'Ji'e convention can make no progress with, be denouncing Mr. Cleveland on as long as she is in the basiness. It is ! in? from rhiosser s dotx.on tse American farther to Lt-rt's credit when we mention j batik, about half way arro the river. Tb f pfv-mtinal can falls pnctK ally ran dry todaj , by the ) the following program of song wiil given, f-raauon of o ire ; bridge or dim. extend-'The enure eerrice wiil be given to its rendition his ajmtnittration. We have here in I while he is a sonhomore. We wih Oregon in th dviogs of the iat leg:;a- isocce in the contest of contests between to bare waited from the ruainUal toi.i r , i in coui-pes. M. vjrian;i, w ho was one , twuy niiu-ut r.ip tis oi o'l r ; ... i . . ... . i : 1 . piMtl for a time for a man wjta a p!ak oat , . . , ,, ! ol the ju'(Tc at th con.eti speaxbt;h- denuoriation; aod if we aid put our j v o( irt-s effort, and Says he has in hini : hetds together acd try to unite and ! the nuking ol a Sine speaker Express. my experience In U rahlia county has demonstrated tome sufficient to cive the Blowing and less lo grainraising. ho to the lnibrepresentations of republi- j 1 addoclt remarke'l, it will begin to pros can newspaper,8how8 that tlm policy of J P,r "8 "ver before and will eventually the democratic administration has very bieone one of the wealthiest and mott radically affected the prices not only of P pulous sections of the United States. ' wVVl V. rt f rt afiaan aa ra al I n ewl I. ... .. 1 ww wB vhv vst vvv se n vn,niii II (in I.HU Mffl a v?ry material appreciation, while the prices of pork have gone clear out of sight, and, singular to say, fleeces too have goce sky-high in weight." unify the oppsition tothe present party 1 in power ID Oregon, anJ e'ecl a legisla tare that will rurU:l expenses, by ln.pinz ofTa'l trie ue'es commiasiocs and oeBcial perjsiisiles that are now eat ing op the very substance of t.'is people with taxation, we will I. a VI peHotrned a duty, that will red-rood much r-iote to our credit than the demtuciatKin ot Mr. C'eveland would. Let ns nave peace." A Dzmocbat. Cwe THmf Is neewra, f S Jrace rzais Feb. l- Tli chamix cf de-pc- tiitc'iT. bra vote of t 43 aic-pted i l.r A v4 frl rv-rf--;-r.-- in Ir.P OT,Tnmii! II,-re is iH one oa a3tnetly : Ti.i acti o w tbe resa.t of tie ref al of An English paper, shown us by Mr. John i tie wnare. February II. to p a vote t4 Rrijs, boaslacf themarkmanshipol the cooSi at tbe rx-pe.a f M Hoaravoia. ltocrs as l.iilows: -Oa tbe subject of j premier, on the question nf the Southern marksnanship among the IJocrs, Mr. j railway a-and!. I he scae fclopted a Montague White descri ties the training j resolafion depreciA'icir irreularitiea. and through w hich misi ol then go from . K?mandicr a aitJiids inoinr. Tbe cab- i boyhood. Pointing to a photograph that ioet ibn derided io endeavor to obtain a hung in hts room, he said to au inter-jr!e of cotdtae ia chamber of Time to Organize. f-tBANos Oa., Feb. 14, IVMi. KJi.'or h macrat : If the democrats expect to carry the day at the coming June election it is high time they wee organizing clubs, cot. jet. -trating their forces and preparing them selves lo meet the enemy. Our oppo nents are sparing no efforts lo gain the day. They are holding meeting, clubs an! doing everything in their power to C invert the masses to their way of think ing. It is characteristic of the republi cans to stand by their party, not only dur ing the campaign, but at all polls. While democrats are prone to wander, alwavs looting for something new or something better; bat as yet they have failed to find anything to suit their fancy and have only succeeded lo giving this coun- ... ..... ... I r ty oy the a.o ot me populists, to tno re- , e, -nreJ o .Ward and going to tupooit the r-publ.can viewer: I have seen Usat man put a ri:!e into the hands of a child, and tell him m shoot at a lu r. bundred yards off or nior", promising a reward of ten shilling when he couM hit that small mark repiatedSy. AfW't a time the lad was taught to shoot at ot ,.vt- moving at a distance of (our-huiutre I the promise- that he should have a pony to ride when he became prolScienl at "that practice soon made him aa expert (hot." In another part of the paper appears the following: "Truth's' "Linkman" calculates that at Krugersdorp two thou and lVoers sliot for eight hours at 800 men and oniv killed R-vtntwn, winch is a fraction over two kills .an! hour'. As each llocr may le supposed to have fsred at least once a micute this would give an average of uO.OOO shots lor one kill. Logic With a Vengeance. Albany Or., Feb. 13, 1S'.G. EJit.T Vrmcxrat: The Albany Herald of the &:h Inst stated that the democrats of the classic forks, were getting tired of a gold etand aid, and were going to srpport the re publican ticket. Now this ia logic with publican party. Our populist friends are doing their best lo be successful in the nest election, and if '.hey are victorious the democrats cati only blame themselves- If it is pos siole to lose, I for one would be in favor of doing it. However I think such a thing impossible undtr the existing circumstances. Such being the case, let the democrats unite on a good platform, noraioaio good uptight citizens, and go marching on to victory. If t iere is ever t) be reform in this county it must come j g)() go)J .UnJarj r,,, or , uiruugii ,ue cuorts Ol vim ueuiut-iaiiu Will Ci.osb Oct. Klein, Dubruille A Co. have decided to close out their business in Albany, and to do so will sell their large and fine stock of boots and shoes at actual factory nrices. for cash nartv tlm r,i,hlli.anwrilch wiil flnt. ' Or. K-Ice'S Cream Baiclnc Powde JiJSL JTi0li!.d fi? the llVr" ' ,v meet n Ignoble death at the hands of Vorld'.alrllltAwswC. ever offered in Albany call early. thepeobe B y0DNa I)tM()cllAT. party. Tbe record of the last legislature is almost enough to cause the etaanchest repuplicans to forsake their party. Such a legislature as Oregon's last is a shame and disgrace to the fair name of our be loved state. Who is responsible for the rotteness ot that legislature assembly? No other patty but the republican. Who is responsible for the corruption of our national laws? The republican party. They have enacted nearly all the laws of the United States for the past 30 years. The record ol this party is as black as night, and it is iuenmbent npon the democratic party to bring this govern ment from darkness into light, from fraud and corruption into freedom and honesty. Again let in j admonish the democrats to be up and doing; organist, send out speakers, declare lor the free and unlim ited coinage of silver, aud in the end victory shall be perohed upon our proud and lofty banner and the nami of the grand old Jeffersonian democratic party shall be fully vindicied from the taunts ndj eers tf that I lack and in;nomious party. The party that is the father of a gold standard, bonds, exception clauses, national banks, destruction of silver sad all the damnable financial policies on earth. Kight here in 'his county there is a plan on foot by the (j. O. P..(lhat auc tioned oil the national convention to the highest bidder), to nominate gold men for the legislature that will support sin- Unittd States Senate. In the face of all there facts would i not be well for the llera'd to draw in its horns. C'mtss. From Birth to death man is but organ ized dust supported by the en ergies of fuel-foods, of which (barring its bad taste) Cod liver Oil is, by all odds, the best." So says a famous English physician. ' In Scott's Emulsion, the bad taste of the Cod-liver Oil is completely overcome, mak ing it the perfect food and remedy in consumption, an emia, and all forms of wasting complaints. It digests and agrees where other foods repel. No other emulsion is 44 the same," none" fust as good." sac. and Si.oo at alt druggists. deputies. a Strain ra.taCTaa'h. New YoaK. "eb. 13. To hum Ji brain has len r-Ktvjrrpbed. Ir- ' fcarleton i-irnon. of 1 14 Fast Fifry-sixth street, ex hibits a picture cf Lis own brain, obtained from a pr.xes in which the cathode ra s are cot & factor. He has been nearly three rears in cciapieiiiur ti experiments. A atewurkable Chance Iw Life. Wichita. Feb. 12 Next funday tuorn ir.ji Mrs. Kease will make her debut into the micUtetial protection, and henceforth her literarv preiix w ill be leverend instead of colonel, iler lecent sickness was the immediate cau;e of her mind taking a di vine turn. Sae promised the Master that if she recovered she would comverate her life to bira.and she is keeping her promise. Next Sunday she will preach in tbe Central church of Cbnst, and it is thought she will lie offered its pastorate, which is vacant. She promises to skin the wolves in the church when she gets ia, acd site says there are mmy of them there. Harrah Tar M nttacr. Iackso.v. Miss , Feb. 12. The Whitney preidenjal managers egress themselves tonight as having accomplished results be vond nnvthinir thev nsrwtd. when thee recently decided upon a Whitney campaign ia this state. Petitions calling upon Mr. Whitney to enter the field have been signed by leading influential men from every sec tion and party faction in toe state. Thev claim to have the leading business and professional men of the state capital, in cluding the miyor and city officials, three- fourths of the legislature, and, hnaiiy, the n ;w state administration. Marat' Wilt. rKNDLfrros, Or.. Feb. 12 Tbe iil of the late Samuel P Sturgis. late cashier of the First National bank, was tiled for pro bate today, airs Murgis inherits the en tire estate, auiotititinir to over $100,000. except that two relative receive 11000 each; the thre minor cliildroe f 10 each, and the public library, founded by the Commercial Association of Pendleton, is given ."000. Mrs S:urgis is made executru, with full power to sell all or any part of tbe real property. rwrter Being Tried. Ustos, Or., Feb. 1?. The work of em paneling a jury lo try Kelsar Porter. charged with the murder of the Macbes, was coruinencea in the i-ircutt court this morning, a: noon out ot the I- jurors bad been secured. The rogular panel boirnr exhausted, the court ordered a special ven ire of 13 persons to serve as jurors. Much less difficulty was experienced in securing the jurors this morning than was anticipated. we sarin uiu, W Asm no ton, Feb. 12. The friends of the tariff bill in the senate deemed it expe dient to change their plaus somewhat, aud. instead ot talcing up the taritt immediately, will postpone its consideration until after all the appropriation bills which have been reported from committee shall be disposed of. It is believed these raensurea wiil mo nopolize tbe greater part of the tiuwof the sjna'e for the next week. Qnay Candidate. Washington, Feb. 12. It baa been de termined that ceuator (Quay's cmiie shall Song, congregation. Anthem, choir. Lesson, pastor. Prayer, pastor. tiaartel, Messrs Landel, Polio?, Sim ooton, Akers. Solo, Mrs. C. O. Lee. iKirt. violin and organ. Profs. Yoler. Qaarteu Soio, Miss Alderson. Cornet solo, Mr. Simon ton. Organ solo, Prof. Yoder. iitiarteu Some Dates. State republican convention at Port land, April 9, at 11 a. m., with 257 d el egit. Democratic state convection at Port tend on April 9. First congressional district republican convention at Aibany on Tuesday, April 7. The state convention of the people's party at Salem on Tnorsdav, March 26th. Ed Scott Will Dir. News received in Comljj vesterriay afternoon to the effect that Ed Scou, confined in the Penitentiary, was not expected to live. Tbe intelligence came in a letter to Walter Scott from Superintendent Gil bert, and informed him that if be wish ed to see his brother be should come to Salem at once. The letter aiso stated that two physicians had beea in attend ance on the patient, bat so far they had been mabie to do anything for "him. Walter left for Salem "this mortice. Time. Sosa Bextox Cocxtt SAtas. Jas. " oods and wife to Belie V. Thompson, tract of land one mile north of Albany, IJW. A. B. Hammond and E. L. Conner, to O. I. 4E.R.R. property of Willamette v aney ana u. r. K. K, 1 0.00. .-v arownin? man woniii iiat i:tL nw foe a tuetnod of rescoe which would require - a ayspepuc aoeen want to botiier wun a remedy tnat is going t tase weeks . . ,. . - . I - K . j iia oeoeociai enects. The Mount Lebanon Shakers are offer ing a prcdaci under the name of Soaker lig-tiv Cordial which vieids immediate relief. The very first Jose proves) bene Scial in most cases : and it is owiu? to their unbounded conideoce in it. that thev have ptu 10 cent sample bottles oa tee market. I hese can be had through any druggist; and it will repay the afiicted to invest tbe trilling sum necessary to make a triaL The Shaker Digestive Cordial relieves by resting the stomach and aiding the diges tion of food. Laxol is tie best me-iicine fur children Doctors recommend it io p-ace of Castor Oil. uauy riealth Laws. Don't eat so rapidly. Sit on a chair and be quiet alter eat ing. Your stomach is not a coal bin. nen yon wet uncomfortable after eating you Have, eaten too much, and you need Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla. If you suffer from rheumatism watch the sheets. Dont wt Ivtwon th, - ;i damp dry them. Cure your rheumatism with Jov's Veg etable Sarsaparilla. iveep nies out of your house: thcT are germ carriers. v ear flannel undergarments. Keep your feet warm ; vour head cool. W hen your blood is thin vou feel cold n the least change. Vhn" is thin take Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla; it will make veur bion.1 r.l k i thick. Des, it will do to takn Sarsaparilla now. ' "en you get off you bicvele after a ong warm rnn, put on a coat. If yoti are going on a trip takeloys egeUble Satsanarilla. Strange food makes strange stomachs. Joy a egetable Sarsaparilla reaches the ; mi cH-wnses me stomacti, ana re- "' me. Kiouiaon. Ao appetite? Take Jov's Sarsaparilla. Keen aptetite, .-tcvept notui ask A wteatana PraelaKatlM. Heusi. Mont-. Feb. 14 Oorern. r Rickards todj i-iied a prcriwmation prohibiting tbe import a.ti on of irp ia:o Montana tr)m Oreo. Nra Ia, California, Wahineton. Wyoming, I iaao. Colorafo. Crah and the tsrritoriea of OilaYyna aad New Mexioo, for 9 days. $100 ETrard, 10 TSiS waders of this paper wZi be r -ri-ol ts lewra that loere ia at leaa on- cnii cise tJiMX toeact nas bees aiue -ja rcre ta aii lir taea aad tnat is CaLarra- Eail'a Cwa Cwra is tae only poiu.e rare now known ts tbe socdicmi fraternity. Catarrh beiaz a cow untaonwl ' mw. reqaires w coesutatioBal tn ar n in , fiaU'sCatarrhCwreistces inr waliy. acting direct! r nfas tse b.ocxi Bra cowa sartaoes ot Use ST-stesa. Uterei r destrxins toe Sowwriannw cf toe disease, aad fTTing'toa Satient streBata be baiMie np tae ejottKitstiw aad anrinirg watnre ia oxtise its work. Taw propetor. aare so mack faatA in fu enra&rw bTwera, taaA tner otter Oae Head red Dollars tor any eme tnst it fail to cure- hnri V list ot testussoials. Addreaa. . J. CKEXST0, "Suits, O. aB-fo3d br Draorjia '.i- A raet Wwrtsi Ean Cor-niytioB. Ls'jrippe. fnecmcnia, and all Throat msd Lccg diseases are ccred bvShiloh'a Cure. For sae by Fssbay Ar Masoo. All Eerwatsscwa It. Ask yoar phs;cin. jcor dj-Jgaist acd yoarfrienii abot Siiich"a Core forcor. samptioo. br will recommend it. For sale by Foshay A" Msoa. Sar Sypra,la a4 L-v- Complaint yoa have a rriated guarantee on emr Uxte of S'lilo "s Vital iieT It never faili to core. For s!e by FoshayaT Mason Ii Save lives Ever? ttay TboosAcis cf cases of Consamptkn, Asthma. Coughs, Colds asi Croup are cured every day by Shiloh "s tare. A Satwrwl EeaallBer Karl's Clover Root Tea puriSes the b'ocd ana gires a clear and beautiful orop'exina For Aa'e by Fohay and Mao-i. ratwrrh (Wred Realtn and sweet breath seco'ed I Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 5O cents injector I'e. For svl b Foshav 4 Kason. kart" Oarer Beat Tew 15s r sure" cure for headache and eervoct jiseasesr Xothing relieves to qnicklr, or sale by Foshay a: Mason. Notice to Tttxpaj-ers. Tje delinqaent tax roH for lSt has been placed ia lue hands of Sheriff McFeon fot collection. Taxpayers w bo are deliequent sh tild take notice "that the sheriff is au thorised to cvliect all enpaid faxes at once with costs. Tavpayets who wUh to avoid further costs and the levy npon property for unpaid taxes snouid "take notice and settle the sime immediatelr. Dr Whites New Halr-c rowing System for sale by Louis' Mereck, Albany Or. sole agent for Linn, Lane, Benton, Ma tion, Lincoln and Clatsop counties. Add. Box 421, Albanv.Or. fc free pamphlet on Balduets and Scalo Troubles Vegetable Accept nothing but the genuine when ting for Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla. The Proper Time When the roost benefit is to be derived from a good medicine, is early in the year. This is the season when the tired body, weakened organs and nervous evs teui yearn for a buiUing-up medicine like Hood s Sarsaparilla. Many wait for the open spring weather and, in fact, delay giving attention to their physical condition so long that a long sieve of sickness ia inevitable. To rid the sys tem of the impurities accumulated dur ing the winter season, to purify the blood and to inviirorata the. whnU . tern, there is nothing equal to Hood's ' Sarsaparilla. Don't nut it be presented to t ltd republican national Hood a Sarssoarilla now. Tt will .1 I convention at St Lou's for th presidency. 1 Rood. Read the testimonials published This determination wts reached today, and i behalf of Hood's Sarsaparilla, all from it is Itslieved there was a conference of the reliable, grateful people. They tell the friends of Quay today. story. "nea Baby was sick, we rxre MrCkw. tV"bea i9 a CViW, sh crieJ for Cvstoria. wraeacnebecanieSilss. she ctunx to Casttyta. Wlw ah haA CnlW wo. sU gxvw r woin OtssarJe Special evacgetistic se.vices are bein held in t!,e M. E. churcii each luornins. Kev Dr. Wired Eugene i a.iing the pastor. Come at 7:30 p. hi. and hear the gospel preached . 1 ' 31 of Bread lor Jl.OO. Let everybody come to th Star Bskvry and get 40 loaves of freh bread for ft .00 cash. C Wvi. auasTi Miiktr. Whent. hit Oats 13c Flsur, t3.00 Butter 20 i Eggs 10c Lard. 12 to Uc Pork hams, 12 to lie, shoulders Sides II to 13c Hay Baled 6jOO 9 olCs