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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1895)
Washington Letter. Pram oar regular Oarnspondtnt. Washihotow, Oct. 28th,1895. President Cleveland and Secretary Olney could not have teen red a more satisfactory state ot affairs than the ex pressions of prominent republican news papers and Congressmen have brought about if they had personally had charge of the arrangements themselves. These republicans have publicly pnt their party on record and when President Cleveland sends a special message to Congress, as he will do shortly alter it assembles, setting forth the demands he has made upon Great Britain to recog nise the Monroe doctrine, and accom panying it with Great Britain's answers thereto concerning its claims in Ven- suela, the republicans cannot without . stultifying themselves hold up their hands in holy horror and cry "jingo ism 1" They will be compelled to en dorse the President's position, simply because their previous utterances will have left them nothing else to do. The rather silly report that Harrison and Quay had made friends and that the latter is going to take charge ot the for mer's boom found no believers in Wash' ington, but it served to bring out several good, if not new stories, concerning sim ilar reports in the past. Lota ot people remember that during the latter part of the campaign in 1892, at about the time the Harrison tirket struck the toboggan slide, Boss Quay went to New York, and the papers were full ot stories about his having become reconciled with Harri son and going to succeed Carter, who had as chairman ol the Republican Na tional Committee made a mess of the campaign, so far as his own party was concerned. Col. McClare, editor ot the Philadelphia Times, met Quay in New York, and being an old personal friend asked him in confidence whether there was any truth in. the story. Quay re plied: "Not a word. I'll tell you why I'm in New York. I heard that there might be some danger of Harrison's election, and I merely ran up here to test the truth ot the story from the ap pearance of things. I find that Harri son stands no more show of election than a snow-bird. That relieves me. I'll now return to Pennsylvania and at tend to re-electing Matt Quay Senator." Mr. Benjamin Harrison has not given up hope of getting that nomination again, notwithstanding the opposition of Quay, Piatt and other republican bosses. This has been made very plain to those who know the inside track When a number of the Republican Ni tional Committee met in New York City last week, to decide upon the date for the committee meeting which will de termine the time and place for holding the National Convention of the party, Mr. Harrison had a confidential repre sentative on the ground be is reported to entertain doubts of Chairman Carter's friendship for him; others are certain that Carter has joined the combine against him in the person of W. S. Jle- Keen, the railroad man, to find rat the lull strength of the combine against bim. He also has an agent Ex-Gov Saunders, whose daughter is the wife of "Prince Rues" in the South- trying to "arrange" foi delegates to the National Convention. Secretaries Carlisle and Lamont have been to their respective homes and reg istered and they will both vote the straight democratic ticket on election day. President Cleveland did not regis ter, consequently he will have no vote. Secretary Carlisle says Kentucky will go democratic, although the majority may be smaller than usual. Senator Gorman after having careful ly gone over returns made by trusty democrats in every election precinct is Maryland say there isn't the slightest doubt of tba state remaining in the democratic column. The republican trick of tryiug to persuade democrats to vote for the republican candidate for Governor and the rest of the democratic state ticket is loo transparent to catch many votes. xne can rrancieco Examiner saya there is one carious fact respecting the animal creation with -which one will never become aquainted if be depends on his text book for information. It is this: No living representative of the animal kingdom has more than five toes, digit? or claws to each foot, band-or limb. Tbe borse is tbe type of one-toed creation, the camel of the two-toed, the rhinoceros of tbs three-toed, and the hippopotamus ef the four-toe J animal life. The ele phant and hundreds of other animate elooging to different orders belong to the great Ave toed tribe. Tbe Budget of Astoria propounds the following conundrum ; A mads a counter feit dullar and pnt it in the contribution box when tbe collection was taken up for the deacon's fund. The deacon gave the dollar to a poor widow who used it to buy a dollar's worth of coal. The editor paid tbe coin over to A for tbe purpose of settling up a little transaction in poker chips. Several questions arise from tLe transactions entered into tbe bogus coin. Did good or barm result from this fraud ulent Issue? And bow much? And to w horn? There may be lots of transitory glory in the life of tbe prise fighter; but it is ot a inetoris character. It splashes out very fast. The life is a lightning like one. Fall (team is put on and away the ma chine goes. No wonder Jack Dempsey went to pieces. The other fellows will follow euit. Prize righting is sure death if kept np. Tbe nerves are not made to staud the strain. Add to this fact tbs attendant dissipation an j there is not much show for a fellow in tbe business to live verv long. A nephew of the famous Wendall Phillips resides In Portland, which is classed as a distinction for that city. 1 tie was chef in the Hotel Portland, but lias accepted a place in the New York Kitchen, a Portland cafe. , O 14 raimh from tbs city election The pot will begin to boil soon. If you wantan office get in and rustle for It ; this ii free country and on man br s as moth right to an office as another. All that is nectstary is the influence and the votes These are days, though, when the people should speak. Tomorrow the general elections will take place through tba east. They wiil be watched witb marked interest. Election predictions are nncertain affairs, hence it is not safe to tell of tbe outcome before hand. It is the Democbatf opinion tha there will be general democratic gains over last Novembers election. When tramps meal soap is it a sign o. by deeds of cbarity let us show our sin ,a better or worse civilisation. cerity and our gratijrde," Does the oldest inhabitant ever re member another October when it did not rain. A dozen eggs is worth a bushel and a halt if not two bushels of cate. That doesn't match well. An editors safe in an eastern state was blown open by burglars who secured 13 cents. In Oregon ws lock and unlock our safes tor exercise. Tbe Nicaraugua canal proposition is a reasonable one. Now let the government put its shoulders to the wheel and dig the ditch. Dig and not talk. The neg woman makes a first-class spotter. That is something not thought o! by many, and yet greatly appreciated when you think seriously ot the tact. Mr. Rockefeller has given Chicago University 4,600,000, and will give it $3,009,000 more. That is one case where wealth has been put to good use. An exchange talks good sense when it says "selecting men to conauct our pno lic affairs is like selecting men to con duct our private business." It suggests something worth digesting - This is a very civilised country. No one ever thought ot rotten egging uiu Nye when he was here. We hnr- hi rot patiently; but back in Ne VJ JsTfey.hey threw the worst kind of eggs at uiui. The government should limit its pen sions to men who are needv and deserv ing. Let them have them ; but no man who is rich enough to live on his own income should be granted one. We have not the money to spare for Bucb. The'ten best American books' as chosen by the readers of toe New York "Critic" Are as follows Emerson's Essay, Hawthorn's "Scarlet Letter," Longfellow's Poems, Mrs. Stowe'a "TJncle Tom's Cabin," Dr. Holmes "Autocrat," Irving's "Sketch- Book." Lowell's Poems. W butler's Poems, Wallace's "Ben Hur." Motley's "Rise of the Dutch Republic." Oneexchange suggests that it would be a good idea for a certain paper to allow some one else say it is a great paper. That always sounds best; but if you wish to bear crowicg read tbe great New York World or San Francisco Examiner, and a great many other big papers, fhey brag until it makes one weary. But they are treat in a commercial sense all the same. The editor of the Salem Statesman put his feet in his mouth very decidedly when he eaid feeding oats to hogs wnuid pay a dollar a bushel. Every hay seed editor in Oregon has jumped upon him aad knocked the props from under the state ment. The editor of tbe Statesman knows just about as much about such things as the editor of the Dkmockat, which isn't very much, though it is very peotical to think ol dollar oata out ot shoata. Senator Mitchell is credited with say ing not long ago, in a talk np the valley, that every foreigner coming here should be required to remain in the country ii long as be did twenty one years be fore being alio ed to vote.' It would be fortsn&ie if more of our public men had tbe same opinion and courage to expreec it. A large proportion of emigrants make good cit:sens, and twenty one years might be too long a probation, but tbe present emigration and naturalization laws are altogether too liberal, since so many foreigners, especially tbe poorer class of laborers, are not fit for citizen ship in a free republic. Welcome. Tomorrow the Duke of Marlborough and Consuello Vanderbilt will be mar ried. Tbe Democrat is glad to note tbe fact that they will make the money fly, put it in circulation freely regard leas ot bard times, giving employment to hundreds. The florists alone will get f 150,000, large sums will to spent among merchants for wedding presents, wed ding dresses, etc., there have been big jobs for dressmakers and tailors, tbe minister will get $2500, tbe organist $500 and so on around, about $400,000 in all That suits tbe Dsxocbat. It doesn't like the conditions that permit men to accumulate millions; but if tbey have it let them put it in circulation among people who need it more. In an advertisement in Printers Ink tbe Poet Intelligencer spreads It on very thick as follows: Out in tbe extreme northwest neck of tbe woods things are humming. Seattle is lively. Puicet Sound is lively. Washington is lively. Tbe Poet Intelligencer is booming. In Seattle tbey are digging a (7,000.000 ca nal, building a warship, putting up fac tories, and paving the streets. On foget Sound they are catting more lumbertban ever before, making and shipping more shingles, catching and canning more sal mon. In Washington they are harvest tng a great Dig crop. Tbe mines are turning out bullion. Tbe stock raisers are prosperous. Thanksgiving Proclamation. President Cleveland yesterday issued a proclamation designating Thursday, November 28, as Thanksgiving day. Tbe proclamation reads as follows: "Tbe constant goodness and forbear ance of the Almighty God which has been voucbtsfed the American people during tbe year just passed, call for their ainsere acknowledgment of devout gratitude. To the end, therefore, that we may witb thankful hearts unite in extolling the loving care of our Heaven ly Father, L Grover Cleveland, presi dent of the United States, do hereby ap point and set apart Thursday, tbe 28tb day ot tbe present month of November, as a day ot thanksgiving and prayer, to be kept and observed by all of our peo ple. On that day let us forego our usual occupations, and in our accustomed places worship and join in rendering thanks to the give- of eery good and perfect gift, for the bounteous returns tbathavs rewarded our labors in the fields and in tbe busy marts of trade : or tbe peace and ordsr that prevailed throughout the land; for our protection from pestilence and dire calamity, and for other blessings that have been show ered upon us from open hands, ar.d witb our rhsnkptfivinir 1 -t n Pttjhly beseech thoLjuitj.o iuclii,e our people onto Him that He will not leave us or fosake us as a natiop, but will continue to bless us with His mercy and protecting care, guiding us in the path of pational pros perity and happiness, endowing us with rectitude and virtue, and keeping alive within ns a patriotic love for the free in. stitntions which have been given ui as our national heritage and let ns also on the day of our thanksgiving especially remember the poor and the needy, and Tne Newspaper Leads. You may talk about your posters and your ads. upon the fence, But they ain't the kind ot mediums that appeal to common sense. You may talk about your dodgers nod your circulars and such, But I calculate they don't assit-t an ad vertiser much ; And especially in winter, when the snow is on the ground, I wonder where your posters and your dodgers can be found? But within the cosy homestead, when the parlor stove's aglow, Tbe newspaper is read aloud to every one, we know. The farmer sees tbe painted sign upon his barn and grins; Five dollars yearly for the space he usually wine, And there his interest in the ad.' begins and there it ends, And the same is true of nearly all his neighbors and bis friends; But they read thelocai paper every day or every week. And in its welcome columns all 'their information seek, And you may be quite certain that the adds, therein displayed - Are also read with interest and are sure to mske some trade. It stands to reason, anyhow, that what a fellow boys He's going to read and get bis money's worth, if he is wise. The father, mother, uncle, aunt, the daighter, aod the son, Are going to read tbe newspaper, and so is every one. So it also stands to reason that a local merchant's ad. Will there attract attention, he it either good or bad, And the newspaper as medium leads all other kinds with ease, For that is where tLe multitude the ad vertisement sees. From Printers Iuk. Rustling ForJCongress. There Is everyjindicatiou" of a lively scramble for congressional honors among republicans of tbe first; district of the state, saya the Oregon i an, a half dozen or more candidates this early in tbe cam paign being mentioned. Tbe knowledge of this fact has brought out a number of aspirants who want to succeed M r. Ellis. Baker eountybea no less than three candidates. Tbey are R. S. Anderson,a well-known lawyer; John L. Band, now prosecuting attorney for eighth judicial district, and M. L. Olm sted, also an attorney, who, during the campaign of 1S94, was looked op on as a supporter ot the peculiar opinions of the populist party. When James A. Fee resigned his position as judge of tbe sixth judicial district, a few weeks ago speculation was rife as to what led him to take the step. Tbe excuse was givtn that he retired from the bench in order to give more attention to bis private af fairs, bnt it ia now developing that Judge Fee has a congressional bee in his political bennet. He baa considerable of a following in Eastern Oregon, and, during the seven, years he occupied the beach of the sixth judicial district, made many friends. With these five candi dates Ellis. Ran J, Anderson. Fee and Olmalead there is not likely to be uni son of strength or combination among the delegates of Eastern Oregon. Tbe vote of Multnomah county, hitherto par ticularly solid for tbe buncbgrass, can didate, is likely in tbe convention to be badly split up, unless it is cast entirely for some candidate from another portion of tbe second district. Portland will lay no claims to tbe nomination, although it is stated that Franklin F. Mars wonld be pleased to secure it. Baker City Democrat. Our Halsey correspondent recently visited the cemetery at that place with several yoeog ladies and tells about it as follows: A short walk through the woods and we were soon entering tha enclosure that surrounds the silent ones ; and as we gazed upon the little mounds of earth, the white shaft of marble pointing heavenward, or read tbe in scriptions that tell ns of some mother, father, sister, brother or other dear ones that lie sleeping beneath in tbe cold. cold ground, we cannot help bnt have purer and holier thoughts : Tbe scene is truly favorable to meditation. Tbe sky and sua are hidden by dark and lowering clouds, tbe majestic pines that surround tbe enclosure are waving and nodding towards each other, in tbe breeze, mourning and sighing as tbongb filled witb spirits of Ibe departed. The whole scene- awakening . in our hearts feelings of awe, and lifting our sonls from meaner things to tbe beneficent architect, the marvels of whose handi work fills our thoughts witb such won der and praise; and its contemplation could not but exercise a purifying and beneficial influence upon our minds. And wbo knows bnt what the spirits of those sleeping beneath us were not at that moment hovering near, reading and discussing among themselves oar inner most thoughts 1 As we move about the rustling of tba leaves disturb a little squirrel which skips upon a fallen tree, eyes us for a moment, then scampers away probably to tell its mate of tbe in truders. Now and then a noisy blue jay can be heard as it flies from tree to tree. But there are other sounds than these; a meadow lark take bis seat up on the highest limb of a pine and poors forth his rich notes of melody with such an earnestness as if his very existence depended on his song A rival from a neighboring tree commences a similar strain and now tbe two b'rds exert their powers, each striving his utmost to out do the other as though hent on attract ing us and bringing ocr thoughts to the brighter side of life. Rain beginning to fall we hastened homeward but the im pression made upon our minds that day ill undoubtedly never be forgotten. A dispatch from Wisconsin says:"Jim Mnrpby, of Chicago, tonight knocked out Tom Norton, of tbe Pacific coast, in the 17th round. The men fought at catch-' weights, and Norton was 10 pounds the heavier. The fight was game, Norton being floored six times. Murphy is the only man who ever fou..t 57 rounds to a draw witb Tommy Ryan. The fight was for $200 a side and the entire gate re ceipts.' If the small fry can knock each other down at will why is it sn mud' fuss is made over CoibeU and t'i'Zf-im- mons, tbat is what staggers us. This is a very peculiar country, when It comes to the question of prize fighting. The world may owe every man a liv ing; but the city does not owe every nol itician an office, rays the Astoria Budget. ise for size, a thread of spider silk Is decidedly tougher than a bar of ate?l. An ordinary thread will bear a weight of three grains. This is just about -' fifty per cent stronger tban a steel thread of the same thickness. TheOorvallis Times says Gov. Lord performed a well rounded and righteous act in restoring W. W. Saunders to citi cenship. Albany people are unable to see it that way. A college student prevents the follow ing problem for solution : The addition of Mr. Carlton Sox to the already "strong" faculty has caused the com ment that there were five professors without socks. The Exposition has closed. Linn is bighlv satisfied with the part she took in the exhibition. She was a very attract ive feature and every body says she mads a big hit. Corbett says he will pay no more at tention to Fitzsimmons and will retire from the ring. Now, if Fits will come to the eame conclusion and both will live up to their resolutions thev will do the country a great service. They will not be missed. The Salem Post continues to try to make people think times are not im proving. It savs: "iwervbodv talks about the incoming wave of prosperity, but now? baa seen it yet." nut people have certainly seen that the outlook is better and that there U an actual im provement. The Salem editors should stand in Al bany at an early hour mornings and see the strings of wagons loaded with big tin milk cans, going to and from the cream ery, and then they would urge the citi zens ol that city to get in ana do some thing besides talk creamery. Albany is proud ot her 13000 creamery. Willard M. ReiJ and Dolly McDonald met in Portland Sunday of last week lor thn first timft- On WmfneArlav thev wera married. While passing a third street j house Keul saw Miss McDonald at the window. He was thrilled, ran up the steps into the house, received an intro duction and the result stated occurred. Remarkably quick work even for this "During tbe past few months Binger Hermann has visited many towns in his district for the laudable purpose of con ferring with tho people on such legisla tion as ia needed, lie has been invited to make addressee in all except Eugene. ; The sell swelling importance ot tbat town will burst it very soon." West.; Certainly Eugene ought to want the Mc Kenzie improved. Tbe Duke of Marlborough who is to marry Consuello Vanderbilt tomorrow, is a very insignificant man in every re spect but bis title. He is 5 feet 5 inches in height, three inches shorter than Miss Vanderbilt, weighs 120 pounds, has such errfail lungs that be talks in a whisper, has no brains to speak of, dresses -n ill fitting clothes ana wears a narrow rim med, low crowned bat several years out of date Without his title the most lonely factory girl would not have him. Tkf Cm I X ankers earths. Davit's I-akb, N. D., Nov. 5. Since tr.e strike was ordered, no freight trains bare departed, and but one has arrived. Tbe latter was a limited one from the East Passenger trains are not interfered with Mayor K el lev and tbe city council are determined that no such disgraceful scenes as were enacted io tbe last strike shall oc cur. The business men generally are pro voked aad disgusted with the state of af fairs. The elevators are full to their ca pacity witn wheat, and, unless cars are furnished promptly, tbey wilt not be able to take ia more train, which will catue a complete stagnation io business, utrt rithi. LorisviMjL. KoS. 5 There was an ugly feeling all day between toe A. 4. A. and Catholic at the firs, precinct of tbe fourth yard. Late this evening. Jcweph Dieffenbacb, one of the former, and H ill Donovan, a Catholic, had a quarrd. which resulted in a pitched battle between tbe elements. Twenty shots were exchacged before the police succeeded ia stopping the riot. Only one man, Jacob Eoright, aa A. P. A., was seriously wounded. Tbe rioters scattered. Bares Calli. E CORSE, Nov. 5. In the circuit court today H. P. Hayes was found guilty of the crime of incest, his companion in crime being Miss Susan Walker, his niece. Ibe jury recommended Have merry of the court. He will be sen morrow morning. Miss Walker, against whom charges were entered, was released, and the 1 M41S its rtt rduusissed. Dr. Talmadxe is now a resident of Washington, wbere he has a bigger fie! I for work than ever in New York City, but a harder job. Teachers' Examination. Notice is hereby givtn that the regular county examination for teachers' county certificate will be held at the court house in Albany, Linn countv, Oregon, beginning at 1 o'clock p. m. W ednesday, November 13, 1S95. A. R. RrrniaroRB, Superintendent of Linn county. The Weather. Wednesdny aodThursday fair and warm er, ruver u.4 above extreme low water. F M Fiench, UispUyman. The Modern Beauty Thrives on good food and sunshine, with plenty of extrcite in te open air. Her lorm glows with healtk and her face blooms witb its beauty. If her system needs tbe cleansing action ot a laxative rem edy, tbe uses the gentle and pleasant liquid aiative Syrup of Pig for Pills and Plasters Dawson BORN SENDERS. On Nov. 1, 1895, to Mr.and . .... . .. aire. si. senders a girl. Weight about 6 pounds. All doing well. GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY Many years ago Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., com pounded this medicine ef vegetable ingredi ents which had an especial effect upon tbe stomach and liver, rousing the organs to healthful activity as welt aa purifying and enriching the blood. By such means the stomach and the nerves are supplied with pure blood; they will not do duty without it any more than a locomotive can run with out coal. You can not get a lasting cure of Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, by takinswarti ficiallv digested foods or pepsin tbe stom ach must do its own work in Its own way. Do not put your nerves to sleep witb so. called celery mixtures. It Is better to go to the seat of the difficulty and feed the nerve cells on the food they require. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Biliousness and Nervous Af fections, such aa sleeplessnesa and weak, nervous fecllnirs are completely cured by the Discovery." It puts on Dcaiiny uesu, brings refreshing sleep and Invigorates the whole system. Mrs. K. Hsnicr. of As. $96 North Haltlrd St., Chicago, III., writes 1 "I regard my improve ment as simpiy wonderful. Since taking Dr. Fierce' Golden Medical Dis covery in connection with bis ' Pleaaant Trltels ' I hsve train ed 10 every respect, particularly In limn aod strenirth. My liver was aresmimy enlarged and I sit f- frnrd greatly from dvxpepata. No phy (cina .could tive rslier. Now, after two months I am entire- ly relieved of any qlwsw. My snpe. Mrs. Hkitkb. lite (bod well dtmnted: bowels miiW .a .i excellent ; much improved." " r TELEGRAPHIC. The Election a. Portland, Nov. 6. The republican tidal wave of two years ago was continued yesterday. There was a republican victory all along tbe line. New Y ork city cat its vote for Tammany, but tbe state is repub lican by handsome figures. New Jeraey, too, is republican by 20,000 majority. Kentucky is in doubt, with the chances favoring the democrats. Utah ia unde cided, both parties claiming a victory. Virginia and Mississippi are democratic, but everything else is republican. Tbe legislative rexults insure republican suc cessor! in the United States senate to Gib son of Maryland and Brice ot Ohio. The following table will show some of tbe ma jorities: Massachusetts 63.000 New York 6O.0O0 New Jersey 20,000 Pennsylvania 150,000 Maryland 10.000 Kentucky 1.7j Mississippi 50,000 lllinoia :W,000 Ohio 111,000 Iowa 60,000 The figures for Kentucky and Miaaissip. pi are democratic ana toe otoera repuuu can. as Deaaoeratle Stale. Jackson, MUs.. Nov. 5. The weather today throughout the state waa clear and warm, but tba indications are that not more than iistwne registered vote waa polled. From reoorti received up to tbia hour, it is estimated that the democratic majority will be found from 35,000 to 60. 000. Ilxi campaign just closed waa on free silver a airainat the gold standard. and tbe remit is a complete, victory for the tree silventes. Baker Cllr Elrrlloa. Hakkh Citv. Or.. Not. 5. Notwith standing tbe new city charter Nils to pro vide for hcUling an election, tbe citizens nave tow lor the present oraciaia sue- cetsor. The newly elected officers are Mayor. S. A. flulner; treasurer, D. L. Moomaw; alderman J- L. Baislev, first ward; Walter Mills, second ward, and D Keily, fourth ward. Lal a Baas) WooDBrax, Or., Nov. 4. Tbe riKbt band of C. P. Strviu, a schoolteacher, was accidentally blown off while out bunting Saturday evening, lie was shooting birds, and one cartridge bung fire. While pull ing out the cartridse it exploded, the shot going Ihroogh tbe barrel and the shell and powder manning his hand in a frightful manner. He was taken to Silverton. wbere the hand was amputated at the wrist. Mr. Strain is a teacher at Ibe Grsssy Pond school. Mrs. Strain is al a teacher, and will take charge of his school t'niil her husband is aide to resume his work. od Thinly Arwscalaa WasutxuTOM, Nov. 4 The Turkuh SK- rwe,TrLfnm tb. uU',uic.t eleepLwnew nature s call for 1 porte the following Wtegram, ucder yeeter-, n)UJt ed. If unheeded, seri day's date: "About 20 Armenian of Bivenk, vilayet ofDiarhekir, attacked some gendarmes and patrolling soldiers, killed a number of Mussulmans and set fire to the haxaai. The necessary measure were taken for toe preservation of order. Tne authorities ot Erzeroom report that about 200 Armeci- AHT tiiM-ooww arm!- ,1toQM71 Md L- .urnndl the vdlag of ilanis Sas- - - lerujao lubabit by Mussulmans and - To kklr foraiso , fm,h .ubund lemuaa alike. Tcev were, howwrer. I : , ... . dicpeneti. M Is. 0in . Nov. 4. The murder and rape ot utile Ida Gaakeil. aa II -year-old child last night, was positively traced to Ueorge Morgan, a tt-amter. He lire near where the tody was found, sod was the hut man wen with ter. His clothes were covered with Mood when arretted. So great was tbe feeling against the prisoner tost be was bumeJiy remoted to the penitentiary at noon Later, a committee, appointed by tinxe Ifvariag l.iKhinjr. went throuirh the j-ul to saliWy the racb that tbe mur- i derer was not there. avtilrw rr Mrallss. WvsitE, Ark., Nov. 4. About 10 days W Albert England, a white man. who claims Cross coocty as hit borne, broke in to a store at Viiooij. Atk.. a small inland town, 2.1 miles west of iJeebe. and stole f 23 worth vf roots, lie went to Beebe and purchased a trunk in wiiich b conansJed tbe stolen rood, lie thru bought a tick et aad bad the trunk checked to Wynne. He was afterward located by c Skiers from Vilonia and arrested at Lereia. lie u brought to Wynne and tamed over to the ofiuials, w)o tk bim t Vilonia and turn ed bim over to tbe authorities At 2 o'clock h'ooday ironing a mob took bim from the officer and shot him to death. Brarfr !( Trts. MaBTvm I K- Cat.. Henry Williams, alias Jack Urady. th j tnunrobber, charged with the murder of j Sbenif J. J. Bogart, of Tehama counlv.taxt . : 1 1 . . i . . ihk. urgan uway. inuring tne aa. Be j mors were selected. This was considered a good dsy's work, as it a genera-'ly understood that it would be difficult to sc care a jury at all. A Br4 Bsvatrw. Locisville, Nov. 4 The world s rrc ord for one mite, paced, with flying start, was broke by Arthur Gardner, at Foun tain Ferry track today. Gardner-rode it in 1 :42 2-3. This breaks Winder's wJ of 1:44 1-5 made at Hartford, and is I 1-4 seconds faster than Johnson's proK-ssionai record Tetan B E serMeal I'AiUts.Tei., Nor. 3 Xewtwasr omed in this city this afiernooa of the wrw k of Ire nortn-bound poenger train 00 ice Missouri. Kansaa & lexas, about four utiles north of Waxahadiie. II E. hmith. of Ibis city, wbo was a pajuvnger on the train, armed at 7:30 this evening, lie said : "Ui:.g, I suppo to a t(,rvad io the rails, tt.f engine and four cars were de rai ed. There immediately aroe a cry of distrw. mingled with moans, indicating many of tbe passengers had been hurt. The engiperr, Mike Murphy was killed, and in all J people were injured, 13 of them more or less seriously." The Jars KaJ4e4. S.i.v -.m, Nov 3. The police raid-id the Japaueso resorts of Salem tonicht arrest ing anu looging in the entire pnpo latum. The charges are aoaault and h it teryand drunk and disotderly CMmiuct oumo rauroaa suction Hands bad coin in to bold a baniuH in honor of a jap who is soon to return to Japan. The police had oeen invited to be present. Imbibing too freely, the revelers engaged in a general ugL't, makinir tbe nillit lii.Wis iirvtnml me Japanese headuuarters. hurolci re ceived an ugly cut in the face. Three women were released on bail and seven men retained in jail to sober np, and will ws inu tomorrow. A Tswa BaraeJ. Arcadia. La , Nov. 3 Fire visited Arcadia tonight, and only one shire is left in town. If burned over an urea of four acres, biking with it six residences an hotel and orcra house, one livery barn. pne harness shop, two grain elevators, oce uinoer and coal yard and a barber shop, the postotiice, two drug stores, one furnit- nre store, one variety store, one butcher shop, one boot and shoe store, two saloons ana roar barns. The estimated loss is l&o.fXX), partly covered by insuraut-e. Am Smaba Oatrage. Omaha, Nov. Ida Oaskin's muiilat- ed body was fouad in a small out building in uie rear ot io. lOHt J t'oward slreet, in the business district, at 2 o'clock this isiodday) morning. Bbe bad been out raged and murdered. Within an hour ueorge Morgan, Kd Batiford and Harry Booker, three young men, were in custody charged with the crime A Fatal fire, Naw York, Nov. 3. Several lives were lost by the fire this morning in the brick building at No. 7 Pelbani street. The building was owned by Well & Meyer, and was used aa a sweatshop. Three charred and almost unrecognizable bodies were token from ibe ruins today, and one man, who jumped from the flames to suve his life, was so injured that he died in Govcr- neur hosoitlll Ha suffered from a frarhir- ed skull. A r Mllsh Trip, Berlin, Nov. 8. Ihe German commit tee on the exploration of tbe south pole met today, 1'rivy Councilor Overmayer presiding, and resolved to start two vessels from Keriruelan Land in furtherance of the work. GET WELL I Don't SnMer with Rheumatism Take Paine's Celery Compound, The common sense of the people has long refused to believe that rheumatism and neuralgia were diseases hopeless of cure. j Prof. Edward E. Their. 5f. D., LL. p., of Dartmouth college, has confirmed their belief. There is an absolute spe cific for both of these disease in Paine's celero compound. Thousands of men and women are every year entirely freed from theee two torturing diserders by Paine's celery compound. Neuralgia-pain affects first one part of the body and then another. Nature's restorer, sleep, is sought in vain, and life's ordinary duties Iwoome burdens too heavy to be borne. In this condition rest serious consequence are likely to ensue, the nerve must tie built up by a proper nerve food. There is nothing e-jua! to Paine' celery compound. The bodv is not a machine which simp ly wears out after a certain number of years, but a vital organUm having the ' ; of rerivifring i!f-pabie of Uing hard worked, but demanding fre- UmM of recuperation m sleep. .1(1 UF of the body is the purpose for which ere are mentioned goods just received. Outing flannels for wrappers. Ladies macintoshes in blue and black and beet style. &S inch Boocle cloaking, 50 inch luack Astrachan, tee goods for capes. 36 inch novelty wool suiting. Sec our goods and buy a good thing when you see it. FORTMBLLER & IRVING WE K KEP constantly on hand a full cwrfins. Also burial rubes and at.lch will be sold at The Lemewt EM BALM I NQnd 1 he proper mm HO EXTRA CHAR CE FOR EXPOSITION PORTLAND, OREGON The Latest and Most Complete Dieplay ever made ot the Eesourcee, Industries, Commerce.Itusiness, Agriculture. Forests, Mines, Fruit. Fisheries, Manufac tures, and t ransportation r acuities 01 tne ureat racinc aoribwesu Fine Music, Special Attractions Every Day. Reduced Rates on nil Transportation Lines. ADMISSION Single Admission 2Sc C.liilJrcn Under 12 Years. ... lc Season Tickets $3.00 I-. C. HASTEN, Secretary NEW : : : FURNITURE. tv ,f V SN. REE iH KOW FULL OK FIRST CL r LltSlTURK. Ot -i viSl.Nf. l I of bi rooireU.J,oSii, congas, ato. Hh 1 ill se.l a BOTTOM PRICES. Thos. Brink ITfaU nurruua Mon Jaad tola I-wuiDwni i VIEB.ECKS SHAVING ANDHAIRCUTTING PARLORS. . -HEADQUARTERS FOR Di. Whites Nctf ITai w A head ot hair or no pay. Cures al Address Box 421 diseases of the scalo lor r ree t reatise on the Scalp. Kasors Honea and Sot and Put in O der on Short Notice. SL.S tarsalgia Albany , J. A. CUJMl.VUi,s'wt t Ht'loica nt Hi.txik linunctou. ENJOY LIFE!! Paine's relet y compound was first pre pared. This rapid production of Ireeh nervous energy and pure blood was the one endeavor of Prof Edward E. Phelps, long study of the cause of nervous ex haustion. The rosult of his life work was Paine's celery compoond, that remarkable rem edy that permanently and speediy cures disease. It is the greatest nerve regu lator and blood purifier of this present century. For men and women out of health. Paine s celery compound should be tried without fail. It has meant health in place of sickness ia thousands of that seemed bopelees. The fari that this is the season when rheumatism most painfully shows itself, makes the following communication from Mr. J. SI. Tobias of South Omaha, Neb., of special interest. Mr. Tobias writes. I suffered for years with rheumatism in the joints of my bands and arms, so that I could perform my work only with the greatest difficultv. I used all kinds of medicines without result. Finally I eecumi a bottle 01 t ame s celery com pound, and it benefitted me at once. I"nine's celerr compound certainly cures rueomatism: ' a few of the new Child ren ider doa n cloaks, alt colore. Double wi-t:h felt. Chitdrtns toques asd hoods. Staple shades in velvet. More ritboes. More kid glove. Read, Peacock & Go. line of mets.-c, xn tctts, in -r -aJcto ,.. . wood caskets snJ t r.fitim Living Pro At. care of the dead a rpecial'y ALEUT CEF.G0I HEA - OH SERVICE OPENS-.. Oct 5th For Exhibit Space apply at the i.x position KuiUing to C. 11. IIL'NT, Superintendent. F - Uwmnw Rp4r rtm quick, tvermt.nnUy al aiM?, wft Memory, tAm 01 tii-ma ivmr. 1 lldaehw, Watofatneu. Sim VluUtty, MsthUy Kmls. drMmi, tmpokenry and wximr oixra otoiH bf bvlhtors Makftthopalaaird mtny wfrrtniraiHl pi amps Simm, mm a trrUMfi (wfwmorwi'nrf rcrNfMwi, nt av.uvsa mptllml bcMtH. elt p'n wmr-r, with tf.imonlla ana swajnra,r sMma iami a ;w, av tit mn Joseph .t surra 15T ja TB RIWATA-S' sxriicixioar Office and residence, 4th and Cala pooia streets, Albany, Or. if. Price's Cream Baking I'uvv Jt AwsnM CaU Medal UldwMter Fair. Sa F' itKtMW .... , .. j Star Bakerj Cor Bradalaln mud First tm. mm MEYER, PBOPBIETCR. i w4 Fralia ( sussed Rear (.! war. Qaeewawwr fried frail. Vegetable, t acta ' Cfsrar . "agar Baleea, 0eV Tesj, l Etc erytbing tbat is kept to a good variety and gro eery store. High est price paid for ALL KIND50F PRODLCE "It Do Move." TM.tlaA WI-jtM mrrVM eawtvl I Saa .'nt.ti;. , ' - wm-j a as IsslCUlgrJUC that moves it. Tbe world isn't stahoneiy ' ue k uat-s so mocn stationery Writinff nwf ia m a : - . effective weapons. It's aa plain ae the 1 . : 1 : : . 1 , . . . uuiufuwitm uoie mat we carry tne aioc ox wnang papers and materials in A nw Y.K - 11 j . ilia ma wr rstwuuiMiM em .hswtl I 1 supply department is a wonder ofeom- U7 1 ...... . uunsucvi. ,1 e mass specialty ot Diana boors of every kind for law, clerical, mer cantile and school use. ruled or unruled to suit individual requirements. Oar prices are always the lowest j a rcagiiG. I Like a Proposition Tbat Pays" Is what a prominent man said. That is what tb public want in tbe grocery and baked woods I in Tbey have to have them daily, stro- enine or rain, tney want good goods, not bed one, aod good treatment with them, and all at reasonable onces. Years of time have tanght Albany people that such a place is Parker Bros. Tbev Uke pains to furnish their customers with the best groceries, nrst-cias baked goods and the freshest produce and fruits. If too would always kick a coal Buy your groceries at Parker Bros. ISO matter what others ear. TuMm will make photos c heap as anyone and guarantee we cast won. Completely Satisfied are people wbo get their preeeriptioae filial . WS X. D 1.V rn - . UVUgTTB U. UUI ti lt IF. A exercise the greatest care and are si prompt, rure arngs, penainery aad a &n Una ol stationary. Go To Hopkins' Bros. Successors to Knapp Snirell & Go To Buy Your Genuine OUTER CELED PWW; All Extra; old elsewhere tr Albany fcr same are counterfeit Conservatory ol Mnsic ALBANY COLLEGE, Z. M. Parvin. Musical Director, foftas er'y of Willamette University, will have charge of this department of Albany College. Courses to graduation in tbe important branche ol a musical edecw tion. Newest and best methods adopted. Beet music rooms for Conservatory In the state. Tuition low for grade work, School begins Sept. 1 1th. Send for areolar and catajoene. AdV dress. Prof. VT. II. Lee, A. M., President, Albany, or till Sept. 9th, j Z. M. Paavis, Musical Director, Safotn j ALBANY TRADING CO. GROCERIES and FEED OF ALL KNDS, Cheat seed for sale or trade. Free de livery. Telephone No. f 1. uw. 2ua ana aiain bis. OREGON.IEBAtiON SANTIAU ACADEHi A preparatory school for all colleges oa uio nmst. format ueriartment a.-aduatee receive state and life dirdomaa. afuaic ava. Dooaaeeping. t or caukigue address. e. A. Ranou, A. M., Principal ALBANY F0BNIT01 Ull xrcoxoxcjsv.Trzix Baltimore Block, - Alhnj, Ort. Furniture complete line ot UNDERTAKING ia all it branches EMBALMING a specialty. Residence oo'aer 3rd aad Caiapooia WANTED Several trust worthy . tlemen or ladies to - travel ia tbe state of Oregon for established, reliable house . Salary 1780 and ex peaces. Steady position, enclose reference and self addressed envelop. The Dominion Com pany. Third Floor, Omaha Bldg, Chica go, 111. ALBABY KSDBAKCE AGENCY Dealers In Insurances Wheat and Oats. We have had more thorough (raining in all tbe branches of insurance than any stber agent in Albany, aad can give you more genuine insurance for your money khan any other agent in tbe city. District agents for the Sen, of Lotdon, setabhshai 1710 A. D , Phoenix, of Lon don, A D., 1782 aod "Cootiwtai," of Kw York, the only company istoicea Jsiety Fund Policy. M.SEDEB3,&C9.,3gn. AT cy.BCSflr&GsJ'S is a fail assortment of food or ssaa aad east; also oil meal, graa seed, limeitair, aad fertilizers, also Wilbur's Seed Meal, a sane remedy for tbe ailments of kwies and cows. All CHEAP FOB CASH. Notice fop Publication, Lsd Omci at Ok ego f ry. Ok. November 5, i96. Hotias is hereby civc tbat he fo low ing nansed aether ha filed aoti of his of his claim. aa that taiJ pr-of will be ma before a county clerk inr Linn 13th. 1696, vix: Jobs Foiar-v, HEX?. 11642 for ibe 3 W J o l aad E N W J U ace ai. 1. l 10 3 B E. tie name n follow is 4- wibc to prove His contUuows rse dnwee upoa ttd euUiva tiow of, said 1-od. vu: Joa Dley. Seil M Re. J L Harry, W H Whi tock. ail ef Berry P O, Marion "owaty. Oregon. Bobekt A Miu Ka. RegUter. r f TT Let TJs To- 1V1 H. getherl Is Uot rt- ter to buy your Bread, Pies, Bolls, Cakes, etc, at a reliable store where they use enly the Beet material why of course i as you dont want dyspepsia and yoc. ever get it y eating anyding from on store. C. 8. BAKERY. Be Ellsworth and Lyon 2nd St. C. D. Yakutsk, Proprieto FOB EXOHAXGE flO vm of im proved form iasd within tear miles of Albany, ail in coitrratioo, including 4 est trait, tor aty re-Kiettor property. J at.hl-'eoey. New Goods. -Mrs Ashby's Stylish hata. capes with whistles, mit trat, aod handkerchiefe, etarnped Coea, hose, side combe, orcamente, uaderwear, coneta and a general line of goods- mssciffssi esti. Notice ia hereby grrea that tbe ex part nership of Bodges x McFarland has been dissolved, O. C McFarland miricg. All and pay O. C McFarland. A. J. Hoogbs. O. C McFaslsfd. PLACE WASTED, to do general boose work. Call at Dxwocbst office. IF William I Stretch, lately of Mill aty Oregon will corcmKnicate with Fred Rice Sodh Bead, WashiBtrtco, iBfta-ma-tion of interest to said William I. Stretch will be given. Wi A5TED. A reliabie. actiTerentie rcan or lady to travel for reliable. established booae. Salary fTsO. payable 1S weekly and money advanced forex- E'nees. Situation stoady. References, pcloee self-addi ism, d stamped envelope. H. E. HESS, Presdert, Chicago. HAT STORAGB for tbe reason. Ca3 oa If. Seaders oa Ferry between 1st aadiadsts AlbaayOre. JR. M. H. ELLIS, Physician And Soxgeen. Albany, Oregon. Treats tbe ?Hesee ef tbe eye and ear. f-pactack accurately fitted." 2-1 r .itsv VOos iek Block ff Alhar.y, Or FUling and eitrartins of teeth wttha pain atDetutHy 350 Pairs Boots. Kline. Dobroille ft Co.. sold last .fall and winter, 350 pairs of boots ra a warrant and they are proud to say act ene pair eame back. Tbey carry tbe same boots this year and bare on hand a very taros stock. Also all kind ef shoes. Their ehU area school shoes are the very best. Their ladies fine shoes are tbe 6 nest aad vp to at on style . Tbey are tbe only exdorirs; boot and shoe store ia Albsey. Cise.tbem a call. PtCTOW' THROUGH TILKETS to the EAST via the Union Pacific System. Th roach Pnllman Pstae 'eier Tourist sleepers and Kew Eeclinip Chair care AILY POBTLANn TO CHICAGO. Trains heated b .walc ir.d ears liaht- d by Pintsch Light. nun to uhicago 3,4 days, ttme to New York days, which is many hours quicker than all competitors. For rates, tfme table and full infor mation, applv to Craaaa A XfoxnttTa. assets. Albany. Or. 0T B W Barron. C Baowa, bea'l Agent, Diet Fass Aft 135 Third St, Portland, Or. REPAIR" BICTCLES Fiank Uicg ey rerairs bicycles promptly and in a first class manner. Breaia, punctured tires, etc. fixed carreer rr. At shop just westafY.M.OABall. n n