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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1895)
V V Mrs. M. S. Scnoonmaker. A New York Woman Who Suffered lor Four Years With Nervous Debility Paine's Celery Compound Made Her Well. wrCT .iCM-feV "For four years I was a sufferer from nervous debility. During that time I took a great many remedies without get tine any held until I tried Paine's celery compound. I took six bottles of that remedy and was cured. I cheerfully recommend Paine's celery comnoucn Ro writes Mrs. M. S. Schoonmaker of SOK Jane st . New York Citv. Too many women needlessly suffer from nervous troubles, not only in the cities but everywhere. Their whole world too frequently liee inside the four walls ot their homes. Think of the many persons, men as well as women, who spend most of their lives barricaded within the narrow con fines of their dwellings. Summer finds them pale and tired out. Their store of nervous vitality has been slowly brought down by vitiated air and sedentary life. Their whole system needs a tnorough re plenishing. The nerves want nourish ment, the tissues are not half supplied with material for the repair of their parts, and the great vital orsons must Attorney at law. Will practice la all orart ot ta lata. 8paalattantMO ginu to Button in ocen-te mndta to lection. OPFIOK In tb Fiina block It BHI.YKC Attorney at Law tod solicitor ia Chancery. Oel Jona mad oa all poiata. Loaa neg.tiat aa - abl lenaa. Albaav Onra ii E. If. WRIGHT, Attonv-j at law. and Votary Paadc. Wm practice la alithecoarteof tbaretaie Special attention "trente coilet-i m and aiattrri ia probate OSac? Heat toor t.. Poaoffice, Albaar. Ore. t ' WIIITRE1 , I , v Arojmey at Law, Albany, Or. t LAGKBUi.fl & SOBERS AITOHNEYS .A.T T.A.W, A!! legal matters will receive prompt at ent'on. Office, First National bank tuldimr, up stairs. WALLIS HASH ATTOENET .A.T JL..AJW. Wiil practice in all the uurt of the tate. Oo9 Post Block. Albany Oregon. H C Watson Luther Elkins WATSOFf & ELECIHS TTORJIET3 .A.T LAW Office First National Bank Building Business in-inted to us will receive care ful and prompt attention. TO.VTATYK A BaVHIiKHaN, AUomeysat Law. Albany, Oregon.! E. W. HAKRIV JUSTICE OF PEACE, I aaw loeaUd in the DtaocaiT oOee. eoraer Sod aad Broadalbia streets Albany. Or. Beats aad UiUeetioat a Specialty- 1) K. S. t HILL, PbydciM uid durgeoii. OFKICK Coraa Far? atrwa, Albany, Orejcon. - D rs. II. E. and O. K. Beers. Physicians ind gnrgejni, post office block. Aioany, Ore. Hours 10 to 12 a. ta., 2 to 4 aad 7 to 8 p. in. Residence corner 5th andCalapooiasta. Special attention given to diseases of women. DR. C, U, CHAnSERLI!. HOMOHOPATHIST Office on Ferry St near cor 3rd St. Offic houH, 7 to 9 a in. 12 to 2 and 6 to 8 p m Especial attention given to chronic cane and eye dueaes. 14 or AI.DANT.nKBQop Vioo Praat Jon' .'Wiier .... , LfLili. . K.TOU.IG R. W. I,N1.n,h K.N;aOi a UEHBkAi. witktua iHirtiMua S.O-'T ItJH ASi;. u.., i' mpbir trwal , Mid MkVirfitlU tii'iii, L. Fuji or ARRANT ORKQOt, fKASBA(.T.rl tfcuittnr lutuM " DRAWHlUU f OBAFT8 w York, Ktw W ffcoand Fonlano, Oregon. Ulf.y MOSEY oa j pproviHl aieurity P.KOKf i'B .lufHi uhjiMjt tfichM:k. 'Jut.t4iff'.1wi urn . iKHoa. J Moas . A I J"M :t 'r lierfo or fiict If. J ''xUtt j (or AlccLoli. 30 rmcaaa have richer blood to make them sonnd and active, and to keep them so. The nervs and brain need rourishment. The power of refreshing and reviving every part of the languid body is what mates jraine s ceiery compounu me marvelous strongthener and invigorater of this century. It is this same capacity to recruit tne worn-out nervous system, to reiuvenate the blood that has enabled this remarkable remedy to help so many debilitated persons and to restore tneui again to firm ueaun. Kbenmatism. neuraisna. pain in tne reeion of the heart, debility and nervous weakness, showing itself in any of its myriad forms, are dispelled by rain s celery compound, it ieeas enervateu . . . . . , tisanes all over the body. It gives fresh vigor to the entire nervous tract, the brain, the large nerve centers in tne spinal cord and. the nerves themselves to their minutest ramifications. It restores jaded nervous energy. It sends new blood coursing through the veins. It makes people well ! the greatest seller on the market for iseaaes of the Liver .Kidneys and Con stipation. Pleasant to take by old or young. No piping. The root of the Liverine plant is ilea -avely used in Norway for tne cure of Piles. Sold by all first class druggists. Wholesale Manufactures. ANCHOR S CHEMICAL CO. Lebanon. Or. mm of " BiiEH : Easily, Qalckiy, PerBttoeafJy Restored. fftaknm, If arroaanaaw, Debility, ana au u tram : L of avlis irom early errors or ! later exctasea, u resoiiaoi oTerwor. atckneta. worry. etc. ruu atreoKUi, oem- opirjentaiiatooeg-rTenio jererr organ ana wru of the body. Simple, oat. I . 1 1 .. nn-IL lit i uru """u1"' I 'll ata Improvement aeea. p...... ud iirooia mt UoJ (aoalnd) Iraa. UIE ISE01CAL C0 Buffalo, N.Y, AW1F2D2.1ILL F0RS35C0 WOawiord will eell you an . 8 foot Aermotor for 135.00 v.i-. (-.miM. 7 im n-ferencaa. book. 12 foot geared Aermotor ' 75.00 All steel and galvanized after completed BID CRM FLOE Get it at any of the stores, or bave it ground, 4U pounas lor one buanei a wheat, at tbe itea urown huib. r" TT? Let TJs Keawn To VVylVl Li, getherl Ia it not bet ter to buy your Bread, Pies, Rolls, Cakes, etc, at a reliable store where they use only the Best material why of course i is you dont want dyspepsia and yor. never get it by eating anything lrom oa store. U. 8. BAKERY. Bet. Ellsworth and Lyon 2nd St. C. D. Vaxdvkb, Proprietoi WANTED. An honest, active gen tleman or lady to travel for estab lished, reliable house. Salary $780, pay able $15 weekly and expenses. Situa tion permanent. References. Knclose self-addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, 318 Omaha Build ing, Chicago, R. O. T. M Meets every Saturday venin? in K. O T M. Ball. ViMtinsr Kuit;hU iuvitd to at end. I. 8. Van Winki.k .Com. UEO E FISH THE PLUMBER Tin roofiing and pln'-iu. the opera houfte. 1 tt i-i GM)OS. npiwrtil R II i.e (art, bra 1 ibria, O-m meij Oa ham bue wmat rje H ur i st'r" nof t-e , o T TANTED.- A man who nnoerxUnd V V - running an engine. Knqupe of Geo Achecon or E. U, Biodgett. : WAKTED. To trade laundry work t for wood. City Launury, Fiwt etreet, near WwJhinff ton. J CEC0ND HANI) cook tove wanted. j O I-eav8 word at the DEMOcnAT oilice ' and secure purchaser at once. ai il l fill ! La . i mt D. P. Thompson baa been sued hu't tor hi. $10,000 and had to pay it. It feelings more than anything. The air is full of the but cf presiden tial bees. Already .souie of them are being crushed to death. It doesn't take much to kill a bee. All the papers in the towns which the circus is skipping are giving it fits. This sounds like sour grapes, but in reality it is genuine goods. The papers are simply relieving their minds. Nerve is the narre of.a nice looking journal issued in ISan Francisco, a copy of which is on our table. The name is appropriate. The paper is for a single gold standard and no one without nerve would dare present such arguments as the editor. J.L.Sullivan is now boasting that be i might have gone to Congress ; but be couldn't see anything in leaving the im mense income of prise fighting for $3,000 a year. John's great ignorance of the income of a Congressman indicates that he is as dull as he is generally pictured. This editorial page is being written on the 4th of July beside a fire, an Oregon mist outside, at a time when firecrackers are cracking slowly. It is not an ideal 4th of July day. The right kind of a day is one with the thermometer at 90 creating a demand for ice cream and lemonade. All the indications in Oregon point to mailer and better cultivated farms. The prosperous farmer ot the future is going to look ahead for rainy financial weather. He is not going to be land poor. He will have SO or 100 acres which he will cultivate well and as wU raise batter, ?gge, Ac. or eend his milk to the creamery. He will tnaie ntiie tnings count and not depend on one prodoct, That day is past. It is rumored at i'a'em that Cieo. W H. Odell will soon be appointed clerk of the state school land board in place ol Mr. Davis the prefect occupant. Uen OJell is well known here, and has gener ally held srine kind of an office the great er portion of his life Mr. Davis has made an efficient officer, and the public wiil be sorry to see him "turned down." fcngene Guard. As between the two men the comparison is entirely in favor of Mr. Davis, who has made an accom- modating, competent official. There is "mora than one way cf being loyal American citizens; true to the government in the first place, every cit izen should oa true Ui those around him. Depend upon it very emphatically that the man who loves his fellow man will also love bis government. One form ot loyalty to the government should be re spect for the chief executive while in office. Sa long as he keeps w'.thin reason able bounds his name should be treated with respect by public and private citi zen, and should be free from caricature and abuse. The A dorian says the time is ap proaching when construction will com mence on the railroad. A familiar sound that reminds the Dkmocra editor ol a newspaper correspondent ia a small Eastern village who would begin wben the construction of a bouse was started and in nearly every iesue tell about how John Smith's new reiidenee was ap proaching completion. There are pret ty good s:gns now that the statement of the Astorian ia approaching correct ness. Clatsop must be a pretty good place in which to collect taxes The Astorian with much reaton boasts as follows: Sheriff Hare yesterday made his official report to the county court ot the collec tion of taxes for the year 1S04. The re port was made on a single sheet of legal cap paper and ia unprecedented in point of brevity and comprehensiveness. The total amount of the tax rolls charged for collection was I112.S9S.4G. The to ut collections were $103,637.34. The amount of errors at.d double assessments was fl.653.68; property sold to the county judge, 15.617.03; amount ot taxea still delinquent, 11607.71 ; eo'.lected and turned in over and above the amount of taxes charged to the sheriff, $117 JO; amount o' costs co!iecld in addition to taxes, $ ' 6.6) . 5IS A LADY'S TOILET Is not complete without au ideal ozzoNrs Ccmbbes every element of : beauty and purity. It is beauti fying, soothing, healing, hcrJth 1 lul, and harmless, and when II rightly used is 5n visible. A mo? '' j delicate and desirable protection to the face in this cllniate. 1 Inri.i upca haviaj; tie gsnulae. ! Vf 13 ?C3SALE tVEBTWHERE. DO YOU write letters? Of course you do, and whtt is nicer than smooth let er paper and envel opes for business corresponding. We makn speciality of neat commercial statinniiry. foa should BUY ENVELOPES of us at once and the fine quality an extra lo prices. Next time you wan some inquire OFSMILUY, THEPIUNTEU COPYRIGHTS CAlf I OBTAIN A FATEWT For a prompt annrer and aa bonaat opinion, wnta to M I) N N dc CO., who ban bad nearly arty yaara ezparlenc In the patent baalneat. Commnnleaa rlonaatrtatlyeonSdanual. A Haadbook of In formation eonoarntD Fateaia and bow to ob tain tbem aant fra. Alaa a eatalo(aol BMebaa. leal and cieritmc booka aent fre. Fatenu taken tbrontib Moan A Co, raectr ipeelal notice In tbe Hrlantl fle America a, and tuua are brouxbt widely before tbe public with- BMueai laryeat worn. s: a rear, bamn a bod ijuiiomji naiuon, mo.uuiy, mimj year. Binti enpiea, US cent. Erery number contain beau tiful piatee. in eotora, and pbotOKrapba of new touiea. witn plana, enabling nuHdara to abow tbe itest dealiriiB mud leciure contract. Addraaa . i-j 4 CO. Kuw Vuuk. ai BuoauwaT r 0 a COPYRIGHTS. During the past week the glorious eagle flapped his wings and screamed, just as loudly as ever but with less fire, for a WebFoot rain mussed his feathers and put out the blaze. The 4th is one time of the'' yrar when the politician, though he may be the worst demagogue in his parly, will spread himself on the platform, decry deu)agogue!sin,spak tor a better sentiment between roan and man and adviBe a united effort for the good of the people. On this day the man really talks sense ; his conscience backs him. Were he to be heard in a few days at some meeting he would lay all the ills of the day to the other party and declare there was no hope of returning prosperity except through his party. All this is for effect. It is dishonest and disreputable, and yet the country is full of it. It is time that more honesty prevailed and victory be sought through upright channels and not by falsehoods. Thu past week has witnessed in Ore- gem one of the most daring train rob berica in the history of the coabt, one that showed what nerve can do when one man has it and a well loaded revol ver. Self preservation tells a man to meekly resiat in such a case and cool) handover his 3 or $10, ketping the j bulk of his wealth. The good of society though, demandt that there be a resiat anee. So long as train robbers are al lowed tornn things to suit themselves and there is a profit in the business, so long will they keep it up to the detri ment ot society. The Dkmocbat man would be one ot the very first to hold op biabandi; lie ia not a shooter, never owned a revolver in his life and hardly knows where the trigger is; but there are plenty of men whohave been brought up with them in their bands, andareong tboee whose business it is to know bow to use tbem are conductors and brake men. It is to be honed that some day one brave man cleans out a who's gang of train robbers just for the rxamp'e- Thc Xvw League. BUtorDcmurnU: It is on the "glonouj fourth ' that the soul ot the average vtisen is stirred to feelings of patriotism, when ben solves that, as many whom he commem orates in speech and song, have died for their country, so be resolves that be wiH live for bis country. In anticipation of this there rose a call tor one hundred thousand sermons to I e preached on Gnnday Jane 3Hb on the topic of Christian Citizenship. This call came from the National Christian Citizenship League (whose offices are 133 La Salle 8;r Chicajro) It asks that this first be emprasized : '-That Bight eouiMiFss Exalte th a Nation and Sin is a Rcproval to Any People " This ca!l is beard throughout the land. It meare in general, a demand for honest govt rc meat, clean streets, well enforced laws. It ia an organized movement itb a life principle within. It proposes the application of the principles cf the gos pel to pcb!:c affairs, and recognizes the fact tLat the power to make this appli cation lies now in the bands ot tbecbU lian 'people of this nation requiring only united action. Its general purpose is harmonious ard aggreaaire action on lines such as tbe following: 1. To prevent by personal effjrt the nom'natioa and election of corrupt can didate. 2. To secure fidelity on the part ot officers. 3. To exterminate tne taboo as the greatest enemy to Christ and humanity. . To preterve tbe Saboalh . 5 To promote tte stn ly of social wrongs and the application of remedies. It is proposed !o organize these leagues in every state, county and town, that whereas christian people have often held them aloof from politics, because . ot ita being "a dirty pool," thev will learo as members of this league, that "the con sistent christian can reserve do territory from the jurisdiction of his King. He will servo him in the caucus, ard in the primaries as truly as in any expettene in life, and be wiil vole as the &!ax r would have him vote." C. L. f rain Robberies. Oregon has alwava bad a clean record on train robberies until this week. We have occasionally bad a stage robbery, but no train waa ever stood up until tbe one at Riddles. & here no reistsnce is made and one man can do up one hun dred passengers there is no reason hj any train should not be stood up. Of course there Is fear of the result for the robbers are always followed by a pesre ot shooting men, but in most caaea tbey get away. It is a c,reat ptoblem of today how to meet inch cases. One thing may be considered. A train is in charge of a conductor, wbo is captain of the men under him, eiaineer, firemen and several braketnen, and indirectly several Pullman men. It is the conduct ors business to protect the passengers entrusted to his care. Conductors and brake men should go armed and should fight for the train as fiercely as a com pany for their cannons. Unless the drcp is gotten on them these men should be prepared to defend their train to the last ditch. There should be no cowaid ice. While it is tiue that under the present system of two or three men do ing the business a man has time to hide his valuables and give out what he pleases, thus not Icing much, yet his liberty a" an American citizen Is interfer ed with, and whether 1 or $1,000 if UVen he is unjustly tobbed ot his prop erty. The conductor will say he is not hired for all this ; but he certainly is in charge of hi train as much as a man is in charge of his home, and should pro tect the interests of those under him. In view of the usual stereotyped style of the teports of grand jurors tbe follow ing from Douglas county is of interest: To the Ron. J. C. Fullerlon, Judge: The grand jury's final report is as fol lows: That we have visited the poor farm and examined tbe offices of the different county officials. Certain sug gestions about tbe roor farm and re commendations concerning the court house and county jsil might be made to the honorable county court, but we have read certain grrnd jury itports hereto fore, made by former grand juries, and Ji id that such reports have not been h -piled, and we conclude that it vould b- OKeless for this piand jury to make any suygntions or recommenVstlonr. We have examined carefully into the different alleged ciimcs which have been ' brought to our knowledge and returned indictments in those cases only where 1 we thought the evidence would wan ant , a conviction ITsvinit completed cur ' labors we ask to I discharged. Signed ' by W. F. Gilliam, foreman. The Gazette says it is true we have a delightful rea breeze every summer after noon, while Albany lies sweltering in the scorching sun, hut the wind don't go to sleep in Corvallis. The wind don,t sleep the wind is an active agent, and loves stir and life. It naturally avoids Albany. We feel sorry for our sistsr town, but we can't blame the wind. Speaking of sleeping, reminds us that Albany has an abiding fondners for the arms of Morpheus. 'Twaa but a little over a year ago that Albany had quite a fire but didn't know it until notified v:r the telephone by the Corvallis nightwatch This sarcasm reminds the Dkmccbat that the cities of the Willamette valley have all just been passing through a very sleepy period, not caused by any !ack of sea breexes,-we all have them some, but by some very hard times fol lowing a boom era. What is needed heriifter is for every city in the Willam ette valley to rusi'.e together for the fu ture. We are blessed in the first place by an unsurpassed climate, one splendid feature is a nightly sea breeze that makes our nixhts very enjoyable in the hottest season of the year, while in the winter our climalie conditions make ocr nights warmer than in the east. We are favored with never tailing crops; e have the finest fruit in the wond, some of which has no equal outside of this state. We have mineral resources that promise to develope; we are situated we') for manufactories. In fact in everything the Willamette valley is wonderfully blesred, from the north end to the south end, from tha Cascades to the Coast range. New comers wilt always be more favorably impressed with different sec tions, and as a reeult tbe whole valley will grow together. It must do this or ws are doomed. It will do it because every ecuon is favored, without an ex ception. TUa is a fact. r!e tbe illam ette valley would not br, as the writer believes it is, aa flee a valley as the aon shines upon, and it shines opon it, not ', withstanding California Tars, all that is needed and sometimes enough to make ' ore appreciate rain. So the DexOtaat i, ah n it considers the ul jret candid ly, in favor of a united effort for the ad vancement the country deetrves. The man ia fortunate who mak it his borne, and if be doe not care to com to Alba ny or Linn county let him go to Corval lis or Benton county, Eugene or Lane county, Riueru or Marion county, Oron City or Ciackatua county, McMinoriMe or Yamhill Cjuotr, Independence or Polk county, aye or in'o the beautiful Rogue River valley. You Need to be Particular. T'lIERE um't anything in the world X that you are justified in being p re ticular about if you are not irtict;ir about porcbaaing your groceries. iVa't takecLancra with what goes to your table urelr the best of everything is not too good for vou when it come to what yon eat and drink. With other things, a little indifference is conceivable ; to be indifferent alout vour gro ceries isn't conceivabfe at all. You can have absolute faith in what Parker Brothers tell vou. They keep good pool', rfU proUuce and seasonable fruit, and the bet made bread, cukes, pie, etc, in tbe market, and wben thev tell vou a thing it is to, as all tiieir oi l customers wiil vouch for. Teicphone 4$. Ring. FLOUR. Great cat in flour. After JuIt 4th we wiil sell all brands t-f firvt erade, full roller Hour at per nrk and warrant everv fa t. Orvler at as this is a rneetal price made for a short time only, in Isurvl lots or 4 sacks for f"-.-'0. These prires for conirumer onlv. July 3, 1T. it. F". Mt Ilwain, SraACD V BOM AS. That Joyful Iceling. With the exhilarating of renewed health and strength and internal cWou cera, which follows the ue of Syrup of Fig, U unknown to the few who have not prosrreaW beyond the old time medicine and (be cheap nihftitute sometimca oSer ed hot neTrooeptel by tbe weil intarin- Try H. J. Phulip every morning for , a square deal in vegetables and fruit. PaoerratfTT is Oomso. Il will be here soon. One way to help it on is to pet good groceries, produce; and fruits of the best quality at bottom price. A penny aved ia a penny earneu, you know. The place at which iodo tbia and assist pros perity is Conn A Hustons, a fact that a rUl will convince anv one of. Freeh buckwheat 3our in bulk at BrotntH'i. C E Never mind eoneentianalilim. Just ride right into Hodge ft McFarland'x for your drop and prtsicripticna. Their tock is hitfb prai'e, and they are tireless in their effort at promptness and to pleane. F-r Iure Drug." Dawson's. Tor Prescript Jons DawMin's. Use Dawson's furniture polish. LOW INSURANCE. l'hoenix,of Hartford andllomc.of New York, ixilicice, on good risks, will Ijc rs written in any company represented by nie, at from 7o to 90 per ct oft. New bus inees written at rates to meet competition M. PxTfDKlW, Leading agent, Albany, Or. .MARRIED. WILSON'-UURHAM. At the heme of the bride four miles north east of Harris biirK.Tuestlay.July 2nd 1895. Mr.Harry Wi'aon and Alms Maud Durham, Rev. Oburjr, of Halaey, officiating. Hands Off. Why try to press back a side ache with your hand, as so many do, when an Allcock's Porous Plaster will not only relieve the pain but prevent its return. The best remedy known for wenk back, strains, sprains, !an.cness and all local pains. Jtaar la Itfiad-Noi on of tha hai ot coun tcrleiKundinilatkmi i. fooa at the gmuio. Allcock's Corn Shields. Allcock's Bunion Shields, Have no equal relief aad cur for eorni and bunion. Brandreth's Pills. A safe and sure remedy for diseasot arising from impurity of the blood. The Fourth at Waterloo. Notwithstanding thn rain tiiWvaan fiti and five thousand people celebrated our national holiday at the prosperous town of Waterloo. The procession, headed by the Leban on baad, formed on Main street prompt ly at 10:30 a. m. under the command of George i. Stairs.chief marshal, and pro ceeded to march to the grove, which the people of Waterloo had so magnificently arranged for the occasion. Here a very interesting program was carried oijt. Thos. Kay, president of the day, made a few introductory remarks, which were very inteeesting. In the course of his speech he stated that there are five woolen mills in Oregon, three of which he was instrumental in starting. Stirring and patriotic speeches were made by Col. C. B. Mont.tirne in the forenoon and lion. J4.A. Mil lir In thft afternoon. Every body pronounced the celebra tion a success and went home singing "Tho Star Spangled Banner." OSB WHO WAS THEHX. Detroit. Our mill shut down for tbe 4tb. Strawberries are now ripe with us. Rev. Myers preached here Wednesday evening. J. C. Miller, of Scio, waa in town Wed nesday ev ning. Among new arrivals In town are D. C, and J. C. Marquis, of Chicago. Lawyer Hammond, of MeliorJ, has located his family here for the summer. C. D. Smith, our school teachqr makes quite frequent viaiu to Lyons. Jonn Wallinir and Pierce Bros, return ed to Salem Wednesday after a few weeks sport in the mountains. Geo. Maybora and wife started t Turner Tuesday. I hey expect to attend lue big populist picnic II. Il fuller is making some repairs on me old notei butiuing Miss Maud Lawbead who won the Demorert medal at Albany, recited at our literary last Saturday evening, cava or mm, crrr or ioudo, fa. Uocam Cocjtty. ( Faaaa; i. ( mr nakea oath that be la ta aa lot partner of tbe Arm ot V. J. Caawar aulas baalaaaa ia the City ot TMado, Coajily and Stat alomaid. aad that aald na will pay U na ol OS HUN DRED DOLULfc tot each aad erery caaeot Catarrk that can Dot bt cared by taa na ol Uut't Caraaaa Craa. faAX K J. HENBV. Rwera to before m aad aabacribad let tny , una au oay oi uecmuw, avu, A. W. GLKASOK. RaH'a Catarrh Cor is takes Interaally aad acta directly oa lb blood aad aracnaa aaraoa ot UM ayataaa. Head tor Wtiawalala, tree. V. i. CHEJi KY CO., totedo, O .4 SoU by Oragziau. TSc Aa AlMoIutc Cure. Tbe OrigUul AbitneO'nlmeni it orl put up la Urge lwjonc! tin boxe, and U an abVoluta cute (or olJ aurea, buin wounda, chipped haol and a'l akin erup tion a. Wilt Do!llely c-ire ail kii-d of piles. Aak (or ll.e Original bietlne Utnlmeat. Fold by roaha dc Maaon a J 5 cent per box, by mail So cent. W Loaves of Bread lor f I.OO. Let everybody come to -h i Star Bakerj and get 40 loaret ot ttr.h !.icd for i.oo cath. CMsvza. NatUc to Farmers. Ai.ntJtr, xUy 17, 195. To the grangm cf Lion county: 1 hate ibis day made arrangement ith Orabam A Koin for binder tarine (or tbe mmo ot 1SS5.; G L K ee, A r?at Liat Cj. Btioe Cuaci Ct5"li Snt. US A. Sin Dice" Cal a: "hi'oh' Ci'trrl Remrdr la the firat rccdidee I have erer loand that aroaiJ do me any Ojd " Price 50c Wi!.D GutcK UaaMic. During the F reseat eaoa 1 will admit perton to my wtM biKkberry add at M cent rcr day WiU admit no one before July 5th. Iterrie not very plentiful. K. Who. CitEiutiES. Come to my place trron th Willamette and Ptrk cherries of the kind desired for only - cents a pound. W. H Wabmle. Karl' Clover Koo!,tie great o'ood pur 6er give fmhne and c earn to the completion and curt conauiation, 25c. oc, 1 .00. Kothay A Uaaon Afent. Do you kno. if you want to go east and d.irt Pullman Touriat Sleeper, that vou will be detained from 12 to 16 boars antes too take tbe Northern Pattfic? Remem ber that tbe Nortnera Paci6c i be oerea tine running Pullman Touriat Sleeper through to tbe east with oat delay. Tt m and money saved by this route. For ful information, tt aa card. mp. etc. call ' ora l ire0. ti. Barkhart, ageat ADaany Ore KC BIKBr t atker Hro, grooara. Hw orean eheeee jaat tceai4 at Coaras y. P i Smiley job priaUr, Flios Block, irat claaa mora. Sraoka th ealebratad Havana 6114 S -tgarat Joliaa Joseph's. a ronia bom todoatry by amok in ta slehrated whit labor eifar, saaaafactwrwd by f a'ia Joaepfc. The heat roaat oofle 10 the at) at Oatae j-rr a Tboa Baby wa slek. w (e Imt Oat .. WT the waa a CaiM, aba crivl tr Ctetorbv VTbra she became kUM, abe chin to Cuioria. tVXaa sa bad CbiU ica, aba ga re I Worn Caacorat "This line ot ladie' pair.,' is the no" ice in S. window. vbees $1.00 per E. Yonntr's show Karl' Clever Ko,H wl! purify you blixxl, cler voir completion, regula! jour b-ieU aift make your head clea at a bell, 25c. 50c, and'i.oo Slil'niiVcur t aold on a guarart-e. It cuie I .ctpk-n- Conaumptlon. It U the best 0ih tu.-e. Only one cent a Joe.' 5c,sK:.aidt.rK.. Foshs- Maaon agents. Fine bieycle suoei oeap at i K. Clothing Co'. niain Where to Trade. Here are some of Julius Gntdwohl'a cash prices : 20 lbs. Savon Soap $ ,85 3 cans Tomatoes 25 Arbuckle, Lyon and Big 4, per lb. . .25 Sardines, 15 cents per can, 2 cans. . .25 1 dos cans tomatoes 90 Vinegar, per gallon 20 15 pounds beans , .50 Sugar always subject to change of the market. And all other goods as low as sold by anv body. Hardware, crockery, glassware and uroceries at reasonable prices. Millinery at Cost. The Missea Ball will sell their entire stock at cost to quit business. This will rfford the ladies an excellent opportunity to purchase stylibh millinery at the low est possible price. For Eogs for hatching from hiah claaa poultry either of Golden Wyandotte or Brown Igliora breed call on or address C. it. Brownkix, Albany, Or. t leie ' bvu. wi tit yrv oaatumer at Vie ek b.r If you want a good and clean smoke buy cigars made bv our AU bany cigar factory, TELEGRAPHIC. A ratal Bar. Cure ago, July 5. Five perrons dead and Xi injured was the record of accid-jDtn on the fourth of July, 18'J5, in Chicago, up to 2 A. M, '1 he dead were not all kill ed on the day itnelf, however. Three were the victims of the day before, one fell dead from heart diaeane while watching the Kvanston celebration, and one man era drowned. .The putol of commerce and the toy pistol srot in its work in tbe death list, three of the five being victims of tbe dead ly machine. Firecrackers came next in the list. eat Orexea. j Fonr Scott. Kan.. lulv 5. The heav iest rain tbat has fallen in this section in 1 many years occurred lant niht wben there was a precipitation of 4.19 itches of wa ter. Marmater river and Mill creek over flowed, and te uoith aide of town is com p'etely inundated. Families have ben driven from their home and much damage to property has resulted. The Mixaouri ratine ahopi are under water, neccwutat- ing the stoppage of work. The rivem join ed on National avenue and tbe water i still Leas' ateatb. f'irrsBi-KO, July 6. Another letter con cerning the death in Armenia of 1 rank Ietiz, the t ittnuurg wheelman wbo was making a tour of the world, has been re ceived here by T. P. Lancrhans from a missionary in Asia Minor. The name of ths missionary is not given because bi life would be endangered. The missionary is working with SachUebea, the St- 1xiu man wbo was aent in aearch of Lenz .Tne letter says they have discovered that Letz was murderedby Torkub officer high In tbe serrice, and for that reason the work i attended with great danger. Caatlaara lareaBeat. Xaw Vobk. July 5 R. G. Duo A Co '1 weekiv review of trade tomorrow will ur: Tbe midsummer reports from all commer cial center are of eeoectal interest, cover ing tbe qoeations on which the future of business depends. They indicate duti nel ly better crop provpocis than either official or commercial account, a marked increase in rail distribution ot prodacts. an active demand for good and a general enlarge ment ot tbe working force, with tome ad vance in thewngeaof more than JOi.'XO hand. 1 m Stra flee All. SroaaSE. Waah., July 5. The report; given oat late taat night that Paul ebo i wa dead was incorrect. Although the doctors say hi back 1 broken ta two place, be cling to life with wonderful te nacity, a! poruciaiu now say be ha a fighting bow for life. Webb i quite rahooal. and (peaks of recovering as though death wa not to bs considered. SkraJSlrr Warat Oulx, (H., Jul 5. Mrs. J. E. Red mond, of this piare, took itrychnine ye terday mot ning at 9 o'clock and Led a few minute later. She said the day be fore that abe oa!d die on ker 17th mar riage anniversary. was a m3ch re rpected lady, but bad been in iU-hetlth for sereral year, with a tendency to consump tion. Il iJOew Btlaa Coin D'Alksb, Idaho. July 4. In all probability. CfpUin Paal t ebb kat bi Ule near bere Uiday in an attempt to ride hi submarine Uial or barrel down a 34) loot log chute. Two-Uiudt cf tli way down was a tiigbt raie in the iociine. Here tbe barrel jumped 30 fet in tbe air. atrikicg the ground on end then roihng 40 feet farther down the bill. Many persons on tbe beat turned Jseir bead with hor ror. Sme fainted, a a'l fsared inttaot dealb to Webb. Wbtn tbe Ua.iet was epened, Webb wa jammejf kw-!y into Use end. fie eticoourai aj tiised fneeiy. Dr. Baweil. of rckaae. examine! him and rociutxed hi f ioal coicmn broken. A tug wa pfJcared, aod the unfortunate man hurried to Coeur d'Aiet and then to Spokane. Webb died at II o'clock. Hi ws Jame Svwart. He was a photograph er at McMinnri.Ie. Or. Captain lcl Webb wa a tctiyi'Mis came asmeJ tor prufesaiona! rtwr.t. A fccrsl &ilr '"itaaUiilaa. WasBiXtiTAy, Ju'v 4. Another secret organuatioo hu. been formed in thi coun try for political ua!-!s. It is ea:!el the Order A tl.e Supreme Tempt. Siiver Knigfat of AuKrica, aad it headquarter is It New Y-jrk avenue, ia thu ci:y. Tee name indicate tLat tbe purpose ot the s- ctety u to adrance the caue of the free cctioage of niver. Tbe bniirtiU arechar- terei in tuvimaas a tcrporauoo. tbe charter name William M. Stewart, of Carson. Ne., a pcesi-i ol of the corpora tion, and among toe oier o'Juers and di rector are the name of (wo ex-mem btr cf congress. Teey Careea. Attica, O., July 4. Chinos Halt, ajed 18, loaded a gua vttb beavy shot tnis morntn? aad tiuntt it abore a door ia bis (atber's boae. Tne gan (eil to tne Soar, and vas discharged, a rortton of the load tnkin Hui!" motber to the abJomen. Hi iter reveivd the remainder of it in tbe breast. Tbe mother vtU die. but tbe daughter may recover. Bar Caeasteat. Sauut, Or., July 4. Two boy escaped from tbe reform school today and one of tbem is a bad one. He i Fred McMnrray, aged IS. and was in company with Biaock, the Seattle murderer, wben be killed lef ferr. McMurray hat a large birthmark oa tbe left cbeek. brorn hair and etart and tbe appearance of a tough. He a rait el ia tYashiaxton county. Tbe other i Newell Shonteil. the eame ae, atooped I aboulders, light hair, wue eri an! a t?ig nose. a hr Jaty riu LatsTOL. Ind.. July 4. At 6 o'clock thu evening, while a boat 300 people were (fath ered oo a bridge epannicr the St. Joseph rirer watching a tab race, ll0 feet of side walk of the ttidce treat down, carrrinif with it 100 person. The fill wai about j 30 ftvt, and ironwork fell on many. The j injured were cared for a well as circum- I stances would permit. None was killed I outright, but sereral wt:l die 8. MoNEll.L, Rewiver. TO THE E A Oivca maciiotcB or TvVO TRANSCONTINENTAL RO UTES great union NORTHERN PACIFIC via VIA SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS DENVER OMAHA AND ST. PAUL KANSAS CITY LOW KATES TO ALL eastern iciTiEs. OCKAN STEAM KKS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERV 5 D.WS SAN FRANCISCO For toll details eajl oo Cusran & Mosramt, Albany, Or OR ADDK.: . W H HURI.Bl'KT, Uss'i, Pan . Anaav t'OUf LAND, OR. 1 :;mo ilio ST Star Bakerj cr r readstlblsi aad first Urn. CO K RAD MEYER, PROPRIETOR. waned Frnlta fjilasaware. I'rled FrnKa, lobsitiro a sjar 4 wtTee FAe 4 atsiBed Meals Qseesiwsre, Vrgetablew, Cfgsrs. plee, Te, Etc everything that is kept in a Rood variety and groj ceryatore. High eat price paid for ALL KINDoOF PRODUCE ALBANY INS. AGENCY The only first class agency in Albany lhat can give ton KO tents wcrh of imur anoe for ! .00. besides giving yon the best indemnity we have paid out is this community dur ing the last nine month for , oat" bought over $13,000. thereby benefitting the farm ers and every business man. in cor i dera tion of which we thonld receive the pre ference ever agent who send out nearly all you pay tbem for insurance and bring in nothing We represent the only first class com pany making a tpeciaity of farm insurance. on the note plan. -The Continental,' of -New York. e alo represent the Sun. rhnenix, Manchester and London, of ng- iana, tne sun being tne olden ere msar ance company in the world. M. SENDEE?, Mgi. SCIENTMC DISCOVERY A fare Tore tor B' Jnee, Hair falling mi., Mta r S a v eond.tir.ri of 1 he ae p, fuy d- gerer tinn of the hair, fol tic.ea or tr.y -nplcb, eal beads, bl rkbaa n iota etc I have aeeari tie so e ri b' fox H bton. Una ana Msria-.i crwi.t!. I antra wiabtng traatmrr'traucbtsult Ksat my flaesof t aaa or . Artd.a Box 42L. Aibtoy, linn C. Or S. B Pb e. i. VlfeKECL CHICKEII RaUSisaPAYS if ToaetheS'iialeai I larabalare a I Xaa aaooey wauc own ere ait I V CauJoe all aixKt Racccacns artKle arafr Ur 1 poOtjy bar itten". The "ERIE" auchaaksay tbe beat wnm. rresueai aaniiL e are Faoae Ceaai ? uaaai tKnee etc, aesarr urajrm. maxim. QKCsATOX ca.retaiasaXal. Saacal Uacv. rsx a Maaa St-, LeaAactea. JOSEPH .T. SMirii BOS OrTioe at ScLmeer's stable. Alba ay, Or. Residence 5th and Montgomery. A. Straaei Upholsterer Repairer Hair, wool od shoddy ma!tRsaa rear rated and made OTer. Foraitor of eery descriptioa x' labi cajTiagrs re-cuhoUtend aad nrrishfu. T-rtp a tote ia tbe P. O , er call at 7 elreet. bet aeea Ferry and Brjadaibin. A baay. Or. ALBANY, OREGON A f- 1 eorpa of tnstracsxisv CLASSICAL, SCIESimC UTE?r CSUKESCIAL AKD XMUKl CLASSES. r-r!!jwt. 'irrem. A. p. ArwmraKt. Prta. S-tK.J; ('wtii Biw. CU(. i sake, tkmvra;. aMimn BnUea iriness. Shorthand, fl,'.-3 ..Jf .'Waaiat, sW tzrA Vlaa fssaajl H F MERRILL. NSURANCE AND MONEY BROKER . Albanj-, Or. . City and -ennty warrants lougblaa o'd. J. (. Ia11aSTOJ INSURANCE AND MONEY BROKER. Const? Wsirants lmi mi. Office, Hastoa Blork, Albssr Orrpn. AT R.M. ROBERTSON'S FEED STORE is a full assortment of food for re an and be3$t; also oil meal, grass seed, lime Jtair. cement and fertilizers, also Wilbur a Seed Meal, a sure remedy for the ailments of horses and cows. All CHKAP FOR CASH. ESTABLtSIIED FH Hammer. Wholesale Commission Merchant, 215 tnd 217 Davis St Cor. Commercial, Rah Fbaxcisco, Cai. We pay the hiehest market orica for wheat, barley, oats, .potatoes, ar i't, puunry, tttucs, woot ana gen era! produce. U will pay you to write us and keep post ed. Liberal advance made oa consignments, f San Francisco Froduce Exch. Member: ( 3a a Francisco Fruit Ktchangs Caiaicn U " saaa. " VA sacste r , preparatrxtcr - . i mm m&m m Rif.hraifisV to snppose that an imitation offers the customer any guarantee like the original does. Take ColtoUne for example. The Faikbank Co. discovered it, perfected it, and spent thousands in making its merits known. It is plainly to their interest to make and keep it what it is to-day the most popu lar shortening ia the world. But when you come To accept ear the 2 guarantees all disappear, and the housekeeper is at the mercy of aa imitator who deals on others' reputation and who profits only by others' lor.s. To ensure having good cook ing' and healthful food stick tight to- Cottolesb aad let all imitations severely alone. SoSd ia ks poand aaZa Kade oa! hy The N. K. Fa:rbantC Com party, rr.IXHTU auael CtJcst. tern Zerk, FIRE INSURANCE Insure your ropertv r ih Joseph V Tail i" ', Old Hartford, THE ,NKS YORK U NDER W R 1 TEK AGENCY, or an one sf tho other reliable Id line ecm- faniea he represents. Koea aten and plenty of tin 9 giver for payment on farm insurance. All business plae ed with him will be prorap' - x is 1 t. OFFIC3 . P O Block,' Albany. Or DOLLARS PER taaONTH In You! Own Locaut? mai easily aad honorably, wijci apU tal. dotin; yoer spare boars. Any man. wodin,boT . or girl ca-i do tbe work hw Dy, is itbout exreneace. Taikma; bo Becessary. Xotijn? I ke it far raxef asakinsereroCed before. Ooxworier always propa-. Xa 5me 'wasted t learoin tbe btt&fess. VT teach yea fes a sight boTT ta seceded frosj the tr boar. Yoo ras is&ke a trial whoot rl P" to yoorsel. We start ysa, csrassir TrytJun5 aeetied ta carry oa the bo ; se , aad gaarantea lj asaiast n:are if yoa at foUow sdf simpie, pbia tBstrocdona. Sesdtf. tr yoa ere ta need cf ready noser, iav jtos to as!7 au aaoat tne best payta tts betors the poblie, send as jo"1 a-jnree, am wa wru nsjl yoa a w aseui gtTins yoa ail the pankslars 1RUE& CO., Box 400, Augusta, ttlain. 20 1LB1H IiaiUEE CM. CO (FURNITURE "ompiete line of- -U.VOERTAKIKG ia ail its hjaachea EMBALMING iaJfj Ratdeaoe ceiaer Sri at. a': arro at' ins; V 12Z4L1 35a fa. MAilOUuL pnrrrvrtrn (7, ' -,' i -. i r. a rat Pkwer OROYIU-E. I FasbaT t Mason, aea t IxrtHVHeslN. L Ik vsq Win sttritS' Itiaaolii rm av nwintoi hw ait .t-.r. gists. Ik eure acia&t Cunantnpvio- aa&istha ba Causa, aad Croup Cur foshayft Mason, Apa', Caraua and Trc-Mrk aat Vaiaas& comluctcd tut ftOC JMATX . Qua mcf newMirtt t.NniiTOmel- B4 w can rcur. oaceM ia W tw, iraraima Waahtngtoa. . . iieeel Bjtial. diawie: or wa He- . i a ad'ite. U Mtaota1 or aot,tia el teaarja Out te KUdatou D9t kju in the U.& va. i,icgae-atna CA.sraow&cOaj mm .ft i ax- Di.. . UJX LC sim m wma a. artb original aad only FRENCH, aafeaml re. V oahieeare on tha maikot. frtce tiMf. seat b tnwataaaatt omj DJ 1 A O "limine. so!e . Alhanr, rala' a,.a.a-ava,A.' - V?' btaiea.aBJaa raa-r ( 9 A 1 c J - I r- t