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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1895)
1J' v VOL XXX. Eatered at the rt Hce at llbaajr. Or., ALBANY ORfcGON. Firm A .IULY il) Becand-Cla-a Malt Metiers 1895. V.T. irril, fabllaktr b4 rreprlrlart i I4 7 3 1, j. 1 6 I? : . 1 V I ?$S for Infants " Castoria. taso well adapted to children that t recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. JL Archer, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. "The use of Castoria is so universal and 1 merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the Intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach.' Cuuxxj JLutrrs, D. D Kew York Qty. Tss Ccrracs Best Work PRE Office Stationery ft Specially Giveus yoar Patronage. p ALBANY THE NEW WAY EAST g!S and 0. R H. GO a LIHES-The Short Route ToalPlsU Washington, Idaho, ia . Montana Pakotas,! Minnesota, and 'be East ill Points in the United states, Canada ail laropa. The Great Northern Railway is a oe transcontinental line. Runs boffet-tiorar) observation cars, palace sleepiog and dining cars, family1 tourist s'eeperv and first ano second c'ia coaches. Having a rock ballast trick the Great Northern Railway i free from dost, one of chief annoyances of transcontinental travel. . Round rip tickets with stop over privileges an 4 choice of retnrn rou e. For further information call opon or write, P. J. Whitney. 6. P. & T. I., SL Pal, Mina. 0. Di .-'t-i. -v-aif U A;.', lil ThUi Strajt, Pjrtlanl, Or ia. T- J r I -a, -JKjr - st"Ws- I I X as"5r This i ths wiw! tht wai illsHtra'et In '3-vi ijt th Creliaz AltH lea," 2Vb, 1335. over Uh f i!loia titli: "Tn biaioni" theRea Nvioiit Crcia Eihibitioi." It ii ths Watkilt SxiO m.wt aijjii-' l in I Uik-il of high gril biccia ia thi wd tjliy. W rinslra'ed Cdlo.M f-. IjfDtivi Btcrcr.0. 1 1 tiai ipjIU. Lilian t. E E. G-f. exclusive agent far Albany jLI A aaai taCae tun si put fVyHG f StfMeafcfaEM FORTMILLER & IRVIN0 WE KE.EP consUntlyon hand a full line of metallc, cloth and wood caskets at.d coffins. Also burial ubes and suits, In broadcloth, satln.cashmere, e"c which will be sold at The Mwral I.tylng Proflta. EMBALMING and the proper care of the dead a specialty. TEHl'LE HQ EXTRA CHARGE Tnsuie tour property, unless vou tak- 1 satisfied w ill deal honorably with you nave a. iubb. IF YOU EVER WANT F.10HFY It is just after yon have len burned out. and must rebuild, and you cannot have any doubt about it. THE INSURANCE COM PAN TT OV NORIH AMERICA has paid out te it pa tron, over Lib 11 1 1 MILLION DOLLARS, and has plenty more to pay all honest 0sses with FOUNDED IN 1792, financial panics cannot harm it; see J. WSENFr ' ' ' District Special Agent, Albany, Or. OFFICE over Read Peacock & Coastore . Trr". c V. . tclv a written drasgtst. Aak fu. la plain wrappei .Or-.bTJ.A. CL' giau. ah iw r. Vor.alein Albaaf I M ULTVi and Children. Castoria caret Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion, Without injurious medication. "For several years I have recommended 'Castoria, and shall always continue to do so, as it has invariably produced beneficial results. Eowdi F. Partus, M. D., 125th Street and Tth Ave., New Tork CSty. Ooarasx, 77 Mckbay Strjxt, Nkw York Crrr. Promptness LEY OREGON. nntach Tick Chicago. St. Louis, To and from Washingta.. Philadelphia I New Tork. , Boston, ard aqaB(U o oog amg pas tarf aiHJt agrtMi'iai maail Xa. y-og 'yos sdOTj 'jnoy aqj srtods g tpos aSrjpBd jou?pi tmn aiotu ou sjsoq j s 44- mm FOR HEARSE OR SERVICE arWaiiv in a (mrunv Vmt von a nerfectlj and will pay you promptly, and liberally if Ciiarau teed t.J micj. I ner.ou. dlMawi, soeu a V, eak Metuorr. Lou oforam Power, lleadache. WakelolDSM, JjOt Manhood, Nigfc.; :r 'i.Jioiis, Nervous. iiiniisiww ilka knsui . 1 DfQTrenmn, jtmm.m.mi ron, exoewiTe 1H of tobacco. opium or Stl0 ul&nl. wblcii lead to lutlrinltr. ConaumptloD or Intanttr. Can ba carried t 1" 1 .1 M.11 ureiaia. mui lis oroer maraatM la ein ar mfaaa tk. k un . otrt h 11. uua no our. nmaiorimsMiui Hook sent Healed Aoaroas a mm v z aiaUESi ti juaaoulo Taniuls, CUUSaoO, THTJ RSTDy- TO-MORROW'S CONTESTS. The oRicial program for tomorrow will be as follows : Parade forms at 30 o'clock sharp on 3rd and Baker streets, marching to 1st, to Washington, to 4th, to Court House square where the skirmish will take place. AT I P M. The bicycle races will be as follows : 1st Prize 2nd Prize hi mile Clat?s A $ 5 00 $2 60 hi i " 4! 11 7 50 2 50 1 for bovs under 16 5 00 2.50 1 " Class A 10 00 2 50 1 " " 11 10 00 2 50 5 " " A 17 50 5 ' B 17 50 The pow jays will thon appear on the public square, J. L. Hill, J. A. Finch and I. F. Conn have been appointed a committee to con duct the races on the Conn House track. They will be in the following order, and will begin about 3 :30 o'clock : 50 varvls foot race 100 " " " 50 " ladies race Fat man's race, over 200 lbs, 50 yard 200 yard foot race Egg race Sack race Climbing greased pole 5 00 5 00 2 00 2 00 5 00 1 50 1 50 1 50 Blind tola w heel oarrow.race each contestants must furnish his own wheel- borrrow 1 50 3 legged race 150 Obstruction race, 3 times around trck 4 00 1 00 4 00 2 50 Kunmng hop step and jump, broad jump 2 50 High vault 2 50 Throwing 16 lb hammer 2 50 Puttingshot 2 50 Other events will take place as here tofore stated. Arrangements are 1-eing made for a 10 mile road race around the track to take place at 7 :30 in the evening. Several entries have been made for the races but most of them will be made to morrow. , In the races at Portlind Testerdav Del Norte get sixth place in the pacing match The Buttevil e hop growers bavs decided to pay 30 cents. In Polk county 40 cents will be paid. Ibe Corvallis council is wrertlimr with a petition for a reduction of salcon licenses from 5J0to$400- A forty pound tumor was removed from Miss Agnes ientnan, of Corrailif, al the Portland Hospital last Monday The Wallace Cirvus spreads too acre of canvas and has a seating capacity for 29, 000 people. The Deer e of Uonot, A. O. T". V.. last evening installed officers and held a social at their tall, an affair greatly enjoyed. Mr. C. E. Hawkins has sold his interest in the Albany Wire Works to Li partner Mr. Frank Farrell who will hereafter run the business alone. The Albany jrs. and the Jefferson jrs. p sanded each other all over the field yes terday at Jefferson in old time style. ore Albany, 3S, Jefferson 32. John Case and J. Poole, the two men indicted for the Riddles train robbery, were taken through Albany this morning to Portland for cafe keeping Cornells English rowing was a failure. The crew in the race yesterday with Triti tf eDt all to pieces. A couple nf the men were ill and feinted There was lots of English crowing. County Judge W. C. Hubbard, of Union county ,came to Albany today and went with Judge Duncan to Gates for the pornose of inspecting the Santiam bridge, which it ia claimed needs repair ing. General G. M. Drake, was nominated for Governor of Iowa yesterday by the republicans. He is a "former neighbor and fellow citizen of County Clerk Xeed- nam 01 tnis city. Members of the Albany Cyc'e Club in cap ana colors, also al oUm r cycltsu are argently requeued to meet at the corner of Third and baker Ms. at 10 a m. tomorrow to join the parade. Com - on parade. In the 10 mile bicycle race at Salem yes terday vtiti mupp defeated Hansen in 28:04: good time The last quarter was made in 30 seconds. Shioc winning by only a toot or two. Mr. J. P. Ca'braith ha beiron the prac Joe of law in this city with bis office in the Foster B.ock. tie was admitted to the bar in 1876 and his experience as county clers and other wie has been of special benefit to bim. lie may be depended upon to at tend to business faithfully. Trie examination of John Case. Jas- Poole and Albert Poo'e for robbing the C. mail July 1, was held yesterday before U.S. CommUsiooer Judge Lnugberv at Kos-ebarg. John v'aae and Jas. Pooole waived examination. Their bond was 6xed at 5.000 each. The charge of complicity againtt Albert Poole was disoiirsed. McCi-abkv Talked. A correspondent of the Statesman says of a big meeting at Turner: But the orator that pleaaed the small boy best was "Prof." T. J. Mc- Clarry of Quartrville. He ia a "laboring man" and proved it to the audience bv his caloused hands. The Prof, said he believed in intelligence and the better ment of his brother man and that the East India fakir and juggler are smarter than the Columbia exposition commis sioners, and that the uiillenium is com ing some dar every man is going to have his wants all supplied: that jails and nemtentiaries will tie no loneer needed and all that srn-t of thing. He did not say iust who will take a band in brinirinit about this glorious era, but 1 suppose it will be the populists. I do not Know wnetner me uooa ueing win pply our wants by raining down noon us eold com or tree silver, as Mr. mo Clarry neglected to tell us, but we might put out our wash tubs and see. Mabbied Happily. Readers of the Democrat will remember a shooting af fair that occurred in Bchmeer's livery stable two or three years ago. Charles Denny obtained a license for his mar riage with Miss Mellie Smith, but she refused to marry 1 im at the time. They met at Mr. Kchmeer'g where the shoot ing occurred. As a result Mr. Denny was sentenced to the penitentiary lor a year. A tew days ago another license was issued uy uounty (jierk neednam for the marriage of the same couple and the wedding took place on July 6th at the home 01 11. J. Zercher. Mr. and Mrs. Denny will reside in Polk county. While it is the new papers business to chronicle events the Democrat hopes the past will be buried and with others will have the best wishes for hanDiness and prosperity for them. job v Your V 1 Heart's Blood 2 Is the most important part of your organism. Three-fourths of 9 the complaints to which the ays- JjL tem is subject are due to impuri- 7 .l l u fore, realize how vital it is to (3 Keen It Pure For which purpose nothing can equal kSa It efiectu.ny re- M II IV W K.O IIIIIJIMIIILai j cleanses the blood thoroughly v r U..:I4 .....! n ail imniirttiM at anu luiiubu iiikbcmcih iicaiiii. aa W Our Trutttt on B'ood inrl Skin dlHWM lulled ? frca teauy idrtraat. u V SWIFT SPECIRC CO., Afents, 6a. V rf2lSa2S wt uil THAT BAND CONTEST. To the public. The Willamette Val ley Band, of Tangent, ir justice to thein Eolvee, and that the public may le put in possession of the tacts, in order to a correct judgment of the ismicH involved, kindly ask the publication of the follow ing,: The managers of the 4th of July exer cises at Albany (who were all citizens of Albany) among many other features of the day, resolved to have a band contest, between the bands of the county, and accordingly eent out announcements and invitations. The above named band ac cepted the invitation, and eutered the "contest" in good faith. Besides our band, the Mechanics Band, of Albany, i and the Ladies Banl, of Corvallis, were contestant". The mu.-io was rendered, each liand playing two pieces. The grades played were : Albany, 2" ; Ladies, 2 ; Tangent, 5. As is generally known the first nward was to thj Albany band, as we believe unjustly t'"r the following reasons: 1 . We proposed and insisted that the contest should be on mn. lc never played by eittierot ine bands, v j 2. 1'ointa upon wtiica iutlghienl was rendered was number of instruments, we only having nix mouth pieces and Al bany twelve; making skill and execution upon the number of instruments and not on musical knowledge, tneonly true and just basis of judgment. 3. When we took exceptions to the verdict the Rer. Mr. Poling declared that there was not a band in the Wil lamette valley that could da justice to the &th grade 01 music; that there was not a band in Albany, nor in Linn coun ty that could do justice to this grade. " In addition to the above, since the 4th, we had inserted in the IUilt Dkmockat a "challenge" to a public contest on th basis of "plaving each others music," which they failed to accept ; notwith standing it was annourced in the Demo crat that our challenge would be con sidered in their regular meeting, and notwithstanding also, it was published iu th paper, that while there had Iwn no official action bv the band, individuals of the band had said Kiev were to accept the challenge, and wished ti.e sum was $00 instead of l-'iO. W hat we desire as a band 11 recogni tion of merit ; this and nothing more- A public contest Willi decision according to "merit" is. or shonld be. a satisfactorv wav of eettlins such a matter. As the case now stands the decision was one way and merit the othfr w ar. The fail ure of the Mechanics Band, of Albany, to accept our challenge is certain! v nrool of it, especially when we add this fact to their refusal at first to play at eight . We dont desire nor seek a quarrel, rather we desire and ak for simple jus tice, only this. Signed H lU-AVirrrK alley Bano, of Tangent, PerO. M. McFarUnd. Postmaster Stiles went to Oretrvn City this morning. N. H. Allen and tamilv went to Ya- quina Bay today for an outing. Miss Edna Price, of Salem, is in the city visiting friends. L. E. Blain and Julius Joseph return ed today from the Bay. Prot R. W. Swink has returned from a trip to Minneapolis in the interrst of a patent harrow. Miss L. A. VToodin, of the Tacoma public schools, is in Albany the guest of her brother, A. B. Wooding j A reception wag tendered Uev. Couri w right Last evening at the residence of Wm. Fortmiller. It wasjrreatly enjoved by those present. Mias Ella McBride, of Portland, for merly of Albanv, came upon the noon train and is the guest of Mrs. K. J. Tate. Mr. William A. 1'inkerton. ofChicaj, one of the managers of the Pinkerton de tective system, is in Portland, accomp anied by" his son, Mr. Allan Pinkerton. The young people's society of the Bap tist church held a lawn social on the east side of the Court Honse lat even ing. It proved a delightful place for the purpose and a good time was had. Walter Davis, son of G. W. Davis, of Salem, came to Albany this noon to onter some of the bicvele races to-mor row. Younv Davis wears a floe gold medal, and iias a record of 1 :10 for hall a mile. J. P. Thomas, the well-known Mvery man, of Staytoo, died Tuesday after noon after a short illness. He was barn in Scio Oct 16, lio3. He was a resident of Staytoo for about 1$ years, and was a man highly respected 'there. The de ceased was a member of the I. O. . F. The well ki .n drummer, Walter Jackson, spent lut tiihi in Eugene. He is suffering from blood poison in bis right band.result ing from a small scratch, and goes home today to liave it treated. Eugene Guard. I Us son HaruLl, of thu city, will take his place on the road for a few days. E. H. Cowing, a reliable attorney of Oregon Citv, wag in Albany today. Mr. Cowing and his brother hare gotten oat splendid map of the tMleU reservation. showing the situation in a verv plain manner. Jhey sell tbem lor iia, weti worth that to any one interested in the reservation. Mr. Patterson, a wholesale grocery clerk, of t-pokane, and M iss t.vii it Iiamson. lormeriv 01, were united in marriage in Spokane on July 4th. Miss Williamson was at tl.e time employed in the millinary department of Monteith & settenoacn. ai rs. raiierson is now at Oakvillo on a visit with her parents. Miss Mildred Burmester and the mem bers of her musical class, gave a musical vesterdav afternoon that displayed the - 1 1 . . . . . : .. . 1 r;,.rt eaceuena lueirutiious revtm-u. solo's were heard from Misses Clara Davis, Emma Sox. Alia and Nellie Mo Feron. Marearet Cundiff. Mary Stewart, and Georgia Moore, a duet by Miss Burmester and Emma Sox, recitations bv Misses Mary Cundiff and Flo Nutting, and vocal solos by Miss Burmester and Mrs Nutting. Kelreshtnenls followed. As ExcmsG Scksb. A Corvallis fish erman stood on the bank with his hook in the upper waters of Mary's riv;r last Sunday. A deer suddenly jumped in the stream within 10 leet of him, as sudden lv lumped out a moment later and dis appeared. Shortly after two honnds cam upon the track, and shortly alter that two hunters arrived and made no bones of the fact that they were after the deer on two hounds season Their names were not learned. Corval lis Times. A Las Countv SnooTiNa. Lane twuntv continuts its gun record. Ihe latest 11 the snooting 01 Anna v autumn. of Fall creek, a eirl 12 years of age by her brother 14 years ol age. 1 lie two had been looking after the chores of a neighbor. On their way to his place Robert had an old pistol. With it lie shot his sister dead. He claims it was an accident. Others on account of the boys mean disposition think it was not. It was thought the girl would die, thougti alive when last heard from. Died. Mr. Alonao Grannan died in San Diego on July 3 from a paralytic stroke received at his place of business a Tho AaomoA tka i i ,a r, ,1 nt i m : xi ni,.ii .... ,n t;i,i u i,,..i... vmvouio x av t tacj nvn navu a .a iviintst vr-rj r'i,.;.. ianman. Ilia funeral from Johnson's wndertaking parlors was largely attend ed. The deceased left a loving wife and a son 6 yeara of age. The family have the sympathy of many Albany friends, V a"V A 'rTCa?t'flVaV fnmluM nl company are requested to meet tomor . They were violating the game law 1 an in business tin iea uy more. counts, to-wit: hunting with il true, would seem i completely ,and hunting deer in the close down the theory iiuuyoi notg . and they ouuht to be cinched, the last O i deal behind ixj row at :3U a. m. preparatory to form- ness oi going over iu i unrrvi. ail ing for the parade to take place at 10 a. father is an ex-captain of the army and a. Bv order of 2nd Lieut. M. 1). Philinn. I s jrvod through the civil war, and is a B. Milloy, 1st Sergeant. j Anotiikh Craskv Affair. There will nao vlirAiinli A tK,i i a in a fatf 1: vh f Ii VUIVUKI1 41liy - " VJ ammmmm 1 man told about iu the following from the Aii ... T, , Telegram: "A man with a grim and ' 1)rA,iTfyJf H1eted its 4th of July cele most extraordinary idea is beaded for i,'tTl y 1 J,,ncrath.,fr uU.H Portland, and win rea-:ti huh city the latter part of this we. k Ho is Charles Sclimidt. a pupil of the Deaf Mute lnsti- tute o( Houston, Tex g., and a petlestrian who is walking Minneapolis to Portland and Tex , bv w 15000 or .1 bets that a deaf mute vaunor, wain on a railroad any great length of time w iih out being killed. Schmidt is confident of winning the grim wajjer. He agreed with the Left-hand Fishing Club, of Houston, Tex., and the Island Fishing Club, ol Galveston, to walk from Min neapolis to Portland over the line of the Great Northern and from Portland to Houston over the Southern and Texas PacitU- railways. He left Miuneapi) U April 1, and mtul reach liom mi or be .'ore December 31, 1895. iheextraordin ary conditions under which the "deaih walk" is undertaken are very trying. He is not to stop t eat, drink or Bleep, and iiuiHt v muune in motion not iemt than iii conautive hours "li stretch. If the nunc dues not get Mil.&d n the road, the Texas clubs agree U cive $41K" to the Deal Mute institute .( Texas ami $1000 to the Valker. In addition to lht, another cundit:ou provides thut he iuu$i collect $liO on the trip. The singular idea of such a trip originated from an ar gument at a smoker's concert one night at the club to the effect that a deaf mute could not follow a line of railroad with out being killed by passing trains for the simple reaeon lie could not hear them approach. A Daxueroi'm IU kinrm. E. M. Hor toti and Ed. Cummings who have ieen stopping at the Cornell ranch at Tule lake, came to town Friday bringing four rattlesnakes with them." That evening while Horton was handling them one struck him on the hani. He immed-, iatfly killed it and applied the gall to the wound but the arm beiran t swell and reached encrmous proportions. The wound l-al he appiied Hie pM to was all right, but too late he discovered the other f ng had struck h'un in another place, w hich was the caue of jwisou gel ting into hie system. He suffered a great deal before the swelling had Wilided. They have about thirty more raltlcrs at j Cornell's w hi. h thevhave caturhl for a Chinese doctor in San Francisco. Klam ath Falls Express. Tub Askemblt. About 5000 ieop!e at- ler.ded the Chantauoua asyemi'lv at Or egon City, the first dav, notwithstanding the dav was laselv devoted to oreama- ing. The campers tickets 60H nuusljer- e.1 12$, and the season tickfts 75. i he remainder were made up of single ad missions. Ycterdav u.en woriisl on the auditorinm building ontil niidnifhs. and this morning it was ready to 1 used. A preliminary test fiiowe-l its acoustics to be excellent. A New Srrr. V. L. Vance basbrossgh suit agamn The Ked Lrowa tidier Mills and JoUn H. Stockman lor an account ing, an i the foreclosure of his stock in the ice works. When the duficnlty with the mihs oernrrvd several months ago fifty shares of stork in the ice works was transferred to Mr. Yan.-e as security for the wheat he had in the mills. Now he asks for an accounting aad a judg ment and sale ol She stock. Ytmr H'a'Tic. The D.iit.-s Chron icle tellaof this verv nice r..niance in real life: The narriire of !i Sivne to Mr. F. W. lVLenlirien f-irnULe a ro mance in real life, which h.vs a hapnv enjing. Mr. IVLentmen was twrn ia t ranee, and afserwanls remorcd to Lnz- laodf where he Ivcame acquainted with mm .-pt'iiw. 1 heir acxiuaintance ripened into love, and they lcame engaged. But IVLenlmen was not t.-ee.i ol sufficient of this world's goods to support wiie, ana ne leit the oh couninr to try his fortune in the new. This wa twenty vears airo. and afli r landinir in Vow- York he catce west, until finally settled in urant county in Uie sheen busine-. Life to him was a ragged, Df4:ll road un til recently, when he found himself pm csed of a comfortable competence : but I during all this time he did not forget the true-heart l Knghsh eiri.and constantlv corresponded wiih her. I-ast week she. arrived in town after a journey of six thousand miles to join her life w'ilh that of Mr. DeLentnit-n, after patiently wail ing iwrniy year, sow m wm tase a journey 3X) miica into the interior. here she will make her home amid different surrounding from thoe of the tH-acefiil cottage she left far behind. But she has joined ihe man she loved, an l environ ments will never make the heart grow wearv. His l(X'.m Birtkpw. I lo s rr.iwn, tbe only survivor of the war of l$!2 on the Pacific coast, will celebrate hi 103d birthday at the home of his grandson, qtt Brown, near WilderviHe in this ounty, on the ISth of this month. The old gentleman was horn in New Hamp shire and came west into Ohio w hen about twenty years of oge. He was only some twentv'davs in actaal service, in aar mh-oikI war with J.ii.nnv Hull, but the government crants him kM a month pension. He has been heltile now for about eiitht vears and when Harrison was elected in ItwS, Hoea was brought to the polls in a chair to vote for him, liiig preceeded bv a band of music. This was at Drnin. in this state. The centenarian, aiihotitrh verv tie; leaf, loves 1 10 talk of old times when be was a boy I , - . t - 1 1 anu lias a memory as periect a in cnuo' hood. He was never married but once, his wife leaving him for the great beyond at the aire of lw, some years ago, Grants Pass Courier. Aboct Col. Ihxio. The Toledo Lea- Htr tells the following, which some will doubt to be true : There is a geotle man by the name of Mitchell, from lirooaiyn N 1. stopping lor a tew uays at .M'k port, who claims to bo onite f.tmiliar with Col liogg and ins nnanciai auairs in New York City. He says that the Colouel is completely broken financially ills tarm near mat cnv, ami an 01 nis goods and cnaiieis inai were not exempt, have been taken on execution, and that the Colonel has no financial standing at This break was in Homier Hammond, or anyone else. A Bio Pkemh'm. Col. Jeff Meyers wa no Tuesday. He stated to us that the state fair managers havo conciud'id to offer a premium of $250 for the tiest CX' bibit by any couniy, muring xuuriou, at the fair, ol Brains, tsrasws, fruits, veget ables and minerals. This premium Linn county can easily win, if she will but -et a move on. wur couniy court anu 0111 missioners could well afford to take the matter in hand and collect the necessary material for the exhibit. Sir. Myers In formed us that the exhibit is to bo taken eare of so that it will become permanent and properly labeled, would be of lasting benellt. ly an meana iei 1.1 mi couniv compete for and win tho prixe. Sci Press. o I Who Part, Wkbb Is. The McMinn I villn Telephone KcL'ister tells about him ()w na to the ffitny untrue stories cir i . - ... . . culated in the press oi Washington and Oregon regarding John Stewart, alias Cant. Taul Webb, his father, Jas. II Stewart, OI una city, wiauea to uu known that he ia not related to Senator Mtewart, that ho is 27 yeara of age, and was born in York, Neb., and is a photo erapher by trade. He hiis been a icsi- I fliattf Af Mi'Minnville lor the mint ivv - years, or until he entered into the bust- . repectd citirtn of thia city. THE GLORIOUS 12TII. I I n-:r; - mu ,as Kcsent, not very many farm- t : . ,"' notne-dble more for the J . " OI Vnin "en from adjoining . ,7" ' " "''y cJinnig on oicycies. inarching through the principal streets a halt. U'RU tmliU at .I.a ...... II... u.l t , --". niv vuui b auuKta iiere Co- gave a skirmish drill under Maj. relfer, with Lieutenant Phillips at the head of the company, gome powder was burned, and it proved an interesting event, in fact about as live an affair as the double -lib had, conferring credit on the participants. The bicycle races attracted a large crowd and some of them were full ol excitement. Virgil Waters of Corvallis, aud Percy A. Young and Dr. H. A. Lienenger, of this city, acted as judgvg, and F. M. French, 11. J. Hopkins and J. A. t untitling as time keepers. The races reunited as follows: j mile, clans A. Waller Davis aud Watt Shipp, of Salem, Bruce liurm-U. U Corvallis and Walter Biddeli, of Albany, entered. Biddcil on account of a mis undcrstanding failed to start, and Mupp's tire collapsed. Davis won in mile Cla B. M. J. Lee, of Salem, and Charles Sears, of Alltanv, startel. Sears w inning by a scratch. Time, 50-. Boys race, 1 mile. Charles Camplwlt, of Corvallis, E. E. McClanahan, of Eu gene, ami Boy Parker, of Albany, start ed. Mct'lnaiian woe easily. Time. 2:57. 1 mile class A. Owing to a tumble by (iet. Eikitis of libation, this race was rerun with Walter Biddcil, Bruce Bur nett, Waller I a vis and Watt Shipp starl ing. Shipp won, Davis second, Burnett third. Class B. 1 mile. M. J. Lee and Charles S ars started. Sears won bv four inches, in 2:39. An outride timtr made it 2:36!. Five sutle. class A. Co! I na Elkins, Shipp, tieo Elkins. and A Townsend, ot Sak-m entere,l. Shij.p Ual from the start with Collins Elkins a good second. Geo Eikin tecetved a lad tumble aud came in lat. Shipp won in H.58. li Clitas. 5 miles : This ws a trailing race betveen Sears and ljee, and was 01 little interest until the outcome. Lee won by half a length. After the bicycle races the Pow Jays appeared in all their original glory," heterogeneous mass of men and boys on foot, on bicycle, on horses aad mo lea and wagons. They indulged in races, a prize fiitht, etc, and kej the audience ia a ci.niir.ita; uproar. They were a decided eucct-fs. At pre time the foot races aad other cuii ini were being engaged in in front oftbe Court House too late for tolay taper. They were to be followed by a baud contest for priies ot 130 and f55, between the Mechanic's and II. A. C. and a I nil in the evening. The H. A- C. band of Salem amved on the noon train with a following of tev eral Salemitee, and a-i 1"I materially to Uie afternoon's enjoyment. Mr. Ralston and taiuily went to New port today for their summer ) iting. W. S. Pinkerton, the Santiam Pacific operator, goes to Albany tonight to work in the Oregon ; Pacific oifine. Salem Pot. Prof. F. M. Mitchell, ol Albany, came over Tuesday and is spending a part of his uitdsummt-r holiday in visiting Solo friends. Scio Irew. Mr. Benson McConnell left today for Toledo, and t.ron will go with Mr. Mc Connell to Kings Val'er.w here they have purchased a stock farm. Miss EiTie Denney left the latter jart of last week for Portland, where she will spend the summer at the home of her uncle, Hon O N Denney. Lebanon Express. M r S M W Hindman returned from his farm in Crook county last Wednes day after an absence of two oiocths. He reports very poor crops in that par of the country. Lebanon Express. Prof. E. N. Condit, president of Occi dental cohsge, of Los Angeles, Calif., for many years Uie popular president of the Ailwny college, with bia family i so il rum? at Ashland. Thev will be in Albany U fore leturnmg to Los Angeles. A rjclirac 0' the lapanese-Chiixte war tiat been on euibitton tottay. Tbe overland from Portland due at 12:03 this n-orniitg (new a bead out and cid not frl into Allony until auoi.t S o okxi. The Jffron Jr defeated the Albany rs and not tbe ether way. as stated Us. ifcht An Albany club has hardly won a game thi year. Rev lr. MrA!!i'er i building a haad- )nie reiidnc on hi five acre tract ol land at Fairtuouot The cost of the residence ill be about $3.000. Eugene Guard. Frank Ct-lwn was drowned opposite Sa em e!erlav. He jumped from a spring bcr'l, abrtii s on hi ctomacb. came up and -unh tor good tlis body was secured. Phil J. Brady, an Idaho bicyclwt, tolHd wi:h Andrew Skaar 00 the rrack last i.vl.t, reu!tiig in the latter bicycle being w-m broken up. and the t.inuer truisirg a leir. Neither gentleman entered the I aces diy After 'ihg the picture of John Case, he auipi train rbber, in the C'resou- an t.-Uj. Jjhn I'.ryajit who was in the hol-i up. teinurked "That's the man; he's the feiio that took my $2 "' Mr Bryant ronwinred it a livkI picture of the robler Tlis W a'ace circus will be advertised the igget of auy circus in AHany for yeara. Itgivtsjhe people a rquare deal. The mpnaneritt ia big and no gambling devices are allowed ar- und it. uolie the concern now pacing through the valley. Buck Englinh has been sentenced to San Ouentin for life, hi .'second life senUpce He was in tho Oregon penitentiary, but was panlnned out by Pennover He will l remembered as a participant in tbe Napa Calistogis'age robbery. Mrs. Reason McConttell, of this city, has recently pointed a picture of the nree Sisters toat is full of artistic interest. The snow capped peaks are in tbe background, wune iu ironi uie scene is eQiiveueu,oy a . .. : ,! ,at mountain stream, two cr three eople snd jonie dee.. It is quite l.'.rue. being ouau inches. Thlioard of regentsof Philomath col!f- met Tuesday and elected Prof E. U. Emer son of Iowa creside.nt. 11. eheak was elected professor of science. W, a. La professor of inathmatica. Mrs. Msry BradS lord professor of Lnglish nteiatire and Mits Jennie Bradford intructor of the musical department. Tbe tuition was re duced fo 5 per term for the preparatory course and s for the collegiate. Is Was Acciukntau Further parttc ulars of the ahootimr of Anna Vauirhn bv her brother at Fall Creek are that it was purely accidental. At the house of Mrl Kerns thev found a pistol not used for ten or fifteen years and while playing with it it was discharged, the Pullet en tering the ride side oi the girls face, it passed around the skull and lodged in the back. The ball wag removed and the girl will probably recover ,the wound nol tieing as serious as at first anticipated Anna Vaughn resided in Albanv for awhile and has friends here who will be glad to learn that the chances are much in lavor ol her recovery. Mothers Read. The proprietors of 8 ANT A ABIE hive authorized f'oshay ft Mason to refund your money if, after piving this California King nf Cnuuh Cures a fair trial aa directed, it fails to give satisfaction for the cure of couahs, croup, whooping cough and all throat and lung troubles. When the dig ease ngscta the bead, and assuuiis the form of cat nr. h, not lung is so effective as UA l.1 FOUNT A CAT K UUKK Ttieae prepar ations are withor.t equal as household rem edies. Bold at f 1.00 a packose. Three for Highest of all in Leavening Li W ABSOIstlTEEsV PUBE SATUBDA SOCIAL AND PKR:)NAI U. L. Knapp has been in Brownsville this week. Judge Wolvertou, of the bench is in Ihe citv. supreme j Ctias.Sears went to Portland this morn ing to witnei- the i-icytlc rai-e. Dr. K. L Irvine returnel yesterday from a several weeks visit in Kt-gene. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Skiff came up from Salem today to sjiend 8 mday in Albany. Mr. and Mrs. W. ACahir,of Hronns ville, rode their wheels t A I lny yester day to celebrate. License was ianied Uxlay for the mar riage of Lourin Courtice aiid Addie Gib ler, of Brownsville. Dr. J. C. Littler v.ent in Harrislurir this noon to install the new officers of the I. O. O. F. of that citv. E. Hofer. ti.e agirressiv- editor of the Salem Journal passed through Albanv'"' K l'"ie-i oy cieian ana k. from Uie Bay today, ' S am'1 L y "f ?f fct:w wo,n 5he nr,,n? . . ' 'f. . thop step and lump and broad louip. John M J-omers. the awyer. went to . rownsville today to deliver the a-ldress ! at tne picnic at mat city. Miss Octavia Tutt, the elocutionist .left ' last night for Texas, where she will J make her future home. I Judge Strahan and d-ioghter. Mits Pet came un from Portland tudav on a visit witn ibeir Albany friends. lie Iwoc8kt i rwi:iel it su:e ttiai there will be a free dance and r-frhuietU at the bowery tonight All invited. Prof. E. B. McElrov has been honored by being elected one of the vice presi dents of the National Teachers Associa tion, ir. convention al Denver. Mrs. A. M. Hammer, Miks Hela Gil bert and Mrs. Nutting went to Oregon Citv on the morning train. Thev were to hear the celebrated Dr. Gunsaulos, of ! Chicago, this afternoon, "Jimmv the Cook," at one time con nected with the O. A. C and well known by old timers of Albacy basretmned from Alaska. He is now residing al Eu gene. His real name is James Smith. Mis Hat t ie Warner closed her terra in music last week and is taking her vaca tion at MedSord, Oregon, visiting her fa ther's family. She will return after a few we. kf and resume her work for next year al the academy. Lebanon Express. Editor Irvine, ol the Corvallis Times, was among the visitor in our city yes terday, fhe DehochaT gets paper it has never been able to clip from ; bat the Times often looks like a piece ol ns ting when il is put in the bundle ot one hundred for 15 cents. It is among the most readable paper? in Oregon. Probate Record. In estate of Owen Kees, final hearing had on July 6. In estate of II. Worrell, personal prop ertv was ordered set aide lor use of the family. In estate of Nancv Marks, J. H. Marks was appointed a-l.ninistra'or. Bonds $200. Accounts were filed and approved in estates of Margaret Mevers, a minor, John Faean, C. C. Snyder, a minor. A. LHxJge. In estate of Lyda Morgan petition to sell real property filed. Citation return able Aug 5. Ia estate of Tho. Morgan, petition to sell real proper! v was filed. Citation is- ined for August 5. In estate of Olney Fry. Sr., report of sale of real property hied. In estate of Jas. McMahan, real estate was released from administration W. C. Cooler was appointed guardian of Clyde Snyder. Bond 9,000. In estate of W. A. Bishop, Hannah R. Bishop waa appointed administrator. Bond fl.OOO. In estate of Louis F. Hammer, ap praisers appointed. In estate of L. Gerhard, upon petition of C. Meyer administrators were ordered cited to appear on Ausust 5 at 9 a. in. and show caue etc. HaaJtisat bc. Miss Marie Williams. of illunr. was visitimr with Miss Hidden during the week ol Uie 4th, and returned Wedneseay. Charley Nixon, a law student of Al bany, 'was visilinft relatives in ibis place last Friday. Misses Amelia and Editn May were passengers on vesterday'g local for Al ltanv, where thev will visit some time; VI is Amelia goitu on to Portland shortly. Messrs Mav Senders delivered their season's purchase of wool yesterday to Mr. A S. Calm, wnicti consistci oi -w well filled sack? something more than 10,000 pounds. This lot of wool speaks well for the growers of this vicinity. .Mr. Cahn pronounced it an extra good lot. Misa Oecile Kampy gave a reception to a number of her friends, in honor of her two visiting fnends.Missestrawtord and Cotands of Albany. The evening waa pleasantly spent by ail ; special leatures of the entertainment being the recita tions bv Miss Craw lord, and tbe mstru atenUI duets by Misses Lassell and Rampy. Review. Siion.o Xor Have Res Akkk?tfi. Cjon complaint of a Mr. Hoyt, of Jeffer son. IXHiis uver waa arresteo. uway ou the charge of assault. It happened tnis wav : Dunn the races lasi evening ir. Dyer was asked bv Marshal Ie to assist in keenim; the crowd back off the track. This Mr. Dverdid to tho best of his ability, in the course of his duties snov- nr llovt hack m a live manner. Any one who has had the responsibility o the position knows it is a trying one.and occurring on sucn a ttay mere enuuiu have been no warrani i8tnHi. im -would have been settled but the deputy attorney properly refused to allow it without the payment of costs, and it win lie tried bv Justice Freerksen at 9 o'clock Mondav morning. Without knowiiw the circumstances in detail tie Pbmocbat does not believe a mrv would ever con vict if within any reasonable bound. Ttuiocr. Uxkafe. Judge IluuUard rc- fnrnml fter,lav from his trip up the 8antiam in cimianv of Judge Duncan of Albany, whither they went to inspect the bridge at Detroit which was reported as being in an unsafe condition. He found tho structure badly rotted in many parts and in need of improve- menia at the earliest moment. It is span of 142 feet with 160 feet of approach and there is considerable travel over it at all times of the vear. The conclusion waa that the necessary repairs should be made by Marion and Lann counties, i nts conclusion will require about ftiOO worth of material and labor. The other bridges in that vicinity are in good condition. Statesman, rB08rauTT is Coming. It will be here goon. One w ay to help itonia to get good groceries, produce and fruits of the beat quality at bottom prices. A penny saved ia a penny earned, you know. The place at which to do this and assist pros perity la Conn A Hustons, a fact that a 'tat W ill conviucv any uuo v.. Or. Price's Cream shaking Powdfcl bM CaU M1 atwl-atat Fair. Trmw Powcr. - Latest U. S. Gov't Report THE CELEBKATIOX ENDED. Ihe crowd seemed to increase y ester- ' .lav until it became a large gathering, ' protably more than on the 4th. The au dience was a pleased one.and went home j satisfied with the days doings. The small ontests were not couipleterl ' untj, 6;30 h lhe eveojn!l! an,j were wtrll carried o'lt under the management of J. A. Finch. J. Cunningham acted as starter an I Joe. Tatt and Geo. P. Co rner as ju Iges. KtUworth Cameron, oi Crvall, un We M yard foot rce, N It. Cook, :' Brown-vilL, 2nd. Eugene Wood, of I'.Sodgett, came i:i aheud iu the 100 yard race, Tom Kiley, of Aiuany a eloaw second; the Kau&tH City frofeis-' ioiial was third. Iaiy C.-r of Jel- fert-on won tlie lalies race with a rush, Nel :e Itiley s-coi(d. The 2U0 yard race wan w-n by Cameron, Wood seeond. Tom Kiley was a good third. The ob siruction race was won by Alfred Haley, of near AIlanr, Tom Riley second. There were no olher contestants. The three legged race was hot ley contested ana w en. u. a.fJ Da lu!i' j- j oberer, ol Corvallis, won the ham ,r !.,...- .,iin., .i. -n p, Kelsey. of Corvaiiis. out the shot S farthett. Kelieav is said to have the I Northwest record on this. The four lap j race was a tame contest. It was won bv Jberer, Mcradden second, both of tor-' V4'"8- tl race M. Bertbrrf and i S. M. Couev tie.). D. Miller, of Jeffer son, won the sack race. la a Land contest W. W. Crawford and M r. Gilbert acted as judi and gave the prize to the H. A. C land. Tuts lan i receiveil many compliments lor their splendid playing. Tuey play a high grade of mucic iu a prob ably not gurpaesed in the state. The Mechanics band d:d some exce"-k-nt blaring during the dav fumithit.g all the music in the mornimtand render- four selections at tbt band concert in the evepins. The lard is a credit to the city, and should receive a hearty su port from our citizens. r . Co's bail at the opera noose and the bowery dance were both well attended. The if. A. C. orchestra furnUhed mnsic for the former and Trou'man's orchertra for the latter. MOW. AM) AKKtMI, You can et a good gold filled w aich at French's tor SiO. Big cat in the price of lauiies'asd Gents' goM watches at r reach's jeielry store. Tb- AlWrsy dob won a game of bae ball yetday aftern on, defeating Taugieat 00 to 14. Some vtv fc time was nu.le oa tbe public Tare tart rdht by bic.csUts di plaj nsr tbeir Oae cf tiseni ran into Ed Anbrey. a un of Dr. Aabrpy, knocaRi.k him very Sat. fr. La vis dip!jyed 3perior ta'er-t yes terday as bead marshal and mach credit wa due him for tbe eiceJiect ctdr. pxr tica'ariy daring the bt-ycle contests. Xewpor. people have boilt a gooA Sv Up bicjee traok on the taf ball gTOcstid and invite valt nirs t trine their wheel . lcere i prooably ootciDg in tie ramor that the Kia:ui::er wiSi bay nt the San and start a big paper ia Portiand. It would be pisifjog news to many. M. J. the Aiuany races y-stsrday. was to run in the one half oil B ckss at Portland today ajrain& tie fastest men ia tbe X. W..alaO il the 1 and 2 mile das B. art smpp u en'ered in toe c;af A open races ill Moms is carrying his arm in a sling the result of a sprain from riding too last on the track in front of the court house last night. His bicycle clipped and he was thrown. The track is too small for very fast riding with safety. A man eat tbe collar o5 Prof. F- M if itc hell's dog today, aud a warrant wjj issued for his arrest f-ic iarooy. Tbe man batons to an excellent famdy. a- : by re quest we do not sive hi n - aie Two small a thiBar for even a man tj risk hi repa ation eve'. Albany advertises taat il Brownsville band will probably furta-h n u?ic at their biar elertratioo today. Alstnr will do anrlhidt- to draw a crowd. Mane neocle. no doubt will be sadlv disappointed on learning that our band is no present Time. Albany didn't do that. Pethaps some one in i did: but .toat lav tbe act of one or two to the whole city. An interesting thing about tbehicyile race e?terday was that wincers were given orders for merchacdi-e, cot being alloweu to take rnorey onder tbt L. A. H Shipp P avis and Lee. of Nilem, had ofd-rs f, S57 , of which thev took out in clothing at tbe L E Bla n aothirg Co'4-!o-e, tasi evi nirg. TheLfban- Advance saisthat J. R Ewing h.. aocepted the agency for Dr. bite Hair Grower, the new p reparation that accomplishing wonders on bald heads . A number of prominent tit'i 3)$ of Albany ire taking tbe treatment with good success. Mr Merecs ot Atoany, general agent, will be in Lebanon next Momls'. tud would like to meet the bdd headed men of this city at the shop of Mr. Lwing 'ThUlin ct ladies' shoe $1.00 per pair.,' is the notice in S L. I oang s show window. ON& KiVJOY Both the method and results "when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and ref re$hin to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver an.l How-els, cleanses the sys tem effectually, disix'ls colds, bead aclies ami fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to tho stomach, iromvt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remesly known. Syrup of Figs for sale in 50 cent bottles bv all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist vho may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIB SYRUP CO. as nuHoaco. cml LQuumu. tr. it rout, . t, Good Health. j And a gcod appetite go hand in l .ind. ; 'Vith tbe losa of appetite, the ytem can -, not W.g u tain itm f. Tbi tiie f. ' catimi of go d teltb are bruken -iown ; and the tem ia I able to attacks of ia'p. It ia in snch caes that tke c:eoi ;ci3il powers oi tiooaa Sar-apari!!a are clearly shown. T!uruand i.t have taiien Hoor Sareaparilia tciftify fo it.- great r.,er iuasa nrifier of the Hood, iu ,r, : to renter? and aharpen tbe apixstile aud j ro mote a fcaJtby action of the tliyci-tive cr ans. Thus it is, not what we &y bat wtat Heeds Sanapariiia doe that teii tlie story and eenrtitote the trmgt rf.-cia -mendation ibatcan beurgsd for aov iirf-d-icine. Why not take K'rsU 'aiij:ri!U now? VREGULAT0R7 Header, did yon ever take Sjmmosb Liter Regulator, the "King of Lives Medicixek?" Everybodv needs take a liver remedy. It is a Blngg-ish or diseased liver that impairs digestion and causes constipation, when the waste that should be carried off remains ia the body and poisons the whole system. That dull, heavy feeling is due to a torpid Ever. Biliousness, Headache, Malaria and Indigestion are all liver diseases. Keep the liver active by an occasional dose of Simmons Liver Reg ulator aad you'll gtt rid of these trou bles, aad give tone to the whole sys tem. For a laxative Simmons Liver Regulator is better thas Pnxs. it does not gripe, nor weaken, bat greatly refreshea and strengthens. Every package has the Eed Z stamp on the wrapper. J. II. Zeiliu & Co., Philadelphia. xican Mustang Linimenf for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, liunnin Sores, Inflammations, SiUf joints. Harness &. Saddte Sores, 5ciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, lifters, insect Bites, Ml Cattle Ailments, ill Horse Ailments, Ml Sheep Ailments Penetrates Musck Membrane and Tissu Quickly to the Yerv Seat of Pal a an J Ousts it in a Jiff v. Rub in Vigorously. Liniicest corMjavrrr J'ain, flakes rtza st Ccsst -vreJi Z1Z 3 .Vt ZSZLZZ, V V -LAriES- Over Or JtiKJoo Peoj th W. L. Dcjg":ns $3 & $-r Slices AJ 5ir -cs im y.i2.V.v ss.tlz':x'zry . y pi . vhs K-l ! ! :circn-'. "Hev tual ccf f ,:?s rt : z-t tt. THE i F BLAIN CLOTHING if? k it.3 aril BcvVvl r-; fousUy Ovisac 1 1M. ' t "i 1 tnch tne let w rYt-iuevimi- i'Sfft are t3c:e Cxis; Svits. BiCvcie cal- Vjj; ac.ioaUeu irwgi res ftiH dscr)T5vw. t-Hc. etc., aGFXT-3 'TAjrrFr-. PiTALUJ A rsCTmaTOK CO..Pctalitma,CaL Bniicu Hocst, 5l ' Maia t.. Los Aoi'.e$. IEBS k-aa lo W i-rait. V!-a. S pnEVcKTlVE at - fflvl. J cinfH-1 ; oat ia tix? -4 to- r.ty U nut . .II i-k- . .1 iuit-,aii.trtV(.at fT T TptV r f. rn-t? t.-C r- a V Wi Mt-tef-WV-. j A CwmtnliijC, o Knt Albany. Meet ever v Saturday "veaing iu K. O. T t. Ualt. Visiting Knijj'.tt iiv.t"d tj at end- ' S. Vaj Wiski.k .Cosc, i,.i-bv,...:KM:vi-S. - 3 2