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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1895)
2 x 7 vol xxx. Eaters at the ! imee at tlbaay. stcad-Usss Mali Matin i ALBANY ORhGON, FRIDAY. JULY 5, 1895. t. T. SITTMC, r.blU.trl. rr.prlct.rt . U 48 Stiffs 2 V WW mTH V Jw w a ay H for Infants "Cautorta Is so wen adopted to children that I recommend It aa superior to any prescription kaown to me." H. A. Abchxb, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St Brooklyn, N. Y. "The use of 'Castoria' is so universal and Is merits so veil known that it seems a -work f supcrerogatioa to endorse it. Few are the Intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." CuuoaMaaxxx, D. D New York CUy. Best Work Promptness PRINTING Offrce Stationery ft Specialty Givejiis yoar Patronage. j. ALSAHY SMI THE NEW WAY EAST ! 0BEAT ""gS and CR N. CO a LINES-The Short Rooie Toa'I Pslsl Washington, Idaho. in Montana fakotas.r Minnesota, and be East Ml Points in tta United States, Canada aid Europe. The Gfreat Northern Railway is a ne transcontinental tin?. Ran buffeMiDrarj obeervrn cars, palace elevping and dining cars, family tourist s'eeper and first ano weconA n coaches. Hav, rock ballast trick the Great Northern Railway i free from dm', one of chief s4Tyances of transcontinental 'ravel. Round trip tickets with top over privilege an-i choice of return rou e For further information dU npon or write, F. J. Whitney. G. P. & T. A., St. Psa!, flias C. Dm.-ii. 'l-ii il Ami.. Ml T-iird S-j-jst. Pjrtl.Mi.Ot This is tba wheel that was illmtru'el Inj-'Siariiii to 3 Cyclinz Aatsi -. lea," January 25tb, 1895. over the f elotvinsr title: "Tin handiona?": M the Recent National Cvcle Exhibition " It is the Scents most aduiirrd and talked of high fcradis biccle in the world today. W n I: lustra1 rd OtaJo ne f ee. Indiana Bictcl Co. Indianapolis, Indiana, U. E E. O-iFF, eiclnve a,rent for Albany" J A r ytr V V A rfk ww ww sV.ifrnaw ww vV wV wVJ?w w. ww ww wV ww A MQ i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i BMW ARB ol Imitation tra4e soarks and labels, 1$ the 'viriole story about hU hW HAffK SOPA 1ft fitirtf tKTiC CosU tn more tlun other rkire soda nercrspoiU Made only ty CHURCH ic CO,, Kcw Tort. Soid by rroccrt ercrywiicre. 4 Wrifr foe Arm mat Summer frvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvy.'ff'w'a ITS Q Insure )our proferfy, on less you take apolicy in a Company that you are perfectly satisfied will deal tonorably with yon, and will pay yon promptly, and literally if yos It IF YOU EVER WAflT E.10HFY It is just after yon have ben burned out. and must rebuild, and you cannot have any doubt about it THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA has paid ont n its pa trons.'over EIGHTY MILLION DOLLARS, and has plenty more to pay all honest owes wuu FOUNDED IN 1792, financial panics J. W. SENFf, OFFICE ow Read P ONE GIVES RELIEF. wV st a imnnn 'mMMS-SSSriapTLn wrapper. Address wm "At and Children. Castoria cores Colic, Constipation, Boor Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion, Without injurious medication. "For several Tears I have recommended 'Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so, as it has invariably produced beneficial results." Eownt F. FaaDKS, X. D., 136th Street and 7th Ato New York City. Tax CESTira Cbwurr, 77 Mcsjuy Braazx, Krw Toax Cm. LEY ORECOM. "r'FBt:l TIektn Sal Chicago. St. Louis, To and from Washingrtot,. Philadelphia, New York. : Boston, arJ f A ;h . 1 ' S. A .alii Hit. Poom ot yaloable Medpjt-rRZE. 35T w cannot barm it; see District Special Agent, Albany, Or. Peacock & Co s store iirevMnrttt A m iirnU!el to e ure ail eriou dlMM. iuco a Weak Meraory. Lou otocaia power. Ueadacb., Waketnlnou, Imm Manhood, Nlgti it tnl.aloca. Nerroof iMwa.all drains and lot of pow.rlaG.DersUv.OrKras ot .iLber aexuauaet' tv overexertion, 7Httlirial.-.fatra, .leeaslvenae of tobacco, opium orsU. hljh laAtA lnflraittv.CoiuamDtloiiop InHnit, . .. . .. n. ..t.i i ,vet pocket. SJl perboi. forSta, tr ewll prepaid. WltliaSji order wi If In a wriUti (varatlMM c we ir nhij the M.npj. gold bj all jSatV BEtU CO., MaaonlcTempl..CaicAao. THTJRSX3AT" The Dcmorcst Contest. To-morrow night at the Oira House a Srogruui of much interest will be ren erod. It will be apcaking for a Demo rest medal and wi'l Ins according to the following program : March and song By Royal Temper ance Legion. Invocation Rev. Little. Music Quartet. Recitation Lettie Johnson. Recitation Nellie I'urdoni. Music Home Sweet Home.Miss Alder son. Recitation Maggie Stewart. Recitation Eddie Limning. Piano duet Miss Smiek and Mias IIuI burt. Recitation Jessie Music Miss Sternberg and Miss Bren ner. Recitation Maude Laughead. Music Quartet. Recitation Maggie Livingston. Recitation Floyd Ramp. Vocal solo Miss Alderson. Presentation of Medal Prof Tyree. Piano duet Miss Alderson and M'ss Stalev. AGood Man For It. The prosperous future of the Red Crown Mills is assured under an arrange ment being made whe.eby Mr. Ed. Goins, of Scio, will have the manage ment of it. Mr. Goins will take charge of it in a short time. He is one of the best mill men in the. state, a man of great reliabiliv, who has the confidence of the peonle of Linn countv. The splen did reputation of Red Crown flour under bis control wm oe tnorougniy Kept up aud the mill will prosper. Ta O. A. C Following are the of ficers elected for the ensuing year of the Agricultural College : J T. Apperson, for president, W. E.Yates, secretary; and J. K. Weatherford treasurer oi the board, and Benton Ki'lin, V. E. Yates, Jacok Voorhees, J. T. Apperson, and II. r -1 . " . . . r. jiuier .executive cumoium. .-v reso lution was adopted abolishing tuition al together, and hereafter the sum tota' of the expense for pupils to otHain an edu cation in the institution will be the pay ment of $2 or $2.25 per week board, arid for their books. Plowixg sot PREACHiso.-Several weeks ago tho Ikmocbat published an item the information for wuicb was taken irom a Lebanon paper ,to the effect that Mrs Rev tianieiter, a toruier resident oi Albany and Lebanon had died, at her home in Malison, Ga. An interested party wroto tt Madison for information and has just received an answer that Mrs. lianleiter was alive and well, the owner of several hundred acres of land, and Mr. Hauleiter was not preaching but was plowing. The Pobtlaxd Races. In the Portland races vesterdav Chris Peterson won the 2:50 trot, bes't time 2:29. Barrows Bros. Sadie B was Distanced. The 3:13 pace was won bv Brina Tricks in three straight heats, Otinger second. Our Boy third and Iel orte fourth. Best time 2 :14. Del X -rie was the favori te and the winner was not thouifht of. The Demo crat believes Pel Norte is good for at least 2:10, notwithstanding his very poor showing m this race. CnEAFKa P. O. Boxes. Upon recom mendation of Postmaster Stites begin ning on July 1 only 56 cents a quarter will be charged for small lock boxes and 75 cents for Targe boxes and drawers. At this rate every body should have a box. E. E. McKinney, of Salem, is doing Albany today. Scrafford, the Corvallia marble dealer, was in the city this afternoon. J. A. Cumming left hut night on the overland for an outing in the Siskiyou. Aliw Acmes, the five vear old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thompson, is lying dangerously ill. Miss Bertha Ellis of this citv. sang two solos at the Commencement exercises of the O. A. C. . , Mr. C. E. Hawkins, recently deprived of one of his hands is doing remarkably i well, the wound healing fast. Miss Matie Train, of Fort Dodire, Iowa, niece of S. S. Train, has been appointed teacher in one of the Portland schools. Mr. Frank Watson returned this noon after an absence of several months from a trip everywhere. Mrs. May Dumond, returned last night from a several months visit in Pendleton ith her sister Mrs. Omar Hendricaon. The Astoria Budirett is after the scalp of Prof. J.N. Wright formerly of Leb anon . The Astoriau is is a warm Wright man. D. H. James and Ohio fri nds, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton and children, went to Nve Creek, Newport today for an outing of a couple weeks. It is reported that Rev. H. P. Webb, of Uillsboro. a former pastor of the M. E. ; church in this city, died the first of this week. He had had paralytic stroke. Rev. Webb was a man of genuine Christianity whose death will be greatly regretted. j Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hines, Mrs W.J PI male. Mrs Dixon and Miss Lulu Dix on of Newport, Oregon, and Mr. Arthur tlolt ot Albany, spent inursaay aiter noon visiting ihe Sterling mine Ash land Tidings. Very Rev. Father Metaver 1 who has been absent several months on account if poor health, is expected home this week. Services will be held in the Cath olic church at the usual hours next Sun day. H. G. Mathies. editor of the Oregon Knight, is lying very low with Bright's disease at his home, 403 East Twelfth street. The chances of recovery are against him. Portland Sun. The editor of the Dehcxhat recently met Mr. Ma thies on his way home Irom a press committee meeting at the Bay, then ap parently in splendid health, and w im many will regret his illness. The Ladies Auxiliary to tee Y. M. U. A. will hold its last meeting for the stim- me-. on Friday p. m. J une zo, at 6 tt.Mi mnmtier will ulease present the name of an interesting subject for study at this meeting, the toliowing writers and poets have been studied since Sept. 1893.. Longfellow, Lowell, Bryant, Wint rier, Irving. Emerson, Elizabeth Brown ing and Robert Browning, C. H. Miller, Jean Ingelow, Charles Dickens, Ella Wilcox. Carlton, George Elliot, Wallace, Louisa M. Alcott, and Shakespeare. Study for this month, Edgar A. Poe. The annual election of officers will oc cur and each member is requested to bo present. "a- 0j Manifold Disorders A e oce.oned by an Impurt and Im rAHmr. Ks, VxnnA Sliirlit' lmpuriiies, if not corrocttxi, develop into ' venous wahuicii iuui m 5CR0FULA, ECZEMA, RHEUMATISM fc'inrc tm itaHiiv- " t I SLA' . i Im Ht.einav attsk mlA MtlBriMt IwTlTU ray iree ironiviiiT iwimui ihkicuicuh. in -J purely vegetable. Ducn sTTivT; t icmofn all impuritieivipLJ .. Ik. UIjuwI aj4 luwnMihJB,BB y ileantes the system. Thousands rf i ass of the worst forms ol blood ois- ase nave peen Cuied bv 8. 8. 8. lead far our T relit Bulled fm taaay addieaa 4 3 WITT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Oa. CIRCUIT COURT. liKI'ARTUENT NO. 1. I iiionuwui me siato ngt joiiii u. Stockman was ordered continued upon, motion vesterdav eveninif. At the nuet- . ui i, vuis uioriiiu n iiiuiiitu I was made for a change of venue on the grounds ilia', a fair and impartial trial ing of the court this morning a motion could not lie had in this county. A iiiini ! bor of allidavits were read, the principal gronnus oeng brought out on account of the public meeting held at the court house, and tho caricatures displayed of the Red Crown men. Mr. Carson's re mark at the court house was particularly empluicised. No showing was made at atl by the prosecution. The court order ed a change of venue to Marion county. J G Boulin upon trial forcarrvinp con- J cealed weapons, was found guiltv tSasd aou and ordered committed until ijie was paid. In case against him for scllirgt lirit ious liquor without a license he jra di charged; case against him for selling mait uqtuir wittiout a license continued. Two c;itcs agt C L Read for stllir liquor without a licAise were continued. Farmers & Merchants Ins. Co. agt H. Gerhard, et hi, adutr, recovery of money. Continued. Beariitan A Humnbrev ait Exnielical church of Waterloo. 'Motion of Dal- gleiach & fcverett for excution on decree w as allowed. Adjourned sine die. 2nd department under Judge H. H. Hewitt will convene on Monday, Julv 15th. At 4 :10 o'clock yesteruay atternnon the irrand inrv tirnnoiit in tmn l,ill against John lsom, Sr. and John R, Stockman for violation of the special statute prohibiting the use of wheat in storage in a mill or warMio we. They were arraigned at V o clock this morning and plead not guilty. Xlr. Isom was suf fering from vertigo and was tiearlv nros- trated and his case was continual" until next term. A motion was made for a continuance of the Stockman case: but was refused and the trial of it set for 1 o'clock Monday. In the meantime a mo tion will be made for a change of venue. rrosecutme Attorney McCain, Luther Elkins and Blackburc & Somers aunear for the state. Weatherford A vatt. Whitney & Newport and W. R. Bilveu for Isom, and Geo. E. Chamberlain, Ivet ley A Curl and Weatherford A Wvatt. John R. Stockman. The case is exciting considerable interest. Jas. G. Boulin indicted on two charees of selling liquor without a license was arraigned, plead not guilty, and his trial was set for 1 o clook rridar, June 28. C. L. Read wa innicted for sellins liquor without a license to J. L. Berry aud upon a second charge. Grand Jury Report. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for I -inn County. To the Hon. district court above nam ed we, the grand jury of Linn countv for Hie June term lRo, would respectfnilv report that we have disposed of all bui neftS brought before us. that we have made an examination t i the court hou buildings and countv jail, we have ob served no evidence of extravagance in the furnishing of the buildings named. e would rwpectluHv recommend that the janitor look aifcr the water closets a little more carefully. e nave made a nasty examination ot the books of record kept in the sUeri" and clerk's oinces and have found noth ing to criticise, we have tven kindly as sisted and courU-ou-!f treat! rr the officers in charge of the different county omevrs named, t or the kind and cour teous treatment extended u by the of ficers of the court and countv we extend our thanks and respectfully ak to be discharged. Signed bv '. O. Smith. Riley Alley, . C. Ferguson, John Small mon, M.S'. Titu. J. N. Campbell and John Craft. Court adjourned ur.til Friday at 1 :I p. in. Tangent Item. Tangunt, Or., June 28, 1S95. The clicking of the mower can 1 beard in and around Tangent, mowing the new crop of hay which promises to be a good crop. Mrs. Annie F. Williams, of Albany, has been visiting her many friends in Tangent and was the guest of Mrs. S. K. Mills while here. Mr. J. T.Gilmour and wife, of Ellens- burg. Wash., seen on our streets They are visitii ,;lheir relatives, Mr. and A re. lovaH Kingtilen. it lias iwn quite a long time since they were here. A grange picnic will 1 held tomorrow at Sprenger s grow, when a good pro gram will be looked fr and Ewod sneak ers will be present. R. P. Boise. If. E. Haves and Mr. Hare, of 1 amtull countv. will addreM the people, beai lin the Tan gent band will render some choice mu sic for the occasion. Every one is in vited to come and have a go-! time. Mr. John F. Beard, who went to Fos sil, Gilliam countv, some three weeks ago, has returned to his home in Tan- fent. He reports crops in some parts of Eastern Oregon as burning up with the beat and wilt not amount to much. Several Tanirent yjung folks spent a day on the top of Peterson's Butte and report having a nice time. Tangent witnessed a live week last week it being district conference at the M. E. church, south. Unite a crowd were present. Another wedding is on the lapis in Tangent by the looks of things, and mavbe two. We notice Uncle Perrv Kniithten has been putting up a neat little dry house and is going to dry lots of fruit this fall. A match game of base ball will lie played at the Tangent base ball grounds on next Saturday afternoon between Tangent and Oakville. Mr. Ace has moved to Tangent w ith his family. Ho formerly lived on Mrs. Houi-k's larm. Only one empty house in Tangent now. A large number of 0. A C. studijuts passed through AiUiny litis noon for their homes. Two young men named Duxis were mar ried in Salem this week . The Davisesare ail right. 1 be weather bureau very kindly says cooler weather fr;r Lnnotrow. It will be occeptable, though really jre have not yet bail any very tot weutber. Wai ! War!! is the heading of an insur ance poster. A cut of 50 per cent is a iver- vertixeu. Ibis indicates that there is to be fun in insurance circles in Albany, Mrs. William Foley, who was tittina un with Miss Lizzie 1 horn pson Xuesday niiint went out upon me porcu wucn sue accidentally fell off striking so as to cause a fracture ol the bones at tne wrist ot one of her arms. Dr. Wallace set it. J. E. lacobs, of Corvallis.the young man who lost an arm at Sacramento, by tho cars rannimr over It, Lad run away from his home at Corvallis. He bad obtained a job in Sacramento.and then notiSod bis mother where he was- He went from hen to Sac ramento en the break beam and blind bag gage leaving Albany on the 16tb. A mandate from the supreme court in the case of Newton Williams appellant versus the Toledo Coal Oo., respondent, has reached the county clerk, it orders Newton Williams to pay the Toledo Coal Co. $59 supreme court costs, and the costs of the court below, the case went up on defendants demurrer, and the decision of the court below sustaining the demurrer was affirmed. Three embers of the com pany reside in Albasy. A Stabtlisq Pisoovkrt. Baldness cured or no pay. Dr. White's Great Discovery is for sale at Louis Viereck's barber shop . It cures all diseases of the sca'.o. Parties desiring to go into a con tract I will guarantee a head of hair or bo pay, Louis Viereck, Tonsorial Artist. I. List of Patents. . (ininiod t. I'.uillc States inventor thin u.w.b i?fw.i.tii 1v ( V A. Simw a. tVi.. solicitors ot' American and Forcitm t,i., Solicitors vdtentx, npp. . ington, D. o'. U. S. Patent olhce, Wubli- J i, n....t,.nvilli Oil chine Berrv, u .., .....( , - ...... ...a-.. ....... . l.lllTldl.UI'ltP. II f "V"" "VC. .. K i ' --;.; window: A V Carro'.i Portland, Ore., i-ta i uti ir- , i .. Mifciiii; dredger; ti E Crump. Sun Francisco, ul., device tor lianilling ciiange; m w DaviuH, Oswego, Ore., newspaiH-r wrap ping mm-liiue; J W Currier, Los Ainu-ten, Cal., lifting-jack ; J L Holian I, Nevada City, Cal., flexible joint-packing; J N Jennings, Portland, tire., tire-tightener; A J Johnson, Arbucklo, Cal., linrvi rt.-r attachment ; L Konopins-'ki, WaPch.Ca!., measuring device and faucet; M I-ak, San Jose, Cal., apparatus for pre-t-rving foods; C A Warren, San Fram-hco, Cul., excavating-muchiiu'. A Lebasov ffiMitARV. While J. F Hyde ami wife were in Oregon City, a sneak thief broke into ani raniA&lccd their house. It w:im evident that the thief was after money only; for he broke open Mr. Hyde's desk, footed up his city hook to see what he had on hand, found it was alxjut fJU, and then made a des perate effort to tind it. Mr. Hyde is not onlv city treasurer, but financier for the A. O. I . W. an.l the K. O. T. M. The the thief must have known this and also that he had drawn some city money a few days before. The thief was mistaken about him leaving it at home while he had only a small amount on hand he had put it in the Allanv bank U-fore go ing. The thief got l'.4 which Mrs. Hvde nad laid awav and had been over looked, for his trouble. Kxprea. A Ru n Fim. Geo. Smith, ol "Cana da," while plowing in his carden the other day, unearthed a twciitv-doliar piece, ami the next day he went out a ith a hoe and found at least two more. The rconev had probably been buried in a ca:, nlii'.ii Lad ru.-led'awav. It is -n entire mv-terv as to who buriu the mo!iey. Mr. Smith's fat he l;v-d -n the place for inanv years, and a hou. once covered the ground where the coin wa found. The coin bore the dates !&"?. 18i5 and 1S7. The one minted in '.'C djes net U-ar the in-ri;tion. Inol We Trust." The are urisht and not worn. Advance. Bevonu li Jt-RiMi4-n.v. Jutioe Frrksen has learneil a twunt in Uw not familiar to him a few days ago. Upon invitation he married a couple in Benton countv, entirely beyond hi jurit,lictior. Upon informing a lawyer the nextm ing lie was to'd of his uiLuke,and Wm: a conscientious youn man immediate y took step to remedy the errr, and the next evening a.i.n ierfomel the uual ceremoiiv on the south end of me ln bridge, and there i no question now a to the legality of the niarni'sr'. The Real Err.BT. In it writenp of the fivhman entertainment f the O. A. C. the CVrvaliis Gaxetie eomplimecM an A Bain v voune man as follows: The real effort of the evening was that of Joseph l . isetlmne. who delivered an oration. taking fr bis subjeet "No Excellence iiliool ijiUir. Mr. IW thune t.k the grcund that the lane oi tlw Ameri can workinjmian i idSene-ji. He told of the struggles in early !:fe of many men who had risen to prominence in ihe na tion through their own mdividnale&jrts: Irsrnm in a logical wav the c r.. hi-ion that excellence could le attained through lalor and jjersiMent e !! -!, no matter what calling we may puruc. Leaon. Mr. Wrr:. A Bishop, a highly-rwiiecse-l old gcn;!en:an of this commiinilv, was stricken with atoi!exv last Sabbath evening, at his home jut acrot the river, an-I died la aoout an hour and a half. The Brewster-Ewing party arrived home Saturday from their trip to the coast. Tbev visited the Siieu reserva vation, and were not favorably imprwewd with the land that will soon be thrown open to settlement. I. R. Iioruni ha accepted a position in the barber shop of L Yiervck, in Albany. Mr. iioruni is a rmnuiar rounc man and a good barber, and Mr. Viereck is fortu nate in securing his services. Mr. I -or- um's family w ill remain in Ix-hanon lor a while. Advance. Tub Lkbasos School. At a meeting of the board of dinvtor of Lebanon school district, the following teacher were electcl: Principal. H. H. White: as sistants, W. W. Allingham, Miss Alice Teinple. MiM Fannie Griggs and Miss Ilda r.lkins. l rx.l. InleUulit at lan- g-nt sextral times anil at oilier pla-es, and has proven himself to le a progress ive, faithful teacher, as well a? a young man of sterling worth. A NriaaNcfc. Complaint i made to the IEii-:AToHice that the slop China men leave their yagons, full of diseaed matter, for an hour or two at a lime every day, in the middle ward, while the Celestial goes to his dinner, a breeder of disease. The citizen complaining hinks it should be stopped. Tub IxsraaxcK Wak is tesemblingthat in California and is getting inteiec ling. The All-anv agents declaring war are J. M. Ka It Ion fur two companies and Judge Powell for two companies. Other agents are meeting them and the result is considerably cheaper insurance, as well as rebates on risks already taken. At Corvallis and other places where the same companies are doing business a like war is in progress. Mr. and ilrs. Harrv Dav, of Portlaijd are in the city. Rev. I. II. McCullagh an.l wife, of Mehaina, are in the city. Miea Ora Flinn. of this citv. will enter Stanford University next fait. Mrs. W. R. Garrett ami daughter, of Portland, arc visiting Albany friends. Miss Ida Blpck, of the public schools, ms gone to Portland to senl vacation with her parents lAiiicctor nun .Mrs. T.J. Black. .Mr. 'A. T. Truelove, who ha been en gaged in btlinis in Portland for some tune, lias sold out mere aim removed to Ix-banoa with his lamiiy. .x press. Mr. J. J. Van Korthwick, of Albany, has leased Ed Seidlers building for the season, and will open a hartier shop in a few days. Newport ews. Married, in tho Evangelical taliernacle at Waterloo, last Sunday, June 2;(, Mr. J. Bailev. of Waterloo, and Miss Ida Brown of Santiam. Rev. C. N. Plowman otliciating. Prof. Mavberrv. of lallmun, was in the citv today for tho purpose of ship- Fing 50 dozen eggs from his hen house, le has also disitosed of a good many of 1118 lOW IS. HOHUies no liua iubi ii.un.iL'vi a successful term of school. Mr. Elmer Emmott after attending Albanv OoKeco several years and thet). A. C. a year left yesterday morning on a bicycle lor Palo Alto, wiiero no win en ter tho freshman class of Stanford next fall. He will spend the vacation work ing in California. Ciikap Ciikkbieh. Come to my place thn Willnmetto and pick cherries of tho kind desired for only 2 cents a pound. W. It. AHNKS. Tliniurr From En o land .Mr. Julius Gradwohl has just received n elegant line of goods direct Irom r.niiiunu, mty con e st of crockery and glass wars in the finest lines brought to the city. And our citizen: will do well to call and exumine them be ; fore buying A Hay Rake Accident. This morning Jessie E. Junks, of Tan gent was riding a milky buy rake w hen I.!.. ..... L . t T . i . m ii-mii ijccamo iniiiu-iieii ami ran away, Koinu into the corm-r of a fence throwing Sir. Jenks fully fifteen feet, '"""V. "H eiitting ins upjier up uiki DruiHingiiia nwciii a b;ul manner ""conscious lor some lime. l'rt!lniili'Ir nn twin. u-..rd ...bun ti- t w" " " M'M. J- 'ft '.. t' ty. was sent- for im- iin.,1 ..(.. 1 lit i i "" wiJ" ' rcc, u.e wounos Wheat U on the mjnd, an 1 i-. I ted 40 i totlay I v- oo! u ; ceKia a pound n.ors at Albaty mm hi iiepner. J.R.I kjuglas has sold 1 1 ,C00 boxes of sir.tvuerr're in. a se'in. The trial of iKic D.ivenport for counter feinn: b.-gii in Portland today. t tufiie Uasiiiei bouei will close at 8 ocloca during t'ae summtr. etsept grocery Hioien. Ueri Ulxin, ol Eugeie, wa. drowne I in tue i.itppa river uear Itowiburg Wedae. da eveun g. t trcuit court convened this af'ernoon for me trial ol Ja. t Boulin. of Lyons, for seiinijf liquor without a licence. r rank Perkett, of Mill City, arr sted Kir killing and telling deer meat, upon ex Huunaiiun wiu oucnargvd. A borne ra at th fair ground between tlie Drvi.ntr and uuiuiermun runners ol .Vioand -VUertoa re r ie.-u!Usl in Mvor ot the 'utter. Wiiluun C:har, while bathing in Cbes her's lagoon near Eugene Wednesday even ing, was drowned. Chase could not .wuu and K-t in deep water. Ir. K L. Uiller has been elected physi cian of the Soldier's Home at Koieburg at fai'Javear, and ( harlea Grabam perrua uent secretary of the board. The ddrvsj of Chaplain S.mtnoos at the G. A R hall laat nifchl was srreat.y appre ciated by a Uir sized aulience. Mr. Siai mons is a erj intereotin ulker. The conductor employed by the South ern Pause company have been notified that aflfr July lt tnry wiftbe required to turni.h honda of J,tMj each. R. it. Vuck cvrrie a large abrasion of tbe cuticle oi one of bis cfaeekf. the result ot the !-- of a bolt and a cooseutie-nt tum ble to the grvHind and runaway of his bone. Philip Ptiiiii, the sweet lizger, who has delighted thousands of people all over the C. , including Albany people on two cr three oc.-aj.iuna. died a few data airo in Ohio. . In the cam of the U. S at Marv Benrer of Eujrene. turr:ed for miding ooaceoe letter throuk-u tne mailt. Judire LeHinew dim-tl a verdict t not iruilty jt. Ei 1'. jlfhmu'V anJ ;(na to hare hern on tfii usore tLan Mi IV-rger. TU t-t-il Jjurnal sy that at tb staie ti'- aorlation tnMing there will be a big r!a;? oo "K the BiU prohibit tie wearing of bloomer?" A4.rniaiiv. Cbaa Nick.;!; ncjrative, Ira t juij-U-il Rev. J. R N. Bell, and Ed 1 burp wiii cfhcixte as umpire and referee ropective! Four rrarers are at aork oo Use i4!ej.e bicje-ie track putting it in recdi'.in fj that it will be ready lor u-e on the 4lb. Tti will be one of the finrst burycie Liacks in regnn, and will be a credit to the city. Fat ri Jr d j n-at care to rik their b-ce ou lew a three Up ti.k SATTJRDA A Linn County Rheumatic Cure. While people are going awav from home for ht spring la:hs for rheuma tism it is well lor them to consider the fact that in our own county we have a spring of wonderful curative properties. The Seio Press tells of one at Sodaville : Something over 100 yards and weet of the public spring is another soda spring on the property of W. W. Parish and npon the improvement of which Mr. Parrish informed us he had expended near fJOOCt. A large cement tank which shuts cp tight at the top is the recep tacle of the spring water. Over this tank is constructed a neat spring house and windmil tower. The water is pump ed into a tank ahove the spring ard from which pij-s lead to the bath bouse ad joining, one ol which, coiled several times in a heatir g stove, supplies the hot water for the bath tubs. The whole is taken care of by George !! net, who. by the way. is an" excellent barber and conduct a' shop in connection with the lath rorms, all of which is kept very neat and clean, and extra pains taken for the accommodation 'of patrons. By in vitation of the proprietor, we tried the cleansing qualities of a bath in hot soda water, and can sav without fear of con tradiction that it is unsurpassed forlwlh insr purpoju-s. In fact we believe it cap able of making even a dirt v editor clean, and therefore reconimend" our contem poraries to try it. Bathing in this water has been found to be almost a sure enre for rheumatic and cutaneous dis d:seases ; used internally is beneficial to all stomach and kidney trouble. Tin I)kmobt Mkdal Contest at the ojiera house lat evening was of consid- ralile interest, r.igbt bovs ami cirls competed for the Ivmorest medal. The prize was awarded to Aland Ijiiietiead. who recites well. The recitation of Flovd Ramp deserves special mention. It was elivercd with treat lorve, with excellent gesture and splendid effect. Each con testant nn presented with a book. In terspersed was a piano solo bv Miss Staley.of Salem, a vocal solo by Miss Al- erson, ol alem.a pianodnet bv the two and a piano duet bv Misses Brenner and Sternberg of this titv. Tiikv are Sokrt. The Scio Press savs: We are sorry to announce tliat Scio is about to he her mot emerprizing cit- zen. Mr. r.. ttoins ol the Scio Holler Mills and Mr. N. 11. Allen, of Albany lave aliout concluded negotiations of the eatH? of the Red Crown Millsof Albanv. As a miller, Mr. Goins is not surpassed y anv other in the state, and Allnv has done well in securing his return to that citv. We understand that he will still retain his interest in the Scio mill ropertv and operate both plants.thonch iris residence will ho in Albanv. and In personal attention given to the Red Crown mill. Wii.i. I.ECTt'KK. J. II. Tow nsend ar rived home last week from his trip to Honolulu, looking hale and hearty. He has prepared himself with a stereoptican and a number of views of scenes on the islands and expects to travel and lecture. lie has livo lectures, two of which ho will o-ive in Newbcnr and he will no doubt have full houses. Newburg News. Mr. Townsend is an old residen', ot Al banv. and his friends here will be glad to hear what he has to eay cf Hawaii. Two at a Timk. The tifth state rob bery wil bin the past three months oo surred Thursday night near the Topsv crude on the Ager-Klamatlt route. Both tho Klanmtli rails noumi ami me iger bound stages were stopped. Tho driver of the stage going to Klamath Falls was held two Hours, awaiting iue arrival oi the one going to Ager. The lono robber rilled the mail pouches, only taking the registered matter. H. V. Gates, ol HilUboro. or., the only passenger, was relieved of $2. XoTicit. If vou want vour waahiim for the Fourth Have it at tne launury oy llondav eve. Julv 1st. Otnee open o to 10 a. m. on the F'otirth. C. Simpson's Citv Laundry, opposite St, Charles Hotel. Telephone 49. I TitaTtRKBR TABKBNACUt. Tho much advertised pulpiteer, Edwards Davis, of Oakland, Calif, will address the great assembly at the tabernacle at Turner on Sunday. June 30. Preparations are be ing mado for large crowds. Reduced rates are secured by R. R. J, B. I.ibtkb, Cor. Sec. Highest of all in Leavening t IV . si tir r . v ii v cy lO.tll. AM hkoai Tinkle leads for line plioto Tinkle is the leader in Sr:e low prices. I bitOH the new ll.iO ptichj t I'lnkV-; hey are the beat. Ladies abirt waint ?e!s 35c a French's jewelry store. 1 Ye Popa'.ixt in the iiw of tolsiy an nounce t e suspen.ion of the tai-;r Selling at col oO b.-:tu!iful trimmed bats f 1 -Vl each at Mm. Johu it Moffm.ui s. A great redm timi of bs pr.c f.f .11 pbotu. roiuuieuctua- -lui.e lat at i n.k'.ei. One tare for round trip ljelx?n anv stations on the 0. C & E. Ju'y .!. i and S. French the jewel if kwp a lare ttock of spsHades and eye jflaa-e. Prkes from 2k up The 80 acre f ana of Wm. Hnuter was sold at Sheriff' sale this afternoon to the plaintiff, Milton Hale, for f 2.500. sterling silver belt piu.2J'; iiitial pir.s. 10c; Chrixtian Endeavor piai. 10c at French's jewelry store. You can get KenlUb or Willamette tber- ris at 15c a irallon by leavini order at j Conn ti Huston or with F. W. blumberg. Mr. Ju'ius Gradwohl s fine line of crock ery ware from England is here and will be old as tbeap as anything can be r-ougbt in Oregon. Thane who ret their n.-eats at the Linn DreMed Meat Market, at ec.nd and Ells worth streets never complain of poor qual ity, and the price is alway the lowet. A new pot'orhce has been established t Idanba. Marion countv, with Mrs Alma ireiwl a potrnitre Tbi cthce is at ibe terminus ot the O. CAE Hello! Uncle Billy i here airain. vou bet. Nu Is the time to crt our scissor. knives, axes, lawn moaer and everything that need an edge sharpened. He'll call at your duor. Not J J. Van Xortwuk bat Thompson t Van Nortwick will run the barber soon at Newport this year, on: of the Snn re Laming here while the other attends to boinec there. Active .reparation for the 4;h continue and it is probable there will be presett one of the biifiri ,! crowd u the history of the city. It will be full with people: but thet ill be wel. taken car of. There is a rumor that Pioneer rock- qaarry will owe down as ooa rs pment ordrrs ar filled. It is hosed the rumor ill prove un'oaa-i-d. Tolelo Pot. The Lve of W. L Tirva at Fit t'i'r. wbur!sr:i-sl Wedaesiiv nicbt and the t:.l teheved of torae nine ! Juit change, as we an trfornsed. No ofher part iolir learcMl. Toledo poat. In order to prevent reatrk the Dzmo- crat will state ttat Air A.J. Hkit is wearina- a vry bl. s eye on acoant of the bind wheel of hi bicycle cauhing in a ! board oa Fiita street jot west of the t r.tburcb. Louis Viereck hi scared the oie right f Lien. Marion and Bmtig Co. for the sale of Ir. White" Hair ti rower. Partie deirsng treatment wi.l do well to coei t him at hi place cf l-u.ins or address box 421. Albany. Linn Co.. Or. The firwbnrj Plaindealer in 'reakin? of the railroad wrwk that occurred itm other dav at: "Uw l!af. the brak- man, atood at ti pt and rcaniu Iv tag ged at the brake tail t lie rar started to tarn when be too jumped for hi life, not a ec ond teo soon. A it n, he (attained Krioo inj-aneabut the back an I taoal dets TutTNrnjivsKa Editor. That Calla ay, Nebraska, editor has pluck which entitles him to weather the financial storm. A marked copvof bis paper con tains tte following: Last winter when thousands around here were on the verge of starving and freexing and our financial affairs reduced to nothing, wi;h a family of seven to feed and new ar rival looked for. we as our last resource made an appeal to our tellow craft men for help, and we didn't ask in vain lor through their generous help have been able to weather the drouth until the present time and in a couple of months harvest will be h re and wre will have plenty once more. In the mean time to the middle of August we have got to live a id with our garden, etc, can do very well, if we could procure our flour ami some groceries. Now there are 37 edi tors from different iwrls of the country wtien "truster lnxmth ' was born that sent us a dollar or more to help us then, and to these ireneroits hearted "weilder of the faber" make this our last request to tide us over the remaining two months. Our paper is f 1 a year, now can't you each get some friend to take it " tor even three month, that is onlv iV and from what we would then receive would enable us to still "hold the fort." which many are still unable to do, as there is nothing to do, or no money here in circulation except what's sent here by friends in the eaU But our crops are going to be immense and old Custer, the banner producing countv of Nebraska, will airain be able to give instead of receiving and no one ever has or will find the citizens of old Custer wanting when the time conies for any one to ack aitl from our citizens. The Tacoma News is advocating a stat ute in that citv, in memory of George Washington. 'he real estate acents over there ought to pav a large part of the cost. By the way, ho about that statute for the Oregon capital grounds, in memory of some noted Oregonians? Statesman. The more Washington stat utes the better. Washingtons's name, though is a statue greater than any stat ute. The following advertisement appears in the Herald, of Dayton, Yamhill coun ty: Take Notice. "Call on J. Bloods worth and sell your claims for damages, that you may have ngnintit Yamhill county, to him. He will rav the high est price in cash. lKn't tail to call on him between tbi- and the first of Sep temlier. ISStt. J. Rloudworth." This is made possible by the law passed by the last legislature. In order to illustrate the advantages of a creamery a ladv at Barlow, bv re quest weighed out 19S, pounds of milk and churned it, getting 10 ounces of butter, or an average of 31.2 pounds of milk to a pound ol butter, while the creamery turns ont a pound of butter to 20 pounds of milk. Take your pencil and figure out what price is necessary to cover expenses ol making up. the sav ing m lalior should also be considered. A Mass Mketino. Tomorrow evening at 6::$0, in the United Presbyterian church, there will lw a union meeting of all tho young in-oples societies of tho town, and as many others as care to at tend, to consider the subject of inviting tho Inlet national Convention of C. E. to meet in Portland in t)7. Mr. E. S, Miller, of Portland, formerly State Pres ident of the C. E. will address the meet ing. A cordial invitation is extended to the public to be present. Notick. The Southern raciflc comp any, will sell, on July 3rd and the morn ing of July 4th, tickets from and to all stations, at one fare for the round trip. These tickets will be good lor return un til July etn, ltrad A Chu t KNnr w.tha Albar.v Juniors here by challenge any team in the city ex- i eept the Albany's for a friendly game one! week from Wednesday. By order of I Captain. Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report j SOCIAL SU PKRS AL. Ir. Oiilins has returned from a trip to the Siietz. I Ir. and Mrs. Adams arrived in Albany this noon from Portland, j ' Miss Dorena Marshall returned home this noon from her outing down Oie river. Miss Lizzie Thompson has been gradu ally groaing worse without prospect of recovery. Mr. Harry Day will t glad to see his Albanv friends at Monteray this season. He left for there this noon.' Misses fillie and Ria Bnchanon, of Portland, spent Thursday afternoon with the Mis-en Harritt, goin on to Albany this morning. Salem Journal. II. ti. Math ies, editor of the Pvtbian Herald, died in Portland yesterday of Bright's disease. He was greatly re spec;ed and leaves many friends all over Oregon. Mrs. I. F. Conn returned this morning from nearly a years sojourn in California wliere she has been the guest of a broth er whose wife lias been seriously ill for a long time, and who rently died. Rev. H. S. Shange, Prof. W. A. Mc G bee of Oakland, and Rev. J. F. Wal lace of Myrtle creek, and their families have gone to Klamath Fails taking in Crater lakeenroate. A&Lland Record. The Lebanon Express says that I. R. Borum lias accepted a position in L. Viereck's barber shop at Albacv, and commenced work la Wednesday. Mr. Borum is a first class tonsorialeet, and will give good satisfaction, besides is a congenial fellow. We think Mr. Vier eck fortunate in securing Mr. Bornm. The Ashland Record tells of a romance ns follows: Mia Grace Studebaker, a pretty girl of Pearl City, IU., spent last year visiting Ashland relatives. Joist be fore starting home John P. King, a trav eling representative of an eastern oculist house titled some glasses to her eyes. The lady, on returning home, took the saue train that carried the gentleman witu the spectacle!-. Mr. King evidently got tue proper focus on those glawee, for the cocple were married on the 4th iu?t. at Decatur. III. Religious Services. Services the Cumberland Presbyterian church at 11 r ru. and 7 -.30 p. m. to morrow. Yoi are cordialiy invited to attend. United a. m. and morning : Presbyterian: Serrics9 at 11 7:45 p.m. Suljert for the "'Christian Citizenship." Tue evenir of the : : services w id te m the interest abiaih School. S. S. at 2:33. Children's Day service at the Baptist Church. I'iaaram sermon to the child ren at 10 SM a. ru. Pro-jram given by the Sun lav School at 7 :5 o. nx. Sarictineation wiil be discussed at the St. Paul M. E. Church lusuon-iv at II a. m. and 7 : p. nuby W. R. Blaia who invites his lnend and ail interested in this subject to be present. Y. M. C. A.: Rev. S. F. Jenkins, of Indiana. wi'J conduct the 4 o'clock meet ing at the Y. M. C. A. rooms tomorrow. M r. Jenkins is a speaker of abilitv so ail who come will be repaid. Suecial mu sic. Ladies are invited to attend. We desire the rooms tilled. At the Congregational chcrcli tomor row there will be services at Ilia the mominz ami 7:45 in the eveninz. la the morning the pastor will present as a subitvt -The Mystery and Revelatioa of Christian Life. In the evening Rev. Walker will speak on "Reminiscences of Earlv Missionarv Life in the Northwest." Mr. Walker is of a missionary family; his father and mother being among the first who came to this countrv as missionaries. A wel come will le accorded all who attend these services. D. V. Polinsr. pastor. jl others Read. The proprietor of SANTA aBIE hire authorized Foshay Masoa to refund yocr money if. after giving this California Kite of Cragh Cures a fair trial as directed, it fails to yive satisfaction fo.- the care cf coughs, croup, whopping ON!-h and all throa' and Inn? troubles. 'V hen the di- eae averts the bead, and asn.nt the form of catar. h. nothimr is to el.v ire as C A LI- F0RN!A CAT R-CC RE snese prepar ations are withoct oquaU aa household rem edie. Sold at fl.oo a packase. Three for Si50 Dyspepsia. E. W. Jot Cowpast Gentlemen: I have taken your Vegetable Sarsaparilla and can say I have never seen anything equal to it. I have suffered ten years wun ayspepeia, not being able to eat anything but milk and brown bread. Ljie was nothing but misery for me. Now I have a eood appetite, eat any thing I wish, and fevt no disagreeable effects from it. I wish 1 could tell all dyspeptics and urge them to try your egeiaoie svarsapariua. IMgned) Ma. Jons Tiwotht, Forbestown, Cal. If vou want to set a sprins medicine without a blotch, an old earsapariUa trade mark, a big patch of red pimples, take Joy's Sarsaparill.v Karl's Clover Roo!,t?ie great olood pur tier give frevhne and c earnest to the complexion and curr constipation, 35c, oc, i.oo. roahay Jk Maon Agent. ETOWIaEDGE Brings comfort and improvement an tends to personal enjoyment wh rightly used; The many, who li?b t ter than others and et. joy life more, w lesa expenditure, by more promp. adapting the world' best products the needs of physical being, will attes the value to health of the pure liqt:ivl laxative principles embraced in thi remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in tho form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing end truly bcneficial properties of a pefect lax ative ; effectually clea-ising the syrtem, dispelling colds, heada'bes and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drog gista in 60 cent bottles, but it is man- 1 ufactured bv the California Fir Syrup Co. only, whose name ia printed on every package, also tho name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any ruUtitu) if offered. A Fix Tir is. The best map of Oregon has been photographed by Crawford & Paxton and copywrighted. It shows all the river course, title, railroads and proposed oa is. mountains and vallere, with their locations,' cjurtx-s, e!evati.:iS, and depression. With fine you pet a splendid idea of the topographv of evt-ry place and prominent feature of the stale. The map extends into Idal:o. and as far couth cast as Salt Lake Citv and souih to San Francisco It is a very valnabfc thing, arid can be se-urel oi Crawford & Paxton. SIM MOHS REGULAT0 R aA fceader, did yoa ever take Simmons LrVEB liEOCLATOa, tho "Kkg op Livek M edicts K ?:' Everjbody seeda take a liver remedy. It is atslngg-Ish or diaeaaed liver that impairs digestion and causes constipation, when the vraste that should be carried cS remains in the body aad poisons the whole eysxea. That doll, heavy feeling ia due to a torpid liver. Biliousness, Headache, Halaria and Indigestion are all liver disease. Keep the liver active by aa ccasional dose of Simmons Liver Eeg lat.T and you'U get rid of these trou blea, and give tone to the whole sys tem. For a laxative Simmons Liver Regulator ia better toxs Prn. is does not gripe, nor weaken, but greatly refreshes and strengthens. Every package has the Red Z stamp on the wrapper. J. IL. Zeilitt & Co., Philadelphia. Mexican Mustang Liniment ior Burns, Cakci & Inflamed Udders Pile, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, . I larness & ,Sadd le Sore, Lumbago, 5cafds, blisters, Insect Bites, Il Cattle Ailments, VII Horse Ailments, ll Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muse! . Membrane and Tissr Quickly to the Ver? Scat of Pain an-j Ousts it in a Jiify. Rub in Vigorously. Mnstar;; Lisiiinii conqacrr Psin, Makes riaa rv i7-t well ecaia. w s3 SoQ is the scar. ka. FIT FOS A. KINS. J 3. CORDOVAN, rcKnacuiKUSCKf. ;i-;.s3 S? FiUE Ztil SJC JAn Over 0a Millioc F rif t wtju- tt W. L. Dong-as $3 & $4 Sices All aar -ces ars e v satisfactory T-vey ft. . tltc tv. t i 1 tt t h trroe-r-. '.tret id.I car: -!j SN fa t vl -.j lvt. Tl-:ilr wsr" s r. - -cr.-a?r. T!:r prlCT' - - . ri -. - -f. . V.-? ?rt- - . -.-.- - r--- . THE l.E PLAifv CLOTHING CO Street Railway Time Gard The ear wil! leave i ho oorm r ; 1 1 ir--. ai i Washii'ir'on stieet a.. Wows: S:55 a. ro. for ov.r!and oir t. . 7:00 7:55 " 115 11: VS " 12:1S p. m. P2:S5 " 5:5 " i t . ri!n sr-iss: oa"'. Lelanon trv-r. norn train t;o-:i j; no t' sou'r-. Lrhn n raip- 9:f0 rvrinnit i.onu m t For O'phan'a llon.e Moad end ' yatHO. m LE BSOIw'Sie.! rv . .f vi j a -ll .; : A i-"J, L'i-!v1v Avv r- Sold by fti. druggUtt, yg-Kl.r? j I MS- C l ra - 50 CfT TE e a, 14. -LADirB' pTJ" a wV T-;-