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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1895)
si VOL XXX. latere at the rt at tlftanr. Beea.f las Mall Hatfcri ALBANY ORMJON. -FlllDA . JULY 13. 1895. P. r. SITTIXC, rabllafeer aal rrrlelri 49 i - - - i -i i I, . . , M .. ii,,..,. i i ' .i I, i 1 ? ? J I St 1 1 n i 1 for Infants Castoria, Is so well adapted to children that I recommend It aa superior to any prescription kaowntome." B. A. Aacscs, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. "The use of Castoria' fa as nciTereal and IU meriu n well known that it aeema a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the Intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within eaqy reach. GtMLoaHixrrstlkTK, Now York City. Tax Ccrtac Best Work Promptness PRINTING Office Stationery A Specialty Giveus yoar Patronage. P J. SMILEY ALCAFiY THE NEW WAY EAST S!Sw and O.R il CO a LIUES-The Short Ronle Taatl Petal Washington, Idaho, in Montana Dakota.! Minnesota, ami i he East All Points in tia United States, Canada m Inrops. The Great Northern Railway U a ne transcontinental line. Rons buffet-liorar) obserration cars, palace sleeping and dining cars, family tourist s'eeper and first ano second c'as coaches. Having a rock b!last track the Great Northern Railway is free from dust, one of chief annoyances of transcontinental 'ravel. Round trip tickets with stop over privilege an-i choice of return rou'ea. For further information cail upon or write, F. J. WWtney. 6. P. & T. A., St. Paul, Minn. G. I) t ai. 'S j i . J Ajisa 122 Third Su-dat, Pjrtlaoi, Or OThis a ths wheel that was illatr4'eJ In'Bsaring the CrSlUz .V it i o lea," January 25th, 1895. over the fallowing title: "Th hia ldi't M the Recent National Cycle Exhibition." It is the Waterlt Sec' u most admired and Ulkl of hiir'a oradfl bicrcle in the wor:d toJiv. W I'.lanlrated Catalogue free. Ibdiaxa. Bictct, E E. Gorr. exclusive agent for Albany! FORTMLLER & IRYING I ITE KEEP constantly on hand a full V V comns. nira burial robe and which will be sold at The Lswnt living P rente.. EMBALMING ld p'opercare of the dead a specialty a a rr HfvV: - jt MASOXIC TEMPLE fiO EXTRA CHARGE FOB HEARSE OR SERVICE Insure jour property, unless 70a take apolicy in a Company that yoa are perfectly satisfied will deal honorably with yon, and will pay yon promptly, and liberally if yoa nave a loss. IF YOU EVER WANT MONEY It is just after yoa have ben burned out, and meat rebuild, and yoa cannot Lave any doubt about it. TtlK laSUrtANCE COMPANY OK AOKTH AMERICA has paid out to its pa trons, over EIGHTY MILLION DOLLARS, and has plenty more to pay all honest osses wiin FOUNDED IN 1792, financial panics .W.SENFf, OFFICE over Read P ONE GIVES RELIEF. NEW : : : A .f VSrOKII iSKOWIrOLL O? FIRST-CLAS8 FURNITURE, CONSIS1.N0 LVl of bdd room sets, ehaii, senga, etc. which I will soil st BOTTOM DRICES, Xhos. Brink Ai and Children. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, - Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, KSSa Worms, gives sleep, and promote dl gestfoa. Without Injurious medication. "For several years I have recommended 'Castoria,' and shall always oonUnue to do so, as it has invariably produced beneficial ' results. " Emm F. Paanaa, X. IX, 125th StnMt and 7th AtoKow York 3ty. Oohmxt, Vt Ucxjult Stsxxt, New Tobk Cm. OREGON. -.; Tick -. Sal- Chicago, St. Louis, To and from Wasbirietnt,. Philadelphia, New York. . Boston, ard il Co. Indianapolis, laJLtni. (J. a ft. M. line of tneUlic, clotn and wood caskeU and suits, In broadcloth, 5tln,cilimrr, rc mm mm cannot barm it; see District Spec'al Agent, Albany, Or. Feacock & Co s store A - IM- EURTOURE. -1 f'i-t i . r , A WET 4TH. But the Day is Celebrated and a Good Time Had. The rain is no retipcuter of events. It is aa apt to come on the anniversary of the independence of the ,17. S. as on a prise fight. It falla on the just and the unjust. By 4 o'clock a mist was upon thecity, and during the day it alternated mist and rain, and people who came to buy ice cream and lemonade bought um brellas and rubbers. Old Neptune run the day. ' But Albany had advertised a show and did the verv best the circuui Stancea permitted. There was a good crowd, though it might have been larger, aud it might have been smaller. TUK PA14ADK. began about 10:15 and it had hiurdlVf n. . ...1 I ,... ! ; 1 1 1 ohm leu koto uie i Ktu incrraseu in lorce. The order was like this : Chief Marshal Davis, Albany band, the police force, carriage with Mayer Fliun, Judge Dun can, Speaker Moores, die reader. Miss Crawford, and the Goddess of Liberty, Miss Lida Galbraith, Albany Engine Co. No. 1 with beautifully decorated hose cart, pretty little Misa Beaut being seatea upon it, ana engine, uorvains la dies band in uniform. Rescue Hook and Ladder Co., Tangent band. Linn Engine Co. No. 2 with engine and hose team, the cart looking pretty in a decoration of flowers with TrVssie Baunigart upon the scat, c.oeing witn uecoraieu oicvciea, limited in number on account of the raii:. The march ended at the court house where the crowd was glad to find shelter in the building, where THE OUATION was delivered, music was heard bv the three bands, and the Appollo Club de liehted the audience with patriotic sones No declaration of indenendence was read on account of a misunderstanding about where the exercises were to be held due to the rain. Hon. C. B. Moores, one of Salem's meet popular and talented sons, deliver- the oration. It was patriotic, in keep ing with the spirit of the dav and con ferred credit on the orator. He spoke of the returning good times, of the nower of the masses, of the need of educating the public np to a higher standard so that every voter will cast his ballot in telligently. He deprecaited demagognism in politics and advised people to disre gard the voice of Uie demagogue. RACES FOSTrOXED. During the noon the rain came down in copious quantitv, so much so that the committee decided to postpone the bi- Icvcle and other races until Friday, July 12 Soto, 19; Albany, 9. The Albany and Scio ball club decid ed to play regardless of the wet and left for the erounas with about luu specta tors, among the number the Democrat man. It stopped raining before the game began and the ground was in good condition for playing. Scio went to the bat with Burns in the box lor Albany, but it was the 4th of July and Burns was unable to put his old time speed and over the base into the ball, Scio making ten runs in two innings. Thompson pitched four innings holding them down to two in three innings, in the next ne was I knocked ont with ?. Burns again took the ball, braced np, and the game closed without another run ; bat 19 bad been made by the Scioans. Dugger pitched for Scio four innings, Albanv making 8 runs. Yenng Gotns, who will soon be a resident of Albany, only 15 years of age, pitched the last three innings, only one ran being made. Rocky Willis made the only home run of the game. BAXD COXTEST. The feature of the afternoon was the band contest between the Mechani; Band, of Albany. Willamette Yaller Band, of Tangent, and Ladies Band, of Corvallis. A large crowd listened and I expressed an opinion. As on ail such occasions the opinions varied. Each band plaved two pieees. W. V. Craw ford, of Tillman, John Briggs and P.-of. Howland. of this eitr. acted as tolirs. and gave the bands the following points: Albany, ih; Ladies, a; langent, ; Albanv beinsr awarded the first nrise of $75, the Ladies getting the second of $25. However people may diner as to the ver dict the fact should be remembered that the judges are reliable, conscientious men, and gave their decision according to what they believed was right. tke row JAVB put in an appearance during the after noon and pleased the audience with their antics. A roan as a woman in bloomers naturally attracted great attention. There were groups, on mules, bicycles, carts and on foot. Being given full scope no arrests were made. Among other cavoortings they had an obstruction race. Some hitaloting speecnes closed their part of the days ootngs. XOTES. The three bands and Apollo Club gave a fine concert in the court house in the evening that was one of the pleasantest events of the day. It was greatly ap preciated by the big audience present. xne Dan at tne opera nouse in uie evening was wen attended and me strains 01 the music lasted until me small hours of this morning. In the aiternoon and evening me dancing platform near the St. Charles was liberally patronized at 1U cents a dance. Br evcnine the colors of buntinir had all run together and the town was nearly painted red. rnere was oniy one nre alarm, tariv in the forenoon the roof of Louis Miller's house was discovered on fire, evidently from a fire-cracker thrown upon it. It was quickly extinguished. There were the usual number o( 4th of Jnly drunks. ot many accidents occurred. The one most exaggerated was that of Mr U 1a. If Uhm... lln n n I. around the bicycle track when a lndv crossed in iront 01 mm, or tried to, caus ing a collision, blie was knocked down and Mr. Miller got np with a very bloody face. His nose was reported broken: bnt the Democrat man examined it, and it was undoubtedly solid. r. 11. rieiner's stand on the east side of the court house, was best situated for business and it did a rushins one. The day was cot suitable for ice cream and lemonade, and yet large quantities were sold. An O. A. C. student was m A.lnnv to day collecting insects. Each student has to have a collection ot 2o0 before graduat ing from one of the courses. Heals I Running Sores. Cures InS. Sting. WnrtuTinmilO '.'.bull I KUIU U In all it stages eomp'etaly BL000 POISON M MAxi '() , yield to its beating powers IV It removes uie pmscu ana ui iue up um system a valutwe imUM ub um cmam ui iu wmjmi HI SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. w. ' aT SVI AR- Special to DimornAT. Canvonvillk, Or., July 5th. Yesterday and this morning Geo. Quine, Deputy Sheriff Shambrook and two Pinkerton detectives run down and arrested three men, the supposed train robbers, who robbed the overland ex press train on the night of July 1st. Case was captured about 9 miles east of Canyonville and James Pool in town. Albert Pool surrendered to Deputy Shi r iff Shambrook in answer to an indict ment Itooked against him tor cattle steal ing. They offered no resistance to the of tiers and were taken tJ Roseburg for examination. The evidence against one of them, Case, is very strong. A Band Challenge. To Albany Mechanics Baud We. the Willamette Valley Band of Tanuent, i nenses. the amount to be from Sou tin The above to be accepted by July 8, 1S, Willamette1 Vallbt Hand. of Tangent. Dr. G. W. Mas ton went to Green Basin this afternoon and will be at home to morrow. J. M. Pollock, a well-known insurance man of Albany, is registered at the St. Charles. Telegram. Mr. and Mrs. Starr, ot Olympia, are in the city the guests of the lattera fa ther, W. II Uoitra. Hon. J. K. Weatherford, of this citv made the waves beat against the beach at Newdort yesterday with patriotic dashes. Mr andMrsBlain left this noon for Ya muna Bay, where Mrs lllain will spend the summer and Mr. Blain part of Uie Ume there. Geo. Cline and Will Combs, two prom inent Crook county men. were in Uie city yesterday and today; having come over the mountains. Mr. and Mrs. John Bryant and daugh ter, Mrs. T. P. Goodman, of Jordan, passed through town Tuesday, en route th Albany. From there thev went to Ashland on Uie same evening, for a week's visit to a son and brother. Scio Press. W. U. Douglas, of Alsea valley, who went east last winter to have a cancerous growth on his neck removed, has re turned aoparenlly recovered. He con-. templates removing from his Alsea home, and will probably come back to Scio. Scio Press. In a few davs Mr. O. P. Cosbow w ill leave for Baltimore, Md., to attend a meeting of the Baptist young people" Union of America the 5th annual inter national convention. The young people of this state ot all Baptist societies picked upon Mr. Cot how as the man to properly represent them and made np Uie funds necessary to detrav the ex penses of Uie trip. McMinnv:lle Trans cript. ! There lives in this county, near Soda vil'e. a man who has reached the won derful age of ninety-eight years. He i Me-' lets anderpool. I lie old gentle man is strong in mind, memory and body, and can at this late day sign his name and read ordinary hand-wriUng. He looks nnder eighty. This speaks well for the mineral springs at Soilavilie and the climate ot Uie Willamette valley. Lebanon Express. Prof. T. G. Brownaon left Monday for Boston, where he will attend the meet ing of the Christian Endeavor society. From Boston he goes to Baltimore to at tend the meeting of the Young People's Union. He will remain in the east un til Uie fall term. Mrs. Brownson ac companied him to Portland, litre she will remain until bis return. McM inn villeT. R. Mr. J. D. Harvey, I I-ake county passed through Lebanon Tuesday on the way to his former home in Benton county, after thirteen years absence. Mr. Harvey is Uie genUeman who rode sixty miles in six hours after a doctor and then 185 miles In twenty-two hours in two fsetof snow last winter, at the Ume a lamp exploded Christmas eve in a hall at Silver Lake, where a large number of people were killed and burned. He gave rome interesting accounts of the tire, and says bis own eacape was miraculous. Lebanon Express. Mr and Mrs, John lloiman of this city nasned the tliirtv-lourth anniversary of their wedding yesterday. Their wed ding took place in Ontario and tbey have been residents of Salem about twenty- live years. Mr. Ilolman is proprietor of the Albany iron works and was not pres ent Yesterday to partake of a delicious wedding cake made by Mrs. ilolman, but be will be down to lay to witness the manner in which Salem makes the eagle scream and visit with his family. Salem Biateeman. The circuit court at Portland on last Wednesday granted Mrs. Ida Don-is a di vorce from S. G. Dorris. Ths Statesman says 15.00 people parti ci pa'.ed in the celebration there yeoterday That is far more reasonable than 50.000. Anna May Abbott, the electric niagtet. in Albany several years ago, will again be in the valley in a few weeks. It was claim' ed that Mrs. Abbott was exposed by the New York World, but the exposuie did not work, perhaps it was not an exposure. At a meet in a of Sunday School workers it was decided to secure the services of Dr. Hulbeit a noted worker of New lork. while on the coast, probably about Sept. 18, A committee of one troro eacn a. s. witn Rev. Little as chairmen was appointed. A county convention at the time is probable. Several weeks ago the Democrat men tioned bow Ed. M. Bnrkbart killed three rats and a bog at one shot. A few days aeo the rat dotrt of Mr. Burkhart and Prof. f. M. M itched killed 45 rats in short time, cleaning out all on the premises but one or two. The last meeting for the summer of the Bovs' Club of ths Comrrekational Church will be held at the parson aire on next Tues dav evenins?. July 9th. Each member will i f . l: pu nting an acquaintance wun niiu. x ue protrram will begin at 8 o'clock. After this lunch will be served. A farmer's team ran away on Second street this morning. It was loaded with milk cans full 01 separated miiic.wtiicn was J most entirely se Derated by the time ths team was stopped near Scbmeer's stable The. wagon was taken to a shop for repairs, Joe Drinkaid, of Brownnville, while cele- bratine last night came in contact with sneciaTniehtwatch Westbrook about mid mirht and a live contest followed befor be was taken to the calaboose, nothing nan been done in the matter tbir afternoon A BusiNKss Receiver. Mr. Allan B Slauson writing to the Portland Sun soys: Mr. Eckels is quite well pleased with the work of the receivers whom be has appointed in Oregon, especially with Mr. II. M. Beall, receiver of the Linn hounty National bank, at Albany, who has worked hard in the inteiest of tl depositors. The controller states that this bank will undoubtedly pay every ,1 . Inn... Ik AM 1,A dollar, which will be good news indeed to many an honest, hard wprking farmer in that section, who at the time of the failure would have been quite wiiling to have sold his claim at one-half of its face value, and probably was only prevented from so doing because there were no buyers. The Dalles Chronicle savsi A lartre ntrni ber of farmers are cutting hay this season instead ot letting the grain ripen for wheat. A arentleman living The ltalles sold 25 tons this week for (10 a ton, when last fall THE TRAIN ROBBERS RESTED. nereby challenge you to a uaml contest, vr , . i .V to play the pieces played at the band uKr wK Alty-i Temple Rathbone contest at Albany the 4th! of July, you -ora theVollo otluers wen; in to plav our pieces, we to play yours, to BU.llet,l5 7"W select for judge three band mm from f' ? ! iry. Portland, Or., Uie losing band to jy ex- a,,A- f rre"- , ' Leo Brokkx. While intoxicated about 1 10 o'clock last night James Taylor wan , tiered up the railroad track and fell in . the cattle guard a short distance south I west of the depot, breaking one of his legs. He was lying theie when dis covered. Marshal I--e was notified, and he wns taken in a cult to h. L. Rogers boaruiug house on I .yon street, where Dr. Davis set the Nine Taylor works for John Bjwman, in IW-nton county.and was with him running ! blacksmith shop in Albany last year. II ao Bess ix Auiaxv. The body of an unknown man was found in the river this side of Portland last Wednesday and taken to Portland. It was the oninion it had been in the water six weeks". The man was about W) years of age and was dressed like a laboring man. He had an advertising card of Fred Dawson on him and hence it was thought he came from Albany. Nothing! is known about him here. Where he fell in the river is not known. . M. of T. Lura Haight. M. of R S., Sarah Hcehstedle. M.of V., Etta Wright. P. of. T.. i lorenee Conn. Alice P. Richards' was elected Grand Representative. Mr. John Bryant relumed today from Southern Calilornia after an kWni-c of five years and nine months, and his old friends are all glad to see him back, and he is rejoicing himself as well. Mr. Bryant was in the train robbery at Rid dles, sitting in the rmokrr at the time. Knowing he had to civ! something he hid all his money brU (2.00 hit h be put in his purse an tie robber, who remarked that king things coolly. The recent statement In the Sunday Oregon ian that Miss Mau l Hoffman was to be leading lady for Frederick Ward the coming season is incorrect. Miss lionman did sign a contract with Mr. Ward lo be his lea-linn lady, but at the urgent request of her Boston friends had the contract cancelled and retained her place as second lady with Wilson Barrett, he satis lor bngiand in a lew days. A San Francisco man who has been up at Klamath springs relates some quite amusing accounts of how Governor Bndd catches trout while taking the new cure for gout at Uie Springs. The favorite re sort for the Governor is over on Shovtrl creek, near "Bmxard'a Roost," where trout can be caught by a dam sight. It as from this point that isudd u-uNi his famous order forbidding the National Guard to shoot on tlie iabba:h, yet be caught trout on Sunday. Ashland Re cord. SOCIAL AND PERSONAl Mbs Annie Fartwitler returned this noon from a trip to Portland. Prof. J. R. Gedlee has been elected president of Uie Seminary at Sodaville. Mr. L. H. GrigE. of cio precincr.was in Uie city today, rod madV the Demo cs vt office a visit- W". Y. Chrsman and i.'e, of Spring field, have been in the city on a vist with Mrs. Knox Haight. Mr. Alfred Prathcr, of Missouri, a brother of Mi Ix-e Prasher, a former teacher in Uie Albany College has been in Uie citv the guest of I'. P. Mason. Prof. R. E, Mirhener is acting as county school superintendent duridg the absence ot rroi. Kutneriow, who is en joying a fishing excursion. Mr. Miche ner is jrurt the man w ho can fill th posi tion to perfection. Brownsville Time. W. B. Lawler, Uie mining expert, is in the city today. Mr. Lawler save the Santiam mines will be given a thorough test and a square deal, and that is all that is wanted. s soon as the prelim inary work is done Uie 40 stamp null will be put in. Miss Winnie Marks, who left Lebanon little over a rear aaro to make her borne in California, has Un sinirularlv suc cessful and prosperous in her new home. Sinrv mtnimr to t alilornta cne nas u- reloned a remarkably fine contralto voice and is one of the ouaru-t choir that . 1 . . : inra in the new stone i resnyirnau church of San Rafael, which is the finest structure on Uie coast outside of the first rhnrrli in Portland. Through the effort of friends and as a recntrnition of her many sterlin Qualities and true chris tian character, she was appointed, by Rev. Condit, superintendent ol rresoy terian Chinese work of San Francisco and vicinity, as the teacher of the Chi- . t f 1 : .1. . rr..l nese scnooi in can naiaei, mi her an independent livinit by the salary connected with the office. It is rumored that better thinirs still are in store for her. Lebanon Advance. HOME AND ABROAD A salmon sannery ia to be built on the Siletx river. Bronville will also have an after 4th of July telebration on the Uith. A small key found on Second street may be bad at this office. A came of base ball was being played this afternoon at Goltra Park between Al bany and Jefferson jra. On Monday nitrht, Jnly 8. at the opera bouse at 8 p. m. Mr. Monger will deliver a lecture on "Novels and Novel Reading." lie is a master along this tine. Admission: adults 25c, children 10c. A new rate has been made on the O C. E.. and hereafter until Sept. 30 round trip ticaets from A llany to the -front en ths u. u. s r. win oe oniy so.uu, a nig re duction from the regular rates. The Dkmocrat is under obligations to Mr. A. B Matthews tor a copy of a special issue of The Daily Tribune of Temple, Bell county, Texas. It is an elegantly gotten up paper and speaks for that city. John Clelan and son Otto were starting home laiit evening with tbeir wood saw, when the escaping a pipe parting. frightened the team, which ran away a short distance being stopped hi an electric light pole. As thev started Mr. John Cle lan felt and one of his lees was run over bv the engine, bruising it some, but breaking no bones. The Young People's Society of the BaDtist church cave a party last even ins at Mr. W. S. Thompson's residence, in J. A. Gross's fruit orchard. The mo tor ran for the occasion. This is one of the most delightful places in the vullev Those present not only enjoyed the sur roundings but as wen siient a lively even- ing, one lull 01 enjoyment. Tinkle leads for fine photos. Tinkle is the leader in fine rhotos at low prices. Bee ths new $1.50 photos at Tinkle ;lhey are the best. (telling at cost 50 beautiful trimmed hat tl 50 each at Mrs. John N. Hoffman . A great reduction of ths prices of nil photos commencing June Ut at Tinkles. Those who get their meats at the Linn Dressed Meat Market, at Second and Ells worth streets never complain of poor qual ity, and the price is alwayb the lowest. Buckingham's dye for the whiskers does its work thoroughly, coloring a uni form brown or block, which, when dry, will neither rub, wash on, nor sou linen, Louis Viereck has secured the sole right of Linn, Marion and Benton Co. for the sale ot Dr. W hlte s Hair Grower. Parties deuring treatment will do well to consult I him at ni place of business or address box We........ K.,.11,11 t ll.a ru... COUNTY COURT. (4. N. Duncan, oountjr Judge; 1 II. WUr nu 4, w. ruxu, Uommuaiunan.t Lpona majority petition a license to sell liquor was granted C. L. Read, of i,yons. In the application of E. Hover et al, for a county road, viewer were appoint ed 10 iiu ei on juiy ii. Application of J. O. Fry, etal, for county road was dismissed. The contract for lowering the approach of the Calajxioia bridge on Corvallis road was let to Win. 1$. Kt. John for ltt9. Bill of ieo. O Sears sheriff, for M disallowed. In application of W. II. Looney etal for couity road, D. R. Smith, J as Elkins mi a I'otven were appointed viewers to meet July 26. Tax roll was ordered declared delin quent on July 10. Bills were allowed as follows: Aid poor John Usher, janitor lftl..V) 10.00 2.-..OJ 5.00 Humphrey A McNee, sect roads.. lr W 11 Davis, ex insane Orej-on attt Peck Harrsbi,rg Lumber Co.acct roads Stewart & Sox sect road D Xash aoet roads 30.", 0 10.62 3l.2j 2.70 J C Gorniale acct road 17.89 34.00 2.80 21 SO Irwin, Hodson A Co. books Ed It M Carter, courthouse r Morns, poetatre Santiam Lumber Co, acct roads. . Footer Mill Co, acct roads G W CriiKon, acct roads W E Baker, jail J M Wiley, acct roads Humphrey A McXee, acct roads. . Geolih, jail Stephen Powell, acct roads . . . " . J S VanWinkle, clerical work E M Hartruous, bounty J M Keeney, deputy sheriff J A Wilson, deputy "sheriff S W Moore, deputy sheriff Electric Light Co I'Mer LaForge, sundries G W Wright, sundries A C Holmes, acct roads 53.34 6.60 7.00 57.90 12.10 27.58 6.00 30.50 42.55 2.50 24.35 61.25 1.35 2.20 3.05 1.00 274.00 29.61 6.50 lO.hO 26.25 905 36.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 36.55 12.65 24.25 7.00 6.30 1.75 T.-V) 343.25 363.00 5.00 2.20 250.00 190.15 166.65 150.00 100.00 J B Tillotson, acct bridges J E Clark, acct roads A Powell, stock inspector Pontal Telegraph Co P J Smiley, printing Wm Brenner, deputy sheriff Martin Pjuisen. 1 am tor Smith Cox, viewing ruaul J no Conser. " J no Propet, " " r ees state agt W bttconib a Mandisb. deputy sheriff D A Osborn, sheriff Benton Co W W Parrusbaert roads Ed Meeker, " Fred Rick, " ....... A A Kee. Geo liidiiiicvr, art bridges n r caains, aswsor W Firkins. " C L Mom, deputy sheriff Ilenrv St John.acconnt tiri!.r-a J A McFeron. sheriff ? eedhaci, clerk D F liardman. recorder.... J X Dir.can, judge I . . Alom. treasurer K3.35 A R Rntheriord.supt &5.00 r JI Kedbcld.dep clerk SS.55 il K I'ropst.dep. sheriff 66.65 55,50 36.00 2-5.70 15.00 4.00 1.25 315 13.40 33.65 U watts, printine E T T Fislier. surveyor Miller & Headly, acct jaii. . . J W Ingh, acct roads. . t t. Alien, acct poor. J A McFeron, acct jail m w alters, acct nad .. nir d-ui.. Oregoa if. t G B WHtcomb. . . Religious Services. No service at tlie Y. M. C. A. rooms tomorrow. Tlie regular morning and evening ser vice at Uie M. E. church south, tomor row will be conducted by W . Ii. Bhun. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Communion services in the First Pres byterian church tomorrow at 11 a, m. Resrolar services tomorrow st the First M. E. church. lrof. Van Scot, of the Portland University wid occupy Uie pul pit in theabsence of Uie pastorj Services at Uie Congregational church tomorrow at 1 1 a. ni. and 7 :45 p. m. Preachine by the pastor. Morning sub ject : "The Failure and Permanence of religions impressions." Subject for the evening: "The itreat Liberator." Spec ial mnsic at both services. Services at the Cumberland Presby terian cburch tomorrow at 1 1 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m. Morning subject, "Faith an Element of Prevailing Praver," at 7 :30 "Temptation." There will be a meeting 01 Uie Pre It tery of Willamette in the First Presby terian church of Uiis place, ToesvlaV. July 9, at 2 p. m. If the way be clear Rev C. W . Courtwrigbt will be insulted pastor 01 the chnrcii Ttiesdsy evening. All are cordially invited to attend the sessions ot the Presbytery. Next Sunday, the 7th, is Mr. Listers Sunday here. The 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month. He will preach at 11 a. ni. and mt. Jlonser at p. ni.. also on Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock Harold E. Monser, ol Berkeley, Cel., will give an address at the opera house, subject: "The Y. P. S. O. E. and the Church." o charge at uieooor; a collection may be taken. Mothers Read. Tlie pre briefer of SAXT V ABIE hve authorized t-oobay & Mason to refund your money if, after giving this California Kisg of Csugn Cures a fair trial as directed, it fails to give satisfaction fo. the cure of coughs, croup, whooping cojgh and all throat and lung troubles. When the dis ease agerts the bead, and atsutiKS toe form of ratarth, nothing is so effective a CA LI- FUKMA CAT-K-CUKK. These prepar ations ar without equal as household rem edies. Sold at $1.00 a package. Three for $20. Dyspepsia. E. VT. Jot Com past Gentlemen: have taken your Vegetable Sarsaparilla and can say I have never seen anything equal to it. I have suffered ten years witn dyspepsia, not, uemg aoie to eai anything but milk and brown bread. Lite was nothing but misery for me. .Now I have a good appetite, eat any thing I wish, and feel no disagreeable etlects from it. I wish I could tell all dyspeptics and urge them to try your , 1 c Itt 1 j 1 1. CM I nn Mil 111.. (Sicned) .Mt. John riMOTnv. Forbestown, Cal. If vou want to get a spring medicine without a blotch, an old sarsaparilla trade mark, a big patch of red pimples, take Joy e sarsaparilla. Mervous Prostration. E. W. Jov Compast I have suffered from nervous prostration from financial losses. Can say Joy's Vegetable Sarsa parilla has cured me. Mv liver, stomach and bowels have been very inactive bnt since taking Tyour remedy I am entirely well. All business men and women should use it. Please publish. (Signen) Mr. Wm. Hknry Jones. Butte Montana, Backache, dizziness, tiredness give way to Joy's Negetabie Sarsaparilla. Ladle who oesire to order a De'sartc Coisct or walKt, or self adjusting corset from Mrs Tail, may leave orders with Mr Hnwlandon Broadalbin St between n J r.d 3rd St. Notice of Receiver of Matthews Washburn. All persons indebted to Matthews & Washburn bv the firm o note or ac count, are hereby notified that I have l . ! 1 .. .1 . I I . 1. - , the court, and payment roust be made once if the parties wish to avoid costs. June 3, 1895 Highest of all in Leavening EJs. SJ s S aT Jr K aAOdOIsUTELY PUCE The Conclusion of the 4th. Friday, July 12, promises to be a live day in Albanv. The 4th of July com mittee hist night after settling all ac counts found (200 in their treasury for the contests on that day, which will be run on the new three lap track on the college square. The races will be sub stantially those to have taken place on the 4th, with the probability of a much larger entry. The Albany band express an opinion in favor ot accepting the challenge of ti e Tangent lanl and if a tjsnd contest is ansnged that will lie a drawing feature In Uie evening F. Co. will give a grand liform ball at tiie? armory. Tickets nnUorin 75 cents. Arrangements are being male for a special train from Orvaiiis on the oc casion, and there will lie a number of contestants from there as well as from other valley torn ns.The 2nd regiment band of Salem will be secured for the occasion if possible. The prizes offered will be the most ! I t 1 . . . , vaiuauie 01 any content 01 tne Etna ever 10 the state. The contests will , ne as toiiows, witn me prizes in meoais, merchandise or money, as desired : 1st 2nd 5 mile bicvele race claw B. . (17 50 5 A.. 17 50 1 " B.. 10 00 A.. 10 00 15 . 7 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 60 1 ii - A.. 7 50 " Ladies 5 00 5 00 10 00 7 50 5 00 5 00 4 CO 1 "bovs nnder 16 ' " foot race 300 yard foot race 100 " " " 50 " " " mile olt ruction 50 yards ladies race 2 CO Fat man's race, over 200 lbs, 50 yard 2 00 SO Blind fold wheel borrow, 50 yards and bxck 1 50 1 50 - 50 1 50 2 50 2 50 250 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 00 E?race Sack race 3 legged race banning hop step and jump. broad lump High vault Throwing 16 lb hammer Putting shot Climbing pole Catching pig Total value (181 00 By special permit from Portland the Hcycle races m ill lie under the L. A W. They si I probably take place on Uie new track, while other contests will I on Uie court house square. The Pow Jays will again appear with greater attractions. Mr. John Hamill the millionaire, say there will be a race between a horse and and a mole, a bi cycle race between a man and a pair of bloomers, an obstruction race for (500 and other minor attractions. Xcvv Closing Hour. We, Uie undersigned merchants, agree to close our places nf business five niehte in each wek, namely: Monday to Fri day inclusive, at 7 n. m , during the months ot July and Augnt. 1S35. This agreement to take effect MoiiAsv, July hih, 1SJ5: Heap, Peacock & Co. KleixA DrsBrtLLs. L. E. Rums Clothiko Co. S. E. Yorso. M. S. SrEKXBE8i A Co. P. Comes. W. C. Davis. H.J. Sowtau T. Wasoelx C. Paocnxow. J. L. I'xpeswoop. M. T. E. Ashsy. Muses Ball. 11. Ewtatr. F. M. FajtscH. Will A Stake. A Loxo Ripe. Mr. Lee Tentsch, of Eugene, has reached his destination in Texas. The Day Light savs : "Mr Lee Tentsch, of Eugene, Oregon, is in Waxahachie. Mr. Tentsch has ac complished an undertaking that will be of much interest to wheelmen every where. A reporter saw Mr. Teutsch yesterday and in the course of a conver sation, said: "I have just arrived in Waxahachie on a s heel. The first town I made from Eugne was Portland, then Pendleton, Boise City, Idaho; Salt Lake, run: Pueblo. Trinidad, Col.; Texline, Texas, and Waxahachie. This of course applies to large places. I passed many small places. My trip was not altogether lovelv, for in many places 1 laid mv head upon the soft side ol a plank at night and covered with the shade of evening. Unce in a while 1 took, advan tage of a friendly section house or an empty barn and made myself comforta ble." Mr. Tentsch is a brother to our fellow townsman. Chas. D. Teutsch. The long trip browned the wheelman's face some what, but aside from this he looks as fresh and chipper as a Bower boy. Two SHRRtrr s Sales This atterncon at Sheriff' sale the two blocks on First street between Ferry and Waahintrton be longing to Mrs. E. J.Tste was sold at t?aer iff' sale to Uie plaintiff. Milton Hale, for $1900 for the north side block -and (ltXO for the west side block. About 47 acre of Jatnea Eikins. adjoin ins Elkins addition was sold to the linn County National Cank. the plaintiff, for t:0J0 The amount of the judgment was 3,K-1.'J5 the property is worth iuiy (4.000. That Basd Challksoc All meaiber of hs Albanv Mechanic Bond are request ed to meet at their hall tonight to consider the challenge of the Wilhmette Valley band of Tangent, " h He no ac ion nasoeea Uken, members individually say that they will accept the challenge for any amount desired. They would prefer the fiirure to be abunt $500. An Old Coin In tilling np an old well at Millers yesterday, Mr. John Winkley run across an old coin in the adjoining earth, that had evidently been covered up when the well w as dug. The coin is a Spanish dollar of Uie year 1811 and must have been there forty years, the well having been dug some time in the oO's. A Rich Tniso. Mr. J. J. Davi today was exhibiting a washing in a pan from some rock from a claim of hi on the sum. mit between Gates snd Gusrtzville that shows about a dollar worth of gold in nan and considerable silver. Mr. Davii thinks he has a very rich thing. That tired feeling should be overcome at once or it niay end most seriously. Take Hood's SarsHparilla uow and prevent sick ness and suaenng later in the season. Hood's Pill are the best cathartic and Kver n.edieine. Harmless, tellable, sure, A Startusq Discovery. Baldness cured or no pay. Dr. White's Great Discovery is for sale at Louis Viereck 'a barber shop . It cures all diseases of the scalp. Parties desiring to go into a con tract I will guarantee a head ot hair or no pay. Louis Viereck, Tonsorial Artist Direct Faoat Enolasd .Mr. Julius Gradwohl has iust received n elegant line a 1 J 1 , .. I,. .1 Tht. iwn. at s;st of crockery and gls war in the finest -, linns brought to the city. And our citizen , will do well to call and examine them be Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report MISFITS. There is said to be a town in Vermont, Vandim, where the bicyclists inn things so completely as to require pedestrians to blow whittles at every corner. , The Democbat predicts right here that no one will ) convicted of the train robbery at Riddles. The descriptions of the passei gets alone are too conntcting I ever to (a - en the crime on any one. j Four Brownsville men got into a drunken rw. The editor of the Times was requested not to publish their names 1 hot he did it any way : He Tery natur ally wanted to give the uews. j Ti.e Portland Snn is fortunate in bay-' ing the best Washington correspondent of any paper in the Northwest, if not oa the coast, Allan B. Slacson. Mr Slau-1 n is a talented writer, and is very reli-j able, in contrast to some coast corrve- rwrtidents A colored series of pictures in Uie 1 World jost received is suggestive. A j young man lights s cigarette' and goes in ! bathing in the ocean. He is approached by a monster sea serpent with gnashing ; teeth. Does Uie young man run? No. j He cooiy awaits the monster, and as it is f almost upon him blows the deadly fumes of the cigarette in his face. The mon- ? stet instantly stretchesout upon Uie deep aeao. and tne sea guns begin picking at it. They will probably die too. An aw ful warning to the cigarette smoker. An Albanv man went to Astoria and bad himself interviewed and to read that interview the uninitiated wocid l-e led to believe Albany is the oelv town in Oregon ontside of Astoria, H- forgot to meution the protected line of the O. P. toi-alem, which line will eventoaliv be come Uie O. C. A E's main line to Astoria and the sea, see? Salem Statesman. ut hold your horses. The At ban v man eyes are open, even if he didn't make Salem out the center of the world. By the ray, the Sutesman has failed to resent Tom Winders reference to that city as the little one horse town after re ferring to Albany in a commendatory manner. ConiJcraUe has been esid about Uie meekness of Sheriff Fitch, of Klamath county, in the recent train robbery. The Ashland Record gives a different version aa folios s: Sheriff Fitch was in the next car the smoker, and Bntkeman A. T. Morian put down all the blinds. Sheriff Fitch g t behind the water closet and intended to kill the robber as be came in, but was dissuaded by the pas sengers. 1 itch was tlie first man Uken hold of t v Uie robber and contributed 75 and watci . The robber felt of Fitch's clothes and pulling the sheriffs revolver from hL breeches pocket said, '-that s a prrety thing; 111 take it." With one ej- on the docs, and the other cm year plate, yoa cannot enjoy a meal. vt ben traveiiBK eat, yoe shoe'd Like the Xorters Paciac, Lb only dining- ear lies from Portland: tne it 75 cents. Yoa don't have to get np is the morning at six o'clock rodi to breakfast and gulp it down in Ef teen or twenty minutes, and then have tc ait until 2 or 3 o'clock f-: lunch ur din- To avoid this, take the Northern PaeiSc, the only dining car route, the only line running to the Yellowstone Park ana the on! line running Pullman Tourist sleeper through to toe eat without from t2 to 16 hear delay. For fall information, time card, maps, etc. call on or address C U . Bark hart, agent, Albany. Ore. ALKAIT ptSKSvCT. Wheat. 42c Oats 20r Flxir. $2 50 Rotter 12c Egg 1-Ve Lard. 12 to 15c Port bams. 12 to IU. aosalder. 9 to lOf Side H to 13c Hay Baled (70 The New Time Table. California Express leaves Portland daily. South Sorth 8 :50 p. nu Lv Portland 8 :10 a. m. Ar i:il.Dl.T Albany :oa,ni. at 10 :40 a. m. Ar San Francisco 7 :00 p m Lv Roseburg Mail leaves Portland daily. Sooth North 8:S0a.m. Lv Portland 4:40 p.m. Ar 12 :05 p. m. Ar Albany 12 :5o p. m. Ar 5:20 p. m. Ar Roseburg 8HMa.rn.Lv People wishing cheap gooseberries can obtain ibenMpatWm. Peacock's garden across the nver for 2 cents a pooad by picking them. Yon can get Kentish or Willamette cber rie at 15c a gallon bv leaving order at Conn A Hustons or with F. W. blomberg Stiiloh'a Cure, the great cougn and croup cure. ! in great demund. Pocket size contain twenty-nve dose oniy 35c, Child" en love it. Sold by druggists.. 3 BNTOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to tho taste, and acts . . . T 1 gently yet promptly on mo tvianej s, Laver and Howels, cleanses uie teta effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs ia the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most health v and agreeable substances, its man v excellent qualities commend it to &U and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 150 ocit bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro- - . ' it promptly for any ona who Lfst or Patents. Granted to Pacific States inventors this week. Reported by C. A. Snow & Co., solicitors of American and Foreign ed tents, opr. U. S. Patent office, Wih ington, D. C. W. Cnrlett, ban Francisco, hose coo pl ing. W. Dairon, Fresno, Cal., brick machine. A Helierer, Aiarnwla, CaL, steam generator. If. Miller, San Fran cisco, tuning pin. I. Psrrott, Pnllman, Wash., car xoupling. S. M. Piiilbrick, Portland, Or., evator attachment. O. H. Pieper, San Jose, Cel., electrical con troller for motots. H. Potz, San Fran cisco, bracing t aspen per. J. Schary, San Francisco", safety pin. C. J. Sulli van, Seattle, Wash, printing attachment for roll paper holders. 5f regulator7 Reader, did yon ever take SncHoxa Ltvek Rebcultoe, the "Kino op Ltveh Medicwis ? " Everybody needs take a liver remedy. It is a sluggish or diseased liver that impairs digestion and causes cons-tipation, when the waste that should be carried off remains in the body and poisons the whole system. That dull, heavy feeling is doe to a torpid liver. Biliousness, Headache, Malaria and Indigestion are ail liver diseases. Keep the Ever active by an occasional dose of Simmons Liver Reg suator and you'll get rid of these trou bles, and give tone to the whole sys tem. For a laxative Simmons liver Regulator is better than Pnxa. It does not gripe, nor weaken, bat jgreariy refreshes and strengthens. Every package has the Bed Z stamp on the wrapper. J. If. Zeiiin & Co., Philadelphia. Mexican Mustang Liniment - for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints. Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, Ml Cattle Ailments, Ml Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments. Penetrates Muscle Membrane and Tissu : Quickly to the Verv Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub in Vigorously. .Mustang Liaistest cosqnssrt 'takes rtsa a? Beast well cgaia. tAf I ret S3 SHOE IS THE 3EST. FIT FO A KINS. 3. CORDOVAN'. rgxai,rT, 1 catr . apfsuce:.3 SOLES. . Mwask-sw CS-m Orr Ocas Mimoa Pcepte wear tan W. L. Dongas $3 & $4 Shoes AU our s"ocs are erany satisfactory T?-ey tt'.ia beat vlj for the smr. Yh ttioal cas'Oia .'Kc-i Im styV fit. Tti-ir vw'jf tnKidS are eussfrac4. THE t.EBLAir. CLOTHING CO Street Railway Time Card The car will leave li e corner of r tr". vTashitroa st-eet a.. M ows: 3:55 a. m. for ov-rlaml poini; i.cwth. 7:20 " 7:55 " 1135 " 11:55 " 12:15 p. ni O 1. trin KciEsr east Lelauon train. noon train go'cg nottl. oat 12:S5 " 4KW Lebanon 'rain: 5A " 9:50 ' ovwlantl jtolng south For Orphan H i.ns MorniiV and T yjdO. m w v -"was--- n 1 Llr"E es. i. e. ttsts vzm ass axaar th&tust i j.Ul nn-Wr -HMitiva -written raanfitvav by trthoriiwU axetiia imif, to cure IVcak Memo-'; jOMOf Hit in a.nC Nfrve Pitrr: lust ManaowL iai ; Niir!t Ijowm; Evil Dreams: Leek of iiahi,-ir: NerT-.asntf; lAMtitmle; all Uraica; Lom l IVwar or the irewrsuve Onnu ia eitber ex. csakal owrxerban. Youthful ilrrora, or xwemv Vae ot Toixteuo, Otuua er Liqnor, 5rn;i-h iMuie a M wry. I niiumiaju, Insasity and Death, hi mail- tl a box: six fur (5; with r. r'.t.vt eaaruiie tt. cure or fuai money. (- pUuwk.)uee.eo:-tiaaiHt; tin day' treatment, KiUlx full tT.$rncttiii :i -net. One snm-1 n: j eokl to persuo hs inaiL I A Cjmming, aje a fen. Albany ths pries wts between $7 and $8. 421, Albany, Lina Co., Or, .... . wishes to try it. substitute. Do not accept any CALIFORNIA FI3 SYRUP CO.