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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1895)
' ft' Wit VOL XXX. Entered at tha rast He at Albaay. r., aceaad-Class Mall Maltcrt ALBANY.ORLGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1895 r. r. nnilC, FablUkcr aad rraarlefari SO "T f 1 Infants -Caatorialsto wall adapted tocfcildian that tawmawBdltaaiupartartoaigrpreaGgriptioa a vita an." II. A. A anrrr, BL P., Ill So. Oxford SI, SroutJjTv, N. Y. fco was o? eaStori b as tutrenad and (s ar jrfts ao well knowavkot it seams a work f axwwogatioa to endorse it. Few are the OSst tamilias who do not keep Castoria ta osy reach." Cxaioa JUjmrx, D.IX, Ksw York City. bsssaexss 7 ? a-l-s fTrm rrn- T fifWfa Wt IMItt 4 111 IMl.t r itwi. . . "aa j&ya,i(jl for 9 ji.n nrra tv aa ,i ii 2 i.ii J J Murr ' i -y .-y- v -.jv.. .- at i ' -y J (if X ll ) i 1 ' I bthe whole story -V 3 l , athaltatJoatraaTa - f 1 VL, 1 I , -1 -about ,i ' MlSt AalT T CBOtteS & flLtwM maw 1 1 .... .iw WMto Ac Arm aad j V V 1TV VTini rrTI Mr Best Work Proinptnesb PRINTING Office Stationery Give us yo ar P J. SMILEY AL8AF1Y, a The Oregon With its I oroe SAT ."FlTVr - - - uwQrar Block, comer Liberty and MA.KES a specialty of Sunnyslde fruit tracts near Salem Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lota at $50 to $60 pei acre small cash payment lonjc tim? on balance. Write for particulas. FORTILLER Undertakers t TZ KEEP cor.Uar.Uy on hand a full line W coffins. Also burial iob and suits. In brot oco'.4u at'o.cashmere, ec, which will be sold at 'I lie Lowest EMBALMING nd 11 proper 130 EXTRACHARCE FOR HEARSE OR SERVICE ALBANY MASONIC TEMPLE - - OREGON AS Many Pounds of Sugar. for a Dollar, and eyery thing Julius Gradwohls at the corner of Second and Ferry stisets. your groceries and crockery ware.; ALBANY.-'- CIGAR FACTORY -j. JOSEPH,'! .Proprietor. Children. Castoria cures OoUo, Constipation, Sow Stances, Idarraoaa, ErucUlioo. Kills "VToras, gtvea steep, an prostotes di gostioa, Without Injuriaua rorflco&a, "For rvraral years I hare reoommeadW your 'Cfestaria,' and shall always coaUnua K do aa as it baa invariably yioClaaed heneflcla results." Eonna F. Paanxa, M. D., tOl irct al r.h i.i, Sew Tot V City Twa Csrraca Coxpaxt, TT Kihuuly Brassr, Saw Tocx Cm, t i i thin ntWmrVnirr Tn nin,-- I . i : b j : t mi Mmahl ifMir ar-f anraK V . aim m n n nwi.a nun m ii i uff y-aJiJ:r.wja i A Speclait Patronage. OREGON. Land Co office at OREOO. State street, branch office la PortiaC & ffiVING El and ;'- Emftalinersa- of metallic iot axui wood caskets and Livung I'reiflta. care of the dead a specialty. else as cheap, as at any store Call there for THURSDAY A Hit At Eugene. Ono would think to read the Eugeno papers that all the life in Oregon was centered in that citv. It is a good city; but not so energetic but what ' the Commercial Review of Portland is ablo to say: Mr J. E. Dntcks, of Los Angeles, California, who has had an eye for some time on this stato with the view of establishing a flouring mill was in Eugene last week looking over the situation. We understand the in tention is to establish a steam mill ; he should be offered all the encouragement necessary and the mill secured by Eu gene if in any way possible. But from present appearances unless the Eugene citizens bestir themselves and give so! solid and sulwtantial encouragement to some one miller to go and locate there, they will get a flour mill neither this year or the next. The regular 'announce ments coming from that town spaced seven days apart saying "So-and-ao from So-so is here looking over the situation," reminds us of a certain burg the' writer accidently struck in his travels last sum mer where the entire population started for "the store" in the morning staying there till midnight in the hopes' of "something turning up," this is just a bit exaggerated, but the principle more than fits Eugene. If the citizens of Eu gene would assist Mr. Edris, who lost his all when his mill burnt there, thev 1 would have a mill to be proud of in short ' order: he has been in business there lv-! fore, knows his business, the people ami . me nnin.ry. nai in me uevu vise uo they want in their miller. , to Judge Hubbanl, of Marion county, and the Statesman takes it seriously is : Pourn-sls It. The following from ; follows: J u.lge Hubbanl was uot pre Uie Journal indicates that politics are I1?1 Xa his opinion yctlay to- r n ttuv tL evi i OTCrfi')w of creeks and otlur streams S'&'t Z I L It l t during the winters. It would certainly of the machine candidate f,.r senator. ! TP? ,he,n,11 l,",'L, 1, ?'?tt. The filibusters were votl down every time. The Linn county division bill did not pass the House asthe Dolph manager" promised its friends, Tuesday night. It was continued bv 26 to 23" and made special order next Monday at 3 p. m. Linn count v has about the same area of arable land that Marion countv has i and not near the population that Marion county has. A proposition to divide Marion county would have about as much merit. Easiness men want trade, and they use the newspapers as a medium to obtain it. Advertising u a worthy of a study as any part of a business, and our successful busi ness men evidence that fact. Advertising is aa much a necessity to business, in these modern times, as a stack of poods. Unless you can gain or induce a trade, there is no aioixT in adtertising, so it should be studi ed. There are thousands' of dollars worth of shop worn good that would have been sold years ago. bad they been advertised. It is better bosiaess to advertise them at a slight loss than it is to carry Ihem bopintr for a demand that will never come. Create a demand by advertising them at a low fieura. Dispose cf tkem an! save money. The continuous and judicious adrertiser always has a fresh stock. Ex. The following from the Eosec Guard is in keeping with a remark recently made by the Democrat: The Louse calendar has now by manipulation of interested parties been padded to eighty pages and contains a clear grab out of the state treas ury cf from three to four thousand dollars. foe grabbing and stealing of the last leg islature is beicg duplicated in this matter and should be stopped. Qcitx Skjjumcasct. CapL Syzuons ha made a report to the effect that the bar at Yaquina Bay is not worthy of further improvements, and the report is en dorsed by Col. Mendeil. Naturally the newspapers in the section of the state most interested are wrathy, and accuse the captain of grogs partiality, bvmons owns a a townsite on Coos Bay. Iloee burg Review. A Green Philomath .Man. An old gentleman from PhilomaOi who had never seen much of the world put up at the Depot hotel last night. When he saw the electric light in his room before lighting up time he inquired. 11 m where a the ou coming for it. He was assured there waa no oil by the good natured clerk ; but he was not so easily fooled aa all that. He had a head of his own.- When it was getting dark the clerk went in to turn on the light. stop that," be cned. "I don t want it to bust on me," and the clerk could'nt persuade him that it was all ritht. lie went to bed in the dark and got up in the dark, doing down in the waiting room he gazed in wonder at the big arc light and remarked : 'There must be some kind of powder mixed up in the oil, but I cant see where the stuff comes from. I'd like to get soma of it, to take back to Philomath It d be the boas light there." He left without getting any and prob ably does'nt know yet what maces eleo trie lights. List of Patents. Granted to Pacific States inventors this week. Reported bv C. A. Snow & Co.. solicitors of American and Foreign patent, odp. U. S. Patent Office, Wash ington. D. G. A. W. BurdicK, t-resno. uai.,- venicie spring, U. w. unison ana J. a. uouKins, Lebanon. Or., adiustable platform or scaffold. W. C. Furrey and J. W. Hell- man. Los Aneelet. Cal.. lamp stove, P. B. Hanson, San Francisco, Cal., offset ting sawmill-carriage, A. P. Hays, Los Angeles. Cal., dentist's crown-swaging spray attachment lor nozzles, vv . Hamp ton, ban t rancieco, tai., teiepnone sys tem, J. W. Stanley, Oakland, Cal., air injector and oil burner, G. W. Stewart, Chehalis, Wash., combined sewing ma chine and secretary, M. Thomson, Los Angeles, Cal., game apparatus. Opposed to It. The Scio Press talks very cooly on the county division question as follows : Recently when in Salem on county division business, so far aa we could learn the temper of both Louses was against division in any county, and ve venture to state that when the 40 days have passed away, the i-eography of Ore- gem will remain unchanged. However ,all with whom we conversed with reference to division, in Linn county, that if a div ision had to be made, the line proposed by "Santiam" was the most natural and would leave Linn county in the beat shape. Heals Running Sores. the Serpent's Sting. AAirTsmniia bUil I HUIUUO in H in stages eomplttely' BLOOD POISON .SanVii J -mmbs yield to its healing powers; ,! It removes tha poison and builds up the system n a Tslvabla ttMClM OS tb. ajeM ana lu tnftUncalj SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, Atlanta, Ga. Jr, Price' Cream Baking Powder ftlMfl Perfect Atad jjCures A GREAT SCHEME. An Albany lawver 1ms a colossal scheme in view. Though not kaowu about here at home it is certainly worth considering, as it would give, employ ment to thousands of men. As a matter of fact, though, there is nothing in it but ink just now. The iaigene Uuard gives the particulars and comments as follows : The following letter was received this morning bv County Judge Fisk, and ex plains itself : Albany, Ore., Feb. 5, 189."). County Court, Lane County, Ore. Gkntlemkn: A movement is on foot to build a bicycle road-from Oregon City to Eugene, pfank six feet wide, if right of way can be secured. The object is to build "it along the side of county roads by nost direct route. Koad to lie tolled lor bievelists but free to school children and pedestrians. All crossings to bo kept in repair at the expense of the company. Please let mo know the pleasure of the county court, in a general way, after the next session. Resnectfully'Yours, C. II. Dalrymm-b. RMr. Dalrymple is a prominent attor ney of Albany, and the road proposed in his' letter is a very feasible and practical one. Bicyclists, by jMiving a small toll over this road could ride easily the en tire length of the road almost any day in the year, and the walk Iwing free to pedestrians means something as well The originators of the comimnv. their complete plans, etc., are not known at nnwnt. lint mnro will v bennl in rc- jnrd to the proposition later on. v w oi the alwe ictters was aieo wr.t Ktntc i ro.ul U-twevn the two points men tioned - BisliopOroa eiHnt last night in Al- lnv. Barnev May, the drummer, was in the city today. Miss Lucy Godley, of Portland, is vis iting in the city. Mrs. Pr. Davis went to HarruslHirg this noon on a visit. Mr. Stump, a prominent citizen of Monmouth, was in Albany today. Mr. Jeff Cltne returned this noon to Portland, after a couple weeks visit in Albanv. Mr. Croxton. formerly manager of Wade & Co's business here came up from Roeeburg this noon. Mr. Bennefield, a brother-in-law of Mr. 11. M. Palmer, arrived in Albany to day from Nebraska, with a view of locat ing in Oregon. G. W. Freeman, husband of nee Mat- tie Foster, passed through Albanv for Corvallia this noon where he is doing work on the revetment. Charles Galloway, a son of Hon. Wm. Galloway, recently democratic nominee for governor has been chosento represent McMinnville college at the oratorical contest at Forest Grove. Miss Madaline Strahan daughter of Ex-Chief Justice Strahan of the Supreme court, lime up from Portland this morn ing a'-. is visiucg at the home oi Uover nor Win. P. Lord. Salem Journal. Mr. Bryant, of the reform srhool. who has been "hunting for young Duncan and another boy, who recently eoeaped from the school, was in the city today with out them. They did not go" towards their old borne as expected. Mr. E. L. Thompson has been appoint ed special agent far Oregon, Washington a&d Idaho o the ust of insurance com panies for which Mr. H. M. Grant, form erly of the X. W. has been appointed Pa cific Coast manager. Following are the members of the sen ior clasa of the State university : M ieses Edith Brown, Laura Beattie, Ldith Kems, Kuth Eaves, Julia Veazie, Ina McClung, Willa Uanna and Benetla Dorris, and Messrs Frank Matthews, Hermann Robe and Boelyn McKinley. A man cannot travel in Oregon but what you can trace him through the widespread press. The Roseburg Re view savs: Vt. J. 1. Hill, oi Albany, Grand Chancellor oi the Knights of PytL ias, visited Alpha lodge Saturday night, a special meeting having been called on bis account. 1 be doctor is a genuu gen tleman and made an excellent impression upon these who became acq a aimed with him. Rev. J. C. Reed, who obtained quite a notoriety a year or two ago by pretend ing to be drowned, has tapped the cli max. 1 esterday he attempted to rob the First National Bank of Last Portland. He had stood op the teller and was emptying f 20 pieces into a sack when the cashier entered with a shot gun and stopped proceedings. He claims he waa driven to desperation on account of the treatment ol tormer friends, lie is prob ably crazy. A New York World iust received savs : Private cable dispatches were received in tlus citv yesterday declaring that .Mine. .ci ne .euireiier, uncvnriwuu- . . 1 A . 1 . , - . 1 ent in uie pending sun ior mvunr brought by Sirs. . k. anderbilt, had reeentlv become a mother in Paris. The same despatches declared that mother and child were shortly to go to Nice. Mrs. Nenstrctter will lie remembered as the former Portland woman. Thr fiu of Marshal Leo may now be seen on some neatly gotten up cards. Legislation is being obstructed in Salem nnrelv for Senatorial reasons, which is very discreditable for such a body. Tuesdayn ight a chess and checker club will be organized at the Y M C A room. All interested are requested to be present. There will be considerable building in Albanv this year, among the handsome residences to be erected are ones by Judge Fiinn. Peter Semester, Perry Brinks and 0. T. Porter. This morning some careless person placed a large letter in the post office upon which 10 cents postage was placed but the letter was without address and will in due time be sent to tlie dead letter office unless the writer supplies the address. An article in the Brownsville Times a' tacks Superintendent Geo. S. Downing of the penitentiary. His thought to have been written by l. U. McMalion, of Salem, It is a very spiteful affair and does Mr, Downing an injustice. Up to and including yesterday only seven bills hod passed both houses and been sent to the governor for his approval. Of there six are senate bills and one a house bill. and they were all approved by Governor Lord yesterday, ine bouse bill (o ques tioned constitutionality) authorizes a cer tain school district in Portland to borrow money. One of the senate bills appropri ates $40,000 for the expenses of the present legislative session, but later estimates go to show that this amount will be from 1 000 to $13,000 or more thousands of dollars snort of the reqturments J he other bills relate to the incorporation of Uillsboro. Burns, Fossil and Florence, and one author izes Astoria to bridge xoung s bay. statesman. Albany's Youho. Men. Tho new Y. M. 0. A. paper will make its first appearance Saturday, vto and promises to be a gem euironany as weu as typographically. awanlll Baraed. Newdkro, Or , Feb. 8. The sawmill f the Newberg Milling Company burned Thursday night. The loss is $4000, and tbe insurance looo. The capacity of the mill was 15.000 feet a day. The lumber was all saved. The mill is supposed to have caught from some smoldering fire. The mill will be rebuilt, FRIDAY LIVE TIME A V LEBANON. ' Coal Oil Good Enough for Them. The following appear in the Exprees of Lelwnon and indicates sort of big city time there : Last night about 8 o'clock the Lebanon Brass Band mar. bed through the streets and treated the citizens to soul stirring music, celebrating the indepen dence of the patrons of the Lebanon Electric Light & Watar Co. Banners were carried aloft, with the following inscript ions: "fiown with aionojKjiy," "Coal Oil is good enough for us'' and "We'll sprinkle where we pleasa or not at all." After marching around town they halted in front of St. Charles and plaved several pieces. This has ween a red letter day in the history of Lebanon, and makes an other day worthy of celebration. Tho above is explained by the fullow- "'g5 ... i I-ftst Tuesday the U-lmuon Electric Light A Water Co. distributed a pam phlet among its water patrons of this city. containing their rules and regulations governing the water twxl its rates, home of the citizen took e. -option to the re strictions set forth in this pamphlet and called a mass meeting. At the meeting, upon motion oi rhil mmui, sceanneti uy M. A. Miller, it was decided that the cit izens would not accept the rules and reg ulations as adopted by the company. committee of live was appointed to form resolutions and reirt in lea min- tite. The committeemen were l M. Smith, chairman, J. C. Maver;N.S. Dai. gleish, II. I5aker and J. B. Thomitn. who made the following report : e. vour committee, would re:Mvttul- z make the following repirt : That w e recommend no chanve in the water rate, but we rew?rve the riuht to sprinkle after 6 p.m. as (ar as our hne w ill rea"h for any and all puiei that we msv desire, and ak that lights le reduced 25 t cent. Ttie almve retort was utiauimotwly ae- eepted. I' lion tuoiion of M. A. Miller, it was divided that if the company did not ac cept this rate that all iree!i"t would w ith their ijatronage. Lebanon. A. M. Williams will preach in tlie C. P. church Sunday morning and and even ing. Uev. J. T. AbMt. of Albany, will preach at the M. E. church in iA-banon next Sundav morning and evening, ami thcKcr. D. T. Summerville w ill be in Al bany at the same time. J. M. Rabdon has sold the vacant bu- wes lot on the comer of Main and Sher man streets lo J. t. and I.ce Bilyeu, for tjOO. Mr. Ralston paid tOO (or the property a few years ago. The Anchor S. Chemical Co. are daily receiving orders for Liverine. The un-i-icine is not only being sold throughout the county, but in distant parts of the state. We are pleaded to announce the early success oi this home enterprise. In this section a great many are giving the medicine a trial, and nothing but praise is heard for it. Advance. 5!n. B. Kirk returned la Satunlay evening Ironi Aibany, w here stic had been attending a meeting of the , R. C. She reports a good time. Prof. G. If. Wilkes, principal of the Lebanon High sdiool, informs us that the large a-erae attcn-lsnre this city has record of hud week. The average ft the week was 21T. The total number on tlie record is 230. Expretw. Robbery at Toledo. Burglar entered the O. P. depot last night and robbed the safeof $2-19. Anen- traoce was eSwted and the lock picked. ben the funds wer extracted. Tb amounted to i$u of O. P. morey. and $75 belonging to a brother of J. S. Gaither. the agent, and Hi-') the remain Jr, of Weils i argu money, a q cite m tae oargiar. A Card. At.HAsr, Or.. Feb. 7th, ISM. Mr. J. F. Powell, who has been with me invoicing my stock and getting my goods arranged and in proper ha w ho at first came to help me two or three weeks, has staid with me aUiut six months, has retired from my employ at present, his services Uing perfectly" sat isfactory in every wav. J rut s t .ftADvioiiu Ax Kirxssivc Walk. Our exchanges are taking that bicycle sidewalk between Oregon City and Eugene seriously. The Eugene Register savs : Tlie plan to build a six foot sidewalk from this citv to Ore gon City, along the orwnty roails, would involve a great acai oj exjic-nse. . gen tleman in this city has figured out that the cost of the lumber alone, at 4 per thousand, would Iw less than i2,000. Add to this the cost of nails. laW. etc.. and the proposed walk could not be laid lor less than 1 100.000. This amount ot money, if expended on a macadamised road, would build a pretty good one be tween I nc two cities, and would lunmn a thoroughfare for more than pedestrians and bicyclist. The expense ot collect ing Uie toll from bicyclists would un- doubtediv be more than the receipts, so it would be an expensive luxurv. It will be many a dav. before we will see this plan materialise. Ksik ked Oct. The state boanl of hor ticulture's bill met its Waterloo in the senate yesterdav. This is the bill that waa prepared and presented bv the pres ent board. It appropriated fci.000 per annum for tlie maintenance of the board , gave its secretary a salary of 1,200 per an num. and protioscti to iav the members of the board 3 per day for the actual time employed, together with necessary expenses, etc. In former vears the state appropriation tor this lioard was .!,0UU per annum. Matesman. Official Fess. The receipts of the countv officials show up well as follows: N. Neednam, county clerk tlKS.50 I). F. Hardman, treasures 161.70 I. A. Mc f eron, sheriff . 138 35 Tolal.. School Holidays. The school board have amended Sec. 9 in rules and regu lationsto read as follows: Vacations and holidavas. The following holidays shall be olwerved each year: Thanks- irivinir ilav. December 25tb, January 1 February 22nd and Decoration Day. F. E. Allen-, Clerk. Scott's Emulsion the cream of Cod liver Oil, with Hypophosphltes, is for Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, Consumption, Loss of Flesh, Emaciation, Weak Babies, Crowing Children, Poor Mothers' Milk, Scrofula, Anaemia; in fact, for all conditions call ing for a quick and effective nourishment. Send for JPamphltt. Frtt. Icotta Bowse. N. Y. AMOrujjIiU. BOc.sndtl. The Trouble At The Central. Editor Democrat : I noticed in your paper of Inst Wed' nesdav an lti-m nlioiit. "(lnp PnUi. Schools" in which vou say that the re cent trouble at tho Central school turned out to be a very mild affair, the reports being exaggerated and nothing having been done but what was iustifvable. You certainly must have received your infor mation from .some one interested in keeping tho matter hushed un. Aa the pupil that received the punishment is an orphan girl, and has no relative to take iirr in, leei u my duty, as she is living at mv home, to see that alio at least gets justice in our newsnaners. That the girl needed punishment I w ill not deny, though she tells me tltat she did not understand the question pro. pounded to her by her teacher. Be that as it may tho punishment could not be called mild, as the teacher caught her violently by the hair, anil pounded her on the head with a wooden ruler and aim on the bands and face, the marks of which could lie seen for several days. I would like to know how this can be characterized as a "mild affair" or noth ing more than was justiilahle. The woman that did it maybe a good teach er, but I can't think that she has very good control over her temper, and the tchool authorities should see to it that she either curbs her temper in the future or give way to some one else that can govern a school without resorting to such i-utragcoufl methods. K. L. Powot. Mise Jane Morris, of the Salem schools came up on the noon train. Judge Pcwill has moved bis law office into the nt otfice block. Mrs. J. W. White returned this noon from a visit of several weeks at Oregon City. Mr. Le master, editor of the Harrit burg Review, wax in the city today on his wav to CarrsJlis. ' The Allcinv Social Club will vin a bill on Washington's birthday. Music will la? furnished by the Elite "orchestra Of Sclem. Mr. G. W. Freeman, w ho returned to his home at Portland todav, reported a ly at his home four months old, James Wcntworth bv name. A IteUGitTFt t. Mrsirauc Mrs. Wall is Nash gave a mtusicale last evening at her pleasant home on Csda- poota street that was one of the social musical treats of Uie season. It was a delightful affair from the first to the last note of the gamut, a mixture of music and socialHliiy harmoniously blended, a wiuc awase event ow r an octave wide. At 8 o ckjck the program began with some four haiuiol M-lections from Grieg, executed by Mr. Waliis Nash and son . Gilford, tooth talented pianists, dis playing how well a father and eon can pull tii-thrr in harmony if they w ill ; Nliw Jovce Browne!!, a pupil of Sir. W. "i'i'inl sh, was heard in the sonata F. Major, Mozart, executed with an ex preMsion and technique that promises much for the young pianist ; Mus Bertha Kilis sang the aria "Softly Sighing," Wei, in which she snrauMed herself. exhibiting her splendidly cultivated voice to great advantage: Prof, w . Gin- on! Nash gave fine exhiUtiocs of his mastery of the pianoforte in a prelude. Polonaise, Nocturne, Etude and funeral march ; Mien Kills again pleased her ap preciative audienoe in "Thou Art bo like a Flower," and "Humility," Schu mann: Mr. Y alius ah waa heart in Kneifieriana No. 5. Schumann, and Etude A fiat, major, Chopin, displaring a talent close to that of the mn. A few off hand selection bv .Mr. W. Gtfford Nai"h was followed by a choice lunch. and after a season of sociability tlie gutTt departed with the unanimous wr it set of a delightful and protiuhie even ing. Those prewnt were: Miss Elsie railing, of Portland. Mis Annie Plum- mrr. ot Uorvailis. Mr. and Mrs. l . C. Hogue and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H. W :n, l'ri-jn.knt and Mrs. F. G. Young and mother. Prof, and Mr. W. II. Lee, Mr. and Mr. A. Browne! 1 and laoghter. Miss Jovce. Mr. and Sirs. Wall: Nah. Ir. ami Misa Bertha Ellis, Misses Flora ami Vesta Mason. Messrs E. M. Horton ami W. Gi fiord Nash and Mr. an I Mrs. F. P. Nutting. : The Lien count t tax rolls wilt be ready f-nr the heriff by tte 6rt of Mar-h, rer- hipn a few days before. The O. P sh-suner wiil arrive at Taqaina to- injrrow and sail cn To&day. A creaaiery meeting was held this afor- noon. Not et-ougb stock wa reported Liken to begin operations yet. Papers are beins made out in Ibis city for the appeal of tbe rooStmanoa of the 0. P. sale to the aapreme court. Mr. Percy of Mr. Waliis Xasb. of this city, baa ben doieg some good sketching for tee Oregon un. The meeting for tbe orgacuatioa of a chess and checker club wii! be held at the 1 . M. C. A. rooms to-night. Tbe total tax levy in Newport this year wiil be 23 mill, an interesting fact to many Albany people who own property there. Tbe Maxonic cemetarr is lo lie thoronsb- ly drained with tiling at an expense of several handled dollars. The supreme court has rendered a dicia- ion disallowing the offsets of Averv and others against tbe Job bank, of Comllis. These offsets were mostly checks that were uot recovered. TLe Stewart & Sox Hard wars Comnanv yesterday sold to Henry Milhollend for the reveiu;cnt work at Unralii, 2200 feet of three ply rope. Another big sale is of 6000 pounds of wire to r . M. Miller, of Millers, tor his hop field. The special serricM in thn riin'.linn church closes to night. Tbesubiectat the mwung lo-nignt win ue feancUhcaUon. -There are all kind j of notions about this truth. Come and hear what may be taid about it. A cordial invitation to all. And now it is claimed that Kav. J. C. Reed, of Portland, who recently attempted to rob a bank there owes his fall to reading aime novels, utner weak brained boys ana men snouid use warning. In order to ease the mind of our readers it uiny be stated that the reports that the uregon racinc men nad rented omces in Albany is unfounded. Nothing of Uie kind will be done pending the appeal to the supreme court. It is to be hoped that teat is me result eventually. Hon. 11. W. Corbctt extended the mem bers of tke legislature an invitation to take a formal dinner at the Hotel Portland Saturday. Of course tbe greedy legiilators Resettled it and the fact shows their calibre Tho invitation is undoubtedly for political purposes and no such body should ever ac cept any such invitation. The present legislature has done nolhing but put its feet in its own mouth. E. P. Rogers, assistant general freight and passenger agent of the Southern Pacif ic railroad company in uregon, and Thos McCusker, contracting agent, were in Al bany to-day in tbe interest of tho low rate traffic inaugurated by the road, the rates for which will be found elsewhere. They called at the Democrat oftice, and among other things stated tnr.t it ma business men of Albtind patronized the road under the rates, tlieso low figures would be made permanent regardless of river traffic. Mb. Ckosby ix Eccknk. Air. Crosby of the Oregon Pacific, was in the city last evening, and was consulting with the merchants of this city in regard to ship ping their freight over his route from San Francisco. He stated that he hal made arrangments so no more delay through holding freight will bo encountered, and aiso assured mo merchants ot a lower rate than they are now paying on many classes of freight. Though not in a posi tion to stato with authority, he expressed the belief the Oregon Pacific will bo ex tended to tl"ls city at once, and that the rmrelinfii'rft. Alosara. llnnnM, Ar UammAiil have tho funds now available with which to extend tho road.1 Tho extension will be hailed with delight bv tha residents i oi mis county. ltcgisrcr. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Late U. S. Gov't Report 1 1 cy SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. E. V.. Skipworth and family, of Eu gene, went to Ilianon this afternoon. J. W. Colwel), of Alliany, who has lieen here looking after his property in tereots on thp Mohawk, returned home yesterday. Register. Archie Blackburn, of this city, has been attending the meeting of the state hoard of pharmacy in Kalcin, and was examined for admission as a practicing druggist. Times. George Pavne, the man who upsct the death-laden lamp at Hilver Lake, was so badly burned that the Cecil lias fallen off uia iMM ., it-avuig jsirv oi iiu ira:K'iie and three ril exposed. Guesa Hon. W. R. Bilyeu, of Albanv, must lie going into a new business, fie came dow n Wednesday and captured a log w agon and the last we heard of him lie was trying to get some oxen to haul the thing. JeffersonUeview. At the welding of Dr. Edgar E. Cay wl and ML C'athvon Welch before 1100 jop!e in the Rsptwt church in Portland recently. Dr. J. T. Tate, form erly of this city.'was best tuan. and Dr. C. R. Templetoii w as one of the ushers. Hon. . A. lairou came up from Sa lem this noon, and spent tbe afternoon explaining to his friend the senatorial situation. Hon. Talbert Carter, and Reesentalive Coojr, who obtained quite a notoriety by ciianging hackwanls and forwords for aiVi against Dolph.were also in tbe city homeward bound. A. M. Heaton arrived in Ashland yes terday, tiaving come all the way from Craw'fonlsville, Linn county, on' horse back. Mr. Heaton traded recently for a S-acre tract of fruit land, partly set out, ami located near G. W. Crow son's in the southern part of town, known as the Hardesty place, an-1 came out to settle upon it and make his home here, his wife reaching here the same day by train. Tidings. Frank C. Baker, ex-state printer, came out from the Willamette on a brief vi-it to Landlord J. A. Gross a$be Depot Ho tel Monday and to enjov tlie unrivalled sulphur bath to be had at Ashland. It is not unlikely that Mr. Baker may spend several weeks and erhape months at Ashland the coming summer. The at tractions at A'hland have increased not a little to Willamette people since Mr. Gross took charge of the Depot hotel for be is known all over Northern Oregon as a genial bot. which with the healhiul ozxme and mineral springs of Southern Oregon will add to tlie reputation this section already ha a a de&rahie health resort. Ashland Tkling. The C. E. of the C. P. church gave a very enjoyable social last evening at tlie residence" of Mrs. Sarah Baltimore. Many games were plaved. In progress ive rrokinole Sir. A. R. McCoy and Miss Goscie Bklgett carried off the honors. Conversational cards were a feature of tbe affair. Tbe lunch confisted of taffy and nuts. During the evening a plead ing program was presented, consisting of a piano solo by Miss Allha Pillar, a song by Messrs. George Acheson, Carlton Sox and Elliot and Clem Irvine, a smene from Juliu Caesar by Ed Stewart and Joe Stern burg, a vocal solo ly Ming Mil dred iiurmitter and a sng ty the mare quartet. Tut W. R. C. I". NT EST 1 1 NX E.NT. An annrecialive au.ii-noe at'cn.1,-1 the W. 1L C. entertainment at the opera house last night. There was pool ground for appreciation. Tbe program as a whole deserved it. A w41-cxecuted piano duet bv Misws Maud Crosby and Margun-ite Hopkins put the audience in ( gool humor ur w hat followed. Ten ittle girls in white gave a Mav pole drill that was prettily performed. Mrs. Tel fer was heard in a vocal solo, which up on encore was responded to. A piano sow by Muw Marguerite Ilopains was gooil." Mr. Charles Hart, continue! his popularity m a vocal soio with guitar accomproiment that wws heartily encor ed. A scarf drill bv Muves Grace Piper, Bertlia Elli, Emma Weiffer, Lora Vance, Vesta Misn. Etina Mackey and Stella colore-! scarfs, and with Ii Piper as the central figure, was performevt with grace, making a strong impression on the audience. The feature of the even ing wras the eUicutionarv exhilwtions by Mrs. tha. Keiiv. of Salem. Mrs. Ueilv recited Ben Hurr, in Grecian costume, the Rajput Nurtv, 1-calh Dream, Money Musk and several appropriate minor so Uxlions in response ta encores, once a doable ovation. The selections display ed her versatility of talent. Backed bv a pleasing presence, her wonderful en ergy, sympathetic action, grace oi ges ture appropriate tor the occasion, natur al expression, and we'd rounded voice. niuy under control, thrown wen lorwaru where it belongs in true voice culture, scored for her a great success. She keeps her audience in close attention, warmed with anticipation, presenting the tact and genius that makes tbe consummate elocutionist, which Mr. Rcily is fast becoming. Tnousands of Dollars are spent every year bv ire people ot U-. a stale tor nieutcine I r ine cure ol thioat and lung diseases, wren w; know that If they would only invest $i in Santa Abie, the new Calilornia ditcoverv for consumption and kindred comp'alnts. they would In this pleasant find relief. It is recomended or n.iiusiers. phvsicins and public speakers of the Gold en btate. sold and guaranteed by r ouiay & Mason at t.50 and f 1 a battle. Thre for 81.50. The most stubborn catet ol catarrh will speedily succumb to California Cit-r-cure, Six months treatment lor jrio. Dos't Unpckstand It. Allwny's big advantages as a business center are illustrated in our present low freight rates. In referring to the subject the Harriebnrg Review says: "The spirit of the times" don't seem to cut much of a figure up this way. Merchants hav ing goods shipped troiu Ativan v to this place, no later than dav Iwfore vesterdav hail to pav 24 cents per 100 ll. The freight rates from Portland to this oint varies, according to class of goods, 33 to 92 cents tier hundred. Whv this uniust discrimination? Where is that wonder ful railroad commission that it can t tind out nor see these things. Candidates. The Governor has fortv or fifty amtointmcnta under his control. The number of candidates for the differ ent positions numbers several hundred Among them are W. B. Barr for warden . 1 . T ' T . i at uie peiiiu' itrui eiring oiiiinv for guard, George Davis for reappoint ment as clerk of the school land tioard ; Dr. J. W. Colo as health oitieer at Ya fiuina; Dr. M. H. Ellis, for surgeon gen eral, Prof, ltobb, formerly irincipal of tho Albany schools, tor superintendent ot tlie reform school ; Jefferson Meyers for railroad commissioner. Th Modern Invalid Has tastes medicinally. In keeping with other luxuries A lemedy must be pleas anlv acceptable in lorm.purely wholetome In composilton,iruiy beneficial In eff ci and entirely free from every objections bit auallty. It really 111 he consults a physlcan; If constipated he uses the gentle family laxative Syrup 01 r Ig. mum HOME AND ABROAD 1,001 jatients are enrolled at the asylum. Albany insurance agents are rustling- to take up Northwest policies. Tbe Homer arrived at the Bay at 9 o'clock and will sail oa Tuesday. Overman k Sears are preparing a fine dbplay of Rambler bicycles to be made in tbe Oregon Back building. If you wish to subscribe for the Exam iner leave orders with F. L. Kenton sub scription agent. IJe will forward same promptly without extra charge. The Mioses Ball have moved into their iw nitArtnrm wit door tn W French. where they have a seat place and aa ex- ceuent sto- X ot goods. ( Toe ladit of tbe W. C.T. V. will hold a sociable at their Hail, on Valentine's eve. Itb. 13lh. A short program and a good time. Valentines and refreshment on M?e. 1 be Junction City Times Las figured oat thai a railroad can be built from Ccrvaltis to .'unction for H.lW a mile. Rather too low. It cost nearly 1100.000 a mile to build the Oregon Pacific; but of coarse that was no criterion. The Portland Oregonian has just learned of the tuipeiuioB of the Northwest Fire losuranos Company. Tbe Uexocra? pub lished tbe news the first of any paper in the state about a week ago. i. 11. Allis ton has betn apuinted receiver with bond at t-tt.OCO. At tbe Y If C A ball hut evening L. Verieck, A . Wolverton end T. J. titites were appointed a commiitee to prepare a constitution and bylaws for a chess and checker dob. Another meeting will be beid next Tuesday evening - Tbe HaJTuburg Water Power company at iu meeting on the 6th inst.. elected the following as a board of directors to serve for the encuicg year: E E. L'pmeyer. E Ym Wyait, J . G genders, John E. Cart wright, D. S, Busey, W. S. Browa and Dan McClain. A California paper brags at follows; California is stna&r than tbe State cf Tex as, and yt if ML Shasta ani the balance of tke mountain of this country cooM be leveled down hut with a rolling pin, old SUkiycn would cover more ground than the whale of the great gtate of Texas All insurance policief of tbe -orthwest Fire A Marine lnsoranoe Company, cover ing property in Albany or vicinity will be rewritten ia the Royal Exchange assurance cr Cetmecticnt Insurance Co. Unexpired preminmsof Northwest policies will be credited policief. Bring policies immedi atelytoH. F. MenilL A Eugene maa recently wrote aa item alxwt tAjem bogging all of the oScerv, and tbe Statesman gets hot a follows : "But did the idiot who penned the above ever stop and reflect that tbe scat of govern ment, where are located the several state institutions; uiot of neetsaity be the borne of the state c-Sicm and superintendents ?' Yes bet thy don't all have to be selected from there in the Erst place- Mr Do'ph is generally looked cpoa as aa ice-tjerg. and as a rule comes pretty dose to it; but he ia not now aracug iegulaicrs, as tbe following from the $m will ctn viace any one: "Representative Moorbead. who has so herokaliy baUld fsr the sena tor's cause, was greeted by Dolph with Hell there, Msorhead.' aad actually shook hacdt with him! Two or thiw others were recouized with smiks but the senator badn t time tc shake hnds with assy ooeeL-e." Dime Novel Teacher. Countv schools particularly need bet ter teachers. Some now emnloved are certainly wry rocky; bat it is not prob- e there are manv like the one toM about by the Corvaliis Times: A report of an entrgetic district schoolmaster comes from an outlying district in Ben ton ccunty. One dav last Autumn the county superintendent knocked at the door of the school hou5e for admission. and after kw or fire distinct alarms had been sounded the door opened. andthere stood the teacher, novel in hand. All of the seats were empty save one, and that was occupied py a angle email boy. "Where are the "rest of vour papils?" asked the superintendent. "Gone for a bucket of water" replied tbe teacher. The superintendent decided t wait for the rest of the school to co:..e back so that he could visit them, as I sat down. Time wore on ami as he waited he figur ed out that from the amount of dirt on it. the floor had not been swept since school began. A three dollar clock hung on the will, but a few days before a boy had poured a bottle of ink in it and the time could not lie told. "Sav, teacher vou didn't have me recite between re cess and noon," sang out the boy in the corner. "Yes, I did' said the teacher but the superintendent knew that the little fellow told the truth and that the pedagogue wanted the fact concealed. After titty minute passed the rest of the school returned with its backet of water. There were only two of them and they with the boy in the corner made three, the total a-tendance at that school, w here recitations waited until interest in the novel subsided. Tlie school began with sixteen, but no wonder that it dwindled to three before the term ended. Albaxt's Yorso Mcx is the name of a paper to be Lsmed semi-occasional hvtlie V. M. C A. The first issueis out. "it is ncatlv gotten up, and speak - for the as sociation. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement anc tends to personal enjoyment whai rightly used. The many, who live bo tor than others and en joy life more, wU less expenditure, by more promp. adapting the world's best products u the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellenco is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative ; effectually cleansing tha system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently caring constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acta cn the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup cf Figs is for sale by all drug gists in 50 cent bottles, bat it is man ufactured by the California Fig eyrup Co. oiiiy, whose name is printed on every package, also the name. Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, yoa will not accept any cubstitute if offered. - WL.Douclas fasHC lis I? 19 THE BEST. WWnWtwriTrcAKw. a. coedovan; 3.BPP0UCEJSXS. I - rxniA nwe- 2.i.5BjS3taS2a LAPICS r eEsTP52". - -BCltTOLMSS. W. L. Dongas $3 & $4 Sioei Ail our noes are equally satisfactory They rr tha best valua for th mntty. Tlsejr aqoal caatoas at aca ta style ami fit. Their a nr n aaliti. mr r-- - - f -nrlc. rrwr sa j aavea aver atner aaalces. If yiur dealer caaastsctpply yoewecaa. Stu&trf THE l.E BLAiri CLOTHING CO Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, .Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, , Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments All Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments; Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub in Vigorously. Mustang Liaireot conaatsi Paha, Makes rUa er Eesst weC rxaia. ARE TBE BEST CIGARETTE SMOKERS who care to pay a little more lhaa the cost of ordinary trade cigarefes will cd the PET CIGARETTES' SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS Made from tbe highest cost Gold Leaf f rowa in Mrginis, and are ABSOLUTELY PURE EX. 1. 1 TTSTS VSTS 159 SXaS niiTEl" ia sold andsr pouura writtea raanu,tMk by sathonsxd acewta only, to rura Weak Mtmotjt Lasaot Bnia and Xervw Ptnrw: lost atacboad; Qaicknass; Nicbt bof; Lvil Dran; Lark ot ConadetK; Kerrooscma: Lasaitade; all Drains; Loasot Fowr if thCiiliT Onraas ia atlwr as. cn'art hy nHnraoo, Yocthtni Errors or Exemsiv Xjim ot Tobacco. Op'uia r laqoor. vturh saada .o slwerr. Ctwejaipoon. iscaaity and Death. By soail. tl a boa; six for ti; wrti tiU awarantaa to cr or Verona m fiompie parkaca. oantaiainc irra davs' mats witai fall instractMBa. & eeciv Oca ta only said to each paraoa by mail. J A Cummlng. sole agsnt, AlUanr. LE BHUH'S t m"-ar err rvaa. WM Uvoi H tt: h U i kot ts W USssaLif wife AS P5YErmVE - i wiligrolta. J A Cummlng, sole agent, Albany . OR. iluX LE BRUr3 stee m mwu iu ar tba original and only ET.ESCH. asfoaci) ra tiablacnraontnamarkot. Vrioo 1.W; Mit by ai s'1- UoBBinaaokioaly by J A Cummins, sole agent, Atiwinr, 9ntadld raratlTa was tcr KerwworSick Hl.nhf hrmin ih ,MTiiT SI i,kii. pftlA, Awmia, AhthtoM for Atsxoiuj nd athjr iimia, iriaa,SX SSaadiKOBati THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. ISt S. Wasters Arcs aa, CHICACa Sold by all druggist. Dr. Price's Cream Baking; Powder Awarded Cola MU Midwinter Fair. Saa Fraadskf 1 tm ME W r ii.