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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1895)
H If 11ti!fl VOL XXX. ALBANYaORKGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8. 1895. Eater at the rst a Albany. r.t Hall Hatteri r. r. KOTTTKC, raklUhera rre-rteferi NO 20 J 7 V O.H r-r a I ft II I : -v .-'3-; for Infants -Caatarlabrto iren adaptedtocbiMMa that aseomroav' It aa suparior to m prescription Vt t m." ' H. A. AacHKS, H. HI So. Oxford St, SrooUyn, H. T. "Out ws i Castoria b so universal and It arjrlta SO woU knownv Ms It aeema a work rererogtion to endorse It. Favors Um ! McX3S)t ftuailiea who &o not ksep Cutoria Uesar reach." Guao Sura, D. &, KewYorkCtty. Joesu w orK t u - PRINTING v Office Stationery A Specialty Give us yoar Patronage. SM ALSANYu The Oregon With Its home office at " SAT .EM - -. - OBKGrO. -Jft- toe Graf Bicck, corner Llbenj and WA.KES a specialty of Sunnysideruit tracts near Salem rT;ii 1 1 on 1 . . At;n i n m mil sen o, iu or acre small caah payment for particulars. FOBTMILLER Undertakers and WE KEEP constantly pn hand a full coffin.; Also burial lobe and Which will be sold at The Lowest EMBALMING nd the proper riO EXTRA CHARGE FOB HEARSE OR SERVICE ALBANY - - MASONIC TEMPLfi - - OREGON AS Many Pounds of Sugar. for a Dollar, and every thing else as cheap, as at any store in Albany, at I Julius Gradwohls at the corner of Second and Ferry sti sets. Call there for jwur groceries aim crocsery NEW M It tZJ E lS N0W TOLL OF FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE, CONSISTING km, enairr, images, ate, BOTTOM i i i- ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY MANHOOD Jtor sale lo AJDanr mm 6V ne.i,au drain, and io .f Mwer 1 nfrilV? 1KI,tl Knjlu.tona. Nervous. jiJ br OTerexenlon,oitliri"""""n of either aexeaiued -Cat nfanu, which ira to IntlrmUrToTnifmrnin!. .nfS.0.' "'baeco.oplum or vet pocket, tl wrboi fk40Kp"?.n.0.? L'"nUr. .Can be earned In Ore., by J. A. OVJiMmZjSSSl and Children. Caatorf cms Colic, OMUtipatfcm, Sow StonMds, Tjiarraosa, Eructation, Kills Worms, give steep, aoi rvomotea dt trostioD, . Without lojuttouanatiactJea. "For several year I have recommeodsl your 'OiSoria,' and shall always eentinua tt do aa It has tavariably ro!aoed beneflcla results." Emrtx F. Pabdks, St D., " ir: ad Tth Ava, Kw Tot V CUT Tss Csttacb Coufxxt, TT Sfcxajiv Siaxxr, Saw Tons Cut Proinptnes: ILEY OREGON. JLand Co State street, branch office in PortlanojC acre lots ai jyu to pi Ion?: tima on balance. Write h MING Embalniers. line of metalic, cloth and wood cartel and suits, , in broadcloth, tln, cashmere. ec UvJas Prflt. care of the dead a Kpecialtr. New Store, ware. FURNITUR, which I will sell at PRICES. Titos. Brink. - -"Sm MtmWM v RESTORED! "KZXTB SEIDS.x This wonderful remvif k Meiaorr.LoMOf onln Afteb CLsssRBirs. Tbera re now 117 clerks at Salem waltlnu on 00 legis lators, moat of them doing nothing aa nsaat, for which they will be paid over 120,00). The following told about the Washington legislature is very readable, and as well, will apply to Oregon ex periences: A woman who went to Olympia after a legislative clerkship writes to the Tacoma Ledger of her ex periences. She soys it only took her IS minutes to learn of the foolishness of her errand and thereupon she determin ed to le.xrn the total number of those who, like herself, had sought Olympia in search of clerkships. It proved a motley throng. There were young men with sisters to educate, fathers with families to support, women deserted by their husbands, and a gir'. who was the sole support of her widowed mother and little sister. Then there were dozens of girls and women who were unable to do heavy work, aa well as the cripples who eoaldonly do 'writing. Business men asked fcr positions ti.a: they might pre vent assignment sales. . From the en treaties, the open button-holing of the members, and the thousand , and one mananvers, that the observing ' eye could detect, one was almost led to be lieve that every needy person in the state was asking for legislative clerk ships. The same kind of a scramble took place at Salem, there being 117 clerks hired to wait on 90 legislators. PAaALTXSD Br As AcctDixr. J H Wolf, well known aa a heavy depositor in the Job bank, is a victim of paralysis, with bnt slender chances of recovery. The stroke is complete both in sensation and motion from bis neck down. It was the result of an accident. Tuesday after noon Mr Woolf and his neighbor, d Sharp, were en route home from town. Near James Cooper's place, three miles west of torn the whiel of the wagon ran into a rot. and Wolf was pitched out, striking the ground on his bead. He was picked np insensible and carried to Mr Cooper's house where he still re mains. After treatment by Dr Lee he regained consciousness, which he still retains. He ran take food, and speaks with some difficulty. His pulse runs from 46 to 50, while at normal it should be 72. H. is about 55 years of age. and is a member of the Masonic fraternity. Oorvaliis Times. Wbat Shall B Dokk. It is an easy thing to tell what should be done, at Salem. Like the newspaper business every body knows how to run the legis lature but the, members. Abolish aJl useless commissions, abolish al! useless boards, repeal the scalp boanty law, en a;t a forcible dairy law, ' enact a good fruit law, set the convicts to work, pass a bill requiring all insurance companies and corporations doing business in this state and escaping taxation to bear their share .of the tax burden. Accept the million acres of government 'and from the government for reclaiming it by irrigation, pass a general appropriation bill limiting every item to an economic al business oasis, make a law prohibit ing the sale of cigarettes. These are some things an exchange advocates. A PBTixrT Pakagkafh. "Our country if right, should be kept right; if wrong should be put right," is a po litical maxim which paraphrased applies toother conditions of life, thu: our health if right, should be kept right; if wruug biiuuiu ue pot rigoi, especially in bodily ailments, such as pains and aches, which St Jacobs Oil prompt) cures. Manr out of work should heed to five it a chance to cure and it will give them a chance to go to wot k cored. Another adage is: "Hedoeth best, who doeth wen." well, ol course, you want to be well from all sorts of aches, and the best thing to do is to nee the great remedy. He who does so is doing well indeed. Lxr rr Pass. Dawson's delinquent tax bill provides for taxes becoming delin quent on April 1st and October 1st, thus giving tax payers an opportunity to pay in two installments- This is a bill that will be appreciated generally by tax pavers. It wool J be well, though, if it were made to apply to taxes exceeding a aennite amount, taxes lor a dollar or two, anything under $10 at least, shoulj be paid at one time. "Two Legs Bbokcs.' If the Dalles would do like Albany such items as the following would be impossible: "Charles Fowler a boy 10 years old, while coasting down Union-street bill at 4 o'clock Mon day, ran into a cow, breaking bis legs Sunday sight was very cold here, the theme meter registering six degrees be low sero." Coasting is not allowed here , nret tor the reason that our streets are level, and second because we do nol have any. Tiis Crops are looking about the best in the history of the county. The greatest critic might go through the county and he couldn't pick a flaw in the appearance of wheat- As one man says, every kernel seems to have come dd. We need big crops, and the Dxxocxat hopes there won't be an acre in the county that yields less than 30 bntbela. ma jshougb. b&iem nas made a six mill lew for school purposes. Salem 'a total levy this yearwillbeabont3I mills. 9 mills mote than Albany's. We intend to publish little items like this as often as possible in order to make our citirens appreciate Jheir many advantages. Kep Off. Chief of Tolice Lee has sent a notice to bicvcle riders of Albany individually notiiying them to keep off First and Second streets and interven ing streets, from Washinston to Lyon. or tbey will be prosecuted. This applies to little boys and men with wheelbarrows as well as to bicyclists; but does not apply to cripples. The order will be enforced. Bicycle riders should reipect it and act accordingly. Kflrl'i CAr9r Kn-a will nfirlfv rmif " - i J J blood, clear yoir complexion, regulate your Doweu arm maac tout neaa ciear a Kilt m m Rheumatlsir In the back, shoulders. hips, ankles, elbowr, or wrists, is caused bv accumulation of acid In Ihe hlnrvl Hood's Sarsaparllla neutralizes the acid and cures rheumatism. Shiloh's cure Is sold on a guarartee cures Indolent ftonsumDtlon. It Is It the best Cough Cure. Only one cent a dote. 5c,5oc,anaei.oo. rosnay Mason agents Dandruff forms when the elands of the skin are weakened, and if neglected, bld- ... I. ..... X-l rT-1 1 1- TI.i. n. . auic lis iuiiuw. nail v jiau lit newer is the best preventive. Manifold Disorders Are occasioned by an Impnrs and Inv poTerished condition of the blood. Slight Impurities, If not corrected, develop into SCROFULA, ECZEMA, RHEUMATISM. an other troublesome diseases. To cure thaae is reaulred a safe and reliable rem. . tdy (res from any harmful Ingredients, aac! purely vegetable. Buch Irf "'"" j It len-.ovei allimpuritieafi from the blood and thorough-"-11 8 ly cleanses the system. Xhouaands of cases of the wont forms of blood dis eases have been Cured by 8. 8. 8. Scad fcr our Trettiu suited tee tossy sddnss SWIFT SPEC IFIC CO., Atlanta, Ok. Father White, of Salem, was in the city yesterday,. DrW II Davis left this noon for the Summit on business. P R Kelley and Z H Rudd left this noon on a trip to Salem. Oen O O Howard, of Portland, one of the best known men in the world, passed through Albany this noon accompanied by several friends. ' . According to his pictures in Harpers Weekly the new president of France. Francis Felix Faure, very much resem bles Mr Henry Hopkins of this city. The new president is a good looking man. P. Nash, who has kept the readers of the Gazette informed as to doings about the college during the past few months, left Monday for the metropolis.whera he will enter the Portland Business College. Corvallis Gazette. Mr Anderson is the only legislative clerk from Albany, as nearly can be learned. Among the clerks are Mrs M E Pocue and Mrs C W Avers, who form erly resided here, Mr and Mrs L U Mc- Mahon. and Mrs o F Alley, a resident of Albany for several months, also W W Francis of Halsey. Prof McElroy. passed thronib Albany this noon for Eugene to assume the chair in English literature. Prof McF.lroy was one of the faculty of the O. A. C. for many years, and is a teacuer of experience.not withstanding the fun poked at him; but he is an offensive partisan and wire puller and for this reason the appoint ment lias been generally severely crit icised. If he will attend to the duties of his English chair, the feeling will die out; buttfbe mixes in every political scheme that is started by republicans, there will be no satisfaction in the mat ter. A woman at Dallas made f too recently soliciting for an eastern cloak company, A petition la said to be la circulation anking the legislature to reduce the salary of the county judge of Benton county to (6oo per annum. It Is now fooo. Pnmature bald neaa ma ba ererented and the hair made to grow on heads al ready bald, by the use of Hah'a Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer. Representltiv Moarhesd's bfjl la the ho ase regulating fare of sleeping car com panies has passed trie second reading and nas teen referred to the committee on railroads and transportation. Hofer of Marion, has a bill to repeal the law requiring that each year a com plete military list be made out. It costs each county In the state aeveral hundred dollars a year to make ihevs lists and tbey are of no practical value. MrUstet's aabiect tonight will be sojnehlnr Better for us than the Bap. tltm of the Holy Spirit." AU cordially Invited to come and hear. Corner jth ii Jackson streets. A good many Albany people are learn ing to ride bicycles at (he riding school of Proebs el & Yesterday afternoon there were about thirty ladles present. The place Is a Urge and convenient one, and will be run in an orderly way. No accidents occurred as has been reported. The turar-ccatinr. which makes A ret' Pills so easy to take, dissolve immediate ly on reaching the stomach, and so per mits the full strength and benefit ot the medicine to be promptly communicated. Ask your druvgitt tor Aters Almanac, jus loot. The folly of prejudice U frequently shown by people who prefer to offer or years rather than tiy an advertised remedy. The mil! ions who hare no such notions, take Aver' garsaparUla for blood diseases, and are cured. So roach lor common sense. In a note te the Times. W W Saunders writes from Spokane "1 am coine to work in a lawyer's office as assistant In the of- fici work, and hope sooa to be In a posi tion to set up for mvself To that end I wm use a trip to Texas and back this summer." Corvallis Times. Off Wilson cut one of his fine half off wih a pruning kn'.te the other day. lrtat it could have happened seemed strange, since the handle to the knite was tea feet long. Though he Is a farmer, the accident gives room for socplcion that Off don't know the bualnesa from the butt end of a pruning knife. Corvallis Time. A Salem man forged the first alumi num honohoe ever made In Oreeoa. It la a revelation to the horsemen of Salrm, being only one sixth the weight of a ttc 1 shoe, at the same time being superior to the baser metal In all qualities of strength, ductility and remittance to wear. A notse with a complete outfit of these admirable foot guards Is in a condition to do better and more work than it could possibly aocompllsh without them. Ex. K R ScakstK Rkviteo. Mr J M SUrk and Mr Peter Cook, of' Independence, were to tnis cuv yesterday interviewing some of the business men on the subject of the Independence and Salem railroad. This is better known to Salem people as me independence motor line. ADoat m year or so ago Messrs Stark and Cook with several other gentlemen of Indepen dence associated themselves together as the Independence and Salem Railroad Co, and incorporated with a capital stock of 5100,000 of which 118,000 were subscribed by citizens of that enterpris ing city, but, by reason of the money stringency, the soliciting for subscrip tions was temporarily suspended. The project has been revived and the com pany now asks that Salem subscribe $40,000 towards the scheme. Should this be accomplished the road can be built during the coming spring. States man. All Rlstxeis. There are tricks in all trades, and some times taffy is on them, An Albany jeweler received a proposi tion from a bicycle firm in which the statement was made that 7000 of the bi cycles were eold last year and most of them througn men in bis line of business. It takes jewelers to sell bicycles, as man ipulating Wheels is a part ot their buil ness. The Man about Town then hap pened into a dreg store. The druggists had just received a proposition from the same bicycle firm asking them to take the agency. They were told that out of 7000 tales last year moet of them had been mauo ny men in their Hue of business. This let the cat out of the bae. and ha was all covered with a mixture of pre varication and taffy. How many others received the same proposition has not oeen tearnea. . A Bars Tnmo. The University of Oregon this morning received a most val uable addition to its library. It consists of the decisions of Justice Field while judge in California and Oregon. Only one edi tion of the decisions bas been prfnted and the compiled decisions from the start are scarce. Through the kindness of Justice Field and upon request of Senator J II Mitchell the one cop7 that was allotted to some school in Oregon was presented to the University of Oregon .Guard. A Rdnaway. The large team of J Bridgeford before a load of bailed hay, starting from in front of K E Kinney A Co's feed store and warehouse, ran away this afternoon, coming up Second street. At the Democrat corner tall Joe Trine loomed up in front of them, and turned them down Broadalbin. With the agility of a deer he sprang forward and secured the lines and stopped the team. He re ceived an encore from the crowd. A Salary Bill. Representativ Sehlbrede of Douglas has put in a bill 1 the legislature fixing salaries ot tli district attorneys of Western Oregon counties aa follows: Clackamas, $750: Columbia, $250; Linn, Marlon and Yamhill. J600 each; Tillamook, $200: , vvuswb, untie, jjauvgUp eOW flarh Jarkann Skrtfl rlannli.. ,n ....!... , - J wum WVH .W tCbCiVD tnnrt ...u rvi. . u i . i . . imw swh. nisi wuuiu mine toe salary 01 vua uieiriut mioruey oi mis UlStrlCt 92OOO a year. He is now said to make about 15000, PBIDAT Takrh Is Decidedly. Mr Walter Moss, roannctv of tbe Calhoun Opera Com pany, and well known by quite a number of Albany people, being a former Webfoot. was recently xaaen in in a very aacidexi manner, in St Louis. A Seattle paper tells about it: He was in a crowd watching a fire when a pretty woman rushed down the stairway of the burning building, and, apparently crazed by excitement, threw herself into his arms and implored him to save ber. Of course lloss attempted to soothe her, and the rest is best told in his own words: "Sne sn caught sight of some one she said she knew and with pro fuse apologies for disturbing me was soon lost in tcecrowa. ononiy atter- ncr de parture a bootblack at my elbow exclaimed 'Yer watch chain's broke roister.' Then I began to take stock. My watch and diamond sparkler were gone, likewise a small roll of bills bom my vest pocket. I tried at once to find the maid all forlorn, who bad left my fortune sv tattered and torn, but the earth setimed to have opened and swallowed her." K gKaiois.CuaBOR.,-!- last evening after an examination before J tutire Freer kaen Abner Carey, residing near Shelburn. was held for the grand jury under $1000 bonds on the charge of committing rape on the II year old daughter ot Henry Kay, mention of which was made several days ago. There is a conflict of testimony. Some neighbors believe Carey guilty and others that he is not. If guilty no ponuh- ment can be too severe. Bio Orr-osiTios. Wtn M Powers, of Shedd, Linn county, is in the city visiting bis son Guy M Powers. He says nine teutba' of the people of tbo western part of unn county are opposed to a division ot toe county and four-fifths of the whole county oppose tho movement. halem Journal. As Mr lioter of the Journal u on the commit tee on counties he mar be depended upon to oppose the proposed division and is that una ot a man. lie sees a point. A Fbjuk. Mr Henry Fronk of this city, has a museum of freaks of nature tnatta certainly worth eeeine. Today be added to it a splendid epecimpn of a double headed call recently mounted for bun at Cottage Grove. Mr Fronk is an authority on monstrosities. 102 to 12. The Lebanon Advance gives the situation at Lebanon on lbs Dolph question, which may be put down as about the foelinjr among republicans generally inrougn uregou. ine democrat are of course opposed to Dolph personally-, but the feeling is a general one that it is aa internal republican Eirht for the members of that party to settle themaeWes: A pa per endorsing the action of the Unn coun ty men in the legislature who are opposing Dolph. was circa la tM here mmoog the republican the first of the week. It re ceived the signatures of 102 voters of that lailh and was torwartled to Salem. A pa per exporting the action of the Dolph men was also tarcuiated, and received 12 signa ture. C W Stoke circulated the acti Doipb paper and W K Chandler tb Dolph. A Hrsnso Incident. YesUniay a couple of Albany nimrods were bunting in toe suburb ot Albany with their guns loaded for snipe. Tbey were crosaine; a field when bailed by a man with a Win chester, who demanded an immediate eTacuation of the field if they would put tbemaelTes in a place of safety. Tbey got beyond the fence and then dared the old gentleman to come outside, but he was not on the. come. They reported that tbey had been' ticked by a demented man; but- it Ii lilinl I to L.M .u . t f . a. county's wealthiest oturw. Agalfst Di twos .The Tennessee cor respondent of the Lebanon Advance talks out as f iliows on the division qtvwtiou: Chas Tate, of Crabtree, was here during the past week circnlauna? a mamstrance against division of Linn county, and met with uaUenna? sncoeaa. As our SVople sul keenly fed the weicrfat of hra-r taxes now. and as none of them are chronic office seeaer, they were quick to registpr them selves as opposing any move to increase taxes for the sole purpose of gratifying the ambition of a few srjfob, hair brained in dividuals. A Good Sigh. The following from Ike A 1 oris a is a good sign for Astoria: Mr U 3 Kinney made a sale on yesterday, of 4T.lf acre of tide land, located directly op posite Smith's Point, on the Clatsop side of the bay. The consideration of the sale is not definitely known, but it is net le than w,wu. k y to a late hour last evening tbe names of the pnrckaaers could not be obtained, but they are known to be from some point on Puget Sound, and are said to be the forerunners of many others who wtena investing here. m m m t A Bctuiiso Ecksed. Wednesday evening the commodious smoke house of Mr E A Parker caught fire and was en tirely consumed together with tbe con tents the hams and shoulders of two hogs. Loss about 1000 cent. As Mr Parker has not an enemy in the world the fire was undoubtedly an accident. Retvemd A lose. Constable Gecnre Heches reinrneJ Inst t;?M fmm T.rnn where he had lorn tt I II rLdlin the saloon keeper.for selling liquor without a license. Ikxiiin escaped into Marion county in a woman's attire, a la Jeff Davis, and was not secured. ' Teachers Examination. Notice is hereby given that for the purpose of making an examination cf all persons who may offer themselves as jandidates for teachers of the schools of this county, tbe county school superin tendent thereof will hold a public exam ination at Albany, Oregen, in tbe court bouse, beginning at 1 o'clock p to. Wed nesday, February 13th, I&5. The law requires all applicants to be present promptly at 1 o clock at the opening of tbe examination. Diplomas and Life Diplomas will occur at the same time as tbe county examination. Dated this 28th day of January, 1895. A. K. Rutherford. County Superintendent, Linn County, Or. Money To Loan. 1 have money to loan on good farm land In Linn and Be.iton counties In sums not over $3000. No delays In fur nishing the coin. Call on 0 G Burkhar:, Albany, Oregon; Also money to loan on city any amount on long tlm at a low rate of Interest. Babies and rapidly growing children derive more benefit from Scott's Emulsion.than all the rest of the food they eat. Its nourishing powers are felt almost immedi ntely. Babies and children thrive on Scott's Emulsion when no rther form of food is assimilated. Scott's Emulsion 7 .. stinr.issBr'Tfar' stimulates the appetite, enriches the blood.overcomes wasting and gives strength to all who take it. For Coughs, Colds. Sora Throat, Bron chitis, Weak Lung:, Emaciation, Con. sumption, Blood Diseases and all Forms of Wasting. Send for famfXltt. Frt. leetlkBown, N.Y. All Druggists. 60c. and it. SATURDAY ; Tax Lcvlc. The following levies have been made by tbe different cities and school district in the county: City. Mills. 4'A 8 5 8 3 Lebanon Brownsville... Sodaville Albany Halsey . District. 3 , 4 5 16 22 24 37 41 62 61 , 3 . 3 . 2 3 5 1 2 2 4 6-10 2 1 11 1-5 1 J3 17 72 101.... 108 110 114 ............... 119 , 121...'...... A Ml&takc. Eitlor Dtmocret : la treating the above subject, there could be a great deal said, so in order not to oc cupy to much of your valuable space I will come directly to the point. 1 refer to the mistake that one makes at net doing that which they agree to do. I see in your paper an advertisement of a firm by tbe name of F i Cheney Jt Co. of Toledo, O., that agree to give a reward of one hundred dollars for any case of catarrh that Hall's catarrh cure fails to cure. This is a firm that did not do what Usey said in their advertisement they would do. 1 know by experience. I gave their medicine a thorough trial and it not only failed to care, but it gave me no relief whatever, and when I wrote to them for the offered reward they refused to send it. 1 would dvie all my friends in particular and all others in general to let them severe ly rlone- It is wrong in individuals a well a a company. One should be careful about saying 1 will do this or 1 will do this or I will do thai thing, for they might not be aUe to do it. thea some one else would be disappointed if not injured thereby. So will all who read this turn and read the fourth chapter of tbe General Epistle of James, beginning with the thirteenth verse. Isaac McElmcrbt, Dr CoSe and family of, Scio are in the city. HrCbarles Brush, of Portland, last night in Albany. spent Mr Z T Drai has accepted a position in the store of C E Browseli. Mirs Minnie Morris l-ft this noon for Uonmouth where she will attend tbe State Normal SchcoL Hexer E E Mori tag-tie and Arch Ham mer left this noon for Oregon City on some land basinet. License has been issued for tbe mar riage of John Morgan and Lulie Knight en. Mr Herbert Ames returned this noon frota Yaquina, where be baa been doing some beach ruining. Mr Sam caricaturist. left this noon for San Frarjcico. by way of Yajuina. He takes with him the best wishes of many for a successful artistic career. afisse Alt and Nellie McFeron yester day afternoon and evening Rave a party to twenty or thirty of liseir young tneno. rVveral boors were paaxed in frame at tbe Sheriff's home, of an entertaining char acter and a delirious lunch was served. They aU declared Lt a great STOces. Prof A W Moses bu resigned bis pos ilion as principal of the Sodavilie public school. Mrs lienwll ha been employed to 11 the vacancy. Mr Moaet bas received an appointment as teacher at an Indian agency in North Dakota and left with hit family for his new held of labor last Tues day. Advance. E II B it ait. of the reform school, was in the city today looking after John Dunc an of Waterloo, sent up from this county. and another boy named Thompson, who escaped yeoierday. The day previous ?-ben3 ilcteroo was asking now young Duncan was doing and be was told real well; but the boy changed bis tactics. A Medford dupatch says that Dr J L Hill, of Albany, crand chancellor of the Knight of Pytbia. raid the Medford lodge an official visit last night. He is making a tour of the state in tbe interest of tbe order cf which be is the highest grand lodge ofSciaL He exprwwd him self as highly pleased with our end of the state and also with the beautiful weather xe are enjoying. Mr F L Such, tbe popular owner of Cloviniale, arrived in Albany from San Francisco to look after his interests here. Oregon bas been having a remarkably fine winter. Mr Such accounts for this by re porting regular Webfoot weather in San Francisco for two months, there being hardly a day without rain. Tbey simply stole our weather; but we are all satis&ed with the exchange. Mr Such' daughter MrsTtrml. husband and daughter are now in Tacoma and healthier than for years. This t ear a state census will bs taken by assessor. Tbey are al way s larces. John L Wilton has been reflected Sena tor from Washington after a long dead lock. The ladles of the W C T U propose holding a social in their hall on the eve of St Valentine's Pay, Feb 13th. There will be on assessment In the AOUWfor Februaiy, making three assessments for tbe first two months ot the year. Mr Ira Turner has bougnt a half Inter est In the meat market oi Emerick a Holt and the new firm will be Emerick Ac Turn er. In the revival service conducted by Mrs Peake at Halsey nearly seventy-five converts are reported. People attend from all parts of the surrounding country. One man claims to have been offered for his vote for Senator, and another one $5,000. Thla makes great reading; but one can't always tell . how much truth there is In such reports. Men like to hsve the nsme ot having re-, fiMt KI.y kumi fnr their vnle Tt maWea splendid material for a campaign fuKT Remonstratk. The following from the Scio Press shows about how much the masses want Dolph: A letter signed by all of the republicans of this vicinity has been forwarded to Senator Dawson and Representative Templeton, remonstrating with them for continuing to vote for Dolpn, and ursrimr them to vote for any republican upon which the republican member of tbe legislature can agree. On the other hand a commendatory letter signed by everybody who had an opportunity to do so, bas been forwarded to senator Johnson, laucung mm for his course in the senatorial tight, Will Kill It, A dispatch from Salem this afternoon states that the county dlvlc Ion bill will be reported back to She house without any recommendation. This Is what was wanted, and mean the death ot the bill. An Absolute Cure. The Oricinal Ablstlne Ointment is put u? In large two ounce tin boxes, and Ii an absolute cure for old sores, bums, wounds, chapped hands and all skin erup tions. Will positively cure all kinds of plies. Ask for the Original Abietine Ointment, fold by Foshav & Mason at 15 cents per box, by mail So cents. OKI, yet ever near, and simple and beautiful ever," eingj the poet, in words which might well apply to Ayer's Ssrsap arilla the most efficient and scientific blood-purifier ever offered to suffei ng humsnlty. Nothing bnt superloi n irit keeps It so long at the front. Or PriTe""creaHi" Baking Powder World's Fair Iftsbeat Award, Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report 3&3afJ3JTgI.Y PUCE SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. You Can Here Keep Track of Your Friend. Judge Boise came up from Salem this noon. Mrs Chas Reilley, tbe talented eloculion lit, of Salem is in the city visiting friends. A M Williams, of this city, will preach in the 0 P church at Junction city to mor row. Mr Bert Lucas, the well known bicycle man, now traveling for the Monarch, was in ine aty toaay. Senator Dawson, ludge Wolverlon, J R Wyatt and Andersen Cannon, cams up rrom i-aiem tau non. Mrs Lambson. Mrs Lamb. Mrs Rowel!. Mrs Coffman, Mr Craw and Miss Bertha Lilts went to Memo this noon to crgan ize a nive ot utdy i accabees. Tbe Lebanon Express says: T J Stites, tbe newly appointed postmaster of Albany. has selected ex-County Clerk E E Montague, as bis assistant. This will prove a good election we are sure as Mr Montague made Lebanon a splendid poumatter at one time. T E Parker, of our county has been at the capital several days. He is seeking to get tee aeseescr s salary ot lancun county placed at $1,200 per year, or a per diem of vt. 1 understand that senator Marter will introduce the bill by request, Lincoln County Leader. Tbe Democrat makes a practice of keep ing it readers posted on what our exchange say about Linn county people. Here is an other personal cf Dr Hill. Tbe Ashland Tiding says: Dr J L Hill, of Albany. Grand Chancellor of tbe Knight of Pythias ot Uregon. waa in Ashland yesterday and paid an omciai visu a uramie uooge -o. 23, last evening, which be f ound in a pros perous coodiuon considering tbe time. Mrs Hill came out on the same train with ber hustsand but continued ner journey southward from here. This is tbe Grand Chancellor's Erst trip in the performance of tus omciai duties. A Mt iiCAix. Miss Hela Gilbert gave a mtuicale last evening at tbe borne of Mr Arch Hammer. on Washington street, that was greatly ap preciated bv a number of parents and friends of &e pupil. Tbe program dis played great improvement onkr the ex cellent instructions of the teacher, some of tbe pupils exhibiting a touch and execu tion that promu to derelope into more than ordinary talenL The program was aa follows: Doet, Booaicrio Marcn, Soppe, Misses Dla Torbet and Amelia Foshay. Bnar blossom, uiotriche, troocu. Mis Erma Watts. Vocal Soto, Tbe little Village Maid. Lawler, Mis Stella Wntsman. Piano Solo. Mus ell is t oshay Diet. Martha, Ftotow, Miaes Nellie and Mary Foshay. Uance ot the lemcc. Uo-Ut, Mm Tbereae Banmgart. ocal Jvmo. By tbe titoe i-a- r-mart. Mias Ella Torbet. Ecbce from the Woods. Paul. Mua Eva Hays. bonala. Mecart, Him Ailfia I'liiar. Vocal Solo. Selected. Mr F P Nutting. Duet. Farfadet Gallop, Paul. Misse; Ora Dn braille an J Stella WriUman. ocal Soio by Prf Parrin. THE ORATORICAL CONTEST To select a reoreseniative for tbe state intercollegiate contest to take j4ace at Forest Grove, occurred Latt niebt at the college ccbapel, in tbe presence of a goxi sized audience of mends of tee college. There were only twe contestan' tbe pro gram was made varied in it character .and certainly prored one cf great interest and much merit. Tbe alan about town, woo paid 10 cents for tbe privilege of reporting the event got the worth of hu money be fore tbe program was half out. Two sores by the students srere tbe tint thine beard. Misse Manrnerite Hopkins and Maude Crosby executed a piaoo duet with a touch and expression that always please. Mis aiamie Alien gave a recitation tsax cis piayed excellent talenL It also bad tbe merit of a good ending. Mr Bert Wight wofMunced his oration upon "Mother," a eulogy in no uncertain tones upon the best friend a young man has, praise tor wbora what ever conditions may obtain, one al ways besua with intense appreciation. The oration contained good sense from begin ning to end; but was pronounced with only average effect. The A C G H q. Messrs Altennat and McCullcch and Missec Red field and Porter, were heard in a song, sweetly sung, resulting in an energetic encore, happily responded to. Miss Abbie r ry pronounce anoiauon on "Ibecong of tbe Siren." lt began with C kisses' vic tory over tbe siren and treated, with excel lent illustration, tbe contest between men and siren ever since.often resulting in woe and lemestation. Even today the siren doe ber mischievous work among youth and old men. lt was an excellent philippic against evil passions and displayed thought in preparation. It was well presented The quartet were again beard in a vocal selection. Tbe tent scene in Julius Caesar s presented withVommendable spirit and good conception of the characters, by Jos Stern burg and Edgar Stewart . An encore was mnonded to bv a humorous dialocue. Tbe program closod with a song by the male quartet, iesa wctiiuoca, tsryant, Aiter- niat and tniuiett. Ine judges consistin of Rev little. Superintendent Rutherfor and Carlton Sox presented their decision in favor of Miss Fry a the representative of the college, at the intercollegiate contest at Forest Grove. Yaqutxa Bat. A dispatch from Port Ind read:' Captain T W Symons of the United States corps of engineers bas just made an official report in which he declare that Yaquina Bay, Oregon, is unworthy of turuier improvement by the government. Ills opinion is endorsed by Vol. .Mindell, division engineer, and by General Casey, cuiei 01 engineers. upu oymons in ms 1 - t . .1 . . o , ' report savs: "Tbe plan for the improve ment ot xaouina bay, a proposed by a competent board of engineers, bas been practically completed, and toe improve ment of the bar has been all or more than the board hoped would be accomplished There is now a permanently located channel with from twelve to fourteen feet depth at low water. In my opinion it is beyond the power ot man to maKe it a harbor of ajm cien capacity fur deep draft ships enimced in loreign commerce or in mci 10 give uus entrance a bar channel depth aiwreciablv ireater than now existing.'' And vet Ya quina will always be a good place and one of the best resorts on the coast. Wk'rsUskd to It. An Albany man who received a paper from .North Carolina this week was greatly interested in one item. The state legislature in session there bas been remarkably extravagant spending 14,000 on clerks alone, an unheard of sum for that purpose ther, and people generally kicking. In Oregon, a state a fourth as large, over five times as much bas been spent for clerks, and Oregonians are stand ing it well, though practically it is the biggest steal on record. The Modern Invalid Has tastes medicinally, In keeping with other luxuries. A lemedy must lie pleas anly scceplable in lor rn, purely wholesome In composition, truly beneficial ineffct and entirely free from every objectionable quality. If really ill he consults a phytlcan; It constipated he uses the gentle 'family laxative Syrup of Figs. ")r. Price's Cream Caking frmoVa A Pur One Cream sf Tartar F; - HOME AND ABROAD A Mixture to be Taken Doses. in Small Fine line of stationary at Hodges h Jcr ananas. , The Kikspoo Indian medicine Co are now at Baker City. The step that follows suspension of ad vertising is almost certain to be suspen. wi 01 ousincs says an eacnange. Judge Whitney showed the Dhooat to-day a Wrrite Mlnotica egg that meas ured Inches, size that ha It own teliing. The Sa'em Journal, which Is giving the uregonua nts from the ground np oiUrs to ciuo ine two papers tot f J a year. A strange partnership. In Lane county an effort Is being made so nave ine name of a precinct. Long Tom, changed to Hlnton. Tin people mere are tired ot tbe familiar old name. If you wiab a fine Initial or name pin maae ot me nest gold wire, leave yonr order with Fred Brock man, caodoctwr of tbe street car. WS . MM ... im aurion iimts savs mat a man named Morris, living near that city, came 10 Aioany aooat tbree week ago, and ba noi Dcen near a rros since. The lrisn Aristocracy Comcdv Com pany wm appear at the opera house on febriandix. Tbe prices will only be 25,35 and 50 cents, but the performance iu dc nrst ciass. Tbe bcto Pre sijs: The Albany Daily Democrat ha a new head put on it, 1. . . . ... a. 1 . . ... . - usKienoeo 07 ine . usually paintul mcuwa 01 putting CI rtezcs on people The Democrat' new head adds to it ap pearance. The offort to create the office of mcral director and pay bhn a salary of Si .200 year to attend 10 the penitentiary, asylum and reform school with religion ct rices was rejectee wun only nre vote Us tt favor yesterday. That Old Bell Again. Editor Democrat : In this id onus Herald a "pioneer Af bany fireman call down your recent cor respondent in relation to tbe story about the old tre bell, and some of the other pioneer Albany hremeu' fcare asked 1 to give my reniembrance of tbe matter. Right at tbe start 1 wish to say that the Herald need not fed badiy about spoiling tbe sood starr invented Jbout this hisxarv old belt Jt canasta it. I am a tittle sur pnsed however that it should take the pioneers statement witbout lookiiur in to the matter. Tbe story told is absolute! correct. ooucnt live otd belt and m&er it proved defective, I immediabily- made the arrangement and had our present firs bell cast in fan Francisco. At that time 1 waa local editor of tbe Disnocrat, and bv "ookinsr over the !e of that rjaner I find that the old bed arrived here on Jan 4, IST7. I also find in the iasue cf Jaa 12, that Mr Wood found a crack in tbe new bell and thai it was not received by the committee. Ibis rather knocks tne state ment aboat Mr (lm cracking it. To tbe best of my recollection be never cracked a beil in'Albaar. at least n one of that kind. 1 also Snd in tLese old files that the tU we now have arrived here on Mav SI. 1S77. and as 1 was married on January 4th of that year, "pioneer" mast certainly be mirtakea about it ""v"g the racket at my wedding. In fact all statements mads br your correspondent were absolutely correct. ana 11 you want to preserve a bit ot true history about Albany fire matters, just din out that item and paste it in your hat tome or these days when 1 get a little more time. I will tell your lesvder about the cirenmstajace connected with tbe rjor- chase of the large fire bed we now have. O tl 2TXWAKT. The X. W. S Cf rrSDrso . Tbe Xortb- west Insurance Company of Portland, which has been doinz badness in Ore gon for about tea rears has decided to go out of business. The Company will re insure in reliable old time that policy holders will be safe. Stock holders hare paid their stock np entirelv, and it is doubtful ii anything is left for them after all obligations are met. Some think there will be. Fuiiy f2iOOO in stock is held in Albany. Mr Baker, who recently was I urned oat in the Third ward drew on tbe company for amount doe, and the draft v as dishonored. Ail such claims, though, will undoubtedly be paid in full. The company met a great Wkxt in the Washington ores, and also in eastern business, which could hardly be overcome. A Moment's Delay s piinf ul In a rase of toothache, and so. a you note, 2anta Ciaus didn't watt an in stant, but resorted to oar toothache drop at once. Ot course, he was at once reliev ed and able tt proceed about hi gracious business as pleasantly aa before. Dont loo! with fre or toothache, but drop It al once, uur prescription department is unsurpassed In the country. The prepa ration 01 m- uctne t our specialty. e supplement the skill ot an eqpert pharma cist with a stock of absolutely pure and fresh drug, which commands the praise and confidence of all local physicians. We also carry all the standard medicines and a full line of toilet and manicure articles, which are just the Idea for holi day gifts. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement anc tends to personal enjoyment whM rightly tisea. Tbe many, who live be ter than others and eujoy life more, wii less expenditure, by more prompv'v adapting the world's best products U. the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in tbe remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form meat acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, tbe refreshing end truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers ana permanently curing constipation. It ba given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of tbe medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gist in 60 cent bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every packaiw. also the name. Svrun of Figs, and being well informed, you will not ! 4sia . W-L. Douglas R2 CtJC ta the near. WW WflWGriTrcsAKiN. cordovan: mr"n 1 f nrat; 1 rn rrs r 43.M flUZKIlXAKiXl - j 3.eiP0UCEJSOlxa. if wt I rsi - 2. 'z.wr sioaaLifai LADIES' LVS snmr-aserrsineiir Ovot Oo KUiioa PnpU wear Uva W. L. Dongas $3 & $4 Sices All onr aboes are equally ajctlsfactory : Thy ill's tsa ht value for tfce mtmer. They equal custssa shoes) la style mm hi. I atr sssma are. srMatrnaase. The rtce arc aartoTT, ataipe ts soil Frsw- Sfl to Si std mvmr stSsr wkH. If ytur dealer caaaot sepp'x yea we can. icldby THE L.EBLAIN CLOTHING CO. Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, Ail Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to tne Very - Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub in Vigorously. Mustang I innrw-nt coaqoar KmIu rUa ar Beast well egaia. LADIES DO TOD ssro DR. rCUX LE BRUr'3 she on FEEiiiu m bt th oriaiaa am oc!r Siife mad rsv Ru tb tBsrceC rna fit": sent t beBsnaaoUa&lj br I A Cummin' sole age-it. Alfanr, r trraxa srs. Tvs , J A Cummlng, sole agent, Albany. S?m4 evrvfr xn fcr SnrKwarSick Mfmrn j--)iMH,i.t)isi 'lining. tmmmi Nrti: mim lor KIsm. Goat. Sudacr tuc74rx Aol Dr- Ammia. Aaodon (or Alcofeoua rSismiMrl raaskSASaaaJraeatt. THE ARXOU) CHEKICJU. CO. l5IS.Wastcr.sccav OUCASa Sold by all dnjgg':s. EX. X. C TX57S tXSTt ASS SUS T5XATXXT! ia sold swdsr paaiur vrittMl inaraziti, br sustboriaMl aansa only, to car Siu Xeeaocr; Vmm at Brain sxd Kerv) rmr. lot alanbaodj QosckMa; KisThs I new. EiU Dtvsubk Lack of Cochin c; IveHDmLiwu. Lassirade: all Oraiaa; Unas of Posrsrof UwGvncaaiTa Orraas ia aitswr sx. eaaasd by nr-eseetia loathful Errara, or EzeesasT Vss ot Tobacco. Optcun ar Liqaor. which bads ia kisrrT. C or tumpuon. laauitr and DesoK. By mail, tl a box; su for $5;nta. wnttaa caaimatsw to ear or refund iraae?. Hamplo packsMpa. coutaiBinT uv da' treaneat. with fall iaatnsctioBs. Si cueitv Ob ampla oslj aoid to aaca paesua bi mniL J A Cummlng, sole agent, Albany VIGOR " 1,1 EU Easily, QBickly, Penaaaeotty Restored. WeaJtweaa, Kntssam, VeMnit, aad all U train of evils from early errors or laver eneasue, Uw results of tc, Full strenata. deveV ;isea opmeai sou tune snven to rSTery orraa and portion oflhetaij-. Simple, nat- nrsu nsetaodA. Immfdl ate luiurovemens sera. Tailnra innnasible. referesceok Book. explanation aad proofs maUea (sealed) tree. ERIE UE01CAL GO., Buffalo, N.Y. An ajtusaWa Vnnis and Hnri Tosm. Bold by Dnifnrista or sent by mul. gjjtmi. andtUO per package. Samples tree. T"f "a TTft TbeFsrvorttetWia fflTSxa LkV llwfortbeTeeiaaaUBteai.S fjhty 4 Mjeai. 7-- ( -S w. ir. sfl AS FEVHlTTVE lwfcsrlijj West BSisiktrad ie?x ?r.- h v - 1 - ..-p- sv. , .