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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1895)
Mr Dolph ia dividing the republican party up in great shape in Oregon. "I called to pay you wnat I owe yon," are among the sweetest words one can hear nowadays. The railroads want the railroad com mission retained, a fact that needs no transparency to give it a complete ex planation. Everything that builds up Oregon will build up Albany, which ia bound not only to keep up but ahead of the growth of the state. . Ex-governor Hogg, of Texaa, is about to start a newspaper. Judging from his name it may be predicted that it will be another Oresonian. The University of Michigan has the most students of any college in the U. S.,about 4000. Harvard is second.Penn sytvania third and Yale fourth. Salem has a city hall elephant on its hands. It ia going to cost a great deal mere than was expected. An expense that is always worse than a boil. Folly half the members of the legisla ture would do a good service if they would go home and stay, thus saving the state a big Bum of money. They are worthless as legislators. The Pope suggests that the Priests do not ride bicycles." One hundred years behind time. Let every body ride bicy cles. They are among the greatest in ventiona of the age. Whenever a country newspaper runs out of material for an editorial it pitches into the Oregonian and Harvey Scott. Mr. Scott has become so hardened that it runs of his back like water from a duck. What a glorious winter we have had; bat bow selfish we are to rejoice by giving comparison with eastern weather. We can extend onr sympathy, and many are entitled to more than sympathy. One man says we can almost forget our hard times when we contemplate our superior climate. H all the bills introduced in the legis ature were to pass Oregon would be ful of railroad commissioners, game war dens, beertasters, horticulturists, bank examiners, grain inspectors, dairy com- mIseisoners,moral directors, log measur ers, food commissioners et cetera: but fortunately there are a few sane men in the two bodies. Mrs. U S. Grant was recently in At- lanta.Ga., where she was treated royally by the hospitable southerners. The new South ia all right. It is made of solid men who are leading in many of the enterprises and industries of the world. The past ia being buried. The future speaks for a wonderful develop ment beyond Dixie in all the great move ments of the world. An eastern exchange says: "Several rubber manufacturing houses will close The mild open winter has created no de' mand for rubber goods- For further par ticclars read the eastern dispatches. One would think people would need solid suit of rubber. Washington is to have a state grain in. spector, about as much needed as a light ning rod fcr the ocean. Oregon would also have several inspectors and examin ers and it is possible some will be estab lished just to provide for needy politi cians. Already apolitical wire pulter has been given a chair in a State Univer sity, aud he ia not needed as much as cat needs bangs. St. Valentines day comes this week, a fact revealed by a glance at several win dows along the street. "In the spring a young man's fancy lightly turns thoughts of "love; but the poet said nothicg about their turning to thoughts of horrid circatures that are nauseating to look at, illy conceived, and ungainly Send your girl one of the artistic ones full of sentiment, follow it up with a pro posal and then settle down to the steady Jodding life that will make a man of you Mocrhead's bill amending the ballot law proposes to group the ticket of each political party ceparate, and to place 1 the loft of the name of each candidate small square in which a cross will be mace opposite the name of the candidate voted for. riiis will tend to greatly aim plify the ballot. Under the present law the names are grouped on one ticket, alphabeti eally and the names of the par ties not voted for are crossed out, which causes considerable confusion with some, and a sorrect vote of the people is . not obtained. The other features of the bal lot law now in foice are left unchanged. -Ex. The New York . World is opposed to selling bonds to foreigners. It want them disposed of to the people. The World say 8: "Our government can Lonow all the money it wants at 3 per cent, or less. Yet it is just now about to borrow $100, 0o0,000at 34 or Z per cent. ; I; can borrow all the money it wants fro;o our own people: Senator Sherman speaks as an expert when he says that a popular loan of J 500,000,000 would be taken up in two days. Yet we are a tout to bonow $10:,000,000 oi foreign bankers, to whom we must pay $4,000,000 a year interest for thirty years to come.or $120, C00.COO in all, besides the principal of 1100,000,000 In order to get $100,009, 000 now we mart send abroad $220,000, 000 within thirty years." While a great deal is being said about money it is a very interesting fact that of all commercial transactions in the country in only 6 per cent of the cases is money actually used. Cpin in per cent of the cases and paper money in i't per cent of the cages. In 94 per cen1 of all transactions checks and drafls are UBed. Tlx-n as a matter of fact the great circulating medium of the country i check money. It is a pretty so id money too, for it is backed by an actual deposit) supported by laws making it a criminal offense to give a check, without a bank credit. The Demochat merely refers to this as a fact. There is probably some thing in it suggestive of future money, of the money that will be used when the government retires from banking, as a great medium This will, of course, not affect the present mediums, , gold and silver, needed for personal transactions which cover the six per cent referred to There is undoubtedly a wolfe the else YaquinaBay field somewhere, we don't know what wolves are. Dolph or no oue is the cry of the Ore- gonian. - It has been figured out that 100,003 vote at men In New York City do not all. Mr Dolph continues to draw (20 a day for working for the government and do ing nothing for anybody but himself. Mr. Phil Cohen informs the Democrat that the next TJ. S. Senator from Ore gon will be Hon. Sol. Hirsch, of Port land. Mr. Cohen baa figured this out with his own pencil. Albany should be proud of her public schools. They are progressive and up with the times. In fact no public school in Oregon ia better equipped, if as well. The courses are thorough, and a feature that is commendable ia the supplement al work enjoyed through the splendid library being gotten together. The greater number of the Oregon olons are eniovina the hospitality of Hon. H. W. Corbett at the Hotel Port land at present, following a graud din ner to which they were invited by him for yesterday. Statesman. Twenty-four oat of ninety doesn't look much like the greater number. We dislike allowing an issue cf the Democrat go by without mentioning the fact that the present State Legislature Is failure. It has done nothing, doesn't intend to do anything, and has not the brains to do anything if it wanted to. This doesn't refer to several of the mem bers, solid, capable men, who are kept from doing anything by the mec around them. The benefits cf free wool and of re duced duties on all woolens are begin ning to be felt by manufacturers and con sumers alike. A Pittsburg merchant writes to the 2L Y. Herald that he is able to sell French challies at 15 cents per yard less than under the McKinley tar iff, and that there has been a propor tionate reduction on all other woolen goods. Not only so, but with free wool our manufacturers are able to compete on even terms with foreign mills in gen- nine all-wool goods. The result is that less foreign goods will be imported, and there has been a marked increase of or ders for domestic woolens. One of the best members of the present legislature is Senator Coggswell.of Crook, Lake and Klamath counties, lie gets good many hard hits but deserves them less than most any man in the legists. ture. Among his bills are : Providing for recording of conditional sale and lease of personal property; providing for the transfer an J satiafation of mortga gea; relating to equalization of taxation prescribing what shall be conclusive evi dence of the enactment of laws of the legislative assembly ; repealing sections of Hill's code relating to making list of persons liable for military duty. -The American silver dollar contains a trifle less silver than the Mexican col lar, but it ia at a premium of about two for one over the Mexican coin, even in Mexico. That is to say. that if you go into a shop in a Mexican town, buy Mexican dollar's worth of something and hand the salesman an American dollar, he will give you back a Mexican dolla in change. This is because the Ameri can silver dollar under present condi tions is not genuine money. At the present price of silver bullion the silver in our dollar is worth only about 50 cents, and it ia kept up to a parity with gold only by the Treasury manipulation and by the laws making it a legal tender for all dues, public and private. As our coinage laws stand, we have no such thing aa bimetallism and the silver dol lar is practically an obligation of the Government redeemable in gold. In Mexico silver is the standard money .and it passes in the markets of the world at iU bullion value, just as our gold money does. St. Louis Republic. A Democratic Measure. The St. Louis Republic in answer to question by a correspondent says : The tariff oa sugar is mainly a revenue tax. and yet it was repealed by the McKin ley act, thus cutting off some $40,000 000 or $50,000,000 yearly of income from the Treasury, in order to harden the pro tective tariff taxes, whose purpose is to take money oat of tlie pockets of the people without patting it into the Treas ury. To make cr to the sugar planters of this country lor the Idas of incidental protection, this same McKialey act gave the planters a bounty of 2 cents a pound on all the raw sugar they made. This drew about $12,000,000 a year out of tut Treasury, in addition to the money al ready lost by the repeal ot the import tax on sugar. The new tariff act, com monly called the Wikon act, repealed the sugar bounty and put back a reve nue tax on imported sugar, thus helping the Treasury a-coming and a-going. Some of the planters claim that they ought to have the bounty for this year, as the new tariff law was not passed un til late in the planting season, but the law does not warrant payment of the bounty on the crop of 1894. Will be Voted On. The following senate joint resolutions were adopted at the 1893 session of the legislature and have again been adopted by the present assembly and will go be fore the electors of the state probably at a special election ; 'That section 10 of article XI of the constitution of the state of Oregon, be and the same is hereby abrogated, and in lieu thereof section 10 of article XI shall be as follows : "Article XI, section 10. No country, city, town, school district or other mun icipal corporation shall be allowed to become indebted in any manner or for any purpose to an amount, including present existing indebtedness, in the aggregate exceeding five per centum on the value of the taxable property therein to be ascertained by the last assessment for state and county taxes provlous to th3 incurring of such indebtedness." "That the following amendment to the constitution of the state of Oregon, in lieu of section 10 of article VII (7), be and the same is hereby proposed, to wit: Section 10. The legislative assembly may provide for the election of supreme aud ciren't jnd -e li 'int "'asses, one o. i n.. j . i...-a , ;..., c jiii8t of Jive jus tices of the supreme court, who shall not perform circuit duty ; and the other class shall consist of as msny tircnit judges as may be deemed necessary.who shall hold full terms without allotment and who shall take the fame oath as the supreme judg-f - The legislative ajsem bly may create as many circuit as may be deemed necessary. It didn't take the senate long to com pletely aettle the Cakipoola county bill. Gettlag married ia a common thing but it is serious enough when - it takes place in your own family. The Oregon legislature has no finan cial sense. It spends several times as much for the same thing as an eastern legislator- The government is getting so it inter feres in nearly everything but express compamea. it aoema afraid oi tnem. They charge whatever t aey please and it is generally pretty high. Distance lends enchantment to the view, and Hawaii is a more wonderful country 2500 miles away than at close range, An even, monotonous tempera' tore, money tied up, big licenses on everything, give it its disadvantages as well as advantages. Glass is coming to the front. It is now playing an important factor in the manufacture of silver dollars. Five ten cent pieces gets the Daily delivered five weeks or by mail eight weeks. The vacillating condition of the pres ent house of representatives was shown yesterday when it defeated the bill for an appropriation ot $5000 tor a so-called normal school at Drain, and then im mediately reconsidered it and passed it 31 to 16. The Pacific Railroads. No subject before the American people to-day is ot more interest than that of the Pacific railroads, recently up before Congress in the Reilly funaing bil, fortunately defeated. The Jacksonville, Florida, Times gives the case in a plain way: The history of the legislation toucling these railroads is disgraceful to the con gressmen who were concerned in it, and who favored ft. The government made a clear present to the companies that were to construct these roads of 12,9(0 of land for every mile constructed. Let us suppose that when the roads were constructed these lands wera worth on ly dollar and a quarter per acre ; then the government made a clear gift ot $17,000 per mile to the roads. In addition to this the government guaranteed 6 per cent gold bonds to the extent of $16,000 per mile for that part of the road between the Missouri river aud the bate of the Rocky Mountains; $32,000 per mile from the Rockies to the Sierra Nevada mountains, and $16,000 per mile for that part of the road west of the Sierra Nevada. Thus in direct contributions and in endorsement of bonds the government bad contributed from $33,000 to $05,000 per mile to the construction of the road. A commission that was appointed to investigite the matter found that these roads had cost in cash $35,000 per mile. Thus there was not a dollar in them that the government bad not contrtbut ed. Their officers, however, bad gone into the business with a detirminaton to plunder, and represented that they were not able to complete the road with the land appropriation and the bonds endorsed, and asked permission to issue bonds of equal amount to that which the government had authorized for their completion. This was granted by a cor rupt congress, and a further isauo of bonds ranging from 116,000 to HS.000 per mile was authorized, and was given priority over the government bonds, which had before constituted a first mortgage on the road. Many of the officers of these roads be came millionaires through methods near ly aa dishonorable as bank burglary .They saddled on the roads debts amoantiag to three times their honest cost of con struction, while a complaisant congress made the government foot the bills. Big Pacific Coast Advantage. Here is something from theTscoma News that ia certainly encouraging for the farming interests of the Pacific Coast A good many public writers are calling attention to the condition of the Ameri can farmer, who has long held a place superior to that occupied by bis class in any other country of the globe; but whom, it is now claimed, is gradually passing away, as a representative. The American farmer stands distin guished as one who owns the soil be tills, and consequently able to maintain an in dependence and style ot living far above that possible to the European yeoman ry. He is, however, beginning to yield to the forces brought o bear upon him the creation of the landlord and classes having made considerable progress The diminution of the owning farmer class, and the increase of tenant farmers cannot be viewed with complacency The average tenant farmer has no future except one of increasing rtnt charges, and the sharper the competition for chances to earn a living the greater will be the rents exacted. Th'S will produce an agricultural population made up of hired laborers, poor and illiterate. It has already manifested its injurious effect upon the schools and roads of the Middle States. A lew figures from the last census, in this connection, are extremely interest ing to the Pacific slope. In six New England States the num. br of uwnintf farmer r!iniiniflhii 24.117 I and tenant farmers increased 7,246. In the four Middle States owners decreased 42,301 and tenants increased 24,075; in Ohio, Indiana and Illinois the number of owning farmers decreased 3I.259,while the tenant farmers increased 48,864. like proportional cnange occurred in tb Southern and old Western Slates. For the Pacific States the figures are Increase in number of owning farmers, 60,512; increase in number of tenant iarmers, 20,350. The character of the agricultural ele ment, is therefore vastly superior here than eliewhere. The man who owns the laud he tills, has an abiding interest therein, which manifests itself in all those qualities miking the good citizen, and which are logically inhibited in the person of one whose sole interest is to locale wherever he can with the least labor keep body and soul together. The one Is a neigh bor to be depended upon in all matters of patriotism ; the other too often fails. The knowledge of these facts must prompt the desirable hometeekvr to lo cate with us. , All Issubancb Policies of The North west Fire and Marine Insurance Comp any covering property in Albany and vic inity will be re-written fn The New York Underwi iters Agency of the Hartford Fire Insurance Co. or other reliable com panies. Premiums of Northwest Pol icies will be credited on new policies. Bring immediately to Jos. V. Talt, Baltimore Blcck, Albany Oregon. TELEGRAPHIC Sa.ucm, Feb. 12. The Senatorial vote has become a mere formality. It was to day: Dolph, 39; Hare. 10; Williams, 11; Lord, 7; Lowell, 10; Weatherford 7. Six absent and paired. ,. The Vote. Salem, Feb. 11. The Senatorial dead lock continues with little interest. Today it wan: Dolph, 86; Williams. 9; Lowell, 10; Weatherford. 7; Hare, 10; Lord. 6 Twelve absent or paired. A Repetition. Salem, Feb. 13. The vote was a Jre pe tition of yesterday, as follows: Dolph 39 Weatherford 7, Williams 11, Hare 10, Lowell 12, Lord 6, tlx absent and paired. Fatal Accident. Mbdfobd, Or., Feb. 11. Ed, a son of the pioneer Merchant, 7. Nunan, of Jack sonville. sired nineteen, was riding a horse between Medford and Jacksonville about seven o'clock last evening when his saddle turned, throwing him to the ground caus ing ratal injures, ue died from concus lion of the brain early this morning. A Sheriff Attacked. Sausm, Or., Feb. 11, 2:25 p. ra. Last evening at seven o'clock as SheriffJKuight entered the county uui to iock prisoners on for the night be was assaulted oy tour prisoner wuv nu inoiuug uuu iui various serious offenses. He was knocked down with sticks of cord wood in the hands of the assailants and received cut over the left eye. When he regained his feet he cleaned out the entire mob single handed and alone, attacking them with a bunch ot heavy keys used in the jail. All four of his assailants received a good trouncing at his hands and he has . . . V " received many congratulations on ms brave conduct. The attack was made with a view of securing liberty but now that the attempt failed the prisoners are farther from libertv than ever, aa thev are locked up in solitary connnement.J State Legislature. In the senate a report in favor of the better organization of the O. N. O. was adoDted. The only bill passed was one lneorpor- aung i mi viiy. in the bouse eeveral lulls were roau the second time. Holer's bill prohibit ing free passes was indefinitely post pon ed 89 to 20. Previous to this aa amend ment was cheekily introduced exempt ing Multnomah county from the effects ot the bill. The bill lor a free ferry at Portland passed, aa well as amendments to Portland's charter. The legislature continues to do noth ing, though enough bills have been in troduced to provide for the use of nearly li.uuu.uuu. The senate spent most ot tlie iiav in discussing reports on the Portland chart er bill and Mctiowans salary bill. In the bouse a test vote on the Linn county division question resulted against division 32 to 26. It was on a motion to Extend time for adjournment to vote on the measure. O. F. Paxton seems to champion the bill, while Scott and Smith are doing good worx against it. A bill by bhutruru prohibiting tbe use ot school houses for dances was passed. Several normal and graded school UUs were given a special order. Bill of Smith of Josephine for recovery of attorney's fee in action for labor pass ed. Moore's bill amending horticultural law passed. in the senate uawarm s wii incorporat ing Albany passed. Also Long's for pur chase of Stark Btreet lorry, the Portland charter bill ; Butler's, providing for re corder in folk county ; Kaiey s bin ir Eastern Oregon asvlum, carrying an ap propriation of $145,000 passed; Denny regulating building and loan associations. M cO inn s salary bui. lempictons noue bill creatine CaWooia county was read first time and was indefinitely postponed, thus killing the bill. McClung's resolu tion preventing slaughter ot game ny Indians was adopted. In the house the vote creating: (.ela- poola county was carried 32 to 26. Tem pleton, of this county voted for the bill and Scott and Smith against it. The Form Grove charter bill was pMped, also Paxton 's bill relating to charitable and benevolent associations. Bridge's bill appropriating X'jOOO to support the State oriual school at Drain was lost and then reconsidered and carried 34 to 16. Also bill tor Normal school at Ash land, and bill for graded school at Lake view. Money To Loan. I hve money to lon on good farm land In Linn and Beiton counties In sums not over $3000. No delay In fur nishing tbe coin. Call on C G Burkhart, Albany, Oregon. Also money to loan on city properdin any amount 00 Ion g tlm at s low rate of interest. Notice to Creditors. On account of hard times the time for payment of the accounts due the old firm of Klein Bros, will extended until March I , but no longer. After that date they will be placed ia tbe bands of attorney for col lection, release call and settle and avoid costs. Don't Trade with Conn A Huston Uidese you want good groceries stid produce a, ihe lowest prices and first cists 'real ment. You can get ihem there. They ere open early and la'e to scrre tlie public, and a trial will contince any one of the fact. Money to Loan. We are prepared to make loans on good mprovtd farms in sums to suit, of from 1,000 to $io,ooo. Cur rah & Montsith. We are prepared to take up without loss to the holder, any policy of the e Aortbwest Insurance Co. and replace it with one in the A'xaa or tbe New Zealand Insurance Co S. N. Steele & Co. Thoe hi did nol secure tickets for Gales Glass Mounts of agent, csn get them at Tinkle's Gallery until March 10. I want more trade. Fred Dawson Get your millinery st Mrs Asliby's. Hot baths st Verlck's shaving parlors. Frtsh buckwheat flour in bulk at C E Brovnell's. Baths at V ir recks shaviog end hair euttiug parlors. llM Bath and warm rooms at Veilck's having pailor. 40 full weight loaves of bread for Si a Parker B os. Clsan towels to every oastomsr at Viareak having parlors. Dr G vV Maston, physician and surgeon Calls answered promptly in city or country. Chamois skins at Fred Dawson's. If you want a Rood and clean smoke buy cigars made by our Al bany cigar factory. Fine stationary at Fred Dawson's. A large line of new style outing flannels at reduced prices at S E Young's. Fine line of stationary at Hodges ft McFarland's. so oranges for 35 cts this week at C E Brownell's. Did you notice ihst the best class of photos are made at Tinkles only. See his amp'es. Now Is your last chance to secure s beautiful crayon portrait and frame almost tree at Tlnklei.. . Cenumerl gloves at 8 EYoung's. People who want strictly pictures go to Tinkles, first class Ladles muslin underwear at cast E Young's. st S For bargains In dress goods examine the remnant counter at S E Young's. More lataraare Trouble. Sa Fiiakcisco, Feb. 12. All of lie local insurance managers have gone to Monterey to confer roimrding the tirorjosed amendments to the constitution of the lioard of lire underwriters, organised a month ago iu repini-v uie lormer insurance compact. The new compact is already in trouble over a rule prohibiting the employment by a compsny ot a solicitor or agent who bad been dismissed for cause by another com pany. Disruption of the new organisation is inreasenc. Keadjr Is alt, Bhooklyn, Feb. 12. As a result of a conference held this afternoon between President Lewis and the board of directors of the Brooklyn City railroad and ex -As- setnoiymen John t ran am ana i'oiice jus tice ligbe, tbe trolley strike In Brooklyn , which was begun January 14, last, will be called off tomorrow. There wers several conferences. Tbe men oak for nothing more than that thev be given a chance to go back to work and they waive nil of the demands they ruado when they went on sinse. Another Vale It Wasuisotok, Feb. 12. The house committee on Pacific railroads decided to day to report the Keillv Pacific railroad bill back to the house for further consideration. The committee decided that the house should have another opportunity t vote for the bill, in view of tbe fact that the recommitting the bill to the committee stated that sufficient time bad not been al lowed for its consideration. A tieed Beslaeas. Milwaukee, Wis., Fsb. 12. Tbe re ceivers of tlie Northern Pacific railroad filed their report of receipts and disbursements for December. 1691, today. It shows total receipt tor the month fiom ait sources of $3,736,087, with a balance brought for ward from November of $1,736,760, mak ing a total of available fund of S5.472.563. Tbe total disbursements amounted to 2,- 770,248, leaving a net balance carried for ward to the January account of $2,702,315 A Sew Peasiee BUU vVasuisctos, Feb. 12. The bouse com mittee on pensions today received a report from the pension office relative to the bill of Mr. Hermann, of Oregon, for pension ing survivors of Indian wars. Tne law of 15W2 pensioned those who participated in Indian wars between l&fci and 1842. The a:t omitted the names of some wars, for services in which pensions are sought. Tbe purpose of tbe Hermann bill is to in clude all recoenbed Indian wars np to and including ISio. Very ml. Pekveb, Feb. 13 fn Pueble, at 6 A M the weather bureau's thermometer re corded 1 below ier. the coldest since the bureau ras established. At Greeley, it sras 16 below zero, and at Dilioa 40 below. Many points along the IienterftBio Graide reported the temperature from 'JO to 25 below. Tbe cold wave it chiefly cna- Dned to the mountain districts. Preewlateal Lawyer eea4. Baker Cmr, Or.. Feb. 11. Ex-Judge L. O. Sterns died at bis home here Satur day, February 9. l!S5. Tbe f uner-i took place today, under the auspices of the Ba ker County Bar Association and the Baker County t'ioneer Association. Caa's be FeeaeV Pas Frasctsco. Ftb. 1 1 .The uecotors of Millionaire Fair's will have given up nope of nnutng the stolen instrument and bare asked the court to admit it to probate through a copy, if the content of the win is begun, the first battle will be orer the probate of this copy. Beeteteel a Tea. Rome, Feb. 11. A serious riot occurred in tbe village of AcerraLa today, growing out of tbe rrnttance of tbe people to tbe grain tax. Tbe populace set fire to tbe tax offices, which were dettroyed. and endear- ored to throw from the track the ap4e ex press as it passed thrxigh tbe town. Tbe troops were called oat, and in their collis ion with tbe riotrrs a number were wound ed on both sides. TkesMerwaOter. New York. Fb. 11. East river is still badly blocked with tbe ice and the running of ferry boats is irregular. North river is also hi led with ice. but tbe boats are run ning fairly well. Tbe weather is decidedly wanoer. Tbe thermometer at 1 1 o'clock bad risen to 2$ degrees above zero, with tbe rin shining brightly. A thaw was set ting in. Sew far le.tag. New York. Feb. 11.-Harold Frederick has cabled fro-n London to thr Times the fed lowing: "I have from aa absolutely informed I quarter aa interesting view of the state of 1 affairs in tbe far East. Corea's autonomy is assured. Manchuria is virtually in Jap- lanese hands, and they are already building additional fortifications at Pert Arthur to turn that place into a Japanese Gibraltar. Now that Wei Hai-Wei is captured and the Chinese fleet destroyed, nothing re mains except to advance upon Peking. This will certainly be done by way of Shan Ilai-Kwan. BajlBS SieM. Washisotox, Feb. 11. Secreiary Car lisle has informed the New York syndicate, with which tee 3,500.000 ounces of gold were contracted for, that tbe interest on bonds given in payment would not be com tnencd until alter tbe deposit cf tbe gold, and in consequence a large amount of gold was today delivered at the assay orhce. The superintendent of the assay otnee has beea instructed to receive the irold bv weight, and to pay ia certificate of depos it, which will be received for tie bond when they ate ready for delivery. A Big rire. Ottawa, Kan., Feb. 10. Fifteen firms were burned out today by a Ere that started here this morning and raged for four hours. he agt.-regate loss is tTO.CCO. with insur ance ot about one-bait that amount. Lands te setlleeseBl. TnK, leb. 10. By a recent de- ctsion c f tbe land com miMioner. 175,000 acres 01 ruiiread land in Wasoo, Sherman and Uilliain ia thrown epsn te settlement under tbe homestead act. Most of this land i very fertile and will soon be crowd el with homeseekcrs. The Bluaard Over. Bcftaio, Feb. 10. The great blizzard is piit. Owing to all country roads being impassible and the milroads ulockaded.not a quart of milk was brought into the city today. The blockade on the railroads is being raised as fait as possible. 1 he givat snow plow of the New York Central, which was exhibited at the World's Fair, has been kept scurrying over the tracks of (tint company's line and this evening left for Rochester. A Revel Tales;. Georgetown, Ky.i Feb. 10. A novel spectacle was furnished the younger gener ation here yesterday. It was the sale by public auction of two colored women, Sara Uackson and Bettie FUhback. They were convicted of vagrancy in the circuit court and ordered to be sold into slavery for the period of six months. The sale took place in front of the courthouse. Deputy Sheriff Shuff being tbe auctioneer, and attracted a large crowd. The women were bought by two colored men, Henry Jackson and Richard Coleman, and brought 01.05 and $2, respectively. Fearteea Brew aed. Halifax, N. 8., Feb. 10. One of the lute arrivals at this port today announced the Iobs Friday or the fishing schooner Clara Friend, with all on board. Tbe Friend loft Uloucester to weoks ago, bound for The Georges on a fishing trip 11 nil car ried screw of 14 men. Friday the terrific storm caught her while off V estern head, near Liverpool, N. 8., and she was driven on the rocks, going to pieces soon after ward. Not one of the crew was saved. ArbilraUoB rrebable. Washihgton, Feb. 10. The recent vis it to Washington of Mr Creamer, the Brit ish member of parliament who was charg ed with the presentation to our govern ment of a memorial signed by his col leagues in parliament, urging the negotia tion of au arbitration treaty with Great Britain, has resulted in stimulating inter est in tha project which had rather lan guished since tbe introduction of tlie Alli son resolution, some years ago. lu con gress the proposition has taken tangible shape in a radical joint resolution submit ted by Senator Hherman and referred to the committee ou foreign relations, fully au thorizing the president to move in the matter. f' rT'" errs ctstj aSmH raKTTRaT.KTa(uRE wi , ss ts r ri -ir sr-k w t, -Hr -- -HH- -Kr-- g, R-l-P-A-N- ONE GIVES RELIEF. 1) c s SK a el M O a 22 5 a a JO "3 fa. -3 o NEW P Kl V SIX) RE iS NOW rCLI. OF FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE. CONSISTING IV 1 ot bed room eete. chair, leaogta, etc, a bieh I will sell at BOTTOM Star Bakerj rtralillsi rirsl U iCOKRAD IIYER, FFCPRIETCB at a at rratila. (Jtaaaamr, Orleel rrali. Te . sisr, -. Eta, Cemaacel n Qsjeeaawarc TegeUialea. Cfgara lea. Te. aU- era.. the at ties tm a MM) s4 cxnry ever BVr1 surtrt pro fmH I J fU.L RINDS OF PRODUCE. ALBANY FOMTOBE CO, rE8'COXOZtA.TZD Calliraore Clod. - - - Albaij, Or. FURNITURE complete line of UNDERTAKING in all its branches. EMBALMING anriity. Residence er 3rd and Calapooia rRrscRjpTic CARJCPULLY, Com en cerTs- "-VSLST Life Drops trickle from bottles ot nght medicines, rightly compounded. our physician will preserilie the proper remedy for your malady, and we will guarantee to supply the" proper medicine correctlv prepared from tbe freshest, purest and most potent drugs in the world. Purity in drugs, like correctness in hook-keening, is absolutely indespertsable. Medi cines are not remedies without it, and certainly no medicine prepared by us is without this essential element of purity in its ingredients. We can also supply all the standard medicines recognised as the every-day reliables, and we carry a very complete line of toilet and manicure artu-K-s. . J A CCMHMG, ALBANY INS. AGENCY I CAN GIVE you more genuine Insur ance for a $1.00 than any oilier sgsnt In Albany. Any rohool-boy who can control pre miums to the smount of f 300 annually can secure tbe agency tor an ln urance Co., for that reason do not think that every man who writes policies Is sn "insurance man." Insure In the SUN. PHOENIX, LON DON, MANCHESTER, and NORWICH UNION of England,or CONTINENTAL of New York and have something for your money In case of honest loss. Notes taken on farm Insurance. M f iNDtss, M'gr. Valley adjuster for the Sun Ins office of London, Highest price paid for all; kinds of grain. J. U. IH.IxSTOJv'. INSURANCE ANDM0NE BROKER. County Warrants Bought aa Sold. Office, Haston Block. Albani t ---rW" . - a fr---r-irtm rw S6024 M D URN1TUR. PRICES. Thos. Brink. FIRE INSURANCE Insure your property wit I Joseph V Talt in Tht Old Hartford, THE NEVT YORK UN ERWRITER& AGENCY, or one of the other reliable f Id line com panies he represents. Notes taken and plenty of tiro? given for payment on fartt insurance. All business plao ed with him will be prompt ly attended to. OFFICE IN BALTIMORE Block, 'Albany, r TO THE LADIES. Having bad conridcTaUe experience I make a speriahv of ehamnnotng ladies and children hair. Those troubled wiih dandruff, hair falling out or hair not growing luxuriantly please? call on Sat urday of each week and be benefitted. betaneen 6;h and ah streets, near resi dence of W. V. rU-hi. 25 cents for ladies, 15 cents far children. 31 as. M. G. Hcbso-1 LOW KATES. Hereafter tbe rate on the Southern Pacific between Pon land and Albanv will be - cents per hundred regard- iee 01 claw meat ion on ail goods except powder. On lime, cement, nails arid many othor commodities tbe rate will on !v tie 1 f cents. A liberal patronage will mate ue rates permanent. DRY WOOD. Balm. S2. Small fir, S2.25. Large fir. S3.00. White Maple. 12.75. Delivered to any part cf town. Leave orders at Ramp s groceiy store. H Bavasr. U. S. BAKERY. Fresh bread every day, pies cake. etc. Special orders solicited. C. D. VANDYKE, PaorairroB. Get your MEAT IRA TURNERS. Ferry street, between First and Second. Tbe best meats of all kinds at lowest prices always on band, as a trial will convince roa.1 Dr H E Beers. Dr (J K Beers Physicians and burgeons Special attention given to dlaeases o women. Hours to to 12 A M. a to a aed 7 to 3 P M. Offices and residence Blum berg Bul'dlng, First Street, between Lyon andElsarrth. DR. C. U. CHAF.1BERLIN BOBXOB OPAT. Office on Ferrv St nnar iw 9nl st nPK tKHirs. 7 to 9 a m. 12 to 2 and 6 to 8 p m rJoecial attention given to chronic casct and eye diseases. OXTANTB s HACHLEBitf, Attorneys at Lit. Albany, Oregon. Bank or Hl'IO, SOTO, OBB OBBWOW, allsr . J Meaa ...A, J Job QEO. IV. WRiaDT, '""ystlaw, and lfotary Puthie. Will pracUeela sli tbeooorte ot Uis state Special atuul'oa -inn to esUeeUonsand saatterala pnbate Uau:-K oor to Poetofflee, Albany. 0n . II F MERRILL. INSURANCE AND MONEY BROKER Albany, Or. City and county warrants bought and eoJd. s ADMIXISTEATOB'S K0T1CE. Notice is hereby given to all whom it may eooosra that the undersigned M P rroit, has been appointed administrator of the asUte of D V Michael, deceased let of Lion eoeoty, O-cgon, by the Honorable Couoty Court of it ststs of Oregon, fee Una county, and that be has filed his borst aa such admioUtrator sod the same has beea approved by said coort. All arsons having slaims agaiast said estate are hereby noti fied and required to preeeot tbe seme to tb DndetsigDed at the ofiioe of Whitney ft Newport In Albany, Oregon, or at bis resi dence aboat six miles soetb of firowoeville, Oregon.prope.rly yenned within six months irom tbe date ol this notice. And all per sons Indebted to said estate are required te tnmmm unDcaiiM psyaieof of the earns te tbe aodersigned. uited at Albany, Oregon, Jan 10, 1S95. M r Facrr. Administrator. Whitney ft Newport, Attys. for Aim, 3SICKEE'S NOTICE CF MAI SfTTUUEIT. Notice Is hereby given that tbe under signed has this dsy filed in the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for Linn county his final account at assignee in the matter of the assignment of Her. ry Freeman Pound an insolvent debtor and mat saia account win ee neird and past ed on by said court in IU court room ia the court house of Linn county in the city of Albany, Oregon, oa the lth dar. of March, 1995, er so soon thereafter ai the busineess of raid court will permit. This Feb rth, 1895. VTatsox ft Ele'xs, B H, Arty s for assignee. Attlgnee Assignee's Notice. Notice is berxbv gtren that I bae beea duty elected by the creditors of Samuel Usasteed and J T Smith, InsolrsnU, In Hen of Wm j Stewart, the aseignee nam cd by said iusolvsnt debtors In their deed of assignment heretofore made sod filed in the office of the County Clerk of Una county, Oregon, sod that I have' duly filed my botvd as such aasigaee. therefore all tbe ci editors of said assignors are here by notified and required to present their claims, under oath, to me within three months from the date hereof, at my resi dence In the city of Albany, Oregon. Dated this 8th day of Feb, 1895. . T J OosTSfaw, Assignee in Uea of Wm J Stewart, CITATION tXt Commit Comrt of tit &ai Orefeo or In the matter cf tte estate of Oloey r ry ir, deceased. CUailon. To N'aihan 8 Fry, Elchard Fry, Mania Fry. Ce.inia, Christy and Frank Smith, now residents of the State of Oregon, and to all others koova or unknown . interest ed la said estate, greeting. Ia the name of the (State of Oreyoo voa are hereby efted and required to appear in tbe County Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Una at the curt loom thereof at A'bany, In ihe Coon'y of Linn, on alondsy the 4th of March, 1895. at 00c o'clock la the afteroooa cf that d then ard there to show cause if any exist m hy an order should not bt Issued direct ing Oloey Fry Jr executor of said estate, to seli the following described real prop erty be'oaglsg to said estate, tow it r The south Ta:f of lots 7 aad 8 la block a of the eastern addition to the city of Al bany, Oregon. Probable valoe of txx. Aieo lot Nfa 1 la blick No 10 te Sod-!c Una cor-ntv," . rgon, probable wate I3. Whnese the Heoorab-e J N Duncan, Judge of tre County Coun of the Stat of Oregon, for the County of Llaa, w'lh tle eeai of said Court afExed thla th day ot Jancary, 1S05. Attov", N Ncew H. erk. By F M RsDm.k t . rpaty. KOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS Notke is hrreov girea that there wlti be a meeting of the stockholders ot the Odd Fellows Hail Bui dirg Aasociatioa, held at their efface ia Albaer, Oregon, oa Hooday the 4th day of March, tbe hour of 7 o'clock p m of said day, for the purpose of electing seres Directors to erre for the ensuing year, and to transact anch other business that near come before said meetinr Dated th!s.the 4th day of February. 1S94. t A farker, J alius Joseph. Secretarr. - Pretident. DISSOLUTION KOTICE - The copartoFrabip betveea Wm Emer ies. Ira Strand and A. VI. Holt, doing burin as the Aloanr Dressed Beef Co. has this 3st day cf Jinutry. 1SS&. beea mutually dissolved. A. M. Holt will col lect all bills and pay Co s. debts. Signed, Ww. EaaxocK, Iba Stboco, A. Ji. Holt. ANNUAL UEITIXC NOTICE Is hereby grvea that the aa asal aMetisg of tbe stockholders ef tbe AI biny BaUJiag Araociatoa will be held as st-retf JGradwobU a Atbaav, 01 Moa day, llareb IS a, 1S9S. at 7 JO p as for tbe electioa of director, aad each other besi eee ee Bisy eoeae before the ateetiag. Dated Feb 9 a, 1394. F P SUTflSG WCTWEFD.lLK Secretary Freeideit. DISSOLUTION KOTICE Tic ecpartaersaip between K VeV, F Veil aad 8 Lirrr-stoa Sat beea dissolved. Rand F Veal will cooUnoe tbe basiaets. DUd Jaaaary 12, 1S95. w T KATUkKFOKD A IV T ATT Ataareere at Law. Will sracuos la sB coarks ef ska aueanoa aVrea te aaanara ia pnk-t inriut-n ue raaa sites w R BULTEU AUarner at Law ud Solid- la Caaaearr. Vet Meattanuaaa Lata aatoiasud ea iw eineay J 4 WHIT-BT, Attorney at Law, Albany. Or. UCKBURfi & SOBERS A1TOBNETB .eVT LAW, Al! legal matters will receive prompt at sent'on. Office, First National Bank building, up stairs. J FRE0 YATFS. Rooms 25 and 26, Straban Block, t Ibany Oregon H C Watson Luther Elkins WATSOn & ELKINS TTOBNKTS -A.T T. A.W Office First National Bank Building Business intasted to ns will receive car ful and prompt attention. WALLIS MASH ATTOBNET -A.T r .AW. Will practice ia all the -.ouil of the Hate. Office First Nat'l Bank building.Albaay. Itaegon. JJB. J. I I1ILL, savaVsaaandeaiwaoa. OmcUOm. ferrr sweats, Albaay, Orsgoa. AD2J1XISTEATEIX KOTICE. Notice is hereby given that I bare beea only appointed edmieistratrix with the will annexed of tbe estate of U. E. Stovsr, decease,!, and that I bare duly qualified as such, therefore, all persons baring claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to present the same to me with the proper vouchers at the office of W. E. Bllyeu in the city of Albany, Linn county. Oregon, within six months from tbe date hereof. Dated this Utb dsy of Feb., 1835. Mas. A. B. Jobwsox, Administratrix with the will annexed EXEdliTBIX KOTICE. Notice is hereby gives that 1 have filed my final account in the matter of tbe es tate of Michael Croiant, deceased, in the County Court of Linn county. Oregon, and mat sou court nas set Monday the first day of April, 1825. at tbe hour of one o'clock p. m. of said day as tbe time f or near ing au objections to said account and the settlement of the same. AU persons, therefore, who may be interested and who nave any objections to said account are hereby notified and required to file the same in said court on or before the said time set for tbe final settlement of said ae- eoiict. Dated this 15th day of February, 1835. Euza Cboisasit, W. B Biltec, Executrix. Att'y for Kxeeuirix. Notice for Publication US La vr- Ornn, Oaroox Crrr, Or D27.1894 Kobe is kereby ' fast tbe follow tag easaed aeUtor kae filed aottee al bis la teatioa to make Seal proof ia sapper ef hie claim, aad that said proof wis be aasde Deiare tae Coanty Clerk of Lao (Ja, at Al bany, Orasoa. oa Feb 16, 1695 vis: J E xeoesaa, H o 8243 far the 8EJ4 8ee ttTpllS&lR. Ha nasaea -aa fellow ng witoesaee te prove bus eontioaoos reef denoe upae aad ealtivatioa of. raid lead. vat: U A Deaaasg, W L Wallace, W C CUrk, all f Laeona, Orrgca, Caartas Dowsing, ef Staytoa. Or. EOBEET A MILLER. Begister EXECOTCS'I KOTICE Keilae is hereby cirea thai tha aader sigsed has beea daiy appwated by the Ceaaty Court ef Lisa aoanty. Oregea, ae eseeator of the last wi4 aad taataaseat of H C Users, daeaaeed. AA (Meases kaviag el:ms against said estate are hereby notifi ed to prevent the aasae te the aadarsigaeel at Scto, Lisa eoea'v. Or, daiy rented as by law reqeirad whhie X snoatas frees the date of that aottee. PaUd tkis 15th dar of Jaeeary. 1893. v Jarrassow Mrmas, xecator. Wcatbcrfora Wystt, Attys fcr Execator. iaTABLfaTlEkV .1SCS FHHammer. llQ'EH:8 CdSSMoil EBrcMt, 215 and 21? Davis Et Cor. CominerciaJ, Sas Fajcico, Csx. . We pay the bigbeat market prkx for wheat, barley, oats, potatoes, ap ples, poultry, bides, wool and gen eral produce. It will pay yew to write us and keep post ed. Liberal advances Bade oa coraignmeBbi. ( Saa Frasdsco Produce Exes. Member: ( Saw Francisco Fruit Exchange. STCCK80LCE3S UEETIKQ Notice is kereby givea that the azeaai sceetixg at be toe toilers cf the AUaay baud toe aad loea Aseonattea will be held so Friday. Feb 15, 1S95 at tbe bear ef 740 a at of said day, ia the aak of Oregea baiidieg ta Albaay, La eocaly, Orrgsa, t tbe parpta of ek et-f atae directera acd tk-ae aadiiore ta aerre fcr ike teres ef aae year aext eaearag faeea aaid aJB. ead aatU then tacceasore are elected aeet qualified aad te tzaaract sack ether basi aeae aa may cease before tae scsatoe. Doae by order cf aaid aaaofiafina this IStb day of Jaaaary, 1&95. C B Wis a, H Barasr, Secretary. Vsee Prabdeat. SOUMOSS lie CircwU Coart fcr Lin Cowafy,.Sx Frgee: s Iaeqeity. D at ttacaeer; trestce, pUiariff ia Char lo'te S Cotea aad Saasaet Baetager, de feadaata Te Samarl Btaeiager of tre aba e aassed dfeadaats: Tia are te-er-y reqeiied ta apearea tha ittaxday of M area, 1595, that a ea tae first day of the Mar Jt teres of said eoert, ta aaawer tae eemalaiat filed agaiaet yea ia the above eatiUed cum, sad if yea fail to aaawer for waat thereof, the pUabff will apply ta tbe court f jc tbe re bf eeataaded ia the ocsaplaut herwin. U.WM It: For a jsseat agaiast Caarloite Sf Cobea for tbe earn ol E-ght Haadred aads Twenty-fire (SS. !)!(, together with interest tbereoa at th rate ef tea per cant par anaaai from the &a day a Februry, 1393, aad the fanh-r swat a Oee Haadred (100) Dullars aa attaraey feet ia this suit, aad for the cos' s aad dis ba ret moots of taiaa-vt. Sad: That the asaal dec ee auy be made for the sale el the lot daibed U tbe coee p.'aint, towit: Lot ens (1) ia block twenty three (23) ia the city of Albany, Linn ooeaty, Orecoa. ia tha ataaaer provided by law, and that the proceeds f said sale be as-pued ta tbe paysaent of the aaaoaat dae plaioUff, and that aaid CfcarioUc S Cobra acd Seiaael Biaaiorer, aad alt perenea ciaiaa tag by, taroach er aadar thea, saaseqaeat te the exeoatiea el tae aaartgsge saed epoa ia the oeenplautt, ssay be barred aad forever forselaaid ef all right or eoaity of rrdempboa ia aaid Breausea, aad for eaea ether aad farther relief aa tj this eoert atay seesa sneet and equitable. This samaras as pnblis ed by" order af Hoa H H Hewitt Jadiieet Btfrtsase Ke Cofsaid eoert. aeade apsa tae 30th day of October, 1S94. GxAat5,Stt-vxs".0JS, Mcararr & Bbopi Attoraeys for ptaiatiJ SOUKOXS. M Comir Comrt of tit StmM er Orrf far th Cemntf e" Limn : William Kansbaegh aad D W BumUagb, eopattaareBadertbeEraiBaBM of Rant basgh A Sob. PlsuitiJs. TS N 8 Fry. Defaadact. To N U Fry, the above aa-aed defaadaat, la tbe aaae of tbe state af Otegoa yea are berebv reqairad to aprear and saawtr the oosaDlaal of plsintirl ia tbe above eatitled actioa. and aov oa tile ia tbe Aove eatitled eaart oa or before the first Monday, the 7th day of Jenairy, 1S95. tbe said day beiag tbe fiilt dav ol the recall? term oi amid enart for said saoath ta this county and ia case yoa shall fail to appear, and antwer, tbe plaia hffs will take jadgsteat against yoa tar tweaty two dollars ia U S geld coin with interest tbereoa ia like coin at tea per eeai pet annum from Jaaaary 17th, 1S90, aad for the further ana of tea dollars a reasoaabl attoraeys fee. aad their casta aad diabara ssenta ol thtt actioa to be taxed. This samusoaa ia served by pebikatioa by order ol Hoa J S Duncan judge ef said cconty, which order beats date Nov &41S94. MOKTASTX & HataUaataW, Attys for plaintiffs NOTICE Notice is berebv enrea thai I hava the funds oa band and will pay all county warrants stamped previous to Nov 5. 1894, interest on the same closing at this date. the 8th day of Jan., lt&. r. U. MOBJUS. County Treasurer. NOTICE. Parties knowing theanteves Indebted to the old fira of kleln Bsos, are requested fc call and settle same before Feb 1st, as on that date they will be placed ia lawyer's anas tor collection.