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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1894)
taZ H- I I tJ - .. ism .at a mm at. at, as-i f w a-i i f-yuo. She Dcmorviit. Honor To Whom? That the United Stales is a gieat nation docs not admit of a doubt, No one except a monarchist, who can tee nothing good in republicanism, even calls this fact in ques tion. Whence conies this greatness? Every effect must have a cause. The Uni ted States is no exception to this princi ple. Its magnitude is not the result o chance. It is not the spontaneous out growth of a fortuitous combination of cir cumstances, but the ou'eome o! a deter mined effort on the part of the founders of the nation, and their successors, to estab lish a government upon the principles of betwesn England and Spain. Phillip n of Spain sent his so-called "Invincible Arma da" for the destruction of the British fleet aad the subjugation of England. He who holds the winds in the ho! low of hu hand snt storm by which the Ariuada was scatteiedand many of thj ships were su'oit quently in British waters. Catholic Spain was defeated, and Protestant England was victorious. That victory nude England queen of the ocean, and America was op?r ed for Protestant. Anglo Saxon enterprise. The first English tcMsments were made alone the Atlantic coast frcm Maine to Georgia. But outside of New England New York and Virginia their colonies were U.tle more thau military outposts. West of the AHenhaney mountains and on the north were the Frerch; and in Floiida and west of the Mississippi river as frathe Pacific ocean were t!ie Spaniards. Atthe middle of the tSthccntuty these two nations hd control of the most of North America. The Workings of Protection. the Bible. Now, that the government is establish- ia the year 1754 the French and Indian war ed, and the nation is a mighty power on the earth, many claims are made for the glory of its establishment and greatness. Even the Catholics claim much of the glory of the founding of the greatest gov eminent under heaven, upon some part of which, from the pine-clod forests cf Maine to the extreme western Aleutian is'and, the sun is always shining. One reason assigned for this claim is, that Columbus, the discoverer of the western world, was a Catholic. They forget, however, that the Catholic church would not, and did not help him to secure the means that would enable him to make his voyage of discov ery. Instead of helping him, they declar ed him heterodox in his belief in regard to the rotundity rf the earth. AH the assist ance that he received was from individuals, and they, not the Catholic church, are titled to the honor, if honor is due to any one. 1 lie church is somewhat use the 01a man who watched his wife kill the bear, and then said "see what a bar we killed." But to how much glory was the old man entitled? More than the Catholic church broke oat. British soldiers were ent over and they with the aid of colonial troop overthrew French Caiholic supremacy in 1763. In 180J, Napoleon llonapjrie, t.y a secret treaty, secured from Spain the Terri tory of Louslana. But las dominion in America was of short duration, and his expectations of the re-establishrnent 01 French supremacy in tlit Ntw World was not realised In 1803. a war again arose between France and England ; and Napoleon knowing that he was in danger of losing hit newlv acaulred icrriiory in America was glad to sill It to Thomas Jefferson thea President of the United States, for the sum ol $15,000,000, which he nee 'oJ to help carry cn the war with England. Thus ended the dominion of French Catholicism in the United States, and an addition was made to the territory of the United States, out of which were foriued the present states of Louisiana. Arkansas Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, North and booth Dakota, Idaho, Montana, Washington, Oregon, and part of Kansas, Wyoming, and Indian Territory. In by the is for the development and advancement of Guadafoupe Hidalgo Treaty with Mexico, the western world. He threw no obstacles at an expense of t'28,250,000, another ex- - in his wife's way; but the Roman Catholic church has done all that was in her power to hinder the progress of civil and religi oos liberty in the United States. And to day, if she could, she would destroy the grandest government under the sun by de stroying its bulwark, the public schools, toward which she is cens'antly manifest ing her unrelenting wrath. The great body of the Catholic priesthood may be classed as enemies of the public schools and many of them go so far as to threaten their parishoners with excommunication from the church and consequent exe'usion from heaven, if they send their children elsewhere than to the Parochial school. It is said that there are 10,000 priests in the United States, nearly all aliens and for eigners, without families, who are seeking to dictate to the American people how they shall educate their children. As far as the councils of Romish popes, papal ablegates, cardinals, bishcos, and priests are concern ed, I be!. ivc the whole public school sys tern is doomed to destruction, and with it the government of the people by the peo ple. This ia evidently their ultimate aim To whom, then, does the honor of the greatness of the United States belong- Certainly not to the Roman Catholic church. Some of it may be doe to mem bers of that church, who have done nobly for the. country of their adoption, when their help was needed. But to the Romish Hierarchy not one jot or title ot the ton or of the establish meat and advance as ant of the United States government belongs. To hum, then does it belong? First of all.' 0 Itim ia whose bands are the destinies il men nJ anions; and '.hen, to all men 1 1 etf.ver found, that tie has used as his gents in the accomplishment of bis purpose in the formation of the American continent. The first of tries: agents was Christopher Columbus, who himself is said to have be lieved that he was divinely chosen for the work of discovery. L:ng before his birth hj had been elee'ed as the aent to be emplojcd in the discovery of the American Coalinrnt aid vben the fulness of lime came it r 'he accomplishment of the work for which bs had been cbo'en, be was raised up and inspired ith the lelief that the eaitb is a globe, and not a plain, and t ;.t he cou'd find land on the otter Jats of the Ailaatic Ocean by aailing aettwarl. His faith was the motive power to action, and bis divinely appointed woik was done. The New World ws discovered. It a Catholic Convention Ge'many was found another providential agent, to whoa the If aft Sal States government oes a great debt of gratitude for i. a greatness and pros perity. From the hear: of Manin Lather went forth a diviie'y inspired influence which shook all Europe from Rome to the Ortnef s, and from tbe Caspian to the Bal tic, an influence wbich is now felt in all parts of the ear.h when the doctrine of jus ifi.ailon by faith Is preached snd be lieved, but ncwhcie more than in the Coded Stales of America. Martin La th :r SMS rue divinely appointed agent to who,- teachings the Reformation was largely -lone; and 10 him and Mclanctbon ia Germany, Zwintdi and John Calvin in Switzerland, Cranmer and Latimer in Eng land, Patrick Himilton and John Knox in Scotland, an i to ali the reformers of be 16th and 17th centurie,, we of the iq'.Ii century are vn 'tr a debt of gratltuue wnich we wi! ntver be able to pay. Without the earliest of these reformers, there would have been no pro esters against tbe action of the majority at the I riot of Spires on the 19th of Apri' 1526; ind, for aught ws know, the Pi '- t and religion would never nve been knovtn t the w-crld. And without Protea tan'.ism in be bcaits and hands of the Anglo-Saxon race, the government of the Unittd Stat' - cou d not have existed and exir cd the tremendous influence which she now wie ds among the nations ot the earth. Protestantism, pure and unadulterated, In the ht-ait cf men, ft a mighty power, whl..lml.iya ten 's to make them maniy( seine. unt and independent. History never -has given. anJ never will give, a record of a purely Protestant na'lon long enslaved by IBs shackles ot Ignorance and despotism 1 he highest type of civil and religious advancement always follows in the wake Of P.uies'anlism; and the Catholic priest In San Krincisco Cal, uttered a tremendous altvhood, in speaking of text books In his 'ort, when he said, that "the Reformation Wis a hindrance 10 civilization." He would nave keen nearer the I rath, if he had lid, liat the reformation has been a mighty Xi tor in the production of Ihe highest form of civilization thai the world has ever e.n that form w h;th is based upon the teachings of the Bible read and interpret by the people, 1 1. ... t . , . ... . ii.iiu'iii!i cirmpcci 01 tue last. 400 years will make the truth of these state ments more manife't When Columbus discovered America, England was confined to sou;n isna'.in, ana there were perhaps not 5,000,01x0 ot Lngiith speaking people In Iv-w. there, are perhaps more tvan 125,000,000 who speak the English lan- ciage. One halt ot these are in America and at least 50,000,000 of them are Protest am,. But how did Anglo-Saxon Protest antism net such a foot-hold in a country 1 Iscovered ami claimed by Catholics? In 1588, when here was not a permanent Eng lish set'lsment in America, a war arose tension ot territory was made to the I ni ted States, by an addition from which Texas, California. Nevada, Utah, part of Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, and all tbe territories of Arizona, and New Mexico ere formed. Thus ended the supremacy of Roman Catholicism in tho I nited States, and the way was cleared for the de velopement and advancement of the Great West, from tbe Mississippi rlvr to the Pacific ocean. Thomas Jefferson may not hive known that he was a Providential agent in tbe extension of Protestantism and Anglo-Sax on enterprise; but he was, and was thns instrumental indirectly in changing the coarse of events in all the Great Northwest. And Mexico, in declaring war against the United S'ates in 1846, may not base been aware of tUe fact, but it is nevertheless true, that she, contrary' to her intention and consequently without any honor to herself or the Romish church, paved the way for the onward march of thb United SUtes to greatness. And today, in the last decade of the 19 h century, under di vine guidance and control, thrcugh the agency of Aogio Saxon Protestantism, tbe best and most prosperous' government on tbe globe has oeen established by the peo ple for the people such a government, perhaps, as never would have existed, if the beat ben Angle and Saxons had never come to England and become Prote'ants; and assuredly sracbRae can nowhere be found in aay eonaar ia which Recasts Cath olicism is the prevailing and dominant le- ligion. In confirmation of this, it is only necessary to take a glance at the stales of Central America, and the so-called Re public of Mexico and tbe re, ublics of Sooth America. These co-n tries are all under Roman Catholic control and influence, and are older than tbe United States. Have tbey made the same progress materially, intel'ectually, morally and religiously, in the last 200 years that tbe United State has? Since 1SC3, when President Jeffer- Yesterday tl.e Examiner showed by the annual mes;nges of all the Presidents, Whig and Democratic, who served during thst period, thst the entire lite of the revenue tariff of 1846 was one of unchecked prosper ity, and that the .still lower tariff f which followed It gave the country a continuation of this prosperity, except for a brie! inter ruption in the foim of a financial panic caused by wildcat banking. It may be of interest now to contrast this experience with that of the high-tariff period that sue c:eded the era of Democratic rule. The Morrill tariff of 1S61 was introduced as a revenue measure to meet the needs of war. At this time protection was a dls ereJited ss'em which no patty was anxious to father. Daniel E Sickles, speaking on tha proposed tariff in the House on Februa ry 25, 1861, said: "My general objection to the bill is that it adopts, in many rf us features, the poli cy cf the protectionists, :n violation of the principles of all the g'o it political parties of the country." In answering -itch ot jeo Ions Mr Morrill the author of the new tardl, and now one of ue Republican leaders in the Senate, remarked ! Now.the tariff of 1S46 was called a reve nue measure. I do not hesitate to say that the duties imposed by this bill are not up to tbe mark of tbe;bill of 1046; the rates upon very many articles aie much lower." John Sherman, the ablest Republican statesman new living, took the same ground, Sai 1 he: "The tariff now proposed, with the Senate amendments,! substantially the tariff cf 1S46 with the ad valorem reduced to speci fic duties. Gentlemen on the other side cf the House, wno were in favor of the tariff of 1846, should remember thai ibis tariff bill Is framed substantial!? upon ti e average rate of dkt es imrosed by the tariff at ot 1846, with me exception 1 hat the uulies are now maue specific, ins cad o ad va;orem, and the f tee list of l857 added.'' Under such representations the Morrili tariff was adopted. Immediately the pro cess cf turning it into a protective measure was begun. At first there weie Internal revenue taxes or, manufactures to balance the h-gh duties, but later the duties rose and the internal revenue taxes were tatc-o off, giving the manufacturer a double ad v.ntage at the expense of the public. In 1S67 the transformation of the Morrill rev enue tariff with inciden'al protection ihfo a protective tariff with in idcatal re venae was completed by the elevation of the wool duties to the highest notch reaceed before the time of McKinley. Oae year later President Johnson said in his lat annual message. "Our commerce, which at one time sue cess!u'ly invade.i that oi the great marie t ne powers, has rapidly dimini-bed.and oar iodustria' interests are in a depressed and languishing condition.'' After this business revtvrd and we I ad four years of prope l y. Ia 1S73. with the Republican party in absulut- control of al. department el ti e Government wfid no mtnace to the war tariff from any quarter, there was a general codapse of oir ISstlM indas nal system. In his mess'ge of that Tho Czar of Russia mid daath are run ning a fast race with the c&aBOM in favor of death. There are classes and clauses; classes in painting, clctxe in music, classes in mu sic, classes in dancing and classes in this and classes in that, but we never hear of any classes in housework. A few instruct ions in bread baking and how to boil beans would be of vastly more benefit to mankind than drawing and music. Astoria Budget The Baker City lenioerat gives an ac count of the killing of a catamount on Wit- low creek by Mrs L B Baker, a farmer's wife. The animal had been creating a disturbance among her chickens and as sho went to see the cause of the noise, discov ered the cat. She immediately returned to the hour e and got the rifle and killed the varmit at a distance of fifty yards. The animal measured four feet. The Corvallis Gazette says: Rumor baa it that trouble is brewing in a prominent Corvallis household and came near tesult ing in a bloody tragedy one day Uiis week . It is said that the irate husband became so insanely jealous over the real or su ppoaed attentions to his wile by a certain young man, that he held him up with a gtiu. He had'nt the courage to rhoot and after a few heated remarks had bem indulged in by both parties, it was mutually agreed to let the matter drop and thus avoid publicity. Oakvillc. Mr Vcketman is patting up a taw mill on H M Stone's land. Mr A it an sx perianced sawyer and it prebared to do good work. Mr Uao D Barton returned yesterday. 1 He brought a land buyer with hini. The many friends of Rev Acbeson (.slyly and unknown to him) prepared an entertainment and at a late hoar invited him and bis family. After the meeting had been formally opened by singing and praver. Elder Joe 0 Brown on be half of the people ot Oakvillc and com munity presented Rev Acbeson with a berry disb and spoon. The dittt was made for strawberries, but as it was im possible to obtain berries ot any kind tba dith was partly filled with tilvbr coins. Rev Allen M Acbeson came to this place in the year lK76,tben a young man, he went tast that winter to finish 1 1119 ruursuua reiu:ninsi again iu mr sor ng. tie was married 1 K-ioier IS" 8 to Mies Jennie Hamilton. Acbeson n Wailary on Hill. OumtUKD, O., Oct. 2It. Ex-Secretary of the Navy Whitney wag here today on imsinesH. in an interview regarding tiie loliticnl situation in New York lie said : "So far as Senator 11 ill's campaign for the governorship is concerned, there can be no doubt that he will make a brilliant and energetic contest. He was nomi nated at the Saratoga convention through no action of his own, as I have every reason to know, and in fact was nomi nated in spite of it. He is, ltowuvwr, a magnificent leader and will make the campaign one of the mottl notable of the many campaignx he lias conducted at tha democratic party in New York. A Bisk Joke. Drain, Or., Oct 2f. John McMahon, the Southern Pacific Company's track walker, left Comstock, nine miles north ouhere, about 11 o clock Monday night. He was held tip by men whose faces were blacked, but when they attempted to ntop him, he drew his gmi, stood them off and came to town and niortcd to the Company. The overland train was ordered "to run slow. Men were sent out to the place, and on going to a farm house, they learned that tho hold-up was done for a joke by men who4it in the country near by. Are You Ready, We Are. all San Fit antiscu, Oct. 23. The slander suit which Mis John Martin has been threatening to institute against Mm Henry Martin was -tiled in the countv clerk a oflica this afternoon. Plaintiff alleges that her reputation was damage.! by false statements, made by the defend- ' ant, to the effect that she was an adven- ' turess, mat sue !cr;cxl a bill, bought a 1 liaby and iMiisoncd her husband. She ' demands judgment for IT.oO.OOO. Wit) a clean, NEW stxik of GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. Bought on FREE TRADE basis. DO YOU BEAR OF CEAP SOUS? Hold your $10.00 until jou ecp the Dresy, well made, ALL WOOL, Fat c iored; outfits our customers are wearing. Notice for Publication TJ. 8. Laud Oprn:E at Of-.etio City.O v .. . , . . , T't27, 1894 otice is hereby given that the foilow-ing-named settler lias filed notice of hi intention to make final proof in Maori of his claim, under sec 2301 K 8 ami that said prool will he made before the Keg- ifier ari'i neceiver l a Land ! at irrgoii vuv, ur, on .OV Zl, JH, m Robert M Poe, H E No 10811 for the X H W V, K S W yA and lot 3 gee 1 1 10 8, K5E. He name the following witnesses to nrove his continuous resi dence uion and cultivation of aaid lano viz i.uther (J Iveo, Peter M Perry, George Boaers, J J Hyland, all of Detroit, Or. ROBERT A MILLER, Register Notice for Publication US Laud Ornce, Ouzos Citv, Or wept 27, IVM Notion is hereby given that tbe lolio ing named settler him filed notice of 1 1 inttntion to make final proof in support of hla claim, and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver U k Laud Off! co at Oregon City, Or on Nov 21 LH'Ji viz Ltuher C I vest Pre D H 7Sf for the u H H W i a w JsE J and lot 2 ea i 18 TIC H R K.U a names the following w.taaaaeato prove bit continuous residenc upon acd cultivation of Mid land viz- i 1 By land, P M Perry, 7 P Schniil, J Allison, all of Detroit, Oregon. ROBERTA MILLER. Reguiter AlbanylnsaiaDce Agency We hsve hsd over seven ence In the Home office and local insur nee budness.and can guaranteed .uranc vrttten by us to be properly looked alter, rhe following h a partial liat of com pa nut. presented by us: Foreign-No-th Britlth & MercanUk Norwich Union. Phoeni,, London, Man tetter Guardan, San, Caledoiitaa, Un ian Sc Lancashire. American Continental of New York Westchester of New Y0jk. The Cor,ti ienu lot New York and M.nchesUr of England, write farm busteesa.ttkW note, (or the premium, with ample time fo paymer.t. We respectfully solicit s, Office me opPhe old pes . M SENOERfc SPECIALTIES arw la Sr i,,, Cincinnati, Oct. 23. The Clinic, a medical aper printed here, will publish the history of an unparalleled ca.o. Will iam Young, who resides m-ar Wheeler, Ala., three weeks ago was shot. The ballet, from a Winchester rifle, passed entirely through the heart of the body. He ia still alive, and w ill gw East to be inspected by surgeons. The Jap. rivaled London, Oct, 23. The Shanghai corre spondent of the Times says that Uie Chines.- officials rrnort that a titrht took Vs. ' place 1 ft ceii the Chinese and Japanese u ::.. ... i i.: : li i the reaped of the whole V, . .L,UI ,U. i"TI community and all regret to see hi- lZTZ il'STJTZZT- leave .:nce he came amocg us a fine " church building has been built and tha " membership baa increased to more than j Asttokia, Or., Oct. 22. The handsome tSBsaaaa wuat was wuen ne arts came. ,sidnce of 1.. A. Loomie, president of although .many have remevedand tome hjk nttBC0 KailsMv at v. Ji., iw have died MrAcbeaontook agrta'. a- North Reich, wasTtruck bv a He was also active in the wotk of "Moral Reform"'. AMtClS. Important Fact. toll ot litfhtninj; this morning, at 3:30 o clock, and damaged in a most remark able manaer. The bolt plaved manv curious pranks before it finally paaaed through the house to the ground. It came down the chimney into the dining- room, men, stnaing upward, tore its way , I . r. .1 . F I . , I . .. . t i r. . .n . . . , ..-.,. fc i, ,..v mit.t.. ,4 J .1 ..II mm time agctheIMOBT n-fermi to 0,,. Tlie next irtion of the bu'ildinsr I - . . .i 1 I . a a " t "V. . 1 a law exempting mutes rrom tne usa.u eiw ; struck was a t-troom door, w Inch as wori durinir the cvruimr vear. The act is 1ltnU-reU into small wis. tent the Pkjiox-kat for publicalioa. and will be of interest ta all holding mining tlaims, as it contains other imporUct provisions: Be it enacted bv the sroat? and house of ye .r President Grant was corr.ocl'd tv ay- representatives of the TniLI State of "'The r;venue Uave materially fsller. off for the first five months of the i riser.'. 6ca Mat train what they were expected to pro "J j - . , i i s uu r, uwiiigio sue sreocrai pHK uu, p,e- vji i g, which commenced about the i J.c ot Sei'temoer a - . Ihe full effect of this disaster, if it shoo'd sot prove a blesing ;n disguise, is jet to be iemoni'ra' ed." Tbe l.ileini did not show itseK. ia dis guise cr otherw od in Deeaaber.lWi. President Oraat had the same melancholy tale to tell: sSir.ce tbe convning of Cong rest, one year ago, the native ha under c j"c a pros tration in basinets and industries such ss has not been witoesmd with u for many year During this prostration two eaten -tial elements ol prospenl have bee most abundant labor and capital. Both have been largely unemp'oyed. At that time tbe distress had lasted longer than tbe entire span of the hard 'iaies which are now disappearing, and there was co gleam of light ahead. An other tear of misery followed, and in De cember, I87S, President Urant cou'd aaT A tileries in congress Assembled Tnat the provisions of sec tion numbered twenty -Ui.-ve hundred and twenty four of the Revised Statutes, which require that on each claim mjj. j lecated after the tenth day of May. eight een t..:i!tirei and seventy two. and until patent has barn issued therefor, not teas than one hundred dollar worth of labor shall be perforated or imtwovements made 1 -ilL nooinrli, .Kil, " k.. t JUrt Coming lit tO tell Underwear and Woolen Shirts, Macintoshes, Boots and Slioes. THE L E BLAIN CLOTHING GO. Notic efor Publication U S LanoUrricE at Okeoos Cut, Ok e-ept, 24, im. Hotloo la hereby given IVat ibe lollow i Ittg naired btus filed notice of hit lateuuon to make neat proof in support of bis claim, uucer sssr: 2301 R H, and thst said prool will be made before the County Clark cf Linn Co, at Albany, Or aa Kov I. IBM, viz: Kausdaul L see, H K 10747 for the E S . !, fc3 :cd W , W '.,Sc li.1 10 S, R E. H- oame Ibe fol owing witnesses to prove bis continuous residence aeon and cn U valioo of, sasid land, viz K V smith, J C Koe, Edwin -io lib, of ttrrv, or. and Jacob oppliger, of Detroit. KUdlKI a miller. Register Star Bakerj or f r.,ta IMn aad First Site CONRAD VIYCI, PFCPFIEIOR FlIMM BLOCK. ALBANY QBECON. IsuarENOEsca, Or., 3ct. 22. This ! morning Israel Hedgea, who was a pio- ', neer in Oregon and a resident of Inde- t pence since MR, died at the age of 82 yean. He was bora ia Virginia and came from Ohio to Oregon. He aaa the first blacksmith in Independence in 1831. ' He left a son. D. L. Heclgea, the father of a large family, and a daughter, Sarah Thorp, on whose land part of Ihdepend- , ence is located ; also, $1 w Carer, now in ' Salt Ijike. A atatvagtea tna4. isKisvis Crrr, Kan., Oct. 22. Ke- of the cava- : F0RTM1LLER IRVING Notice for Publication U, S. Lasb Orrrca, Oaacoa Crrr Oa eept , 1804 Kctics ia barebv given tb t tha follow ing aamsJ baa D el notice of hi .mention to mavate final f roof in sut-pcit of bis claim, uncUr sac 2301 R 9, and thau said proof mill be made before the Ooonti Clerk of Linn Co, at Albany, Or on Nov I4.1St. rlz tti, Ctav Case HE: 10745. for Use S fc of S W ."and ! X 8 H ftec 14 TltS.R 5 E. He asms the fniowiDg witnataat to prre bit contio ooos raudencc upon and ca tiraxion of, aaid land, viz R L Case and Jacob Oppli air, oi i wtroit . or, Klwiin v amttn ana J V Koe. of Berry, Or. EGBERT A MILLER Kefister rrails, UUMatsaitrts, "rled frills-. Tfcbsteer.. r, Hee, Catatsiaxa 1c. Unee ssn tesiK . Vea;e4airi- Igara iKe. Te. -t.. teiTit-- a4 is kesstia a tv tssmj store, fl aSas ffcr 4I.L KINDS OF PBODUCE ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Sot'-e is hereby tires that the ttttUr igeed ha beee ca r appsMsWd, by da ' oantf C'otsrt f Lanst eoaa'y, O.esfsss, ttd mtavistrator of the estate at thorn Mo-gu deceased. All peraont baring eaaiaa against audeatea-eaeTb nctibed ta p csttsst them dal e Teethed to oae at Hss'ej.Qrsajts, r tour attorney Geo W Wribt at AJ baay. ( rejon, witj n tax sstoatita from thta tha 20th day of SrpVmker, 1894. VV G MttMN, adasuatatrator Geo W Vt rht arte for admr. Undertakers - and - Embalmerts. E K tEP contlanllv en hard a full lira of rr etalic, clotn snd wood caste's and , ctf5r.a. Also burial lobes and suits, In trcaccioih. aiir,tsl n ie.n whkh trill be sttd at Tlta Lata eat Livtssg ProBta. EMBALMING nd lh proper cara of the dead a spedally- Notice for Pablication. U 8 Laud Offioc, Oao. Cm Ok. seft 1 1SS4 Notice 1st hereby given that tha follow ing Based aetlier bata filed notice of bte intention to make fistai proof in snppon of his claim, under See 311 B S. and that ssaii prrxf wi,l bs made beie the Resris i tar and Receiver U 8 Land Office at on gon city. or. on as ii, ism. viz John S L Saatih. U B 1081 g. for tha 8 E H S W W and lotlteelsSKiSW j ana lot 1 aec 19 T It 8 Ri E. H nsmei tha fo. lowing wttuatsset to prova his coclit ocus latarleni'is upon and cultivation of. staid land viz: allace W Caakev, fh itnis E Roe. afikel Loran. James Monroe, all of Berry, or. ROBERT A KILLER, aav as p suiutus t aaaa tsaa "siivss s rsssay ; B . Ba - been reguUrlv located and recorded a w? ot no small proportions ..n,r hJ ui tat ..l m;;m 1 which struck isueda S-pnnaw. eight mile Sorinsza. etxht milea : Paaw ti tlit Arkansas river, lata Satur- laT,venirig M urlnavm a vaa done to J illation shall he snbiert to forfeiture forlirarTSt: Pro v Kiel. That the rlaum- rm-hn arwl crops, and jl is feared ) Li-: . m :: .: : 1 sua. ssaosm y nuuji rvnorm asos or isauraaaiDU 01 ant Iliiuiuu i' rftl' 'u. in i i , . , , . order to sa.-urethe beneSts of this Art, shall i f "g ,,eltrr,'c eomwuni cause to be reconlea in the offi'W whew tbe ! S5l AjJT " known. J a ill he rccciv- unication is ' there was location notice of certificate u filed on or before Iieceniber 31. 1894. a notice that ha or they in good faith intend to bold and work aad claim : - Fronde, how aver. That the provision of this art shall not apply to the state of Sooth Dakota. i people are knots n to son purchased the Territory of Louisiana j nothing more cheering than this: from Napoleon rionaparte. has the same advancement been made in Mexico as has been made with n the limits of tbe Jeffer son addition to the United States? Since the Hildalgo l iraty in 1S48. has Mexico made the same progress as has been made in tbe territory surrendered to the United States? And bow much of the advancement made in Mexico In the last 25 years is due to Aoglc-Saxon entsi prise? How many of the railroads in Mexico are pure Mexican productions I How many more steam ships are now sailing under Mexican colors than there were 50 years ago f When the whole I acibc coast from Cape Horn to the S'raits of San Juan fie Fuca were under Spanish contro', bow many sailing vessels or steam ships were sailing from her Pacific harbors to the Orient and all parts of tbe word? How many are now making regular trips from San Francisco, Cal., and Tacoina, Wash., to Japan, India, China, and olber foreign countries '( To whom then doe tbe honor of Cue grea'ness of th: United States belong? Acaaioa. 'Honor To Worn. We publish in another column an article from "Agamos" on a subject upon which opinions differ. The Democrat hardly need repeat that it does not bold itself re sponsible for the opinions expressed by its correspondent". It believes (hat tbere should be a degree of liberality shown to all in the expression of their opinions, but it does not necessarily endorse them when it publishes them Mr Samuel E Moras, the C msul General at Paris has sent to the State Dep rtment an abstract o' the official report on the wheat crop in France for 1S93. It Is esti mated by the French statistician!-, siys Mr Morts, that the crops throughaut the world will be 3$ pCr cent in excess 0' the world's demands for consumption and seed. Nothing seems to me more certain than that a full, healthy and permanent reaction cannot take place in favor ol the indus tries and financial "elf.. re of the country antil we return to a measure of values rec ognized throughout the civilised world. Tho depression continue 1 through 1;6 and 1977. In the latter year, after four years of suffering, tbe situation was worse than it was in the brief crisis of 189394, and tbe country wai convulsed by rail road strikes and riots more dangrroas than j those of last summer. By tba end of 1 ""7 things began to look a little better, and President Hayes joyfully announced: Abundant h aires' a have rewarded the labor of th, who till the soil, our man ufacturing Industrie-, are reviving, and it is believed that general prosperity, which has been so long anxiously looked for. is at last within our reach - In 1879 prosperity returned, and the wor-t six years in our history, which were also six years of uniaterrupted protection, were over. Since then we have had alter nate good and bad limes never more than four years of the former at a stretch. Com-me-cial crises, which ued to come about once in a decade, have followed one another at intervals of three or four years. Noth ing co'r-.-sponding to the eleven cars of unbrokrn prop?rity we enjoyed under the revenue tariff of 1646 has been known s'nee tbe adop'.ion of the protective policy in the titii - of the war. Examiner. Bis alalaa Kalea. PasuLa-Toy, Or., Oct. 23. A gvntlcman from the John Dav conntrr brings tha information that Sloan Haskell has sold his placer claim for t'rO.OOO, and has tionded quarts mines for a large amount. The miners are located on Elk Creek. Ed Allen has sold the Fox Valley mines for f 125,000. The season's clean-upe have been generally large on account of the abundance of rater. Mrs Parriah apares no paina nor ex pense to please the pnblir. Aa the hat procured one of 1 he fine t of trimruera and hopes the ladies of Albany will ap preciate it and call and judge for themselves. At Cost. Mis Parrlsli offers her en Ire stock at coat, OAlng to the lateness of the season snd du I limes. '1 he ladies of Ali. any will do we 1 to cal! and examine her rtock before purchasing elsewhere, at Mrs Parrtsh's Milliners- Parlors. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Kencwer hat restored gray hair to ft original col or and prevents ba'.d, ess in thousand', of ca?s. It wl! do so to yoo, in Catarrh the Head Snort. Tbe republican candidate for governor of New York, Levi P Morton, has put his foot in it. Somt; time last spring, being a man of geat wealth, he made hi regular acnual trip of recreation to Euroie. Whi'e in Ijondon be saw a toung Englishman whom he took a great fancy to and, engag ed hirn at a st'pu'alel nto.ithly um,to come to thin country and serve I tie great repub -liin leader as coachman. Whether it was lecau'e the man, Howa-d, was "Eng lish you know," or whether the young men of New York, living in tha vicinity of the palatial residence of Mr Morton do not de sire to don tho roal livery of tbe gre&t money bairs loth not appear. Nevertbe less Mr Morton violated the contract labor law, and now his coa-hman will be sen' back to England, and Morton will have to content himself with an ordinary Amerl can born man as coaebman. Served him right. No man who Is too good and great to put up with the services of an ordinary American as coachman should re main in this country. Morton should at once (migrate to the land of English snobs where h can lawfully engage an Englishmen for cogchnian. It is an agreeable Laxative for the Ikiwula ; ran be made into a Tea for use lu one minute. Price 25c . K)c. and 11.00 per package aTa Uaa An Elegant ToiLtT nM nU fortheToel Powoat) for the Teeth and Uroata He. Weekly Examiner 1.50 per yerr F L KENTON St'BSCRasI IV Act-NT An Unfortunate Inheritance Mov It Waa Destroyed. "Spokane, Wash., Aug. , tan. I "a I. Hood b Co., Lowell, Matt. : "Gentlemen: I with to add my testimony ta the worth ot Boed't SarsaparUla. My Utile girl has bean cured by It of Inherited catarrh. Bhe bad colds continually every month aad yel low discharge, but since taking Hood's Saras. HOOD'S Sarsaparilla CURES parllla has been entirely cured. Hood's Bar. taparUla I hare found ot great help to- my ether children." Mas. L. M. G illxttb. a n. fatalities'. Tw- have been injured. tm tatr a BMsr Oxroam O.. Oct. 22. At Fairhave-n last night Or. h'tnler. aged SO rushed into fast burning tarn to save a horse, and ft li unronacious. His twr-in-law. Robert Breckett , went to save him but was also ' overcome. Dr. Stuler's daughter ran in and dragged !oth from the but ' was very seriously burned hem-lf. Ir. ' Sluler will die. a tilraete Wettater. Pabis, Set. 22. The priest in Paris thinks the czar's improvo I in A ihanv sat ment is due to the intercession oi Holv 1 ". . T l. t a ,. . . . . . . . I j...iii. ... v rvn.-ia-n. Moly Julin is re ganled throughout Knsaia' aa a miracle worker. It is aaid that he has a hypnotic tower, which ia manifested whenever he lays his hands on a patient. His treat ment consists of praying laving on of hands and nibbing with oil. Sa Ste StalMlae Sr. Paul, Oct. 22. Six men were buried under the ruins of an old build ing on Bridge etiuatv this afternoon ami all badly injured, two fatallv. Oa the steep Muff, cloae bv tha WaWh street bridge, and nearly 100 feet abov the rail road tracks, the McClung building had stood for many years. It a a finally eon dctiir.ed. and was leing repaired' . beer garden. ahael tae l ui Sr. Frrauratn-aii, Oct. 21. The dearth of news from Litadia uccaoioned the wild est rumors to rirulatc viwterdav that the czar wan actually dead' but that the fact was court aled because the czarewitch had rcm-iinced the succession to the throne and the Grand IUike Heorge, the czar's -,-.-nd son, had died from lung tnniblc, frm which he has lax-n a long utTercr. These rumors were silenced Irv ine issuing of a bullatin atnight. stating. in suietauco, that Uie caar l ad leeu out Notice c for Pablication. NO EXTRA tYJhU .OR HEARSE OR SERVICE , ALBANY - - MASONIC TEMPLE - - OREGCf 8 Laso Office Okbgos Crrr, Oa. gept 21. 194. Notice It hereby given that the folia tag named asuifr has lied notice of his icletjlioa to ntke finaU praoC In tap port ol bis claim, natter Sec "S0l K S. avna thau aaid proof will te made before tne County Clerk I Laan Oa. at Albany, Or, on Nov U. 14, via: Eageoe V Smi'tn II K No I0T29, for the S K !4 N W NE1, S V . ana S H S K '-, Sec 10 T 19 S R S E. He Bsuztea tbe f a. lowing wi.oesss to prove his eoalinaooa ratadencc upon aa J ca Uvatiata of, aaid land, viz: A Jouea, of Berry Or, B L Case, Detroit, Or. and W W Caskey and J C Be of Barry. Or. POBEKT A MILLKH, Regsatar. WARN 1 KG AB perausta iad otad to Will Bras aad Will A Link, wis oae notcaaad aeccoata are doe, are requested to eatU at Will's Maaie Store sztd asUle. Yeaar acesast ia bavc baea, carric! over a reasonable le jgth 1 1 time aad we shall deatard oar last decs. ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE. Ncfec is hereby siren that the set signed administrator of the estate of Cetsca. deceased has B:ed aaa h: a with the clerk ti the eoaarj eoart fae eaatatv. Oiaaoe. attd the eoart baws Taesday the 6 h day of Navemher, 1S94. at tae h Jar of 10 o'cl ck a ta for the heariaf of obieetiosta if .cy to said aecoaat aad 1st the acttlefaeot of aaid estate. Wuuajc Tms, Adtmaiatzats-. Wiaraxtmai at Wtatt atsva for adssr. Chat. nzed As Many Pounds of Sugar. Julius Gradwohls New Store. Notice for PuhUcation U. S. La-CD Orrtcc, Uexkojs Cttt, (-a. r-epi 4. lbt. Notice ia herebv sr ven thai the follow Russian arch- for a Dollar , and every thine 1? a? ehean, a at anv store iSfJrJt' hf f:ed 01 his . S-att. - I InieoiMo tomtujcai proof in suppor, or bis eiam. under see 2SC1 R S and thai said P'ool wlil be made tv-fore Register and Receiver V & Lauxl Offiee at uregon Citv, Or 00 Nov 15. ISS4 vir Ibcmaa E Roe, H E lCTiS lat the S , S E . See IS and W Jj N E J Sac 19 1 i N 6 E. He names toe toiloarinc Tri nnaiii 1 to prove hi c mtinuns ree deace iipo.s aud cu-c vation of said land via Jon j S L Snith. WatiaceWOaak'v. Cha let W Casack, Edwin V Smith all of lien v. Or. John Daly bo made Pre l a No 7967 is spec laity ei'ed to show cause whv avail proof may 1 o: be si lowed. ROBERT A MILLER Kegister. Street Railway Time Card The car will leave corner ol Finst Vv aihingtoo streets as follows: 7-to a m for Lcbanoe train. b:ls " " Orohan s Rome. 11:50 " " Ncoa train goia sort t2:t$ p m for nooc train going south. 1 " " Lebanon train. 1 .30 " ' Orphans Borne. ff I, ti ss 9:55 " Overlatc train eorng se Eor Orphan's Home on Sundav cat !ee at 1:30, Jo and 430pm Tfce car will also meet all Inc j trains on the Oregon Pacific railroa C G BrBKHABT laKatFOatl at the corner of cecond and Ferrj your groceries and crockery ware. ti?ete. CpH their for Notice for .Publication Notice fo:- FuDlication U 8 I jsn 1 rmce. Oragoc City, Or July 31, i8M Notice Is hereby given that in compll. ance with thn p-nvtnkina of the act of Congress of Jtne S IMMI entitled An act for tbe stale olitmoer landa in the .tales of California, Or.trou. Nevada and Wash tigton Territory" aa extended to all tha public land Males by act of August 4. 1 v:, Collins W Kikins. of Albany, county of Linn atate of Oregon.baatbia day filed in thi" office his sworn statement So 29rSo for (he l of Ihe Northwest of asclios N-. 12 in towotbip no. 10 (I raage .No a cast, ana win trier prool to snow Mu locir.ah. Slate i f Oregon, I aa this 1 hi, J in this , thee htr swoin staten-ect of his bed during the day, but that the ' that ,he land sought I more valuable tor its timber or store than tor agricuitcral piirpotrs,and to establish hi claim to said rysj Hood' Pills are hamt made, aad perfect In proportion and apaaarriiice. Zie. per box. EN riOLLARS REWARD. We will give $10 reward to wliovr wll' lirat . We na tba name of a c istoaier ior a piano or organ the money to be paid aeon a i aale is mailo Ramrmber vour name will not ba mentii ne 1 to the custom.-. Who takes the no t rt ward? Tub fl'i ev B Co, all Fir.t bt, Portl ad, O Exru Kendall Coming. The famous comedian Ezra Kendall und his company of twelve people will appear at tbe opera house next Monday night in the funniest play of the age "A Pair of Kids.'' Mr hendall has played thisconiudy in every eastern city and is now maJtinfl his first wattern trip The play is full of songs, dances, medleys and hpeciaities The receipts cf the O P for thn first nice months of this year were $63 491.37 expenses, 164,079 36 Every month but' January and February p,id expenses. Considerable has been spent In better ments. The profits for September were $804.10. LAGKBURN& SOWERS ATTOHNETB -e.T LAW, All legal matters will reTeive prompt ut tention. DHice, First Nutionnl Hank building, up stairs. II C Watson Luther Klki m, WATSON & ELKINS ATTORNEYS -eVT LA W Office First National Hank buil ding Butiiicss entrusted to us will receive prompt and careful attention. k. O. T. M meets everv Saturday even ng In K. U. T. MHall. Visltlnsj Knights Invited to attend. QA L Lamb, Com. general condition was unchanged atratal Hicksviliji, 0., Oct. 21. Charles O'Neill, a negro was arrestel early this morning with outragingHarri:t ILvker mati, the tlaughter of Mr. Heckerman. The child was discoventl unconscious 111 a Kirn, ainlnlii.ii she came to told how idie had been carried there bv O'Neill. The latter admitted the charge and for a time it was thought M wotald be lyncheu. ihe law prevail ed, however, and he wa safelv landinl in jail. A War Probable. Nkw Yon, Oct. 21. A sincial to the World from Uatitomala says: It ia pos itively known that President Ilarnos is fcndiiig itgwnts throughout the country to pacify the people who are tired of his government. It war is uecianeti net ween Mexico and (laulemala a revolution will break out at different joints, and Presi dent Barrios would be among the first to be killed. Will go to Spokaae. Okeoon Cjtv, Oct. 21. The Bar. G. William (iiboiiey, who has Ijccu pastor of the First I'resbvterian church of this city for the past tfve years, this morning presented his resignation on account ot having received a call to the pulpit of the First Presbyterian church of Spokane. The resignation is to take effect aa soon aa the convenience of all parties will ier-mit. A Lang Tr'p. ToLKto, p., Oct. 21. John Noble and Arthur Humes, local wheelman, will leave Wednesday morning to wheel around the world, going from here to San Francisco, thence to South America, Australia, Asm and Europe, roembark ing for America at Cork, Ireland. J liey will take nothing with them except their wheels and the clothes they wear. The Deadly Wire. St. Lot-is, Oct. 21. Two thousand volta of electricity passed through the liody of Earle K. Friedenthal, instantly killing him, in front of 1505 Frunkliii avenue today. Ho received the shock whUa attempting to remove a broken live wi whicrech was dangling near some hildren at play. tr. Price' Crwi Ostking Powder 4 Fart Grape Cream at Tartar Pawdar. itnd before the Register and Receiver of j '.his office at Oregon City, Or. on Tuc sday .' ihe 17th dav of Nov, 1S94. He names (is witnesses: Jos Wnltney and C 8 Winn, ot Albany. L W I.aughead ot Hal ' tead, 0 H Liughead, of Yaqiilna City, j Orcjon. Any and all persons c aiming ' adt-L-rriv tlte above described lands are requested to file their claims In this ottice on or before said 37th day of Nov ember, 14 Robert A Miller, Register Notice fzr Pablication. U. S. LAN" UmCB AT OtVEOOS CtTT.Ot Sept 21, IS. 4 i Noti jo is hereby riven that the folk w ,. , . - " ing namei settler has filed notice of bis I S Uxi Orrn-a, Owa-os Crrr. th-. inUM,Uon to make final proof in support O-t 19, 1S94. oJ his claim nnder sec SS01 RSacd that Notic- it hereby givea that ia eomph j said proof wl I b- made before The Regis anoa ith the provisions of the act cf Cor - j ter and Receiver C S land Offi e at Or are of Jon- 3, 1S7S. eoutlea "Ad act for ' gon City, Or oa Nov 15, 18St via Wa sc. the .ale of timber land, in the States . f ' W Cakey, H E No 1074S foi the S W 5 CalifetaU. Crego-, Nevada, and WaahiBi- M X Vs' and S K . M ton T.rritors , ' aa et tended to all the Pob- V ' Sac T 10 S R S S He cartes tbe li: Laue State. btac of Aucost 4. iS9i following witneases to prove his conlino . J said lead via Jc n L Smith. Thomas r i Una, Janssss Mnnros. K V Sruirh all m u..iw... . I r:.V,.n, ,... , ;OU lesiuea upon arati cuaivaiicn oi No 29S, for t -e purchaaa of the S W M of N Berry, Or. ROBKKT a miller Kegi.ter ito z in aowaaoipito too. naose no 4 r.. j . . aad wi. I offer p o-f to thaw that the land OUC6 a-ugnt -s more vaiuto.e ,or its titnDer or for Publication. atoce thaa fa.- agricultural porpoes ', and t. establish her claim to taid land bef iro the ( Rrgiatar and K"c leer of this otfice at Ore sioa Citt.Or, oo "riday. the 4tb day of' Janaary, 1895 She u antes aa witceeset: i Collitia L !. f Portland, Or. Chaa Thompson, tt.-o Cornfered. and H Ourria, all of Niagara, Or . Auy and a'l persona o aiming adversely tha above detertbed lands are rt-qntated to file tfceir claire ia thia ottice on or bfore aaid 4th day of Jan uary, 1S9J. ROBERT A MILLER, Ragiater. Notice for Publication U S Land Orrn a, at Obehon Citt, Or October 19, I MM Notice i hereby givsn that in compliance ith the proviaiont of tho tot of Congress of lune 3. 1S7S, entitled "An act for tha tslcof timber lands in the Steles ot CIi- fornia, O ejoo, Nevadr, and Wash.n t a Territory, aa extended to ail tna ri-onc Und Statat by aot of Aagutt 4, 1892, Chat Cievelaod, of Oreaham. county of Multno mah. State of Oregon, has tins day tiied in thia otlioa hit sworn tutcmsnt No 29SG, for the purchase of the N I of teutioo . 10 in Townahip No 10 S, Range No 4 E, ad will offer proof to show thst the land ought ia more valnable tor it a timber or a toot than f S agricultural purposes, and to establish hia Claim to said laud efore th Reg-.ater and Receiver of this efheeat Ore ion City. Or, on Friday, the 4th day of I auuf v. iMi.". Ha names as witnesses. C L Rted, if Portlan i, Or, Chaa Thompou, Q,o Corrtfrred, H Da ri, ali of Niagaia, Or. Any and all p rone clsimioi; ad versely the above ducribid lands are re quested to tile their olaims m list ofhoo on or b fo-e taid 4th day of January, 1895. ROftKKl' A Mll.LKR. R 8-Hter. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that Ihe andei sunei haa txen apoiaied bv ths ooanty court of Lion county, lir, adminiatrator of j of lwi Lon lcoesei . Any and all poitoas having eiaimt against said estate ate hereby notified to present tha aame duly verified to Ihe udertiued at Hahey, Linn Co, Oraaoo, within aix o.onvht from the date of this notice. Dated thit I9lh day ot Oct, 1894 HCNBY S Owsw. ailminiatr.,... Weith.if.rd A Wyatt, attyt for admr 1 S Land OaTtcc, Oaaoox Cmr. Oa. Sept 24. 1894. Notice is hereby given that the lollow in named set Her nas tiled notice of his intention to make i'tual proof la snppon of bis Cairn, nnder sec 301 K S and thai ea' J proof will oc made before the Keg? ter ami rtece.ver l s Ln 1 iimce al ure eon City. Or on Nov 15. 1894 via J ohu C Roe, B E No 10714 fo: tha N a N W ' . Sec 10 acd A' s S W ' , Sec S,T I 8 R 5 E. He names the foliowina; witnesses tc prove Ms continuous reeideace upon and cultivation of said land vis E V Smith, A W Caakey, A Jones, Berry, or, R L Case Detroit. Or. M0 BE RT A MILLER Kegister- tsTKtts WAHtaa. roi two ratone at (fjst City, well atcotd with hep. oatlle aad I o aea; veil cleared and in tood couditii". Familiea with bit loyt preferr ed, audba' t r he onet wirh a litt't money to ttart oo. First two jei rent taken la improreraeots. Addrat Co) t J Parker, Walla Wall. Wab. WANTED. To exobanse nursery atook for aaood urns work bora to weiub from 1200 to 1800 lbs. APP'v ta Hrowueil tfc Morrlaoa at tba A)bny Ntiraarlaa. Notice for Publication, TJ S Land office at Oregon City Or. Sept S. 1S94. Notice i heia' y given that tha fo low ing named settler has filed notice of hia intention to make final proof in support of his claim, aad thai said proof will be made before the Couatv Cerk of Linr Countv, at Albany, Oregon on October SO, 1894, vis; William E Savage H A No 8143. for tha lota 4 and 5 in ibeS! SecSS.T 11 8R1W. He names the fo. lowing witnesses to prova hla ooutln uout residence upon and cultivation of said land, via: W F Deakina, Albany, Or. O H South, Laeonib, Or. D B Deakina, Albany, Or, James a Tueker. La,xmb. Or. ROBERT A MILLER Kett'ster. Notice for Publication. Land Offick Orgo!I Cty, Or. October 19, 1894. Notice it heieby ijivea that the follow, iog named settler baa tiled notice of hit ta tention to make riual proof in snfport of FIRE INSURANCE. Insure your property wifh Joseph V Talt u The Old Hartford, THE NEW YORK UNDER WRITERS AGENCY. THE SPRING. FIELD F M nr nnft nf tho h' cl'm w,d lh,t M'd P00' miU 06 mie . UU ' .r M- r 0ne 01 tfte before the Co Clerk .f Linn Co, at Alban. oiut-r renaDie iu line com panies he represents. Notes taken and plenty of time given for payment on farm insurance. All business plac ed with him will be prompt ly attended to. OFFICE IN BALTIMORE Block, Albany, Or. Or, oa Nov 26, 1S94. via Loait T (leanest. H K 10042 for the N W M, See 2 T 10 S, R 3 E He rtmet the folio witnesses to prove hit coatinn.nt reaidence upon and ; coitivation nf (slid land, vis Newt Lewi, T i J MoClary. Vea Ned. Mart Smith, all of Ualee. Or. BOBKKT A MILLER, U'nistsr pEO E FISH " THE PLUMBER. in roofiing umbing. the ftpera house. Opposite at Lae T j pnsua ta ail a-cts tit tea atJeagWaa ta atauers ta araa-Je or ntat in tax t aaa aaaav BIlfLTEl? uuran aa Law vasi SBeitar ia Caaacarr. OaU aocasnaaeoaa!! aoasav U aa aiailisnl ea estate saraaa. atbaor. RfAIVK aw II t isLEBafl, XtiaVK aft H Ait irnoys at Law . Albany, Gregon. fHirii-t Attorney at Law, Albany. Or. D R. J. a.. HIIL, OTOCK Cor Far-7 euatta. aVtbaa;. Oeesroa-1 fjjLo. vs. w it it; it i' , attonse, at .a. --.d S -tare Pathk tna peaetia 1st all tt eiarta ot ttaw state BSaetW stteal : v .w-.-.TOtkl saastarsia prahtta ttaaUe -Sex? oaar tj rXaatoaV-e, Atbaaj. Oro . aCKET, n il. 0.v -l't-r owe tha Phrslcia-l and Ssufsna. Ba-nt oi taretaa. tHt ajK. eoetser 1 Xh and Calapoosa . Dr H E Biir. Or O, K Beers Physicians and Surgeons Special attention given to diseases o women. Hours 10 to 13 A M, a to 4 aadi TtoSPM Orhces and residence Bluni- berjr Building, First Street, between Ls on and tlswcrth. . Cl'tlCK l'l,.8taKR or ALaAMT, oajteoa. TRA.SS.VCT a feaeral Kaaiinf osiaeaa. 1RAW SIGHT DRAFTS Ott Saw Wrk. Saa r BaaastS Nuttand, Orasr-aa. LOAN MONET oa approved tceoritr. RECEIVE oepoaite suljeet hi ceeek. CVUUkt. rriON3 naada ti Otrvraa.e ISTKRKST.oaid ea thus daoofi F IRST NATIONAL BASK, or albas r, OBateoM fatal III lit I t-FLlNN 8, E.TOUSO K. W. LASODOS TRANSACTS A QSLSf llALbaaiklng bualuaaf ACCOUNTS KJtTT sub avt to aheck. SIGHT RXCHANGK and tel Tapaic Iravel r, ta d N York, Saa rraatetaea, CAioafe aad P -tlaad -eoa O. LECTIONS dADS Ja fasorla arati Tocsa K ,W Laawata , L. Funs Ktvaat f . 801. auk or M IO, a 010, OBKOON. ! tsat . attat . 1 Sim A?J Job MOO.N, "opposite the Rosa Hi Vjr f td, brae, hira, Garsa meal, Gra ham, buekwhtai, rye Hoar, hay, oats, s'.rt w, potatcat,eta.