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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1894)
Mate Rights Braorrat. VOL XXX. ALBANY.OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER i. 1894. Entered at Ike "st c at Albany. Or., aa Mrrontl- la Mall Matter: TI1U tt XCTTIKCPahlUhcri and Proprietor: so i for Infants Caateria U aa mill adaptad to ehiklMn that WWl It ai ssaptsior tssaar praa Iptlon "m t jne." n. JL Aacax, X. D., HI s-. Oxford St. (trsssklrn, R T. ho wm of 'aasteria a ao uahwaal aad Mar 1U so well known, sal II niinrk 4vmrosatioa to eadoraaU. Wwarota. JMIPSB? famiUfa who do not kp (Moria a easy reach." cmum lUjni, rx a., Nw Tort atj. Ta Caajreatra The Oregon vVltn its home SALEM - - , ttM Gray Block, corner Liberty and 1ITA KES 8 specialty of Sunnyside fruit tract rear Salem Will sell r, 10 or0 acre lot at $50 to $60 per ere small cadh payment lone ti noon balance or particular Best Work Promptness PRINTING Office Stationery A Specialty Give us yoar Patronage. P. J. SMILEY ALBANY, Albany College Begins the fall term Wednesday, Sept 12, 1894. Send to Rev E N Coadit , President, for particulars. FOBTHILLEB & IRVING Undertakers - and - Embalmers. WE KfcEP constantly on hard a full line of me talk, cloth and wood caskets ssd coffin. Also burial lohra and uita, in broadcloth, -atir ,ral rr e,t)r -which will be sold at Tli Lowest Irving Profit.. EMBALMING and l!,e proper cars of the dead a specialty. 10 EXTRA, CKARCfc FOR ALBANY - - MA80NIC .As Many Pounds for a Dollar, and every thing in Albany, at Julius Gradwohls New Store. rat the corner of oecond and Ferry sheet". Call their for your groceries and crockery ware. MANHOOD VII illU 1ST 111 I'sImL la In plain wrapper. Address ItHVElrm Of Win javjsssniy ,viv.t vf . vw-wsssudi uu uj nvilUfiD tX CF AULAKU, UrUgs)t. Albany cigar factory J. .JOSEPH. and Children. Caatorla uuttj OoUo, aonjUpathm, Sour StooMoh, XKarrhaa, Cmcuiioa Kill Worn, ftvss sleep, and fromtitoa dl Without Injurious meficatiiM. "Far reset, rears I have roouoocudnj jour'HWorii,' and ahall ah, oanttaua do bo aa It haa invariably rvrsdneest boaaAt-te Eowur F. PwuMca, M. D., Mask gkajal astt r As Hew Tork tjVty OoaPAxr, TT Hruiv Siaaarr, Nsw Toaa rr. Land Co oflJce tt - OREG-O T State treet, branch office !n Portlaniifp OREGON. HEARSE OR SERVICE . TEMPLE - - OREGOf of Sugar. else as cheap, as at any store RESTORED! t".1 nwKvn tnM. hi wonderful remedy Maraory, Lou of Brain M a snn I n Taim nil n n s n 1 Proprietor, hr;So!illsl" "-ner "con Er.n-yihf?Jl,.,iU'5!.?r,?r" sceaalTO ua of tobacco, opium or atlm- THURSDAY- an Operation Pcrtormid. The cat of Debuty Postmaster Arthur Torter, who lias been ill tor several days, liavin, be come critical, it was found nece?srv to perform an operation on him. This morning it was done by Dra Davis. Mas ton, Wallace and Kelley. The disease aa anticipated by the physicians in charge was iound to be in the vermiform appea diz, which upon examination, and ao mav be observed by a look at the appen diz taken out, and preserved mi alcohol. was found to be ulcerated, and that ho had been having the same disease several times, i The old adhesions of the bowels Has found to be very extensive from pr vious attacks of the same disease, aad it as found that he had general perfor ated peritonitis. He is recovering from the effects of the Anesthetic, and aiittht hopes are entertained of his recovery, but very slight indeed, owing to his having had so many previous attacks and the old adhesions being so extensive it waa found difficult to make a satisfactory operation. Toon Dukamiso. The celehruUti in dividual in Portland who, in the mi 1st of the visions of the night saw the ejwess robbery in this city arrived here on the train yesterday- He located the place, and wim tue consent ot tue owner began to dig for the buried treasure. vvith spade and pick he went at his work with a full con st ience of success crowning his efforts, and the bole became deeper and deeper. After three hours' arduous labor his nick struck against something which gave forth a sbarp sound, which he thought must w the solden soeoie. He satisfartorilv rented. and smoked nis pipe in the firm belief that be would unravel the mystery and win the tl.&OO reward. With renewed enertrv he continued and soon exposed to view an old piece ot iron that had been imbedded tn the ground for trie best pait of a century He dug on for a little while, and then guve up m disgust. It is presumed that he will place himself in proper condition, and, like, "Peter Ibbetson.' dream straight next time. In the meantime the mystery will remain unsolved. The Dalles T II. A Char act kibtx tt'iu. A queer wil was filed with the countv clerk last Tues day. It was intended to be the last will and testament of the late John Rogers, of King's Valley, and was written by him- II without the guiding hand ol anv at torney. It was dated September fifteenth, 1894, and waa without witnesses or ac knowledgement necessary to make it a valid instrmnent. It states that in the belief that the end of life waa aear the maker desired to settle np his business so that the lawyers would not get it al1 after he was gone. 1'te property consisted of a flouring mill In Kink's Vahey, a hill ranch, a span of mules, wagon ami other personal property including money, notes and accounts, all valped at 46,000. The legateea are his three remaining child ren, John Quivey Rogers, Vienna Milinr and Hester Hen on, each of whom is to receive one-third of tue estate, after be quests of $5 each are paid to four minor children of W E Rinehart. deceased, itreat grandchildren of Mr Rogers, and 5 each to Walter Eubans and Ed Moore, grand children of deceased. On account of its illegality the wil! is not died for probate, but accompanies a petition for the appoint of FDodele aa administrator, J Q Rogers having declined to serve in that capacity. Corralli Times. How Ha Dobs It. Mr O'Brien, of Umatilla cocnty, is a level headed farmer. instead oi loosing sour, be says he is making money this year. He doesn't sleep. Hs diversifies bis business and runs it on business principles. Let's see. He gets about $300 from bis butter - 1100 to ?iOo from potatoes : perhaps 1100 trom hay ; bis hogs pan out well, and even with wheat as low as it is this rear be clears something. ' Mr O'Brisn." was asked, "what principle do you apply to yonr (arming to enable you to make money when so many are complaining that in no department on the farm can a profit be secured?" The reply waa: It is by diversitv or crops, and by care fully keeping account oi all outlay and revenue so as to tell how much more is seccred from one line than another." A Jean Ixceluw Pbogam. Tae folio aing program will be rendered at the meeting ol the Ladies Auxiliary on Fri day afternoon at 3'3o sharp in the Y M C rooms. (can lngslow, to be quoted. Sketch of her life by Mis Mildred Burm ester. Reading and song, by Mr Nutting Reading, by Miss Marr Candiff . Song, by Mrs TeMer. AH members and friends sre Invited to be present. Mas Gerr, Pies. Mas T J OvBRMaw, Sec'y. Ajt Hear. Jorn Wilson, who haa been hunting on Lake Creek, had some exciting times. One day he met a bear on a fallen nr tree. He commenced firing nod the bear started after him. He fired severs! times at old brain, and finally when he waa within a few feet of him toe fatal shot was fired and the bear rolled off of the log. Just then a deer sprang out of the brush nearby and Wil- son brought him down With a rifle. Eu gene Register. Cast't Hold Okkjce. It appears that the ousting of Mrs County Superinten dent May, in Tillamook county, was accomplished by an action in the state circuit court, which eventuated in a decision that ahe coild not hold the office under the constitutional provision that officials must be electors. Since that the county court declared the office vacant and has appointed Letter Smith to tue vacancy, i ne decision it said to have been rendered by Judge Burnett. There seems to be no disposition to con teat toe matter fancier. A O I' W A stsuvKRs abt. Safety Lodge No 13. AO L W of tl.itsvity will celeb rate tine anniversary of the organization of that order on the evening of the 27th, saiwroay. mob w k cradden, ol Uor vallis, will deliver an addrett and an in t resting program will be rendered upon mat occasion, tr.e public are cordially invited and all members of the order are earnestly requested to attend. Gcod Psorrr. Corvallit Timet: Chat Hecker marketed Friday two hogs that turned him off a neat profit for all the wheat he fed them. The pigs were pur- cnasea eariv in the summer at a coat ot a. He fed them 1C bushels of wheat and SOld them at 5 cents ner rum nil draaiwd The pair weighed 441 pounds and brought $22.05 leaving for the 15 busheltof wheat, or nearly 11 07 a bushel. The wheat wat fed whole aft r having been tuuruugmy soaaea. WEAK WOMEN and all mothers who are nursino- Lssbabies derive great benefit from , Scott's Emulsion. ThisDreDara- tion serves two purposes. It gives vital strength to mothers and also enriches their milk and thus makes their babies thrive. Emulsion is a constructive food that pro motes the making of healthy tissue and bone. It is a wonder ful remedy for Emaciation, Ceneral Debility, Throat and Lung Complaints, Coughs, Colds, Anaemia, Scrofula and Watting Diseases of Children. Send 'or PamfkM en ScotCt Kmuliwn. Fret. Scottaeowne, N T. All Druggists. EOc. andft. ISave monev by buying your tcboo shoes of Klein & DubruUle, ss they keep them In repair free of charge. Scott's Mr J Shea, of the Sweet Home country was navigating our streets today. A farewell dancing party wat tendered Mitt Alma Pfeiffer latt evening previous to her departure (or her home in Coun cil Bluffs in A few dayt. Mr C H Ralston. of the customs office.of Portland, is in the city attending court. Mr Jonss Davis wat in the city today. Mr Davit haa moved from hit farm into Sbedd where he will reside this winter. Mr Sena McFarland returned last night trom Upper Soda. He reports terrific weather. There wot about four inches of mow there and twelve on Seven Mil Hill. K D Haven, a resident of Albany four teen years ago, then an attorney and justice of the peace, is now a Congrega tional minister preaching in a town near Sacramento, Calif. Mr Oscar Marshall.! alter an absence of a couple years in the east, spent mostly in Minnesota, returned to Albany this noon, rejoicing at again being in the Webfoot state. Last summer be plsved econd base for the Mankatoes, his club defeating everything in ita class. Mr l lias Fie'de, son-in-law of Wm Rumbaugb, and A W Lambert, county treasurer of Multnomah county, both of Portland, returned today from a hunting expedition upon Green mountain aad around Halsey. They killed two deer on the mountain and aevsial geese and ducks at the latter place. Charles Watts and D B Monteith of Albany passed through Salem yesterdsy for Portland, where they expected to attend a meeting of the game wardens of the state for the purpose of discussing and formulating a new game law to be presentedtjto the nextlegislature. States- Mr Fred W Ptper, who formerly re sided with his parents in thiscity, and a brother ol Ted and tieorge finer, city ed iter and reporter respectively on the Ore gon lan, baa just been add mil tea to the bar by the subreme court of Idaho, where he passed a creditable examination. He is tsow located at Moscow and will practice law at that place Salem Independent. Thomas Caloo, at one time a resident of this city, and an attorney at law. ia a candidate for congress on the democratic ticket in the state of Washington. Mr Cston will be rercembered by .old time residents as being one of the attorneys connected with the celebrated murder trial of Beat and Baker, who ware hanged in this city for the murder of old man Delaney, and who at that time waa se verely censured for the interest he took in their defense. As the state of Wash ington is republican there is not much probability of hit being elected. Salem Independent. Stotinv weather Is reported at the Bay. f The South Cokt haa not yet sailed, nor the Homer arrived, though due. There is a law requiring sign boards at forks of roads; but it i sais) little or no attention is paid to it In thts county. Bud Kompp killed a Chinese pheasant, near Harrisburg, Monday, that mearured from Hs beak to the end of the tail 5H inches. This Is the largest bird yet re ported killed this season. Goard. A Eugene paper boasts of the following distinction for a former resident of that dtv- If F McClure, formerly of this city, has bean elected vice president of the North Pacific Whist League, organized i,l Ticcrn.t Saturday, aad to include Wash ington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and British Columbia. The East Oregon lan recen ly cuaurrd Prosecuting Attorney Read for swearing in open court and Judge C ISO d for not reprimanding him. and now two bewts sre very withy at the editor lor his very jusi criticism. The East Oregoolsa did perfectly right, and we are glad to see that be doe no: care a aoap for these two "limbs of the lsw." Independent. That Is the Idea. A newspapei I alright whan ft shoots with taffy; bnt let it fie a few facts and there is a row. Speaking of the recent Masonic recep tion In this cltv the Corvallia Time - ays . A party of 73 tmsous and their wire fraternally visited the Albany lodges by special tratn Friday nght, the occasion of the official vuit of Grand Master Malcolm. They were royally entertained by the Albanian, and returned delighted with their visit. Messrs Bryson, Yates, Peet and Letcher did the speech making at the banquet. These Imer-lodge visits by the various orders of Corvallis and Albany wipe out the iilfeellng born of rivalry that the two towns used to show each other, and establish InaUad a social relation, both pleasant and prufitsb'e. The W sites have been thoroughly ei; os?d aa to the spiritualistic part of their per formance; but one can not beat them at their tricks. They are equal to any ewer gency. for they may have a dozen different ways of doing things. For instance the concealed ropes might be at the young mediums nee one night, and somewhere else another, or not on his person at all. but perhaps in the gas pipe frame of the cabinet, so thoroughly made that no one can detect ita openings. All attempts to exposures simply advertises them and that is what they like. Real Estate Sales. Foil-swing are among recent real estates sales in this county : John Clelan to Elisabeth Hull, 50 acres. H w 2 . H Bryant to Dist 10, one acre 40 lva M Turner to J H Caldwell, 18.20 acres. 11 w 4 400 H and Sarah Barnes to E W Lang- don, 1 lot, hi m it s 2nd ad Albany 1225 Geo E Long to L K and E J Miller, 85 acres, vvz ow 8 Lisles to J C Tammen, his farm in 11 w 4 72WJ Jennie and W L Maple to f E Young. 8 K lot 1, bl 17, Hi :!rdal.. ! 1200 T K Hogg to Wm Hogg, interest in several pieces land in Albany. . " Oregon Central Railroad Co to 0 & UKK, deed covering z.) pages, transferring land rights and privileges Jas H Sbahan to T H Mdiough, in terest in 160 acres, iut;i : D Myers to A B Woodin, interest in (juartsville claim M V Bilveu to H S Waruer. inter est in Red Bull mine 1000 I Whitnev to M P Johncon. 125. acres 2520 Samuel Conn to N D Conn. 80 02 . acres 2400 B Brvant to Artie L Richard. acres 125 O C Aubrev to las Thomas 2 lots MA-C'sad 300 Henry Cvrus et al to K (loins, 4J4 acres, right etc 10000 F U Burkhait to Milton Hale. 2 uieces land. lfK) acres in all... 10 (i W Rilvau to Q C Weslenhauscr. 80 acres. 1100 W B Hamilton to Caroline Hamil ton, 305 acres 1000 i W Johnson to Vio etta lohnson. 98 acres 20C0 J C Johnson to P 0 Smith, 1 acre and more, Lebanon 3400 A P Morris to John Walten, 319 acres 1:1 W 1 4284 Cyrus West lake to J J Whitnny, 4 pieces land, Albany 11000 Ella McPherson to Aug Kumrei, 2 loUbl5H's4thad 2000 Leonard Wilson et al to James Ulakely 220 acres 14 W 3 11300 D C McFarland to J B McFarland, 189.21 acres 1 Geo U Glover to J B McFarland, 100 acres 13 E ! 5 Notice to Farmers. Having rented the Magnolia Mills and warehouse we are prepared to store 100000 bushels of wheat and oats. We also have a first class chopper in the house and are making special inducements to secure storage. Bee us before making arrange ments for storing. Gro F Simpson. G W Simpsok, FEIDAT Taken In. A good joke comes over from Antelope on Shutt, who is editor of the Anielopi Herald and also u sprinter of no mean ability. About the first of lust week an apparently half-witted, drunkea aotted fellow came riding into town and at once began !ling wliat a good running horse he had, ami mat n count ueat any thing in town. The boys sired the fellow up, and thought thoy bad a fish, so accept ed his proposition for a horse race. The stranger weakened and hacked out but aid he could outrun any footracer in thecounlry. Then the boys was sure from his actions und thought they had a mcker, and at once made a match between him and Shutt, the pride of the village.for a. distance 100 yards for $40 aside On Wednesday afternoon at time set for the race, both runners made I heir appearance. hen the stranger came out stripped down the admirers of Shutt weakened in their enthusiasm, for they dis covered that the stranger was not the sucker they had thought, but an appar ently well-developed, hard-trained pro fessional. This theory soon proved to be the correct one, for at the word "go" be took the lead and heM it in tLe finish, boating Shutt about 10 feet. Hepner Gazette. Skbm Tutxos. A pretty good story is told at the exDsnse of Riley Calavan. A could have been nHiced last week, Riley wat drawn as juror at the present session ot the circuit court. This did not suit K'ley, as he had business that would suffer materially by an absence of two weeks, to he armed himself with hi fireman's cirtificate, and presented the same to las honor, Judge Baraett, ss sufficient cause for exemption. Judge Burnett has a way of going to the bottom of things before rendering a decision. and by comparing the date of R D's clr tiacate be ascertained that the cirtincaie lacked just one month of being old enough to warrant him io excusing him. tie so stated the matter to Riley, and in formed him that he would have to stav. An eye witness states that you could fairly tee Riley 'a face gel long Scio Press. It Wasn't Loaded. Marion Parmer a young man Urine near the ExceUkr prune farm, while out hunting at Trout creek last haturoay, met with a very serious accident. It was the same old story: It wasn't loaded, or at least, he didn't think it would go off. In going down a steep trail to get a drink from a small stream he carefully drew his Win chester along by the .muzzle after him. The nail entered the left fore arm just be low toe eibow aad ranmns? downward. dropped between the bones and came out about eight inches below. The arm wat not broken, lot huge pieces of loth bones were carried away. Dr Cam. of Monroe, is attending nim and has hopes toe Jiang man win regain the ue ot bis arm. uasette. Took Paints. When h ome totallag pnses, the Coast Carriage and W agon Company's work tt strictly tn t. At the state fair sH competitor tril by the sy- tide. At the North Yakima fair, held recently, the same thing occurred, and this srijk Manager Gleiso comes back from the interstate exposition, held at Tacosia. not only loaded wfth blue ribbons snd reda captured there, but MB with numerous orders for vehicles, and assur ances, of a large trade !n tSc state of Washington. Corvallit Oaxetie. Toe tfoi. lsabd. Tuesday aa order signed by Judge Fullertcn. dated Rose burg. August Hh. was filed with the county clerk, aathoridng Receiver Clark to lease the steamer William M Jfoajr to the (I R A N Co, for a period of thirty or ninety days at 115 per day. the receiver to fnrnith the chief engineer. The order hw provide that the boat it not to be taken out of the jurisdiction of the stale of Oregon, aad U to be returned to Corvallis at the expira tion of the leiee. Times. OFck atCobvauus At the Wsjte en tertainment at Cor all is last eight, Mr Clark, one of the ushers, witnessed the en tire cabinet scene treat above the stage !r Wajte discovered him aa I told him to come down, whkh be did. and taking his place on the ssasre narrated the entire nro- ceeding. when the Dr shook hands with rim and be left Use stag. 1 lit morning Kufe Kiger. a tpiritualist. had a warrant iNtued for the Waits arrest for obtaining money under false pretenses, but the matu-r fixed op in some manner He first de manded fH 50 spent for hi family going into the show, but it was refused. A Fiotrrsm. The game cock has found is match. A (10 fighting cock owned 1? farmer this tide of Portland met a Denny pheasant in mortal combat. The pleaint whipped the American in three matches. be last time splitting his bead so that be died. If the Mongolians in their war with the Japanese would show tome of the punk of the pheasant the Japs would and no show at all. Spurious f 50 bills are in circulation and it behooves oar business men to be on the qui vive. Last Friday a woman in S- poVane purchased a cloak and hand ed the clerk a 50 bill in payment. Whtn the clerk waa about to band her her change be perceived something tt range in the figures 'o0," and on investigating be discovered tbat a "&" had been past ed over a "V the "X" and word "ten" were blurred passed recognition. At once the clerk remarked, this bill haa been tampered with. Very innocently the woman looked at the bill saving at the tame time: "How funny '. Why, to it has! Well. I won't take thecioak any way." She lid, however, and the bill ia preserved in the store as an effort of what man and woman will do to beat I'ncle Sam. "A? olrt M the bills" ansi nevw excssli o.l. "Tried Hid proven" f, the verdict o f millions. Simmons Liver Regu lator is the o :i 1 y Liver yi'l Kidney Better jedicine to which you can pin your faith for a cure. A mild laxa tive, and nureiy veg etable, act ing directly on" the Liver und ivH Than Pills sters. Try it So a by all BrugjriHt.-; in Liquid, oc in TowiW to I taken dry c.-maileinto;i. loc. The King of Liver McJIc'nc-n. ' I hav used yourSlmmoii I.Ivit II ku- laUr- unci ran iniM-H lilliillMy Pay n i I 11. lit till IV - in.n-r 1 medicine r'-:--1 i-u.-ubo. apw.Tucmit. Washington. V . J.vrx PACKAOIfV - red ass Wraptsses, It te an agreeable laxative for the Bowels I war tl axasa w ttitsjisTr ' Prlostso.. ton. K0 NO can be made Into a Tea ror use in one minute. Prloe Mo . too, and $1.00 par rolraae. r An Biegaiis 1 ws.i r-uwosn for inerecm anu uroata ssa. The Official Records, Showing; the Best Baking Powder. The United States Government, after elaborate tests, reports the Royal Baking Powder a pure cream of tartar powder of greater leavening strength than any other. Bulletin j, U. S. Ag. Dep., p. jpp. The Canadian Official Tests, recently made, show the Royal Baking Powder highest of all in leavening strength. Bulletin io, p. 16, Inland Rev. Dep, There is no question but the Royal is the strongest, purest and most wholesome baking powder in the market. Stale Chemist, Washington Hence, in practical use, The Royal Baking: Powder goes further, makes purer and more perfect food than any other. Ir Beer is home from his trip t j Wasca county. Mr and Mr J L Cowan went to Port land this noon. Misses Annie and Ora Flina retorted this noon from their Portland visit. MrsTho Monteith returned this noon from a trip to Portland. Mr I McClung is in Spokane on a visit with ner son Tom. a well known nasaenaer conductor ranting out of that city. L w lvoe, the popular boniface of the Elk Oily inn. where fishine is bet and tbir- deer roam at large, is in tne city. I O Clark, of this place, part Grand Master. A V k A M of rezon. it reoorted seriously ill today with an attack of an apoplectic nature. Ashland Tidings Arthur Porter upon wfaota as otsmtioa wu performed yesterday was irradoallr de clining this afternoon, end it was said oy bis physician be conui cnJy live a abort time. Mei Young ami wife, o Portland, cam up Wedoesday. and will isit among rela tives in this city and Albany, for several days. Scio Press. ' Attorney General Cbasnberiaio. who haa been attending court returned to Portland today accompanied by the little son of Thoruaa Joorv who has been viiting at Jans on?;s srrsrsi nwoui . F L flayslsr. with the Arm-ir factory, arrived with his bride from Al bany on yesterday's O P. and they are now hoaekeerini; in Will laker' bom. The bride was Miss Lola Neeland. of A'banr. CvTvaJtis Times Miss Cueaa Kirk pal rick left last night fir Texas. She will visit her father. Rev Kirk pat rick at Elma. Calif. Mi. NV!:!C KJkins as-torn ponied her as far as San Francisco. Lear which city she will visit relatives . Mrs Pennington. Mrs Richards. Mivse Edna A lien. Bessie liurkhart. Annie Jlesnelt, Mrs eland ans&ell. Mr IfnOgtord. Wavise Bridgford. I W Senft. Fred law- soa and R-r McKee are in Portland attend ing the Baptist convention and convention of Young People societies. Married, in Portland. Oregon. art 24, 1SSM. by Bt Her Bishop Morns. Mr Joseph X Teal, well known in Albany, and Mn Bessie M Thompson, both of Portland Mr Teal is a son of Col Jo leal, lbe ss a daughter of Bon D P Thompson, the well-known capitalist and politician. A cutintv judges convention it being Held io Portland. Among those attending are Judge Duncan, of this city, and Judge innk. of fnoevnle. formerly of Albany. The following was puaec: "Resolved. That it i the sense of this convention that the law for the collection of deiiitonent be o ruuendod, that no levy on real property be required to sell the same, and to give to the purchaser title therefor."' The 1 G Stollx Co will be in Albany Nov 9 snd lo. Frank Deaku-n bit rci,ooo to be divided among six children. A lady coming to Albany yesterday was hit by a shot frcm the gun of a care less hunter. Manager tvoehlerssys there is no Inten tion of moving the can hops from Port land. AH members of the A O C V are re quested to rreet at V MCA hall on Sisturday evening, Oct 27 J:pr M. V lit In Albanv Dr Waite verified the spirit part ol .he entertainment by show log how he read the staled letter, which Is done by pouring alcohol on them. The footing of the tsx rail for Btn'on county hs been completed tnd r.lsce the totsl taxsbie property ot the county st $3,165.34.5 as against 3.4,8o.j for" Isst year. Time. New Price List of Groceries. 10 lbs C Sugar 16 lbs Gran Sugar 18 lbs Ex C Sugar 4 lbs Arbcle Coffee tGsl Pearl OH Red Crown Snow Flake Flour Jefferson Flur And a fine assortment of staple fancy groceries st A B McIlwai.n's. Money To Loan. I. OS) 1 .00 1. 00 95 1 5 .60 and 1 have to loan on good farm land In Linn and Be.iton counties In sums not over Stooo. No delay In fur nishing the coin. Call on C G Burkbsr, Albany. Oreaon. Also monev to loan on city property in any amount on long time st s low rate ol l.ilerest . The be sf lysr a mart 00 flea ia the ci'.y at Com ad Chen Baby was sick, wo (favo her Outot ta. When aha was a Child, ahe cried for fast, wis. When ahe became Mia, ahe clunjr to Caatoriaw WXau ahe had Children, ahe rsvaUsssu Caatorla. WsDurna iMvrrAvioHs. Wooden, Tin, Silver, Golden Common every day. CaV-'atn-BY. Dr G W Msston, physician snd surgeon. Cells answered promptly tn city cr country. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Medal and Diploma. Go to Parker Pros for your gtoceries- r . Price's cream Bdking Powder World's Fair M-jhest Award. " ROYAL BAKING POWOCR CO., 106 WAUL ST., NEW - !nsi" i fcta rei r-1 . SATURDAY UO. MP. AND ABROAD Real tUtate Sales on the s'h page. Foster Psu snd Co' ce'brted Biarritz Kid gloves in cc'-ais, Si.oos pair at S E Young's. There will be lo aewrssmcnu in the A r O C W order tor the month of Noserobir. I VI" A. 1 , .v , " b.lng j far li month.. Dr A da re the dentin avanU a lot oi wood in exchange for cfenlsi srerk. 0:Tcc osi BroaJa'bln between First and Second street. A California parser av "P ol Rork nude a few brief re-tsrV." No or.e who evr heard Prof Rr. will beii've thi statement. White Gentrv and lsck Winces de posed of their entire nop crop thK week, bout Joo ba rs, for six and one-t.alf err, is oer pound This ts of a cept higher than any other hope have sold tor in this cosrtz.ii nity this car. Brosvmrvil'.e Time. Portland is lo hsve a fair. betrfr,nir,2 Nov io. it having been decided to smove the Ticoroa xhi5'.: over aad place them in tne wg exposrvm. Manv of rhee ea- hlbtts vscrc hrat shown ai the War! 2 fair, assd have helped to make a show u the California Mfd inter Fair ss well Interstate Fair at Taccma. ss j SOCIAL AND PhRSONAL. Mr Al Boenkke if in the city. An excellent picture of K N Coodit. the new president of Ocridenta ! College, of lxx Angeie-. appears on the fir page ot the Kxident, the Presbyterian paper, of San Francisco. There is also a picture of the college, a fine looking liuilding, situated ia the suburbs of Los Angeles Jean Ingelow was honored in a happy manner at the Ladies Auxiliasyof the Y M C A at their hall yesterday afternoon. In prose, poetry and song the author way re menihervd and her tak nt displayed. The attendance was good. These mcnthly meetings are proving a literary success aod are meeting with great favor by tbe ladies of the society. A OMS AtTKR a CofOAR- OUV worthy corvyroodent at Crawfcrdsville sends us Use particular of the killing of a very large roogar ly Mi F.tta Fruit, formerly of this place. Miss Fruit and her sister live alobe on a homestead about two miles above Crawfordsviile. and have been annoyed considerably of late with all kinds of varmints. A fear davt asm a hoar im- I prisoned in a small peri set up an unmerri- iui yen. aou jbiss r run suspwiixisr atsxsas thing wrong, secured a gun and start rd out to make an investigation. Sbe soon dis covered the fact that Mr Cougar was en dea voting to make way with her porker, but a well directed shot laid tbe thieving animal out. thus ridding the comruunitv of one of its ssorst pessts. Miss Fruit differs from the majority of her sex inasmuch as she does not take frirht at the mere men tion of a mouse! Times. Religious Services. The following progr.iui will l isMidereo at the Presbyteries cbuicii Sunday evening: Organ vuluntary. Hymn. Kesponsive reading of smptare, conducted bvthe pres ident. Mrs C W eare. Prayer. W H Lee. Solo. Rev E R Pricliard. Rsnitation. Roy Saltmarsh. Reading. Mrs Ito-vland. CH fering. Anthem by choir, solo by Miss Uertlia hills. Address. Mrs Mowen rte marks and prayer. Mr Prichard. Hymn. lienedtction. proclounced by Kev l ncSiard, Rev E T Ingle ol Vancouver, Wash. will apeak at the men's meeting tomor row at 4 p in at tbe Y M C A rooms . Mr Ingle's subject wiil be "Nothing but Leavea." ' All men are extended a cor dial welcome. Rev S F Longbottoui of the Cumber land Presbyterian church is in Junction City attending the session of Willamette Ftesbytery. His pu pit will te tilled to morrow morning and evening by Rey E T Ingle of Vancouver, Wash. The subject at the UulversalUt Chaotl, for Sunday Eve. Oct aS wjll be: "Did Jesus Rise From The lead.;" by B F Bunnell, Stste Evangelist, Church cf Christ. United Presbyterian : Services a it a h and 7;3a r Is, The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed let the mornlu;. "The Nun of Rightousncss ' wl.l le the subject of the evening sermon. Jj S a;3o C E 6:30. You a.e welcome. Services at Baptist chores In the mcrn Ing. The voung peopl; conduct the evening services. S S ss uusl. A O 0 W Annivkksakv Following is the pngrani for the A O I" W celebration, of the 2lith annivorsiuy of the order, at tbo oiera house this ovoning: Instrumental music -Selected Address of welcome -Rev E R I'richi.rd. Music Male otmrtelte Response to address of welcome V Ahbett Music Double male iiiiirtet . Addreas lion W S McFadde. li'.striimoutiil music Selcx -tel. Aihnirsion fnv. Rev i 8BR a tiar faiker rtms, grocera. urw roam cheese just reoeived at Conrad Meyar? . P J Smilsy job printer, Flian Block, dots !irt elasa work. Smoks the ojlirstel Havana fillml 5 cent dsartt Julius JiMeuh's. f Falronixa home io.!ut.-y by KinoWiug tbe " islsbrstsd white labor eg in , m vnsfKOtared by lu'is Joseph. YORK. Tcu About Each OrnE. Tbe Demo crat mentioned a few days ago the hunt ing expedition of C E Field, son-in-law of Ww Kumbaugh and A W Lambert, of Portaad. Upon their arrival kerns they bwas tellinsr stciies about each other: Mr Iamirt' was: "WelriUed a ferocious coutrar. and we had a lively time with it. Firld eft the credit of kiliiiur the beast. He was some distance ahead of me one day. when f heard a perfect voUey of shots in his , - . - I : l. I 1 ft . e. - - regiiuetrl of xoldiers. 1 horned to the root to ajertaia the cause, but I bad gone only a tew trstt when I nearu a wua yen mat al most raised me off my feet- Pres-ntiv Fields called orr?. Al! Al! I've shot tbe liver cut of a emgar-and I'm afraid he will jump onto me. Bring- on the dogs, quick, i-rj-i-c-k . I fciicd forward, and found Field stssssfing behind a Lee trying to climb it. tsas legs and arms were Warped tightly aotxod th trunk. bat he had maue no prcsgresE ssb the tree at all. The cougar was lying abotrt M yards off. dead a- hrsrsasi Fields was. Lambert had oeen iriviag roe jointers about deenitoUing. He said one most never f et excised at a critical tnomeat On one ocfacuion he ras ahead of mys!f and cur rruide.a we thosght he was the 'man to do the shooting'. Presently a fine back jumped up about 3b feet from Lambtrt. Tbe deer looked at Lambert aad Lambert looked at the deer. Toe lartsar srsanted to have some dificcity withfhi gun . t ne couid not get it to rus aaoatoer. nnen fee did get it elevated it did t point tcward the deer at all. Ke seemed to ire aiming ereryw here 'tit at the deer. My companion whispored. "He's got the bocMgne; let's get out of here, or well bK shot." We -saasvk behind a big tree, and none to soon, for Lambert presently began shooting. The trui-. dew in every direction. The tree we wese standing behind eras struck sever al tktsvs. Finally Lambert exhausted all the koJU ia his gun, and M stepped oat from lehiad the Lee. Lambert yelled. I've killed the deer." bat we could find so deer. The sad mountaineer said, 'That's the wor.4 cae -of buck-ague I ever saw.' Death or sVarara PonTEn. Mr Arthcrr Porter. leatv Postmaster, died last night. Oct ISM. at the bom: of his mother, in the 3rd Ward. t the age of ISS years, after a short ikoess. of ulceration of tbe vermiform appesadsa. An operation was pet f est used on Thursday, when the con dition of the disease was ftsaad to be such that his recovery was pracUealiy itnrwssible. Tbe debased was born in Harrisburg. ia this county, and had been a r -suient of -Albany for about fifteen year He was a saonnlar young man. and beside a isrotber. father, brotr-ers and sisters, leaves snacv vh wilt mourn bis death The deceased vaa a member of the A O C W. his bene liesssry being in favor of his mother. In Illinois there are ten parties in the political field, all with state tieke's to be voted for at tbe election next mouth. They are ss follows: lenic e raise party, republican party, prohi bition party, peoples' party, independ ent repabtseata party, the peoples' silver party, pepatiet party, independent party, independent democratic party aid in ) independent people's party. Whafs The Matter With Scio. We bear that S M Daniel's cash store is doink' a lively basinets. He certainly most be selling goods at very low prices, other wise people would not buy so liberally as we hear they are doing. We notice also that iiy is not afraid to advertise aad let the people know he has souiethiug to sell and wants their tride. Ksrl' Clever Rot will purify your blood, clear yoi r complexion, reguta'e your bowels an.' make your hesd clear as a betl. 15c. 50c, and fi.oo KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet ter than others and et joy life more, with loss expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products t the nsjeds of physical being, will attest the value te health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup ot Figs. Its excallance is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties ol a perfect lax ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and feyars and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from everv objectionable substance. S y rup of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in 60 cent bottles, but it it man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Fig, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if ottered. 'ssVaNSS ti. z. e. tuti ran an maw toatsts? is old under positire written guarantee, by ottj..rijri asrent only, to care Weak Memory; ! Loss of Brain and N'-rve Power: Ixiat Manhood: ; fjxueksaw: NiaTbt U; Evil Drss.m: le:k of ! CotrfideTice; Nervfnume: Lamitnde: ill Drains ; : iMW of Fewer of the Generative Organ us either ex. c a las a by overexert irn, Yocttif ol Krror. or i Eaceswive Lite of Tobacco. Op mm or Lienor, I which leads u Misers. ( an;cmptim. Insanity ' and Dearii. By mail, ft a box; six lor with I wTuxes jraaraniee to care or rera&a mersey. cKuavm iM.iiuic, oniaiDi; g r. -, ca?e' tret with fall intrnctirn. Z, cents. One 1 only aula to each person bj moil. J A Cummlng, sole agent, Albary, A Hi BroiiirSsieii. IjtoSSSHfld ror::' Tr M SS Baf SSESSSSS Hasvrsct. Ur mb ciwissrimi. nkseyseq r. w.. .1 tu.- 1 lathed ISMarnmemt. l-rur.. tx a sad U, oca THE ARSOLD CHEMICAL CO. 1 161 S. WssJsm, CHiCAGQ. Sold by all druggists. LE BRUM'S SS SSSSSFSW ttnaftitoe-.! :. :...-ir7&r- nfare mm Umiws f SuS ar ftftssasw, je ,:... w i sft. jj: ie U uta 'rt -aiij. atca ikS A PREVENTIVE VsuftWrsacRIsS L- J S I et aw fcw, w e Vbs fa. . MasLscxa.1 J A Cummlng, so-:e agent, A bany, L A01SE do tac io(cv7 DR. FEUX LE SR'JN J SHE mi PEHYWYE PILLS are tbe ongical and only 5 1CXCH. oafs sad re. tiobte care on tbe norket. Prioe fl SS. aaot baj tail GsstusR aoid taij by J A Cn inning, to!e agent, i nn . Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub in Vigorously. Mustang Liniment Pain. Makes ."lan or Beast vseil W.L. Douglas Sal SUOftC IS THE BEST, ajp taf Sa IS Vsaf & HO SOUEAKI MC S5. CORDOVAN. ro-a vmiBcnr. 3.5?l0lJCE,3SOftXS. m EXTRA. FINeT015 2.Lg LkrfiiSmTJrflES. LADIES- .SEND Ft? WiiiXS-S W-L-OOUtSLASft BROCKTON, MASS. rr bv sarehaoiaa Vs . L. Ussssaia rae-,, we are the larsirst suacotActxirers of advertised sitae in the world and guarantee the vatae by atampiag the as: :e and price on Use Nxtoro. which prorects vost scjiiast. high prices and the middleman's prorV . cisr siioe t-qifal custom work in style, ass fiuisr and sresring vjaalilies. TTe have the m '.J i where at sower price lor lue salue rivc-i 1 ' sit other make. Take w sutjs;ita-.e. I.' -ir Sealer cannot supply ycu. -e can- Sol-J THE L.'E'BLAIN CLOTHINGXO Oris, Mess.. January 1st, ISM. SMkSrs. S. C. Wblu at Co., 1 Roy. NY: Mail 1 a mm I bavatried many ilitterent kinds fraedicine without receirina a:ty beneitt, and Srea up all nope ot any cure or even re was troubled with constipation for year I was a total wreck, it ran into mtm and other trouble, and have twsn ned to to house (was in bed for eicht th) for two year. I have been using your a Clot an Root Tit, and Snd thai it has me more good than anything I have ever You are perfectly ai liberty to use my ftssans as a tesumoaial, as I am glad to kno-v tSat I have been the mean of relievine others. Very respectfully, tin. Vt . f - Wusuuun. Red Crown Roller Mills. (ifttoorporated) Bast tlour .or family and tvdrers use BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. GIG 'lmabfimm si nltat. ft- c m ftfxaftftjsSBBBw