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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1894)
tiltf Eiahts BmMrtrt. - .fear ' v ' cwvw tt. , aj r-w- - - v V fESLr, can MTf man Do Rru...... VOL XXX. W. L. Douclas $3 SHOEsKa 5. CORDOVAN, FRENCH ENAMELLED SALE A0 FlfC CALF &KANfiAROIl I 4 3.sp POLICE. 3 Soles. I 2A3SB0YiSaMLSHl)ESL i ladies. SEND FOR CATALOGUE VV-L-DOUGLAS. BROCKTON, MASS. pt by .urchasl.. W. 1 aelaa Shnr. . . 1 " nanaiictarcn oi aurvertiscd shoe, in the world, and guarantee the value by stamping the name and price on i the bottom, which protects yon against high prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes equal custom work in style, easy fitting oud wearing qualities. We have them sold everv : whsrc at lower prices for the v.ilue fFivci t' any other make. Tjtc no substitute If. 'dealer cannot supply you, wc eta. Sal THE .V.K BLAP CLOTHING CO I'.ntrrrd at Ike Pest Offlre at Albany. Ot., as nrcond-t lass Mall RUIleri "As oU m thohills"aad never excel! o.l. "Tried and proven" is the verdict o f millions. S i in m o n a Livor Regu lator in the THURSDAY I ALBANY.ORLGON, FRIDA OOToTrtWlTlr THE SURVEY BEGUN. (J. M. and J. W COUNTY COURT. Tha party of U S surveyors arc here iincan, county Judge; J VI Waters ,nd re enegeI itli matters prelimi- tgh, orouuaslonert.) narv to the survey of the, vViil.r..i. The matter of nil interior In tk . .. river. The work ia under tl,. .lir.,..i,.... jail is being considered. There are, four of Mr J B Cuiining.iam.assistant ulnMr ... . I I nn.Ur. MflM Pml T 1 1 , . ........ "iwi vti. va't nuowtii, WHO was first detailed for the work and went bids ij but no action has yet been taken lull ol ?jielserBro8.7 SO, disallowed MTTPf Live 7 ban !!(' ktr. aid U. jj i.iken dry or TKaiKtogaaTU i USttA.a -.1 . nasi . . .'., .. in. i: it-. II.,:. H Calll,.;.!.'!, CUVETt rACSUf.1 IA0V jcdicine tc whivh you can ji.i your frith tor a cure. A mild laxa tive, and purely -vegetable, act ing directly on the Liver n d Kid iieva. Try it Sold by all Mt, or in rowdd' marJintoa teA. r -Trlaisi. mrsviw,t , ::efro ufit sh it is ttia , I copM.Tita '-.aa. W. 5 00 6 00 10 00 8 00 10 00 & 00 6 00 6 00 7 00 " 00 5 00 10 00 ibti 00 sa Siavawxah, N.Y., March iSth, 1S94. Messrs. S. C. WBLLS & Co.. Le Roy, H. Y. Gentlemen I was pronounced by my home physician as having tubcrr-o.osb, and I went South without any apparent benefit. I was recommended to use Sasiloh'c Consumption Cure, am? its results have been wonderful. I cheerfully recomnjend it to any one suffering from lung trouble. James W. Goss. NEW LIFE Also bill of Thos Large, account, insane -P4.UU. The following bills were ordered paid : n i , . u r Losnow. 01U liail family $ Q C Cooley, aid Mrs Clark W E Savage, aid Gox family! (i F Crawford, aid Mrs Hoberts. . B White, aid Ren worthy R C Kemp, aid self Elisabeth Osborn, aid self. .-aiali unea, aid ;f Oliver Cbesncv, aid felf P M Smith, aidse f Mrs Barnard, aid self .. H Baker, aid Vail fainiiv J A McKeron. sl.irift M Naadham, clerk 160 65 u r naruiuan, recoraer 15) CM J X Duncan, judge lcO 00 PG Morris, treasurer 83 35 A R Ruthorford, sunt 60 00 F M RedfieKl, deputy clerk 83 00 Q E Propst, deputy aheriff 03 hi Glass &. Prudhome, books 15 00 11109 aionieitn, postave V Chrislenson.acct roada G W Young A Co., lumber A S Powfll. etok .osuertor H C Wataon, noorhouse rent.... P C Anderson, acci roads G W Harii fxamine inane Dr G V Mattou. examine insane Dr TC Mackey, examine iusaue.. ariiri . acci rosn- . 4 a. x. a wisrs nm ass sua tuatvxst is sold under poaitire written guarantee, be authorised agento only, to cure Weak Memory; Loas of Brain and Nerve Power: Lost IsAnhood Qnkneas: Night Loaaea; Evil Dreams. EckoV t onhdence: Nervousness; Laaaitode; all Drains; Loss of Power of the Generative Orans in irk by oveMiertion, Youthful Errors, or S"?28i,"JUe .f. Tobacco.' Opium or LiqSor and Death. By tnail. ii a ra"fo'r iST-X written guarantee to rJaple package, containing hvedsj-,' trttatent. With full instructions. 2T, l, .TtfTri MllverJrt f . oarh mmm, 1. t, ' mmTw ' uj luaii J A Cummlng, sole agent, Albany.Q for Infants and Children. CkkStaata Is aj well adapted tochiklien that rooomir!ad it a raperior to an prescriptioa utia ' ila. D.. Ill So. OrfaadSk. Brooklyn. S. Y. be ttse of 1 Oastcria L so universal and m uiertu so well known , act it seems a work r?ioreroeation to endorse it, Fcwarntke 'u: BtnlSas who do not keep Caatoria loasyreaeh.-' Ciau Jtajcrv-, a. fJl, Kevr York City. Caatoria care; Colic, Co&tipa!loa, SovTStcnwsch, IHajrhoBa. Eractatiaa. Kills Worms, gives sieeri, txri yroaocea dl fOuu, Without injufaas mercoa "For -esuial years I Lavo r v. ".:- .. ; Tour 'dstoiia,' and shall always continue u do 9D as it baa urrariabl rrooceu lesulta." Eirsmi F. Tambsz, 11. Eirect at 7h Z.a Turk Caty hi Tmt CxsTarB Cohpaxt, T7 Mnuuv Srtm, Ssw York Cttt. HAVE V1U TRIED DRUGS AND FAILED TO tTJTO A CUBE FOR RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, KIDNEY, LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA. LAME-BACK, t OK. HANSEN'S ELECTRIC BELT with Elertrs iHsasiliegssm ry wdl ear wit bast saedlrlaa ' f all of the sbOT troubles. ThoaawM rjCer from hrrron Debility. I.asses. Drains, LsjM MauhaeJ. r r w n e a . nirr . -Ireolra II Female Pmt Mesaarv. ml pla'ata, and several 111 toe enects ox annaua. exeaaasa or r-04 -sure, will find relief ana core In oar marvelous lnv ramtrea but a trial to so Inignoranea lecxs you may nava nnauiy Tuarmum nor,, famiM whleh la elee-rieirv ana mad mill in ,i !, a i, r I If yoj replace Into your system tfcf elements Lb as drained, which are rs avnS quired for vigorous straogth. you SMll remove the dose and health, straaau and vlKcr wi 1 follow at once, tatt nent. ana ws rasa ssaaaw Koderl Getic .nidseli ., Read, Peacock Jt t o , acct roads. . ETT Fisher, aid poor E T T er.Fish tiw vet or John MiCheenry, C H . ....... c;eari .v SOS M Co Train at hitnev 'pr-o Mijf J D Burkhart..: Sngar Pine Door le Lumber.. Slover dc Soften Broa Mitchell & Lewis Co, road. ... . . J f Hohn, poor Examination G Y Smelaer", Drs lUvia and Ellis each $5.00 p K Kellev. 85.00. A R sen, 2.40 Examination John Smelser same Hyde & Taylor, roaJa Oregon agt J L Riddle Inquest Matilda Strobe Oregon agt Lyman Emerson .... Oregon agt John Doe, burglar . t V Watte, printing PR Kelley. deputy attorney Mrs Mary Davi', acct poor C Merer, ac-i poor P C Anderson, acct roads Examination of Frank Isabel by Drs Maston and Meckev.Jusdce ITairisand PR Kellrf Oregon agt Dante " F L lirow. bridn J W Moore, bridge. Stsndish A Arthur, bridge iiirisieosen. roads Sawyer Bros. lumber J M Vaters, roada S X Millard, roada Electric Light Co, C H John I'sber, janitor S MattieFTavlor. aid Inquest unknown man Ex Samuel Brock i Inquest MaJinda Grove . . . ., Oretion act V rnt HaMlsaaW rejron agt Wm Brownlee . . . r iiarum.Ln. omce ex Inquest E H Burnham rJ Smilev. pnoting lr W H Davis, inquest Dr J L Hill, inqnext A H Freeksen. inquest X Xtedbam, postage P G Morris, postage W F Deakin. asae-sor A R Rutherford, ex acct Albany E: Lt Co. o wiliis, roads...;.'..;;; C B Winn, inquest antiam Lumber Co. . J A McFeron, board prisoners J A McFeron, j- -Usge Stites A: Xuttimr. urintinir J H Wallace, poor PR Kellev. Dist Attr J M Keeney, deputy R C Watson, poor acct C C Jackson. miatvlAtuvuis John Waters, fees W I'ogh. fees J B TilloUon, bridge i.uiMiiur Lf . : i . ajuii ramsen. janiior . mil ot T vv t urren. tisued. 66 00 ( 01 13 46 6 25 8 0) 3 75 S 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 12 00 18 00 I 00 13 00 2 fti 8 17 00 6 00 1 75 II 60 3 25 2 26 over ine mar in a small boat from here to Portland, resigned and Mr Cunning ham waa assigned to the work. The balance of the party is made up of R t. r.onser. O Fletcher. A Morrill W C Barer; S S Allison.cook, and A S Young and W P Smith, boatmen. Besides the skiff used on the survey a flat boat 2:Jx2t feet will be used for a houaboat and the earty will live in it. This boat is now eing built near the Eugene bridge and will likely be finished this week. The undertaking will consist d eral topographical survev of th rfvor i eluding soundings, width.diff'ient chan nels and the various adjacent formations for a considerable distance each tide of in e stream. lo a interview with a Guard reporter Mr Cunningham stated that be estimated the field of the survev would require about six months. He'will begin at a point near tue tugene bridge and the distance from ihere to Portland by river a us nines, several su.vevs have been made on the lower river heretofore but mis wm oe me nrst connected survey ol tue whole nver. Commercial statistics are oeing gat ered wbich will tie submit ted to the department in charge.together with the plant formulated for the per manent improvement of the riter Pi,. gene Guard. Tha places whf re improve ments are needed are weil known by river men, and instead of spending all the money in preliminary work it would be well to invest at least a little on one or two improvements that would insure navigation to Aioany the year round In Mcmoriant. FKIDAY Lines on the death nf lierlia .t !,,'... of Millers Station, ho departed ihi life Oct 6th, 1S4. Another blooming flower of eailh, Cnlied br an anvela han Ha been transferred to the realms abova t.y tiods divine command. i- ia . . . TX Aa u,er "fe has cea.-etl t live li ?V W hile vet in tarlv hlonm . . - j . 1 00 10 6.- 11 to 35 W l'J 45 B SO S (5 10 00 8 00 3 75 And darkening shadows fall upon A loving daughter's tomb. Havcrly's Minstrel are cvmin this Ano:her loving one ha passed To her eternal borne above, Anije are left on earth to mourn The death of one sre love Fare ibee well, dear little one A bleating to the is given. While we are left on earth to mourn Tby soul rests sweetly in Heaven. 17 60 27 10 24 00 4 w ine tugene atiived n AJhane -hi. 7 W I icrenoon, ii.e first trip of the reason oeTCB jjp arrived in A bany tf-l.y lrir wir to work on the ti P v,. w ! en! Cr.lnamar in..H A ' ., ," v. i ii em The crowd too i in the siluaihn. The first county asseimfnl roll be returned lo (he teoetary of state this year, that of Crook coun'.v, show a decrease iD valuation tn one year ol more lhan J5 per cent. There are ivi newtpapert ia Orean helug 55 republican, 1 Independent. 3J - -i -niece l.neous. Dur. 2 ... a m 10 On 12 0.) r,4 M 21 40 9 45 10 00 19 50 8 06 10 00 10 00 8 00 no I f.-,, I V 1 IV , i ... i . . i . , a . I . r""'p ui'.r.tctc'j con siderable iiUeaUon on the street Saturday It was cptund by Otto Clelan near TJl man. Married, at tho hen f tiio bride W'ed nwdav (VtoberS, by Rev E Esles, M Wm Dibble and Mw Emma Grisbam The young couple have the best wishes of a large circle of friends. William StabbleHeid youngest brother u iiib ttte j o-.auoieueia. tluu recentlv Kentucky, tat k tiu in Texas iur tue i.i iitHi o ills ucaiui Jerome Gentry died at th home of his parents, a few miles north of town, Tues day evening, October 2, of consumption Deceased vfja about 2S) years of age and was an exwHent young man . The bereav ed fanuLjr -twre the sympathy of m.uiv triemis. Mrs J Denny and daughter Elbe started towmetotown Wetlnesday. when tiieir bufgy horse got scared at something and nm away. The buggy was tipped over, both ladies were thrown out, and Mies w5 s arm waa broken above the elbow and Mrs Denny received some severe urmws. ur r oiey was hastily summoned to aitenu uie ladies. Advance. WUXDmOr It. The Corvalli Time talks senably a follows: Albany is wratbv and perhaps justifiably, because a tonal ii tewspuper charged Albany people "' t'- irj iliaf Ult II i tn r Fa ahis.f.1 A I banv's rtMHihitiA.- in th n..k.. Tsa 'rw- " w aa uuaui LJJC -He 1 1 UieS roniM in fs.r a .V.taM -J ika ,V ignation. because like poor dog Trav. it wa caught m bad company. Ihe lim'it of ine 1 nues cffen.iinL- van in fhA sUtemeat liiat Corralli people, -who knew liurnliam beit wr i,,rlil (redit the veidict of the Aibsnv iurv and Btaa , i.a. ..t ta.u . " , - UI ""cine a et.iten.ent that is MriWr true, but one that no more be tonstrued as a reflection on Albany people ban on Peking people. The times ilieve 1 . K00" ponP'e " tlbany in about the tame proportion as in CorvaliU; . .iiisany would be jtut as prompt to i i-unim murder as lonrallts. and vice versa. I be Time printej both the cu.-utatajioM that boinieJ lo ?JZ I J&ting suicide, a. it is oth the d-Jty and rivin r.f vwl J paper to tio, witnout tenng condemned for T '" no occasion for. and there MiouU never have been a 'dUplay of pWn in the affair, but no, (bat war paint ha been put on. the sooner it is mopped off and 1 the subject dropped the better 91 TlTtt dt TO..PWU,er, M4 -,,.., THE official reports show that no baking powder received an award over the Royal at the Chicago World's Fair. The judge of awards on baking pow der writes that the claim by another company to have received the highest award is false; that no such award was given to it. The Royal Baking purest and strongest made, and has received the higher award at every fair, wherever exhibited in competition with other a, a 1 B A iajgjliytrS5 ! ...a... In 0 Circuit Court or Linn County, SiU c Plain Uff J O BushneW, an Frank D Wood. If w vr and Sarah E Hurry, H-rber Ames, L W Deoe and lohn . rnnartrtaa. i UViUK U'JS- Inegs under the firm name of Ueyoe Hnhton .a u - . 1 ,lle r-a 11 - i.umoerin - Dtf-rrdanu. liam carporaiion, To M W Murr Powder is the baking powder I IB aaaaaai,.a.i.i.ia..aK,i3:ii-Ti ' 1 : A M AX SOLD FOR 250 I goYai tuiossQ rowaea ca, tec wau. ar, Hem-mL Or CotatK TaiM; Wost. The foot race at the Eugene bridge reslerdav wa( an amna,n .sr.:. t. , - . I - " --"ii. ine instance mas 75 varus and the r..r.i.-... i Cooley of Browneville and Trine, betier known rro!s:nnalle vs-i .-t,.- - of Spriogfleid. Between 2,5O0 and f .OoO mutt have ciange.i hand. is,. wliieh ... is... -r.: . . ' 1 w aaag siiBt ill las vnn four feet. In ft .a IfV a 99 w w, wr f w UIIAF IT of LrowntTilta Mar- !Um.arn. 3 hit cily, and I C Overlcn waa ". n rusrte. WiUt tWr saaaaal - sp.jrt efferad money profuselv on Tri and me belt of even 2 to I were maUe in Una way. The Brownsville bovs were game as lone as their t.- 1... -W w 1 a mmm --! If Mn ed. Thev were annavmh.i " - - - at the retell, at might 1 1... itwatlheir own iob Fnl. .:'.....i inne rettded in A hanv at on tim. ll. awhi.e H, it a protrw on.l ,rm jjj Lalifmnia once, running and beat nc at me very far. sprinters. Amateurs l ad .uu i4 jiiace uneous. Uur. I .... t , . r . " the pa.! year 15 paper hare .a.pend-1 5rTe h,n W . 375 00 4 0 . 15 00 . 5 25 9 10 . 40 V2 157 11 . 24 70 9 50 5 00 8 50 8 00 . 13 80 10 00 . 13 40 12 00 -1418 39 10 45 luraivr $45 96 con ed pub'icatlon. - v .. ' 1. . ..I . . . , . raasn tan , tn ses sion in saiem. The piogtsm.a good ote was arranged bv DrJT T.i. ..1 i..,-.- formerly cf th! citv rr r 1 I 40 ol thh city, it to prVunt an esmtc-rnor V, 21$ 80 at Is our pian and traatmeni naxsnfee a cure or r. Ine Xfln Dir. Ka.k TmtFK rT. KS flW STSTSr .horn.! he read bv BlartTiri assS-n1 eld man. sent sealed, free. Dr. HaaSH'i El.rrrle Belt la no as wc have restored thoaaandsto robust hoalih and vlaor. after all other uwattnenta failed, aa i Down oy nuaareos 01 cases inroaanout tntsanaother Ktates.abo would gladly taaury, aoaz of whom wc have struts ietiaa hearing testimony to thetrreeovery after using oor elU WE HAVE CURED THESE WE CAP. CURE "OU! ' V GENERAL DEBILITY CURED. - LAME BACK AND RHEUMATISM. ....T.Saaihi;- . -a-Oj.?!1 I waa troabl d with lost riaar. vital siaka. and . " i af oir. iaara.ii isaost . coaiyaate hasstfs pease. I veald gat uawith 1 very tired faeliag. boaas ashirg. ate sslac aaiaa four belt I h . had a saw leeas of llf . laov.i,,, life batter tana i have forte. r en oast, Ihasa'ae ftianat 0. nOJaoee la your treats -rot. Too can tV llah thi rtateaaeaLalae has. others write or call on ass. Tralj jouraT H. A. JIOSTajTMand Tu.ia8i. RHEUMATI8M AND LAMENESS CUREO. . . "For laad. OriZ .tl, S rii li UML Swo eaiha ago forrhtiaiatiam. from whl h 1 .offered fsr avvarat years. Fprtbeiiaa' sir mot.tha I bad i.ot fcaaa able tow rk. Your b-it hasp'.acedmeln alraoet pert - rt aaltb ia the two we kii havr ua-,1 I eaa wau eumiortaotv. aon xei 1 . a. . u r-w cian , aoeraiir. 34. K. UCOBEX. Pr pri tor luveraatioaal UolaL NERVOUS DESILITV-LOSS OF VICOR. lecom. wFaassa O-tobfr 24. 1S1 Dr. A.T Psnden.lar hir : i have 1,-pd uaiag your lor jt'jnet b -rvooa ti 1 b faal bataw ti,. la vigor daily, and nm attorn 9 1 u id eferr r.nn .ii cntofcUlr, CHAI3 it ttr fire yawra. ! d ever m para wot a. comu.(-a tticn uw strain 'p"w liijam tu Ur 0 " nclM. ftm. n tv-vt-ra embtlmma batjfc, frotn arhitrb I pu7i r-1 f or tk-na imii. IauMhtt. out: George Will? m Of ,ir,m.. . 1 dently .hot himself while hunting He trlrd to cock lh-gu,i with the toe of hit mn, any, t... . . i . -., - IWI a.,ppr.t. 4r,e tugu'ar vein wa Injured and the 'm ini hwJ 1 v great mat he wiij d e. At il.e roeetlr.a of the Kalem n..;Mi. and Loan asociaion he!d last nigh (hrre loan were made a, fl!ow $i.C4, 66 at event y -eight monlhs'lnlerest In . at seven nine monihi: an eveniy-ttTen. Ttie latest store :eiative to iWa . the word Oregon reaches us by war of Arizona ard the Spanish invadots It i. lo the tffect thai ihe word ri-...i- crynei from the Spanish word 'eroii " or erojon,' meaning ear, or bi ear. There is talk in nilroaH rlr-t. ,tm ducilon of four or five hours in the r.,. tirreof Ihe ovri land rllimff., train. on theSouthern TtcvSc between rbnisnd ar-d San Kranriaco. The fan ,K.. . 1.- i.'.uiuaiieri on ine ? aata div,.i. 1. beer, instructed 10 see that th, track is , - ... kv. .tn impair at once lends co or iu nc rumor ol the mntv.,-,i of the lime schedule, s.vs the A.hl.nd uiuga. teoiUd not band n:r bsca. w as all dolled a. uwim wi." 01 jcur oeiia. as eerpea nas ideof tw dara. and I mnllnr..! . auHr. ffM ffloutba. being irf tw cured. That waa twe rear a o.aadlaasaiw.! to-daj as I . waa ia say life. I tha seat ranaecr ia the world. I im located near a rmanentlr.eaif will be clad to talk with aai ana ws wsata to luqi raatx.' I'. tuiBtUT lit UiillL F.nglnaernoU! Porttaaal Dr. A. T. Sands-. Dear Sir i-alaoe wwaltng : " in t nave oeen area -ray feat rasarafaa; ti!t 1 nnd mvMlftw memory if boa naartr for tha better. I 1 l using tha belt- Your ttuiy. a j uenenta4 . 1 real way old en and af u r a month, oae of th. u e as V aornua aa kafr la. csrfeet, and each dar aheaw each much atro near thai befora UxUtlis' hCHULZX THE DR. SANDENrt ELECTBiC BELT simiiiiiwjj garranic parte ry. maos ir. o a belt ao as to be easily worn during w.rk o mimSkAMC , - jr., .'w ma,aniiy laiV voroagnout all Weak eer. Refund, d ctho-no Ltw. Owing tj the false weather reDorts which ha fe haain aSak ulatevl throughout the United Hf.i.. congress has passed a law providing that -'Any person who shall knowingly issue fi puu.ian ant counterieit weather f .re. casts or warnings of weather conditions ralsely representing such forecasts or warnings to nave been issued or pub lished by the weather bureau, United .igna: service, or other branch ol the government service, shall b. ,io.,r,.,i guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on convic- ion uiereoi, lor each offense, be tine J in a ram not exceeding 1500, or imprisoned not to exceed ninety days, or be both fined ar.d imprisoned in the discretion of tue court. AO v one who w-m;.l o. Hnn ..1. II . , uuptiiic i au.- reports ought LAtnilT A Bkab -Hrcenflv II I .ulJ .iT . .-' c ,i .. .. u.-ieiieu me sieei cells lor lite iail in a Hp i nmr A la i. A ... C i .. I ttata ii i r. . untca near ami wild Asa to t-ee was to hav j ryu a sa:.:v. Causa mi assaw wmgmma, atrfwed in Albnv hi. ooo i,om , 1,, f , to . j. Behringses. He a gor-e from .Sn nine month, and ieport oie of -h-roughut aid most trip ir his long rxoerience.t-vere being man. c:oe calta and lrr adter.tair.. rhe catch belter lhan la. , ear; bnt not big Mr Slet en. m4 iSa seal,, rn kl.-g a clean O? ol6io. Be hunled lo the C P train this r.oon fo, Ysqufna. where hi. wife tTt-fi Mr 8VM u k'oter-1n-iaw of MrJer0T.e vVillUm of thi. cttv. SnK Wi" Faxa.- Mi Pwneroy. the "o pound rvuirter on l be San Kranciaco Lxaiuiner also exrv. Mr. tlaW-U .c- wttta Wonder, who cl-iinetl to have m-Aroetic power, bu: .k. ii ,. u, i is siruplj a fakea fact Albanr people who aw her wonderful trick, will li jrr-rised "Has Pcmarov lift. flftM pushes a man all around a room. re,i.'.. "it a cue the,in,l ,.ff(,rt e ..,i 7T 'if,eJ. bJ "-wojrwt men. in tact do all Ine IwtaSL U llX-u - , Tl. . 7. . . an lumai (i i ii inecunous toma. about it i. th iW-i any woman cAn ,!.. Ukewj wb.n ihe Wtn m very simple trick. Mrs Abboll s tern- i t-. n ,r' Palm was Tho Portland Teiegram tells ot ihe. f.J. lowing very trama. Lion : A scene was enacted this monung in a lawjer s office cn Third and Stark -Ueeta so enlinir i . . 77 -im prevailing ca. r-" . " u wcrur ct more than pas taw Bote. Two women from the Vhitechare-I dis tnct. a xxjmpaaued by a young Krenchman. called on the law-yex. od cncf UTit qrseaterJ him to draw up a bill of tale in which ine transferTcl all tight, title and mtereat she professed lo have in her male ZTai uht wooiaAvn cortaderauoo of Sa0 in cash. The Uw;er was amiied t the r"Pl'oo, out the trio urged llru to raroroed with th? pr-p,uon of the pa lra. a. tbey were mutually satisfied with Ifae arrgriDeat , After the docuasetit bad been signed bv Useveyancer. the nionej was paid over to tier, and she gave her ex lover a parti air -uj and left the office, toon being followed 'iVt-n in t ... t ,t -L a. I -.- w tut c oaitei ire young man said lo lUe a It. me v aa hi own lariguage. as be i. unable lo speak f-ng ith. hanng been in this country three m-.oth only, that he krred" both wcraen they rrturmng hi affection, rtecently the female bad had set eral quarrel over him. -no on two or thw occasions Uk-v had .va.c to osowa and Kirth 17 aa two of the aboee named defendants : IS The NAVE ,'F TUP ctiti, .... OREGON: You are hereby reo ... 3 t "niian,4Ter ,h- "PliTi of the sbove named plaintiff in the a"xve entitled ahUf nW, 2 fiic wlth lhe "I ihe above entitled court v.-t .. rt day of the next ".".e. above en-Uled court n-:xt fallowing the twatfoa of .he time prescribed iD this order mr the pubiica.ion f a,, On c before ,he 2jnd day of Oc ober. X'. ". 'OQa. and tOU h.r.l-.. r..-C..J .t . If you fail to appear and answer xajrj com plaint as hereby r-quired. the nl.i- m Uke a iudgmcn: and dec-. i.t. ycu a. prayed for in hU complaint Swi' For a judArrnent against the above name' defendant, Frank D Wood, for tn- sum o 51041.C7 with interirtt th.r. t . . M day Augu.t, 1394, -nd for the fur her sum cf $:oo 00 at atlomev. fees, ard or a decree of the above entitled court orecioting the mortgxge executed by the defendant. Fraak I Wood in favor of .1 pUintiBaotrre named upon the fo.wirg d.-cnoed real property, to writ Lo, SanZ ,.JbAeebl KxXk Number Sev.-n-.ea fo he city of Albany. Unn county, g.4ir of Oregon, at the same appear, upon t-e map, and plata of .aid cit, no. on file io the office of the Recorder in id Ln couot t . Oregon, ar.d for an J; ing that Lie said premiae above dtacrbtd be Oid. as bv Uw dirt-ctef , ceeds arising' from tuch sale he appt'ec". First- To 'he oasment . v. JL. - . - m - - twsta rau uik.ticiiu neretr.. and the ney s r-e. Sernod Tn it.. of th: pla!nti2's claia:. -.. in cicil in lull ard IK. atto.- paymnnt ptincinat orer-plua if 'IHE V M C A. -The following i,,i- of wftaafiw and receipts for the following year has been matie out by Mr J A OnHi-m-t and eTeTal -erretary of the kxal MCA :jid will bear inspection: Ex- TU'- "iierei on .leot. riTO: taxes and SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Mr W P Wannooth, of Haisey. wj tha city today. r r . . - a-uense oaf oeen lsanevl tnv the marriiae ofMr Kddtaon Young Miss CCUv- ninhe B F Coarser, of Drain, came down nn- djy. Ben sars be will locate at Alraanv for -r, .ut.vorini.toDcippiini at may b dirrcled oy thi. e.rt, and that tkc defen -dac! Frank D Wood and all person, ho. r.g under Mai be forever barred and fore closed iof :all right of redemption in c- to Use said land above described. This summons i- publhhed in the S'ate Rl8h Oemocrat by order of the Hon H It Hewitt, iudtre of th. 1. A'bany, s.Jr.7i !L"':r' ll Tail , , the wiLfer -Jeerion Review. -.-. A-ari. -' IT IT I;nc ie..tas.l. 1 a-w, A . ...... . 4C5: literatttre. 25: to-l rrs 1 oeooc club toil last evening was Receipts. retiLa. -: , am proved a social succrs 22 J per m.nlb. 5t?,' -P,.'' ua.c try McLyrnan;, orrhertra, of w --" riitlrj. ; foUI. T5. ftear-w wiagtro, on u-e o:n d-.v of Aygutr.A WEATHERFORD k WTATJ. Anorreyg for piaintlff per rn memt.rr tUNit a tani: floating deU which ZTZSL 1 1 m "SPMNto as anon a. POacibte- Nothmit in thi. 4 u.. 1 counted a receipt, from eadwt.iwm.r Leuw year thta a-nonnt f.-w.l i IM. At the Pr-ent eawie.l T, JT- ; 'ft!? dJu TIT . tlL,lT.ldl,fb!!.f- : . . w --s-a uw wroogfj thtt hard tear and come out .fe ff "!! 1' TT V that the Al- Icnv 1 MCA is ,n ti,. krf c dition of all the asaciatioo, of his Seld 2&&&f? Washington. Idho -- vviwaiuii. La..! nisrht th- ahrv., ".? to Jeterrr.i.. .. to -hr, .t,r,i.i J.T1 1 S--" rest , , , w VU,M eatiuaiiciv . 1 v Mder the smile, of the man in coo . . s,j rrmve ej tor her taeiwiva-ioo. wa use above mentioned re-wit. Kvtngeliafs f,rvr, aQ,l wife p. teroojrh tows .-,...,,.. r j Unn county. wWlfcai go ks tike a-S iney expect to Mtascriptions ; The Duaic 5embe"P- 1 Salero, was greallv ioonciatpa Mrs h W price, of Tok, left Gold Hill xait evenimj for Albanj. where ber mother. -Mr Aoe Hactleman lt lying very Lj r and d cxpectr-d to iive -.Vshlanl Record. air lvatiu. eti.tor of the Ashland Re- j com, wno was arrested for libeling E D nrigg. a Usryer. attacks him harder than ! eTJ aaa -V h r0Wwjs to give the news. w box paousn a mux and water theet. wuiu lHiniway, of PottbfL it is said win protaa;.y be taov Lord's private y: Lnauncy M Lockwood is -irntinawdl iot toe posiuo. ot chief clerk of the lary. ot whom he is a relative. So the 8talemn. Miss Nell M Bill, of this citv, has Mexican Mustang Liniment shonld iiMiiIiIS ? r - , : ' wa r 4 ?poaru .r. toen iwortt aa their -saU ,.f eng" in in the near lien Itooth. th .-'aJn;; n ts rv ZI D t-j r X. J uw au a vi l.ailU 1 "TC JO. Mr Soothanl, father of Mrs S R Steele went to Ihe Sound today. Mr R I. I'orreli. of IK. ... , . 7' " - ; : - . ........ b-s been in the city for a dav or two. ? illaraette raJlev Indenen,! am Iterwise Mr and Mr, BrvtalSi. been in Albany for a few dav n ir, naim -. .... i . 'f- - - - A a Vests a wtw. tl PV - I - - - IXA. II Lai-1 UisTt1 t' ' nil. u acoomp isbed by washing the hrnds ' tfa7'd 10 Albany- preferring in a prepare. 1 chem;rwl .1.- . Calif -, rr i , t.,rw... .1. ... . " tue 1 tal" Lacen w hat fo )ls wc mor- Dr Wm Ada , - 1 11.14 u the moroiDg tram on buaioeu. I.irrna. L. J...w. : 1 . ...tV BStBO in-t-II IHPIlt! I.lF Ilia. ..-. riAgeof JFBarrand Nelle (Whasel aa . -iir up iiumnrev ha Ik-. n 1 , nnKliaK ,, ir .: . . " to r-v,cu a. w a 0(JUIiat. he will consolidate th ana uie ropuhst man was in Alkanvr.i.rl..- a r. . I 11 awu 1 arkxr AitaxKrgu - 4 f.-,,,,.. si I '.CT ume. are improviitr MM man waa arreate,) i PnHUA ; ,ul " "'"Vra1'- follow,r.K ruanner, accortilnir . -.u! 21 v RTum : Sheriff ll. s .7'J. TT.. . "w19 . , - , "'i-i vi Atcnii, jvt. rven lS a"vfitti,-Jn ,nrh --arnint. ia?ue.l by It to reported that bookkeeper ,7 E aB I 'TT' r e Jefferson Review Peace CI ife ;i?;Jtf!S! ZTl" ..n "K boat, these gentle- a s namraer oi iat 3r-o a rumor was cur rent in thu aty that -Jcaih" R-illv who hl ,be Junngibt years of 1-91 se. met with ,. : dent in the ou!h hich cauted the toTof Land. esterdav ITiaa r. , i letter and Ml. toarrarrh Tx"!E5 Re v Prichard is in Portland attending I thai rirht and liking w-ji tif the .-ynod of the Pmbytenan church. J at C'tiLville. Tenn . where be is -ir ti rower, of Salem i. in h. ; r-."S w in ice t lartvii u on hu way home from Halter, where he ' "P1"1 Pt m Ihe winter catching the has been working set era! m Joins. tpfiere iMlem Independent. Mr H Oainn rw-n from Salem thi' -- ItsTurjr-rn.G Point, Mr noon, wcere he has been working several F M French, local dispUrniaxi for the week, on one of the state buildings. j weather bureau, ha been notified bv Judge and Mr Wolverton will go fo! r 5C2 tlat.AHny will be made the Salem tomorrow to reside. Tueir rtii.,di!nl.uting ooint for local forecast re dence will be occupied by H M BeaSI. !P.rt m,thls ,P of the state. .Albany iwr Alien I hamberiin. who went to Cal" . " ! l"vua' ol II center as ibrnia several month, arm tr. ;,!. .?r LT"'"". ana Uie running cf . . .. -w- w tninn. jnai i . i. . -. v . Uteawsw - Jf" . mails clot 1.-- . - ? receivvti from port. c chandier. ihesinr s. L:-ir;r:.:rj'-'-r.rren,cnwi "-' " "w-wawra laaaavaiaaavT vwu-cr. UI1UVI for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, wawaufrmntittirjreL;.Tof thB ntKiv i wna.n . n r f . n i w-T.7w .Tir;Jr iT ' w "I 5n ' x' r. weak men. aa4 Ther are -rrrtded In at renrth tn mmtwt all ai man, criu win cure luff uuru cases tn two or Uia-m noa 8ANDEN ELECTRIC CO. .atwaadi.kfD??J.i r"ua ' l'Ueodoros. 3RD AND WASHINGTON rhe Oregon Land Go .EZj.vVUn it; home office a"jaVE - - - OE1UGO. T h mm Gray Block, corner Liberty and State ttreet, branch office n Porilai J j jMTAKEii a specialty of Sunnyeide fruit tract near Salem A1B- Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 ptr tore -small caah payment 1011?: timo on balance or particulas lUU Uaa AI1 AtsT Mr In Uiutii wretiui SVIANHOOD S.E8TORED ; N ,,VK auaranlced to cure all nerroSaairT. wf.Tt.'" w"""t ul ruuirTlf Powsr.UesxlMbe.Wa.eIulneL7isuK nes..alldralnsondlo.,f powernner.t.v4or br overexertion. youthralerra.eieeSlve uMr iim.kiii.n m In...... I w.Biim live u written guarantee lo rare or refund 1 iv. laau ill. ompr. Address AfJSKVA; sajs me uauas Observer. .So he imme 'Jiuteiy gave chase, and, with the aid of 10m ,ros., ana jap Kagiey.soon ran brtiin down. Aa held his mouth.Tom his hind SEli J,aP.n'8 ore lea-nd (irandma .rv.e weu inn ne ww placed in a box rH safe keen iiD- but j . , - .I r v i-wr.u, MlieinUrtl hr 1 1 bn 1 'lm CDoker to Jr b? the rope ,,.,, ln iving aim. the rca. w. igneu about aixty rounds. WLL Havb a Baikiikt. To-morrow M! V . r.'rlock ,hs tlret meting of the Board of Oirertor, of the Y M C A as T .""'utea win be held. Election ol officer, and some other important matter, are to come before this body A ii7 . 01 lne '"diet auxil ary is Vininn K. . a 1 . . JO nf Jadge Duncan, of Albanr anri ;;,. hL IJZa.. 00t-. ert, who represent, ihe company who U criminal case ,14 Zi& t.U lurniehedthe steel cell, for ii. fense h ..i:. . wt f.or. this city, were in to. n SnA.I.; . 'hi"' ra,rl..-f.l -..r""!,"?. . .peeled the Jail. Linn counTy,'. ppa - It H unrTat "'tie', ing tO ntlt new .feel r..ll. I al. !.:i .!. lu s5a Ula' IHCJ . , , - . " - 11 ,l" m tnw iail at I -.v .rutiiv. a ir.iiiki! ,iir. I.-, ,1,.. on v ri j. i. ;rr mm- . v , - v'reson t. lt- au l Rcek-burg, senerallv ia.nnna and Jietmlt ...i m A, . , - i , , ,.., jxl ugsh v an,i a nc covers the ' l-ebannn. each Hae in a good posiUon to ; report U-ing rec,iv,l at all the statical. .. ....ut , Albany will thru e. . ... .rt a ii ougnt to, before noon. .re uiutv i a goou one. ten a paper on the soctal life of the eariv Pioreer uays in ' Tegon. for the historic.. neTwment ot toe Stan'ord Cnivemtv. The M is composed of some 60 odd rag"- M l- Hill ia A f ... mm mi 1., I .C mm T mW m Mrs Barnes, the university historian, write; BrtlLSeS and -Strains, Terv ..-,., . ir. at:.- u:il r i . I 3 " .a. tu awus i .111 m regaru to her paper Indtrpendence Ectetprise The new board ol directors of the T M C taw nrst meeting last eveniciT. v .er ur meeang use lavdiea of the Aox ii lary gave tSem a banquet, which was a loastt were responded to by rim ia. ii i HcKsrand m. V r ,-m i oe 'xaaro consists of ine following room oers: Lias of I?5, E F Sox. W H Lee r J Smilev. V M Hammer 1S I R r t- V a " Ibompson. V a iea: mw, am rortmilier. Geo . ' Morton, t Et.vff. F I Mi::r. Tbe after dinner speeches were fitly and aweiaswaw. especially tne last, maturallv - Tn t K. Irl,Mi . ...ii .r - - .. , - .ia., 1 cpresin. rToi Lee wat the speaker. A rousing vote o: tcana, was tendered br a rmamm.w vote to the Ladies Auxiliary' an'' c iiecialir I I lrr. . L 1 ... . - ."v tvuiuiiuee wrucn servea .ne banouet. - vavna, ear. outom, ana Mrs I brail An adjourned meeting of the bo ird will be held at the panor of toe sssvir tion Tues day evening at 7 3" p m. Election of of ficer and other important matters will be oioagnc up The i. rand Lodge K of P meett in Port an. next week. W-lter Parter and L M , ,rl represenlaUves from the Albanv lodge. Dr J L Hill, now Vice Chancellor: wih umloubtedly be elected Grand Chancellor. HOME AND ABROAD A Unior comity farmer recently 15000 bushel of wheat at 25 cent, a fold but- pro- .xi.iany, and the trentVmen were liilrina- ore- our jailj with a view to oaliernlnw a'terit. Ther were ;i. C- ,, . . r uie 1,111. r.unene register President B N Comlit Irft t..i .ll.a I oa A 1 e WmLm i.UMBiOl, 1 I., a (Pro ha ai It -L- Mwn 01 Uie U cidenul CollMe. IU win uv itjioeu ai aim and it? . t rn...;i.. a 1 , " f ittuiiiy -I mrue nuiIHJr nf aiinlonta nn.l' - rz "".tsvsi.o t xtvA uintrr ...eaivia were at ine deot to bid him good ye. lie with bin) the esteem f 11 " Keneraiiy. As president of the college he did a good work, cne that ww iwayg reuound lo Ins credit oilLl-OHHia TRACK. It W not he ine lault of the wife of the man who left and will innrnmAMi Ti i . 1 J ,Z .i ifc " fereio'e h'ting that iuiuk a uanouet (n h. ton,?,..... i : l. t. . ,.. -"- w- ff iLi. 1 . . .v-.Uvvu iu uuuur iivi iiifli eit r ,i: '""2?,yrJmn,.e.d,tely "Pon its ad- herelf if AUV D7Tn , ,".. .J at a a tfeVW UVBl- eu on me aunject. She ia now in Bo.e- .., sun mienuea to come to Albanv. nil r a-a at ... 1 .. Chief of Police Lee received' several let- tera wriuen by the man. nna m.Vir... arrangementa for the trip to Chica.o, for jj .....ea vrity, etc, an in a liantl writing that can not be mistaken when V""' 2.a 01 character to g ve the Situation a ". . i.iTr 1 ..." muM 01 receiving a jvttor 1 rum an Aioany young lady who had been g0ing with her husband, in pronounced htm a I .hrlaliAn Pi... 3 . .......... a ne uescr'.eti woman luiio anxious lor th s. Heals Running Sore S. s. Cures the Serpent's Stintr. nnuTininne .,..ww jn allltStaeosromnlr..l BLOOD POISON orea 8,nBd .. mtt-mmm , yield to its healing power. 1 ' remove, the poison and builds up the system iT1 """" fi-S 5 " trsstmas. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. Si ,r,. ,rv. a. iwr pui, u tor as, br mull Dreoaid. Win. ,. si i B svsraataa la aaa. r. J . . ' r. we drasioata. Aak for It. no other. W rl te f i ir re slrtT." i S JTr'.ir J. ,'l EEXI :t., Maw;iiloTeiuplo,OlUCAGO. bTj.1r.CUMall.'lc tuid bv UQ11QB8 A Uch AULANIi'uTii .ALBANY SHtXR F ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby giveu that the r.r.J... signed ha beee iu!v sppoiLtid, by tha County Court r.f Lion couuty. Oze,on, ad ministrator of the estate of ffaomaa Morgan deotased. All pirstus having olaim, aganst said eatate are hereb notified to pteatnt them duly veriflad to me at Haley, Oregon, or to my attorney Geo W Wright at Al t' n , Cregon, withlu six months fio this the iOth day of September, J894. u tj moiioan, .dm A Outflow Boox.-" Incidents of a Pioneer 1,. ft,.,,,,. linn l-iaa taJai 1 a . .a . . w.nru m 1 f u , . ,1 1 11 Adam.. Mr a.i. .' "un 0 - ua 1 n 1 n iia.t 11,11 ... 'ary experience to enahlr. kiJ . Z-ZZl al i, . 1 1 . . o wine ':"'"""..uou' is in tnilh n .::. ":?L'"::o. ,,e , . n com ' '.'ii nil nprant i.til.ll-l. .- tl,. .... 1 : .."uiiaurrs i . auu uu inn coast acd as th reminiscence, are alw,m .11 , will be but a short time before the book winch will contain something over am ", "'iearB. ,-aiem Jrurual. Beet Si-oak Factort. Bv all ict.-iiuany mat e for il.o l,i fartnrw fr, h. ....CI- B1,K8r wu 11c t nm 111 i.iimi 1 it. iu ..i Oregon. Our central lon.t inn win. at.- n,a.ui.i.i..,.i.. . tue , 'ji-ine 1 1- ixianimn r.. -L the most desirable location in the state a.... enoa.u 00 impressed on the minds ol the German .i iw.,,1 . .-ti.-.T-r, ' who are ij estauiieii me lactory. Thif is a golden opportunity for teenring a bin thmir fi.r A l,.,. 'a . good was New P. M's. The followinir new Poet masters were appointe.1 yesterday.- G H ,lSL.-t Ur,!en R-'i- Marion counly u J3h:?TeUat Keno- Klamath county-' Mis Martha Hoiran. at Lonn Hra-lr ruifilil Sssata, 1 11 t' ... . I . - . . ""sunn Z:"f'. 1 ,uV!e.vM,w.nt8l,ufer. Clacka 1 l'; nutcliinson, at M Klamath IB IOr till, a han., ....... . l -a, .-..r., UlTCltU publish the roasting the M ir. ' 7J" '. , 0,..V.'nLn-cou",y-...M.r was f totbetime.: ;eragr3vee after their hu.baSds when injturd f b t v. ,uw ian uiii-H trer iir.i.a r.r . , tl.. o. .1 i mem anu iw -ii l",ur" wueientl them. Near IV .III OH it.a I.ea.rA A -IA. aw. Ja- -T7T" fo nuet. ine one I n J h' Ca? '"'y Plain enouifh. It would be lntere.t 1. b . .1 , i -now tue owier "1: . M , . I touiity, anu rtiiey Shelton. at form 1 ti.;.. v;l. .. v.i.a nnt v Bueitnn wra. rn.. it a noininiw for ....,.., i .V""11' DOintnient ia an vlLl ' "r" . -u ,, i,.icitcm OIIO When Baby was sick, wa gave her Caatoria. When aha waa a Child, .ha cried for (WH. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. .t nama sai. Bauub.-1 r.ti, .lli.l . . ... ,v, v.. oaem, remrneu Home t h a noon ..,. atrip to Yacmina Raw il. 1. 1 Plenty of Usl ao d e "7i W nothing as valuable .. tKT3-u ".ui ol a teal which he found 'Whll, tl ',: The clAracterittics aud outline, are so plain on thn neir fie.iir,. . "r" 80 doubt as to it's natum It i r.i.i"i. mr- head and i. certainly a curiosity worthy of preservation ami . J."l TH any museum. Walter a When aha had ahe gavathom Corta coun tyXpurc.ied TSti vyorKerand will by his nush and energy make a succet, of It. Oawego 1, a live r, a,a,Wn' Jp" '-tr and Lyon ought to get out a lively aheet.-rfalem SiAtes- R H" Pratt, assistant general superintend ect of the Southern Pacific railroad comp any, will retire frem the compa,,v's service in the toiirse of a few davs. in pursuance cf man received from his sultrier. Mr traits reuiement has created a big sur prise in r.ulroa 1 circles, as he is an oil and popular emplcye of the company. His de partment will be abolished. Miss Mabel Brouner, a talented kinder garten teacher, of Olympia, Wash., where sht has taught a couple year, will open a cuooi in tue old L f church of this citv. on Oct 15 . She will lake a limited number 01 piipii,8 many as she can give a thorough instruction alone. The tuition will be r.' Mias Brouner is a graduate of the San rrnncistoirainimrfthoo Mra a., .ii, of Olympia. a former resident of s;l. re writes in high terms of M iss it mn Iter a ..- eompiisiimcnui Albanv Social Club's ball at th tonight. Born, on Thurt'dat- ermine n.- f. i an." . ,, 7i a!a7. .. n.vsi.j iu .sir anu Mrs r. tleoeker, armory The lowest bid for cor.strucUnsr a uvm. T, 1 I I,' . I I . . . """"" wi'iaineue university w.t mat 01 ) .ohlli,$t,c7o. Tl,. 1 1 . . . . ,.v Ku.ia iiousc nas oeen rie ine.t no a .' 1 ... . . .. . ' .-' mm t'ui 1,1 conumon tor ine two entertain tneiits to lake place in ll next week. Senders & Sternburg have let the con tract to mo daiem firm for a new cement walk on th ir corner at First and Rrnsu. albln. Hon Thos U Tongue, one of Ihe nroml. nent politicians of Oreimn is Ihe aeron.l heaviest lax payer of Washington county. Theligurs are 135.4(0. The monthly pnv roll of Astoria for September wss: Po tee. Sa.T: Hit- nffieer. a r . .1 . -11 . ' ' J , , 1 -w anowauce, 75; surveyor, fbl.- a j iosu, ej5 ; streets, f4. IBB PUIpit In the Cumberland Preehw. tcnan cimrch will be Riled on Sonata. morning bv A Melvine r,f aI. i.i voncge. ine pastor will preach In a uunnu. iciHinnviue 1 K. J C Lions, of I. vons su.-.i I 11 r. . - - . . - J or ireipa. The case was tried a; that yrsicmay, J j Whitney and Luther . ... in 01 ing me attorneys in the The verdict was for the defendant. V- ... .. . icsiciusy inree brothers an.i ih... Isters were weighed in this cliw Tt,ir total weight w.s 1161 ponndt; taverage of '9S?b pounds. Thev wore Ti, asaau r rotnati and their three sitters. tl. r-r . . - a.aai vn etturday t.-t tf. 1;M. aWt .-ociocs m at her home in Albany lifter a .,.. ;n... .a .. - , '"" ox cmsumption. -Mrs i-orenr.,t k , a ' rb. decerisetl was a daughter of Mr Henrv viriiuwviu, w.4t ikirn in i-Aat !,. ., .- Calif, in . .-..I' -2""" """ty, .r.";"" a"Pr coming to bat. of h" ' ' ".P0,1 -he ' A mem ber of the I nitol Preabyterian Church and s 1! 1 ?a l7vora a ? motlwr and wife . ." anu two children su-ive ber and witli har father have the sympathy of i-.. 1 . .r.. "'cea win occur tomorrow nrrangiMnnta lot which had nol :ir . 7H ' . AM remain- .... ..ot ue new.yi .itter leaving the house. Extenosd MtetcAi - The rarest t.iing in this line ever p esented in Albany is cow developing under theef- -v... iiiaua.emeni ol the entertain a ti V mas c committee of the Y M C ... . ucuisuiiio render tins series of mu Sir.l r. ,n,..rl , t, .... -1-1 . . . Tl.- . i... T ii.ijiiiiis tune .. awisiance ami co-operation of all .... e.i.arer,, aiDsVBy lust be enlisted. a iiit-e.iitg wi i lie called li evervbodv tali War in Song." to this end. Aliegory of the case WguorKa NVITAVIOIIB. Wooden, Tin, 'rJilver, Golden!, Common every day. Ca? Hwliy. man. Now f TheTimb to fill chickens, ;o ct fryers ao eta ; fat ' hen 3c cttiSalmon 4 ct; Oyster, toctt str An action for a breach of contract wa.haa. I"" ,,;' wa in tne circuit court by A L I nnmr in.!-., i i.kl . aa a -r -r- -a.ut raouic ax ana rt j iloore yeateiford and Wyatt appear lor thi piaitmu, wno tiemai.ds damages in sum of $560. CorvaliU G.zettc Business It Imorovlnir tt..i .t r. ..". ai:it.c ;ne the the For the fit st KKCKIPTS or Cot ntv Okvioeks. Tlie receipt of the cottntv otficots increaatn.r a.. l,-,i !..- i :.- . . . - uu) tTjfiu lo mane a MM showing, enough to indicate that the -w". v. xuV ,eax win mane a 'ug profit for tno county. The receipts for Sento,i were: County Clerk. ii no. . . .. i isSrta. Por..;. p7--, '-v.-vr-., -.' .s . , .V . "r pi. -J; M-.eriff, Sa,s Ichil, without the trial f.v Stii is ihe increase in the ele.k's office this m intli has ben aoita notiiwh e fl-e --:! S lie tirst four dav. li si in wt" lur A Bkavk Jap. A Jan in tho eit .... trday had just received a letter from oroiner who is a member of iheJap- ?in. ? i8 'F Rilus w-'with China. He told bow the. or i.;..r .." uate of the lanane.e Mil;.... ru , .hot three Chinamen and cut thelead. wwwewwsawi rfp,ur else a big liar. Speaking of the recent purehase of the ilenot Krrl.t .1 a-ui 1 -. - t"e , 17. - tne Kccord sait, I A Grots, the ttonular ,1...,. - ... "' of Albany who,.wen.,eVe' ST. wno nas met him, has bought the fumit. ure, fixture;, e'c. of tne fib,. i.:..-Ur"a. Ashland trom fl n Part . Mr, r...... T.i. "a.. . "nu r and .11 . . be i.c:h XT . ..deration ha, been ruadTpubi 'c bu, TV. understood that the price paid was ulol a. Humphrey came up from Jef erson Ihl. noon anj will t,,eP charge of the PopulUt at once. He will oet o.n , paper next week, and then go to Jefferson to close his business in that city.returnlng toconsolidatethc two miner. ... an iestie here the 1st of November Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Wnrld'a l-.l. lai-a. iw.IT. . he!. ttrw. m IT -1 ,. . r-. . . .- U "'" . v an, near tvnox Batte to Mr and Mrs Valanding- A pott office has been established at the rioneer quary ntmed Morrisor.. with Barney Morrism as p m. tne ativerton Kecord advertise, for "an inteUige- gtri 41 veart old to go to a nooi and do house or k in a family cf nree.- "Wht'tt no radical chamre hat aniwarl thisweek there are feature, of the situation pointing to a continued DrOarreaa in th. d:r'Ction cf improvement. Ttik la in.. of the country at larce.'' sat s Brs.iatret Will A Peek has been apoointed noat- master at Yaqnina City, vice J 8 Booth resigned, and will take charge as soon as his bonds are approved and his skin It received, Post. An expert stone man of San Franriseo has been at the Bay. Col F J Parker, of WaPa Walla, who wa in the citv t..l.. .- . . ... . - - j - - j , sues mat ne examined the rock on hit place tnd reported it superior to the Pioneer rock. The Madison stre-t school will oner. next Monday with Dorena M.r.h.11 charge of Ihe ath grade. ..a a. v . . j u graue, jennte mount. grade, and oa .Maxttelt, 1st grade. Ah .nihw attend this school should be on h.r, promptly. Dn Hurley killed t;o seal for - m,.. he receive.. $1,436, or at the rate of 1 a piece. Ora Copeland killed iSt seal, for which he was paid Si.4ie or .1 ii .... . " .. . -mT - . a at iv t. Ptr seal. 1 1 ts is iraioht -. it comet from headnuanera ri , . iwauu a mi. t .or, a. . .-...0..- iiMuirsi ana l moftrev are una on a trade wiih Read, Peacock A Co to . . lTae lOT me,r to:a of gootla at 'his place. If a trade Is not m.d ihev expect to put in a new stock and will open Lnahn.ti ik. . a . ' -r ...v mat 01 rtovemher. If a new stack is put la, Read, Peacock A Co Will OCCUOV the Montaoi,. k..IIJl v V.UI..K iivai the post office, fitting It up in fine shape. aa.wai.un i-xprras. Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, 3Iisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub in Virousiy. Mustang Liniment conquer? Pain, Makes .Tan or Beast well LF lyi'!i.ri. 1 want AS A PR SfSTIVE ' - 11. . ; - : ia e.- raaaaf wa.twt Arrunaa Oat a a cars, prwr St i.:. tvera i. . tfwasawt - 47 J A Cummlng, sole agent, A'tbsnv. Kr.lw SSSSSrB Uaa !. CUlJ. LADJEia DO YOU SSOW OR. rtUX LE BRUf'o she m tmwm pills are the orisrinal and only safwasd re- bahlecnrv, on the roarkat. Price tl.tAh aaat by A. tranaine eold oolj bjr J A (dimming, sole .gent. Albany, A B C Innlfs EroffiiHisiH. lweal .l?rr.l riallM'arl vnaii. niti.ey t'wirvlvn Aei fisdotWaaassawa Price, 10, a5, THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. 151 S. Western Aer.a, CH1CAG0. Sold by all dme;gl;t. iS;.:. NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS Notice U hereby alive. il.t the Boar.. . t I .'.. ... At 1 J a. Mr W (iifftirtl ltwrZrn 3?' 1 s i f - - i v. I dS vu AatxrutAaj j , VVSPiX 1,1. IA w 1 1. oi l h f thS P'-ooto' Albany ioffioa of theeoanty elerk of aid comv ."d on I hu r s.l ay afternoon, and Kr.da, morn- there publicly examine the lv. ing oi eaci week. He will be found at ti.e resinen;e o Mrs Willis Nash, corner of fourth and Montgomery streets, where elm. canoe ascertained and arrange-, .....1.. aa ,rr r.,rv .uv.,. male, aar w viinora JNash has recently returned from a mn.. nf ni. four years study at Lelpalg, Germany ; one t ear m the conservatory, and the rest of tne time as a private pupil of Herr Pro fesor Krause. A fair cniuplexton U a iov forever, tf yoar sl,ter or mother is not blessed with a smooth sktn recommend Poaaon's Powder: recommended hv .11 th. i...n physicians and druggists everywhere. Burs Woot. akd Gtuts -Mr A Senders announces to the public that he it in the oi aaiu coooty r r saici year and correct all rrrora in valvatinna, tJeaciipti. ns or qnali tie. ofjtha -aoos, lota or attVar proparty. Said board will ecnlinee in session one week . All persons interested are hereby notified to appear at .aid time und place. W Dnaaisa. 'Assessor for Linn County, Or. Sept 19, 1S94. FOSHAY A MASON nautaxa ... aavait Druggists and Booksellers, I pei ta for John B, Aldec'a pabiks'ona :-h we sell at publieher'a prkswa i tatdas