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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1894)
lights VOL XXX. IiUrtdit Ike Pit mce at Albaay. Or., at Second -Class Mall Mallei i ALBANY.OREGON, FRIDAl, AUGUST 3. 1894. Mili ., lTrisU,FattltBrr'aa4 Proprietors AO 1 1 1 Hill III 111 Ml I IIIHI -MI111II III III1JLJ1JMIJLL for Infants and Children. " Caatorla Is so well adapted to children that I recommend it aa superior to an prescription -aown to h" II. A. Abchir, St. 1 . HI Sot Oxford CX., OrooUyn, R. T. The ton of ' listeria Is go universal and its merits so well known , hat It seems a work if supererogation to endorse it. pw are the ctelUcent families who do not keep Castoria sitUa oasj- reach." Cuius lUjrrvx, D. tv, Kevr York City. FORTMILLER Undertakers and WE KfcEP hand a full line of rrelsifc, cloin r v.rrd caskets ai coffins. Also buiial lobes and stilts, in lusty-loth, t'i .el u .! which will be old at The Uweil I. .vine I'rofita. EMBALMING arul "-r rasper care of the dead a (specially. no EXTRA. CHAFCt FOR ALBANY, - - MASONIC The Oregon eVIth its home S-A.ZL.JEJIM: - - ine Gray TfkjcL, comer Lierty and MAKE: Will a specialty of Sunnyside fruit tracts pear Salem soil '!, 10 or 0 acre lots at $50 to f0 ,., , ere small cadi or particular. payment lorg tinio on balauve NEW : FURNITURE, M Y STORE iSKOW FULL OF riftST ( f bed room sets, chair, leunges, etc., BOTTOM Albany Begins the fall term Wednesday, Sept 12, 1894. tend to Rev E N Coadit , As Many Pounds of Sugar. or a Dollar, and every thing else a cheap, as at any store in Albany, at Julius GradwoMs at the corner of Second and Ferry vour groceries and crockery ware. G. C. MOON. Successor Mourand Has on baud a fall tta ' Ors'iam, Buckwheat, U. syf J mm''r" io Ml. I.l: iMRUI'HOTOtJKtPHKtti In Albany .Ore.. by J. A. CUMlkiNtl I Caatorla oim; Colic, Constipation, Sour stou-sch, Warrhosa, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and fromntea di frestion, Without injurious medlcctloa. "For rereral rears I have rccomiueude. tout ' Otftocis,' and shall always continue u do no as it has invariably 5 roCocod benelicia lesults." En wra F. r.vRpn-.', M. D., VXi irect al rh aVgwa New Toti Cay Thi Ccrrara Costast, rr MraauY Strut, Saw Yob Crrr. & IRVING lumbal liters. HEARSE OR SER.SSfc , TEMPLE, - - OREGOF Land uo office - OJrtltiQ-O Ittate street, branch office In Portlaiu - CLAPS FURNITURE. CONSISTING which I will sell at PRICES. Thos. Brink. College President, for particulars. New Store. stieets. Call there for lo I A .Vorr's Feed Store Oppokite Russ House. hnppid FexPCorvslhs Flour, Bran, Shorts 'Mr, H), 0t', S riw, P-.;in, A.iu'ei M Jiihlnel photos fi oin $1.501014.00 iirr do dozen. Enlaiglng pic'.uret a Ity. i6xaa crayonr framed on. we -arrv a large stock o( x8 snil MfiMcoM' views of Or- r-gori MANHOOD i?ESTOREL i tifSElgg guarsuited to curw u.i iierv.tudiHase. suvit h. Wiiulc Meuiorr, Loss of Area Power. Uesduclsii. Whltel ulrjens. Iaisl Mstiliood, Mkljtly lduiN.ions, He' new.alieraliisandlii.sor Dover' iUeiertieUrvuni or eliuer seacas... by oierejprUoM. y-mtlilui -rrora, umj ot ... , ur uratlni' u'anU. Trblch Ipsdi.iliilirtiiltr. t'onaumpllon or Ihmimiv. Can be carrtnl In ve.t pocket. 1 nt-r Inn, U tor SIS, br niall peeyal.t. With. a order we jrlve u wrlllt n KMr..nt4e lo eure r v-fui.' i nnrv. Hold by . druHM'ts. Auk forlU take liootber. Write for In. ' : lual Hook sejltsas In plain wraupor. Addrew BJEKVSaKKJlK., M nlu'l'uuipie.QHmt and by UODOBS A r Mli. irnuuri'! HTJEST3AX- Thk Crops. Pasties report for week ending July 83: The weather has been very favorable to farming operations. The hay crop has been practically se cured; it ia of good quality and as a rule very heavy ; in the coast counties some haying is yet in progress. A few header and hinders started last week on the fall sown wheat : but this week will roe the fall wheat harvest in full blat. The wheat is turning out very well ; the gen -erat impression is that the wheat aphis did xio injury to the winter wheat. In Linn county the opinion prevails that the wheat crop will not be such a large one, though the general average will be maintained ; the wheat aphis has done some damage to the w heat- The spring sown grain would be benefitted by rain, though it has a good stand and usually a good color Winter oats are being cut. As a rule the oa's are in good condition. The Imps have generally a goes! growth and few lice are so far observable. Many new yards were put out in the spring and are do'.ng well. A RfsTLiso Koitob. ' The following letter was received bv weather forecast .1 !., ,tl. I fr.,.,, .... I l, ....... ..I;.,.. . V. V.V 1U1U l I . P VUlfclM I and it booked ,8 an exanipbof. tUm avi.l.nllo think. K.... uv .uavwa v ' I'mmj in tunc I'ttliii'l. Uccle Sam is rich enough to buy us all a farm he is also rich enough to pay edit tors for telling about the crops : 'Sir pace is valuable in my valu able paper. Times are hard, and I am a poor man and not able to run this weath er end crop report for the benefit of the government without pay. I'ncle S.itn i able to pay something for priming f. I will give you my lowest rates. If you don't think the subject is worth looking into, don't send me any more of your bulletins I can't print them without pay and I want yon to call the depart ment's attention to it. I have always given your bureau's bulletins lota of space. Hoping to hear from you soon as to a contract I am, yours truly". $7,760 to thk Tos. Cottage Grove Leader : The Bohemia mines are slowly, but surely coming lo the front, and the time has come when no other mining section in the great Northwest is attract ing the attention of as many capitalists, investors, experts and prospectors aa this new Eldorado. From time to lime many rich prospect have been brorght forth from these mines and assayed, acd in every instance the returns have proven the mines to be remarkably licb, with free miling ore. But the record was broken this week when Messrs Chris man. Pearson and Kennedy received from Sel bys Smelting Works, of San Francisco, returns from a sack of ore taken frcm the Anaconda mine in Bohemia, the phenomina! assay of $7,740 to the ton. This mine was located by Cbrismao, Pearson and Kennedy in 18S2,and is now owned by Tacoma capitalists. As Old Fashioned Bst. The lallea Chronic'e says: To decide a bet as to whether an animal could drag 230 lbs of sand in a sack at the end of a rope half a mite long, the experiment was tried on Third street today. Theie Is an idea that a weight, after it is a certain distance from the power applied to move it, becomes practically immovable, and the repeat ing of this statement led to the trial today, the bet being that a certain mule could not drag the saca 50 feet. The question was soon decided. tor the animai walked off with it and could not be stopped until the end of the block was reached. Maubilh In Aloany oa Wednesday evening, July , ISM, at the residence of Mr Jerome Wili.ams, bv Rev C G Harmon, Mr J W White and Miss Cora Peterson. Mr and Mrs White, two of Albany's popular young people, have the best wishes of many friends lor the best blessings of life. On Wednesday cvenine. July 25. 1894. at the M E South parsonage, oy Rev C G Harmon. Mr William Hawkins, of the Albany Wire Works, and Miss Bertha Wallace, daughter of ex-Treasurer Slice Wallace. Many friends will unite with the Demockat in wishing them pros perity. A M-ccsasfTL JiDoea. The contract for the bridge over Mill creek at Turner was awarded to J l iiltotson, of Albany. Mis plans were considered the most suitable, and the structure will be 300 feet long by twenty wide. It will have four post bents and will cost 3235- The Bethanv bridge across Miver creek was let to C M Hinkle, h's bid being 1300.25 for an eighty foot span with a forty-eight foot approach, and to have double abut ments. J 15 lillot'on s bids were: Beth any bridge across Silver creek, 90 foot span, Wi and el. Is .per loot lor ap proach ; I urner bridge, $235. At the Co crt Hcuse July i always a dull month at the Court House. The new officers turn over the receipts of their offices every evening. Last evening the reel pta since the new law went into ef fect on July 2nd were: From County clerk, $119 39; from recorder, $03.95. neither one of which will pay the ex penses of the offi -e. In the course of an entire year the clerks office will consul erably more than pay expenses, while the recorders office will come cut about even, lhe receiiu are gradually in creasing. Wouldn't Eh: The Salem States man iSjWfernng to the item in the Dem- cbat to the effect that a line from Salem to the O P would cost $200,000 says "It would cost nothing like the sum named. The grade would be an easy one all the way and could be bnilt for little money." If 150 miles of O 1' rail road coat $15,000,000 how much would 20 miles cost. Well, about $2,000,000. We make a big allowance and call it 1200,000, which is ai little aa it could b built for. Seaside Excursion. Albany to New. por' and return, Sunday July 29, :8M. T'sln will leave Albany at 7 am' Corvai li,;:jm, Returning leave Newport at 0:30 p m vaqutna 7 p m . rare from Albanv and rhilomkth, l.;o; Wrens to Chitwoo J, $1 ; all stations w-st ol Chit 'cod, 75 cents. This excursion will be given under the management of the Al bany Mechanics Band and the popular Al bany social Clud will aile'id In a special car. A concert will be given during the afternoon on '.he beech. Camp MEKTixti. The Albany district campmeetin. cf the Evangelical a&ocia' tion, will be held at Jefferson, Oregon cornmencinif Auirmt 27th and continue until Sept 3rd. All lover of the Lord's cause are invited to attend and enjoy this meeting, (jo and take your tent camping outfit, is the desire of the mittee, 1 B Fisher, A A Kngelbart, Maurer. sesc sizar and corn Ezra Paiker Bros, grocers. Now cream oheese just received at ' I Meyers. P J Smiley job printer, Ftion Block hi arst class work. Smoke the oalebrated Bsvtna till..) ft sssH oigar at Julias Juph's. I)r M H KHi", physiottn sod surgeon Aibacy, Orei'i. i'.iu Mix Li oitv'or oountry. Fa ronim home imlustry by tmoling the celebrated white labor aigar, manssntorsd by la'ins Ja'epl-. Wkiioimo KVITAVIONS. Wooden, Tin, 'Silver, Goldei.-' Common every day. HktlLgV Wild Black Berries. -During the present seaHOn I will admit personi to my wild blackberry fields at 50 cents per day . Wiil admit no one before July 5th. Berries not vtry nlentiful. E Wm.i.h. A Free Picture! ree ting a lif: jlze crayon free Tbe btsrjroaat coffee in the oity at Com ad id .yr. License hag bee.i issued foi the marriage of Adam Hegue and Mnry F.tta Meyers. Two marrisgts Uxt evening led to rur.i ors of at least one 01 her, but U ba njt yl materialised. The Cotvallis street car corr.pany sclU tlcsets for $1 a month good to ride as of ten as ore please. Hop buyeis have commenced lo solicit around Ilarrisburg und are offering 1: and 11 cents per pound. Dr EliU has lost s highly valued Col lege Autograph Cane, which i.e would like to have reiurned by the finder. The stwy of '.he Mt Hood stage being I e'd up proves tu hive rem a fake. It was made up by Leon Cohen, whom the papers r.ow modestly call ' the liar." All parties who have been In the habit of taking book from the Odd Fellows Library are requested to took over their books at home and return any that may belong to the Library. Tbere are s ill nearly 50 books unaccounted for. A wooi man in The Dalles was asked Sunday whtt were the prospects there for wool receipts. The gentleman arswru-il : about six or seven millions is our usual amount, but this year the receipt are considerable more. Much wool ha not yet ben brought In and yt they txpect .... , ......... ftg ' ""J ' '"r'; nd -" ' 1-1 come lo isise ine millions now In up to perhaps seven milliors. A report core es from lhe MeKenIc that ohn Matthews, of Salem, who was en gaged wilh a crew of men running log for J C Goodale's mill at C-oburg, met with a painful accident Monday forenoon. Ife was working with others trying 10 break a huge jam, near Gate Creek, when he lost his hold, facing snarly 30 feet and striking his back aciosa a tog. Ti.e extent of hi inj kfiea was not learneJ. The Misses Condon of Kugene, w en: to tbe Bay this noon. Sheriff McFeron returned loday from a trip to Browaiville. State Superintendent sicKlror lias been in the city in the interest o! the district institute. Miss Vesta Benton, of Albany, came up on be afternoon train for a visit wilh Miss Carrie M ilUe. Salem Sta'e maD. Kditor Conover. started las, evening on his wheel for Brownsville where he will join a party who will ride to Ash land and return. Corvallis Informer. Mrs U F Hollen'ueck has returned to Kugene from St Louis where she stood at tbe head of he class in the conferva- lory of music. That ia Oregon s'yle. Mr Striker, recently superintendent of the I'orvallis Carriage Works, was in the, city today on his way to Montreal, Cana da, where he will have charge of a fac tory. A 'eUgram received from Mr Chares Sotro, this morning, by Mr Jtlius Grad wobl, announced that -Mrs tiradwobl left San Francisco last evening and would be in Albany tomorrow morning. Mr David Fromao who has relumed from the mountains states that he met forty teams loaded wilh people bound for Fish Lake and the Metoles. BesWet'.he country is already well populated witb fishermen James Murry and Hale Backenato are in the city aftei .. trip to tb Neslucca. They were acro&panied by a Dallas man. The three men caught over 2500 fish, in fact all they wanted, and killed three bear. No toch riabing and hunting can be found any where in Oregon. They went to the ocean gelling deep sea fish as well ae fresh water fish. Suiter Ksrigut. Recently Chare En right, who was arrestH foe tnr ing. was bailed out. he giving a (nil of sale to everal hones. After bmg bailed he took the hurses and went north. It was learned that be was in I'jrUaad.when the Chief of Police was notiSed and immedi ately arretted Karigbt. I?paty Sheriff Profkrt went to Portland this morning aftet this very slippery kiad of a man. An Eastern journal gives Salem's pop ulation as 4,51. .. which is acco'ding 10 the census, and a local paper gels hot under the collar. That is a sensative point witb the capital city.- We have t o cause to comp'aio of hot weather here, when the therma-ntter sel dom reache ninety. A letter from a rela tive In the East tell of tne thermometer n Michigan regUtering from 00 to lo? for three week at a s'retch. RcgUter. The Mr doc made ler latt ir'p lo Ccrval- li lost evening There were two charivaris in Albany last night about 1 o'clock. Lebaxos. Dr Foley shipped ten ton o rhittem bark a few lav ago. and will make another shipment soon. W C Read and wife and Mis Browneil of Albany and Mrs W K Chandler of Leb anon left Wednesday for a higb-T attitude. J K Charlton has scld his farm, consist ing of 200 acres and situated about eight miles east of heri to a Mr Baker Of Mar ion county, for fMO). Mr baker doe not take possession until the first of October. Lat Friday eveniot. Mis Haiti.- M Warner, of Albany, who for tbe past two months has been teaching voatl acd instru mental music to quite a larg nunilwr of pupils in Iiebanon, gave a musicale by her class at the spacious home of Mrs HuUlah Miller, for the entertainment of a company of invite i g'jests. Th? program fttmitttnl of vocal and instrumental solos and duets. the rendering of which demonstrated the eminent )naiiheatior.s of Miss a musical instructor and a trainer of the meg and movement of the fingen. A Poverty Sociau Hard times are upon us and "i-overty." "t'overiy: "Poverty!" is to be the theme ol the Baptist Union "Poverty Social'- tomor row evening. Lome in your rags, come 111 your lags, but not in ve'vet gowns. or you will be ned the usual sum. Read the program very carelully and ail come. Poverty So Shul You are axed two the parlert of tbe Baptist parsonage on Fri day evening. Inly 27. 1894. Rule and Regulations K.rst. Every womin what kums must ware an kaliker dree and apren or something ekelty appropriate. Second. Know gent wilh a biled shirt an doori koller will be allowed tu kum unless he pays a fine ov 5 sents. A kom- petent komity will introduce strangers and look after baclilul tellers, tines fer womin No apren, 1 sent; kid gloves sents : hat with flours or fethers, 2 scuts . earinge, plane, 1 sent, dimon, 2 sents; trmrd apron, 2 sents; linger wring, 3 sents; glases, 2 sents; silk dree, 5 sents; wul dres, 3 tents ; ornatnantle hair pina, 1 sent; waring nu dres,6 sents; brezspin, 1 sent; curled bangs, . sents; strate bangs, 2 sents. Fines for men Blacked butes, 1 sent ; segars in puket, 1 sent each; pipes, exemp; wotches, not Wa terberry, 1 sent; stovepipe hat, I sent; chawing gum, 1 sent; s:aadihgkoller. sents; patent lether shoes, 2 sents; ruset shoes, 1 sen'.; button whole bokay. sents; glases, 2 sents; creased trosers, 2 sents; silk ty, 2 sents; making love or flirting, 3 sents; perfume, 1 sent. A Pi j 11. 1 vh Fakir. As the following attraction told about bv the Oregon Citv Enterprise is likely to be in Albany we give our citizens the benefit of 1111 intro ducticn : A street fakir uppcarod on the street., on luetutay night ami alter attract ing a crowd proceeded to stick himself full of pins and to till up with water, tilling tin crowd with wind at the same time Unit he poured the twenty-live glosses of water down his throat. After sticking sundry and various pins through his eats, cheeks, lips and into his arms l.n sewed his lips to gether anu proeeeaeu 10 lane up a col lection which returned him only $1.50 at which he became mad and refused to in diet further punishment upon himself till the hat should contain live dollars. As his ttudienc.' wus not interested to that extent ho pulled his pegs and left for green pus ures. Julius Gradwopl informs us tha tils branch store on Second street will be open from this day on in regular form of business. The tame will be a cash ktore. Tink'e about get?!. 1 """ yourwivcs mat r Ia I 1 . 1 11 c i.aii njBicm mc umy irue one in business, it you take his advice you will never have any hard times. JtlRADWOHL. FRIDAY A fioou OirTixJOK. This is fres'.; from the Corvallis Time: Representative Daly find Hon John Minto ar-i in the Cascades oust of the end of the O ? track looking over the route for the proposed eastr rn con nection with tin O P I y wagon load. In com pan 1 with Reeeivr Clark and Road- m.Mter Mimv.m iney went ovr lhe route liotween letroit and" Independence Prairie : the first of the week. The eight miles of grade east of ttlanlia, built five years ago was not so badly damaged by fljods as re pcrteil. Ono bridge in the graile a mile and a half et of danha has lust iu stringers, but the bents still stand. The grade is excellent, brood und straight, and the estimate for its rehabilltUtion is $10, 000 or less. Several miles of ldanha tie-s are laid all ready for the track. Mr Minto i enthusiastic over the prniiosition. and deems it entirely feasible, and says that with 100 be can place tlie road from the side up to Use summit of tbe nituntaina in excellent a conditio! ihat .iise team draw '.- pounds up it. A pack train from east of t he mountains was at the 1 P terminus when the party readied there, and Utere is a uiosuenton foot. t esta'niish a moil roots, b which residents iutoss the range can be acrommodated with a mail service every two days instead f once a week as now. Lirge parties of hunters rnd and pleasure seekers from the valley ,ir" .". ready out there ami many more ure going. Timss rRix;s. The Demos has ptibtisheil several items about the springs at Sodaville. e are pleased to giie facts as stated by the home pap-r, '! view: Those who informed the Time the Re- of the above "farts" evidently an better ac quainted with Sodaville than men who nave lived hre by the spring for the jat twenty years. It is noticeable in some peo ple that they can take in more in ten min utes regarding anything of thi kind than some people can in tw-nty years. How ever, we are informed by one of th" Utter kind that the .same sprijg is in use now that wa when be came bene ttotatf rMaTS ago- The spring building t t I-jx20 as state 1 by the V- ve nameil gentlemen but 30x40 and is a handsome structure. It is now 1 early completed and since j -.itting tbe solid stone wall arousd the eMera all the fresh water i shut out and this make the soda stronger than ever before. As for the water laanjr a little murky we will say while they were rutting down the con crete floor they bi!ed toe water out to mix the cement with and c.neq oent!y this made it a little muddy for a short time during which period we suppose these gentlemen were here . If each appropria tion would cause the spring to be spoiled as this one has. we ay give u an appiopna tion every day for ten year. MiklNi. Em.. R. Alt newspaper, suid books are foil cf errcrs It cant be helped ne would think, though, that rhool books would be inrrvct See how far from it they are. The Pope Manofti luring Company sent out an offers t the voting lMipie of the I' cited States, of five ltcycle as prises for those discovering the greatest number of errors in text UL puUisbe-1 in f hi country. V result of the contest, from 162 critics ,VW0 aJleged error were pointed out. 671 admitted bv the lodees a real errors. 3114 rejected and l "73 not censid- ered. 1 be yrner- went to ut psrson. til sKnUenxen,axd residing respectively in New Jersey, Kentucky. Pennsvlrania . Mas s;hnsetti.lowA 'I be onVer given indicates the onter of preoeslente from highest num ber of error discovered Is lowe4. ar.d toe range was 23 to R, The two but were ties and tbe Pops company to make it satis factory gave each one a bicycle, making six in all. When ail returns wen in the pub lishers of the text-book f were noti6erand and in nearly every instanro changed the pistes fium whu-h the books wer rintel. No disputed historical point, no differenoe of opinion, no tyjogTSpnicjl error was ad mitted to figure in the rente! Georoe Coox lNKSL--;e -rge Onon. a resident o the Muddy, has been declared insane by the examining lxrd in Bentoo county and sent to the insane asylum. Hi hallucination leads the old man to beiiee that be is the creator ami that he walks the tnpet of the N.-w lertnsklenj : that he hnl the key to the golden city, an I that with out his permission no one can enter there. To a well, minister who ehanced to pass near him be said: "Tan ; and vour nock will be uirpnsed when 1 BSr j fuse to shut tbe gates of heaven on ou." He tn-iaently threatens to attli omolly l.ut has never attempted to carry his threat into execution. Coon is 89 years of age. Axjuxn T" Fisa Lake. As a good many Albany people are making arrange ment to go to Ki.i Lake foe an outing the following table giving the distance SSSea tlie place namrsl will ! of interet: Allaxny to Lel.non.l4 miles. Sweet Home. l-" miles; Whiskey Spring. f miles; Mr Malev". 4 miles; Dntch George's. 4 mile: Toll tate. 1 mile; Lcwer Soda. I mile; Canyon Creek. 2 mil ; Walton's. miles. pp.r ."vwfa. 4 miles: Mountain Ilcmse. 4 miles; foot of 7 mile bill. 1 mile; Snow Ciwk. 4 miles; Summit, :! miles; It Prairie. 4 mile.; Fish Like. 4 mile... TotaU, 1 miles. A TiE-fP Ixciwext. Toe dav lfore the recent "tie-un" on tlie Nvtit hern Pacific. Charles Humaston and family, who came here from Albina about six montns ago. parked up their belonging;; and concluded to leave for California. Th non-arm al of trair.s prevented their departure, and thinking they would l- detained hut a day or two they put up at Van Houtan. After a three weeks detention thev took f-e first through train for California. About 20 miles this side of Redding the train s.owed up and Mrs Humaston thinking it about to stop got up and attempted to walk down the aisle, when the train started up with a sudden jerk, throwing iier down and break ing ber hip. Roschurg PlaindeaJer. The First Wheat. The interest taken in bringing tbe first strawberries, first wa termclon. hist cabbage, etc, to Aitianv. is entirely capped by that in bringing the tirrt heat to the citv. I Ins was done tins year by Mr Karson Miner, residing near tilts city. It was thresher! yesterday afternoon by Norris Morns, and brought to the city and stoied with the Aniaiiv r armor- Co. this morning. Tlie quality of the wheat is AI. Mr Edward Loaf, of near this citv. re cently visited his friend Mr Medders Van lertiool of Sodaville, aged 07. It is seldom thut two persons of so great an age are together. Mr Ixxit has never worn spec tacles, hears accurately and has un exceed ingly trooil memory. MrLoati79 vears of age and has not had his hair cut for ' 12 year. Scio 1 ress. Two Boy stopped in Albany last night on 1helr way on n tramp from Portland to California. One of them had been b'ought up and adopted by Dr J B Lee of Ccrvalli. and went to Portland recently. Marshal Lee telephoned for Mrs who came to Albany m a carriage and took tbe boy home, paying the other boy fare back to Portland. A bad start. The youngest son of Mr B F Ramp fell in thedttch near Ferry street. An older brother prompilv jumped in and rescued htm. Upon complaint of J C Garwood L E Morgan of Sant'om p-tc!nct was arrrs'ed for liesfacs; and tried before justice J C Fowell. The defendant proved that ibe properly was h!s own and was discharged. Died. At the family lesidcnce south west of Scio, on July Iff, lSlll, Martha M. wife of J L Chapman; ugod 4n years, 1 month and 2C days. Mrs C'al Burkhart is visiting her father John Coniur, at Portland. Notice to Farmers. Having rented the Magnolia Mills ami warehouse wo are prepared lo store ICOOUO bttsbell of w'neat and oats. We also have 11 first ciiiss chopper in tho house and are nniKiiig special liiiiiiceiuonts to seen re storage. 8to us Iwfore ments for storing. making arrange- CiEO F Simpson. O W SiursoN. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Pal.' Highest Medal and Distinct - THE WIFE OF "TEXAS JACK" She Is A Nervy And Woman. Talkative- Thc Dkiior rat yesterday mentioned the fact or Knright's being again arresbid in j Portland for running off with horses put up for his bail. Be was again placed in! the I, inn county jail last night. Under the aoove iK-.t.l lhe I'ortcind li le.rram gn -s lRe following live writeup on the subject: Jot a Frsasglui Camphe-tl, aliiu Knright, 1 "Texas Jack." arrested here on a anas - lexas Jang." arrested here on b. n. dispatch from the sheriff of Linn county for carelessly driving off some horsws not hi own, evidently ia rarely given un op . . . ( . . . 1 . 1 : . :j ,u 1 umi ur is .1 iinurirsi I man ftllswifn Unin 4..idijwl 1.1... in driving the stock, came over from tiieir camp at hellwood last evening to sec her "linbby," and the first thing she did upon being admitted to his presence in the city jail was to rake him over the coals for tell ing an East iide policeman that she was not his wife. She concluded her tirade, saying: "Frank, I'll stick In you till you get out of this scrape, and then I 'll sniike you," Frank tried to concilliate Annie, but it was "no go." After tne interview Mrs Campbell who claims to lie but 'it years of age, went into the main office of the central police station to ascertain bow much money had U-e-n taken from her husband when arrested. It 4.r cents, and ai Clerk Warren wa not present to transfer the funds to her. she concluded to wait rending bis arrival . She , i a talkative little womin. and for a half hour s tune she entertained all those in the station with ber peculiar mannerisms and tales of adventure. She truthfully remafa- ed: "I-rink isn't a bit pretty, but be lt do, as I say, and he's all right. "It's all a mistake about those horse being stolen, 'lhe fact is that Frank was arrested for stealing some harness up in Albany, and gave some ho.-ae to his bonds men for security. Thev think these are the horses. The fellows that stole tae harness turned state's evidenoe t cin-h my husband. Pshaw! 1 was in J myself for six month all shout that harness, an.l wouldn't let anyone go on my bonds; but I froze tbera cm. ami they let rue go." When she saw a reporter taking note of ber talk, she said: "You think you're smart: Fre got you sued up. If you put anything in the pa per about me I'll do you upas I did an nW freah fellow the other day. I've been in thi jsil before, eight or nine ear ago. for fighting, and would just as iief go in again for licking jou. so long as Frank here." SLe wound up after relating all her 'xuigerent expeneaces bv saving t-Kat she never would travel with a dog again, for it's a Jonah" u. hsr an-i Frana. Thev had a dog following them to Albany.Salem and here, and each time thev en countered a little unplevuantne as with 63e police W:;:i rrank I comfortably returning to r in efaarge of Annie projoae dnving tbe stock tjae to ljelvinon.w hence they came, single horded, if nect ataxy. li II Harris haw a j jst'ce, an i re?: es'a'w offi.-e with , V. V, tlgn:. The Sfsdscsic Circus wii. cxrdbl; cn the Lt near A O starts. .vairsnorm iu. T" running t.w j i,,, f a. wm bael on the en threhMg machlr.e, rtoha-ly hs firt initrinJg -;, and then solicit stork the coomy 10 tat. There wi!! be o ie assessmen- in the A 0 0 tV order This make mom h. tot the taon'b ot August. 10 aement for eight Mr Bit ant. of the reform tchoo! cap'.ur ed llarr Wright, an escaped inmate near iM citv yetenia snJ lock film back to the school. A g-xxi maay vrr young Chinese -- ihe Democrat i informed have been killed around Albany Game War J en Mc Outre should cluich some of the sfftcder by lhe ncci. A J Ae hison, a brother of E W AcMon of Aibanr, has made a proposition to start a tcam laurdr; at Corvlii lie as for a ioan of miner to be paid back In iaun dr !; on Ibe completion of the laundry I he San Bcrnardioa Courier tut a lot of Chinese pheasant taken there from Al bany ae ihtiqing, snd the peop'e hope ioon to see Ca'romla vtoclec; wilh these ptendid game bird. Tne McMSnn-ille crea.neiv, which trtrd up :n Mas, has had 10 tusper.d opera'ions. 1 ne farmers, it appears, are dissatisfied w-.:h the return. rhl i the motl iring season id the Tear for butter makers. The O P official aie In receipt cf a lei lei from SarFranchvco consumer, that state that 'he pioneer toe i now con ceded in SanFraiicisce to he ahead of any other s'.one quarried on the coast. The deeper iato Ihe ledg the workmen at Pioncrr quarry go lhe better the alone gel. The cirrlage factory ships rig Ik vehi cle lo California bv the Homer ailing Saturday, and eight more go to Albanv tomorrow. Two tine job weot to Portland ard a fine- mountain hack went 10 Sa'em by lhe Modoc Tuesdav. Ord.-r for eig teen new vehicle were re ceived by ts'erdai tnsll. - -Ccrvallis Time. Deputy I' ; Marsh it Humphrey and Back iciurncd today from Silelz where they arrested Larky and Pandry logan for giving whisky to the Indians. Tney were taken befo'e U S Commiicner Irvln at Newport sesterdav, and a lhe evidence wak not suSclent lo warrant a convic ton, they were dischsrged. Cor vU! Inlormrr Miss Annie iioldsmith hi- returned from San Francisco Mrs Martin Ludwig is expected home from ber trip east tonight. Mr Campbell immediately left for Leb anon and was cxected in Albany tonight. Mr Frank Concklin left this noon for Nu-ramento by way of Ya-itiina and San Francisco. Prof II A Shotey, of Portland, was. in- the city today on hi way borne from a trip to Yaqtiina Bay. The two sons of Dr Griet of Alleghany arrived in Albany this noon, and Dr tJrier will come up on tonights overland. Emit Ewert and Lossie Knat leave to morrow morning on a fishing trip to the Alsea. b? way of Yaqtiina. Walter Jackson, the drummer tied up several weeks in northern California by the strike, was in the city today. Mr F I. Such arrived in Albany yester day from San Francisco, and sill look after his interests here for awhile. Miss liussie Lnyton, of Portland, is in the city on a visit. Her sister Lora, is taking tier place as stenographer in Port land. Mrs B F Arnold and son Jack returned to.liiy from Baltimore, after an "iibsenw of over a year. They were iletumed in Chicago for two weeks on account of the recent stri ke. 1 nformer. A serenading club of young people with guitar accompaniment favorinl several of Qmu friends last evsning with some choice music that was appreciated. The Man about Town and hi family acknowledge a call. II P Williamson, formerly of tlie O P river divison, who went to Montana some weeks ago in search of work, is enpigod in rwuing un engine in the mines at Butte, Montana. Mr Williamson says times art? awfully dull in Montana, as tad as in Oor vul I is 1 nformer. Maude Hoffman, who is with the trage dian Wilson Barrett, made her debut be fore t.n English ludianot at Black Pool, England, last Monday night. The company was to have appeared first in Ionuon, but the theatre, in process of erection especially tor air isarreit was not completed. Mis Sarah Harris, a former Corvallis favorite, is the guest of Mrs Leo Stock, Miss Harris seems to be on a visiting tour ol tne valley. Mie arrived here vvedn.v day afternoon by private conveyance, after a two weeks' stay in A'bany and Harris- burg. Corvallis Gaxette. Or. Price's cream Biking Powder World's Pair Highest Award. Highest of all in Leavening Power.- Rovl a. AJB60LLrTELY PURE SATTJEDAY A i i.i in Y '47. Mr P II Bowman diesl at his home at Spring Hill, across the Willamette from this citv. on Friday even ing. July 27. 104. of chronic rheumatism, resulting in heart 'ii-.-u- at the age of 66 year. Mr Bowman came l Oregon from Missouri in lj7. Amcng the company were his broth Oast Nat Bowman, on his second tnn. a:id Mr Asbby Pear.e. Mr Bowman marrSada daughter of Mr Wiii iam Alpbine, ofVferacnse precinct. lie was well known in Albany as well as in other arts of tbe state. He leaves a wife and several grown children, as well as numerous friends to mourn his death. Arren A Coal Mime. The following from the Lincoln County La;Jer tell about a esse in which several Albany men are heavily interested, I' li Hale re presenting others a we'l himself: The litigation in tbe matter of the foreclosure of the mort gtg cm the property of the Toledo Coal company seems to be no nearer an en-i than ever It his taken on an entirely new phase. It will be re.-nemlered that D i Hale has been trying to foreclose a mort gage on tins property for some time'. Several months ago it was offered for sale on an execution iueil from Benton tioonty. The amount of tbe bid ws not forthcom ing and another order of die was secured from Benton county, directing the eh-riff of Lincoln county to make the sale. Thi sale was made not long since a.;d the prop -erty was bid in by D Q Hale. Lat week when Mr Hale s attorney appeared in court j at Corvallis seeking a lonhnnation of the sale be ran against an injunction obtained by tbe law firm of Slrahan. Whallev A Pipes, of Portland, a attjrneys for B F Jones, of this place. Some of tbe salient points set up in the complaint of Mr Jones in mis new mih are. mat nc- aai cis w n were th- owners of a Tta:n tract of land whkh is now in controversy; that tbe To-! ledo Coal company secured a fraudulent j possession i f taid Und: that ice company. 1 through it preai i-nt and sssretirr. utter ed a fraudulent mortgage upon said premi j es to V G Hale: that the Toledo Coal f company was never legaHy organized, and ' lis. never tenll; uk n l elected director- as by Law required, and many other points are set up. An injun-rtion is issne-t by Judge Vnlierton restraining the o?nfirm--tion of said sale, and the matter wiil be brought .0 Uncoin county circuit court for adjudication. "Ws Wsi.i" Th? Salem Stile -mm ha began building the diagonal line to tbe O Is 1 . &a : - J . k- - wassaajassawasawy ,yj mj ; roxeed as foilowf: "Let tbe company be Uake lhe fhmf, cbfap ptenty cf tisern 11 earh it nestsssarv. Tlsi. would place them within reach of all and every I man. womau ami child in the whole region wonld be nereicallv interested in the sec oej; and management of the road. , , , - ia th stock p-var It h?rAs. Ue?, or sw- . - Th wart. Tnen the tr.rn with teams can donate liberally ( f their Labor. Farmer I The at ?. miiote e r.-ss will be in Al with timber land wi furnish ties and la- ; banj Aag 7 . Uarers who take t xk in the company can Ail kind if colored specucles at Fren make tbe grde ana cot the ties. Take j ch Jewelry Mores the r un and ne-te and esiy tbe rail and the i line 'is bailt. There is net a single perx-n 1 m -Aiem r id faii t. suUscribe a j dollar towari lildic- tbe road. Tbere are ' several tbonsand who wcuid giiv s. each, many hundr- .U who wonld snbsoibe $0j each" and the nomW-r whe wocld give $25 i S.V1 and tiOO ami from tuat to 310O ev-h ' would be Urge reopte everywhere iu tee county, along th route, up on the Santiaro. in Aitsany. l'ortlanei, along tne't r :ina ia Sen nfmisua, would buy shares t ct.-s-k in tm laWsslsssaiM build tbe roa-l we: A Si RTLlts. Es-uire U A .'ohson. Jr.. j ha iven to Sodaville recently and he is an-1 thority for tbe statement tint the sews j paper" circulating tlie report that the state 1 spring at Sodaville ha ran dry is doing an injustice Tbere 1 plenty of water in ihe spring and it is just good in it supply and its medicinal virtues as it over was. j With the appropriation t-f oX msde t'y : the legislature there has been Imilt a nice j house around the spring- thirty by forty j feet, twenty-eight Ian high. Th building j is two store acd from the upper one there j is a delighttul view, a ghtful view. A nice cement nosr also surroands the spring and in fact every arrangement is complete an-: '.-Msin. in. state owns an acre of ground embracing the s,--rinirs, which are under the control of the citv government of BodswiHc. hence their official supervision costs nothing. Tho contract pn-e fcr the building was wnich will leave a surplur M JuM to turn into the state treasnrv cr it might be used to put up at tlie springs a statue sj Senator Jeff Myers, their especial champion. Statesman. Oct of thi. Advance irircs tb Would. The Lebanon I folln sing, which dunild make every reader of it rei 'ice in an ex istence in the WittsVaMM valley: Mrs Flora Funk, who recently accompanied her brother. lr I M Smith." to his home in More. Sherman county, does not like that country at all. Following is an extract from a" letter from Mrs Funk: More is a wonderful place about as big as Sodaville, but as dry as a de-sert. Alt tho yards bene ore as dusty as the roid iu front ot our homo in Lekinon. and tlie dry wtsd is blowing a hurricane all the time, keeping the air full of dnst. All tho doors and windows have to bo kept esOSswL m .iter is peddled alKiut tho streets li.e milk is at home. More has no well, but uses cistern water, which tastes like lye. and I cannot bear it without putting lemon sugar in it I would not make my home here if they would give me a good deed to the whole country. A person might as well be in Alrica as here; it is clear out of the world. Have not heard one item al now since reaching here; not an ' OregonLvn'' comos to this placi. ReliakHta Scarvtoes. Christian Chtircli. Subject of sermon at the Christian Church Julv -IKh, -If Christ Should Come Tixlay. Would You B--Roaily'r"" In the owning iromptlv at S o'clock the justor will preach the first ser ntitn on a soric on "The lireat Lights of the Koformatioti" John Wyclif. Martin Luther. John Wesley, and Alexander Campbell, 'lhese will lie of interest to all. You are welcome to attend ull tliese ser vices. By special request tlie pastor wiil repeat a senmon ho lately preiched on. "A Clnnge of Heart." on tha tirst Sunday in August. fJadtod Pre.-bytcri'tn : Prof J A tlrier, D D, of Alieghei.y N'minary. ADcghtr.y. l'onti. will pivach morning and eivnimr, 3 S 2::W, C Vl You are invito.! to worship with us tomorrow. The services tomorrow at the Prebj toiian church will l? as follows; Preaching at 10:.' 0 a in. by th pastor. S S at 1 1 :4o a m, Junior C E at 4 p m. Y P S C E at 7 B 111. There will le. no prsjAciustg in the evening. Kev Riley Little of the IJaitad Presby terian church will address tho men's nnvt ing tomorrow at 4 p m at the Y M l A rooms.on a gospel theme, t'ome and hear. When rravrltnc. Whstbor on pleasure bent, o,- business, take on every trip a bolile of Syrup of Figs, a It act moit p'eisanllv and el, feciually on the kidneys, livei and bo- s s preventing fesers, ueadaches and other forms of sickness. For sale in 5-jc and $1 bottles bv all leading druggists. Manu factured by the Cetitornta Y Ig Syrup Co only. -Latest U. S. Gov't Report Baking Powder HOME AND ABROAD Ice cream - and io cents a dish at Mrs V'ierick's fee cream parlors, cor J'd & Brosdaibin. An aesor centu of Oregon will cc cur next year. These er.uc are very unsaUsfact ry.and had better not be tak en. In the ie iritt race of the to mrle bicycle series at Siem, Chester Murphy wa tbe winner lati evening for lbs third lime. he time of the race w a 29:58 2-5; best nite, A new suit it that of O P Cos'now and W T t'ochran agt Wm Cochran of Sin J "- f r $10,000, in which the lat'ers propert at Brownsville i attached. T' e poverty ocial at the Baptl! church las' evening wa an enjosable affair. A nrarrsr all wore their bet outfit there "sere fcOod mini fine, snd hmcejtome eienue. A dispatch to day nates that in a naval engagement between the Jipaneea-d Chinese iiie J? t ucceeded in linking the Chinese war ship Ttao K'ang. ft looks a if the Jap will make It warm for the Cdestial. Recewily Postmaster Tho MonVeith lost a fi e Iii.h setter bird dog, one of the best blooded animal in Albany, vaioed very highly. A day or two ago tbe remsins were found ia the woodthed of a vacant house on seventh ureet.near Ferry. The dog had evidently becc poisoned . A SanFrsncUco dispatch ay: E'ery SjarmiK in the ;a'e t working over time to upply actual order from tbe Orien', not anticipated deniand. Canned goof men have received Urge orders aito, and a'ready trade in ihl city ha been greatly stimulated in those particular line. the rr. aver of the national grange has been sending out cfrcn'ar to tbe Patron cf Husbandry urging them vattou senators in behalf of to en 11 the the anti-op uon mil wr.icn na pissec me oouse ana t now bef ore 'he Senate. The intention is to '.op gambling in farm products. Ellensbur i r0 hsve an a uminum Uciorv. compauv having been formed with targe capital a nder thr law of the state of Washing:on. 10 build a factory, there far the manufacture cf aluminum ia i.Jvario form. Ii wrll be a branch of he Hirsch compsny of Chicago. Ihey say they wi'.l put in about $ion,oco wrr.n of machine- ai.d maiufacture oa a lar -e seal-. Same two Joi n of tbe atiiking section men fom ibe skiiciui who had been tu, ia- io AMand. rit JJl . T ten: their bos to the City but week at J teceived through him I te w ge dt:c ; : t . Or? Monday or Tes- day tbey nearly al! look thetiain for Dur.s j muli . 'Most of the other strikers who j made themselves cocipicuou about tbe ; depot here tn intimidating, insahing and 1 r idici-'dcg as -scab"' all the men who , Weill iv wt iin nit lAiiuusin, uac IJOi.v , n ; : . 1 . - rs i:r . r- fesn s'angerwii naethtic given by Littler the Dentist. J e'"r? Rr r'"1' den tr, as ac.sone. Five yew's practtewfn Aftvsny saeans 'hat Littler the dentist U here to stay. Bur venr specUct and eve giavves. t (rerch's Jewe'rv sto-e . price hi ; keeping with the times. a-L, r , iinr, r,.- r,r.r.- ! tac'.,"and'eve glasses when sou ranee nr Oiirg 1 oa want at French's Jewe'rv ore a; price that are just and right and fai'. Every pair warranted. Mrs Ashby withe to announce the op ening of her Ml,t'nery and Notion store un July Kth. Call and see ber in the Maton building crosite Democrat effice fcr bargains Dt Lowe ha c'mt back to n-egon to sanj ; si ihi country is good ti.ugh for hUn. He wip, come to Albany at least orce cacti vear. A an opttcl.i lr Lowe has ro supeiior. Have hi-i iet ycur eve at once. To be found at Dr Littler" office tiil Monday evening. lir Lowe, the g-adute optian who j did ach effecuve work in adjusting glass es when he a be-e before I again In our city. This 1 a rare opfortunti for our people to get what Ihey need in thi me. tits ; tav 1 limited to a very short , pe. Vod Eves letted free a: Dr Littler cfS:e. Matrimosial. On July 27. ISM, at ' the St Charles Hotel in Albanv, Mr Joseph Kelso and Miss Emily Cohnay, of Lebanon, were nnited in marriage b; Jnstice J C Powell. L:ce"iJ hi. been issue j tr the mar riage of J M VI and Mary BeU Fox. A sut for dtvo-ce ha been begun tn wntch Mary K Malson is plaat-ff and W V aison is defendant. The Best Medicine. J, o. Wilson. Contractor and Juttder, Sulphur Springs, Texas, thus speaks of A year 'a Pills : " Ayer's Pills are tho best medicine I ever tried ; and, iu my judgment, no Ivttor general remedy could be dowsed. I have used them In my family and reeoniuieuded them to my friends and employes for more than twenty years. To ray certain knowledge, many cases of the following complaiuts have been ci mpletely and Permanently Cured hj the use of Ayer's Pills alone: Third day chills, dumb ague, bilious lover, sick headache, rheumatism, flux, dys pepsia, constipation, and hard colds. I know that a moderate use of Ayer's Pills, continued for a few days or weeks, as the nature of the complaint required, would be found an absolute cure tor the disorders I have named above.". "I have been selling medicine tor night years, and I can safely say that Ayer Pills give better satisfaction than any other Pill I ever sold." J. J. Pe: ry. Spottsy lvanla C. H., Ya. AYER'S PILLS Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Every Dose Effective "As oH ut the hi!l'' aoj never exceL rd. "Tried and proven" in the verdict 0 f raillior; a. S i e m d tti L.vcr Rega- 1 itor ia the only ii-..-: vJd Ki?.ijy jediciue t"c which jou can pin your faith for ft cur-:. A mild laxa tive, and purely veg etable, act ing directly on !;c Liver and Kid Than Pills evs. Try it Sold by a! Drtiggitt-i in Li-mid, or in PoWde to la taken dr or made intoa let, Tha Rlr.g of Urer SI. : t'ut-i. - I lu,e j ' sS!aini.rriIJverBeS!f ..!.' nui n.i i-e.-' .- i-.t;ot; - -ae kic of a.t In- -r 1. . .I., ines. I eoii-IJer It si aiolU-mer' l i'-lf. iitjx. W. JaCW r.T&ru. W eshintm. sa-irt'Eri packai : a U e Stn.r. in rel tm ut, 'Teaching it uc nolIt-t art bat tbe sorriest trade." TEXTH ANNUAL LviN STATE HOEMAL SCHOOL A training school for teache r?, theory and practice combined. MroC2 nrofeaeional coarse and we! equipped model EchooL rnorouah .re-parat.y zad acaoesnie eoonae. Normal. Advanced Norma!, Businea, Musk and Art Departments. Lieht expenses. Board and Iodzintr. books and tuition not above $150 per vear. The town of Monmoo'h bae a heauititni and healthful location in the very heart of the Willamette Vallev twelve- mile south west of the State Capital. It lias no saloons. The Normal School diploma entitles one to teach in anv county in the state without any farther examination. Grad uates command good positions. Expenses. Tuition per term of ten weeks: Normal $6J5; Sub-Notmal $5; Commercial p.i". Boojvi and lodging : $1.75 per week; furnished rooms, with fire and light, from $1.00 to $1.23 per week. Bosvrd and lodgmx in private families from $3.00 to $3.50 per week. Vitalirv and growth have aiwavs char- acterined the work of the Normal ScbooL The anmiis. year pr93?ec Is he weswr- Use nest m its nistory. Oatalognee cheerfully sent on applica tion. Address P L Cahtbex. Preadent. or V A Wax. SecTetarv of Faouitv. W. L. Douclas S3 SHOE IS THE ntET. ROSMUCMIM& 5. CORDOVAN, slFICssJeMlssM S 3.5? PQUCE.3 Soles. 5f2 MsW v.-, , "S rrvr5 LADIES- . aasSLal C- it n BESTS"- 1. SESO FOB cj.-jx. L DOUCLAS, BROCKTON. MASS. Yoa eaa save sawwey Sy rckiiiM W. L. Dwwctw saaes. fjaawac. we are tbe lairest asaxrsEartrer 01 advertised shoe ia tbe world, and KTiarantee the valae by stansiBar tbe use and price on lb' bottom, wbicb prctect v--a ajainst hlS pnees and tbe aaiddleman proSt. Oar shoes -aal castosB work ia style, easy filling sad wearing qoalilie. We bave tbera sold every where at lower prke far tbe valwe gi-ren tbas anv other make. Take wo swbst-.txle. It yoar dealer cannot wpply yow. we can. soIJ. by THE I E BLAIM CLOTHING CO Re? i ORB, S?afiglisls Cf Pea M- In-. Iowa, write nirlate I ;lreh 2S. 1S95: 3. B Mkv Mig. Co., Dnfur, Oregon. stcfw1asew f On arriving b-sme iaat wrek, 1 fonr.l al well and anxiously a-vaitinar. Our Ititie girl, stsht and Ooe-h. lf years old, who bad wa ted away to 3S p-uods, ia now wH, strong and ngoroa, and we'd deahed op. S. B. Ccogh Cure ta dine tta Wwra welt. 80th of tbe cbildicn like it. Isja S B. Cough Care has CSUSal and '-.yl away a!t hoarsette from me. So grratt to crv oce, with gre-'inir for all Jj Wrsfcicg yea p rot oei i y. we are Toora, M 1 A lias J K 1 w i II nJQ :i frvlnmr .-,J .hcs.rfa a; teria Spring work, etaa - i-oor ayst.w wit 4 lb waawavww oi , . i .aaiof 1 I tOML9tfb --VWS. U BU par txrttki 6J all Si 4 a t rswiUre . SSaSSaSBBS kv A CLAIMING. VIGOR of MEN Easily. Qslcsri, WEAKNESS KERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, aid all the train ef wrlta from early errors or later wases. she ivsules ot sickness, w vwrr.elis. FuUslrvugt a. developmeat and loe k o ery oncaa .-si Sxtlos or the bodr mpl. aaturatmwtbods. luiniAltale lnliromi I si FsU-.;wfpoaB)s. m ratueneva. ts evplJasav aal P Stalled MBBSS I re-.. ESiE sTCfeCrU. . ourr. n. FOSHAY MASON l'-S S !- Draggisisand Bookiseih A ireute for John B. Atdee'a puBllr. ' iraiiiaftslotia B. Alaec'a ouails. 'lo- a arniSh we aeU at publtaner'a prase- k iiatageaddad l.BfT. URMwfl .ssnswa.