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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1894)
f i. r - . I Bailey, the astronomer, calculates the erth as weighing 6.049,836,000.000,000 tons. retroleum is derived from veg'able and animal substances that wete deposited in and associated with the forming ro:ks. Cel'ar mouU on apples often unnotica ule consists cf moio or less potsonou. funs-l. Physicians gay they have traced cas ee of dlphtnetia to u.e eainK wi . ' fruits or vegetable shoold be carefully 1 ...... ... .. .. .. r :. a ll cieansedor peeled, at leat, if lo be eaten raw. Tue people are ncne tco tolerant of th Senate, none to well disposed towards its con'inuance as a branch of the lesUlatU'e department of the Government. It utter disregard of the popular will ha alienated the people: and the effort Is using made in more than one State to bring it into better enbjecticn lo the people by roaaing the membeis responsible to the latter for their election, instead of permitting them to pur chase their seats, as ihey now do, from the S a!e Legislatures. The plan ss comina ting Senators at the Siate convert lions of the paitle is growtug in favor because in that way only under existing constitutional provisions can the evils g owing out of legis lative choice be met. The following official sta'cment of the difficulties between China and Japan has been Issued by the Japanese government: Japan and China were approaching a set tlement of fhe difficulties when China sud denly suggested that Japan withdraw her fleet from Corea and give formal compli ance with the Chinese demands by the '20th, otherwise the whole Chinese force were to land and a sea advance upon the part of China would be made The Japanese re garded this us an ult'raatatn, but acting under the advice of the friendly powers agreed to the proposals in the principle in an amended form, at the same time declar ing that if the threatened Chinese advance was made on the 20th it would be regard ed as an overact, h is conjectured the Japai ee commanders were instructed to be on the watch for the Chinese war ships, and, seeing tbe latter advancing July 27th, opened fire Tbe Jap-nese do not believe t?-e Kow Shung, tbe Chinese tranport sunk by a Jap'nes.' cruiser, was flying tbe British ti g. bu'. were uAng the flag as a ruse. Tbe Japanese indignantly deny the charges of brutality brought against the officers and crew which sank tbe Chinese transport. Remove The McKinley Aet. There is a clear distinction u-Mween forc ing be Senate combine to show its iaar.d and dcfeiting all tariff legislation. The tiu ts want tfce McKinley set. Ad journing without the adoption of an new ta'iff legislation would suit them to per fectly that The Republic is a' a loss to un derstand ibe of some Democrat ic Congrssmen to commit t'lemselvea 'o plerigestha: they will not unJer my dr eams' ances yield to be Senae. I it possible that they would defeat I be income tax and the valuable tariff redac tions which the Senate bill, disgracefully bad as it is in many respects, makes upon staple articles of consumption'.' The country supports the House in the d-':rminalloc to fix responsibility 'or Cox- -n: where it belongs. Congressmen would be m a fals; Mtualioa if they tamely re ceive 1 :he Senate bili w th It S-Jgai Trust fc-atare and it deceptive specific duties. But after uttc'ing its protest and com pelling the Senate to take the respcndbiliiy, if the Gorman combine i still shameless and obduiatr, the House would strangely misapprehend its duty to tariff reform if it took ihs McKinley law .m'er d of the Sen ate bi I. Pr .-serve this diallnctiyn aaJ don': be too Inn,; al out winding up the tariff debate of ibis Congress. Tbe Democratic party can belter s and an appeal to the country on the Senate bill than on the McKinley act. Aiid.busineas is wailing. Democrats will agree wi'h the rrntimen'e expressed in Mr Cleveland' letter to Congressman Wil son . Whp Taffy Becomes White. You bave often wondered and I ave even gone so far pirbape, as to ask ?oar scien tific!' I ioc ined friends why cauJv or taffy nude from brjwn sugar, or even molasses, becomes wh:te by pulling and working. Tbe question is not a hard one to find an aner for, provided 011 loo'a in tbe right place bat it nil chances to 1 th:yru have never se n a sulj'in of the enigma in p'int. Frr. the exposure to the air and the friction evaporates th; siru?,ehicli contains most of ire c iloring a.atter, and facilitate t--e oxidization of the carroi in th-- sugar, whi :li is always white. Sugar contains 11 BjUaaai o! arygen to 11 of raibon and 11 of h)riiog.;n. Th; sirup drainrJ frjm thi s.r in t tie refining process not only con tain, m ire or ic-H ot Colo ing mitlcr, but IsM a CSS altar piorortioa of oxygen to tbe amount o! drboa. S ill another reason why 'aff y a whiten ed by the pulling process i because it is in effect simiLr to Ciu-ling. Pure, clear rorj candy, when cruscd, has its powers ol sb-oroing liht destroyed er greatly Im paired, tne pnlvertzen portions ; t: ,ui ad th? elemsnta'' colors in eac'i ray. which, of coarie, r-- 1 in the eye teielvir.g the imprcagioa of whit-; ligh'.. "ft MAKES ITSELF FELT the great, griping, old-fashioned pill. Not only when you take it, but unpleasant, from first to last, and it only does a little temporary good. The things to take its place are Dr. Fierce's Pleasant Pel lets. One of these at a dose will regulate the whole system perfectly. IlSy're tiny, sugar coated granules, scarcely larger than mustard seeds. They act in Nature's own way. No reaction afterward. Their help lasts and they do permanent good. Constipa tion, Indigestion, Bilious At tacks, Sick or Bilious Head aches, and all derangements of the liver, stomach, and bowels are prevented, re lieved, and cured. They're the cheapest, for they're guaranteed to give satisfaction or money is re turned. Nothing can be "just as gqod." Washington Letter. From cur regular Correapondene. VYashiagton, July 83, 1894. Since the beginning of time great men have on momentous occasions resorted to extraordinary methods of focusing public attention upon certain things. One of those occasions was when Presluent Cleve land's letter to Chairman Wilson, point ing out the betrayal of the democratic party by certain of the Senate amendments and urging him and his colleagues on the part of the House to stand by the House bill, which is strictly In accordance with the . . -" - : . , principles professed by a long line of deni- ocratic national platforms. There are dem ocra's who regret that the necessity arose for writing and making public such a Hotter, but it is not difficult for even tbe Hiiost indifferent observer to see that the rank and file of the democratic party is be hind President Cleveland and the House, and consequently opposed to the hand full of democratic Senators who forced the ac ceptance of undemocratic amendments up on their col'eagues. As matter now stand it is In the power of that hand full of democratic Senators to prevent any tariff legislation and leava the obnoxious McKinley law on the statute books, and some of them have gone so far as to publicly announce that they would not vote against any report mad., from the conference that changed the Senate amend ments, but the hope still remains that they will, after careful thought, discover that Senator Hilt spoke words of wisdom when he told them that they were wrong and President Cleveland right and that sooner or later they would be compelled to sur render, because the President in demand ing that the tariff bill provide for free raw materials was but reiterating the demand today, and for years past, of ninety-five percent of the democratic party. The conference com mi' tee will again try to reach an agreement this week, but it must be admitted that the prospects for success are not promising, although some of tbe most level headed democrats in both Honse and Senate are ea rues' ly working to calm the irritation and arouse the party feeling of those democrats who feel t-ersonally agrieved at the tone and language of Pre iient Cleveland's letter. The House passed on Sa'urday by a vote of 137 to 49 a two-thirds vote being re quired the Tucker resolution providing for an amendment to tbe Constitution, for the election of 0 S Sena'ors by direct vote of the people. This is the second time the House has pat itself on record on this ques tion, but the Senate has never even taken it up seriously and there is little probabili ty that it will it e nstar nlrrtmmli tham 1 are a dozen or mora Senators wbo have publicly endorsed tbe idea It is bat an act of justice for tbe Uonse to pass the bill authorizing the Post Mas ter General to reins'ate without examina tion or certification by the Civil Service Commission any person who was dismiss ed from the Railway Mail Service between March 15, and May 1. 1SS9, or wbo was dismissed from the service after the last named date, cpoi any order made prior thereto. It is we 1 known 'hit hundreds sjl com petent aid efficient dem'. rats were dis missed between the dates named, ju't after the Harrison administration cm; into power, in order that their place n.itfbt be file J ly lepublicans before the rvice under civil service rule in tccordance with President Cleveland order issued just be fore the close of hi tint adminie-ration. and such of these democtats who ai.v. to re-nerth; service ceitainly have a good claim to the vacancies without having 10 go through tbe cMI service mill No lien; made by P. evident '" ev-'.'i. has been more cordially approved than that of Representative B.-eckmridge. of Ark. to be Minister to Russia. Tnc nomination was piomptly confirmed by tbe Senate, but Mr Breckiniicte will not resign his seat in the House umil Congress id oorns. Senator Gray, chab man of the Investi gation committee, has been misrepresented in connection with ti e icopeaiog of the sugar trust investigation. He has been anxious from the first to get to the whole rath, no matter whj it ro!V. affect, and wheo a representative of the New Yora Herald, which made rfca I arge that Sena tors commitel perjury in testifying that they had not purchased stock in tne sugar trust, agieed to famish the names of wit nesses who ccu'd tinow libt on be cha'ge, Mr Gray at once accepted tbe effer cn be half erf the committer, and the investigat ion was reopened. Ins'ead of antagonizing the new paper rain by T)lng to compel hem to violate cinfijnce reposrd In them the committee wilt endeavor to secure- their cooperation ir. obtaining wi ne$es who tan ta'k if they will. Reprtset.titive TucWer tf VViflnia. the author an! thaoipion of the resolution for a constitutional amendment to elect Senators by direct ru'e ot the peop'e. which psrd the House on Saturday,ia sanguine that '.he Senate w;l. al-o pass ti e resolution and the necessary three fourths of the S air wi I givp their asam ' male it effective. "There ili he 00 difficulty in ge'ling the asseat of the S att," said Mr Tticker, 'as there i no limit wi hin l Mi the time they are to give thei. absent. Whenhere fore, Congress aubmits the contti u'tonal amendments to ttio Sac 10 of them ap prove it ai.d vie ol-jec'. Trie lo affirm dive vole count ii its favo', bjt the''ne negi ive doea not count against. Thai -, he Slate which has voted in the ne.tue may try again Ine sext year. Thus only affirmative votes are recorded at the .S at.- Ueptr'inen ani when, after a si riea of year, t'letflirm ativevoiei reac.Ii three foir h of all ttie Sta e, the Constitution i amtnded. At presen', wi h -14 S'a'es we ibou d need the assent of 32. The asieiit of 14 is assu el n advance, as If Sta'e leglsl tnre had ior 111:11 iy resolved in fivor of ihe Change Up to two years a and three uior -ince that loij C i, O.egori fi liana Illi nois, Ne V.iik, Michigan, Kas s, M .ho. West Virgicls, LoaWuiS anl Oil are among lie State s alu da s 1 ommivi d 'In II, t meantime, whds the Sta'es are giving tlma-sn., tt.e ame., :-n nt pi a - ticaliy in foiC--. ai mm) S -el.- are nomi nating their Senators at Sta'e conventions . Illinois s arted the nvvesreut, Michigan ha rcceBt!y lolloartd aid ihe Bf o'ht ii e en 1 ece ii e Mrivr, Kcra'ors P-lmer and Mitchell .r' par icul.n ly inlt rea'cd 'n the n.iS'U'e In bg S niie, and I have 1 .1 doubt vd inpu'sae at th!- B-saMtj orihe e-ion opening in December. ' Tde gun "anl Ihe whole so'ar system I !( g 'Si - .-- jv r I i pej..l l ne cons'eiia'i'jn, liercu e, iiv..(r acension of aliout 269 der-e, an ' a itghi Kir 'i declination of nhout 35 degerr- The un and the whole solar syit u, Is m evil u lineuch srtrr towml a o's In ih conttellation Herculca. havi'V 11 rtb-a-e censlon of about tb') devtaea, sad a sor'ii dec ina io-- u' un '25 'rv -t -. De'.v h.i j i rclertnce foi some cotot. White and yellow Ixiard attract dew a re I or black one brside it will be perfectly dry. The Tariff Situation. The new tariff compromise had a close shave iu the Senate yesterday, when there was an exactly even division of votes on the question of striking out the Sugar Trust's differential. However, it scraped over thi.i reef and the bill was sent luck to con ference without instructions. That means, unless all signs arc deceptive, that the conferees will promptly agree upon cer tain modifications which will U accepted by both houses . In considering the result that will prob- ab'y bo attained there tire two things to be taken into account, tine is the advance ment of tariff reform, the other the p"c- vention of scandal. With regard tc the first point the situa tion Is simple. When the Democratic party came into power it expected to pa a complete symme'rical and scientific tar iff reform bill, because It thought that it wou'd have the President, the House, and the Senate, and could pass anything it thought proper. It soon discovered, how ever, that it did not have a majority in the Senate. That body contains thirty seven Hepub'icans, about thirty-five Dem ocrats, and four Populists and, approxi mately, nine pirates. In these circum stances the Democrats are scareelv more to be blamed for being unable to pass a dis tinctively Democratic bill than they could have been for failing to pas such a meas ure through the Republican Senate under President Harrison. Nj party can be held responsihh- for a failure to accomp lish impossibilities. From this it results that ft regards tbe mere question of tariff reform there is only one -course open to IVuiocrats. It is to take any improvement on tlw McKinley law that they can get. From this point of view thre can be no queatioa of tbe value of the greater part ot the Senate bill. When we consider how coupletely they commanded the situation it is really sur prising that the pirates U ft as much as they did. Kven in tue matter cf coal and iron, while a duty of 40 cents per toe is not i as good as none at all, it is certainly bet- ter than one of 75 ceats. And the Senate bill gives free wool, free lumber, free art and reduced taxes on most of the necessa ries of life. If it is no all we want it is a large installment of it But tbe bill as the liorman-Biice plot ters left it was disfigured by one foul blot which could not be tolerated on the prin ciple that it w's a concession, a though an imperfect one. to tariff reform. The sugi schedule was a new and revolting scandal. It covered its authors with infamy from tbe start, and the imperative duty of tbe honest Democratic Uoue was to see that it did not besmear the Democratic party with the same slime. Toe Democracy can defend its failure, through causes for which it is not to blame, to eradicate the the whole of McKinleyism at once, but it could no: defend the deliberate ae of tbe law-making power of t."e Union to the Sugar Trust. That danger has happily been averted, and whatever else has been accomplished may be accepted as a step in the rigat direction. S. K. Exiruioer. Pillar 1'xpcditKui. It is feared that Walter hahMi Po lar expedition has endee in the loss of the entire party. The last account reports the party in a great sea of drifting ice, which experienced mariners say woaid wreck the strongest vessel afloat. As Wellmans vessel was weak and constructed almost holly oat of light timber, it 1 feared that ..i . iiu.a.u the worst has come to rats and that the daring journalist ha fallen a victim of his enterprise many degrees south of tbe point reached by ethers. Expeditions to the North Po'-e have near'v every time ended disaatroos y, and while repeated efforts to I . . . " , ! e,P'ore ,he 1 oUr Ir,on, it I atiil a rea m of oiyateries Tbe object of these expeditions i to aiscoveT a shorter route to the east, at least this was tbe ob- , ject of th; first expedition, led by Stephen . Bennett in 160:!. Benuett failed Tne next effort was made by liadson, in 1G07 He reached l degrees and 39 minutes nor.h laUtude, and was stopped by the ice. Poo'e made three a'tempts, but with out success. I'nder tietrge 111 Captain John Pbipp made an attempt to explore the yet unknown regions for scientific pur poses. IPs ships were frozen in tie ice. latitude 80 df-greea and -I- minutes north, and it was with great difficulty that be re leased bis vessels and escaped freezing. Captain Cook attempted to reach the pole by Bbericg strait bnt singually failed. Buchan and Franklin undei took to solve the mysteiy only to fail, as did also Cap tain Terry, wbo sought to overcom? tbe floating ice obstacle by rneuna of a com bined sleelge and boat. Captain Perry's expedition marked the last practical at tempt to explore the N'orta Pol-;, which time tbe impossibility of reaching it has generally ben accep'ed. Wrllman undertook to perform a feat that has thus far resisted execution a tbe hands of more experienced and no lesa courageous mar iners and 1 hat he will stop short of it ac complishment is by no mean improbab'e. And. since science alone would IteneSt by a succnsful exp'oration and eren science would inefit bat little, it would seem that such expeditions are ill advised and only Involve langer and hardships wi'h no re turn in the lifrht of benefit or enumera tion. While all tbe aorld will hope for 'hi; safe return of Weilinan and liis brave men, still, he voluntarily assumed an obli gation which promised only such reward as is feared he has fallen heir to. The Cream Of Current Themght. Public Opinion, puhliahed at Washing ton, 1 C, is a weekly journal devoted to li e reproduction, in cordensed form, of c-rclu ly selected magazine articles and ol dltoiiai comn.ent from the rcprescntalive dai ard acekly prrs of all po' it teal pi. ties, and froni all pars of the coun'ry. I l.e readers of l-ii'i'ie: Op'iiion get all ide or eve queslrin 1 is juat ihe paper that the faimet an l villager need for gener al reading. I kre, i readers lully slue st of tie imes and supplies, then, a ith th t8t thought of the d y in the field ol Ameii-an Atfjira, Foreign A flaira. Sociol ogy ,C n.T.erce. Finance, Keiglon,cienci , Kd-caiioii. Ait and New Books. ubii Q ''ulon and the 'utal weekly sap lemert eac 1 cm iter dnirvU. I'oet'ier thi-y ive ti't farmer or vi I mer and I i . family mn ofcjnent new, ill ilal Hiinment, f.nd niagaZ'ne liitmtuie 'ban can be liad In any othei fo five tim r llirir cost. The price of Public Opuiio i l.aa Iven itduccd from $,; 00 10 3-t.Sipr yar We have j.i-l conpl-t"'! 'r n m - 1 - I" wi.ich we ean nffoi Public Qtlalaa Sad ia DeMoejRAT 'or Sj So cash per year A mass of one thousand pound.-, weight will lose exactly two pounds between tide- i water and the top of a mountain four tiiilci I h'tfi Th'. it U plain 'o be sern, is be I cause thi hire isf the enrttiH atlraction la I uitieh baa on Hie nintintiiin fop, Hi. .11 it Is ' d sei level. I; i computed that every year the earth re-eivcii aj oni one hur. Irtd and forty ix MfliCHM us 1 odng stai, which fall on the aurlacr, thu slowly a-ldin jtto Its mass. MISFITS. A lot of tramps ut Grunts Puss who were I egging food and money last Friday stcured cash enough to buy a keg of beer and some whiskey, after which they undertook to run the tjwn. The city marshal, with some help, arrested and locked tin live of them. and they will bo given a chance to help Travel the street. One of the men arrest ed had a revolver and two dirk knives. It is no wonder people feel disim -lined to f-el tramps. Dr Wallace, ol the Conim'tratiotial church of rortluml, attacked a particular theatri cal performance at the Mar. jam and a couple of ttib actors personally, in a sensational manner Unit lias stirred ui the public. One correspondent uns wering the sermon, among other things says : Ah! Mr Wallace, the Christianity of today is far different from what it was when f was a boy. Then the preacher was looked upon as a good, loving man, whose look, word or act was love and tenderness, who never had a harsh word for anyone. A genial soul be was. Ah! me! how the world is changing! Politi cians occupy the "temple of God" and sen sationalism is substituted for religion. In sermon in Portland Rev Miller told the following about an early experience at Koseburg: ''He 'had been announcui to preach in a small school house there, bat M one attended, and he went to the hotel. While there. Auron Rose, after whom Uie t town was named, tuked him if he was a miner, and Mr Miller to'd him he was a I minister. The conversation was l.eaid by everul men, one of whom with an oath, said he had not heard a sermon for years. It was finally decided that Mr Miller should preach in the bar-room, and that evening there was a good audience present, but a very noisy cne, and a good deal of profunity was indulged in by some of the rough men. tine of them exclaimed, "lio it pard; I'll stand by Unit ever time," which caused great amuscui 'ii These are .lays when it Udtes rust ing to ; . W !i.,"Nt-T"x. July :5 Spokano won j collect bill. A Portland paper tells of Uie ! in its light for a public building and gets following novel plan: Jacob McDonald, a, J0t only site purchase money, but 100, gray -haired bill collector, creatinl quite u 000 for the building. An attempt to' sensation on lower Washington street yes- force the Tatnina tight un-ant defeat for terday afternoon by parading up and doan any Washington city. The light in pr , in front of a business house with Uie fob gress over the river and harl-.r bill eon- lowing sign pinned across his chest: " Ibis man wont pav his bills." To attract Uie . , . ' t . . X f A I . , . - . iTT3 I a -- I nuiiiK u nmsv oeu. -A iai"'i . w - - about the spot and laughed at the proprie- ' today sent to congress another install I tor. who was "mad ajt a hornet" over the ; me-nt of the Hawaiian corresi-indence. unusal imnnvtlinLN n officer was e-i'l-d in and pluoeet the apM bill aiileetor muer arrest on a charge of disorderly conduct, The latter was not a bit disconcerted, how- ever, warning the ofhoer that lie couUl not . . make the charge "stick.' ' Chief of Police Hunt took the same view r.f the ctase and dischargotl the prisoner. It is said that McIKinal.l fuu tried the same Dlan on a nnmWr of irw,ni shn refuel to vav and in more t nan one instance it worked, as the man dunned would rather pay up than suffer from the poor adverti-ing If CUBI i gave him. time since the tariff bill lias been in con A l-aleui paper bead- an item "Intebi- ference there were signs of wave-ring gence of Hops." How thi is figure.! out from the long line that has stood behind we elo not know. ; the senate bill. "Senate bill or none," Let the government loreWose mortgages on the I'nion and t'entral ciac and ran t5i-ae roads as an experiment ' johntie." said the young man. "what is your idea of patriotism "PetrioUsni. ' replied tbe boy. after some thought "is what make ye holler fe-r the home nine when it's its eleventh place." Mr Deb says he has done hi last strik ing: bereaftiT be will fight with bellot. That's the' idea. Ballot are what ount; money cotrata also. Moesejr boy ballot. so itie resuji caa 1 eaaiiy rrureei tit . People rush to the man who advertiees. because be asks tbem lo come- Tjey spend their good money with toe whole ' souled. iub!ie-;piriled man. and :.: " ! ou o'cash go to th-: a ! nesu blork. run in W ar.-J kinrhnt in the lnt hiw "tit of it. And it serves him tight Advertiser. ichi Mountain el tnb ag is a great "tad" now, but a Hiilsbo'o par y, neit at:ted I itu re oi? ,t,,e loP, of ' i- .1 :., near : Helens aud tra I along the ridg? to M Kanier. which U the rel ev ssili ascend, 1 or .-.ovsfcTisx A man may gov. And a man may lie. And a man may purf and blow ; But he can't get trade Br sitting in the shade, Waiting ior business to grow. Exchange A London newspaper offeree cas prizes ior the best definition of "Home.'' Tl, ( a . . . ..a aiuec oi ma oeas auiwen eaere; ra world of m .but out. and a world of love and Tomb". mm, '" Th, onle .not on earth where ! lault and failures of fallen bamanity ae bidden under ihe mantle ol charity. i t, ., It 1 re p r:e! that: Ash'and Kecor.I : society aa very much cut aaal."'.e.- . "1 " .' , -,, when the blockade was broken by 'he militia. The railroad awa ariJOa badly split up acd called one at.other -caba" and 'anarchist., ' a. well oilier slurring reHections on each ... 1, ... . 1 ti... other's nerve and patriotism. The tots made it so miserable thai hotels would not feed "scabs" aho came along to take tbe places of strikers. A few days ago a man stood on the corner of Third and Washington streets in Portland with a placard in his bat which lead: "Farm for sale, very cheap." When be was n tioul he saiel that was his way of advertising. He has a farm in Lane county, eight miles fron the railroad. It has a in 5 t sage on it and he wants to tell it cheap. He gave his name a ISenuett, the well borer. - A great many events are transpiring in these faat feverish days, many ot them unexpected. But whatever else comes U pass, one thing is sure; '.he Oregon 1 ar 1 ne ra roan u-111 navar oa an ,1 an., T,, V . ,7 , , ' wiii mr centuries to e-unie lie lilt; source ol lawyers' ta k and judges' decl ions and Corvallis and Albany papers' com ment. Welcome. Also SaU-m papers Don't leave out tbe Salem Journals ; we are getting most of our () P items nowa day from them. Thev are more vision ary than we are up this way. The laelies of Lakeview, according to ! lie Examiner, iide astride. It art: Several of our leading society ladies have formed a club for horseback rieling in tlio bio mier costumes. It is now a common thing tei see a company of them on our streets nearly every evening' rit'ing astride, or uian fushion w '.rtjn it comes to genuine style Ikeview can itrw more 'if it to the square yard than any other sagebrush town on tlie coast. Saecessrai Bala Making. Yanktox, S D July 81. Ten days ago, rain-making experimentst were licgtin in this county under the directiem ol two citizeiiH who visited a Kniisim niin-tnaker, obtained his chemical formula itnd re ceived instructions in its use. One ton of chemicals was consumed and last night one of the most voluminous rain storms of tlio summer was inhered in. It extended overan ansa of 20 miles quare,, a iltClead Bars. Htua, Minn., July 31. The territory west of here near tlio Dakota lint- was visited by a terriiic cloudburst last night. Witter stood four feet on thu level and did ilamngo to grain in the shock. The cloudburst was followed by a heavy hail Htorm which threshed out the wheat in the shock and cut down corn. Tetioleum i rot in any tense a product of destructive distillation, but I the result ,.f a 1, tint- el.amlnl .:.-n.-:.i a ...til, , it,. .....taanati., n ." ', ? wtiich the orfantc matter oaaaeaat nnm int,, , this allied product I is the result of the primary decomposition of organic mtttec The Jap Ob Top- SiiANouiA, July .11. Newo Iium jtmt reached hereof desperate battle lie tweon the fleets of China mid Japan, in which the Chinese were defeated and the Chen Yuen, the largest battleship hut one in the Chinese vessels, said to lie first-class cruisers, captured urdostroved. rs, captured or deatroTt The hatlle was hotly contested. The Chinese float SngageaMrried nearly 1, 000 men and a large number are report ed killed or drowsed. Later dispatches say that few it any ol the Chinese en gaged in tbe battle escaped. Two Ger man officers in command of the Chen Yuen are reported to have met death With the crew . Two Mlaei sillied Soxoka, Cal., July III. The explosion j of Ho pounds of giant powder in the Gold- en (iate mine at 2 o'clock this morning i euiisoil the death of Lafayette t arr and John Mahngraui, two exiierinccd min ers, who had been sent to the 400-fuot level U) do some blasting. The causo of the accident is a mysU'rv. Uotb Bam must have been instantly killed. Mahn graui was literally blown to pieces and one of Carr's legs' was severe.! from tbe body and the other left hanging to the trunk by a few shreds. Hj-slerloas H ot... ritEss.i, utl., juiy ;;i. .Mvsti nous death lurks in the big vineyard near Col-1 lis. Everybody has left the place and I the authorities arc preparing to begin a 1 searching investigation of the premises. ! July 2:1, Mrs IX Jacobs, cook for the; vineyard employes, was taken suddenly j ill, and died within 12 hours. Two day's later Superintendent Ring was stricken with a similcinaladv. He is still liv- i ing, but will Pbbabty die. Btnaday last j vineyard workman, was taken ill in the saine maim, r and di-d bfl 110 hours. tet A Udlag tinues. IS. Binalln Ilepat.tlr I ahis.t.i-. Julv 30. The t.ri-rident the most impurtanl feature of which was i a:. t:ii , r . , .uiniater uie r jgiiiii..ii en usj new j j republic. He wrote: "I hereby, aafarlA I fllar Slir'VV for 5lrC as I have the right to do, extend to the j I republic of Hawaii the mrogniticm ac-' corded iu prtlervs..r. the provwional i government. 1 !. thii- in the U-liei that I represent the preeieh-nt jf the I nite.1 late, to whom, a cxccutiv is the government, my arti- i promptly ral.mitted for the aproval." rkr vat. 1 Ir tli Waakumrmi, Julv For the lir-t luie Iieen repealed during the dav. but the big ! 'wicntlv and with less emphasis !"d l'ames. Mrriad Cages. Innt and Lairs. The only flock of Giant Africrn Ot Iral Pa-1 tln heretofoVv. Tbe only explanation triches. the largest bird -i earth, and the only show possessing such a tea lure. lor tire onet con!er-ne- telav is the tact i tliat the house conferrees feel that the situation is changing in their favor. There are many reasons advanced to show that this Matement has a good fonn.Ution. a aae4a alarm j rP.tti. July 'JO. This oftt-moon a t severe hail storm elid much damage in '? Steve-n oKinty, near the Pope county j line. The town of Framnas, Swan Ijtk'e mk taf,vn moM and lanarr and eouUiward tomanl Han- From VW to 10,W , acre were completely stripped of all f growing crops, while ttia: ol a greater 1 territory was partially de-strm-eM. Wr l..m I.USU..S, July 30. The day fallowing ,,,e "P"1 oetween th t. hine-s- and the Japaie- snips, a Jajusncsv cruiser en- cowniercu a 1 :unte ironclad in the t Prince of Jerome Uulf. Tlie C hinese ' claim ibe-ir Ve-! was victorious, and ' ' tliat the Jaanee cruir was trken off j by her consort in a criprdoi condition. I I His I law Mixxtsrous, July .TO. The third astrous fire in the history e.f Minneapo- lis broke out about S :. this afternoon ! in the lumber vards of tbe t-hevlin-Car-1 jx uter Company, on lire bank if tl ; Miastauppi river at Uie f.iot of Kighih avenue n..rtii. It spread with remarka ble rapidity, and before it was contrull ; e 1 desire ved nropertv valued, at nearlv T Wleraaala Tlrr. WaWAnaHHtj Wis..Julv Mi Um Ile-v J B Nason, who went to Phillips in ' al)r the a'vV- d s.-nied ue..i are re-e-liarve- of tbe supplv train -nt from ; ""ted to re r te,ir claim m ttti oa here, re turned toelav." He said tliat the or Iwf-neaaid I7:' dav el Asu a S94. re-tris of 30 live "beinar beet. as far KOBEKT A. MIL.LEJL , ,, n . k. , g the total loss of. R. r.!evt-n laL WBWWtlBj "1' -'" w"' "aaa , Chxcaoo, Jaly 28. Li (ordaat- age to and dcstnie tion of railway pop- erty by Uie strike rioters are- now com - 'nH'Mtothecilvhall. J T Itrouka, see- 1 .-. . ... .... . . ,7,, " I itttjfflt ' , , , T.jk.1,i : r??r? W S5ljSrrkilI fa '' 'I e.fl...4.. ihe,.e.-t item IS for 14 ; freiirlit -irs deslrovcel and TaS elatnapsl. IH.I'.t". Japaa'a Blsai- loKoiioaa ment has lwvn itive Mim 11 in ai.iiiii.-u iiiiit sue nas never it t. :.. i: 1 yond the rights given her bv the trvatv of I880. The statement HnHM JayMl'l issma litis, aa preeeiittHl to tlio govern unlit ntat I'eking. an., dee-lare-s that if war resti nwe-ruK.-e ior n. 11 is impewsilile. say. the stiite-mcnt in e-oncltision. to conje-'o-ttire what caused (Tiin.i's attitude in the face of Japan's indisputable treaty ri ;bt.. A lie I.I Bsblarrr. Jacmuinvilije, July 'J.!. A verv Uilel ml,l..... i..,l- ..!... t-n:.. 1 .,- I.--,. .i.m a.iiioia 1 it ra , i niile-s soutliaest of Jacksonville, but .a ,., - , . 1 ee-K. rxniie V Illiillliien nave IH-eu 1111:1- ; ,,,, ,l, ,,,wl.- .1.. .. tr,,., ... VaV?...""" v 1 v a o. a, n bite men. aithotit masks, sitrnrisi .l thriii while thev were eating dinner and 1 roblieel them of'200 in gold dust. Slu r- I iff I'attrreon visited that se-ction the past ' week, but the Chinamen refuse-el to ! swear out warrants, as the men threat-I cnrel their lives, ami they were afraid lo I prosecute them. ' Tea Dare' las KxDTOaS, Or., July '.1. The Jackson County lank, of this city, revcivi.l $1 , 000 in gold today, as a clean-up of the Hammersly Miiiniug Company after a 10-days' run. The gold was in one nug get MM was quite a curiosity. The Ham mersly is otic of the lietst iiuartz mines in this end of the stale, and a greal deal (if ili-vrloping work is lieing done, littt the mill is not run steadily at pn-sent. Saaalrokr New Yokk, July 29. The total cases of sunstroke today wero six. The day was a genuine scorcher. From 77 de grees at sunrise, the thermometer elinih od up to IH) at noon. In the afternoon the street thermometers registered all the way from 100 to 101 degrees. In Eacaenter. BattLIX, July 20, Advices received here from Seoul, by way of Shanghai, how that upoa therafoaaJ ofOofM to nccetle to JaiHin's demand that the Chi nese troops lie sent out of the country, Ih" Japanese advanced mi Seoul. After ti short encounter, in which the Co rears were defeated, the JarAneae occupied the royal palace. The king of Corea there iijHin asked the foreign represenlalivcs to intervene. The fiett that Hie more piper stock it ubjeclel lo wear in a frictional way the tougher it become ha M parties into tbe p'ar of using paper slock for floor tiles. These are usually male of stone, marble or J cement, but are more or less liable to wear off by constant us-. Floor tiles are now made of pulp wood. , July 28. A teoathv state- i the r. of N fc i4 Seytuin 14. S s of sent out from an author-1 C " r'. l-" " " . uon 1 ami.:.:. . r-.-.-.j . ' -,0 10, in inTnt-riip .10 111 a-iutii r.ine cxnlaininir jntcm lvwition. : . ' . . . , a. " . An east, ami wii oner l.rool to s ! 1 nit- a- - THE MIGHTY OF ALL TENTED iti Record (Jn impeachable, Imperishable, Jettons Kivas. IOM1NG IN All I rs ENTIRETY 1 The New Great Shows and Paris Hippodrome Triple Circus, Great Elevated Stages, Five-Continent Menagerie, Spectacular l'ageant and Grand Aggregation of New Sensational features. Albany, Tuesday, Aug. 7th aaaBBaiBa'aaaHaBi afc? BtaBaRaaaBaaiBV laBai Ibk 3assfltaas9 WjgjjiBjBICjMK OSE DAY only: aKrKrsNOOS AT 2 . . t Prwntingan i nabridged auJ L npislled 4 BIG SHOWS i" ertsalionat and &trtliiig Acts! Two Menageries of Wild Beasts! The Best Perfcimina Klet hant A drove of Monster Camels, Sea Lion. Leopards Zebras, Bear and llaby Moafaya; 40 great c.r-u acta, four great Bads in Street Fata-!. IS ereat leaners. richlr carved and gilded tai'ieau waeons. e-onrtlr Knirhts See WM SELLS, IHIWO:BAresT CHEAP EXCURSION RATES Every Railroad 'iives Eo rates lo this Big show. At 10 a. u. a Glorious Grand Holiday Free Street Parade. "ae Day Only, Afternoon and Sight. Umt Open at 1 and 7 p. m. The only B:g Shosr t orn ing This year. Notice for Publication l S Last. OiTict, CknoM Ctrr, Or MM. .tSO :a berety (ireri that in cisp laoc. ith the p:..vtn&ei- kj act of C.act Jim, ISTS eat tied "An aet .or Ike r e f timber a: . . r - ttaks (J Calf rsvie, Ch'gun. S.vada, acd Wsahiogleo rrltety.1 saextrndsd loall tier pab,K scats bt ac -f Aces 4th isr;. A "A of Oej tin, nnci) "I rkatnaa, alate ef llrcgna, aaa IfaSS da) in thea tthc.- ber a..rt a'al. . ' .V . lor tbe j orcnaie d ihX K:4 .1 a 0. la loeoahii N . 10 oUi rse.e ea a. d ealli e ffer pna f lo aho thai and aoti'.n ta tut r? ta uat :e f w tls tier. o-a ooe than lor agr'.caliOfa: per-tOaee. ; ,b.w that tt.e iatd oacht 1- a, ore t "a a aaUUtah tier claim to id laid be , ,t,le 1. r iu tiahier or a -ace ikia a. -nraa lb iaaa t.r and rec irrc tbia oChoe w Cr roa ("itt.ti.e.-on on trcdet, ifce 17'b a tl saaaaa MM. thta-nea a wit Nenes: H Mt l ane !. J. K. il. rro, J. I, Brv, W. T TYfcillasM ll af H1. Ore eoa. Ant and all per.oe.s ciannirat d- 1. t.r. -ar . "ObH.? foi Publication j y f , , fMl !! ttwlllll Til II. fit. ' , , ! v ,. . . , . -Man li -,tli ItCH Notice ti hert-bv civen that in enssm 1- iance will, ibe rWtakaM of the aa? oi 1878. cntille.1 "An a. t for the sale of timlr laneU in the tat.-s of California. Orep.n, Nevaela. territory, "as extended ! t.. all tbe public land slates bv act oi . , , , , . ,, August 4, 18t2. Thomas Monteitb. of Al- Imnv. ciHintv of l.inn. state of lira-con . has this dav tiled in this eitfice bis sworn ! statement S"o 2t8rJ. for ihe purchase of Hint the land sought is more valuable for its timU r or foe that, for .agricultural ptirpose-s. anl tt estaldisli his claim tei sai.l laml before Uie ngistsr anil receiver i f "'x 'r'Ti wtSir t iregon on August. 14. He names as witnesses: J. It. Comltv. Henry Sues lis, of Albany, Orvgoii. Johal Hailcy of Lyona, Oregon, John Schloeser 1 .Aioanv, eervgnn. .nv ami an wrsons regnn. Auv and all taersons aiming a.lve-rse-ly tlie atx ve .lesa riheM ! 'nds are requested lei tile their claims in tins oince on or tx-tore sai.l 1,111 i:iv e.t August IWM. :.'';: 1, 1 a. ."in. i..-. 1. Regiatar An agreeable Laxative and Ngavx Toirra BoW by rh-tiirglsts or sent by trail. o.88n auu $1.00 per package. Samples free. V A HA The Favorite 703R MB A.W IlV fortheTectUand liroutU,3uo. Cai'-nln Saeeney, It Ji.A, San Picpc,Cl, tryat &htloh's Catarrh Itemorty Is the Sum medicine I bate ever found that would do ma any good." lYicoBOcts. isoid by ITuyrUta, SHILOH'S cure; Tins Onaar Cocon Ornx promptly exesa wherei all eil uers fail. For Cooan .ption It ha SO rival; has cured thousands, mf w 'Ut-ns mum?. mSjc'.u CCc-.tiM U S BAKEEY. Fiesh Er Every D y. Y'm, Cakeo.8c Spat ial orders solicited. C D VANDYKE, Proprietor, 2nd street, between KlUwc ih aV Lyon F lt BARGAINS in mil imv iiiu-si or et l 011 l:i,n - W c.itil won ,t Co., h araoa Late sl!ver sword coriairepins at Will f 8tark )r. Price'.', Cream Oakinc Powttar A Fare Oraoo Cream of Tartar Powder. MONARCH FXHIBITION8! fJnbieaiislied, Above the Reach o TrVO PERFORM ZCf'. EVES ISO AT 8. General Admission 50e. C'hiklren Under 9 Years ot ate 25c frogram. Exalted in aim and pare in tone COMBINED 4 Notice for Publication. U. S L Ornoe. Oaerox Citt. O Jalv 11. 190. Xctac- aa t exwl y siren that in rocnpliuc m i.h tbe pr-vi-iucs of the act of unjint - JareS, IS7n mtiflsa, '-An art few Ih ' it tuaher tai!:a t! SMfe ' Call, foea a, ?ee.. Nva.ta asvd Waahiegtoti letr.ur. as e --aeU-l la sli Ite ie,'it Ltd ::.! b : . A-.-es! a. I'.r H-nrv M. lief-1 ot CSn.n -at... e aatv at . I O.goe., has t-.tiar e-led i SJi n in rS.-e- l-ta aatra atatcaiea j to 2S73 cw the is .i... . ( 1 be S ; . f ,e i .e ' ti.o 27 S t 4ae.iNFl4.fSE L.I stctifw tol.Mli 10 outb un,. N .'1 -art. srd ai ' , :T r ! t I' lura l-arp. ae, Bd to 1 tall. h h s e aroa . lo said 'and haf .re ike .-gieUr ai d lacxiver of thu offic at 0'a.03 l ite, Cra(Oii ra rndiy, the 17th ds) ..I Ae.-xtst. i;4. He name ae aitceeaes- tie H. L- ie liee. II sNei ) Albaej. Ore.e. J. L B ery ol ' H-iry. O Toti. A. S. C diver, e.f Greta j Baati.. Any acd al! ira. oa eiaisaira ae aeeaeiy ihe ahoee l. ajaalssi IsOMt ata re- I q-lrae' oltl-. 'he, c i te in tbaa tfioe -r. or aesawaaasa I'.hd nt Aaaat )S!M tOCKKTA. MILI-t-R. K-pia 1 r Notice for lNnUrrie K at run.oN I'lrv. Or. Jaly Ilia, Notice Is hereby given thai in c rcpliaece aiih tbe prnv:aioos of tne set e.f rorgreea f Jane 3 l!?7S. entuKl "An act for tbe ai of tin. 3r lands in sextes of California, Ore. goo, lifsasla aod W'aahimgton terr-.rory." as 1 x'snded to ait the pob'.ic laod ata:ea by aet ot August 4 1S92, Aogu la Heroea-, ot Cresoti City, coaattr of CiaeVsmaa stale of Orei.. n, ha tlis dav filed m thi t (See ber sworn etatenseal N 2S57,foc the parcha-e of the s 4 of s w i.K e i of s vv t4 4nd s v ; ' N ? yfJTTfr" r uI""hif Xof i0 roath lange N- 5 eJRTind wi 1 offer proof ... .k.. in., .h- ..,i ,. xMe For it or atone than for agncal- laiai .urj-.a-, ! aw eavaoioa ner uann to d laod nef ,ra 1 , . r .later and reeeiv-r itttii'iinx'S-- too e ry, tr. v, 00 Friday ihei7.hda iw Aanst 1684. She names aa attne se: J. I.. rteu.,. T. Wtsittoek, I. IVtersor, 1.8. Smith all of iur,v t). ... v.- ..", an - ,.im - , a.i.-reiv al.,v ,i-areh.t :.,l. . ; amaaia : nd to hie their claims to ihis tbee 01 be'oreeaid 17lh dav . i August 1S9I RORERT A. MTLUtB Iteg-s-er Notice for Publication. U. S. Laxm orncE at ckkoon t in. Or March 29;h, 1SS3. N tioe !- i.e. it aieen that in si plianoe . m ,1 t.n .i ana in 01 cungresa of Jane 3 ISTS, entitled "An act for the sale f timber lands ta - he states of California, Ufeton, Neewela an Waahinkton territory as extend,.) t.i ll the put lie land atatas bv act cd Aim t 4 lS:ri. William T nit look of ftarrYi Oaaaaly 1 Linn, atate of Oreon, haa this dv tiie.1 m thi- oJB, h s aworn state ment N . 396-4. f the purchase ot th.- S J4 ft N tC l4 ami lota 1 and 2 ..f seetiea No 4 ic toaii.iiip 10 ...ti,-h r n - N 4 e.t, j and wit! offer pren-f io how thai the taadj nought is m ire valutot i r it. thu- i beror t-ione tban rtr a-rl.uit rat pur 1IOSOM. Mllli til I.I..1.! . ..II I (and reef re the r,,.!,ter and recetTer of '. thi office at Uragim Oby, Oregon on Kr: day tbe 17th dav of .int;ii t ;s4. Hsi names a It 1 esttes; J L Berry. Kot-eri Cairell, W HSmith. J Pete: son . ! f B-r ; ry, Oregm. Ai' paraoae elalming ad I verae y the above doso itx. I lands ure re 1 (Itiested to tiieth-r ami In thi offl 011 or h-lore.s.ti.f ITtntlay i.' koaaat 1S!4. ROBKRT A MILLKrt. I?e-itsler, Street Railway Time Card I Thecal aid leave corner of Kiiat and aaiiington lieets as follows: 7:40 a m tor Lebanon train, j h:U " " Oronan's Home . I 11:50 " ' Nco 1 train going north. 13:15 p m toi njon train yoing south. 1 ' Lebanon train. 1 .30 " Orphan Home. e It l I, 'j:5.1 " " Overland train coin h 11 For Orphan's Home on Sunday car leave at 1:30, 3:80 and 4 3" p m The car will alo meet ah Inc tralnaon the Oirgon Pacific ralhox C 0 BCRKHART ; 2B3H REPORT OF THE CONDITION or TBI FIR8T NATIONAL BANK, AT ALBANY, IX THE STATE OP OREGON AtthaeloM A buainni, July Isth, l-,i. Keaswrre s brianaanil .liacoania OvcnlraiiMecured and unaKaral L'. Si.,V.rui t ac-ure rirculatun . . Premiuma m V H bonis HUfk, r -. Iiar kii ii houar. familuie. sik! flvturts .... ifiu if ... Vlfit,tKt ... 3,000.01) . ir,.ooo.rj .. '.'d.'Mt.H Dumlrma NaUonal iteiilu(n.4 reserve affenU i'.Wt.tA uut iroin mate uuika aiul Iuker Z INS SI line from approved reserve afent lH.T13.8i Cbeclu and otbar raah items . . aWO N'rtea of other Neil nal Banks SSO.OO KracU.oal paper cummer, nkkabaad ceola 23.60 LarrtL Mosar Kasaavc Bass, rn: Spade ,, .,,,,,'i ' lvefallen.lern.itea .. M0 UV IWlempilon fund wlOi V. H. TreamrerT per cent of '--i.Wj Tola! . aau.aa) u UaklllUes t epiui etnek fmid in - jr... i, ft Undivided profit, kteii eiTn ne' nd " .. f - 1.M1 'Ji SWMI Bnk wAta .M.SMn.lini- U.VHjt) Oue to otner NaUonal Banka . 1 Ioe to Slate Bantu and luktn 'iza.08 Individual iSasaVSI eubje-rt V, cbock M.'M1A Oemand ramiScafaof depomt . 41 ttf,& rime sssaaaasss of aspasH asMaa Total 4I.361J SraTi or Oaaaox, CotTrr c Lira, - u : E W Laxoaos, ,.r of the abote mun l Mmk solemnlf wear taa.' toe above itatetnei.t U irae t. the beet ,4 my kr.o..odye and belief. E IT LASOIXtS, Ceoier Subacribad and awum in before me thi b dar of Julr. lieu J (i- -) D B MOSTEITH Notary fobtie foe irf-oo. f. FLIXN. 8 E Vol. SG .Isinfl. KalUOKTeX, j Oregon Pacific Railrodd. I BI CLACK. Keren er Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. Oaaiaattia itk steeaw qnwm and San FHacfeseo. Il.mer LetVHB Ta sails Febr 3HS, Urrh It 22, and Slat, ,-. T'IF. lloBuraai'a Fib th. 7, , ! i CT-h. The Company ntsastro Ut ngn K ng-s oiling lalm v'tho-i ootfase. For freijh; s-d pasvr rate fP'j o any agent. r har'ea J Oerdrra. fo Ce. Xe. 2to karkct St taa Franeicee. Cxi eae. : la 1 aet at lea swaaetrreoate atad aeaaraka iejuxx,m to the tan Sea I - 1 111 - 111 IS la SVaM Irrekee, Ir eaastSa. aAlreas 7 m. rvZZON I CO. St. Louis, Ma 1 -1 ---ri ox rasa rarca. DRUGS Stationery, Toilet Articles, uffra lnstrumen'3. Etc Hodos k icFarlaii. The Comei DiffJ-n A lar . EXECUTE MTaiCi 1 -rrtar. f aealas Crr,a 7 n mmwSmSmimSSm j nn77nyrc I rOWDER. fe Ton have seen it advertised tor nsaxry years, bat hare roa ever tried ttf D 7 B rao. too do ao know wtua aa Bataal It pozzowi's M 1 Ads No ice i hereby givr- to ahom it - - may concern that I harj tn dnlv ap. pointed executrix of the last will and ea . ta'e of Mtchae! Crotsant, deceased, bv the IT UDiiCatiOD. Connty Coart of Linn C3unlv. Oregon, therefore al! persons having claims against said estate are hereby noticed acd re quired to present the (MM to me at the o.-hce tf W R Biiy eu in tl e citv ol Albany, Jregon, with the vouchers win. in six months frrm tj e .''e 'hereof uatets jui.e 15, itsta. tLliA Caots.NT. R. BiLvxt. Executrix. Attornev fjr Keecutri. W. IsJrs-f-irao fnt HmVH . w otico ior jtudu cation. ! U S Ind office at Oregon Cite Or. - " , - JUJ..1S34, ! IhX ; .il.entton SO mK final proof in of bia claim, and thai mSd raro. mS made Deiore Kectster and Reetver TJ Si l-ami Office, at Oregon City, Cr. on Aug I. 14 vsx J. sepo Riseterer H K Jio : 7921. for the K H of S W 1 4 cf Sec IS T 10 s R 2 e and Iota Sand I ' leawiasw stuttsm 10 prove nts uous lemae-nce up-n and cultivaiion of said land, vie John Bender. Daniel Nel John c KolU and John Eifort, all of Jordan, Ur. KOBEFT A MILLER Ketrlater. -r, 11 a . JrllDllCailOll Notic3 for - u.y . , lsvl Notice h hereby g. van lha: tbe' follow ! mg named settler l as U'ed uotice of his Intention t, mika final nnaof in aureraorc or msoisitu, suu tliat stu proot win re made before the Rat-eteer and Receiver U I j S Land t'lVt e. at U egeiu Cur. Or. on Aug . n, ism v's: Jt hn Render, H K fori l"le S K of N? 1ST 10 S R S He- naive ibe foiiowtcg a Unease to prove; hi totinuou-e residence upon mnl cutli! ration ot taud lasaa, via: J-s Kiesterer 1 aniel Neal. Jehn C oltx John Kifert, all of J.ndan e. r ROBRKT A MILLER, Register. Notice for Publication S- UvNl K"CS AT ORBttos City.Or. July 3 d, 1S!)3. " hareOy giveti that in oooipltxave with thr uaovtaiona of U acttef Cmreaa ef Ja-"4 3- 1S'S. eotiticd ".An ct for tha sale f umbos laud in tha states of California. Or gou, NeasaHV, and aahinton Tarritory, ' aa exteudad to all toblic land states hy act f Au.ast 4. lS9i eVilhaaa J Smith, of Niagara, county of M er,. u. atale of Oregon, haa this diy riled . . - . ee . : . . . . .. is in uia niaaev .ru axatenent o znafll for the purchase of n. K 4 aad the N V 1 the f K J, and ihe N K 1 of theS W SeO'.loa No 9, iu toau.-hip No 10 S.nth R to as No4 Kast, nd wiili.tTer proof in 1 ahow th..lthe laud -cuitht is more valuable 1 1 1 ... . .. IV 7 '"euaoie , for la tiaatwr or alone than for ajrntnltaral ' purtk'ses, and to eetaWieh his claim to said t ..a . . . . , laml Dstore tne KaSlf and Rsat-ivar ..f ! . . . t . . tnia onioe as varegon e. uy, VJregun.oei Wed- 1 nestiay, tne tun nay ot Jnly. 1S94. He names aa witness.: rt T Geo. tee I I Meyer, C I Htukie . 1, ' - Allen smith, all of : Hatpaa asarien io.ii.d. Any and all person claimiogadveiseiy the above d as cribed land ae reque-Hted to tile their claims in hi efBoe on or befone said 1 1 th dav of July. 1S94. Robkrt A Milieu, Register. H. it. nvr. vr. msdtxc J. r n. javk am mmm co., xa,"'c;o3a-otA.TraEii Baliiaore Block, - - . - v. Ore.' FURWITUR E complete line of IMIKIUiKlvc; in all it liranckei.. EMBALMING a- i.-.ity. er 3rd and Calapooia DISSOLUTION NOTICE The partnership bus nets heretofore existing between Dr Maaton and Davis I hssb-"n mutually eJisao vtc . Partita ow ! fng Mai 0 a firm can make etietner.t with ' defect l Maston or Dr DaTt. and tbose hairing claims mar piesrrtt them to cither, t Drjj. on will contin-je the practice of j hi pn.ft'on at the o A cSce wbiie Dr llavic ill occupy an o.fice in the Mason Sc roshat cui:ding up sitr. O W Mricx W H Da vi EXECUTRIX KOI ICF. Notice la fcereby tiren that the ztdf-. ssgesn has thi day tet to v epfcioted j eiecatnx if the Ut will ar,.l t.. anei t ef Brsfhsa Vaa indie &ra(, ,er, dieeatel, by the Coont) Court cf L.m c ont , Usegao. All persocs baTinz e'aima egnraai iaid deceased are rtejntrrd to pre. en t then to tbe Bcderaigoed at FortUnd, rr to Westberford & VV vtt ancroej a at Albany within an months Iron thu eta'e. This 21t day cf Jnae, lS34. IlkCeCEB, Exeerstsix of tbe lest will U "if lis Vsa Wiodle Bruager, deceased EXECUTDB'S KPT ICE Notice is hereby given that ti c nnder slgtied was on the 2Vd day sf March, i 'S4. duly appointed Executor of the ".as? wi l and statement of E L Krox, dcxeas- ed, bv the Count Court of Ltr.n County, Oregon. This U therefore to notify all ' persons "oaring claims against said d j leased to present the same to me at ue I Court-house in L.iaa County, Oregon j with the proper voucher "within x " months frm ihe date therect Dated this 6th dar of April. 1S94 W R Blyeu, " Nimrcd Pasce, Atttirrer for Executor. Executor. KOTICE FOi BIDS. Did will be? received ep 10 j a tudav, ! Jaly 21, for 10 ecads bode Sr wood, 'i ; CTrda grub oa-, not lea than t soefces in i diameter, tn be straigh. uj leal qoabtr deureiM at tse iiatue tet4 -tci mess mi j A baov, oa or b re S-ot 1, 1 884. F E Alues. Clerk. The n(h: to ie;ert saj or all t tls 1 . ed. NOTICE OF APP2IKTMEHT. Notice is herebv given that the onder- i signed has been duly appoir.;ei executrix ( of tbe last will and testament of Wi.ftarr. ; H Hendervevn deceased ate of Lima : county Oregon. Ail par.ies having claims : agarul said estate are notified to present I tbem duly verified to the said executrix ! at her residence two mils south eat isr I Holier, Linn county Oregon within six .months from the date hereof. r . . junc ly, 1394. ;PKOtet Ann HrsDsasax Etratr Notice for Publication 0 B Lami Orji.x. Cibbgox Crrv. Oa. Jra'ey 3rd. 188J. Notice is hereby given that in com j pliancc with tbe provisions of the act of 1 Congress of June 3. UTS. entitled "An ' act for tbe sale of timber lands in tbe : States of California. Oregon, Nevada, 1 and Washington Territory," as extended ; 10 all tbe Public Land States by act of August 4, 1X2. Alien Smith, oi Niagara. - e-oonty of Marion, State oi Oregeai, has ibis day filed, in this office bis sworn statement No 2310. for tbe purchase of I the W of S W , oi sec 10 and W W of 1,, 01 ection o la in Towtxehip Xoj IU & Kaxtge .No 4 h, and will otter to show tliat tbe land soocht is nxm - valuable for its timber or stone than for I arrk-ultural purpose, and to establish I his claim to saiel land before the Register I and Receiver of this office at OregoxiCity , I Ore. 00 Tuesday, the 25th day of August. 1394. He names as witnesses : J Myers. B T Cieorge, W J Smith and C J j Hmkel. all of Niagara. Marion Co. Ore gon. Any ami all persons eeaia ad versely tbe a Ki ire-descri bed lands are re . : -- .'. to tile their claims in this on or beiere said 2Sth dav of Aunst. 1SW. ROP.llRT A MILLER. Register. SHERIFFS SALE In (AeCbaafv darter State fax thi ttmnty c P'k. 0 Ott-jp Nat Hoi man. Hale BacLinsto, p:ictitT. refendant. out is liersfry g.vrn that r.y virtue' 1 of an execution and orvie: ot a-le afiiv issud out ot ihe aboee Damsel court in ' the above- entitle-' aatfM o me diraeteef ' and eieiivi red, , Command ina ere to levy upon and -e"! the real property beretof- r-e attaches! in sti 1 action and dtseritwd ic sat i exeni Uoo, I b:s e du'y levied ppon all the isegat title and tntesext it the aboro named aeitnoan'. Hale R'nat, ,' 'n . Pr. described a follow to wi; tbe Son k one Bail ot oiock -o co o oe c iy c Albany, eoiniy of Uan, Sla'e etf Oi ag p. t..i- ibu ., u.. r., r k. .; . He names the j bxoje in the citv of AINinv. Lien eountv ria n.nll Ml. ... ... I e ipjaan ait tl A noil r or I o e.Oa-K n . ..f id dar sell at pu lie au.Hion for easb in i hand ta tbe bishost bidder, at 1 the right j title and iutereat of said defendant ; n and i M said real property, te pav and vxTTTTv saivt execution as follows: First the eoau J and expenses cf and upon twd execution and tne origina" costs cf suit taxed at . Second to tbe payment r.f tke raintitfs claim amounting to tne sum of 196 S5 with in teres ihreto at tbe rat ' or iu per caut psr a num from the 3th day ef r shruary. ISlM, and the furtuer sure of pjp attorneys lees. DaUd this Tih, day of June, 1S34 G 0 Jackson. Sbe.-irTof Lion ?onmy. Ore, Bv O S Smith. Deputy ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. N ttce is hereby given that the ardei- sigoed aJmiriUrator of the e.tate of A P Nya deeaased haa tiied his tiua' sceount with the clerk cl the ceean'y coart far Lmn eoanty, Oregon, and the, "court baa rixed Moeday the 3rd day of jeptemaer, 1SW. at the hoar of 10 o'cl k a m for the t -artng of obieotireoa if any to said accoaat aad far the settlement of said estate. This July 26. 1SSM. Hknrt fl Ka!, .,i ih. ....... .1 a l V " vi m .j gi a 1 .. J P decess-d eVltaTHKRFOsi. S Wvarr attvs for adotr. Notice for Publication U. LisnOrnca, Orruos City, f't. May 7tk, 1SW. Tiaileer Land, Aet Juaa for publict tion. 3, is;s. Xe,ti Noti-t ts her,.by iciven that in .-uupuaace with the SSSatlaaaaa aJ thi. aet of t'otutrees of Jan. . HSIl entitle.! "An aet for the sale ot timbering! d 111 She states ..f I alitor ma, Ihearon. Nevada a11 Valunton Temiary," aa extended to all SS V1 ai1"" SffSSSaE vl,tlit'.iL tharlesH . Dairy inple, ef AltxiEf. I oQntrJ-4 n. Suta of throw, has thiaetay aW in tii- .,St " swore 'etateiu.'nt No. 2S. (or Ihe pe oaase t , .... u a- 1 . . . aa , T. ....... v. ,. . t tA luanaw .1 o r.i tlaiiKe. No fast, and will offer proof to an0 that the laud wmrht ia mure viduable for that the laud sanncht ia laxaha np at.m,- ibam for atrriciilrurai nurDoa f .u eaiarausr, cb eiaue. rvearinter ana iu". .-t . , u. " orwu Oka. Orear..n. ou Friday, the 1Mb. day of Aa- truBt, ISM. . , 14.. .... Monetises: F L Hulmea p W Wink. A KHolmea, ail of Albany, Uara.- Anv anu all pereio is rnuiumiiaurenei) ruB aboe haamhed lands are reouealed to file, their cl-ai 111 in this oee on or before eaul lpth day ot Aa StMit, lt4. KoBajtT A. Mima, K.xister.