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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1894)
Kiahts Bcraocrat. VOL XXX. tared at Ike rail 4 A"r- r . as Seeeattt.Uats Hall Mailer: ALBANY.OREGONa FRIDAY, AUGUST 10. 1894. STlTfcH A Nl'TTIX,rabIUker?aad Pr.prlrt.ra: ISO for Infants " Castoria Is so urea adapted to children that leecomffieod It as superior to any prescription Nowa to me." II. A. Aawr, Sf- D., lit Set Oxfctd St, '.Sroofclj -a, K Y. The eae of VTastcria Is so universal and its merits so troll known, hat It seems a work )f ripereroeation to endorse it. lew are the TiWpgli raxnilies who do not keep Castoria rttAfn otf roach." Ccacoe 3Lunx, n. Zk, MS? York City. HAVE U TRIED DRUGS AND FAILED TO F" XD A curb tor RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO. SCIATICA, KIDNEY, LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAME-BACK, to, Oa-Ffr fiSLUIKr: EIE!7?!3 ftlTjgg EmeaRw. 3re?Sw5afHawPty Oar 900 prise be.k "TBTStTJ ri.ArtasRt OF MKJ." should he read b erery Tease, aiddfamw.vd -nc. aid ma a. r-i. sulci, free. Dr. Susn'i Klectrle Belt M co axBartasaaS as wr. Bare restored tbousands to nwii hesiia ana Ttjror. an at nil outer ireauneats shown by hundreds of oases throjcfc-ut thisaad other Ftates.wb', wonld sladly testify of whom we hare Strom letters bearing tmiliauay WE HAVE CURED THESE WE CAN CURE CU! CEKEXAL DUIUTV CUREA. u UT . a . wn,brNrM oniuH rwroen I am trass, a with imt ri. ar aital wiakMm. aad almoat a cossMl lom of poar. 1 eooid set Bl with a mn tired feellns. ua. mblra, M ;uara aataa yam bait 1 a r i had a new iaem mi iit . Iaoweejay life bans, than 1 bam mm9 I bawsah. ataaaal e.'Bbd.nm la roar timui wt V.iu cab ps bab una atatameaUalHt turn W baa, mu or call oa ass Tralrixmra, H. A. B0-?tK. xtoad WTuikrk. RHEUMATISM CU Dr. A. T. Saadea. Iu Birr I got on. t rear bait, two nabifD for rb.omatiam. from abi-h 1 aofffrad il mul bwthaaaal uiaarus I bad nat iMslbUh). Ik, Ii US KuiialMUSU pert, -t health la Ua t.o mui birr oa t. I walk earn eitablr. aad feel like r - jan i saenlli. 3t. E. Hl Util-S. IT in.ra inianaauoaal UoSaL NERVOUS DEBILITY-LOSS Taaocia Waah- October IS. Dr. A.T Pasdec. Dser ttir t-l bees brea esisa year ta ilaB dallj, aad am stiima ta .laajgart. aealbeC r the. 1 has far lee rear.. I bar. a i.ia itc tan lor r-nrai aeaiuiaa uaoamy. ua ina ana V .ra i crratarauy. uuae. UTKTKA. THE DR. SANDEItt t a euaiela sat i sate battery, i Into s belt as tree soothrmr. pr longed currents which are Instantly tel Sa.000. Ithassn I mere Ted Electric Ha.eeaaerT, I we wirrmnt it I" cur. any of thosaorj .ssm.m. and to. atetaaded. Th.y are graded la stranath to mrmt man, an J will care the worn f in two or three l SANDEN ELECTRIC COv'' 3KDAM3JWASNINCT0N FORTMILLER Undertakers WE KtEP constantlj cn hand a full liy.e of tnetalic, clotn rd wood caskets ai coffins. Also burial lobes arrl suits, in I rciadclt",tl, siir rf.lBitr.iii which aril) be old at The Luwem I. .tine I'rofflta. EMBALMING nd th proper care of the dead a icislly. HO EXTRA, CKARCfc FOR ALBANY, - - MASONIC The Oregon VI:n its heme S-A-LiSM - - ine Gray BlocL, corner Liberty and MAKES a specialty of fruit tract near Salem Will soli 5, 10 or 0 acre lots at $50 to $6 0 per ere small cash payment lore tim? on balance or par ticu la3. NEW : FLJFN1TURE, MY STORE .SHOW FUU. OF FIRST-CLASH FURNITURE, CONSISTING f lied room sets, cheirr, Icnnnes, etc., which I will sell at BOTTOM PRICES. Tbos. Brink. fyZi JZS - . aw illl.l.v: IMIG PHTOflKlHKK1 egem ALBANY CIGAR JOSEPH. MANHOOD Powr.Ucadachu.Waxefalnem.Lu.t iai,l,.i ni, ..Ir.'Vi-- uniTyrHauiiii, jw uiBit.o, " i f. 'ad to YMl pocwi. wa mgv.iursa, Inuntata. A.k font, take lo plain wrapper. Address lnAlbany.Ore.,byJ. A. CUatAINU HAIU ISU lUM,u I'.,,'! re. tale and Children. Castoria curt i Colic, Constipation, Sour SUawtch, XViarrhoea, Eructatioo, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di trestion. Without Injurious medication. "For rx-rersJ years I hare recommcuJos your ' CacViria,' and shall always continue u do so as It baa Invariably proioced beneflcia leeults," Enwnt F. Paatvyjc, M. P.. ISli EtaM at 7!h Ave, New York City Tint Carrara Cohpaxt, 77 Mlluy Stbxxt, Raw Yoaa Cm. DR. SAXDF.VS Kl.KCTRIO BELT milk tlMtra Mamnir BllMS eary w.u cure wliheai asedlclaa i! o.'tb. sboT.txoabiaa. Thueewba an.- from N'rrvea. Debility. l.or. Urate.. Last M iheoa, Pear M emery, alt reamle Ceaf electa, and ac-eral III beau. i he effect, of abases, excesses. Warn i rr-.ure. will find relist sndprm (4 care in oar msrreioas tnreoUon, v . i ii requires DnainuiotuinBcl i bs dom sAcp'IcmI. In tgrpomnoe off ea ects yoa mar bare aadaiy draftee . -urKTsi vr-i erf nerve fores and vl 1111 . Mh.cL is electricity-sad thit niwjjmit weskness or lack ot forte. .! yoa rep see into year system tbe cfeKenta thee drained, which are re. cmre.1 for toroos strwoath, yoa wiB neon be nine ud health, ueaatb sad rif r wil follow at once. Tat u oor pian and traataseat, aad we mm a car or sew am. I to their recoecry after aatag oar LAME SACK AMD RHEUMATISM. Portland O i . rulsnhst 11 Or. A.T.I Sam - Wdwork. corama-i ' Unl ln ials trass JLh. from .UraYtilmV teVrarT t am a bak - " - ' llaillii ibad B wna ill bo nam eae or rear neita. it baraae sse :a- id. of tw darv snd I ooatiasr I to aaritfor fom asoasba. baina tai krl i cnraA. That wm two resit o. tnl l am a, a. , tolaj m 1 r am i. Bl Ufa I snowTOar or I wail. .jl. aid I ka.w leteet anplswhe aawe naat earas tber weald try Is aacy ia ua world, i am uin an iaa.tlr.aa art I begUJ to talk with sajea. ROBERT BCRReL. vrrAiNOV:ir.oTH. ray faa rataraiw sud atu r month, am at the bglasl ssyeslf twia. ae .. e. badara. My ma , arran, aa eay jneas 1 t 1 macb taemaw thebetSea i truly ax-ski tuanLzs - ELECTRiC BELT as to be seedy worn dartnc wrk or BUmt fad If " mrnmn ail waaa pans, or we lorreis ' theareatest boon srer rlren weak men. aad ,MkrM 1 .1. tr mm. m..u. all sfsaas of nistmrn In .ti . uiMbefscwsH Address tor fall i i uuort & IRVING and - Embalmers. HEARSE OR SERVICE , TEMPLE, - - OREGOf JLand Co office at - OHEGO T State street, branch rtfice In I'ortlanu Cabinet photos from $1.50 per dozen. cnlaiglng plc'.uret a lMCt'07i ncc'llr- ' crayon- framed ...f jwjrsn. ,1 t but a i.iyc HOCK ol 5x8 and r.teiescop'e views of Or- Proprietor RESTORED! "aL?JV!!!!uZ lihsr sexesz: ..iv;.;zkj;ir. .i..:-i"r:r:''urv v. -;ues or sum- kot. ! Derbox.f6riu.V Tb.'mi : . .... " W..""aB "-"d"'" "t VWWI.1(IIUH V. Ill -.ItH Can r... carried In Iras writUs tesrsstM 1. i.r. m rufbait 11 ..w k. , noother. Write for fn . u.w. ...i ARK T aCKII w.,w . 1. 'i'.niwe.oiulu and by UODOto A H' "A THURSDAY i , I an Indians Talk. The following from the Vendition E t) aives an amnsinif dis sertation by an Indian in which he gets off some of the unreasonable causes for hard times advanced oy even some white men: "Liberty" is one of the best known Indians on the reset ration. He has become sufficiently familiar with people so that he has thoronghlv learned their language and expresses himself in no uncertain manner when commenting on things and events in general. The fol lowing conversation actually took place in a Pendleton store between Liberty and aclerk. Liberty came into the stare a few days since and said : How are you feeling now. t tie ciera remarked that there was no complaint on :he score of health, when Liberty said: "Oh, you're all right, onlv yon need fixing. What do you know ?'' The clerk began to opiae that the thermometer was ranging high, when Liberty drew on a wornout sang expression and anewered : "Don't for the love of the happe hunting conmld give me any such chesnuts. Tell me something which is fresh." Liberty was then asked what he knew and lie replied : "I know that I am down on the Stnfled Fhropbet who occupies the executive chair at Washington. It's not on account of his letter which wes read to the con gressmen on 'he tariff question. That letter waa all right. In fact I rather join him in his economic views and give them full endorsement. But what I kick abont is simply this when Harrison was president we Indians had plenty of money. Lat year the rains spoiled the crops and this year for some reason or other things have gone hadlv. I only know old Cleveland is president and should hire made money plenty among us redskins. He has failed and o I don't like him. I wonld be willing to dynamite him, boil him in oil, or do any other desperate thing. I've got it in for Cleveland and don't care who knows it." A Slnkin tearmer The foUowlng from the Telegram is abmit a river steal er that forrutrly nav'garcd this part of the river. Shcitly before noon "today the steamer Sa'.err., a tight draft river boat, belonging to Captain G K Tar lor, and lying at anchor in the Willamette north east of Rosa island, gaak to the bottom. Nothing but the top of the pilot-house and the masts of the boat are visible. The Salem hat not been in use for oyer a year. The ves.el was tied up to u.-. Bailey Gatxert, which is at anchor east of the main channel of tne urer. The Salcci has been taking water lor some time past, a Kin 1mS k. . 1 ; . - iaa .M.g ui ri,iig m Mcr bottom, and this morning the boat settled. The damage to the property w'.ll not amount to much. The vessel ctn be eas ily raited and pumped out, which will be done at once. Rel'cs. Down at Hermann Wise's stote are a couple of curious specimens ot indiau telics, and if the story told by the owner is a fact, they are quite an cient. They are wooden dishes, hewed from some kind of bard wood anil carved at er the usual style of th coast Indians. A tag on one of them bears tbf inscript ion : "Coonage, chief ot the Chehalis Tlibe, alive and blind at the age of 100 years." The other reads. "Omnault, chief, 150 years old when he did." It does not state, however, when t hief Omnault turned up his toes, and nothing remains to indicate what tribe 01 Indians he presided over, but is supposed that they were a tribe of the Chehalis. Chief Coonage was born on the same day that good old Captain Gray sailed into the broad Coiumbia. cne hundred and three years ago last May. There are but a hundred of the old Chehalis Indiana now living. Astori an. Prolific Fcchsias The Shedd cor respondent of the Democrat vesterdav told cf a storm king fuchsia, with 104 blooms on it. Last evening at the resi dent of Mr Geo S Warner the Man about Town was shown a storm king fuchsia, two sears old upon which there are at least 2U0 blooms and an manv buds. 106 bloom, were counted on one side ot it, abont half of the fuchsia. Mr and Mrs Warner have the finest collection of fuchsias in Albany, eighteen different varieties, some being fifteen vears of age with etalks nearly as big as one's wrist. Their assortment of geraniums is also large and fine. Thr State Kibkmkn's Toi hmmum will take place at Oregon City on Sept 3rd and 4th. It is to be hoped Albany will ser.d a team, even though the in ducements are much less than in the past. Following will be the prcgram : September 310 a ui, grand parade, with Oregon City teams acting as escort to visiting firemen ; coon, banquet to vis iting firemen ; 2 p ru, hub and hnb race, nrgt prize second prize iio ; 7 .30 I m, meeting of State Firemen's Associa tion. September 4 10 a lm. hoee con test with water, first prize $100, second prize, 950: - p m . state association cbatrpion hose race, first prize lii. second prize 50. iirand ball in the evening. Declared a Vaokast. The caae of the city agt Charles Mummery for vagrancy was tried betore Kecorder Henlon last night and argued this morning by N M Newport ior toe piaintinaod A t Mowe, of Lebanon, for the delendant. Upon hearing the testimony the Recorder ren dered a verdict against the defendant and imposed a fine of $10. The result signi fies the policy of thecitr in such matter. Men without visible means of euppo-t will need to look oat. Or. Price's cream Belting Powder World's Fair HI chest Award. "Only the Scars Remain," Says Hexky Hudson, of the J;.mes Smith Woolen Machinery Co.. Philadelphia, Pa., who certi fies as follows; " Among the many testimoni als which I see in regard to cer tain medicines performing cures, cleansing the blood, etc., none impress me more than my own case . Twenty years ago, at the ago of 18 years, I had swellings come on my legs, which broke and became run ning sores . Our family phy sician could do me no good, and it was feared that the bpnes would be affected. At last, my good old Mother Urged Me be try Ay er's Sarsaparllla. I took three bottles, the sores healed, and I have hot Often troubled since. Only the sears remain, and the memory of the St, to remind me of the good ;r'a aarsaoarllla has done me. i row weigh two hundred and twenty founds, and am in the best of health. I have been on the road for the past twelve years, have noticed Ayer's Sar aeparilla advertised in all parts of the Tinted States, and always take pleas tare in telling what good it did for me." Ayer's Sarsaparllla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Cures others, will cure you In H Rather hot weather. Mrs Reason MeConnell hat a healthy fig tree at her home in this city. Thesslaryof Sovereign, grand matter workman of the Knights of Labor Is $5000 a year. The Kissinger and Met jar warehouses In PortUnd were burned esUrdav about to o'clock, csuMrg a iosh of about $35 000. $107,693. Si of the pub Ic fi'hool funds have been ordered tlis'ributed . With 7, 225 school children f.lnn cou'.ty will re ceive $6 285.75 I W Case, cf Astoria, hat again closed his bank. It was closed a year ago, and placed In the hands ot a receiver; but up in the 6lgnlng of an agreement by deposi tor was opened. The German Babtist Brelhern church cf Mable, Mohawk valley, Linn counly, hat been incorporated and tetterday ar ticlet were rilled with the secretary of state. The estimated value of the prop erty Uftoo. C G Stahl, J it Millet and John Cochel are the directors and incor porators. We desire to call the attention of the good people of Crook county to tne fact that the editor of a country newspaper ,of all jnen earns his money. W-ille many of you are asleep he is studying and working to give you the news, lie doer many kind acts tor you you do not realize, still you cannot get along without him, but that he may live he must hare jour patronage. Review. A young man by the name of Lane was baptised in the McKenzie river at Hen dricks' ferry Sunday by Rev Eugene Finn, assisted by Rev Burnett. A pecu liar circumstance was the fact that during the service loggers were engsgxd not more than two hundred yards abo-e rolling logs Inlo the river. Rejist'r. The Chinese open season this year should have been extended a month. Young birds are being killed that should disgrace any hunter lo shoot a. The birds are a month iate thit year and are not old enough to rustic for v.- - Give them a chance. Mrs Merrill, mother of Mr ti F Merrill is in the city on a visit. Wm M Hoag arrived in Albany this morning fiom San Francisco. License was issued today for the marriage of B K Jackson and Miss M E Wilson. Mr Fred Fortmiller, of Portland, ia in the city on his first visit since going to Uist city to reside. John Millard. Mr Elder and Claud Vunk left today for the Aleea for an out in of several week. Paul Wallace, of Salem, a slndent in the Albany College, came up from the Capital City this forenoon on a bicycle. Mrs Frank Psrton, of Waitsbarg, formerly o this city, is now stopping at San Joee, Calif, for the benefit of ter health. Mr Loren Laughead i walking witi, a big limp caused by an accident to one of hia feet while helping to manipulate a load of oats. Mr A W (Jordan left at the Democrat office today a bunch of ever larartag strawberries that are very fine- They were planted Inst fall. Prof R N Wiight has been retained as principal of the Court street school in Astoria for snctber year. He has ten teachers nnder him. Hon Howell E Jsckson. Associate Jus tice of the U S Supreme Court is on the Sound snd will pass through Albany in a few dare- He is traveling in a private car, the Agawatu. Although a democrat he was appointed L President Harrison. Mr snd Mrs D P Mason and son Rockie, Mr Wiliian Fottmiiler and family. Charley Stewart and Charley Stern burg went to the Bay tbia noon. Also the Idanha party of last yea', of Si cm. con sisting oi about twenty persons.who will go to Seal Rock. For Jilv. The county officers .ave turned over their earnings for the month of July. As it is always a dull month at the Court House, Uie showing is not a flattering one. The fall months will soon overcome this though, and put the balance con-idcrablv in favor of the countr, probably excepting the office of rct'onler. roiiowing were the rewipw bv the Treasurer for the month : From N Neidham. clerk, 124.4";D F Hardman, recorder, $85.90; J A MaPher on, sheriff, 27 .85: total $238.20. About $400 was received from the sheriff as taxes. School t uraRtxrEsnEsrs. Following is a comple e list ol the new school superintendents of Oregon, which will be ol interest at least to the one hundred teachers now attending the institute in this city : W R Privett, of Bsker City ; Benton, R F Holm, Coivsllis; Clacka mas, H S Gibson, Oregon City; Clatsop. U S Lyman, Astoria; Columbia, J C Watts, Scsppoose; Coos, J H Barklow, Parkersbnra ; Crook. W R McFarland, Prineville; Curry, Wm S Gnerin, Len- glois ; Douglas. J A Cnderwood, Rose burg; Grant, N H Bon ham, l-ong Cieek , Gilliam, W v Kennedy, Condon; Har ney, Ciias rewell, Bnrns; Jackson, Gos xsewberrr, rhoenix ; Josephine. Alice Carton, Grants Pass; Kiauia'h, MraC N liordon, Klamath rails ; Lake, J J Mon roe, Lakev.iew; Lane, J C Stevenson, Eugene; Lincoln, George Bethert, To ledo; Linn, A R Rutherford, Albany; Malheur. Satan W Moore, Malheur City ; Marion, J 8 Graham, Salem ; Morrow, Anna J Baleiger, Heppner; iMuttnomsh. JH Ackerman, Portland; Polk, ' O Hutchinson, Dallas; Sherman, C E Brown, Grass Valley ; Tillamook, Carrie May, Tillamook ; Umatilla. Harriett C Wood raff, Pendleton; Union, Nellie Stevens, La Grande; Wallowa, Mrs Plactda K Boyd, K uteri rise : Wasco, Troy Shelly. The Dalles; Washington, W A Bond, Forest Grove ; Yamhill, J B Stillwell, McMinnville. Of this num ber eight are ladi?s, of whom only two are having a legal contest for the posi tions. Tuey Report. The R RCom's report '.hat the Oregon Pacific road is being kept in fair condition. All the money that can possibiy be spared from the re ceipts of the road is applied for repairs, aome important work has been done to the Albany bridge and trtstle approach fii the west side. The commissioners issutd orders that these repairs must be made and Receiver Clark has cheerfully applied the necessary funds for that prr pose. As the summer season is open and there is increased travel seaward, the business of the rnsd is reported to be much improved lately. Albany Shut Out. There is an Ir refutable fascination about the always proposed and alway. hoped for exlenalon of the Oregon Paean: cast wai J. Oregon Ian. Yet; and a fascination that will be real ized some day, and when Its rea'lzatlon comet Salem will reap the btneritn. Statesman. That is unkind not ta give Albany and the rest of the Valley a chance at the benefits. Please, jutt give us a small share cf them. Inasmuch as we are al- leady on the road and haye been to some expense in tne way ot bonuses and the like. Teacher's Examination. . Notice is hereby given that for the pur pose of making an exiunination of all per sons, who may offer themselves as candi dates for ten ners ot the schools of this county, the county school superintendent thereof, will hold a public examination in the county court house at Albany, Or, com mencing at l o'clock p in. Wednesday Aug 8, 1894, and to continue two days. AH applicants for state certificates, stale di plomas and state life diplomas will present themselves and file recommendations. No applicant will be admitted to the examin ation who is not present at its opening. Teachers who intend passing the exami nation will find regular attendance at the institute profitable. Dated this 26th day of July, 1894. A R Rutherford, School Supt Linn Co. FEIDAT Will not me DiaTunitKii. I Ion LT Barin, who nine years tilled the position of register in the land office at Oregon t "it v. and who is well informed in rcgurd to land laws, was recently interviewed in regard to the dispatch from Detroit, on the upper Santiani, giving U account of the alarm created pmong settlers in township 10 south, ranges 5 and (i cust. by the appearauco among them of Bpacia! Agent Parte, with the object of determining the character of the land. His object, it is supposed, was cancellation of their filinga. The lands ore within the Cascade reeerve, but were filed on before the reservation was made. It is understood that the agent claims the lands are timber lands and unfit for cultivation, and, therefore, cannot lie taken as home steads. Mr Barin says the only question in volved is the good faith of the homesteaders. If these parties settled on that land before the establishment of tfcit reserve in good faith, with the intentiirtijffnfctking ? ..home there, they wiln rrroferHar The quesions that will arise is net the amount of timber on the land, but the intention of the set tler in taking the land, and if it was for the purpose of making a home there. Statesman. Another PlOXSXR Dead. Mr Eliza beth Denny died at Jefferson at 5 o'clock this morning, after a lingering illners, at the age of 7 years. Mrs Deunv was born in Massachusetts, moving to Ohio, ami from there to Oregon in IH52. Awhile after reaching here her husband died at the home of Mr Win Ralston, and she was left with several children to battle with the world, which she did well, gaining the respect of manv. Sb leaves six children, one Hon 0 N llenr.y. of national reputa tion; another Presley lvnny ia a leading attorney of Salt Lase City; Mr John IVnny is a j-rospcrous farmer residing near Ix'Xta no;MrsWm Ralston and Mr W H ti. ilt ra are among Albany's most respected eitizens. and Mrs Pike a worthy resident of Eastern Oregon. The deceased had been a uitralcT of the M E church for probably over 50 years. Her character was a stainless one. The remains will be taken to Lebanon tomorrow afternoon for burial, and service will be he!d in that city during tiie after noon. TheO. A. C. The catalog of the Stale Agricultural college is an interesting piece of literalore- It shows that Linn county has twenty students there as follow.. ; DP and J E A dam son. of Halrey, Lain Bran don, of Plainview; A D Monison. of Oak ville; W D Porter, if Sbedd; Anna Ward, of Brownsville; Arthur Wood, of Albany; S R Archibald. Tangent: Wads BJerin. of Tangent ; Lulu LimLey. of Spicer; Sarah Morrison, of Oakviilei Maude Pierce; of Rowland; G L Porter, of Sbedd: Otis Tay lor, of Uahjev; Ida Ward. Plainview; DM' Ufwt;. 1 n.,.,,- 1.. 11 :n-. i Waiter Hcde.'Seio: IVra Portew. ftlwmd Frank Ward. Plainview. In twenty-fom y-ars tnere bare been NO graduate-. 'f these the following are Linn BR tf people: George I Durkbart, of 71. !rm-r: J K W'latherford. '72. lawyer: J Fred Yates. '83; Minni McFarland. If; Iravid P A damson. 'SI. Among other well known graduates are Robert Veatcb. 1" S Resnster at Hosebanr W R Priielt Superintendent of Baker couctv; Piof L N i-irtret:. rnctvt ie Yt ra t ll.-rrin erji ol the leading lawyer of Sa-j Francisco; J R Brvon. a Cnrvailts lawt er of Wm E Yates, of CorvJlu. Back ix b'" -John rV4jneider. of Eugene went to Germany teutly on a visit to his former home. Hi fx rertenoe was that of others, and as toW '-y him in a letter to a Eugene friend is interesting: ' Yesterday the ball eminence rolling. The poiios got alter me here at home. I was at ' dance and s-iroe feliow. asked the police ! 1 . ,.l.l . .... I . r ' tx.:. 1 try. He asked me if I was Nrhnewler I ', t.dd hi m yet. lie was sr ;nz to lake me .r .-. .-.I ... 1 -a 1 1.11 1.: i'. m Jmtt 1.11. ' a 1 ;i 1 v 1 mm 1 not too fast for 1 was a citizen of the S I niteJ States He took n:y papers and , told me to anrmr at Ihe rnurl h.Hise ne morning at 9 o'clock . Next morning the ' ball commenced. Tbeiodce me how lonjr 1 ir in t.rennany. 1 ota cim an 1 ex 1 a - - . . , 1 , - , 1 puunea tne wnote tntng. tie snake t,anis with me and told me to go to some other place. Therefore I think to say good bye to Germany the 23nl July on the sterner Funt Bit mark. Tub Isfrtrrvra. Work oontincc with increasing interest Prof. BIoss of the ( A C arrived in Albany this noon and will lecture at the opera house touicht. The program will be presented as ginning at abont S o'olock. D The following additional teachers ?re in attendance at the institute: Detroit--John A WelU. W aterloo-J B Wirt Sweet Home Lrttie Jackson. C F Blr- be. Portland -DW Jarvi. Albany Prof Scott. Hillsboro J H Stanley Corvallis J M Blots. Total enrollment. 128. A II iy Ma beet. -J T Gregg, formerly secretary of the State Agricultural society is new locaieu ti tn Ke Cain, lie writes to a friend as fobows: Hay and grain wi.l brins? srreat prices. and regonians should prepare to f urcish California large quantities of hay I would advise the Oregon oaoers 10 rec ommend the raising and baling of hay with a view of shipping sooth- Oood hsy is worth from $2o to $24 per ton. It will be cheaper unless Oregon hsy can b put down here for less money. A Patrxt Laddsr G W Crnron and J A Dobkins have invented a ladder that may bring them good returns. For about six feet it has steps like a step lad der, and from these one can step onto a small p.atform and can raise hiniteli several feet more. It is just the thing to use when picking ftait or pruning trees, also very bandy for painters. The inventors have applied for a patent. They will soon have some of the iadJcis for sale. Lebanon Advance. A Pboblkai- One day last weekSenator Jeff Myers and H D Travor went to Port land. Tbe tra:n stopped at Oregon City. They came back to Salem. Trover said be saw a wheel there that was I0V1 feet high and weighed 80,000 tons. Jeff said so too. Now tha question is how msny drinks does it take to make a wheel five feet in diameter Mo feet high? Inde pendent. The Asm snmkxt Stands Judge Bumett has filed his decision i t the case of the Oregon Bank, bettn before the last t rm of the circuit court for iht purpose of setting aside the assignment. He refuses the application to tet it aside, and 1 "deis it to s'and a- made. The best that can be done will never give more than a small dividend. The End 10s. The pleasant cfluct and perfect s.ifctv with which ladles may use the California liquid hixatlve. Syrup of Figs, under at conditions, make It their favorite remedy. To get the true and gt nulne article, look for the name of the California Fig Syrup uo, pttntea nar tiie ooitom 01 th-pack-sgc Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewrr hai restored gray hair 10 It original rol or and prevents ba'doess in thousand'. of catet. It will do to to you. Go lo Parker Bios for your gtoceriet. Wild Klack Kebriks. During the present season I will admit persons to my wild blackberry fields at 50 cents per du . Will admit no one before Itilv !m. Berries not very plentiful. ' K Wn.t.H. Talk Is Cheap; but when you come to facts every body knows that Crawford A Paxton take better photographs than any other gallery In Oregon and at a low prices as the lowest. Fret street adjoining Masonic Had. jr. PflctVa Cre&m Halting Powder Most Perfect Mndd. The Marlon county Democrat of Sa'em nai suspended publication. awtaa encap excursion will be run to Hie Bay one week (rom n xt Sur.duy. The largeit life insurance policy ever paid In I'm til a county. It is said, U that of the late R u Thctnpson, $10,200. In Marion county the receipts for 'u!v were as follows; Clerk, S1U7 is: Sheilff, $83.40; Recordfr, $15; je. To'sl 14.35. Being unable to go m-nev to pay his fine last evening Charles Mummery signed an agrevmen' lo leave the city and remain away . The Wanl of Cores the tlze of Oregon, a most exactly. The population is io,ooi,ow. it ir an absolute mon archy wtih five depsrtmects. In the 'ac of State agt Charies Foren arretted for an assault alleged lo have been made a rear ago, after tria', the defendant was discharged. The Sfgul servlre says "clear station ary weather, pos.ibly a thunder storm . " It bad a thunder s'o'm down lor a day or two ago; but it failed 10 put in an appear ance. Foabay and Mison are naw doing busi ness in their own block, opposite the old store, occupied b them for fifteen cars. Their new quarters ate light, commodi ous and M1 arranged. The Loyal Mrslic Legion will have i-s tegnlsr tMe, Friday, night at 8 o'clock in A OH W had. "All compan ions are requested to be present. Musi ness of importance. By oder of worthy councilor. A fe-v teams have been hauling t'rtw to the paj-er midt this week. Onehun. dred learns will commence hauling next week. '1 he company desir-.t to jet more straw this tear than tbey have procured In any seaon heretofore' Lebanon Ad vancc. Members cf the state hoa'd of rat road commissioners state that affairs in their line are se.y qu!t just at present. Thlt Is the scas n of comparative Insctivity with that lnv'y. Statesman. We shou'd like to know Then their active season occurt. P. rhaps, cn pay day. Mr Page's residence, three or four miles norlheas: c-f Sweet Home, was burn ed one day last week. The amlly were working in the garden some distance from the hou .e and acie not awire of the fire until told by nme of the reighbors who happened to discos er it. Tl-ey hastened to the scene of the conflagra'lon, but were too late to save even the contents. Ad vance Twenty one jea.-t ago yesterday Port land's biggest fire recurred : 1 he fir I sU'ted at 4:30 am on August 2, ibjj.and before I: was ga: under control 23 blocks were destroyed. The loss was $i.34$.4io end the Insurance $570,000- The Albany company was telegraphed fir. the fircbell was rang and the erg ne wa placed uron car, wti-n a ei.patcl was rtcrvcd " a I Ae sffi.'avlt ha. been prepared by the -ooihern t'acinc, to be signed b emp oye desiring reinstatement, declaring that the aS3t has resigned his me.nbersUp In the A R U, tnJ tr.a he will never again join that organization ; second, iha he alii not jolt nny union or brotherh od for 1 he term f fire years ; third he wi'il not become a member of anr later . organisation during the Kme he it rmp o. - , ,u . - -1 " Mr Thoa Jones came up from PortUnd last evening to look after hw ton who recently had a leg broken. Mr Herbert Foiger. geteral agect for the X Zealand Ins 1 j.S N Steels K-od agent, ra. in the city today. Mr and Mr George W Hochstedier will leave tomorrow morning for Washington, to attend the grand lodge K of P. Mr t'harie Cosick. Pharmacist at the stale insane a.vlum. was in the city this Mr Harrv Firker. brother of Use Parker Bros is now located at Denver, where he , ,. ,n , , , . . ' l1 -TTZTA ' ".J . "" su'c Frv m t!.. I'.an- Enterprise. pub tail- h'he.1 at L Banos. Mertvsf cvinty. fvrnia. w, ee that Miss Olive Long, form erly one of the sooceful itevhets of this ' f, has bee j granted a grammar grade certificate upon a normal grade certificate granttd in this state. I S May. who has for tbe last year or : more, bsra in Southern Oregon developing a placer gold mine, returned last Friday, and will remain in the city until tbe rains of next winter supply water with which to successfully carry or mining Scio Press. Mr George Lira sou the Apollo of W F's Express Company, a well as a nimrod o eijerience. has returned from a trip o Tillamook county, made with several Ore gon City friends. They had a glorious time, caught plenty cf hh and killed sev eral bear. Mr C B Irvine, of the Salem Statesman, and secretary of the state agricultural asso ciation, went to 1 he Bay today. He reports several new attracsiont for the state fair, with bright prospects of asucvestsfolseascm. Mr Irvine is an energetic young mm well ijuaiified to fill the position. The Dalles Times Mountaineer tells of j some more big walkers: Last Saturday evening, when the Time Mountaineer was being printed, a stringer apparently, weather-beaten and covered with dust from "roughing it." came into. the office and pleasantly saluted the editor. For a time we were not aware whom we were address ing. but soon ascertained the fact that the gentleman was Hon Lydell Baker who had made the journey from Portland over the mountains on foot. He was accompanied by Phot Francis K Lloyd, of Pacific uni versity at Forest Grove, and who had made the trip for the purpose of gathering spec imens of Mora and plants indigenous to the Cascade, of which he bad made a very choice selection. They nude the aeent ot Hood with the Mazamas. and then con tinued their journey to The l-Rii Amputated. Our readers will re member that a few weeks agi a gentleman by the name of Thomas Morgan was run over by thp overland train at lialsey. and was so badly injured that it was necessary to amputate one of hi legs. Being very old, the flesh did not heal, but liegan to de cay, and on last Wednesday Dr. Geary, of Halser. assisted by Dr. Starr, of this place, amputated the member a second time, this time just abore the knee. The old gentle man is gradually growing weaker, and it is feared that a fs'W more weeks, at most, will end his earthly career. The extremely warm weather we are having at present greatly lessens his chances of recovery. Times. Ho East v ia Thk Union rAciric. All repair are now complete! and the The Union Pacific trains arc running through without change, leaving Portland dally at 7 o'clock P m, carrying Pullman and tourist sleeper te.'Umrg chair car etc. Cheapest and shortest route to al'. points east. For rales and Information ca 1 upon Cl'RRAN A MONTEITH. Local Agents. When rravrllax. Whither o'i pleasure bent, or buainess. take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of p'e.tantly And ef, r ikts, as it acts most p (ectually on the kidneys, liver and bowels preventing (ever, headaches and other forms of sickness. For sale in 50c and $1 bottle bv all leading druggists. Manu factured by the Cctiforila r Ig Syrup Co onlv. Julius Ghadwoiu. informs us tha Ihl branch store 01, Second street wi 1 be open from this dav on in regular form of business. The tame will be a cash ttore. Come and try and ssilafy yourselves that t'ie cash system Is the only true one In bu.lne. H you take his advice vou wil! never have anv hard limes. J Gkadwohl. Buys Wool and Ghaix Mr A Senders announces to the public that he is in the field to buy wool, grain, hides, potatoes, etc. Call on him at his headquarters at ihe store of M Stern burg, corner First and Broodalbin streets, Albany. Highest of all in leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Rofcl ABSOUTELY PURE SATURDAY Foiirj i.cse Tiiku. flie San Francisco Examiner is makinir a bit? liiAt to obtain the foreclosure of the "gentwStmi mort gages, on Ibe Parifij foast railfoad. and people generally are signing the petitions jo me government akmg tor t'ie sam:-. Thousands of names are going in. she following is enough to show the tenor of the petition: That the bonds issued by the government in aid of the constmetion of the Central Pacific, Union Pacific, Western Pacific. Kansas Pecific, Central Branch and Sioux City and Pa-ific Railroads will begin to mature on lanuiry !''.. 80S, and will all fall due within tue'fd owing four years. That the principal of these bonds amounts to 9UjKt,Ht and the interest paid by the government cp to May 31. IVM, and not lepaid by the companies to $72,362. 227.15. That the companies are under oh ligations to repay the sum j advanced as the bon-Jt mature, tha' these obligations are secured by second mortgages on the road", but there is no prolrabiTity that any attempt will be made to meet tbem. That the roads have been so managed as to dim inish the value of the government stenr tr and furnish plaiitibie reaf -ns for making aach a compromise as would leave the debts of the- company by future generations of stockholders In view of thi-se facts we eaixet!y beg that no extension of time, on any terms whatever, be grantee for' be pay ment of the Pacific railroad debts, but that immediately on default in meeting the ma tured bonds the mtrtgages be foreclosed, and the roads bid in by the government And operated as national enterprise. WoxDERiti. Wars The bipgert liar in Oregwi h writing to the Eugene ljuard from Foley springs. He is a resrular Munchansen. or perhaps an Eli Perkins. Here it a little of bis stuff : This is an ideal mniSAfaiil resort. ru.inir mv short star 1 , a. "a "",7 ""J "T ,lrT enrvsl rtf asraamwaBHaram III , rhMim.t:.,n 17 of goat, and 40 of various smaller ills. .mo.u, am. mamjmw. w u.a. The springs proper are a xotiJer-not be - r-V- "-"f '-11 IUUOIJ III OtlMTZ pt-S : IWI IHI MJMl U of th pecuhar quality r-f the water, no fire is ased to rook with here. The meat is boi'ed in the tttr us well as eggv. Coffee and tea are made by putting tbe necessary material in tb- bailing walcT, and bread is baked by beating the oven by tbe steam of tbe water. A siring of this kind wonld be a great advantage to js pie living in a country where wosjd is raw if located there. Many c-f tbe ladies here who could now becoming tbe rivals of the men in ath - letic sravts They fish iU.c lite hail rr.n foot races, lot and jump just as we'd a.- tbe Ictd of creation. - Vlon .av afternoon, two A Ntw Sla. men. soiied and travel stained as to' theirlirkorv shirt and orersrst were res!' dining in a shaly tOace along the roadside ' near town, while their hcrses munched the . rank gravs. Their worn saddles and other , baggage were Iving in a heap The re- porter sat down by them on a log. ve.- the Santiaui mm, tbey said, they had come from east at tbe mountains, and were ; not exactly Unking f r wjrk. vet if thev irnld strike anything to do they would take , it in. "How far is it to the ocean from here"?'' asked one of tberu." ''Abon two : car. travel. "VStre: travel. "Where ; the -south tnn( Sea r"' chirped :.n bis pard. "I have bearn spoke about tiiat sea often. ' " " i"bere is no such sea." replied the scribe "The Pa cific extends the whole length of QHMM an-1 war oter to China and the two p-;es. The ,vutb Ann Sea isn t in it tie s.-yml with show Ah. "remarked I stiroris,- "tbev told ns over et Klamath that we woold come to the South Ann Sea. Any land a ; ton. Miss Alice Steiner and At Hopf. of Ldlow could take cp nea--the ocean 'r'" Ore- Salem, were in Albany today on their way on City Courier , to Detroit. Uric Work. We are sureiv a great rra Foor. of the Oregon Lard company, people, for every petition sent lo congress ! west to A.bany today on hedge business, from this place has been honored. Only He was accompanied by F M Townsend. two weeks ago our citizens sent in a peti j Salem journal. lien praying that the Halsey mail routs- be ! Joe Meyers and family retnrned fo BeU re estatilisheil. and this week Postmaster nap springs this morning. Mr Meyers hus Jacb receive. I a favorable reply, and is now not been well and finds that the springs asking for bids. Ti e sen bd will be the are a great help to him- same as neiotv. vavim: rrownv;..e I i :30 a at every Tuesday. Thurs.lay Satunlav. arriving at 3. 30 r w. Tbe tract will be let fat three year and months, laginning (Moher 1. ISU. ending June .19. ISts. Time. . and "T" D' '" l-ll List evening Den tier and . A COKVAUJS Rt XAWAT a the Misses Geilatlv. Lieut Will Kls wen- natauMS in from tlie Oel latiy place to attend ihe concert, the team which tbey were driving becaiu.- scared at a wootl rack as they were sTOssing the bridge orer tbe south fork of Mary's river near Philomtln. and lacing up a--ainst the railing, troke it down, an-l threw Miss lelia Ciellatly into the gulch, badly sprain-1 ing a wrist and ankle. Miss Jennie and the lieutenant escaped without much in - jury, while ill swung onto the horses and in some unnncr tai ins leu suoui.ter arm badly bruised. Informer Fatal accident - John Dick , s Si'.etz Indian, met with a fatal secidem yettrrday hunting on Otter Creak ,01 the reservation In getting on his ; r -c the hatnn-er of hi gun the tadd'e in some way dis chargin; it, ihe entire o-n ents g'lln; into the body of Pick, causing h!s death. He tlieil ai-nost Inttacily. Reports bar- Iicsmi received in this citv that Rev A L lltitc'iison. of the First Presbyterian church, who is now rusticat ing a short above Vehaun. is t proving himself to be the champion fi-her-man of that section. The othtr day l.e hooked a trout nine inches in cireumfer- j ence and eighteen inches in length, and has caught many other, ot size -Statesman. Religions Scrv ices. Christian rlmn h : The subject of sermon at the Christian church Lord's Day morn ing Aug ,'. will le "A Change of Heart.'" It is repeated hv special resincst. In the evening the subject will lie. by special re- j quest of the county superintendent of ; schools, a .wrmon on an educuticual topic entitled "Tn KTUS of Mental lhssiiKi tion." The sermon of the series on Martin Luther will b- deterred one week. All are most cordially invited. At M. E. church: Preachini' morn ing and evening by the pastor. Recep tion ol tltesnben in coumvtion with the 10:.'!0 A. M. service. Sunday school at o -;U1 1- m Junior I.imicoo :it '.:'.Vt) l-. m Kpworth League meeting at ti:4o. At 7.45 P- M tlll. p1,stor w;h lm.ach a ser mon to the school teachers, by reaoedt of the county Wlfi iiiIiiUbmhihI Subject "lake Haste Slowly." AH are welcome to these services. j T. Abbott, piistor. "Chriitianitv and Pleasure" is t sub ject of the men s nuvtiiig tomorrow at 4 p m at the Y M C A rooms. You ore wel come. Notice to Farmers. Having rented the Magnolia Mills and wivrehouse we are prepared to store ICOOtiO bushels of witeat and oats. We also have a first class chopper in the house and are making special inducements t) secure storage. See us l?fort uuiking arrange nients for staring. Gko F Simpson. G W Simpson. Did you know that hill: ma.t .1 finest photos, tee the new samples and get his prices. Baking Powder HOME AND ABROAD A pension has been granted Miles Rainwater of Lyons. Tne Alb f Weekly Derrocrat ia 33 years old. It Is an excellent paper Eugene Gn rd. Some pr perty of Geo W sVagoner is being sold a- sheriff ' tale in Ben too county to satisfy a judgment against him. During Jnly in Benton coanty the e'erk collected S50, the recorder $36.30 and the tneriff less than $50. The Albany Democrat it thiny years old. The oldest democratic paper iii the sta e and one of the test. Corva'Ha fn-for-ro r. T'-e H'rrisburg Lumber Co hat putchased the machinery belonging to the C'ridtr A Seats taw mill of Dslias. and are 10 moving it win. teams to Harrisburg, where it will be operated by water power. The legs to be used t-y the mill will brought from iht Mckenzie valley Guard. In this county the "steel ores" are being told for $73 on November promis sory - 1- Some of t'ie fanners, may be a number of them, that buy these p'etty, high-priced stove for a promise to par, will in fali find cash mighty tctrce and wish the old woman had worried along a ehile with tne oid, cracked cast-iron, feT iow and the smart treed stove young fellow was in JericSo. Oregon City Courier. Ditto here. 1 be At'otia Budgett gets hat at follows : There I nothing ia this economizing business -this everlasting "cutting down" and reducing expense. That 1 one of the thingt that make hard times. It ra unea'led for i.i ninety-nine cases out of a hundred. C Some men atoo their parer. go ignorant cf wl a ia transpiring or else ; HV -leal somrborfy else, readtrg. I . . . m xne 'ong lawed -nerchani with moss from his collar-button to the end of hie spine, takes out hU ,d, a)d beT1 arvund lnd , ch . ,a ch.w, boot co buJ ; ae and -lotten" newspapers. Another class of cut down their fruit b:l-s, their vegetable bills, their meat bills and feed their families on fodder fit only for flat headed Indians and pelican to chew on. They would rather pay the difference for ratent pills and 1 kx in the cemetery. SOCIAL AND PfcRSONAL. Hon M C George, of Portland, came up , 00 noon train. I rof Crantton. of leer Lodge. Mon is : n tbe city, attea-iing the insutnte. Frank Simpsnc and Claud trahan will 1 feTLtLU 11 J llTl for M mtlaS , . , - - .. . " " ! Cm gg ' w Nehaiem on a Mr Ar hur Edwin Porter 1 taking his summer vacation at Newport, the guest of Mr W hitney. Mr W F Read again suited last even ing for Kansas City to visit ber sister, who is seriously ill. Abner PenIietonGaine.'eoeni,y referred to in an item in the Dan oca at. resids-s in Corvallis. Miss Abbie Fry left Saturday for Albany, where she goes to attend her brcther Fred, who U very tick. Lebanon Express. Eight muscle dancers fresh from the niidwtnter fair, were in Albany today on their way to the interstate fair at laco- - ma. Mrs G Steiner. Mr and Mrs Walter Den- Ur. 1 P iMmm. Ufl' li' in..t.n ill Ia nail K.r . 1 rwma wtA mends. be will also nst relatives in Kentucky before returning. The Rice rkil.lnM. I.,yiinnanurl liac a. fj, .a l-.-w. ! land to visit Mrs Rice. Ashland Record. Mr W R Blain. of Albany, came down Saturday to assist Rev Bryan and wife in l. - . - . their series of evangelical meetings which they are holding in their big tent on v lute's addition west of town, just south of the motor track. Independence Enter prise. 1 rol t. citon uiancnaid. tcrmeriv prm- . ipa! of the Corvallis public rvhools. has cepted a pofessorship of political economy , at Grand River Institute at Austinourg. ) Ohio. Prof B'anchard's theories regarding ! money are becoming widely and favorably ; Known tnrousi. tne ea-tem Mates. nmes. H B W'iUiamson rcturnesl yestenlay fiom Butte. Mont., where he has been sereral weeks in quest of employment. He says that 900 V S troops, brought to that city during the late strike are still quartered there and that ail kinds of business i$ us ually quiet and employment scarce. Hon Ge.Tge W Wright, of Albany, is a candidate for the office of Receiver of the 0 Iind Othcc at Oregon Citv. Should I ,he administration see fit to make a change. tnev can no no oeuer soan appoiom ar Wright, as he ts in every way qualified and and would make an efficient officer. Brownsville Times. Correct. Win McMahan. who resides near liai se v. passed through this citv Monday, on his return home from Crawfordsville. Mr McMahan lears tbe distinction of having hauled the largest load of lumber hauled over these roads this year, he having brought down MM) feet sat this occasion. Brownsville Times. Mr Crawford packed np his tent ahd went to Newport fuesday. As a photogra pher Mr Crawford, of Crawford A: Paxton, Albany, has maintained tiis position at the head of his profession for years, his work always proving first class. While here he printed some elegant photos, among tbem one of Toledo, which is absolutely perfect. If you want a 'ikeness that will be true to nature, Crawford is the artist for you every rattle it-the box. Toledo Post. 1 he train to the Bay today was well filled with excursionists from Albany and other places. Among those from this citv were: W C Twoedule. J S Van Winkle and fam ily. Miss Lois liyer, Mrs E Y. Davis and daughter. W'm Emerick, D S Smith and family. Miss Lida Galbraith, Oscar 1 'an -nais, J 0 Bushnell and son. Mrs Westfall, Mrs Uotlieb and son lavid. Elsie Mar tin and sister. Ora McFarland, Clem Jones and T J Stites. There are not many instances where jeo ple have been married 60 years and are yet tinn in mind and body and able to keep house aad even make journeys by carriage unaccompanied by any younger person. Mr and Mrs Preston Barger, of near Har risburgi have been married 61 years. They were in Eugene the first of the week visit ing Preston's brother, James Barger. of this city. The aged couple came up from Uorrisburg in a carriage alone, and they get around in-ttor than most people who haven't lieen married half so long. They came r.cross the plains to Oregon early in the '50s, and had then been married 20 years, the righteous ceremony having Veen performed in 1833. In crossing tbe plains they were with toe 1 nilip Mulkey party. Eugene Guard. duarhiiteed to cure Bilious AttacSaa p itioii. Sinali Hue, lh av -. "As oU m the hills" actf never exceii cL "Triefl aad proven" is the verdict o f railiioa?.. S i m m o n a Kegrj- T , ialor ia th? thc jcslicioc tc which you can pin yoar faith for s cure. A mild laxa tive, and purely jg etable, act ing direciiy on the Liver and Kid- Th an Pills tsOTS. Soli Tn-it Drttss ,u Lfraut,tMiri '- 8 Lure:: -i: v . rra-a': T!.e Kict' l Urer "i r-d 1 1 III ilkSHIM halo" aisrl ... !i.ti;jti li ktfi rfa,l fv -r s, . :.. i- aicitiemc c --a , nmj lr lis SOS Temusi. IA j yt sO-KtEJ' PACK.-.; v tl e S sum ta res rj3 - rs ' it iteSEBd Gti! is larjrelv an "outdoor" product. Fresh air and exercise usually pro ds sound appetite and sound sleep. Hck.y chil dren obtain ionent from mutsion II with Hypo-f'at-food rap;J n and almost s hulk. ' ' rr W. L. Douclas d AUAP ISTHERCST. StaVta) OllW Eat SO SOUCAKINO. 5. CORDOVAN. M-tS! FBCIIsaFSowWrwI 5 2 . rL75 BcrsSMtSKEL LADIES- SEssa ran cttairsse L-DOUCLAS. BROCKTON, MASS. Yea cat eave meeey by ewrchaalaa IA . t Pawalee Sfcaee. Becassse. we ire tic Laricrst tns-glactsrers at sdTtrtiscsS allocs tat tbe world. aa4 roinstfc the vwlac by sta?ia- the use aad price ea Ot twttms. which protects yoa aatiast hifh p-n-cs sad the nmddlessas s prots. Oor sane tsqoal cttstoa work ia style, easy iliTaa assd wcarisg casUtieaa. We have thcta seli c-rr-y-wherc et fcrarcr prc for the valae lieu thaa anr other make. Take ao sabstitalc. If yoar dealer caoaot supply you. we caa. Sold hx THE I E BLAi -CLOTHING CO TeacJiirig is tee no West art 1-ut the sorriest trade." TENTH ANNUAL SESSION STATE NORMAL SCHOOL MvMlT!luRFt, A training school for teacher---, theory and practice combined. Strong professional course and wel equipped model school. Thorough preparatory and academic course. Normal. Advanced Normal, BoriMMB, Music and Art IVpartments. Light expenses. Board and lodgiits:, books and tuition not above Tlo0"" pair year. The town of Monmouth has abesutiful and healthful location in the verv heart of the W lllamette Valh y twelve miles semth west of the State Capital. It has no saloons. The Normal School diploma entitles one to teach in any county in the state without any further examination. 6xwt uates command good positions. Expenses. Tuition per term oi ten weeks ; Normal t.SS : Sub-Normal f": Commercial 6.2o. Boatxl and lodging : Board at Normal Pining Hail !.7V per week ; furnished rooms." with tire and light, from $1-00 to T1.2o per week. Board and lodging in private tamilies from 13.00 to $5.50 per wevk. Vitality and grow th have alwavs char actcrixed the work of the Normal" School . The coming war promises to be one oi the best inats history. Catalogues cheerfully .-ent ou applica tion. Address P L Campbth , Bresident. or W A Warm, Secretary of faculty. FOSHAY A MASON Vf0LtmA' AH ts lT4tL - Diygistsand Bookseller get.ta for John B. Alder's paolks 'ior m iteh we sen t pobllsher'a nrio- v v rt.tac' LB A 1 V. IIKKtlU 5.0O to!5 00 PER DAY a- home telling t.thening Plater and pkHlaa jew ery, watches, tableware, etc. Every house ha goods needing f atlng. .,0 ex perience; no capital; no talkt g. S-aSPt agents are rcak'ng i$ ac'ay. Perinai en ogltion. Address H K !- no Jt Co., Co mbus, Onio. 71 K BARGAINS in its., vial s 1 or c ill on Jamsa V t nruweil A Co Iwlltl'. I M great Seotts E of cod-liver c phospsilies, a of asstmtlatM as palatal . r. p g - -ft - . - aVaw - x. SSW: SV asm - ama. vi ' ?. '' i!; x- Ls.. ?55 11 "