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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1894)
s From . erminal or jrior Points th Mil Pacific Railroad I lS lino t taUt To all Points EAST art SOOTH rtln Ute OIMXt, CAR UOITK. It rims Through VtXI im I. BO Tit AIM FVERa OAY in tbe Year to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO 'NO CHANGEOF CARS.) Composed of Dining Cars Uusarpasscd Patlraan Dravvtag Kom Sicepsrs Of Latest Equioment TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. Bo tt.t, on bi j lastni.jto t and la wht i n lamlniH rj btlv free l I ( i i lUtd f r U ! lew of First or Sjtlll l tat tht.tSt. Bed ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A milium Lifti siaittSUttth al liim, affording Direct an d Un LHt9rrupt3fl. Sarvica. Pullman sleeper rese.-vAtions cai, b keoured lu advance through any agent of the roa.l. 1H ROUGH PICKETS to and from ail points i.i Araorica England and Europe can le purchaaed at Ml J ticket ornoe of (his company; Full irfirmati in concerning rales.tlme of trains i-ot'c. and other ietulafurn iahnd on appli.'itoj to auy agent, or A r CiiARLTON. -istaiK ()ifrwl Passenger Agent. No ttl Fr-t fit, cor. Washington, Portland, iiie.on. CO Barkivr.. local ag-tnt. 1 JdakaMaUaAnJaO il mm 7 LI SAI I LURE. Mm KANSAS CITY ST.L tl I DA?d TO 2 CHICAGO HOURS QU ANDSTHEEAST W UnilDQ Qm..J0 OMAHA QUICKER TO OMAI AND KANSAS CITY nuvru PUUMM AND TOURIST SLEEPERS, FREE PECLININQ CHAIR CARS. NUN CARS. S II M CUrk.. Oliver W Mink, E Eller Ar.dtrson, Receivers. i-'or ties and general information csil on or address Curran Ac Moiiteith.Albanv Oregon, or W U HURLBURT.Asst.Gcn l. Pass Agt, 25a '.Vash!ngton bt., Portland. Oregon ; Btrs V ' st kd on Salary and Commission THE ONLY AUTHORIZED tfraA of JAHES &. BULNE, By Gail Uauii.tox, bit literary executor, with thi eo-wp ration of bia family, and for Mr. ItNunnV Oesaplsea Wikr, ' Twitjn Yeaks OF ' OSOBES.," a. d ri later book, Political DlscPSatOaTS " One pr"p'ctns in- itiesjl 3 le-t selling bo ika in thn mar ket. A K P.I rdan ol Me. t'ok )l2ordbr !, ii.t llOealls; -eenf f .ri- 51SS50 Mr- HallMd 1 f 1 imk loonier- 13 'eai RtM, ia 1 -ia.: ;.r..ti 926.25. EN R n M -e ic 27 utters ia 2 tit. a; (.!: $47.2-. .1 i'.'.ni.t nfMe t.A 43 f dr frwai SG I -; 1 mSt $75.25 E A Palmer H . 53 o dfrs in tstajir; pr.ifi '3 15. I xcicsva Tfi.bitobt ,irn. I -li ttmsfca LA lit; K MCK . V writ t. dia tl- for terms to 1 llrarv Kill Pnfc. Co. .orwiek.Conn Gladstone has A clear lead I "VHY? hr lVaows dae rules: "Rtrpihe head cool, Us; teet -arm, nd th": bowels open." You can have a clear head and live to be n.nery if you do the same thing. When the bowcia fail to move dur ing Ihe day take on retiring two Smith's SmaM Bile Leans. Th-ir ccfion ii 10 mild thai you are not aware of it. AM d" y your mind will be clew pr.ool. "Not a gripe ir barrel of them." Ask for 'mall size. Takfc W. Sli sSaWsSS for SMI f t'S rax, lnn. .'li ., Sali-tn. 1 areas. X laattf luitliiv v. bund. miifitiin in. , iii,, - 1.00 i 5 " 1 EX DAY a-, home iln, m g PI i and plaM, g jew 'h-,-, tio'eitare, etc. Evrry i- -tods tleatdlnat riafSMg, No ex it ;nt capital) no talking. S ine - .' . 1 1 :t t'av. l'.-r naii nl i lljrn H IC I)n .v Co O ill. lions perk AgC ' ot V . m i rWEAK MEN Mitrie do . v too close p.icntioa to buBirraM se en) aTtnthl Btraln, Hf atiul KatcetMcs la mld- JellXc, r.r vi 4 biiolis contnict3d In Tnutb, sV: 'VJt TLXf-JIV uro v -unm to Xr VMia IvWllliy or !Khutitlon, WUm Wetak- C, livln- liny Ioe With Kurly He- ny In V lid tin" 'In Vounsntiti Mldtile lack of vigor iri '.ili, with ft 'HUB Impaired and renfciMi n i.i.-n.nniw!r in oppruachinu old ae. rtill MM is AY CCHE we niak fnm oowleMlyo of iiiuUi In man Choufuuid jeated ttiidrured in the jtvbt fifteen ynnn. Our Rieih'Nluf Intr.xliu'.Mir PrW. IiAK UKHH AIt l, PATIIal.e fveatiecnt Is one oom mends ttsoif to ail Bcnelble persons tor tl.e reunr .1 tbat wo supply it UOB tho.r Judffiiientof tUTalue. Nothing tn thb way vt eipeune beyond ptjstnl cnt and a two cent M)htaie stamp Is asked. Tho postal f ird for use 111 soiiuniK ub ineir 1 11 11 satire j ora tne pont 9 46 manip forUie li-tter roturnliul (he statement tbelrcHftofor wblch we supply them tvllb our a. tlon blank, to be in li-cl 01. utid a sclf-addreaior envelope) for use in retnriiina it wben flXJecL "Til aataw a reeelvo the at slttn Sill U LIEKod blankm prepare elirht, daya. V TDiai trentuientand forward It Ly mall wa ' "'St priimylnirp,MitaKO.AionstulttiB tieatrrmnt wo rvd full dlreclioni for uslns. The treutment oauaua no pain or InconTenienoe and duea not prevuntaltentlun to bualnnaa. VreloavetUe mtitterof seirdliis orders entlrr-ly with aalns; the free trial ire..imut. Ua Ins aatisttird thoae sending for trial pncknicca of our abuity to oenottt them we feel tbat tbey era store lurxi-iy Inu-rrsted Hi .-si - otr lelvea In ...ntlnuin( tbe uneor tb-j PaatUle. We make tbo prices aa l im psawttsls. IM tho janm to all. Tbey are rut fnllors: i p.ijO for one month-, HJM fortworuontlini 17.00 for hree month. We ask all persons needing treatment to send their adilrea mi StwtSI or by letter. Allootntiiu- nlcrttl-mM confidential and aboald oesddrttsril u THE HARRIS RCMEUrCO., MfK.Cnansltta swSaUBTOIM . ml , a : Artnttra I do not Eat Pastry.1 How often you hear this expression, and tlie ex planation that usually follows : "I am troubled with dyspepsia." The explanation is not far to seek. In the past Lard has been used as the prin cipal shortening in all pastry, the result dys ptpsia. The dyspeptic need no longer be troubled, providing COTTOLENE is substituted for lard in the preparation of all food. It is composed strictly ot highly refined vegetable oil and beef suet. When used as a shortening, it produces wholesome and healthful pastry. Physi cians and expert cooks indorse it. Rtfase anbstltntca. Send three cent, in stamp, to N. K. ' Fairbanks Co., Chicago. for handsome ' ; Cottolene Cook Hook, containing six i hundred recipes, prepared by nine etui- neat authorities on coot-in;. Cottolene is told by all grocers. node only by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO. ST LOUIS ind rHICAQO, NEW YORK, BOSTON.; IT WILL drive the humor from your system, and make your skin clean and smooth. Those Pimples and Blotches which mar your beauty are caused by IMPURE BLOOD. They can be removed in a short time, if you are wise and use the great blood purifier, Sulphur Bitters, TRY A BOTTLE TO-OAY. Why suffer with Boils ? Why r e -with that terrible Headache ? Why lay and toss on that bed of vain with RHEUMATISM? Use Sul phur Bitters. They will cure you where ail others fall. The aose is caall only a teaspoonf u- TRY IT and you w i 1: be sat i s fied. Theyounc, the aged andtotteringaresoonx Ml weUby its use. Remember what you read here, it mar save vour life, it has SAVED HUNDREDS. .If you are suffering from Kidney Disease, and wish to live to old a ml use Sulphur Bitters. They never fail W r to cure, wi it or your urugisu DONT WAIT. CET IT AT ONCE. Sulphur Bitters will cure Liver Complaint. Don't be discouraged; j IT WILL CVRZ YOU. Send 3 2-eent stamps to A. I". Ordw-ir A Co, Bottui, M . for beat rcd.caJ work ytJilwhed DR. Saus-DSlTS -.3 LEGTRE& BIlI JV7HST PATENTS WfTH RECTaB- MACND i SUSPENSORY BEST IMPROVEKEHTS. SS rare WitSawt ail.-( arprtaaatsasi at acre ar iaiar: as seasai rsaaaatte. aralaa. icasra. aTsaa ar4!it?. ; teaaness, Isaeawr. rtaaaaati-m. kijarr, li.rr aaS 'siaaarr rsaii alcu . 'ur back, isaabar. sriaalca. ever-a: U: . . , s ate T t e.mrie belt ecatalaa Kmm tnWnl laan-waM. rrrr all ,-itrra saa rlTra a eanrot tkal la laataaxlr trl. fc, ta. vearer or . forfeit tS.rrSW. aaa U1 ear all f the I liwueiorMHl- Tboaaaads Laac area reera b. ill jar seleas la -wtlaa artrr ail ctber lesaiithi railea. aa4 a. pre baoaraAs oT trriiiavctaU ia ir.t aad r.rj tib.r rtate ttoravarrfal IS run, IB Mil mil SI srtssoai. tba ,-reatrat braa -er oe V arrak asra.FKXS WITH 111 an 1 -.lealtb aat .is irons .Trrofff- VI satSTtXniaSStt)l I an Scl far lusstratea Tawi bleu. auiieeLaaalra, Inc. tUrt ilXaBCTaUC CO.. COPYRIGHTS. OAK I OBTAIN a pitpvti K';!1.. f?, and an botveat opinion, write to MLN tic CO., who hare bad nearly Bftr . ears' eipenenoe m the patent btuineas. Com. itiniiw. uona tineuy eotrrMentlal. A Handbttok of In ormatlon eonearnrnar Paleata and bow to ob- SAJZk1!!!!" ssechan. aoal ana tdraTtirtc booaa aent free. Patents taken throtnth Alarm A Co. rmlT, special notice in tbe MrleDinc actTcZV,2 S?2 Sofht, "'r t'trrore theQbllcTiSS I Sittitfi nil rJtwrTrrar't ytiff14 ff' lars-eat gradation of anvraeriraneworK rn tn ww1d..3 arear. Sample curs ea tent frw uuiiunuj wiiuwimuinDiy, azaUS I year. BlnrW ttfnl plates. In eolora. and tea oeute, Bvery number eontalna hears. ttea. In eolora, and pbotographs of r -with plana. enaUtng holldeW to .bow -1 lKfT MMO itl. H4.VH. or ALBANY, OrfEOO rtwident Vlue Preaiaent Jtshiar '.KLIN . ?, B,TOl'N, E. W. L1tK' rBAWsACTS A OKNBRALbaatlna bttatuw ACCOCNT8 KEPT .ubjett to aheck. IGHT EXCHANGE and tsl raphic tranaf r, sold New York, San Kranettco, Chloa- and P .itUtvti easts OaUtmONf aADEon fa orabla ertes. staacToaa. E ,W .Laassos Tome L. run rlDwaaa f . hos. Good Is Essentials to HEALTH. Blood Yoacani.n u. hopeto'jev,ell if your ft BLOOD y. IS IMPURE, a If you are tioub!ed withi J ULCERS or BOILS, PIMPLES, SORES '5 rntawl n-e CLEARED AWAY Ipilit!, no enjoyment of life. Tbtl! 7, cvouff-i me nifiir out. i ncre u n uvtm f, iciuetly for lilool (titcSwei ? UlHN f.AVIN. Iiavfon. Ohla SjTreatise on blood and skin diseases mai!-:" ftee SWIFT SPECIFIC a;.,AtUrita.Ga. S Cavern nd Trade-Marks ohta'.r. id, ar.i nil Pat j sent p-a.,e-is conducted lor ivIocjsatc Fees f Oun Arricr is Ossosits U.S. Patent Orr ett Sand we can secure patent in lea tiuie tbau tbosef ricuuisiKKfl r, Bnaasaaatwa. s i Send m jdel, drawinfi o- pt oto., vitl detcrlp-l Jr'on. U'e .1 or not. Pee of , t ctit'e Ciu. 1 Cv not due tu! )i ten: M secured, a t A rttHi.rr, "HowtoObt i Patenu," with 5 cost of tr-ne in tbe L'. S. ana oreieucnuntritsj I tent free. Address, C.A.SNOWotCO. J Osp. patcmt Orv:cr, WASHiMaroit. a c raa,a.ayaays sri-tyat.waijytwt - -W BEST IS THE Win atswwaxlaKqualitlewa.eunaurt. . nutlaattna- two boxes of nn y itlior i .. . .1 ffawted by haat, OTOET Tllkli tan. 1 J. X FOR BALE WT DEAf.EkS O Lf . Y. 1 To aid Digestion take one Small Bile Boa: Efter nithiif. aa.-. per bottle. ii nil W .- Ibe Jcuioaat Tne tail cf a comet is far morn transpar ent than the cnr'h's atmosphere. The population of Massachusetts is nearly ns large us that of all the other New England stntes combined It is said that the three great generals, Alexander the Great, Julius C;esar. and the Duke of Wellington, were never defeated. The present House of Commons in Eng land composes 070 members 461 for Eng land, 34 for Wales. 72 for Scotland and 103 for Ireland. There is one marble statue of the human : figure with eyelashes. It is the sleeping I Ariadne, one of the tjrps ot the Vatican. It is colossal in size and as found in 15C3. Mt. Kineo, which rises precipitously seven hundred jeet out of Moosebead Lake, is wholly compose! of hornstone, and is the largest mass of that material in the known world. There is no true flint in the United States, but hornstone so closely ' resembles it that it takes an exoert to tell j the difference. This rock supplied arrow ' heads to Indians hundreds and thousands i of miles away. According to an Indian ! tradition, the mountain is the body of a I monster mooose that was slain by a giant. A Urge part oi whit is now Holland in Europe was reclaimed from the ocean and the huge dykes which keep the water from rolling downward cn the land are I'ned with windmills, which pump the water oat of the enclosure and empty it out in the ocean. Now the Dutch Government has decided to undertake the reclamation of : ti e Zuyder Zee, an immense inland shallow 1 bay. This sheet of water is sixty miles ; long and about -10 miles in circumference. His proposed to reclaim 500,000 acres ! which will be worth $150,000,000. A con- siderable part of the espense will go to pay the Zuyder Zee fishermen for the loss of. their fishing grounds. The work 111 re - quire stvc-ral years to accomplish it, as it is tfce largest single effort to reclaim from the 1 ocean that has been at'empted. S -mc partisan papers are still troubled with that wormy chestnut about promises , being made in Isft.' that the farmers should i have BLS per bushel for their wheat In the event of the Demxstic success. Tbey now. have the price up to $2 50per bushel Any body who is at alt truthful or fair minded knows this nrepostsroui statement ws never made. Ihe IVmoc acy did not promise $1 25 or an., ctber stipulated price for wheat; but it did agree to pass a bill to relieve the g'eat mass of the people from j the oppressive operations of the McKinley i aw, which, thanks to the treason of j some member? of the par y. aided by Ihe ReublicAns, they Cave as yet been unable ! : to do lor this slate of affairs Ihe men wi,o fought for success in the ooett consistent 1 democrats are not to blame; bet the glo-y of t'.e victory has been dim med by Lie selfish an .l unpatrto'-ic actions of some who pose as Democrat Jickson -tille Time. . Tammany Hall's Big Three. Mayor ' Gi'roy, Corforaibn Coacsel Clark and Sher.ff Sexum. believe that lley have di awn a tig card in get img Bourse Cockran bark in-o line. At a conference with MayorGtl- ioy Tuesday all ciBerences were Strang- , : ed, ar.d Tammany will nominate h: m for Congress, lie hat a'as been invited to ' deliver one of the long talks" at the I Fourth ol Joy relebra ion, b it has not yet accepted Mr Cockran deirei to be the Tammany ' Mates, and to lead toe Iwwildered horde Meantime be doe I c-o; ol Ihe WT1.SC mans. not ward to awaken -,oo much op; edition lo his return so Congres'. Te State D. m- ocracy tat declared unc iTuia'.ly ihat it will not support for re-e!econ ant Congressman who voted acalnst thi t iitoa bill. Mr Cockran is the on'y Tammany member not hit. lfTamuitn. ie'ued o renominate j liim it i more 'I an probab'r t ihj S'a'.e j Democracy MMsU take h.n. up as a candi- j dte. For this reason M c c-ran l not Imely to be pemic'ou, y active m i laler in the tsoa. Ti.e trouble b;tern Mr C-ckr ind Con .'eimin Cockran was peronaj and not poli'icai at the start . I nas never y el been published, thotigi- often hinted at One of the mo-t i omicent men in Tamn.any j nan slid t etierdtt i "Mr C ol.ti has grown a lit. 1c jra'dus ol I the attenti in tatal Cockran had b:rn rp. .vi- . e At any rate be wat I dltpVased ar.d irdiatdr. The two met at j j a dii n:r. Thete were live of er well known Ttmmi-.iy men --resent. Cockran wss In ; one of lug jolly, bantering mcodl. Mr j Cruker mad: some remark about what ! congress should do. Cockran replied, with a laugh, that if Mr Croker tan Tamminy j Hall lie wouli have hi nandt full, wi'.hoot jntcifcrfng i h Congress. " Yes; I nnierdand' Mi I'.oket Is re ported to have said, ' nal in Washington yon can ihe idea i ha yuu ate ?:.ou: all there Is j Tammanv Hll." 'iThe emainder ol tbe psity took it ss all Ir fun and laughed, and continued to laug- alien Cockran reloned: ' vVtll, 'let tst we're a lot of tbugt snd I.i v -, and that you'v - go licb too fast to ay much . "Mi C'oker dH not tike !his in fun, lie gut hi SQli er hi the tan tin.n vr. Ilere pliei an oam -rd an epithet, and tose ut t' c table at if o asaud toe congicioman. His friin''s caught him bv the srm, hut he fore he via quieted oowOyfcl said: 'I know iha' U w' a jou'vt I e n a ing about me, an II I evi i hi-in ii gain, I' I break every lone in )oui otj Mr Cockran damnified walked out ol lit: room, and li.i.urver 4nc" rp iken to Crok. r. fhe oth r deck ed io keep the mat'er i) di t Stad lAey have done so pret' y well, bui iia it nukes no ciifcrenceto any one wlie her it l toM or not. A i zen i ien in M loan kaow tl at iris trie' Conyrc-Hiuan Botirke Cockisn said e terday: "Tlie'e it no political tignilictnc in my vii;s to Mayor G'lroy We have been peftofsl frirr.d. for tears, ard genei ally, when i am in the city two dais con tecu'ively. I call urron him. I have n well iff hfled poli'i-l plans, I arcs ties of mv wife's hral'h. wh'Ch i- fur Ir mi giKid. I took her down to Mreco i,ut It did no have ss Ij.-ntfL-af an ill. desired, ami the i now ncr? under the c ir ul Dr Loomi. A ', t'le later 1 lull take h r lo Ihe A llron- dsc.. Il-.r hei In C-irn H l I ite every po litical eOnaidsMatiori, ami for tha leit.m I thall not make any p'an ibat cannot he easily disarranged N Y Worl I. Daid iitHill in voting ugaiiiHt tbe tariff bii1, did junt what has been txpected of Ittetli He has in a fif of anger and resent nyent sealed his own duoin for sll time Itj come. He has long been aiiapee'eil of be ing a, 11ml this shows that the suspicion was well founded. H KiiolNil KVITAVIONS. . Wooden, Tin, Silver, (ioldei. Oommon every day. HtULEY. I -T W s-wrt . I The republicans ara fond o telling thsf the Democratic party hit deitroml liself by adopting the income tax. The g o p is to much given to advising the democracy for Its good that we might believe ihe re arreti for its unhaoy f'e were the tmon pure artiole 11 It were not for a tew minor consideralons. Eight years ago Mr CleveUn I pointed out the vast amount of neediest iaxsiion which the people bid to hear, as evidenced by the great surplus In the trcaury, and suggested tariff loform, Ir.e moment the lepubllcsns got in power hey proceeded to lemove this reason for rrduclrg the taxa tion of. the people hy Inaugural ing an era ot unprecedented extravagance. Tbey likewise, belivlng It to be their last chance to favor the monopolies, to Increased the tariff that It cased to produce enough rev enue to meet ihe rtnuirements of the public service. This state of things brought she demucrats face to (ace with two alternatives. The revenue was not iutiiclent. It could be In. creased either by taxing article In common use and thereby 'a) ing the burden upon the poor to a greater degree than upon the rich, or they could compel '.he rich, many of whom became rich simply through the instrumentality of the hieh tariff, to assume a greater portion of the national buidens than those in nioJerateor poor circumstan ces. Thtychoe the later; and because they did to, because they prefer to lelieve the poor and when burdens have to be ad ded place the ra upon the shoulders hit', able to bear item, they are told thvt they have destroyed their pait. aad the Post Intelli gencer alleges as one of the reason why tbey have destroyed their party is because they have not taxed small Incomes as well as large ones. There is juit this to be n'd upon this poiat: If the democracy Is defeated because it has aimed its aoake the rico bear somctl inn like a proportior.a'e share ot the burdens of the country It ran accept dtfet i ed as au honor nl abide patiently 'or a vindicalionof its idom and tense cl fair j play. The Seattle organ cf th- tnonotolitti 1 tel t ut that income lax i-ae In E"rore ; ar favoteu with certain ptWSeges This j i, bated upon an alleged coadltlon ot U.lng in Frutala. We have learned too nell not to believe ani s'.atemen't which the Post Intelligencer makes wiihout corroborative evidence to be willing to accept its state ment of the cond tlon of this Ux in Prasala, more especially ss it sab-.MntUlly affirms tba' in England the nghl of plural voting Is rega'de I a a compensation for the m- co ne lax. The Utter F'0Phkn is so 1 utter: v that we would be quire prepired :o 1 - - ha, the alienors, about ,h. Proton lncoo.e tax are a ao graph . aa'rue. Settle Te; The governa.ent't statistical returnt al the foreign trade of the United States for tbe eleven months ending May 31st, show remarkable reversal of conditions a re gards tbe relation of imports and exports from those oi last year. During the entire fiscal year of ltt we exported f&I.Otti. 1 75 worth ot commodities and imported i S6,4U0,922. or 35.396,IS7 worth more than we exported . Tbee figures, of coarse. , cover tbe entire Stead year cf twelve I imooths During ibe eleven months just passed, oar t-r. ports nave amounted to only $603,150,831. while our exports have reach ed the enormous amount of 834.754.190, belDg r23l.613.359 in excess of our imports and $3,733 405 in excess of oar export for tbe entire Steal vear of 1 3CJ The Philadelphia Telegraph (Rep) thinks that ex speaker Reed has pet himself out o Ihe runnintr for tbe reocbiican creriden- dential nomination bj bis straddle on tue I i'ver qnestion. "So one who Is disposed j Plter with toe si ver ques ion m any form." it says, "is at all likely to be sked 1 " become ibe republican staruara-tjearer. i H bis record is clear upon nothing ele it i should be upon that, and the convention is hkely to be sure Ibat it is Mr Heed . during his entire political career, bas done j nothing more injurious to his reputation ,,PB, than making bii recent 'declaration with regard to silver." Sweep off the ststote books ail law for tbe co' lection of deb' t. and thereby Hmit tbe indebtedce of a'l to simply tbe value of their annua! i rod net. and we would do more for good timet than can be done in any other way. IvLts are the causes wbicb lead up to depressions and panics; debt is '.be toil in bit h tramps grow snd from which millionains spring; debt i con trols government sad Shy locks control tieut. nn do laws lor the collection of debts, there would be few debts, few ramps, few millionaires, fewer ruler art! and fewer by far of the classes who feed and fatten on tbe masses. The man who remains out of debt, free from debt, is a king, and at the same time tbe wisest and best tuppor'er of a republic E O. Tne extent to which the foreign immi gration evil exists can be surmised from a fact as slated by tbe New York Son tbat Buffalo bas 40.000 Poles, living chiefly in a quarter of their own where English is , their mints. Organ'zsd labor and organ little spoken, snd many business signs are S iwd epal have thrown down the gaunt- in Polish or Russian. The colonists retain many of their native characteristics and slowly conform to American ways. The colony is one of Ibe largest foreign elements to be found in any American ci'y of tbe tbird class A s:ienllt,ditcutslng the cant.lo Mars, Is deposed to accept the vie that only lh middle of the canals i water, and that the great width of the vi-ib'e dark line is i probably due to a fringe of vegetation. Ii.- It i bringing them to think that gov detd. lie tugget s iSsfl potlbl:itv 'ia' one ' ernmcnt ownership 's Ibe only thing which ratine miy carry lw rivers il .wm; In j anil prevent future complica;!ons. If Ibis oppo.iie direcdon. That tired feeling whici, I tut com non and so overHwe'l"g. f entlrviv d Iven off by Hooci'a Samaparl la. the h-. blood purlfiei. ILod,s Satsapariila ovetcotnes weikne llootl's Pil are the bes af'er-dliiner pills, iiit digi-.n'ion, cure headache. 35c a box . MEK h: ut I'sikur rims, Krottera Mew oreain ohneaejuat tweatved I '.-r- a Meyers, P J Smiley job printer. Klinn HIihiV., doe first claa work. Smoke thr oelnl, rated Havana lilted 6 oeul cigar at Joliaa Juaeph's. Dr M H KJ; li-. nhytiui!! and anrgetii, Allntny, Ore 1 ".tit na le Ii nit.'nr anon try . f- roniss home industry by vinoking Ihe i l-hrstetl white Ith ir oigara, maiiafaittnred ti) lu'iu Joseph. To make the hall grow a natural color, prevent hatdn'ss,and keep the scalp healhly Hail's Hair Renewer was invented, and has proved Itse'f succestful. Co 10 Parker P.11 fo your giocrries. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, and do not purge pain or gripe. Sold by all dregglats. Sketch Of Kugcts Deha. The Evening Telegram has the following tke'ch of the life oi Eugene Debt, the president of the American Rrllway Union which ia now ca'rjing on such an extensive sirite: Thousands of people are daily inqulnng who Is liugene V l)tb,who ha late! sprung Into sucb greal prominence a prcrd tent of the American Railway Union. Debs is a locomotive fireman and one of the ablest and mcst popular of men. lie it net quite 40 years of age, aving been born N'ovelttber 5, IS55, in lerre Ilau'e, Ind, which ci'y Is Still his home Iiis father It a well In do grocervman Ihete. Young Debs atter.dtd the public schools for a time, and took a course at a business college, prou'cul Ing his studies mostly at night and -am king dining .he day assisting h!s fatlxr, who was then, as now, in the grorrry I usinrsa. In May, 1S7J, he , commenced work in the Yandtita paint ihop in Terre Ilau'.e, where he continued about 20 roon lis, un:il when only 16 years of age, he was given s position as fireman on a Vandalia tngtn, running between Indlanapo'it and Terre Haute. He held this position a little over three veait, when be left it to accept a po sition in a w holeaale hcuse, In which b re maioed until 1879, when Le was elected city cietk uf Terre Haute cn the democratic lickct,iunnlng 1 100 votes ahead of his ticket, lie was re elected at the ed of his first term by a majority of uoa, btlng cue of only two dcaiocratsjtocied in the city. IMor to his e'.edass city cleik of Terre Haute, he had joined Yioga lo-tge. No 16 Brolhei hoed of Ixccttcliv; Fireman at Teire Haute, ind lepresmled bit ledge at the rational convention of the l-io'he'haod at Indianapolis In 1S77. Again la 1S7S he was a de'egate to and attitnt secret sty of ... eld the convtii'lon e( locomotive firemen at Buffalo. This convention elected 1 im associate editor ot HicI.ocomoMve Fireman's Maaine. lie ofticial organ of the cider. ' IoiSSj.wheo only sj ye:rs cf age. he I , of the slro'.heihood of I.ocotro'.lvc Fireman whicii pcsltioo he 1 ed contincnutiv for 11 years. shn h- ic'.lted I: wa aidbe:ue he wa dksalUfied li!i the n.:negem'nt of the brotaerhood s atf-lit by a.rr.e cf the tberomrcrs. At li e limeof Deb'l apoiDt mert ;s gtan i , . r Bad ireasuter of the ordir, i: was wi'bont a d liar and focoo ia debt 1 he e ere to iJt'CCS with a total - tnemUr.hlp ol ' 'han 2000, ra,any of .hem badly disorganized and ihilr roem'it dtt nearunca. 1 e oraei from on 1 a . . a wa a a . g'ew ' 1 ly, ite uew was soon p.mi cn, thepootSy orgaaLed lodges wire pat on their feet aLaln, and when be retired from lWsc. there .ere .early 500 ipbrndidi, oracix.-d loJgea wiifc 30,000 memb-i Hits tigninraol fact 'hat while the Brotherhood of locomotive Fireman al once co-nanence I nl aflerwar-Js continaed to prosper, wtien D.-hs loA haVl of it, it Immediately g: ou t'i: dja grade wttea he leit it and tas irmaiird here ever since. He baa a wide reputation asantraui zer Manager Towre. of tbe Southern Pacific, is (juctcd at follows: Debs is the greatet rrgaaitvr that I have ever heard of." He fact list te is scmethicg cf an organizer is shown by the piagni'ude o' the present strike, which be cheerfully . , pron,.,,, to make bigger if it continues a little longer, acd no one doubts bis ability to fu'S I bis promises to that effect. Vt ben tbe American Railway I'nion be- gAB its figb- against ibe Ureal Northern Railway Company all the railway anions way anions were armye.1 against it- The Brc-tber- hood of Lxomotive Eogineert. the Order of Railway Conductor, the Brotherhood 1 S "i Locomotive Firemen, tbe Bro herbood , of Hallway Switchmen, ah tbe railroad organization were o-po-cd lo the strike ! on the Great Northern railroad a few nrrn'hs ago. Taie chiefs of tbe variovs organiulioa of railroad men met and conferred with i the beads of he various rai'road compan- j its. Tbey tendered the rvltoad men their suppor, and told them that t'-eir employes would no: strike Ordert were ia,uvj to the members of the order tamed nit to go . out with the American Rtilway Cnion. ! W ilh all the o'd leaders of le old organi za' ions arrayed against him. Kngei- Iebs won tbe strike again' the lire tt Xorlhern Railroad Company, and freui that dav tb leaden of the o'd r eanita'iooi have see their power wane. Kugene !' " - slri.dt today ibe most 00B. spicoojt Snre in the labor wot Id In person Mr.Deb is over fix fee' in height we;l formed and of gr'cefal bearing and ant address. He is ua exceedingly pleasant assuming, yet seems possessed ol a'l the rwitiiaitAa fr.r , araal Iai1er ff mi n aa . . . - , . ... . . . ears, , waitru oe "as ngureu lor loe pa, it ' He clec ed a member of ihe Iri iian legiii'ure in INvt. Tbe strike Le hss inangur itr-d overhado in niagn tude soy strike ever known, with great liabi'ity of becoining still larger. feThfe aaWtCrtwfe? Will the coming month deve'op a revo lution or not? Tbcusands of American citizens ie turning this question over in let and it looks very much like a fight to a finish. One can not exist without he other and if tbe present situation wt'l re sult in dcterniiningaSg middle ground up on which 'xth can s'and, no one will regie tht inconvenience caused. The piralrsls of bu-inets resulting from the strike bat spread like a plague into the small towns of the country and the peop'e of the country have been brought face to face with the problem 1- r pealed governmental control will be ilemanded by the peop'e. The strike ir- the effort of organized I labor to dictate the price of human work. I Capital, like nn absolu'e nionatcii, has had 1 the say in the past Labor unions are but theiesult of the organization of capital and the yuipatbi g cf the people should not be given to either side until time has passed and the fac's in the case have been fully con-itdered. The disobedient-- d law by either side, should be punished, if it I takes tbe standing army of the United I States to do it- This country must be pre served and handed down to the coming generation intact. McMinnvtHe Register, W T Stead in an interview on ihe Pull man stdkr sayt Pullman is an indut'nal Cztr, who makei philinthropy pay ili.i ilnvU, a tj declares hs would not he sur prised It the present ttrung e shou il dsrekka into civil war. CrtANtiE Ok Timk. Portland anil Cor vallls route commencing May 29'di steamer Modoc will leave Portland on Mondays and Thursdays at 6 A m, for Salem, Inde pendence. Albany, Ccvallls and way R turning will leave Coivalila on Tuedayt and Fildays at 8 a m, Salem rn Wedneadaya and Saturdays at 6 am, arriving at Portland a. 1 r m. Fare from Portland to Salem 50 cent ' ' Independence $i co. " "Albany I.J5. " "Corvallla I.50 Meals it, cent. I aete Ham Tebr A Hand CiiK Aiio, July 4. Taken in its entire ty, the day lias lx-en B quiet one in strike circles, burring an occasional flurry catt ed by the gathering of mobs in the stock yards district, which, however, were held in check by police and dmtxtieM backed up by the m-ar proximity of a detachment of regulars from Fort Slier Man, fur whom the strikers have a wholesome restHit. Trains are once more moving tit Blue Island, the turbo- rwhwimiwi nullum Kiuiiit:iiiy Haiierei down when confronted by piecea of ordi nance ami glittering bayonet. The Chicago fc Northwestern today resumed its passenger service, which is now running regularly and without Interference. The Illinois Central an nounces that its suburban paaariniiiir wrvu e will is- rvsiinifii tomorrow. The a . 1 . . a. t L. .,. ,1 -so inn hi . aiqn-Hu uiui uon service is still seriously crippled, tboagh the form- er s iiassetiL'er trams are inovini- on tim. The Baltimore A Ohio naannnftri am iln is normal, while the Nickel Plate's freight service is at a standstill, ami passenger trains an- irregular. The Chicago & Cal umet Terminal is at a standstill. The Michigan Central sent out a train of 40 cars of meat today. The Pennsylvania announces mat it wiiiim- iiiovim: tier- ishable freight to and from Chicago to- morrow. A .... ! 1 f -.... a. CistiXNATl, July 4. Hallway officials tonight consider that the strike is over, unless it is affected by influences from connecting points. Suirintendent Peters telegraphed the Pennsylvania officers that another dav would see the last of the strike hen-. The Chesapeake & Ohio soon overcame the trouble today with its freight and yardmen, and is run ning full forces on all trains tnniglit. The SouUiera's men tonight asked to get back unconditionallv as a bodv. The Ixruisville A Nashville. Cincinnati. Ham ilton & Dayton, the Baltimore dc Ohio Southwestern and other road: have tak- I en l'flck enough old men to I I awtlapped, and an- holding the ni i All are running freight, includ I fully new men. Ull ' llVl- stock The Big Four made some pro- gress hen- today, and ............ .1.... :. . - - ; m ight and pMMpt trains w ill run to- .11.. . - mti ns, morrow Cwwaustly wiiiiu Baoumno, July 4. Tliis has l-en flie most exciting dav in the brief histo- rv of the Strike. F-arlv this nmminir HWarnie.1 mailt ia arrive.! here fr,..,, : .nn Francisco and Stocktoo and DtvJceed- tV... . .1. , 1 i can rraiaClBCO and Stockton and inaml. cl to tin- arm..r- Adinu under instructions front , ' I nitod Stati-s marshai. (ienernl Shee- lsan commandeil the s-acramento com - ttanies to clear the deiiot of the strikers. Tlv. men mar, he.1 into that sin!,! . I . : I 1 . 7 a I the wildest cheering, but when tne order 1 to disrierse the mob was given they low- a-ral tlia-ir . W 1 T si .r..l va . h nv.t.aa I tftsv.n.. . ww-sa naav it a.n ti-i ma. ' ini llin t llM Stockton wrrv u,vn called upon to clear the det, but j likewise, laid down their ann and re- turotti vi lueir inrracx. JLJZ HTI teuip'ing to disperse the mob, Marshal . Baldwin orOered lieaeral Sheehan to have the troops to return to ibe armory u t , , Bli k Iilaxd. Ii!, July4.--Tae b'-ock- ade 00 the H-xk Island arhs entirely raised s - .... . ... I at a :i.j p zd. ana train; 1111c nave 1 en -il : UP 'or five days began lo mote The first ; ol the trains Ibat were .tailed at Juliet come op the track guarded by soldiers. Ten cart, half of them Pdliman. made up Ibe traui, which was f j.ioat-i e'erv k - ,,. . . ' length, ail gutt'dcl . . . - - a", tbe pjtnt of the tlse Mints laler rate Is t. antral San Fkascijuo. July 4 - The end of . Ca-ifornii s midwinter fair came today, wben anFrancuco day and the national botiday were join'ly cetebrateil. The ex position was formally opened January 27. I"be total at'endarxe op to tbu morning was 2.140.1:4. Todav over 7 j nec-D e , pasted tbrough tbe gate, making a total ; attendance of over 2.2J0.009. Brwtaned l Wasehnrw Rosso; i ho. Or, July ft KM .tnandson were drowned in the South I mpqua river tbu evrnina-. The drown ing ot cared about four mite helot- !.'--barg. Toe too. aged 1-. was in i. and wat taken with cramp. The father went to t'ie recue nd lj n we re drown- ed. A Spwlsane I'ire 51'JalVt Jj V 4 A fi-C ,a-. till J j'y 4 A fee latt afUT- noon destroted thre. fourths of a b ock in the north ie .tf the l-utine-t district. Tbe ,0'1 12-000 do.lars.and tbe insurance I 1 attUalt T . r. I a-ia-rw i lie uaneti i iwr wa 'ne rail I'i'y Manufaetursng Company ich was with gauog iMOraHe O.tKt-isp, Cal July i. Three hut !red str.kers this morning kiiied two engines at Mole Regular terries lo fan Fran - : , , , ... - Cisco, .treet ion ot stri-ers at noou .Tao companies o: infantry .arched . through tards a; charged bayonets. ateti before them contenting -s with throwing stones. Mob retreated thetnf elves MRiMEMo. July I Quiet today. j Strikers in full possession of depot auJ Ji', "nJ PrePratons being made lo dHlodge them. Sttikers train from IhtoMnair. Two hundred armed striker , ' srriveil this inorntn. Thee al 11 as ,,.,.!, . position to provoke trouble. j AwEAwajiTO, July .. Tcis moroirg memlaer of I oral n.ilii. .i, I all ! ticipa'ed in esUrdavs farce were de- privet! of arms snd uniforms by order ol iient-ral Stiehan Sleeker Stockton ' Stockton Company was orderetl home In disgrace S hieago. .Ii crs ere overturn ing car at puaista ao4 . ton diers. Onlers were itte.l for . .... ......... wxerj ny the sol- ntn,c r.. -.. trtxi to hre on any one who attempted to uncouple car.- in j ruin made up. LosAs,iLKs.:i'ly "i -erne of troops not dy. Xotwithdaiiltng pre. one train went out to- PoAflXAJlD, Juiy 5. Jctlge Itriiinger today ordered jurors in Lotan smuggling case to make out sworn statement as la disposition documentary evidence in case. Wsvesaeai or stall. San Kawnsco, July o. -The coastwise and even the eastern niuil is now coming into and oing out of San Francisco on m oan sftecanem. The ostal authorities no longer hope for a spoedv ri-.-umntion of railroad traffic. The eteanter Walla ai; lis asiliMt lor Ptiget simtul iliis inorri-i with tons of general mail tor Wash-I ing ington. Idaho. ISntish Columbia and let- ter mail for the Fast. The letter notich ea ill go Fdtft over the Great Northern. Maila fer Southern C.ilii'ornia were taken out on the steamer Santa Rosa. The Ortvon niuil was tnki.11 to l'.u-t I ..... I the stcainer TrtK kee. Mails nlsoiirrived ! i .. ., ,- ., . .1 "'"" 'teti by steamer Iroin the North ami Sooth. ; A I empiric Blockade. San AkAKCfBOO, July 5. The seventh day-of the great railroad strike closes with the MOCkaiie more complete in Northern California than it has ln-eii at any time since DeKs onlered the Ameri can Railway I'nion men to tie up the Southern Pacific. At Sacramento and Oakland the embargo enforced by the strikers is absolute, not a wheel being allowed to turn, and ut bo other point in the etate is the Southern Pacific doing any business. A I hint uii. Ciiit Atio, July 5. This was by far the most turbulent and critical day thus far in the unparalleled rail roan strike and boycott. When it opened then! was a gineral feeling that its passage would go far toward clearing the atmosphere, a, indeed, it, did not practically lift the em baryo on commerco which 'haa left this city in its grip lor the past week. That expectation was caused by tho appear ance of federal troops in the most threat ening districts. Rut tho situation at the close of the day is such that it must be admitted that the hope indulged in, in this regard, lias not Insert justified. The troops are few in number at best, and when they were divided into stjuads and distributed at places separated by con- siderable distances, it soon became evi- I dent that their prestagc as an overawinv body had been dissipated at the same asssiTS Even Tar Talon Primers CmcACio, July '. Prc-sident Deb ami tin: direclorH met repn'Hentativofl of the Chicago Typographical Union this after noon, and were informed that if it could Ik: tdi ,wn that any good could be done by inch a move, every union printer in the city would strike in Hympathy with it '. ...... TJ.'l 7 - rwn only await the Ditwer showing and a re- j juct from the union officials to strike, j A t hlrai rire . 1 UHICAOO, July 5. All the main bitild- , tieultural building the women's build- ings 01 itii' worio s tair, except the lior - ing, the art nalace. the machinery hall aad the United States government build ings, were alino-t entirely burned to-1 lliirht. TllfV Were Ihe t.r'riru.rtv r.f Columbian Exposition Salvage' Com na- ny, and bad In-en purchased for about 1-J,000. The Hulgtit labor . . ... . . . . loisKS, ia, juij'o. lienerai ."as- 1 ter Workman sW.ii will ea ,,t n Kuights of Labor from Council Hluffa to Sn Francisco to aid the striker l-t'TTE, July 6. D II Dalv killed Sam Damn and five persons were seriously in jured. a Manly laiwer. W'AHmFsmr, July 6. Oovernor Alt g.-rld's second telegram to the pnmident ie;i, 01.1 me sv inu- House near the hour 01 uiioiiiiir. n came over toe private wire ami its contents were carefully read i i.T,,e president dictatel the following re- pry : While I am still pereuaileil that I have neither transcended mv authority or duty in the emergency that confronts ua, 11 BL-cuin uj me mat ui tins hour ot danger and public dint re discussion may well give way to active effort on the part of all in authority to restore obedience to the law and protect life and property." laves or Br,, QneasW, July 6. The General Mana- j gers' Association this afternoon alopteil a resolution stating it is not a fact that some state officials have intimated the present stopnaire of trafhc is due to a lack Ot U.ell lHKt-a,l r.f mt- of i.r.itH! .,11 by the indite. The resolution it fnsth l.... . . . . 1 ' - I - ...v 1.11..1 oiijiiuia , of the Chicago lines are anxious to work, uiai vkx rent 01 iiie railway employes 1 ami are only prevcnterl hy the lawless- in-Ho 01 use moos not yet suppressed. OnCAoo, July 6. Six dead and an in- .!::. , - - . . .. . J ," ",.u,.7r '"i"1 u ' ":ora 01 ' aauaiues in u,e strike onnict in Chi- ... 1 ,-ago tonay. lr-steMav one man was shot in the leg. If the blood-letting to the morrow shall show an increase, the cor- oner will liave a summer's work before j him. The developments of yesterday I went far toconvince all thinkim? neonl.- : 1 . .1... . . 1 . - , . : . il,i il,. m.-li.- ,.l ......a 1.. ; .......... ... ,,, v eiigaiHHI ...... BBSSS i lret-n appreciated liv Uie anthorittes or 1 the people at large.' .Al Saiwamcvto, July 6. All the railroad , wheels are still tied up. and adeep gloom 1 pre varies the depot of the Southtrrn Pa- ffZtZSZ tmly a few strikers put I n an apfiearancc at ! Thi s due to the the depot today. ; JLReuraru'es of the : ! southern Pacific Company that no at- ! J " US' tit .u 41 Im Tsl Maattfaf I-f. tl . 1 . laa t.-. .-. c v , , ------ pending an ordt-r from President Hunt- ingti.n. The i'laaae Ataallnt- r-.ts l- HAXinuyi, July 6. According to i advices brought by the steamer Oceanic this morning the plague at Hong Kong has somewhat abated since the last re- J l"i. tae araiin r liatlaas sanpsTOVea. I tie 1 ituuiwi v. waul is up to Juhe 15 - i7j;;. War an IV Denveii July 6. The order of Railway ' Conductors will tomorrow begin war up- . t- TS-S if . . ..a . on Eugt-ne Del, his order and the strike. Tte nret step will lie to exp-d from the order all members who hatv gone out on a strike on the order oi Delas. After many voir of ttu-iv and nrvn- dittire of ruooev. to fi them "for their no ' sitions, presiient ient and iwefcitsuis of oar ! colkget, A B' D D's L L D's. settle down 10 toeir aours sua a a:irr ot el.2UU or I T 5W per annim. hjr city school wiper j lotendent gel . iily tv?to. the prin'ipait TsTOm tSTS to n7i iKa-hm from aU'sl las $530. Attendee: at tbe asylum, at very , uisstrreeai e w r. get from faw to 4J. i I he farmer wita. a 5,'.W farm, and all hi family c.ear-i almost nothinx.-. Th eaito, wr.rk i tr nothinsr Hnt tho i fl r...i;j,,a .;.uT IIj t . . mvir laueaii ami tess p-eTtarau- r. - -.::- tr:.s public crib . a i tbe way from 43,500 to 410.000 f.w a state offit e. and from SI .'J0 to for a ! coaniy omce. surely n.-e is neet ot wise readjustment.- Salem Ir lependeot There is nothing like .linking ones own county is the best. The Ochoco Review says: The saying, that whoever leaves i Crook county in sewrch of a better countrv ' arH' io 3n, a place where times are net ter, ! inTarialiiy returc. i proverbial, ihiring 1 "r resident- here we have known a number . v 1. . . I , ,- 1 1. . . .. I . 1 r who lived here a few years, made a few j hundred dollars, and started out to Snd a ' l,ctter locality but as a rule tbey wander roond a few years in quest of a ountry ! wher "milk and honey'' abound, and nine out of tea of them come back ,bl..:. .)..., , - .1- . -I a . kxvnntry cn earth, and tiiev waiit somobixiy to kick them a wbcle yestr" for leaving it. ... . uiai viwa iiiaatt i- wie wi The man who cries down t ma have little i"ouce ption of what an economi cal man can do here, for one of our towns men came here over four vears ago without I A dollar to hi. name. He now owns fitur lots in town, handsomely improved and his four acre, including his lot., have trees set I ". aIul P'fn'.v of the most ' "ehciots fruit and not a dime in deot. He j is perfectly satished with Oregon and can- not imagine how anvlwlv can find fault , - .. , ,- - -" "". t .nti to tuane a a ing if not a comiM'tence. bv tin of hU I !....!-- La nn - ' a . A I ""' sasaawsasaaiasaa twaaam-ntwaWM V're- on t. .j .nmiL.i. fnp ,,,' 3 ! i. any one who is industrious and economical. West SUe. The ni,o of a poisonous snake ! but a silghtnemovt from being tr.ore dsngerous than the ovion of Scrofula in the blood. Ayer's Sarsaparilla purifies the vital fluid, expels all pois-mous substances, tupplle th elements ot Uf, health, sod strength. nptv data sad reltui nights result from using ye:' Sirsaparil a. It so regulates all ths bodily functions and strengiheni ihe nervous svttem that wor ry an I fatigue are comparative) v unknown and life la tmlw emoted. It Is certainly a mo.t wonderful mellclne. Drm ik s f iuuol t-e Cored bv local appV BntaWsatt pnrl lieation. aa the' y cannot reach tlie Thi-n? is onlr one ion 01 tlie i-ur. ? 'o curT,' "".'LTV 7 eonttito. tional reniedu-. flajned condition ol the mucous lining of tha . . ...... , vsiurii ui wa io KustachianTutK'. Vi ben this tule getstinfiamed ynat havs a rambling sound or imperfect hear Init, aud Waken : is entirety closed tVatnrss ir the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken outand ' os-tube restored to its normal ona"io1- hoar rg will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of tec are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but tti iaflamcd condiUou oi the mucous surface. We will irive One Hundred Dollars for ny rate ot leafness (caused bv catarrh) that can not be cured by Ball's Catarrh Cure. Send tor circular, free. f- 3- fTtF.NET & CO. , Toledo, o. Jia Sold by Dnigiis, 75c. Sweeping Reduction, in .Millinery. Owing to the bird times all millinery at tne l.adies htzaarwill ins greatly to ( reiiuceii lor the next t'lirly days. extra charges will b? ftiade trimming. This will be an excellent opportunity to secure hats for yourself and and get our prices. Parker Bros, lead in baked goods, as weil ss In groceries. This Is the truth, as can be easily learned by a trial. When trading with them, you get wntt you call for. I o not hesitate to Place vour cash with them, it buys guantity, quality and first class treatment every day in the week World rttlaaabUn tl vnoslilini. Will be of value lo the world by lllustrat Ing tne improvements In the mechanical arU and eminent physicians will tell you that the progress In medicinal esTents, ha Keen of hiusI imnnris re and .a strengthening laxative that Syrup of Figs I Is far In advance of all others. COI NTY COURT. y-. SJ """".. connty Judge; J II. Waters and J. W. Piia-h, . In the matter of obstructions placed in the county road by A E Hall, ordered that ipervisor ' . 80 remove said ob . of Hist In the matter of obstruction placed in the county road by E Jackson ordered that supervisor of Dist 41 cause said obstructions to be removed ; flrdered that J M Hauler be appointed a i commissioner 10 remove Canada thistles in road District No 9 Albwanee of J E Xorris discontinued. Warrants were ordered drawn for the fOllOWlug: O P Coshc oshorr, aid Hail i o ; r. 001 l (10 j H 00 10 00 r 00 6 00 30 00 10 Of 30 00 6 00 12 00 10 ; 40 j 1 50' 14 40 46 75 J C Cooley, aid Mm Clark W i. savage, aid Cox (S Crawford, aid Mrs Roberts. . . B W White, aid Mrs Perc ull . . . . ! K C K imps, aid self M rs Elizabeth Osborne, aid self. . . . J M Ware, aid Henderson i Aid Mrs Junkey i John Usher, janitor fees ' John Cox, aid Robert Uillock Mattie r iaylor. aid I Dr F A Artums.acct poor, bill $31 90 Meston. Dygertsl' Co, stationary. . . (j W Simpson, aid poor, bill $7.50. Harris'burg Lumber Co. roabay tV Mason, stationary , j Krnest Martin, bounty 10 l Mrs J A Davis, acct poor . . 10 00 4 50 . 41 "5 . 4 50 . 7 77 . 10 00 24 66 . 166 Vi . 8 25 6 00 3 00 65 80 . 22 60 . 90 00 . 10 00 j P J Smiley. ac:t C U n U Hardness, acct 1; n . Matthews ic Vt ashburn. roals . Santia.m Luaier 'o. roads J R Sprenger. bounty . . . ; gloper & Lofton Bros, iumber p w Spinks, lumber j Ed Meeker, roads ' J D Borkhart, acct poor . . ! E T T Fisher, acct poor . J C Morgan, bridges i Ait Any m Ct Co W V Deakins S A N'ickerson. elections. . J H P Hope, elections . Windom k Stillwell, elections, bill $4.00 W C Jackson, elections Hnx U'l k Sn.nn- iTalkat liilRnitiii 1.. ' sawvr Bros . dasjn aJioe, iuiall7 . . . ! Wm CocbeJI. acct roads. . 1 1 Ohver Oaeaner. acct poor. J S hea, roads . . r A F Gooch. roads Trite 4- Miller, acct CH. U G Hayne. tamer. . . - ... . nr a , , Aojctvrnea until next w eoneaaay. nen . the salaries ot aepoUes will he hied and . . . . . other buios transaited. MISnTS. The 1 rregonian will feel eery badly when it reads the following from the Salem Mate-man: ' " r,t-w y-(- " f ell ot cbesnnu. . There is pienty of speculation as to OH ted but outcome of the present unprecedented srnae. it is pret 1 pretty cloud v just cow: ; clouds never last very long at a time. A Portland man who delivered the 4th rf 'jnlv oration at a rjlace in Clackamas - ' coantT, was given 10 cents tor expense, a .mke' in such a case would certainly be - - r a a justifiable. The following tells a good deal : Once Martin Irons was king for a day; then it wai Powieriy. The Latt heard 'of Martin irons be was a tramp Powder! v marches ! in the same direction. Now Debs is king ' for a day. He will have no other future than tbe others. Labor's kings in exile areas pitiable and absurd as tnoae ot y. Tbey ripen, fall and rot sooner. Under the new salary system, which is in effect, the people who have business to transact with any of tbe new officers will . have to pay all fetes in advance. The officer who violates it lays himself liable. In order to protect themse.ves and retain their office. User will be compelled to demand their fee, which gj to the county. before the work it done. Between Albany and Detroit are a wim ber of fine hop yards, now looking 'remark ab y well. Several y?ung pruae orchards also attract a tte at 100. Lm bota sides of the road are seen many prr;perous looking farms, even in the mountains themeives are teen places that indicate thrift. There 1 r , . . r - . wws-"V ai-t '"tare iJruus pnrt ot ; oountv. In its tcmnnt a thas atntn nier-?e nn ttie Ath ItSalamth. I ni1a-ian,lant Bars - 1 i Hon Jeff Mvers. a native son. able reDre- ,! een ed Orecon. The voone men thooebt i i be talked a tood while about the young i lad-es born here, bat that is his privilege t and from an interveiw with several , joong ladies this reporter found that j they were inclined towards displeasure : about it. It waa reported bv some that JetT mentioned something about native sons of Oreeon I - j Treated thein as brt ! militia lay down their 1 white men.'" is the hea brothers. Caiifordia 's arms an I act like head ins? -f a rjonnliat ; papr to the dispatch about tbe cowardlv I 1 a . r .. . - .. . J f cotruuc oi toe rui.iua at r-acramento. ; whkh resulte-1 in their being relieved of their uniforms snd arms and sent home in : disgrace. Y htte men obev orders; show- ' a trh? "bite teWtner is not acting like ; wnite men. o man is entitled to be treated like a brother who takes the la i C T . m . "- ! !houSh .that we .haven t more laws ln the 1 lu,,M or luo "borer, i A l'olk countv farmsr was in P.wtl.n.1 tbe other day cousultitv with an old friend I Z.TZ .tTrjrtL iT"" l.assaiiaj uiiuieu llwm a uwiWaLT. ISCVeUUV he WI5te,i to borrow $8,000 and received a note from a portv in Salem, offerine to loan him tne money. He went to the capital and made arrangements for tbe loan. He even went so far as to put his i name to a note for 13.000, and left it with ( the capitalist," till he should take his wife to sign it and the other papers the next day. when he was to receive the coin. When he went to consummate the transact ion, the "capitalist" had no further use for him, and declined to discuss a loan or any other subject with him, and most particu larly to give np any note. Every loyal citizen must deprecate tbe action of any organization or class of peo ple which is for the purpose of obtaining rights and privileges by force instead of by law. Sympathy for mob rule is sympathy for anarchism. Tbe hope of this nation is government by the people through their representatives. As bail as legislation has been it is the duty of ail to abide by the laws of the country. Tbe man with a grievance has a r'ght to quit work for his employer; but he has no right to use force to prevent some other man from taking nis piace. tte oecouies anarchist in practice when he does. The sentiment of the peo ple of Albany, Sacramento, Chicago and New York, and every other city and com munity in the I" S must be emphatic on this point. According to the Hillsboro Democrat boys are imposed on sometimes. Eiaht Ulencoe boys started ont to Bethany to piav Dan ami at a blacksmith shop kept by John Rothleaberger they enquired the way to the ball ground, information waa given and the boys struck out on the road designated, but after travelinir about two miles thev found they weie on the wrong road and started to retrace n.eir steps uui wnen mey came to tne blacksmith shop they were met ' v Rolhlesberger with a doubt barrelled shotgun who demanded pay for a chick en which he alleges the boys bad stolen. Stephen Meek, who waa one of the crowd ot ball players, parleyed with the man for some time, claiming that thev had not touched hie chicken nor bad not seen it either, till at last the irate man raised his gun in a threatening maimer and one of the boys dag up a nail dollar and started to give it to him, but, as distance lends enchantment, he would not have it that war, and direct ed the coin to be deposited in the road This was done when the merry twirlers went on their way much rejoiced . Steve came to town ana bad a warrent sworn out for the mans arrest on a charge of assault with a dangerous weapon and he waa arraigned before Justice Knight for trial on Wednesday of this week when he was bound over in the sum, of $250 to await tlie.action of the grand jury. THE SECRET OF BEAUTY 18 X0 The Dint eXectiie 1 aryaig aad bean tlfjiug tffli? in the world. It ia the oaly f inatt ' of 1 : : ; ;-- Liackbeada, ml, rough. t A , . aiin, rce. r-MK b Lan.'s wi.h shar-c-l.-aa ni".!, 1I.-7. tb -., arjt CtOJatg, and s:b:.Ic Laliy HsadMB. I. is to becaoso it s'r ker at the caiie oZ mm: complex ional 1 ;9p: .aUotst, tin. I illf uk.ooi, Ibcitated, I yf ' :il'i, Oravoutn, os ixooitas r.iL FOB FACIAL BLEMISHES raabc. freckles, bites atari stings of insects, irritations, yellow, oil, and mo try skins, ebafings, and tadoe pew; CCTI CUEA BOAJ. beeacse cf its deticaie awedi carion, is the touti too thing, cooliag, purify ing, and bealing aarplioatiora, as wen as being beyond all comaxiaon thai Basest, sweetest, aad ed,: ref of toilet, bath, and Boner; ami. Sale greater than combined a Jher akin and complex kjn soaps. r.o.d -Jtr-xianow la ssH, prtee.t. Poms pais arj CarcK. Coar.. Me Pr&pa., Boason. Ail ahont lb baia. Beats, and Hair," fnav WE4IbERPOBD BCBIAIS AWtiatii l law. WM teaiim HAM- suae. Soaeaal artaaslian ghraa to altiri ia protrae orrivav in im rma boea yv K Bill.VEt Attnmay at Law jad SnWrttar la Chancery. on 1 an r aaa. t..ia m A. haay, On-oa I G EO. m . 44 RIGHT Attomry at law. tcA S Kmtj Fubde Wm practical In all t he noawsa n thra stau Spe-ial taaentieei liwa fca ia peehau iMBee Sex: ; ittr n r niftVa. nnwny.een I I. I V. B 5 (SSASSl vifcnay, O a Oil raa-. a J- WHlTSgl Attorney at Law, Albam r M OSTASTE afk HtCKLCSnB, Attorneys at Law. Albany. Oregon. J. V. HILL. D' fwyeieaaB and Snrawon. OrTICB Core AitaUT, urasron-j Dr H E Beers. DrOK Beers Physicians anc1 Srargsons Sjjcaa' attenUaa git-ea o d"-seasss o women. Hows to to 13 A M, 3 to 4 antt 7 10 S P M Offices sod residence B'.um- Ik. ClUlr ., FinlQlTWl Sa.M. I . - ; ,d E,4Wt,f; iarmenna vr.i a. ri. OFFli'B Ccw saahtSstn ll1 l 1 l ABaasis, Or. ChlVa 1 est T axtieawatry. rp C.lAfKKf, aS.D., 1 . . rMthi W. CPICK aK 09..BkTaF.KH or ALBAST, 0tSfl, TRaJiSACTa eeat'al Ban tine aaawaaa DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS oa Saw Twrk, a FV tne antt Portlaarl, Otcj LOAN MOXKT ea annravaai wtawtty RECEIVE eVrposata tuedevs actseca. COiiECTlOXS made a , .. -raata ISTERSST rasid cr ' . B 4RK OF 44 tO, scto, ot . J Mesa .A i Jna EAST AND-SOUTH. VIA THE SHASTA KOUT OF THE Southern Pacific Co. Stprean Train taWaw rVrUasd lastly ta Cat I, ISri, Stasaas1 Albany Sao Frts ij C-U-. a. I L 1033 r j L lV:a al Ar Ar) 830 as L 1 1 -3 a a Lt j 7,-00 p .-t t 1. tup 1 all stttio is from ill vtbstie in slusive. also Tan -b. I ,1 kUAy.H irrttburg. Junction Irriag. esigim ant all atationn .uttrgto vstlai.l lajtoti'e aaawtscae war , san,v :34a I l etartAaaaa! Ai-i , a). lf:4S r I L Alhaay Lt I la-3o Mr I Ar tcawkwrt "Lr I T hC aajutea :l0aaLT Mha-y nrlln-naw tsW a a I Ar Lehanow Lt 30 a t:Cra Lv Vlbant Ar I MaslAr UhaBon Lv I tr POUMAr BUFFfT SLEEPERS AND Di-iine Cars on Ogisn Route. SECOND CLKS SLEEPING CARS tltaehed I alt Thr nth Tr.ia. ! ate an v 1 tion. l-atKTLAIt At Stall .BAistanT lExeeptSanaay, 'II II israli Port "and Corrallst SI Una lx strata thus lll.l igxc.-pt Sut.Jay. 4:e TtSSraj L Ar Portland IcJfianrlLt Ar I a Lv I 5.0 a 'rtronpfh. Ticlcett- 1 tit poiat ia Ihe Eastern Stttet, ranada aad can he obtained at owes! from C V frwab.Artnt Albany. . KOtHLtU t r. aOOKRt VI ana ire- Vast O F. nj Ft.' Orrnror :-tIersti-'iVIUee Th Noted Clairvoyant a-d Ufa R-tder. ia bow bate, and can batottaJ at her rwndencv, neat dooi J H Gooa-ilPa. She sella aboot all tahjeeta. paa pritirit and lattn-e; lose trouble, absent . 1 bualneat. You cau hear from vour Jead rhrcj iT AM fED IDIES to do writing at If home. Pay 11 00 to 935.00 per week toad aelf adraasnd stamped envalon for rspyl- MaRivE FON IAINE, geeoarl maasger, 824 Dear horn 8t, Ohioago, III.