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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1894)
y cutorrat. Wkbkly Democrat. $r 7s per yesr n advance. $2.00 at end cf year. A Chautauqua Assembly will be held at Oregon City on July 24, 25 and 26, at Gladstone Park. Among the speakers already engaged are several of national reputation. Or K S Cm tine, of Los Angeles, Or Sekh W Brownof San Jose, Billiard Wake, of Topeka, Kansas, and Professor Straub, of Chicago. Doctors C E Locke, Geo R Wallace, Arthur J Brown, C C ton and Roland O Grant, of Portland, have been invited to assist. A'.so H W Scott, of the Oregon ian, Judge Caples, Abigail Scott Duni way, Senator Tongue, of Hillsboro. Nar cissa White Kinney, of Astoria, Govern or elect Lord, of Salem, and other emi nent speakers and musicians. It is proposed to make Tuesday. Jul 24, a "Young People's Day," with ex cursions of Sunday schools, Endeavor Societies, Kpworth Leagues, Y M C A, etc, from all parts of the state, with rousing music and a strong young peo ple's program; Wednesday July 25, "Patriotic Day," devoted to She discus sion of national, social and economic questions, with the G A R, Sons of Vet erans, Womai's Relief Corps, various orders, etc , Thursday, July 26, is "Edu cation Day," for teachers, colleges, Chautauquas. etc. Col K A Miller is chairman of the executive committee, and will give any desiied information. A Live Small Max. The Salem In dependent tells the following: The' death of a small man was narrowly averted by the large fellow taking to his heels in Might. The controversy com menced in front of the Bataar Auction store on State street, over an argument on the pension question, the small man and the big man couldn't agree, the former being of the opinion that pension money was too freely given, and men tioned, by the way, that a big strapping fellow had no right to such monies. Now it happened the large man was a pen sioner and a big strapping fellow, and it hit him so'close to where he lived that he became angry. He thereupon called the little giant a vile name and "David" at once started for "Goliah" intending to smite him in the forehead. Now it came to pass that "Goliah" marked "David's" intent and turned to flee to his habita tion. In so doing he passed quickly through the auction "temple"and struck the stove, laying it low. He however, made his exit through the back door.and disappeared amongst the multitude. The little man held the fort and officers appeared, bnt no arrests were made, as no disturbance was evident. Atthk Soldiiks Home. John Oulli- van, an inmate of the Soldiers Home, hailing from Portland, was dish morablv discharged Friday. It seems that he occasionally imbibes too freely in bug juice, and that he did so the other even ing while in town. He then went to the home determined to clean out the place, and being a powerful man he almost succeeded in doing so. if reports are true. He was finally subdued however, and placed under arrest for us ing obscene language in the presence of the laiies, and will have a jury trial in Justice Hamlin's court tomorrow. Sul livan claims to be a relative of the great John L and his claim is no doubt well founded. Roseburg Review. Fkom Kitsojj Springs. A letter from Hon R A Irvine who went to Kitson Springs about two weeks ago. wrote to Jason Wheeler of this city, says the road to ten miles above sprwgSeM were goo.d then for a stretch of 15 miles the worst mud holes the writer ever saw abounded, and then the remainder of the road was rough and rocky. Mr Irvine says he stood the trip finelv and has not had a bad spell since he began uatbing and drinking the water. The team and wagon of James Shelton ran off the grade but no damage was done except some slight bruises for Mrs Shelton who jumped from the wagon. The wagon turnel over and went down the embankment about 15 feet into the rirer, horses and all- The horses were cut loose and brought out safely. Most of bis load was saved. Mr Ii vine feels qtite confident his healtii will improve at the springs . The following from the Sidney, Wash., Independent goes rather to) far; but it shows how the papers talk: "Berr Most endorses assassination ; Sylvester Pennoyer endorses assassination ; the populist party endorses Pennoyer. Ergo, we bavi Herr Most, Pennoyer and popu lism, all in the same boat. What do you think? By their vote, will Hie peo people make it float? JC$ rather too much for you the ordinary, bulky pill. Too big to take, and too much disturbance for your poor system. The smallest, easiest to take, and best, are Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They leave out all the disturbance, but yet do you more good. Their help latta. Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, Sick or Bilious Headaches, and all derangements of the liver, stomach, and bowels are prevented, relieved, and permanently cured. They're guaranteed to givo satisfac tion, or your money is returned. A " cold ik tuk head " is quickly cured by Dr. Sages A B Catarrh Remedy. So V is Catarrhal Headache, BV and every troublo that L is cause! by Catarrh. AisWVl So is Catarrh itself. " The proprietors offer w $500 in cash for any case which thev cannot cure. Sold by all druggists. FOR CTS. In Pontage, we tvIII vend A Maniple Envelope, of either WHITE, FLESH or BRl'S ETTE or lOZZONI'S OWDER. You have seen it advertised for many years, bat have you ever tried itf H not, you do not anow what an Meal Complexion Powder la. POZZONI'S brisldc being an acknowledged boanttflor. him muny rerreiming uses, lb prerenal ii,,, Hiin-hiirn. wlnd-taii. lessens oerotili It prevents ehaf etc.; Iii tact Ills nioMdelloatoai id desirahae irauon. nrutoction to tbe luce during botweaatatw. It 1 Bald Kverywliure. For satuulo. add re . A. POZZONI CO. St. Louis, Mo,' ALBANY COLLEGE.::::: Send for Calogue Addretc, RV. E, K. CONDIT, I Albany, Oregon The Harrlsburg saw mill is to be rebuilt. Saturday's mob fight in Chicago resulted I in the death of about twenty strikers at! the hands of the regu'ars. President Cleveland , has issued a proc lamation practically declaring martial law in Illinois. There will Sc no cvore fool Ishltec. Samp'es of the brick for the newJCus'.ck brick have been brought in by C Chamberlain from hi 1 yard. They pre sen a good iippearance. The prlxe won by P B Montelth for making the most hits on the doublet, was a diamond instead of n gold ring as s'.ated by the Democrat. A business meeting of the Albanv So cial club will be held at their rooms to night at 7:30 o'clock. Members are requested to be presented. Del Noite paced a mile at Portland Saturday in tttaU the fastest time of the meeting, and yet failed to win ihe race. Plunket was the fortunate horte. r 'ui to the value of 575,000 on its way Eatt from California was tied up by the strike and lost, and fruit growers of that atate estimate their less at $5,000 per dav during the continuance of the strike and blockade The Ladies Auxiliary will give one of their popnlar socials and entertainments at the Y M C A Hall Wednesday evening. A program will be presented that will undoub'e.lly please, among other things a pantomime from one o Wi'l Carlton's productions. Ellas VV Dixon, of Forrest drove ha Invented an air ship by which he claims he can go from Oregon to Chicago in thirty honrs. It Is in the shape of a whale. A n electric motor will be the power. Probably a bubble like all air ships. The school board neld a meeting yester day and elected Prof D V S Reld princi pal and city superintendent for the ensuing year, ct a salary of $1200. This was a good selection. It was decided to open school on the 17th cf September. Eu gene RegOtei. Last week the team of Hon E V Tandy, of Harrlsburg, was frightened and ran awav throwing Mr Tandv Into a barbed wire fence, cutting his face and arms in a serious manner. He received good surgi cal attention and is gradually improving, though consideted in a serious condition at first. The corvalli hose tetm has challenged I uinon tram tor a nub anu hub race 1 V. UMU ' - C 10 be run near Corvallls, 233 yards for $.100 a side. There is a cood real of talk abiut the matter. It will probably end in smoke. A member of the Albany team say if the race is made Albany will run the winner The Informer says the race will come; Crops. Following is the report of the U off, and that Corvallis has made the dla- S Department of Agr culture. Weather Bu tance in 2S seconds ard can do it again, reau. of the Oreiron State Weather Service Mrs M E Bilyeu went to Tortland this ' the week niK Monday, July 9, 1894. uoon. 1 Mrs G F Russell went to Sa'ezn to visit triends. today J G Crawford went to Yaquina Bay j Jason Wheeler and A J Hunt left carriage todav for Kitson snrinn. by I . . 11 Bay. Mrs fudge Flinn and daughter, left today for Y'aquina, where they spend the summer. Ora, will Wm Ralston, a capitalist of Albany, i home. He ia inut roinrnin fmm Th i UHSni t 1 1 I I ! 1 1 L' ! I .-Hlin lik flV Mta Dalles. Salem Independent . I A birth day party was tendered Mrs I ' M Irving Friday evening bv the Ladies :- has ln increased aad large yields are in Birthday club. A short musical pixyram j dicated as the weather has been very fa was presented, and a pleasant feature ! arable was the presentation to Mrs Irving ftf a B. & L. A s -It is estimated that a half silver spoon holder. ! .. . , " ...... ... . . . million houses have been built in this airana Mis L , K lrain of rort Dodge, .una, are 111 in-: cuv uie zuesis 01 trie formers brother. B b Train. Mr Train is editor of the Iowa Timea. Miss Nellie Hoeue passed throueb to- ; day on ber way to Albany, from Little tiK.w nere she lias lust hmshed tne mott successful term ever taught in that dis trict. Corvallis Informer. Mrs T H Wallace and sou Willie, left this noon for Canada, bv wav of 'be Canadian Pacific, and wil. make that province their borne. They leave many i warm menus in Albany. 1 It is stated that Miss Alice Carson, of Josephine county, ran aeainst ber lover. Jeff Hayes, in that county for superin- t endent ol educaticn. And she defeated bim. She was a repablican and he was a populist. Instead of souring on her, ne loves her better than ever. Truthfulness. Rev W A Trow, who has resigned as pastor of the Congregational church and will go east, to reside, when transporta tion facilities permit preached, a very practical sermon yesterday morning at the U P church, the substance of which will be of interest to our readers: One must be pure in thonght as well as 13 act. lbe gospel condems flagrant violation of the law not only, but as well evil thoughts. Falsehoood is a flaw in the soul, it is a moral suicide. The lie if the rot that eats into the fibre; it de grades a man. A lie corrupts and debases tbe soul. We mm' abhor the shams of life, avoiding polite lies. People try to appear to be what they are not. Let us strive to be rsther than appear. Little affectations and deceptions in social matters eat into the soul. We owe trut ifulness to ourselves. It is oar birth right. We are under obligations to others to speak the truth. It is the bond tbat unites us. Credit depends on truth fulness. The present stagnation depends to a certain extent on a lack of rommer cial truthfulness. A lie is sn enemy of mankind, socially and in business. A lie is not only an affront it is sn enemy. 1 lie winaed at will destroy human rela tions. A truthful understanding between Pulman and his men would have saved vast trouble. Keep your promises. Pay your debts on time. Let 4 o'clock be 4 o'clock. We need less demsgognism in politics. We need truthful public ser vants, honest political platforms, not things to catch votes. We also need truthfulness in our business, less shoddy, more of the genuine. This is an age of ban bugs. Honest labor and honest capital ia needed. There should be honest advertising, something to cluck the abominable falsehoods. We need truthfulness in religionmore honesty in church work, more genuine prayer, more spiritual songs. There is sham listening. Leave bad thoughts out. God sees through our weakest insincerity. Be true as you value your own soul ; speak the truth in love. There may be places where all need not be told, where truth may hurt and injure. Let us be careful on sucb occasions. In Christ is love. Adam Baumbarger, walking and rid ing as best he could went to Eugene from Corvallis the 3rd of July to cele brate the 4th, and returned walking all the way. As the distance Is forty miles and Mr Baumbarger is 74 years of age it may be imagined bow badly he wished to hesr tbe eagle scream. He Can't Live Bald my friends and neighbors. I bad IT pepsi IS years; physician and change at climate did not help m. But Hood's Sarsapa- Hood's Sarsaparilla B. F. O. Boke and Vaunhter Linn County Council. Hall of Shedd Grange, July 7,1894. Although a great many farmers were busy with their hay harvest, at the usual hour there were a good number of patrons on hand, and the worthy presi dent H M Palmer called the house to order. The choir furnished the council with some choice music in the opening exercises. Prayer by the chaplain. The worthy agent stated that he had no report to make at present. Under this head was called out a good many remarks in regard to purchasing twine, etc, and it was urged that the different members should state to the agent what they wanted in the coming Larvest. The resolution that was tabled at the last meeting of the council, in regard to .1 highet grade to be taught in our public schools and talked on by several mem bers, and motion said resolution be re ferred to the committee on legislation, to report in the afternoon. Took a recess for dinner. The worthy president called the house to order. Song by the choir. There was several thousand pounds of twine reported to the agent during the noon recess. The committee on legislation offered a substitute on the resolution in regard .to a higher grade to be taught in the public schools. On motion the above reso'ution and substitute be referred to the committee on legislation to report at the next meet ing of the council. On motion the next meeting of the council will be held with Tangent grange the first Sept in October 1894. A resolution was offered by Bro Scott asking that a law be passed to that one half of our tax can be paid the first of April and the first of November in each year. A resolution was offsred bv Bro Bridgefarmer, asking that the next legislature make the legal rate of in i terest six per cent per annum, and that I any person asking a higher rate of inter est than six per cent or taking a bonus 01 any kind, lorieit tne principal ana mierrei. i ne aoove question 1 was argu- ed at considerable length by several members, and on motion said resolution be laid on the table. The nsual vote of thanks was tender-1 i ed to the members of Oak Plain grange ' J V . . .' . . . . T. I .I. There was some made for the good of the order, and the . day was well spent in the interest ol j ', the patrons of husbandry. I tin motion adjourned. iuc uMiucr iwuiuuas .uv uuwi iavor- an e and beneficial for all erons H.ivim- is in run blast and all the hay is tieing se barley, rye and corn sre growing finely. cured in excellent condition. beat, oats Fll t. t- ' small amounts have been harvested in S , r - - . -an ivanatt uviu aa a . 11 aaaaw? tuciaili 1 left fall wheat and is now on the spring ! wheot and oats. There has been no gen- j era! damage to the fruit from tbe caterpil-1 lar. Orchards without carp had the fnliaov : destroyed and fruit ruined with caretne lhirm If same aT-ilLa&rf M rry litt-a at ksao nmlitiV .mirth -iii .i i Hop louse have appeared. Uarden truck is growing finely. Ihe acreage of potatoes country by the local building and loan ' ., ..(,.. nk , 1 .tinn ImmH. i ih rnt s, l the V S commiasiooary of labor, the first buildine and 'loan orltion In inn. 1 ica was organized at Kran'-ford, asuburb . of Philadelnhi. in 183 1 hnt il mnrs. ment really sUrted from 1840 to 1S50. Tbe total number of buildina assot ia- ' tions in th; the United States is 5,38. , Pennsylvania has the largest number, j 1.079; Ohio next, 721 ; then Illinois. 6tJf: Indiana. 445; New York. 418: Missouri. oaa VZ vr.,Ju J.l T?ti: ?..JV1 T i 336 "u .r Jeraey 240 The net wet. of the building socl-! ietiee all over the country exceedfour . : hundred and fitly million T.Vi I-. contri ..; aL I is no other one agency I buted so much to the building of houses for people of moderate m?ans, and thus tn nalrinli.m mnA Ik. ntV,ilitw rA I a government, Reaching Git. If items like the fol lowing were not common jokes with the Salem Staterman, we would feel like ad vising our citizens to get in and rustle f. . . .. ..I QSUem COOKl maae C10 an-l xiie ncll i ... .. . . . .. I country- tributary to the torts ot the .Santiarn directly tributary to her. Thi? she can do by the expenditure of only a few hundred dollars. She can afford it j and should make the expenditure, for it I would be dollars well spent. New Timb Table. A new table wen into effect on tbe Oregon Pacific today. I Under it the tassenger brains will be ex-1 elusive. Tbe west bound will arrive from i the front at 11 05 and return, leaving at , 1 -30; the east bound will arrive from the' Bay at 1 1 :o0 and leave for there at 12:35. 1 Affreight will go to the Bay on Monday, W'ednesday and Friday, and return on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, leaving Albany at 7::t0 and returning at 4:30 the' next day. A bmotfAI. Upebatiox. Last year Mrs W E McPherson spent several months in tbe east fcr treatment for mecrosis of a bone. The treatment proved unsatisfactory, and Monday Dm Ma-ton and Davis per- lormed an operation on the diceased bone that seems to be very effective. The opera-' tion is a delicate one, but was successfully , performed, and Mrs McPherson is doing well under the treatment. NOTICE FOX BIDS. Bid will he received cp to Fa!ordv, f uly 21, for 10 coid body Hr wood, 75 corda grob oaf', not leas than 4 iocbe in diameter, to be straight and best quality delivered at tbe public obonl bnildings in Albany, on or before Sept 1, 1894. r E Aller, Clerk. The right to reject any or all bid reterv ed. ON THE TOP SHELF of public ettimation rou will find Parker Bros. It has taken years of hon est dealing, a store full of the best goods a continuous round of truth telling and above all, the right prices for the right good to lead farker Bros to their present proud position, their groceries are stand ard, their produce fresh, and their baked goods the best in the market, and oi a plendid variety. You Abb All Rioht If you take your washing to the Albany Steam Laundry. If you don't you are not. Something is the matter of vou. Hon can you go to a Chinese establishment with a first-class steam laundry in tbe city. Don't do it. Be all right by quitting it. Suppose you do mske a few cents; what does it profit you, with the Chinese smell and lurking disease around. Patronize the Albany Steam Laundry. Julius Gradwoki. informs us that his branch store on Secons street will be open from this day on in regular form of b'jainess. The same uni' be a cash store. Come and try and satisfy yourselves that the cash system I the only true one In business. If you take his advice you will never have any hard times. J (Ik Alm oin.. To make th: hall grow a natural color, prevent baldn'sa.and keep the scalp healhty Hill's Hair Rencwer was invented, and ha, proved Itself successful. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer hai restored gray hair to its original rol or and prevent baldneis in thousands cf cae. It wl! do so to you. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, and do not purge pain or gripe. Sold by all druggists. a) New goodsiust received at Mrs John N Hoffman's. Hsts sold for halt what you TTTiL, ID aT TnK Masons -The different orders o Mtisomy, including the Eastern Stars, are in session in Portland this week. During the past fiscal year there 1 have been eight subordinate chapters instituted, and there aronow in tbe state about 1500 members, which is nearly double the membership of the order last year. There are 29 subordi nate chapters in the jurisdiction. Yester day afternoon the grand chanter elected the following officers: M E Q H P, W C Craw ford; D G H P. J M Hodson; G K, J II Irvine: US, LH Ronoy; G T.O P Mason; G S, J F Robinson; G C of H H.S Strange; G L, S L Pope. The Salem Democrat lays: Judge Wol verton, the new member of the Supreme Court, took his place upon the bench lust Monday. He is a pleasant gentleman and an able lawyer, and will no doubt make a good judge, though a good deal is expect ed of J u dire Lord s successor. The judge i and his family will move to Salem some time this fall. A Good Thino. About a year ago H T Bagley, our enterprising harness maker, invented an attachment to prevent horses from throwing their tails over the lines when being driven. This he sent to the patent office at Washington for inspec tion, but not until aftet he bad given it a 1 thorough test, and in a few days he re ceived a reply stating that his attachment was patentable and advised him to Tulfont , 411 ,,1, , I,.,,.. ...... I IS .no , nt I I it in the highest terms and he will proba on nave it patented in the near fut HiiUboro Democrat j 111. u -n u. a quesuon beiair debated is whether the Oregon National Guard could be called to California, if desired, to assist in putting down tbe riots if they occur, at Sacramsnto and Oakland, as they are liable to on account of the warlike atti I tude of the striken. As thev are national guards they can be called wherever needed, i Pennoyer. though, mitrbt object. At anv ! j rate members of F Company should get in timmnuh irin, ,) ;r a ...,i;.t that they will not show the white feather if obliged to face an army of strikers, 0 " Corvalhs. Conrad Meyer and family. of Albany, spent Sunday with relatives in tilis !. in, the piano manot Albanv, was by Otto , I .1 . T M Hamilton h.t nnrrhnjaml an Alemsnt I - 7. : iniid i .Tr upright piano of L I Will, of Albany. Yesterday was a lovely day not too hot. just pleasant, and several Albany people! took cdtantage of this and paid a visit to our city. Among them were: Miss Alice Porter; Kara Horton Miss Hettie Burk- hart, f h Allen and VVm I aber.- Informer. ) Up A Hill. Bruce Burnett vesterday ' mj- ,. . S .r .TV. Johnson's hill. i in 1011 county, mis mil in about one , half mile in length and has a 230 foot x grade, aad the wheelmen of Albany walk o v ? not at way. so rode StiSOT- I'hen tbey do they will sacreed. nmm a u UV USiWtS WI IVIIIUf IWj 19 will be ready to resign after reading tbe following, fold by Dr H B Stanley, of Dallas: A few days ago, while in a field near Dixie fn this mnntr I ara amrnrtaaui to be overtaken by a shower with not a Pliinn III SIOM Hn Aramimna whar taaw.f 1 falUn I (nnn.l if tr. Ka i,nn.r .1.. ,ik. excrement of the wheat bug. ! AFTER 1HISTL125. Ine foliOWlliir com- miasioners have been appointed bv tbe t-oanry court to destroy Canada thistle wcnever founa in their dtsuncU. for the . treat following their appointment: J M Harder, dist. 9; Benrv Kinzer. dist 8: J Clem dist. 19: A T Powell, dial 6: Smith Cox, dist. 45. BorxD OvR. Nathan Kinney charged witb burning Mr Anderson s btrn in the stuun countrj in iecember. IRSi. wa examined m luaUte Jnon'a court evening and was bound over to Ue grand j I0? ln e.f f .f"- He expects to , prtscure ui. out ant not mane 11 last m8" Statesman. Rranv. iars ikvmn tm V ia a condiUon for prompt response to a from California should one 1-eiuade for call T: " "1 llon - at ' , ihnn . , ''Co. Ucompccfareliablelvof young -ho will do their duty if called upon Installation-. The officer of Al - banv Lodge No 4 I OOF will be install- j ed this evening. larputy Grand Uaarer 11 II SlilW !. l ,K- ,,. I toinuall the officer. All members in- I Ited to he present. I I i lirl Ih.l HWS.I. S.. ....... II. nnA I . , V . . . T " . 1 w ' fair r I . i . I ruwA.nM I. . f.m.. .11.1. I peak volume tor It excellence and medicinal merit Hood's Sarsaparilla Is Nature' oo-workr. I Ho"d's Pill become the favorite cathartic with every one who trie them. ... .- , u.uin, JSC Tan Notice. After thi date. we. the undersigned, agree to saw oak v ood for 50 cents and fir. ash and maple for 40 cents per cord. July 10th Er. ArntMix. Wm. Neklkt. J. N. Ooana, Cabbage. Oreen P a. Celery. Sweet Potatoes. N w Potatce. & Chrriic At C E Brownell. 1 hae just received another Invoice of Ladle. Mies and children tan Oxford Tic In all size and widths. SAMt'EL E Y0t:SG. t leao towel to every coatotner at Viereck h iving parlor. The bea!jrnat enfiee in the city at Comad flljyera If you want a tine amok call for Joseph, white labor cigar. Bat h at Viarecks shaving and hair ?u ting parlors. Wild Black Derbies. During the present season I will admit persons to my wild blackberry fields at 50 cents per day. Will admit no one before July 5th. Berries not very plentiful. E Wills. C E Bi ownells grocery store is tncreas ng in popularity. He carries a fine stock In a light room, easily accessible and give bargain. Next door to the P O. all' Hair Ken :wcr cures dandruff an d a:? affection ; also all cases of baldne ss wheie the glands which feed the roots of the hair are not closed up. Go to Parker Bros for your groceries - Will & Stsrk keep up with the times! n the latest styles of jewelry. You will not ml It If you call on tbem for anything In the jewelry line. Moire silk fir trimming, in the staple and uew rhades, juat received at S B Young'. Get your fruit jars at Patker Bro. tra top and rubber. Ex Late silver sword & Starks. coraage pins at Will Jr. Price's Cream Oaldng Powder A Para Orcje gWS Tartar Powder. Loiter List. Foilowirg ia the list of letters remaining in the post offioe at Albany, Linn county Oregon, July 0, 1894. Persons calling for these letter must give the date on which they wars advertised. Broder, Claus Cable, C H Colton, Mrs II G Craig, ! P Hawley, Master Cecil and Kenneth Hogue, Mrs M R Jordan, Henry Morris, Mrs Rena Scott Bessie Southard, F Taylor, Miss Sutie-2 Williams, John ThOS. MoNTBiTH, P. M. A train left Portland yesterday for the east over the Notthern Pacific. Letters mailed In SanFrancisco on June 29 have just reached Albany. Several Salem families passed through Albany this noon for Yaqulna bay. Some Eastern mail arrived from the east today, but It was rather aged. Work on the foundation of the new Cusick bank building has been begun. An Oreiron exchange advocates the collection of taxes by the lira-ur In Hie nrst place. Why not i . Rev D C McFarland will preach at Peoria next Saturday at 8 P M and Sun- diy at 11 AM. The strike sliustlon Is materially improving. The prompt action of Uncle Sam has been very effective for the time being. There aie no flic or. celestials, s. . of them have regU'eied t nice in older to sl! the extra certlfictte f-jr a round prloe. The picture doesn't a nount to much in the case of Chinamen. The trade union f Chicago arc to trlke to-morrow tt 7 A M least lb it was the dcrlslrn of a general con ference there. It wa evidently done to bring mutter to a focu- ; but it wi I probably not have that effect. The steamer Scotia arrived at Yaqulna on Sunday with a load of valley freight, and will take out a cargoof Pioneer atone. Its capacity Is 450 tons of stone. This quarry ha enough order ahead for a large number of trip of the Scoiia. M 1 "e ,mra nnu1 circular o: the banti- I " "V 11 cates the school to be a worthy one. and , Its advantage good . Prof S A Randie U principal. I Bernard Marks is at the bead of tbe business course, ana Mi 1 1 at tie Warner ha chargsAhe musical denai l ment. cstf The social at the Y M C A rooms Wednesday oigi.l promise to be an inter esting affair A program is being pre pared by tt Auxiliary enough to recommend it. Some act In pantomime are S to be ptesnied, a ladle octet U to be a drawing frature,and throughout the even ing win be a firt-c:at ocial. Remember that Ayer' Sartaparilla it extracted from the Hondura root, which only of Sarsaparilla h the trueaiteratve p.openle. Alto, that it it a highly con centrated and powerful medicine, and hence it wndeiful result In all form of blood dheatc. Tlnn'l huv a Klwwl l. 1. m -1. tt Tl i . .... ..... -. ,, i"t i me .superior Meai- clne-Aver's araprtlls. ,! In the end. the cheapest blood purifier in ihe market, The Ingredients of whirl: It U composed are the most expensive and medicinally (fBcaclout that can be obtained. -it turns out th-l the young man Jay ne ,1 by a locomotive on the Unwn'Pa- clRc bridge near Willapa and instantly killed, wa narahied bv fright. A com panion who wa with him testified at the coroner' Inquest that J-yr.r, a weil as himself, had plenty of time to step asice, ! but seemed glued to the po. The com - j pamun cnaeavorea to gei mm on ire traca i oui wa unable The debt of lXug la county i $144, 077 39 Mr C B Irvine.of the hutyt nun returned home today. C A Chandler, manager for the Singer Mfg Co. U in the city. R S Bean is bow chief justice of tbe supreme court of Oregon. Hugfa t.ray went to Albany vetriay j . where he will accept a position in a foun 7 . rene Miss Augusta Reiner, of Albany, i visit- inir al !h nsi,in rj iUtr. I.f.w . few day. Eugene Guard. " K E Ham mark, of Taliman. went to Portland thi norw m tK- ,-.1 lodge of Masons, which convenes tomorrow. D P Maon. J P GaJbraith. C B Winn , and Mr Wj man are in Portland attending ! the grand chapter and grand lodge of j Mssssiss. Deputy I" S Marshal George Humphrey was in tne city today on hi way to Detroit to Ribpoena witnesses in the Brown and Iyer perjury cases. He report tbe strike yery timet in Oregon now, several deputies, though are kept it Ashland Detroit. The Salem Journal give tbe following Detroit item: Hiss Jetvetie K olden, of Albany, ha charge of tbe dining room in the L ass-ado ihouv iMmit will h.r a mill All c:v. u-i-.l :n v.:. .:n . -a., auu.v u. tutu up ,' , K M Pal and H A Pease have discovered a fine head of potter's clay on their claims which adjoin iketroit. We expert noon to II J I .. . J o t .1. I I " wp" eveiou. mme o: 1M a.T 1 1 . ... t . I 1 1 I t 1 naa mn nni w i roruana expen ana ne rays ne uiinss it wui mace nre unca. bOM, wi,hout noules tuavl. hvdranU tutned I Detroit ha one of the 6net parks in I on without hose, the pressure cannot 1 Oregon, a crystal spring being located in it. kept up in that neighborhood. It is one of the finest springs in the Ca ff you do not get good service it will be -ade range. The park is covered with the fault of the consumers themselves, and large fir Umber and tbe ground i level, j we hope it will be only necessary to call with a heavy growth of moss. It is cool , attention to these evil to have them and shady and is a place where the most ; remedied. keptical can enjoy tbemtelve. The roar ; desire earnestly to giv? service but it ing fantiam is twenty rods from the park U imposwihU- without your co-operation, on the south and the Breitenbmh i lev I With 300 consumers if each ran , inch than half a mile on tbe north with a good j hydrant open it will eai!v U seen that no trail to go to it. The mountain scenery ordinary water system can fnrnUh such a ( ., - , .. ... , . , cannot be described with pen. It has to h seen to be enjoyed. Fishing is now in full force and many of the speckled beautiej find their way to the fisherman's basket. Campers will find a fine retreat in Cascade park thi summer. In .Hcmoriam. Hal i. Ai nsY Kkoucb Co. No. 1. Albant, luly 2. 194. Whbreas, It hath pleased our Heaven ly Father in His wise providence to take from this life the beloved wife of our es teemed brother, Charles Hetzgar. Resolved, That the heartfelt sympathies of Albany Engine Co. No. 1 be extended to our bereaved brother in his sore affliction . Resolved, That these resolutions be sent to our bereavsd brother, also to be spread oo the minutes and a copy be sent to each of the city papers for publication. VK-ll. WARS Ell. F Bloi-st, Ai Stkanky. Committee. ATTKailTBD S.nciDE. The Corvallis In former says : James Dolan, who has baen in tbe eaploy of Krsusse Bros as shoe msker for tbe past three months, went to Lebanon to celebrats and while there Sot to drinking, something as a rule he Id not do, and has kept it up ever since until this morning about 3 o'clock when he bad got so far as to have been tem porary crazed from tbe effects, and tried to take bis own life by shooting at him self. Luckily his aim was not steady and he missed the mark and struck the door. The affair took place in a house on Second street occupied by Mrs But ton. Talk Is Curat ; but when you come to facts every body knows that Crawford A Paxton take better photographs than any other gallery in Oregon and at as low prises a the lowest. Frst stree. adjoining Masonic Hail. Kin Glovbs. -I have just received the new spring shades of the celebrated Centemeri kid gloves and alno those with tbe large pearl buttons. I expect to carry these in colors to match the suitings. I rarry also lines of the Foster book, Biarritz, chamois and gauntlet sloyes. 8 E Young. Ksbo Corset. A m-rect dretg form Dresses fit perfectly over tnm. Appro vet by all dressmakers. S E Ycckg n. rV Ice's Cream Baking Powder Most, Perfect Mnde. Did you know that Tinkle made the finest photos, see the new samples and get his prices. Remember Tinkle positively guarntee his photcs, as you will be ure to be pleas ed with your picture if hi! makes thi ni. Try him once. A Free Picture! See Tinkle about get ting a life size crayon ftee. U S Bakery bread Is first class, Ca at Second and between El torihard Lyon streets. Or. Price's Craeta Bhang Powder "WE T33ST IE S IDJTST Tc -DAY'S DISPATCHES. At Sacramento. Sackamkkto. July 11, 1 p. 111. When the regulars arrived the strikers had al ready uhandoned the situation and no at tempt was made to interfere with troops It is lie.ieved that ragman will meet with no op)osition when trains arc moved this afternoon. Afttr the regulars had marched to the depot Gen Sheehan ordered first bat talion, third infantry and two companies of first infantry San Francisco to remain in ;-.02sesiton of water front until further or dered. Scarcely had the regulars reached the dehot when the militia were fired upjn by strikers, who were tmboshed on 1 oio side of the river. Militia returned lire and over 20 shots were exchanged . The strikers abandoned the sitnati 11 and escaed in hoavy ambush, which lines the river banks. It thought one striker was wounded. At Oakland. Wkt Oakland, July 11. Rai'road company is preparing to make some move in Oakland this morning. The feeling of confidence which has been strong auionp trikers is growing weaker and sign of disrourugetrent art not concealed. The K'sofL. LH1CA0O, July 11, 1 pin -Bepoctf from all princijjal cities are to the eff-ct that Knights of Labor did not strike anywhere in sovereigns request. Thcr can be no strike without consent of local as semblies and they have not yet had the op portunity to consider the matter. After exhaustive investigation covering practi cally every field of labor the Evening Post finds 1700 cigar makers have struck and 90 (tertnan bakers will go cut tcnigbt. All other line? of industry are going on as usual. CiucAiio. July 11. A Cleveland tele gram received at headquarters of Knighu of Labor from tieneral Master Workman Sovereign: "'Ilo not strike, see press re ports." Knights did not strike. Later The story from Cleveland that tieneral Master Workman Sovereign had ordered Knight not to strike, emt hatically denied by labor leaders. "Ihat telegram was a forgery, said Secretary Simpson, "and Sovereign ha. already forwarded de- Trouble at ScuttsJalc. ScoTTROAi.E. Pa. Tbe imported rtegrD cke miners were fired into by marching striker at Summit today. Light men are taiJ to be -hot. City Council. Prwnt Tuesday evenimr. July 10. Mavor. recorder, marshal and Cooncilmen W hitnev Ssbeli. Pfeiffer and Burihan The following bill were ordered paid : City agt Uraham. 2.H5; P B Marshail. "W: W B Barr. IOCtO; A!lny Electric Litrbt Co.. 8IS9-00: Mavor and council, l'A.00: Irank C Iannab. ri5.; E B Davidson, t' 00. Petition of Ben Brenner referred. ordinance "i!) crea tins office of stnse nperinteniieot wa pastesl. I Txlioaocj 291 nrovidinaT for street and I aide walk improvements wa passed. Thi i Mippoced to make complete t revision Cor collecting cofta for ame. Tbe re port of tne recorder and treasarer show the following: Am't on hand cs. inning of j r $ 1 1- a 9089 10 $9237 Re-eipts far .jrrter Total Paid out -Boniled inleltedne PoUce (ietxrai funl SK1 - 739 Balance on hand . I Inteteat fond ! Police fund , j General fund I Ine - ..S1 54 . iZM 00 109 00 . ISB 64 7C.000 00 2LK3 K Bonded debt Oubaanding warrant Total IS 5 Not ice To Water Consumer. t rfbee of Albany lanal. Water. Trans portation and Lighting Company, corner First and Calapo.iia street. Albant. Ot. Jaly 9. 194. To Water Conramer: Commencing toUy. during the irriga tion waon. we will run both puinp. from 5 o'clock p m to 9 p m. This will give 75 pound of pressure at the pump and good service over tbe whole system if properly ii.t US ! II A, , l" ' II. .HI" , I ,1 . If , . 1 . ..I . nM I..1 1 supply under pressure C C Boor. Cashier, Crossed the Cascade John Stewart arrived home Friday morning from a four week's trip to the Beaver t reek country. SO miles laeyond Prineville. He came via tbe t-ehtuion route, found the road in excellent condition and passed many families with household effect, some driving cattle, horse and sther slock en rouV for the Willamette valley, many of them for Southern Oregon. They hailed mostly from Eastern Oregon and Washington, and were hunting homo. This has been a very rainy season east of the mountains, crops are excellent, and there is no wheat pest. Bef'ire he left. Mr Stewait beanl the pest had wrought such damage to Willamette valley crops that much of the grain would not be worth harvesting. Corvallis Times. Crook county people always seem to delight in making out matters worse than tney are. The aphis has done almost no dainge. More Pardoxs. Governor Pennoyer continues his pardoning power liberally. Yesterday he issued certificates pardoning the following: 0 W Burleigh, convicted in Lincoln county. May 5, 1894, of rape: the reason given was that the prosecuting attorney did not think the prisoner com mitted the crime. A T Waddle, convicted November , 1878, of the crime of murder, committed in Marion county.and sentenced for life; his sentence was commuted on ac count of good behavior. A S Huntley, con victed June 4, 181, of Innglary in Marion county; the reason for his release is that his family is suffering, and need his support, and the governor considered his sentence too severe. inn's mis: We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case ot Catarrh that cannot be cured by Ball's Catarrh Cure. F. J. OH RICKY CO., Propn., Toledo, O. We the ui.ilcrsigiKil, have known V. J, Cheney for the last is yearn, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions end financially able to carry out any obligation made by their 11 rm. WtaSl TjwrX, Whole! OruEKisU.Toledo.O. Wauiiso, Kinxan a MaW VIM, whoieseto Drug gist , Toleilo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, act ing directly upon the blowt and mucoua sur faces of the v in. Price ?Sc. per bottle. Bold by all DruRkiai". Testi..ionial free. Wood Sawinis. The undersigned prepared to do wood sawing, and splitting and piling if desired, on terms to tmt tl. times. Leave orders at the focd storo of R M Robertson one door east of the Dem ocrat office. (J S Acuxson. Highest Honors DPRICE'S The only Pare Creatu of Tartar HOME AND ABROAD Wagon load of wheat have been ing to Albany for the Red Crown com mills. from Halsey The O P paid a profit of (20 durir g June Betterment Inc-reateJ the expenses consid erably and the receipts were decreased. Jim Westfall has received threatening letters from another cele-tlal that 'e causing him much uneakinete. There Is a big nopoitunitr for theyouusr men of this country. Chatlei liodson. at one Ijme foremin ol Ihe Corvallis Oa- zettinow a mcmbir ol a V S Army bard, located in Tcxa-. The contract for building a bridge at A'sea ha been Is; to George Uidinger at $795- J BTilteson bid 8S34. W M Kt John$f,-93, H M Sfcne ifit,t. The other were Benton county bander. The aalaric A the official of Spokane i ave been reduced to the following trices for Ihe comi.ig yar: Mator, $l,jo;com-: roller, Si, boo; clerk. Si, 200: chief of police, ii.-"-", ownmiaioners, $1,500;: corporation council, :.03O: Aiderman. I $54- Salaries ol the city officer of Corvaliis ' have been teduced us fellows : Chief of police, from 6o to $4 j pei month: night , watch, from jj.oo per night to SI 7;- police judge, from ?5o 10 j;i; permohth;! Ity treasurer, from $: to $12 per month. , I) Ij Leven, the newly elected theriff of )ougla county, haa resigned on account ' of ihe poor health of hi mother. Ye-! terday the court appointed C F Cathcart sheriff. C'tbrnt w alt party under; Leven. D;ivd R Shf mbrook.'of L'mp- ' qaa Kerry, was appointed deputy. Mart Williams. f Monroe precinct, is gathering up looo head of shre?, to be: driven ovcr:and to !' . .! lor J I- Cattle. ' It ha been demonttrated 10 be much cheaper to ortve mutton hee? to the ; Portland market tl:an to hip them by rail from thli ttction. Ti a average price pid for mut'on sheep i 81.25 fer head. ' Corvallis Time. Mr and Mn W B Clarke had a ntnow . escape from drowning at Millwood list ' 1 Thursday. While cosajng the mill pond there on the log boom, lfr Clarke lipped into t.,e water, and Mr Clarke went prorrptiy 10 ner, oniv to come near drowning l.imaelf. Bo h final; v reached terra tirma, but it wa some time before W B recovered from the eSect of the accident, having been completely exhauaied hy his effort. Roseburg Review. SOCIAL AM) 1'I.RSOXAL. Mr Harry Pri-e. of Multnomah cortntv. ' is in the city. Mrs W C Davis and daughter Ethel, went to roruana this noon. Chas Elgin, of Albany, who formerly run a grocery atore on Court street, in thU city, i in Salem Salem Journal. J M Irvitg. wife and son V alter, N H Allen, wife and foar children. E X Condit. wife Mil two children. Mr and Mn L E; Blain, E W Langdon. wife and daughter. ! Jeorge and Grace Piper and Mi Vitla ' Maston. left this noon for Yariaina Bay Prof (i H 'ilke. of this city, recently ; county school raperintenlenl ha leen em-1 I ployed to teach the Lebanon school . Prof Wilkes may Le depended upon to give 1 , Lebanon a first class public school. 1 Lee Steiner. Dan Fry and Eugene Willi. lofSaleru. were in Ai'.anv vevterdav on; pedition' Thev wii! po from Detroit on tnetr wav t -r- r. : - :.. foot, and expect to :in: fishing not enjoyed j oy outer tms siue. Judge Hew it: cakes a pleasant and dip-! tie .nch. He ha a high fcrelieaXana. well-formed h ad. beard oa chin md j nioustache s.igiUv gray, wear? gray clithes 1 SSM standing collar without tie. Salem 1 Jaurnal. , Tie Corvaliii Time aj s: The Uvt of the i original naci:ton tannir. Mrs r.iuabeui Bryan died near Tangent Thurvday. and was boned at Albanv Fridav She was a sister of W B an i James. F Hamilton, and j an aunt of Mr B W Wi!- n. Mrs Farra ! and Mr t.raham. of this city. In the sixties she came to this coast from M iseouri ' settling in Benton oounty. residing, among other plains on the taoldson farm on ak assak. now owned h- John ll 0lrn. Her on wa the car.didate on the democratic . V . ... ucaei tor ueasurer 01 lans coanrv. M rkiei. In Jacksonville. Or?gon. on July 5. 1S94. by Rev W B Moore. Mr F B Hatch aaad Miss Madias ImHi rJ Ashlatd. riel.rt,li?afjsrnierresti.Uiito Allaany and a popolar young la Jy. Mr and Mr Hatch have the l-t wishes of marov Alcony friends of the The Tidinp-s say? : Mis Nelson is tne daughter of Mr and Mt Wra Nelson and one ot tne attractive and worthy young ladies of Ashland. Mr Hatch hold's the responsible position of joute agent for Wells. Fargo & Co' express, supervising the companies service north and sooth of Ashland between Oakland. Oregon and Ked Bluff. California, and has a promising future before him. Niw-poBT CilATiGEn. A correspond ent of a Salem paper sere; Newport I much changed thi yeSaV. Tne north jetty ha caught and he'd tbe sand until there 1 no longer an beach intht Im mediate vicinity ot Sewpor'. The popu lar beach ihis teascn will be NtC creek and beyond. A sand pl ha been thrown up opposite Newport on the south aide, making it l.nposatb'.e to o; crate a fer ry to sculh beach except at extreme tides. On thi account the steam ferry is being removed to Yar.uin. where passenger for Seal Rock and the Aie co-mtry are now landed. The crossing U made by mall boats but in a few dav the steam farrr will he in opeialKrn. VI hrn Tra i rlin . . Whether on pleasure bent, or business take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of I Fiars. as it acts most p'e.santlv and ef-i feclually on the kidneys, liver and bowe.v. preventing fever, neadaches and other form of sickness. For sale in 50c and $1 bolliet bv all leading dninists. Manu factured bv the Citilor.Via Fig Svrup Co onlv. I have just received another invoice tboae popular priced sun umbrellas. Savvkl E Yoi sg ot Another invoice of Gilbert fast black satteens in plain and brocaded. Also per cailne In tart black rnd colors and last black orgrandies just received at Samuel Young's. The handiest place in town Fred Daw son' Httle drug store on Ihe corner, for pills. Real faith ncvei grow weak by hav fng to wait. Sufferers taking Hood's Sartaparilla for chronic complaints should be patient and the result will be satisfac tory. Hood's Cures. Hood I'i'ls act easily, vet promptly and efficient! v. on the liver and bowels. aSe, Lacks. The new rlrt De Veuise Iae, in butter color, just received l S L loung. Hodge & McFaiiana, the leading drug- git, Albary, Cr. Albany Market. WbeaMOe. Oate, SOe. Flour, SS.90. flutter, ISo. Kggs. 12c !rd, 12 to 15c. Pork hams, 12 to 15;, shoiil.ier,9;u,IO slit-". It to 13c. Hay, baled, $7, -G atoea, 4I1".; Apple , 4 Hops 12 1. Dried fruit -plu n I, Chtokens, $10) pr Reef, on ft M, 1M Hoe, dr' e 1. ) ;'c, app'es, 9a toien. aj World's Fair Powder. No ABUnonia; No Alum. OOWTrFTrTvP; B , . . unugn csshbti ana improvement and tends to personal when adapting the worM'a m y v a ... . f""'-'" " the needs of physical being, will attest j the value to health of tbe pure liquid j laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting I :n f.,. mnat -TT" - . I" j .""5 1 .TPg?!! "" tm9&e and Pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly j beneficial properties of a perfect lax- i auve ; euectuaiiy cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of tbe' medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak- j ening mem ana it is perfectly five from ' every orjjecxionaDie sunsiance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in 50 cent bottle, bat it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Fip, at. ! boing well informed, yon will not accept any substitute if offered. New Advertisements. U C Wateon Luther LTkins. WATSON & ELKINS ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office Firrt National Bank building. - - ... wwu uj us w 111 prompt and careful attention. receive VtrANTED.-A secon nand light I TT wagon or backboard' Call at offioe I ol C B Da rymp'e. CHEAP BASPBERRIES. --Come and pick your own raspberrle. black or red at three cents per pound. Across the nver from Albanv. W. H. Waeser. aninvmatit rightly used. The many, who live bet- nouw ,n ln r-'ly Albany. ait county b r than others and .inv lif mnn. ufe' H e urur 1 o cio. k p u, of less eioenditnr hV 'wLZZmZ W!.P" lie auction f.r casa In F'ofaiiTHROUGHTICKETSiMi, J FRED YATF8, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Room and 36, Strahac Block. Albany. Oregon. ftaawsi naa mCKBUKP & S0MEBS J ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ' All legal maters aril! re-eive prompt at- i tent ion. Office. First Xetional Bank boiiding. up stairs. . 1 LOST. A pair of boraea ahio eslfakia. bloc eiaatic, aome bet ar ten .1 bur and the fairgroaod. leave at tb Dm aT office. boots, wbeie Pea IVOOD fsr sale at w ak, ah, aup! hard pice. : t fir. price, CC Hoit a. ' I "oEschasce. Will exchange valuable I - . IX , - . 1 aj mi agwauarci. inquire or J H Upham Albany Cregoa. miliOAS.-Webir i few hundred J. dcllara to loan on good real estate! JL dcl.arsto ; aecaritv S N Steele A Co. Albany Ore. T r ANTED. -1000 prople to g to 4'n at 50 cents Leban. n on Ja'y apiece. Trains will roa all dav. froaa 7 a m utti! la'e at nibt. Real MMoMoh 1 us. Albany. Or. Peunty Warrants Bought end Sold. J. i. lTItSTOX. INSURANCE AND MONE. ; BROKER. fonrtv Warrants Sold. MiitT, Maston Blofk. Alb Orrjroi. JEO E FIMI u TBE PLUMBER. Tin rooSing and plumbing j the opera house. ; . Opposite St IKlWi. i Cusick Bhxi i fffWsWarlsfn Albany. Or. XMJILAJJ Filling and extracting of teeth without pain a specialty. AlbanylDsaraBce Agency We have had over seven year exper ience In the Home office and local insur ance business, and can guarantee lr surance written by us to be properly looked after. The following Is a partial list of companies represented by us: Foreign No-th British sV Mercantile, Norwich Union, Phcenii, London, Man chester, Guar dan, Sun, Caledonian, Lon don & Lancashire. American Continental of New York, We&tche&terof New Y'oA. The Cor. U nental of New Y'ork and Manchester of England, write farm businesc,taking notes for the premium, with ample time for payment. We respectfully solicit any good business. Offioe opposite old post office. SI SENDERS ibis Iavaibm and Nrtn Toirav by Orunrista or Mnt b mail. SSa-SOav anu JI.00 per paoXac Saunplea free. KO HO forUteetlJllTctub!aato! Car aln Sweeney, V.-S.A., San Dteao-Cal-SCys: "8hUob's Catarrh Bemedy Is tK aS medicine 1 have ever found that would do me aoygoou." PriooCOcta. SoMby Pruyapavta. SHILOH'S CURE. wKolQo?.?S An screes Sold SHERIFFS SALE ( the County Cittrtof ihr. Stat oj Ortnym for i'i' county of folk. I Nat Ho'tuan, Plaintiff. Defendant. Hale Batekinsio, Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of an execoiion and ortte: of s-e duly Issued out of ihe above named court in tbe above entitle'' acti'-n v m Hir.., ' tnH Ha Sir, ,,! Commanding rr.e tr levy upoa and e;l the real property heret,f ri attached !n said action and deacribed in said execu tion, f u.'vi e drily lev.ed tpon all the sight title und inteiest ( f the abov.'. named dftndanf, Hale Parkinsto, in and to ths aaid na! estave property described an follow to wit; tbe HoniH maw ski oa oaocat em to in ti citv ' A I tia n v fa intv nf T .i n is Sl,a I a ..Til.. 1 ' J . J - ....... , vir;7J( nci win on the Vs'b day i,( Jo,y 1894. at tbe front roor of tbe comt .i7i." j . . .... , . . ! W I'ne riu i,iieresi 01 said ioieuiairj . n a. d to amid real property, tc pay and KUi;y aid' execution am follows: First the cost aD1 epense cf and upon taid exeeui oa M tn" riglna' cost: cf suit lazed at Vf.'wi'.W ST(?,nd 10 lbe " ,L pialr.t:Ts claim amounting to thesooj ; $195.35 with ,nteret th.rei.n at the r.U of 10 per rent p,r ar nam from tbe " h day ef rst.rnary. IS!f, and the fort.,er BaBn 01 zo attornej s fecm Dattd this 27tb, day of Jane, IfM. C C JacKViN. Sheriff of Linn County, Ore. By tr 8 Smith. Lepuiy xiw f oa, u c p.jb, II t UuiU', R&xirera. N ORTHFRN PACIFIC R. R. N S Pullman Sleeping Uars, Elegant Din;g Gars. Tourist Sleeping Cars. St Paul Minneapolis Pnluth Fargo, Oracd Forks Crookston Winnipeg Helena and Ba:te TO TO . Chicago : Washington j Philadelphia ; New York : Boston and alt Points East and South 1 T For information, time cards, maps and tickets call on or write C G Bcrthart, Agent. Albanj, Or. Or A D Charlton. Agt Gen ass Aft, Portland, Oregon, Oregon Pacific Railiodd. t Bl CL ACJL. Bmlnr Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates : qauaa mmd San Ekaachaw. I Ecsccr lttca Ta recti as reajcaaco Hbo sail Ftty SJafe, Jtarci 113 b an. r, Tsrt?a. ! Basawrawi Ftb lih, afar r. , aid Sk. Tbe Company Tewexr.a tb ngnt tc hwnge aniline date w-'tboot sotiee. For freight acd paaenrr r-ies rp y o ary agent. (hares J d. ic'-sa. SB a Co. S. SmS karkcl St iaa Frasajsro C3 FOR SAN FRANCISCO The Steamship HOMER will ply between San Fran cisco and Willamette Valley points via the Oregon and Southern Paeifc railroads., sailing with freight and pas sengers on or about the fal lowing dates : From San Fran cisco on Wednesday April 4. at 6 p m. From Yaquina: on next Tuesday. Ai'n It j Fare from Albany aDd I Corvallis to San Frarcio: 'Cabin. $12; Steerage, $9. Round trip tickets, includ ing meals and berths, good I for 30 da vs. $18. Chas 1 Hentirv, So.s Jt Co, Aat No 2 toJS Market street, Ssan P raccisCW Wall Paper, ii nas, JPainiss. Oil Car la Mr-., ltC J. A. finniiug ALBANY, CRECO Street Railway Time Card The car will leave corner of Firt and Washington streets at follows: 7:40 a m for Lebanon train. bas " " Orohan's Home. 11:50 " " N00.1 train going north. 12:15 p m for noon train going south. 1 ' " Lebanon train . i 30 ' " Orphans Home. tt tl tf ft 9:55 " a. Overland train going sou For Orphan's Home nn Sunday csr leave at 2 :3o, j and 4.30 pm The car will also meet all inc trains on the Oregon Pacific railroa C G BVRKHART WALKS NASH, X.AW. Will practice in all the ourts of the state. Office First Nat'l Bank fcuilding.Albany, Oregon. PIANOFORTE LESSONS. W Gilford Nash is now prepared to recene a limited num ber of pupils. He will be at tbe residence of Mrs Christine Montei h. corner of 9th and Ferry streets, on Wednesday after noons and Thursday mornings in each week, commencing on Wednesday next 9th inat. iav elsewhere, can. anu ne convin'