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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1894)
State KiQpts Itmocmt VOL XXIX. r.nlrrc.l at Ike Pas Oiler at Albany. Or., a second- it.-- Mall HMtert A LBANY.CWbGON, FRIDAT, JULY o 1894. tTITK Mrrm.,pa!l!,hrr. an1l Proprietor: NO ;,! for Infants " CaatorU Li ao woU adapted to children that Ireeomnivod It aa ratperlor toigr prracripUon 3own to cm-." It A Aacaar, a. D., HI f Orfonl St, Sruokrra, X. Y. Tho mo of ' rtasteria h so universal and ifct iiiorlu ao well known , hot It seerua a work f uireroj-at ion to endorsa it. Few are the utelugent families who do not heap Castoria vitUu cay reach." Cmuoa Man-, s, D. Ek, Koyj York City. Th CXNTAua 1 ae Best Shoe. St., 11. $3 !!aWWm W. L. DCUCLAS Shoes arc stviish, easy httirisr. and give bctte cat is faction at the price advertised than any cuher ma!.;. Try one ps-r anJ be con--inced. The stamping of W. L. Don ntzat and price on the bottom, which guarantees their value, saves thousands of uallftrs ani.c. 'iy to those vt'.o wear then. Dea. :rs -a no pusn :ne sale ct v . L. Wots increase the sales on their ftill Hne of anrl ire bclicee vu can aa-o i-v?.e- I " osnow. uouivw true -4c s..;,...: .. . ... i- i;t.: .. l.-jrL'.;x. m. FOR SALE BY THE l.EM&AIN CLOTHINOTcT6" HAVE 5 TRIED TO 1CVD A RHEUMATISM, LUMBACC, SCIATICA, KIDNEY. LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS; DYSPEPSIA, LAME-BACK, t mi Owe 20n unto bk IT, ItEE CI. X ?tril Blddlewceri rnc old man. anal aaah aa wnha.ere.ured thonsanes to roNit, I shown be hundred, of uawsthro -sboiit tl ! iS oearinatc.':i-ij!.j to te rreoowerj alter Oiig oar ..wis. ECJ3ED TH33E-WE CAH CUBE YCU! CI wncm we na.e struus teuer. WE HAVE rtruPBAL DEBILITY C'rti-D. , ,,twru . Or A. T. Saadan. LHrr-B orelu'c-i y, .t tH I wa. troubl-a with lo Ti.or. .iud w.iac-. aUaoot aeompim iooi .-.uin tr. u( .ue a wt tiryd foalinf. b..n . Kilrj, etc.j.:!. twinu i Ml? Wl 1 B , - nio nr. in M. - ' ' i llfo bettor th.a 1 b.T. f t j 7' ar. port. Itim.'j, atmcMt e .noil.oco in lour irauB nu i ou c n i u liah thi. Trulx roui. II t. . 1.I.0 l'.Tn othr-.4 BVil RHEUMATISM ANO,LAMEKE89 1 CURfO. Jror lan l.Orxj .n, April 19 irS2. Jyr. A. T. Sanec. Iiaarfllrr I rot on. f lou- baiu k- - .I,u .n..,..m fnm vhirh 1 .nff. rwt larwn.l ran. rorfhapa. ci. month. I bad o! pnn-n.ntly,andl 1 be alal to talk With aa. on. arae iMBibUto. rk. Y ui Naap:red main alnaort'vanu to inqn raatv.- oorf t health in the '.owe ka 1 Bavr ao 1 can m orcaoiT, nun iki in. ' tabir. n enerallr. M. E. ill'OH C - Pr r. tor Icianiutioaal i 1 . rL NERVOUS DE3IUTV-I.PSS OF WICOR. Tmibb ..!.. O-tob- r 21. 1932. Dr. A.T Panden. liearr ir: t ha.e brcn Bataa jour Sactric belt for eeneral 1'rtot, .aoi.itr. ana kmj i wimnr AmIIy. and am strop g in ergrr psix. ub-icua s-do--.. yjrserstefuUy, CHAT. Ll! rTI'lvA. ! fool botljr tnau 1 Uu.. lor nTByoara I KaTe gai4d THE DR. SANDEDfCELECTRsC BELT Is a complete calvanlc battery, made Into a belt ao as to be easily worn d urine work or atrc t. am? M otTO. ouothlnar. pr lonxed current, which are tnataatly telt throaehout ail weak parta. or we forfeit 3,64)0. 1". fcasan Improved Electric KBapeoaorr, the Ereate.t boon urer weak roan. and we warrant it. to cure any of the abot j weakne.aes, an". f enlarire .hruniien lucbe. or part., or .Money Refunded. They are graded In atrerurth to meet all Btaaea of weakness in ravn -, mltd:agi-'rckt ao will euro ui. worst I QWi u. lag or uuc 3 AN DEN ELECTRIC CO-' 3RD AND. WASHINGTON PA R0Mi7r oMv'Ihstitution:. r Tt FARMERS & MFRCHftHTS lOBUCt CO! Albauy, " tiCA( rreBi.yit. J ti COWAN, rrtjitaiirer. -niBBcrroB I Cowan. Geo P 'jlmpaon, V K Itinl, J K '.VhhiIi h Li- t 0 J -ALrto DI3TWCT several Solid Eastern FORTMILLER Undertakers and WE KtEP constsnllv cn hard full Hm of mttilic, cloth erti v or d rstkets at coffins. Also bmial lobes and mils, in t rrsdcloth. iii rl fl .ts.slf which will be old at I he Lowest Living Profit. EMBALMING and tne proper care of the dead a specialty. KO EXTRA, CHAfiCfc FOR ALBANY, - - MASONIC MANHOOD rtESTORt . . (fiiuitiu''ed tocurvist. iiarvuuaii.MtaMa.BUcii u W'- ik St,' www lower iifttiiuf lie. h it nesff.all drains and !- uv ovt-r excniim, youmini -rrort, oioeibive nrw i i ii ..Mil, which had tu InlirmUy, o:iuujptkin or In sal , v.'i porket. VI pr box, fl for by tint 1 1 pf9p((r V 4tf:lve u written Kiiuruatee to euro nr rfunr 1 1 m BoakiffAmiirBlMlr' tiruu'tfi!. A"K lor it. inKtt i.iu..un wrauii, r. AudreHB A ihtny Ore, .by J. A. CI'VV.v.; 4 LB ANY CIGAR FACTORY J, JOSEPH, Proprietor, and Children. Castorla cure; lAilie, ConJlpartori, Socr Stcu-sea, Tjiarrhcea, Kructatioc, Kills Worms, .rives sleep, and rromot.-a U pestlon, Without injurious Tnodlott Ion. "For several years I havo rvcornmcau4 your OViria and shall always continue i do M as it has lnvariahly rrcaluevsi henolkia losults." Edvin F. lVii.e:. . M. r vast Greet aj rth i-., :.vr Yfc ( y COKPAXT, MlRRaV STREET, NsW Tot ClTT. DOUGLAS SHOE FOR 6ENTLEHDL $4 ana S3.60 Dross Shse. S3.5C Police Shoo, 3 Sole! S2.50, S2 for Workingmei 62 and 81.75 for Boys. LADIES AND MISSES C3, 82. SO 82, $1.7, CAIJTTO??. If any dealt ofl'era you W. I- Doacla. hoc. at m reduced or ire. or aaj. he lias then with, out tl.o name at.iinr.tM' Ule Bottom, put him uown uainuj. Shoes g;n customers, which heins tc - '-n " - ' re-Tl ot 1 ' -T- f -rf dcslr? ml... DRUGS AND FAILED CTRK FOR DC laRIBn EI.CCTRIC BELT nith Electro Maenetlc Sasa erv wiii euro wtthaat Medlclna l en ... Ui'-st-or trouble, laouwao 'tu i!fir frra n... ttrtbitlfv. Kg LtttaSi Hrrin. Loat Ma bo.J, i'oi.r 'iimirr, all Female (ew )!!-.'. u. ai.ace-erml 111 heakji. iaei'3er:of aauM. tinan. worr, ore - rjre. will Bad relief and cure to cur mwrelooa ln.enli.-a, ah h t qmrre but atrial to con.inee I tM'Bi-!! sier'C I. Inlcnotsseeofaf. 13 r n-i s too ha-e ana air drataty) r. nrnffur AlrMnftmMAdt1lCil. wklc. .1. gladly aad tacr I. Tbj repace raloyoar r.tem tn. eleicer.u-.hos diauMd. which are re ouirel tor .icoroniurmta. too will retio.e the e.a and health. MM .rut .u...r wl 1 follow at nu.ntee a cure or jetond nr Maw ana nwiwi wfc vw w. OS METf should be read bT ererv TOW as. I'r. Sandea'a Electric Belt U r eipentnoat I 1 Tlror. alter H other treaHienti failed. a. caaba ;r-r rtateicwno wuut.. t iiiit. iuuuv I AME SACK AND RHEUMATISM. porthied O ewa.f awtacoor j,.. A.T. flaeie: iJir Sir :- Yraef Mporar. ud Ihirdacrtcn'D d witu lh. itr.m ooraina tTm tho . of a., .noe, n- nraa .mtwil UaM bode lrom ,1,,,. Brrd ' Iw.M 1 Miff.fvd 'or orrna ye.ra. X om o bad ' not bred a t bac. vaoall do.Aled or til -t I Wi. . i won H. I bought ci . of j'j : r balta It t..'-d u jo ,j, n( , dw. ai.d I eoottaie ' to in idroftw aaja. ai.d I con tin it I to w.r .i lor loot inouthf. being perfvrt. cured. That waatwo y-mn a o.aml I am a.o.l toiler aa 1 aor vaa :a rar Ufa. I ar.oTi joui be't w.iL. aud I ka w lota of nwonlawae h... bc.c ccrQ br i. Har.r ottwo. aoad K, and n tharwoo dt: It tkoT wooit. ,'i ad it tha aaaM aa I f Jo : .- remclB too wo-H. i . m loaaToa BCWI KOBKltT UritBtL.EnslnaarHotaIPot.laad LCST VrTAUTA STRNCT T - A.T. Rantla Dear Fir : incf wvskjr.OdT rom b It I havo baoa area ' i benefited . I f real my old ea. rry fa-t retaraiac: and aftra month'-, um ol the V 7e t Awul -..o.!- t ,o w sat h'rao. Idle metaorj is low near-jr ; rfeet, and eac. day ovboat for tho better. 1 f -1 Eiaco fT asing tht. bjdt. ourt:o-7 liENUf toCHCLTl waawjaaaaa avuicm iu iuu lu.uiuiMiuw Oreoi J O Wf.ri.-iMA, Kocietan Geo F HIMPHON. Vloa Prodi uti f) B Montlt'i.H ternnwrw,1! W n,. Stutil i f WritBman. AOEITTS -TI and Foreign Compaiib & IRVING Embalmers. HEARSE CR SERVfCE , TEMPLE, - - OREGOl HRRDfl." Rotatoria) rempli Mory.lAissof IW1 M - i Nr' " btT wxca:; i .opt. oritlni' .'tin be cari.dln t . order I uiiieMt. l. on MuhIiimhI. r hi.) I of oowur f i UenerHtive ii(. nt- noia by no oilier- w rife lor I r. S EUVJEU1 C Tl IUIIMV d i 'Hoi sent rjS and by iMHifM 4t THURSDAY Two IsniAX Si-KKCiiiiS. The follow in k speeohes were in:ule tr the famous war rior Chief Joseph ami Chief Pot t I ha celehraiiou, heltl on the Umatilla rCHer vation J illy 4 : Before the tlanciutr, Chiefs 1'oc an,l Jostph made speeches. John Mel '.run interpreted. Posj referred to the times hen over the prairies and on the mono tditts if Oregon the Indians heltl undis puted sw;ti. Nti white men had come to take away their hunting grounds. The tall wavlnc, (jraw, the sparking si renins. the babbling brooks were theirs. anil the game in mountain fastness was only hunted by the original owners. The winters and summers parsed while the tribes pursued their aboriginal avoca cations, in war and at peace. But now all Is changed. The white brothers from the rising sun hold v. No more is the war rig donned. " VVe are glad," said Pot, "'you are here, and for my people and my guests I extend to you tlie ex pressions of roost cordial hospitality.'' Joseph the famous wanior, followed and aftr voicing Poe's sentiments, said: " We are brethren. We Corns Trorn one comaion ancestor. Our great Spirit has put us all here, and though one we re sisted and took many scalps; thouh once we sought to steal vipon the settler in midnight massacre and drive him from the domain our fathers fought to main tain, yet we bless you. Our warlike as pect means not war. The past is dead and the future will always see us walk ing side by side with no trace of enmity." Loud applause followed both speeches. As Cxsafe Bask. A fire isavery con venient thing, but it sometimes does a good deal of damage in a small space of time. A story is told at the expense of a worthy citizen of St Helen's. To some it may seem like a joke, but to the per son directly interested it is a rather a serious matter. A short time ago he was foi lunate enough to collect S0, one half of which was in a Lank check and the oaUnce in two tX)go!d pieces. Hav ing a careful wife, he gave her the money and check to put in some safe place, and she cculd think of no safer place than to pnt it iuside of the stove that had no: been used since the cold weather. One morning scon after, while this good wife was out milkinic, the huseand concluded, as it was a little chilly, he would hate some fire made in the stove, and pro ceeded to warm himself and the room in great shape. Imagine the conbterna'ion of the careful honsewife when, on her re turn, she found a blazing hot fire in the etore where the treasure waa concealed. "Oh ! You've burnt up the money !" she exclaimed, and when the household got through its head what she meant, and later exp'ored the interior for the re mains, acre enough thtre was a mass of metal. Two pieces melted iuto one with the stamp not yet quite effaced, but partly melted and presenting a sorry look as a medium of exchange. It was a very b!ack and disfigured looking mass, but it seemed to balance two good coins of the same denomination that had been pot in the stove. The check can be re placed, and Uncle Sam's agent at the mint will give an opinion as to the present value of the coin. New TiiACiiEits. The folioiting ntw hacheni were elected by the Board of Bs gents of the State Normal tVrhool at Mon mouth at the annua! meeting held in June: Methods and Psvchulogy. H B ituckham. A M. recently of the Buff aio. X Y. Mate Normal: Mathematics, E J McCaastland. B S, Cornell College. Ia: Chemistry and Botanr. K B Baicomb. It S ft K... ... State Normal; Physics and Molhematicj. W " ""i" g'-'- XwrwMrt and Indiana StafeTntvertitv: Mu-ic -n.i Drawing Miss Anna B Sickles. IVtroit Conservatory of Music. Prof Buckham takes the place of Prof P A GeU. who re Mtrned to accept the priDcipaUhip of the Eilensburg. Washington. State Normal. Prof BaT.-onili will take the place left vacant ty Prof W J Spiltman. wbo was e!ecied last spring to the chair of Agricul ture in the Washington Agricultural Col lege. The present faculty of the school consists of ten members all of whom are teachers of ability and experience, with thorough preparation for their work. The future of tie school seems to promise much valuable work in the inter est, of the public schools of the state. A CiiAiLEXce. We a-e neither sporta"' nor tunning a iporty paper but if !he einocra, orary of It friends, ctn produce a 15 t ear old boy that they think can ride a Licyc!'. or cliirb x hill In better shape than Bte.ce, and are willing to back their judgment for a fear dollars, came over. In other words. Bruce can outrun. ciimb, or ride any 15 year old boy in Al- oany mat nde a wreel, tor money, cliaik. or matble.. Put up, or don't make ana more bieak. Corvallis Informer. That Is correct when it come to 15 year old ; but Albany has a bicycle rider who can leave in the dust any Coryallis rider of any age. Wox Tub Gi n. The last of the series- of ten shooting contests under the aospi ces of the Salem Rod and Uun club was held this v. ee' at tiie traps in Mornintt- side and the result was that Col J Olms ted won the fine 50 Lefever shotgun. offered as the prize. The score was as lollows: Murray liiibert 18 and 17, W W Brooka 8 and 13. H A Thomas 13, Chas Adams 12, Col J Olnistead 11. Oswald West I'J, H A Salisbury 19. The total number of "blue rocks" let loose at the traps for each sbootist during the series was 250. Mr Olmstead won the contest over Mr Tbomai by one bird. Salem Stateeman. Paying City Warrants. City -wai-rants drawn previous to April 29, and some of that day, are beng paid bv the acting city treasurer today. TLis will put into immediate circulation about ;lo00. Warrants drawn since that day will probably be paid in August. In the meantine about $20,000 of city warrants are drawing 8 per cent interest and re main unpaid. When will they be paid, do you think? A big waii.h si-oi't in Crook county did about1500 damage to the ranch of Taylor Hill, a brother of Dr Hill of this city, last week. At Columbus Friends a warehouse was washed away. The spout caused a raise of about five feet. It nas the severest wa'er spout ever in that part of Oregon, Homer C Davenport, a former Silver ton, Marion county boy, is at home on a visit. He h.iH made a good hit an an artist, his forte being the illustration of animals in which he is very proficient. Haven port has been on the Chicago, Herald, San Francisco Kxaminer and other big papers. He was in Alhanv about three years ago, tnd drew a base ball picture on the counter in the Dkmo cua r office that attracted some attention. Looking Batter feeling better better in every way. There's more consolation in that than well people stop to ponder. To get back flesh and spirits is every thing. Scott's Emulsion of pure Cod Liver Oil with Ilypo phosphites is prescribed by lead ing physicians everywhere for ail ments that are causing rapid loss of flesh and vital strength. wt'iFrnuUInn will do more than to stoo a lingering Coug-h - it fortifies the system AUA1SST coughs and colds. Pranarad by Ssott A Bowns. M. Y. All ds. I BOX I . - I A CONFESSION. A I'l.iit for a Jail Break and Hank Kobbery. After nv.dnight this morning one Henry White was arrested by Policeman Mc Clnin on the charge of roaming the streets after miduig'it and placed iu the calaboose. White is the pardof Knright, now in the jail waiting the action of the grand jury on the charge of horse steal ing, and his actions have excited the at tention of the police for several -Jays, hencei close lookout has been kept of his conskILt- "e waB taken before Re corder Hsttion plead guilty and waa sent to the city!' 'oj l a,y"'ii' 22 he informed? Mrl,1 n" Reeorder divulge. As Sm&?0 ly of a character maTr ' in the jurisdiction of tfJHtating At was taken before Deputy nmtf turney rveuey tu a uuiu mm v rtlier In tie couiesseu to iibvuik ueeust va.0) a scneme to iineraie r.imuiiv county whole business provided he was gir his liberty, and substantiate It with proof. The deed was to be done tonight, and he confessed to already having placed in Enrighl'a hands tools and implements that would result in his escape. An in vestigation at the jail confirmed t e statement, several tools lor sawing out being found in Knrights possession . White also made the startling confes sion that upon Enright's getting out.tbeir plans were to go to Pendleton, where they would rob the leading bank at that city and g.!t a big booty. A couple coats were stolen a day or two ago from Mr J J Graham's. White divulged the fact yesterday where they were, claiming that he had seen a man take them there, and they were found as he had stated. It is not difficult to guess who was the thief. White came from Salem here; i' is probable the people at that city know more about him than Al bany people. He was here ostensibly to bail Knright out ; but did not do much in that direction. A woman is also said to be mixed up in the attempted jail break . sheriffs are holding a convention in Portland. A yoong chiid of Mr V. died this morning N H Lconey, of Jefferson, supplies the slue insane asylum with 275 pounds -f butter wceekiy. New York papers of July 4 arrived to day. Good enough, and a fact Uncle Sam is equal to almost any emergency. Linn county people wishing buiinea attended to in Seattle by a reliable com pany will find the facaltle I.ard Company sucii a one. The Southern t'aciSc Railroad Company is fcoing to take the -ft- -i bell cord itom ilt trains and in its flace will be a tmall whistle to warn liaj engineer to slop. ThL may be sounded by prea ng a button. Mr Fred Reis had twelve or fifteen your.g Chinese pheaianls with a large corral for thrm : but the hard hand of fate- ! took awav iheir life, and all died. The chilly nights were twrt much for the ter.Jer j celestial. Mis Abblc Mid, a Deaconrts of Port land, will speak tn the Methodist Episco pal church this evening. The public are invited. V .-. Mills will appear in the garb of a Deaconess. The service will begin at S o'clock. At Salem yesterday ihe to mile blctcle race at the Lone Oat, track fair ground, wa won by Chester Mutphy n 3i -33 1 -; Six started One of iheor.. iieW.. icii tww fcirrtre n's right collar hone. The city jail ha been greatly improved under the supervision of Chief ! Police It is now In a habitable conditio. Water work-, sewerage, whit: wash, etc, have done the work effectively. It as recently reported that the busi ness of Mr Wiley B AlUn, the well kr.owr. musk dealer, of Portland, hsd been plac ed in the hand) of a receiver. The Daxo c at Is glad to learn that this not true, and that there is r,o likelihood of anything of that kind. The grand lodge A F 4 A M met in Portland yesterday . The foil iw log offi cers fjr tt.e eisujng year were elected: Philip 8 Malcol-n, of Portland, grand master; Phl'i,. Metschan. Salem, deputy grand master: W H Hod-on, Isvavton, grand senior wsrden; T I. Wallace. Alba ny, giand junior warden ; li C McKetcher, Poniatd. grand tieat:rcr;SF Chadwlck, Salem, grand secretary. Mrs Laura iollra Starr, is in the city the guest of her parents. Sheriff McFeron is in Portland attend ing the sheriff's convention. Mr Will Wolf fefl this noon on a busi ness trip to Portland. K K Davis and family returned tiiis coon from a visit at Harrisbarg. Misses Helen Crawford and Jane Morris went to Salem litis noon. M Senders and family, and F S Cros by and family left this noon for the Bay. Mrs John Brush went to Oregon City this noon on a visit with her daughter. Prof Michcnor and Miss Elizabeth Carothers have been appointed assistant examiners by Superintendent Bulher ford. Mr James M 11 rry left this coon on a fishing expedition to Nestucca. He was accompanied as far as Hallas by Deputy Marshal Humphrey. Mr J H Stockman went to Yaquina Bay today to meet his w ife and daughter, now on their way from a nine months visit in the east. For several weeds they have been visiting friends at San Fran cisco, where they have been tied up by the blockade. The Homer is exptcted in this afternoon. The Ladhs Auxiliary cf the Y M C A gave an enjoyable social last evening. Besides sociability a pleasant featnre was a short program consisting of a song by a male quartet, a pantomime of Will Car I tons 'Three Lovers," the poem be ing reed by Miss Eva Simpson and a song by a ladies chorus, "Those Horrid Men." ' Lemonade and cake were served for a small consideration. Mrs Mad Moore, of Prineville, arrived Friday on a visit to the family of. her brother, Milkes Wilkins. With her two children, aged eight and ten years, she made the trip through the wild Cascades via the Lebanon route, driving a team the entire distance of about 50 miles. Few women wonld have the grit to un dertake such a journey. Corvallis Times. Oregon seems to Ik able to nttend to her own business pretty well nowadays. Mr Ed Huston, the Lebanon condue tor, and family, will leave this evening on an excursion to the Metoles, for the benefit of Mr Huston's health. Mr C II Hart has gone to Harrisburg to do a job of paper lunging. When Baby waa sick, we gavo her Castorla. When she waa a Child, sho cried for Castorla, When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla. WLvu she had Children, sho gavetbem Castorla, st r HXttr- I'at ker Urns, grocer. Now cream cheese just received at Conrad Meyers. P J Smiley job printer, Klinn Block, doc lint class work. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 oent oigai at Julius Joseph's. Dr M H Ellii, physician and surgeon Albany, Orspnn. Calls mats In oitv'or country . 1 a roni.e boms industry by smoking tbe cslebrated white labor oigar, manufactured by juiius Jotepc. Wanton Folly. The had a great opportunity for good. used it for evil. His new orgnxhation was full of was nntiotal in its com- poasibili' position. meou in its makeup, ami well equti supp irt all rea.onab'e ami jutt of 1 1 a-men engaged in operating 1. Debt has plotting bit lit for the purpose of ex- by Jliaiiclirdtini a triiran- tic disturbance cocsmcrce a time to inoppo: success tof the strike i'sastronsiliin failure interes'corSccrned. must bo even to the men and He ha ;o naT ttrike. at a time when ies of tlio country were pr it a comiiany which was not io' 44. Mlfra'ion of any fed MB9N&ti. and wanton v at. :iek- eu interests upon ohicli the nhol cominu mty is dependent. It he succeeds in stopping lust hauling of Pullman cars he will have gained ab solutely nothing far organized, labor ex cept popular retestment. If ha fails it will be through (be employmnt of power in new ways wh'ch threaten all labor and all citizenship with an al ridgement of liberty. His course bas been one of insem-atc ful ly and reckless wickedness. Its rpsntt. whatever it may be. must be ..-linuly burtful to organized tabor, to all labor and to the entire public. He has inaugurated the mot unjustifia ble of strikes at tbs most inoppor une time imaginable. He has deliberately of fended that public sympathy without which no strike ever yet schieved remits advan tageous to labor or any otber worthy in teiest. He has txploi'el Deb and made bis own name notorious Hi-', be has accom plished this purpose of petty vanity at fearful cost ta the organixi'ton he controls, to labor generally and to the entire coun a. . ... .ok . u try. N Y World. When ihe public bears the tnau of evi dence of fraud in tbe late election that ha been gathered by Colonel E ranger counsel for the contestants, it will be great y mr prited. Seveutj-Sre laborers were l-rt-ogbt from the Cascade Locks und esub pais tl.'J) for every vole tut the third, worn they were not paid, so they squealed. Forty were brought from o.wego and voted several times each. Seventy -5 ve from the reservoir on tbe bill west of City Park were quartered at the KbeiophaJs hotel on Front Street, and when they came up to vote the proprietor of the house happened tj be one ol the e'er is of election at the precinct . He protested saying they bad not resided at bL place long enough to vote; nevertheless they did vote And to line story goes est. At tbe polling p'ace corner of Washington and Fourth strrets zmO record of addressee was kept, a the law pecihea shall e done. , When 1 said alter Isat t, that tbe etectftjst reeked of fraud. I knew w hereof I spokeA Tbe ring bad de termined tu win and it did win. hat how? Tbe methods will be exhibited for fab'ic inspection when the cases are trie.!. Port land Tomahawk. Tim Stbikk is Opr. This has been Use prevailing remark in Albany today, at 1:3B o'clock this forvn vn President Deb in response to the appeal of the Pullman employes on high patriotic ground made to President Debs to declare the strike off by reason of the infinite lam agy wni.-h is being done tl the husinesa of the country: that high functionary issued the order, declaring tbe strike "off and from the Atlantic to the Pacific strikers are placed in the position of individuals. Sosae of them will be taken back, but the le.vie.-s will have to seek other field for employ ment. While it does not settle the dis turbed condition of lalior and the dispute between labor and capital, it will probably restore peace for tbe time being, and may resttlt in a new condition of affairs The eves of the people hae heea opened to the danger of the lower class of foreign immi gration and no doubt better laws will follow, at well as on industrial matters generally. Later It i on again, and these remarks may I reserved for the future. A Coujti'sKn Wnti;:.. Here is a new Alluny item from a Corvalli: pap-r: "Cupid" Warren and UarperCraner while driving up from Albany last Saturday after noon met with an accident that caused them to arrive here several hours behind time. The horse they were driving lie came scared at a pack animal while de scending the Stewart grade about three mile below town, and jumped to one side, causing a wheel tn collaps?. The i mat was detached from the vehicle and leiuling the animal, the boy started for town on foot, but were shortly overtaken by James Kglin who. happily for them was return ing from Albany in a two sea'ed rig all atone, and conveyed them to town . CoMist) Tuts Wat. It is learned upon what appears to 1 reliable authority that the Oreat Northern and tiregon Kailway A; Navigation company have effected rraihe arranganaentii covering loth freight and passengers destined to Portland nntl the Pacific Coaet. This means that Jim HiH will enter PUrtland anJ the Willamette valley antl probably will put a line of boat' on the rivers.. It is going to be effective upon restoration cf that portion of tint Oregon Railway k Navigation company's' read from East Portland to Umatilla junc tion, which suffered so severely from tbe disastrous Columbia rtver freshebt. A Re He way. Two at t!me evenk ago just alter the Dkmoctiat luul gone to press, a hotsc and buggy dashed np First street, saw the signal Hag at the French corner and turned south. Julius Qrad whol's Second street store attracted his at tention and he hastily turned around the corner, where ho was stopped, after doing some damage. The Man about Town after a couple days of leisure investigation learn ed Unit the otitiit belonged to Mr Thomas 'roman. At Scro. At a late meeting of the director of the Bank of Scio, P O Smith waa elected vice president, (uccreding U W Philips, who has disposed of Id stock . W A Ewlng wa eDcted cashier and A J Johnson assistant cashier. Mr E wing will asiutne his duties some time In September when Mr Johnon will retire, his attention being required l y other important business and too, he tie sires to take a recreation. Pre. A Chinaman's Kxi'Kkiencr. About 9 o'clock this morning a celestial was seen hurrying along First street with his hand to his lower jaw, and asking for Marshal l,v Inquiry divulgdd the trouble. Tho Celestial is cook at the Delmonico Restaurant. "I tleel Mrs Sutton about hor boy hiding the ax. She Hell In in. He come tip behind me, hit tne in the the face, 1 go round ami round and tumble down, then I cly, he d lit ! Where's Marshal Lee. Forged Orders. Besides his other misdeeds It wa learned to day that Henry White, In the city jail tor roaming the street after midnight, had alto obtained liquor at the drug rtoies of Hodget St McFarland and Fred Dawson, on forged Older. He will be arretted on the charge of forgery, and the chances are will go to Salem for a short term. Through tickets far San Francisco will probably be o'd by Monday night. Oregon has made the most creditable showing of any Pacific Coast utate during the strike. The bill to admit Utah a. a state has passed both houses ami only awatts the signature ol the McsJdestt, No 41,. Attorney General Oiney hi offered a ; reward of $ iooo for testimony which will ' lead to the arrest and C nstctioa of the persona concerned in the wrecking of the train at Saciatnento. A fi;e recently occurred at Klamath Falls, in which it was claimed ffjaoo of county funds were burned. The matter has excited tipiclon and an Investigation is taking plsce The county treasurer is said to be .hort in his account also. It I reported by the Baker City Demo crat that an almo.t solid ledge of gold ha been struck In the White Swan mine and that in consequence the owners are in ecstasy. Tl.e salaries of the Lebanon teaches will be a follow; Prof ti H Wilkes. rincipal. $7$ per tnonih ; Air Funk, Mist r Wile-, each S42.O: 'fist Grigge, It hatbetn dec! kd to or en school September jjtr.. Advcnllst have bien meetfnjs at Mineral Springs, Or. for l.u weeks, and as a result the entire nelghborh d is in an uproar and work is suspended, and people are preparing for the end of the orld, which H expected in a few days. The grand chapter of tne order of the Easieio Star t it. session in Portland, elected the following officers: Mtr in, Mrs J K Wca'.herford; patron, J II Drijgcford; associate matron, Mrs M E Kellogg; associate pa:ron.John Vert ; sec reiary, Mr F A Helm ; treasurer, Mrs M P Coorer ; conductress, Mrs Rhoda White; associate conductress, Mrs A Boy. We learn from Superintendent Down ing that there are now 366 prisoners In the peril entUry, one cf who-n is a woman. This is one convict to about SSj of our population. In 186 the general average in the Cnitrd States wis 1 to 1 Jx) of our population The highe.t number in our ,ienitentlary at or.e time was in June when It was 424. Salem Independent. Earnest Bencke. a bright lad of 13 years, while out hunting list week on Mir- ' Peak discovered a b'g b'ack beat in a tree and fired a load of ihot In'c the body of Mr Bruin from tte tff'C. of which he fell to the earth a and bear. The your.g man wa in town this week to claim the bjuntv of : to, and ditplsy cd the bear's scalp, a a irophv of his prowess, with much delight. Corvallis Oazette. D G Clark, of Ashland, is in the city. Gov Elect Lord -ent to the Bay this noon. Mrs J F SwbWetH-ltl. of Lebanon, is in tlx city. Bev and Mrs Little, daughter and Mr Chamlrrtain. wort to the tlay today for a c ;u pie weeks outing. Mr and Mrs Enoch Sloan and Mr and Mrs Burr Sloan will !eae tomorrow for an outing among the Sr. La Postmaster Monteith. Fiward Zetss. Sr. and Jr. and John !otn Jr. have gctv- to Bellknap Springs for an outing Kd Cosick and Will Ly, n will leave to morrow for the Cascades' in the neighbor hood of Detroit for an outing. James Keeny and Hub Bryant, both cap italists of Albany, made as a pleasant call this ro-iruing. CorvaiUs Informer. Mis Annie GoWUniith. daughter of Airs II J Sower, left this noon for San FratK-ix)by the way of Yaquina. License have been issued for the mar riage of J A Stnrlrrsurt and 1 :eoirrt Pttstrn and S O Wallace and llliaabeth Uresham. Prof Kiddle, the phrenologist wbo was in Albany a couple years ago. is again in the city, making arrangement t.i tec tare bete. Irof Stanley, recently county school o perintenient. of Washington ccaoty.arel at one time county school superintendent of Marrow county, spent !t night in AUany the ee4 of his former Hq-ner neighbor, tl Wright. Sheriff MaFeron rettirne.1 U-t e.-aing from the sheriff' rMnyenticn in Portland "here were nine .beriff pretaent and three or four ex-heriff. m imxinl of tran jiortatinn faciiities there w-s no attendance from Ea-.tern ( re g n As cxwcte,l yesti-rvlay Mr J R Su.k man tr I daughter arri.ed home this noon from the east, lliey tea, he, I San Fran eiaeO bosa the east on the last train before tbe tietip and. after iiting friemi'. camo up cn the HoiiwT. rwtcbin;; Yaquina last evening. Ther are ielighf.el to I home again Prof C W Mullin. of Jordon. l?en in the city on his way to tbe east on a visit to his foriwT home. Prof Mullin hit already taught twsntr ven months school at Jor dan, and tuts again Iwn engaged for an other year. He is one of themo-t promising joung teacbets of the county. Miv. May Fuller, of Tacotua. who bears the distinction of being the only woman who eer climbed to the summit of Mount Rainer islie calis it Tahoma. not Tacomai. ha- arrived in Portland. started up the Columbia for the purpose of joining one of the arties which is gting up Mount H-xhI. JodfM and Mrs Wolverttdi went to Ya quina Bay this noon. Mr Wolwrton will return on time to resume businesss at Salem on Momlay. Then- an- n-tw iilsmt hundred tiss-s ahcatl on the docket, so that the hi I sirs of a Supreme Judge arc arduous ones, otlice hours !.--ing from aUmt 8 u tt 10 r M. Wkra Tratella.-. Whether on pleasure bent, or rsaatneas, take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of t-ig, a it acts most p'e.santlv and el ' tectually on the kidney, livet and bowe., I preventing fevers, iieadachet and other ! form of sickness. For sale in coc and Si bottle bv all leading druggists. Mann factored by the F'g Syrup Co onlv. Sweeping Re Miction. in Millinery . Oaring to the hard times all millinery at the Ladies' Btzaar will be greatly Nruduced for the next thirty dnvs. No extra rharges will b made trimming. This will be an excellent opportunity to secure hats for yourself and chi' and get our prices. Btm Wool and Gram Mr A Senders announces to the public that he is in the field to i my wool, grain, littles, potatoes etc. Call on him nt his headquarters ut tlie store of M Sternlmrg. corner First antl Broutlalhin streets, Albany. Wild Black Bkrhiks. During the present season I will admit person. to my wild blacklierry fields at ."0 tents per day. Will admit no one Iteforo July 5th. Berries not v ry plentiful. baWims. Parker Bros, lead In baked goods, as weil as in groceries. This Is the truth, as can be easily learned by a trial. When trading with them, you get wnat ynu call for. Do not hesitate to Place your csh with them. It buy gttantity, quality and first class treatment every day in the week Qo lo Parker Bros for your groceries. World, t'olwrnbtaa iKxpoaltloa. Wilt be of value to the world by Illustrat ing tne Improvements in the mechanical art and eminent physician will tell you that the progress in medicinal agent, ha been of equal Importance, and as qa strengthening laxative that Syrup of Figs Is far In advance of all other. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder World' Fair Highest M4ai ana Dbstosi- Highest of all in Leavening Power. I W sl A&SOLUTELV PURE S TJ R ID -A."5rT IIOMT AMD ABROAD The Titling says It was a few pr-puli.t,, at Ashland wlio endorsed V strike and not the people o) that cl'.v. The M JtelBroar.sville h changed pro. prietorthip, MrsM .1 Wir-'e reing snd J J Browrf Uktrg Blunder of Life and the Mistake of tlie Age.a teen froni tit. h'tmnriss no! point at the opera hou.e Monday evening. The article In yesterdry's issje signed 'Anil Boycott" should have been entitled I It Right?" instead of "-It I Itight." Albany is promised a s jl" f tg d.imige dune a horse Bod wagon of B F Titus by reaon of a runaway caused by the mo'.or. $100 b.d wa. fatni:hd seterdv and ' Eiirlght who I in the county jti' on the charge of bore stealing commi'. td lat year wa released. N N Riddell.lectures on Human heredity and the socia' problems of the sge. Will begin his course of lectures in ihe opera houao Monday a vetting July iC. seats free. A warrant wa. issued yeaterday for the arrest of Ed Sa t ti for aasul'.ing the chines: cook at ihe Dclmcnxo restaurant, mention of wn'.ch was ma ie testeray: out ycungSe.lton sired arrest for tk.e pres ent by taking a trip to B'owntvj; e or some where else. The tubsidy note givrn theSiuslaw and Eastern Ratnay r.d Na-. igition Company and held by the 'rust co r ee, are now being returned 10 the makers, the co-n-pany hat ing failed ti conviiv wi'h the agreement entered into.- tluard. There It con-.ideiarlr more bus:nes in Albany this year than last year at the stm- time. For in.tanct, the cash sale o! one ho-ate hve bee" about three tine as much for ihe pa.t thirteen diys of July as fr the first thirteen day Its'- year. Northern Ca ifemia it far away from moving 'rains, toe dead lock being per fect The fir.t paper ihtt go'.to l)-nt- mutr caused me rvj"'le to ci.. 1 mer ing, aaJ several your-e ladies took turn i c Knox Butte gave a picnic yesterday, at ibout read ns SB tne a.sembled multitude. tended by a fair sized crowd. Some live Papet w,- c : i .-.: at Montague and other flace. Jime Burke let Ash'snd TueJav with several hurdred MondaT'. I rejr-.-iir-. for Siskiyou out.ty, expecting ;-i ei t a: fa'-cy figure.. Record, SOX:iAl. AND PERSONAL. W Henry Kimsey. and wife were in Cor va'-lis yesterday. Mr Will Merrirnan of tier.-ais. is in the city and will .-wed Sunday here. J R Whitney left thi noon on a ashing trip to tbe Blowout, beyond Isetroit. Mrs XeJlio Brash and son, of Portland, are ia the city, visiting Albany friend. loan berry, a Cora!li boy. hit had his arm broken three limes in three months. Mr Jou-ny WeLr. of Portland, re urnesi nme tooay ait. -r re-iience ai we Bay of Svj month Frank K- t.titim and S.-na Mczcrland did a little trout rkhing on t 'raKiee O -ek yea- tertLty. Tbey basket-si two hundred fel- low.. "ami had a s-porty time Miss Lilhe Haetleman stonned over in a - a m a , thi city a couple of days return home t,, 1 alias in :. w-k l.--r return bssSBatti IHtilaa frVwn Aibanr where he has bn yi-iticg. Express Mrs I C Dtgfay. of Allxaary, wlsMtewlit mmmmt 233 down, a tiUmQ yisiting with i?r dangbter Mr- t W IT-1 ,-wbbI taws fwetWBaiBor esJI f efassrk Ssnl) law rtite. ttrmatne.1 t u ana ce.tteu wiwu. Miss; mmt av-yatsx, slammed him therein. Curt nw gt Rev J R N Hats, of L.L-tern Oregon, aroand done up in arnica and surspeon's passed through Albany last night for Rose-1 iJs-ter while the wheel stands hobbled in barg-and Oakland, lie will lecture at htk- j the hack othve. land on the 20th and 'Jl.t on "An Kyonins;' , . with Hamlet," and ' Mormonism.' ! Tl"11ff l!iat. twenty ;,r thirty men . . , , , , , tjf kilk.i in a ngnt at Sacranu-nto last Mr- D A Hanrahan. jrfsO has Usen hat Uy,, wa t irculaUj: Lo, prored im- NSJMWsJBtA visiting ct fneml Mrs J h Toi!av wrv iltinsr is quiet in .odfrey of sooth Syiem. reitutiexl to her Ltrikmc rin.,Wi Tl- bsyxbotse of the in Albany by tssst night s overland. t.,, aK(. i,. Salem 1 .. . . ...... ... ., The Homer sailed lor .in I riicis at Mis hAlna wfAaetutstee, Albaanr, j 'tfc ttrliT came home with Mrs ljce Brown Wrtln.- 1 dav. on an exten.led Mrs Jas..n R emember that Aver s S capari la is heeler of Albany . m -ther ef Mr I Mi .,lact.-.l from ihe Bosattsttaa lOot. whicit Kitchen, t-ame over jesierday on a viit to only of Sarsaparilla ha the tiu.'aUeratve r. OtajfaJSt Thnes, p. o"-Hr ies. Also, thai it fc a highly con- ttideon Fouat returned frc-m A isva Tues- centrated and powerful rredictne. anc dey. where he had been with Rev Lopg- hence its wndetful resuit in ail fotms ol bottom, of Albany. He - y !: ti-. ngs the ' bices! til. ease. miles in that part f the country were meas- ! Don't bat a bloo.1 purifier because it is uml by air l-nsi:tyttom with two coin skins and the tails tlnown in. l.rwus - ville Times President P L Campl !l. IV n Lewis. K Haley. Goo Kramer. Mr Lewis and Mr McKlvain. cf MoSMSKJUth; t'ounty S;:tt and Mrs Hutchinson and M:- M.;r.- t?olli2s. of lhillas: pn't Htas Ratflta btketsler, ,f Fnion. todaf tith otber parties to ! Mt BoOtL also S li Btifonl. Jr.. Ml blench- j er. Prof Barr of Turner. IsiswCrxra Betrtley, J Mrs C D Young and son. Mr and Mr- A Omart and famiiv. Saleta Religions Services. Tiie sot 1 suss at the ftewbllerxaa Clasioh will be as follows: Pnac!:ing at iO::ia m and 7 :4o p m. Sallth School at 1 1 :5 a m. Junior t K at 4 j m. 1 P s t E BMCt ing at 7 p m. Tlie subject of the m irning sermon will le "Christ rXawaiixbaK h church." in the evening the topic will be "Lessons from the present -tnke " Ail will be made to tbsse s.n iivs. Subject of Samoa at the Christian Church tomorrow at 1 1 o'clock, 'The la- Ixir pr ilu in or the conflict N'tween capital andliilsir." Yon are p.'rsonally layited. tl M Weimer pastor One of the eoolesl places in town 00 t hot afttfoofwi is the Y M tx A raotaa, The men's nuviing at 4 it at yvi 1 la- worth vour altentling I'rof X N Riddell. the well known lecturer on hinMITI , MtsM xv i 1 1 probably be with us and talk. If he U not then' some otln r speak-r wilt interert you. Come. Not Rev Little, but lis family vent to Yaquina Bay yesterday. Mr Little will MMa at tne 0 P Church tomorrotv morn ing ami ovasuag. That tired fc-lirg which is to rom lion and so ovcrpowatlng, Is etttltvly drtwen off by llotx. s Sarsapati la, the lt:-..t loood purifier. IIcch!,s Saisapanl a oveicomes. weakness. I IockI's pill are the bct d In net pills, assist dlgrrtion, cure licj lat I.e. -;c a box . The Ladies. TIk- pleasant elli.-ct and perfect safety with which jiiie8 may use the California liquid laxative, SyrutJ of Ft .s, under al condu .ons, raake It their taocite ratnedy. To ge, the true and jjt nulne article, took for the name of the California Fig Sy rup Co, p'lnte.l ne,.r the bottom ol the pick- age. IV'l.lT w 1,1 A ta V AT !l' l.Qil looter quit being a clam and take your laundry 10 the Albany Steam Laundry. Only wntteiauui ia einpioi co, 1 it e c lo.iics ate done up neat and clean, there is no lurk ing Chinese disease leftin the good-, a fine looking yvagon driven by a gentleman and not a Mongolian, delivers antl collecls goods, ) 011 help support an Albany in stitution that spends all its money at noine uesiu.'s cieap rate anu nrst class work. Perhaps you area clam; then quit it . You cast offord to be one f jr a few cent. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Baking Powder A I txiLisii Attack. 'I be very savage I aft 1 1 k of tie Chief Engineer of tlie I-ba- j non fire deriartment on the Allinnv fin-men I published in the Dkmocbat yeatenlay, was entirely uncaile, lor. It was a personal, flippant affair. It is true Ciat the Al bany firemen shonld have accented their 1 defeat philosophically and not sent np an ! -sfter Jfjck ; but thi dosja not rastify nrad f slinging The roemlien! of the hose team. 1 the Dkmocbat is informed were all solicr a: Leiianon. If nremen were intoxicate,! it was oUkt. Old matters of history, of little moment any way and now almost forgotten had better have been dropped, as all grievances in local contest saould be at once. In reference to tbe hits at Mr Watts it may be said that he had absolutely noth ing to do with the management of this yt - !i team. .:. f.i. wa- i.'.t at I-f-'-.a-ncr. at all, being in Portland on tbe 4th. Tj:i; Wheat PatospEtT is nrst iliri. Tl.e fall wheat particularly is in a remark ably Hourbing condition. Mr W C Stell inaker. residing beyond the Calapooia showed the Man about Town several bead--of as fine w heat a.- were ever seen in Ore gon. Ihe meshes ger-erallj contained four kerr,l. r.n a tide come nr. nl,tit lfs kernels to the bead, and plcmp and ' healthy. iTiis same wheat had lieen cover ed with the aphis, which had left it. though the carcas of one destroyed by it enemy was seen. Fall wheat in nio.-t field is extra. Spring wheat will he all right if the aphis does not injure it. Uu HHP 1 at Sweet Home. Last Sun day John Foster came nearly passing in bL checks and taking his departure into the Ireat bevond. He and a sen ci Harvey Hamilton were handling an "empty"' re volver, when it was discharrred. the billet cutting off a thumb for young Hamilton, and continuing in it court,-, went through the Foster's bey's neck, missing the ar teries and doing no damage, ease scaring tbe boy out of a or two's growth. The pbrri'.ian who attended them says that it appears almost incredulous that a bullet should pase through the neck ia this man ner, and not cause instaut dealh. lines. Kso Bitte FKXX. The Social Ciuivf :.---- L.ii. in srlri h AliuiT v:-ctg men swept the field. Tee 100 yard foot race wa won by Ge?rge Croup, the sack race by Bob Chambers, tbe three legged race by Ben' ley and HabbeJl, the two oops and a jump, the standing jump the i high jump, by Roy Bentley. the wheel ! !amw rare bv Fred Westiirook. Bonn Farreil. the cracker contest, the ladies foot race by Miss Seaman, of Lebanon. In the sfternowi and evening a dance was en gaged in. As iNst-cT Casxibal. An interesting siudy is that in tonnectioe with tbe wheat aphis and .is ea niy, a long. slim, small worm that reaches out and sweeps tbe neighboring fields. A gentleman trils cf a peculiar experience. He placed one of tlv weitti yn a ita!t o! wneat r.zn eurtt i aphises. !n ten minutes the worm had j '.esrro.vett ail of them gradually wending its w.v. am ng the kernels ot wb.-al and i kl-tet 1-. .tkin lawit t wtfi at At-AsVtia TVtia iBMStua; ii " "ex V ' luitAT sit u - - a sa m - 5n ytf we another o'.ject ies-on of the survival of the fittest. . j Ass Albxsx the CoxraiUs I layette Warned tbe fcllowing is not known : ; Mr C B Winn, of Albany, has purchased bl?4nt,r ,.Pri3.1 wnr'- " If 4 CI lan t-reasttng n ;o tt- sauoK'. toe "' evening it gc -aivv1 ata eatrine and back'-l hint ? in the deep dusty t . . I JL O .. . - V . tm , w. 1 rw.,t t , nr u,, Uutch wrheeU will A and j -cheap " Tse best the Superior Mcdi- 1 ,;nf yet-, Sirsar.ri:ii. i. in the end. the cheapest blood purtfer in the marke' . The '.nijredien of which it ts composed are "he most evpensite and medicinal'y tticac 011s that can be ob'sinec". Ackowlei gfd by i.L that M Senders while defea'ed for the office of J P is still in the lead ia the fire insurance business, representing ihe lead ng companies writ inn citv business and the old CONTI NENTAL of New York, ihe ONLY first class company writing farm business in the sta'e. IT" - ww.www.ww... a . I ( OARoAPAHB LUKp SV. Sxirra, of Towainla, ra., whose constitution waa completely broken down, is cured by Jkyer's Sarsaparilla. He writes: " For eight years, I was, most of tho time, a great sufferer from constipa tion, kidney trouble, and Indiges tion, so that my constitution seejaed ta be completely broken doyvn. I yvas tjidueed to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. and ti.ik nearly seven bottlca, yvith such (ptceilent results that my stomach, hoyvcls, and kidneys are iu perfect co: dttion, and. in all their function;, as regular us clock-work. At tlo tlmo I begun taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla, my flight was only 129 pounds; I now can It&g of 13l poiyids, aud was never iu so good health. If you could see me be fore and after using, you would tvaut me tor a traveling advertisement. I believe this preparation of tsaparitla to be the best in the market teeday." Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. A yr St Co., Lowell, 1 Cures others, will cure you 'clear! long J MENTAlI m I STrtONG Energy! nerves! is. 1233-' rj 35? Better WtU'al 7 '"an'pf.i V' Than Pt'Jh -ii,-. . - latse Hi.- . k:n r.fa,: oo.n sta BfiYf&RD, ImiM, (:! lies MahMa, lews, sr.Ut aeder'date "f :Mareh 23. 1893- ? B Mm Mrs Co., Dtstwr, Q (,-V-l-.. r.' . : Or trr.viiij r. -rr,.. ,tat wt oeil and auxicaaly atraittn iiil, and one-ka If year wa ted away to 3o r t noil ftsdal ar liltie , w bo hid wak atronz aad vurcrou". and well Jeihed on Si B. Cccgh Tore Ijs dice Ut wor we'i. 60th cf tbe cLildrea iiae it. Yc-dt S B. Ccogh Care has cu-eu and kept a-siy ai boanecea from me. So E'.ve it to eyery ooe, with gre.tmss for sil WsSSBSHJwwaj frutfieri y. we are Years, Mai Mru J F Fc z. U(oa bibs tori nrwn ard eaeeria ' " -o spoari rxt, rsaanw. jowr v) V 2m too off itrrae Sri ctta -r awttta bj ai! Crscpsla. b !wif.u:, rtaraa-M by J ACCVMIXG. Ooeeexita Case. Tr wbore i-l c:-.-:rs ; Ccu;-.j. Cr-.-. H-.zz Threat, Hcinrcra. v. h coawg CcoB ana Asthnia. fi r CcsurrrV-ra La CO rivaC Las cireil thocsJ-t's. i?-.A Trill CXK2 TOO if taken ia tat. Scerf I y Iracsiss ca a fruar-or.te-. "or u lai-e tiaok or ChM. e:;:lok's klladon-ia i'LASTo.ause. CATARRH REMEDY VI60R of MEN Eastlr. Qetckrv. Pwmaftentiy EesUrcC WEAKNESS. NERVOUS:, "3S. DEBILITY, arxJ all lb? inia rC tR rrv3 rl t?rrvT t urr fMBMMaU tW TVCJ15 of vmwmm, rteufMaj WVCTT.tftC. ahlliitSsJ-X co.'TTeis. t ani iva f irn " fsTteffj o r 3 r tc p-T ot tbe b-t M!Tp atasBttaMa - laumt?!!!!4:!-, rYC FlfsTf UBpt,:- i 3k, SJB WCfW-V!, t MtftHBaWI m i C MM ImMQ rest ERIE IfDiC.AL B'jff; k Good IS taSSBTaaaiJ TO & HEALTH.! Blood Yoa canrKi hopetoe. if vour BLeK0 is. IMPURE. ; If yea are L-oubled 1 I BOILS, ULCERS ok SORES Jvcctr bktxi is bad. A few borVs cf S. ?. 5 1 ytboroughly cleanse the system, re trove all im-' putitres and buiki you u. Al' cunuer oi btaa-jft. f CLEARED AWAY fbv it ui?. !t t? the best blood remedy oo eaihaS yThvHisirds "to hae usrU ii av . ' Ut t-....v.l .whldW ivwviwel lis! Mt." 1 .--'--. Tssjkwjl iwicti cssj. off ardt J'tttrjaeNl aasj a ott T;iK J . K. TW . mBBuI ' a ft, BBMSB . N C A 1 .-v-:tso on rsxiv. tn.: sx.n c:.-e n-.iv livt---,., SWIFT SI'ECIKIC O'.. Athnta.elx . M rs. Or. ' l-rttterstiH .t Ilsfe The Notcl CLtrv rvaul a I L la K-il.-r. i. n-io 0010, sihl can V f .iit i at her rsssleuce. aei i B 1' 'U,nti'. Sh9 t.t'. lta: ail sujevt. i. tmavnt ani future; Kir. r . iW-a. aS.'nl tiUnUs SSkS bjainesj. You cau bear fr,au saSBrOoBi gmrag tkp Lvdibs i wraJasi at home. Pay $15 M to fa .0 p, r week Send self arktiassoj stamtie.1 envel op for repv 1 . M a It fc K EON V A 1 X K. i;eeiidi I mausger, 324 Daajrtwsrn St, CMcagO, III. FIKST NATIO.s VL. BtK, OF ALBANY, ilSHt is resilient MJ . Vice Preaideul Joahlor t. rum S, K, YOl' NO li. W. LANGUOS TRANSACT A daNKKALbaaXtngDasltin.. ACCOUNTS KKPr subjovt to t-Bek. 731UHT BXt'UANUK anil tal Tayhii: trai af r, 'Now York, San ifrtaiciaco, Chicaro ana 1 TO .LKCTlONi ilADEon faycraVe ssl ssaacTCa. E ,w .Laaaaua' Toe , L. Fuas Knwaaat. Sox. FOSHAY A MASON -TtlUUI.1 VAU - 'roggistsand Bookseller. ptLtsfor John B, Aldec's pabltrt'lora .aleh wa sell at publisher' prieoo witji tajtead.1' LBtT. tttSBO wsBwSHmf W aTU ftjJJjTPfes, ::""2rSaf r-'Ti i ,-re ntvQrtiT rrmrs c mm