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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1894)
Wkt Heittotvat. DEMOCRATIC TICK Senators. W R Bilyeu. Albany. .lefferson Meyers, Franklin Butte. Representatives. J M Philpot Harris burg. J J Whitney, Albany N P Crume. Shedd. Commissioner W E Totter, Fox Val ley. Clerk C E Slanard, of Brownsville. Recorder Riley Shelton, Scio. Sheriff C C .lackaon, Ilalsey. Treaeurer E L Bryan, Tangent. Assessor S O Wallace, Lebanon. School Superintendent F M Mitchell, Scio. Coroner Frank Farrell, Albany. BOS . HAM.FSJlII.I.ElrS LETTER Some days ago we called attention to the fact that the populists ic their state con vention ignored the tariff question entirely. We offered space in our columns to Hon Charles Miller, the populist candidate for congiess, in which to lay before the pu'jHc ' his views on the letter which we tariff question. In his published yesterday he says: "If you read the resolutions in the plat form made at Oregon City at our last con-1 vuii. n V" wi" see one remedy. The. revenue derived from a graduated income I tax should be applied to the reduction of j the burden of taxation now resting upon , tho domestic industries of the country . j The enactment of such a law will, of necessity, reduce the tax referred 'o and I place the burden on the wealth in place of ; labor. Mr Miller accepts this as meaning that ! the pocuUsts favor tariff reform. But this ; consiructicn is far fetched. Reading the populist platform in the light of all its ' wn provisions, and the ae'ion of the com- mmee on piatrorm ot tuat party, as wen as what nearly all the members of that party say when spoken to upon the subject, we can only arrive at one conclusion: That the popuiist party does not believe in tariff reduction, or at all events that it is not wihing to promise the country anything on that line. pledged to : country by First, while that party is increase the revenues of tlie means of a graduated income tax it does not necessarily follow that a reduction of tariff revenues can be made, lot in tl.e;r state platform that party is pledged to the policy of the ownership and operation of railroads telegraph and telephune lines and the reclaiming of all lands now held' by railroads snd other corporations in ex cess of their actual needs, and all lands owned b aliens To carry out this policy vould requi'e thousand- of millions of money more than can be raised by a gT'd uated Income tax and the present high tariff rates combined. &J, if Mr Millers party shcu d succeed to power they could never carrv out :hese schemes if they re-1 duceil the tariff Another very s'reng proof I ha' the populist parv in Oregon i not in favor of tariff reduction is found in the fict that when the committee on plat form of that party was in session at 1 regon Ci'y, a re: ..r in tariff plank was proposed. and wa rejected by the committee which shows that the party is oppisel to djing anything with the tariff. Mr Miiier must see that it wonld lie impossible for his party to carry icto effect its policy of ownership of railroad, telephonic and telegraphic lines and reduce tariff taxes too. He must either give up the scheme of ownership of railroads, etc or be at variance with his party platform . Another strong proof that the populist party has Viven up its tariff reform views is to be found in the fact that near'.y every mem-; ber, when asked about tariff reduction ! ignores it by saying there is nothing in the tariff question. The truth is the party is driven to the wall on this matter "and further deponent saith not."" L'ntffd State, Consul Bradford England, roports to the state department, under date of March I3, that daring the preceedin,; month large quan'i:lesof Ameri can wo jl hivt been offered for sale in Bra. !l This hi, beeo so uiusual as to attra-t atteatlun and cause no end of goaaip. As t general thing te prices of all grades o' Ameri.-an wool are no practically the same as '.he statUaW griles in England. The carriage and o r-er iha-geg rgnnst the American article rnii: the not of the difference. The wool mnchinls at Brad- ordaa-e't that the moment the tariff bill ptxe, aith free stool, the pile of Ameiican wool will revive, and some of thcui are so strong in ibi. opinion that they bave large ine,'mentg in wool now he'.d in Phihdelphit H.l 1 ' . i ri.P . J Ih. frP ..ii.. ' ' . . ' J n niiLi.iua j aiicii ii i : . . . mil ' . j niiiciKa to be-fixe I ssiih lite finer foreign wojIs, and that a deaaand for Anieiicau wool lor man ufacturing p'irpost will set in immediate- "Tht laim ihHt te farnirr of Oregin derive gieit benefit from the "protecticn of ool i.; orjed by our f :ot(c'ionist, on al ocra'tons. T' ey who trge it setm lo imagine that it full, anos?rs all nbjeCtaOB to the tariff syrtiir. as an oppresiTe one t" our aection in as luurh as 'he advantages we receive fnim the protection of our wool ex ceed trie I ists sresutTtr through 'he obstruc tion of 'r ule' ecnh?n-.tinetit ofprice for tkc bin fit of ea'te'n uannfactorers. But the f-ict i- lh tt u- wool nere Is not pro tects 1 at n i . Wool of a q'ulity equal to oursj or:b mjre in London tian u Woo: is worth here. We un-nse lluf nUrs o ,id .,airine that ui frnm foreign c.ur.irie, ou!d he sldpprd, fre Ira r, in any rornhlerable quantities intp Of g'in 'o c iTpete wi Ii the home pro du"l ti b-'. er prices might be realized y t-i;pl gon b f3 . iv or London.' Ore- A tv day, 'fo an ar'Ule appeared in sii i vt. in olitoria', in whicb . ;i' : nt settling the i - liable protection, wn ken from an eastern ex ind. by ui :.i'.te. doe crelit was .' " TLc Or g ii hi iniimat"s that I i I CKT ha tiiingel its tariff vi In this it is uiucb in error. Tbe DaHoru'i i as it bat tr en in times past, ia lentiooslj opposed to all forms o fotection. Die editor ot the Dkmocrat end 'be editorial, pubiished ia th Ore goniiin frcm 8S) to 183 in opposition t'J a protn ive tariff, and was so conririned in i : ,, ri-inly adopted 'a' iff reform view by Ihetr tout dress ai.d f1 rce that he is not like y 'o cl arge those views by fickle eal winds lhat sweep a'or g. "Minon sass svijV.-aj" mdlhe republ Can iot'y f inven'lot at Portland obeyed I'.iieiy iinmtnd sul nii'sivelv, Joe Si mon is t" of the republican party at Port land and ilia' mans that hail bissofthe party in tht sa'e Joo secured hi, own aomiaatiarn lo, seattor and 'ha' of his friends t tne lower house, as well as county of fi, ers lifts moie con.p'ete manager ol the mtehite 'ban was ever Jim Lotan. I M the fd h snichine domineered by 1 .. si hi I h' m-in' Por'lanrJ will have atMttpieU onlr of 'he legnltture. It will ahOUte very I -g'sl tion, senator etc. There lut ere way . m 1 recur rence ol I e leisation iftvo y,ar ago Tn- o,s , nuntie, uni t rl Ci m- mbr's to the leg a n e l at J j. Simon can not control. Will they do it? THE DEMOCRATIC NOM1XES, Hon W R Bilyeu, cne of the candidates for state senator, resides In Albtny anil lias 'or many years. Although a lawyer by pro fession, he was raided on a farm, lie needs no introduction to the vote's of L;nn county He represented this county in th? state sena foi two terms expending frm 1878 to 18S6. He faithfully represented the interests of the people of his county, and endeared himself to the farmers and other tax pajers by sscuring the passage of the mortgage tax law which was repealed two yeara ago by a republican legislature. Mr llileu is a man of wide experience and when the next legislature mtets, one of Its most promincnt figures will be the "Tall Svcamore cf The Forks." Hon Jeff Myers has likewise represented county In the state geaate anil always stood ftlthfully by the people of the county. Jeff "will get there" in ample time. Hon J J Whitney represented Linn coun ty in the legislature from ISS2 to ISS4 and was always fcund laboring in behalf of the taxpayers. When he takes his seat in the lower house next winter t.ejwill be the 'watch doc of the treasury." Mr J M Phil- pot of Hatrisb tg and N P Ctume ti Shedd although new men, ate not Btiangers to most of the people of Linn county. They arc both men of mature common tens; af d may be reli-3 upon to vote on the right si-V of every question. Wm E Potter, the candi date for county commissioner Is a stranger to the wrlter.but he comes strongly le.ommend ed by hla neighbors and those who know him best. ' C E Standard, the candidate for county clerk, ig a carefu', successful business man, sound judgment, scrupulous 'ntegrity, a fine penman, hi in every way to make aa efficient clerk. Riley theUon of Scio, for recorder, comes o stock aoted for their stern intecri y, and Riley ha, inherit ample supoly of this qutiuy 01 mannoou. iuey, iw,b tm- cessfal business man, an excellent penman. Otcd for his susvity cf roanntrs and wil; ( fi'.l the recorders chair 10 the satisfaction of all who will do Lusintes vith him. C C Jackson.the candidate for shetiff.need, , no words of encomium at our hands. His performance ot '.lie ciutif s of the ofiic; for the last two years has b'en so fen less, so faithful, as to meet th; hearty ap- proval of all, republicans, populists and dsmocrats alike. The Urge mijority to be recorded for him in Ju,e will attest the cis- ani g.ecd for wea,.n ha- ... i.un Is. h ! f"iZ on the At- criminating judgment of the voters. Mr E with other corporate powc.s m the land anti(. He says: When Ma-M. ':. .-!-L Bryan of Tangent, the nominee for trcas- ! nd come into cur politi.s acd make presi- I sits around to "mourn her destroyed indus erei. is a farmer and a successful on?. He i dent. an: senators and li a c t .e; latforms tries, her ruined machine shops, her ruined is a man of the strictest integrity and so briety, careful, and discriminating, qualities essen'ial to a eooa. efficient treasurer. Not- withstanding Mr Bryan lost an arm in a thrcshicc machine seme ytars ago, he has tioggeJly stuck tothe firm. Uis s a qualitie wi',1 secure him a larg; majority at the rolls. S O Wallace of Lebanon is the caadi.iate for ae esso'. The fact thit he secured the i nomination agiin-t sues strong and popular candidates as BM Ml'ler and Enoch Mi l-r is ample proof of the strength anJ papnlsrity of his candidacy. He will make a safe, e'-fi-ent ofneial l'rof F M Mi chell. the catdldatc .for I school superintendent, has been teachirg ! for many year in this county and has been eminently sacce sfid in his chosen fess- I ion. He has friends in a'l parts of the coun- J ty that will see to It that he gets a big vo r. I Frank Farrell is our nresent efficient cor- j Onrr and is renominated for the off ce again. , Frank will hive double work holding a ' quests in June. THE RESULT IS nHi"lK IsLASU. The retnrus ot the Rhode Island election disclose a curious state of tbintr?. and one much more encouraging to the democrats' than there was any reason to exoect. Every observer not carried away by party in fatuation expected to soe a heavy falling off in the democratic vote, in consequence of the unett'ed indus'rial and political conditions prevailing in the coun'ry. In stead of that the democratic vo'e actually increased. The democratic candidate for governor received absolutely more votes than be did in April of last ,r. at a time when the fortunes of the piny throughout the I'nion had reached a Hgber point than at any other time within the life of tbe present generation. All political statistics In Rhode Islan 1 properly date from l-9, at which time the present conditions were j introduced by the aomission cf naturalized citizens, without property, to the franchise ! The democratic vote for governor tince i that date has run as follow s: H-S9 21.2-9 190 20.64 191 22,249 192 25.429 1893 22015 1894 22,691 The republ'can vote has Ijeen more ir eg- ular. It has run that: 1889 16.870 190 l.9o 1891 20.995 1892 27,466 1891 2I.KJ0 1894 28,844 Tbe significance of this comparison i, evident. It is that the democrats of Rhode Island vote their ticket, year after year, with remarkable regularity, and thaf. ihe results of elections depend upon the sur: es (rf the repub'i"ans in getting out their stay at homes When tbey Lnng out all their reserves they win; at other times they lose. Last Wednesday they evidently get hold of voters that had never gone to the i poll, Wore in their lues, and may never go again. A victory of this kind doe, not promise permanent results, r:ecaue it is impossible to keep a party keyed up for any length of t'me to such an effort. If the returns bad shown a decline In 'I I'euio cratic vote corresponding to Ibe .ucreim: in that of the republicans, tht re would have been reason to fear that the rc-u't indica'eil an actual political revolution, but as it is. there ban plainly Ijein no conversions, and the republican sweep merely means thst the republicans ar- rxx'ted and the demo crats are not.-S K Bataetiaer. The PopaJjaJ adds another to the long list of falsehoods which it bus told coin -rn-ig Hie IIkmociot by sajing that the IlKMiK MAT bus a'tempteil Ir injure such men as !)r Hendrex. Mr Montague and lr Hill in ininds of p ipalietl Of course every reader of the DaMM uat know 1 that the Ijovs Is a falsehood 111 inu factured by a man who, by habit and in clination, prefers to tell a lie rallmr 'hati the truth. The Iikmck kat. oa ihe con trary has liei'n at pains to ;ive Ir Hill the advantage of all the favorable aoficet o' him appearing in the press of lbs- state concerning his proposed candidacy for governor. Tbe 1'opuiist is GhaMeaajarj lo name any issue ot the tllMIM 1 1 in whk I. an attempt was made to injure these men. It can not do it nnd will s'iiml twain b fore the public as a convicted bhnna The Uo 1 I, a formiilab'ti looking I east, and Ids imposing appearance and gtnaf strength have ciued him tn hi downed the "king of be'sts." But f 1- ail ih t, he is really In'eric In triu,ul,r poer io g um O'her memlii m of the same family Ti strenih of hi-, for.- 11.,,'). is i-ld ra h- 0..l) sixty nine per cut of iha' ofa Ibprr and the bin J l.-gs only six'y-rlve erc?nt. Dr. Price'e Creadn Halting' Powder Moat. Perfect Made. HON CHARLES MILIEU'S TARIFF VIKWS. Jeffersov, Or, Ap'U 7 '894. Editors Dtmocrat : We saw youraitlc'e in a late number ,of your paper wherein you refer to the ab- sence of any dechratio 1 tn the people's party platform in regard to the reduction of the tariff and geneiously offei mt space in your paper to define my position on that question . If you read the resolution i" the plat form made at Oregon City at our last con vention you will see one remedy . The revenue dtiived frcm a graduated income tax should lie applied to the reduc tion cf the burden of taxation now resting upon tin. domestic induf rtea of the country. 1 he enactment of such a law will, of necessity, 1 educe the mx rcfetied to and place the burden on ti e wealth in place of labor. And further w tay that we con demn the fallacy of protecting American labor under the ptesenl listen width oper.s our ports to the pauper and ciimlnal classes of the world and crowd- out our wajje earners and we denounc- the present ineffective laws against cont act labor, and demand re-.lriction- if ui durable immi gration. The above rcso uti ins h ie in view the reduction of the tariff an..' tur proeciion of Ameiicjn labor. I am opposed to our present system of high protection that enables many of cur manufacturers that tuve charters as corpo rations by state law to join themselves together in dtfiauce of lm and iorm svn dlcates contrary to anJ in di Since of good government, and -lect their directors to preside over as ma y as may join Into the . tyndicate for the purpose of limiting pro- ducicn and contiollirg labor, and la many cases j aytng manulac ories to stan t idle at ! the experse and detiiment of the common- i y. having two purpose, in view that of , ..,.w,.t the price and to combine against labor that they may crush all organic itions for the purpose of protection tfat tbey miy more effectual- e"sl ;ve la or. Tbia been practice)! bjr the co.niji e. in iron the! has and steel wjiks, sugar r cartel ea, coal mining, leather manjf.'Ctuiics an I ro.ny other high protectee indu-uiei that have txcrdoad an imperialism over the p'i e 'ever equaled 1 in the his'orv of the nd Th:ss imperial n.u at whose avarice for ihe parties. I am of the nelicf thai ou' : tective policy has ecrn tuc ' fotrr'ng this g:ea- evil m our Protection to ,:.r m ufacc ultra does a- otn woirld not reach down to ielitve. When w. n in. Lights: pro ucve wnu we eT r .., nasi tynai ' J,u T " K T? than a' any other time durine tbe bis tory of our country. r e eul rced 10 to 20 jer cent .etuet am of waf:e tt tbe mazzlea of Pinker on muskeia in the band: of ihcs? fbo wrr pi I wiib th money wrenched from pove-ty paid labor. The si udi -ales -oms-luto our commit tee looms wun tneir a. ue 01 r-ttv tion and present hem toe mmitieei and by .heir imperii power have tbriu iu aeited to fi.i blauka tort I' r t at purpoao in th appm pi latino bin. w.i. v Amtrica :ai.,r Innki 1.11: over ih ii n r-ro.-rsl open porta cf iL.a grand rcuniryand aaks wherj am 1 poteCtd rncains' tbia chap UkaW or the wor d We tre op u tn t fa-r Mich inati lutiousof imperl Ism i our land C H IHE1 MllLtr Pioh.bls "he most reuiarkaV.e political address of the yeaw It thai -.,:', the Jemocia i; leaders of M 1, . , - throagh he Ihrmocratic A--ociaticr. of Mionesrta. It ay in part: "It is use et 0 d ,.uie f.e fact that cur , party 1, coition ec wi h -rlo.s peril. It is lime for plain wo: is. Si rn e row is Haw lojtlty to our par:y an J ita cote. I a leu plele vi;:ory aay pi'iyese" v-n.and while in lull possrssioi ct tbe tower tli:n given 1 us. e present the appe4rei- of a defea ei party, while Our jrsponen's d fei'.cd in :be bait e wear all t-.e airs ot v ctorv. W :at ha, wrooght .hi, .-tcun iirg change:- Whence come, this pen Xj from oar op- ponen sjao'. from the brawling board, of pro- tectionis;, ahom e raet and overthrew in 1S9J. but trtachercus Uatoaort, a'lied with weaaness or cowardice within oar owo tank, the danger that obe tne-i ,aw the elec- . I .. l . e - . , a 1 iu w. pul on . atwwiwan ana.r ana the datv of rrdeemina te rlrdie ol 'a, re- farm Male tm tn .' ac epteii ir r the peo: .e. Then adoud no larger than .man's hao . na row cvc's' rtao lie 1 e v. - - win wii-pa, nun -r laa pnjsicians pre- "W hat was our picmisc to ttie people and i tcriptions, soiuetitnet calling for 10 jtal what Las leen to fir cui rer:orruanc ? We 1 'on' ' a time, winch was resold by sal, sin denounced , rottctija as a baud an lotbtfy f- ,ff John ... ' ,. . , . . ' ray. whose brewery bad been ched, of the masses for the tent fi l tt O lew; fd I cetwpltinerl to the Ireasury departmen'. we promised 'tiat the axes in import, ', which arraied the druggil, agair. -'. 'he ahoutj be lai I witi t aose r j w 10 affo'di-g ta'oon element To tet een, the druinrist' revenue Oar f.r,t disa. pot. tmtnt waj n disa; poll tment t o d - ar d p sas -n ' I icy if the departure lro the party in ;he u..J. of prote.tioa gjn'ed br min Jful rt tlie -x ent t with the sharing ia ibe c tection had Dctaorarfan ,1 1 our ranks, we a.xep-.f.; t a- tainabr, and Ijokr ; -. esj m-a-ure me ti l, trn wblcb contact lior.s of pro I e'tnta'ives in h et noar at iNiji'of coal. iron ore wioI ati-i iumb-' u h: entering wedge 10 b.-tlrven nm er blows. Tne iou-e fr;e list ind Sint "lie U Here the -frror cf the h J parent. Sapper e:s ol ' Ore plent'oui fr ig 1 "Tn coicess'ou- at 1 abeitnJ this appatli e ai . of 1 ne piotected intei-s energy they con,- ' t t'le sm tiler 1, 1 It tm p.-ple, le.s respo ill imp, rvioi- tn t , . shame ,n I dismay. 1 a h nt-rai-d hard- 1 d gar a ne 'he 'enatc. berime ap- Inci. le made e audacity ii n newed 1 edo-'s Ol d from tlie . 11 an, more 11 To our I ii -rnator-uem i-. . hicl: tnindei It, if, tsilflnj; tic Commit it tne sub n op) OtHloa I inilithtrieft nttd protte i . There wa iid of tht se at bid wa report- rrprwep 1 lia l 'tennu i,l, lit. rt"o iron, ' : In h' t" aid 1 i- m !ee looms t., . i Corniui'le wi to the bill. .. (hey repetei tion or ajiven weak surr, 1 i lorncj s 'if the ed iii wi icn th tbe baate bill crat'c let' ure, mad' sca'eeli t aeapctei t ' dtwi.ncrtfs in h thi feature of j vei, I its I .. d '" a .is c n,ii ,s. . i ltsnii Id Ispiac h.i and il e bill m the one thpSB men. nam . 0 0 1 onist in faci, wiui hive i"ns hrouutit rtlshoaOf and sl atni on our n'.l pan? Who are those men who have interpose 1 iits'ip'-riihle ohstacles and rsppotjllon, and -naiic a faijarc d'ie t, ojr fault and negleci? Theee ate the mrn; nam-H li, to stand alone alnnVd.? of Bene dict A:nold In the annals of out lOuntry: ' Suna'or Ca'v,n S B in , ,,t Obin I) It Will and Kdward Muip'n , jr, ol New Yoik; John K Mcl'herson antljamee, Smith, jr, of New ercv; Arthur P t)i n.nn Char es H Oihtoa, cf Mary land; Johnson N Cam den, of West Virginia; Iliiielson McCnffrey an I Kdward I) White, of Ixiuisiana; John Mor,'S,i and J I. Peak of Alabama." HlimSo!d' ih s -rli'- an oak treo winch he saw in Krancs, whl -h wts iiinuly feel in rireumferen.-'e at tbe bate aid was es uinattdto be two thouaind yean old. A SoaUvwn Oregon mpar boattj that notwithstanding tiov Pennoyer Oregon is progresiiBg. What do we know about rain in Ore boil If tnis is a webfoot country, whnt is viierrapoiigee, in rsouiii west Assam, where the average annual rainfall is ti 10 inches- of Tim E I. Anderson Distillery Co Newport, Kv, writes the DEMOCRAT tlmt they have topped their jobbing trade and deal only with the consumer, for the reason that their whiskey has a reputation, and when it has pasted through the hands of the wholesaler and r.'tailer the Con tamer pays dear for what he gets and seldom irets what he pays for. They quoto Keutiu kev liourbon at $2.7o to $5.00 tier gallon, ac cording to age. and agree to send it w ith out any marks on the case. Comment is unnecessary. So low is the tone of polities today that though there is a general improve ment in business through the east re publicans persistently throw cold water on every indication of returning progress in order to make political capital. They are pessimists in talk simply with this in view. For the same purpose they brazenly ascribe a cause for hard times that any intelligent student of histo'ry (wbi "i.u Mircriu, auima in inl uic I la, n l lusoil, is in rums . 1 Ills Is tlie result Ot a one Anything for the parly's aisgraii I fire which mytteriootly started ia the ro disement. The people sliould think for ; tund.i of the theater at 4:,k) this morning. themselves . . , la March or hit Falser m lm' u .1 m . . J Si'ok nk, April 9. - Warren Timuons. Miss Elizabeth Moore of Edgewortb, o t , parching Pa w a pmckyand independent girl, fo, hu faOsW. WinmU Ti, ,mo. whom "', 'f own hands she recently ; he latt saw a, Kert Kansas. .'4 .ears neat little co Uge, laying the found- , and WBMB he hai Considcred dead for tions, plastering the wa s of tho d.ffer- , mor,, ,han T short time ago the ent rooms and doing all the carpeu ter ellW Timmaj, was tn Portland in sear h won .0 ou.iuer s tas e. .000 mis ; she found it necfssary to don male at- ! t i r . anil a 1 . . 1 1 1 1 , ill i I rmn.l .i' I hai I j . - . . . ' ... Moore is said to be as prettv as the id i energetic. She was once a protege of j Grey Swiaehelm. , w wwawMi inajii am Allmny papers are crowing t!i ir flour mills are running all day now on ordeal for San Francisco. Never mind. After tomorrow the surface of the I'olumbia will be full of salmon boats, running night and day Astorians will catch ,-nl eat what salmon they can. and ".-an what tbe can't," for the world. Astorian. ' According to Tom Bead, from a se'.rish iiU-ione. cne r-us ;irun; .i mourn 1 it.s arum: to iuurn tor eternitv: f.r if thev are once de-troved. t'ne pro- omuivritus will do the manufaetur i tiusc of I ing for the country. You the start ; ianJ. I vou have the power; you have the pre-tiga. 1 ou can Keep 11. r vou can thrw it awav. A iiclcBate in thr republican couniy con vention referred to what he cahrd the land slide now uoiiig on In fivi r ef '.he rt ubli cans and rrfcrret 10 the large tuajariry the repub.ican cn :idate fcr roo-gre-rniaa at Urge receive 1 in l'-n isylvar.ia. Mr Miller must hive overlooked the fact that rotmi' Mr Crow received a large m j ii y over bit demcra i; opponent et his total vote was 2721 volts less than itarison tn i4. lti umo.y bow, that dlMW lite ill on 1 Hi That laalL The rta'-e is republl... by from 8).ooo to loo- 000 mpri:y. DeeiocraU dIJ aa: cooteit 'hc fennsy tar, SfCZ'HS! , ... l'ald B Hill ha shown the tbven foot, I He oppose tbe W iison bill because there t l not enough protection in it and because it I has an income tai provision. As migh' have been expected, be ,p?ak, for wea'tb .. , , owners monopolies protected pet, and against ihe interest uf tbe people He -an no longer claim to be' a democrat in the true sen.e of the woru. He u a pro'ec'ir.n. Ut. pure acd simple, and i, no looter ortby tbe cenfidence of Ihe people Hill. trorman. lb ice, I'ugb. nd tbe little coterie of so called democrats who herd with Item, are pacing tbe way lor tbe election of a republican majority In the lower bouse next fal. Librria i the cn'r more or etttliaed cour.Mv where c)ocW arc ataaaatl rn-ueiv dispensed with. The saw r,, exactly at ; ,U a and BM at six p m throughout f-e j tad is vertirtlly cvertetd f. no, n . Skattle. April 10 New. of a "whitkj war'" in Jnneau. I laiba ;,m.,l'i down on the s earner City of Toreka. nce July 1 no brewerv bat been allowe.1 to run. and tne dnaaranata hare hen iai. l..l. 1 1 . - ' "'nne.i tne uisi-mis omc-rt M the par K inar ui in- r 1, or a lot or liquor Armed with a search warran'. tne officers s-aivhed the house of Knnk Berry, I MUooa-veepaT, aaa texttd ;yu gallon- ol whl-ky, whiiti Ltd i een -muauls in t'om Fort Sheppard. B C. Berry w arrested and is now held for trial mm $3600 iwnds. He Biased I way CaeCAINI Ijicks. Or, April 10. Iaut night, about II o'clock, a masked man. witb a pistol in each band, walked into a room back of Under A Mchenzie's salo-'n, h..... tv 1 V.l,n... ..i. : KBinc. and demanded the lank roll, telli.ig Keltner he would kill him if be did not I band over tbe money tnstartiy. Keltner, 'UPI'" 'ng 11 a J .. e.n piir.i. "ilia. , nen uri on the robber tired full in hltncr' he bullet r.i : tne sidt of his face, fi head and powder burneil his face bail, i Keltner then reached for hik mm. and the ; arou'd -lie robber retrra'ed and was fired upon, but a i' effect, as he paiwvl out the door. a, e Call V hati OK, Wash, April 10 - Two Uuits of Ihe old colony wharf, beyond the Urt at Northern railway Irtst'e, nve way 'his' iftefWOOe beneath the weight of a two bone team and f arm wagon, driven by Harvey Martin. farmer living between rem iWj and Lrnden, who witk Mrs haw tad daogbter Litaie, 11 yean old, had gone out to I e warehouse end of the wharf by mitttaW, believing it to be a re ular s'eanilxiat i.n in j All were sud denly precipitated Into the wafr IS feet cr Btore below, and it is reg.trded ss mirac u'ous that no fa'alitv retnltod. tfnl Paj I . Taxes TcrtKt. Arrfl 10. fadta .1 A Rinei todiy t arant the petition of the I Cairago, Bariiaa'oa at Qainey rtHwaj fori "'jui eiioii lopieveni IBfi Kllei ill 01 .vir- . ; ion vouiiiy uoin levying nn ine engines nn I , tolling atnek of ihe Cumpinv, to satisfy ' i.tliiicjiieni latet. I lie (ICC talon is prac txalJy I ruling, not oily against the Bui j ungion, Dui n.' ny other roads tbtt have hem flrMllat th i assessment en the ground : tint It is excessive. Hlldlua 11,10 n ibe nanlslrr RoaaattKO, Or, April tO. Thll alier noon, Walter, the 4 year-old ion of W II r'isher, had I. is right arm broken twice be tween the wrist and ellsow, caused hy fall ing from a stair banister on which ha was s idmg. Trnla II, ,1 I ' IkiMi Ciikkk, J T, April 10. As the sonlli bound train on the Hock Island road whs iipproachii g the Arkansas river four I 1111 et souih ot here at 11 o dock lastnifbt. .. . . .. . . . 1 a masked roblatr jumped aboard the engine and comiiiandud tne cnginetr lo stop the train. As soon us the train stopped sev eral other masked rohbers 'made for the express car. Jack Harmon, the Wells Fargo express messenger, quickly picked up his revolver und stood at tbe car door, ready to meet the onslaught of tbe bandits. When the latter declined to open the door hi robbers placed a stick of dynamile under it. An explosion, which tore !be whole side out of the car, followed After the explosion the robbers approached the car and Messenger Harmon opened lire Ho killed one of I be robbers instantly and wounded another. The others escaped. 4 High Toned rmj Si u i 1.1;, April ) The Northwestern Industrial Army, with headquarters at Seattle, completed its organization tonight at a meeting which tillid two halls and crowded the street for half a block The object, us stated by Commander Shepard, is to ameliorate the condition of the unem ployed, but does not embody at present an intention to inarch to Washington city. Two hundred and ninety seven men have signed the roll. Twenty applicants were rejeeieo on account ot liuliits -in i bad 1 reputations. In .,..11 tm. St P-cl, Ann! 9 The snow storm wnicn tut in law night continued all da. bat the enow i. rnelting rapidly. Krom dispatch, rtceirtd it seems that the storm it general thrnaghout the Northwest end very heavy in som? sections As much as a foot of snow has fallen in some places. In Wisconsin the storm was nartlcnlarlv heavy, Aaalind report a fall of two feet and Bedford 88 inches. Mae li". killed. MiLWAt ki.K, Wis, April 8, Nine fire men are dead, six are seriously injured, and Milwaukee's leading theater, the ila- of uis lo, lo,, , , v . , ,ef ,hcrc fur ,be s j Md Hr Hlll Wasiiinhton. A; ril 9 -The home was depopulated today Three q-i ir cr-of the .norlhut "vu XT'. .IT'A 1 who remained were occupied with Pistrict , o Ooleanbia affaits Hut little ac'ual busi At 5:10 the Louse nmm ru I.J adjo urne-.l . A Kalldlat ..,(,.,. Mkmimii-. April S. Tb'l morninff at 7:20 tbe three story building at 152 and l.'4 Ileal strict eoHented. Four pi-rsont were killed nd Src wen1 wounded. There are said to be two o'-hers in the ruin. All the killed, injured an i missing are negroes of the lowest class. The building wa built in 1880, and was regarded as unafe liecauae of the inferior .ual,ty of materia! used in iti construction, and for years waier has stood in the two ce'lars. ia t v. . W Asiiisoios. April 9 T..e unotrmoni ou way in which the freight carload of un emploed flora Cincinr.a'i w.u taken in charge by the po ice last night is a fort cast of the rttep: ion that aw.ii; Coiey' army- There were 41 men all told. They were parked m a boxcar and arri.-l over ibe lUltimore ic irio road Chief of l'o liie Mixire hid prepared for them, and the viltor were crowded into patrol wagon, and taken to tbe po'ice station to await their final disposition in court. Pey bore no i l-will against the authorise, and wsraied pleased ith ling supplied with fnod and lodging. The TtlMTIMl Wa-iii.vot..x. April B If the plans of the democrttio leader of tee senate do not miHrarry. the H-naie Ui iic !,. j;.:f j tidcratun of the.Unff bill. a aii excrjs.veiy tuit week to the con 1 heir plan is "o nae ine niit taken up etch uay ira cica a"tif lot teatioe bctiaete. ! of tte ZHT 'Z t-i m.-m. 'I. ., ,1..... . . , . . ... . . V. . . L. J o'clock, a possib e and cut out tb dis- cus!On cf miscei anes.u, subject, -I atrr ttf Walt. MtUTi.K I'oist. Apit: s. Th populuU carried Coot count v two year, ago. and men whn nai.l Imi' tVl at in.l time tre ob iged to pay "tbout tvi'i oow . 'ber tS-x: t cf 'bat e'ct indoced tbe ubtaiitil tnd taipavine cit'icnt to cltce tn the SetJ cv.l nvn. trretnectite of rsartv cl h.n Marsbfie d. and there H no doubt that the ' cket will be elected next June. u i.h.n.arnoi ra ir.rH a .i ,.X people astetwhied oat side iJd Fellow, Ball tomgnt a lt ire I v Matten tbe unfrocked t.a'biic p-te:. It t,l be ievel te wou'd have been roughly handled, had be n t been srcuggiesl cut tbe back tar. The War 1 a. 1 El KfcN.. April I The t'bejenr,. In dian war has enll tr.d tbe excitement ha, tinted All tbe malcontent Indian, who did he actual tbo!ing are under ar- ! est. Chief Htil, who was wounJeil in the ! r battle, di.d last night. Ihe lodians ' are laid down tt-eir arnu. , DISSOLUTIOS NOTICE x ic it hrtiv , ivtn th ,i ti c .pirt-b-t r n at n-r. Ip hrtt!rr nul'.rf : Tm atd J W Seo't, under the rim ''' r "V " !v,n ter, Ner.ft, . " cZ'X?'l W ' o-to l . rr.utu .comt, I di log ben S,rt rttiri-. retirir.-. M eVtwirrt will !e'.' cntir ue th i'l le paid btwintwa, bs mh 1:1 all and accait tm cted. Ia ,d Ap-ii . 18m. M Sat nana, n Sauve. US BAKERY. fresh Fr ad Every D v. Piss. Grkeo.etc Jpeiial orders solicited. VNDYK E, Proprietor. et, between KUtWOrth A I.von !nd s- KdT CF 70 ST0CkH0LJEfS. Notice ,s here1 y given llist the An anal Heetingof the Albany Mininir. A Millina Co svi!lle held at the office ol Cti iturkliart on April VXh, 1SM, et 4 o'clock t 111 of saitl day, for the purpose of elect 1 ac seven directors 'o serve for one yeat ai.d the it ana-t ion of eneh oilier business as may Irgally ensue be fore Ibe meeting All Itoek holder ti desired lo be present Hy order oi boi ! of director Atti, i V Pi, N ii 4un, Secretary. ('resident MANAGER WANTED wapolM sate, men to 'eii the Rapid Di-', Wash er. Wash, and dries the dishes in two rnii IK e. !thnul uetllng the lit g-ia a 111 a ! :i we- s and a'l expenses. Ety position no CtMlal ; ro lnnl work ; can make Siao a week, Address W I ffarrtton -V Co, No 14 Colombo, Ohio. Notice of Dissolution Ibe ooj rtnerablp htraiofosa c-iw between N s t., Hd .1 m Pol 1 00k, anaVr ihejOrm nam of s N s'ei ,v "o, la hotel etatolte I by mntntl agree Int nl. . I M Pn'look retiring, s N ,S'!e wt i ooMtnne Ihe btitfaaa-, i-o'ltrrt all te"Hit duotbe arm and pay at' b I miene aaetaat tald flrai now oniiuud Ing IMted 1 1, ita 1th day of April . Ih!I- J M I'OI IfH K. A RENTS MAKE FIVE DOLLARS Ida selllni; the ertalest kltche i Utet. ttl ever Invented. Retails for thirty-five cents. Two to six can be sold In every house. Millions sold in this country alone. Don't miss the greatest opportunity ever known to make money, easi'v and quluklv. 'Si"T I lie sent, postage prepa'd for live cents, i Mi VI iv iv Or r-., flniliomtl. Ohio. w VV K WISH to employ e lew wood .. . . t .. .. n , . . ,tn . .. ttnA - ...... -Alt ww ,p 1 lit 1 nKn t.itt ui iiu,n n 'xn ?,'i . 1.... , ii,..., v,',. ;.,.. .,.. n - maehineH. prlntlna preases, pump-, nu . Kvetwiiony buys ihe in . tsieajy em . j oplyment. Kassy altuation and (food : wage. Addreas W P Harris n ,fc Co. ' erk No 14, Columbus, Ohio aut up in neat wit tcli-shupcd bottles, su,Rt sotted, AV1.1U Rila Uc atr bottk- They Inqretsc ap,atl(e, puniy r' . j w aratuni ails. Sfoa thu liter - Ullo ItouUS ft JVO OJTATiTV.n jQ y0U aH ,,., good a8 the One thai Inn-, l)r I'Iitw-'j I'loniuint Pellr-ts Thin l li.t v,. ,.t iiL ; them : An abeolate and permanent 1 r . . , , for, hoWion, I Attache, Nick and Bilious Hftanaohee, and all derangement of I tho liver, stomach, ami bowels. Not ! just temporary relief, and then a worse condition afterward bat help that litn. Pleasant help, t. These togar coateil little Pellets an- the trmaliest, the easiest to take, and the easiest in tho way they act. No griping, no violence, no disturbance to the sys- dm, diet or occupation. They come in sealed ials, which keeps them always fresh and relia ble ; a convenient and perfect vest pocket remedy. They're the cheap est pills you can buy. There's nothing left of Catarrh when you list- Dr. Sage'a Catarrh Remedy. The worst cases yield to its mild, soothing, demising and healing properties. Notice for Publication. D S Ijind f Itloe Oregon 'i'y Or.. Mare a 17th, 1 8v4 Notice is ktteby fiivn that in exmpli ance witb tho pioviaiona of the art of Cona-resa of June 3. IS7H cnitied An aet for tb aale oftimlier lands in meat of California. Oregon. Nevada and Wash iiigou Teintory" t esiondo-t Ui ail the public land IMU I by aet of August tSn, Colima W K'kina, of Ailany. county of Linn atate of OrefMi.haWthta day Qtad in tins office bin aworn alatemont So .:... for the 1 ' f tho Northwest '4 of Miction No. 12 in township no. 10 range No 4 East, and wit! offer proof to show thai the land sought is more vaiuaole for ita limber or stone titan fr agricultural purpose-. and tu ettobtlth his claim to said iand before She Regi'ter and Receiver ol '.hi, office at Oregon City, Or.on TaWtday tbe lihhday cf June, lSy4. He names a wttnettcs: jo Wnhotf and r B Winn, ot Albany, I. W I.auiehead, ot Ha'. stead, C H l.aughead. of Yaquir.a City. Oregon. Any a;rd all persons c'airniriie adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on cr before said 19th dv of June 194,. RootKT A Mil Let. Rcjjis'er. Noticf for Publication L". S. Umi Dm OacoM t'lTV. Or., 15, 1S94 Notie, is hereb) given that in eoaapti amse with the pro vis "n, of CM aet of I'ooKreaa of Jon 3, 17. ril".atil" At aet for lot aa e of ,.mlr la::. I. in tbe arate ot Ct Iftarnra. QrtW, n, Nevada and Waah inclon Territory.' aa extended loall the put.ite land Klates hr a ! '.f Auguai 4 isoj Jamta 8 Le" it of iKtrolt. c unlr of Marion ataue of Oregon, bar this day Q -i In tbia offlc bia aworn statoaieul N . ustl for ihe piirerVs ol ibe N S of s K U BBK of K K e I.TMflKI K ai.d Lot h e 6, T in R C K and wi;l offer pn-of to aj.ow ibat ihe lar d ao-.gbl is irore valuab e for Ita liinher &r store than for agrfeu torel purpoae. and to e.tth'.i:i bia claim to 10 and l:- re ;r.e hett'sterand Kwseire ' f tbia ofHee at (we..,n Cits : On -n Tom day: the ISth day of Vay, 11H. II , nomot at witoesaae.: LCtve. Aiber. - ' Mj rMrr ,s- l0" Aey and ail t,rwii. c aln Ing adverse, v th- eb-jve re.crir.i ' lanoa are rMju-'.l to fi tneir e airo in tbtt aw 00 or U-fore a'd JSth dav ol ttay. JfW Ki gi-r Star Bakei ortir.,s,taltin no I Kiral Ht- CGKRAD fclYiP, FFCPRIEUR. -. ai:a ta uu. l a r la, 'rsa ware, rted Fralla. 1 ubarra , 'near, Hre, Mr.. arte', i .- . ( laat s, plee. Tea. a ic. ' nm'.l., that la k,4 ill ,arsri) aiwl f9MKry attttv 111 rt.i a, I prxc paM S r KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED At the sloie Allen Bros.' BUTTE I, EGGS, LARD, BAOON, in.! CHOICE APPLES lor wM pnssihlr h I beal carl 3 f f?AP l r A? I ED I. DIEM t" .0 wriiing l r bnma, I'av f 15.00 to J'J,.n 1 ni-r araek -e d st f for repv 1 was J r. i-!.iie-si ustiit e-i enl-ie , 1 s ir.r. r vi 1 n I r.. c- : ,1 Dearborn Si Lthloato, III 1 W. II. KlMltM.KIt. I. II. ALBANY FURNITURE CO., 1 IaVCOPOR A.TETJ ItlUsttn Blwk. - Itfttiy, Ore. Furnitures - I .J 1... IL - s'ompU'to lint' tf !MHKTVhl; in all its branches,. EMBALMING "specialty Real I img H, l 'Millies. ll (altiNS., 1-CtO Oo J. A. fkBlBllg ALBANY, CREG0 Wa Prinw I Xal till Jl UMVl t ST. JACOBS OIL CURES . . . PhAumaf ictn PERMANENTLY IV DU Mb d . Call On READ. PEACOCK CO.:! See Their Nice and Trimmings. dies Fine Shoes. G.C MOON. Su;ceor to Flour and Opposite JRu- Mousr. Che 1 pd t'enei, CartaWa For, Bran, Khorta "Inr.'Hiv, O ti, S ra. I'r.iivi, Appei Ha, on hand a (nil t 1 t Oral am, Boekwhrat, It Julius Gradwohl Informs us That be is preparing to nrioveJ hi Opera House store on 2nd street. , . . goods, ana goods m general next ' days, or until further NEW : FURNITURE, v sruitK tS mow ruXa-ft or rutsr bf. i "V'.f. M.rr, '.cccx. Btb, BOTTOM The Oregon Land Uo Vl'n ,rs S-tVl.j32ad: - - USC Gra, -er I. M A K .1 ; MaIt of Will sol! .V 10 or ara Mnall casli p,ymenl r part icn la.-s. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY .1. .po- t;i !i. Proprletort 1 laMifrszwiw.), m: i.. ,.. I'llOTOUKtPHCRO Are low I You Is yonr Frine thick, ropy, eloud y . or b i h csilorcd? lKn"twait! roar KIDNEYS are Wine reined. I'se Sulphur Hitters. Una bottle of Sul phur Bitters will do u more good t ban all tho I .: : pres and sufTiTin" from the cs cesses of youih? If so. Sulphur Hit ters w ill cure you. cription, of dnitrsand mineral poi aons which w ill remain in your sys tem, destroy your bonet, and make you a poor. weak, and brken do ti Inaliii. No petaaT can remain long sick w ho uses Sulphur Bitters- If YOUR DAUGHTER'S FACE Is CO Vet ted wiih ugly sors-s, and fest ering Piatptea, nc ber Solphaa' Bitters. Indies 111 delicate b.-altli, who are all run down, should uso Sulphur Bitters. None better. Trv Sulphur Bit- tors TO-NICHT, and yoit will Bleep well and feel better for it. Sulphur Bitters wi 1 1 111:1 ke your blood pure, rich and st rong and your llesh hard. Are You n, roua and fretty, or in DELICATE health t Sul phur Bitters ill make a n e w p wrnrrn of you. t a bo 1 lie now. Seno 3 if-eent stattins to Boston. M.I.S.S.. ter laiat inudleal MrU :ubllaned EXECUTOR NOTICE Notice is hereby given that tbe under was on the .-;id da cf March. v appointed Esecutor of the .ast statement of r. 1, Krox. tleceaa I Oregon. This is therefore to notify all person, caving claims against sail cte i 1 easel lo present Ihe same to meat tne j Court-house in Una Coonty, Orewoa with the proper ouchers wjihtn six ! months from ihe date thereof Dated this 6'h dav of April, iSiia 1 W R Bllyeu. " Nlmrod Payne, Attorrev for Executor. Kxecutor. 1 en. ov ihe l ittinlv c onrt ot l.ttin I ,111- tv NOTICE 0FFI,'AL SElTLEMEhT. Notice is hereby given that the under signed bave h'ed their fniiil account rs administrators of the estate of Caroline Burkhart decased, with the County Clerk of L.inn County, Oregon, and the County Court basset Monday the 7th day of May, 1804 at the hour of 1 o'clock P M of said day for bearing the same and settling the said estate. AH persons having objection; thereto are hereby notilied to be present at said time and make the same. Wkathkrforh A: Wvatt, attys for admr. C M Burkhart. FjtEDG BORHARI Administrators I Dress Pattern? P lso Their La I A Morr'a Feed Store Crm Mea stock of goods into the A'l his crockery, fancy .., . 1 j - p .1 wnll be reduced in price for the notice, for net cash. CLASS rURNITCRKCONSISTINf. which I wnl aeli at PRICES. Tbos. Brink. homt office - ORllO-O T I Portrait an j .!ate :tet, brancH '-'See "n unnyeide fruit tract.- near Salen 10 acre lot at $50 to $RO rxr iopc tinion balance Cabinet photo, from $ t .50 to $4.00 per dozen. Enlarging picture t 1 1 toxro eravon; framed or $10.00. We ctrrv a large stock of ?xS and stcesccnle riears of Or egon. t tlran llrau ho does nearly all tie washing in A lsivy Whv. the Amaan Steam Uundry. Whv. beeaaat tnev do first-class work at low prices. 9 ho putrciniztss the C hinamen n'v a verv few. Don't mention it. llave you seen tlie new wagon. It's molem and hot :s ;j aUarh of clothes. Their biar bawanett demaada it. Kichards A fhillip.. made it . Tbey know how. a- well as low to do superior washing. The Steam Laundry washes for rich and poor and dcs good work for all alike. Try it. try it. Ct 'ean towel, toererv cosionier as Vureck hviijo parlor. T. C. M aCKKT, Vf-1.. Fhysiciatt and Sa'pr-ii, Oe Vrstair, over la Baiilt onorvw. P I KcaklcAev. e..mrr leih aji.1 Calapcxiia ft. Albanylnsaraece Agency We have had over seven ears exper ience in the Home cilice and local insiir- I ance businesstand can guarantee Insurance I written b us to be properly looked after, j The following is a ptrbal list ot companies ! reproentej ay 11s : Foreign-Not h Britis1 .V: Mercantile Norwich Cnlon, Phcrnix. London, Man- , hes'er, G uaidian. Sun, Caledonian, Lon- j a La scat hire. American -Continental ol New York j Wettchettar of New York. The Cont I m'n'al of New York and Manchester o England, write farm business, taking notes for the premium, with ample lime for pay men. We reapectfuity solicit any good business. Olfi-V oppositr old pot : - M SKNOERS. fted CrowiMills JOHN ISOM, PROPRIETOR. aw t- n-as's i.oca sitkhiok rot, siui aso BaiiSEt rsr. KS'' ST0RAQP PAODilfJES Dr H E Beer. Or O K Bee Physicians and burgeons Specitl attention given to diseases o women. Hours 10 to 12 A M, a to 4 and 7 to S P M. Others tnd residence Blum berg Building, Firtt Street, between Lyon and Elswcrth. SHERFF'S SALE: l A lit Circuit C n-f of tie State of Oregon for tie. ronnly of .inn. J K Wialherford aa adiiiioii tia'or with tbc will annexed of Robert Johns, deneaai 1. Piaintiff v i Mar Hoffman and Fred liotIinan. DefendtnU, Notice it hereby given that by ' irtue o an execnilon and order of sale duly isud out of tbn above named court in tbe above entitled tail to me directed and delivered. I will on Hauirday lb 'th day of April, 1S94; at the front door of the Court Houe n tbi city of Albany, Linn U'Hiiiiv, wre 'On, at tbe iionr of 1 o'clock p m cf said day, sell at putlic auction, for etafcia i and to ths bigheot b'dder the rea: propenv deacribnd in -a. I rleruMon nd orourr f e m follows. Uittit: Be i s Inning H Hi" W 131 feet distant from the vuthweat corner ef Ixt So. 6ia Block P o. 3 in tbe western addition to tbe city ; ot il.any. Linn (' unty, Org n. run ning thence Nontti 81 Wen, 254 fet tltniS',fib V- Wett 30J feet, thnc I w.rtb 54 30 Kaat !30H feet, titer ce north 38 dgreet, RaM 200 feci ftet; tbence j Month 9 degrees Eett .100 feet to lb . place of beginning containing 2.J5 acne more I or em. The proceeds tricing from -icb tale to o app.'id, Fiiul, to ibe cottt of and np on aaid ezecutio.,, the ramaicder 10 bo paid b. me to the c erk of tbe tdove oarned coin, to tie dbbuned by him ac e, r 1 4 tn the term of tbe decreet r.faid euwrt. 1 ated I hit 27th day cf Mt-cb, 1S9I. C (J .1 f k Sb rift of County, Oregon. SHERIFFS SAlf. fa ttf CircuitCourt for Liun C'ovnlu.StaU of Oregon: 8 H McEImnrry Hogb C Caldwe : Plain'lir. va toJ Lizzie Caldwell bi- wife. Mary roTi'iul Ml aa K-n'ver rh uibinl Dtfendaotji. Notice it hereby given that by virtue cf an execution and 'order 1 f sale duly ia toed out of the ahora named court io the above ent tied tu t, to me directed and delivered. I will on -satur't tbe 28th day ol Apr!'. 1S&4 at tbe front door of the ' Conrt Huoaw in th ciit of a l.any, Linn County Oragcn, tt tbe boor of one o'clock p m crcaid day, ae : at pu'-'i a action for cash in band to tbe b'ghea' bidder, tbe : real property described in taid -xeeutiou nd order of tale aa folio s, towit: Tnt E ! of tbe X W oairt'r ana lot one and ( two of Section 16 ia Town-hip II South. Range oie wett of tbe Willamette meii dian in Linn Count", Oregon. C intaicing lld.TOaero. Tbe piocta1s ar.-ina, from aaiu 4111; su ueap:io,nrw. ro ice paymen; , of tbecrtuof and upon tai l sxecutaon ana me or g as: com r,i sui: u veo at tJS sv. 2'dtolbe payment of tbe demanj or Plaintiff berVi 1. amounting in all to the an m ot 11126.62 with accruing interest hereon at Ibe rate of elyb. jercent per annum a cd the tur:aer omcf 9100 at attorneys fee. Da-eel :u:s S7th day ol Varcb lt. C C JtCHtow. Sbeiiff cf Linn County Oregon. ADMINISTRATRIX MHS Notice i, hereby airen to ail whom it may concern that on the 3rd dtv of April, ism I duly filtv. my coal aec-oont . is th- matter of tbe estate of J bn r en -i nol, dtceased, wi:h the County Clerk of Linn County, rrrgon. and that the County Court of said County baa set I Moniav ibe Ttb dv of Mar. 1-9 at the ; bear c t 1 o'cloa PM of tai l day at tbe time lor beating a"d settling iil oljec tiont to taui aocoonu theretore, a 1 persona taring any oijectioot lo said acoonnt are rerebv not.fieJ and required to appear an j preoent tbe ante to aaid Coun at said time fjr aJj r-i!arioa and ' settlement. 1tted ttis f.b day of April. ISL aIaiaa.tR fESSH. AdmioittraL'x. W B Bilyeu Attorney for AdmisUtra LaWix. SHERIFFS SALE a t&e CVrea f Cmrt of ike SioU; oj Orryom fjr tie cemmtj of Limn. John Broon, Piaintifl. Tt J W Sarank and Martha liwank hts wife Defendant,. Notice is hereby given that ry sirt-e of , an execution tad order of sale duty issued toot of the above named court ' in the abore entit-ed suit to to me directed and deltv-red. I arill on ' Saturday the I2th day of ay, 1S94. at the front djor of the coirt house ia the city of Albanv, Lien Countv, (Jremo. tt I a. a. . . . . . . . . sue injur ui one o :ioca p m 01 mm oay a j tell at public auc-fcm, for cash it. band to f ; the highest bidder, the rea' property dot' 1 cribed in said execution tnd order of tale i fo'.ow. toaiit: Th undivided oaie , ialf ct the co-a k land j claim cf John A Dunlap tnd Jane C lhia. . I lap his wife, notification No. 161 : tg fol : lows: The soutn half of the ncrtheatt j quarter; the southeast quarter ol the nor:::- wc: quatter tnd the southeast quarte ana tne ea hail ol the southwest q of section 22, and the south naif of the southwest quarter of section IJ; the north ! run or the northwest quarter of section 26; j tne north half of the northeast quarter of ' section 17 and the northeast quarter of the nor.hwest cf section 17 ia town ship 14 soath, range 2 west, conriinaj rito tcrc, (with the faltoaing excepriocs. Seven ,71 tcre cf these lands deeded to Xornnan, A J and one hundred arret of these itnds deeded ro Ruth While nnA also tne north ha I rat .i northeast Otar- I- j ter f ectton 12; tne n.ithwett quarter ,f ! . "li c A" ' lnc Z0"1" , , tju .-1 c .. v. . j ,n auwnsnip 14 j South. Range - Wo', and containing 310 ' acres and c s ; in all S;3cret, more , or ie-ss, together with aii the tenements Iand hereditaments thereunto hetonging or in any wise appertaining. The 7TO i ceesis ariing from said sale to be applied. nit 10 ine pavment ot the cjt, of and upon said execution, ana the original costs taxed at $st. So Second to the payment of thes'im of $150 as a reasonable at torneys fee. Third, to the payment of tbe plaintiffs claim amounting to the sum of $1550.20, wiih accruiug intertst ihere on from the iS:h dav cf "March. 1S0V at 1 the rate of ten per cent per annum, all In D S gold coin. Dated this ;;:h di v of March. 1S94. C C Jackso:; I Sheriff of Linn County Oregon. till" A Uf ULM F iftAiv men Made to br too dost apfsllcalacaa to taatntts tf vere mesial strain. aVxaal atraaM lo eckS ajeHfe. cr tkious hMts cvatraeted to roots. anr aa MK TatWlTST -- fr , twn UebUliy or Exaaaatlaa. Wataatac V eat. ana. linlRUrr Uan a its KatrlT la, car to Vaa-:M Middle A test: lack cf ru-.-r tod strecjtb. artOa sexual cnaraviBuaurvd and preeaatarelT In apiruaMviis c d tto. ws a a -a crmatl, spent rsS kncnrledae of rwaaalsa tn many thooaand ireausu ana curssa in use rak 0 :Ta rears. . " c rw IATID SOUBLE SUllll.l PJkTll.l.B 1 saaaaaaaas w ooe wrocn eommamia itself tt tn wawtst penoosror tbe aasawa taat w smsarr a rrly a ia the uin Uietr judgment of Its Taiu. Nothing ia the War of expense berood a postal card aod a two -nt pewtaira stamp basked. Tlse poftal eard for use In aendint us tbeur f ull address aod the pent aaeaiup(ortbe letter returning the statement or tbelrcaae for aaka are aupptr tbem with ques tion blank, to tss H led t'C, ami a i nlf a lilisattil ectraloDe for nee In nsuniins it vfaea nil. TTI v A tm T,n w receive tbe wnswawa at ' t Taf fiana we prepare eutat 1 days, t mall a TRIALS li salBiant we send full dirvcus-oa fr ujtn. The treatawnt aim no paia or moonTeoaeaoa aad ooae Dot prevent attenuoo to buseaeaa, BMaMia Ibe matter ot sndir orders ent Ire! t witb tboae naint tbe free trial trecraneot. Uav lo tttleeed those aenJInaj for trial packairee of oar abuitr to beneat tbem e feel thaa they are more Unjvty mwreatod it sn oorseivea tn nuuHwia ui, uh'i i me asscitea. we the prices as K'rras possible, aoa the .arre bun They are as follows: sxoo for one mouth; ti.00 tor two months : 17.00 for chree dkwUis. We ask ail perssMia needlntf treatment fj send thetraddreas on aawatl or by letter. Altccmmu nlcaUons csutrldentlal and aboold be addresseu to THE HARRIS REM EQJfCO . , Mfw.Chaaittta St YORX. FIKNT 4TIOL WK. Or ALBANY, OBKUJK restjant ., , lot rVaaitieut aaluer...-.. LFL1SN S. B.VOUNU -a. w. LaNODo.v rXANSACTS A OENERALbaaktiigoalaav ACCOl'NTS KKPT subject to check. SIGHT Kic'UANOK and tel -rap hie traaat r, sold New York, San Franclaoo, Chicago and P uUnd stoa 30 -LBCTIOWr tAOXoa laiorahle E. Tocaa t Blais. w iLaasata ruaa Kdvaas I. Sox. I7or Sale or Trade, a house tnd lot in r good location iu Albany Will sell oh eap for cash or will trade for land part ly or wholly improve J not verv far from tow u. Call or write to this ofiioe.