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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1894)
- finorrut. Wbkki.y DsMOCftAT. $i 75 per n advance. $0.00 al end of year. year Thk Thick oh nw The low price o wheat has no more to do with local con ditions than the present hard times. It is beinpr governed tiy the entire world, and presents a problem every man must face tihylosophically. Countries that haw not been in the habit of raisinc; wheat at all, are n w to extensively, canting an over production. In Arurentine alone the nuniter of acres devoted to wheat is re ported to be Oi.KXVW. with an average of thirteen bushels to the acre. This is con sidered a high averaije. ten bushels having been heretofore reckoneJ a hit crop. An exchange says that the competition be tween wheat raising countries has grown until it has become suicidal. Previous to 1874 France held the lead, but in that year the United States assumed first place, and has held it up to now again! all comers. Russia and India have steadily increased meir wneat areas, as nave Canada, while Australia have begun to develop apparently inex haustible held. 1 he result is that the supply so far exceeds the demand that the prices have been steadily falling, with little prospect of their again reaching a paying basis. While it is possible that the wheat sup ply may have been exaggerated and that pncs may rise. yet. on the other hand, competitors are looming no on even- side, and it behooves us to consider whether it would not 1)0 well to diminish greatly our wheat area and at thesam; time give the crop better care and cultivation. The profit in Oregon must SB trots cheap production and big yields. Hard to Navioatk The impractica bility of navigating the Willamette be tween Coivallisand Eugene in its present condition is illustrated by the following by the Guard : The steamer Eugene ar rived here this morning about 8 o'clock. a he boat was tied up last night at the Davis slough 5 .niles below here. After i leaving Harrisburg no trouble was exper ienced, with the exception of a swift cur rent, until they got above Meek's ware-! house. Here a bar had be.-n formed by i a pile of drift and the wheel threw ' gravel lively. The boat was about three boars lining over and after that steamed emoothly along until atove the mouth of tne McKenzie. At that place is a short bend and the current was to sw ift the rnt Tvrmld nnr stem it 1 ft. r !;,,.. ' over this place the boat tied up for the ; T, V , night and this morning had n.. diffi.-ulty -l r -rawtord. in proceeding to her landing tiere. She ' , 5 !'uncan was loaded with 40 tons cf freight. I "wnby J C Pram weil Watson's Rspobt Confirmed. In the Edward McKinnev rasecf H (j Perkins, W H Snanah. A -oe Fnrman C Jennings, et al, plaintiffs vs Frank Reisner. ai treasurer of Lane county. anj Jas E Noland, defendant. Judge Ful lerton has rendered his decision upon the motion of plaintiffs to set aside the re port of the referee H C Watson, of this city and "ordered that said report of the referee in said cause be and hereby con firmed. It is farther ordered that the injunction order heretofore issued in said Pfl'iaa Ha qti.I tt.a amma ia f n f n.i ' ' t ' ' .. III. muiq .a .i.e. .1 fnnny thing in connection with it is the fact that though the decision was in favor of the defendants, the Judge ordered that plaintiffs have and recover from the de fendant. J E Noland, their costs and disbursements in said cause to be taxed. The action of the county convention caused somewhat of a cessation in the payme of taxes, and yet the receipts Friday and Saturday were; pretty good, as the following will show : Rose Miller $ 1.36 L A Cotha 4.G! ECatha 5.40 Mrs 6. .1 t i ear heart 1.6 Mary Wertas 30.79 WLGearhart s 1.00 WL. fester 39.11 Geo Jester 6.11 J S Clark S0.93 IIW UIIMI Ol l II M C Myers . R If Farrer B F Sanders D A Terbune W J WiUbanks Mary E Willbnnks W A Buchanan H A Sommerville M L Sommerville J L Dickson lu'.ius Krngvter G U Wilkes G F Crawford Marandn Shaver A J Collier .1 W Krauss Wm J Henderson J A Gross Wilioughby Churchill.. Hudson, Kuthe & Co. . W O Hudson Anna 1 ) H tuicnn also i. nut amt B Cnmminga and Argentine ; Heirs Owen Bear Caroline Cos F M Miller A B Bond Elizabeth Bond EJ I'pham A Brandon F A Brandon R Ehret S M Croisan Croisan V McNary Jane E Carter Jas M Churchill W H Mills Jos H Pearl J B McFarlar.d Ira Cox J A dimming W L CoDn Emilv Croup (1 WBratton Louis Julesdorf Carl Kruger E G Cox J A Melinite J E Hamilton ; Mrs C Burtt Mrs Sarah E Becker I Susie Thrall ! Martha Barnes ' Martha Nixon ! Samuel Nixon i Louella Laf jrrest I J A Jones i C E Jones t.eorge Bntchett 1.70 11.50 1.50 4,-).00 23.12 1.80 101.67 17.4-2 39.13 3.00 6.80 180.63 lass 4 8 1.25 GS 79 88.13 111.65 I.OO 181.65 H.M tHU5 30 00 1 SS.Sl 54 51 HV50 1-8S 88.35 1 ;, 48.00 15.00 31.60 83 -.'5 SIM 4.91 '.'T.lli 52.VS ' SI .23 i V..70 W.,10 1.25 7asi . 7.50 Sand Ridge Gkarok Hai.i. P or II April 6th 1S'.14. The Linn County Business Council P of II met in regular session, there heing quitr 0 large number of patrons on hand at an early hour. In due time the house was railed to order by.the worthy president Hon Palmer. The worthy agent made a verbal report in regard to his transactions with diner- lent business men of Albany Oregon. The action of the worthy agent w as accepted by the council. The committee on investigation of the actions of the Linn county officials read I their report, which was very voluminous and tedious, and on motion, said report was accepted ana placed on hie. TTXIl, ID zA-TT Pinner Ihmiiit aiinouiuv.i the ircsi lent declared a recess for the same. After dinner the worthy president re called the botlte to order, and all pro nounced the sumptuous repast furnished by the good staters of Sand Ridge grange to lie a grand success. The committees on Good of the Order and Legislation offered their reports, and On motion the report on good of the order in regard to censuring the worthy secretary i t 1 s agriculture Ik' accepted. The committee on legislation made a majority and minority report in regard to district legislation. On moticn the reports be laid on the table, and on the ayes and noes being called for, the motion' was lost. Bros R P Boise and E Hayes were called for and made several remarks in regard to the question under consideration. There was a very spirited discussion on the above motion by several members of the council. The following resolution was offered: Thut this council jvtition the honorable county court of I.inn County, to institute proceedings against the various attorneys who have collected fees due the county on judgments which they have collet-ted and failed to turn over to the-county, as shown by the records, under the examination made by the special committee appointed by th'.s council for the purpose of examin ing the books of the various county officials. The Beat meeting of the council will be K:lfnr,l i.i Uiv I'l.o c.ild ..f ' thanks was tendered Sand Ridge grange ,1-'. for the use of their hall and the sisters for -,oo i the n?last '"""M for tt day. 57 50 ' worJlv mater of Oregon State qq i i range , ttro k r DOtae, ntaoe some re- niiu-Ks ror inepxxi ct tne onier winch were ver- acceptable. Bro 11 E Haves was l.g , ttmi for and entertainetl the council with j probably have gotten the nomination again .,.,, a few remarks of interest to the patrons of ( had he wished it. lTfi.70 45.00 17 54 2 i husbandry. Bro Miller, agent of the 14 40 '' cwincij, made issisil on co-operation.! On nution iidjourneil. mm 15.00 1.60! A Uai.a Time. Tast evening at the regular meeting of Safety I-otlge, No. 13, A 0 U W, there wero twenty-five canoidates to eceive J W and W degree. About half past !) o'clock it was announced thtOttgfa the J W that a coinmittiv of the Degree ol honor was waiting in the ante room and desired admittance as they had an important eommuniication to make to the lodge. Directions were given to admit them when the committee, Mrs Cnvw and Mrs Jones, appeared, and in a beautifully worded speech eulogistic of the order, Mrs Craw extended a formal invitation to all the memliers to repair to the W C T 0 hall at the close of the business of the evening and partake of a lunch prepared "by the lady memliers of the Degree of Honor. About 140 member responded to this invi tation and found a highly palatable lunch of the good things of life awaiting the de mands of the inner man. To say that all enjoved this generous treatment at the hands of the ladies is but putting it mildly. It was intended as a surprise, and was. to nearly all the member. The ladies decern much credit. Crook Couittt, Following i the re tican tii-net: For representative A B e: judge, M K Brink: clerk. J B Car, ght; sheriff. John Combe; oommiwoa Charles lieoua; assessor, F F Forcn: tvevor, C A QraTea; school supormtend- Mrs 1 1 at tie O Palmer: coroner, 0 M Pringle; treasurer; H P Belknap, Populist ticket: For representative, i Springer: judge, I) ETempieton; clerk, I S M Mcokin; sheriff, S T BlatV .ineeewr. J M Mansfield: commissioner. E Cyrus; trua urtr, C I. Salomon; surveyor. P B Nelson: school superintendent, C M Hedgpethj coroner. W H Birdsong. About 5 o'clock Thurstlay afternoon Sheriff Booth discovered tliat the two men confined in the county jail, Adam Martell and Albert Koerner, had escaped. They were lat et'ii in the jail about 3:30 und Uie exact time of their exit is not known. IiieHextok (ofNTV republicans have nominated the following ticket: Delegate to the state and district conventions: E Woodward, lhos Cooper. Iievi Henkle, R M DaTUWtt, Kile Stirr. Wm Knotts: rti ri'presentative.Thomas Ciioper; clerk. Henry Korthauer; lieriff. li W Smith: County judge, W 8 Hufford, the preaeal incum bent; recorder. H T Prist iw: tre usurer. Frank Clark: coroner. LG Altuian: coun ty commissioner, E Chamlier: assessor. M Hay den ; surveyor, Oeirg 1; i-h ils.m on account of ioor health retir from the clerkship after tilling the office for thirty two successive Years. He could en IR LecifRE For John Lewis Marion Casey. . . Lewis Maynard . Pavid Rice Total number receipts 1124: receipts for week S88SS.62; total receipts S2S.6S4. 90; dist3. $67 84; dist 5. $416 t; Pist 16, 108.S5: Dist 17. $10.17: Hist 18. $53 30; Dist 22, $1.12: Dist 42. $134.31 ; DM 58, 122.2S-. Pist :.7. $27. C4; Hist 74. $21.44: Pist 75. $7.3$: Pist 101, $14.65; Pist 114. $17.40: Pist 121. $10.56; Albany, $1171.67: Brownsville. $5.42: Halsev. $&.: Leba non, $100.64: Sodavilie. fl'5.95. Daivaa's Nsw years, tne lioctoi lias been securing from all available sources, material for A Wru) Cat Affaiij. A colony has tm ne- lecture The intermediate 70.41 Wen organized at I ndei.'ti dent to go to gg "i wht follows im-rediat ly 46.W ; Guatemala to engage in coffee and cocoa i e '"V6 lh,s h.fe: . . ,. , 4.'3 ! raising. The coionv will number thirty ' .1r Ir,.ver knowledge of Bmlical af 15.00 j luemWrs. At tho last meeting each meni- I,5'. hl8 nn"rpd fauc.ty for origi- 5 40 ; ber was as-e I $5 t. defray the expenses thought, hie power of explanation, 2-40 ; of a person who is to be senttothat country '".15r ' de1,D8 with the eublime 2.42 ! for the purpose of viewing the land and se-1 nl '.ut!fal of which have gained 5 80 Meeting a suitable section for a location. 1 'or h,,m wor'd ''le reputation, are 9 89 i Each member is at the proper time expected ' emPlo.veJ nowher- better than in this. to nu $1,000. This is to U' twe.1 In the , lT. ' ,ne most ln:relnK ol '" industr7.-lndependent. addreeeee. ... To mis this is not on!v 'o miss a lrc Diki. i. M . r. ;.in retarntsi atar.tay tore of rare merit, but to ceif'ec; an from attending the funeral of his couin. opportunity of bearing the most ad Michael Croisan. in Linn countv. IV-' vanred thoagfit on this popular subject ceased was horn in Bavaria, in 1sj. He c.uue to the United States in 146. coming to Oregon from Illinois in November A i He lived 15 years in Salem, 3 years in ' Polk county, and the remaining 13 vears in Linn countv. He was married to fcliza Moser. at r'reeport. III., in She A GrxsAsrcn Accidust Last Satur day evening Mr Louis Anderson met with an accident at the Y M C A gymna sium, which has terminated very fortu dately for him. He waa alone in the gymnasium, and having mastered most of the common tricks on the horizontal bar thought he would attempt ttie giant swing. His hands slipped and he was thrown forward twelve or fifteen feet, striking on the back of hia head. The blow cau-ed a slight concnssion of the brain, and he was insensible far several hoars. He is gradually improving.and will fully recover from ths effects or the accident. Bio Damage Slit A dispatch ta the Salem Journal states that Chae Ken yon, came with him to Ong-nand survives him. tie passed awav e.lnedr.v 1894. leaving friend wn his wife an 1 Ladies are invi-.eJ to attend the public speaking Tuesday evening. The grange is after some of the lawrer Seethe proceedings elsewhere. At the stallion show in Eugene there'' were only four horses in line. A large number of delegt?s went to the state republican convention al Port- ' lai.d today. Mr Jul'us Gradwohl invites the mem- oers oi me osr counci. to go to the corner f; c Cooley to Artallie Chance. 4 lots oi ririt inu r cm sr reels, na see now. Brownsville a street snou a oe aept up. H A iYls to Kmma Dr Driver will lecture at the M E church on next Friday night on the sud ject of "The Intermediate State " This will be the Doctors firt delivery of the lecture, and it i piobably a good manv will wish to hear it. April 4th ui.inv warm At the Methodist Church Fridav even ing Apr 13. Paid a Bai.a.m e Next Monday the Oregon Pacific will pay i-ff for Marvh. in cluding claims for material contracted during the month. The receipt for ti month show an actual profit of 155. a fine showiug for Receiver Clark's manage ment, included in the buies of the Considerable interest was manifest this afternoon in the letting of tho contract for tho building of the new school house in the third ward. The bills were opened in tho otlice of director Weuiherfotu before such contractors as desired to be -..resent l'ho lowest bid for the whole work is that of an Albany tirm, Trainer Qamber, to whom tne contract was awarded: i-oiiow-ing were the bids for the entire job, ac cording to specification: Trainer Cam ber. Albany, 91S.HJ0; Hutcbtna A South irich. Salem, $13,224; Hrrild St Olinoer. Salem, $13,240; .1 11 Bruckman, Albany, $13,450; Rowland A: Hoem, Albany. $l.t, CmO; John Mct'hesney, Albany, $13,775; I F Conn, Albany. $14,100; Harnish C Kropp, Albany. I4.I88; L W Moench. Albany, $14,340:11 r I haver. $14. 400; J li c'ougill. Alb.uiv,$14,'.'.tO; vv Booa.Eugene, $17,950. Bids for special parts of the work wete oieiieil as follows: trainer A lianiU'r. wood work, $7,100; L W Moench, carpen ter work, fttSOO: W A 'ox. nlaetni inn, foiindatioii and blackboard, t '2'.H, Frank Wood, atone foundation, $17io: Henry Bueeeni, painting li4.; J w Beece, sewers. 225; las Laurent, sewers, SI. H .1 Clark. brickwork for foundation, 1140; II W t;off, brickwork. $9.05 per M. Peter BlacK, foundation and pl.itering. $2115. A Salem chlckrn ba four leg, or t-;e the Independent man prevaricates. A Mothers' Meeting will be held at the Kindergarten room on Wednesdy after noon, April nth. from 4 to j. Pirate come. Several bridges over the Santiain ditch arc in a bad condition and unlets fixed the city U liable to have tome dimat suits on band. Newport, Wett Yatuina, Toledo and Elk City are all Candidate for the caun ty seat of Lincoln county. It will take a majority vi.te a: the coming election to decide the matter. Yesterday Ringerllcrmnn was nominated lor congressm in, ar Salem, lor ihe tixth time. An effort was made to down him ; but It failed and he received the nomina tion by acclamation. John Mii to bat been nominated by 'lie republican of Mu'tno nah county for sherlif. Mln'i. has becomes pnfelonal otlice seeker. He sat herisTof Marion county for several term. The Kindergarten Association will give an entertainment OH Friday evening cl next we k, which promitet to be a literary treat. t wili contitt of Jean I-ige'owt "Song of Seven" and mill nnlrm m'lc and recitation in a form tiiat is attractive. The cootidf nre that poople have in Ajrrr's Sa'Sapar.l'a t. a Lhnjd mt.Iicu c it the legitimate and natural g ctrth of Stan T years. It lias been banded dowo from pa spot to chiid, and ia the farorre ttmly meOicioe in Ihontanda f hro h. Id. Our citlzent wno loakr J at the lee! of the Man about Tn today, had their eves tffectcd by the giittertrg ght. Mr Hcnrr Burton, the new boot b'.ack, at George Landreto' directly oppoti'e the Dcmoi Rat crE:e, did the Wj?k. He It a genius with the btuehe and if too want a thine give him a call. Geo W Klntey wen- 10 Spencer pre cinct, 10 mile eit of Eaene, vettetdav, and adjusted the damage to George Brown't houte. which narrowiv rtcard being destroyed dy Sfe latt week. I - r amount allowed wat $74.75, which mat quite tatjtiactorr to Mr Brown. Guard. The property wat Inturrd ir. the Krmcr and Merchant, ol that city. The .-arriage factory, whfsjfl !e;an active operatiort latt irrek. it in luil blatt. Twelve men are empioyed, and within the pat', week about thirty -rder from variort prats of the valler have been received and tilled. Mr John Stick er l superintendent, and M' BRlii . vert genial gentleman it In charge ol the butinett departmen. Cortadit lime 83 receipts were written yesterday at the sheriffs office, as quiet as matters seemed the receipt being over liSOtl. Following were those over $1.00. A I Homer Mrs.M Morley 11 F (iillHOII Sam I'ursifull J M Bardne Mary R Warner R Bhnbel 'J E B Meyers Mrs August Btellmacher Mary .1 Moiiiisb's Co .1 r Williams E M. Neil Henry Reno Silas Hamilton. . . . A F Hamilton. . . . 1 1. 11111a Ncwiand.. Margaret I! Carv I W rickens M McCormicJc. . . eo S Hohson . . Minerva Coojht. . . A E Cooper w ll Cooper. Jill lireM.iiig Peter Mctntyre I M I'reiss F French Susan Butts .1 W Kvans Margaret Haider TJ I'attervm W 0 Brown G W Howard IVter fTllcliww Martha Hangman. Caepur Kropp. . . . Mart Cochraa .... R ii Cochran K J Harrison .... tieorge Harrison . Roljert HurriMin .. Jos R Harrison. . Thomas Harrison 1'eter Fowell C A l'owell ti-phen l'owell... t'has Foitz John C FolU ieo Fry Joaeph Metier. . Jos Ktister Alex Smith F M Johnston Fred Shaft John Fifert Mr- M BEOria... M Tito. I M and Mary George Ketbert w v BaJtrjaore Mrs Barbara Baltimore. .'os rlallowav Ira llardwefl Freileritk Hofer Fred Bru km.oi Norman I-ee Jennie CUdrWUl John Rolrt A If n-l Fiwrknon Man l tters kill! ; 1590 J.12 4.15 9.86 0.03 6.00 4. K0 4..'i0 5.00 40.40 0.75 13.00 4 WO 41.80 12.21 32 22 2W..'i5 4.00 15.60 I0.OK 14.55 8.40 4.00 7.20 r,.0) I l a.. 4 40 VJ.M 1 .t;7 58.02 24.75 lli.'.Kj 2s 123.40 58 50 118 74 78.78 tt.tfcl 10.29 S4.77 8.7 lfi.78 22.S6 79.13 7.51 1 ;.9t 1 17 07 S1.68 27.5.1 18.13 tlM Highest of aTJ in Lcat-ning IWei.-Latest U. S. Gov't Report k Baking Powder ABhSOllrEUr PURE m 'JMH . ROAD : or;;an. r Qoari :t on .pril cor f-'nue to re- lhe river freijiht on Wheat it 40 c;nts Ashland hat a pip: The Chicago Lad The Red Crown Mil.t ccive oij orccrt lor iluur. Trie Klwood pitted down vetterday with 150 tons of board. Money ad? by the Albany Stean: Laundry is trent In Albany; krep that fact In n.ind. It U not tent to China. The Amity Bop Gun hat popped out Into an ir.drpendsnt paper leaving the Ii party, tjooa eie. Next Friday h Arbor day. The event will be . ., ted In an in'.rt ittjng man ;n.Tbv the public tchocl chiMrtn of the city. j The prod-ic: of mineral water in the .1 latt jcar it feiven at 23.544 495 gal lons, valued at $4,240,134". Qnefon sLare wat Z'j 200 gadont. The Capital Journal ts that certain young men and gir! are'in the habit of roaming the ttreett late at night, "dlttur- oing tr.c r.eigtitjort with ficnditn catii'.c COTJNC IL. i'uevlay evening. April 10. 1-94. Present Mayor, reconler, chief ofw -nee end rnmiiHinm Whitney, Pfriffer -. hell. Burkhart, Marshall and Waiters. Commitftee on ordinances reported that in o.-dinance prohihitinir the sale of ciifar- etl-i and tobacco to minors .annot ije ! pasitcl for the reason that the charter give, no such authority, and hence rewmiuend that no saeh ordinante be introduced, adopted. Committee on account were given fur ther time to report on bills. The special committee in the matter of tlie proceeding in the cae to rerjuire ihe sheriff to give receipt for l8r4,r,?portrl with the statement that the charges were, Black burn i Wataon, S: H H Hewitt, 125. Ihe city recorder reported for the find 'joarter of law as follows: Amt in treasury Jan I, WM 8 47:5.10 Receiver! from fines 6.00 Saloon licenses 900.X li. ....:..-. :i 129.50 Tax IKK! 1175.76 Tax WM 466.15 Hog tax 102.00 .Str'-'t work 12.00 Wood 2.00 G EATLY REDUCED PRICKS MADE BY SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY FOR THE CALIFORNIA MIDWINTER iFAIE 4 -Jt j laughter and it!l. Ik 31.M 1ST 1 IS 2rj.77 j 14-.'.M S'.OIl 2.5.! 4 54 l'.'.JO 49. V) 2 40 j:! s, 3y. MB 4.07 Ihe popatUts met !it Saturday night. At thfrw were many proent who were Wtt populitL- all were invited to take part in il,.. motinn A V ..sifh th r,rr,h 1 l.i . I : made a" thort addrc and a.-k, indulging in what re auicklv ana- "avagani pri.e I ll MSant (Grange acro the river ia Benton county !li git e a ball on the evening cf FrU'av. April 13th. The Object it to raite a fund to ptv fcr an o ga.-i. 'I icke't and lurch. $1 r'o Firtt clatt 111 iiaV. . Ihcte wfo Her.d ihe fid sociible t the Cor.gregaliunal ch-;rch tor.ight are rtqutted to wear tcrcelhirg to tuggct: ihtir pet hobby. The ladiea wearing it In the hair, aril the gemhmcn in tfe button hole. The fee of ten cent pro vides for a The New York World his been pub lithlng list of Ccngrcaarren who have been falling to do their duty br not be ing present at the aettlont cf Congress Herman's name it m one cf the !its. They arr paid fcr haH time but pat in ;art of Ihe lierc. The CalCourier nyt of ihe Cnicig.-j Lady yjartette. to be i-i Albany at an early date: -It wculi be dlScuit 10 de scribe the mutica! efforts of these talented ladle and do the tabiect iuttice without o-jld term like ex boec who had not l-AID OIT. w .irmnta gemrral purrjoset lnt-ret general purpose... !iitrrTt on bond ' C:-h on hand March 31tt. . to mourn the death of a pl ciu-' T "f Uthtul'D of aboal. S9 25 t, ...i -. . . u Initial IliHieal ' of wood, for which the company .took their j The p.uckleit girl a: Three-Mi e Har 3 ' ' I pay in wood for use Ly the road. They bor. Cor.n, It d'e Barcisy. aged twent KCL EHTATt saLE i will also sec'tre ties in the same way. tone. With her la-.Her, (,'apt Seth liar H B Mover to 40rJ07feet.... N Brownsville. n lot. husband of the woman whom Dr Apple- At lhe "fa3 sociable" at the Ccnsrega- white has teen charged with makine a ttonal church Wednesday eve the fee of making trip to San Francisco wi h. has brought a suit against Dr Applewhite for $5,000 for depriving the plaintiff of the affection and society of his wife which he other wise wonld have had, causing plaintiff great distress of mind and body. A Xew Com-paxt. J G Kelley, H W Holden, and U G Hayne have incorporated toe Cooper Sandstone Co with headquarters in Eugene. The quarry i9 located in Doug las county. The capital stock is $40,000. divided into shares of $100 each. In The Sprlax Nearly everybody needs a god medicine. The imparities which have accumulated in the blood daring the cold months matt be expelled, or when the mild dais come, and the effect of bracing air is lott, the body is liable to be orercome by debi'ity or some serious diieaie. The lemarkahle j success achieved by Hood's Sarsaparilia, , and ibe many words sf praise it has recriv- ; ed, make it worthy your c ntidence. We ! ask yon to give tba mediciue a trial. I We are sore it will do j ou good. Ii-ad the testimonials publiabtd io behalf of Hood's Sareaparilla, all from reliable, prattfal people. They leil the s'ory. (.a- acres. Harrisburg J B Leigh to Mary F. Cross. 1 Waterloo . . PL Grow too I I Say. 2 Brownsville H Brvant IO Q W Kuthe. Tangent Q V: Kuthe to Nirah E Mil's. 1 lot. Tangent Mai:nme Hays to no V. Douglas, 4 a-rc-. Harrielsinr U 7 Marry to Sarah E Marry, 1 lot bl 17. AHmbb Babs Bt Rxtn Corvwilis seem to be I afflicted with barn turners. Recently there j were two fires of an incendiary character. ... This morning about 2 o'clock the barn of Mr Kisher nar the Public school buildirur. i was discovered on fire. It burned rapidly. t he ire engines bad only jaat been boi- 60' ciay, 01 "co-ton ciam t o p Martoi, the was caugh) in an awful MfaaU in Card ner'i Bay. A jibing boom knocked her nd her father down on '.he ieC4, broke her father's leg and sprained her rignt arm. With onlr her left arm the tailed the Marion to Mldi:eton, a ruo oi ten snd a nail hears through the gate, and sold her clams and got a doctor loi her lots, X 2 Yot. ten ceo's at the door will pav for a lunch. : Lemonade will also be served. AM are ( equested to wear upon the person tome- : thing to suggest their favorite hobby. An event of considerable importance i to the city of Albany, wiil be the meet ing of ihe general presbvterv of the Units ; ta Presbyterian churth of ne t niled rr,inr; ti.t lr,v,. S-ates. It is thought there wi!l be two j t)ie AT haltong hundred in tter,dance from all parts of 1 to nnrr tto in rv!msi tn I e.1 when anot'ier alarm wa aoaroaad. The . . V i.l-. iKa mjshm 1,1. ' helnleta fwthsss time. ITse streets of the en v were iatril- Mrs Martin Lit-wi ; exl until morninir: bat no fnrtber fire oc- k'.ir,is on . vi., I currel. The citixens of Curvallis are con- ) fonnm neighbor. .v. I 1 1 l V ... . I . -i icrai'iy er.tgeii an 1 an ea.-rt will he I made to discover the burners. It seems to 1.7) r h-ft this n..wn for th ber parents and ( be a plain case of -'pare eussedne-ss.' 1 t.4Ti; Km Glovls. 1 have jast received the new spring ehade 01 the celebrated also those 1 expect match the i-4. tne country . euitings. I 'arry also hies of the l oster Reports from the northern and wet'ern 1 hook, Biarritz, chamois and ganntlet sections of the Stafe of New Hampshiie, ', gloves. S E Yot so. and from parts of Vermont, indicate 1 -. Pr.opie like .0 trade with Pa.-ker Bros. 1 Hi rnniiii ui 1 that the maple sugar crop this year will be a practical failure. The absence of frost in the ground and the scarcl'.y and high wages of help are said to be the causes. Some of the best orchards wl'l not be tapped. A sensation was occasioned last even- i E,lltc T' )"ucrt- ing in the congregation of the Twelfth-1 rie. se allow me to call special attention street Presbyterian chnrch, Baltimore, of our fri'-n-ts throngh roar colums to the Au txv. Apr;i 11th. I8H. by the startling utteranc-s of the Kev D B Gregif, pastor, who preached on the Pol lard-Breckinridge breach-of -promise case. Mis subiect was. '-Stones Thrown From Glass Houses." The reverend gentleman warned hie hearers to beware Kabo Corset. A perJect dress form. Dresses fit perfectly over tnem. Appro wel by all dreesmakers. S E Young. of passing judgment upon their fel low t ; meeting will ne held at night and reminded them of the Savior' dec-: has the reputation of being one of the fine.-t ..jti-t.s Seeds. Every body bboald fraye garden. Are yon one who will. Then gfi to Stewart k Sox Hardware Co and make yonr selection from a fresh supply of all the seeds in th market, the largest stock in Uie city. Ball's healtn preserving corset. -'Nt ed no breaking in.' Yield to every move ment of tne wearer. If you value vour health and comfort try them . S E "Six day hlt tha ltbir,'' says the great lawgiver. Tu At good work, map must be at hia bet. This condition is -. I no.! l, th. nma f.f ll'. A HirHSTiartla It overcomes that tired feeling, quickens the appetite, improves a If lott, tnd niaks the weak sLrong m Invalid 3 Years, Cured by Hood's Prohibition conTentlon which is called to meet Saturday next. April 14th at one o'clock p m. at the f.)urt House. It is ex pecba ! that Rev E B Sutton.the organizer of the prohibition party in Washington, will is: present and that a gran i Gltts. March 9. Mr Drew passed through town .-.a hit way to his mining property at Qaartzrille. Bob Monroe and his brother Ce-?rg.were in town last week and report the snow in the'iuountain as fast. C D Bevier is slowly convaleving from an attack of lung fever. T S McCiary. of Mi'l City, waa in town Saturday to attend the populist meeting, which did not meet. Much interest is manifested here in the coming elections. There is an antiquated specimen oi re publicanism here, which the Smithsonian institute should immediately secure as a curiosity. He say there are three billion dollars in circulation in the D S. He is probably like the hero of the Coldc-n Bottle, only he did not dream long enocgh. He should try it again. The populist clot, at this place has re- ratiti.ittioii r"'"y cnaucngrM the republican speakers. Mr Sutton tn discu.-s the issu.- with them. So far tneyiiave not got an opnent. aration, iet him who is without sin among you cast the first stone," and in speaking of the cause celebre, he said society and the world should be charita ble and forgive both parties. He had no doubt there was many as culpable and perhaps such could be found among those belore him. Dr ureun's remarks created a eenea'ion and were warmly discussed after the service, some con demning and others appro.-ing them. C. T. Hood St Co., Lowell, Mass. : "Gentlemen: I am glad to tell you that 1 have been given good health by Hood' Ssrsaparilla. For three years I was an In valid, suffering terribly from Nervousness and Lameness. "Iwu so nervous ii could not bear the least nole, and I had to walk with crutcnes lor six months, as I could not put one ot my feet to the floor. Physicians did not do me any good, so a friend told me to get nood's Bar sapartlla, but I Said There Was No Use. "Huwevar, alter thinking the matter over, I de cided to give It a trial, and have taken six tuittios of Hood's Sarsaaarllla, and the re. suit Is that I am well as any on could wish to be, and can do any kind of work. I ad vis all my trlends to take Hood' Barsapa rllla lor I believe It will do them good." Miss Sctn D008OX, Colton. California. Hood's PIUS cure liver tils, constipation, Mltouans, lanndlce, rick headache, Indigestion. Mr Otto Sflinger went to Portland thin noon on busmes-. Rev T J Wilson went to Eugene this noon to look after his prune orchard. Wm M Hoag returned this morninir on the overland from a trip to SanFrancisco. Mr Jesse Archibold is seriously ill at his home in this county, the result of la grippe. Mrand Mrs Frank Wood Jr and son. and Dash the dog St Bernard left this noon for SanFrancisco by way of Yaquina Bay. Dr Still, a son of Dr A T Still founder of the American school of Osteopathy.of Kirk ville. Mo, is in the city, investigating the prospects of the country. Mre Victoria E Wood died recently in Albina from tight lacing. While danc ing she died suddenly. Mr Charles Casey returned thi, noon from his trip to the Midwinter fair, as wall as visit to hie parente- Mr C K Fronk baa gone to Southern Oregon on a few day visit. Friday she will be joined by her husband, when they will go to the Midwinter fair. Dr E W Roasiter, ol Portland. '. in the city. He was a member ol ihe recent graduating class ol the rorliand Meaicai school, and finished with high honors. The doctor was formerly of Saem. haletn 'Independent. Or Kosstter waa formerly a V S of this city. Rev J K Groom gave a live address at the Y M C A hall at 4 o'e'.ock yesterday on "the liquor cure hi temperance work." Mr Groom is an aent of Dr Elisors Remedy Company of Portland. Under this system drunkeness is treated a a disease. Mr Groom ia a fluent talk er and treats the temperance subject in a practical manner. The seventyeighth anniversary of the marriage of Mr anil Mrs Lawton A Sher man, of Exeter has just been celebrated at Providence, R I . 'I he husband is ninety eight, the wifo ninety-six years old. and their eldest daughter recently died at the age of seventy-oevent . A H Sutherland, u menilxjr of Post 06. of Saugus.Mass, coughed up a bullet from his lung which had been lodged there since Oct 11 1HC3, when he was shot in the neck by one of Mosby's guerrillas in the battle of Culpepper Court-House, For years he has suffered, but did not know the cause. The report of the'Gelden Gate Kinder garten Association, SanFrancisco, of which Mrs Cooper is the good genius, shows that out of ite 10,000 pupils only one has been a lawbreaker. Mrs Cooper has had as finan cial backers two women who havo 'made her work possible-Mrs Leland Stanford and Mrs Hearst. platfo nn speakers m the party. No one ; who hears him will lie disappointed. No superi or prohibition speaker has appeared in Ak any. Ali invited. Free. Yours Truly. T. P. ELu KI.KSIAN. Chairman of Committee. r.r.. .! a4O'Hli0BS Thtl following ware ;uloptedjby the Linn Co. Business Council P ofj H, at its lat meeting, held at Sand Ridge grange hall. April 7, 194: Whereas: The Hon secreUry of agricnl- Circle and Cal rrwing horse A Live Time John Hassler had a lively time heaven creek one day last week. They started to ford it at the usual crossing, but Al 1 I 1 I 1 , . . tssc naiiuei wma oeen wasneu out to a "i.-Hlerable depth, and they soon found themselves in swimming water. The team and wagon washed down some distance but bna'ly got out on the opposite side rrom wnere sssey went in. and the only .i i . , ... uuBsge none trie mn a a- a severe wetting OchooO Review. ine bett mutual Insurance policy attacks of sickness Is to be lound i.Ll.- II 1- t- ... u.ii: ;iuuu s .-'arsapanoa. ji you are ture, has seen fit to say. in substance, i weak It will make you it rem g that the grange and kindred organizations. of fanners, are the worst enemies the farmers have, ami ANhereas: The grange made it possible; that the Hon .1 Sterling Morton occupy the high position that he now holds, therefore Rolved: That this council pass this resolution of censure upon the said secretary of agriculture. Resolved, That the secretary be instruct- j ed to send a copy of these resolutions to the county press for publication. H. C. Jordan. Bee L C. B. ('. P. of H. An Albany Boy Left C D Campbell and Harry Whitcnmb, who have been con ducting a fifth-rate chop house on Ncrth Willamette street, left the city this morn ing to the slight sorrow of a few creditors. All the unsecured amounts were small ex cept the claim of Fred A Van Cleve for labor. He is a son of Col Van Cleve.of the Yaquina Post, and came here from Inde pendence to work for these men in the res taurant. He is but a lad of 15 or 16 years of age, but takes his loss in a good natured manner. Campliell left a wife here to look out for herself. Eugene Guard. The governor yesterday issued an order remitting the fine of V L Airlngton, de faulting treasurer of Douglao county, which amounts to $45ySi 48. This leaves simply three years impiiionment for Mr Arrington to serve, the bondsmen having made good all shouage. 1 1 . ,1 !!,. .. .... iiuuut puis art ir.c Inst alter dinner pills, assist digestion, cure headache. Try Rev M M Marling, cf Halser. it in the ctiy on his way east, where be expects to remain permanently. E R Skipworth. wb hat lvn v.rv iil for the last two days. U reported .-rjewhat better Una afternxm. Eugene Gari. "Minnie." the bootblack who left Al lan y one day several months ago on a trip to Portlan I. and r.evcr returned, is now in Chiaga. He intends taking a tgcrcfhe southern states. Miss Emma Bauni. of Portland, was tendered a sun-rise rartv on Saturday even ing at ihe h me of Missies Eda and" Sarah Jacob, luiet a number of guests were present and enjve.l a very pleant social erenin- Corrallis News. A former resident af Albany. GeoPeonoyer passed down t.ieroid thi noon. Mies Lida P. augii, of Alhear, i m the city visiting with her sist. r. Mrs J M Portr. CoivaU's News. Mr C G Hayne went to Oakland this noon to complete a cistern contract s js pended lor revets! months on account ol wet weather. Mr Tercifu! Nash, of the O AC nf Corvallis, was in the city la dav to mae arrangement for the game of base ball at Corvallis next Sa urdav between the Agriculturist and the College boy. Adam Radirand wife, ol I.inn countr. celehratzd the th anniversary of tbe'ir weiioicg last rriday evening, at the borne of their dauriit. r. Mrs Richard Graham, in thiscity More than twentv guests were present to enjoy the event, whirii was a very bappv one in everv respect. -Corvalli New. The Salem Journal, republican, .peak-- of a former Allany man. as follows. Tag nomination of James E Godfrey for state printer on the democratic ticket Mesas t..U assured. In making this selection that party has strengthened itself considerably some 'jaettions which were.) Mr Thrift . tlie only DeiltlM isi pre? ent, aakad: "What stood batiks near j of t MIMliaail elec tion when be was nomi nated in "881 Answered by Geo Barton. "Hen Harrison " The meeting was Lar SaOaioaa. there were nu new converts made. Itit all stand firm. The Uiaaoa Prebtery of the 0 P church liere last week and a weil attended There were ten ministers present and many visitors, among the latter we noticed Mr ''.a, cf Portland. Mr lln.Wrss'-a and Mis BiaaVil, sf Har risburg. Cat i.rverman. Mrs I. E B'.ain, Ksrr TJ Wilsoa and wife and Rev Riley Little of Albany. The minister ar-' mottiy -oung men and good tpeakert. A thicken thief ma-ie a raid on J II Pattisons chicken house t?tt week. The vttuaster is planting flower and early gardeu SO his lot, he w-..rks early and Late' At a late botr one night our newly ap pointed notary was called on by a couple of yoang people who wished to be united in the holy bond of wedlock. This was a s-arprite to the newly appointed hmb of the law. so he ailvid linxn to wait till they were oM encHrh. whkh was a surprise year. t th- ar. :. ia'e- f-r 1 .atr.::-. .: ; -- t:.-;. 1. , . i:-. n .i- .. are both over -5. Mr A D Motrisoa af the A C spent i.i vacation at the home of his parents in - uth "ak fsMHOs. heard th : arne t?ng-rt Thote who have had that felicity would c'oubtiess be ready to cec'are that words cou.d not te.l the story. 1 A IHy'on. Wa'.!..I).spatch,att: The jury In the El Bill murder caje retired at 5 o'cUi:k !t cten 'rg anj returned a Verdict cl 'ttsault r.d batter)" at 7 o'cloc this Even Jjdge Sturdevant. cn the beach, looked amazed, ar.d hi face t'.jthed. when the for man bad read th- v-rdict Tn're Is but one senriment tcslav or. the si'eelt of Da t ton and that It that juttite ha been outraged. PEKSOSAL Kev Jct Cook is to is? in Oregon scon. R M Wade an I I-o; L Pierce f Srlem, were in 'he city to-day. Mr Harris, c-f Portland, faiher of Ala Harris, was ir. the city this forenoon. Mr- J R...tinon and on. of Eugene, are in the lity the psets rf Mr D P Mason. George M Heeler, the insurance man, died at Salem yesterday at the ase t.f Ss lut landing warrants W arrai.ts for interest on Ijonds. SSJI IfflBJB 81.79 . 1090.00 14. 3213. 20.012.Si 47.00 206.19 224-80 40.35 653.99 i0.7. 7 00 18 7-0 99.4;; -4.7r; vettjrdav Arthurs and r the SteJIa We desire to express at-r-reciatK.n to oar A thsahs And friendt f.r the kindnes we have received during bereaenMa4 Especiaiiy to the A t W ftT their ;nocre tnanv ad sympathy crtir recent a.i n we grateful in!-re-t and fra- tcrra! kiminess in our behalf We cannot s-ak t highly of this nobie organiza tion. Thankfully lour. Mks QnO I'll ki!tos. r.K A.s.tri.Tiv. a CnxXJJtAW. Last evening Roy Bentleyand El Zyss Jr were arrestei! on o-mplaint of Lsf New. a celes tial, brother cf San AVa. on the charge of xsault with a danuerous w. anon. The er-ion of the matter given the Diivocrat I is that three -letiais each with a load of j wood, were coming to Albany from Benton county. hike across tb river tho young men BSjead attacked ly New and his horses by pelting them ith st.n tne stone laid one of the h-rse out. and another st. ne did BP Liv New. The hors is near ly ruined it is claimed; but the Chinaman 1- : w nearlv rw 'vered. Zevss and Bentley Wen alsoni in the county jail last evening, and this morning Jrere taken ilore Justice I'pT. of Benton oounty for examination. Corsstahle rkarp oinvered them to court. I'ln examtnation thev wore held to awa;t the action of the grand jury, now in session at ' orvaiii-. ani were iaK n inarnage 04 D an. Mr H R Hyde receives! a disratcls last evening fnm Mr D H James annooncing toe death of the latter mother at ber borne in Ohio. Mr James has lost both of his parents during ttie past year. A Cat At ilegate will art Mt t.Uv for the othoe .f tscietary of state, we i.ob- j ih the foiiowittg a-tit hiui fn..m the Klamath Star: t apt 'J C Ap plegate. prcl- ably did more than any other taan toward ' saving the iroperiilesi settlements .f this! section dnnng the M-xi -- the iarkesl period ever known in tie history of tv-atk- easlera "rrgT-n. H;s pkeananaal control of the Plates. nakes anI Modcu-s, under his charge at Yainax sulageicy at the liegin ning of the outbreak, doutless prevented many restless warriors from joining the hostiles. and his courage and skill a cap tain of the company of ritinm and picketed Indian scouts, organire-i ty him fcr the protection of the settlements" and for offen sive operations in the Laya Beds, are weil known to o! in this country. iLdetdednexe, including benis . . 9 Purisises for which city warrants rant were issued during 'juarter Mayor and council Marshal Recorder Superintendent streets Police Fire department Electric Lights Sewer repair; Street work Sundries , Petition of K B St rah an asking permis sion to build z one story kitxhen in rear of former Iteimonico restaurant wai read, also petition of Conrad Meyer asking p muaion to l-uiid war house in rear Of lot 8 block 5. The petitions were discussed by near'y all the crnciimen A motion to grant the petitions was Ion 4 to 2. The pvt.-. were referr-hi t tbe - Luti-.ttee I on fire and water. I eUUon o' Bnct Wailace. county treas urer, asked that a warrant f r"$ltS. issued to W E Curl as treasurer of Linn county by the city of Albany, which has been lost, be replaced by a duplicate war rant. Referred to the committee on ac counts and current expenses. Mr Risley mpUined to the council that the ditch had oversown between his j properly and the depot so as to leave stand ing ana unhealthy water Referred to the committee on streets and public property with power to act. .Also matter of cross walk at Thir l and Thurrtcn street, also matter of bridge at 7th and Jefferson sts. with power to act. The matter of precedence of warrants of Mr Jews as enir.nevr. with noik lorce. was discussed and referred to the commit tee on ordinances with instructions to prepare amendment providing for soch prrcedence. The hill of L A Fish for $225 for a heater for No. l"s engine hoase was refer red to the committee on hre and water- The committee on streets and pubtic projsTty were anthorized to make the necessary repairs of streets, sidewalks and bridge as required. ffce fvliowicg bills were ordered paid: Members city council. electric light.-. m, V S iKmnals. 25. ROUND TRIP TICKETS GOOD FOR 30 DAYS Albany to San Frsntisfo -eVJSTID EETTJEN" . $26.90 Inc'uding FIVE Gate Tickets To THE FAI3 IXCUR8I08 TEIFS. From Ssn Francisco to other points in California wtii be allowed purchasers of special M Fair ticket' ft the fol lowing round trip rates To stations unoer 150 miles from ijan Franeitco, one and one-third one wy fare. To s'ations 1 50 miles or more from San Francitco, one and one-fifth or.e way fare. For (xact dates ar.d full particulars, in quire M C K Fronk, agent at Albany, Or, or address the ucdet signed. Rich'd Gray. T H Goodmak. Gen 1 rafiic Man. Gen Passenger Agt. San Frarcitco, Cal. E P Rogers, Asst GFiP agent, tort land Or. New Advertisemenis. "UTICK is hereiy si Ten not 10 ive r-redit on mr acconnt I am ret re ponsib.'e for It. F L Lrs C3TT. GEO E FPH THE PLC1BER. Tin roe nog and pbbiag. Opra H jas. Opposite ta ADDRESS WiSTP-ADj person h 'w icg the address of a Kcmbcr rf the Cnmberlacd Presbyte-tao cbarch living in or near f'ortlar.d, wt ! cotf r a fvnr by raesdine the same to E-.v E icsr E lhorcp- 11 1 A assa Orreoe. P, RE BREL Siiver Laced Wvandctte ale bv I 0 Woc-iworth. Ecc-s, F.Gs, Eccs. Pare bred Silver Laced Wyandot ts. Eggs fcr settinsat the .lKan7 Pooltry Yards. Frrjn pen No. t and 2. 1.35 per 13: res No. 3 f 1 per 13 B Flymonth Rocks, 75ctper i3. Jona Brni'h. Albacv, O.-. tor 4lh acd R R at One BxASBX. Ths following from the Roseburjr Review gives also the situation in this county to a certain extent : Taxes are corning- in slow in this county, to what they are in other places. Sheriff Miller has so far collected onlr $10,190.27. the reason no doabt Wing- that the custom here of ex tending1 the date for taxes becoming; delin quent from time to time has caused the people to wait until the last moment, some then neglecting to pay until lutein the fail. In other counties the officers are less lenient, and taxpayers are consequently more prompt in paring. Souf. Ot.n Stories. -Harry Watkins lectured at the Court House last night. He is sai.l to have told a good many ol-1 stories like the man on the horse back w ards, swal CtOUNTT ARRAXTS B-jazh; .xnd ) o!d by H F MerrUl. FOR BARGAIXS m r al estate addrest or eill on lames W Card weil C., Jefferson. TO BENT. Two locms. newly fin isled one snitabls for small store or c ffiee, one for store, 39x60 feet. t ill fc readT br Much 2". Call on DrGW Slastcn for particulars. 'Beauty" roav be -'only skin deep:" bu the secret cf a beautif- sk:r. is pure ciood Those coarse, rough, ptmpij comp'exicn may, in atOW casts, be rendered soft, smcoth, a-d fair by tbe persevering and s 1 -- - -r.atic use cf Ayers Sarsapariiia; HrLUi. Do no forget to call and see those fine Porcelain Battis a; thecom'ai- ing more thi M Mat IfoxTElTll FlSEp. The Jackson Tille Times says that Mr Monteith. repre senting a clothing house of Portland, was soliciting orders without t.license and fined $5 and i iwt.s . The ordinance is not worth the paper it is written on. for one reason it was not fonntilated according to a !kix ironi the ta. t that Bar (.o.lfrey is a staunch j the town charter; and if it is tested by Mon deinocrat. a practical printer and thorough-, teith or any one eha it will l dcclanvl in f.umliar with the work of that otti.-e hav 1 ing leen emiiloyed there almost continually ' ime 17G. lie is undoubtedly t he strone.- " andidato the democratic part co tildseic nation bsrbei shop Bar.k Albany Or. ttcr i'st National .owing the tian man and 1 'rams than ever. etc. Mr Mat Stanley, the well known ball , p aver, is expected in Albany in a week or two to spend tbe summer. v - i rded Highest Honors at World's Fair PRICE'S Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. The on! Used in ffpM Baking USJa Powder: y rurc Cream of Towder.Xo Ammonia; No Alum. Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. DRUGS Station erv. Toilet Art) ts. M-Jsica Instritmetrs, Etc- Bodies 4 McFarleJ, Tiie Cornet Dru$ Store,". A-tanyi ANNUAL MEETING. Notice is hereby given that tte annual meecins; of the stockho'.deis cf the WVi amette Land Company will je heldatthe cilice cf Curran anJ Montei:h. in Albany. Oregon, on Saturday the 2Sth day of April 1S04, at ; o'clock P M for the election of directors and such other business as may come before said meeting. Dated March JOth 1S94. A H-VCKELMAN. I. KO W WR l CUT. President. Secretary. M r. Dr minoti-Mitilfe H liVu CUinvTktit LUt Sn. . is tx hf, sVtkI can b fooni t ber Dxt ftaot J 8 CoogilT, She i ut all jevt, pm l reet-.: antl future ; lo troaU, ajtweat int&ds aai i a?ir.xr-. You M fcemr tro tcut Jed KEEP MOVING. t.rtier 1.1st. Following is the list of loiters ren.ainina in the post otlice at Albany, I. inri county Oregon, March 20, 1894. Persons calling for these letters must give the date on which hey were advertise I. Rev L U Baldwin Mr P BriiiL'er, L V Fire. Beni M IIowo, Mr Joseph Jsrrse, Mr hon Miller, Mrn It Price. Mr ()wnn Boberts, Thomas V alters, Mr Kirk I) Bacon. 2 Mr A A Dementes. 0 K (ioodnian, Mrs (I li Harmon, Mrs Annie Janes, 2, Mr Kniiel Hemchick Mrs K Rolwrts, Mr C W Waltz. Mrs Wilkinson. THERL is vast difference in the styles and tho prices of the clothing and men's wear ing apparel this year from that of "93' Has to he hetter for the same money. Has to look neater and fit as i it was made for you. It has been a big problem-tho solving wl these two knotty pointsbut it has been done YOU CAN REAP THE BENEFIT The last few days we've unpacked thousands of dollars worth of new suits- the be value we have ever seen. The time to get youi choice of a lot of fine patterns, at i k.t-y.s 0NcV r- P : -JJ 1 J COME AMD INVESTIGATE TUOS. MoMTEITH, P. M. HORN. SAN WA. On Saturday evening, April 7, to Mr and Mre San Wa, a baby. Kither a boy or girl. last year. PRICES fully 25 per cent cheaper than -1 e.ovraisi"i i 0"3.' The L E. BLA1N Clothing Co.