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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1894)
VOL XXIX. Kntered at thr ot Office at Albany. Or., as Second. lam. Mall Mallet: A LB ANY, OREGON, FRIDA1, APRIL 6, 1894. iriT,is A M I I H i. , Publishers aad ProarleUm: NO 36 for Infants CaatorlaisoowoU adapted to children that recommend it as superior to any proscription knows to mo." It A Aacnxa, M. D., J 11 So. Oxford 91, nrooklxn, K Y. "The .no of 'Oastoria li SO universal and iU merits bo Toll known that it svwna a work it supererogation to endorse it. w arc the ntelligent families wlio do not keep Oastoria within oary roach." Cajuoe Mactt, r. p.. New York City. Tna CajrrAra The Best Shoes $5, far tbe iest Money. &w a bH r. ts: i i t'as e Kt. vim ; em cTwpn K thp fttcv- - InslnasT "T - 1 I HC 1HM71 W. L. DOUGLAS Shoes are stylish, easy fitting, and give better aatisfactlon at the prices advertised than any other make. Try one pair and be con vinced. The stamping of W. L. Douglas' name and price on the bottom, which guarantees their value, saves thousands of dollars annually to those who wear them. Dealers who push the sale of W. Ju. Pou!as Shoes gain customers, which helps tc increase the sales on their fuU line of goods, tw ran .fiord to .en a le-s r'r"t, and we believe you can psw money by rm-"!i,.,- j-tl voce Is i agate cf SSr-. d-atrr n :-w.- Buaw. uuuofne iroe upon oppuraxtca. w. 1- lt: "" - , . '. . For sale by the U E BLAIN CLOTHING CO PA-ROKIZEi HOM THl FARMERS & MFflCHUHTS INSURANCE III' - .ibaa?. d K a i . rreaidAat, 1 1. COWAN, treasurer, - ni recto I t'owun Hon F Simpson, -V K Kd, r J K 'ethrt-r i 0 J st tUb DISTRICT AOENTa FOR several SoM Eastern and Foreign Compare!) FORTMILLER Undertakers -- and - Enibalmersa W1 rE KtEP censtnt!v cn st d s tell coffins. Also buiisl rotes srd which will be old at The Ioweaf I., EMBALMING '" PtoP '' KO EXTRA CKARC1 FOR ALBANY, - - MASONIC I MEAN BUSINESS. Will sell all crrc.kerv ware and holiday goods ai COST- Here are some prices! Lamp, worth 50c for 25 ePt; lamps, worth $2 00 for $1.00 cups and saucers 25 to 10 cents a set; pla e3, 40 cents pei set. Everything else ia proportion. Gallon roe and you will noths deceived. J. NEW . : P LTFN1TURE, MY SrORE iSWOW FULL OF FIRST CLAKS FURNITUKE.JCONSISTINO cf bed room 'set, chairr, i;unn, etc., winch I will sell at BOTTOM PRICES. TIios. Brink. The Oregon JLand Go sVltn iii Sl.1jI!JVE - - Liie Gray Block, corner Llhertv anj MAKES a specialty of Runnyside fruit tracts rear Salerr., Will soil 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 per cre small cash payment long timo on balance or particuias. and Children. Castoria curea Colic, Const iivuion. Sour Stomach, Diorrhavv Eructation, Kill Worms, gives sli'i or.d promotes dl pstion, Without injurious medication. "For several year! I hare recommended your ' Castoria, ' and shall always continue u do so as it has invariably produced iH-ucficia result. " l'.mr. riKDtt, m. D.. 135lh Street and Tth Ave., New York City Cokpaxt, 7T Mcrrat Snuorr, Niw Yoaa Cm. W, L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. $4 and S3.5Q Dress Shoe. 83.5C Police Shoe, 3 Sole: S2.50, $2 for Workingmei 32 and SI.75 for Boys. LADIES AND MISSES S3, 82. SO 82, $1.7, C ACTION If any deale offers yon W . L. 1Hiij;I shoes at St reduced prlce( or says ne nas tnem wn li ons trie name stamped i bottom, put htm down a a fraud- INSTITUTION: Ore - ron. J O W BlVia. AIT . Socle tarr Geo F SIMPSON. Vlco PrtMldonb k-- B Moitait'i. H starnnera. J iir vVriUman. vF Cu, rr & IRVING iittl rret tc. tic th i S vrt drosltts at twin, in I ir scclotrt, tlr . t sins Profile. ' 'he dead a pe.llti HEARSE OR SERVICE s, TEMPLE, - - OP.EGO. Gradwohl. home office al - OHbiGO T Slate stieet, branch r-flfice 'n Portlan. HHESDAT CoKTALUS The lo'. lowing Items nre from tlit' Oorrallil Times: John Crawford, Mta ol Albany's solid est citizens H!i in town Monday and T"esdv. Miss Carl Mitcheiis, who recently en Mt4 in tlM millinery business in Al bany, relurned to Corva'.lis Monday to reside permanentl . She tins disposed Of her bill interest in I ha Albany busi ness to Mrs W H BHyen, formerly Mary tioldson. I' Hrvant, well known in the old das of s'.j;in: between I orvaliis and Vaiituna bay when lie kept the midway staite sta tion, is in town to day, and will soon leave lor HmUagtoa bis home. Popalar eatarers Mr und Mrs Bryant were, and those who remember them rejjret that a sad chapter of separation ami estrange tnent has come between the couple in their old age. In a few days Wood Jackson leaves for Saleui, Marion county, Illinois, and tbe home lie left behind when 41 years ago be turned hi face westward and started with &n ox team across the plains bouud for California and the gold ininra- A few years later he landed in Benton county without any golJ.and here he baa resided ever since, respected and respect able. Yesterday Kev V A Moses was busily engaged in raking up the dead leaves and putting things in shape around the old Methodist collegegronnds, and teemed to be in an unusual jolly mood. On inquiry it was learned that his happy frame of mind was caused bv the vit-it of a donation party Saturday eveniug, who surprised Mr Moses Bars his family with a generous supply of pro visions and a liberal allowance cf silver. A Jokk. An Oregon City gentleman and his w ife visited the fair a few days ago- They "done' the architectural mansions and all the other buildings, in vestigated most of the concessions in short, came day after day to see all that was to be i d. However, one startling feature the cautions husband avoidtd taking his better half to see. That was the "muscle"-danc'm? Turkish girls in the street of Cairo. One day ths hus' and announced to his wife that he thought they had better rest that day, as they were bold pretty well tired oat with the fair. "Besides," the gentleman said, "I have some business tododown town, and you might as well take advantage of my absence and do a little thopoing today. The dutiful wife agreed lo the proposi tion very cheerfully so cheerfully that the husband felt uneasy. But he thought no more about it, and a couple of hours later he found himself in th company of two jolly acquaintances. (M course it had been previously arrange'1, and the trio immediately set out lor tbe exposi tion The first place they entered was the theater in the Turkish vil'age. In the midst of tbe entertainment an 1 the boisterou; glee the Oregon City man heard a familiar laugh in a rear row. He turned a bent only to meet the astonished tare of his wife. Then his two friends looked there were their respective wives. As they all passed ont tbe ti'st wife, very red in the lace, said : "Why. Jjn es I thought- " And the embarrassed husband said : "I thought so, too." Telegram Got Es"fGii. The Guard eays: The foot rail team of the Albany Collegiate Institute, af'er arriving home Monday, telephoned back to the 1'. of O. mana gers an invitation tn play a return game at Albany next Saturday. They offered to pay the expenses of the team and give one-btlf of the yate receipts besides. The C O's, w ho obtained so eaav a vic tory last Saturday .have gallant l decide.) to play no mre football games this year It has been t-uggested that the reason for this discourtesy, is a misapprehension. They fear upon goiug to Albany and playing the other team on tbeir own ground, they might possibly get beaten by a !-core of 42 to J. and then their victors would gather together a procession of friendly college students, secure the loan of a dczen or so silk tiles from some en terprising Albany merchant, and lead heir vanquished visitors about the city with a great hurrah of viccry. Brave boys. The Skco! Lecture. A long l&ok boy with tig Lands and feet lying on a bed of leaves in a lot; cabin would not suggest a future president of the United Stales; yet so familiar is the story that you already know whoi- meant. At the M E church ..t-t evening Kev ttranni-. told at out the development of this bor into the prea'den'. who was cloeest to the hearts ol tbe Atcericsn people- The speaker na' e many incidents in tbe life of Abe hintoln showing Ids great heart and wonderful honesty. Thev were well pres-ented and held the closest attention of the small audience for an hour and a half Tola was the second lecture of the course. Ihe third Ifcture wi 1 be g.ven on Wednesday evening of next week by Rev Kdward Ixcke. of i'ortland, on "Every Inch a Man." Base Ball. There will be plenty of base ball in Albany thi - . . - among the amateurs The ball a tent m tic air last evening by the reorganization of the Willame'tes. Fred Wes'.brook was elec ted captain: Dorns secretary : Roy Bent ley, treasurer. Green and nurp'.e was (elected as :)e clab colors, and the suits uill be thege of la! year. The club will meet every second Wednesnay of each month for business. As soon as the wea ther permits they will bo ready to play anv amateur c ub In the valley of their age. LBTO The Willamette. This after noon quite an exciting COM occurred at the wliirf while the cargo on the Klwood was lieing unloaded A dtstk hand wan wheeling a box containing aWit 1)00 pounds cf plow share and a wick of wheat off the boat, when he accidentally hit n loard and tipped the load off into the river, going with it. He sank out of sight, but quickly ?ot out of the water Vy at-Mfbince of the irew. Of course the plow shares sank, lino the wheat went down stream. The truck caught on the gang p'ank where it hung. Abtiktic WobK , The Man about Town to-day saw at Fortmiller& Irving'a four faces ui water colors painted by Mrs (j w S;rr.peon, winch display a tab nt probably not surpassed any where, Iteing perieci. in execu'iou. mis is sayiiii; a good deal ; but even a connoisseur could hardly come to any other conclusion so plain is the merit ol the work. Mr and Mts Simpson will leave to-morrow for San Francisco to spend several months and will take the pictures with them. i ; never t rtained cn bv the children 7for a medi cine that tastes bad. This explains the popular it v amcnir little ones of Eiuision, a preparation of cod-liver oil almost as palatable as milk Many mothers have grat. : ; kndi benefits lo children. rledge of its week, sickly All ftrii'Tptsls. WANTED Tusliicg Canvaser of good dress. Liberal talsi y and esrensas paid weekly ; Permanent position. BKUWN BnOS. CO.,1 Nurserymen,Portland' Oregon Kl i Following v. ere the receipts yesterday : j Aana Crouch Chas H Everett l'errv R Conn Mis 'Delila Hand And red Hall.... , (i W Garland Jacob Schilling H O Schilling II II and M J King M Croisant. . P P Crabtree ... Wash Crabtree Wm Crabtree K Mussel mati Rlisa Arn M Bland Wes'ey Bland C Gerne Hiram Skinner A Gottscbe Nathan Berber G W Alphine John l'atbast Emily Towers Thus Kroman 4n no tiM 6208 7..W rj.f.i 21 M 33.4.7 o.!t8 10.03 tfi ;.' 43.78 18.00 R.I 21.00 sloe 83 IS 50 iO.SO 12.(10 2 S3 i 1.1.4. 1 LOO 4 so ' 07 4 1 Robert Foster 2.UiS John Hateman 2n7.0S Jacob Sanders, jr .. 20.25 John Sanders 40.02 Mrs A M Whitney 2.8! Iavtd Torbett 4.15 John Sliults 4.08 Fred Ievity 250 John Fessman 9.t0 HMetzgar&S Wasserman JQ Martha Smith 19.00 Ella Bercaw 9.6.' T .V l'aluior. . 30.64 V S Towel' 35.30 Total Total for week linquent April 10. .s.- Err $3057 34 Taxc de- County ( lerk 1! F Mulkey, ol Hailas, was in the city yesterday YesterJay whea' tojk a juip of three cents in Chicago. The c td snap did it. A t'ispa'cb received at r.o.n snnoi.n ced the fjc: lbs' the PresHenl bad ic toed the selninrage tilver ctll . The Oregon Pacific wii! give excursion rate to parties of live and over Tbe road will pah the excursion business this year. It Is to be hoped there Is none o! Mtl cah'y' foolishness, thocgh. The Roseburg Review says: It is now reported that the S P Co will put on the freight trains laiJ off some ti ne agj, on the iirst of next mon.h Tie butioess i aliradv too heavy for their pre.cnt train facilities, and is .apidly iricreasing Mine of the boys have t-ccr. out of woik for several weeks past and are very anxious to get back on the road again. Oregon's climate is more appreciated bi persons who have resided In the east, than by na'ive Oregonians. A lady whi le cent'y airivrd froT! the bdzzard -:juntry here the thermometer has been ranging abo'.it 33 degrees lxow x ro, wrote to her husband that she :ou!d not vtaik s ow enough here lo keep cool. Her husband aho is in the csst replied, by slating that he could not walk fast enough to keep warm. Whs! a contrast. Why do peo ple live in a cold country whiie there is room in 'Jregor. for thousands of families Thrre Sisters. Rev J R N Bell recently delivered In Baker City a lecture entitled "Himlet,'' with such success thst his auditors begged for another, with a of tubjec', and in n-fponse Bio Bell deliver.-.! on the ty.h inst a stcond le-lure en'iticd - Glance at the Ame'ion Poets," ar.d an aoalysis of Toe's Raven and how he came to write it." ladies Auxiliary H'. meet in the V M C A room.. Friday March, 50th. at 3 o'clock- Tne following program will be given. Devoiional exercises. Study for the month, Nathaniel Hawthorn: !:... rapbs Mrs Abbett. Uaes'ioia on per BOacltrj of Hawtho-n. Soo, Mrs Nutnrg. Toe:n written 3y Hawthorn before en'er ing college, by Mrs I row. His College Life Mrs (ieff. Selection from tr.e Scar let Letter, Mis Littler. Questions on Works of Hawibo'n. (J J'ations Mr J M Balaton went to I'ortland hU noon. Hon Jeff Meyer a in the city this noon. J O Writeinan went to Salem this noon on business. Mr Matilda 1'oUasd, a r.ioneer of 1-47. died in Trineviile la.-t week Mr C T Burkhart return--: - & day ago from a trip to California. Mr Ed Fronk. who ha. Wn attending a Wine?- c. liege in T. rtl.1.- 1 f r -.ri weeks, has n-'urne-l honv lille I with ideas about Inniness. Hon Chas Nil kel of Jacksonville, prom inently mentioned for OoagfOSB en the democratic tii ket. i-el through A tbasty this noon for home after a trip to Pcrtland. The Trineviile News pays a former Albany man the following compliment : Prof Liggett, the Worthy prn ipal of our public schxl. i the biggest man in town lie weighs 244 jiounds. Mr's irtellectual weight is aliout .is heavy as bis corpcreal jsmderou-ness. He is one of the best educators in cur county. Oregon ban never had a cyclone: bnt if Ignatius Donnelly. Mrs Lcoae and McKin ley all come here in Way there will be a hurricane. The Salem Independent says thai on the deinecratic ticket J H Balsj will Ix? nomi nated for congress in the 1st district and C A Coggswell in th second: Gen Compeon, for governor. I has Nickel for MsTetarv of state: W F Matlock for UnaiUini; W M Baaseey tor sngsnase Jndge, and J E'lod frey fi r state printer. 'l ack my box with live dozen liquor jugs" and "tltiick brown lox jumps over tbe lazy dog" each contains thirty-two letters and are the shortest sentences known that contain the entire alphabet. It is in order lor some one to invent a sjntence containing only 96. Alter the ball is over. Alter the game is done, Alter the actors leaving, Then it's not quite so much fun Unhiding on canen and crutches, With plasters on your nose. Thus it is ever with football. After its c!os9. A great many tnr payers are holding 00 Hi the bones that the tune lor deciar ing taxes delinquent will be extended, but there is no probability of that, unless tbe sheriff decides io keep the books open a few weeks to make payment easier The court has been petitioned to have the time extended, but tbey have no more power to do that than to declare that horse stealing is not in crime. Eugene Register. A man in a neighboring town snvs that when he meet B hog now in the road he feels like taking off his hat to it. liecuuse he says, the American hog is the salvati-m of this country. When everything else fails, when wheat is low, and horses won't sell, whan the fanner is at his wit's end to know where to get the money to pay hi taxes and interest, the hog comes to his nocne and helps him out. Long live the Aineriian hog. The Dalles Times Moun taineer. A practice common at county pontotllces is for persons who have locked boxes to try their keys in other person's boxes to sen if it will lit or it the box is locked, very few know that they ley themselves liable to prosecution and fine. Thin act is a viola tion of "Uncle Sam's" postal law, and is punishable us such. A case occurred re cently where valuable mail was taken from a box in a postolliio by parties unknown. A young man was arrested for the theft, and although the crime could not be proven. it was Bhown that he was in the habit of opening boxes without permission, and he was lined $1100 and given one year in the penitentiary. FBIDAY ' m'c'l's yesterday were $1147 '.II , aitking $.'lti-l 1)0 for the four days nf the weaa. "i tins amount msi. pies to Al bany and t'.HJ Til ti dint. . Following wi re the payments: Amanda Long. Peter Long. . . . I H Headm C S Barnish. . !s Harrison N LQarooto.. 6.28 LO) 41.01 fi.00 BS.58 17. 80 io.:h) ::.7i 02.90 1.00 69 M .in e i..Ln-..ii J T Webber JobA Stuck A EShick Wm Canies G W Car lies Daniel Moore S M Tciiiiington IM 4.00 144.05 MJ 00 15.25 19.28 01 .'52 0.53 4 8 41.25 42.:10 Mrs A h Tennmgton. . . li W Goff M J Caldwell John J Salinger Martha Mcllnde II A Carothers. . . . Heirs Jane Hingbam ... J L Vineyard H I lhtight W t 'iT.ompHOin0a. iwv- Will I ..11 i B Thompson JasCarothers W H Thompson ....... Win M Itowning 1 U Fisher W B Haw ley W K Hawley W F Daboaa Henrv Kiphart J w Kipkarl Seth Kodlwoll J r Nave John Itachmau liilbert McElror 0.00 - .-..Si 35.75 LOO I A, I ! 3.-x 1.25 22.50 21.00 21 it.) 5.68 I I 22 .1.--". ri.tK) There are t'jo pby tlcians In Oregi-n. Mr A M Rrevts, a popular school teacher has ben appointed postmaster a'. HaHey . A's atpoaatnsant. Mr B.:k-.p d;id at Corvsl i" on March 28-h. The Baatcs Basaai netted tie iadir cf the Episcopal church aSout $65, much more than was anticipated. CortalHs has a oung ladies den-.ocrjtic club. Miss Edx J scobs is president; Mrs 11 F Irvine, vice picssJent: Helen tlo'gate, sec, and Vattie Avery, t.easurer. A Cmphrev is Circulating a pc'ition askims that Mr. K VI Mi".rr he anaoinled ' postmisl-es. The peli o r tian is reccivinij I a 'irge number of signa: ure. Advarce. l-ebanon I'rol G II Wilkes i. a candidate fo' e democratic nominitlon lor county , SCnOOl I superintendent, Tuf C U Hart win probably be the republican ncmire. Lebanon Advance. j levice I shall I The kindergarten is r.o longer a to ki.l tirr e for the babies onlll the have ensc" eniugi to leave the ry and go in'a the ieg-'r school. The Eir.J-rgarten A tsocialion wi.. an open meeting at tbe sCtndesgai rooms on 'h street onTuesdar eve'. . next wees, when a good program wiii be presented, to which ail will be fn he J Large numbers of tramps ate now go bag northward. On account of tt.c rffi clency of our police Albany is trout led less by ttamps than probsbiv ir.y c:ty or. the east side. Parker Bras fave remadeltd their bakery so ss to give them many Improve ments They base secured the services . f ims and expert baker. and 2-e be:ter prepared than ever to serve the public with fine baked goods. An Albany njcnfaed a letter from a nelghbT cf Na'han Pierce, nominee for governor on the no,u'.ist tlcke. crH -cising that In a very !-e man ner. Indicating that he Is entirjly un1?' for the position Ise Is seeking Lebaroo Advance has "he fellow Ing sensi .I item: A", orange del rr open ed up In Kirkpa:r:ck's bui.dirg the ti't ol "he week, lie did not do a sery mah ing Our citizens prefer to pat ronize resident deilers, which is e:a i(a; ly prorr. E R Sslp r:h. of Eugene is mrr.tljc- cd as the pos:l-!e nominee for sece-arv j of s-ate nn the democratk tisket - Ad vance. .sj tipwortn ir.iormeJ - icmo-ja lir, . fn m S;j.; 1 . . . cas man that he was not a candidate lor Uhe building of tin- line -any otBct, and that he wou.d attend ri r v, 1 t.,th wa bv 1 s-nc'ly 10 bis Increasing legal business . . , twain. ne omin' vc'. Mrs Henry W; .iiams aad daughter re turned this morning from a visit of a I month or two with relatives faa c?nn I Francisco. J enft and hd Huton. Use- insuran.-e men went to Portland this noon. I Mr T II Wan,, i. hing danger-ti-lv ill iif iiiinsimiiiliisj at hisViiiii inlTriTT n 11 .. .. 1 1 1, ,.- . , s.-'l," H,t.t ;,n,,J" w-r" WC!lt to McMinoviile to ! iy on legn business, cir- cuit court being ;n session then-. Will II Parry's energies have hrrn.un tiringly for the success of the rei.ab' ticket and Hon fcvron 1 lieliw. Mr r.irTv has di.plaved great generalship and eve. ;t- ed rare ability as a politician and ontaniaer in this campaign. 1 ne older liea.H l:aU U-tter look to their laurels . Beafme Ar.' is. Mr I'arrv was at one time editor id the orvallis Gazette, and i known by quite a numlr of Albany people. Mr H J Peterson and in Henrv. arrived in Albanv this morning from Angelas, Calif., where they have been for a COQI vears. The former is seriou-iy ill. He went then1 on luvount of rheumatic troubles. While he liecame improved what in tin- respect, ntner tiling an ;ci his system, and he is now in a worn out condition, rbev report the weather tin re no letter than here.and consider this much the better country.- A pound ranTV. The Albany Social club gave a nonnjd party last evening that proved Mncinail ! their ability to entertain their friends Ilie Q A B hall was well tilied with the mam- ben and invited guests of tbe club, abotlt one-hundred seventy-five being pres ent- The club appiecintes the taste for good things by giving something for not only the social nature, and the inner man; hut as well lor the eves anil ears ami oniin. A pleasing program was presented. The opening wedge was driven by tne orchestra. .Mrs I rank ( raw recitm I lie ag.itwinu with elocutionary effect. Georgia and Littie Custer went heant in a duet. "Watch ng the Children l'lav. "responding to an encurt with a comic song. They are Woming quite popular in their songs. The Merry Four. Will Hawkins, r. lent. iv.wer and Fred Bruekman. were beard in several selections, raoBsring the apylanse theii skill on musical instruments entitled them to. Lillie Crawford recited "Lochnivar" with excellent effect, displaying n promising talent. Mike I Mil sang a comic song, that received a livo encore. Hon' Meapell re citeil "Kate Skelly" in a pleasing manner A duet bv Maggie and .Mollie Hunter. "Why Hid I Houht It," was pxsl. Martli; Hisley mited 1 ho ltutnsellers Mgn Hoard' iu :m impri-ssive manner. Hi program closed with a tunic Irish dialect reading by Allen Chamberlin. Games followed for an hour, when a palatable re past wo served. Partners were selected by the drawing of the ladies' names from hat, and the eupnnr paid for at the rate of one-filth of a cent for every pound of weight of one. partner. As 40 cents am the liiglie-t it cost anv one this was not a calan sl Much smrt was occasioned by this mode of paying for Ones supper, more gajncetol lowed and it was a late hour when tli happy company dispersed. 'Turn that wrinning naper the othersids out," said a lady in a dry goods store which never iidvertiu'd. as a cleric wiis putting ui her purchase in a wrapper: "I don' want to lie a walking advertisement for your store. I read the papers as all intelligent people ought to do.und 1 think in them is the place, to advertise your business. Instead of asking your customers to carry a sign around with each purchase, tell the people through the papers what yea have to sell and how you sell it." Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Hal. Hlghc-.t Medai and Dictum - r It 1.1 IV. T BUI M ti ll ft. Al.llANV. Begin o nler of Witlansette river, oppo site the center at tbe north end of BioadaJ bin .t, aii.l rniiiiing thenoa soatli s 15 miantes e;:st to the center of ttli st, tlieiioj westeily along Ibe eonter of 4th st to u point opposite tbe center of the Court House, USJBOB south 8 IS minute, . Quroagh the ccntor of the Court Etoawto the center of .'dh st. tfaenfe we-terlv to the center of Ferry st, I bene nth 8 15 mln- ntes ssurt alons; tbe center of Ferry st ami continuing sajd coorsa to tbe south line .f sec 7 in Tp 11 S If :; sunt, thence .! along the south line of said se. 7 to tli 8 w corner (hereof, tfaonoa sootb 2 railes, tbenca east ', mile theme nortiierl .- to the 1 aonth west corner of wreck s addition to. Albany, tbence south !3 :kj lain wctt lo the i center ,f .!. ..onty r.;ad at tie- N V corner of iottra Hark addition to Albany, thence jawth westerly along (he center of said j county road to a point 8 8 15 miu e.i-t from the center Of Baker -t in the city of Albany, thenoa north 8 oogrnas 15 rain west through the center of Baker st to the center 1 of 4tU st. thence easterly along the center of tu st to th center of aiantnotuerr st. of the Willamette river, them .-iver lo the place of beginning. up Wtrr Ai.HAjty. flegtnniant in tbe canter of the Will amette river Oftpoaite the North end cf Broa.lalbin st and running thence south 6" lo" eas: along the center of said street to the center of Poorth st. thence weet crly al-jric the cen'cr cf Fourth tt to a point opp :site the center of the court houte, thence eouUi 8 15 u::n east through the center of said court house to the center of Fifth t. tr-ence westerlv along tha center of Fifth st to the ceil Cl ot Ferry st. thence SOQlh S 15 min east along the center of Ferry st and continu ing on said course to ".he south line of en 7 Tp II s R 3 tl.ence west alor.g the south line I said section 7 to the sou'b wes: corner thereof, thence south 2 miles, thence wes'. to the center of ti e Willamete, .'Jwn said survey to the place of beginning. Onnjooa aotiuk Wukld. Toe London Tinsber Trade Jonrnal ayt : The Ikx-k cranpnny ar now using a plar.k of .awn Oregon pine, brnsaght over I v the sailing . B a, aOcKner OS tne WVleVt-! I . .-" seless against the otxav side waiting tor SSaseCntng to turn up.' lb plank in ':'!etion is four feet whie and sixtcm feet lonir. without a ahaa4a bssnl 9n,i :. tn f..i tk tAn t.t ... s . -- s . .v.... ..... .-.-j. .j. .,-. 1. '.Il l l:il,l.. al Usa IWV rJKm J '.j of the line-- ; .e , . 1 'nine :n Uiednenn. Th,' manassa asaU quantity of .i li dimension, acdfwill. bv and by. play a more important port in our sn:n!v wl:n i-ais -f. f ind ilnrim Woouca Mm, Mkx.-H takes nerve to talk new institutions just at the present banc I - ti:e following is frcm the Eu- liaord: M-sis Wm aa i wife, and J E Wnddiagtoa and wife, of les Moine. Iowa, arnve.1 ten? last sight and today are viewing the country. Mr kever i presid-mt cf tb Lever Woolen Company of Fterx-un:. Keb, ar.d !!:;s is his s-nd visit to this section of fregon. A few since he was !;ere purvba icg wjoJ fjr his nisnafact. ry anil is ! .ad- ln hi prai of that pro.iu.-t grown in Western I 'n-g n. Tuex gnnttensnn intend buiiding and operating a large woolen mi!! at s-.-me pc-ict in tn? fr.--t,-rn jr:ion of the mie. and after K-c-king over It? fieid. are more favorably iropressevl with Eoge than any point yet rushed. In fact, they are o we j that tbey will make our citizens a proo (ition ia a few days, to consider. Trtr. Rt;i. Pisfi-.n. Tne Statesman pets tbe following grain of com text oct of tbe Adany A Anbarai Rai'nad: n Ijnnsaay lat Sensrtor Dotph had fsi.:s.l throtgh the upper 1-ranch of evingresa a biil granting a fignt--f-WjV to ire Ai! anv , . . : V. Co. throach the Grand Km !.. lr. i -. Jervasi'-n. W should not be -::rpri'ed if j this had some, connection with a re en' j statement of PrnBdent CPHnnjSngton ithat tb S-xi'hcm Pa. ;'".- would n:4 soon ij 1 any u,w main lines. Iu. that they ! would rxit nit s.rm? feeders a r- L With line Ct Hp.t Koanblltg other day Dsecataar. A B . of made a cer. j- div- v.-r- the i an oak tr.r which proved to bl a snsnjl leather pooch which bad evidently !.n pla.e.1 there a lorg time ag. an-i was aim -t conoa!.l by a new growth aK it it. W.thin thi. I; t;c?i w.-re several to s Kr "V' v: ''1,lir,;:'r.' :!." r"M- Silver and . .d Mining o.. an in atkmenrrdng propntin tbe Csardea blr in V.T ivmntv, Chlllbiaria Tliis k asrsrreffnted 146 shan-s f MOOench 1 the ranital stock of tbe mmiianT fanusn frcVi.fs-O an 1 wen- unaed to J A ttanfnr on the date of Nov. IS63 over thirty vears ago. K.v h oer'.i:.. a'e has u'taihed t.. i; .-. ' cent iev.mie stair p be question i ho placed the isiirs in the when. and for what purpose '.' C.-i OF MoDKSa St BOUTT -A del' ica.e and -tui.-tul sargial oivrn'ion was pexxornard on the person of Mr C J Bard- man, re-idmg a tew miles trom Albany, F"ursLiv of last wivk bv Ir Maston A- l.ivi. Tlie ennrafinn consisted in owning the abdominal cavity rail irnarrinn; ndhn SSOSM that had to Mien between the omentum ami intestines mul removing a niattjini of omentum ana straightening tbe intestines that be l been tur.d down bv adhesions md bad became knottct The oiieratiou ha. proven to be entirely anccsnnfjnl as Mr Barasaan is taking nonristenent and f.vl mg quite wel' on this the ninth dtiv after the operation. Bomnch bar the success of nimlcrn surgery. As OlB PaVPBK, - List evening 'r l' i unditt snowe.1 tne i 'i.m.h p-at a paper owned by bis mm tier, residing near thi citv. whi li in a curiosity. Obi and worn it beers the name. Washington Federalist. It ia dated November, isoo ami no Visaed in W ashington. Among it conaena IS :t ji-o EamatlOn by IBB President John Allan ind an obituary on l incknev. paix'rs are alwevs liitere-ting. vir v unditl ot- fen'ii the pnaer tor .ile. Fnx Down Bratas.. Prince Morgan while delirious nitu fever at the boBOC of his parents in the Third Ward, fell downstairs. rocei.i'.g caused a concussion of the brain, cans ing bun to lie in nn uiicoiiscious condi lion tor several boor. ir HaMoo was called and attended him. He is now considerably improved. Hki In riiitKsT. The Scio 'Press says The nonnltat (W who made the loan B wvk or two ago. of?l0. taking n note Uiiring interest, due a year heiuv. Of 6100 for it should justly forfeit the whole amount to the school fund. A man who will take advantage of other peooie'a inn-ossifies, ha a soul so small that if it weie placed in the hull of a mustard seed, would bave a- much room, in comparison, as would a tad pots in Lake Bunertor. A OosrEsaioN. A dispatch to the Saleu Journal from Corvallis reads: It is ru mort'd that Mrs Kenyon. I 'r Applewhite's paramour in the alleged adultery case to come a,, when cmrt convenes, h is madt long utlidavit. telling the whole storv from lieginning to end. Her bondamen say thev will surrender the prisoner and with draw bail. Hr Applewhite is the treasurer of the State Agricultural I ollege and ,! prominent man. lr Wii.t, Coi n t. Tin following frc the Press of Scio indicates a gi ad deal fo that section of the county: tanners in this vicinity aro very sensibly growing a variety of i rops. rVsidos th') usual amount of grain and hay. thero will lie this year between lOO and SOU a resot hops, mj acre of tlax, a large t.creago of jmtatocs. baaidea every farmer is a stock raiser in a small way. This showing should give Scio soma money next fall nevertheless the times are close. SATTJBDAY Taxe Luntie to ;.rri'. 1 it the beritTt ee Oinee lit illy.ilt tiie l aily rate follows: leraay tne re eipi . Bobnett liro-. s Bfcdaaaw.... Ifn C B wort I W Join:- n 'i w amei II E Bead... Willard li Stl A Trip EstTalton Taylor. M Qannan ..... Mr- M ABui bai K Paddock Cora A 8 M Harrii .. rbuah A Ib.r.-:, JT Porter . .... Wm Pardy Mrs E I' Darin.'.'. I.izie c Dark . A .". EC tVeheelL. ls 08.66 i.2.1 6,93 2.40 1 M 102.23 96.80 I0.2H 36.87 23B 64 3. m .75 5.10 .Kl 15.00 13 M 4. 50 2.00 51.45 5.10 "'.IS W H a j j Mary A Bo, Mary A Mc B P Bnrantj Jackson . tare Ry.jO Margaret Wash .78 11.93 1.00 9.25 3.K.S 2-J.2J IO.eS 27..T0 12 34.75 ttM 12.64 10.CJ 2. 99 '4.7'. Klmont 8 Herri N 0 hen wan . D Nana Sophira Van W S M Nerslh;..,,, ,H V Bodeker . Mrs V a Blact I D B N BI . kl ! II 0 treason A liievms Peter 1 Bicbard Pntnrs M m 1 i.'nuin sTm ibenn . - S G Netharlar. ': joetu-.aster at Li', ll2S been ' a ' . : appointed a county. Or. Dr w 11 Davis wan calk today to altetd Ms fi seriously iii. Mrs Kcbifflar atid son Allvtny Frida-, and now E Blain e handnonee cotti arrived o-cuov from Mr L Iti.eWl.-i. .ev;s3rt news. Mr A B Hu iielsoa of J-fferson, the democrats-catd. date for siieriff in Mar ion was in tbndt) to day. ir Hoddel son is a gentleman of Integrity is fully competent t , j-er'crm ti.e duties cf sher iff, and tbe people of Marion county would be doing right to elect him. Mr J i: Stockman who recently returned from a fc-::r. - :r:;. to S.:n Francisco, re-P-rV the Midw.nt.-r fair a great sucoesea. it i fuii J a::r . n a r:h seeing, from ;L..- iii;: dancing Tuskij-h gsrfa to the art stain ng souse of the ahaest spee ie SSOrisL San Francisco serais on tifWHiif of i: - gallery, cv nanns in U full of life T!;e Era. a ea-t has the : man of Sab Tas in ti A several week living w :.. ment is d nag alt over tbe c . a Y M C A i ..ifT : . : ngt sy ebont a voting "ai;...i the gysjasium I j.ny Y M C A (net -.e-ar for Mr Wii Balock is a '. Sal the vhysicul liepart ' 1 tbonnandaei y..uag men miry. Two years before the ..ti ofg-asi.-e.!. thi' Saieta a.-s-. ::it; n young man was n . uusj. bos a 1 untLe of sssn 11.1 i-T ...a'i r. men of SaL-ni in c a .. : - the young - it. ::.. aih'.-tic : . gymnasium, tcil! mars !...: ! - - stt-inati exerv;--? in the p a body that any voting I: ' .-,:. : rl.-f ise to He was so successful is work ia the tjiiiasiiHa VT-i He is n-.w a regain n:s ;....: . that be coalinaed hh until he fully rew niagniiv-i; sis ie.'-t tall. ;uid wei is but IS vvurs of a. He area i Se I4J incfatn; cheat, innlinrtsd 34; chest rit'::.:.' : waist. IS?; right forearm. IS; right Dnaandows), 12; right uparm down. 1L- left forearm. 12: leit nrsu-:i up. 1-S. r:gi;; thigh, IS T - 'VI I 4: Wl tnicb. 22 left caif. It 3-t "i :.e H :..- : - :. V " C W gave an entertain:.. eat in the A U D W rooasa iast evening ".- i re a packe.1 bouse. The audionc-? w.i- i'dighten with the program. P.-'. f W A If."..' :r : .:: i...ppy manrT. An opening tle ii sung br ihe j memUfs ef A ' V W. v electiontry I the Merry Four wa Icsudly applau.kd. Misa j Birdie Anatyn deBnered the address of d- I f, a bright effort delivfred in a credita- I S.l , 1. .A -i. , ,-c maitoer. .v oy itie iw.j nine dnngtecs E A !. Ltmb wa. apprrciatedl Lottie andGe rgia I raster aren heard in a vx-.l dtift incnusir.g tt " gil opinion of th-.-.T t..Snt !:-t-. Mrs t Yaw re.' i led an em.:- nal ; it-: --i effect. S.uue s-'-uiiii remarks wert by lr Ma key. c. hi w g Um a OU of Oregon. Mrs Oallussay and Miss Korn Eeyss wers; w mended in titeir psnssngaben vocal duet. An instrumental duet by Mr Horner Pbiliips on a bar;, an i MiaS Bertha allac, am th" fsnjan. ams enjoyed. Mi - Lsssn Meyers incited in Qerecaaj and the Apollo club v.-ere 'v arl in one of their pop ular songs. . c. ' act drama "A 1're.iwi Pickle." clonod '. program. The parts were taken by Sir- 1 stub, IVrdie Anslvn. 'lara Kiefer. C.: i Warner. Emma W.uuer. Mrs Craw and at! '-ing tha work with xcwent drar.iaie ,-Ic. t. A social fo;;owel and asnch anj j menl leanlte L AsMvmv-vuv Exzat js!. Tbe tirst an niversary esesciaes f the V M C A in the new hall, were hold ias: evening, before a rowdea house ol our abacas, displaying a nannDed bateresl in the g! work of this iii'titution. Prof W J Crawford, prosified. Tne i M C A tatheatia rare abed soeae cx.xileiit niu-ic. v song was tnllow.M (v prayer by K-v W A Trow; Misc Lanao uadanick recited well. 1'n.f Uv read a pais'r. stiggistivo nt. i to tli'1 point, on the business men and the Y M C A. Mis Hose Meanest eras land in a well reasdered ns it.ition. An iiisliiiimnlal trio, Measss 1 .off. Powers and Strahan. wore encored onthusiasticullv. Sve'arv McCullagii real a report on the Y M C A an.l Mrs T J Ovennan. aeontan on the auxiliary. Toast. were th.-n cailcl for. ar.d responded to by. O M McV'arland. on our physical worV: K PNnttiugon OUT .--.uxili.irv : Mis Marv Cnndiff, on tir orceestni: Prof Crawford m onr fu'ure w.-r's; Mr W A Trow, tne b. vs. C E Wolrerton, the la tins, and Prof Howlatul. the s.s rot. rr. Ihe i.itt.v was a iu-t tribute to the hard and untiring ssnrk . f Mr Met ullagh 111 the interests of the t M t A the meeting'was a success and .vn tinned tec-warm feeling id thi' public to wards the Y M C A. I . struts L.KT. I lie o.uicrs items coinuiission mot at Kosoourg an.l awarded the cOBtrnet for furnishing the Homo to the Albany Woolen mills, of Albany; lor mat tresses, to the Pai Ik IfaHreas Company, of Albany; for bedsteads, to Lee Brown, of Stayton; for water, to the Roseburg Wafer company. The HOsebuTg tl'tytrio Light c.vuipuny will furnish p.ilcsand hang the wiro for electric lighting for $TtO. Major Walih. d Olalla. dr.. was epnointcd adjutant. A 1! si; 1. ie.o bene ball leagae has bean anraniaad t . con sist of nines in the l A C of t orvallis. W illaiiintta of Salens, State t'ni varsity, of Kiigene. Nonnal, of Monmouth, Lafays.tts College, and Albany College. Schedules will be arranged and sosne good anulwit ixise bail will bo given. As no playorf out side the schools will l alii red some hnaiat basotiall will n'sult. A U.Mi l'l: 11 net.- -Two Albany boys, who should know better have been Ston ing the attest ear evenings along Lyon slriet. On Tbuieday evening one ol them bro'.e out the head light of tbe engine. On another ooaaatlon the boy was in front of the motor, remaining as long ns possible, and then jumping off. lie slipped and foil, and succeeded in scramiitiiig elf just as the motor passed hint. The mutter will probably cost tbe fattiers of the boys, who are known, several dollars- Sr.iloh's Cure, tno onage ud croup tu -, 1 for salo by ui. Poukct siae contains wonty-tive .1 , -"c. Cnildren lave it oshay A Maacn. stiavhsg and lair cutting Tn se criha when not iu . and see them. The Modoc d under the bed nicely 1 Call at the A V Go's iit down s:iea n this load of Corvalli. fl-.ur. ; torc:i(K;n with Albany beer, and other tuings Sl Urtriir vour roi! all rap 9nH haw I - .. I refilled wiib 5 gallons bst I'earl oil fcr I 75 cents at A B Mclloains. Members of tne V M C A interested In having a held day are requested lo meet -it the hall tonight at 8 o'clock. DeiTiocrsiic primaries were In setson bxlsy. In Albany as required by law ior cities f 2500 or over.delegttcs were being elected by ballo Malls healln freserving corsctg, 'Need no uieikirg in.' Yield to every move j ment of tne wtsrer. If you value vour health ana comfort try the'm . S E Vol vo Young Americans love independence, hence let them sleep independently in one of those woven wire cribs for sale by the Albany Furniture Co. 1 here are no .flies on J M Nolan of advertisement i k. Mr o!an believes m a lvertieiag and never stops it. Wticn yo-j want anything in the gro cery hr.e do not forget that A B Mcll wains is ihe place to get it. See hi price 1st in this paper. A H Mcllzin is receiving his new good i new ginghams, satteen, prints, ar.I downs. Ca'-l and ge: prices kef re ;ou purchase, as you can save SI , ey r.n 'i dry goods you bus from hhss. The fan;y article 'cfc over from the fl.zaar r.ave been removed to Mrs Bakes cor Ferry and ;th s-. The grspe leaf center piece and doy lies have been reduced In 4, oo. The 8 V R R Co hare agreed to issue tickets to persons a-tending the State " t ib t on Convention at alem April 4th for one aad one-third tare. Pay full fare going ar.d get ticket tor one-thirc fare returning. All prohibi'.ionins are invited to attend as deiigates. Mr. J N Hoffman desire; to announce that her rew millinery goods have arrivee ar.d that she is now prepared to supply ail customers with the best in her Jlne. Ca'l at her place eti Second street bc:ween Iliii Bsd Maine. Mrs J X Hoffman desires to announce that her new mi.iinery goods have itrived and that she is now prepared to supply III eustoiutr with tb best in her iine t'a'i at her p ace on srcar.d street between Hill ar.d Mair.c. A republican club a psrtttaify organ tzed at the city hall last Monday composed of voters in Scio snO Frankiia Bu'te precincts. We are in forrcei that the'e was 43 signatures on the roll though there was ba: 14 tha tpar ticipated ia '.he organization. Scio piess. B:2dst reet's renins of the state of trade piono.r.ccs Ihe coir. mercial outlook very cheesir.g. ConsuTption is stiit-ulated lo all staple iine. Iu the New England, and rr.!ie s'ates, where general trade was reported barely s'eadv, there sie re ports cf Increased is'es, at.d ijtne dry atcosis house are working nights in Chi cago, to keep up w::h order. Pendleton Tii-utesars: It Uestimated that by nest Batntday night r.ear!y ;o, 000 will hve heetv paii in for taxes it the shciiCs c . Taves wil! become delinquent after that date. The receipts fir :: s we. '.. art expected :o reach $J?, 000 Tosl amount to be collected for ao purposes i S-1305.41. Hon Alien Parker, ia ta'ked of as joist Senator on tbo IVmocratsc ticket for I Bentomand I.:neo!ncounlie.Allen Park er .- . lentined mth us and made a good representative, if a d?m.x:rat is to fill that offic, we would prefer him to any that have been mentioned fer the place on the Democratic ticket. Newport Ness Amjng manv devoting tine and effort in elocution, we notice with pleas ure M:ss Rose Mrsoelt.Oir citizens have alretdv recc-rniied ber gifts as shown upon several occasions In pcb'ic M:s Mespelt is receiving instructions in e.ocutroj, be ieve she has native tatc nt which enly req aires discipline and exe--- lo place the young lady axong iead ers :u tbe hisrji art wbtrn is rapidSv rising to highest rank in general culture. A Tauf..tfji Pi as ist. Mr W t.iifford Na-h gare a musicaie at t'orrallU last even ing. It proved the choicest even: of the '..I.-wry of Corvai'ii. Tne A 0 V v ha; was crowded with the music lov-::-g s"-p-c -! ti e city. The feature of tbe program was Mr Nash's wonderful execu tion of the most difficult classical pieces. His technique is perfect and Leput. an ex pression into his work that displays his genius. A gentleman froni Corvallis says tbe audience was delighted with hi? play ing. Mr Nash ha just finishes' a residence of four yejrs in Leijwic. Genu ay where he received instructions under the cilebrated pianist. Hen Kniuser. Corvallis is fortu nate in having a resident possessing such skill. As an instiuctor a good pianist is worth a great deal to the musical culture of a l : : v . See the M Improved Singer owing in ehire The b.tis always We cheapest . W Ssssehna, ssraaa ClrSeelat K M French ewilr. stcrs Fresh Cedthnga Can'trtower. Celery. Onions, as Turnips. B 3 .wnills AtC "When I was a Boy, Writes Postmaster J. C. WOODSOK, Furest Hill. W. Va., "1 had a bron chial trouble of such a persistent and stutilHirn character, that the doctor pronounced it incurable with ordinary medicines, and advtfhd me to try Ayer'a Cherry PtvCoral. 1 did so, and one bottle cured me. For the last fifteen years. I have need this preparation with 300.I etTect wheiisiver I tako A Bad Cold, and I know of numbers of jieople who keep it in the house all the time, uot eoiasiideriiig it safe to be with out it." "I have been using Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral ia my family for SO years, with the most satisfactory results, and can cheerfully recommend it as being espe slally adapted to all pulmonary com piainta. 1 have, for niauy years, made pulmouary and other medicines a special fenny , and 1 have come to the conclusion tat Ayer's Cherry Pectoral occupies a position pre eminent, over other uicdi etaas of viie class." Chas. Davenport. Dover, N. J. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ajer a Co., Lowsll, Mass. Prompt to act, sure to cure Vie,:, par'ors II BotL the method and rertilta y her Syrup of Figs 13 taken; It is p1e?3arjt and refreshing to the tane, cud ac: Einily jet promptly on the Ki lr.- -. iver and Bowels, cleasea the ers tem cfTectaailv. disrsela eol.l 1 acbe asd fevers and carps bahitasl tassttton. bjrup of Firs U " Use tset3 and ac ceptable to tlie EtonfacB, prcmpt In ilj .iIam 1 . t 1 e - I -. s ih-uvu iiuu Limy weueLicai rri jtS effects, prepared only Irani tbe nson healthy and agreeable its many excellent qualities coiznend h to all and have mado it tho mast pcpular remedy known. fsyrup of Figs is fcr sale it. Kic and 1 bottles by ad leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist wbo may not have it on laaxdwili pre cure it promptly for any one wrbo wishes to try it. Do not accept anv iutetitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO 3n nscsco. cl. LOin&ttLii. -r. rtv .r. Ffflffl, ftaEiBlisi, Of rterfjM'jitse. Iowa, srlH ;Mrch 23. 1S9S: ?. B ?m. Mr: Co.. Difnr, Oreac-c. Oe arriving -as: week. 1 foardall eil and anxicsLsiy -Tai'.iz. Oar little rirl, eshl and one-naif years old, who had sra ted away to j pounds, ia caw well, troag sad vig-.rc., aud we!! JeaheU ep. . B. Coogb iwso kaadtce wura ntiu 80th ol tte chiUrea like it. Yoar S B. Cocgh Core has cared ard kept away aU boarseaesa from me- lv give it to e'.ery ee, with g re -lings fur all. Wishing joc f-rotii y. we are Yocrs, -Ma i Mb J F Foarx 1' a wish t.. fc..-: ne," xzA rfKerfal. uj sJj rtSt s rit . ckaase jaor sysusa vsta sa Ha.ifc:ist aJ UvjrCarc. b i or :i-r SSssaa SO : 3i-'-; '.;.Jr--vir, ACCMMINC-. tmmmEfsam a 7. as . '.3.. - r '. ; . .Oper Bottjer uae cent a iuee. TTTT3 t-rZArHTC-r-ttS CT3B DCCtEtJsjT etjn trt- -e all ethers taiL Coajbs, Croup. Sorr "ir-jt, Hcarse:css. V-' .-s Cc-; r' As -r- a. for Cccv-:-tioa ass no rtvaa has erJ tfcosis. s:vd wld CtTSS T- B li taken in t me. S M r y Ims-jss ca a Ft a La-? Rask or Cbst. use BHILOB1 EEL. I. A DONNA PLASTESac. HILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY. Tamf TOP OittarTO 1 TI a rvxEr-ly ;fruarmxi- REVERE HOUSE LBAMY . ! ! t lFEF, RUPU.M!' li .VcFarland, :- mult is -:- Harness -and -Saddlery Oisplaf io the Oqoi CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, lii-s W COSVRICHTS. ateJ I . . Utail-s I I-1. I Jl i ,s r- , . , s.-rUTO 1 Fw Information a--.t frw HarKtScv wrvte to vrss . CO S-i Bmeii'SAV. New Yoke. OlUesa Sureau tvc securing patents in Anienoa, s:-ery iie nt tak,':t oet us is br.Ui:Ri ttc peai ce sttveii tree or csrvc :n ta ... -as ? - taicvst esraWasSsaa of rnr scieutitl.- r-i pee tn tha SossssaVdls li'.usvrstixi. No inteUsraea aian staialrt be :i.'us It. Waakfer, SS.OO a sear: fcl-Wsix uicnt'is AiSoTasa Ml v s" A '.XX, tSjiuasHsii. atl tloiaj vir Ot.', Caveats, and Trade-Marks ob.'-c.t.'d.a.s.lsll Pa-J ent business conducted ir Moc jaaTC rtca. Oua Orncc ia CosiTt U. S. Pstert Orsct and we can scure paieut iu less tuue ias remote from Washington. . Send model, d.-awmg photo., !ti desrrrp-e ... w .. - i Mi,ni,su .-r ml tree olu Jcnartre. Our fee not due till parentis secured, a a pashshuct, - no., io .'emu ---i cost as sj rue in th.e U. S. aad lereigtccaotrassj i sent nee. AJdress, CA.SNOW&OO. pstiiht Orr.ce. VVASHisiaTOM t, t SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.SSSSSSS. -V FOSHAY & MASON waoutisu aai ssyan Druggists and Bookseilets, Agents for JohnB. Aider's puclV. lloua aaleh we soil at publlsher'a nriceaw tta i lataaenddad. LBt .Y. (IKKUO-: SulnnJtllB Amfricaa j TRaDe'''mArrs:s. . JSaw- DESICN PATENTS, mam