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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1894)
Bights twcrflt VOL XXIX. latere at the rest Ossee t Albany Or., all Matter: ALBAN Y.OREGON, I RIDA1, MARCH 10. 1894. ITtTKJi at Xl'TTISt., rahllahcrs ui Proprietors: MO 31 for Infants and Children. JttXHTT yea. obaarratlon of Caavtorin with the) itmu of llltona of aarsone, jiai wti$ n to apaajx of It withomt Bh amqaarttaMahly th b..t rwsaedy for Iaraata aad ChiUra . taa world haa oyar known. It is harmlaaa. CaJJaxaai liko it. It With. It will aava taatr tttaa. B It MsrOaara aava 1 ahaalataly afa aad wrmmHamUr riant, mm j which 1. ajUMa madicine. CBrloria - Oaatorim 1 troy Warsaa, Cstaria dlacjFrwrikniea, Oaa-tsrrla araraat. vrimltlna: Soar Cvrrd. x Oaataria rae PUrrho a aad Wind Calle, Caatarfa. raliaya Taothiaar Troahl Caatorta cape. Ccmatinatlan aad FUxatUac-y. OhBrtarla nantgaJiawa tho agaot. of cmrbonio acta gas or 1 C&Ua-U doe-a not caatain morphigg. opium, or other narcotic propafty. Caatnila ariaflat tha food, ronlataa the stomach nad Wadt, vinar haalthy aad natnml alaaa. ( ia aat tip la sassrlee hotflo. only. It 1 not aald feggjfc iH allow any ana ta sail yon ausythxata; aJUa on tha pi, m It 1. " Ja i a. good " and " will anaww aywry parpaaa." Baa that yaaa not C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. Tha faa ejjifla jaataaaay Children Cry for Pitcher's Castor ia. - PATHOUIZE HOM WSTITUTIOHS. Trlc FARMERS k HANTS IRSURAHCE WI ctlCAi), President. J la COWAN, Treajiiirar. J O W UTi .at M. Soeiotarv Geo F SIMPSON. Vim PrasMonl. I Cowan, Geo K Simpson. V f Reed, t) B Montalh.M svira 'arc! J J K WottHrt spa. C J Staan Writnman. also district Aanm to i y i several Solid Eastern and Foreign Coipafliet HAVE YOU TRIED DRUBS AND FAILED a to nxn a curb fob w RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, KIDNEY, LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAME-BACK, ft. DS. El.XCTEtlC BILT THIJRSWy ooTmmr court Continued, bill of E Goto, $12. Petition of J G Gross for road granted . Petition of D S Thompson et al for county road granted, and viewers ap pointed. Petition of 3 N Millard et al for countv road, granted, viewers appointed. .Tas V Swank was reappointed super visor of dist 38. Application of J J Wh'te et al for ohafige of supervisor of roads dist 61 con tinued. Illi application of L W Horner at al for location of countv road ww Hornar slough, county was ordered to examine lo cation and report. Application of f J Heard et al for cliniicm of road dist 22 intovtwo districts continued. Duplicate warrant ordered issued to Wa F White for $24. The time for taxes to Income delinouent was ordered extended to April 16. The following bills were ordered paid: 0 P Coshow. aid Hill s 5.00 G 0 Cooler, aid Clark 5.00 Mrs V A Henderson, aid (elf 10-00- tidies Aid Society, acct Door KIM W E Savage, aid Cox 10.00 G F Crawford, aid Roberts 8.00 K White, aid poor 10.00 K C Kemp, aid self 10.00 Elizabeth Osborn, aid self tj.OO Sarah Mines, aid self 5.00 J M Ware, aid Henderson 10 00 S V Moore, aid poor lotiO Crawford A: Paxton, sundries 3.50 Thomas M on teith, stationary 24 00 las Swank, sap dist 38 1.00 Harrisburg LumberCo, acct roads 9.86 Samuel Portr, acct roads 3.00 Oregon agt Cliaa Flesch. kes 26.55 H B Mover, acct roads 3 30 Kx, Louis Ritter 9.00 G W Sicpson, acct poor 13.52 San'iam Lnmber Co. acct roads. . 29. 1 2 I) F Litsinger, hoonty 2.00 Oregon agt G F Russell. Feet 7.80 L M Curl, sundries 65.00 Fees G H Wilkes, T J Stites. C W Mnllin, teacbe's examination 111.00 G H Wilkes, stationary i.30 Dr C U Chamberlin, sect poor. . 2.50 Henry Lyons, aid Brady 1.15 Sugar Pine MA F Co. aast C H . 1.00 Blackburn A Watson, sundries . 754)0 D Burkhart. aid Alberts 6.00 Glass V Prudhonimie, stationary 2.50 i i riener, aia poor .i.W TTFishera anrreyor 8.00 3 Mcllwain, stationary 18.00 22.50 20.00 2.00 10.00 10.00 sr.35 34.70 7.50 335.10 6.16 28 00 4.00 12.00 7 76 165.00 20.16 ;.oo 20.00 5.00 Ubany Electric Light Co. r I .Miller, acct roads H J Harknesa, acct CH Aid J E Morris of Sweet Heme John Usher, Janitor Brice Wallace, as treasurer. . . L E Blain Co, aid Joseph Brady Read Peacock & Co, aid poor. . rrayne. teea r Payne, stationary Ben 0 Irvine i Co. stationary . . Mary J Miller, acrt roads V G Moore, aid Mattie Taylor. B F Craw, aid poor W F Deakins. assessors fee M Paulson, repairs C H . Western Union Tel Co O Butler, acct roads Wm Runsbaueh. acct Door C Meyer, aid poor 1325 Hodges x McFarlaBd. aid poor . 12.90 Chas Hart, acct school anpt. 2605 Georae Howell. J P fees 7.00 G H Wilkes, salary as sup-. 50.00 Mites tut ing, printing: X&o N Iincan. salary 100.00 Wm Rumbana-h. per diem U.49 I W Pnh, per diem T H Goddard. acct C If $ 38.00 L C Jackson, fees lit C C Jackson, reward paid for ar rest of KosseU 150.00 W ft HobbUl. acct poor 1500 Wells Fareoes Ex. Co 2.20 nllh nttaaaafaa M a maftr Satanh car wJl enn witilMt antedlclaft J the soretiwibw. Thmyw fceok ('TlaltPi: n hewn by hundred cfAii?thn-Jr . - i -ofwhoxu webATesirositi: ;hj. as . hTe restore-! t hoc l r i -user from !trrvoa. DeatlHy, ',, uroina. mmim n crrai.aeit. rMeatwawa ;'or Mrmsrr. all VaaalaCaav Uliu. una aaaeral III haaaji. iie ctoca of .Sim. cxDaaaa worry thi mm. wm and rtllf mad pi naaa. -nr In oor mki-rvu-oa m sri. Hi roalrM but a trial to Mm mM licv'l. Intsaorua. r -cr rvKem ui nerr. ftmiM 1taia -bJrt I. .lec-rtcttr-awl yjfi ouumI J oar wiit in tuekot fdfBa It ti a repDies Into jotr itmctUi qnirei Tor .orDvauwwuh rww Mwi -r wl-l fnttnw OBOB. 5 oar tS end tlMt.wr, and Wm jcuuitM a oor. or r.rond atoaey. "-.EK." Jb-wid br-d by rry roaaj, 9 i jrfea'a Iirctnc Belt kin .iparlaiajs l-- -. -r a, i otbtr umi nati aWji H - fJLWfln W.Tflia IIHIT MNJT. HHMM our unit fee cU. . 1 ..1ti. r Ud fallBE, r. Mlt I i ... bad . rtbn 1 bay. for'- r -r- kfl Tour u-il:: -al. u!il mcl:' .T) a-1. Truly roan. H. A. Uo . J& -u. RHEUMATISM AMOMENEShE CUED. Dr. A. T. Oeiiilen-T n niri T ret -i.'. ,'jou btiu ItfO IoriOnuoHirii, iroca .i i. j ruatrw JMsaTaV FoCtlMlMs fUm tii I had iiO low rib Y belt hav p J -jn ' n sUmotrt kith in thai two week 1 haveo- a - 1 cu wmlk ComfertmblT. end feel like & n-w m enrrelly. ttUUiUB, iTjprxur i2.i-)moai now. Pr l '.or i :.: uru -t -or.i Ha NERVOUS DEBILITY-LOSS Of VICOR. laWOms) TTatala. vtioocr a., joia. Dr. A T HMdes, Deer btr : have b en eeif aDectrie belt for nnarsi Bciroot. t eaiiity. and feel tatter then I hare for uve 7re. l ajaaaanr rial It. avail am Blrontr Tours Kratflfolir, THE DR. laataaa rTffiaJBITrETKA- n it I oowl ' i at t. nd mr back. - tt tt 1 DK .a iJeoftv 1 r roeorurr alter talcj we ntv r.. . " it- IE- ye CAff cure roui CENERAL DCBtLTTy ifc: iA.'-K AND RHEUMATISM. ti-r: - J r- inn "rajaii fliirtlirlirr If Tfi T. flaadtn, Iwat :-!.-f -. . r- - - ' oobl-d with loa- n :v i.u. 9?.rm. .. ,,-t, m,a.,.l attb tha atral. naailaa froat t aapakplat. loa.of po-rrr. . a.-.-., o J a-ilja -.fl taa r arTar. raw Iff frTI- hanlL aaaatba. )MU narfartt. ailia. 4 a o. an I I am a. wal KHluuiranin kaMim.. ah.ll. ai.d I bn w lataof bara Daaa enraa "7 l - ana; ouara nam n, mm aa a.j tad b.1 Iliml tntilt aith aa inatTtin BOBKBT Kt -tKKL. Eugloear Hotal Porilaad. " la it. I twackt ana ( tot balta. It kaiaa bba r dara and i oaount ' w Itsoriaaa WltBFiim dt.i u tbT would ,'iadUtba tna oer pmti j 10 ua .mw UJ.aadi ncruTu rrv ana srracariTu. liml k, Jona 18. MM IV. A. T. Srada-. Dar Sir v-'-taca aaarlas roat b It I baa bean imr; j baaaau. l taai aarsld aa. .raw taat rjtorciiu . aad afura Qtb'aaaaot tbe bait I And V..U a garoua aa batiMi. Mr manmry uam tar tha battar. uaiug tbe oalt. dar I f - 1 modi atroaxar tha-' b.fora UJUIttZ MiHUUa Yours truir. SANDEIlw ELECTRIC BELT 5aconrplatBalTaii.cbottrr. made into a belt no aa to bo easily T-rr darltur work or atK3t,aatt ft Ci.ea aootblSK, pr longed earraola ahick are uisLaatly telt thro : b. ;t all weak baru. or we forfeit B3.0O0. It haa aa laaaravaa Blaetrte Baapwasaryi the um ier. boon erer (feen weak aan.ao4 we warrant tt to ear. any ot tneatxrre weaeneasea. anc to eutarae iruDaen iijbd.. or pan, or nw jaet.n.e.. xney are rraaaa in auwoaxn to meet an nun or we nana, or Bf.a.y In ran, mlditl. aaador old Aooreaa lor lau iniortnauaa. , and will cure tbe worn caeca in two or three SAN DEN ELECTRIC 3RD AND WASHINGTON, PORTLAND, OR FOBTMILLEB & MING Embalmers. Undertakers - and I ITE KEEP conttsntly on bsidi full Htt of mttalic, rjolb rrd v rod caskets at VV coffins. Alo burial rot and suits, tn broaocioin, nr ,trn n i ie,i -which will fc old at Tbe Lswest Lia-Icta; Profits. EMBALMING and 'he proper care of the dead a specialty. SARBERHBM BRIBtiB Editort Drmocrat: I have now to tell you that populists are not so plenty here aa has been re ported. The boys hereabouts say Hub's old yellow pony haa gone back on him. He now drives two. H it doing aome tall rustling. It was a dissapointment some yeara ago that caused him to leave Uie den ocratic party. He (ailed to get the office of County Judge and forthwith left the party. To liub a party without an office for him is as useful as a wagon without a tongue. We came near having a serious accident here yesterday. A man haulms: lumber for the bridge un dertook to ford the Sar.tiam when he was caught in swimming water. The wagon bed floated off with the lines fastened to it The man and the team had quite a struggle in the water, finally the man and the team with the front wheels of the wagon came ashore. It la feared the man is seriously injured as he sp;t blood. The bridge work is pro gressing very well. Scribe. Mr C C Hojrue will lend the'- ing at the Congregational church tonight A lamp explosion caunexl a $1000 tire in Kugene Tuesday night. Tbe residence of Fred Bellman was burned. Prof J D Robb. a former Albany man, i a candidate for state school superinten dent on the democratic ticket. Father L Metayer, in charge of tbe Catholic church at Albany, was a visitor in the Capital City yesterday. Statesman. Phil Armour, the famous Chicago pork packer, and Dr Gunsaulu, the celebrated Congregational minister, are expected in 1 ort.aiid in a day or two. Tbe city council of Salem has passed a resolution directing the city recorder to cot up warrants into small amounts of sVi or over so that thev can be used in business transactions. The type for the new paper, the tiroad Axe, was set and shipped to Albany Mon day morn in jj to bif printed on a prnss there. The force has been laying off this week waiting for the type to come back. Guard. Rev W L Black welt, of Lane county was arrested for assault and battery a few' days ago and fined 5 by a Eugene justice. When arrested he was holding revival services. Probably tbe man he whipped deserved it. The Eugrne Register tells of an inter esting surgical operation: Dr Royal per f rmed the operation of tracheotomy on J W Purkeraon. a young man about twenty four years of age. residing near Junction City, last Saturday. The young man had a severe case of la grippe about three rear ago ana bas niver recovered. Ht wind pipe has been clogged and breathing be came difficult, and th operation was per- tonueu to relieve him. After making an open idc into tn witd pipe ,a piece of gristle dropped over tbe opening, an J the doctor got hold of it and drew it out. It was about three inches long The Tounir man's breathing is again fne and there was no occasion wr the ue of tbe silver tube. A T ZumalL W D More 1 D Hahn. J K0 EXTRA CHARM: FOR HEARSE OR SERVICE ALBANY. - - MA80NIC TEMPLE, - - OREGOf The Oregon Land Co vVitn its home office at -us Gray Block, corner Liberty and State street, branch cflice In Portlanu -r MAKES a specialty of 8unnysideruit tract near Salem Will soil 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 per cre small cash payment long timo on balance or par ticu las. The Worst Bbi te of a man in Oregon bas teen found. The Sentinel of Ver nonia, Columbia county, tells about him r Last Saturday the idiots seem to have been on the war path. A man IT) living not over a thousand miles from this town bad a lamily difficulty with his wife, and wh n the information be seeking was not forthcoming he seised her and held her face in a pan of water until conciousness was nearly gone, when he let np and began to restore her to her censes, l tie man then came to town and procured the services of the daughter of one of our citizens to aid in the house work. That evening the young lady was asking the "man" about his adventure ith his wile thinking the story Im probable as it came from the wife- whereupon the fellow threw a stick of wood at the voun lady. but luckily mi ing then threw the lamp chimney it being about 7 p m at her, vlnch she had the good fortune to dodge, after tbe chimney came the burning lamp, but bis aim was rather poor and tbe lamp was shattered against the wall. Tbe next morning the young ladv left for home. and did not even stav for breakfast. A Cobvallis C.sE. 'the Corvallis Times says : Tbe public still waits for an explanation of the reports concerning Dr Applewhite. Numerous telegrams have been sent io and received from mm by his friends.aod writes regulatly to his family. From the character of his com munications and his peculiar behavior prior to his departure there is strong rea son to believe that be has become men tally unbalanced. On no other bypotb. sis than mental derangement is there o be found explanation for bis delay in deny in"- a report that all know in bis rigb mind be wcu'.d not only refute but resent. Retlkxed Feom Africa. St Helena Mist aays: Alexander Macauley ar rived here Saturday, en route to his home near Vernonia, from which place he has been absent seven yeara. During bis absence Mr Macauley spent three years in the Co-nr d'Alene mines, the next two in the Last African diamond Gelds, and 'he past two years in tbe Wait oo gold diggings in Kami Bey's province, Equatorial Africa, at which place be was very successful. Mr Maca uley speaks in glowing terms of the Dark continent, and will return to that coun try as soon as bis wound wih permit. Three Small Boys. Carl Wyman, Felix Hamilton and Ira Morris, three twelve year olds were arrested this morn inp by Chief of Police Lee on the charge of burning a Chinaman's lent and contents In the third ward, about ten days ago. A n effort was made to settle the matter, ths Chi.iaman reducing hit demand from $6o lo $20; Hut without avail. The re corder had the matter in hts hands this afternoon, and the prospects were a corn prom' tc of some kind. Thin Children G.w: Fat on Scott's Emulsion, because fat foods make fat children. They are inin, and remain thin just in proportion to their inability to assimilate food rich in fat. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is especially adaptable to those of wca. diges tion partly digested already. Astonishing how quickly a thin person gains solid flesh by its use! Almost as palatable as milk. Prepared bjr Scott A Uuwrta, N. Y. All rtnii" iih. The r jpuint countv convention arill be he! 1 in this citv to morrow, becinninz al to o'clock. Several of the deleeates arrived in the ctty inu noon Preaching this evening at ihe M E church South at 7:30 o'clock, by Rev P B f.iutrrt of Philomath. The public are ceraiany invited 10 be present Philip D Armour the Chicago capitalist and p.l'Ju)lhroptst said recent I v that of all tha money he had given away none ever gave so much Measure or -uch direct results as that given to tlc.der jartln scrams. C H DeW itt, of Harney county, it tak Ing sn etght-iegBed calf to the midwinter fair. The calf, a heifer. Is finely devel oped ; with two organs of generation, same sex; one head and right legs; calved near Harney, and died despite grej: care given it oy tne owner. J B Long, of F.ugsne, was in the city yes ten lay. Miss Minhie McFarland. of Albany. wno has been visiting the Misses Lewis of this city for several days, returned to her borne today. alem Independent Dr and Mrs K J Thompson, of Corvallis. I as tellers. a a s, .... . . I TV. ail The populist county convention met at tbe court house today at lo o'clock and was called to order by B F Ramp, chair man of the county central committee. On motion of T J McCleary, Mr 11 Y Ramp was elected temporary chairmun. On mo tion T J McCleary was elected temporary secretary. On motion the following com mittees were appointed : On credentials A is McDonald, J M Marks and A C Chrisman. On order cf business Dr J L Hill, John Bryant and V W Robnctt On Platform Dr Her.drex, C B Monta gue, N M Roberta, J Clem, I. Keese, H Winklev. B f Cliilds, T M Holt, J B WyaU, T J Edwards, Ieper, J W McMeekin, Jacob Hubcr. J E Adcox. Dr Courtney. K A Wait, T L Dagger, Rich ard Buries. J C Davis, E J Follis. T J Coyle, J T Downing. W J Morgan, W H Looney,: C Neal, W A Oleaaon. The committee on credentials reported the following delegates entitled to seats in the convention: Albany, Ed Pickle. John (Jattnftght Rock Creek, J M McCleary, (Bear Dilley. Newton Lewis, E C Hester, T B Barnes r. G Neal. Fox Valley, W F Hammer, C U Downing. Geo Met 'lain, house, David WyaU. Swesst Home. J D Woods, W Kirk. W J Morgan. John F Barr. John Orchard. Herman heeue. 1 H i'reater. (ieo B Whitcouib. Syracuse, J B Davie. Wm Rainey. F M Miller. Richard durres. Waterloo, O Jennings. W H Cummings, W A Uleason, J L Bumli. W H Mt Pber son, J W Burrell. South Lebanon, J S Courtnev. John Nichols. Geo Rice. JMMuras. j It Par rish. C B Montague. l'tn WlaWtar. tangent, 11 uxmey. K It 1 teuton. Cube Peters. N. Harrisburt'. E t" Lanir. C Mxers. A Norwood, J F Hendrex. Sooth Harrisburg, W I Mc hlc-kin, J J Baker. H B Maxwell. North Lebanon. J K Adcox. Geo C Davis. 1) S Hardin, Wm Fronk, S F Hammer. Sbedd. V W Rob net t. I B Roberta. John C Davis, Miller Morgan. John Baber, W F Ktnehart. Orleans. D A Wade. J S Smith. J L Jones. S N Allen. F B Johns. Bret White. by -Blevins. prox. West Albany, L. Hili. tie L Keese. KmmI Albany. B F Ramp. C H IraJryinple. South Brvisrnsvilie. W m Roberts. Jode Peal. J Riggs. 0 Butler. J D Wigte by Wm etMar 1 r .x. .Nortli ISrownaville. J Senirer.H r t'hiid W o Gohle. A S M lWinald. D C Cu?hiaan by J Senger t enter. A I Blackburn. It w inkleT. M Snvtler. Mwiborn. J roister. Jobn SaD-rr. J t Follis. A C Chrisman. John Smalinvon. li Titru. W 1 Miller. A P lbt.H F I Sodaville. T I Coh. Pet?r lew:-. t Hand, ti P Stier. O P Card- Fries. Jas TiUotson by II bryant. John Fry. I Clem. Tbos Fromaa. A"i MarbaJI. Franklin Butte. Ueo L Sutheruui-i. et Crabtree. T M Holt. Al M anker-. Wm Mespelt. C Jefferey. K B Miller Jordan. J Bryant. J Hubcr. J Feast. F Thaver. A M Sneiton. P R Btlrea. H Sbel- ton, ! b Croiasact, L Huber. The report of the committee was adapted. Committee on platform reported as fol- lcws: Whereas the !.'!.iOcratic and republican parties are respoa-ible for tbe present tutaaria'. Vpreaaion. which haa bees brought about by class legitiatkn rsveb ing back through a period of over 30 years, therefore be it RfwIteJ, That w- adopt the following latatform for the modSm nartv of Linn ooanty. Oregon, and that all persons nom inated at the convention be piedg.xi to it unqualified support. Reaolred. That weextoorse tbe Omaha platform and that we favor the ettnetaaeat of measuica tending to bring snoot tbe adoption of the initiative aid referendum bv the noxt session of the state legislature f L Drue. W M RiinKET. Secretary Chairman. Which was adopted. T L IhiBser was fW tid ass! sec. The chair appointed J L Hill and Frank Ihayer Dan't forget the basket social at Beck ers hall ton'ght. County politics nerd a physi;. It can be got at Fred Dawson's dru,; atore. Populists, Democrats, Republicans, ProhlDitionlsis, and all wcIcotv; at the basket social tonight. The steamer Homer arrived at Vatjuina Bay last night with ,, KOod load af freight and a ialr passenger list. Lsst right ihe Rim H.mse had 71 guests ovrr night and tMs ooon S4 tor d'nner, which is a pre'.v good showing. The ladles of ihe Hi Peters Episcopal church wiU open an Eastern Bazsr at the W 0 T U hall Tuesday, March 17th, 1894. Joteph Jefferson Is to deliver a discourse tNiw York on "The Drama" for the bentfit of the New York. Kindergarten Associalloi'. Last nUts overland contained 121 peo ple bound for the midwinter fair, which doesn't make t'.ilngs look at if ihere was no money in circulation. The Prohibition Slate Convention has been called lo meet at Salem at 9 tcluck on Wednesday April ath All Pro hibitionists are invited to seats aa dele gates. The Boys' Cob of Ihe Congregational church metis at tbe narsonaiie tonleh; Subject: S-A.TTjrRT3.-5T CObXJB Asm place Saturday at thre- o'clock Woman work In Africa. Arthur If ill arrested In this city by Marshal Lee, on complaint of a Corvallis man on the charge of trying to abscond, was discharged, and the costs charged aBalnsl the prjaecuting wi nes. lie is retried lo have been innocent. At Ihe mee'ing of Ihe democratic countv central committee vesierday quite hopeful reports were brought in from a!l carta of the county and there was unanitrou opin ion rxpr.-ssed thai the parv aoti ii elect ha county ticket as usual. The Albany College fojt ball team have received a challenge rrom the new State t nnertity team 10 plar a". Eugene on the 24th, and will' probably acvept. Mr J R Vseatherbee is Manager of the Universi-v team which he it tratninz for coi Dr M M Davis. who is a nrnmin.nt condidate for the office of co lector of customs st Yaouina Bay was in the city u-oav. Mr Al Boenicke is in tbe city on a trip through the valiey in the interest of two or three Porland houses. He tecentlv made a trip to Spokane on the Nortberc Pacific. M isa Rose Scheeland, of Portland ar rived in Salem today and will visit for a few day with Mls Theresa Aidrich. She wtl! then go to Albany to ar ce; t a position at milliner ia ce of the promlt.tnt bust oes housea there.- Sale:: Independent, Fled Fuom Cyclo.xe. Attached .0 th" 11:17 local train today wa a special t'nion Paci ac car containing about twentv five blictard-bloirn people fn:a XeU.-aska. who hive come to Oreiron to stav. Thev ! are from Use city of ilastingf. one' hundred mises west of .Lincoln, and report that many families are anxious to emigrate from that land where the smoke fre-a and where a man has V lay on bis "stum mica'' and hang to the grass to keep from taring blown over int j Cajtssla. In con versation with them they were found to be well to-to people, who were seeking a home where crops never fail and the snow don't cover up the hurch steeples. For two years in I hat state crops have lirtnaliy been a failure, aocoontetl for .y drouth, until residents are discouraged and u sonn as property can be sold many more win follow their friends just here. Jnst the .lay before they left Nebraska a cyclone School elec.ion next Monday. Give ui better roads, that's what. Basket asli st the Y M C A Cemnalom tonight. His said that Ignatius Donnelly will take a hand In the coming stele campaign. The atreet car leaves First strett for the orphans' home at 81? , m and i: to and 4 ujo p m week days. On Sundays at 2. 3. nu 4 p m . Life Wilson, of Corvallis WdnU tn ha county clerk His father ha beer, clerk ror about 30 years, and why not give Lafe a chance. 0 Th; .Statesman say Sslem has more miles of street railway than any other town of 'ht same nu-nber of inh'abi'ants In the worid. The charge for transfenng cars from Shelburn to We'. Sclo i extortionate Our experiiive railtnad commission should give it attention. f, for drawing a car one and a half miles Is ou:rag,ous. Press. Elijsh Bresaler commfued suicide at Salem vetcrdav be shootimr himself hinuda; :.. ;. but i: jt evi- oentiy sulci Je. came over from tbat city this noun to attend the funeral of their tnudaon. Wallace t ortmiller. who diedtbu morning. Oregon is to be honored next week by the presence of one of tha delegates to tne world's parliament of religions, one 01 them, too, who awakened deep interest. B B Nagarkar, of Bombay, delegate from the Br ah mo Homai of In dia is the man. He will lector ia sev eral places in the state. Cocscn. at Gatee. A Congregational church of thirteen members was organ uro at tiates in January which was recognized by council yesterday accord ing to the usage of the denomination Tbe Albany church was represented by its pastor and tbe Corvattia church by Mr CCHogoe. Rev C F Clapp, CH Curtis and J L Hershner were also present The council met io the after noon and approved the proceedings. Kev W A Trow of this city was chosen modera'or and C C Hogue scribe There was a Urge attendance at the evening services. Mr Hogue gave the charge to tbe church and Mr Curtis the right hand The following were elected drieifate. to the state r -nventi- n Dr Hendrex. T L Ihiinrer. Asa Loeilinff. I Clem. Jode Feari. John Bryant. C B Montague. John C Davis. Dr KM, C H Dalrymple. B V Raup A central committee was api-iiutesl and a vote wa being had on state senators at press time. A very slow, lazy convention. Yesterday the Democrat left the popu list convention votiuir on state senators The result was the choice of C D Mein. of Sodaville. and a 1-u.n ing. ot Orleans. Or Hill and C B Montague declined. F M Kizer of Hamsbnrg. W M Kilrts of Brownsville, and Jacob Clem of Price, were nominates! as reprewritaUvcs. Those not nominated were W P And-Tson. Tbos Froman. Ir E 0 Hvdc. V W Robnett. and 11 W Parker. For clerk. W F Hammer rf Fox Valley, was nominated, defeating C L Sh.-.w. Wm Rainer and E H lvnton. For recorder, John Carta-nght. foreman of the Populist, secured the nomination. leaving lack Adams. Geo L uthcrl.tntl. ir ee ssr i t vi 1 en ,1, 1 -i 111 rry, " 1 -woieioose. r i&uauu idea of coming and t.iey s-a:ne at n.e Saiem Independent. tU. P. News. The Stestmer Wil- iamette continues tied up in San Francisco. covered with :'.uV)0 in attaebments. tv; Hoc? is there and claim a title to it ana is also intimating that be will he on hand June It waen the O. P. u sold. lathe rnean time matter look considerably mixed up. i ne Am says : w e learn that option jsjpers will soon be cirrulated for signer among persous holding preferred claims against the 0 P cotspany. which rea-b in effect that in rase the road'is sold and the sale coobrrsei. such cmutors will acrept 36 per rent oi xoeae Claims in cash ant the balance at the end of a year's lime, with B per cent interest added. Tbia report comes from good authority, and should it prove true, will pe a great help to those to whom be company is indebted fo.- s-.:.;.!ie and labor. As we nnderstand it the Hogg fac tion is at the head of tbe scheme- The New School Hors. The papers for securing the money on the. school bond recently voted have ail been f orwarded to Boston for acceptance by the firm bidding lowest. If satisfactory a dispatch will be sent to Albany, and bids will at once be advert ied for the cxrastrnction of the building. It is probable the contract will bs let for different branches of the work separately, thus giving a large nurcber an opportunity to compete. At the same time bids will be received for the entire con tract, the directors using their judgment M to which shall he let. This system i be ing talked of seriously, and if adopted will give satisfaction with most contractors. 1 be erection ot tins building this year is a move that ill he of general benefit to the Tne steamer Elwood is making regular trips from Portland tj Albany, Si:..Jays and Wednesday un. J'ondjvs and day down. For rate see R K Morris Lands at 0 P doc. Mitchell. Lewi ii Staver Co, aie n:ov ing their agricuitura' implement von to the corner of Fw and Ferry sreeu Into the loams recently vacated by Stewart A Sox. Tbe option papers made mention of in last evening'sNews, regarding 0 P mat ters. are now being circulated lor tigna tores. We will publieh the full text of said papers to-morrow evening. News. W H Bloss. manager ol the Oar; fo..t ball team, teceived word to-day from the Portland University team to tht effect tbat the tatter refused to play a return game with tbe O A C boys this season Corvallis New. Manager Turner of the college foot ball team received a letter from the aeereiar. of the University team of Eugene this noon accepting the terms offered tor a gam o: oa.ionir.e ijin, ard the same wi 1 be piayetl. csevrral of the chlMrea f the orphan nome alter. d our public schocl. Of ths number only three can afford to ride on tbe street car. some arrange menu should ae mace by which al ot them inav eniov the privilege and not be obliged to mike toe long trip on toot. Services at tbe M K cbnreh smith aa foliowa : P reacting this evening at 7 3o o'clock, Sunday school to-morrow at io o clack. Preaching ai II in tbe morning an J 7 3o in the evening. Tbe public are cordially invited to be present. Service at ths Presbyterian church to-morrow will be as foliowe: Preach ing by the pastar at lo So am and 7 3o P m. Sabbath school at 11 45 a m, junior C E meeting rlpa t P SC E meeting at C 45 p m Tbe officers at the Sabbath school wit! be installed in connection with tbe morning services. All will be made welcome. Philadelphia. Boston. Milwaukee and St Louis have incorporated the kindergarten in their public school system New York, Chicago, Brooklyn aad Buffalo have kin derhartea association organized lo intro duced the new method as a part of free public education. In San Francisco kin dergs'len "e maintained with no expec tation of uniting them to the school sys tem. Bal.imore. Cincinnati, Cleveland , . . . ..... ... wi leetron nave cnatitao.e or reiigtooa asaoc;. supporting kindergarten. Tuvt SHE&if-F' Cask. The Eagen Gtuud says: The finding of Referee Wat son in the celebrated Sheriff's case were re ceived here by express this morning, and on the pa ka-" were the words. "C. O. D. $194.50." This afternoon the amoant was paid and d 2 o'clock the papers were filed with the county clerk. The decision, etc.. mate fourteen pages of ciosely type-written matter. The referee says that the sheriff i But entitled to receive constructive mileage, but says tbe proof does not show that be has. Claims that tbe sheriff was not en titled to fees from tbe county far collecting deun itjent taxes under the law prior to tna: passed by tbe last tesnsiarure. bat he was entitled to his expenses and disUirseroents. Theref ore he was compelled to look to the taxpayers fi r the same . Under the laws of . Wat- n -. - re-riff i entiled as fees. In several items tbe referee holds the sheriff was allowci fees in excess of what shtKild have been charged, but that under the pleadings, and tbe sam nx hav ing been segrcvated. he was unable to tell tbe amount. He then proceeds to recom mend tbe dissolving of tbe injunction At 3 o'clock. A H one of the at torneys for the plaintiff-, gave notice that he would file a motion asaing that tbe re port .if the referee ha set aside. Mr Murry Vaughn, of Coburg, is in the city. Mr Gibson, of the Corvallis mills, was in the city today. R N Thompson, of Brownsville was in the city today. Mr W H Raymond, the insurance man is in the city. Mrs Henrietta Brown returned this noon from her trip to Portland. Miss Jessie Hunter left today for San Francisco on a visit with friends. Deputy U 8 Marshal George Humphrey is in the city on his way to Grants Pass. Mr A J Pick ard, of Eugene, one of Lane county's best citizens, was in Albany today. Mrs John Simpson and daughter Merle, of Corvallis, are visiting Albany friends. License was issued today for the mar riage of C S Mullen and Mrs Fannie Wett ervelt. Miss Kmbree arrived in Albany from Amity this week, and will work on the Populist. The family of W S Atkinson, residents of Albany during the year, Left today for Mississippi, air Atkinson will atop in Eastern Oregon for a while. Dr Tu!5er. of this city, is now basking in tbe sunshtue of Henotaiu. Some one, though, says it rains two hundred days in a year there. Mrs Anna Farreil Williams, who has been visiting with friends in this place for the past two weeks, returned to Albany yes terday. Brownsville Times. Mr W E Chandler snent several days this week in Albany, with her father, who was ouite sick, she also visited her hus band at Corral li. Lebanon Express. C D Campbell and wife have retired from the restaurant btisiness in this city, and removed to Albany. We understand Mr Campbell will engage in the dray busi ness. IndeendeDce Enterprise. Mrs Chas Rieley returned from San Francisco this morning on the overland train. She has rust finished a course in elocution and physical culture under the urn a a of Mr. hbs aa sbbbbsb tea, ho of that city. Salem Independent. W E Creasy and family have returned to Independence after a trip east They rods behind the merry sleigh bells of New Eng land, fucked golden fruit from the orange a ... ' , m a .. , , : rssaasaa. USBJ BBBSBkBwe oroa.1 culture aad civilization of the east, the bus - iness push and gay life of the sonny South-1 uuau. out it is weir can aid opinion were is no place quite like Oregon. Enterprise. Tbe basket social given by the ladies of tbe C P church last evening at Beck er's hall, was a great success about 3fl0 were present. A choice program was presented, consisting of a recitation bv Miss Grace Gambsr, McCiains Child," solo by Miss Liasie Arboeaet. "Daisy Belt," a recitation by Miss Ada Flickin- ger, "Pledged With Wine," a visit to the little folks, an illusion, a recitation by Vila Wardel. "PoorLitUe Butterfly.'' quartet, "Bill of Fare." 1 be baskets were sold ar aoctton ami brought about that of Miss Nona Ir vine, bringing the most. S3. 75. ; iasi SaBBT I Iha v .:. friends ttf Mr and Mn iJtto Ciehui came in upon them with a genuine surprise. ames. conversation and refreshments were the order of the evening. The following were present: James Hunter. Hank Philips. Willi Dorris. Ed Sacry. Fred FL-her. Bert Veal. Arthur Porter. Fred Rost. Wren Ross. O Mitchell. Ed Mitchell. B Nieiands. I Keen- H Swart, ia Swart. Wilt Hawkins. B hetchnm. Bert Crawford. Mr and Mrs Weatbrook. Mr and Mrs CA Brown. H Craw Mr and Mrs John CWan. Mrs Por ter. Jessie Hunter. Sadie Foley. Bessie Dorris. Tillie IWi. Mirt Miller. L-ara Tra haunt. Maggie Sbupp. Cora Shupp. Kirk. Rose BlnelL Grace Loon- ey, Lilly McHargoe. EVa Scott, Edna Mackey. Nora Fisher. Orpha Fisher. Laura t, . . -- i;.: hal Psalsat Mn WsBs- brook. Cora Thompson. Lillie Crawford and Clem f aBJBBB-aakaa "As old m the LUla" and never excell ed. "Tried and proren" a the verdict o f millionH. Simm ohs Liver Begu t" . i Uor is the raedicioe to which you can pin your faith for s cure. A mild laxa tive, and purely veg etable, act ing direetiy on the Liver and Kid neys. Try it. Sold by all Drajrsj-Ets in Liqaid, or in Povrdev tolieukendryorniadeintoa let, Tise KJag ol Uver XeJiea. " 1 Slave oaed . onrshnavnw Liver Ban tmlar aad ran ruaeiesrtlooaly say it la the kincofall liver nvdk me. Irx.rj-id.-r ll a .nesil'ineebfcsi itaeiftiko. W. JCV SBBE, laewtiuu Wauiingioo. Th an Pills IGTZnOZt PACKAGE'S lie Stare? in red a J F FOBD, tmm Des'.M, iwa. wrstea anderMate of ;MarcH 23. 1893: Mao. Co.. Dofar, Heath of Db Whitxet. Judge J J Whitnev returned this noon from Yaquina Kay. where he bad been on account ot tbe of Dr G A Whitney. Ihe at This Caaax Oocge Teas psxaaspxtv esarcs rhere Ell others fall. Csaaraa, Cro?. Sore tending. physician, Dr Bailey, this momrr,- T, ra?1tvS revarssd ktsi bBsBBBbBBI better, ai judge .ja ticaad,. wta cvee tcl-15 vnitney rerornea nome. ym arriving at .orvailis be received a chspateh of fellowship. Mr Heshner offered the I and E Stringer far behind IOR RENT. Ths room recently ooou . pled by J W Bently aa a boot and hhoe shop, Call on L Viereck. prayer it recognition. After ths cele bration of the communion, Mr Clapp, who lately held meetings in this city, gave a very interesting charge to the people. Christian work at Gates began oy an z-.ntieavor society which was or gasized last winter by some of the earn est wore en of the place. A lot has been secured, lumber provided snd the building begun. They will have a con ven lent and handsome edifice twentv four by tbjr'.y six feet, upon which work will rapidly be poshed. Tub Laboekes Si it.-The following appears in the Circuit Court proceed ings aa published by the corval lis Times: Farmers Loan and Trust Co. vs O P R Co., R R Graham et al, la borers petitioning for lodgment for payment of laborers wages, l ermitted to add certain other names to their original petition, interposed by plaintiR. Dt uiurer tn said pstition taken under ad vieement. a resale of Uelemlants' prop erties ordered and the sheriff ordered to execute the same on or about June 2, 18114, and that no bid be accepted until the sum of t200,0o0 shall have been paid to him aa required under former order The former order of the court made Jan uary2K, 1892, confirming sale to Zephin Job for one million dollars set aside for the reason that the balance ot $975,000 has never been paid into court. In the matter of the petition of T E Hogg, ask ing that deposit of 125,000 on former sale be repaid to him. plaintiff given 10 days in which to file demurer to said petition. Vab Feom Albany, There is one thing in particular Albany can boattof and that is a Chinese fiddler. He is all tbe rage just now at the dime museum of the midway plaisance at the midwin ter fair and crowds are pouring their dimes into the hands of the door keepers to listen to the oaly Mongolian violin player in existence. His name is Louie Chung and before going to San Fran cisco he worked for aeveral years for an Albany dentist, where he learned the art of manipulating the bow. Chung reads music at eight and' when it conies to "tearirg ofT' a first class jig he Is at home. His object when he left Oregon was to attend the musicians congress, but when he arrived in the Sunaet City he learned tbat the congress bad been postponed. He was broke and was compelled to accept employment in a side show. Salem Independent. The Man about Town haa heard most of the Albany fiddlirs. but Louie Chung is a revelation to him. Convention Called, The democratic county central committee met (his after noon and fixed the time for holding the next county convention on Wednesday, April 4th. The primary meeting! will be held on Saturday March 31st. A J Shelten. ol Jordan, had a big lead for sheriff, and was nominated on tha hr-t ballot. S J Galloway. Jim Morgan, and J W Ling were left in the cold. Jode Pearl, of South Brownsville, was nominated 'or treasurer. L M Wheeler and W J McMeekin being defeated. T J Coyle. of Sodaville, was nominated for commissioner in a race w ith eight starter. J R Geddes. ef Rock Creek, who ran two years ago, was again selected as school superintendent. A S McDonald and J B Wirt were in the rear. G W Ishaui, of Harrisburg. was nomi nated for assessor, V F Chase, of Shedd was the choice for surveyor, and Dr Prill of Sodarile for coroner. The delegates for the state convention were irtstxected not to fuse with anybody. and to support B F Ramp, of this city, for congress man. A season of speech making followed, and as the roof to the court house is a tin one no damage was done. It was about 10:40 when the convention closed. The central committee named to look alter poimlistic mutters m l.itm county was as follows: West Albany. G L Iteece; .Ionian, Peter Rilycu; Santtom. J B Cntbtree; Swet Home, lohn Or; Fox Valley, W D More house; Franklin Butte. Thomas Holt: Or leans, B A Wade; Price. Thomas Froman Sodaville. T J Covle.Rock Creek, EC Neil Shelburn, A C Ghrisinun: Crawfordsville TJ Edwards; Albany, E L Pickle: Shedd Volnev Uohnet: Isbanon. JS Courtnev Center. W P Anderson; Tangent. F. II Den ton: North lajbanon. J E Adoock; Watel loo, 0 Jennings; South Harrisburg, J J Baber: .North Harrisburg, I Meyers; Syra cuse, 1 B Davis; Halsey. Frank Uvper; Nortli BroA'tisville. J Senger; South Brownsville, Jode Pearl. Bound foe the Mines. Mr Urcw, on of the new proprietors of the mine of the Albany Mining Milling Co, his foreman, four 'men, and Mr H White, guide, are now on their way to the mines where they will make arrangement for active opera tl-ns. In sbout two weeks Mr Clark partner of Mr Drew, will go In with a force of men and the business win be pushed The development of these mine by ex nerts will bring out some good results, and the Democrat preolcts Jnew ledges will be uncovered richer than any thing yet pros pected around Qusruville. All this will mean a good deal for this part of the U S Dr 8 H Frazier. tbe dentist, of Portland arrived in Lebanon yesterday. The doc tor has eonin this timo to locate pcrinii I nentiy, having formed a favorable opinion 1 of our city while here before. Lebanon Express, Or. Price's Cream DoKtng Powder Fortv Year tas I.khanox. Mr Duekett remove to Al Isav t.siav. where she will reside witU her 1 Hlain. laughter. Airs Aaron UBQB M; Winnie Marks left Tuesday for San Rafael. CaL, where she will stop awhile ith her sister. Mrs E K Eevleston. A farewell arty was given Miss Marks at Key I ie s on Monthly evening. Archie Ferguson was arrested Monday for stealing a cow hide, on complaint of J McAllister. 1 lie voting man plead guilty and was fined fL'i. Sympathizing citizens contributed enough to pay the fine and 51.50 over, which they gave him. The annual school meeting last Momlny wa largloly attended. S 0 Wallace was re elected director and S M Garland was elected clerk. Resolutions were passed re- ciisiutr I A Kobcrt (the former clerk) ami his bondsmen from obligations to pay the hoot me-nev lost in the -etianon bank failure. The amount lost was about $1'J4 Advance. CONSlUEltAULE lllFKKUKSCE A 1.1M1 county fanner n'ad an advertisement of a new seed lnitato the price ot wtucli was on cents a pound, lie thought he would senu for a couple pounds ot the wonderful spud, so he went into an Albany store and asked the uao of the desk for a few moments to make out his order, remarking as to what lie was about to do. It tran.pired that the store had the same potato for 10 cenu pound. An Albany man last year sent east for the seed and left the product of the Freeman potato with Stewart ii Sox for sale. It pays to impure arotimt lietore semi ing e.tst tor Iiigii priced go."Hls . Wiu. GitAiii ATK. Following is the graduating class from the public school this cits for the veur 18U4: Joyce P Brown ell, Maude Hulhert. Mario Pnrrish, Grace (iitmlier, Nie hivckenriilgo. Ktha Cherrv lallinn lirenner. Lillian w vman, siollu Hughes. OlaMiller, Edith S Ktimbuugli Lizzie Sedgwick, Mary Montanve, Jessie Kackleiiiiin, Mollie Worrell, Anna C Gith ins. Robert Hunt, Henry Morgan. David Gotlieb, Lair Thompson, Fred Schmeer, Joe Y ltethune, Richard Y Rhodes, K1 ward VV Scars. An Oi.ii Mattkii. A Washington dis says: 11 F Dowell wins his case with the Ani'legute heirs. Dowell and Applcgat were bondsmen of Secretary of State May. Dowell had to pay the bomi, amounting to $13,000, Applegnte putting his property into such shape that it could not be reach ed. The decision today was for a forty acre tract, but involves 1000 acres in Doug las county. This will bring up an old case that excited general attention during several years. EvANiiKLii vi. CiiiBon The Evangel ical chnrch is doing come genuine mission work at Cloverclale just across the river in BBBBoa county, m connection their regular cnurv-h work here in the city. Rev h b r isher will conduct services tomorrow follows: Preaching here in tbe citv bolh mirning and evenirm and also con duct a mass meeting at Cloverciale at 3 p m Tbe revival meeting- will be looked after at :30 p m bv G M Strt-up and Wilson Gospel MxEtine. The service at o'clock in the Y M C A is increasing in members and interest. Last Sabbath a large audience was praseni. The or chestra adds creailv to the attractive ness. Tomorrow they will play some tine sacred pieces, A male quartet w nicn win mediae Mr roneii a new worker, will address the meeting. Oueuon Apples. Tom Roger report Mist a great opportunity to get rich is onen o the enterprising Oregonian. At the Midwinter fair people are going craxvover tne urrgon apple and the smallest speci mens are sold at s cents each. A ca-loai of big ted app es would sell a fast as the could be unloaded at this price. McMm vine leiepnone Kegister. QbsWOM Pise. -The San Francisco Ex iniiner says that 1"0 refrigerator fniit cars are to lie built at Sacramento, Calif. tue acnicnem t a unt- to. lais is an Mino vation in car bunding, as previously most or mis ciass ot roiling stock Had been con structel in the east, the material used be ing oak. The new cars lieinr made of Oregon pine, which is said to stand the weather on lioth sides of the continent better and iu the end give greater satisfac tion than oak. j. B Max.. Ormtirmrm : Oa amviog home last week, I foardall well aad asxioaaly aTaitiag. Oar Uttta evt. eight aad one-half years aid, who Bad watted away to 38 pounds, is sasar well, swaag aadvigoroD, aad well Seabed Bp. S. B. Coagh Tare haa done its work :;. Both of the children like it. Tor S B. Coagn Care bas cured aad kept away n'l hoarsenssa from me. So give it to every one, with gratings for all. Washing joe proateni y. we are Voarv, Ma k Mes J F roti.. In wiaat Saal Hfaai aaal caeartaa, aaL mr lerlalMaksaVwBs. Tl I III vaw rrateaa wahtkw idkaaaal LsvarCan, by lakcf ta r Uns ba J asalasfs aaascivr' rvxrmtar vr t ACL M MING. iBMalal il I In mr BBsl m I II Sl-OOper BottBV exit a cose. intr the death of his brother. Dr Whitnev had had the grippe which had resulted in noma. Or w nttney came to Oregon Ohio in 1S6S and has practiced medi cine for a good many years. He was 51 years of ae. and leaves a wife and two children and many friends to mourn his death. Fiest oe the Foi'E. 'RetnL-ucancos of rmy Life"' will be Dr G W G ie"s topic at the First M E church. Wedne-lay evening. March I4th in the first ot the course ot Popular Lectures bv Popular Sneakers.'" To clwetl too much in the past is erroneous but no one should fail to hear this lecture as the Dr was an eve witness to many of tne thrilling scenes that stand in history as mile posts in the four years course of war. Season tickets. T.V: child season ticke 50c. Single tickets, SSc: chids single iokc-ts. 15c. Ticket at any of the drug stores. taken in tn. SnM by astee. For a Lame Bach or Chest, use SHILOH'S BELLADONNA PLASTESLSc. Hi iveyoaO teed to cure r - CATARRH REMEDY. This hum ill las msn rri. SOcta, Iuxtw free. tf. 1. McFarland, dxa: sk is -:- Harness -and -Saddlery Display in the flooi TBS UtEN WAT Commends itself to the well formed, to do p'easantly and effectually what was form erly done in the crudest manner and dis agreeably as well. To cleanse the system and break up colds, headaches and fevers without unpleasaat after effects, use the delightful liquid laxative remedy, (tyrap of French has the largest and finest stock of spectacles and eye glasses In Linn County. Prices to suit the times. That O. P. Matter.- Referring to the item which we raiblishcd yesterday, taken from the Corvallis News to the effect that option papers will be circulated for signers among the creditors of the 0. P., we are informed from a reliable source that the proposition will be to pay 30 per cent in cosh of claims created under any one of the three receivers., on the day after the sale is confirmed and the remaining t4 per cent to t paid in first mortgage bonds issued by the new company to be organized by the purchasers. At tub U. P. CiiLitcn, No synopsis can give a correct idea of the sermon preached last night by Rev Riley Little from the story of the Prodigal's Son. Ihe large audience listened with delight to the clear presentation of the cardinal truths of the tiospel. repentance, pardon, acceptance. Services as usual tomorrow, with evangel ist ic services in the evening, to which all, not connected with other churches, are cor dially invited. Come! Come with your friends and with head and heart willing to receive the truth. Prof J D Letcher of the O A C went to Salem today to attend a road meeting this afternoon. He was to deliver the address. , This ia the most important subject before tue people ot uregati tcmay. (SaRSAPARLLA -p. Surra, of Towanda, Pa., aatiose constitution was completely Broken down, la cured by Ayar'a aswsaparilla. H writes: " For eight years, I was, most of tha Ban, a great sufferer from constipa tion, kidney trouble, and lncMges Bsan, so that my constitution seemed w be completely broken down. I was Kneed to try Ayers Saraaparilla, aad k nearly seven bottles, with such sassallent results that my stomach, Bpwsls, and kidneya are in perfect coa saHon, and, in all their functions, aa regular aa clock-work. At the time 1 began taking Ayar'a aarsaparilla, my aBaght waa only 119 pounds ; I now can BBkf of 168 pounds, and waa never In so r health. Ii yon could see me be and after using, you would want as for a traveling advertisement. I believe this preparation of ssaapai illa be the best in the market tc-day." a Ayer's Sarsaparilla fsBsno s Dt. J. C. Ayer k Co., laywsll.aUss. Otiresothers.will cure you FOSHAY A MASON -n-i-.e.i an aaran, Druggists and Booksellers Ace ta for John B, Alder's puolVi lions e-ateh wa U at c?tHsaer nrieaawitfe ajtaasjswtdfM VIGOR MEN FBtmAneoti) F.?t :.--;. NERVCUSKEtS. MMUTT, mmt All lh train cf wr 1 nimsrmriA mtMtmmK rxtNW)K tAc rv -t i k C UTWtl k. lc kuv s, ruUtrvi:gi is v-TsfK r:- t ao-.t i ' tixrfa lo tvrrT t-rjjstr ri 4tlca ct tbr biv. sar-iV.Batttrtslirteth-1 lmwasllar-'imirT'r'sv - refit. Yt11t fa.: . ml ju" -: ERIE KEDJCAL CI BUPFALOa N. - REVERE HOUSE LIB AN i OREtf L AS. I' rWFEK rROPUtfcTO ftedCrowiiMills JOIN ISOM, PROPRIETOR. aw eaocasa slods scteeioe roa rani-ia ajro BEE Ens vss. REST STORAGR SACIUflRS T. CHACKKY, :.., OBVos I'psuirt iiTsr Ust Pfayskiao aad msnsns. Bank ot tarsgan, RssUmes. snsasr 19th and Csiw St.