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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1894)
Sigh emocrat VOL XXIX. tittered at Ike PaU outre at Albany. Or., a s rond-4 lass Mall Mailer i ALBANY.OKEGOjy, FRIDAl, MARCH 2j. 8.,4. A XLTTIXC, rablUbera aad nipilltllll A O U T for Infants and Children. HIRTT year' ohaerration of Ca.torla with tha gfcgMan fS mgjfggm of tSSSBSi WSBSSi " to JBB ot S without sra alsa;. It ia naqnesiionahly tha Wsj ramady for hftjjj; nmA Chllarea tne worm aaa erar Known, n is ntnaiw, tm tiMm i. a a-traa tassn health. It will nw thalr liras. Ia It Motaars kT naa1lTjoh la aheolwtely -are aad practically parfaot as a aedicine. Castcrla d troyi Worm. CaitorU allay Fever ishne. Oaatoxia iwrwti vomiting Sour Card. v CcBstorta evurca Piarrhosa aaA Wtatd Colic. Caa tori. raliarwa T thing Tromalaa. Caa tori sajgaa CmtJrpftHo and Katnlancy. eatl llnae tha casYWeta of oajbonio acid Mgm or paiaaavawe adjr. doaa not contain an orphice. oplwa. or othar narcotic proparty. - 4 n-f, the food. ignlat. tha stosaach BSjaj Bowa!', itrlma; healthy mad antral al p. I-A. ria i at up in ono-slaa Vottloa only. It jjj not sold la anlk. t allow amy oao to aaU yon aaytalaaT alao on tha plan or proamlao HU"ja.iaa resod " aad " will answer avary pnrpoaa." g that yan got O-A-S-T-O-R- -- Tha ftf-ajbifla Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. SI . ITO-jZ- 1B2B3S33L FORTHILLER & IRVING Undertakers - and rE KfcEP COnstsatl cn I ard a full line of anetaltc, i l lit coffin. ' Also buiialrotc and soli. In Itcic. c-l. rhtch will be old at The Lowest Living Proflta. EMBALMING nd "IC proper care of the dead a eclalty Knibalmers. w ar d r c id casket at Hlt,rl P Mf.iii NO EXTRA CBARCft FOR HEARSE OR SERVICE , ALBANY, - - MASONIC TEMPLE, - - OR.EGO. The Oregon JLand Co Itn iti home office at RA1 .'rT.TVr - - - ORiJGO T iaie Gray Block, corner Liberty a:i-J rotate street, branch rfnee tn PorUanu MAKES a specialty of Sunnyside fruit trac'i- rear Salem; Will soil 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to ffiO pt-r ore small cash piymeitt lone tinioon balance or particulas. I MEAN BUSINESS. Will sell all err riser v ware and holiday goods a' COST- Here are some prices: Lamp3, worth 50c for 25 certs; lamps, worth $2 00 for $1.00 cups and saucers 25 to 10 cents a set; pla'e3, 40 cents pej set. Everything else iu proportion. Gallon me and you will not be deceived. J. Gradwohl. F (JFN1TURE, NEW M BOTTOM V STORE tSNOW KULI. OF FIRST-CLASS FURNITURKJ XINSJSTING of bed room aeU. .cbairr, 1 ui.j- a, te., which I will tell at PRICES. Thos. Brink. PrTR0MIZE HOM IMSTITUTI0H5- THt FARMERS k MFRCHflHTS INSURANCE W -Albany, Oreroa. P iiKAi), President. J l COWAN. Treasurer. J O WRTtnat aBT. Kooieto Geo F SIMPSON. Vloo Pro.i .oot. - niRrxTToua- THXJRST3AT rmmikitschivshs. That 0ov.u.i.i3 Cask. Or J M Apple white has not as yet relumed and Mr C C Kenyon lias bo far, sent back no word to her husband. It has however len definitely loarned that ou February 29th, Or Applewhite arrived at the Cosmopol itan Hotel, San Franciaco, and on the reiste.r wrote. 'J M Applewhite, Port land, Oregon " The next name on the register was in the same handwriting ami read, ".Miss llolman, Portland, Oregon." A Time representative who called at the Cosmopolian on the evening of March 3rd asked for Dr Applewhite. The clerk said : "They left today for Haiterg lield." "Who," queued the renorler. and the clerk rejoined, "l)r Applewhite and his niece." It was learned also that they occupied room (H) and 81, which are not suite rooms, and ate all iheir meals together in thr dining room. When a description of Mrs Kenyon was given, the clerk declared that the personal appearance of Miss Holman tallied with it exactly When thev left the hotel however, I hey did not go to Bakersfield, but the Ioetor at least, went to Stockton where he temained until last Monday evening. From there repeated letters have been received from him, and in one to a friend he s'ates that wl.ile he has been imprudent in being in the comp any of .Mm Ken von at San Francisco. there has been nothing more; that the women is now in San Francisco where she has a position in a private familc- that he will arrive in Corvallis in a short time, and will be able to nrove himself innocent and much injured by the scan dal. Kenvon. the deserted husliand Ims een before the authorities renetedtv asking that a warrant be issued for the arrestel both parlies.but with what suc cess has not been learned. Times. Too Sranaocs. Salem has a man as 6iispici.ius of boxes as Mulcahy. recent ly ol the P. but now almost fom -ttei. The Inderendent sav9: Las: evenimr we published the accojnt of Mr J A Hunt receiving a threatening letter fro-n some unknown party stating there was a way of getting rid of men when thev did not atar.d un for their nartv and cause. A few dan after receiving this letter he received a li'.tle package through the mail. Nothing accompan ied it to show who sea; it or for what reason it was sent. It waa a suspicious looking !:ttle box and Mr Hunt became alarmed and took the package out into the field and buried it. This morning an investigation was made and it was found to have been sent to Mr Hunt by a Salem jeweler and inside the package instead of being tilled with dynamite there was a neat little ecari pin which the jeweler had made and sent to Mr Hunt. C P Pkemiyterv. Oregon I'tesbvterv of the Cumberland Presbyterian church finished its deliberations Wednesday morning at 10:30 and at which time a sermon was preached by the moderator Rev E T Ingle to an appreciative audi ence. Itusseaeion was well at'ended and mote than usual. y interesting. In addition to the usual routine of business some wholesome amendments to stand ing rales governing presbyter and its commitiees was passed. The attendance of local chnrch and friends, has been good throughout and much in teres" manifested. Three candidates for the ministry were received, and one pasted to licensure. Bro M McGee, principal of the Sodaville Seminary was heard in behalf of the school, which was favora bly received. Tha text regular session will be held at Sodaville ii October next. Tns Special Mketixots at theCnitsd Presbyterian church drew out a large audience '.ast evening. The sermon was preached by Rev G E Hawes of Portland. Rev Hawes is an eloquent speaker. Hia illustrations are graphic and to the point. His text was one of great power "Christ lifted up." As the Israelites looked upon the brazen serpent and lived, so must the sinner look upon Christ lifted up on the cross. True life is in a look, look and live. The appeal made by the speaker to young men was very impressire, and 'cannot fail in bringing the 'arrest of thought,' which is all that is needed to show them that they are not walking in the narrow path which leads into the light. Rer Hawes will preach again tonight, all are ur gently invited to come. The Bible Readings at 3 o'clock aie very interest ing and helpful, you are also invited to them. Foioht for FaEnrxiM. A Corvallis paper says that the P train from Al bany yesterday had an nnwelcome and unwilliag passenger. He was a tail, handsome yonng man, and from indul gence in cocain and morphine was as wild and reasonless as an un'amed beast It required two strong men constantly to hold him. and when the west side stopped to receive him from the O P at the croseing north of town it was all that four men could do to makt the transfer. The demented man fought, kicked and struggled vainly to escape his keepers. An eye witness describet the ecene as a terrible sight. eThe west side too him to the Keeley Institute at Forest Grove. His name could not be learned. 1 he first of a series of four lectures was given at the M K Church last night by Rev G V line, 1) l, of Grace M K. church, Portland, to an audience of about 75 people. The subject was "Reminiscenses of ttte "Vr," ue speak er said an old one. -The thirty years since the war is the longest peace the country has experienced. He regretted it was ever necessary for war to occur as it hud wiped out a luil'ion young men who with their descendants would have made far better citizens than the hordes that nave crossed the ocean, an element that might be spared. The speaker spoKe leeungiy ot the south, and of smoothing ver the past and making a united nation, referring to the fact of the pure Americrn blood in the south and the v.-ry mixed blood in the north. Hf.en the war began the s ulh had UN best drilled men, Sidney Johnson the best ir the U S, Lee, Jac son, etc. He referred to the attitude of Kngland and Canada, and remarked at the fact that Kngland always gets her hands butned when she fools with the U S, the war costing her $15,500,000 paid to the u Or Gue gave a graphic account of the manner in which hia and other com panies were mustered in at Peoria, III, the camt meeting excitement, the good bye kiss and hug, and the feei ng that hi death warrant had been sinned Then they ciossed into Kentucky, and in his account the speaker was very candid and admitted that the members of an army were glad the enemy waa gone when they teached the place l'r Gue was the youngest chaplain in the V S army. When he saw the am ount of -ard playing, dancing and rooster fighting going on he made up his mind that he had a big job on hand. When matters were quiet he could hardly muster an audience; but the night before a battle they were ah out to services. His account of the first battle was graphic. It was up the Yazoo river, approaching Vickaburg. and on his part seems to have been spent in dodging bombs. There are very few who nould not like to be out of it eren during the excitement. Then ra. ;c Vicksburg. and Or Gue was in the city during its sur render. The last contest in which he was engaged was at Spanish Fort op posite Mobile. It was the 16:h army corps, and not the 13th as has been churned, that made the gallant assault. While here Lee surrendered. The war began with the flag going down at Sumpter and ended with its going up at the same p'ace. The speaker paid a glowing tribute to the American flag and said that today tha people of the south would stand a loyally by it as those of the north. It aho'uM be everywhere emblematic of oar loyalty to the greatest government on earth. On the subject of flags the Itoctor hat published an illustrated hook, said to be the completes! of any work published on the subject Rev Gue is an eloquent speaker, and pleated the audience with his fairness and eloqcence. This it the lat day for t'loo'.inj duck. The Building an,! Loan auxtation meet Frldjr nlgn: at the W F office. Z The O P pay car went over the road lr day pavln; off for February, and tomor row will complete the trip The Portland Telegram p-jblithet a sen sational article about Di Griffith, the theosophl: lecturer In Albany atew months ago. A woman is mixed up in it. Wizard Price nominated by the Popu lists of Bervon county for the office of sheriff decline on the grounds that he 1st democrat. A level headed man. The house commit'ee on election of president and vict-prestdent has agreed to report a bill providing for the election of United States senators W direct vote of the people. It will of course be set down on jy the millionaire senators who bought their offices. A letter from J W Will, written iron- St He'ena, brings the sad tidings that phy siciact there, to whom he went lor rotd ical treatment, have informed him that he is beyond reach of their skill . He expects to return shortly. Corvallis Tmes. A dance will be given at the grange ha'l across the Wtilatnet-.e tomorrow nigh'. Good music and good order are promised. tickets, lnc uding lunch, will he oniy FEIDAT cents per couple. extemicu. A gene.-sl invitation Is A Roto ii Tim-. W BOore, who died recently in Lebanon, came jp this country in 1 S 15. He left a wife andsilgut children. He was u m !er f the M B church south, and Rev 1'C McFarland in an article in the Advance says: His sterling wr'h has con tribute no little to the prosrity of thi country, causing it to bloaa)m like the rose In his religious hfe he was n-it dcui onstative: but steady. Mr McFarUml gives tin- following; account of an exnerieni e had ..r i.: .i... i . i: . crl . aiier rc;u in ug un i-aii,--. on nis iuivent in to the northwest : From this point it w.i wholly impracticable t- undertake to reach the Willamette valley by wagon road. The only alternative left, was to ma through the mountains by water. Hut bow cculd 'In- done without a boat to navigate the river. But necessity, which is the ui ithor of invention, came to their relief. With hands made brawny by use, they raided the pine forest where the woodman's ace had not yet gone, and soon a rude raft is con structed from these pin-, upon which wagons with their cargoes, and the women and children, with a few men fa) manage it. embark on the untriel and danger . -waters, to make I he perilous trio to the safer Aaters and a Unter craft bejow tile Cascade falls. That wb tuny me Vtter understand and appreciate the situation of these travel-stained and footsore home seekers in the far off Oregon, the glorious land of the Occident, when this cargo was in its place, the raft sunk so deep in the water that the wagon i were hub deep. The trio down the rive vii nri,o-rHi,i'. as favorably as could be expected w hen suddenly there met 'hem one of those fierce wind storuis, with which uaviirators hatV 1-ecome so familiar since. Then- teemed to be no hoi, but all must perish. Thnli h-eadfullv alarmed. u harm came to them and in due tice the vicinity of Portland was reached, where the winter was i..iw.l In the spring, he. with others of the Vompan.v came to tuis i Ltnni county, locat ing his donation of MO acres about thi-ee- luarters of a mile north of this town, where :e continuously resides I until a year or two ago. bough: property in the town and atue one of the citizens. I -ow s am l'r. Col Hcggbes certain-s had his share of upc and downs in the history of the 1 1. P. A little over a vear ago he was at the bottom: to-lay his star t in the iLenLincy. and people generally are oeginntng to tneve tne hope ot the rnad lie in the Coi's a-ain irettine control of it . The Yaquina News takes tlte bright aide of the option papers as follows : W hat u this proposition anyway i First : per cent sure then a well secured claim against the road for 64 per cent the rood when sold will be practical!? out off debt and the oond will I good, an i not only that the bond be negotiable paper. This proposi tion is by far the most emible and equita ble of any yet made. Col. Hogg once be fore paid of a Urge claim by paying a cer tain nam down and giving notes for 3 and 6 months which claims were all paid on time. CIRCUIT COURT vs T A Morris. 8 It N'olhinger ct at 1 'ainages . Settled . ! W Brown vs J B Wirl et al. Fore loseure of Lien. Continued. Fred A Brown vs .1 H Wirt et al. Fore closure of Lien. CV.iitinuecl. If W Fisher vs W H Moore. IiV o very "i money; uiutcuiueui. -i tiff. rVanoas Baiiiaajer Watkina A Recovery of money, .linlinent !y a't W.(tins. nsuit by plain Prfce. default Oar L .1 Crow aifi H M Stoi Verdii t for defendant. H Tempsetosl ngt Nancy A Temple- ton, wivorce. li laull ot deit entered. Harcarei I Powell et al ant Louis Koss. To reform dei-d. Dsswwil and decree. Assignment FC Ayerx A Co. Continued. Riiiabfth ftimoni agt Mary A and K E Curran. Foreclosure. Nonsuit on motion of plaintiff. M Sh -ml-erg agt A B Baal et a I Fore closure. Hefault of deft Seal ami decree. W II I.,naca vs (i B Whitcomb. Re covery of money; attachment. Settled. W B i'onac a vs u Kruger. I.ccove i .1 ii ami Allies i-og-an. attachment. 1 ai. Fore- aahti Job Peter Bilyeu a LeeoVcr II, lie;. ; j udgment. Milton Hale vs J A Tonnd et al Fore, loi-ure. Continued. Milton Hale aart J 1 late et closure. Continued. .1 M Walters vs F I and V V son. Jsile continue.!. Oregon agt .las G Holtn, three hid hit ments. selling Lquor without icense, to a minor and on Sunday. Plead not guilty. Oregon agt Clinton Black, John Ward and Felix BsMlUtaa, larceny iu dwell ing. Ariaigned and ait! ple'adjMonday G f Russell arraigned and will plead Moaday. Oregon agt G F Bnault Indicted for obtaining property by lalte pretences. Mart Miller et al agt the Bank Oct Ore gon. Jay W p,'ain. Mi ton Hall. W s Thompson, assignee and C 0 Jackson sLeritf. Injun;. ion and suit to set as'de decree and mortgage. Temporary in junction granted. Leb ic Santiam Caaal Co v Souther Pacific Co. Po- of per pr--js rtj . Settled HarrUburg Lumber Co vs F Haha . Rec of moc-y attach. Ivfau.t and judg ment. i T Whitcoml. vs Fugvue Bashaw. B of money, attach. Itefauit and judgment. in t:.- i:..i::.-r f :i:. .;--i :.:;. '. C -in A-: :.:::t-r.t. C r,tia:.-!. COlaSia 4 mi 'Kg". piece Si Pali ,ck' cls . Basket ball in the V M C X tonight. You can goto Chicago fron Albany and r jiouvi Hirer rair, tor 131.53 i as vvi,ict anj Alvln R iirowravllle. (!re fined f distuibinj; a religious mee:in a Tlie Scientific American under the heading 'An Oregon Oiamord" lei Is of a grnulnc diamond found a- Oregon. Wis. Edward Cox of S mt e: Home.a oHJtorge f ugh of Holly, were 8ned J? 1 piece for stealing sor.c sardines fron astcrein ll'ownsvi.te. Tlie viruc of the Undan I. in the fact tint it jm nature anJ oalura, forces to bring 00. and drve up the natnralJai heren: poec 1 t child. Tte contract for "hr Astoria railroad was lo be signed toda There several hitcl.ts; bui the clouds are now passing awicy. Under an arraaa-emeal made several "o:;ll.s a.- . all (l.e mii. :.i 1- ' ,i0k'-et.OB,..'e dedver krturaa before all I ioc cuorgrs III tne H, Br 11 Nat"l Bank. Iliad II Linn "o Nat l Bank. Rec oi mcney. Continued. M A Maple vt C C Jackson. Ten of j. r prcperty. Non suit on motion ot plaintiff. H P . 1 Man Miller v 1 N and L A We--1 Rec o! u.oney: attach. Contin ued. Franc i Bellsn-aT s McCuiiy A I'rice. Rec of money. Continued. W A Shbooling Bppll vs F K I f meyr et u Resp Ap from Jus Court. Settled. Glorer A Berry Resp vs W ' Brown A pplt . A p f rem J us Court . Continael . State of ' srsnr n i s J F ,-::r. n Man langbter. I'i-:i.i 1 e.t, m.-ti.-n of 01-; attorney . !;;. 1 Itstb. StaU cl Sregon vs J 1 1 Sponogle. V. id M- A Weli.-Iiu.kd CMI-A5T. Tee in- spection of F Co of this city on Wedn - evening was a very satisfactory one. an-l re called the fact that Albany has one of tlie !et if not the lest drilled company in the Jnd rejriment- The o.mpany rrcetvul many compliment-, from ih- inijiectinj,- otf. vr Catt ' iverman !ia.s given F comsany a dis cipline that is verrjereditaide. rbe armory has len greatly improved and is one of !." beat in the state. It poaaease modr-n ar rangements and conveniences and does the v-ianir men hcm,r. The new h nnifal , . n under Suroeon BMaa is a fin. mlc rj vnnno Guilty men. rapidly lniurorina in the L-l!o of 1 a! 1' cl- their iMisinesss. I KG Kiuai airt "irant and Rscovety money. Settled. John Hughes, appellant ys 1 I snaasBB whi.h will ! intr .i !.!.! 1 . . . - legislature. The phut is to hare the law so . . amended as t empower circuit iudge, Harrisbarg Lu-siI-t Co agt when suits to enjoin sbeiffs from ciJierttng Ano;l Bashaw To 'et taxes are heard, to examine witnawss a tn un-nt by default. the value (4 the property of the plaintiffs, j W W Bngg and F F Wjutt apt John and thereupon assess the taxes and require : Roberta. Appeal. Appeal uismissrd. th plaintiff, to pay the owta of the pro- . j Maloneet al agt Ida Mai one et al. needing This it u claime.! wonld be in . PartiUon IVoree of petition, line with the theory that a man sha'l have I t r j! D , no standing in a court inquiry until be can "fJ.' 3f. ?-v ,L"riin show that he ha- ten.lereJ a just and equit-' 1 ti!l- t-ntue.l. able amount in pavment of his taxes. i Linn tounty Naxioaa Bank agt Thomas .. .. ... Morgan et al. Retovery money. Judg I Otna tn iltt. Ijee Hay and bis "pa! :, r,t v default. teanng the signincant cognomen 01 "Wild Bill" were sentenced each to one I2te. A gd idea. Seveiat men have ben snjlfaa; Browns villwnolen mill coeds on the asacuMl In Portlanu for I ported eoods. ectisaw is etia piice fcx th-m Tn's is quiic a com. plimen: to the f rciu :: ol the Eagie ml. I. Lee Ti ler has nutcasrd a hall la 'he ha-daare gtore of O P Hd-r The ock is bein invulcvd aad L-- wilt taae control in a few dais. -HarritDurc Cm.,. ler. Considerable difficulty was evperienceJ in obtai-.tng a jury to iry the Black mur der case. Only s-ven jui men were se lected from the original venire and Sh-riff Shattuck made a trip 10 Williams creek Mor.Jay fte-noc for 3 nun.tti of ui payers to serec! I.jn. J Somen, an attorney from Lebanon, assis-s Jr Benson in the prosecution - Grai is Pas Courier. PZIKSOK AX. Miss Clara Davis went to Saiein this neon to spend Sunday with Mr G V I a-. is and family. John Ho!man west t-. Salem th: noon, and on Monday will leave witi his wife and daughter for a months trip to the Mid winter fair. Lioenx- l.a-.e i., n i-.-je-l f. r riags- of Mr Baser WasataaT Rachel fjsportr-. Ix,h of Allnany, Ja--ir H heeney and Mis Zetta Ats.mey S- mere returned t.-. Grant Pas where Le had lotn to pen cute Black fur the murdor of Rice arrsi months ago. rhejury ijrwigbt in the v -r-dict of guilty of manslaughter. It F L Ank spent a day or two in tosro last w"ek. He cas been developing the Albany Co s mining property on Mt Reu ben, but to much w;-ur hi put a tem porary stop to pot Gran' I'ar Cc-orier. MrC-.'lIns F this toon. M rs .a?l atfiwad in Albany- t!)is noon from le-r l-ige. Moo., and will take charge ol the el jcu'ionary department of 'he Albany College on Monday. Mrs Karl comes highly recommended. the mar aud Mrs are! Mr Ames. lay from .1 I went to Oregon City New Tax Law. A Washington paper says ma; a new tax taw it pruts .1 m amuel ijf .;rt J C and F Judgment for F.ugene aad leed. Judg- RcoveTy Oregon IsntANs. The following are the names of Indian tribes that were in Oregon at the close of 183:5, savs an ex change. The names were revised by Major J W Powell. In many cases the corrupt names have come into such gen eral use that the leviser deemed it im politic to change them : Kalapuaya, Klakama, Lukiamnte. Molele, Neztucca, Rogue River, Santiam, Shasta, Turn waters, Umpqua, Yamhill, Klamath, Modoc, W alalia pe. 1 yhuskin band of Snakes (Shoshouij. Alsiya. Coquelle, Cusa, Skoton. Saiustkai, Siuslaw. Toot- tootna. Cayuse, Cmotilla, Walla Walla, obn Oay, Piute, Irmo, Warm Spring, Wasco and Paiute. The case of the state against IrJI Sponoglcarreuted for rape was given to the jury at press time It did not develops anything very sensational. hvery body except tne attorneys in the case, and court ... 1 . , 1 omcers ami one witness, were exciuueu. In the case, of the state agt J F Simpson, ndicted for manslaughter, though not vet lone the prosecuting- attorney will move for a dismissal of the case. There ia said to lie no evidence against the defendant that amounts to any thing. .Not a true hill was touml in tlie cases of the state agtChas Downie, W F Ham mer and Jas Bonlin. In the case of Murik;;rs agt the F AM Ins Co the jury after lieinir out several hour) brought in a verdict of9b4b lor the plaintiff Henry Blackman toJar atsumed the of fice of collector of Internal revenue for Oregon and Washington. He announced the following appointment: J E Bellin ger, Portland, chief clerk, traveling den ude, E L Mlms, Pendleton, J B SI Portland, A J Barlow, (lo!d Hill ; Ganger, I C Dodson, Heppner. The Eugene Register sats: The foot ball teams of the Albiny college and Un iversity of Oregon wbl play a game on the university Campus in this city on the 14th lnt. The team here Is t be "coached by C M Young. Thev organized MonJay evening and elected officer and wl.l drill every day until the contest . At the Circuit Court in Eajene In the cao of Perkins agt SI eriff Noland argu ment were made bv Attorney Benedict for the p!i.lnt,ffs asking that the referee's finding set aside, and asking that the plaintiffs be allowed to file an amended comp'aim. The same wt resisted ry At torneys Vt oodco;k and Geo A P'rris, for defendant. The couit then gave notice hat he would return In a few days to hear Attorney Kennedy in the matter. Councilman Duncan af Salem saij tne Its had $So,ooo bonded debt. $05,500 loatlng debt. Ma'slng a total of $1(14.500. One from street assessment ii 2,416, en gine house tale,$!Q.9i6. Net total Inter- st debt i'.s4. Tne total gross Interest barge perannum on pr?cnt deb', bonded nd outstinding debt, I14.S70 Total net Interest charges $n,6sS. Total expense for year $37,831 . Ten mill tax tor year $11,000. Total income for vear $33,300. Net deficit $7,811. Austin Propst agt J S Lisle nvney. Judgment by default. "regonagt F T Lewi. Burglary. Tried and found Knilty. Will besentenctsl March reg-on att F Kose!l. Three indict -ksssts for forgs rv. Will proiib!y plead on Mi nday. The case o Stone agt ( row. an Albany case, a suit for damages on account of ! alienated after-Cons, was on triai this afternoon. Judge Burnett displayed a Matters are picking up in . high regard for the public morals by ex News say. One dav this 1 eluding the public from tbeconrt room. nciu -:t g unemployed a torneys. year in the penitentiary for having rob bed Mr Garrison of Ico. a few miles south of Harrisburg last fall. It will be remembered thit at the time of their r rest Hay confessed hi and turned the money over to the officers. It was sup posed by many that his action would entitle him to some leniencr. but i does not seem 10 have much weight with the eourt. Prineville. The An Lett! her. Prof 12 B Nargarkar. of Bombay, has lectured in sev- era! pLv- in 1 sr-- -. H-r i Lh cream 1 . , ' , . - , . ... 01 iu uissertauon: :ne t.crident ks upon life as a struggle for existence: man is obliged to -trttgjtfe. n"t oniy with the element in nature, bat with those amongst wham be is horn. The Orient, upon the other hand, looks upsn life as nothing but the j r -: ' I f - that 1 e.ime. the waitingpx-::-. in a great station, where the arrirai of the train that is to carry u ail is await-d. Thus the eastern man u o-nter.:j -!atie. meditative and emo tional, while the w-stern man relies upon the logical, the scientific, booking in tne nooashine of ciiv. husky logicjri stranger to the warmth .ui 1 depth of emotion. The ea-t and the west atajat ri.eet again and ex c hangs- tne g-. : -a h ;..--i-s,. !; me designate the 'Vs-:dent l-v re.v-on and the Orient by faith. I m-st humbiy invite you to study into our literatiase. our history and -xir instituti.sns. that oar own lives may harmonire with the cTeat movement to unite thee two ourrents cf human civiliza tion that have so long- ran each bv itself." . tTE ;. Gatkh, Ore, Mar. 15, 'it .Tlie; cieii's-r:.ts of Horeb prec;inct organ iatd a club at the hall on Wedxvesday. The h.airman is Charles Work, Keretary. Mr Newland of Mill f.ity. Delegates to Marion county conven'ion", Chas Work and William Sullivan. The republican club had Capt Sanderson of Talent aiidress the people of Gates and vicinity last Monday evening on the con dition of tlie country and it cause and remedy, from a republican standpoint. At the closing of his speech he asked where the iiopaliets stxsl on the tariff oues-tion. C Neal arose and asked r-ermission for a sq.ulist bi ansirt'ue gentleman, which was jfraciously refuseil. Politic is the sole topic of conversation at present, although the past weeks have is-. n politically hot. the oming ones promi to lie more so. In the argument of Cant Sanderson he sa.cj that tne'iregon deletration in congress was in favor of the white as money That is ncthing but a bait to catch votes as Bolpb is a morometallist, while Her mann did not attend the extra session of congress which compietelr knocked the underpinning out of silver for the present. While Ellis did not vote for the free coin age of silver until the ratio was 22 to 1 which would make a silver dollar a load for a person to carry. Altogether the captains argument wan not very well bcl tered with facts. The main cry of the republicans is losa of conSdence. Ifthepree financial de pression is caused by a loss of confidence it knock- that assertion in the head which tay the majority can rude. President Ch-veland and the democratic party were I- it into power by a majority of the peo ple which gives the lie to the protectionists arguments. m w 1 aaaa p ansa week little Henry Smith, son of C Sam Smith, found a ten dollar gold piece while H , '',u"lr,-,11 "? be alley way Si Patrick, day tomotrow. Green will back of Hughes saloon. Being by nature ru. a bimetalist, witii a strong preference in 1 , . , favor of the coarser metal, be Un had the ! . H M,',:c, P-'"hed . phono tn traded off for big silver dollars, and ! "nd lun " ,h"u8h Otagaaj was about as rich a lad as one could find. While walking the street, jingling hi coin I Cowan, (Jeo F Hl.npson, W V ltad, !) B ytsrnnerg.'J W flu ir J K Weaiherlord. o J u stt u vyrttaman. ALSO DISTRICT AOKHTS FOR -? . several Solid Eastern and Foreign Gompaiieb ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH, Proprietor, Cabinet photos from $1.50 to $4.00 per dozen. Enlaiglng pictures a Jspeclalty. 16x20 crayon; framed 'lor $10.00. We ear, v a lame stock of 5x8 and sterescon'e view of Or- if E LE 1 IMMO PHOTOOatAPHRBS, eK"' "Almost as Palatable as Milk" This is a fact with regard to Scott's Emulsion of Cod T V 1 rr-1 1 rf Liver kjw. i ne oiiien nee between the oil, in its plain state, is very apparent. In Scott's Emulsion you detect no fish-oil taste. As it is a help to diees tion there is no after effect , j rr r- except gooa ejject. Keep in mind that Scott's Emulsion is the best promoter of flesh and strength known to r.cience. 1- - - 1 l- -ct ItKOH-. W. V. All draca-ists. 11 J ANTED Pushing Canvaser of good VV area, liberal aalaj v and eirenso paid weeklv; Permanent coutioa. BROWN BH03. CO.,' Nursery men, Port! and' Ore gon7 in his pxket. he was followed bv a crowd ! Jlni Lo'an should he nominated frsr gov- 01 envious iau, on wii-un ne .- k. 1 witii " ri-"s"'s" ic.c.. has been ton ns . An tvehange f.ccliously sugcests that I)r Jones, of Sodaville, the city for a clay or two. Prof Wilkes returned this noon from a trip to Salem in the interest ol school matters. Mr Robert Johnston, formerly editor of the I lines ol Corvallis, has been ap pointed postmaster at that city. Mt Thos Callahan, of this city, and a son- in-law 01 lion John lturnett.was a prom inent candidate for the place Miss Carl II itchens.for years a resident of Corvallis, is about to open a Millinery store in Albany. Bhe arrived yesterday from San rranctsco where she has been tn purchase a stock of goods, an-l left this morning lor Albany, whither the family will follow in a few days to remain per manently.- -Times. l)r Fuller returned home last night from his trip to Honolulu, lie was seven davs on the way to San Francises. He reports a pleasant as well as heathiul ex perience while on the islands. He has no doubt at all that the queen will not be restored, f-ven the natives do not. want her on the throne again ; but are satisfied with the provisional govern ment. He found the native people there as honorable and upright as any he ever met. To-morrow Mrs Jacobs leaves for an ex tensive visit with relatives in the Buy city. From Albany nlie will be accompanied bv Mr Kohn and clmiifhter.--Corvr.llis limes. Mrs E J Thompson is Rtill with her daughter, Mrs Fortmiller, of Albany, who has lost one child and has another verv sick. Mrs Fortmiller herself is also ill. It is thought the disease is something like winter cholera, which prevails in the east and is considered contagious. Corvallis Times. Rov. at Shblbubn. In a row al Shel burn, between Frank Titus and Pierce Montgomrey on Tuesday last, Montgom ery cut Titus across tha eyes with a case knife, making a terrible wound, which nay reuult In the loss of one or both eyes. Our Informant did not know the particu lars of the tight, or whether there had been any arrests. Stay ton Times. tlie utmost pitv and contempt. A Boy. Frank I'arridi.theboy preacher. writes to his r-ister in FosmI afullow- fr..m H Mile. Morrow county, un ler date Feb. nd: "Still in the ring. Have had seventy c .inversion since I started in my meeting here. It's wonderful how the Lord is with me. I have preached nearly every night for four weeks. The country is taken by storm it seems. One wan eon- verted by going into a trance went to heaven and saw hell. He was a cripple. nut la cured now entirely cured, uod is good. Everyone here is thoroughly (wakened. I mav start out M an evanin ht and take the man with me. He talk fa- e to face with Cod.'" Fossil Journal. Ln'8 Tax6s. The sheriff last Satur day evening paid over toco'inty treasurer Keisner ftijisj ut amount of tax money received during the week. Tax money is coming quite freely considering the stringent times. The state lax this year ia t30.5t8 . 3.1, which seems a pretty big sum, but rt is nearly $11,000 les than the state tax last year. A petition was presented to the county court Wed nesday praying that taxes be declared delinquent June 1st. We learn that the commissioners have expressed a willing ness to do so, provided sufficient taxes are received this month to pay the slate assessment. hugene Kemster. What Froerel Said: Frocliel was the tather ol the kindergarten. The follow log Is his definition. "In the kincl-rgar ten the oodlly and mental sowers are to be awakened and developed, wivi and means for their exercise Indicated and provided, and assistants trained; so that every child, no matter what rank or con dltlon, may here be able lo work out and faithfully express his real nature, cliarac ter and true vocation in life; educating nimseit as well as being educated ' I) A (iooD Kkcommendatios. Ir T Mc Niiiigliton, of Elirin in Union count v. who came down to testify in behalf of Mrs Wy- alt in the tsponogle ease, informs us that he hat been acquainted with Mr and Mrs Wyatt since they were small children and that they are people of irreproachablo char acter and that they am entitled to tin sympathy anil good cheer ot the commun ity in which they reside. t. W H Davis as called to Oik Treek this af'.ernojn on account of a child being dangerously kicked by a hOTta. Particu lar not learned. This is the regular equinoct'al slorm. It w'll be followed by good weather, if ex pert may tie believed. We are ready for the good weather. Bring it on. Mav VTatey died at the insane asylum Wednesday evening. She was a cocaine fiend and had become add icted to the habit to that she would take enough to kill a doten men and when i'- ;.'ut it became a maniac. Wnen it come to knowing things the Salem Statesman Is ahead. It tats: "We know ol depotitors In hi bank who woul J probably not vote for I) P Thompson for governor. It would be a ir.'stake to nominate him." Mr Tete Shark.the barbti.we it to Port land this noon where he will begin train ing for his trip across the continent ou a bicycle, which he will tako wfh three Portland men. Tlie Democrat Is informed that Mrs Kenyon, mentioned by the Cotvallls papers 86 having been in San Francisce, returned to Oregon several days ago, and was in Albany, goln to l itviuna clay or tv.o ago. The UaTraTJ InaWUiUl church wis SI ed to overflowing lat evening. Christians of ai! denominations were present The Al Imy Social dab iHtwillJ in a llv. which wxs a great grant: ration to the ladies who invite i them- KvangeUstic services will be continued throughout the coming vreek.and on Tuesday an all dav trover meeting will be held. On SasJbbaaB. servic-e at 1 1 am will lie conducted l.v Kev T J Wilson, his subject. '-The Time to IVcide." In the Who Dm Ir Astwat. The Lebanon Express says: The grand jury has again re'used to indict John Marks for largariz iog the house of his brother. Wm Marks. By this action the grand j ury refuse to believe to le true the charges that have been twice made by Mr Marks' family and by himself. This second refusal to believe their story should satisfy them that in the belief of the grand jorr it was not Jno. Marks who placed those articles in John's bed and un der John's smokehouse. From expressions let drop by the grand jury and by the pros ecuting officer, it may be possible that the next grand jury will be called upon to en quire who did put those articles on John's premises. That is the question that inter est the tax fevers of this county, who have paid already everal h-. rid red dollars to as sist this faro. If John is innocent, as the grand jury believes, then some on? ha? put up thi -oh. Who is this man. or these men? The ingenuity shown to convict John may be called into play to save them selves from the place where they tried to put Johnr-in the penitentiary. Watehi.s Brwwr.Es. A Waterloo man ccrresponding for the Lebanon Express presents some very ingenuts thoughts over the signature C Rank. Here is a sample: When. oh. when wi'l the sun come forth and disperse the bums from our P O'i This H the worst town on the Pacific slope for cranks and men who think, or act as if they think, that at some past time in their life tbey had swallowed an encyclo pedia. Talk. talk, all the time, but work, work, never. They tell us of the Ubnr they have d -.r.e. and the ditch they will dig. but rustle like fury to borrow s&lerains to color their bread in place of bolter, went?, give us a ret; we are worn out with your big talk , but when you have an op portunity you will do all you can to nun the town morally, mentally and financially. You are punk. Let up and hunt work. Rrjjcnn Services. The special revi val services as conducted by the Evangeli cal church at CSoverdale continue with un abated interest, services tomorrow at 3 and 7 :30 p in. Rev L B Fisher will preach at the Evan gelical church tomorrow a; 11 am and Wilson Blain will conduct the services in the evening. Service at the Babtist church to-morrow in the morr.iog. In the evening the annua', exercise of the young people society will be held. There will be a praise service at the Congregational church Sunday evening at which only the hymns cf Isaac Waits ihe "Father cf English Hymnody'" wilt be surp. T pastor will speak of the life and vritings of thi great singer. Other services as usual. All are welcome. Rev J T Abbett will speak for the Y M C A tomorrow at their usual 4 o'ciack ser vice, inspiring music is an attractive feature of this meeting. If ou appreciate ecoi instrumental mussc you must hear the orchestra. Thev plav tvin Sur.das Rev Mr Little will conduct the and will K cor- 1 lulling meeting. All are invited dially welcomed. WArren a Da r. Tha Lebanon Express usually goes to press Thursday evening. This week it was Friday evening when the forms were locked up. Just before this was done the editor panned tlie fol lowing item. 'Born to tlie wife of ti Y Kirkpatrick. a boy; weight, 10 pounds." thus vetting a cop on the verv irnpor tant item. It is not o'ten an edi'or holds bis paper back a day for a born item. QjJKUa BUM. Eren- UIy should h.uc a iranlcB. Are von one who will. Then go to Stewij-t A Sox Hardware t'o and make your aasBLlsoa from a fresh supply of all the seeds in the market, the larcre-'t stock in the citv. rrlre Farlcsry - o:vis ENJOYS BotL ihe method and rwulta -bt Syrno of and refreshing to the taste, cad act E roily jet promptly on the Kidneys her and Bowels, cleanses (Jbe tern effectually, dLspvls cdlds, head aches and fevers and cures hn' cormtipation. grrap of Fis is the only remedy of its kind ever pre duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to tlie stomach, prompt .a iU action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the rao-t healthy and agreeable euls?La.;ce, ;t many excellent qualities commend it to all tnd have, madA It -, ' T1W popular remedv known. fsVTUD of Fwtci ia tV c"a t. XIX.-. and $1 bottles by all leading drug- giia- any reliable druggist ia may not have it cm Km.d wiT cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. lk not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP Cd 3K ttAUCtSCO. CAL. IMlSVILkf . AT. f r0(sr , , J F FC8D, fiYanplisl, 01 '-ns, Iowa. nt under dale of Msrch 23. lst: B Mcu. Msg Co.. Do for, Csregon. GrmtUmn : On arris ine b Jcne iaat week. I feafdall weil aad anxicasly a-aitint. Oar iittle girl, etaht and cee-hslf year otd, who had wa ted away to 3spcnda, ia bow strong sad s-igoroa, and weil fieabeu up. S. B. Cough Tore has dice its wor weti. Both 0f k, i.hil l.n t,v- T B u - " . ... Itfdl I, . Coagfa Care has cored ud ktpt awsy all bfl,n.RM. 1. ... . . . ... - ... u.. -TV .. r t . e-y oee, with greeting for all. Wishing jos (rosaeti y. we r Yocra. Ui A Mas J F Foen. . a .- feet ajsaa saa cdsscrfoi. aad w sspruur-s woe, estaase near rrwna waa tfca aaaaj UrrCanc be taatar t ui sire ft hnfl-. t j tSl Ciuzls. CoavAt,'s, Ore. March IS. Corvallis Carriage A Wagon factory was sold at auction this atternoon. The stock of vehicles and all materials together with the factorv buildings and p'-ant brought $ C I Brace, of St Louts bid in the property for a syndicate of creditors. faesl Ihe Seaaie. 1 . 5 Baa- r-wliT- posrszlee ly I ACCSIMINC. mm K8e&B'lBB f; Xper Bottled Uae cent a cose. This Gpeat Ccra tt-ta prenrvt-'y c-r where all otaers taaL Cocct. Croup. Sere Threat, Hoarseness. Whoojunf Ccuih sr. i Asthesa. for Cocsonsptisa St tss no r.ns;; has cured thessuds, and trLH am TCP if taken in rime. Soia by Dnusfis-s cn a cuar ar.tee. For a Lame Rata or On-st, use SHILOH S BELLADONNA PLASTLKJ5C. CATARRH REMEDY. lave you 1 atarrb ? Ttsis rvrae:y is c.-a ran. teed to i'-re r-u. irsce-t'ea. Infect-r tree. REVERE HiiUSE kLBANV Washington Maivh 1-4. The senior- age Bland silver bill passed the sena'e this afternoon by the vote of 44 to 31. AS. ( ! DIFFER rROPfciMi' S hiloh's Cure, the graat cough and crcop or, is for Said by us. Fooket siae contains went. --tire .1 -iea,oaly C5c. Childreo liveit oshay A Mason. Foot BAUL.- Arratigeiuents have been made for a game of foot ball on Saturday Marcn z-J, at uorvains between the citv club of that placa and tin Unknowns ot Albany. A special train will be en gaged for the occasion. On the same day the ColUse team will play with the University team of Eugene. Old Things. Considerable has been saul about old chairs, old books, etc. Old knives are not so common. Dr Ellis, of this city, posse.sses a peculiar looking 1' S navy knife, whose history is not known, but it is asserted ;it is a relic of the war of 1812. It is a curiosity. lsriRKSTSti is Ukcgon In these quiet time we harJIv realie that the matter of immigration to this slat- is being pushed. The record f the cietk of the board of im migration at Portland, for KeJruaiy, speaks line mi: tsitors to tne rooms,.V44 ;lnqui uii letters teceived. 21:: reduced rai'.wav lares issued, 21 ; inquiries for farm lands.. 35. A lar;;r airount ol literature was dis tributed, as follows: Portland Consolidated, 411 : Resource; of Oregon, 957; horticul tural board reports, IS;: farm lists, :So; Oeiman pamphlets, jcS; birb's ee views of Poitland, jjj: chamber of con merce re port. 54 ; circular on manufactuting, Uj. ine leucrs 01 inquiry were irom s ditter. ent states and territories. md fiom Canada and Kngland. cscv it r. nawKs preached a most im pressive sermon last evening at the United Presbyterian church, to a good audience "Why halt ye between two pinions," was the suggestive text. Elijah settled the halting, vacillating Israelites by the prayer test. and by tiiat test also, should those who are baiting between loving for Christ, or living for tlie world, settle this all Important ques tion. "Once to every man and nation comes a moment to decide" "To-day, if ye will ben, my voice harden no; your hearts. ' Como to-night and hear the ivord. Services at 7 :;io, Bible reHdinu each day at :t o'clock. All persons are cordi ally welcome. A I m H i m- ( aavrrlesl Wasiiino ton. March 14. Every I'tiitod Slates senator found in his mail yesterday a little package of religious tracts, en circled by a rubber band, and bearing on i's face the words 'Compliiuen's of J S C Blackburn." This was the popular Ken tucky senator s device for tinn nineing to his associates that he had abandoned for ever hia old life and entered anon a new and untried existence as tlie lesult of the convicting eloquence of Evangelist Moody h M. tfcFarland, - t- DtALXR IN -: A W Charlton, of Lakcview, was in the city to-day on bis way home from the populist state convention. Ir E A Mackev went to Sheridan this noon in the interest of the A O U W. Ex pects to return h Albany tomorrow night. W E Yates received u letter yesterday from Barney Martin, who requested the former gentleman to irather up his books unci bnlonjrinir in Corvallis. He wanted to iret them together on iiccount of his health failinir verv rapidly. Mr Martin is now at Brownsville. News. On Wednesday eveninir many of the friends of the Misses hilla and Martha Kisley and Stella Rankin assembled at the home of N C W Hislev. Qamss, cards and daw ing were the order of the evening Those! present were: Mr and Mrs West brook, Mr and Mrs Risley. Mr and Mrs Homer Phillips, Mrs l.ury Bass, Miasm Myrtle Miller, Laun Tnilwnt. Minnie Fuller, Rarhajil Peak ins, Cora Inompeon, 'Mn Dickerson, llyra Westbrook, Bertha Wiillace, Pearl Cameron, Ella. Martha and Kttu Hisley iitni Stella Ktmkiti. Meaten .liimis Hunter, Frank Walsh, luck Roscoe, Ed Mitchell, Homer Mitchell, A Pence, Fred Fisher, Bert Veal, Ed 8Aery, Will Hand. Will Nolan, Will Hawkins, Her man rswnrl, alenn twurt, sv niter vvorrei, Albert Stellmnckir, Earnest Ketchtun, Bert Crawford, Koum McCully, Hurry Craw, Orlanda, Nchuid, Alfred roookwait, John Cartwright, LonKSfO Rosa, Fred Ross and Mr Van alkinburg. JG W Uham has written the central committee of the people's patty that he would not occcpi the nomination of coun ty atsessor which he received at the coun - ty convention last Fiiday.- Htrrliburg 'delightful liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of E Hi: MODIttS WAY Commends Itself to the well formed, to do p'easantly and ettectually what was fo:m erly done in the crudest "manner and dis agreeably as well. To cleanse the system I and break up colds, headaches and fevers without unpleasant after effects, use the A Racking Cough Cared by Ayer Cherry Pectoral. Mrs, P. D. Hall, 217 Genessee St, Lockport, N. Y., says : "Over thirty years ago. I remember hsariug my father descrttie the wonder fnl curative effects of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. During a recent attack of la Grippe, which assumed the form of a atarrh, soreness of the lungs, accom aanird by an aggravating cough, I ssd various remedies and prescriptions. Wbiie some of these medicines partially alleviated the coughing during the day, nona of thorn afforded me any relief from ajntt spasmodic action of the lungs which would seise me the moment I attempted to lie dowu at night. After ten or twelve sncfi nights, I was Nearly in Despair, and had about decided to sit up all night in my easy chair, and procure what sleep I could in that way. It then of csared to mo that I bad a bottle of Ajrar's Cherry Pactoral. X took & syaonful of this preparation in a little watts r, and was able to lie down without aoajgliing. In a few moments, I fell aalaap, aud awoke in the morning gaaatly refreshed and feeling much Usjslsi I took a taaspoonful ot ths Psc taral every night for a week, then grad ually decreased the dose, and in two Tanhs my cough waa cured." Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Mai 1 - by Dr. J. C. Ays t k Co., Lowell, Mass. Prompt to act, sure to cure Harness-and - Saddlery. Display in the Oqoi RedCrownMills JOHN ISOM, PROPRIETOR. w rRocsaaa FLoca scraaioK rot. n r asn BACKS est, REST STOtUGP VACILlflRs FOSHAY 4 MASON BBObBUVa MS SBVSlb druggists and Booksellers agvi-ta for John B. Aider 's paollri 'done anleh we aeU at publisher's urioaawiU ataaeaddai Lit XV. tlKf.CO- Courier. rigs