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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1894)
ttfllltS yrmorra VOL XXIX. ALBAN Y.ORhGON, FRIDA , MAHCH 9, 1894. Entere i at Ihe IPos Ofllce at Albany. Or., aa Herond-I la Mall Mall r; vriTOi A innNi hMMMn 4 Proprietors: S O 30 J THURSTDA'Y" for Infants and Children. laUtTT yogs' observation of Cattoria, with the BWgWMg of fJHnjia of pmam, permit na to apeaJi of it wlthont pgjwigB; It to mannas tionaaly the Wrt remedy for Infanta Mtj Children .Jaw world has ayr known. It fa harmless. Children liha it. It pi tham h Jth. It will iw thoir Htcs. In it Mother, have femMI which la abwolntedy enfp and praotioajlj narfact lohil4'a nt Uaiaa. fiaatarin dogtroya Wornta, Onatorto allay ToTwrlslinaaa, Qoatoria prsrranta mmitinfr Soar Curd. Ctsatoria car Diarrhoea and Wind Colic Cssatoria rolioyes Too thing Troohloa. fMatorlw egam Conatfnjttlom and Fbttnloncy. yatortav nanjbmUnaa thy efraots of cwrbonio acid fgm or polaonona nig. CyaTto do not contain morphine, opinan, or other narootie praparty. Ojjjatoria naaimilntoa the food, regnlatwa the atoanacb, .-Mad nowwla, Irrrlng healthy and natural sloop. Cejttorla fa pnt up in one-lw bottle only. It la not aold In hulk. 3y allow any one to eell yon anything elaa on the pi or promiae N jt It to "jfM 1 aa good " and " will answer every pna-poee." Boo that yen get C-A-S-T-O-R-I- Tko fao-afaailo i airnaturo cf wannor. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. FORTHILLEB IRVING Undertakers w and -:- Km t a 1 titers. rE K tEP copatant! v on I ard a full lir.e cl wetalic, ch th d . d caskets ai coffins. Also builal robes and suits, in trcadc'dl lii , culm t le.eic which will b old at Tbe Lowest Living Proms. EMBALMING an(1 proper care of the dead a apechfcy. HQ EXTKa ALBANY, - CHARGE: FOR HEARSE OK SERVICE - MASONIC TEMPLE, - - OR.EQOt I MEM BUSINESS. Will sell all crokerv ware and holiday ro.xl at COST- Here are some prices: Lamps, wortl' 50c for 25 certs; lamps, worth $2 00 for $1.00 cups and saucers 'o to 10 cents a set: pla'es, 40 cents pel set. Everything else iu proportion. Call on me and you will not ha deceived. J. Gradwohl. An 0 P Pktition The following petition, with a largo numlier of signers, will l presented Judge Fulierton on hi convening court to sot a lav for the O P sale, and will undoubtedly lo respected: To tho Honorable J O Fiillertnn. Judge of tho Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for Pro ton county. Sir: The signers of this letter to your Honor nre either the present or tho former employes of the re ceivers of tin O P B B or creditors of the receiverships, ot business men deeply in terested in the success of the intended sale of the road. We now approach your honor to express our earnest hope that in fixing the data I for the approaching sa'e you will allow sullicient time after tho bat attempted sale, and the recent change of receivers, j for all possible pnrrihaQBIl to complete I their arrangements to bid. We are fully alive to the necessity of your setting the sale at the earliest practicable date, but, we rscognize that afttr the even's of the last sale purchasers must have time to an entirely d'lterent :,. ningements. and talo ia get o 1st, a different outcome for all the creditors of your hon or's court may bo expected. e know that vonr honor ;s anxious to raaVe such orders as shall lead to a sa le for the best price possible, and xi also think it may assist your honor in coining to a decision on this most important mat ter to know that the parties most nter- ested. have come to the opinion expressed in this letler. r Yahvisa Bay. -An Albany man ho HM over from Yaqaiua bay this noon gvve the Pkmocbat the following pointers : The weather is good enough to make the Bay a first-class winter regor;, ag welt as a guminc retort. For gome time trips have been made hetween Yaquina and Newport in small boats. In a few davs the Yolante will begin making regular trips to the season. The Homer failed for San Francisco last evening with 24 passengers aud (100 tona of freight, a very flattering start. She will leave San Pmwclaoo on her re turn trip next Tawsalay. Mr Cummicgs, the wc'.l known cable railroad of Tacoma. this morning fell from the platform of the cars at Ya- qniaaand was badly bruised. He has teen at laquir.a making arrangements to secure a big qnariv there. P B Carry, a promioent contra-tor of .tn Francisco, has been at aqnina making ariangements to secure S.G00 to 10,000 tons of Pioneer stone to be shipr. ed o San F'rancisco at different times dur ing the vear. He prononnces this stone elegant in appearance and of very super ior quality, in tact considers it among the best if not the oest on the coast. The first shipment will be about April 1st. A Cow STonx. An exchange has this: An amusing incident is recorded from auvie s island, where a herd of cows was recently dehorned. In the hsrd was a ittle "mulev" cow whichShad no h"rns. She always had to a laek srat. and if she ever came within reach of a pair of h irns was sure to feel them, and was often horned" and so much banged about that she wished she could grow a pair of horn or die. One day all th rest of the herd wr? driven into a corral, and Ibe poor mnley was left out in the cold, thinking that even her owner had gone back on her. What was her aurprise and joy a few min utes later to see the ethers coming out cf the corral with bloody heads and no horns. She too, one good look at the first vic tim and .then sailed in and fairly wiped the eartli with her, till she bellowed for mercy. Then another came out and was put through a similar course of sprouts, and so on with the whole lot. ana irom mat day 10 tins tne mo;ey i the l-oss ot the Hock and feeds in the choice spots and leads a gay life. The Astoria foot ball club has one hun dred members. The University of Oregon at Kugene is to have a foot ball team. J K Weather bee will be manager. Sea'.tle is positive tha' it will soon have a large car works that w ilt employ from 2000 to 3000 men. Mrs Nancy Mille.-, of Portland, has in herithd $2o,ooo from a rich San Francisco relative. . The Apollo Club will ii'cet at the residence of O C McFsrland this evening instead of March 71!) as published yes'er day. In France iu there were 741,224 children between the ages of 1 lire and aix enroled in the kindrgartens. Fred Marshall, a 11 year-old Koseburg boy, was lined $40, and given 10 days in jail besides, for beating a girl about the same age while going home from school. r B liaigbt's meat market is now lo cated opposite the 1kit chat office. It is a neat shop with all the modem rnn Yeaiences and will be kept filled with choice meats for the public. I'he igid economy of Receiver Clark 1 he expenses of ihe road this month, Htal PA"R3HIZE K9SI iKSTlTUTiOKS. T FARMERS & MERCHANTS 1HSURAHCE CU? J Ij COW AS, TTsuuirer. J O WRTtnafJajr. ttooi Goo F UafFNOl. Vie Presi lant I (VK. 4eo V ;'inp"tn J K 'AWn -t-r 1. tiid, 0 J D B M'j'i;i"i.M i r'.org. i,ur. ' 'VritHman. -also ntsraiCT aeKirrs foe- several Solid Eastern and Foreign Comparte NEW : FURNITURE, CY STORE aSKOW FUL1, OF FIRST-CLASS FURNmTRK."VONSI VTI.NfJ LV1 af said, less than the expenses for January. --Tlrrei. At Pittsburg, Penn, yes'crdav Feter McNbb, :.t one time pitcher f..r the Porilaud's bliot Iuiic Kellogg, who was in Albany Nov jS, iih the Alvln Jos in irouiie, and then shot himself. McS'abb died. The woman may live. Tl Is morning a cen'ipedc was found on the floor of 0 F Brownell's s'ore. having rtiopp-'d Irom a bunjh of banannas, w hich is probably the biggest ever seen here. It Is six inches long, Mr Br iwn'H has Ihe poisonoua rep'.lle bottled lot 1 1 s peclion. The street car expected today, failrd to put in an appearance, and it is doubt ed if it arrives in time for the foot ball game Sa'urday. The suggestion is made to the DaaatK bat that the game be play ed on the college com pus and that the admission of 2o cents be charged as in tended, the grounds being guarded by eight or ten men. J A Toskum, of Marshfir'.d, has made accurate figures on his yield of milk Irom jl cows ol Una seasoj and the Mail savs the report shows that he re alized $.14.31 from each cow. besides us ing $100 worth of butler in the family. and ?3rt worth of calves, and he has 11 hue neiter calve out 01 this vear 111 bis herd. This will show the value of blood ed stock. Ax Impohtant OixisioNJudge Hel-lingi-r in the I'nited Matot circuit court Wednesday rendered 11 deciafm in the ca-c of the Oregon Pacilic Hailtefid company against tho steamer Alice Hlandiard (o re cover sal vage The caujo was hear ! on the liliel und libels of lnterventiojl, the answers theretoand the report of bdmCatlin, referee . It was ordered anil adjudged thai the report of the referee le approved and nis fin.lings of fact adopted bj the. art, exeoptas to the value of the Alice B!ai !Mrd being $,"K.()00. The court found that th steialner was of the vaiue 01 fia.uou, and that cilic Kailroad company a son and Francis Aiidraaai sum of 9:11:1.) compeniti rendered by them . Of ibis, the Oregon Pacific, as owl Uesolute. and f'.-D each Andrea. A number of other allowed from 17o to 7 decreed that the rl timant days, pay into the re amount above mention L-gistry 1 Oregon Pa re w Carl- ad to the mr services 5 goes to Of the tin; CJarlsOii and Tenor- are each. It h within 10 court the execution candidate lei I to-day ays the o. c griuieat LaMli Fi , !xn J given for I 1 moved his bcot C'u--i k block on Trill : bed room set-. lennes, etc., which I will sOl t BOTTOM PRICES. Tbosa Rrink. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH, Proprietor, AsTai. Oi'twarp. hTerybody in Oregon is peculiarly interested in the ef- or: ol Astoria to get a-.v kind of a rail road. A big move is now on foot with aright prospects ahead. In the office of tea' secretary of state yesterday articles of incorporition were filed by the Col ombia River Railway company- The ob ject of t is corporation is to build, equip and operate a railroad, telegraph lines. ! . etc, from Atoria. by the rea. la lioble. opposite Kalama, on the Coinralaa river, thence to a point nearJ lortland. lirarch roads anU lie extended irom -.- to Tillamook Head, and an other line throngi. Ihe Nebaleui valley to the Veroonia coal fields The company is incorporated in the sum of $3,000,000, by R W Baxter. A Borie. and E S Van Kuran. of the 1 nion rac-.lic. Ihe stock is divided into 3d,600 shares at $100 each. Li'ckt EcotM:. The Guaid says: J b Long basarnred in this city a-i'.h a plant to etart a populist newspaper here. It is to be a "-column four-page weekly, named "The Broad-Ax." 0 0 LeMas ttre w ill be the editor and manager, al though Mr Long will spend a portion of his time here, i be gentlemen are both at w ork today and ex pect to have an isue out by Monday next. The regular date of publication has not yet been fixed upon Although this makes four papers for the county seat, we quote, "The more the merrier.'' At The U P Cm rck Rev Riley Lit tle preached last r.ight from l.nke 23, 30:43 He elaborated mainly the follow ing Doints: 1st the three ciosses on Cal vary. 2nd, Sin the cause punishment lor sin on the le(c accompanied with un belief, on the right punishment with le Mef. in the center, sacrafiee for the sins of the -yorld. 3rd, On w hich side are you? l-ook to the center cross anu receive life for a look at the crucified one. A short and interesting after meeting was held Come 'oniglit and hear the "Proof of the Center Cross " A Fis Map. Joseph Koch ha9 just completed his map of Lane connty and now has it ready for tho li'.ographers The map is a large one showing the t j iibhipe, sections and even the present owners ol all the different tracts of land outside the towns. It also shows the lakes, and other water-ways, the limits of the Cascade lorest reserve, and all special points of interest, such as high mountains, Borings. road", coast line, etc. Kugene liuard. Mr Koch worked in the Linn county recorders office several months a couple years ago . Mr San Cohen, of Portland ia in the city. Billy Mack has returned from a trio :o his ranch. Judge Strahan came up from Portland this noon. Mrs Frank Craw returned this noon from a trip to Kugene. SlrCurran. the versatile hat man, ia n the city, and reports an improvement of business in his line in the N. W. Hon J K Weatherford. of this ci'y, and Attorneys Garland and Stow. of Lebanon, went to Salem this noon on legal busi ness. Nick Beasen is not a corpse after ail. He Is still in the flesh, and to-ilay arrived from Spokane apparently as well kept and healthy as ever. Times Mrs Ida M Bneil and Misa Clara Kitchens lelt on the overland laat night lor San Fianciaco to purchase a large stock of millinery . Mr W F Croabv returned this noon from Yaquina Bay. accompanied by bia wife and aiater, who came up on the last steamer from San t rancisco J Ciute Wilnmrding, who died in San l rancisco recently showed Ins apprecia tion ot kindergar'en work by leaving ff ,WU to the Oolden Oate Kindergarten association. rton JI A .Miller, of l'jin m. a mem ber of the last legislature from Lino county, is in Kugene visiting relatives and fr.end-. He L of the opinion that the awMOtnti will carry that county without much trouble e acknowledge a social call. hugone ouard. A 8Urprie party was given Miss Jessie Trites hist evening at the home of her father Mr frank Tntes. A pleasant even ing was spent in lively games Those pres ent were: May Woodruff. Edith Howell. hva Koscoe. Kthel Bent lay. Anna liohnts. Nellie Ihinnals, Maud an I Kdna Myrtle Mc Bride. Jessie. Anna and Esther Trites, Hoy and Virgil Iooney. Edgar Holmes. Harry N-hiosser. Ham t raw ford ernonltamp. UbfO Iickenon. t'larvnce Bushnell. Claud Lampson. Clyde and El iuer Dannals. t'lav Into. cf Cabinet photos from $i-5oto (4.00 dozen. Snlaifing pictures a specialty. ioxio crayon; framed Sio.oo. W rarrv a large siock of 5x8 and utereacow'e. ylaws of Or- iHK LEtltlRCl rnilTVUKartieKa, - The Oregon JLand Co Wlln i's home office at js one 01 tne nrsi felt by users ofScoti b liinul! 3 of cod liver oil with llypopiio pUitcs. Goo:l ;ijtj.;i.;;;: bcgc guod health. is a (at food that own tonic. Instead of a tax u on appetite and d: s'.wn it IS wonderful lielp to Dom. Scott's EiMisir proviues Lt'MBca Bi stsasa. Bad as is the lam her business, the Niagara Mill Company is to have another competitor on the .anliani. The "fcinterpriee Saw Mill company," is the name of a new orian ization on the Breitcnbush that has jast given a San Francisco house an order for a mill that is expected to cut 75,000 ft of lumber daily. As the outfit will cost (SO.O0O or more, and in view of the pros trate condition of the Niagara'tuill, the Friendly mill and the damage that the protection calamity howling press saya the Washington 1)1' law mil' will do the business, the Santiajiers are certainly displaying grit. A man familiar with the business says that nothing but an outlet in eastern Oregon will give a profitable business to the mills already on the Mantiam. Corvallis Times. That BavaaTsOSI, Tha Corvallis Times man showed the item published in the DkmOcrit last Monday, to Mr Charles Kenyon, who said: "Yes I bellevo that these are facts." And then gave the (acts substantially as published in the Dkskm-hat. The Times calls it the (ruits of a jealous husbands imagination, and adds: Mr Ker.yon is an unassuming hard-working farmer, but the Times has reason to believe and hope that the s'.ory as told by the Drmocrat. aa far as it refers to Or Applewrite at least, is the offspring of shear imagination. True the doctor did go lo California on last Thursday for the benefit of bis health, and the unexplainable disappearance of Mrs Kenyon on the same day might nave given good cause for a husband's suspicions, but no one in Corvallis wul give credence to the report until some thing more definite is learned. In fact a letter was received from the doctor to day, telling of his whereabouts, and that he was improving in health and would likely be able to return home in the course of a few weeks. He has no bus picions of such a story being circulated and we believe will return and convince the world of hi innocence. ITntil then let us wait. It ia to be hoped this version of the affair may prove true, though matters in Albany looked just as stated by the Dxmocbat. The Democrat will oe only too glad to give the true version when learned il the one given proves untrue 11 ei si stated. Customs Inspectors An drews and Bill Chambers, who were sus pended January !oth by Collector Black, on the account of the escape of a Chinese pas senger from the icnnl. have lavn ;. stated by the department on recommenda tion of Mr Black, it having been found on investigation tliut they were not to blame for the escape of the -"hineae. It appears that one of the Chinese who was not al lowed to land induced another of the Chi nese who wanted to go away to take his place on the vessel, and he having got ashore could not be found. The DkUtOCKAT predicted at the time that an investigation would reveal the fact that at leant Mr An drew, a former Linn county man. would not be found to blame. A CHA.soEAnu: River. The common council, and the Business men's associa tion, of ( orvallis. have forwarded a pe tition to Hon J N Dolph. John H Mitchell, B.nger Hermann and W B Ellis, senators and representatives in congress, asking that tl ey ur all honorable means to sevure an appropriation fr?m com plete the work begun four years ago on the Willamette river, just above Corvallis. The petition nvites the fact that the revet ment built by the former appropriation is not of sufficient strength cr extent to con fine the river to iu channel daring high water -that great anxiety it manifested by the public lest the channel of the river should change, and thus deprive the upper Willamette valley of cheap trantporuti .m and leave the Southern Pacific without a competitor above Albany. A Eeixamt Idea. A H Jewet; as! others have organized a colony at White Salmon on the Columbia to 1 run after iMra Bellamy's famous idea, thornii n..t strictly so. some thimr baiaur cotindmd impracticable. Mr Jcwett stated to a re porter in The C alles: Oar object i. a inem one, iuv:ng tor its obiert il.-r. turns for capital invested. The only .in ference between it and other co-perative association i that in this one the s'.1.i'v- bolder will reoeive that propjrtion of the Ptoftts to which his share of stack and tiie amount of labor be Fas exxanaded entitles him. Kacb member will be a worker, and will follow that deparbnaat of lab-r to whieh he i adopted. There will be no drones in our org-aniratioo." 340 a.-re- 1 now owned by the aswriatiom. There will tie 10 families to start with, and this num ber will be increased. Bad Yocjto Mum. A Jacksonville dis patch says that Harvey Marfsf and Frank Yon mans who were held in the uretimi- narr examination for assault and robherv. committed upon George Philips at Ashland were crougtit to Jacksonville Wednesday and placrd in the county jail. The sheriff has in his possession a slang-shot, a heavy robber tnl over two feet long, and a con trivance for fastening on a rail and stop ping a train by some sort t f ex plosive belonging to Martin and You man-. Philips, upon whom the assault was made, has almost recovered. Me is held as a witness to appear aga:n-t them at the r.r-i; trial. Port list Pkijiakies. The primary meetings of the populists to elect iVegate to the county convention wa held this afternoon. The four precincts of West Al bany. Altany. Ea't A I ben and PrioB ill met in one body to elect deiesa'et. Only twenty voters, ail told participated. The following delegates were elected: Albany Frank Poweil and I Pickle. We,t Almnv-J L Hill an J 0 L Keee. Price J B TiHoUrm. John Frv. J ra Thrs Frotnan ard A t Marshal i. Xo one being present to represent Al bany precinct no delegates were elected. The foot Batt cave to-morrow promises to draw a pretty good crowd, though having an opinion the Man about Town has divide 1 not to prophe.-y the re sult. He failed in the CcrnUlis -Portland game, as might in this. It may be said that the game promises not to l a- , .re sided and some imagine: in fart itwtil be a hot contest and the eleven that wins wid have to rustle. tne new cr. a sized passer.grr coach, arrived froTi Portland, and wil! b; ready for the foot hali game to-morrow. It con'a'ns eigb'een scat-, and i! it tifr say wi'-l la!d one hundred jeop e if necessary. J B Wirt, cf Waterloo li 1 for school tuperintendeni . A mixture ot hall and snow but only a few minutes. A barrel 01 app'e 11 worth more than a barrel of flour in Missouri Jefferi)n will collect s cl'.v tax this ycai "f 95S6 65 and 8'ayion ol $423. I lie rvgular monthly meeting of the H r 1. o wll. Ijy neiu lo t m no 2't Hall. 4LI. 1 1 n-e p was wraring apparel, f jme one stole two coa fr -m Kev Loogbot o.n a few days ago. TheAstorii Budui ata'e superintendent Is I in the box. Mr J VV Bmtlcy ha and shoe Lor 10 ihe UroaJa!oin t'reet A new secrrt organlxi'i m b llu of Ilea lb r. The firs-, lottoe was Ize.l last loltt in C af jr.isi i'.le. Inrt Cot, Will VUcher will not Icclure in A lunv u-morrow nt, bt as advrrUd. Hit trip b re loried so bea finincial fail.ire The Col, to Lnbanon this noon. lot, kr.ox Uutio Ccmelerv asoelaiion. my, yesterday file,! anioles !th the ccrciary 01 ta a. I he object it to lay out, sell lots, and tstabibh a place t bury the dead. 1 A firmer brouiht a load of wco llo Aldany across the kfWaja to die, on a tied The boraes liad all they could do to pal! the loal. I; wa a tough looking lht to people appreciating horse flesh. Three me., and two women from Alb any a-e reported to have broken into ihi Q range Halt across the river lat night, alter tirt attempting io get in'O the school hon.e. It ii reported warrants will be Is sued fr their arrest. A Sn Francisco dispatch sait tnat I Is ttated that T Eger.on Hogg.' formerly receiver of the Oregon Pacilic, it in the city with a iew of obtaining control of Ihe road and its Sfamihip onnectioit, The rarr.t old t;or . Lionel -Stagge wiil not down. He hat bctn given the poi:lon ot businctt man ager of the Telegram, the paper that re renltv cxpoteJ his o-tl life in coc. ntction , wl-hbis ressisorablp of the Oregon aank. This U a very funny world inled A foot ball window at the L K Blaln Clothing Cu's f.ore hat been attracting general attention. It is very realistic, in eluding even the rrutcKet and rr.edicin'-s for the victims after the contest, which comet off at the ball groucdt to morrow arternoon at ;:to ociock. The Brown automaik: car coupler that was tested in this city a few data SiO was lett attached 10 the 'cart, heavily load ed aiih flour shipped to Portland. In switching the cars were considerably jammed bl the couplers were not injured In the Icat. and worked to the as. the satisfaction of the trainmen Salem independent The kindergarten chid sees more and lives than is pot;b! to children wrhon: kindergarten training. Esery object abrsat hl-n U endowed with life ar.'d BCCmslot a legWa-afSl sIace In the order oftbtnga. The i ear from fourtoseren a-e the most active of a chllds life, when he is most imrreslo.vab'.e, and s'vou'd be ucd for the purpose ot etaVithi- the crSd nabitt men'aMy, morallv and ph aically. ' Mr A J Johnson, of Scio. u in the city today. George Btngbaci. cf Salem, wer.t to Ccrvalbt this noon. O P Coshoa of Brownsville, wa in the city to day on hit way home from Salem. Mrs Waiter Turreil. of Tacoma, formerly of Aibanr. reomtiy reported danger onsry ill in San Francisco, it now out of .bnger. an is rapidly recovering. Mr and Mrs Turreil will probably locate in San Frawuco. Judge J C FmSerton went to Corvallis r. --r.. : . i.iy f r the p. u;t.. which had not been d-ne at prvst time. Ju.ip- riAtierren naa just retarcest Irom a trip to the midwinter f iir. Attorneys Fitcn and sTlliwihrn. of Al- batix, came oier this foretyx. by private . ";.x. t. ?M.-r. : t nature of which w returned home this afternoon. Corvallis News. SATTJEDAT only ic. The Linn County populist couyen'ion will be held rsfl Kitday, March !). The Oregon Paclfk yesterday afternoon was ordered i-ol.l on Kridav, June 1, the sale 10 take place and be confirmed what ever the ma. Roscburt-'t tax levy it 5 imll.s Dra'n's vwamano, 3 Ihi to'al county and state tax o Douglas connty Is 2o miila. ....... . , .. . 1 . , r 'J ...v.i. uw umh n i-inn counly I he Armour Institute, of Chicago, of which Dr U4 It president, !ti- ciuues lti Its course of insarection a large ..u.o.a. . iwwm lor aic.uergar en tcacl ers come in the musical at ihe old L' P church loright by Miss Warners pupils for t..e be:-efi- ol (he kindergarten. The cnnuren will a'.s giye tome of their drills. ine it.-.-i . : low enough Come, and bring your friend;. Lnclc Billy Wriaht and son wll! be in Albany rtxt Monday with hit pail of liorsj ra.ibh. Our ch'tens a'.rraA u 1 w"' flue horse radish Cnr'e Billy dishes out. anu wll! b at the front door to ml him. Old As'oiia fi-hermcn are nrorhervlm that between A;in tOth r.nd Mav joth there will be a great iuii of salm. n, the tarr.cin as 1SS0 and l!so. They base their iheoty upon the fact that fanr tnr. elapted between Ihcie runt and at the fourth ,ear hat again lolled around, thev are sanguine that such wiil come 10 pest Mr an H'.rn. recently a brslemin nn the Oregon Pacirc.who was injured a few months ago by an accidect near Toledo, has been appointed conductor cat the new street car train. The car tow gors to all tralnt, the St C'harlet and Revere busses nave teen tak-n ctT, and It it the Rutt house bust will foLow As a result of the F!ugene trairedv. oc curring Thursday evening Mrs Emma Orborn it dead. Mr David oVman and daughter liif BeV.e are ir.jured but not dangtrouslv, and Grant Most, Ihe mur derer is dead. The catt is an infortunute one. Moss had been treated kindle account of sore eyes He mistook M for itlectioti. and whin requested not to call any more reto'ved on revenge. J A Jenr.ngs, police iudee ar.d a r.rom- inent citiz-r. of tirar.fs Pas was out bird at. ootin Tuesday He had been retting and with his left hard o-. the amantafstan his eun as a tutsnort attmt.t n Untatlf. I he gun slipped and the ham mer ttrising otscharge, the conten-s ir.lo Ine phit ciant have at ihe wrtst. P'o'uble Jennings' kft hand arr. otted to C r- IETlSOK A.L 10 WriUman and family vaJiis this noon. Mr AI Beeaidce ha accepted a position as news agent on the Northern Pacific. Rev C C Sperry ar-i family will return to Brownsville to reside. They hare been making Eugene their home several months. lira G V Rat-ell came down from Halsey this acton, ar.d vi.sted ler hu-hacd at the cuntv jail this afternoon. The Higlan.i club last evening met with Mu Birde Ansiyn and spent a pleasant evening. W List was played f :- several hours. We notice thai Ralph Kcapp is going to pJar in the foot lull gasxie at Albany Sat orilay. He i a hard kicker and we pre dict that if he punts the hogskin it trill goal or bust. Brownsvii Times. A R Chapman, oar genial station agent, has been transferred to Corvallis and Ifft for that pWe todav. J S Gaither will charge of the station hare Lino;,Sn Coun ty Loader. Leo G?rhard spent several lays in Al bany las; week, adjasting mifers pertain ing to the estate of his uncie. of wauh he Mr. Gerhard went s iwtjniasa t.y private the names ment;--nei sheriff to legal business., the pubis. an ticket is J A McFero did not learn They ; ehief of police of Albany. Abe is the administrator. home on Monday. The Brownsville Times rays that among the names mentioned for sheriff on the re- eron. recently nouceot .Albany. Also that H a .. m nan. now ot mat city, is ruenVicrscJ lor school superinteadent. Walla Walla Salvation Army circles are I PJ MiPherssit! anl vj. 1 f Kageoe.Ijjne consiilerably pertQrted by the marriage of ' county, are visiting their niece Mrs S M lieutenant Millie .'ack-.n to K P Worm-j Daniel. o( tois city this wee v. Mr Mc wood. a lanndrymao there. Mil ie has j fberson is Lane's assessor, and states that struck her colors and will assist in running i -rk cn the tears assessment will not be ASSsTI. Gates, Ore, Mar. 2, 'W. EHtue t'nignt in the Band boys hall. Everybody cordially invited. Mrs Taylor Foster is again down with heart trouble. At last accotints she was resting easy. Mrs T Henness has for the laat week been very ill, the cause being a fall which she eceived lat summer Nat Roman, of Detroit, was in town yes terday looking for vacancies on the election i"ari. The Isisket social given by the ladies En deavor society was a decided success. Al though the people had but four days notice, they came in such numbers that the hall was crowded. Keciptai.00. There will be services held in the Sunday Heiiooi nuii'iing next Innrsoay evening. Eight ministers from Albany will be here. A good many of the citizens of this place are going to Mill City on Monday evening to uttenu the organization ot a republican club. Next Saturday will be held the meeting Jrjll. in nomination the precinct officers and election of delegates to the connty conven tion. C A Hetter lost one of his fine hones by staggers last ween. Mr If. seems to be in hard lock this winter, his horses all being sick at once. C W Read made a bnsinasa trip to Al bany on Wednesday. Talk about hard times. Gates has not had a business failure these last two years. rates baa the only saw mill on the river that is running. Altogether we are con tented for the present. A correspondent signing himself "W" in tub paper says silver should be made a legal tender for all debts no to 125. If silver is money for f25 debt it is mosey for any amount. That exceDtion clause was what ktlled most of our greenbacks in the ltOO's. The same person savs democrats "have repealed the ini'iaitoas Sherman Act." He is mistaken. The republicans voted al most solidly for that re Deal, and althoarzh a democratic bill, the democrats ft rnishi rotes against it than for it He should study fin-vnee and history more before fce writes another article. "As oM a. tbchilla"aud never exceii L "Trie.! ami proven" i-s the verdict o f million?.. S i m m o n s Liver Regu . t later ia the an 0 rtie.;;";!ae which can r.i; faith care mild purely ettttte, Sold hy to y o a 1 your for a . A veg-act- direct'iT ca the Liver n d Kid- ft, TrviL all -1 n Liqtud. or in PowJe.- i taken dry or made into,", tess. Tfce Klox ot User ZUrJL-nea. Sfi6: r ' ""i-w! any it is Ms a ,n (,f a.1 .... : . ... a acii.--me rli&n 'n ;t;r. W. J,. Xaecma. Vi aahlrvton. mm C Ktarap la re-3 Trapfr,. J F. FORD, Mm, Of Lsra Mnes. Iowa vntM ns.rVii. l IMarch 23. 1893: ' 1 1 Aa Em Presebvek. The Janetion City Times savs that D Simmons, of thai city has dissevered a process for preserving eggs and all that is necessary to bring the matter into prominence is capital. Eggs can be preserved at an expense of one rent ? ear. We saw one broke open the other day teat nad been exposed to light and sun shine in a window for twenty-three dam anu 11 was as rresn ana sound as the day it was iaia. tmte a number ot ladies in tius city wiil attest to the merits of his discovery. 1 akE Notice. Tomorrow the T M C A will hold one of the most interesting services it ever navl. ine subject wiil be "A Lesson for Times of Distress." It is especially aypropriate at this time. If von . ve g'al n.--ic. corf? and hear it. The orchestra will be present and conduct the song service. A special effort is being made to make this service attractive. Every man is cordially invited. Communion service with offering for the work of the American Missionary Association at tae Congregational church "' : Service ax 10. S) and X. the laundrr. Vrs F. M Wilson, of The Dalle. wHI de liver her lecture Friday night, on the Early Hi: rv of Kdocation in Oregvn. in Eu gene. Friday vecing. ktarch 2nd Mrs Wiluw is oim c'f the pioneer of Oregon. .1 te- and was days. La it tN. tv in early -W J tuv lias sv'.J his inter- S A.T ."!TVr- - - - 03R3i;CJ-0. T .i.e Gray UlocL, comer Llbeny lUate ttieet, hranc effice -n .VorUai-. -jwr- UA K K8 a specialty of HunnysideYruit tracte rear Satern, - Will soil 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 per cre small cash payment long timo on balance or particulars. Scoffs Emulsion ar rests Ihs progress oj Consumption, J ''or chitis. Scrofula, ana other wasting diseases try raising a barrier of healthy Hcsh, strength ami nerve. h hctl Kmrn: . N V .I. A TnaiaT. Charles King, a tram with a bad eye and a dangerous looking long knife, was arrested at the depot last nignt lor vagrancy, and taken to the ral aboose by Chief of Police bee and Po liceman Met 'lain, after a hard etrtiggl by the fellow. He was bentenced to four days hard work on the streets, and made Inn appearance on the streets th afternoon. .in ,f . j ) . ; ; i i PER vVWKIC Pi iMfacril " furnish a hors aud travel through tho coun try team, though, ia not necessary. A few vacancies in tewnssnd dues. Spars honrs may he used to good advsntage. B F Joapsoa 4 Co. Uth and Main Sts, Bicbmoud, Va. est in "The M on gram" salo.n to his part ner. Mai er. Mr Guy is thinking of taking his family to Arizona, fcr tlie Wn efit of his wife's health. L Maxwell, a well-known old gentleman living ltwe-n here and S, i. recently had ene 1 1. , ve. put out by coming in eon kaet w ith a limb out in the woods. S W Marks of Portland, a brother of J M Mtrk.fc-cidcntaliy shot himself recent! whle taking a gan out of a wa.n. the kill entering one of his thighs. At the r.iteting of the city council Friday night the o'dinanee making $10 the low-e-t Bne, was .iissel. and an ervlinnoe re commenced tail about April 1- Sic- Press. MrtiC Applegate. of Klamath DOntstT, m tt.e ::v ;.i.,v. Jir A:.t-,e--ra!e was one of the first native born residents of ch-egwn. having first seen a Webfiot day m 1H., two years after bis parents came to the state Mr Appltgate was at one time editor of the Ashland is a brother of the famous Lish Apple -gate. SI ' SS - t, . . aiies atay t iuer. ot laeoma. nas recent ly succeeded in climbing Mount Ranier. Washington, a feat which no woman had Wore attempted, and in which few men iuiu ever sucveeo'!. i i-.t.-.:n 14. 11 feet high, ami th upper part is well ajisana witn g:aciers. ine ,uu rett were done or. horseUick. b :t the rest of the dis tance had to le ace siiiasaliial oa bsM. and Miss ruder and the four r.ien who accom panied her suffertsl ss-verely fr.nn tho posure. The Dcmockat makes a practic of keep ing its readers i-tei on whatever is boiast urti ot A.tany icmm'. a a m.itterot news. TnnEE Auturr B.)ts yes tenia v after noon went to the I'. P. wharf and tapped a eg of rer being shipped by the Albany Brewing Company. The froth was very promiscuous for some time until the boys filled, t here is talk of arrests beitg made, but it is possible the matter may be settled. Some one suggests to the Demo crat that the city get a pile of rocks and put the toys and other transgressors to work on it. " The idea has been carried out sTKcessfully in other places, ?nd may be resorted to here if there are ntany more complaints. The I". P. Meettxos. There was a Urge audience oat to hear Rev Littie preach upon "The Conversion of Zacheas ' He . . '. . ... A - -. , . 1 1 told about tne savior stutea to eers uu . how curiosity led Zacheas to this Savior, how Zai heus rjersevered to see Christ, hat . - -.w . r.r-t. t.--st r.c-ti :r.g s- r, u-re people out of heaven than pnde. and thatCLrist is wil ing to save every body: we must give him heart belief and keep him with us always: good companions are nec essary to keep spirital life. No service to night, but come to tne service tomorro" and receive a blessing. S. B Mc Mrs Co.. Outer, Greoc. I fear d all Oar liuia On arriviDg b-.ra laat week, well and anxiously a -r siting. girl, cztt and oce-half years old, who had. wa ted away to SS poncda, ia now well, stzocg and ngcrca, and well Seabed op. 3. B. Coogh Core has diss its work weii. Both of the children like it. Yoar S B. Cocgh Care baa cored and kept away a'd tuaarteneaw from me. So give it to every one, with Froceeii y. gre-tisgs we are tor all. Wishing ycc Ma A Mas F Fobs. If too srjh u tsei Lie lor ta Sprue's work, data toot sjsrra w--i :h . dassafa:, s j isjasag two taseatach -set. T ecsita pr ttU. b aC asanajsaj So l wutsr owtnW rcaranite by JI ACCMMING. aT tain i as- tan w jsjuju One cent a cose. Tarn Gaxax Cor inTrsa pecirpUy cures trhere all ottess fail, Cccc-s. Crc-;p. Sore Throat, HcarMeaa. whoopisg Ccurh and Asthma, tor Cccsum-t:oa it has no rlva.; has cured ihoosasda. ex.d will CTrtat I. n if taken in time. S.. fcy Irccs3 c-n a guar antee. Tee a Lirr e 1 a. - cr Ch. osa &HILCH S BELLADONNA FLASTSK-Sjc. CATARRH REMEDY. sree vnu OsXarrfi :- tisstcwtwii- teedtocuzerou. Price. Seta. Iajeettj ties. OHILOHS Cheap Tklepiiomcs. Albany is to have some cheap but first class telephone Arrangement have been begun for the establishment in Albaty of a system with the Magneto htlephones. The central office will bo ut tho store of Hodges & Mc Farland, and these gentlemen will have charge of the system here. The price will lie only t2 a month, a great contrast to the usual price of $5. The principal houses -r u EaJ :)i ) a. if ui uiu sj win ue on ine una. I Shiloh s itshaer ts what you need for dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or kid ney trouble. It ia guaranteed to'give you satisfaction. Price 75. Hjldby Foshay & Mason. Kyanoki.istk- MEETtxn. The scnno.i the L" P church last night covere i the ollowing toints: iho text ling "The Resurrection." Christ's death, burial, pre caution of his enemies, the emptv tomb. Was the body stolen or did he rise from Ihe lead His appearances. The insurrection the foundation of the church, proof of the lvinitv of Christ and of his ability to save all who lielieve anil trust in him. Come to night and hear a good sermon. Bring some one with vou. Bible readings at : 'clock cverv dav. Potters Clay. H R Myers, residing about a mile from Stayton has struck a mine of potters clay. A Salem iiaisr gives an account of it a triple head and says "the like ot winch has not len seen in the we-t. year or two ago a big bed of it was found in Benton county letween Albany and Cor vallis, and at another time a mine of it near I-cbanon. and while it caused some talk at the time, nothing over came of the di covery. Of PrniTAX II1.00I). Th ins of Mrs S W Hogne were brought from Cor vallis this noon and intern-1, in the Ma sonic eemetarv. Ihe deceased was years of age. Mrs Hogue was the widow of the lute Key J M Hogue, and was bom in Massachusetts, the descendant of an old Puritau family by name Crosby. The aged lady had liecn gradually failing in health for some time, but liu.l not been sick, ami passed away while asleep. Expensive Eeaaasnr. Some people begrudge the little money that an Allcork's Porous Plaster cost:, aed then when thev sre racked with pain fiom the soreness arising irom a cold, they will spend any amount cf money to relieve the pain. If they only had one of these w rid renowned nlasters on hand they would be saved a vast amount of suffering nod be considerably richer. At the rlrsi sign of stiffness of the jolntt applv one af these plasters without any delay. The soreness will be greatly relieved at once and soon disappear entirely. It will Le money saved to have them on hand, to sa noth ing of the comfurt they bring. Brandretb's Pill contain r.o irritating matter. diicing t;e liouor vnse P. ?-i"cl passed to ihe IMhias. of Portland." of a late date the third leaning, four cour.cilnien voting , contains the following: A large number of in EaYOI of the reduction and two against it At a meeting of the board of trustees of Mineral Springs Setui' arv. held in AHiany last Friday. Prof L lUrzoe was elected president of the seminary for the next school vear. Prof Barzee has not yet de cided whether or not he will accept the position. He visited SouaVUsB last rn.lay aud addressed the citizens on school mat ters, and we understand that he received a good deal of encouragement to again take ihargeof the school. Adfaooa and Ex-pre-.-. our exchanges mention Grand Vice Chan cellor J L Hill, of Albany, for governor of Oregon. No name yet n:entioned pleases ns so well as does tut of Dr Hill. Vi hile Pythias is not a political organ, it believes it the duty of the press of the world to speak a good word for every good man. re gardless of polities, race or reliirion. Dr Uill Ls u good citizen, an aWs man and a A Good Illcstratios . We have good illustration of the working of oar as sessment and taxation laws under the new rale right here at home- A ciuien ot r.u gene Uvrrowed $350 on same property he has in his name. The man froi whom he borrowed it made him contra, to pay the taxes as well as the interest- He now has to pay $8 03 on his property and $S 05 on his borrowed money, or double taxation, while the money lender is relieved. It is relieving the money lenders of taxation and doubling the taxation of the poor man who i ettmtssiled aa 1mtow monev. There tnll be a general demand for tne repeal of the laws passed by the last legislature in this respect when the new legislature convenes, and the man who is opposed to this repeal will stand no show at Use po:is next Jane. Eugene Kegister. Shiloh's Care, tne grett cough sod cn op n il is f or sale ty o. t'ecket sis coota;n-vsaty-SrsdM s, ly tie. Childtwo lave it Oihty it Ma ,x. JUICfiB nc MEM l luvis " ;?ibii true American. Uvn mentii ed Xo liotter name his vet 106 atonal, fjioo. Tk. .-t:5rr f t'c' ' !-a;er U- -iterl to karo tt..i mere it lea. I r - :rrtiUsi sktat aclaaiin Uat been ansa lw Kirs i all 1st stagv.1 and tnat i falartii. Kail's C atarrh Curw is toe p llao ewza atw in. on ts then slliml fratarnttr' Catarrh bcjnif con stitutional itiscwe. ieia:ies a eousouitional trea1 stent, ilfll":. iaurr'.i Cat t. taken talcr aatlv, aetinx du t.-.e h'e.nt and rau cous turfac-. s of .' -vs: m. thc-rcoy destrcjia she fuuB.'.aiie" ot lbs dittasSe, aad aitnt Jao iwtient streneth by bulidlcfran t be oonstitoUoa and assisting nature In J.cni its work. Tlie prt,nretrr have so rntirl" t-1vis in lis cntaiixe aw wen, Uiat taey otter Ont Hundred Pollys lor nnv cue that it lal.s Id cure. Send for list ot lest in-.onials. ..ldrwss. F. J. CHKXEY 4 CO., Toloao. 0. tjrljold by Datwanssaa, row. To atrow o'.d gracefully, one must live temperately, celmlv. tnethodlczllv : be lntetested In all that Is going on In the world; be chcciful. happy and contented ar.d above all, keep the blood pure and vlgnous by the me of Ayer's Sarsaparllla. Be sure you get Aver a. "Now Is the winter of out discontent made glorious summer', bv Avrc's Sarsa- paillla. This wonderful medicine so In vigora'.es the system and enriches the blood that cold weather becomes positively enjoyable. Arctic evplarers would,fdo well to make a note of this.. "Or rwrrertiaas Albany, Or., March 3rd. 14. Mr IVmocraL 1 see a few mistake in my reply to i.!e Awake, of last week s issue, that should be iv.rrected. F'irst there should have ben a comma, or stop, at the lose "of the Son of Man U." and instead of a comma at the word "dispensation." it hould bt at "no doubt," next is the letter "a" it should have Uvn left out of the phrase "that look like sheep." net "Throw them out will you f" is u question nsktsl. instead of closing with a period; next lodge Bronaugb. of Portland, his name was not spelt correctly. There were a few more minor mistakes but will HKM this HM at pnwnt. Yours Tnily. iTliank Youl At. IN J. C VUOTIIK.RS. Eij !?. Jcies"?. ; . - Bestcrtd. WEAKNES". NERVCU: : SS. MtMUTY, amv! ?k ' IU - .r r C fVVfc:r' rwsif ftAumMk, lcr e 5 , v.r- .c rsiit-srv. itf?l- :-tit?ft! sr. . i s t.iti, of tbsf IsfwSr. srrr-p'. at:rrTIsxTti- . Is T-re latlrrrv fw-ft. ftJlxsWtmi1 rWerTao-- I oi:. aTplimatsttt aaict fr.; EME ISECiCAL C2 o. McFarland DEALER IS -: Harness - and - Saddlery Display J in the Dooi Much Made. Monny stringency is not tho only cause of hard 'imes, and it takes very little money to make a good deal of happiness, as the following shows: Mr R B hvlo. Tower Hill, Appomattox Count v. Va, writes that he was afflicted with rheu matism for several years, and physicians gave him no relief. Finally he was rub bed all over with St Jacobs Oil and it cured, During his illness he had spasms and was not expected to live. This points a way to many who think times hard, but who can find an easy way out of their troubles. Dr. Price's Cream Baking owder World's Fair Hlghewt Medal and Diploma. Kd Yenney, Brockyille, Ontario, Canada says: 'I have used Brandretb's Pills for the past fifteen years, and think them the best cathartic and anti-bldlous remedy known. rot some five years l sutlereo with an eruption of the Skin that gave me great pain and annoyance. I tried different blood remedies, but, although gaining strength the Itching wss unrelieved, I finally concluded to take a thoiough course of Brandeth's Pills. I took six each night for nights, then five, four, three, two, les toning each time by one, and then for one month took one every night, with the happy result that now my skin Is perfect ly clear and has been so ever since." A bill thai abolishes the postal notes now lo use has passed both hmscs of con gress. Instead of the postal note the new bill creates a money order sjsiem bv which orders can be secured at rales as low as thot- now chirged by express com pan'es. Forordeisncu exceeding $i.;o the charge h, three cents, and the fee In crease until it it t'drty cents for sums verf75 and under $100. July 1st neat is fixed as the ila;e for the new law to take effect. Headed by a band the two foot ball teams, in uniforms, paraded First street Unlay and then took the street car for the bill ground, where they were in the midst of the long talked 3 foot ball game at press time. W 11 liloss, of the O A C, was in the city to umpire the game. An exciting game of basket bah was played last event rg in the gymnasium. Tonight the two clubs will contest for the mastery. Summer weakness, that tired feeling loss of appetite and nervous prostration ate driven away bv Hood's Sarsaparllla, like mist before the morning sun. To realize the benefit ot this medicine, give it a trial. Sure, efficient, easy Hood's Pills. Dr. Price's Cream'tlaking Powder A Pure drape Cream ot Tartar Powder. "When I was a Boy,1 Writes Postmaster J. C. Woodson, Forest Hill. W. Va., "1 had a bron chial trouble of such a persistent and stubborn character, that the doctor pronounced it incurable w ith ordinary medicines, and advised me to try Ayex's Cherry Pectoral. 1 did so, and one bottle cured me. For the last fifteen years, I have used this preparation with good fleet whenever I take A Bad Cold, and I know of numbers of people w ho keep it in the house all the time, not considering it safe to be with out it." "I have been using Avert Cherry Pectoral in my family for 30 years, with the most satisfactory results, and can fheerfully recommend it as being espe ially adapted to all pulmonary com plaints. I have, for many years, made pulmonary and other medicines a special study, and I have come to the conclusion that Ayert Cherry Pectoral occupies a position pre-eminent over other medi etaas of the class." Chas. Davenport, Dover, K. J. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aycr ft CO., Lowall, Maes. Prompt to act, sure to cure FOSHAY & MACON ten s'.a ass S til rrugaStsSand Booksellers ' ret ts for John B. Alder's puoll'i ' looe :t!eh we well at pcbUaherNi Trkww u sjhtJsnasMssf Lit.. s Y. KK- Severe house kLBANY AS. PFKIFFtK rHOPWim RedCrowiiMills JOHN ISOM, PROPRIETOR. ss aw rnocsss ixoca soriaioa roa AMD BAKERS S. KEST STORAGE AH 1,1 TIPS Dr H E Beers. Dr O K Bee Physicians and & iirgeons Special attention given to diseases of women. Hours 10 to U A M, a to 4 and 7 to S"P M. Offices and rewldence Blum berg Building, First Street, between Lyon and Elswcrth.