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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1894)
FLiMSi OBJKITIONS Wheutvci ll. c opponent!, of an incuine tax Imgin to formulate objections to It, in gtevl of repeating foolish parrot cries, the weakness of tlit ir case is quickly apparont. Mr Croktr suy it would '"have a tenJ t tj io ' ive rtoh men from the city.' Hut v; e a old they n-i to escape it? Dues il ,. Iiusj not srMD the f .ct that It i to be i national tax? Phe democrat! of the Cotton Exchange siy that it is ''iuciuisitorial in Its oharac ter, an. I ,!icn it "can be juslthtd by no less a necessity than war requirements. " Is it moi d inquisitorial than the tariff law. under which trunks, handbags anil persons are searched, or th n the internal-revenue law, which takes possession of a distiller's property and holds It under lock and key until the taxes are paid? As for the "war requirements." does not the pension bil of J160.000.000 a yesr, more than f 100, 000,000 of which i' the growth of the last fourteen years of peace, justify war tax? Must all the war and pce requirement! be met by taxes on the necessaries of the people? Others object that the democratic party "was not cbarjed with the duty of pass ing an income tax law," and never declar ed in favor of it. But it was charged with the duty of reducing taxes on the consumption of the peonle and of meeting the expenses of the gove'niuent. It can not do this without imposing; new taxes. A new emergency has arisen. A deficiency has occurred under the McKinley law. Shall it be met by new taxea or higher taxes on the necessaries of life, or on the luxuries, the vices and indulgences of the people? The democrats in congress choose latter alternative. And if that is democratic, nothing is democratic. the not A DtKKKOITKD MCWm ti In proposing the repeal of the reciprocity clause of tne McKinley act the Way and Meana Committee and their Democratic associates have takea the first step towards the abolition ot a prepostsrom humbug, The reciprocity clauss is practically repealed by 'he placing cf lea, sugar, hides and coffee on tne free list, bui Is the duty of the Democrats In Congress to set the seal of their disapproval on the wretched pretense of fair and -t increased commerce embodied in the dishonest and u i-American recipro city policy of the Harrison Administration. No word should remiiu on the statute book to remind the country of the day when Congress turned over to the President any part of its power to leg.s'ate. That Is wha 'he r;cij. rocity elaue does. Il transfer a rower to the Executive wrich the Contitut ion coife'r-.d upon Congress, nd therefore ii is cj; trery la the fuaJimccial law of the land Mrc; the rig , cles iae taxed. ver, i; gave tJ foreign government : to riec'are when an.! on whit arti- !eople of this country , i l.ic- ric-it Io levy Taxe; a. neitiins I tooir on ci'iiinsSi,!. It is the right for which our foiefather fought, ar.d it ha neer been surrendered except to toe reclp. ro;i'y d uise of the McKinley act. F:i.a:i', th riciproci'.j clause war never intend! t : ircr?ae commeiciorto promote rare relation between lhi coun'iv and lo.ei-'. eoentrie. It wis a hambutfging devlc ot Mr Blaine to save his party from :.c rising bee 'jr.oopular iniijnition atit high pro e.-.!irt tariff. The discredited hamubujr should go. Free caal wii benefit two impor'ant lec tions of ihe country and wiil Injure no one Among the strongest an. a:ost earnest ad vocates of free coal are Mr Wilson and M Rxner, who represent coal-produclion dis trict!. Tney contend that '.heir constitu ents whoosr. and woik in coal mines can not be injured by the abolition of the duty cn coal. Amirican mines ;rd-:e coil that is certainly as goo, a Nova Sco'ia coal, while i tbe cost uf production is go cheap that more coal i imported into Canada from the State than lo Nova Scotia. Weil Virginia coal cotnpites with Canadian snd provincial coal in the Dominion, no-withstanding th e tariff tax. O-te cf the most Seiutiful and true stories we have seen ii that of little girl in RochejU-r' Ne York' who last snmmer rebuke- a coal driver fur ill treating h's horse. The animal backed tne wvgon viol ently againat the curb and the horse owner be', the ho se unreasonably. A llit'e girl taw th'- petf 'rtuance, and vith a child's quick pit) f -1 1 thai something must be done hut s e as so little and he so b'gthat at first 'ue iii.! not k 10 whit to do Writing on pitcv if paper the worjs. '-It i good to be kin 1 to animals that cannot apeak," she wen: arte tie garien, plucked a handful of BOwm an i hen aciuurely walked tp to the man. As she threw the flowers wiih writine attached at hi feet she ran away. He, toocberl st J amused, picked up the Row. is, read the message, tnJ for th'. afternoon at 'east, ' ieste I hi horse kinaly. II tbe Ke,'UO''ei.n w'i are s loud in de nojnciiig iteincrme '.sx as a war tax Id lime cf peace will tell whether the couotry.ii no peace Lis whso il is spending a hundred ar.d sixty millions for pensinnr, 'hey wil obliges good may eple who Bre anviou to lea.-n. JLV4.VJ fir aJ ST.. aT- e .T -a. a. - , a J" ill '.j metltod and NCTtlta chci pyi ;. if 1' "i'n j . taken; it is pleniaui anti refreshing t the tale, ond act ; - .: ft t '.ifjifij-tlj on the Kirincya r.i"i-.' i nd Bowels, clea"scij the STS : Aiin iy, dinpcla colds, bead- ut .1 fovttra end cures habitunt tion. Brrnp of Firs is tbe I rcineuy tI lis KIIIU ever BBB i, pleoaiag to Uie tunto and ne- tlie rst'irriiich, prompt in he action and truly beneficial in its eflects, firoparcd only frntn the most hetltbj and agreeable subftaccs, its Btsny cx.-ellent qualities commend it to :t)l end have niadi it tbe wont ftihic remedy known. 1-vriiji of Figs is for sal is. t0c nd 81 bottles by all lead'r.g drug gists, my reliable druggist irbo may not have it on band will pre cure it piomptly for any one who wishes to try it- Do not accept any substitute. CMIFCRNIA FIR SYRUP CO SAN FXA.lOmCO. CAL. LiJUISVIlL-. Kt. Al v rar i.f. ' IM I" ewa PI.F.ASR BstiUM 85. This office is in receipt of a circular from Keasby & Mutiison, of Amb'er, Penn sylvania, saying that- "some "ays ago 'he Philadelphia Record had published n ar ticle stating that said firm "had demanded the resignation of all democrats in their employ," and that "all democrats had to walk the plank " This firm says these statements were inade "to prejudice people's minds against the principles of protection.'' This is an o'd. old protec tion scheme having for its purpose the creation in the minds of democrats a sym pathy for the scheme of protection. This finn asks us to publish Its den'al and to take notice of the case of Keasby & Mat- tison Co as an outrage on the use of the liberty of the press. The design In this is to create prejudice against democratic pa pers. If the Philadelphia Record and Times published these statements the mere denial of the firm is not enough to over come them. We are too conversant with . , A k . A I ..AHAhAO uie means useu oy proietieu "'"""H""" ! to sustain their cinch upon the masses ot the people to be led astray by tbem. We frankly admit that giving such statements publicity, when false, is wroag out this wrong bears no comparison to mc , wrong wnicn tins nrm aius in ( upon the great masses of the people-we , ... - .a ,i e a t t mean the wroncr. the crime, of enforcing a Bnf.r. aI , 1 1, i ,-Minlrv I .joivui w irnuauvi. U1 ' i , , , , . i-Cf iu whereby the many are taxed to oenent me few. But like nearly every one who at- tempt to support this crime against the masses, this firm must needs resort to de ception to secure from us a publication of its circular. It says: "We ask you, ihere- . . . .... . . , , i , i - ''Staats Zeitimg" who made a frank and handsome apology for the error." Put neither of these two papers is democratic. The Inter Ocean is one of the most intense ly bitter republican and protection papers in tbe land. The Zeitimg is an Indepen dent paper with republican tendencies. Excuse us, Messrs Keasby A: Mattison Co, we are not engaged in promoting- protection ouiwiuiin nm luose uo B.ia. . very citadel to rate it to the ground. TIiTAZTKBSATtVE. Sh.U Urge income be t.xed.or shall sugar b.s relaxed to meet the deficiency in the rev- enne? A tax ol one cent, pound on raw sugar would yield, on the basis of last year's 1m- porUtions. $37,000,000. This is a little more than the commit'ee estimate will be nwuli iaa.1 K.. It. nmiuuAiil .v in iiAll wid tlal ' r'""-'u - and corporate incomes. I A duty oc sugar is a proper revence tax I It goes straight to the Treasury. It wruld , nerer have been repealed bv the Republi cans except for their deatta to prevent re duction In other :ched ules In which as a party the were far more deeply inteiesten1. Bat when the present alternative i, a strongly put by Mr McMUlin in the House ' 'whether itjis betiei to tax sugar, of hic!i i asssskaieass oiee irxat aVwTei.f K .Bide ,i.t in'lt tore, to give una s-o-y ran ana .ree aemai and Mkfd wby were not buvin(, ina-our columns, as has been done "7 1 M many goods from wholeaaler a Lereto mny leading democratic papers. nd no- j ore ?nd hAr answers wero that the tabiy by the Chicago Inter-Ocean and ; .. -j ,,, , ,,,1 i i,. ; Miou'-d bel'"' ' " " or accumiaicu wph i, .ui.n i uv too s pratiici. upiii-j.iui ju,vi,.,,.cui Shall we tax a mm on what he ha or cn bathe eats?" V.'hat is the natuial answer of the Demo cratic party the party of the mas;i in Jis tinc'ion from the c'aev to such a such a question as ihi? Conutnotioa a'rei :y pay 98 prr cent cf the cost of ti e Is pr.i Government. Shl! it roi inue- be .r sut- ' (tantially the whole? A merchant with a wife and lire childten living on an fn-onie of gi.000 concmtrs about as n r.c'i sugar as a famil) of the same i7 - h , n n i, an In.-nmr n T -V flTK. in Im rw-n t .ai" , , , '., It is eq ial, ii it fmtt. to tax them both the same amo-ant? An at. pnal.--. im eAm.'Im.l IK. ('rnnif-fct ( j ... 1 argumtnt. it is so in tins case Notwithstanding modern improvement in shipbuilding, an i the safeguards of light - bouse od other appliances for life eaving the number of ocean wreck and value of property eestroed it is calculated lhat eacn year 2171 vefiela are lot,i0volvlng a mooey waste with their ca-eoe of one hundred million dollar. Uuring trie" past ne year 905 y-is nave oeen wrecseu o.i ineiiianiic coast of this continent. During tbe same time 905 oerenc-.s nave been reported. Many of these re coal and lumber laden ' . . -.. .. al thin wKiph drift wr h thrir tons zcrtr . . . . .. . ' 7 ' above tbe surface of the water. They ar; ' , , . , . lanArtMl miKinj ' hit rwon Ktmlr hw , -j- ' - - v these solid subrrergeri rams. The iceberg towers sbove tbe walrr, ird gives note of its approach by chilling the air; but ihe floating unken ship gives no wiring until it ha done it dis'.ruc'ive work. The president has appointed Hon K M Veatch Register of tbe 'and office at Uose- burg. Mr Veatch has in times past been quite prominent in public affair in tain state having been a member of the state erate, demoenvic candida'e for (ongreas in the Grt congressional diatrict two year ago. and o'her positions of honor and trust, A bile ia ttie legislature be attracted much , . , - , , , a? ai aiieDtion as a inemi ot tue nia.-ikwn or tiie ...... - . people by opposing with mucu vigor tbe various scheme of U gislation designed for fbe benefit of a few. He is a man of sterl ing in'e,;ri'y and goof ability and will make an excellent public official. Bsurke Cockran haa tbe grrstest voice in either hou t of Congress It ia the loudest ad strongrst, a d It woufil lo the roott musical If he ilid not so soon become el b excitement. It I Is Hie ball of lite Boris ai no other voice does. Cockr-. will he fori on the last day of Fel.iiiry. '.ut Ii a look except for the IhicW growth ol hair on Ijs head, almost as oil a li' UBSM Ton Kred, who is fifty-four The bond of bWaxUklB between the rnn of Mg physique hat gren stronger than ever . T.iey lu'Kh lo gather and ocCHlna I. w.tllc loe'lier ilj-vn I'irt.n -sylvania avenue. The lncom-lix bill vhoul.l h: -n i'.lt-d, 4 ' A I i'l lofiue hores y. industry and C ipB ciy,siil to put a premium on I oolence and perjury." Otojfonian. The Oregonian' osjBswlllua to the peefe of the income tax lea sh HaM be ent lie 1 one to heap all the taxes ami burdrn of govern ment upon th sh. uldi.-r, cf lie Iodine. inn-.e ofih; land anil ro let the ri h no coi-free of taxaiirn. Tt'i f lb gurus of MrS oti n the suhjec' of taxation. Our o'd friend F I llurdiiiir, of McMin villu. has been appointed post i uster at that -lace. .Mr Harding is one of he nl itors and proprietors of Ibe Tt !e, 'lion -Register published In that city. It U true as ateel in its democratic fai h. Mr Harding, wrcongratu'ateyou. , III i1 1, n It is believed no hpiriwr i t i h ertnfitil b tbe c.tiu v lina I ivviuiBt tt n tliei tariff bill, aid lbt ll will he ready to re port bacc next week. Tbe latter will be to settled at a meeting of the comini'lee morrow. One h. mandsal r have been obll ;ed 10 close u 1 n Ct'icago for lack c f bj.ln, is Hut Etitor Sluad refuges to b..t up in spite of ihe drprisiion that follows in his wake smilCUIXU KOltTIIE t'AISEf A man iii 'ii east took upon bitnatlf the difficult task qI ditcovteriag the causo of tin prevailing tiru limes, ue was not a par'y man, and hence had no preconceived purpose to trace t e Ctuue CO tho policy of the party in opposition to the one with which he affiliated. He t Iked to a large number of farmers, mechanics, professional men and others and found e-ieh one dis posed to trace the cause to til policy of the party in opposition to th- M interviewed, lie mused to himse'f and s lid that all these people were actuated by zeal for their party rather than for a l ive t'f the truth. He then went In'o a targe woolen manu facturing establishment ami inquired why the concern was running on three fourths time? He was told by b superintendent to fellow him. The Miperinteudent led him back into a large, xlensive store room and showed him ton and tons of manufactured clotiis which the concern had been unable to pti' upon the market. jje sail( (, tablishmenl found it woult not pay to nut toone into raw material, put money into the labor of manufacturing it into e'otbs when there was no market The manager of the concern informed the inouirer llla, wholesale dealers and jobbers ! when making their ordera lhpge wouK, n0, be f,, ic nearly so ' I arire this vear as in termer timev hen i ... . ... n.b,, th reason whv. thev unilorm'v ana- 1 - : , h t on, ffom retai,erg wcre all I , moi,r titmn i,p.t.-if.r.. her.i-P lbes ! wholsalers and jobbers, not wishing ( , : lu t buy large quantities of goods that culd not be put on the markets, cut their orders short. This man th n went to the retailers nearly so manv goods as heretofore and. as they the ret iters did not wib to in vest money in large piantitiei which could not ,e sold, they 'oo cut their ordeis shoit. Determined to tr .ee th oue fo ' d this stoprpe in ' r i .- fjuher back an finally to the original one. he : went amone the masses of tbe wonle and ; begtn to ask them ahy the en were i nct buy ing more eoo bom tae reUi crs. i Xhe answc:. rr-. !, la;ui he sWe.l bun- ! dredsmJ ol all goUdcaJ fail: - nre one and the same. Scarcity of monev. In tiiis t:-.ev were all sgced. Uul j h w montJ ... rn. mlj.;4 j ret.d ha. .bere i ja ,s mucis money injexistence As heretofore but they I,,, lhu H w4 , j A , jf a n.itd m m .e wi m I .,,,-..,, ,. i ,. 1 . I as in Mr I" evr and tormrt ada.lnis'rilion Bat all kin ! cf coeiii "o,; o; inlon, were giv Jn . v lh ,. . .. , , . , r " m . . - resort for thUiuqa .y truth, and ts he j was thrown b e- apoa human reison. ex- ' ... a a a.I reiurcrisr.c blstory lvr le wlatron m tne quetti m. After so ns time apCBt in investigation he tou'd that ii the syrirg cJ the ;ear 18 93 a MMMf loo- p rS;on of the hnanc.a, ,0 d. anouv cjustt sue a- signed but .e naetJset iu: ciia.i'.d reason w4 ho! icrs of biid r oU .... . , , and other .ttxk lcrre feaiful tiiat con- gres woul I adopi lie po'i.-y '-t opening u; the mints to IBS f i-e an i u.iitoiteti com.ig: of the silver bu!.-in of the w.-ild snd this tb b:ieve! wOwki weprecvat the silver rnaey snd :ne ojI' b.- . avir!!ed ti ac cept this depreciated l;vr in payment of then Londi r.iev began to ua oid their could be done fore- February lit. But do ; j. intended U make' this a nearly a poasi bmc's o-i tbe loarVt's an i t'is create i tie n,ot provide tor a trade tax. ntakinj; one ble an exact reproduction ol tbe seen in care that swep: Und wrecking b i-.e wild kata a ti e all ow- in, ' oire.iiops, and Ihm nrinain j man In 111 ill .1 . tim nl ia i Thrifty larmer, mechanic bsnleeaa men. professiona men sal many otaers oi moJer ate meanft who had ifaimallnl a few- hcnlfe . Jallars la the bmk for us- i-n the r:i ny da " came ruined in :id wi-.hdrew their nainey from t:.e hank an.l d.paijteJ it in ' isTieaaa safe. uariJ i in . tin can. or rut ;lD, ht,el. but iu k:Jew of iu exUtence u . ,er i:l ra: ,, r-roiil.. -9zr- -, j si ia thi ana I a pa-t cf the j m 0, kep, i-u(n cjrcalatioo j 7nis Mlrcher aftcr lrj:h fja3ii 3Unri j pelicans) who inistei tnat he cauie ol the hard limes were 10 tbe purpose ; of the dCmocr.ts to rcdnce frie tar.ff But a t!e i0Tes.igltllI1 ,;,OJ,e that in Canada, ; ny. Iu' yard Rj-i wbere a blah tariff t Vl!l tirri(;s a(t. htir() hiv) limfl 1 1 a .. ..i-t a I r-"B 2DU in - Aaira.ia wnrre a 10 .arm picvails. te coui ) readily see that Ibe 1 i cause asigr.ed b7 reAufii-an had r.o four J- , cause of tli : hard times mcney scare of lat June. omf front tlie ANSWf KTHEK- The finance committee of Ibe sena'e sre j ! sending cut lists cf quest icee to many ; trades nd professions with a ! iew to the; gafbering of facts tout. itt. he matter of! j tariff legis'a'ion The I .! v. r is re- I j qu-g ed by the chairman of tbe finance' commit ee to pahl'eb them so that all tbe ' j farmer readers of the Izmk kat may ! have an opportunity lo answer tbem Cut j i out Ibis list of nuesti-n, answer .hem fnlle 1 ' - I . . .. : aim ie'.d h-t of ou.'uor--c with anawpr to V W Voorbees, Cbairnu-i of Senate R nance coraniiliee Wasninirlon I) C. Tbe a.!! : al a . . ...o-.UKare ,u.- la-sissii.a ior larmen.: 1 VV I, ... l. -B - - , . - " 1 e-iirtt. .i iuc uuBj-tii u ymr ruuui r . I'o -miliar foreiiju proilucts compe'e with yaottf i WL .t would te the effect upon your produc' of a reduction of duty on imports of all kinds.9 4 Hive the wages which you pay for la lor increiced or IBfTI Sd with'n the past two year ? 5 To what esteBt doe jobi slate expor agriml ural ptedBetaf C What c'iu- ii i- n do nir-h export metd uir Bat? 7 To what extent, in your opinion, are tlie pricei and characVr of our prolucts atTctted Im the in jnuf.ictnring indus'ries of your stale? B Have your living "tinnsfs increased or decrcas.d during the uast our years? ! I'lr; 'se give your views on the proposi i lion to Ka ore sugar to the dutiable list. 10 Do the pres. nt du'ii h benefit, in any respect, people enguged in growing agri cul'ural ptettBeta d Bap(e and, if not. bow can they be so modified us to produce this remi't? II Sta'e, getieniliy. anything wliii'n you j believe would b( Bsefa to Hie eonimittu ij in preparing .uriff legislation. , I'l , , , ,. . . A , I ne COC .ut ee are deairons I hat smr rep y shell KiVe a full eipression of you vievs, a,,, not h to merely answeiing tb- (jues'ions cat goricallv. At jour ans wers vlnill b confine1 lo ye own htininpss and be s'uted coi cise'y. Tim I Irfily Deinoernt pnii hat r.napende ..hed at Sale! With 160,000,000 a year in ar pent-ion to p i v, t!ie Demo, ratic AdtninU'.ratinn can not be expected to keep expenditures o-taxes on a pesce buis, A lew cop eg of for a!e aSSthia l e N Y Wor'd Almanac ofTtce. Tiicy are worth many times the price, Price 2$ cents, Call and y-i one A correspondent proposes that Albany overbid Salem for the Ccrhett-.Tac' sou, staiii! off the governor and . very-body IWO, make a mint of money, as is always lone, and divide the inoncv lietwecn keen ing op the bridge and a new school bouse. As the letter is anonymous we follow the universal custom in newspaper offices and io not print it. I'lio Publisher of the On-iton Populist, of Albany, was in town today solicitniir busi ness from this city. He informs us that the Albany people fail to patronize bis pa per in the way of advertising. In view of this fact, a uusiness man of Corvallis told us that the said publisher agreed to run his advertisemert for three months without cost. Hard up, certainly, for ads. t'or vallis News. A clergyman recently returned from Wal la Walla says thai city is engaged in a re markable religious stirring up. In one church ninety-seven have joined, with others still coming in. All the churches ere hold ing special meetings and there is an un usual amount of interest being taken by citizens of all classes. One statement was Motived, with all the respect due a gentle man of cloth, but a small cloud of distrust hovered over the spirit of the Kast Oregon inn man when that statement was made. The informant after telling about the re vival and the glorious fruits, added with a look of triumph on his honest countenance mm n ne simixt man was in iiuitii in me list of converts. Pendleton K O For several years there has been a live 1 : i . . (Misiurss iii ii-goii, h-- wen ius riNArwm-re. in dead hones. In order to 1 enterprising men have put their monev into the carcass, hoiiing it would turn out a Nancv liana. 1 i, . i i a . , ii a 1 1 , , Hut it has not. vne Aioanr man lens ine Man About .'own that in five years he has put 200 in cash in the hulk. There are others who could go him several thousand dollar better. Kxperienoe comes high, but ifs solid when you get it until the next booui. Any one who wishes to buy some stock in several dead bone can do b for a rusty jac knife covered with chatel mortgages, by making the proposition on almost anv corner. As tiovernor Pennoyar pardoned the t six Portland prize fighters it i argued that he would n..t oppose the Corbet! leA Ba.1,. b-. C Li , i. out with twth feet. I". IT.u if.,.. . . " : r. : "Jl.r .-iitiniti muse pen two offer are all wind, made (imply for notorie''- A whole lot of Oregon justice of the peace and city recorder should be ent to '.be reform chool, there to b com pelled to etudv the reform school law - n 1 I .1... At.- t :.a powers are iudr of the ciicui: and county cjurl- a. i . A Detroit dispatch indicate a general improvement in business there a well a eliewber. Here i aearnpie: Bus- ine is improving her. Th Farrand , Valley Organ t 'otopany has increaced us loree to ISO men. It will b running a f: ! ; . Tt lVtroit Safe Company 1 working full tcce. night an-' day. force night an' day. J K Boile ifc Co ' have V0 per ceut of their regular force at wors me r. 1 oarnum ire iron work is running on half capacity and the IVitroit Dryiock Company ha put I irf m 1 m T v p lr r. . ' r...Arl. nnwi. . i . . -i-r, pect decidedly better. I tion appropraition bii! will occupy tbe at The fdit.jr of the Astoria Budgeti is -er- tention of tbe house dd'ing the week. By t-tiniy mi optimist. He savi: Tue factories an a'ranirenwn'. agr-vd upon just before all ov.r iliw UBttsd rtates i-re cumaiencinjr w,.rk .ur.un and every indication 1.- that WW will tvg the mot prosperous ywir in the history of thaCBeaetrjr. f FjllHinlMltStBS i closrceil the rcachinerv f mdutrr as kinjr KJ, , ;u rf ., :, SCj ual harangue ahoal protection and free ' trade ha a!ut his! its effect. If an eight null tax is insufficient to run ' AP'.iny. as is evidently the casr.let the tty charter be amended by th next legidalure , providing for 10 a7 ,b7 limi?. Th, 01 ,aen luore tnan Uhir 01 iax. a mof t unjust system of taxation, im- posiiiir an extra burden on thoae airnasiy , having Uaeir ban 1 fall, particularly Bate ; tJiejiresent laws, which do not jiennit the taking out of indebte.lnes. Aisve ele Weill V ..I I a 1 i i i I : t.ait. : mu ie:la.oi'a s I l.ih v . r. dioee cciitii ut-nlv scefdi io A i-im-L'i . . a ' rroas Plaater, and tbe only motive fut the cx.-ept'opa! commeodali ins 11 the fact tbat it ia a mei:cosl and -,.hsrmacntical I smpaawliaB ssf topeiicr Vila. of invt'tion. Atk lor sod ioii.t aiwa Ali-cc-ck', B aDd-eth Filla aie s gocd evmctivr. lru- "Now is ihe winter of our discor, made gloriou-. lummer', by Aire's S pan. la. ThU wonderful medicine so In the system and enriches the blood that cold weather become positively sWm.XS.-riKlaw lri-tii rk'nsee . . 1 J . . enjoyable. Arctic expiorers would do! j we,: ,0 a no.e of ,hU When Bal y was sick. 1 'ijpe her Csatorla. Wwi sh' wa a CiUaa, sbn cried f,-r ,- - ,v Wbm ah'- beiAiiii" rti-w. the cum V Csv&nr. eTLes ahe had C.airMi, ibe gam- litem Osatorw TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Proeapl Artlea. a. . ....... , ..I asill.N'iros. ieh C The de ar-cratic e a .... , . I ' "1 'I'. wtiUAm ,.OUI1IUO-- la II- I "T "J',eV.u) 'ranl na iie.ripgs I. tair'iT ''I I. Il WJ- d.:'n in-. " -- uii. - ai!rTro an ;.. ! uating thi committee. Tbis was i.'sueil . tomtc ht In it oorbees says I'romiit and speedy action on the pend - j n(f tanff eKi,a,j(n is required al this , 9 . n;ne OT ever v pairi'io HOU bUHlOfMts co ideration. The majority of the commit tee intend that no delay shall occur which is pons i ble to avoid We are determined that tbe business men ol the country of all clasees shall, at u very early day, have a fall and clear insigbt into the laws of lann luxation which nhall hereafter pre- i vai'. "ii 11. i Hi Brpor! Con I Ir, Feb 6 C C Bo vB. who for 10 ye .is was auililor of the Ore gon Pacffie railroad, has lieen examining the bnal accounts anil renrts of E W Had j In ihe matter of the estate of P H Tuck ley, late receiver of tbat company, and er. Deceased. To Clara E Bradlev. James claims the rejaortn are not complete, in E Tucker, Nana E Tucker, Varv K Tucker tntt many items which are properly and Ida Tucker and to all otrier known chargeable to Mr Hadtcy'a administration and unknowi having anv Interem in ihe arc not included, and that Mr Hadiev's I estate of I B Tucker deceaicd, greeting: eport accompanying these accounts is fill j f goss inaccuracies; in fact, that not a I IN THE NAME OF TDK -STATE OF i ngle ilem isstated correctly therein. j ORE ION, You are hereby cited and re . Moalr.1 Bo.ioa I irf l" 'Pf? r in ,he County Court of Hiimto.n. Feb C A biM was introduced today in the legislature, entitled, "An act for the suppression of indecent dances in public places." It provide! that "no woman .hill appear at a public perfor mance in a dress the skirts of which do not come within at least four inches of the noi r. .inn ine wauu or wim-n in to r-on struck") that any part of her person is ex P0" below tbe neck." Tho aecond part says: -'No woman bIih'I appear in tights. ,r :,,i,i-.,r i,f out.),.. , .a. I. ........ ... I V "f'l'V". "A ,U....V J ' ' ' Ill ' ' ii OlAfU- lbtelAl - ' " . . " ., aivniuu, n i ir-imiii;, uil'Oi "nl: i 11.111111)15. Areuntl Ble BCBBOI Areas, Feb 6. The following advices have been received from l.m In- n?iro: I'eixoto continues to throw into I jail all persons whom be believes hostile to i him and his cause, including foreigners. 'The insurgents in Rio harbor will re main on the defenadve until reinforcements 01 'roofs arrive f'om tbe aouth. These a'e expected soon. A Ballroed iii,al,! Ahtohia, Fab fi. An enthusiastic meet ing uf the railroad-subsidy committee was held here today, all the previously con flu ting interests acting in harmony and pu ling with 11 il for the general good. Property-owners are responding generously to the appeal of tbe committee for lots m ar the business portion of town, and among the snbscrip'ions today was one of' six blocks bv Charles Sbively. Katlier aemallonal SiiKUivvtu.E, Ind, Feb 5. The Dally Evening Democrat says tonight: The Democrat bus learned through sources which it lielievea to be reliable, that ex President Benjamin Harrison and Mrs Stanford, widow of the late LeWnd Man ford, will shortly be united in marriage at Palo Alto. The ex president i now pre paring to leave lndianupolis for Stanford university to deliver n series of lectures, and while there will be married to Mrs Stanford, whose wealth is estimated at '2O.0O0,O0j. Flat Klutu. Washington, Feb 5. Xat Uluai bus re turns! from a trip to New York. Mr Herrick remains in thai city. It is under stood that itluui will not receive the par don he is after. Some persons have thougbt that the charges which have been made against him from the West, since he has been hero have determined the ofticiils to do nothing for him. His conduct here has not hurt him with the administration. Ilium sas the officials bava known all about him right ilo.ig. and that it has not made any diffeience to them. MlW Inaeranre ,,,,,(, , TOMSK A, 1-eb 5 State Insurance I'om niiaMoner Snyder revoked the licenc of the Home Insurance Company, of tw York, to do busine-s in this 'state. The company's Kansas business last ear was! Slti.OOo.OOO. I c is understood like action will be taken concerning 30 other New i ork insurance companies doing business! in Kama. W 111 BlueLaUr Ble. LoBDOX. Feb 5. A dispatch from Hio says: Pa Oama has given 48 hours' notice i i,- .n u -j , : j uhaboui: iuu, iiu im uiHlwni , of his fleet accordinitly. This s en is in- tended to assert belliireraut ritrhts for the maorgenu. me action ot th foreign i . : . . j : . . ' . I 'umuummi" hwuiicu wiiu anxieiy. III Be Extended. Sas Fbanc imx), Feb o. The midwinter fair will be extended a month beyond tbe time hrst proposed. The nun'g' n have j decided that, as there was a delav of a month iu opening, it should be made up at the other end. Tbe fair will not cloe un til Ja y 21. and probably not until A ugust. The TarlB Bill WAsiiiNriTost, Feb 5. It ii believed no bearing will be grantee, bf the senate fi nance committee on the tariff bill, and "r 7, l" , V, . . weeL. The latter will U-.eitled at a meel- ing -t the committee t tosiorro. Barane FiiEsNo. Cal. Feb 4 A fight between . the bandits Kvant and Morel and Deputy Sberiff Tirrmms and Knvd orrtirr.! in I the Slippery Rock country about 20 mi es i east of ninubia ibi fternoon. 'l'he offi cers were looking for he bindits in that SSZIsi !...., , ruling in a cart ace of a rancher; i n i - r ... i. a n.-i-- i r. .ii- n. . ..i.'.e-.l ar.d .tailed in ttie direction of the house He I had only gone a abort dittaace when Kvans ' and M-e-rame oat of St Clair's house near by and immediately opened fire on the officer. The latter had the adran'ag of bring separated, and could have raked th bandit from txoth sides, as Kvans. and Morel wore in a h.-.e between them In stead, it is rer-ortrd. the officers took lo flight, the bandit diligently firing uj-n tjrm The Breter .f Ska W rrk Wasbinctoji. Feb 4. The Hawaiian debate. Uland's bi i for the coinage of the silver seigniorage, the J"'eil-Joy contest ed election case and. pcthap tbe fortiSci- 1 the BSBBS adjcuioexl -at niirnt. the Ha watian eVsJsata 1- I xte: .led natii 3:S0 Tne - nay. te pe ta crcer 'or r consideration; U?ing tnodiStd so as to include a proiion for a vd upon H:tell' resolution, a weil a thise cf alcCreary and lliU. t .r biriu Kwm Yohk. Krb 4 James J Cotiwtt and fbar .y Mitchell, having settled their diffrtence and become good friendi. have gene sakWj tolnnleered to Ijox four ronrd - X ZZZLXTZ STl the rig cf the Imval Athle i: Oub at ' Jackson January 25 I . r a tUirttli ORrn 1 asm. Feb 4. The store of Nevada Lil.'ie. at Tppenisb. f.,. AJL'ir,A.r : . ... a ff A, AV1..J A.A. aa. .HC m 1 V 1111 mcrninir. The lo u estimated a! ij2 00 1 here bad een a dance in Ihe More bnild- ing and it is t " , ro t of cinr ,n ii-vtKl the wa Ih. rv.- i A. . ' . . - All... A... I. A I T A A.I' IIlr.IA ...A... v . - : - " . r - e I an 'wn here relative to the insurance Weal II , C lev tu-a wd. O, Feb 4 Toe ecrrf of ) the visit to Columbus of J C iJowdy. j chairman of tbe Indiana republican s'a'te ! executive committee, is out. Chairman i Oowdj wa an accredited messenger from ex-1'resident Harr-son ami Ie carried wiifa him assurances of good will and obfaa ! tiai ai I in the governor s coming Sght for the presidenual nomination, two years I,-.,. II : 1 . . .... nence. Harrison uoes not want tne natinn and would not accept it. k your grocer h r Wuali brar.d Parcfced Oats, romet-iing new for breskfast 5 DOLLARS to PER DAY 20 Easily Made. W want maajr men. w.iwer.. keys, snd r trials work for ua a few hoan daji, ri tt In end ie Ihefrowa buses The bartnesa U euy. el -ru. "trlc;i hoersble. mi pa heller liat m r a !- Wt. .- -1 afenu. Toe have 1 atear ftelt ud romr-'itliia. Brfn-rieiMw s.d T-sJ aMRiiy neceieiiiT. capital require We aejwlp y" .-w.-Miii, .,ii irau nrFi, ww, jvm net .n.. '..1, , ,. .. n .f;i ea wrll aa mrn an.l laeee eeul r. , m.k.too. par. Any ean do tJaV v trs. f ti m. l All .t,-et wt o folln rurrMaaVBat axar. Karneat trork will saieiy -iris. von a grr .: ,!i of moner. Pusrjtt rva; tl no anS in r.-it 4eBiao4. Write for ewr reur t.!:ki I "treolar, .ml Nh foil icnrmallesv, Bo bmrp " an u -a aenciuae nu i jo 33 vus ir ' niiafcrac Ceo -ce Stsnsok fCo Box 88, PORTLAND, MAIf-5 CITATION la tin County Court of' th Vdiror Oiyx"' fAe County of Linn : ; me .-jiaie i r vregon, ior ine county ot Linn at ll.t conn room Iheieof, at Albany in the county stores. Id, on Mon.'ay, the 5'h day of March, iSo. at i o'clock in the afternoon of that day, then and there lo thow cause II anv you have w hy a license should not Igiu ' to T J Pltchfcrd the administrator of Ihe estate of tald deceased llceiuiing ar.d directing him to welt the rel prBBert belonging to said estate, des cribed as follows, to. wit : The wet half of the northwest ij larter of action 17, tp II S K I east of the Wll lammet-e meridian In Linn Count Ore gon. The S vV t: of the S W U of sec tion 14. The N W W of the N V section at. The N of the N E section 22 in tp 5 S R ao east of the il lamttte Vlcrtdian in (iilliam t o, Org0n. Done by order of the Hon J N Duncan, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, lor the County of Linn, wi'h the seal of siid court affixed, this aoth day of January. A 1) 1894. N P I'ATNf. Clerk. AXLE v! byhat,AjrCiaA;TTlia-aA 1 O !t S AIaE RY HEATAEnS qj E0.fl.fCII taWe. S7 THE WOR 1 1 hi . -...ii Alien. eBnourr i. allw on" .- 1 jixii , ef an ji 'tr NA -V I. KB HZKP Taiker Urns, urocor. -'. M. Krenoli keeps railroad time Boy )0r urnei-ri of Parker Bros - j ; r n-.-iei at Ojtia's. i.-v, urmn ortws just received at Conra I s;iyrs P J Smiley job printer, Flinn Block, doe lirst class work . Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 oont oigar at Julius Joseph s. I r Vf f K.lii, iihysicuan and surgeon AU..uiv, .-(.! Cfi wil-a li oity'or country. Thin or ray hair and bald 'leads, so displeasing to many people as mail's of; age. may be averted foi a long time by i using Hall's Hair Keucwer. A DISTURBANCE j isn't what you want, I if your stomach and bowels arc irregular, j Thai's about all you gi-t, thongfa, with the j ordinary pill. It may I relieve you for the mo- I nit-nt, hut you're usually 1 in a worse state after ward than before. This is just where Dr. ' Piem-'s Pleasant Pellets j do most good. They act I in un easy and natural way. very different from the hupe, old-fashioned pills. They're not only plesaanter, but there s no reaction afterward, and their help lasts. One little sugar-coated Pellet for a gentle lax ative or corrective three for a cathartic. Constipation, Indiges-. tion, Bilious Attacks, ; Dizziness, Sick and Bil ious Headaches, are promptly relieved and cuntl. They're the smallest, the easiest to take and the ciftipcti pill vou can bnv, for they're guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your money is re tauned. You pay only for the gool you It won't do to experiment with Catarrh. There's the constant dan- gcr of driving it to the lungs. You can have a pertcct and permanent cure with Dr. Sage's Hc-medy. EXECUTRIX1 NOTICE NOT1CK is herei-y given to all whem it may concern, that I was on the 10th day of Jaiitiarv. ISftM. duly appointed executor of the last wall of William ! Mor.tgotr.Ty. u ing claims against the estate of said dsee- ' dent ire hereby noti5-d and re'faired to j jiresent such claims to me with this proper ' voucher, at my residence near Scio. in aid county, within six months from the date hereof Ialed this 12lh day of ana ry, 18M. W K BlI.TCf. HowsRIi M,.NT'-"ME?T .ttixev. Ktecnto ', NObC for Publication. LxxnUrrn at Onia.ot ( 'mr Jan. Sth. 1-a4. i hert,v iriven that the fidlowicg i Net iiansed etller ha bled notic of hit inten- j uon to make t.nai proof in rapport of hi claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the Connrtr l"lerkif Linnt' Albany j re., on March tb. I-tM. (La: Levi Pierce H B No for th. B )4 tt HE 'a and , S 4 of S E . tp II, B K I K. He namea the following w ; t iys. to prove hb f continuous residence upon and cultivation I of aid land, via: He.-ry Mjers. Fml I Mjrr?. Martdial Clark. I'ardweU Clark, all af ..acotnb. Ore. Koukkt A HnajPR, Register. m a M VV". A.. wouce ior r uoncaT,ion. LasuOrrt" t at Caci.ox Crrr. Cb., Jn 5-.h. 1?'.M Notice is hereby iriven tbat the fallow ing nauiJ settler has fi ed no'iee of b is lnten'.inn to nimke final proof n SBfpwl of bU claim, an ' tbat eaid pro .1 . e ruade belor the Cotm'.y Crs f Linn fo, at Afhsiny.r on 'arch h, I"9v.vii Marshal s f rk. H K. NV. TIC lor ib N of M E -, and N E . . f N W m M, iptlS K1E Us nsnsi the to! lowing witness !o prove h.s rotticu ons residence upon end cultivation o' aatl land, v.r: lieyl Meroe. Hnrv & ctr3,"r" 1 S " k " UM!,mb L,rn " Eo fro-1 Myer. all re osm A Reetr H9TICE OF FiNAt SETTtEMENT. V'Tf' f- la HEJUCBT OiTKB that TIIE I X. J V Ke. fct.ic, l.TaJ, Iu i le m:lk lb l Tort : nf tbe 1 Court for Una co-int , oreroai. 113 1 final eeevnaal In amid ea&tuA an4 Ihe Cuonli tVcrt haw Sled Ihe Mb 4a i of Fabnan .1SI. a: the i hour 4 loelork pm ol ejj Ui,aa D ( j Court ruotn ai ibe Cottrt Hotwaf la eahl eiiaaiv-, lo ; the been--i et ve-rtaoti any to el eevnacl end for ' ertUemenl i eud cetele. Aat penaone herinc objec- tione tlbe eenlement -f a I eater ar txrvba r.- i.ft- .1 u W preeeet ee it tnvk ihe eame. Iu!.'bed by or!e.- e Hoo i S Dun-. en. JaiA- ot rajd nxxft . I Deled lec Mh. 1SJ3. Wa RVUBMGII, ' Sfonienye a IIA-k!fttan, A awawlweBBS . ' AUtimeia f r A.tntr. ADMINISTRATRIX S NDT.CE Bsorh'K BSftKBY C.IVEX THAT THE I N tiirnM ! bin by ibe OMBR ".rl ... j IJnn ssMstMy. rj-ti. duty ;laKlsl :.r ! rfihUat wkmm4 trumTtii n,.i; yi;Unjj ; t L-r.rt ii Ammaimm '.. Ail t-m. . n kiv a.-ait.aa aevi are mrvi-i not nea! lo pre- hl nUn.-, near ta. i.i . f Si... Unn c-u:,'" . or. I K'. wtsks ail m- i.ih. ir .iu lhu d' IHteil Ihia hr .tl .lav of aaiiua.v. ! S-M A K HCOnHALD. W R BiLtar Leeeuk.r attomey Execut.r I U. S I anii Orrii-a, Or.roov Cut, Os I July Mth, l!A.. j Nctie Is hereby given that ine imp: I am--with the provisions of Ihe act of jO.inaresacf June 3, 1S7.S. en!4tle(t"An act for the aale of limber land In lb Matt of California. Ore-ton, N tvada and Wasm ing'nn Tmrrltory," rtunrv m rirnm, nt irren Bi-in. county of Marion, t iteef Oregon hr.s this day filed in tbis offlo.A bis -worn statement NotS7:l for tho orchiiae ofthe s i of N W V.see J7,s K 1 . of N K j I aud N K '4 ' S K of aet-tion No is.m town iii.i in oiiiii ranee .o 1 l-.t.ii(l will ff r proof to ehow that iho land sought l more va mbl ior It timber or alone than arriealtBra' purpmaae, ani to BaatahlU'- his claim to said laud he fore th Kasal 'srsn.l Hec-eiver ot this office at Dracon City, dregnn. on Wediuuiax, tbe -.sth day of January. 18S4 He iisiikw witnesswe. Oeo H Letelller. ol A oanv Oregon;llenry Suseus.of Albanv.Oreiton. , a a-a aa . a . . r. . I e imry.oi nerry .Oregon; A 10.1 liver, of Or ean Basin, Orego:. Any and all person' claiming aaversely ibo alovo described lands are i-e uented to file the'r claim in thlsviffioe on or b rjreaabt '4th day of January I89-I. Robert A M IU.BB, Register. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. N ONICK IS 1IKHKHY UIVEN T M.L WHOM IT may i-sMtivrn. mat on the ltf ttav of l'r.-rul-r i-'i. s 'i til ii ; 1 (m 1 1 1 1 11 1 fitttuer 01 int 1 !? wiil anal tfsUnifir of Joaeph I. hi.-ks-.n, d , tuatol, by th t v vnntj. i utiit ui 1. mil ttimiij, v'rtjfOH, ana that l have fl K t 1 my tmniUaa Much cxwi'Itir, artU that naitl b'tuli have trvn appixvU hy aaiti ciurt; thcrvturw II ?nNiu having uVIn. p.-iiini saut eatie are raby notirtetl unit rciulrisi to preatmt th aame th proper vouchers M me at the oH1-o ol W It Bii u In thoC'ltv o( Alleany, Linn i univ, Qmroi thin nix month from tha date herev'f I'M. ti fchis J tth tlay cf December, n'X Itinvsr FftiNtUK V rofm Attorney for Ectut.r b icu SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETING Notiae t hereby ivn to the leal voters of S ii .. I Diitriot No. 5. cf 1 .'mi County, State of Oregou, that a ipecial school meet ing of the said district will he held a tne 0 urt House, .aVIIianr, Orriion, ou the 30th day of January, 1894' at 7 o'clock in the ftrrroon, for th folluwinK objects: To levy a tax for the Ui-ortof ine schools of said distriot for the ensuing yea-, end to pa7 the interest on the dintric' debt. DaUt this 16th day of Jd, i891 C H 8TIWABT Dratriet Clerk. J K WiaTnaRroR Ckairman Board of Direeto 1 CURES PROMPTLY LAMENESS, SOOTHES, SUBDUES, CURES. Reduced from 'Tl.t Gr tattit cf aU ne h JL A Tbe fercmost men of the world wrlU Ihe literatsra ol citciiipjrntuus activity lor THE FORUM. Eer nat s-jbct Is tsktn u? by Th Forum een It naturallr lilt public stttnlion and Is trtaict! I , Ihs bell authorities, without regard Is parties er cretdi. It eill keep 0 Bislilfl reader Informed ca th talks an problsns l trie tins, si no other pericecal oct. To many Oioejhtlal peopl. tlie pries ol The Forura has hitherto been pro hlbllnry; indeed atl OS Kreat Review have been too high in price lor tbe masse ol intelligent readers, tiut now ttte number ot readers ol thoughtful literature -men and women who wib rc-ill.- to know what it going on i.-t tbe world out ide the narrow limiu ol pemcuUr x-ct and parties -I great enough in Uie United Sum to warrant so revolutionary reduction In price. Tbe Forum discusses important ub(ects, but it ii not dull. The literature ol contempo raneous activity is. In lacl, the most Interesting ot ail literature. American citizenship implies that a man shall Irncr the opinions el Ihe tereasop. men aad the latest great achievement io every direction ot acUvHy. SIZE AND QUALITY UNCHANGED. Tbe Ferns, is now as cheap as the marr-zincs cf mere entertainmeat THE CHEAPEST. THE LARGEST. TVE BZiT. C? "ME GREAT K..WS. The Forum Publishing Company, 25c. a Copy. S3 At Perry Barrel of Pickeis, Chow Chow. Fine California Honey, Horse Radish Roots, Grass and Garden Seeds 1 11 staple groceries a- well m a superior itock of FORTMILLER & MING I 'miertsikcr E K r FF 1 i-'tanlly en I r i a f v.-:: ct-ff r . AIvo ruiia! rct ar.d which will be old at Th 2.weat EMBALMING irJ ' r NO EXTRA CHARC.. FOR ALBANY, - - MASONIC The Oregon Land Vltn ii. S-aLiClstl - - -eiiti btucL, corner Lieny and MAK K. a specialty of Sunns:le fruit trac i'a; Salem Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acrsj lot at $50 to $60 pr t etnall cash payment Ipc timt on balance r partieu.'a. .-. I MEAN W ill sell all cn i kerv Here ar COST 50c for 25 cet t?; cups and saucers 'Jo to tOctsnts a et: pla'es. 40 cents pei set. Everyhing l?e i.i proportion. Call on DM and vou will not be deceived. J. NEW : FURNITURE, My sroRs isNovr fui.i. of first olas.; ti RNiTcnK. aiNsisnso t tied room ret, cbairr, i.anncr. etc., which I will sell at BOTTOM ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY JOSEPH. Proprietor, Vi I .A .11! l.fc AlSDitJM PROTOUKAPHKIM, c"" STOCKIIOLDEflS MEET NG. Notice is hereby iven that there will be a tnet-tinn ot the stockholdci Fellows Hall Uulldlne Aisoc the'r othce. In .lbany. Linn countv. Ore gon, on Monday, the 5th day of March, 1804, at the hour of 7 o'clock" p m, of said day, for the purpose of electing seven di rectors to serve for the ensuing year, and riwet ,hat n,av SWELLINGS, BACK-ACHE. SORENESS. c- f 50c. to 25c. a Copy. a Year. lorum emr Pirlodicali." U 11 SqtKire, New York. Conn's crockery. and K111 Iia liners. inrd s eta'ic. 1 t. trc c c cat 1 ti tt aitiu. in Ire tec" L.;tBS I'roat. ream of Ike m& m pnesetij HEARSE OR SERVICE , TEMPLE, - - OREGCi f .r home ofEce at - OPtilGi-O T -vtate stieat, branch r-mri :n Poa-tla-w BUSEVESS. war and holiday goods a' some prices: LamDs. worth lamp?, worth $2 00 for $1.00 Gradwohl. PRICES. Thos. Brink. Jabinet photos from $1.5010)4.00 . V per doxen. ttnaifing picture a Wpecialty. i6xjo crayon; framed 'for $10.00. We carry a large stock of 5x8 and sterescop'c vlws of Or- FOR EXCHANGE. We hare 50 acre of very choice surbur- " . 7i A 2 " id. auiuHe for plaUeg, adjoining the ,1 h . ,1 ciy limlU ol Tortland whict wo are offer latlo.. tie.d In i , mt the iow prio( 0 on8 thousnd dollar per acre, subject to n inoumbraQce ot $16, OOt). most all of which baa two year to ru The equitv of 131,500, we will exchange for : unpioveil turn laud in tne Y iliamette val- . I a.. Wa aa.11 .!.-. A...k.n.. - . S cast va SUMMOHS. In tie Circuit Court of th Slat "J Orgm, ir Itnn fo tnfy. M Sterntrg Plaintiff. T A U Seal and J 1, Seal his wife, (Jeo E Chamberlain and S W Chamberlain his wife, J W Cuick.E D Cu sick and CB H Cusick paitnars doing business un der the firm name and style of J W Cusick & Co., and Charles Smith as the ad -ministratorof Job C Smith, deceased. Defendants. : To A B Seal a..d I L Seal, th wifeof said A B Seal, two of the above named j defendant: 1 IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon, you and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the om plalnt of the above stslBtlf In the above , entitled court, now on file wfth ! the aierk of said court, on or before the first day of the next regular term ef 1 said court, arhicn said term begins on the utndayof March, 1S94, at the court j house in the city of Albany, Linn County, I Oregon: and you are hereby further notl : fiev. that if you fail to appear and answer ' the said complaint as hereby required, the plaintiff will take a decree and judgment ajjafra vou foi the re ief deioar.deJ in hi a r p'.aint tovi: 1 . A judgment ar.d decree aganiat A B i Seaif-ji he sum of $400 in t'nitcd Sit gold r- n together with interest thereon in Ilk- -old coin at the rate of 8 per cent per a: .urn from the l6tB Jay of Novem ix't if'ji until paid and to -he faiiher um of iiO ' t'" liiflr ' tu'inK ibi su;t, and for the aojts an , menu of thi sui. j a. A eleeiee foreclosing ih- mortgage I made, exocuted and delivered by you to G : W Amiih on the 16 h day tf November, ilietci, and directing the premise described ' there.n, to wit: T".e voiihent quarter of b'-ock number one hur.died aad twelve (ill) in Uacklemar.'a fcddltkm to the city of Alhany, Linn Count., Oregon; and also described in said ce.-npia.nt, to be sold upon execution a required by law ant) directing the proceeJs of sucb aa'e to bar applied as follows: First to tne payment . of ihe coat and expeses of making sues tale and the sum of Sjo as attrney s fee for instituting this suit. aSOBSli to !h pavment to the p:sii:tiffol 'he sum of tioo in gold coin of the Uwete -alo of America ar.d intereit tVreon 111 ike gold eoin from the lOtidayof November. i8c;t until paid, at the r.t of b per cant per annum. Third, That the surplus, if any. raii out in iuti as ihe -joart may direct. 3. That jou, a,' the defendant. above r.arred and each af .nero, and any and all peror, c bv, tl.roug.i or under you or them or jny cf tbem. be forever barred and forcloaed of any and all right, utie or iatrrrst, right of dower, or equity of redcmp.i n -.n or to sid rrmie or any part thereof ; that if t e proceeds cf the Bate of said premise be not sufficient to par the claim cf p'.aintiS logc-sher with a!'. co" i-nd jitbursec,ent and ex penses and a reasonable attorneys fee f-sr instituting mis suit, tha: platnaa nave a pereama: judgment and decree against taid defendant A B Sea. for the deficiency. 4. That the mortgage eeca:d by G YY Srri h and Viola B Smith hi wife in . favor of Job C Sm:th as mrn.ioned in said complaint, be decreed to have created n lien upon aid premiaes cr anv part there of. 5 Thttthe deed, mentioned in said : complaint, frosn K B Seal to lie id d feniLni, Geo E Chamberlain, be decreed to be subsequent in lime to said plaintiff's said mortgage, and ail rights acquired thereunder by said Cham aerialn to be sutject to ine .Ser. cf plairtffr said mort gage. This summers is pab.ished by order of the Hon Geo H Burnet , :he jadge of the abe entitled court made at Chamber in the City of Salem, Marijn Cooo'v. Ore gon on the iG.h day o! Janoarr, 1S94. W R" BU.TSB. .Vttornev for Plaintiff Notice for Publication i C S Lasd Omt! r 0?.eco Cmr. Oc., jat ISta. 1893. No; i hereby given that in compli ance with ir.e piovisions of the act of I Congress oi June 3. 1S7S, entitled "Aa ! ct for the sale cf Umber laftds in the t late of Ca'-ifcmia, Oregor, Nevada, Btaaj Washington Terrjtorj , --Edton A' Bee- man. of Albany, Countv of JLinr.Srat of Oregon, ha this ca tiled in '.his orEce . his sworn statement No jSSo. for tne pr r chase itftbeSofSEj arid S . of S " . I ot Section No ;6. in Township No 10 Sou:'-, Range No 6 East, and will offer ' proof to show that the !acJ nought is m -re valuable f jr its titter or tiore than . for agriculture pnrpove. anJ to arsiaSlish his claim to said land before the Register ir... Receiver of this office at Oregon Oiti, Uregon. on Tujsdav tne 6:h day of . February, lSaa. He nam- as witnesses: M F Coiovfn..of Green Basin. Ore poo, John Daicy, of Green Basin Oregon.C H llalrimpie, of A banv, Oregon, and F L Hoirats, of A.banv, Oregon . Aay and all , persons claiming adversely the above described lands are reques ed to fite their 1 claims in this office on r before said (Sth 1 day of February. 1S04. KAMuleb Reiiter. Notice for Publication. C, S. LaND Crrr - Osicm Citt. Or.r H ,en.Aer 2rd,lSt3Q. Nolle is aweTBtrs aiven that in coinpii nee wim the pro r is ons rj ttif act of Corwress of Jen 3. 1ST, en-;.;ed--An act ' for tn aaie of a-mbe.- 'i-Ji in the sate of C tfirnia, Or?arn. N va-a and Vt'aah iDtton Terriior.'' as extc-nded toatl lb public land states by act of Angus; 4 192. ihranci L HoStnea of Aibany. crnn.Tof 1 Linn state of Oresrih, has this dav fi' e i ' in thiv office bis swa-rn trlatement N a SS93 ' for ihe purr-has) ol the southeast cf ' aetion No 25 in township No 10 range No 6 a-, and wilt offer prcof to show , lhat ;b land o-.ght is u-ore vatnab.e I tt llmtier or slo-.e than for aerlcn lorat ' purposaas. and to eruhlish his claim to : said Tnd b-?! --re the ReBisterand Reeelrer c r this office at Ore, in Citj ; 6n on Tue day; the th day of February. 1SX. He names as w.tniasse-: 0 H 'Dairymple; ' Albert E Holmes; u V Acain-; - V ink, , all oT Al banv. Or. Any and ail persona iciain icg adversely th abore aieecrtbed lands are reqaesfed to fl e their claims la I tre olBo 00 or bVjre sa'd 6th daw of February; 1aaM K'osastT a. Miixcr; Register. 3! - - a-.. --a a., A. -A ... . .. A.A.A . A AAA LAI 11..- a ;ia:ii ,1 iv .- : L--a : v Aeca m-AA:;I. diaaTAiia or ptsolOA, Trlta iterv-rT-, Jtioa. We lAivise. if pateotabie cr Da-:, iree of , dure. Our lee Dot due t il relet-.. 1. seamred. A Pwm.t-r. "Row totit.:;n l"erea;i.' vaHlbi cost ct suie in the L'. S. ax: j turiAsacaauntnea!.- aent 1: .-a- A V Sfe A CliAakf if. .-, t i wn NiiSIl V ft OL tsKJc, i. Ops. PiTtrrCmt. waSKiNsres --AAAA. AAAAAAAAAAAA .AA-A.A ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN" TH M TnK .... dew-aaed h thidv beli xmla.d Uuin: tttrelor wuh tlx anil nnaed 'l th. Mttll ,4 jX "h aiaiUSt iltle def-ea..! bv th im 1 a Limi founty. iw,n. .d . a . j wun ia BSsaeSli and J! . ine claima Jireiiait waid etnt are hereby iok cluime amine, laid estate irru vo ureavnt m' Sulv verie,! t.. t,v tme hou ix mllesctast ,( Uiarrwhea- u .-iunlv Oret!, within ix tui.oth tn-n, ihe date tl.-.;. lasted lei-.uibe Mb, 1S63. at J Whilncv, -U.j or ABaax. TE CZIE8, .VdnuDiatrmtor A STOCKHOLDERS MEETINR, Notice is hereby giyen tbat the anual meeting of thestockholderaof tho Alt aay Building nd Loan Aaaociatlon will tie held ou Friday, Feb 16, J89I at he hour of 7:30 p m of satd day, in the Knk of Oregon building la Albany, Line Ocunty Oregon, for the pturKieeoi" eleetine niae directors and three auditors to serve ior the term of one y ar next ensuing from said meeting, and until their successors re elected and qualified and to tranaaet auch other busioe as may eome before the association. Done by order of s'id associa 1 this lth day of Jaou .rv, 18IM. CBWibk. C tl STBWAVTa 8Kretary. Preaident