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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1894)
EwMs tmorrat VOL XXIX. Ill IIWMIIII Infants T HiRTT yen-V ohoer-ratton tnllltona of persons, penult for It la nnqneatlonafcly the neat remedy for Infanta and Children the world ha aver known. It la hnrmleaa. Calliiren like It. It ' gfvoa thorn health. It wilt oawe their live, la it Mother hay THBelitng which la aoeoletely aafo and practically perfect aa a child' medicine. Oastoria destroy. War Caatoria allay Feverithne. Oaatorla proven ta vomiting Sony Card. Caatoria cure Piarrhcea and Wind Colic Oaatorla relievea Tee thing Trophies. Caatoria cnyaa Constipation and Flatulency. nentraHaae the oxteot of oarfcomio acid gas or pojaonona air, do not eon tain morphine, opium, or other narcotic property. -H-tea the food, 1 Tina; healthy and natural aleep. WE rla la pat ap In rma-ala hottle only. It ia not aold in hulk, TKn't allow any one to wM yon at it la Jnrt aa good" and " wiU anawor every purpose.' Boa that yon got C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. aa- - The fae-tnilo t aignataro of Children Cry for The Bast She S3 S5, TS lor lot l-ui uooef. tanfl Maw-? Mt -ym, VaV aneWBrtirirrrIS-B. m. VaSnaBaaarSHam1- IV T.. W. L. DOUCLAS Shoe are stvlith, easj fitting, and give better satisfaction at the price, advertised than any cither make. Try one pair and be rinced. The stamping of V. L. Douglas name and price on the bottom, which Karantee their value, save thousand, of dollars annually to those who wear them. T I U .1 1 . ( 1 1 T . ..... -'cn j.u.n nits .1 n . i ssvu-iaa incrcaac 1:1c ua tmrir iuy line 01 ncr.t. ana we relieve y-a rot save money ov tr- Li;:oju. Irs l.oa pp!!:lica. Forealeby the iE LAIN. CLOTHING CO. Jewel Stoves and Ranges The Best On Earth Matthews & Washburn. SOLE AGENTS PA'HONIZt HCI THl FARM & IKBCHAMTS -Albany, as f UKa), 1'roHldeat. J I. COWAN, TreaMUror -mancToa 1 Cowan, Geo F S'tnipaon, W I J K '.Vouururt r 1 '. t l, II i'J i -ALSO riL.TIUCT several Solid Eastern G.C MOON. Sujcessoc to Flour and Opposite Russ Ilcuse. Ha on hand a full stouk of C i pp i I'e "', ('o:va.l:a Fliu-, Bran, Shorts, Ov. in Metl Graham, Buckwheat, H)C ri,ur. Ha), 0it , 8 raw, Po atcc, Apples, etc R ST. JACOBS OIL PAINS Rnd all toe u r-.-, iiJI (iniliis and loss uittrit, which Irad t.i . vent pocket. SI per BnsrnBbaSsvJkann sBeassxb n mi lsi mi. jdruciriKtH. Ask font, take In viuln wrapper. Addreni For asie In Albany .Ore. .by J. A. CUMBUNU Euirrrd at the 'os Oflic at and Children. of Caatoria with the patronage of 01 to apeak of it withont frgassnjgss regulates the atomach and oowaja. anything elao on the plea or prosni. is on every anper. Pitcher's Castor ia. W. L DOUGLAS SHOE 6ENTLEKK. S4 and $3.60 Dress Shoe. 83. 50 Police Shoe, 3 Soles. 82.50, 82 for Work i ngmer S2 and 81.75 for Boys. LADIES AND MISSES 83, $2.50 82, $1.71 t ACTION. -If Ur dnU offers you W. i.. DoihcBV. shoes at a redutsed puce. or he ha. I hem wall oni me name atamped the bottom, pat him do noes gain customers, wj-lcn nci;-.. tc Tt.-r can afTerd to r-M fit a 1-. r 'tit, ::! year, f. .!.., f : . i-. it5L"v' rlHSTITUi JUS. Oregon J O WRrinM AH o K -IfSITtHON. Vino Prtwl Is it It Montndh.M. s).T.Drg,!J W"l, ti itr" ' vVrltamvn. AOKMTS FOE 5 and Foreign CompaMeb I A Morr's ii'eed Store. Would InouiB tho cyfJH to SURH. WlOllTw. -avh. MANHOOD RESTORED! euuruulwed tocuru all nervous diarjai.,itucb an Weak Mcmorr.IsORHor ilraln Power, Ueadacbe, WakefutnefiR, J-oit Kuibood. Nlirbtly KmimotUL Nervou- if poTTr;a Uunorati . Organs t citbor wrcaui-ad Infirmity, ("oDnoriiptUtn or InaanUy, Can be carrleil la box, for S6. by mall pruualil. WlttiaSaS order wn t i buffo. ijiIudi or MlLQ" riiif n runrunrie 10 ture or reiund Che nvner. Ho d uraJl no other. Write for free Mdlrnl Hook sent aeLtfd NltViCO.D CO.. MuatwUlaTemtile.CuiufW. and by U0DOM A MoT A W !,a.Mj, DruKsff ta. Albany. Or., as s. onil-l lav. Mall Matl I. THURSDAY I el'.i H4.1I !9.o.)a ou Salary. Y Btitti to dm x-Rcrei bit 11 is': up Hi n Hail!. t .is receiver ol tha o give below Oregon Pacific, which SrS Tpniorrow we will publish nhmd toon lb situation Ilie comment , which will be in th? Hup c4 t lie KpQft: '"This lieiun my t' rcrport, I bag to Sail y..ur honor'l attest! m to the fact thai for my services as receiver o: these proper! it s, I have been paid on y the suia ot 11000, this hub having baan al lowed me "on account" by vour order of July 1893, In tiiiu coniiectit n I deaira to submit a few (acts, "First. Thai 1 entered upon the .lis charge i.f mv duties as receiver unon t'ie 6th day of March, tfiBS, and from that date until January Btb, ISM, a period of practically ten montl:s have devoted my entire time solely and exclusivelv to my duties as such receiver. "Second. That to the discharge of such duties I brought the accumulated exper ience of IS years of ooneaoeitive railroad work, which experience is my capital, and which has been of the greatest ben efit to the property under my charge. "Third. 1 futnished in the state of : Oregon, bonds to the amount of f."0,000. aud having been appointed by the stale cuurt of ew lor.. pain's property Tfi :rit state, I also fur nished bonus there in the sun: of $lu O.o. Forml: 1 hat alien I assumed cluirge of the property, 1 found it carry ing a debt in the shape of receiver s cer tificates oi fSO.000, in debt to i's unptoy ees, for labor, to the amount of $1.7.000. and owing $-5,000 for material furnifhed That by reason of the confidence inspir ed by my appointment. I vas at once able to dispose of $-iO,C0O of my ceuin cates at pgr, the amount being paid out to the employes, upon their back pay, of which they stood greatly in need. "Fifth. Tnat by eith various officials, reducing the salaries and for -e of employes, cancelling con tract, and the introduction of economi cal methods of operation, the propeities hare been operated by me at a total annual saving of about S100,0u0. Twenty thousand dollars of hi was saved by reductions of force and salaries in the general ofiicas, fJ5oO by reorganizing the an Francisco office, SM0 perannum by utilising the tug in freight ami passen ger service, HOuOW by eubetituting wood for coal under tha boilers of the tteam ahip. An average saving also, of 20 per cent baa been effected in the cost of al most every article purchased, by thec'ose attention to the buying oi supplies- "Sixth. Prior to to the apooj tment of a receiver the company employed the following general officers : A president, first vice president and general manager, second vice president, third vice presi dent and treasurer, secretary and assist ant treasurer, and that all of these officers were continued under the first receiver at salaries aggregating about $30,000 an nually That I personally assumed and carried on. so far aa the receivership is concerned, all the duties of the foregoing officials- 'Seventh, i! at 1 found the property entirely without insurance, and as the river and ocean boats were subject to extra hazard, and it was that the property should be insured That no funds for the payment of the premium were available, bat in spite of the rules of the insurance union, forbidding the acceptance of anything but coin for pre miums, and in the face of many diffici! ties, I finally succeeded in protecting the property by placing insurance upon it to the amount of $224,000- ' Eighth. I have made many and im portant improvements to the property tntbe shape of repairs 'o tratk. bridges motive power and equipment, so that the physical condition of the property is lully :w per cent betur Wian w neni assumed change of i "And lastly 1 beg to assure your honor hat the successful operation of these properties for almost a vear. burdened as l.ty were with debts innumerable, baa involved the inoet painstaking care, and has been accomplished only by great personal exertion. That numerous seri ous complications have arisen through the fact that, the properties were not earning sufficient to pay their operating expenses, employees have oeen several times oa the verge of striking, persons furnish'Ug material have f e-n aw the verge of refusing further credit, and only through mv persona! exertions, aud the Confidence of sucli employees and persond in the integrity and honesty "I purpose of the receiver, have such crlsises been averted. In view therefore of the above facts. I respectfully represent to your honor that I - eve that I am entitled to the sum of $10,000 as parment in full for my services, and pray that you will make an order allowing such sum and ordering it paid front the li'et monies that may be applicable to the purpose that may come into court or be paid into the nanus ot the receiver. Very respectfully voure, E V BaMXT. Tuiiia Waoch Here are some of the wages paid 0 V emwloyes under Receiver fladley: ( l Walker, cashier and clerk $125 Charles 'Jlark, d:spteher 19 C T Wardlaw, it F & P A 150 Ob Hopkins, auilitor W F liraggins, clerk , S Jno Adams, " 86 C A Miller, agent 80 W if Bartgess, conductor 100 Jno Campbell, " 0 JroTway, W U b ( hipman, master meclianic. . . LBU Engineers, $4.50 per day, firemn, $05 per month, carpenters, ftM to t53 per day. At Will & Starki.. So 1, 2594; 2, 1591 ; 3, 1818; 4, 1505; 5, 1990; 8, 1482; T.l.173, sVIMz, 9, 1376. Have yon any ''f the numbers. Sew HI You don't have twice 10 detect ibem f i I ' !C rfat ;ht e res, inLrni- co ; i brii in T r every ac tion. Djseasc is overcome only when weak lisvie C.rlTTe w i i ;v r EMULSION. lHTTTt ts replaced by the healthy kind. Scott's Emulsion of cod liver oil effects cure by building up sound flesh. It is agreeable to taste and easy of assimilation. i'liip irsil kr flaatt i n..rna, N. Y. All tlrut'tt.itn. Notice for Publication. Urrics at Oheoo.v Citv, Ok. J.n. 5-li, lbllt. Notlo i in norel.y bIvsii tint tha follow ing uatnet seti'er has . ed notice ol his lOtOBUOB b make, fina' ptoof in support of nti olatm, and that, said priKif will he made oefoin iheeounty Clsik of Linn ;. at A.ia-y, Ore. on March 0 IKiH.vIz; Heury ll Mverw, II h No. 7353 for the 14 cf the 8 K and 8 X of 8 W !,' sec 28, tp 11, 8 H. K. He names the following witneusoa to prove his. continuous residence u pon and cuitlvaflon of said land, viz: Lovl Pierce, Of rd well Clark, Marshal 8 flak. Fred Myers, all of Laconib, Liun Co, Ore. Kobeiit A, Itegister. Tho republican state convention wil be held on April l!,at l'ortland. tto to the n tiara reii..t enfertalauienl tonight. It will pgv, and the cmw Is an Urgent on- 0 I MttaKBC ;, ., h, Ctttri ; IKm-. . tti mm nitibt it) ' u .,, nl , the PupOliatS. i .Mr little h:ih puul n-eil (hi iitih ; ket .f Set. nicer tV. Calal au neai toe ma r-1- U unit w ill titun'.rer run it J W Cuiek and Hon S V Daw ton re I Hi ncd this neon front' I'.r Uod, where they had been to attend a meeting ol the lepublican central committee. i'he (). A. ('. of Corvallis and the l'ortland Fniversi'.v team will play loot ball at Portland on . he 17th instant Cor vallis will undoubtedly win with muscle to spare. Too box for Calhoun's "Hohe iniilli Qirl" will he Opened at Hodges A McFarland'a on next Sattnday morning for those signing the guaianty , and on Monday for u'liers. The relief entertainment tonight will begin at 8:30 o'clock, in order to give tht m-attt ndiiig prayer meeting an op portunity to w itness the entire program. Mrs Willian.s, of Portland, has just complete.) a fast, of 70 days on 'oread and wine, and 40 dtys on water. She is be coming the greatest crank of the age. The taxpayers of the Drain school dis trict laet Saturday voted a 13 mill tax, on an a-sessed valuation ot $146,254- te 0( rate voted by any dirtrict in Die state. One of the causes of h.rd limes in rortland is the fact that people are send ing to eastern cities annually, over ?2i0,- 000 interest on au indebtedness of more than $4,000,tV0. This is a heavy burden on our community. Portland wgwMhw). TheCorva.lis Tiire Is off. The Demo crat has not countenanced the statements oi the SaMJgl Journal, though it has pub lished them. It never said Far a Gesi were allowed $jS..oo f-r,lr tact his given the true tituadon on that point. W S Thompson, aa assignee of the Ore gon Bank, has brought suit against E S Barrows for $81$, An attachment will be made against some Albany personal property owned by Mr Barrows- He has no real estate here- The Oregon Trader must be hitting the men who do no, advertise when it says: Stop pat ronizir.g the niossback business men and thus help to drive them away, as t: rv are a stumbling block to the fu ture prosperity of Albany. Judge Fullerton went to Corvallis thi noon to convene the extra term of ronrt. 'udge Strahan and Hon J K Weather ford went from this citv. During the Session the date of the it P sale may be set The Times sat s the date of the sale w ill probably net be set at this session. It is said that the salvation army will open a lodging and boarding ouse for ttie unemployed in Portland. Bunks for 50 lodgers will be snpp'ied and meals furnished ior 5 cents Tiioee without money will be given wcrx in a woodyard Rigid rules will be tnforced. "Early to bed and early to rise." the motto A footba'.! team has been organized in Corvallis as follows: Right guard, Mil lard Hay., right tackle- Chas Rodgere j right guard, I. Kelaay ; center. Win Skip bin ; left guard, 'L IlavlssK-n . left tackle, E"l Northup; left end, Fred Ober; quarterback Alex Rennie, captain ; half tvacks. Chas Young, Clyde beach ; (all back, Virgil Watters A couple Albany boys who disturbed a meeting at the M E church iast week gave up voluntarily yesler iay afternoon, end were fined ?2it apiece and costs. It is safe to predtct the young men of the city will not disturb any more meetings. Better not distorb meeting or people, anything or Xybody. That is the bcs.1 program. To-morrow evening ti.e oratorical con teat to select a participant in the state intercollegiate oritoHcal contest will oc cur at the college chapel, beginning at 7 :30 o'clock. There will be Hires partici pants, besides other exercises to make the evenings entertainment a p!eaant one. Everyb-iy is invited. the Kvening Ieiio-bat says loal in a game letween the college team and the public school team, the latter won. etc. We asked the captain of the college team about the matter, cut he said be knew no'hingof it. Where did the DaxocaaT get its information ? College Cor. of Herald. (lot it from the public school boys J W I .e w . of Crowley. Or., butchered e'ght hogs last week, the grows weigh: of which was '-.1- pounds, smallest one weighed 302 and the largest Dne rG6 pounds Seven of the number were jast one year old. and have been kept fat enough for pork nit the time, fatted on wheat. Thus d-raonetrating the fact that a little stock, well kept, is more profitable rhan large droves half starved The Populist in windy langusge says the Dewccr it lied, which is not a fact. The county did exactly as statcd.allowed $2i'd.l5 for publishing the dtir.qaent tax list- W at else was paid, in all nearly $.1)0 less than the Populists first figures, was paid by delinquents before the sale The Populist said the county allowed the Dem i-B.T ?;!H, the Dbskxbit said $$81.1$, which is true. Who lied? Mr E i. Thompson ami famiiv of Port- lan!. are in the city. Mrs al! rway, of Salem, is in tho citv, the guest rf her parents, Mr and Mrs A V Marker. J L Akin, a former resident, brought in the other day his two daughters and son. together with something like a car load of naggage. anl will again occupy the boanl ing hall. Philomath cor. Times. Mr W 1 Phillips, of Chicago, editor of the Cynosure, one of the old papers of that . itv, arriv.-.l in Albany this noon, accom pained by his sister Mrs Coffield. of Oregon lty. Mr fhillips is a son of Capt W N Phillips of this city. He will remain in Albany a few days. Tile Calhiu x Oi'KKA Og, -Tbere will noteworthy attraction at 'lie opera bouse, Tuesday, Feb. 13th. It will be the Calhoun Operacompany of 45 people, and t.e:r own excellent orchestra. The opera selected is Ilalfes most charming and ever popular Bohemian Uirl " ll will be handsomely mounted and gor geously costumed. The principals are all well known operatic favorites and the list comnrises such names as Miss Laura Clement, prima donna soprano; klias ij i ceici t arn it, prima oonna con; rami ; Mibh Alice Johnson. Mezzo soprano Miss Beatrice, McKenzie, soprano; Miss Aiveno i.eon i, contralto; Mr (ieo Lydiug primo tenor; Mr Wm Hhusbe', primo baritone; Mr Dotixlaa 1 lint, bass and comedian ; Mr Rutland Calhoun, com edian; Mr Alexander Thompson, bari lone; Mr Otis B Thayer, tenor. The sisters Brascee from LeB tollies Bergere Paris who will be seen in new and mar velous dances. The grand orchestra of 2" well trained voices and the capable orchestra go to make n. a perfect pro duction. It is not olteu Aibanv thealre- I jjoers have a chance to witness such a i ..I i . .... ... HpiciuiKi organization ami the house wili no doubt be packed to the doors. The sale of seats opens at Hodges & McFarland for subscribers on Saturaday and the regular advance sale opens Mon day. A .Ikkpi.kwin 1'aii.i he. The Ln1t0 i bat learned this noon thai the well known general merchandise store of A Tangier & Co, of Jefferson, was closed this morning by creditors. This was a leading business houso there and was supposed to lie solid financially. No figures have yet been re ceived in lfrrM to the extent of the failure. Bio Pica. Mr Ubbe Peters, the rustl ing larmer brought to Aibanv this morn four pigs weighing dressed 882 pounds. They wore only seven months old and display a growth that is remarkable. Mr filers received $48.61 for them. No one hears Mr Peters complaining of hard times. ALBANY.ORM3QN, FRIDAlf. FEimUARY Iteferring to the interview w ith vr ileo (J Bingham phboslieo in li..--Ijily I'i.mis cuat ot (lie ''!Hh instant Mr C C ilognn sayw: 'Mr Bin-lmm iio doubt l-liivei lie is giving a new version of the 0 P matter; but a reading of the secret r.-p..rt of Mr E W lliuliey to the Blair-Wharton faction, last October w illf shov . conclusively that Mr Bingham's infom, ut drew on that dotsiuient for liish.-tt- fancies -ami not on the court records at orvallis. The re ports to the court made hy Col ll"gg while reieiter, from time to time, and the teno graphic report of nn examination for eight days on the aivtsint of the i n gon Pacific aud of the rvceiyer an- all on lile and can I seen by anyone. These reportaare very full and complete even to detail ia strong contrast with thoe tiled hv his - If Mr Bingham liad examinetl tlisi he would have found iletailed stateinents of every . issued by Col Hogg and the imrpose for.wbich it was issueti. Of these overf $500,000 were issued for judgment, payrolls, bills, etc. incurred pnor 10 me ieceiersiitp ol lol Hogg. $15o.U00 were for the purchase of the S S illamette niniak a debtedness during his receivership, nnd Mr Bingham lends himself to the same decep tion. Not intentionally, I am sure. ' - . i-.-no reapectable attorney would do so. and I am told Mr Bingham' stands well ia his profession, no doubt he has tern imposed upon. For instance the figures be trives as the indebtedness of receiver Hadley at the close of his retuivcrship are identical with those given by Mr Hadley in the report referred to about page 107 as the amounts due I it -tober 1st. lrt3 Mr Hadlev went out Jan uary 6th 1894. 1 it possible those remain ed unchanged all those month-- The figures fa gives as the anrOBBBB due the various counties for t.ixe- are u'ten from page 03 of that reptrt Bad an? not correct, so 1 am informed. Mr Bingham might have said the court records show that most of the indebtedness wa incurred prior not only to Mr Had ley's receivership but to Col Hogg's receivership if we includ the purchase of the B B Wil lamette Valley. Mr Bingham says Mr H.-ileys :.e were $6000 per month . The court indrbtedneai iraraased in hisadminiatrati.-nl'etwerr: $12. 000 and $15,000 per month. I am sure. As to the great improvements, the books show a little over $StW0 for betterments. Of this $2fAJ was for taking tip a few lengths of rails from a siding and relaying litem on grade already made and with ties previous ly bought- Mr Mike Sixtcn. who did the work, savs the labor cost 4s.0O. Where did the $1942 go?. Mr Hadley ran the mad behind just abo-Jt ae much per month as did Mr Hogg-. He found one year's fue! on hand and lei none. He found a fine merchandite trade fr-::i San Franciscy to Valley point and lost on r wi muiii iiu iiii'-'i an till ill - oe par cent ot it a records in this crty wU -how tie toun.i the river paving exiens. and divirioe more than lost in ten months ver $lo.0u5 and sacTitke-t the river to the opposition. He found the S S W-lUmette Valley practically clear and left her boiesaly ti-l np. 1 could go on in this manner a inng time but wiil not. It ha leen try policy to abstain from any personalities ami is my report to the employes, when emploved a expert. I stated the' lore facts, as f had found them, without comment. The persistent misrepresentation, evi- irom -'ir mk ,cv. tut a one caused ! me to "P havr done at a'.-ut Mr Hadlev's regime w ........ 1 it ik.S 1 .. .. 1 yet been made public. Yes. of course you may u.-e my name. Mr Hogue wa anditor of the company so long that he is tborooghly familiar witii the facta and we ad visa Mr Bingham to onilt him rather than a serret rejssrt. which the author tjok great pains to seep from the public. Mwsr Hughes and Clark read from this rejsirt at the time they were pleading for the confirmation of their bid of M0B,w9$ to prove that the road wa worth no more. The language of the report as we rememler it was "The present value is practicailv nil." Mr Hogue would say nothing as to th Salem Journal's attacks oa Judge KcFad- iien. except that tney were able b nght their own battles arid, that any real inteet in the road. wither had ' Had never taken anv part in Benton countv itolitic and knew ai:uot nothing about them. He spoke in the highest terms of Mr Clark's integrity and was sure he would receive the aid of all cJassea in hi. difficult position, and that he would !e abla to hold the road up till a. sale could be Bsade at a reasonable price. ine onsnngs 1 r city an 1 national uonai indicated that idle capital wa seeking in vestment and that meant much to the creditors of the O P. He had not received his lack pay ami all his property was along the line ot road, so tie was deeplr interested in seeing a good sale made. I'sh.k Ton's Cabis. The BoU Miner j savs: ihen i no tienving toe : act mat thuuifh the original text of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" ha len eliminated from the play the name itself proves a drawing card. ihL. was demonstrated bv the attendance at Magti ire's opera house which fill. I every seat last night and heartily enjoyed the rendition of the play by Sutton's double company. Sympathetic, tears followed Little hva and I ncle lorn and r.liza, and roars of laughter responded to the spoet lies of Lawyer Mark". The dogs, the uonkejs and the ponies are well trained and came in for their share ot appreciation. Sutton's double "I ncle Totu's" show is a good cne. A Waterloo Take Off. A corres pondent of th Express writes: Them will be an exodus from this little crumjied up Tillage in the early spring-time l our cor rafitondent will stay as he has no means of going except by foot-gear and wind-motor. Town lota have depieciated UK) er cent since th Mayor wrote his open letter to the Governor. Starvation can be heard of any day. and the committee on charity is over burdened by work. This little mushroom settlement is the nearest aprroach to an April Fool it has been our opportunity to live in, or stop (we cannot lay claim to !iv ng ) DOS'l Want ChaRITT. -Several MillCit men wore in the city yesterday. The me state positively that they want no charity. They want work and business. They have wood to sell, aud will lie glad to sell it to Allmnv MOdW. The county ia making ar rangements to order a cor load nnd others might do the same. The truth is there are people iii Albany no bettor off than the peo ple of the Santiam. We must give them work too us much us possiblo Wait Awhile. An Oregon man who m nl lb mid -winter fair opening writes: I was informed the Oregon state building was just raised, and was not nour ready to begin her exhibits, so 1 did not go to see it. There were not more than one-eighth of tho exhibits out of the boxes they were skipped in. It will bike about too weeks vol in net everything in their places. And 1 WOM Iii ndviso those contemplating a visit ,t.... in the fair to wait until the lest of March at least. f.i-KiniiT Oratorical contest at, the t . . . 1 1 . 1 . p. ehune . A program, ltegins at ttSB Every body invited. nll .0 the denot hotel by Mr Vundran. xru;,. ),t. l-'lite orchestra of Suleui. Tickets il 00: lunch 25 cents. Populist speuking at the Court House. Phrenological lecture at the W CTU hall. Mr C Geer deputy Internal revenue collector Informs us that he will he in the ei.Jn the ith. 15th and 16th o this month Jocompietreglsterlngall Chinese who may wish to do so. iiinnm i The following levies have Leen made in Lion county by the incorporated cities, the i mx not pameo, not Having made any lew: Albany 5 mill. Brownsville 3 mill, and $' poll tax. Sodaville 2 mills. Iiepunon . . . . 1 t mil s, city, 1 J, mills, roads H alsey 8 mills. The school dUtri.'L making leviet are the following, with the names of the clerks: Mills 22 10 4 3'., 2 H 4 r, 4 m 1 mm. 01 rgsMiBirio-iisra Ai.iia.ny. February 2ml. 1804. There will be a treeting of the l-inn County Central committee of the prohibi tion party at the ottis of the undersigned Koor. 2". Strahan PnBTBB faiaC k Allutiiv Or., Thurralay, I'ebraaiy 22nd. 114, at 2 o clock p in. Members of the committee and all prohibitionists an urgently re and invitel to attend. T. P. flat klkmax. Chainuan Linn Co. I'rohil.ition Own T!ie O.-eg dered until n Pacific sale will not te or the atSjoarned term atxut April 9. Licenses hsve ben istued fr the mar riage of H Doughertt and Christiana Roe, Krcl J Keen and Elizabeth Vs eber, R H ftourn and Sophrmia Eugbety. Fifty tickets to the Midwinter fair at rUn Francisco have alrcads been sold at Albany, ten or twelve to people of this city, a fact that indica'e some money fn circulation. Last a tsrrk a brother ar.d sister, aged 74 and 7S respectively , grasped tach others hands lor over fifty ' years. They were They were Gr.ndma Locke and her brother, aho has just arrived from Texas 00 a visit. Corvallis Times. Albany's lata tax w!i be rrills; county and s-ate, 15 j city. 8; city schools, i. This Is sevtn mii:s 'lower than the Salem lax Salem Statesman. In th mailer of high laxes Drain with her mill school tax nil! have to re lre. See dtt ei.e .here F L Soch arrived in Albam thj mornint? irom .-an r rancisro. 1 A Morri" went te Salani this coon tith a big shipment pf hay. E rLuiler. of IViuvlelphia. will lo-ate in r.ugene and i.uiid a flouring mill. j irto Humphrey. !." S deputy marsiuti. went ubite Sweet Home Wisirtetsdav to ar rest Mr Foiiet and Henry Jackson.' on t'ae j harg of cutting timber on garemment ianos. EJ M rant. Manager of the Northwest Insurance c.mny is in the city for the UUrutSBS of 8mirinir . n th. wincitntv r.t j toe ta-ines of the Albany com piny. Sev eral otter agents are aisj here for the same purpose. Sheriff Charibm. of Lake countv. paid a visit to hi father. J K Chariton, this week. Mr Charlton say the petrje of Lake county are in a deplorable conditon finan cially. Their nomes are mortgaged, and there Veinir no market for farm product. o. . m -c . - . Le - r,oJT tttev niVtst of tw,,t their homes . Lebanon Advance. i-asi evening was a joyous occasion for Mis. Ixttiie Layton. it Wing the occasion of the anniverary of btr eleventh birthday, a large ntiiiilter Or her friends were invited in and the evening was spent in games and other means of amusement, alisa Lor Layton and Fdith Smick assisted in enter taining. Refreshments were of conns a pleasant feature of the occasion, ine fol lowing were present : Loma Henton. Vesta Her.ton. Lucie Chamberlain. Marguerite Cham!rlain. Vila Maston. Lena Miller. Kelhe Miller. Arlene Trajn. rlsBaw) Knerht. Carrie Prichard. Vesta Wailtce. Addie rVhiaW, Vince Mayo. IxKtie Layton. lliarlcs I'hamberlain. Paul Wallace. Victor lalbraith. ileorce Maston. George Prich anl. I Vll.ert Burkhart. K..y Smick. Jerrold v r-,wl' ,'1- ,trit ruiKharl. irni ll saBBiai. ""n; iwrnan. wfmorj bstmbbbx, rrans uti; a . Tur. Kki.ief KvTERTAiNnKxr at the opera h sso netted ft " for the Santiam jople. It wfnt off IBIBIBBflj The I M C A orchestra U'gan the program and were beitrd frequently during the evening fur nishing some, excellent music Allen Chamlierlaiu was beard in a comic recita tion. Mr Langdon in a vocal solo. Walter Kllis in, a wbi'tliag soht. en-oiei. Maggie Murry an l Kva Cowan in piano solfts.iirace Lore in a rtvitation. the guitar .jnartet in a ;- i ... .ir seltvtion. Miss Nora eyss sang "After the Play." Keuben Thempson was enavre.1 for a 1 bitch declamation. The Oregon Paicrlc itiartet. Jeatse Barker. Bert Van Clove and Frank and Pel! Stimpson. with the lights out. and railroad lanterns burning captured the audience in a live medley. Be't an i leve by special tepest sang "The Bowery Grenadiers. Cinderella was then presented to the enjoy ment of the nn. heme. Grace Ixve was a ?vod Cimierilla: Lillian Crawford did the "rince in an artistic manner. Helen Crawford as Kllen and Mrs Cora Coffman as li.we diil some excellent acting. Mrs I.ove filled the parts of god-mother and the warden in an acceptable manner. An ItoniiERv. Ijist night an old gentleman bv the name of Thomas Redding, aged about 70 residing at the Walters hotel at Jefferson, took a lantern and went out to an outhouse. Up on opening the door he was viciously at tacked by an unknown man. supposed to tie a tramp, with a bridge bolt and several uply gashes cut atom the bead. Ine old man tlinched with the man. and in the scuffle that ensued his lantern exploded when the old man called for help. Before it arrived the man had made good his es cape- Mr riedtting is said to have money and this is given as the motive of the attack. Suspicion rests uikiii a man who has ban in Jefferson but a few day. Try Uuall biand Parched Oats. Try Qulal brand diddle Cake Flour. emis, the oueen of planets, now sets two hours behind the sun. Ask your grocer tcr Quail brand Parched Oats, sometiing new lor breakfast. (Jueil brand Griddle Cake Flour is leadv to bake, and makes the best waf fels, griddle cakes or gems, light as a dream. Uncle Tom't Cabin will be hare on the Bttl, the beet on the road. When in Al bany last year Sutton bad an immense house, and gave general satisfaction. The Anaconda Stanard of a recent date says : 'Uncle Tom's Cabin" played o the us ual well satisfied audience at the opera house here last night. Each of the char acters was well sustained and the com pany ia well up to the average of "Uncle Tom" companies. A number of credi table specialities were given. Inhaxk. Parker Turnridge, a 10 year old boy, was brought to Albany today by his brother, examined by l.r ll W Maston, declared Insane and taken to the asylum this noon by Sheriff Jackson. The cause given is typhoid pneumonia. The boy ha beeu il), and will probably be cured by the good treatment of the asylum. Buckingham's Pve for the Whiskers does itsjwor k thoroughly, ooloriog a uniform browa Si black, which, when d-y, will neither rub, waih off, nor soil llneu. Or. Price's Cream Halting Powder Most Perfect Made. Dist Clerk 5 I'll Stewart 1" DP Hantmaii U .... J Clem 121 BE Uwton '-14 KB ' ornelt 104 A K Murphy I I' Kohis 74 ID Irvine 4'- T J Anderso"! 22 M Bilveu 8? W V liuiuiuer &2 PC Stanard 3 J (' Oom JW Hector 1 W B Doanca 181)4. 'Hi' W here u Q f uh,rli. sujriiib-icient of adbottea of :in county. On Thursday night of la-! week he loft by uveriand foi San IVnadac o. Before going l. niin ar rangements with r' H Hart to a-1 fr.r him as superintendent for set era I mouths -Taring Uiat lie wa- aii'ii'iait- tor Miner iii ten. lent of Indian agencies for thin coast. ami would ts; working for it. On Monday the nth Mr Hart received a letter from I him, containing nothing of importance. His wife also received a letter written' at Sai. Fran. iCO,hl which he admitted that he bad done some i ro .ked word; but tlntt u wvnsfl not t- tomiti out for some time yet. It is probable he left -an 1 rancisco Monday Btorning. rhnrsday Mrs Knr-ell retiyeii . dispatch frosn Omaha asking her to join him there. She telegraphel. refus ing to do so and inferauag him that his conduct was out. Mr. Busell then went to the home A her father J A Smith Halsey. What hmd Wnsisil eVane? Puring the last two or three years three school dis tricts have been discontinued. Kussell used fictitious names as tierks and collectl the warranto for the district, in one case using the name of .1 W Crabtree. former clerk of dirtrict 109. muring ail on one ap.jrtioninen;. collecting money on tltese apportionments. He also tcs.a "uKantat;e ot a new lUstrict at Sweet Home, not vet entitled to funds, and forging the name' of the clerk Mr Yost, made out a warrant anil collet ted the money from tlie treasurer. In all about tlOuO has been traced up a- stolen. Thi will probably 1 increased ifialsllj He also ad led 6ij name to the list of tboie drawing school money which was a source of some revenue Triere is an examination fet; of $1 from every :.pplii-ant for teachers certihcatoi for an institute fund. This Kussell collected ami ini Initial, pavieg the expenses of institutes which are small. The law requires this to Ise turned over to the treasurer, which he never did. There is a difference of opinion as to where Prof Russell is. Some think he ha gone to Hawaii and that the Omaha dis patch wa a ruse; but it is probable the dispatch was genuine, and that he has gone to Central America, i perhaps hrst visiting Missouri. i about which he has talked con siderably to friends, and where a former Halsey friend recently went. A warrant has been issued for hiarrest. Will he be caught? The superintendent does not give bonds, hence the county will probably hare to stand the loan, Beside his defalcation Prof R isseii owes a good many local debts, perhaps $1000. Perry Conn has attached some lots in Mrs Russell name in Viereck'a addition, and The Albany Kcrnitme Company is after some property near Halsey. The affair ha caused 'considerable sur prise, a Mr Risli has sfcwd well in th community, though some familiar with htm nave Hi-pecte.1 matters were not right. Obatobical C.vtet. A large audi ence bear! a prvgrarn fall of interest at the College chape! last evening on the occasion cf the contest for a candidate to the inter collgiate oratorical tournament at Eugene on the l"th in' tant. The students liegan with yUpidee." closely followed by ten girls in costume in a gossip pan tomirne.a de lightful affair. Mr Louis Anderson delivered a declamation in Danish Ada Fiickengw d-hvered an oraticn on Patriotism'' a tal ented effort, deiivered ia a well rounded and pleasant voice. "Mrs Candies Wv tnre" by four juniors. Mary Stewart. Maud Bry-urt Frances Mturthv and Feta rorbC, wa ni particular merit. Mehrin Williams de livered a flowerr oration on "Nature." The students aS -PoUv WcJ'-y Poodle ail the Pay." Arthur Foshav was heard in his orati-n cn Wajcxioo, an excellent nar ration of that greatest military contest Several live sing followed, and the com mittee. Hon J h. W eatherford. Mrs Rev Trow and Etfiof Irvine, rendered their de cision, announcing the contest aj follows? A Melrin Wt;Uams. 21,: Arthur Foshav. 79,. Flickenger. 7C. Mr William was declared entitled to the honor of repre senting the college at Fagene. Pbobatf. Rf.xrp. In Marts intent.iy sled, pointed. .-state of Nancy ttpraiaers ap- lnestat of SQ McIVmald inventorv prona. fiW. Rea! nrowrtv. e.i-.Jju. In estate of T A Wcsterreit. will aimit tcvl to reeerd. Fanne vVestcrvelt apitointed eiwBuix. In guaniianship of bond of approwd. U-anler H Jones In guardtanshij of Pearl and Bnsnse Mil t appointed guardian. ier. Marv J Mill bond tlttO. In estate of Martha Hunter. inventory personal. filed. Real urot.-rtv. S-.J-4o.75; Sis In estate of Rebecca Brown, final account set for Monday. March 0. In guardianship of David. Flora. Bertha and Lla Miller. Man iMiUer wa ed guardian. Bond $'. 000. appoint- TitF. Best of the Season. Tuesday Feb 13th tli t tsr. House will have the strongest attract! tn of the season it being uie ntBnWB ubbujd opera comany. num licrir.g 45 people, a grand chorus and its own excellent orchestra Ihe principals comprise such well known people as Mis Ijtv.ra Clement. !a-t season wrh Lillian Russs-U. Miss Sylvester Conuish. of tlie IV Wolf Hopper Opera Co. Miss Aiice Johns- ten of the New York t'aii.o. Miss Aloena Leoni an.l Mis. BtAtrit'e McKenzie cf the ntnTttTBian. Mrlleo Lyding. late of Mi tieijers Comiwiiv. .Mr Um bhaster. last season with the loff "iiera tomistny. Mr IXmglas r lint and Kertland Caihotm of the Calhoun Opera Company, Mr Alex Thompson. Mr Otis Thayer. Mr llo-.t llar- land. .Mr Jack Boice. Mr J hdgar and .Mr Sol t-otilson ot the I anlice liali Co. R tors Sans Una 1 hi account of the revival meeting in the Williams"in neigh borhood Rev L S Fisher will only preach once on Sunday at the hvangelicnl church ilson Itiain will occupy the pulpit Mindav evening. ipecial coiniminion st'Tvute tor the re ception of members with infant Itaptisiu at the Ccmgregational chnrch tomorrow morn ing. In the evening the pastor will seak on "thrist s Call to a Busy Man. i hnst i;m Endeavor and Sablnith school as usual. A Pi.itky Woman. Mrs M A Bridges a lecturer on I'd. 1 Fellowship, who former lv lived in Eugene was victim of a foot tad - o T- .1 .1 . I . I? in isiiii rninciM-o u; otner uigiu inwnuug to the Examiner. She resisted the attacx although the muzzle of a pistol was t!atsetl in close proximity to her head. In the tussle a diamond pin and her purse were thrown to the ground, lite property wa recovered but the would Is? thief escaped. In Daxof.r. Corvallis is liable to be withont a river. Tlie tiazette says: Ahord two more seasons of high water liVe those already ex(Hrienced this winter Sriu result 111 the cutting of a new channel thnnigli tho Willbanks farm and thus leave Corvallis on a comparative island, ivs it were. Not'iing but a small bed of gravel two or thrse feet tnicK and perhaps a hundred ttvt m u-itgtn prevents the water from pursuing that which is almost a natural channel through this farm to the lake, thence into its natu ral course. A CLIItt Eujets lite pleasant toivor. gentte action ano soothing effect o Syrup ot Figs, when need of a laxative, rod if th father mother he costive or bilious, the most gratifying results follow its use; so that i Is the besi family icinedy known an eveiy famllv should have a bottle. Thin or gray hair and bald heads, so displeasing to many people as maikgot age, may be averted for a longtime by using Hall's Hair Kenewen Shtloh's Cure, the great cough snd croap are, is for sale by as. Pooket sis contains wenty-tiv does,oaly 25e. Chiltirea lore it oahay Mason. MrriM, PablUker and Proprietor.: scjiazi ami The vote on tolling the "jride occ-r. n xt Moi.d iy . The etate d -i o .'atic ctinyeniion wil be held in h .ona April 17. Pendleton t x payers will nay 38 mills this year, 13 mills ahead of Aloaiiy. M F, treasurer of Cmatiils county, is said to be a defaulter I-. a .. re turn. Job's bans of Corvallis will psy a io per Ottnt divid.'nd nex. week. He ler than nothing. Mrs E K Biigh'man of Ashland has just fallen heir to $15,000 by the death of her father in Illinois. The Oregon City Expreit say !I H Hewitt, of this citv is among those men turned for governor. About twenty couple were present at the hall at the dpot hotel las', evening, a pleasant time Is reported. It is now learned that Chailes Hums and Gu Beor.icke are twins. Eich was 23 years of age yesterday. lo,ooo for the anpoon of the National Guard, .nd "2o,ooo lor unito-m. (or i&n i timr-ly ij i culout these hard litres The rir it court at Corval is adjourn.' last even-i, untfl March 1. when list dale ol th. 0 P sa'e will probacy be et. Frank G .thrie, who has been a con ductor on C-.e S P R R for number of yeaes. ha res gned hi position o account of i.l health. It ha been decided 10 leave 'h- t j fire engine ta ttcir preer.t quarter., p-e pu'i : : demand t'tr thl wa so great lha: 00 o;hcr course could very well be taken. The K 4 Plaindealer mentions the fact that R B Hout.on, S P railroad agent at.d well known In Eugene, i a demo cratic candidate for (beriS in Douglas county The regular month' v meeting of Linn Engine Co No 2 will' be held Monday evening. All members and exempt are requested to be present, as Important bu.ines will be transacted . The store of E P Weir Si Son at Jordan wa burglarized Tuesday night. Two ooxes of tobacco, smoking tobacco, 12 or IS paper of coffee. 3 pair of shoe and pair of gam boots were stolen. The zoological museum of the Agricul tural College has received from Power some aixty specie ot invertt brates spec ie now existing and many fossils a very fine co lection for which donation the college extend most appreciative thanks to mr Powers. Corvallis New. JJTUe Oregon City Courier say thzt Mr McMahan cropred" $6500 in the vain en deavor to rapidly reiirra our state officials and iht people oi SaJem by means of the DaUy Independent. He i'r.du'ged in tb; font2 detusicn of hope until his stuff wa gone. Where did he get the (6500 to ttart on IJa L Carson lias sued the Sta'e Insur ance Compary, of Salem, for Soo, in the l-ar.e countv etrcufc court. The plaintiff ege that defendant buared her Ham , ain, hav, carriage, wazon and harne. and farming utensils for the above torn and the same err entirely destroyed bv 4re on August to. 1893, and that the com pany neglec-c and refuses to pav for the Mr Arch Monteith, of Portland, is in the ity. Pap Stroud of Portland, was ir the citv todsv. ' Bingham of Salem, was m the city t.-av J W R. land, of Jefferson, at one time a resident of Albaiv. is a candidate for coon- tr clerk. I "avid Kitson. of the famous Kiison Spring has been in the city. ft- s DIMS, of .cio. W-4S in the cut to- ilsy on hi' way to Portland. Miss Stella Fisher left today for nJassssr. to uketharae of the Swank school ten tuiies east of there. Salem Journal Editor Long, of the Populist, went Is Amitv today to spend Sabbath with bis fa;:.; . Joe Purdom is a candidate for sheriff of 1 "lackanias countv. was once sheriff of Dc.tgbxs county. Mr Al Becnicke will leave tomorrow or Mondav for San Francisco, with a view to i making that dty his home. C J At wood was selected last night to represent Willamette University in the! - - ' r.M I'.: tee:;. w.s "t'onditional Citizenship." Mrs G A Dugcer went over to Albany Wednesday morning. She was called to the bedsides of her son. Geo C Henderson, who is gradually sacenmbing to the de- troyer consumption. Scio Pres. We are infta-med that Miss Lii'ie Wvatt. laughter of E I" Wvatt. who f. nnerlv re sided in Eugene, was recent- married to Jonathan Bourne, the Portland millionaire. They are making their home i;i the metrop olis. Eugene Guard. Iame Rumor and Madam Gossip were abroad in Salem yesterday and before night many gossipping tongues were wagging at a fearful rate over what was thought to have been the arrest of a newlv-wedded young man at Albany on Thursday night. etiarged with bigamy. A telegram from Aibanv lass night was to tue effect teat no such arrest had beeu made there, and the report was branded as a most infaxuoas lie. Ihe person spoken t has ten in aiem re cently. Stabssman. This referred to the husband of Grace Scriber. A Little Daughter Of a Church of England minister cured of a distressing- rash, by Ayer's SSTSBptaXilla, Mr. RKHARD IliiiKuthe well-known Drugcisst, 901 AlcUill st., Montreal, P. Q., s.ys: I have sold Ayer's Family Medicines for 40 years, and have heard nothing but good said ot them. I know ot many Wonderful Cures performed by AVer's Sarsaparilla, one in particular beiug that of a little daughter of a Church of England minis ter. The child was literally covered from head to foot with a red and ex ceedingly troublesome rash, from which alio had suffered for two or three years, in spite ot the best medical treatment available. Her father was in great distress about tho case, and, at my recommendation, at last began to ad minister Ayer's Sarsaparilla, two bot tles of which effected a complete cure, much to her relief and her father's delight. I am sure, were he here to-day, he would testify in tho strongest terms as to tho merits of , Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J.C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Us. C'ires others, will cure you Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder A Fare (trace Cream of Tartar Powder. "As old M thehilla-'and never excell ed. "Tried and proven" ia the verdict o f rnillion'. Simmons Liver Eegu i.u. . l 1 a g ' ' JL lu" medicine to which j o tt can pin your faith for a cure. A mild laxa Tha n tive, and purely veg etable, act IO 'rN? directly hJ tic on the Liver - fifitO and Kid ney. Try it Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. The Pag of Liver MsslictiM-i. T l. t- ,,-t .,M.L'I . , j iuiuwu. civer BSSSBSs Msg and can wjnsleDtiooaly say It is the king of all I iver medltlnea, I consider it a mc-dieine chest In ltelf. tito. W. Jacbv 1 a j,av-a.una, aeaawgsan. VEKY PACK.GE- the Stamp ta pnC oa Wrappea. EasHf. Sskih., Eestcrtd. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS. DEBILITY, US'' all ihe trrta sjff err fix 31 -esu.j moc T Vjjtarr XO watt. Use r!-'-iif cf OtwT-fXst. I lCatf If, wTOTTf stc- Fsail STTtS-JtT K jewt&pmemt sund 9?-". Iorcr7.e-SUSS34 u. K 1.3;4iv- -rr j F D-JTB iaWysOBwStfalafU -t;. i 1 mr.i vry-Vs ERIE SEDICAL t& nurrato. n. - J F. RffiB, ftauelist, Of DeJ Mo.nrs., Iowa, write KederVate 0 .March 23. 1393: I. B Mim. Mrc: Co.. CDafar, Oregoc. Oe amvinz buna last week, I fcardail well and aaxicssly aTaitisg. Oar iiuie girl, e-ent and one-half years old, who had wa ted away te 3 pounds, is mrw well, uoog aai vxgrroas, and well Seabed op. S- B. Coegh Tare haa dne it. work well. 8oaa ot the ceildien like it. Tear S B. Ceng Care ha eared and kept away all hswaisu. tn ate. Se give wt te rrery viae, w-na gie ,. far ail. iimag yae prasswti y. we are Yosts, Mk g Ma J F Foan. 'J -a visa U feci una aad cfcetffal, aai rmdj lor tae sSr-c.s work, n" rials iraar svsene walk the Sleaawaeeae Ur.r Cot, tsrsaktaz: two r Uane V otats err b.:tlbTaild I .Spt'i pe:.;T-J ranxri kv I ACCMMING. snssBBBBr. r. w. snswBa ! B7jjBamB OMSBad ei.JDper RottleT" uoo cent a cose. Thts Gkbat Corr-.u rraa xtromptly where all others fall. Cowcha. Croup. Sere Throat, Hoaracaesa, Wbsof ics Ccch SBSB AstAraa. For Cocsazaritioa it has no rival; has cured snssBSBB SB, and wiU CTBB T. IS taken in t mt- sv 3 bv Itrcio-s cn s sT- antee. For a Lease Back or Chest, use BH1LOK S BELLADONNA PLASTKKJSs:. CATARRH REMEDY. v vhi t starrii ? This rerncdv ts ruaran- tocurexou. Price. JOcta. Injector fro. Red CrownMUls JOHN ISOM, PROPRIETOR. pkocbsas r.jri srrEatoa roa nsim i aaKcas rss, REVERE HOUSE tlBANV 0Raf-V AS. PFtilFFEK.IrROPUJKTO Mo McFarland. - :- ItBAXXB LS -: - Harness -cM-Saddler j Display in the Oooi IVrttand. Ortfoa. A. P Arotr.-ir. I'm:. BSsSSSt Sl-hool : C'sriTsl Bra Colum :, Slem. Orsc& Stuns course, of .l..4, mat. ratet ot luttjoa. Business. Shorthand. QraVanbag, 'isnusiiql, ami EiflU Dr?artmf!t "a-lf' mmsiii througbout th. rear, .stuilmt. atlsilt M ma uie. c'swaos-s. rtviu tuUiwc wkeol Us FOSHAY A MASON weotatAia ABB aaeanv- irRggistsand Booksellers, AgetU for John B. Aldan's pabtv Hons nteh we sell at publisher's price wits tivas rider LB1V OBKKll- VI60R of MEd aStBsSwteskLiK e f L